============================================================================== BEYOND SHADOWGATE - WALKTHROUGH ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ · Version 02.00 [02/01/11] · This document is copyrighted © 2009 - 2011 by Lynn Brown A.K.A. enigmaopoeia http://www.gamefaqs.com/features/recognition/3667.html O============================================================================O | [00] TABLE OF CONTENTS | O============================================================================O · [01] INTRODUCTION · [02] CONTROLS · [03] MENUS & GAME MECHANICS · [04] PROLOGUE · [05] CHAPTER I: ESCAPE FROM THE DUNGEONS · [06] CHAPTER II: THEY HUNGER IN THE CAVES · [07] CHAPTER III: MAKING MONEY · [08] CHAPTER IV: A VILLAGE ON FIRE · [09] CHAPTER V: THE FAIRY KING · [10] CHAPTER VI: GIFTING AND RECEIVING · [11] CHAPTER VII: SHOP TILL YOU DROP · [12] CHAPTER VIII: THE SWORD, THE STAFF, AND THE ELEMENTS · [13] CHAPTER IX: ONWARD TO CASTLE SHADOWGATE · [14] CHAPTER X: TRAPS EVERYWHERE · [15] CHAPTER XI: THE FINAL BATTLE · [16] INVENTORY · [17] NPCS · [18] BESTIARY · [19] DEATH LIST · [20] FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS · [21] GAME SCRIPT · [22] REVISION HISTORY · [23] LEGAL INFORMATION · [24] SPECIAL THANKS [NOTE: Please use CTRL + F to navigate through my guide better!] O============================================================================O | [01] INTRODUCTION | O============================================================================O Beyond Shadowgate is the sequel to the 1987 adventure game Shadowgate made by ICOM Simulations, Inc. and Turbo Technologies, Inc. released in 1993. It is a graphical point and click text adventure game. Beyond Shadowgate also allows the player icons for examining, talking, and taking/using which wasn't present in the first title. New to this game is that the adventure is viewed from a third person platform perspective; interesting array of characters, some with mythological backgrounds; voice acting; the protagonist can use his fists to fight; and beautifully drawn landscapes. Unfortunately I felt the music isn't up to par with the NES version of Shadowgate. Some of the tracks in Beyond Shadowgate aren't as memorable, though the ambiance does suit the atmosphere, but can be repetitive at times. In Beyond Shadowgate, you take on the role of the young Prince Erik. While studying abroad, Erik was called back with news of his father's, King Aronde, assassination. Erik was then framed for his father's murder and was thrown in jail by the King's Advisor, Belezaar, who also kidnaps his sister, Elizabeth. Can Erik avenge his father and save his sister as well? Thus starts the second tale in the Shadowgate series. There are unmarked spoilers in this document. I written this in a way to allow the player to experience the most fulfillment out of this game without skipping any cutscenes or events. My walkthrough will not tell you when to save your progress, therefore I recommend to save whenever you enter a new room. I hope you enjoy playing this game as much as I did! O============================================================================O | [02] CONTROLS | O============================================================================O -------------------------------------------------- | --------------- | | --------------- | | | TURBOPAD | |TURBOGRAFX16| | _ ... _ | | | |__________ | |__ __| | |o|...|o| | | | __ __ __ | ---- |______| ---- |_|...|_| | | | |__| |__| | |________| _II_ _I_ | | | | OO | | ______ ___ | | | | | | | |__ OO __| | (______) (___) |____| |___| | | | |__|__|__| | Select Run | | | --------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------- +-----------------+----------------------------------------------------+ | COMMAND | DETAILS | +-----------------+----------------------------------------------------+ | Directional Pad | The directional pad allows you to move Prince Erik | | | and also to navigate through menus, inventory, | | | move the dialog box up or down, and move the | | | command cursor in your current location. | +-----------------+----------------------------------------------------+ | Select | The Select button allows you to shuffle through | | | the commands to Examine, Talk, and Use. | +-----------------+----------------------------------------------------+ | Run | The Run button allows you to pause the game and | | | skip dialogs. | +-----------------+----------------------------------------------------+ | II Button | The II button makes Erik crouch. In the command | | | menu, it brings up the inventory. | +-----------------+----------------------------------------------------+ | I Button | The I button makes Erik punch and skips dialogs. | | | In the commands menu, it confirms your selection. | +-----------------+----------------------------------------------------+ O============================================================================O | [03] MENUS & GAME MECHANICS | O============================================================================O o------------------------------------------------------------------o | COMMANDS | o------------------------------------------------------------------o These are the commands you can give Prince Erik for him to navigate through. +---------------+------------+-----------------------------------------+ | MENU | COMMAND | DETAILS | +---------------+------------+-----------------------------------------+ | Eyeball | Examine | Examines objects or surroundings. | +---------------+------------+-----------------------------------------+ | Speech Bubble | Talk | Talk to people. | +---------------+------------+-----------------------------------------+ | Hand | Take & Use | Grab objects or utilize items. | +---------------+------------+-----------------------------------------+ o------------------------------------------------------------------o | PAUSED | o------------------------------------------------------------------o The paused menu allows you to turn on/off the music, or save your current game or load a previous save. You cannot turn off the voices or turn on subtitles. +--------+-------------------------------------------------------------+ | OPTION | DETAILS | +--------+-------------------------------------------------------------+ | MUSIC | Green turns on and Red turns off the background music. | +--------+-------------------------------------------------------------+ | SOUND | Green turns on and Red turns off the sound effects. | +--------+-------------------------------------------------------------+ | SAVE | Save your current progress in Slots 1, 2, or 3. | +--------+-------------------------------------------------------------+ | LOAD | Load a previous save from Slots 1, 2, or 3. | +--------+-------------------------------------------------------------+ O============================================================================O | [04] PROLOGUE | O============================================================================O Welcome to the main screen of Beyond Shadowgate, the man you see before you is Prince Erik. And those green reptile-like hands in the foreground? We'll see later on in this game. Let's press the Run button to start a new game. The prologue of the game describes the outcome of Shadowgate. It states the protagonist, Lord Jair, successfully was able to save the world by using the Staff of Ages to break the control the Warlock Lord had over his summoned beast known as the Behemoth. The Behemoth took the Warlock Lord with him, and they both were banished to the Netherworld. Lord Jair then was able to return back to the royal city of Stormhaven in the country of Kal Torlin, where he later took the King's daughter's hand in marriage. Thus King Jair became the first in the "Line of Kings", a dynasty whose job was to protect Shadowgate from falling into the wrong hands. Now we are introduced to Prince Erik. His father, King Aronde, ruled over the land with his two children, Erik and Elizabeth. Erik has also traveled abroad preparing himself to become the next in the "Line of Kings", Erik is now 18 years old and he had receive word that his father was murdered. Erik returns home as per request by Belezaar, the Royal Advisor, to assume his place on the throne, but he came home only to be arrested and charged for the assassination of his father. Prince Erik was then thrown into a dungeon cell where he will await his execution. Then Elizabeth, his sister, briefly visits her brother where she secretly stuff a Match into Erik's pocket. Thus starts the second story... O============================================================================O | [05] CHAPTER I: ESCAPE FROM THE DUNGEONS | O============================================================================O The game starts off with Erik locked up in his dungeon cell... o------------------------------------------------------------------o | DUNGEONS > ERIK'S DUNGEON CELL | o------------------------------------------------------------------o The cell door is locked and there is a bed of straws in the corner. Prince Erik only has a Match on him that was given to him by Elizabeth. Your only way out of here is to cause a distraction. Press the Select button to bring up your command menu, and press Select two more times to change the cursor into a "Hand". Then press the II button to bring up your inventory and select the Match. Your cursor would now change into a Match, move the cursor over to the bed of straws and press the I Button to use the Match on it. You should hear an accomplishment jingle if done correctly. Erik would light the Match and set the bed of straws on fire, immediately bringing the attention of one guard. The guard would come in with a bucket full of water in his hand which he'll use to put out the fire. Now you have to be quick because afterward, the guard will now focus his attention on you and will try to knock Erik out with the bucket. Therefore position yourself and get ready to press the I button to punch the guard. It only takes him one hit to render you unconscious which leads you to the first death scene of the game, the beheading of Erik. If this happens, you restart back at the beginning at the dungeon cell. However it only takes one punch from Erik to kill him, and he will drop his Bucket and a Set of Keys. Go ahead and pick them up. Then go to your inventory menu, select the Set of Keys and use them on the cell door. As suspected, it unlocks the door! Now go through the door and you're free! o------------------------------------------------------------------o | DUNGEONS > DUNGEON HALL 1 | o------------------------------------------------------------------o A cutscene happens where two guards are patrolling the hallway, but then a sphere of red light appears. It zaps the two guards dead and the light lands on the ground, which an apparition of the late King Aronde appears before the Prince. He tells his son would soon face a far greater threat within the walls of Shadowgate. He then vanishes along with the two dead guards. Now grab the torch and... oops, just kidding!! You don't have to obsessively collect torches in Beyond Shadowgate, unlike the first game where it was mandatory or you'll face the Grim Reaper. Now that we know our journey is completely torch-free, let's head over to the left. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | DUNGEONS > DUNGEON HALL 2 | o------------------------------------------------------------------o Now we're basically in a dead end with two doors. Listening through the bars on the left cell door, it seems pretty quiet. But the right cell door has someone screaming on the other end. We're going to go left first, so go into your inventory and use the Set of Keys on the left cell door. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | DUNGEONS > GUARD ROOM | o------------------------------------------------------------------o Upon entering, a guard immediately charges toward you with sword in hand. It will take him three stabs to kill you, also he will laugh after each successful stab. This gives you a short window of opportunity to recover and punch him before stabbity death. If the guard kills Erik, you would meet the Grim Reaper and it will be a sad thing for your adventures to end here. It takes six swift blows to bring him down. Make sure to hold down the I button to do an rapid punch and if you time it correctly, you can easily dish out three swift punches to fell the guard. Once the guard is down, pick up the Pepper shaker on top of the table. No, we're not going to garnish a dish -- this would be useful later. We're done here, let's leave the guard room. This time we're going to enter the right cell door, make sure to use the Set of Keys on the door before entering. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | DUNGEONS > TORTURE ROOM | o------------------------------------------------------------------o There is a prisoner here who is not only being whipped to death by a torturer, but he is sitting on a torture chair filled with fire! There is no hope for this dying man, but we're going to save him! As you pass the stairs, the torturer will now focus his attention on whipping you good. It takes him five lashes before Erik goes unconscious and ends up in a public beheading, but it takes eight punches to kill the torturer. If by any chance you have to retreat, the prisoner will end up dead and you will lose out on a password. Once you defeat the torturer, talk to the prisoner and in his dying breath, he mutters out the password "rosebud". [Probably a fan of Citizen Kane?] We will be using this later to get ourselves some advice from a bartender. Now we can leave the torture room. Also note that regardless whether you kill the torturer or not, there is no way to save the prisoner from his fate. At least we were able to avenge him by killing the torturer! Let's leave this room and go back to the dungeon hall 1. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | DUNGEONS > DUNGEON HALL 1 | o------------------------------------------------------------------o There is an unlocked cell to the right of your dungeon cell, you can enter inside if you want. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | DUNGEONS > CORPSE'S DUNGEON CELL | o------------------------------------------------------------------o There is nothing of interest, except for a rotting corpse teeming with flies. Let's exit out of this dungeon cell. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | DUNGEONS > DUNGEON HALL 1 | o------------------------------------------------------------------o Before you proceed, you may have notice there is a hole in the cell wall. Unless you want to get slimed, I suggest you avoid it and go forward to the next hall. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | DUNGEONS > DUNGEON CORRIDOR 1 | o------------------------------------------------------------------o This is a real test of your battle skills. There are two guards here with swords drawn and King Aronde isn't here to save you! It takes the guards five stabs to kill you and, like the guard in the guard room, they will laugh after each stab. On the plus side, the guards attack one at a time, so focus your attention on the guard in front before facing the rear guard. Remember you can only take four stabs before death, so make sure you take them both out quick. It will take each five swift punches to bring them both down, remember your rapid punch! One way to conserve your health is to stay at the left-most exit, then kill the first guard and retreat in order to reset your health. Return back and the other guard will be back at his initial position to attack again, but this time you'll be at full health. Once you defeat both guards, there are two cell doors. The cell door to the right is unlocked and the cell door to the left is locked from the inside. Let's enter the first cell door we see. The other cell door is inaccessible and there is no way to get inside. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | DUNGEONS > SKELETON'S DUNGEON CELL | o------------------------------------------------------------------o You immediately take notice of the hanging half-eaten skeleton in the middle of the cell. Just make sure you don't fall down into the pit because awaiting you below is a man-eating, giant mutant fungus! Use the lever which releases the latch on the skeleton and down it goes into the pit. While you can drop down into the pit that leads to a shortcut out of the dungeons, since the giant mutant fungus below would be too busy munching on the skeleton to pay you any mind. There are some consequences for leaving the dungeons quickly as explained in the pit section below. We still want to explore the dungeons some more, so let's leave and proceed to dungeon corridor 1. But if you are in a rush, proceed to the pit. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | DUNGEONS > PIT | o------------------------------------------------------------------o If you released the skeleton, you can safely drop down here. The giant mutant fungus will be seen munching on the skeletal remains. But if you haven't done that, enjoy watching your death! There is nothing of interest in the pit, just exit out of here by using the "Hand" icon on the tube in the wall. You will then proceed to the self-contained cave. Once you use this shortcut, you cannot go back to the dungeons whatsoever. Unless you had previously opened the trapdoor allowing you access to the ladder leading from the caves back into the dungeons. If you went through the shortcut, here are the consequences you will face: 1.) You will lose out on getting a Bag. This item is not necessary for completion, but it allows you access to the elevators. But they will already be available to you, making the Bag unnecessary. 2.) If you didn't picked up the Bucket earlier in your cell, you just screw yourself. You're now stuck in the caves forever because the Bucket is necessary for you to exit, thus forcing you to reset the game. 3.) If you didn't picked up the Pepper earlier, you cannot kill the Mulnear here and you will miss out on a Saphire. 4.) If you forgot to free the young girl earlier, you are forced to kill the two sentries by yourself at the Druidwood later in the game. 5.) And if you didn't picked up the Paddleball dropped by the old man, you will miss out on one of the Good Endings and one method of payment for the Troll you'll meet later on. I highly suggest we skip this shortcut, since there are too many cons than pros going for it. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | DUNGEONS > DUNGEON CORRIDOR 1 | o------------------------------------------------------------------o Continue to the right and go down the stairs. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | DUNGEONS > DUNGEON GATEWAY | o------------------------------------------------------------------o There is nothing of interest, just head down the stairs and go left. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | DUNGEONS > DUNGEON HALL 3 | o------------------------------------------------------------------o There are two locked cell doors here. You can hear struggling coming from the door to the right, and you can hear thumping noises coming from the door to the left. Use the Set of Keys on the right cell door and enter. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | DUNGEONS > YOUNG GIRL'S DUNGEON CELL | o------------------------------------------------------------------o In this cell, you see a beautiful young girl tied up. Doesn't this situation seem strangely kind of familiar? There was one scene that comes to mind in the original Shadowgate where Jair found a beautiful woman chained to the floor. Upon releasing her from her shackles, she transforms herself into a werewolf... and rips his throat out. Thus do we really want to save this young girl before us and meet a similar fate? Of course we do! Pull the lever to free the young girl. Obviously, she transforms into a werewolf and makes a mad dash out of her cell on all fours. It seems you are safe... for now. Don't worry, this werewolf will repay your kindness later. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | DUNGEONS > DUNGEON HALL 3 | o------------------------------------------------------------------o Now this time we're going to enter the left cell where the thumping sound is heard from. Use the Set of Keys on the left cell door and enter. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | DUNGEONS > OLD MAN'S DUNGEON CELL | o------------------------------------------------------------------o Prince Erik comes in and tells the old man inside he is free to go which he happily does. He leaves behind the Paddleball he was playing with, which explains the the thumping sound we heard earlier. Pick up the Paddleball and let's leave this cell. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | DUNGEONS > DUNGEON HALL 3 | o------------------------------------------------------------------o Go over to the left to enter yet another hallway. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | DUNGEONS > DUNGEON HALL 4 | o------------------------------------------------------------------o The first cell door you see is unlocked and it's empty. So we'll go to the far left to a dead end. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | DUNGEONS > EMPTY DUNGEON CELL | o------------------------------------------------------------------o There is nothing of interest in this cell, let's leave. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | DUNGEONS > DUNGEON HALL 5 | o------------------------------------------------------------------o This dead end houses a chained Minotaur, standing on top of a trapdoor, who is thirsty for blood. [Personally, the Minotaur looks more like a rabid reindeer on steroids.] To proceed down the trapdoor, you have to get through the beast first. It takes the Minotaur about eight slashes with his claws to kill Erik, so give him six swift punches to kill him. Once the Minotaur is defeated, use the "Hand" icon on the trapdoor. Erik would struggle a bit with the handle and when you regain control, don't move. If Erik happens to stand over the trapdoor, he will fall to his death. The trapdoor opens, revealing a ladder underneath where you can use to climb underground. You can either use the "Hand" icon on the ladder or manually move Erik down the ladder to climb down. Sweet freedom at last? O============================================================================O | [06] CHAPTER II: THEY HUNGER IN THE CAVES | O============================================================================O Prince Erik climbs down the ladder, leading him deep down into the caverns... o------------------------------------------------------------------o | CAVERNS > CAVERN CORRIDOR 1 | o------------------------------------------------------------------o You can read the sign to learn a bit of history about the heating systems, but our main concern is the Bag on the ground. Pick it up and upon examination, we note that it's thin and stretchy. This could be useful later. Let's go to the far left to head deeper into the caverns. Watch as a cave creature flies by you, a nice touch to the atmosphere. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | CAVERNS > CAVERN LEDGE | o------------------------------------------------------------------o Just keep going left, but before you move onto the next screen. There is a Piece of Quartz lying on the ground in the middle, blending well into its surroundings. Be sure to pick it up and continue forward. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | CAVERNS > CAVERN CORRIDOR 2 | o------------------------------------------------------------------o Prepare yourself because halfway through here, a Cave Dweller will emerge to the right and gives anklebiter a whole new meaning. Unless you want instant death, you just have to punch the Cave Dweller once to kill it. Crouching isn't necessary, just do a rapid punch and you'll kill it once it gets near. Once the Cave Dweller is dead, continue to walk left and enter the small cave. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | CAVERNS > SMALL CAVE | o------------------------------------------------------------------o At the end of the cavern corridor is a dead end where there is a large pipe with hot steam coming out of it. We can make a makeshift hot air balloon by using the Bag over the large pipe. The steam will immediately fill up the Bag as we expecte and up, up, up and away Erik goes toward the upper chamber of the caves! o------------------------------------------------------------------o | CAVERNS > UPPER CHAMBER OF THE CAVES 1 | o------------------------------------------------------------------o Upon landing, the Bag pops. Don't worry, we can always access the lower chamber by using the wooden elevator to the left. But at the pace we're going, it is unnecessary because we done everything we need to do in the dungeons if you have followed this walkthrough all the way. Let's go to the upper right to enter the self-contained cave. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | CAVERNS > SELF-CONTAINED CAVE | o------------------------------------------------------------------o Upon arrival, you'll come face-to-face with a giant insect called a Mulnear. This thing spells out death for Erik because it can kill him in one clean, thorough slice. Not to mention your fists are useless against the creature, but the Mulnear is weak against the Pepper in your possession. Use the Pepper on the Mulnear and watch it wither away. You can also evade the creature by walking carefully across the other side. However you'll miss out on the Saphire in the middle of the room and you can't get this gem without killing the Mulnear. When you do kill the Mulnear, grab the Saphire and proceed to the right. Also you may have notice there is a hole here blocked from this end. If you came from the pit, you will end up here. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | CAVERNS > UNDERGROUND WALKWAY | o------------------------------------------------------------------o Just walk on forward to the right until you see a giant mushroom in your path. Stop right there because if you walk past the mushroom, it'll suck you up and spit you out dead, and your fists are useless against the mushroom. But you may have notice the pipes above the man-eating fungus and one of it has steam slightly coming out of it. Use your "Hand" icon on the pipe and Erik would use his weight to lower the pipe. The steam evaporates the mushroom, making it no longer a threat. Now we can move on forward to the next screen. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | CAVERNS > CAVERN CORRIDOR 3 | o------------------------------------------------------------------o Just walk forward and you're welcomed by three bats which fly about. Examine them which I find to be one of the cutest descriptions in this game. Just continue to the right onto the next screen. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | CAVERNS > UPPER CHAMBER OF THE CAVES 2 | o------------------------------------------------------------------o There is a stream of lava blocking your path, Erik can't jump in this game and crossing it means fiery, molten death. So what is a man to do? Notice the hole where the lava is flowing from? You can use the Bucket you've picked up from the guard in your dungeon cell to plug it up. Please don't ask me how that works, it's Shadowgate logic! Once Erik plugs up the hole, you are free to go. Continue to the right onto the next screen. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | CAVERNS > BRIGHT CAVE | o------------------------------------------------------------------o As we progress, now a Troll will block the way. Upon further examination and talking to the Troll, we learned that its bored and he'll only let you pass if you pay him up. Since we don't have any CoppCoins, GoldCoins, or Spears to use against him. [If you play Shadowgate, you'll understand.] We are left with the choices of either entertaining or paying his fee. There are three ways to get pass the Troll: You can relieve him of boredom by giving him the Paddleball from the old man's dungeon cell. Or you can pay the toll with the Saphire we acquired from the self-contained cell. Or you can use your fists to knock him down. Do note that giving the Troll the Paddleball allows you to miss out on one of the Good Endings, and if you used the Saphire as payment, you will be short of two Gold Pieces we can use later to purchase stuff. I suggest we fight the Troll instead. Walk toward him and his ears will perk up, warning Erik that he will use brute force. It takes the Troll two swings from his club to kill Erik, but you only need one good punch to bring down the bored humanoid. After that, the poor Troll will land on his rump and starts crying. Whatever method you use on the Troll, you are now free to pass, and continue forth to get ourselves out of the caves. O============================================================================O | [07] CHAPTER III: MAKING MONEY | O============================================================================O Hallelujah, we finally see the light... o------------------------------------------------------------------o | HILLS > LEDGE 1 | o------------------------------------------------------------------o Just keep walking forward and don't worry about the bridge. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | HILLS > LEDGE 2 | o------------------------------------------------------------------o As you continue to walk forward, two young Wyverns would swoop down. Don't fret, they're just curious, and the last thing you want to do is punch them. Let them satisfy their curiosity and they'll fly away. Now head down. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | HILLS > WYVERN'S NEST | o------------------------------------------------------------------o We came across a Wyvern's nest, you should be safe if you decided to not harm the two young Wyverns earlier. If you did kill one or both of them, you'll later see the shadow of their mother and then death from her hooked tail. It is very important you leave the two young Wyverns alone because you want to grab the blue Serpent Idol lying on the ground. We are done here, so let's return back up north. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | HILLS > LEDGE 2 | o------------------------------------------------------------------o This time go up toward a path in the hills. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | HILLS > PATH 1 | o------------------------------------------------------------------o We are going to head right for now toward another path. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | HILLS > PATH 2 | o------------------------------------------------------------------o Keep going right because we want to enter the city. If you want to make a quick pit stop and visit the trail to the north, you are more than welcomed. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | HILLS > HILL CLEARING | o------------------------------------------------------------------o The only thing of interest here is a slithering snake, for now. You can leave this clearing and follow the path leading to the city. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | CITY > WALL STREET 1 | o------------------------------------------------------------------o Most of the houses and shops here are closed, so we're going to head north toward the outskirts of the city. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | CITY > CITY OUTSKIRTS | o------------------------------------------------------------------o There is a musician here named Frank, jamming on his guitar, who mentions about a lost temple out in the woods. You can punch Frank if you like, there are no penalties. Let's head north from here to the gateway between the city and the woods. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | CITY > GATEWAY | o------------------------------------------------------------------o Head right and go back down back into the city. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | CITY > MAIN STREET 1 | o------------------------------------------------------------------o There is a woman who is keeping watch at the entrance of the gates. Talk to her and she warns you about the bandits out on the roads, you'll thank her for the heads up. Be sure to not punch her because there is no way to defeat her, even with the infinite health cheat code on! She is way too fast and five slashes from her sword will kill Erik. The only places that are open are the Temple and the Pet Shop. Let's go inside the Temple of the Dawn to the left of the gates. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | CITY > TEMPLE OF THE DAWN | o------------------------------------------------------------------o Margaretta, the Priestess of this Temple, will hand over the Pendant of the Elements when you talk to her. This Pendant of the Elements holds a key to Castle Shadowgate and may later save your life. You can punch her afterward if you like with no penalties. However, if you forgot to speak with Margaretta before punching her, then you miss out on the Pendant of the Elements. Then you are unable to obtain the Seashell from Lakmir's Hut needed to head deeper into Castle Shadowgate, and would have to resort with the Piranha instead. But my walkthrough allows you to get both items if you follow it thoroughly. We are finish with the Temple of the Dawn, let's leave. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | CITY > MAIN STREET 1 | o------------------------------------------------------------------o Continue forward to the right. We're going to ignore the Pet Shop because we don't have any Gold Pieces on us. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | CITY > MAIN STREET 2 | o------------------------------------------------------------------o You'll immediately hear the incoherent babbling of a speaker on stage who, amongst his ramblings, will give some foreshadowing hints of what is to come for Erik. Most importantly are "Belezaar", "Castle", and "Snakemen". If you want to be a bit sadistic, you can punch the audience member with no penalty and the speaker will quiet for good which may be a good thing. You can make a pit stop at Castle Gwynenthell, but there is nothing of importance there. Let's continue to the right to reach First Avenue. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | CITY > CASTLE GWYNENTHELL | o------------------------------------------------------------------o There is a demon here guarding Castle Gwynenthell, the birthplace of Prince Erik. Since you cannot pass or bribe the demon, the only purpose it serves is an instant death if Erik decides to punch the demon. Best to just leave. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | CITY > MAIN STREET 2 | o------------------------------------------------------------------o Go southeast to venture onto First Avenue. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | CITY > FIRST AVENUE 2 | o------------------------------------------------------------------o There is a young urchin here with her Pack Beast, you can talk to her and she will run off to get some candy. There's no way for you to ride the Pack Beast, so continue to walk forward to the left. There is a Shop of the Mystic to the right of the coughing man in the small alley. It isn't necessary to speak with the Mystic because we don't have any Gold Pieces on us, but you can make a pit stop to see what she has to say so far. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | CITY > SHOP OF THE MYSTIC | o------------------------------------------------------------------o The Mystic here can give Erik a total of three clues for an offering of one Gold Piece each. Her first clue is that Erik must return the Serpent Idol to its origin in a cold, damp place. Her second clue is that Erik will later have to bring together the pieces of the Staff of Ages. And her third and final clue is that Erik will have many children and grow old. Even if you returned the Serpent Idol and pay her, she will still tell Erik the first clue. But now we know what the Mystic has to say, we can save ourselves our money for the shops in the city. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | CITY > FIRST AVENUE 2 | o------------------------------------------------------------------o Continue left and let's talk to the coughing man. He tells us if we know the secret password from the dungeons, we should tell it to the bartender. This must be the password we heard from the prisoner in the dungeons! We'll check it out later. Right now we're going inside Charlie's House of Gems to the left of the coughing man. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | CITY > CHARLIE'S HOUSE OF GEMS | o------------------------------------------------------------------o Charlie will exchange two Gold Pieces for every Saphire you give him, and there are a total of two Saphires in this game. We found one of them so far, therefore give him the Saphire from the self-contained cave for two Gold Pieces. Let's leave this place and continue left at First Avenue to move onto the next screen. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | CITY > FIRST AVENUE 1 | o------------------------------------------------------------------o While this place seems pretty straightforward, there is an alley behind the retirement home. Just go to the right-most side of the building and you'll reach the alley. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | CITY > ALLEY | o------------------------------------------------------------------o You will immediately hear cries for help. Using the "Hand" icon, touch the opened window to the left and Erik will climb inside the house. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | CITY > OLD LADY'S BEDROOM | o------------------------------------------------------------------o There is an old lady inside, she's fallen and can't get up. Use the "Hand" icon on the old lady and Erik will prop her back up onto the bed. She is grateful and rewards Erik with one Gold Piece. You are done here for now. But if you want to see something great, use the "Hand" icon on the book. [Make sure you save before doing this!] Once you have done everything, leave her bedroom via from the same window you came in from. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | CITY > ALLEY | o------------------------------------------------------------------o We're done here, let's leave the alley by going to the left. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | CITY > FIRST AVENUE 1 | o------------------------------------------------------------------o Now we're going to go left to reach Wall Street. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | CITY > WALL STREET 2 | o------------------------------------------------------------------o We end up between the Curio Shoppe and Tavern, both which are open. Let's go to the far right and talk to the man there who seems deep in thought. He tells Erik that strange stuff has been happening lately and Belezaar also kidnapped Elizabeth just this afternoon. The bastard! If you feel like taking your aggression out on the man, you can do so without penalty. Now we'll go south of the man to the docks. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | CITY > DOCK | o------------------------------------------------------------------o A pelican will start to fly off, leaving behind a Feather. Pick it up and continue forward to the right. You will hear some snoring coming from a little Box Turtle at the edge of the dock. Go ahead and pick it up as well. We're done with the dock for now, let's exit here and go inside the Tavern. The Tavern is marked by a sign with grapes and a wine glass. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | CITY > TAVERN | o------------------------------------------------------------------o There are two patrons and a bartender in this Tavern. While the first patron might look somewhat familiar, he is not the old man from the dungeons. [Maybe his twin brother?] Anyways, talk to him and he'll challenge you to a turtle race. Since we already found ourselves a Box Turtle from the dock and more than enough money, let's give the tavern patron the Box Turtle and Erik will pay for his half of the winnings. Now the turtle race shall commence! No matter what, your turtle will always win and in a surprisingly manner too! Upon sweet defeat, the tavern patron hands over two Gold Pieces to Erik. The other tavern patron is a bit drunk, so we'll talk to the bartender. As the coughing man at First Avenue said, once you say the secret password "rosebud", the bartender tells Erik they are actually members of the Kal Torlin Underground. They know that Erik didn't murdered his father, also Belezaar has a lot of henchmen wandering about asking about Shadowgate. This doesn't bode well at all. If you haven't spoken with the prisoner, the bartender will just mention how she is all out of supplies. We're finish here, let's leave. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | CITY > WALL STREET 2 | o------------------------------------------------------------------o Let's enter Leo's Curio Shoppe which is to the left of the Tavern. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | CITY > LEO'S CURIO SHOPPE | o------------------------------------------------------------------o You'll immediately have a conversation with the Curio Shoppe's owner, Leo. He wants you to take a Magic Box to the Sage in the woods and he'll offer to pay you for your service. Erik agrees and takes the Magic Box with him. Leo also offers his curiosities for sale, each for one Gold Piece. They are a Squeaky Toy Mouse, a Special Comb, and a Ball of Magic Yarn. Unfortunately, the large mysterious idol isn't for sale. We have four Gold Coins on us, go ahead and purchase all three items. Go into your inventory, use the "Hand" icon on a Gold Piece to change the cursor into a Gold Piece. Then use the Gold Piece over each item to purchase them. The next time we'll come back to Leo's Curio Shoppe is after delivering the Magic Box to the Sage. Leave this place and head over to the left. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | CITY > WALL STREET 1 | o------------------------------------------------------------------o Just keep going to the left, we're going to leave the city. O============================================================================O | [08] CHAPTER IV: A VILLAGE ON FIRE | O============================================================================O Now it's time for Erik to finally start playing hero... o------------------------------------------------------------------o | HILLS > PATH 2 | o------------------------------------------------------------------o Just keep going left back toward the first path of the hills. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | HILLS > PATH 1 | o------------------------------------------------------------------o Immediately out of nowhere, a lion dashes toward you and starts pouncing. It takes the lion five pounces before Erik keels over, and you have two options to do here. You can punch the lion, to do this you must crouch down and start rapidly punching. It only takes one punch to kill the lion. The other way is to use the Magic Yarn on the lion to draw its attention, leaving you alone. I suggest to use the Magic Yarn, since we already have it in our inventory. Once the lion is gone, head to the far left. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | HILLS > CHASM | o------------------------------------------------------------------o There is a fork here at the chasm, we're going to head north for a bit. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | HILLS > STONE BRIDGE | o------------------------------------------------------------------o There is a Crank on the ground near the entrance next to the southern rocks. Pick it up and go right to head back to the chasm. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | HILLS > CHASM | o------------------------------------------------------------------o Now let's head south toward the cliff. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | HILLS > CLIFF | o------------------------------------------------------------------o Nothing to do here except go right. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | HILLS > LEDGE 3 | o------------------------------------------------------------------o If you walk forward for a bit, you notice that there is a bridge that stops midway, disconnecting you from accessing the other ledge. When you walk back toward the entrance of this screen. You would notice that there is a hole in the wall. Use the Crank on it to draw out the bridge. Then cross the bridge and there is a cave here, enter it. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | HILLS > HERMIT'S CAVE | o------------------------------------------------------------------o The cave is home to a sleeping hermit. Upon talking to him, the hermit tells you that his Crank was stolen and he would trade something for it. Give him the Crank and in exchange, he will give you the Foreign Language Phrase Book which comes in handy if you met anyone who speaks in a foreign tongue. We're done here for now, you can punch him afterward if you like with no penalties. Unless if you forgotten to give him the Crank, then you missed out on the Foreign Language Phrase Book. This really doesn't affect the game at all, save for Prince Erik missing out on a clue on where he should use the Musical Pipes he'll obtain later. Let's leave this cave and head on back over to the stone bridge. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | HILLS > STONE BRIDGE | o------------------------------------------------------------------o Continue to the left and cross the long bridge. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | VILLAGE > VILLAGE CLEARING | o------------------------------------------------------------------o You can see smoke and fire coming from the buildings in the distant village. Enter the village and let's see if we can save ourselves some villagers! o------------------------------------------------------------------o | VILLAGE > VILLAGE 1 | o------------------------------------------------------------------o You see a little girl run by you and another man was running for his life, but an arrow was shot and he dies before you. When you walk toward the burning house, a creature who looks like a reject out of Aliens, called a Marauder, appears. He is equipped with a pump-action bagpipe... err, bow in hand. It is possible to defeat this Marauder, but patience is required. The method you have to kill him is to duck his arrows, then move forward and try to get a punch in as he's trying to back away from you. The easiest way is to corner him to one side of the screen, then the Marauder will try to go around you to the opposite side. That is your opportunity to get at least two or three punches in, then repeat on the other side of the screen. It takes a total of four punches to bring down the Marauder. Once you kill the Marauder, enter the burning house. If you don't feel like fighting the Marauder, you can retreat inside of the burning house and fight him once you've finish your business there. Or you can also avoid him altogether and just proceed to the left to the next screen. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | VILLAGE > BURNING ROOM | o------------------------------------------------------------------o There is a young child crying here, he is trapped by the wall of fires around him. It is your duty to save him, to do this you would have to use the "Hand" icon on the brown rug underneath your feet. Or if you want to be sadistic, just wait a couple of minutes and the fire will engulf the child completely. There is no penalty for saving the child, just the satisfaction of being the hero like you should always be. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | VILLAGE > VILLAGE 1 | o------------------------------------------------------------------o If you want to finish killing the Marauder, go ahead. When you have killed the Marauder or instead retreat, go to the left onto the next screen. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | VILLAGE > VILLAGE 2 | o------------------------------------------------------------------o You see another Marauder running away, holding a family with him hostage. Let's chase after him to the other side of the screen. If you did not kill the first Marauder, he will appear in this screen to finish his job of eliminating you. You can then now fight the Marauder here, or continue to run away to the next screen. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | VILLAGE > VILLAGE STREET 1 | o------------------------------------------------------------------o We see a critically injured knight in the background with his arm is severed. This isn't the time to mourn, the Marauder who ran off with the family is now here to take you out with a flame-thrower in hand. This Marauder is a lot easier to take down than his partner, the best strategy against him is to start walking to the very bottom of the screen. Then corner him to the left side of the screen while ducking his fire blasts. He will start trying to walk forward and just hold down the punch button, he will deliberately walk right into your fists and he's dead after four punches. Or, like his partner, you can also avoid him altogether. When you have killed him or avoided him, go onto the next screen to the left. You can also use your "Hand" icon on the knight's severed arm and it will then float away to the right. There is really no explanation for that. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | VILLAGE > VILLAGE STREET 2 | o------------------------------------------------------------------o If you continue forth, you will see the family from before tied up and left on the streets with the daughter by herself, and mother and son together. Use your "Hand" icon on daughter or the mother and son, and Erik will free all of them. The mother will repay Erik's kindness with a peck on the cheek. Go you! Now that you're done here, proceed north. If you escaped from the first or second Marauder, they will not appear in this screen. So you have the time to save the family if you wish. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | VILLAGE > COURTYARD | o------------------------------------------------------------------o Upon reaching this area, the Mayor will come out and thank you for saving his village from the Marauders. But the Mayor speaks in a foreign language Erik is unfamiliar with, but you have the Foreign Language Phrase Book in hand! You are able to decipher the foreign language and understand that the Musical Pipes the Mayor hands over are to be used at the Druidwood. Erik thanks him, and you can exit where the Mayor left from. But if you have not defeated the first or second Marauder, they will now appear in this screen for a final showdown. Even though it's much easier battling them where you've first met, fighting these two together are not impossible. It just requires precise timing and punching. Once both are defeated, the Mayor will come out of hiding. If you have forgotten to get the Foreign Language Phrase Book from the Hermit, the Mayor will continue to speak in his foreign tongue as he hands over the Musical Pipes to a confused Erik. Now Erik will have to do trial and error to figure out what secrets these pipes contain. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | VILLAGE > VILLAGE 2 | o------------------------------------------------------------------o You end up in Village 2 and the fires are died down, the village is now safe. There is nothing left to do in this village. Now let's exit by continuing from the right. There is also an alleyway that connects you from Village 2 to Village 1, but it would only cut your traveling time by seconds. Upon leaving, King Aronde pays another visit to Prince Erik. He warns him that Belezaar has taken Elizabeth out of the city and they are heading toward a deep forest. Most likely those woods outside of the city! Once King Aronde finishes, leave this village. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | VILLAGE > VILLAGE CLEARING | o------------------------------------------------------------------o Let's go left from here toward the Druidwood, we're going to call the Fairies as the Mayor stated. O============================================================================O | [09] CHAPTER V: THE FAIRY KING | O============================================================================O It's time to go fairy hunting... o------------------------------------------------------------------o | DRUIDWOOD > DRUIDWOOD | o------------------------------------------------------------------o There are two blue mushroom sentries guarding these woods. If you happen to save the young girl from the dungeons, she will arrive on scene and save your skin. But if you haven't saved the young girl, you will have to defeat them. They both attack by puffing a cloud of poisonous pink smoke that will kill Erik by covering him with fungi, but they can be killed within three punches. It's easier to save the young girl to save you from all this hassle. Once done, you are able to progress deeper into the Druidwood. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | DRUIDWOOD > DRUIDWOOD TRAIL 1 | o------------------------------------------------------------------o Nothing here except seeing four colorful butterflies fly pass you, keep going left to head further into the Druidwood. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | DRUIDWOOD > DRUIDWOOD TRAIL 2 | o------------------------------------------------------------------o Keep going left. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | DRUIDWOOD > DRUIDWOOD TRAIL 3 | o------------------------------------------------------------------o Go southeast down this trail. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | DRUIDWOOD > DRUIDWOOD TRAIL 4 | o------------------------------------------------------------------o Keep going right, we're almost there!! o------------------------------------------------------------------o | DRUIDWOOD > GATEWAY | o------------------------------------------------------------------o We have arrived at the gateway which strangely resembles Stonehenge. It is quiet here, but maybe the sound of your Musical Pipes would bring life to this place. Once music has filled the air, the King of the Fairies, Iphicles, will greet you. The Fairy King will tells Erik that he has been watching over him. When Erik tells him that he seeks Belezaar, King Iphicles makes a deal. He will tell Erik where Belezaar went as long as he rescues his daughter, Princess Alessandra, who was kidnapped by a Goblin Shaman. Erik agrees. Unless you like to see the Grim Reaper, you can try to punch King Iphicles, but you'll end up getting fried by a magic spell. Then it's time to leave this area, so make the long trek back toward the city. Basically follow the Druidwood trail back to the village clearing. Keep going right pass the stone bridge and go right at the fork. Then keep going right until you reach the stream with two gargoyles, the screen after the lion and the screen before the city. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | HILLS > PATH 2 | o------------------------------------------------------------------o At this path, go north at the midway point to enter the hill clearing. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | HILLS > HILL CLEARING | o------------------------------------------------------------------o When we entered here previously, it was empty. Now it's being used as a ceremonial sacrifice, Princess Alessandra is tied up here with the Goblin Shaman upset that Erik interrupted his rites. Unlike most battles you have fought before, you cannot leave this area to reset your health. Also the Goblin Shaman hops around the screen and uses his sickle, five slices from this will bring Erik down. Get ready to punch the Goblin Shaman three times to kill him. The easiest way to fight him is to face up and get the Goblin Shaman stuck to a point where he will hop from the wall, then toward you, and back again. Then start holding down the punch button and the Goblin Shaman will eventually die. When you do kill the Goblin Shaman, Erik will automatically untie the Princess and she will fly away with him toward the gateway at Druidwood. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | DRUIDWOOD > GATEWAY | o------------------------------------------------------------------o The reunion between father and daughter is heartwarming, and King Iphicles thanks Erik for saving Alessandra. He will then teleport Erik to the next location of his quest so that he can be one step closer to saving Elizabeth. If you have followed this walkthrough, you will end up at the small patch of woods near Gatekeeper Mountain. If not, you will end up instead in front of Leo's Curio Shoppe. O============================================================================O | [10] CHAPTER VI: GIFTING AND RECEIVING | O============================================================================O We are going to tred slowly back to the city... o------------------------------------------------------------------o | GATEKEEPER MOUNTAIN > SMALL PATCH OF WOODS | o------------------------------------------------------------------o Go north to reach the Dwarven mines. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | HIGHLAND PLATEAUS > DWARVEN MINES 2 | o------------------------------------------------------------------o Keep going left to go to the entrance of the Dwarven mines. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | HIGHLAND PLATEAUS > DWARVEN MINES 1 | o------------------------------------------------------------------o There is a building here which houses a boiler, but we're not going to go inside yet. Instead we're going to pick up the Saphire on the ground which is blended well with the ground. Now let's go left toward the woods. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | NORTH WOODS > CAVERN LEDGE | o------------------------------------------------------------------o Head to the left to reach the trail. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | NORTH WOODS > TRAIL 6 | o------------------------------------------------------------------o You hear the painful cries of a man which is coming from a Dwarven viking who is picking at his beard. Talking to the viking, he complains about the burrs on his beard and would like to have something to comb them out with. Well, so happens we bought a Special Comb from Leo! Give him the Special Comb and he'll exchange it for a magical Hammer. You can punch him afterward if you like with no penalties. Unless you have forgotten to give him the Special Comb, then you will miss out on the Hammer. Thus meaning that you are unable to view the Good Ending with the Magic Sword. We're going to backtrack for a bit, go right to go back to the cavern ledge. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | NORTH WOODS > CAVERN LEDGE | o------------------------------------------------------------------o Just keep going straight to enter the next area. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | NORTH WOODS > OUTSIDE TEMPLE | o------------------------------------------------------------------o The Temple of Astrid is in the center of this area, go ahead and enter inside. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | NORTH WOODS > TEMPLE OF ASTRID | o------------------------------------------------------------------o There is a stone gargoyle blocking the stairs who will taunt Erik by sticking out its tongue at you whenever you turn your back against it. Your fists don't work on him, but he may react to your magical Hammer. Use your Hammer on it and it'll be nothing more than dust in the wind. Now you are free to climb up the stairs. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | NORTH WOODS > TOWER | o------------------------------------------------------------------o The place here is cold and damp, this must be the origin of the Serpent Idol as spoken by the Mystic. Go use the Serpent Idol we retrieved from the Wyvern's nest on the Pool of Astrid. Then a giant hand will emerge from the waters and presents the Royal Gauntlet to Erik. The Sage told us that the Royal Gauntlet must be worn to acquire the Magic Sword. Now let's exit the Temple of Astrid and back to the cavern ledge. Ya gotta love Erik's epic exit out of the Temple of Astrid! o------------------------------------------------------------------o | NORTH WOODS > CAVERN LEDGE | o------------------------------------------------------------------o Go straight left to go deeper into the North Woods. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | NORTH WOODS > TRAIL 6 | o------------------------------------------------------------------o Now go left and south here. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | NORTH WOODS > TRAIL 4 | o------------------------------------------------------------------o There is a fork in the trail. We're going to go right. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | NORTH WOODS > TRAIL 5 | o------------------------------------------------------------------o The music is picking up here, so danger must be ahead! Proceed forward to see a bandit blocking your path. Talk to him and he will spare Erik's life if you hand over a Gold Piece. Like the Troll, there are two ways to get past the bandit. You can spare your life and pay the fee, or you can use your fists to knock him down. We need to save up all of the Gold Pieces, and this rhinoceros is just one big pushover. Just walk directly below him and he'll start to attack with his ball-and-chain. If you walked below him correctly, he cannot harm you at all because of this blind spot. Be careful if he does hit you, it only takes two swings from his ball-and-chain to kill Erik! Just give him two punches and the bandit falls down hard. Whatever method you use on the bandit, you are now free to pass! Keep heading right. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | NORTH WOODS > GIANT TREE | o------------------------------------------------------------------o Go straight and enter the Sage's abode. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | NORTH WOODS > SAGE'S ABODE | o------------------------------------------------------------------o The Sage is none other than a giant, talking frog. When you talk to him, you learn the Sage is waiting for the Magic Box that Leo told him about. Give him the Magic Box, but the Sage gets startled and drops it on the floor. This is actually a monster-in-a-box who has its sights on killing the Sage! [Great gift by the way, Leo!] When the Sage and Erik stand back to briefly pause, soon you are given a few seconds to control Erik and prepare yourself. Once you regain control, face down and land one punch to bring down this evil clown. The Sage will then hand over a Note to Erik for saving his life. You can punch the Sage afterward if you like with no penalties. Unless if you forgot to save the Sage from the monster-in-the-box, then you missed out on the Note. This Note allows Leo to reward Erik with one Gold Piece, but it isn't necessary to finish the game. We're done here, go ahead and exit the Sage's abode and go back to the fork in the trail. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | NORTH WOODS > TRAIL 4 | o------------------------------------------------------------------o At this fork in the trail, go south. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | NORTH WOODS > TRAIL 1 | o------------------------------------------------------------------o There is another fork in the trail. This time, go southwest to enter a familiar territory. O============================================================================O | [11] CHAPTER VII: SHOP TILL YOU DROP | O============================================================================O Time to finally spend all of the money we've been saving up... o------------------------------------------------------------------o | CITY > GATEWAY | o------------------------------------------------------------------o This is the gateway and we're going back into the city, so go south. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | CITY > MAIN STREET 1 | o------------------------------------------------------------------o Go to the left to enter Baker Street. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | CITY > BAKER STREET 1 | o------------------------------------------------------------------o Enter the alchemist shop which is the small door after the blacksmith's shop and before the black monument. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | CITY > ALCHEMIST SHOP | o------------------------------------------------------------------o The chemist here is friendly and upon talking to him, he gives you permission to take the Set of Tools outside the blacksmith shop. Leave. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | CITY > BAKER STREET 1 | o------------------------------------------------------------------o Take the Set of Tools next to the anvil at the blacksmith's shop. Now go right and enter the Chancellor's office. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | CITY > CHANCELLOR'S OFFICE | o------------------------------------------------------------------o The Chancellor here is sleeping, talk to him. He tells you Belezaar took your sister and no one has the courage to go after him. Let's exit this place. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | CITY > BAKER STREET 1 | o------------------------------------------------------------------o Now keep going to the right toward the other half of Baker Street. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | CITY > BAKER STREET 2 | o------------------------------------------------------------------o There is a public well here, go ahead and toss that extra Gold Piece you have left over from the turtle race into the well. Then King Aronde will send a message from beyond the well telling you that Elizabeth is scared and is in grave danger. She will have to hang in there, exit this area to the right. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | CITY > WALL STREET 1 | o------------------------------------------------------------------o Go right toward the other half of Wall Street. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | CITY > WALL STREET 2 | o------------------------------------------------------------------o We're going back into Leo's Curio Shoppe. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | CITY > LEO'S CURIO SHOPPE | o------------------------------------------------------------------o Give the Sage's Note to Leo and he will hand over one Gold Piece for your troubles. Now we're completely done with Leo's Curio Shoppe. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | CITY > WALL STREET 2 | o------------------------------------------------------------------o Enter the alleyway in-between Leo's Curio Shoppe and the Tavern. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | CITY > FIRST AVENUE 1 | o------------------------------------------------------------------o Keep going straight. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | CITY > FIRST AVENUE 2 | o------------------------------------------------------------------o Enter into Charlie's House of Gems, the first building you see. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | CITY > CHARLIE'S HOUSE OF GEMS | o------------------------------------------------------------------o Trade in the second Saphire we've acquired from the Dwarven mines and we are now two Gold Pieces richer. We're completely done with Charlie's House of Gems, exit this place. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | CITY > FIRST AVENUE 2 | o------------------------------------------------------------------o Keep going right to venture onto Main Street. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | CITY > MAIN STREET 2 | o------------------------------------------------------------------o Keep going left back toward the northern exit of the city. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | CITY > MAIN STREET 1 | o------------------------------------------------------------------o Enter the building nearest the woman guarding the gateway to the Pet Shop. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | CITY > PET SHOP | o------------------------------------------------------------------o The Pet Shop offers three pets for sale, each for one Gold Piece, and they are a Mongrel, Piranha, and Canary. Unfortunately, the barrel of monkey isn't for sale. [Nice joke there.] Since we have three Gold Coins on us, purchase all of them. When you buy Max the Mongrel, he will run off, but don't worry about him for now. We're completely done with the Pet Shop, let's exit. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | CITY > MAIN STREET 1 | o------------------------------------------------------------------o We're completely done with the city and there's no need for us to come back. Make sure that you have the Pendant of the Elements, Feather, Squeak Toy, Set of Tools, Mongrel, Piranha, and Canary before leaving. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | CITY > GATEWAY | o------------------------------------------------------------------o Go north and head back to the North Woods. O============================================================================O | [12] CHAPTER VIII: THE SWORD, THE STAFF, AND THE ELEMENTS | O============================================================================O Now it's time for us to get the Magic Sword for one of the Good Endings... o------------------------------------------------------------------o | NORTH WOODS > TRAIL 1 | o------------------------------------------------------------------o At the fork in the trail, go right to head toward the swamp. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | NORTH WOODS > TRAIL 2 | o------------------------------------------------------------------o The ground here is soft, just head right. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | NORTH WOODS > TRAIL 3 | o------------------------------------------------------------------o Keep heading right and your feet will slightly sink into the wet grounds, but you must keep venturing on. When you see a red hadrosaur-like creature in the background, be prepared to have a sinking feeling. Just when death is staring at you in the face, Max is here to the rescue! What a great Mongrel! Now you are able to proceed to the swamps ahead. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | NORTH WOODS > SWAMP | o------------------------------------------------------------------o The swamp here is home to the Magic Sword that is lodged deep into the skull of a dead dragon. Before you start pulling out the Magic Sword, use the Royal Gauntlet on yourself first before anything. Or else you'll literally splat on the screen, not a pretty sight. Once you used the Royal Gauntlet on yourself, go ahead and pull out the Magic Sword! We're completely done with the North Woods. Go left to exit out of the swamp. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | NORTH WOODS > TRAIL 3 | o------------------------------------------------------------------o As you continue to the left, you start to sink again. Don't worry, Max is here once more to the rescue. He is definitely man's best friend! Now it's time to head back to the Dwarven mines. Keep going left until you reach the first fork in the trail. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | NORTH WOODS > TRAIL 1 | o------------------------------------------------------------------o At this fork in the trail, go north. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | NORTH WOODS > TRAIL 4 | o------------------------------------------------------------------o Another fork in the trail, go north. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | NORTH WOODS > TRAIL 6 | o------------------------------------------------------------------o Keep going left to the next screen. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | NORTH WOODS > CAVERN LEDGE | o------------------------------------------------------------------o Now go left until you reach the fork in the trail, then go north there to go back to the Dwarven mines. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | HIGHLAND PLATEAUS > DWARVEN MINES 1 | o------------------------------------------------------------------o Go inside the building near where you got the Saphire. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | HIGHLAND PLATEAUS > ENGINE ROOM | o------------------------------------------------------------------o In the right-most corner of this engine room, there is a pile of coals. Go ahead and pocket a Coal for use in the future. Then use the Set of Tools on the engine. Erik will pull out a mysterious Orb from the machine and pocket it. We're done here in this engine room, go ahead and exit. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | HIGHLAND PLATEAUS > DWARVEN MINES 1 | o------------------------------------------------------------------o Now go up the trail to the left of the building toward a remote region. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | HIGHLAND PLATEAUS > SMALL LEDGE | o------------------------------------------------------------------o Keep going right up the Highland Plateau. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | HIGHLAND PLATEAUS > NARROW LEDGE 1 | o------------------------------------------------------------------o There is a fork in the ledge, go left here. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | HIGHLAND PLATEAUS > NARROW LEDGE 2 | o------------------------------------------------------------------o Keep going left and enter the cave up ahead. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | HIGHLAND PLATEAUS > GIANT SLUG BURROW 1 | o------------------------------------------------------------------o We're now in a giant slug burrow, you know what that means right? Let's head left to go deeper into the burrow. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | HIGHLAND PLATEAUS > GIANT SLUG BURROW 2 | o------------------------------------------------------------------o We finally meet the giant slugs that inhabit this burrow, two of them in fact! It takes five drills from their horns to bring Erik down, but you got your fists! Crouch down and punch them about four to five to kill them both. If you feel that you need to reset your health by going to the previous screen, do so that you don't get a one way ticket to the Grim Reaper! Once both are dead, there are tube-nests here at the end. Pick up the Shiny Metal on the ground, then let's exit back to the fork at the Highland Plateau. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | HIGHLAND PLATEAUS > NARROW LEDGE 1 | o------------------------------------------------------------------o Go north at the fork here. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | HIGHLAND PLATEAUS > LEDGE | o------------------------------------------------------------------o Go north to enter the chilling plateau. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | HIGHLAND PLATEAUS > PLATEAU 1 | o------------------------------------------------------------------o Another fork in the plateau, this time go left. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | HIGHLAND PLATEAUS > PLATEAU 2 | o------------------------------------------------------------------o There is a hidden cave here, just keep going left until you are about to reach the edge of the plateau. Then go into the entrance next to the pile of rocks. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | HIGHLAND PLATEAUS > CRYPT OF AGES | o------------------------------------------------------------------o We're now inside the aptly named Crypt of Ages, most likely the home of the Staff of Ages mentioned by the Mystic. Get ready to duck quick because you will get a face full of skull bullets! You gotta move forward fast and punch the bone creature up ahead once to kill it. You can do this by continuously ducking and moving forward as if you're fighting a Marauder. Or you can just keep moving forward and take all of the hits, five skull bullets is all it takes to kill Erik. But if you're fast enough, you can take four of them before finally reaching the bone creature. When you kill it, go ahead and enter the Door to the Crypts. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | HIGHLAND PLATEAUS > SOLITARY ROOM | o------------------------------------------------------------------o This is the place where you can obtain the Staff of Ages, but first you have to assemble it as what the Mystic foretell. Use the Shiny Metal and Orb on the left dead knight to recreate the Staff of Ages. Assembling the Staff of Ages on the right dead knight leads to a fried, crispy death. We're done here, let's exit and go back to the fork in the plateau. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | HIGHLAND PLATEAUS > LAKMIR'S HUT | o------------------------------------------------------------------o There is some Parchment paper on the ground, go ahead and pick it up. But before you enter Lakmir's place, it's very important that you use the Pendant of the Elements on yourself. You'll see why when you enter. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | HIGHLAND PLATEAUS > HUT INTERIOR | o------------------------------------------------------------------o The whole place is frozen solid, not to mention Lakmir himself. There is an evil wraith here who is guarding the hut to ensure no one touches Lakmir. If you had worn the Pendant of the Elements outside of Lakmir's hut, you are free to move around. If you haven't, the wraith will freeze Erik like what he had done to the old wizard. Walk forward and you should see a Magnifying Glass sitting on top of the lower shelf next to Lakmir. Pick it up and you will notice that there is a sunlight emitting out of the window here, we're going to melt Lakmir and vanquish the wraith! Use the Parchment on the floor where the sunlight is hitting, and Erik will place the Parchment down. Then use the Magnifying Glass on the beam of sunlight and Erik will set the Parchment ablaze. Now the room is warm again and Lakmir is thawed! Talk to the old wizard and he tells Erik that the Pendant of the Elements is a mirror image of a floor in Castle Shadowgate. Also you have to find the pieces of the Staff of Ages, which we have already done earlier. And unless you have a death wish, you can try to punch Lakmir, but he'll only fry Erik with a magic spell. Before leaving this area, pick up the Seashell on the lower shelf. This will be useful in that floor Lakmir mentioned. We are completely done with the Highland Plateau, now leave Lakmir's hut. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | HIGHLAND PLATEAUS > LAKMIR'S HUT | o------------------------------------------------------------------o Now keep going south until you have reached the Dwarven mines again. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | HIGHLAND PLATEAUS > DWARVEN MINES 1 | o------------------------------------------------------------------o Now go all the way to the right. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | HIGHLAND PLATEAUS > DWARVEN MINES 2 | o------------------------------------------------------------------o Keep going right and our next destination is Gatekeeper Mountain. O============================================================================O | [13] CHAPTER IX: ONWARD TO CASTLE SHADOWGATE | O============================================================================O We are getting closer to our final destination... o------------------------------------------------------------------o | GATEKEEPER MOUNTAIN > SMALL PATCH OF WOODS | o------------------------------------------------------------------o This was one of the areas where King Iphicles teleported us to. We're going to go right to the Gatekeeper Mountain. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | GATEKEEPER MOUNTAIN > PEACEFUL WOOD | o------------------------------------------------------------------o Just go ahead and climb up the stairs to proceed into Gatekeeper Mountain. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | GATEKEEPER MOUNTAIN > VERTICAL MOUNTAIN | o------------------------------------------------------------------o Keep climbing up, we're almost there! o------------------------------------------------------------------o | GATEKEEPER MOUNTAIN > CLIFFS | o------------------------------------------------------------------o From here on out, I will be referring to the ground floors as platforms that are separated by stairs. Thus the ground you're standing on now is platform one, and ahead are platforms two and three. This is important because there are no signs to warn us, "CAUTION: FALLING BOULDERS!" These falling boulders mean instant death for Erik. Thankfully, these boulders will only fall down once. So if you do avoid one, they will never come back, even if you go to another screen. The best way to not get crushed by them is to step away from their shadows. There will be a falling boulder on platform two. So climb up the first set of stairs, and keep going north to miss the boulder. There won't be another falling boulder here, so you are free to go ahead to the third platform to face the lizard-like creature known as the Guardian of the Mountain. It only takes the Guardian of the Mountain two swings from his flail to bring Erik down. Get ready to rapidly punch against it because you need ten punches to kill it! Once the Guardian of the Mountain is killed, proceed onto the next screen to the right. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | GATEKEEPER MOUNTAIN > LEDGE | o------------------------------------------------------------------o This area requires great patience because the creature here, the undead harpy, otherwise known as a one way trip to the Grim Reaper. She will only have to strike once with her talons to behead Erik and she's way too high up for him to punch her. Much like your strategy with the Marauders and the bone creature, you mainly have to walk and duck, except with instant death hanging above your head. Just keep going right and proceed up the stairs. Make sure that you keep ducking because even though you can't see the undead harpy, she can still kill you. You have a good idea of when she'll swoop down if you calculated the timing of her movements right. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | GATEKEEPER MOUNTAIN > SUMMIT | o------------------------------------------------------------------o Here comes some more boulders ready to squash you! Unlike the first boulder we come across, these will continuously fall down when you stand on the area where they fall! You're currently on the first platform, so get ready to walk either up or right because the first boulder will fall down here. The second boulder will fall in-between the stairs leading up to the second platform. So it will be best to just keep walking right. Then you are safe to proceed onto the third platform to reach the top of Gatekeeper Mountain. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | GATEKEEPER MOUNTAIN > MOUNTAIN TOP | o------------------------------------------------------------------o You can tell our journey here is over because in front of us is Castle Shadowgate where our final battle will be held at. Proceed onward! o------------------------------------------------------------------o | CASTLE SHADOWGATE > MAIN ENTRANCE | o------------------------------------------------------------------o There are two statues adorning the entrance. You can speak to them and they will both give you ideas on what to do next. The owl statue suggests the Musical Pipes will have the power to save you. While the angel statue suggests you can use either the Magic Sword or Staff of Ages at the Well of Souls. She also say you must solve a puzzle which represents the elements of earth, water, fire, and air. We will figure out what this means later, now enter inside Castle Shadowgate. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | CASTLE SHADOWGATE > HALL OF MONSTERS 1 | o------------------------------------------------------------------o Nothing here except menacing statues staring down at you, proceed forward. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | CASTLE SHADOWGATE > HALL OF MONSTERS 2 | o------------------------------------------------------------------o More menacing statues. Now you've come face-to-face with an undead monster and the lower half of its body. This undead monster attacks with its claws and five scratches will kill Erik. Your fists are useless against the undead monster when its legs are still walking about. The door at the end of this hallway is blocked, therefore you must kill this creature in order to advance. Start punching at the legs first and it will die after two or three punches, make sure to avoid its kicks. If you need to reset your health by retreating to the previous screen, you can do without worry; the legs won't regenerate. Then start rapidly punching at the undead monster, since it is now vulnerable. If you do this correctly, this creature won't even land a single scratch on you. Eventually it'll fall after taking more than thirty punches to the face. Then the doors at the end will open, thus allowing us passage. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | CASTLE SHADOWGATE > DOMED CHAMBER | o------------------------------------------------------------------o The Pendant of the Elements is a mirror image of this room, as what Lakmir spoke of. The four hieroglyphs surrounding the centeral point represents water, earth, fire, and air mentioned by the angel statue. And there are items in your inventory which symbolizes these four elements before you. We'll proceed one element at a time. We'll start with the water hieroglyph on the top left. There are two items you can use here, the Piranha or Seashell. If you have followed this walkthrough, you should have both in your inventory. The Piranha can be purchased from the Pet Shop if you have one Gold Piece to spare. And the Seashell can be acquired after thawing out Lakmir's Hut. But if you have ran out of money, or you have punched Margaretta at the Temple of the Dawn before she gave you the Pendant of the Elements. You will have to reset this game as it is now unwinnable. Go ahead and use either item on the water hieroglyph. The earth hieroglyph is on the top right. Only one item works here and that is the Piece of Quartz we've obtained from the cavern ledge at the caves. If you have followed this walkthrough, you should have it in your inventory. But if you have forgotten to pick it up, there is still time to backtrack back to the caves below the dungeons and pick it up which is blended well into the ground. Now use the Piece of Quartz on the earth hieroglyph. The fire hieroglyph is on the bottom left. Only one item works here and that is the Coal we've obtained from the engine room at the Dwarven mines. If you have followed this walkthrough, you should have it in your inventory. But if you have forgotten to pick it up, there is still time to backtrack back to the Dwarven mines. Then go inside the engine room and pick it up in the right corner of the room. Now use the Coal on the fire hieroglyph. Finally the air hieroglyph is on the bottom right. There are two items you can use here, the Feather or Canary. If you have followed this walkthrough, you should have both in your inventory. The Feather can be found at the dock of the city. And the Canary can be purchased from the Pet Shop if you have one Gold Piece to spare. But if you have ran out of money, your only method is to grab the Feather dropped by the pelican at the dock. Go ahead and use either item on the air hieroglyph. When you have placed all four items onto the hieroglyphs, Erik will either teleport above to the second floor of Castle Shadowgate or below to the Well of Souls. If you have followed this walkthrough, Erik will teleport to the second floor. O============================================================================O | [14] CHAPTER X: TRAPS EVERYWHERE | O============================================================================O Belezaar's last resort... o------------------------------------------------------------------o | CASTLE SHADOWGATE > IRIDESCENT ROOM | o------------------------------------------------------------------o Now we are at the second floor of Castle Shadowgate. You can see an organ in the background and to your left are four colorful, sealed scrolls. These four scrolls are not useful to you, but you can go ahead and take all of them if you like. If you want to see what these scrolls do, proceed to the organ room section. If you decided to not use these scrolls, go ahead and move forward to the right of this room. You should see a closed door before you, but stop right where you stand! Don't come any closer unless you want to become an Erik pancake! Beyond that door is an elephant man and he looks like he means business, but this creature does have an Achilles' heel. You know that saying about elephants and their fear of mice, right? You seem to have a Squeak Toy on you, use it on yourself, and watch as a hilarious battle with David and Goliath ensues. Now you're free to move onward to the gear room. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | CASTLE SHADOWGATE > ORGAN ROOM | o------------------------------------------------------------------o This organ contains various slots where you can insert the colorful scrolls. Each scroll has a different outcome, all of them not particularly useful. The Blue Scroll allows Erik to teleport back to the main entrance of Castle Shadowgate. This way he can prepare himself for any item that he may have missed out on such as the Paddleball from the dungeons, the Squeak Toy from Leo's Curio Shoppe, the Magic Sword from the swamp, or the Staff of Ages from the Crypt of Ages. You can always teleport back to the iridescent room from the domed chamber. If you have followed this walkthrough thoroughly, this Blue Scroll is of no use to you. The Green Scroll plays an eerie tune for Erik, sounds somewhat like a tune from the first Shadowgate game. A nice easter egg there. The Red Scroll is an one way trip to the Grim Reaper. Once Erik places his hand into the slot, it will suck him in for a most unpleasant death. The Yellow Scroll also is an one way trip to the Grim Reaper. When Erik places the scroll inside, a ghost of a woman appears and dances with the young Prince. The more Erik dances with her, the more he ages, until he ends up dancing with her for all eternity. It is quite a beautiful death. Now that you know what all of the scrolls do, go back to the iridescent room section above and continue forth. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | CASTLE SHADOWGATE > BELOW CLOCK TOWER | o------------------------------------------------------------------o Climb up the ladder to proceed onto the clock tower above. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | CASTLE SHADOWGATE > CLOCK TOWER | o------------------------------------------------------------------o Keep moving forward and we're greeted by the bats again. To the very end of the left side is a hole in the boards right above a chain attached to some counterweights. If you remember that trapdoor from the dungeons before, you know that falling into that hole in the boards is bad news. So use your "Hand" icon on the chain above the hole to climb down. O============================================================================O | [15] CHAPTER XI: THE FINAL BATTLE | O============================================================================O Get ready to fight the ultimate battle between good and evil... o------------------------------------------------------------------o | VOID BETWEEN WORLDS > LEDGE | o------------------------------------------------------------------o You fall down into an area known as the legendary "Void between Worlds", beyond this ledge is a place known as the Well of Souls. You should see a golden gong right next to you. Since we don't have a gong handle on us, the next best thing is to use your fists to ring the gong. Then Charon, the Ferryman, appears before you. He tells you that you can only choose one item from your inventory to bring with you from here on out, so choose wisely. There are four items in your inventory for you to choose from. If you want the Good Ending, select either the Paddleball from the dungeons or the Magic Sword from the swamp or the Staff of Ages from the Crypt of Ages. If you want the Bad Ending, choose everything else in your inventory. Also the owl statue suggests you should use the Musical Pipes from the Village, but any other item will work as well. Once you have selected your item, give it to Charon and he'll cross you over to the Well of Souls where Belezaar awaits you. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | VOID BETWEEN WORLDS > WELL OF SOULS | o------------------------------------------------------------------o You cannot control Prince Erik at all from here on out, so watch as the outcome unfolds before you. If you have selected an item for the Bad Ending, you will see the Grim Reaper and you will have to restart your game or reload from a previous save. If you have selected an item for the Good Ending, watch as eventually Erik best the Warlock Lord using either the Paddleball, Magic Sword, or Staff of Ages as the narrated epilogue tells us what happens the end of this game. Congratulations, you've beaten Beyond Shadowgate! O============================================================================O | [16] INVENTORY | O============================================================================O Here are the listing of the items you will acquire with during your gameplay and their usage, sorted by alphabetical order. Most of these items can be given to Charon the Ferryman at the Ledge in the Void between Worlds to obtain the Bad Ending, except for the Paddleball, Magic Sword, and Staff of Ages. [BAG:] · DETAIL: This is a Bag of a thin and stretchy material. · OBTAIN: Cavern Corridor 1. On the ground. · USAGE : Small Cave. Use it over the steam to reach the upper chambers. [BLUE SCROLL:] · DETAIL: This is a blue sealed scroll. · OBTAIN: Iridescent Room. Found on the shelf. · USAGE : Organ Room. Use it on the organ. [BOX TURTLE:] · DETAIL: You found this turtle on the dock. · OBTAIN: Dock. On the ground. · USAGE : Tavern. Give it to the tavern patron for a turtle race. [BUCKET:] · DETAIL: This is the Bucket that the guard dropped. · OBTAIN: Erik's Dungeon Cell. Dropped by the guard. · USAGE : Upper Chamber of the Caves 2. Use it to plug up lava hole. [CANARY:] · DETAIL: This is the little yellow canary you bought in the Pet Shop. · OBTAIN: Pet Shop. Purchase it for one Gold Piece. · USAGE : Domed Chamber. Use it on the air hieroglyph. [COAL:] · DETAIL: This is the Coal from the mine. · OBTAIN: Engine Room. On the ground. · USAGE : Domed Chamber. Use it on the fire hieroglyph. [CRANK:] · DETAIL: This is the Crank you found up on the stone bridge. · OBTAIN: Stone Bridge. On the ground. · USAGE : Ledge 3. Use it on the hole in wall to draw the bridge. Hermit's Cave. Give it to the Hermit. [FEATHER:] · DETAIL: This is the bird Feather you found on the dock. · OBTAIN: Dock. On the ground. · USAGE : Domed Chamber. Use it on the air hieroglyph. [FOREIGN LANGUAGE PHRASE BOOK:] · DETAIL: The Hermit gave you this Foreign Language Phrase Book. You plan to study it when you have some free time. · OBTAIN: Hermit's Cave. Given to you by the Hermit. · USAGE : Courtyard. For translating the Mayor's dialog. [GOLD:] · DETAIL: This is your money. It has the image of King Aronde on it. · OBTAIN: Charlie's House Of Gems. Traded a Saphire. Old lady's bedroom. Help her off the floor. Tavern. Beat the tavern patron in a turtle race. Leo's Curio Shoppe. Give Leo the Sage's Note. · USAGE : Shop of the Mystic. Pay her to hear a clue. Leo's Curio Shoppe. Purchase any one of the three curiosities. Pet Shop. Purchase any one of the three pets. Baker Street 2. Toss it in the public well. Trail 5. Give to the bandit for you to pass him. [GREEN SCROLL:] · DETAIL: This is a green sealed scroll. · OBTAIN: Iridescent Room. Found on the shelf. · USAGE : Organ Room. Use it on the organ. [HAMMER:] · DETAIL: This is the magic Dwarven Hammer. It isn't for nails, you're sure of that. · OBTAIN: Trail 6. Given to you by the viking. · USAGE : Temple of Astrid. Use it on the stone gargoyle. [MAGIC BOX:] · DETAIL: This Magic Box is what the Curio Shop Owner told you to take to the Sage. You have a feeling it has something strange inside it, but you don't feel like opening it. · OBTAIN: Leo's Curio Shoppe. Automatically given to you by Leo. · USAGE : Sage's Abode. Give it to the Sage. [MAGIC SWORD:] · DETAIL: This is the special sword you found in the swamp. · OBTAIN: Swamp. Use the Royal Gauntlet on the Magic Sword. · USAGE : Ledge. Give to Charon for one of the Good Endings. [MAGIC YARN:] · DETAIL: You got this special yarn ball at the Curio Shop. · OBTAIN: Leo's Curio Shoppe. Purchase it for one Gold Piece. · USAGE : Path 1. Give it to the lion. [MAGNIFYING GLASS:] · DETAIL: This is the Magnifying Glass. · OBTAIN: Hut Interior. Grab it from the lower shelf. · USAGE : Hut Interior. Use it on the Parchment on the floor. [MATCH:] · DETAIL: This is a match that your sister secretly gave you. · OBTAIN: Erik's Dungeon Cell. Already in inventory. · USAGE : Erik's Dungeon Cell. Used to light the bed of straws. [MUSICAL PIPES:] · DETAIL: These are the Musical Pipes that you got in the village. They have a high, almost chime-like sound. · OBTAIN: Courtyard. Given to you by the Mayor. · USAGE : Gateway. Used to summon King Iphicles. [NOTE:] · DETAIL: This Note was given to you be the Sage, for the Curio Shop Owner. · OBTAIN: Sage's Abode. Given to you by the Sage after saving his life. · USAGE : Leo's Curio Shoppe. Give it to Leo. [ORB:] · DETAIL: This is the Orb from the engine room. · OBTAIN: Engine Room. Use the Set of Tools on the engine. · USAGE : Solitary Room. Used to assemble the Staff of Ages. [PADDLEBALL:] · DETAIL: The Paddleball chases away boredom while reinforcing manual dexterity. It's fun for creatures of all ages. · OBTAIN: Old Man's Dungeon Cell. Dropped by the old man. · USAGE : Bright Cave. Give to the Troll to pass him. Ledge. Give to Charon for one of the Good Endings. [PARCHMENT:] · DETAIL: This is parchment paper you got near Lakmir's hut. · OBTAIN: Lakmir's Hut. On the ground. · USAGE : Hut Interior. Place it on the floor under the light. [PENDANT OF THE ELEMENTS:] · DETAIL: This is the Pendant of the Elements that the Priestess Margaretta gave you. · OBTAIN: Temple of the Dawn. Given to you by Margaretta. · USAGE : Lakmir's Hut. Use it on yourself. [PEPPER:] · DETAIL: This is the pepper you found in the guard room. · OBTAIN: Guard Room. Grab it from the table. · USAGE : Self-Contained Cave. Kills the Mulnear. [PIECE OF QUARTZ:] · DETAIL: This is a beautiful Piece of Quartz. · OBTAIN: Cavern Ledge. On the ground. · USAGE : Domed Chamber. Use it on the earth hieroglyph. [PIRANHA:] · DETAIL: This is the Piranha you bought in the Pet Shop. · OBTAIN: Pet Shop. Purchase it for one Gold Piece. · USAGE : Domed Chamber. Use it on the water hieroglyph. [RED SCROLL:] · DETAIL: This is a red sealed scroll. · OBTAIN: Iridescent Room. Found on shelf. · USAGE : Organ Room. Use it on the organ. [ROYAL GAUNTLET:] · DETAIL: This is the gauntlet of the Line of Kings that was presented to you by the Pool of Astrid. · OBTAIN: Tower. Use Serpent Idol on the pool of water. · USAGE : Swamp. Use it on the Magic Sword. [SAPHIRE:] · DETAIL: This beautiful blue gem is probably a Saphire. · OBTAIN: Self-Contained Cave. On the ground. Dwarven mines 1. On the ground. · USAGE : Bright Cave. Give to the Troll to pass him. Charlie's House Of Gems. Trade it for two Gold Pieces. [SEASHELL:] · DETAIL: This is the Seashell from Lakmir's hut. You can hear the ocean in it. · OBTAIN: Hut Interior. Grab it from the lower shelf. · USAGE : Domed Chamber. Use it on the water hieroglyph. [SERPENT IDOL:] · DETAIL: This is the Serpent Idol you found outside on a ledge in the hills. · OBTAIN: Wyvern's Nest. On the ground. · USAGE : Tower. Use it on the pool of water. [SET OF KEYS:] · DETAIL: This Set of Keys belonged to the guard. · OBTAIN: Erik's Dungeon Cell. Dropped by the guard. · USAGE : Dungeons. Unlocks any locked cell doors. [SET OF TOOLS:] · DETAIL: A handy Set of Tools, you took these from outside the Blacksmith's Shop. · OBTAIN: Baker Street 1. Grab it from the table. · USAGE : Engine Room. Use it on the engine. [SHINY METAL:] · DETAIL: This is a mysterious piece of Shiny Metal you found in the slug nest. · OBTAIN: Giant Slug Burrow 2. On the ground. · USAGE : Solitary Room. To assemble the Staff of Ages. [SPECIAL COMB:] · DETAIL: This is the beard comb you bought in the Curio Shop. · OBTAIN: Leo's Curio Shoppe. Purchase it for one Gold Piece. · USAGE : Trail 6. Give it to the viking. [SQUEAK TOY:] · DETAIL: It is a Squeak Toy. · OBTAIN: Leo's Curio Shoppe. Purchase it for one Gold Piece. · USAGE : Iridescent Room. Use it on yourself. [STAFF OF AGES:] · DETAIL: This is the Staff of Ages, held by your family for generations. Its power is remarkably strong. · OBTAIN: Solitary Room. Assemble Shiny Metal and Orb. · USAGE : Ledge. Give to Charon for Good Ending. [YELLOW SCROLL:] · DETAIL: This is a yellow sealed scroll. · OBTAIN: Iridescent Room. Found on shelf. · USAGE : Organ Room. Use it on the organ. O============================================================================O | [17] NPCS | O============================================================================O Here are the listing of the benevolent NPCs that Prince Erik can kill if he so wishes, sorted by alphabetical order. While there are no real punishment for killing them, like a Bad Ending or the inability to reach Castle Shadowgate. However, before you go punch happy, there are specific NPCs who will prevent you from obtaining a certain item if you happen to kill them. +----------------------+--------------------+--------------------------------+ | NPC | LOCATION | MISSABLE ITEM | +----------------------+--------------------+--------------------------------+ | Frank | City outskirts | ------------------------------ | +----------------------+--------------------+--------------------------------+ | Hermit | Hermit's Cave | Foreign Language Phrase Book. | +----------------------+--------------------+--------------------------------+ | King Iphicles | Gateway | ------------------------------ | +----------------------+--------------------+--------------------------------+ | Lakmir | Hut interior | ------------------------------ | +----------------------+--------------------+--------------------------------+ | Man | Main street 2 | The Speaker will shut up. | +----------------------+--------------------+--------------------------------+ | Priestess Margaretta | Temple of the Dawn | Pendant of the Elements. | +----------------------+--------------------+--------------------------------+ | Sage | Sage's abode | Note. | +----------------------+--------------------+--------------------------------+ | Viking | Trail 6 | Hammer. | +----------------------+--------------------+--------------------------------+ | Woman | Main street 1 | ------------------------------ | +----------------------+--------------------+--------------------------------+ | Young Wyverns | Ledge 2 | Serpent Idol. | +----------------------+--------------------+--------------------------------+ O============================================================================O | [18] BESTIARY | O============================================================================O Here are the listing of the monsters, sorted by alphabetical order. Their Health Points [HP] means how many punches it takes to kill them, enemies with -- HP means they cannot be killed. Their Power [PW] represents how many hits it takes for the enemy to kill Erik. +--------------------------+----+----+---------------------+-----------------+ | ENEMY'S NAME | HP | PW | LOCATION | NOTES | +--------------------------+----+----+---------------------+-----------------+ | Bandit | 2 | 2 | Trail 5 | --------------- | +--------------------------+----+----+---------------------+-----------------+ | Belezaar | -- | -- | Well of Souls | Gets killed. | +--------------------------+----+----+---------------------+-----------------+ | Bone Monster | 5 | 1 | Crypt of Ages | --------------- | +--------------------------+----+----+---------------------+-----------------+ | Cave Dweller | 1 | 1 | Cavern corridor 2 | --------------- | +--------------------------+----+----+---------------------+-----------------+ | Demon | -- | 1 | Castle Gwynenthell | Instant death. | +--------------------------+----+----+---------------------+-----------------+ | Elephant Man | -- | 1 | Iridescent Room | Instant death. | +--------------------------+----+----+---------------------+-----------------+ | Giant Mushroom | -- | 1 | Underground Walkway | Weak to Steam. | +--------------------------+----+----+---------------------+-----------------+ | Giant Mutant Fungus | -- | 1 | Pit | Instant death. | +--------------------------+----+----+---------------------+-----------------+ | Giant Slug A & B | 4 | 5 | Giant Slug Burrow 2 | --------------- | +--------------------------+----+----+---------------------+-----------------+ | Goblin Shaman | 3 | 5 | Hill Clearing | --------------- | +--------------------------+----+----+---------------------+-----------------+ | Grim Reaper | -- | -- | Omnipresent | Game Over. | +--------------------------+----+----+---------------------+-----------------+ | Guard A | 1 | 1 | Erik's dungeon cell | Bucket. | +--------------------------+----+----+---------------------+-----------------+ | Guard B & C | -- | -- | Dungeon hall 1 | Gets killed. | +--------------------------+----+----+---------------------+-----------------+ | Guard D | 6 | 3 | Dungeon hall 1 | Sword. | +--------------------------+----+----+---------------------+-----------------+ | Guard E & F | 5 | 5 | Dungeon corridor 1 | Sword. | +--------------------------+----+----+---------------------+-----------------+ | Guardian of the Mountain | 10 | 2 | Cliffs | --------------- | +--------------------------+----+----+---------------------+-----------------+ | Lion | 1 | 5 | Path 1 | Weak to Yarn. | +--------------------------+----+----+---------------------+-----------------+ | Marauder | 4 | 1 | Village & Courtyard | Bow. | +--------------------------+----+----+---------------------+-----------------+ | Marauder | 4 | 1 | Village & Courtyard | Flame-thrower. | +--------------------------+----+----+---------------------+-----------------+ | Minotaur | 6 | 8 | Dungeon hall 5 | --------------- | +--------------------------+----+----+---------------------+-----------------+ | Monster-in-a-box | 1 | -- | Sage's Abode | Will kill Sage. | +--------------------------+----+----+---------------------+-----------------+ | Mulnear | -- | 1 | Self-contained cave | Weak to Pepper. | +--------------------------+----+----+---------------------+-----------------+ | Mushroom Sentry A & B | 3 | 3 | Druidwood | --------------- | +--------------------------+----+----+---------------------+-----------------+ | Torturer | 8 | 5 | Torture room | --------------- | +--------------------------+----+----+---------------------+-----------------+ | Troll | 1 | 2 | Bright Cave | --------------- | +--------------------------+----+----+---------------------+-----------------+ | Undead Harpy | -- | 1 | Ledge | Instant death. | +--------------------------+----+----+---------------------+-----------------+ | Undead Monster's Bottom | 3 | 5 | Hall of Monsters 2 | Legs. | +--------------------------+----+----+---------------------+-----------------+ | Undead Monster's Top | 30 | 5 | Hall of Monsters 2 | Head & Torso. | +--------------------------+----+----+---------------------+-----------------+ | Warlock Lord | -- | 1 | Well of Souls | Final Boss. | +--------------------------+----+----+---------------------+-----------------+ | Wraith | -- | 1 | Hut Interior | Instant death. | +--------------------------+----+----+---------------------+-----------------+ | Wyvern | -- | 1 | Wyvern's Nest | Instant death. | +--------------------------+----+----+---------------------+-----------------+ | Young Wyverns A & B | 1 | -- | Ledge 2 | Benevolent. | +--------------------------+----+----+---------------------+-----------------+ O============================================================================O | [19] DEATH LIST | O============================================================================O Here are the listing of all possible deaths. I only count how many different deaths there are, there are a total of 45 deaths! 01.) Guillotine. Get bucketed by the Guard in Erik's Dungeon Cell or whipped by the Torturer in the Torture Room to get beheaded. 02.) Dungeon Hall 1. Slimed by a green slime. 03.) Guard Room. Sliced by the guard's sword. 04.) Dungeon Corridor 1. Sliced by the first guard's sword. 05.) Dungeon Corridor 1. Sliced by the second guard's sword. 06.) Pit. Eaten by the giant mutant fungus. 07.) Dungeon Hall 5. Slashed by the Minotaur's claws. 08.) Dungeon Hall 5. Had the trapdoor open beneath your feet. 09.) Cavern Corridor 2. Leg ripped apart by a Cave Dweller. 10.) Self-Contained Cave. Sliced in half by a Mulnear. 11.) Underground Walkway. Swallowed whole by a giant mushroom. 12.) Upper Chamber of the Caves 2. Burned alive by the lava. 13.) Bright Cave. Beaten by the Troll's club. 14.) Wyvern's Nest. Hooked by the mother Wyvern. 15.) Path 1. Clawed by a lion. 16.) Hill Clearing. Sliced by the Goblin Shaman. 17.) Village 1, Village 2, or Courtyard. Arrowed by the Marauder. 18.) Village Street 1 or Courtyard. Burnt to a crisp by the Marauder. 19.) Druidwood. Poisoned by the first mushroom sentry. 20.) Druidwood. Poisoned by the second mushroom sentry. 21.) Gateway. Zapped by a magic spell and skinned alive by King Iphicles. 22.) Old Lady's Bedroom. Talked to death by the old lady. 23.) Castle Gwynenthell. Skinned alive by a roar from the demon. 24.) Main Street 1. Slashed by the woman's sword. 25.) Trail 5. Killed by the bandit. 26.) Trail 3. Drowned in the swamp. 27.) Swamp. Splattered from the Magic Sword. 28.) Giant Slug Burrow 2. Stabbed by the first giant slug. 29.) Giant Slug Burrow 2. Stabbed by the second giant slug. 30.) Crypt of Ages. Shot by the bone creature. 31.) Solitary Room. Electrocuted by the dead knight. 32.) Hut Interior. Frozen by the wraith. 33.) Hut Interior. Zapped by a magic spell and skinned alive by Lakmir. 34.) Cliffs. Smashed by a falling boulder. 35.) Cliffs. Killed by the Guardian of the Mountain. 36.) Ledge. Ripped in half by the undead harpy. 37.) Summit. Smashed by the first falling boulder. 38.) Summit. Smashed by the second falling boulder. 39.) Hall of Monsters 2. Slashed by the undead monster. 40.) Hall of Monsters 2. Kicked by the undead monster's legs. 41.) Organ Room. Danced for eternity with a female ghost. 42.) Organ Room. Sucked up into the organ. 43.) Iridescent Room. Smashed by the elephant man. 44.) Clock Tower. Fell into the hole in the boards. 45.) Bad Ending. Give any random item in your inventory to Charon the Ferryman that is not the Paddleball, Magic Sword, or Staff of Ages. O============================================================================O | [20] FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS | O============================================================================O o------------------------------------------------------------------o | GENERAL QUESTIONS | o------------------------------------------------------------------o [Q: DO I NEED TO PLAY THE ORIGINAL SHADOWGATE FIRST?] · A: I personally recommend that anyone should play Shadowgate, or the other MacVenture titles like Déjà Vu or The Uninvited. Although playing the first game is not necessary needed to understand the game. However the prologue of Beyond Shadowgate spoils the storyline and ending of the original Shadowgate to the player. [Q: CAN I PLAY SHADOWGATE 64 BEFORE PLAY BEYOND SHADOWGATE?] · A: It is not necessary to play Beyond Shadowgate before Shadowgate 64: Trials of the Four Towers for the Nintendo 64. Since Beyond Shadowgate have been retcon from the Shadowgate timeline, meaning there was a retroactive change in the history. While Kal Torlin was carried over, however some names were changed such as Gwynenthell became Gwynenthel and Belezaar is later reincarnated into Lakmir's evil brother, Belzar. While it does mention King Aronde, his children and Belezaar don't exist according to the book, The House of Dreslin, from Shadowgate 64. It states, "After the death of the great King Aronde, the succession did not proceed well. With failing health and without an heir, the great King had the presence of mind to appoint a successor: Lord Jair of the Westland." This passage from the book would only made sense if Belezaar had killed Erik and Elizabeth. Although these changes were made, I will still recommend Beyond Shadowgate to fans of the Shadowgate series. [Q: PRINCE ERIK WALKS TOO SLOW, CAN I MAKE HIM WALK ANY FASTER?] · A: Unfortunately, Prince Erik cannot run. This can be a turn off for some new players. Especially when there are points where you have to backtrack, making it seems forever to get from point A to point B. [Q: HOW MUCH HEALTH DOES PRINCE ERIK HAVE?] · A: Prince Erik does not have a specific set amount of health, though there are certain enemies which Erik'll take quite a beating from more than others. If you feel that Erik is going to die soon, move onto the next screen to "reset" his health. Then go back and try fighting them again. [Q: WHAT ITEMS ARE MISSABLE THROUGH REGULAR GAMEPLAY?] · A: There is only one item you can miss out on. If you had used the pit as a shortcut in the dungeons, you will miss out on getting the Bag, but it isn't necessary to win the game. [Q: WHAT ITEMS ARE MISSABLE THROUGH KILLING NPCS?] · A: There are some items you can miss out on. If you kill the two young Wyverns, you will miss out on the Serpent Idol which allows you to obtain the Royal Gauntlet needed for the Magic Sword, but it isn't necessary to win the game as long as you can get the other two items for the Good Endings. If you kill the Hermit, you will miss out on the Foreign Language Phrase Book needed for a hint from the Mayor about the Magical Pipes. If you kill Margaretta, you will miss out on the Pendant of the Elements needed to get the Seashell from Lakmir's Hut, but you can use the Piranha instead at the water hieroglyph. If you kill the Sage, you will miss out on his Note to give to Frank who rewards you with one Gold Piece. And if you kill the Viking, you will miss out on the Hammer needed to destroy the stone gargoyle blocking the entrance to the Temple of Astrid. [Q: IS IT POSSIBLE TO MAKE THE GAME UNWINNABLE?] · A: Yes. If you did not picked up the Bucket at Erik's dungeon cell and you used the pit shortcut in the dungeons, it is unwinnable because you cannot get pass the lava flow ahead. And the other winnable point is if you had punched Margaretta before she hands over the Pendant of the Elements and if you spent all of your Gold Pieces before purchasing the Piranha, therefore you don't have access to the Seashell or the Piranha to use at the water hieroglyph. [Q: HOW LONG IS THIS GAME?] · A: About 4 to 5 hours long. [Q: HOW MANY ENDINGS DOES THIS GAME HAVE?] · A: There are a total of four different endings, depending on what weapon you choose. You get the Good Ending for choosing the Paddleball, Magic Sword, or Staff of Ages. Anything else will give you the Bad Ending. [Q: WHICH ENDING IS CANON?] · A: I personally think the Ending where Prince Erik use the Staff of Ages against the Warlock Lord is canon. Due to it always being the ultimate weapon used to destroy the evil in every Shadowgate game. [Q: ARE THERE ANY CHEAT CODES FOR THIS GAME?] · A: There is one which makes Prince Erik have infinite health, the code is "84001B:5" and make sure to freeze the value. I have personally tested it with MagicEngine and it works against opponents that attacks you, but it does not prevent instant deaths or death scenes. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | GAMEPLAY QUESTIONS | o------------------------------------------------------------------o [Q: WHAT PURPOSE DOES FRANK SERVE?] · A: Frank is to only there to give you a slight hint about the Temple of Astrid. That and to offend your nose with his body odor. [Q: CAN YOU KILL THAT WOMAN WITH THE SWORD AT THE MAIN STREET?] · A: No. Even if you used the infinite health cheat code, she cannot be killed at all. If you did punch her, considered yourself screwed, because she'll chase you throughout Main Street 1 until you're dead. [Q: WHAT DOES THAT OWL STATUE MEAN ABOUT THE MUSICAL PIPES?] · A: I think the owl statue was hinting at a possibility that you can get a Bad Ending if you give the Musical Pipes to Charon the Ferryman. [Q: WHAT IS THE TOTAL AMOUNT OF GOLD PIECES YOU CAN HAVE?] · A: There are a total amount of seven Gold Pieces for you to spend. You get four Gold Pieces from trading in the two Saphires from the cavern and Dwarven mines to Charlie. You get one Gold Piece each by saving the old lady, from the turtle race, and from Leo for returning the Sage's Note. For the completest, there is enough money for you to purchase all three of the pets and curiosities. Then you can spend the rest at the Mystic, in the public well, or as payment to the bandit. O============================================================================O | [21] GAME SCRIPT | O============================================================================O This is the complete script. I have left all spelling errors in tact, I omitted the line breaks, and used proper capitalization because the game was written completely in CAPITAL LETTERS. Since they used voice acting for the character's dialogs, I had to decipher them on my own. Any words I was unable to properly decipher are listed as "(?)". O=======================================================================O | VIDEO GAME CASE | O=======================================================================O o------------------------------------------------------------------o | FRONT JEWEL CASE COVER | o------------------------------------------------------------------o BEYOND SHADOWGATE SUPER CD-ROM² SYSTEM Action Adventure Game ICOM ICOM SIMULATIONS, INC. HE SYSTEM T·T·i DUO™ Distributed by T·T·i. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | BACK JEWEL CASE COVER | o------------------------------------------------------------------o The Legend of Shadowgate rests in your hands! As the last descendant in the "Line of Kings", Prince Erik is summoned home to regain his rightful place on his father's throne. But alas, Prince Erik is accused of his father's murder by the evil Royal Advisor Belezaar, and is thrown into the dungeon to be executed at dawn. Your mission and destiny are intertwined. Escape the dungeon and to start your long journey toward the land deep within Castle Shadowgate. Your quest is to free the kingdom from the evil grips of the Warlock Lord, you will need to make good use of all the resources you can find throughout your journey. Evil abounds, and creatures great and small will try to defeat you! Use the good that comes of it because the Legend of Shadowgate rests in your hands! FREE Beyond Shadowgate Poster enclosed! Game Copyright © 1993 Viacom New Media Beyond Shadowgate is a trademark of Viacom New Media, a division of Viacom International, Inc. Distribution & © 1993 Turbo Technologies, Inc. 6701 Center Drive West, Suite 500 Los Angeles, CA 90045 "TurboGrafx", "TurboChip", "TurboPad", "TurboDuo", are trademarks. Printed in U.S.A. TurboGradx™ CD game manufactured in U.S.A. 90-DAY Limited Warranty (details inside). TGXCD1048 This package is printed on recycled paper. This Super CD™ may be used with the TurboDuo™ on the TurboGrafx 16-CD™ system when equipped with the Super System Card. 0 92218 00185 6 o------------------------------------------------------------------o | POSTER | o------------------------------------------------------------------o BEYOND SHADOWGATE™ T·T·i DUO™ Distributed by T·T·i. O=======================================================================O | TITLE SCREEN | O=======================================================================O BEYOND SHADOWGATE™ PRESENTED BY T·T·i DEVELOPED BY ICOM SIMULATIONS, INC. © 1993 VIACOM NEW MEDIA » START A NEW GAME LOAD GAME 1 LOAD GAME 2 LOAD GAME 3 O=======================================================================O | PROLOGUE | O=======================================================================O NARRATOR: "The first tale of Shadowgate concluded with the evil Warlock Lord battling the young hero atop the Well of Souls far beneath Castle Shadowgate. The Warlock Lord had summoned a being, the Behemoth, from the Netherworlds. And with this creature under his power, he plan to conquer the world. But with a blast from the fabled Staff of Ages, the young hero broke the Warlock Lord's control over the beast. "The Behemoth turned on its former master, and the Warlock Lord was dragged down into the Netherworld by the very creature he sought to control. "The young hero, now King of the land, realized that the power within Shadowgate will always tempt those who would use its magic for evil. So he became the first of a dynasty, the 'Line of Kings', who took it as their mandate to keep safe the power of Shadowgate. "The second tale of Castle Shadowgate is that of Prince Erik, distantly descendant of the young hero whose father now protects Shadowgate. Prince Erik has for many years traveled abroad, gaining wisdom in preparation for the day when he assumes his father's role. "But now in his eighteenth year, a message from his distant homeland reaches Erik. It is from his father's new Advisor, Belezaar, and it bears grave news: 'My Liege, it is with great sadness that I inform you that your father, King Aronde, has been murdered. While your troops search the land for his assassin, you must return home and assume your rightful place on the throne.' "As his ship steers a course toward Kal Torlin shores, Erik's thoughts are with family he left behind when his journeys began. He remembers his country, Kal Torlin, a land of great beauty as well as potential danger. He remembers fondly his father, King Aronde, whose wisdom and kindness has guided Kal Torlin for 30 years. And perhaps, most fondly of all, he remembers his younger sister, Elizabeth. "At last, Erik reaches Kal Torlin, his birthplace, and now, his kingdom. His grief over his father's death is all, but forgotten when he sees with how his beloved sister has grown in his absence. Erik is introduced to Belezaar, his father's Advisor. But Belezaar seems charming and intelligent, Erik still feels a strange unease about him. With a shrug, Erik dismisses his odd apprehension and they begin to discuss Erik's coronation. "But suddenly, two Soldiers seize Prince Erik! 'The assassin has been captured!', they exclaimed. 'And the villain said he was hired by Prince Erik himself.' "'Couldn't wait to seize the throne, eh, Prince?" shouts Belezaar as they drag the bewildered Prince to the dungeons. You'll wear no crown... WITHOUT A HEAD!' And this is how Erik's greatest adventure and the second tale of Shadowgate begins." O=======================================================================O | DUNGEONS | O=======================================================================O o------------------------------------------------------------------o | ERIK'S DUNGEON CELL | o------------------------------------------------------------------o (CUTSCENE) GUARD : "Get in there, you scum!" ELIZABETH : "Oh, Erik!" PRINCE ERIK : "Elizabeth!" ELIZABETH : "I know you were innocent, my brother. Something evil has befallen the kingdom, and I don't trust Belezaar! I keep thinking of poor father..." PRINCE ERIK : "I'll have to find a way out of here! As the last of the 'Line of Kings', I will avenge father's death. I swear!" (EXAMINE AREA) The walls of this dungeon cell are cold and damp. They smell of age, dust and despair. (EXAMINE CELL DOOR) It's your standard cell door, built to keep prisoners in and compassion out. (WALK THROUGH THE CELL DOOR) The door is locked. A key might help. (EXAMINE BED OF STRAWS) A bed of straws offers no comfort and little sleep to unfortunate prisoners. (EXAMINE GUARD) This foul-smelling guard has been summoned by the smoke, and spells danger for Prince Erik. (EXAMINE BUCKET ON FLOOR) This is the Bucket the guard dropped. (EXAMINE SET OF KEYS ON FLOOR) This Set of Keys belonged to the guard. (EXAMINE SELF) It is Prince Erik. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | DUNGEON HALL 1 | o------------------------------------------------------------------o (CUTSCENE) KING ARONDE : "My son, there is more to the events of the last few weeks than the murder of a King and false arrest of his heir. There looms a far greater threat which you must ultimately face within the walls of Shadowgate. I will be with you when I can..." (EXAMINE KING ARONDE) You are amazed to realize that this the very spirit of your beloved father, King Aronde. (EXAMINE DEAD GUARD) This is one very dead guard. (EXAMINE AREA) You're wondering where this hall goes. (EXAMINE CELL DOORS) It's a regular cell door. (EXAMINE BARS ON CELL DOORS) These bars are solid. (EXAMINE CELL DOOR HANDLES) The handle is of iron. (EXAMINE TORCHES) A brightly burning torch illuminates this area. (EXAMINE COBWEB) A small spider's web holds a few lifeless victims. (EXAMINE IRON GATES) An immovable iron grate distinguishes this doorway. (EXAMINE HOLE IN CELL WALL) Your attention is drawn to this hole in the cell wall. You wonder if something could be hidden within.... (EXAMINE SELF) It is Prince Erik. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | CORPSE'S DUNGEON CELL | o------------------------------------------------------------------o (EXAMINE AREA) This cell is too cold and damp. (EXAMINE CELL DOOR) It is a cell door. (EXAMINE BARS ON CELL DOOR) They are standard issue cell bars. (EXAMINE CELL DOOR HANDLE) The handle is of iron. (EXAMINE CORPSE) It is a rotting corpse teeming with flies. (EXAMINE SELF) It is Prince Erik. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | DUNGEON HALL 2 | o------------------------------------------------------------------o (EXAMINE AREA) This hall could lead anywhere. You notice that you are feeling vulnerable here. (EXAMINE IRON GATE) An immovable iron grate distinguishes this doorway. (EXAMINE TORCH) A brightly burning torch illuminates this area. (EXAMINE LEFT CELL DOOR) This door seems a bit different. Wonder what's on the other side? (EXAMINE BARS ON LEFT CELL DOOR) The room on the other side of the door seems quiet enough. (EXAMINE RIGHT CELL DOOR) It's your standard cell door, built to keep prisoners in and compassion out. (EXAMINE BARS ON RIGHT CELL DOOR) Screaming can be heard through the bars. (EXAMINE CELL DOOR HANDLES) A handle of iron secures the door. (WALK THROUGH THE CELL DOOR) The door is locked. (USE SET OF KEYS AFTER UNLOCKING THE CELL DOORS) The door is unlocked. (EXAMINE PUDDLE) A persistent drip from above has left a puddle of water here. (EXAMINE SELF) It is Prince Erik. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | GUARD ROOM | o------------------------------------------------------------------o (EXAMINE AREA) It appears you've entered the guard room. (EXAMINE GUARD) This guard has beady eyes and the face of a swine. (EXAMINE PUDDLE) The puddle is caused from leakage through the grate. Running water can be heard on the other side of the wall. (EXAMINE TORCH) A brightly burning torch illuminates this area of the room. (EXAMINE TABLE AND CHAIRS) The table and chairs are used by the guards during breaks. (EXAMINE PEPPER) Pepper is a useful spice -- very pungent. (EXAMINE CELL DOOR) It's a door. It appears to be the only exit from this room. (EXAMINE CELL DOOR HANDLE) It's a standard handle, though a bit grimy from use by the guards. (EXAMINE SELF) It is Prince Erik. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | TORTURE ROOM | o------------------------------------------------------------------o (EXAMINE AREA) The walls of this dungeon cell are cold and damp. They smell of age, dust and despair. (EXAMINE CELL DOOR) This door leads to the Hallway. (EXAMINE CELL DOOR HANDLE) A sturdy piece of hardware. This handle is of no use when you are locked in. (EXAMINE GRATE) The sound of running water can be heard from behind the rusted iron grate. (EXAMINE TORTURER) This torturer has a face only his mother could love! (EXAMINE PRISONER) This prisoner is a few agonized gasps away from death. (EXAMINE TORTURE CHAIR) You see the torture chair commonly referred to as "The Hot Seat." (TALK TO THE PRISONER WITH THE TORTURER ALIVE) Now isn't the time for chatting with the torturer hanging around. (TALK TO THE PRISONER WITH THE TORTURER DEAD) PRISONER : "Rosebud..." (TALK TO THE PRISONER AGAIN WITH THE TORTURER DEAD) He is in no condition to talk to you now. (EXIT AND RE-ENTER, EXAMINE THE DEAD PRISONER) The pungent smell of burnt flesh permeates the air. You hope that death will be kinder to the poor guy than life was. (EXAMINE SELF) It is Prince Erik. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | DUNGEON CORRIDOR 1 | o------------------------------------------------------------------o (EXAMINE AREA) You are in a filthy shadowy corridor. (EXAMINE GUARDS) A surly guard with a bad disposition. (EXAMINE IRON GATE) It's an immovable iron grate. (EXAMINE TORCHES) The area is lit by this torch. (EXAMINE GRATE) This small barred opening emits only darkness. You wonder about its purpose. (EXAMINE CELL DOOR) This is just another cell door. (EXAMINE CELL DOOR HANDLE) It's an iron handle. (USE SET OF KEYS ON LEFT CELL DOOR) The door is already unlocked. (USE SET OF KEYS ON RIGHT CELL DOOR) The door appears to be locked from the other side. (EXAMINE SELF) It is Prince Erik. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | SKELETON'S DUNGEON CELL | o------------------------------------------------------------------o (EXAMINE AREA) There is something particularly ominous about this cell. (EXAMINE CELL DOOR) This is a regular cell door. (EXAMINE BARS ON CELL DOOR) The bars are solid. (EXAMINE SKELETON) This unfortunate soul has had his bones picked clean. (EXAMINE PIT) An open pit in the center of this cell floor sends a chill up your spine. (EXAMINE LEVER) It seems to be a lever of some kind, quite rusted. (EXAMINE SELF) It is Prince Erik. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | PIT | o------------------------------------------------------------------o (EXAMINE AREA) This pit is home to the frightening creature within. (EXAMINE FUNGUS) This is some kind of mutant giant fungus, from the look of it. (EXAMINE TUBE) This tube seems to be of a size that a human could crawl through. (EXAMINE SELF) It is Prince Erik. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | DUNGEON GATEWAY | o------------------------------------------------------------------o (EXAMINE AREA) You are at the gateway to another level of this forsaken dungeon. (EXAMINE TORCHES) The torch gives the only light in the area. (EXAMINE IRON GATE) The iron gate is securely fastened for now. (EXAMINE SELF) It is Prince Erik. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | DUNGEON HALL 3 | o------------------------------------------------------------------o (EXAMINE AREA) It is a dank and shadowy Hallway. (EXAMINE TORCHES) Light is provided by this torch. (EXAMINE IRON GATES) This is a stationary iron grate. (EXAMINE CELL DOOR) It is the door to a cell. (EXAMINE CELL DOOR HANDLES) The handle keeps the door securely fastened. (EXAMINE BARS ON RIGHT CELL DOOR) The faint sounds of struggling can be heard through the iron bars on the door. (EXAMINE BARS ON LEFT CELL DOOR) A strange thumping noise can be heard on the other side of the door through the iron bars. (WALK THROUGH THE CELL DOORS) The door is locked. (EXAMINE SELF) It is Prince Erik. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | YOUNG GIRL'S DUNGEON CELL | o------------------------------------------------------------------o (EXAMINE AREA) This cell fills you with dread. (EXAMINE YOUNG GIRL) It's a young girl, quite pretty but with strange wild eyes and unusually healthy white teeth. (EXAMINE LEVER) It seems to be a lever of some kind, quite rusted. (EXAMINE SHACKLES) These shackles are of heavy iron. The lever obviously controls them. (EXAMINE WOLF) "She" has become a fierce, growling wolf. The teeth -- of course! You feel just a little stupid, and now in serious danger. (EXAMINE SELF) It is Prince Erik. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | OLD MAN'S DUNGEON CELL | o------------------------------------------------------------------o (CUTSCENE) PRINCE ERIK : "You're free to go." OLD MAN : "Yeah!" (EXAMINE AREA) It's a small, single cell. (EXAMINE OLD MAN) You think this little old man must be completely mad as he hits the ball with the paddle over, and over, and over.... (EXAMINE PADDLEBALL) It's a paddle with a small ball attached by a string. What a strange plaything to find in a dungeon. (EXAMINE SELF) It is Prince Erik. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | DUNGEON HALL 4 | o------------------------------------------------------------------o (EXAMINE AREA) It is a dim and squalid hallway. (EXAMINE IRON GATES) This is an iron grate, but seems stationary. (EXAMINE TORCHES) A torch illuminates the area. (EXAMINE CELL DOOR) It's your standard cell door, built to contain the forsaken prisoner. (EXAMINE BARS ON CELL DOOR) The bars are solid. (EXAMINE CELL DOOR HANDLE) The handle is made of iron. (EXAMINE SELF) It is Prince Erik. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | EMPTY DUNGEON CELL | o------------------------------------------------------------------o (EXAMINE AREA) There is no one in this gloomy cell -- yet! (EXAMINE CELL DOOR) This door leads to the hallway. (EXAMINE BARS ON RIGHT CELL DOOR) These bars, like others you've encountered, are solid. (EXAMINE SELF) It is Prince Erik. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | DUNGEON HALL 5 | o------------------------------------------------------------------o (EXAMINE AREA) This hall seems to have come to a dead end. (EXAMINE MINOTAUR) You've heard about the strength of Minotaurs, but this one has a murderous look in his eye. (EXAMINE TRAPDOOR) This appears to be some kind of trapdoor. (USE TRAPDOOR WITH MINOTAUR ALIVE) The Minotaur blocks your way. (EXAMINE PUDDLE) It's a puddle of water created by the moisture here. (EXAMINE COLLAR) With the Minotaur dead and disappeared, the collar hangs empty. (EXAMINE LADDER) The ladder appears to be a way out of the dungeons. (EXAMINE SELF) It is Prince Erik. O=======================================================================O | CAVES | O=======================================================================O o------------------------------------------------------------------o | CAVERN CORRIDOR 1 | o------------------------------------------------------------------o (EXAMINE AREA) This is a long cavern corridor. (EXAMINE LADDER) The ladder appears to be a way out of the dungeons. (EXAMINE SIGN) The sign says: The heating system was constructed in the year of our master, 122264 P.Q. (EXAMINE BAG) This is a Bag of a thin and stretchy material. (EXAMINE PIPE) Hot to the touch, this pipe must be a conveyor of steam heat. (EXAMINE LEDGES) The ledge is inaccessible from here. (EXAMINE BAT) It is a creature of the caves. (EXAMINE SELF) It is Prince Erik. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | CAVERN LEDGE | o------------------------------------------------------------------o (EXAMINE AREA) It is another long cavern ledge. (EXAMINE QUARTZ) It is a Piece of Quartz. (EXAMINE SELF) It is Prince Erik. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | CAVERN CORRIDOR 2 | o------------------------------------------------------------------o (EXAMINE AREA) This is a long cavern corridor. (EXAMINE CRYSTALS) This is naturally growing crystal. (EXAMINE CAVE DWELLER) It is a Cave Dweller. They are known for their razor sharp teeth and unpredictable stalking behavior. (EXAMINE CAVE) An entrance to a smaller cave. (EXAMINE SELF) It is Prince Erik. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | SMALL CAVE | o------------------------------------------------------------------o (EXAMINE AREA) You appear to be at the end of this cavern corridor. (EXAMINE LARGE PIPE) This large pipe has a constant outflow of steam. (EXAMINE STEAM) The steam is very hot and constant from the end of the pipe. (EXAMINE SKULL) The skull of some long-dead animal adds to the dismal decor here. (EXAMINE ROCK) The rock is inaccessible from here. (USED ELEVATOR TO THE LOWER CHAMBER, EXAMINE ELEVATOR) This elevator must have been used by the workmen when they constructed the underground heating system. (EXAMINE SELF) It is Prince Erik. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | UPPER CHAMBER OF THE CAVES 1 | o------------------------------------------------------------------o (EXAMINE AREA) You are in an upper chamber of the caves. (EXAMINE ELEVATOR) This elevator must have been used by the workmen when they constructed the underground heating system. (EXAMINE CRYSTALS) Natural crystals dot the underground landscape. (EXAMINE LEDGES) This distant ledge is inaccessible from here. (EXAMINE CAVE) It is an entrance to a smaller cave. (EXAMINE SELF) It is Prince Erik. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | SELF-CONTAINED CAVE | o------------------------------------------------------------------o (EXAMINE AREA) You are in a self-contained cave. (EXAMINE MULNEAR) It is a Mulnear. They are known for their fierceness and unpredictable movements. (EXAMINE HOLE) It is a hole leading to a pipe of some kind. (EXAMINE CRYSTALS) This is naturally growing crystal. (EXAMINE SAPHIRE) This beautiful blue gem is probably a Saphire. (EXAMINE SELF) It is Prince Erik. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | UNDERGROUND WALKWAY | o------------------------------------------------------------------o (EXAMINE AREA) You are in a world of caves and underground walkways, some of them treacherous. (EXAMINE CHASM) This chasm is frighteningly deep and would mean sure death. (EXAMINE PIPE) It is apparently part of a network of pipes, and is hot to the touch. (EXAMINE MUSHROOM) This is definitely not your garden-variety mushroom. (EXAMINE STEAMED MUSHROOM) The steam has taken all the threat out of this giant vegetable. (EXAMINE SELF) It is Prince Erik. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | CAVERN CORRIDOR 3 | o------------------------------------------------------------------o (EXAMINE AREA) Intricate piping can be seen from the distance in this cavern corridor. (EXAMINE PIPES AND BOILER) A boiler-type contraption, this has pipes running from it. (EXAMINE BATS) I'm a bat! I'm a bat! (EXAMINE SELF) It is Prince Erik. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | UPPER CHAMBER OF THE CAVES 2 | o------------------------------------------------------------------o (EXAMINE AREA) You are in an upper chamber of the caves. (EXAMINE HOLE IN THE ROCK) Lava flows freely from the hole in the rock. (EXAMINE LAVA) You can tell that this lava flow is deadly hot, and there is no obvious way past it. (USE BUCKET ON LAVA) The bucket has no effect on the lava itself. (EXAMINE LAVA AFTER USING THE BUCKET) The lava flow has been blocked by the Bucket and is no longer a threat. (EXAMINE SELF) It is Prince Erik. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | BRIGHT CAVE | o------------------------------------------------------------------o (EXAMINE AREA) This cave is brighter than the others. (EXAMINE WATERFALL) It is a lovely waterfall from some hidden stream. (EXAMINE TROLL) You have come upon a Troll with green skin and a bored look on his face. (TALK TO THE TROLL) PRINCE ERIK : "Good day, are you the keeper of the bridge?" TROLL : "It's my bridge all right. Nobody passes until they pay me. I watch the bridge all the time, day and night. That's my job, watching the bridge. Don't have anything else to do, just the bridge. Watching it..." (TALK TO THE TROLL AGAIN) Trolls are creatures of few words. He has nothing more he wishes to say to you. (WALK PASS THE TROLL) The Troll will now allow you to pass. (EXAMINE THE TROLL AFTER GIVING HIM THE PADDLEBALL OR SAPHIRE) The Troll appreciates your generosity. You are free to pass. (EXAMINE THE TROLL AFTER PUNCHING HIM) Trolls may be big but they are very sensitive. You've hurt his feelings. (EXAMINE SELF) It is Prince Erik. O=======================================================================O | HILLS | O=======================================================================O o------------------------------------------------------------------o | LEDGE 1 | o------------------------------------------------------------------o (EXAMINE AREA) You're on a ledge, high in the hills. (EXAMINE ENTRANCE TO CAVE) You're at the entrance to a cave. (EXAMINE BRIDGE) This wooden bridge, while shaky, should hold the weight of a human. (EXAMINE SELF) It is Prince Erik. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | LEDGE 2 | o------------------------------------------------------------------o (EXAMINE AREA) You're on a ledge, high in the hills. (EXAMINE YOUNG WYVERNS) It is a young curious Wyvern. (EXAMINE SELF) It is Prince Erik. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | WYVERN'S NEST | o------------------------------------------------------------------o (EXAMINE AREA) This is a ledge midway up in the hills. (EXAMINE NEST) You've come upon the nest of some Wyverns. (EXAMINE SERPENT IDOL) It is a Serpent Idol. (EXAMINE SHADOW) It is the shadow of a very large creature flying overhead. (EXAMINE SELF) It is Prince Erik. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | PATH 1 | o------------------------------------------------------------------o (EXAMINE AREA) You are on a path. It is mostly rock and fairly flat, but walking can be dangerous in spots. Hills can be seen in the distance. (EXAMINE EXIT) It is an exit back to the ledges. (EXAMINE LION) It is a ferocious lion. (EXAMINE SELF) You see Erik. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | CHASM | o------------------------------------------------------------------o (EXAMINE AREA) You're at a chasm, quite deep. (EXAMINE BRIDGE) There's a stone bridge in the distance. (EXAMINE SELF) You see Erik. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | CLIFF | o------------------------------------------------------------------o (EXAMINE AREA) You're near a cliff, with a sharp drop-off to the depths below. (EXAMINE SELF) You see Erik. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | LEDGE 3 | o------------------------------------------------------------------o (EXAMINE AREA) These ledges are full of chasms like this one. (EXAMINE HOLE) That's odd -- there is a hole here and it appears threaded for something. (EXAMINE BRIDGE) The bridge connects the path to the other ledge. (EXAMINE CAVE ENTRANCE) It is an entrance to a cave. (EXAMINE WATER) Water drips from a crevice in the rocks. (EXAMINE SELF) You see Erik. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | HERMIT'S CAVE | o------------------------------------------------------------------o (EXAMINE AREA) You're in a cave, which is also a residence. (EXAMINE HAMMOCK) A comfy hammock is stretched across a natural frame, above the floor and any crawly things. (EXAMINE HERMIT) This hermit could benefit from a bathtub. (TALK TO THE HERMIT) PRINCE ERIK : "Excuse me? Hello?" HERMIT : *coughs* "Where am I? Ooh! Who are you? How did you get here? By the bridge? Then you must have the Crank they took from me! Have you the Crank? If you would give it to me. I have something for you." (GIVE CRANK TO THE HERMIT) HERMIT : "I've given you a Foreign Language Phrase Book. If you meet someone you can't understand, try looking in this book for the words you need. I'm so glad you've happen to found me here. I prefer to live alone, but I do need to get out now and again to dig for roots or collect Wyvern eggs. Yes, yes! I'm a hippie hermit now!" PRINCE ERIK : "Well, I'll be going now. But thank you for the Phrase Book." (EXAMINE SELF) You see Erik. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | STONE BRIDGE | o------------------------------------------------------------------o (EXAMINE AREA) This beautifully built bridge spans a wide break in the path. (EXAMINE OBELISKS) An obelisk stands at each entry to the bridge. (EXAMINE CRANK) It is a crank. What it's doing out here is anybodys guess! (EXAMINE SELF) You see Erik. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | PATH 2 | o------------------------------------------------------------------o (EXAMINE AREA) You are on a path. It is mostly rock and fairly flat, but walking can be dangerous in spots. Hills can be seen in the distance. (EXAMINE STONE GARGOYLES) A stone gargoyle rests on each end of the bridge. (EXAMINE RIVER) Spring water flows here. (EXAMINE TRAIL) A path trails off into the distance. (EXAMINE CREATURE) The harmless creature is indigenous to this area. (EXAMINE SELF) It is Prince Erik. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | HILL CLEARING | o------------------------------------------------------------------o (EXAMINE AREA) You're in a small, dark, wooded clearing with something monstrous looming in front of you. (EXAMINE SNAKE) There's a nasty snake in the path. (EXAMINE SHRINE) The structure before you houses a shrine, and by the look of it, an evil one. (CUTSCENE AFTER SPEAKING WITH KING IPHICLES) ALESSANDRA : "HELP--!!", "HELP ME!!" GOBLIN SHAMAN: "You dare interrupt my private ceremonies? You dare threaten the shaman? You will die a slow death and the young Alessandra can watch!" *laughing* (EXAMINE PRINCESS ALESSANDRA) A young and terrified Elf girl awaits death by the shaman. (EXAMINE GOBLIN SHAMAN) A Goblin Shaman prepares a frightful ritual here. (TRY TO LEAVE WITHOUT KILLING THE GOBLIN SHAMAN) Hey you chicken !! If you leave now, the Goblin will kill our little Elf here. (AFTER KILLING THE GOBLIN SHAMAN) ALESSANDRA : "Come!" (EXAMINE SELF) It is Prince Erik. O=======================================================================O | VILLAGE | O=======================================================================O o------------------------------------------------------------------o | VILLAGE CLEARING | o------------------------------------------------------------------o (EXAMINE AREA) You've come to a clearing, and can see a village in the distance. (EXAMINE FENCE) It's a fence made of rocks. (EXAMINE VILLAGE) This is a small country village sheltered by trees on one side and hills on the other. (EXAMINE FIRE OR SMOKE) Ominous black smoke and fire rises from some of the buildings in the village. (EXAMINE SELF) You see Erik. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | VILLAGE 1 | o------------------------------------------------------------------o (EXAMINE AREA) You've entered the village, which is clearly under attack. (EXAMINE STONE MARKER) This marker bears some ancient inscription, probably for a road or place that no longer exists. (EXAMINE FIRE) Fire clings to bits of wood and other flammable material. (EXAMINE MARAUDER) This lizard-like Marauder carries a pump-propelled bow that makes his arrows fast and deadly. (WALK TOWARD DOOR) Outside this door you can hear the voice of a child, crying. (EXAMINE AXE) An axe is wedged in the door so hard that it can't be removed. (EXAMINE SMOKE) Smoke billows from the window as the inside of the building burns. (EXAMINE BLAZES) The fire rages here, so that the heat can be felt from several yards away. (EXAMINE BARREL) An empty barrel like this is of no use at a time like this, when water is urgently needed. (EXAMINE AREA WHEN FIRE IS PUT OUT) The once-blazing fires are out now. (EXAMINE ALLEYWAY WHEN FIRE IS PUT OUT) There is an alley here. (EXAMINE DOORWAY WHEN FIRE IS PUT OUT) The doorway is blocked so you can't pass. (AFTER SAVING VILLAGE WHEN LEAVING) KING ARONDE : "Erik, dear son, Belezaar has taken Elizabeth out of the city and even now, he boasts of her of his evil plans for her. Although he hasn't harmed her yet, I fear that this would change when they reach their destination. Through her thoughts, I see a deep forest in the mountain range beyond. Hurry, my son! I will continue to try to reach her and will tell you when I know more." (EXAMINE SELF) You see Erik. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | BURNING ROOM | o------------------------------------------------------------------o (EXAMINE AREA) The room is burning and the heat is intense. (EXAMINE FIRE) Fire clings to bits of wood and other flammable material. (EXAMINE BED) Portions of the bed are on fire and the mattress is beginning to smolder. (EXAMINE DOORWAY) This doorway is completely impassable because of the heat of the fire. (EXAMINE RUG) This rug is of a heavy, tight weave. (EXAMINE CHILD) This is a small child, maybe 4 or 5 years old. (EXAMINE FIRE NEAR CHILD) The child can be seen behind this fire, which is too hot for him to pass. (EXAMINE CLEARED FIRE WITH CHILD DEAD) There is only fire here, where a child once was. (EXAMINE SELF) You see Erik. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | VILLAGE 2 | o------------------------------------------------------------------o (EXAMINE MARAUDER CARRYING FAMILY) A reptile raider has an entire family in his horrible grasp. (EXAMINE MARAUDER WITH BOW) This lizard-like Marauder carries a pump-propelled bow that makes his arrows fast and deadly. (EXAMINE AREA) You see more of the village homes and shops on fire. (EXAMINE EMBLEM) A round emblem on the door bears an etching of a snake -- you think it's maybe a Live Bait Shop -- but it's unaccessible. (EXAMINE BANNER) A village banner smolders so that its message is indistinct. (EXAMINE HAY) The hay piled here is green enough so that it burns only slowly. (EXAMINE FIRE) Fire clings to bits of wood and other flammable material. (EXAMINE ALLEYWAY) The alleyway is blocked by fire so that passage is impossible. (EXAMINE BARRELS) These barrels are empty and of no use. (EXAMINE DOORWAY) There is too much fire and heat to get through this doorway. (EXAMINE AREA WHEN FIRE IS PUT OUT) The once-blazing fires are out now. (EXAMINE ALLEYWAY WHEN FIRE IS PUT OUT) There is an open alleyway here. (EXAMINE DOORWAY WHEN FIRE IS PUT OUT) This doorway is blocked by debris so that you cannot enter. (EXAMINE BANNER WHEN FIRE IS PUT OUT) This banner smolders from previous fire, now out. (EXAMINE SELF) You see Erik. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | VILLAGE STREET 1 | o------------------------------------------------------------------o (KNIGHT IN BACKGROUND) KNIGHT : "Farewell, friends and country..." (EXAMINE AREA) The buildings on this street continue to burn with the rest of the village. (EXAMINE KNIGHT) You can tell from his missing arm that this knight has been critically wounded. (EXAMINE DEAD KNIGHT) The knight is dead. (EXAMINE KNIGHT'S ARM) Nerve trauma causes some movement in the severed arm; but it is not a thing you would want to pick up. (EXAMINE FIRE) The fire rages here, so that the heat can be felt from several yards away. (EXAMINE MARAUDER) Another reptile man confronts you, this one with a flame-thrower device. (EXAMINE AREA WHEN FIRE IS PUT OUT) The once-blazing fires are out now. (EXAMINE SELF) You see Erik. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | VILLAGE STREET 2 | o------------------------------------------------------------------o (EXAMINE AREA) You're in another street of the village. (EXAMINE BENCH) An outdoor bench has been broken in half in the mayhem. (EXAMINE SMOKE) Smoke billows from the window as the inside of the building burns. (EXAMINE LARGE FIRES) The fire rages here, so that the heat can be felt from several yards away. (EXAMINE DEAD VILLAGER) The dead body of a village citizen is ablaze with fire. (EXAMINE SMALL FIRES) Fire clings to bits of wood and other flammable material. (EXAMINE STORAGE SHED) A storage shed burns, along with its contents. (EXAMINE SHIELDS) A decorative shield provides no protection at this moment. (EXAMINE TIED UP DAUGHTER) The daughter of the woman nearby is tied up and cannot escape. (EXAMINE TIED UP MOTHER AND SON) A mother and her young son have been tied up together by the Marauders. (EXAMINE FREED MOTHER) The mother, now free, runs for her life and that of her children. (EXAMINE FREED SON) The grateful young boy flees from his captors. (EXAMINE AREA WHEN FIRE IS PUT OUT) The once-blazing fires are out now. (EXAMINE BURNT STORAGE SHED) The storage shed and its contents are burned away. (EXAMINE SELF) You see Erik. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | COURTYARD | o------------------------------------------------------------------o (EXAMINE MARAUDER WITH BOW) This lizard-like Marauder carries a pump-propelled bow that makes his arrows fast and deadly. (EXAMINE MARAUDER WITH FLAMETHROWER) Another reptile man confronts you, this one with a flame-thrower device. (CUTSCENE WITHOUT FOREIGN LANGUAGE PHRASE BOOK) MAYOR : *speaking in a foreign language* PRINCE ERIK : "What?" (CUTSCENE WITH FOREIGN LANGUAGE PHRASE BOOK) MAYOR : *speaking in a foreign language* PRINCE ERIK : "Oh, let's see: 'Young man, you have done us a great service today and we are very grateful.'" MAYOR : *speaking in a foreign language* PRINCE ERIK : "Umm: 'These evil demons would have killed us all had it not been for you.'" MAYOR : *speaking in a foreign language* PRINCE ERIK : *clears throat* "'I'm giving you some enchanted pipes which you can use to call the Fairies in the Druidwood.'" (EXAMINE AREA) You're in a courtyard outside the Mayor's office. You can smell the acrid aroma of smoke coming from burned buildings. (EXAMINE TUB) A wooden tub or pot sits outside and is anchored to the building. (EXAMINE BELL) A bell on a stand suffers from rust and disuse and cannot be rung. (EXAMINE SELF) You see Erik. O=======================================================================O | DRUIDWOOD | O=======================================================================O o------------------------------------------------------------------o | DRUIDWOOD | o------------------------------------------------------------------o (EXAMINE AREA) You're struck by how beautiful these woods are. (EXAMINE TOADSTOOL SENTRIES) It is a toadstool sentry here to protect the Druidwood from trespassers. (EXAMINE MUSHROOMS) These giant mushrooms appear to be almost luminescent. (EXAMINE CRYSTALS) A special combination of minerals has created these beautiful crystals. (EXAMINE SELF) It is Prince Erik. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | DRUIDWOOD TRAIL 1 | o------------------------------------------------------------------o (EXAMINE AREA) The trail continues on through these woods, and you notice the sunlight filtering the leaves above. (EXAMINE MUSHROOMS) The landscape is dotted with some very large mushrooms. (EXAMINE BUTTERFLIES) It is a beautiful butterfly. (EXAMINE SELF) It is Prince Erik. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | DRUIDWOOD TRAIL 2 | o------------------------------------------------------------------o (EXAMINE AREA) The trail continues on through these woods. (EXAMINE SELF) It is Prince Erik. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | DRUIDWOOD TRAIL 3 | o------------------------------------------------------------------o (EXAMINE AREA) This trail winds on through the distant woods. (EXAMINE MUSHROOMS) These giant mushrooms appear to be almost luminescent. (EXAMINE CRYSTALS) A special combination of minerals has created these beautiful crystals. (EXAMINE SELF) It is Prince Erik. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | DRUIDWOOD TRAIL 4 | o------------------------------------------------------------------o (EXAMINE AREA) This trail winds on through the distant woods. (EXAMINE MUSHROOMS) The landscape is dotted with some very large mushrooms. (EXAMINE SELF) It is Prince Erik. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | GATEWAY | o------------------------------------------------------------------o (EXAMINE AREA) This is a magical place, a gateway to other parts of the realm. These megaliths track the passage of the sun across the sky with their shadows on the stone floor. (EXAMINE MEGALITHS) The stones are immense and solidly planted in the ground. (EXAMINE KING IPHICLES) King Iphicles, King of the Fairies, is small but proud. (TALK TO KING IPHICLES) KING IPHICLES: "I am Iphicles, King of the Fairies. I have been watching your progress for some time, what is it that you seek?" PRINCE ERIK : "I seek the evil Belezaar and my sister, whom I believe he has taken captive." KING IPHICLES: "Ah, I can help you if you help me first. My daughter, Princess Alessandra, is also in great danger. A Goblin Shaman has captured her and holds her in his temple in the woods. I am powerless against the shaman. I need the help of a brave, young mortal." PRINCE ERIK : "I'll do what I can." (TALK TO KING IPHICLES ONCE MORE) King Iphicles has nothing more to say. (CUTSCENE AFTER SAVING PRINCESS ALESSANDRA) KING IPHICLES: "My daughter!" ALESSANDRA : "Father!" KING IPHICLES: "I am in your debt. I will send you forward in your quest." (EXAMINE SELF) It is Prince Erik. O=======================================================================O | CITY | O=======================================================================O o------------------------------------------------------------------o | WALL STREET 1 | o------------------------------------------------------------------o (EXAMINE AREA) You're on Wall Street, so named for ancient defense walls that are no longer standing. (EXAMINE STONE MARKER) The street is identified here by a stone marker. (EXAMINE TRAIL) This trail leads to the hills west of the castle. (EXAMINE HOUSE) There's a small house here, but nobody appears to be home. (EXAMINE BAIT SHOP) Local fishermen must find this Bait Shop handy when it's open. (EXAMINE FLOWER POT) A pot full of pretty flowers brightens the street. (EXAMINE SELF) It is Prince Erik. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | CITY OUTSKIRTS | o------------------------------------------------------------------o (EXAMINE AREA) This path is on the outskirts of the city. (EXAMINE CITY WALL) You can see the city wall in the distance. (EXAMINE BUILDING) This is one of the city buildings. (EXAMINE FRANK) His name is Frank. He is well known around the city for his beautiful guitar playing. A few of the folks do wish he would bathe once in a while, however. (TALK TO FRANK) FRANK : "Woah, hey! Just standin' here doing my thang. Actually, I've been workin' on a song about a lost temple out in the woods, don't seem to be able to get the melody quite right. Well, just have to keep at it." (TALK TO FRANK AGAIN) Frank has nothing more to say. (EXAMINE SELF) It is Prince Erik. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | WALL STREET 2 | o------------------------------------------------------------------o (EXAMINE AREA) You're on Wall Street, so named for ancient defense walls that are no longer standing. (EXAMINE SHOP SIGN) The sign on the door of this shop is unreadable. (EXAMINE BARRELS AND NETS OR WATER) The water is not especially high for this time of year. (EXAMINE CURIO SHOPPE) You've come to the Curio Shoppe. (EXAMINE BARRELS BY TAVERN) These barrels are for storing liquid refreshments. (EXAMINE TAVERN) The Tavern is a place of constant activity. (EXAMINE MAN) This man appears to be deep in thought. (TALK TO MAN) MAN : "Good day, young man, you must be new to this countryside. Well, you've come on a fine day or it would be, except it seems that something is not quite right. Just this afternoon, for example. I saw a former King's Aide, Belezaar, with the young Princess Elizabeth. And she appear distraught, I just don't know what to make of it. Strange happenings in our fair land." (EXAMINE SELF) It is Prince Erik. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | LEO'S CURIO SHOPPE | o------------------------------------------------------------------o (CUTSCENE) LEO : "I'm Leo and yer in Leo's Curio Shoppe. Want some extra Gold to line yer pockets? I have a Magic Box here and I want ya to take it to the Sage in the woods. He'll give ya a note and you'll bring the note back to me. You do that for me and I'll pay ya." PRINCE ERIK : "Okay, that's fine." (TALK TO LEO) LEO : "So, like the name implies, my Shoppe's full of curiosities. And ya can have any of them for a price, except the furnishings, of course. Let's see, today I can offer ya a ball of Magic Yarn, a Special Comb for coarse hair and such, and a squeaky toy mouse." (EXAMINE AREA) This Curio Shop has strange and exotic items for sale. (EXAMINE LEO) This man deals in curiosities of all kinds. (EXAMINE CURTAINS) The curtains are drawn for privacy. (EXAMINE LAMP) The lamp provides overhead lighting for the shop. (EXAMINE SQUEAK TOY) It is a Squeak Toy. It surprisingly sounds like the real thing. (PURCHASE SQUEAKY TOY MOUSE) LEO : "I'll bet ya had something like this when yer were a little kid. It's a Squeak Toy, sounds just like a real mouse, doesn't it? Looks like one too. One piece of Gold for it." PRINCE ERIK : "I'll take it. Here's your Gold." (EXAMINE SPECIAL COMB) It is a comb for coarse hair, such as beards. (PURCHASE SPECIAL COMB) LEO : "Ah, now that's a Special Comb for coarse hair, like beards for example. Ya got a beard with tangles in it, that comb will get 'em out quick as a wink. It'll cost ya a Gold Coin." PRINCE ERIK : "I don't know what I *need* it for, b-but I'll buy it... just in case!" (EXAMINE MAGIC YARN) It is a ball of yarn. (PURCHASE MAGIC YARN) LEO : "That there is a ball of a yarn of Ariadne which is a special Magic Yarn. Felines especially like playin' with it. Calms their nerves, it'll be one Gold Coin." PRINCE ERIK : "That's a fair price, I'll take it." (EXAMINE IDOL) It is a large mysterious idol. (GIVE NOTE TO LEO) LEO : "Ha, that Sage has the gift! Gives me little tips on horses now and again, always win too! Here's some Gold for yer trouble, like I promised!" (EXAMINE SELF) It is Prince Erik. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | TAVERN | o------------------------------------------------------------------o (EXAMINE AREA) The air in the Tavern has the familiar smell of ale, sweat and fish. (EXAMINE HAT RACK) A hat rack for visitors stands near the door. (EXAMINE STUFFED SHARK) A stuffed shark is evidence of somebody's good luck. (EXAMINE LIQUOR BARRELS AND LIQUOR BOTTLES) These hold liquid refreshment for the patrons. (EXAMINE BARRELS) Once a beer barrel, now a chair. Very functional. (EXAMINE BAR MIRROR) It's a typical bar mirror, quite old. (EXAMINE STARFISH AND CRABS) Once a citizen of the sea, now a bar ornament. (EXAMINE ANCHOR) This anchor is said to be from a King's ship. (EXAMINE OARS) These oars were from a boat used by the King's scouts. (EXAMINE TABLES) The tables are of thick old wood and plenty sturdy. (EXAMINE TAVERN PATRON) A Tavern patron out for some fun-- (TALK TO TAVERN PATRON WITHOUT ANY MONEY) TAVERN PATRON: "I'll bet I have the fastest turtle in the kingdom. A Gold Piece to anybody whose turtle can beat mines. C'mon, whose gonna take me on?" (GIVE BOX TURTLE TO TAVERN PATRON AND YOU HAVE NO MONEY) TAVERN PATRON: "I'll bet I have the fastest turtle in the kingdom. A Gold Piece to anybody whose turtle can beat mines. C'mon, whose gonna take me on?" PRINCE ERIK : "I'll take you on! I have a turtle." TAVERN PATRON: "Where's your Gold?" PRINCE ERIK : "I... don't seem to have any Gold." TAVERN PATRON: "Heh, I don't raise my turtle for nothing! Come back and talk to me when you have Gold." (GIVE BOX TURTLE TO TAVERN PATRON AND YOU HAVE MONEY) TAVERN PATRON: "I'll bet I have the fastest turtle in the kingdom. A Gold Piece to anybody whose turtle can beat mines. C'mon, whose gonna take me on?" PRINCE ERIK : "I'll take you on! I have a turtle." TAVERN PATRON: "Where's your Gold?" PRINCE ERIK : "Here's my Gold." TAVERN PATRON: "Okay, let's race!" (DURING TURTLE RACE) TAVERN PATRON: "GO! GO!! FASTER!!!" PRINCE ERIK : "Well... Ha! Looks like my turtle won! I'll take that Gold, now." TAVERN PATRON: "I don't know what happened to that turtle, here's your Gold." (EXAMINE GUY) This guy's happy to be here. (TALK TO GUY) Whisky and rum, whisky and rum, the little blue guy loves whisky and rum... (EXAMINE BARTENDER) The bartender has an ear open for news or gossip. (TALK TO BARTENDER AND ERIK DOESN'T KNOW THE SECRET PASSWORD) BARTENDER : "Whew, busy day! All outta supplies. Sorry." PRINCE ERIK : "Well, thank you and goodbye." (TALK TO BARTENDER AND ERIK KNOWS THE SECRET PASSWORD) PRINCE ERIK : "Yes, umm... 'Rosebud'..." BARTENDER : "We are members of the Kal Torlin Underground, and we meet here when we think it's safe. We know you didn't kill your father, Prince Erik. We know it was a plot by Belezaar to gain power. His evil henchmen are everywhere and people are afraid. He's been asking a lot of questions... about Shadowgate..." (EXAMINE SELF) It is Prince Erik. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | DOCK | o------------------------------------------------------------------o (EXAMINE AREA) Several small vessels can dock here at once. (EXAMINE PELICAN) It's a harmless pelican. (EXAMINE SEAGULL) It's just a seagull, cruising for some lunch. (EXAMINE FEATHER) It is a feather left behind by the pelican. (EXAMINE STAIRS) The stairs connect the upper and lower docks. (EXAMINE WATER) The water is somewhat murky near the dock. (EXAMINE BOX TURTLE) It is a cute little box turtle. (EXAMINE SELF) It is Prince Erik. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | FIRST AVENUE 1 | o------------------------------------------------------------------o (EXAMINE AREA) You have entered First Avenue. (EXAMINE RETIREMENT HOME) It is a retirement home for senior citizens. (EXAMINE SELF) It is Prince Erik. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | ALLEY | o------------------------------------------------------------------o (EXAMINE AREA) The alley is short, with a dead end. (EXAMINE WINDOW) This window leads into a house, possibly to a bedroom. (EXAMINE CRATES) These crates are of strong wood and loaded with something heavy. (EXAMINE BARRED WINDOW) A barred window allows no entry here. (EXAMINE NOTICE) A notice on the wall speaks of a missing cat and small reward. (EXAMINE BARREL) It's an empty barrel. (EXAMINE SELF) It is Prince Erik. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | OLD LADY'S BEDROOM | o------------------------------------------------------------------o (EXAMINE AREA) This bedroom is nicely furnished; perhaps the owner is wealthy. (EXAMINE DOOR) The door is locked. (EXAMINE DRESSER) The dresser must be locked; it won't open. (EXAMINE BED) The bed is lovely and somewhat ornate. (EXAMINE BOOK) It is a thick book. (EXAMINE WINDOW) It is the open window you entered from. (EXAMINE OLD LADY) The old lady is small, fragile, and not too steady on her feet. (OLD LADY IN BACKGROUND) OLD LADY : "Help! Help!!" (AFTER SAVING OLD LADY) PRINCE ERIK : "Here, let me help you." OLD LADY : "Oh, why thank you, young man. And here's some Gold for helping out an old lady. You know when you get old, the vertigo'll getcha. You lean to the right and the whole body just keeps on going, I'm so glad that you came along to help me." PRINCE ERIK : "It was no trouble at all." (PICK UP BOOK) PRINCE ERIK : "What's this?" OLD LADY : "Oh, that's my family album. Let me show it to you. In this album are pictures of ALL my relatives beginning WAY back with my great aunt Ophelia. You see, here she is on her wedding day. My, wasn't she beautiful? I remember when she used to take me on long walks in the meadow..." OLD LADY : "And my, my. Ho ho ho, just look at this dashing young man, that's my Arthur. The day he came to our cottage to ask for my hand. Ah, wasn't he something? And you see, there's my little dog, Ruffy, he was my favorite friend as a little girl. And there's uncle Horace and cousin Charles and sister Ruth..." OLD LADY : "And great aunt Mathilda with her pet goose..." OLD LADY : "And my friend, Beatrice, on my father's horse. Now that horse usually like the men more than the ladies, and one day he nearly threw Beatrice over the high prickly hedge by the meadow, but..." (LEAVE THE BEDROOM) PRINCE ERIK : "Goodby--!!" (EXAMINE SELF) It is Prince Erik. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | FIRST AVENUE 2 | o------------------------------------------------------------------o (EXAMINE AREA) You have reached First Avenue. (EXAMINE LOCAL WOMAN) It's a local woman, out for a walk. (EXAMINE CHARLIE'S HOUSE OF GEMS) This is the Gem Merchant's Shop. (EXAMINE MAN) This man has had better times. He calls this small alley his home now. (TALK TO MAN) MAN : "If you get the secret password in the dungeons, tell it to the bartender." (EXAMINE SHOP OF THE MYSTIC) In the Shop of the Mystic, you can see beyond what's visible to the eye. (EXAMINE STAIRS) A covered wooden stairway leads to an upper level of the Boarding House. (EXAMINE BOARDING HOUSE) You've reached the Town Boarding House, but it's not open right now. (EXAMINE YOUNG URCHIN) This is one of the town's young urchins. (TALK TO YOUNG URCHIN) YOUNG URCHIN : "Guess what? I'm big enough to ride that Pack Beast right there if I want to." PRINCE ERIK : "I'm sure you can, and I bet you're a good rider too." YOUNG URCHIN : "Yes! And if monsters come to our town, I'll just jump on that Beast and ride away before they can get me. But right now, I'm gonna go and get some candy." (EXAMINE PACK BEAST) This Pack Beast reminds you of your great aunt Bovinia. (EXAMINE SELF) It is Prince Erik. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | CHARLIE'S HOUSE OF GEMS | o------------------------------------------------------------------o (EXAMINE AREA) It is a Gem Shop. (EXAMINE DISPLAY CASE) It is a large display case for gems. (EXAMINE PAINTING) It is a painting of the Shop Owner done by a child; probably his grandchild. (EXAMINE GLASS CASE) It is a glass case containing many beautiful gems. (EXAMINE CHARLIE) Diamonds are this gem merchant's best friend. (TALK TO CHARLIE) CHARLIE : "Welcome to Charlie's House of Gems, you got a gem you wanna sell? I'm your guy; the fairest gem trader in the kingdom. Ask anybody!" (GIVE A SAPHIRE TO CHARLIE) CHARLIE : "Hmm... Hmm... Now that's not a bad one, not bad at all! Here's some shiny new Gold for it!" PRINCE ERIK : "Thank you and goodbye." (EXAMINE SELF) It is Prince Erik. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | SHOP OF THE MYSTIC | o------------------------------------------------------------------o (EXAMINE AREA) There is a spiritual aura about this Mystic's room. (EXAMINE CRYSTAL BALL) The crystal ball is the source of the Mystic's power. (EXAMINE TABLE) The Mystic's trade is done at this table. (EXAMINE POT) This pot's so big you could take a bath in it. (EXAMINE CRYSTALS) You wonder if these crystals are used by the Mystic for something special. (EXAMINE CURTAINS) The curtains are of heavy cloth and can be closed for privacy. (EXAMINE MYSTIC) The Mystic sees reality through a different lens. (TALK TO MYSTIC) MYSTIC : "I am a Mystic, and I talk to the spirits every day. They're speaking now, but you must have the power to hear them. You can enhance that power with a small monetary offering." (PAY THE MYSTIC) MYSTIC : "I see a small idol in the shape of a serpent. If you find it, you must return it to its origin. A cold, damp place where a serpent would be comfortable. Do this, and you will be one step closer to your destiny." (PAY THE MYSTIC AGAIN) MYSTIC : "A spirit says that the young Prince, YOU, would bring together the kingdom of your father, as you bring together the pieces of the Staff of Ages of your royal ancestors. Bring... together... broken... I'm so very sleepy. I must sleep..." (PAY THE MYSTIC ONCE MORE) MYSTIC : "You will have many children and live to a ripe, old age. So very sleepy, I must sleep..." (EXAMINE SELF) It is Prince Erik. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | MAIN STREET 2 | o------------------------------------------------------------------o (SPEAKER IN BACKGROUND) SPEAKER : *incoherent babble*, "Belezaar!", "Beware!", "Castle!", "Evil!", "Snakemen!" MAN : *laughing*, "Aw, shut up!", "Boo!" (EXAMINE AREA) You're on Main Street, with rough stone pavement underfoot. (EXAMINE BUILDINGS) It is a city building. (EXAMINE STAGE) Public addresses concerning issues of the day occur on this stage. (EXAMINE SPEAKER) This man thinks he has something important to say to anyone who will listen. (EXAMINE MAN) This man is obviously amused by the speaker on the stage. (EXAMINE CASTLE GWYNENTHELL) Castle Gwynenthell is visible in the distance. (EXAMINE BAY) The city is on the edge of a quiet bay. (EXAMINE SELF) It is Prince Erik. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | CASTLE GWYNENTHELL | o------------------------------------------------------------------o (EXAMINE AREA) You are at the main entrance to Castle Gwynenthell. You feel sad as you recall the fond memories you had growing up here as a child. (EXAMINE DEMON) It is a demon posted here to secure the castle. (TALK TO DEMON) DEMON : "I guard this castle and from since, you may not pass. I serve my master, Belezaar, and at his bidding, kill those who seek entry. My master is gone now, hmm... I am tired of killing and he cannot bid me to do anything because he is not here. So maybe I will not kill you, but you may not pass." (EXAMINE SELF) It is Prince Erik. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | MAIN STREET 1 | o------------------------------------------------------------------o (EXAMINE AREA) You're on Main Street, with rough stone pavement underfoot. (EXAMINE GATE) A gate leads out of the city to the countryside beyond. (EXAMINE WOMAN) This woman appears healthy and strong. (TALK TO WOMAN) WOMAN : "I heard there are bandits on the roads. So when you leave the city, you should keep careful watch." PRINCE ERIK : "Thanks for the warning." (EXAMINE CRYSTAL SHOP) This shop sells crystals when it's open, but it isn't. (EXAMINE TEMPLE) This is a temple. (EXAMINE PET SHOP) It is a Pet Shop. (EXAMINE LEATHER SHOP) The Leather Shop is closed. (EXAMINE SELF) It is Prince Erik. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | TEMPLE OF THE DAWN | o------------------------------------------------------------------o (EXAMINE AREA) You're in a temple dedicated to the Eagle of Dawn. (EXAMINE IDOL) It is an idol to the Eagle of Dawn. (EXAMINE LARGE GEM) This is a large gem, and immovable. (EXAMINE MARGARETTA) While she's aged and carrying extra weight now, you suspect that this Priestess might once have been a lovely woman. (TALK TO MARGARETTA) PRINCE ERIK : "Good day, Priestess." MARGARETTA : "Ah, it's the young Prince. My, you're the image of your father when he was a young man. I am Margaretta, Priestess of this Temple of the Dawn. Where mysteries of the ages reside in harmony. I knew your father very well, and I have grieved over the terrible end that befell him. But you, you can meet out justice to the evil ones who terrorize the kingdom. With the courage of your father and the wisdom of your ancestors, you can defeat the maverick. I have here the Pendant of the Elements, the sign of the 'Line of Kings', a symbol of harmony. It may save you from an evil spirit in some dark hour and will help you gain entrance to Shadowgate. Here, take it." (TALK TO MARGARETTA AGAIN) She keeps meditating. (EXAMINE SELF) It is Prince Erik. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | PET SHOP | o------------------------------------------------------------------o (EXAMINE AREA) It's a Pet Shop, with that special pet to meet every taste. (EXAMINE PET SHOP OWNER) The Owner would love for you to take a pet off his hands. (TALK TO PET SHOP OWNER) OWNER : "You're certainly welcomed in my Pet Shop, I got some unusual pets here. Yes, indeed! Something for everybody. You can buy anything, but the monkey in the barrel. He just loves popping in and out of that barrel when he hears a customer. Let me know if there's anything I can help you with." (EXAMINE MONKEY) It's a monkey in a barrel. (EXAMINE MONGREL) It is a mongrel. He appears quite friendly. (PURCHASE MONGREL) OWNER : "That's Max, men's best friend. You knew I was going to say that, right? But it's true! Especially retrievers, you can count on them through thick and thin, real people dogs. The thing about retrievers is they'll always come back. Just to show you I'm a nice guy, I'll give you Max for one Gold Coin, a bargain!" PRINCE ERIK : "That's fine, here's your Gold." (EXAMINE PIRANHA) It is a pirahna. Imagine that for a pet! (PURCHASE PIRANHA) OWNER : "Ah, now that's a piranha, ever hear of those? Well, by golly those little jiggers can eat your arm in seconds. Eat your whole body before you know it. Don't want to go putting your hand in that water. Just for you, a special prize, one Gold Coin!" (EXAMINE CANARY) It is a beautiful yellow canary. (EXAMINE BIRD CAGE STAND) It is a stand for the bird cage. (PURCHASE CANARY) OWNER : "A canary! Now that's a pet that everybody can enjoy! Just listen to the sweet sound it makes. Doesn't eat much either, a very economical pet. And for you, one Gold Coin will buy her!" (EXAMINE HOUSE PLANT) It is your common ordinary house plant. (EXAMINE POSTER) It is a poster depicting the cruelty of cockroach abuse. As you read the poster, you decide that is one cause you are not sympathetic to. (EXAMINE SELF) It is Prince Erik. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | CITY > BAKER STREET 1 | o------------------------------------------------------------------o (EXAMINE AREA) You're on Baker Street, which contains several shops and residences. (EXAMINE BLACKSMITH SHOP) The Blacksmith Shop is closed at the moment. (EXAMINE TOOLS) It is a set of tools. (EXAMINE ALCHEMIST SHOP) It is the town alchemist's office. (EXAMINE MONUMENT) A monument of crystal is a tribute to the powers of nature. (EXAMINE HOUSE) This is someone's house, but it's locked. (EXAMINE AXE) An axe is readily available for public use in case of fire or other disasters. (EXAMINE CHANCELLOR'S OFFICE) It is the Chancellor's office. (EXAMINE TOWNSPERSON) It's a townsperson, out for a walk. (EXAMINE YOUNG BOY) It is a young boy at play. (EXAMINE SELF) It is Prince Erik. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | ALCHEMIST SHOP | o------------------------------------------------------------------o (EXAMINE AREA) Chemicals of various kinds are sold in this alchemist's shop. (EXAMINE CHEMIST) The chemist is a friendly man. (TALK TO CHEMIST) CHEMIST : "Hello, just working with mortar and pestle here. Thought the Smitty might need a poultice for his foot, dropped a set of hot tongs on it. Course he was flustered by the news about his relatives in the village, that's how he did it, heh. He got worried that the village was attack, and that Smitty left in such a hurry that he left his tools outside. He said anybody could have them, he wasn't sure when he was coming back. There're right outside there, I think I'll just finish this poultice mixture anyway. You'll never know when somebody might need it, heh heh heh." PRINCE ERIK : "Well, have a pleasant day and goodbye!" (EXAMINE LAMP) The chemist works by the light of the lamp. (EXAMINE FIREPLACE) The fireplace provides warmth for the chemist. (EXAMINE BOOKS) The chemist has many books containing ailments for anything from snake bites to the dreaded mushroom-head disease. (EXAMINE SELF) It is Prince Erik. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | CHANCELLOR'S OFFICE | o------------------------------------------------------------------o (EXAMINE AREA) It is the Chancellor's office. (EXAMINE CHANCELLOR) The Chancellor is a kind elderly man. His failing health is evident. He is a close family friend. (TALK TO CHANCELLOR) CHANCELLOR : *yawns* "Oh! I recognize you, my Prince! Although you're grown now, you look very like your father, our beloved King. Ah, Prince Erik, things are bad in the kingdom, very bad. Belezaar's evil has changed this kind and peaceful land into a fearful place. I've heard a rumor that he has taken your sister, my Prince. Since his henchmen lurk everywhere, no one has the courage to follow." PRINCE ERIK : "I now have more than my father's death to avenge." (EXAMINE BOOKS) The Chancellor's books contain the history of Kal Torlin including its laws and royal lineage. (EXAMINE SELF) It is Prince Erik. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | BAKER STREET 2 | o------------------------------------------------------------------o (EXAMINE AREA) You're on Baker Street, which contains several shops and residences. (EXAMINE WELL) A public well provides water for citizens and travellers alike. (EXAMINE BARREL) The barrel is used to catch rain water. (EXAMINE BUILDING) It is a city building. (EXAMINE HOUSE) This is someone's house, but it's locked. (TOSS GOLD PIECE INTO WELL) KING ARONDE : "Erik, my son, you must listen carefully for my time is short. I have sought to contact your sister, as I contacted you. But a mystic barrier separates us. Although I cannot cross it, I can sense her terror clearly. She is in terrible danger, and I cannot doubt that Belezaar is involved. Find her, Erik, find her!" (EXAMINE SELF) It is Prince Erik. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | GATEWAY | o------------------------------------------------------------------o (EXAMINE AREA) You're at the gateway between the city and the woods. (EXAMINE CITY WALL) A high wall keeps young children from wandering too far away. (EXAMINE SHOP) This is one of the shops on Main Street. (EXAMINE SELF) It is Prince Erik. O=======================================================================O | NORTH WOODS | O=======================================================================O o------------------------------------------------------------------o | TRAIL 1 | o------------------------------------------------------------------o (EXAMINE AREA) You're on another long trail in these North Woods. (EXAMINE ROCKS) Rocks and boulders are scattered throughout the trail. (EXAMINE SELF) It is Prince Erik. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | TRAIL 2 | o------------------------------------------------------------------o (EXAMINE AREA) You're on a trail where the air feels more humid, the ground softer. (EXAMINE SELF) It is Prince Erik. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | TRAIL 3 | o------------------------------------------------------------------o (EXAMINE AREA) You feel your heart pounding for some reason, and feel carefully for solid footing. (EXAMINE SKULL) A skull on a pole increases your sense of dread. (EXAMINE SELF) It is Prince Erik. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | SWAMP | o------------------------------------------------------------------o (EXAMINE AREA) You find yourself at the heart of a dank and pungent swamp. (EXAMINE SWORD) This sword must contain powerful magic to have killed such a monstrous creature. (EXAMINE BONES) These bones must have belonged to a giant and frightful creature -- possibly a dragon. (EXAMINE WOUND) It is the wound the sword made in the creature's skull. (EXAMINE SELF) It is Prince Erik. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | TRAIL 4 | o------------------------------------------------------------------o (EXAMINE AREA) You're on another long trail in these North Woods. (EXAMINE FENCE-POST) It appears to be a fence-post. (EXAMINE ROCK) It's just a rock, with no apparent purpose. (EXAMINE SELF) It is Prince Erik. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | TRAIL 5 | o------------------------------------------------------------------o (EXAMINE AREA) You're on another long trail in these North Woods. (EXAMINE BANDIT) This bandit clearly means to rob you. (TALK TO BANDIT) BANDIT : "Well, if it isn't another unfortunate traveler. Give me your Gold and I won't kill you." (EXAMINE BANDIT AFTER GIVING HIM A GOLD PIECE) The bandit will now allow you to pass unharmed. (TALK TO BANDIT AFTER GIVING HIM A GOLD PIECE) BANDIT : "It's your lucky day! I'll let you go and hey, watch out for bandits!" *laughing* (TALK TO BANDIT ONCE MORE AFTER GIVING HIM A GOLD PIECE) The bandit has nothing more to say. (EXAMINE FLOWERS) Fragrant flowers dot the landscape. (EXAMINE SELF) It is Prince Erik. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | GIANT TREE | o------------------------------------------------------------------o (EXAMINE AREA) The pathway has narrowed and leads to the giant tree at its end. (EXAMINE BOULDER) The trees appear to have grown right over the boulders. (EXAMINE GIANT TREE) Someone clearly lives inside this tree. (EXAMINE DOOR) The big wooden door was built into the tree. (EXAMINE WINDOW) The window must be used to view unexpected visitors, such as yourself. (EXAMINE SELF) It is Prince Erik. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | SAGE'S ABODE | o------------------------------------------------------------------o (EXAMINE AREA) It's a very cozy little abode, to be inside a tree. (EXAMINE DOOR) It's the door you came in. (EXAMINE HOUSEHOLD ITEMS) The Sage has many lovely household items. (EXAMINE STOVE) A pot-bellied stove keeps the place toasty. (EXAMINE SAGE) It is a Sage. They are well known for their wisdom and wit. (TALK TO SAGE) SAGE : "Hello, my boy, hello. I'm the Sage of the Woods. Professional problem solver and repository wisdom. I've been waiting all day for a carrier to deliver a Magic Box which my friend Leo, in the city, has been positively stymied by." (EXAMINE MONSTER-IN-A-BOX) It is a monster-in-a-box. Obviously, it is not a safe toy for children. (TALK TO SAGE AFTER GIVING HIM THE MAGIC BOX) SAGE : "Why, thank you, my boy, thank you! For saving my life, you'll gain a piece of my wisdom. You must find the Magic Sword, which can only be used against the fearsome Warlock Lord, but you must wear the Royal Gauntlet before the sword can be yours. The task ahead of you would require the intellect of an heir to the 'Line of Kings'. Good day, my boy." (TALK TO SAGE ONCE MORE AFTER GIVING HIM THE MAGIC BOX) The Sage has nothing more to say. (EXAMINE SELF) It is Prince Erik. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | TRAIL 6 | o------------------------------------------------------------------o (EXAMINE AREA) You're on a trail through the North Woods. (EXAMINE BOULDERS) Many large boulders are scattered throughout the trail. (EXAMINE VIKING) He's a disheveled viking with a ratty-looking beard. (TALK TO VIKING) VIKING : "Burrs. Don't know where they come from. Wish I had me some clippers(?) for gettin' burrs out of me beard." (EXAMINE VIKING AFTER GIVING HIM THE SPECIAL COMB) The viking appreciates your thoughtful gift. He can now comb his beard and hold his head up high. (TALK TO VIKING AFTER GIVING HIM THE SPECIAL COMB) VIKING : "Oh my, this comb works just fine! That Hammer I gave you, it's magic! Certain enchanted objects react to it in surprising ways." (TALK TO VIKING ONCE MORE AFTER GIVING HIM THE SPECIAL COMB) The viking has nothing more to say. (EXAMINE SELF) It is Prince Erik. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | CAVERN LEDGE | o------------------------------------------------------------------o (EXAMINE AREA) It is another long cavern ledge. (EXAMINE CREATURE) It is a small harmless creature. (EXAMINE SELF) It is Prince Erik. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | OUTSIDE TEMPLE | o------------------------------------------------------------------o (EXAMINE AREA) You're standing outside a temple, which you know from ancient myth to be the Temple of Astrid. (EXAMINE FENCE) A stone fence surrounds the temple. (EXAMINE TEMPLE) The temple is made of stone. (EXAMINE SELF) It is Prince Erik. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | TEMPLE OF ASTRID | o------------------------------------------------------------------o (EXAMINE AREA) The temple has a mysterious air about it, and you're sure there's something important here. (EXAMINE COLUMNS) The columns are of cold stone, and damp from the atmosphere outside. (EXAMINE STAIRS) There's a tower here that can only be accessed by the stairs. (EXAMINE GARGOYLE) It's a hideous stone gargoyle come to life, to keep you from climbing the stairs. (EXAMINE SELF) It is Prince Erik. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | TOWER | o------------------------------------------------------------------o (EXAMINE AREA) You feel something powerful here, and notice that the temperature has dropped noticeably. (EXAMINE TOWER) The tower is made of stone. (EXAMINE SERPENT) The unmistakable image of a serpent guards the pool. (EXAMINE POOL) The waters of the pool are dark, and you sense some kind of presence. (EXAMINE SELF) It is Prince Erik. O=======================================================================O | HIGHLAND PLATEAUS | O=======================================================================O o------------------------------------------------------------------o | DWARVEN MINES 1 | o------------------------------------------------------------------o (EXAMINE AREA) You've entered an area once inhabited by Dwarves, containing structures associated with mining. (EXAMINE HUT) This structure is a typical winch house that controls earth-drilling machinery. (TRY TO ENTER THE HUT) The door to the hut is locked. (EXAMINE BUILDING) This building is for the boiler that provides steam for the mining operation. (EXAMINE TRAIL) This trail leads to a remote region of ridges and plateaus. (EXAMINE SAPHIRE) It is a gem, probably overlooked when the mine was abandoned. (EXAMINE SELF) It is Prince Erik. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | ENGINE ROOM | o------------------------------------------------------------------o (EXAMINE AREA) This is the power plant for the mine, where energy for the machinery is generated. (EXAMINE ENGINE) A giant, cast-iron engine, now cold, provides power for the operation. (EXAMINE PILE OF COALS) A pile of coal in the corner appears to be relatively moisture-free. (EXAMINE SELF) It is Prince Erik. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | DWARVEN MINES 2 | o------------------------------------------------------------------o (EXAMINE AREA) You've entered an area once inhabited by Dwarves, containing structures associated with mining. (EXAMINE BUILDING) This building is for the boiler that provides steam for the mining operation. The entrance is on the other side of the building. (EXAMINE SELF) It is Prince Erik. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | SMALL LEDGE | o------------------------------------------------------------------o (EXAMINE AREA) This small ledge is on an incline, and is dotted with boulders. The cold wind makes you shiver. (EXAMINE SELF) It is Prince Erik. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | NARROW LEDGE 1 | o------------------------------------------------------------------o (EXAMINE AREA) This long and narrow ledge has some ice flows hanging from it, caused by internal seepage and cold winds. (EXAMINE SELF) It is Prince Erik. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | NARROW LEDGE 2 | o------------------------------------------------------------------o (EXAMINE AREA) This long and narrow ledge has some ice flows hanging from it, caused by internal seepage and cold winds. (EXAMINE SELF) It is Prince Erik. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | GIANT SLUG BURROW 1 | o------------------------------------------------------------------o (EXAMINE AREA) You're in a giant slug burrow. You can feel a sliminess underfoot from the gooey discharge of the residents as they slide across the floor of the burrow. (EXAMINE SELF) It is Prince Erik. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | GIANT SLUG BURROW 2 | o------------------------------------------------------------------o (EXAMINE AREA) You're in a giant slug burrow. You can feel a sliminess underfoot from the gooey discharge of the residents as they slide across the floor of the burrow. (EXAMINE GIANT SLUG) You've never seen slugs like these. They're fast and fight with head-mounted extendable drills. (EXAMINE SHINY METAL) It is a shiny piece of metal. (EXAMINE TUBE-NESTS) These tube-nests house the slugs and their offspring, and ooze liquid onto the floor of the burrow. (EXAMINE SELF) It is Prince Erik. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | LEDGE | o------------------------------------------------------------------o (EXAMINE AREA) This ledge is steep, and connects one level of the plateaus with the other. (EXAMINE SELF) It is Prince Erik. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | PLATEAU 1 | o------------------------------------------------------------------o (EXAMINE AREA) You're in the Highland Plateaus, and are feeling the chill of the wind and lower temperatures. (EXAMINE SELF) It is Prince Erik. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | PLATEAU 2 | o------------------------------------------------------------------o (EXAMINE AREA) You're in the Highland Plateaus, and are feeling the chill of the wind and lower temperatures. (EXAMINE SELF) It is Prince Erik. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | CRYPT OF AGES | o------------------------------------------------------------------o (EXAMINE AREA) Known as the Crypt of Ages, this burial place holds the bones of hundreds of souls. (EXAMINE STAIRS) The stairs lead back to the plateaus. (EXAMINE SKULL BULLET) The skull bullets are deadly. (EXAMINE BONE CREATURE) This skull-shooting bone creature guards the Door to the Crypts. (EXAMINE DOOR TO THE CRYPTS) This door must lead to another area of the tomb. (EXAMINE SELF) It is Prince Erik. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | SOLITARY ROOM | o------------------------------------------------------------------o (EXAMINE AREA) This is a solitary room, the resting place for a single soul. (EXAMINE DEAD KNIGHTS) This long dead knight is destined for all eternity to stand guard in this chamber. (EXAMINE LEFT DEAD KNIGHT AFTER ASSEMBLING THE STAFF OF AGES) The knight still stands, awaiting the time when the Staff of Ages has served its purpose and will be returned here until it is needed once more. (EXAMINE SARCOPHAGUS) This is the sarcophagus of royalty; it's clear from the hand-chiseled mantle. (EXAMINE SELF) It is Prince Erik. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | LAKMIR'S HUT | o------------------------------------------------------------------o (EXAMINE AREA) You're near the hut of Lakmir, the legendary wizard who was friend and protector of the Line of Kings. It's windy up here. (EXAMINE STORAGE BOX) This is some kind of outdoor storage box, maybe for firewood or kindling. (EXAMINE WINDOW) This is the only window in the hut. (EXAMINE DOOR) The door is of heavy wood with iron braces, and there's a handle made out of a large animal bone. (EXAMINE PARCHMENT) It is a Parchment. (EXAMINE BARREL) This big barrel is to catch rain for drinking. It's full. (EXAMINE SELF) It is Prince Erik. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | HUT INTERIOR | o------------------------------------------------------------------o (EXAMINE AREA) The whole interior of this hut is covered with ice. It is very cold, and must have been this way for a long, long time. (EXAMINE TOP SHELF) These large old books probably concern the arts of wizardry, although it's impossible to tell because they are in some other language. You choose not to take them, out of respect. (EXAMINE LOWER SHELF) This lower shelf holds a large lidded container of some sort and some other stuff of Lakmir's. You do not try to take any of it, out of regard for the old wizard. (EXAMINE MAGNIFYING GLASS) It is a Magnifying Glass, probably used for reading. (EXAMINE LAKMIR) The poor wizard Lakmir, eternal friend of your family, is frozen solid. He must have been here like this for years. (EXAMINE FIREPLACE) There has been no fire in this fireplace for a long time, although there is wood here which appears to be pretty dry. (EXAMINE WRAITH) A wraith from the Netherworld is here to keep anyone from rescuing the poor Lakmir. You wonder what might be used to fend off this demon. (EXAMINE SUNLIGHT FROM WINDOW) A brilliant beam of sunlight falls through the window to a spot on the floor. (EXAMINE PARCHMENT ON FLOOR) It is the Parchment you picked up outside the hut. (EXAMINE PARCHMENT ON FLOOR AFTER USING THE MAGNIFYING GLASS ON SUNLIGHT) You see object 07 (EXAMINE AREA AFTER WRAITH DISAPPEARS) Lakmir's hut is warm now, and feels much better than it did before. (EXAMINE LAKMIR AFTER WRAITH DISAPPEARS) Lakmir, thawed, is much happier and more talkative. You wonder if any of his old powers are still there. (TALK TO LAKMIR AFTER WRAITH DISAPPEARS) LAKMIR : "Oh, by the great Seer, it's young Erik! If you hadn't come along, my boy, I might've been frozen for eternity! But listen well to me, that Pendant of the Elements you wear is a mirror image of a floor in Castle Shadowgate. You must find that room and solve the puzzle engraved in the floor. Moreover in a nearby place, one of your royal ancestors hid the Staff of Ages, but the pieces have become scattered over the years. If you can find the pieces and put them together. You'll have the means to defeat the Warlock Lord. May the spirit of your father and your ancestors stay with you, my boy." (TALK TO LAKMIR ONCE MORE AFTER WRAITH DISAPPEARS) Lakmir has nothing more to say. (EXAMINE SEASHELL AFTER WRAITH DISAPPEARS) It is a Seashell. (EXAMINE SELF) It is Prince Erik. O=======================================================================O | GATEKEEPER MOUNTAINS | O=======================================================================O o------------------------------------------------------------------o | SMALL PATCH OF WOODS | o------------------------------------------------------------------o (EXAMINE AREA) You're in a small patch of woods. (EXAMINE SELF) It is Prince Erik. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | PEACEFUL WOOD | o------------------------------------------------------------------o (EXAMINE AREA) You're at the bottom of Gatekeeper Mountain, in a peaceful wood. (EXAMINE SELF) It is Prince Erik. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | VERTICAL MOUNTAIN | o------------------------------------------------------------------o (EXAMINE AREA) This part of the mountain is mostly vertical. It's more of a workout than you've had in some time. (EXAMINE TREES) The trees look so close from here you almost feel you could jump right onto them. Almost. (EXAMINE SELF) It is Prince Erik. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | CLIFFS | o------------------------------------------------------------------o (EXAMINE AREA) The cliffs on this mountain are sheer and treacherous. Most are also inaccessible. (EXAMINE TREES) From here you can see the tops of the trees in the woods near this mountain. (EXAMINE BOULDER) It is a large deadly boulder. (EXAMINE GUARDIAN) It is a Guardian of the Mountain. (EXAMINE SELF) It is Prince Erik. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | LEDGE | o------------------------------------------------------------------o (EXAMINE AREA) This long ledge has steep sides. (EXAMINE UNDEAD HARPY) You're confronted by an undead harpy with a horrible face, deadly talons and a bad attitude. (EXAMINE SELF) It is Prince Erik. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | SUMMIT | o------------------------------------------------------------------o (EXAMINE AREA) You're almost to the summit of the mountain. You notice that your heart is pounding. (EXAMINE BOULDER) It is a large deadly boulder. (EXAMINE SELF) It is Prince Erik. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | MOUNTAIN TOP | o------------------------------------------------------------------o (EXAMINE AREA) You're at the top of Gatekeeper Mountain, with a spectacular view of the realm below you. (EXAMINE CASTLE SHADOWGATE) It's Castle Shadowgate. You have a feeling of apprehension and foreboding as your gaze falls upon the ancient parapet. (EXAMINE SELF) It is Prince Erik. O=======================================================================O | CASTLE SHADOWGATE | O=======================================================================O o------------------------------------------------------------------o | MAIN ENTRANCE | o------------------------------------------------------------------o (EXAMINE AREA) You are in front of the main entrance to Castle Shadowgate. Once again you feel a sense of foreboding. (EXAMINE STAIRS) The stone stairs, while worn with age, do not appear to have been tread upon in a very long time. (EXAMINE DOORS) The heavy old doors at the entrance once kept the castle secure, but one of them has fallen into disrepair over time. (EXAMINE OWL STATUE) An imposing statue of an owl adorns the left balustrade. (TALK TO OWL STATUE) OWL STATUE : "What save you in this darkest hour, I think it in the Fairies' power. The pipes that calls the Fairies nigh, their tones resounding in the sky. The pipes may have the power to save, should death confront the young and brave." (EXAMINE ANGEL STATUE) An angel in the stance of a warrior adorns the right balustrade. (TALK TO ANGEL STATUE) ANGEL STATUE : "For victory by a royal heir, sword and gauntlet must you bear. Or Staff of Ages now made whole, will shield you from the Well of Souls. But first most basic earth(?) find use, to solve that which would there confuse. The others represented there are earth, water, fire, and air." (TALK TO STATUES ONCE MORE) The statue has nothing more to say. (EXAMINE SELF) It is Prince Erik. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | HALL OF MONSTERS 1 | o------------------------------------------------------------------o (EXAMINE AREA) You've entered a "Hall of Monsters" with strange and menacing creatures etched of brown marble in each alcove. (EXAMINE GHOUL STATUE) This statue looks like some kind of ghoul, with cloven hooves. (EXAMINE ANUBIS STATUE) This figure resembles Anubis, the Egyptian God of the Dead. (EXAMINE CHIMERA STATUE) A head like a boar, forelegs like a bug, and webbed feet creates a horrific statuary -- especially in regal vestments (EXAMINE SELF) It is Prince Erik. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | HALL OF MONSTERS 2 | o------------------------------------------------------------------o (EXAMINE AREA) The hallway continues, with more grisly faces staring down at you. (EXAMINE LEVIATHAN STATUE) This stone Leviathan is reminiscent of sea monsters described in the old legends. (EXAMINE DEMON STATUE) Bat wings and cloven feet are marks of the dark character behind this demonic statue. (EXAMINE HENCHMAN STATUE) A hunchbacked henchman must have been the model for this figure. (EXAMINE UNDEAD MONSTER) It is an undead monster. It seems to have misplaced its lower half. (EXAMINE UNDEAD MONSTER'S LEGS) Nice legs! (EXAMINE SHADOW SNATCHER STATUE) The "Shadow Snatcher" is a terrifying character from the old lore that was said to steal children out of their beds at night. (EXAMINE SCORPION STATUE) This monster seems derived from a scorpion, with giant pincers at the end of its limbs. (EXAMINE GIANT BUG STATUE) Similar in look to a beetle, this giant bug's mandibles could easily crush a man's bones if it were alive. (EXAMINE BLOCKED DOOR) The door blocks the way to the rest of the castle. (EXAMINE UNBLOCKED DOOR) Defeating the monster has released the door. (EXAMINE SELF) It is Prince Erik. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | DOMED CHAMBER | o------------------------------------------------------------------o (EXAMINE AREA) You've entered a domed chamber with four distinct hieroglyphs etched into the floor. (EXAMINE CEILING) The domed ceiling has a hole in it, through which light is visible. (EXAMINE CENTER POINT) You are drawn to this center point among the four quadrants. You feel a power, and are pretty sure that any action on your part must be taken from this spot. (EXAMINE WATER HIEROGLYPH) The wavy lines of this hieroglyph must denote water. (EXAMINE EARTH HIEROGLYPH) This hieroglyph seems to be a symbol for the earth. (EXAMINE FIRE HIEROGLYPH) You believe this quadrant to be a stylized image of fire. (EXAMINE AIR HIEROGLYPH) You remember an ancient symbol for air, and see it in this pattern. (EXAMINE SELF) It is Prince Erik. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | IRIDESCENT ROOM | o------------------------------------------------------------------o (EXAMINE AREA) You've emerged into a darkly iridescent room with an organ. It's a solitary place, and you get the feeling that whoever used it for music must have done it alone. (EXAMINE ORGAN) The organ is back-lit with a strange glow. (EXAMINE SCROLL) It is a sealed scroll. (EXAMINE PICTURES) These may be pictures of past occupants of this castle. (EXAMINE DOOR) You wonder where this door might lead. (EXAMINE SELF) It is Prince Erik. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | ORGAN ROOM | o------------------------------------------------------------------o (EXAMINE AREA) You are in front of a magnificent pipe organ with huge copper pipes. The organ has a slot in it above the keyboard, and has protuding ornamental carvings on it that are somewhat gargoyle-like. (EXAMINE ORGAN) The organ contains various slots. It's as though you were meant to put something in it. (EXAMINE KEYBOARD) The organ keys are oversized. The whites are of finest marble, the blacks of jet-black ebony. Nobody has used them in some time; they're covered with dust. (EXAMINE SEAT) The attached seat is positioned to reach the foot pedals, below, which are curved in a parallel configuration to the pipes. (EXAMINE SELF) It is Prince Erik. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | BELOW CLOCK TOWER | o------------------------------------------------------------------o (EXAMINE AREA) This room leads to the clock tower above. (EXAMINE LADDER) The ladder leads to the room above. (EXAMINE SELF) It is Prince Erik. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | CLOCK TOWER | o------------------------------------------------------------------o (EXAMINE AREA) You're in a room behind a giant clock. The numerals on the clock face cast shadows on the floor. (EXAMINE LADDER) There's a ladder here that goes down to the level below. (EXAMINE CLOCK FACE) The clock face holds huge numerals to mark the hour, which you can see through the cloudy glass. (EXAMINE BATS) I'm a bat! I'm a bat! (EXAMINE COUNTERWEIGHT) This counterweight is connected to the clock in the tower, and is part of the mechanism that runs it. (EXAMINE CHAIN) The chain hangs above a hole in the boards. (EXAMINE SELF) It is Prince Erik. O=======================================================================O | VOID BETWEEN WORLDS | O=======================================================================O o------------------------------------------------------------------o | LEDGE | o------------------------------------------------------------------o (EXAMINE AREA) Beyond this ledge lies the legendary "Void between Worlds." Across this gulf the Well of Souls awaits. (EXAMINE GONG) You see a polished brass gong. A hooded figure is etched into its gleaming surface. (CUTSCENE WITH CHARON AFTER RINGING THE GONG) CHARON : "Before you may cross, you must choose one and only one thing to bring with you. Choose it now." (EXAMINE CHARON) This ominous figure must be Charon, the Ferryman. (EXAMINE SELF) It is Prince Erik. o------------------------------------------------------------------o | WELL OF SOULS | o------------------------------------------------------------------o (CUTSCENE) BELEZAAR : "Aha! So our young hero has finally awaken, eh? For a moment I feared you would sleep through my final triumph over your pathetic race." PRINCE ERIK : "Huh... Uhhn... Uh, Belezaar!" PRINCE ERIK : "Why, Belezaar, why?! Why did you betray my father, he trusted you!" BELEZAAR : "Ha hah! Yes, the poor old fool, he offered me everything a man could want. But... I'M NOT A MAN!!" BELEZAAR : "Now young Prince, I have the power of Shadowgate at my disposal. Your sister's life will seal the bargain which shall return the Warlock Lord to this world." PRINCE ERIK : "!!" PRINCE ERIK : "Elizabeth? No, not her! Belezaar, you can't do this, she's just a child!" BELEZAAR : "What is another Human to me, boy? Besides, when I return this world to its rightful Reptilian masters, the magnitude of the slaughter will make this small sacrifice seem pale by comparison." BELEZAAR : "{Chanting in an ancient tongue.}" ELIZABETH : *sobbing* PRINCE ERIK : "No! No! No! No!" BELEZAAR : "Awake! Oh, Lord of Warlocks!" PRINCE ERIK : "NO!" BELEZAAR : "Arise, and together, let us reshape the world!" BELEZAAR : "Aha! I've done it, I've done it! Devour the girl-child, Warlock Lord, and consume her soul. With your power, I will conquer this world!" WARLOCK LORD : "Oh, I'll devour the child in due time, changeling. But first..." BELEZAAR : "No! NOOOOOOOOOO!!" WARLOCK LORD : "And now, my child, I'll devour your body and soul. And the blood of the 'Line of Kings' will set me free from this accursed exile, and your brother will make a meal as well. With both your souls a part of me, my power will be indomitable." WARLOCK LORD : "The forces I will gather shall ravage your world. All those who oppose me shall be ground into the dust. In fire and agony, a new age will begin, THE AGE OF THE WARLOCK LORD!!" WARLOCK LORD : "And now, my child. Let us concern ourselves with my first dish. Oh, don't look so frightened, it will only hurt... FOR EVER!!!" *laughing* KING ARONDE : "I've done all I can, Erik. The doorway between our worlds is closed to me now. Avenge me, and save all you hold precious!" WARLOCK LORD : "Ahh, Prince Erik." PRINCE ERIK : "That's right, Warlock Lord! It's time to end this madness once and for all!!" WARLOCK LORD : "Oooh, and just how do you intend to foil my plans, little hero?" PRINCE ERIK : "WITH THIS!!!" O=======================================================================O | BAD ENDING | O=======================================================================O (CUTSCENE) PRINCE ERIK : "Excuse me... ARE YOU CRAZY? I'm about to begin the climactic battle between good and evil with the fate of the universe riding on the outcome! And YOU give me nothing to do it with, but a lousy--!!!" O=======================================================================O | GOOD ENDING & EPILOGUE | O=======================================================================O NARRATOR: "Their father avenged, and the world safe once more. Erik and Elizabeth race to the surface, leaving behind the Well of Souls and the vanquished Warlock Lord. They reach the open air just as the wizard, Lakmir, freed from Belezaar's imprisoning spell, unleashed all the sorcerer powers at his disposal; hurling spell after spell at Castle Shadowgate. "The skies boiled, the mountain shook, and mystic energies crackled in the air. The earth below the castle gave forth thousands upon thousands of thorn encrusted vines, which slid like serpents up the rough brick walls of the ancient castle, waiving a deadly wall of green around Shadowgate. Finally, after the last brick disappeared into the living wall of thorns, each vine gave forth a single red rose. The spell was complete, and Shadowgate was sealed forever. "With the death of Belezaar and the defeat of the Warlock Lord. The soldiers, who have remained loyal to Aronde, came out of hiding and took up arms against the hideous creatures Belezaar had summoned to terrorize the land. Led by the Prince and Princess, they destroyed the last of Belezaar's monstrous allies and the land was at last at peace. "A countryside safe once more, Erik and Elizabeth took their rightful places on the throne, and side by side, they ruled the land. The task of undoing the damage Belezaar's schemes have wrought was a long and difficult one, but Erik and Elizabeth soon proved themselves to be fair and wise rulers, and justice was restored. "Inheritors of their father's wisdom and benevolence, the two were quick to restore Kal Torlin to its former glory, and under their enlightened rule, the people prospered. For ages afterward, scholars and historians would tell of the mighty empire forged by the dual monarchy of Erik and Elizabeth, and bards would sing of their adventures. The 'Line of Kings' was at last restored and would forevermore stand guard over Shadowgate." O=======================================================================O | STAFF CREDITS | O=======================================================================O Developed By ICOM Simulations, Inc. now Viacom New Media, a division of Viacom International, Inc. Development Team Producers: Doug Snook Carol Balkcom Lead Artist and Designer: Doug Snook Programming and Design: Donna Manning Christian Gustafsson Programing Support: Andrew Glaister Art and Design: Charles Oines Tom Zehner Design Support: Tony Sherman Additional Art: Jeff Troutman Darin Klatt Original Concept Dave Marsh Karl Roelofs Music Mike Cihak, Byte-Size Sound Opening and Closing Paintings Jim Holloway Background Paintings Lil' Gangster Richard Ziehler-Martin Hector Ramirez Voice Actors (Arranged with Jan Hilton, NUTS) Randy Latimer E. Marty Malone Walt Weaver Bill Williamson John Farrell Jim Cunningham Drew Jansen Len Goodman Geanette Poole Lynn Musgrave Recording and Sound Editing Sound Alternatives, Minneapolis Quality Assurance Scott Lawrence Mike Lee John Podlasek, The Testing Source Mike Casso Special Thanks from the ICOM Development Team to Sonoko Saito and John Brandsetter, TTI Published by TTI (Turbo Technologies, Inc.) Los Angeles, California O============================================================================O | [22] REVISION HISTORY | O============================================================================O · v02.00 [02/01/11] = Changed layout and added some new information. · v01.50 [07/10/09] = Corrected some minor mistakes and spelling errors. · v01.00 [02/20/09] = Created this guide. O============================================================================O | [23] LEGAL INFORMATION | O============================================================================O [AUTHOR:] · This document is copyrighted © 2009 - 2011 by Lynn Brown A.K.A. enigmaopoeia · If you have any information you would like to submit to this document, send an e-mail to "enigmaopoeia[at]gmail[dot]com". I will include your submission in the next update with proper credit given. Also due to my busy schedule, I am unable to reply to every e-mail I receive. [DISCLAIMER:] · The latest version of this document can always be found at GameFAQs. This document may not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any website or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other website or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. · Beyond Shadowgate © 1993 ICOM Simulations, Inc.; Turbo Technologies, Inc.; and Viacom New Media. Beyond Shadowgate is a trademark of Viacom New Media, a division of Viacom International, Inc. O============================================================================O | [24] SPECIAL THANKS | O============================================================================O My thanks to the following below who contributed to this document! · GameFAQs @ http://www.gamefaqs.com for hosting my guides. · KeeperBVK and Gideon Zhi for their support with Shadowgate 64: Trials of the Four Towers. · LitCandle for posting the Infinite Health cheat code. · Madamluna & DeceasedCrab for their "Let's Make Madamluna Play Shadowgate!" which was an inspiration for me to start playing Beyond Shadowgate. · Mike McClure for his original Beyond Shadowgate walkthrough. I also want to thank you for reading this guide! ===============================================================================