THE ULTIMATE GUIDE TO MASTERING SPLATTERHOUSE By WalkingBeast This is my first walkthrough/FAQ. I chose to write a guide on Splatterhouse seeing there isn't one available, and the game can have some tricky parts. This guide was written for the Arcade version, but is also applicable to the PC engine/ Turbo Grafx version as well since the TG16 version is near exact to the arcade, with a few graphics and some gore missing. The TG16 version is actually a good deal easier, so there may be a few extra steps and enemies in this guide that are not in the TG16 version. The boss fights are exactly the same in the TG16 version, gameplay wise. No impressive ASCII graphics or anything, but I'm sure I can explain all the patterns of the bosses and the best way to get through the levels. I first purchased the Turbo Grafx 16 version of this game some years ago. I was very excited since I loved Splatterhouse 2 for Genesis. The original Splatterhouse (arcade or TG16) is still the best in the series IMO. The Famicon version is also great. Play it on emulation if your a fan of Splatterhouse. The game is more lighthearted and comical then the others on to the guide. So here is my attempt! All suggestions and emails welcome at *************************************************************************** Introduction: Released in arcades in 1988, Splatterhouse was a violent game for its time. Its a side scroller, and plays like an old school console platformer. Definitely a classic. Basically you proceed right, through various levels and pick up weapons to use against various ghouls and mutations. Practice and some memorization goes a long way in the game. Since the patterns stay the same. You will also be able to take several different paths on some levels, though they all lead to the end of the level regardless, some paths are just harder to get through, or will make the levels longer. So knowing the best paths is important as well. At the end of each level you will fight a boss. The bosses are the hardest part of the game, and some of the levels can be challenging too. Especially when it is important to get to a boss with some lives or life remaining. If you lose all of your lives on a boss, you have to continue at the beginning of the level. Once you memorize the level layouts its not too difficult though. There are 7 levels. Here are the basic controls: *************************************************************************** Controls: Aside from the directional stick or pad, there is a Jump button and Punch button. Its easy enough to figure out which button does what, The directional stick will move you in the desired direction. To jump in a direction, press the desired direction with the jump button. To jump kick press the Jump and Punch buttons together. To kick press down and Punch together. Pressing Down also allows you to crouch and pick up weapons on the floor. Pressing Up allows you to get weapons that are mounted on walls. Pressing Punch allows you to use any weapon you've picked up. Jump and Punch together with a weapon allows a jump weapon attack. Pressing Down and Punch allows you to kick instead of using the equipped weapon. There is also a slide move. It seems it has to be done in midair while pressing left or right. I still haven't figured out how to do it. (If anyone knows email it to me and I will give full credit.) I never use the slide move anyway, but I'm sure it has some purpose! *************************************************************************** Story: I don't know all the details of the story, but it goes something like this: You play Rick who must rescue his girlfriend from some ghouls that have kidnapped her. You also wear a mask that gives you superhuman powers to save your girlfriend. Not sure about the rest of the story, but I'm more focused on the game play anyway. A lot of the levels don't seem to even line up with any type of story, and if so are not explained. You end up in some strange places, especially on the last 2 levels. A corridor with fetuses in bubbles and a pulsating heart at the end that you must burst is one of the levels. No explanation for that. The last level takes place in the woods somewhere. Haha The game doesn't explain anything about story, just shows some pictures without text. *************************************************************************** Weapons: Here are all the weapons: Cleaver: Hack off the heads of weaker enemies, inflicts a good amount of damage on stronger ones. Pole: Smashes weaker enemies against the background, or wall, does decent damage to stronger enemies. Knife/Wrench: Looks like either a knife or wrench. This is a one time use weapon. Its powerful like all the other projectile weapons in the game but you wont get much use out of it. Shotgun: The best weapon in the game. Picking it up gives you 8 shots. One shot of this gun will blast any single enemy into pieces aside from bosses. Also this weapon can take out an entire row of enemies when they are lined up. Reaches across the distance of the screen also. Stone: Another throwing projectile weapon. Same as all the other projectile weapons. One time use. Spear: You first get these on the beginning of the fourth level. You can only pick up one at a time. You do so by pressing up and lining yourself up with them. This is another one time use projectile weapon. It will impale the enemies immediately killing them. Axe: Similar to the cleaver. *************************************************************************** Enemies and how to defeat them, not including bosses (See Walk-through): (Obstacles such as vomiting enemies,the vomit itself,Flaming enemies that cannot be defeated, spikes, fire, etc. will not be listed since you cannot attack them.) Basic Zombies (purple or green): These enemies can take 1-2 strikes to kill, depending on the area you encounter them in. They cannot jump until the 4th level, but can drop down from areas. They will simply walk slowly towards you. A simple punch or kick will destroy them. Bat: This flying creature will be defeated with one strike. It flies on a single plane and depending on it height in relation to your character a punch, kick, or jump kick will kill it. Crow: Same characteristics as the bat. Bulbous Headed Zombie: This zombie is distinguishable by its huge head and external brains. You'll first meet 2 of them before the first ladder in the game. Two hits to its body will destroy the body and leave only the head. The head will come at you, so move back and be ready to punch it, or just let it escape off the screen. Leeches: These worm-like creatures will latch onto you with their sharp teeth. They only take on strike to defeat. Always try to hit them when they are airborne or crawling on the ground. Once they latch onto you you'll have to shake them off by pressing the punch and kick buttons and moving the controller around. Try to avoid that. Hanging Zombie/Creature: This enemy hangs by a rope around its neck. It will projectile vomit in your direction. This will damage you. It will flash before vomiting, so that should give you enough time to take it out. Get up to it and jump kick or punch it multiple times or just slice it open with one stroke of a cleaver, to defeat it. It will melt into a pool of acid. This acid wont harm you as in Splatterhouse 2. Water Zombie: These creatures will emerge out of the water in the underground areas. They only take one strike to kill, but have a long reach. Its best to rapidly kick in their direction since they cant hit that low, and they will walk right into your kick and die. Later in the game, its best to jump kick and kick them as well. Punching is a bad choice due to their reach. Using a pole is also a good choice. Zombie Dog: One of the single hardest enemies in the game. They can definitely be an annoyance, especially when working together with other enemies. They can be tricky. The only way to strike them is with a kick, jump kick or slide move. aside from weapons. You can only kill them with the shotgun when they are airborne, jumping towards you. They are too low to the ground to shoot otherwise. They will generally back up growl, then retreat and turn back towards you before jumping at you after you strike them. Strike them with a kick or jump kick, hold your position ,wait for the dog to growl, turn around and then kick it in mid-air when it jumps towards you. This should finish it off. Mutated Crawling Fetus: This enemy is very easy. Kick it twice and its dead. Its also too low to punch or shoot. It shouldn't have a chance to attack, but if it does attack it will shoot out some vomit in your direction. Rick Clone: These enemies are clones of your character. There is only 3 of them in the entire game. They appear in the room with the mirrors in the second part of the 4th level.They will come out when you line up with a certain mirror. The mirror that they crash through is random and changes each time. Line up with each mirror and get ready for one of them to break through, punch rapidly to get in your first early strike. Then jump kick and follow it with some well placed punches. You will only have to fight one at a time. You may take a few hits. Keep in mind,when you get hit and your character flashes, this is temporary invincibility. Use this to your advantage and get in as many strikes as possible. Possessed Chair: This is just a chair. It bounces up and down as it comes towards you and to the opposite direction. Aside from the boss fight, where I will describe the best way to fight it, you will only encounter them once as a separate enemy. Since there is a pole available when you fight them on the 5th level,just punch the first chair away when it bounces toward you at fist level, and get the pole. Now just time the bouncing and strike them with the pole. One hit will kill them. If you drop the pole, they will take a lot more hits, and its worthless to fight them this way. Detached Hands: You'll encounter these in the 5th level. These are just hands in a pit, that jump up and down. You can kill them with one strike when they jump up. The best way to get past them is to dodge most of them as I will describe in the walk-through. Ghost Woman with Skulls: This character is only on the 5th level. She can be tricky when fighting other enemies. She will hover above you and attempt to drop skulls directly on you. The best and only way to get them out of the way is with a jump kick. Face from Picture Frame: This head comes out at you, at one point in the fifth level. One punch kills it. Caped Summoner: This character can be very difficult since he is accompanied by a group of zombies which he continuously rises from the dead. This character only appears once in the game and on the 5th level. The summoner floats above you moving from one side of the screen to the other,while reviving the dead zombies you strike down. The best way to beat him and his zombies is to be patient and not rush to get hits in. There are two ways to defeat him. You can strike him enough times and he'll die, or you can hold out until the screen scrolls a certain distance and he will disappear. Start by punching the zombies dead, as your doing so, and proceeding, the summoner should get in the way. Punch him. Now he'll move to the left side. Jump kick him. While still punching the zombies to keep them out of the way. Don't crossover the bodies and to the right side yet. Let him rise the bodies and then punch them dead again. Keep in mind that letting him make that chanting noise and raise his arms is what causes the zombies to raise. So if you can chain your attacks together with no zombies on the screen he will be a lot easier. When zombies appear try to get them out of the way, but don't rush your attacks. If you don't defeat him, the screen will scroll and he will eventually leave. Zombies that accompany Caped Summoner: There are two types of zombies, one with a cracked open skull and another with a full head. Both are exactly the same. They take multiple strikes to kill, but will be raised by the summoner until he is dead or the screen scrolls to the ladder. They move very slow, but come in numbers. Fetus Encased in a Bubble: These enemies show up only on the 6th level. They are in bubbles that float around the screen. They only take one hit to destroy. If they are not destroyed while inside the bubble, the creature will emerge from the bubble and can latch onto you, sucking out some life. To shake them off, kick and punch while moving left to right rapidly. This emerged creature also only takes on hit to kill. *************************************************************************** Some Basic Tips: * When you get hit, your character flashes, this is temporaryinvincibility, use it to your advantage and get in as many hits as possible. But don't get too sloppy. It doesn't last long. It can make a big difference in close fights though. * This game is all about memorizing patterns of characters and levels. Soit can take some practice to get it right. Knowing how enemies operateand level layouts makes a huge difference. Don't give up! * Each level is divided up into segments. A segment usually ends with a ladder or door at the end. When you lose a life, you will start at the segment you died on. Lose 3 lives(one continue) and you will have to restart the round. You can also start at bosses when you lose a life, but not a continue. * Be patient with enemies and wait for them to come to you when possible. Also let a level scroll to see what is ahead instead of moving to the end of the screen, which leaves you open for damage. * Punching and Kicking deal out equal damage. The purpose is to hit enemies at different levels. An enemy that is low to the ground is best hit with a low attack( Slide or Kick). While a taller enemy or one that is coming at you at fist level is best struck with a punch or even jump kick. I never use the slide,since it seems like a sloppy move and useless. Always try to keep yourself at the middle of the screen in scrolling levels, to avoid surprise attacks on either edge of the screen. There are a few exceptions to the rule, which I've detailed in the Walkthrough. If you take too long on any part of a level, excluding bosses, a purple mist will slowly work its way from the right of the screen. This will damage you. Now for the walkthrough. *************************************************************************** Some information about the walk-through: I will rate boss difficulty with four stars being the hardest in the game and one and two stars being fairly easy comparatively. I will give step by step instruction through the levels. Or at least the most important steps. Some things are common sense. *************************************************************************** WALK-THROUGH *************************************************************************** Level 1: Proceed right, punch out the first 2 zombies and pick up the cleaver. Hack the zombie or 2 that is in your way before you reach a small platform. Jump over the small platform , proceed forward slightly and avoid the vomit by jumping over it. Hack the next zombie, then wait for the spikes to descend into the ground and jump forward past them. Do the same with the second set of spikes while striking the bats that are at fist level. Don't go out of your way to strike the bats at the top of the screen, they wont be a threat to you. Bats below fist level can be killed with a kick. Move past the third set of spikes. Strike the zombies in your way, and pick up the pole if you don't still have the cleaver. Jump over the small platform. Continue hacking the 2-3 zombies in your path. Now you'll encounter 2 of the Bulbous Headed Zombies. Simply strike the right one once with the cleaver to destroy its body, then keep your distance and strike the head when it reaches fist level. Turn around and repeat with the left zombie. The head and body will take 2 strikes each without a weapon. Approach the ladder to end the first segment of the level. Now heres the boss. Not much of a boss. But this fight will end the level. *************************************************************************** Level One Boss: Leeches and Hanging Zombie Difficulty: * *************************************************************************** For this boss, simply move all the way into the left corner, facing the hanging zombie. Use kicks (Down and Punch)and punches to strike the leeches at the height they appear. Kicking rapidly in the corner will destroy most of the leaches, but a few will come at fist level, so be ready. The final leech will come out of the hanging zombie's stomach, but wont get to you if you stay to the right. Just be careful not to get too close when the stomach begins pulsating. *************************************************************************** Level 2: Proceed right. Punch out a few of the zombies in your way. Pick up the cleaver. Jump over the pool of vomit. It comes from those creatures chained up in the background. Avoid the second pool of vomit, cleaving the zombies in your path. Don't worry about the knife on the ground, the cleaver will work fine. Now you'll be faced with another Bulbous Headed Zombie in the midst of regular zombies and even a vomiting Hanging Zombie. Make sure to have your cleaver and chop the regular zombies down to your left and right then strike the Bulbous Headed Zombie once to destroy its body, Wait for the head to come towards to and strike it when it reaches fist level. Now proceed right and wait for the Hanging Zombie to lower and strike it with the cleaver, for an instant kill. There is three more of these, so repeat the process, while cleaving zombies in your path. Now you'll face another one of these Bulbous Headed Zombies, repeat the same technique as before. There will be another 3 more Hanging Zombies. Cleave them. The pool of acid they leave wont hurt you, so don't worry about avoiding it. Go to the ladder. This concludes the fist segment of the second level. Now your in the water. Grab the pole in the background by pressing Up by it. Proceed right and smash the next four zombies to your right. Always keep yourself in the middle of the screen to avoid surprise attacks at the edge of the screen. Jump the moving spikes as they come to you from your left and right sides. Strike the zombies to the left and right of you immediately. If you lose the pole, use kicks, not punches, since the zombies have a greater reach then you and cannot hit you in the crouched position. They will walk right into your kicks. Jump kicking over the spikes can also hit zombies in the way. It may take some practice to get right. Once you reach the ladder you'll be approaching the boss. *************************************************************************** Level Two Boss: Possessed Items in Haunted House Difficulty: ** *************************************************************************** This boss can be a little tricky but not bad once you get the patterns down. Proceed all the way to the right of the screen and wait for all of the candles to fall from the chandelier. Then proceed left slightly to avoid a canister that falls. Now the chair will come alive. Punch it 5 times to destroy it. The walls will ricochet (bounce) the chair back at you, and if timed right can be used to get in rapid hits. I recommend punching the chair. Time it so that it bounces into your punches. After the chair is destroyed go to the middle of the screen where the picture is in the background. Knives will rise up into the corners of the screen, on the left and right sides. All you need to do is punch rapidly while turning left and right depending on which knife is closest to you or your fist. No need to move around the screen. Just stay in the middle and keep turning and punching the knives. After you've defeated them, the picture in the background will come alive. Move out of its way and start punching it rapidly as with the chair. The picture is quicker and a little trickier however. Use the walls to bounce it back and forth for rapid hits. After you destroy the picture, move all the way to the left or right of the screen to avoid the falling chandelier. A spirit will escape, and that'll conclude the second level. *************************************************************************** Level 3: Proceed right. Punch out the zombie and pick up the shotgun. Wait for the zombie dog to come up and eat the remains of the zombie you just killed. Kick it once, then wait for it to back up, growl and then turn around a jump at you. While the dog is airborne shoot it. You cant shoot it unless it is airborne. Kill the other zombie in the way also. Let the other dog that comes up behind you, eat the remains of the zombie and keep walking. Kill the zombies in your path until you reach the Mutated Crawling Fetus. Kick it twice to kill it. You cannot shoot it unless it extends itself. Now proceed right over the bridge, but be careful not to step on those gray shadows underneath you. If you do you'll be pulled underground by a hand, and forced to play an extra segment. Since I'm only detailing the fastest way through the levels and not the unnecessary paths Ill explain the segment briefly. (This is an underground segment with water zombies and moving spikes. The best way to get through this one, unlike before, is to jump kick your way through. As you jump the spikes from left to right try to land jump kicks on all the zombies. This shouldn't be too difficult) Now your at the end of the bridge. Proceed right. Pick up the stone and throw it at the hanging zombie. Jump over the spike pit. Punch out the 2 birds that come at you. Jump over the next spike pit and land a jump kick on the hanging zombie and punch it out. Be careful not to get hit with the vomit it spews. It flashes before vomiting so that should give you enough time to take it out. Then punch out the next 2 zombies that drop down. Two punches each will kill them. Now you'll see a shotgun on the ground and a hanging zombie and basic zombie. Don't pick up the shotgun yet! You will want to save all 8 shots for the boss fight. Punch the hanging zombie dead, and let the walking zombie come to you and kill it. You may want to step back if the hanging zombie flashes before you can get to it, since it will vomit at you. Now pick up the shotgun and proceed right. You're at the boss. *************************************************************************** Level Three Boss: Dual Chains Zombie Difficulty: *** *************************************************************************** This boss can be tricky and take a few tries to beat. One thing that will make this fight MUCH easier is to bring the shotgun in with all 8 shots. Since this is easy to do, Ill describe it with the full shotgun ammo. Stand at the far left the screen and wait for the boss to appear. Now, keep the boss back by timing all 8 shots. Be patient and don't shoot rapidly. Each shot will have to cause the boss to flash, in order for it to damage him. The shots will also move the boss backward. You can shoot him in mid-air as well. Time your shots and you should have no problem getting all 8 shots in. Now the boss only has a few hits left, but can still be tricky. Try to land a jump kick on him when his arms are down. Then get in and land as many punches as you can. It wont take much, if you've already gotten 8 shots in. But can still be tricky. Use temporary invincibility to your advantage. When you get hit and start flashing you can land a few shots without getting hurt. This ends the boss fight. *************************************************************************** Level 4: Grab the spears off the wall by pressing Up. Proceed right. Throw them at the zombies when possible. Punch the other zombies to death and kick the Crawling Fetus twice to kill it. Jump over the holes in the ground. Landing in them will force you to play an extra segment making the level longer. (Heres a brief description of this unnecessary segment, if you fall into the hole. This is an underground cave with Leeches. Stay to the far right of the screen at all times, and turn around to punch and kick the leeches as they come to you. Lower Leeches are best kicked while higher ones are best punched. The screen will scroll a little and then a ladder will appear to end the segment.) Now you will reach some rotating blades. This part is easy if you do it right. Allow the screen to scroll fully, until you can see both rotating blades. Now simply wait for the blade to leave an opening on the other side and jump. The best time to jump is just as the blade rotates past you. Then do the same and jump again. It shouldn't be hard with a little timing. It can be very difficult if you do not allow the screen to scroll fully. Now you'll see another rotating blade and a bat. Approach the bat and lure it out by moving back. Punch both bats out. Allow the screen to scroll fully again and repeat the process with these two blades. Now you're on the next segment. The mirror hall. This can be tricky but not too bad. You will have to fight 3 clones of yourself. They will break out of the mirrors in the background. Line up with each mirror and get ready for one of them to break through, punch rapidly to get in your first early strike. Then jump kick and follow it with some well placed punches. You will only have to fight one at a time. You may take a few hits. Keep in mind,when you get hit and your character flashes, this is temporary invincibility. Use this to your advantage and get in as many strikes as possible. Another technique that works real well is to land a jump kick on them as soon as they break through, and follow it with rapid punching. That's the technique I use everytime. They're appearance is always at least 3 mirrors from where the next appeared, and will always land on the 4th,5th or 6th mirrors from where the last appeared. Same goes for the first one, it will be at the 4th,5th or 6th mirror from the beginning of the stage. That ends that segment. Now you're in the boss area. Proceed right, pick up the axe and slash the heads that are in your way. When you reach the end of the screen you are able to fight the boss. *************************************************************************** Level 4 Boss: Heads Surrounding a Cross Difficulty: ** *************************************************************************** This boss isn't too hard but can be tricky. Stay at the right corner of the screen, but leave a large enough gap for the boss to fit, without taking damage to your character. That way the boss will be in striking distance each time it moves into that corner. Now rotate your character left and right to strike down heads that come towards you, while aiming for that cross in the middle of the surrounding heads. You may have to duck and move to avoid some of them. Remember, the cross is heart of the boss, the heads are just in the way. It may take a little adjusting to get in the perfect position. With a few well placed strikes of the axe the boss will be dead. *************************************************************************** Level 5: Proceed right. You'll see a pole on the floor and some chairs bouncing around, like on the second boss. Punch the first chair out of the way, and pick up the pole. Now proceed right and strike all 5 chairs with the pole using some timing. As they bounce to fist level strike them, or as they are coming down from a high bounce. They will only take one strike each with the pole. That ends this short segment. This segment can be very hard if not done a certain way. But its pretty easy if you do it right. There will be 3 pits with hands moving around in them. Walk to the very edge of each pit and jump, never letting up on the right direction. You want to keep it as one fluid motion. So hold Right and jump at the edge of each pit. On the last pit you'll see a hand jumping up and down. Ignore it and keep the motion fluid and it your timing will be perfect. Stopping on the slopes will cause you to slide back, and will also mess up the timing. You'll need to do this on the next parts especially, which Ill explain. Now you'll come across a Bulbous Headed Zombie. Strike it twice in the torso to kill the body, stand back and wait for the head to come to you, then punch it once to kill it. Now there is another series of pits. Four pits. Punch the first hand when it jumps up to kill it, then proceed as described earlier, holding Right down at all times, not letting up, and jumping at the edge of each pit. Don't try to fight the hands! Now you will reach 2 more of these Bulbous Headed Zombies.Dispose of them in the same manner as before. Now you'll reach a series of 5 pits. Kill the hand in the first pit, by waiting for it to jump up, then punch it. Now proceed through these pits in one fluid motion, holding right continuously and jumping at each edge. It should be routine after a few times. Now take the first ladder that leads down. Incase you accidentally take the top ladder, heres a description. Otherwise just read past the parentheses.(If you took the ladder leading up, you will be in a room with pictures on the wall and a hole in the ground. There's a face that will come out of the picture and attack you if you wait too long, and a Ghost Woman who drops skulls. Jump kick her if she gets in the way, which shouldn't be a problem. Just fall in the first hole you see. Otherwise the screen scrolls infinitely.) Now you're in another water segment with these Water Zombies. You can jump kick your way through this entire segment pretty easily. Just jump kick over all the moving spikes that come your way. Then at the end, jump kick over a double spike , killing the zombie and reaching the ladders at the end. If you miss a jump kick on a zombie, kick it to kill it. It cant reach you when your crouched down. It can walk into you though, which will hurt you. That's it for that segment. This next segment can be tricky. and I still die on it occasionally. But it's not too bad overall. This is where you will meet the Caped Summoner and his zombies. This character can be very difficult since he's accompanied by a group of zombies which he continuously rises from the dead. The summoner floats above you moving from one side of the screen to the other, while reviving the dead zombies you strike down. The best way to beat him and his zombies is to be patient and not rush to get hits in. There's two ways to defeat him. You can strike him enough times and he'll die, or you can hold out until the screen scrolls a certain distance and he will disappear. Start by punching the zombies dead, as you're doing so, and proceeding, the summoner should get in the way. Punch him. Now he'll move to the left side. Jump kick him. While still punching the zombies to keep them out of the way. Don't crossover the bodies and to the right side yet. Let him rise the bodies and then punch them dead again. Keep in mind that letting him make that chanting noise and raise his arms is what causes the zombies to raise. So if you can chain your attacks together with no zombies on the screen he will be a lot easier, since he wont be able to raise them. When zombies appear try to get them out of the way, but don't rush your attacks. If you don't defeat him, the screen will scroll and he will eventually leave. Now you can choose a path. Either the ladder leading up or the ladder leading down. Both paths lead directly to the boss after beating the segment of choice. The ladder leading up seems the easier path to me. I will describe both paths: Ladder leading down: First punch out the zombie that appears. Then Jump Kick the Ghost Woman above you, and be sure to keep them away from you since they will get directly above you and drop skulls. Also kick the dog a few times and when it leaps at you kick it again to kill it. You will encounter a few more zombies and another dog or 2. Fight them in the same manner while keeping the Ghost Women away with jump kicks. You don't have to hit all of them, since they will move away at times. Also the dogs in the background wont come out. Sometimes the dogs will also be distracted by the dead zombies and will be busy eating them, if that happens you wont have to fight them. Now you're at the ladder leading to the boss. Ladder leading up: This is another leach pit segment. This one is harder and faster then the last one, but not too difficult. First, fight your way to the right side of the screen and keep right the entire time , as the screen scrolls. You should only have to punch or kick a few leeches to get there. Punch the leeches at fist level, and kick the lower ones as before. When you reach the right edge of the screen, turn left and punch and kick the leeches that come to you. Don't go out of your way to approach them, let them come to you. After the screen scrolls a little, you'll be at the ladder leading to the boss. *************************************************************************** Level 5 Boss: Mutated Girlfriend Difficulty: **** *************************************************************************** This boss can be extremely difficult if you don't use a pattern. And can still be tricky with the pattern. The boss starts out as your girlfriend and then mutates into a beast. Here is the method to beat this boss: Phase 1: Give yourself enough distance away from the boss, so that its claw cant reach you. Keep this distance at all times. Do not go to the boss to strike it. Wait for the boss to jump at you. There are 2 types of jumps at this point. Large jumps and small jumps. When the boss does large jumps,let him jump over you and then turn around and punch him in the back, while he is airborne, this will knock him far away from you, but also be sure to walk away in the opposite direction to give yourself enough distance. Watch his jumps carefully. Each time he does a large jump, get under him, punch him from behind and move away. Otherwise his claw will reach you, since he strikes after landing. When he does a small jump, place yourself so that he lands right into your fist and move away from him. Repeat this until he morphs back into the girl again. Phase 2: The boss will morph back into a beast for the second time. He does the exact same routine as before, perhaps jumping a little faster, but I cant notice a difference. So just repeat the same process as for Phase 1. Distance from the claw and not letting his jumps land on you is the main thing to remember. It may take some practice to get right. The boss will then morph back into the girl again. But there's one more phase. Phase 3: The boss will morph back into the beast yet again, for the final time. This phase is the trickiest. He will first do either a small jump or a large jump, usually a large jump it seems. Then after you strike him he will start doing tiny jumps. These tiny jumps are very tricky. If your life is good, you may want to use some temporary invincibility but its dangerous. Stand back and let him hop his way over to you. Try to time it so that he lands right on your fist and gets knocked back. Repeat this as much as possible until the boss dies. Again, you may want to use some temporary invincibility to get in a few extra shots. Also, you will have to be very close to the boss when he does those tiny jumps in order to connect with your fist. Otherwise he will claw you immediately. It is possible to strike him without getting hit, on those little jumps. It may take some practice to get it right. *************************************************************************** Level 6: This level is very short, but still difficult. It is one large segment, as is the final level. This level can be tough and is an all out test of your striking skills. You will have to punch, kick and jump kick the bubbles as they appear, or the creatures inside will emerge, and can latch onto you and suck out your life. Try to hit all the bubble you can by kicking, punching and jump kicking them depending on their height from the ground. Also, once the bubbles hit the ground the creatures will come out. One kick will kill the emerged creature. If the creature latches onto you, you can shake it off by pressing the kick and punch buttons along with left and right. Practice is the best advice I can give on this level. Get skilled with your strikes and quick. That's the only way you'll make it to the boss. This stage scrolls for a fairly long time. No other enemies to fight except the boss. As with this level and the final level, you will have to start at the beginning when you lose a life since the level is so short. So its important to have as much life as possible for the boss. The boss itself isn't too difficult though. *************************************************************************** Level 6 Boss: Heart Difficulty: ** *************************************************************************** This boss isn't too hard at all if you get to it with good life. Its just a heart in the wall and doesn't even move. Just punch and kick it as many times as possible while fighting off the bubbles that come out of it. There may also be some bubbles that come out from behind as well. Stand real close to the heart and kick and punch the bubbles that it lets out, while also hitting the heart. Rotate from time to time to hit the bubbles that come out from behind, while keeping in the same position. After a decent amount of hits it explodes. Be sure to stand back when it is about to explode. If you don't the blood that comes out will damage you. That ends this level. *************************************************************************** Level 7: This level is the final level and is also very short, but can take some practice to get right. Especially since its best to get to the boss with full life. This level is all timing. Basically just proceed right and jump each flaming log that comes your way. Double logs will take a further jump to get past. Single logs only require a small jump. Also there will be flaming zombies jumping down to get in your way. You cannot fight these zombies, so just stop right before them and let them all jump over you, so you can proceed. The best piece of advice I have for this short level is practice. It shouldn't take you too long to get the patterns down. The last 3 logs can be hard. You have to jump them very quickly to avoid getting hit. Be sure to press Right as you jump so that you move slightly out of the way as well, and remember to come to a dead stop when the zombies drop down and wait for them to jump away before proceeding. This is the only level that is pure dodging and jumping with no hitting. Now you are at the final boss. *************************************************************************** Level 7 Boss: Mutated Head and Hands (Final Boss) Difficulty: **** *************************************************************************** This is the hardest boss in the game, even harder then the fifth boss. Luckily its easy to get to, once you memorize the level layout. You should be able to get to this boss with full life after some practice. I will divide the boss up into phases since there are some important differences in the way the boss changes it's patterns. A phase in this case, begins when the boss emerges from the ground. A phase is over when the boss descends back into the ground. There are 6 phases, before the boss is dead. Phase 1: First you'll see the boss's head come out of the ground. This is what you will be attacking. Punch it rapidly until it descends back into the ground. Be careful of objects falling from the sky. Dodging the hands of the boss: Between each phase the hands of the boss will attempt to grab you. Dodge these hands by jumping from left to right as these hands swipe at you. First the left or right hand will swipe at you and then the opposite hand. The boss always follows this pattern. Jump the opposite direction that the hand swipes at you from. Sometimes both hands will come at you, at the same time. Jumping away just as they come together is the best way to avoid them. It will take some timing and practice to get right.) Phase 2: After dodging the hands after Phase 1, as described above. The head will emerge from the ground again. Repeat the same strategy as Phase 1, since the pattern is the same. Avoid debris falling from the sky as before. Strike the head until it descends back into the ground. Also use the strategy above for dodging the hands, between each phase. Phase 3: The strategy is still the same for this phase. Nothing has changed yet. Pound away at the head until it goes back into the ground and then dodge the hands as described in the strategy above. Phase 4: Now things get a little more difficult. You will have to fight the head while dodging the hands and with debris falling from the sky. Stay close to the head so you can strike it, but when the hands strike at you be ready to dodge them, before pounding away at the boss again. Dodge the hands with very small jumps this time, since space is limited. Be sure to get in hits whenever possible, but be patient. If you take a hit, you can use temporary invincibility to some advantage, but don't rely on it. You should be able to stay fairly close to the head at all times, without any extreme jumps. After some pounding the head will go back down again.Now dodging the hands can be a little more difficult, since more of them will come at you, but the strategy remains the same for dodging them. Phase 5: Repeat the same strategy as for Phase 4. The patterns are the same. Follow the strategy for dodging the hands once you've submerged the boss again Phase 6: This is the final phase. Repeat the same strategy as with Phases 4 and 5, since the patterns are still unchanged. Pound the boss into the ground once more and then view the ending. *************************************************************************** Congratulations!!!!!!! Hope you enjoyed this Guide. Email me at for questions and suggestions.