/---\/---\| ^ ----------/----/---\| |/---\| |/---\/---- | | || / \ | | | | || || || || | \---\|---/| /---\ | | |-- |\--/|---|| || |\---\|-- || | | | | | | | \ | || || | || \---/| \----| | | | \----| \ | |\---/\---/\---/\---- For Turbo Grafx 16 Written by The Polkapunk (thepolkapunk@hotmail.com) Version 1.0 Released May 19th, 2000 ************************************* Part 1 | INTRODUCTION ************************************* Welcome to my first Walkthrough! It was a lot more work than I thought it would be, and it isn't as complete as I had hoped, but I guess it turned out all right. A word of advice to anyone who is interested in making an FAQ/Walkthrough: Choose GOOD game, otherwise you will be stuck playing a horrible game over and over and over and over... If you find any incorrect information, or anything to add that I left out, please e-mail me at: thepolkapunk@hotmail.com Anyone who gives me info will be given credit in the next build. No really, I promise! There may be a few mistakes here and there, as I did not play through the game reading through this FAQ yet. That'll be for the next build. Thanks for taking the time to read this! My next project will be a walkthrough on Blasto for the playstation. I am also thinking about doing a plot synopsis for Xenogears, as the translation and execution of the story line are rather unclear, and leave much to be desired. ************************************* Part 2 | REVIEW ************************************* Splatterhouse is one of those horrible games that for some reason you can't help but play. It's fun in a kind of repetitive boring easy short way. The game isn't too long, you should be able to beat in a day. I guess it has a little bit of replayability from the extra Hard mode. The graphics are rather nice, but suffer from the dullness of colors that most TG16 games seem to suffer from. The sprite for the main character is rather large though, and looks cool. Overall though, the graphics are detailed, gory, and impressive. When this game was released, it shocked the world with it's blood, guts, and violence. It doesn't have nearly the same impact these days as it once did. The sound and music is nothing special, mostly beeps and bloops. The control is pretty tight, but there is a small bit of trouble with jumping, nothing you won't get used to almost immediately though. Overall, it's kinda fun to play at first, but gets old quick. ************************************* Part 3 | OVERVIEW ************************************* An almost standard side scroller. Walk from left to right, no up and down scrolling, once a screen scrolls past something, you can't go back. The only "twist" is that everything is so gorey (well, at least it was when the game first came out, but these days we have Mortal Kombat and such...). There is a "hidden" mode in which you can play at a harder difficulty level (most monsters have twice the hit points). *A note on hit points* In normal mode, your attack power is 1 hit point, or 2 hit points with a weapon. In hard mode, unless otherwise noted, an enemy has twice the hit points. There are a few levels with "alternate routes", although quite a few of these are just penalties for falling down holes, and are just there to make your life harder. If you find any paths that I missed, drop me a line. Enjoy! ************************************* Part 4 | WALKTHROUGH ************************************* Level I This level's really easy. Pick up the two by four, and smash your way through the red zombies. After you jump over the tree stump, there will have to get by two chained corpses in the background. When they flash, the will spit slime in your path. Wait for it to settle on the ground, and then just jump over it. Next you will come to spikes and bats. Kill the bats, and wait until the spikes go back into the ground before you pass by. After you pass over the next tree stump, two Large-headed Demons will attack you. Get rid of them, and climb up the ladder to the boss. BOSS I [300 per slime] This boss is really easy. Stand in the middle of the room. The red slimes will either come from the left side or the right side. They make a distinct sound if they are jumping a far distance. If they are not jumping, just punch them when the get close to you. If they are making a big jump from the right side, ignore them, as they will just jump into the other pile. If the jump from the left, punch them when they are just about to land. After they stop coming, move all the way to the right, and a slime will jump out of the hanging corpse. Kill it, and the level is over. Level II Walk to the right killing the zombies, and pick up the two by four. Watch out for the green zombies, they have twice as much energy as the red ones. There will be two chained corpses in the background that spit slime at you, just wait for them to flash, and then jump over the slime. After the chained corpses, there will be a series of holes in the ceiling. Hanging corpses will and red zombies will drop down from them. Do not worry about the slime that spills out of the hanging corpse when it dies, it cannot kill you. Continue on and drop down the steps. When you fall into the water, grab the two by four. Remember, if you drop it, you can still pick it up in the water! Just duck down where it fell. Kill the sludge monsters (much easier with the two by four), and jump over the mines. At the end, climb up the steps, and your at the boss. BOSS II [7000+, 1000 for each chair and knife, 3000 for the painting, 100 for each candle and bottle] The objects in this room are being possessed by a poltergeist. Immediately move to the right side of the room to avoid the falling glasses and candles. Some other objects will appear at the top of the ceiling, just try and avoid them. For extra points, try punching stuff as it falls. Once the falling is over, the chair becomes possessed. After you beat it, a knife will become possessed. After you defeat it, two more will become possessed at the same time. Run to one side so they are attacking you from one direction, and just punch them as they hurtle towards you. Then, the poltergeist takes control of the painting in the middle of the room. It flies around bouncing off of walls. When it gets down to your height, punch it, and keep on rapidly punching, as it will keep bouncing back to you. It will go back over your head, and attack from the other side. When it's dead, immediately move all the way to the left or right because the chandelier is about to fall. The level is now completed. Level III The strategy for this level differs depending on whether you are playing at the normal, or the difficult skill level. Normal When you start the level, grab the shotgun. Kill all the zombies with the shotgun, but ignore the dogs that come from the left side of the screen, and jump over the dogs that come from the right side of the screen. They will eat the remains of the zombies killed by the shotgun instead of you. When you reach the bridge, be very careful to jump over the blue blobs on the ground. If one of them touches you, you will be brought down to the river below the bridge. This is a long sidetrip that only places you at the end of the bridge. There will be sludge monsters and mines. Be careful with the sludge monsters, as there is no weapon on hand. After the bridge, continue on, and make sure to grab and rocks you see on the ground, and throw them immediately, then pick your shotgun up again. This will conserve your shotgun ammo, and will get you through the whole level without using your fists or feet. Pick up the second shotgun, and get ready for the most difficult boss in the game. Hard At this difficulty level, you will not have enough gunshots to kill all the zombies with, and you will have to kill with your hands and feet. Start off the level the same as in normal mode. When the hell hound attacks from the right, you will have to kill it, because there are no zombie remains for it to feast on. Duck down, and when it comes for you, kick it. It will go off a little and then pounce on you. Just hit it with your fist. It'll come running at you again, and then jump. Four hits will kill it. Pick up any rocks you come by, and throw them immediately at your assailers. When you come to the Hanging Corpses, stay a good distance away, and wait for it to spit it's slime. When the slime disappears, charge the corpse, and kill it. Boss III The chainsaw monster is the hardest boss in the game, as there is no pattern to use that will destroy him without getting damaged. Immediately empty all of your rounds into him, but make sure they all count. Each shot is worth two punches or kicks, and this guy takes a lot of them! After you are empty, I recommend jump kicking him into the corner and then hammering him as quickly as you can with punches. Sometimes this works, sometimes it doesn't. He has 18 hit points. Good luck! Level IV This level has automatic scrolling, which can be a real pain. When the level starts out, grab a harpoon, but don't throw it at the first zombies, they're just going to fall into the hole. If you fall down a pit, you will be in a crawling red slime room. Stay in the right side of the screen and follow along with the auto-scroll. If a slime starts forming near you, punch it before it comes out of the pile. If one is forming far behind you, you only need to worry about it if it jumps (you will hear the sound of it jumping). If it's jumping, spin around and punch it. At the end, climb up the ladder back up to the room. Continue on, and watch out for the red "jumping" zombies. Kill the slug on the floor, and then punch out the green walking zombies (be careful, you don't have a weapon to deal with them). Jump over the first rotating blade as soon as there is enough space beyond it to stand. Kill the two bats that come after you, and as soon as the screen moves as much to the right as it can, jump over the last two rotating blades. You will now be in the mirror room, where you will have to fight the mirror images of yourself. I've found the best way to defeat them is to duck down when they start coming out of the mirror, and kick them. If you are close enough, you can get in two kicks. Then, jump kick them, followed by a ducking kick if necessary. If you are on hard mode, keep at them with the jump duck combo. Continue to the end of the mirror room, dispatching all the mirror images. You will now be in the church (what is a church doing in a haunted house that once housed a parapsychologist?). Keep walking forward, and pick up the gold cleaver. As long as you don't stop walking, the only heads that you will get in your way until you reach the end are the ones that come in from the left. As soon as you reach the end of the church, you are now fighting the boss. Boss IV [5000] This guy is a dismembered head that flies across the screen in a semi-circle. Your best bet is to stay closer to one of the sides and facing offscreen, and wail him as much as you can when he flies to that side. Make sure to kill all the heads that fly towards you. Not too difficult, but it might take a little to get the hang of. He has 12 hit points. Level V This is the only level in the entire game that has any plot developement whatsoever. Starting off, grab the two by four, and pound the chairs that come after you. These chairs only have two hit points, unlike the chair in the boss of level II. In the next section, the floor will be broken in places, and crawling hands will be wandering around in some kind of sludge. The jumps get a little tricky, because parts of the floor are sloping. Here are the tricks to making it through the jumps: If the floor isn't sloping, or slopes so you fall to the left, just jump as you would normally. If the floor you are on slopes so you fall to the right, hold down left the second you touch the ground, and don't jump, or press right until the very last second before you hit the broken section of the floor. This will allow the crawling hand that is jumping up enough time to get back to the ground. After the first group of jumps, you will have to fight a large-headed demon. Kill him, and then you will get to a longer series of jumps. You'll then have to fight two more large-headed zombies, and have an even longer series of jumps. After these jumps, when you land on firm ground, you will have two paths to choose from. If you don't quickly jump as soon as you land, the path will be chosen for you. Personally, I find the lower path to be easier, but you might want to try both. In the high road, you will face an automatic scrolling board with ghosts floating above you, and painting faces. Anytime there are no obstacles by you, walk under a ghost to get her to drop the skull, so she doesn't drop it on you while you are trying to jump over a pit and fight off a face at the same time. Speaking of pits, if you fall into one, you will be sent to the beginning of the lower path. The ladder at the end will take you down to the zombie lord basement. If you stay with the topmost route, you will end up in another mirror room. You know what to do. You actually don't have to kill the last mirror image, you can just walk off the screen, but if it makes you happy, pummel him to pieces. You will then be in the red slime room. If you take the lower path, you first have to traipse through a short water section. Just duck and kick the sludge monsters, and jump over the mines. You will then be in a auto-scroll basement with real zombies coming after you, the zombie lord will be flying back and forth across the screen, and you will be having a nervous breakdown from all the attacks coming from every single direction. There is actually a very simple way to get through this board without getting hit once. Kill the first zombie that comes after you, and then the zombie lord will appear. Hit him immediately! Another zombie, or two should start coming after you, and the zombie lord will fly across the screen. Hit the zombie lord, and then quickly, very quickly, kill the zombies. The zombie lord will fly across the screen and start to sing again. Go hit him before he finishes, and he will once again fly across the screen. Just keep on repeating this pattern, and he won't get a chance to ressurect any zombies. The key is to kill him before he raises his arms, otherwise you are in trouble. Before you reach the end of the section, there will be a hole in the floor leading to the kennels; a path that i consider to be a little bit more difficult, but certainly do-able. The ladder up takes you to the red slime room. In the kennels, you will be attacked by ghosts, hell hounds, and red zombies. When a dog runs at you, just low kick it. It will run away, or off the screen. When it attacks you next, it will probably jump at you. Just punch it. The red walking zombies, uhhhh, just walk towards you. By themselves, these enemies would be no trouble at all, but the ghosts are dropping skulls on your head. Just keep your cool, and try to get the ghosts to drop their skulls when there's no action (just walk under where a skull is and she will let go). If you end up in the red slime room, just stay in the right side of the screen and follow along with the auto-scroll. If a slime starts forming near you, punch it before it comes out of the pile. If one is forming far behind you, you only need to worry about it if it jumps (you will hear the sound of it jumping). If it's jumping, spin around and punch it. You will now be presented with a short "cinema" (if you can call it that) where you have finally find your girlfriend, and then it's go time! Boss V If you don't know the trick for the boss, you will probably never beat it. It has a very long reach with it's claws, but if you stay away from it when it's on the ground, it'll never hit you (staying near the middle of the screen is the best). When it jumps towards you, try to move to where you can punch it in mid- air. It will bounce away from you, and try to hit you with it's claws. Hopefully you will be out of reach. After a few hits, it will pause for a second, and then renew it's attack exactly the same. Do exactly the same thing you did before, and it will again pause. After this pause, however, it will have a new attack, kind of like Bald Bull's bull charge. It hops towards you, but all you have to do is punch it, and then move a little bit away to avoid it's claws. Eventually, it will die, and you continue on to the next level. It has hit 18 points. Level VI This is one of those boring levels with no scenery change, and only one type of enemy attacking at random, but the music is kind of cool. The whole level is auto-scrolling, it's just one screen, and if you die at any point, you start back at the beginning. The only advice I can give you is try and kill the newborn monsters before they hatch. Boss VI [YOU figure it out!] A giant heart, like at the end of Contra. Newborn monsters will form around it, and go after you. Defense is more important than offense! This boss takes a lot of hits, so don't pummel it unless you are safe from the bubbles and monsters! I have no clue how many hit points his has, and I don't have the patience to find out(I have already spent hours trying to go slow enough to count the hits, and it has gotten me nowhere)! Level VII This level isn't too hard. After two or three tries, you should be able to get through it without taking a single hit. The only enemies besides the boss in this level are fire demons and flaming logs, both of which cannot be destroyed. The flaming logs roll across the screen, and the flaming demons jump across the screen. There's not much I tell you about the level. Jump over the lugs, and make sure you pause when a demon comes down so you don't run into it. There are only two real problem spots, right before the fire demons first show up, two logs come rolling towards you, and you need to make sure you jump over both of them. Then, at the very end of the level, there will be two logs that come in rapid succession, but are too far away to jump over at the same time. You need to jump over the first one, move left a tiny tiny bit, and then jump over the next log. You are then at the boss of the game. Boss VII [100,000] He's not too hard as final bosses go. You should be able to kill him after a try or two. After the grave blows up, a giant head will slowely rise from the ground. This is the only part of the boss you can damage. Make sure that turbo is set to the medium setting, get close to him, and hold down punch. Debris will be raining down, so if a piece is going to hit you, just walk away until it is safe to go back and finish him. After a little bit, he will retreat back into the ground, and send his hands up to attack you. When one moves towards you, jump away, but then quickly run in the opposite direction as the other hand is about to attack you. His head will rise up from the ground again, with falling debris. Repeat your attack until he goes back down. Once again, he'll try to hit you with his hands, and once again, he'll rise back out of the ground. Do exactly the same thing, and he'll go back into the ground, attack with his hands, then come back out of the ground. This time though, you will have to compete with falling debris AND his hands. Worry more about getting hit than hitting him, defense is key at this point, as you probably don't have much health left. Hit him until he goes back down, watch out for his hands, and then he will come back up once more with his hands and debris. Repeat. Yay! He's dead! What a sucky ending... He has 40 hit points in normal mode, but only 24&1/2 in hard. ************************************* Part 5 | ENEMY LIST ************************************* Key: enemy name(hit points)[points awarded for defeating] - instruction booklet's description. my description Red Walking Zombies(1)[100] - Keep coming at you! They just walk towards you from the side of the screen they enter at. Green Walking Zombies(2)[200] - Are out to get you! Same as Red Walking Zombies, only these guys have twice as much energy. Chained Corpses(*)[*] - Spit up disgusting, deadly slime. Cannot be destroyed. From the background they spit "deadly slime" that will damage you if you step on. Just watch for when the flash, and then jump over the slime. Bats(1/2)[300] - Fly high and low. They fly across the screen, nuff said. Large-headed Demon(2&1/2, 2 for body, 1/2 for head)[500 for body, 300 for head] - Chop it's head off! But look out - once you chop it off, it will come flying after you! These guys are a little tricky. When they get close to you, they will spring forward at you. In the middle of the jump, hit them, and they will fly back. When the head pops off, move as far away from it as you can, and when it flies at you, just give it a good smack. Sludge Monsters(1)[200] - Attack with lethal punches. Same as zombies, only they have get a longer reach when they punch. If you are unarmed, duck as they punch and kick them. Hanging Corpses(2)[300] - Fall at you from the ceiling. A chained corpse in the foreground. There are two different kinds, one will fall from the ceiling, and then move back up. The other is motionless, but will spit slime at you. Fortunately, the slime disappears, unlike with chained corpses. Crawling Red Slime(1/2)[300] - Will grab hold of your legs and will rip you to shreds! These guys are the boss of the first level, in an alternate route in level IV, and also appear right before the boss of level five. See the level walkthroughs for strategies to beat them. If they latch onto you, duck down and kick them to get them off. Crawling Slug(2)[300] - Will disgust you with it's presence! There's only one in the game, and it just crawl along the floor towards you. Duck and kick it. Knives(3)[1000] - Will pierce you with their needle-sharp points. Just hit them as they fly towards you. They are part of the boss in level II. Chairs(5 as a boss, 2 as a normal enemy)[1000 as a boss, 300 as a normal enemy] - Will try to pulverize you! They bounce towards you, just hit them. They are part of the boss in level II, but also found on level V. Crawling Hand(1/2)[200] - Tries to slap you into oblivion. These guys crawl around in pits on level five. Some jump up trying to hit you as you jump. You can kill the jumpers if you want, but it really isn't necessary. Newborn Monsters(1)[200 as a bubble, 300 after hatching] - Will jump on your back if you let them live! Not too difficult to deal with unless a lot are coming at you. They start off as bubbles that float through the air. When they touch down, the monster will hatch, and will slowely hop towards you. If it touches you, it will grab onto your back and start hurting you. To get it off, quickly wiggle the keypad left and right. Fire Demons and Fire Logs(*)[*] - Cannot be destroyed and must be avoided. Found in the last level, jump over the fire logs, and let the fire demons jump over you. Not as easy as it sounds, but with some practice, you can get through the level without taking a single hit. Enemies Not Described in Instructions Falling Candle(1/2)[100] - They fall from the chandelier during the fight with the level II boss. Falling Bottle(1/2)[100] - They fall from the ceiling during the fight with the level II boss. Hell Hounds(2)[300] - They are found in level III. If you are playing on the normal difficulty level, you can just jump over them as long as you have just shot a zombie. If you are playing the hard difficulty level, you might have to fight them. Bend down, and kick at them when they first run towards you. If they leap at you, just stand up and punch them. Mirror Image(3)[3000] - These guys jump out of the mirror after you walk by. I've found the best way to defeat them is to duck down when they start coming out of the mirror, and kick them. If you are close enough, you can get in two kicks. Then, jump kick them, followed by a ducking kick if necessary. If you are on hard mode, keep at them with the jump duck combo. Floating Head(1/2)[500] - These fly at you when you are fighting the boss of level four. Painting Face(1/2)[300] - When you walk by one of these paintings, the face comes out and floats after you. Ghost(1/2)[300] - They float above your head, and drop skulls on you when you walk under them. They each only have one skull, so when there is no action going on, walk under them so they drop it at a time when you can dodge. It's a little risky to bother with killing them. Real Zombie(2)[100] - Controlled by the zombie lord, they walk towards you. After they are killed, they are revived by the zombie lord when he shrieks. Zombie Lord(6)[500] - Flies back and forth across the screen. When he screams, all the real zombies that are incapacitated revive. You can stop his scream by hitting him. ************************************* Part 6 | SECRETS ************************************* Hard mode - At the title screen, press and hold select until the word "hard" appears. Start the game, and enemies will be twice as strong (unless otherwise noted). Stage Select - When you see the image of the mansion in the rain (after pressing start at the title screen), press select three times, then press and hold down/left and press button I. You will be brought to the stage select screen. Level 0 is the boss of Level V. If you set the game to hard mode, the level will be in hard mode, except for level IV. Reset - Like most Turbo Grafx games, press and hold start, then press select. ************************************* Part 7 | BUGS ************************************* The only bug I have found in the game is that you cannot play level four in hard mode using the stage select. Hmmmm, maybe it is totally impossible to play level four in hard mode. For all I know, the chainsaw boss could have infinite health in hard mode (he's THAT difficult)! If anyone can confirm whether level four exists at all in hard mode, let me know. ************************************* Part 8 | CREDIT ************************************* I give credit where credit is due... Thanks to NAMCO for making this, ummmm, interesting game. Thank you eBay for allowing a forum in which we can purchase any video game in the world. A special thank you to Marshmallow for inspiring me to write my own FAQ. ************************************* Part 9 | CONTACT INFORMATION ************************************* I can be reached at: thepolkapunk@hotmail.com I openly welcome any questions, comments, or information on this FAQ. ************************************* Part 10 | LEGAL INFORMATION ************************************* Splatterhouse is copyright 1988, 1990 NAMCO Ltd. (c)1990 NEC Technologies Inc. "TurboGrafx" and "TurboChip" are trademarks of NEC Technologies Inc. "Splatterhouse" is a trademark of NAMCO Ltd. The information contained in this file excluding all copyrights and trademarks by third parties, is copyright 2000 by the author, Scott Kletzkin, AKA The Polkapunk. Do NOT place this FAQ on your web page. Do NOT alter this FAQ in any way, especially to claim ownership of this FAQ. The only location given permission to display this FAQ is http://www.gamefaqs.com. You may, however, place a link on your page to this document.