------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------ [ GRADIUS ] ------------------------------ ---------------------------------[by Ice Queen Zero]--------------------------- ---------------------- [ Arcade/NES/TG16/x6800/MOBILE/C64 ]------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- o---------------------o DISCLAIMER o---------------------o This FAQ/Walkthrough is the sole copyright of Andrea "Azul Fria" Castillo aka Ice Queen Zero (or the Zophar Queen if you prefer) and cannot be put on other sites or posted without my given permission nor can it be reproduced w/o proper consent. For more guides by myself visit this link: http://www.gamefaqs.com/features/recognition/74803.html o---------------------o STORY o---------------------o The planet Gradius, a peaceful Earth-like world, is now under a space attack from their old nemesis, beings from the sub-space star cluster of Bacterion. The people of Gradius are in danger of being completely destoyed by the amoe- boid Bacterions. To save them, you have just launched the prototype hyper-space fighter, the Warp Rattler. The entire galaxy awaits your duel to the death with the evil Bacterions. Your objective is the Bacterion superfortress, Xaercus. To reach this, you must steal the enemy power capsules along your route and boost the Warp Rattler's hyper powers. You are the last hope for the gentle people of Gradius! You will need all your courage and concentration to win. Get ready to blast off! o---------------------o CONTROLS o---------------------o Arcade/X8600/Mobile: D-pad - move around Fire - fire your weapons Powerup - Select highlighted powerup Missile - Shoot missile NES: B button - Fire/Missile A button - Powerup Start button - Pause Select button - switch title screen options TG16: I button - Fire Missile/Missile II button - Powerup Run button - Pause C64: Fire: Shoot Space: Powerup o---------------------o POWER-UPS o---------------------o __________ \SPEED UP/ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Increases your speed up to 4 times _________ \MISSILE/ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Shoots a missle that skims the ground and damages any enemies that are on the ground. ________ \DOUBLE/ ¯¯¯¯¯¯ Shoots 2 bullets in different directions. One bullet will shoot upwards and the other will shoot forward. _______ \LASER/ ¯¯¯¯¯ A really powerful laser that causes more damage than the normal weapon ________ \OPTION/ ¯¯¯¯¯¯ You can have up to 4 of these. They are your ship's sidekicks with the same exact weapons as your ship. FOr NES you can have only 2. They really help get you out of a pinch. ________ \SHIELD/ ¯¯¯¯¯¯ Protects you for up to 5 hits. You will lose your shield after the 5th hit so if you are at full power, get enough powerups to be eligible for a shield and when you lose it, you have it ready to pick again. o---------------------o LEVELS o---------------------o Volcano - Originally this was a green and peaceful satellite. But now, under the attack of the Xaerous space fortress. It has been transformed into an inferno-like advance base for the alien Xaerous. Stonehenge - This is an artificially constructed asteroid belt created as a galactic fighter base. Moai - The Moai Are great strange heads that resemble the old stone statues of Easter Islan on Earth. They were created by an unknown race eons ago in the image of the patron spirits of the galaxy. The Xaerous forces have utilized these as bases for their deadly ion guns. Inverted Volcano - Like Stage 1, this is an enemy planetoid advance base, but this time up and down have become reversed. Tentacle - Giant living tentacle-like antennae floating through space! If they sense the presence of another living being, they shoot out deadly poison cap- sules. Cell - Huge amoeba-like organisms from the unknown reaches of space. They are primitive but have an incredibly strong life-force and will pursue relentlessly any life form that invades their living space. Base - The ultimate stage of the game! This fortress lies at the very heart of the nerve center of the Bacterion and is controlled by a complex biocomputer. o---------------------o BRIEFING o---------------------o At the end of level 1-5 (1-6 for TG16) is a boss that has a core protected by 4 shields. Shoot them away and then attack the core and it will die in a few shots. Bear in mind that it is invincible upon start up. Each level begins with a miniture wave of enemies. Defeat them for powerups. All orange enemys give away orange powerups to go towards your gear or blue ones to destroy all common on-screen enemies. o---------------------o WALKTHROUGH o---------------------o O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= O | Level 1: Volcano | O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= O Start off by shooting the waves of ships that appear at the beginning of the level. Succesfully destroying a wave will leave a power-up. Soon wavers will arrive. The orange ones leave powerups when destroyed. This is how every level with start off. You are now in the volcanic level. Try to get as many power-ups as you can so you can have 2 options, force field, lasers/double, and missiles. In your arsenal. It also helps to use two spped ups. The missiles work great on the ship deployer on the bottom as well as the aliens walking in from behind too. There is a bonus points area worth 5000 points and its done by flying through the broken area of the volcano*. Then you also get a 1-up by steering your ship backwards to touch the right side of a floating diamond shaped rock.* You will soon reach an area where volcanos rain magma down on you. The best way to survive this barrage is to position an option above you so as you fire, the magma rock will be destroyed by the option's fire. It also helps to place yoursef in the upper-right corner where the rocks hardly go. Defeat the boss and off to the next level. * denotes that this works only for NES O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= O | Level 2: Stone Hedge | O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= O Defeat the waves and when you reach the level, you shoot through these tiny circles as you fight through the guns and ships. You'll be greeted blocks that materialize from thin air and at the end you face a barrage of them before meeting the usual guy at the end of the level. O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= O | Level 3: Moai | O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= O You have more bullets to dodge at the start of the level and new enemies that join in the fray. At the end of the start-up section is a large circle that spits three circles that are indestructible and it can only be damaged when it is open. The level consists of Moai heads. Shoot them in the mouths to destroy them. If you get past them, survive the onslaught of those circular enemies and face the usual end boss. O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= O | Level 4: Invert Volcano | O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= O This is level 1 only it is upside-down. The only difference with defeating the volcanos is to position the option above you and then beat the end boss.* * You only fight the volcanoes again in the NES version. The other ones have aliens with volcano tip "hats" swarming around from the top then swoop along the bottom then come in through the middle. Some versions have the diamond near end with guns on it. O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= O | TG16 Level 5: Desert | O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= O This level is filled with fossils. Be carecul when shooting away the bones on the big ones, they explode into smaller pieces that can kill you. Besides the usual guns on the surfaces, you have to deal with fossil heads that will shoot fire that looks like sperm at you. At the end, you will face the fossil head rush before fighting the core boss. O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= O | Level 5: Tentacle | O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= O O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= O | TG16 Level 6: Tentacle | O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= O Fly through the Moah heads that are outlined then get through the wave of ships. The rest of the level consists of these brain cores with arms extended out at you. To defeat them, simply shoot the tissue till it shrinks and then explodes. At the end, you fight more of these then this end boss for the last time. O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= O | Level 6: Cell | O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= O O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= O | TG16 Level 7: Cell | O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= O Shoot your way through the cryystals and fend off these jellylike creatures as you have more bullets to dodge than usual. Survive this level and you'll meet a brand new end boss. Stay to the very left and up a little bit so you will be in a position to where your options will shot the bullets away for you and shoot at the center until it is destroyed. O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= O | Level 7: Base | O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= O O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= O | TG16 Level 8: Base | O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= O Shoot through the waves and now you are at the final level. The enemies are all the same but now you have to dodge in such a tight space. When you reach the end, you have to move all the way to the right to get past the door as it shuts or you will die from crashing into it. The brain is easy to beat. Just destroy the nodes connectiong to it or better yet, do nothing. It'll die on its own and that is that. Watch the ending and the game will start over again at a harder dificultty. o---------------------o CREDITS o---------------------o Konami for making this game. GameFAQs and other sites for hosting this FAQ. You for reading. o---------------------o CONTACT ME o---------------------o azulfria[at]hotmail[dot]com [at] = @ and [dot] = . Don't want any email bots. Thank you for reading -Ice Queen Zero