Wizardry 1 - Proving Grounds Of The Mad Overlord ------------------------------------------------ Version 3.55 Walkthrough by Mr. Kelly R. Flewin E-Mail: K_Flewin@Yahoo.Ca Disclaimer!! This Guide is for private use only, and may not be reproduced or altered in anyway. This may not be sold or used in anyway to earn a profit, such as putting it on a CD and selling it that way, or ANY Such manner not listed here. I am not associated nor affiliated with the creators of this game and system. This Guide was written by me, K. Flewin. I am not associated nor affiliated with any copyrights not mentioned in this Guide. This guide is Copyright Mr. Kelly R. Flewin, 1999-2005 Copyright Time Traveller's Inc. 1999-2005 Revision History ---------------- 3.55 - Corrected a typo, fixed a little fact and changed the email. 3.50 - Wow! Just fresh for the new Millenium, here's this years newest Update :) Thanks to John Anderson [JAnderson@kz.net] for his cool experience tables and Smithy [smithy@programmer.net] for his helpful hints. Happy New Year's People :) Oh yeah... a few new links added... and a tiny spelling error fixed. 3.00 - Added a disclaimer and new instructions on distribution! Please make note of both. Also added some websites where it is to be found. :) Thanks to those who emailed me with links and such. - Also added a small FAQ section due to the overwhelming amount of questions I have recieved. 2.05 - This is only merely just a website update. From my quick look on the net, I found my solve to be on a website... now although it would've been nice to have been notified... I found it easy enough and I wish to let you fans know. I will be asking for them to host my game maps as well. For futher information, see the ending... and to those whom have been asking for me to mail my maps, I'm getting right on it, sorry for the delay. 2.00 - Scanned Maps are now available! I've mapped the game as best I could and detailed them as accurately as I could. B&W though... - Several silly spelling errors I overlooked by mistake... - There's now an item list for the game that is virtually complete. The maps should be available where you got this walkthru. 1.55 - Starting to make maps and find someone to scan them for me. - Corrected two minor errors concerning how to get to Werdna. (I've played this game so much, it completely escaped me that there WAS an error in direction until I followed the guide to the direction and noticed I was off a bit. Sorry!) - Expanded, more detail to the directions and surroundings. 1.00 - First edition, very rough release, but with the basics. Part 1 - The Beginning Part 2 - The Maze! Part 3 - Item List :) Part 4 - Experience Charts :) Part 5 - Frequently Asked Questions Part 6 - End Credits and Stuffage This is generally somewhat of a walkthrough. I really want to call it a solve, but basicly every time I play, I ignore most of the puzzles involving the statues and various keys... if I detailed all of that as well, then I'd consider this a solve... but... this is everything you DO NEED to do to beat the game. If you want to do things the hard way, consult the maps that should also be available where you got this as well as the Item list. (Which contains locations of the Major Quest Items for the puzzles and such) This applies to the PC classic AND The NES version as, other then the opening music, dungeon music and slightly better graphics, (Slight improvement) they're virtualy identical. Part 1 - The Beginning ====================== In the beginning, there was darkness, suddenly a burst of light, and poof! Whoops... wrong beginning! To start off, I can not stress this enough! READ THE MANUAL! I MEAN IT! Get off your butt NOW! And read the whole thing! This is the most valuable asset a Wizardry Player has at the beginning of a long journey. Now, if you've already played this game before and know what you're doing... then hurray! Remember to have the manual nearby though, especially for the spells! [In the PC Version you have to often type them out! Type the first letter and hit enter to make the game bring up a list... the manual helps you by detailing what each spell does. I am NOT going to print out the spells here for you... you can consult your manuals for that! For shame if you pirated this game! You deserve to suffer! If you've honestly lost your manual... then your S.O.L.... Interplay has no tech support for any Wizardry game and the old Sir-Tech lines don't work. Heck the newer ones don't work either :( Anyways, time to go off to the training grounds and make some characters! I will warn you now... unless you could frankly care less about what you get, you may be here for hours rolling for a PERFECT bonus. Depending on the race, it is between 16-21 Bonus Points. You'll not regret the wait later on... especially if you can turn into a Ninja! ;) The specifics for making good characters are in the manual as well. Once you have your characters, go off to Boltac's Trading Post and stock up on goodies for your gang. I would suggest, 2 Fighters, A Thief (For chests and becoming a Ninja), a Priest (Duh!), Mage (Can you say Tiltowait boys and girls? I knew you could) and a Bishop (In the Nes version it's a Wizard... you should have one for identifying ? items.) If you want to be a little bastard (or bitch), make a bunch of useless characters and pool all the gold to one of your characters. Then fry the useless ones away and repeat till you're greedy pockets are filled. It's a bit cheap... but hey... if you've got the time, the extra gold can come in handy. Now that you're stocked up... EQUIP YOUR STUFF! You wouldn't imagine how many people fail to equip their stuff and wonder why they just got slaughtered for the umpteenth time. When you're ready, go down to the Maze and prepare yourself for some action. Quick note about the dungeons! Beware what you do! Evil characters will NOT stay with Good characters. And vice versa. Neutral characters don't give a damn. So... unless your characters are all neutral... If you're good, let friendly monsters leave on their own way. If you're evil, ROAST THEM! Otherwise, you may find that your good or evil characters just switched alignments. Now granted, they will stay with your party, but the second you reach the surface, they'll ditch you. There IS a way around it, but it's a bit risky. Take the characters still with you, heal them and go into the maze. Quit! Then go back into the game and use the character(s) who ditched you and go into the maze. (I)nspect and pick up the characters. The one downside to leaving any character in the maze (especially further down) is that the monsters may rob you. One other warning... beware where you Malor... make sure you know the EXACT CO-ORDINATES! Otherwise you may teleport into rock.. and trust me people.. that is the worst thing to happen... well next to your character becoming LOST for ever or turning into permanently dead... yes... the Temple of Cant is not always 100% perfect. Final Thing before the walkthru! I SWEAR! This is something that the manual does NOT advise you do (The disk version) and that's suddenly resetting your computer or shutting it off due to the fact it usually would happen when the game is writing to the disk... hence your characters go byebye! [I must admit, I fell prey to the "RESET" spell once or twice and lost my characters once.] BUT! Lo and Behold! There is a way around this that ALLOWS you to reset the game! No.. not the computer! Go figure Windows 95/98 actually is useful for a game! If you see your characters decapitated, drained levels, activate a chest trap [Teleporter] or teleporting into rock.. etc. There IS a save! This only works with the CD version (Ultimate Wizardry Archives). It installs the game into a dir ?:\WIZARD15 , where ? is the drive it's on. If you run it from the MS-Dos Prompt and something happens, hit the Win95/98 logo key on your Win95/98 Keyboard (104 Key Keyboard if you didn't know) to bring up the menu, hit esc and then left click the game in the bar at the bottom and close it. From here, you just simply go back and load your game, and you should be at the exact square before the accident happened! The key doesn't affect the game in anyway so!!! :) There's your failsafe, and trust me... IT IS A LIFESAVER! My apologies for all of this rambling and info, but I hope you can benefit from it. Anyways, on with the walkthru! Part 2 - The Maze! ================== The Maze - Floor 1 ------------------ You start at 0E, 0N, 1D. Go East till you get to the door. Open'er up and lay waste. Ho-ho-ho! You've found their booty is nice, but that treasure box looks nicer! Beware when you open that chest though! Even if you're thief knows what it MIGHT be, doesn't mean it's going to be that. So disarm at your own risk. If you get posioned, run back to the surface so you'll live. Use Dios to heal if you need it. If you survive all this, go back to the stairs, and head North till the end. Hit a right and turn right at the first passage you find. Go through the door and bust some enemy! Ditto with the passage further on down and to the right. At this point, don't go through the door straight ahead. When you're done this, head back to the surface and rest at the inn if you need it. [And you will] Soon enough you will be able to level up and your thief will start to get a bit more proficient with figuring out traps. When your priest can chant level 2 spells, use Calfo on chests to get a better idea of what your thief should do and let your thief check to. Usually the Calfo is rather accurate, but you never know. At this point you can dispell dead creatures with a fair accuracy. Give your bishop (Wizard) any ? items to identify them. Hope the bishop gets it right or it's *CurseD* time... and Boltac ain't cheap for uncursing either. Once you reach experience level 3 or 4 for most of your characters, head 8 North and 8 East, Enter the door at last, Head 2 North , 9 West and voila! You're at the stairs to level 2 with minimal hassle! Don't worry about the rest of the level, unless you want to roam around right now. The shadowy dark area should be avoided at the moment. That will come later on in the game though, so note its position. Whenever you need to heal and bring back the magic, head back up to the surface by simply reversing these directions. The Maze - Floor 2 ------------------ Welcome to maze level 2! Hopefully you're starting to get the general feel of the game and have an idea of what to do. I must warn you, please take my advice and level up to about level 3 or 4. You're going to need the HP and spells for the bad boys down here. There's alot of enemies on this floor and they're rougher then before. Beware the Men in chains and Kimonoed men! They mean trouble. You have a chance of being posioned and/or paralyzed and for this, until you got the spells, you're going to have to rely on the Temple of Cant. But for now, don't worry and let's just follow a general path to a fairly decent patch to go fighting in. You start at 12E, 7N, 2D. From here go, 1 North, 1 West, 3 North, 3 West, 1 South, 9 West (Ignore the door, you can't break it down), 3 South and from here go 1 West through the door and get ready for a fight. At this point, take on what you would like, but I would suggest that you run from things until you encounter a group of Creeping Coins. Trust me, you WANT TO fight Creeping Coins. A quick KATINO will make most of them sleep and they don't do much damage. They attack for 1 damage a piece, and they occasionally breath on your party members for 1 damage per breath. Before you get daunted at the possibility of 27 Damage per round, they have like.. oh maybe 2 Hitpoints each and with a Katino, well, they're more manageable. Oh yeah... they have this tendancy to miss alot as well. :) They will give you a whopping 2900 exp. and even more when they call for friends. Mahalito can slaughter a group instantly! After this battle, you might wish to heal. If you need to, go back to the surface by reversing these directions. From here, go 1 East, 4 South and 1 West through the next door. Fight the battle and go 3 East and 1 North through the door and to the next battle. Continue 4 North and 1 East through the door. Fight and go 1 more East. Head 1 South, 1 West, 1 South, 2 East and then head 4 North and voila! You're back at the door you couldn't break down. Quit the maze and immediately start again to revive the monsters and go back in the loop for another kill spree. At anytime, reverse ho and go to the surface if you need it. When you've gotten your experience level up to about 6 or so, maybe make it 7 or 8. Here's what you may want to try next. The Maze - Floor 1 Revisited! ----------------------------- You're now most likely more buff and you've got more cool stuff to attack and defend with. You can go back to level 2 and fight more Creeping Coins, if you want to build up a bit more that is. Or we can keep on going. If you choose to do so, from 0E, 0N, 1D, go 8 North and 9 East, 4 North to the sign. It warns you that this is out of bounds. Don't worry. From the sign, continue 1 North, 1 East and 15 North to the hidden away Elevator. The lettered buttons correspond with each floor. A = Floor 1, B = Floor 2... etc. If you want to go exploring, be my guest and explore B or C. Otherwise, press D and you'll be whisked away to Level 4. The Maze - Floor 4 ------------------ Welcome to what I like to call the halfway point. What? It didn't seem to take that long to get here? Oh don't worry... it gets much more challenging from this point on. You're in the real proving grounds now! From this new point at 10E, 8N, 4D. Go 6 North, through 2 doors until you reach the sign. Go 1 more North and you will trigger the alarm bells. This can't be helped, so don't worry. If you go 1 North from here, you'll encounter a group of tough monsters. Use your spells as you need them, finding some comfort in the fact you can just run and boot it South back to the elevator, go to Floor 1 and go back to the surface. Going 2 West takes you to the Treasure centre. Nothing here but a battle or so. Going 2 East brings you to the cheery Monster Allocation Centre. Go 1 South and get ready for the fight of your life. 2 Level 7 Fighters, 2 Level 7 Mages, 2 High Priests and 1 High Ninja await you. And yes, Mr. Ninja loves to decapitate party members. My suggestions for this battle are as follows. If you surprise them, take out the 2 Mages first. Then go for the Ninja and Priests, leaving the Fighters for last. If it's a regular battle, take out the 2 Mages with your fighters, your thief attacks the High Ninja, your priest chants Montino on the Priests (To prevent them from chanting BADI and killing a character instantly if it connects) your Mage(s) chant DALTO on the High Ninja and you put the High Ninja or Level 7 Fighters to sleep. From there you can just waste the Priests and Ninja and then the Fighters. Remember, this is my suggestion and you can go about this battle as you wish. When you eventually win this battle, (And it is tough so don't get discouraged if you lose. Build up your levels and use your higher level spells as you get them.) you will reap the rewards a mighty. Open the chest and you will recieve an assortment of goodies including a ? Ring. (This is not all the time, so if you get nothing, don't worry) Identify this ring CAREFULLY! It's the Ring of Death! And yes, its name says it all. Sell it at Boltac's for cash. From here, Go 2 North, 1 East and 1 North through the door. Read and Move on 1 East. Read the message and recieve the ? Ribbon. DO NOT LOSE THIS! This is single- handedly one of the most important items in the game other then the Amulet! This is the Blue Ribbon and the key to getting to Werdna's Lair with very little difficulty. [Unless you like to explore so much that you want to manually go to the 9th floor.] Go through the door and you will be right beside the elevator. Take it back home to the surface and go to the Inn for some R&R. Heal everyone complete and then go to the maze. The Maze - Floor 4 Revisted! ---------------------------- From 0E, 0N, 1D go 8 North and then 9 North. By now this is becoming second nature to you :). Head North to the sign and go on in. Head 1 North, 1 East and 15 North to the elevator once more. Push button D, but instead of going North, turn around and go 6 South to the sign. It says authorized users only! But wait! You've got the Ribbon! You're an authorized user! Go 2 more South and you will be at the Godly elevator. This can whisk you all the way to Floor 8! Unless you want to explore the other levels and build up a bit more levels, hit button F and you'll be transported to Floor 9. The Maze - Floor 9 (The Second Quickest Floor!) ----------------------------------------------- Trust me when I say this. This is the second quickest floor you will encounter in the game... as long as you used the elevator. There's a chute right nearby that will shoot you down to Werdna's Lair. Get ready to get your ass kicked or to kick some ass because these monsters don't play nice. You will arrive at 10E, 0N, 9D. Turn around and go 1 North. Get ready for the pain! Go 1 West through the door and right into a battle. You may want to get into the habit of chanting LATUMAPIC at this point in the game. Trolls aren't bad, just a bit high in the HP. AVOID VAMPIRES! Lifestealers! Ninja's! The first 2 can drain you 1-2 levels as well as Paralyze you. And when they drain you... it's permanent. You retain the experience points, but your down 1-2 levels and have to raise them again... BUT! You go up levels like you would normally, making this a real pain to deal with. Avoid the giants for the moment... you may find yourself in a world of pain as well. When you've battled past the creatures, go 1 West and 1 North and POOF! You'll disappear down the chute to Level 10, Werdna's Lair level. Werdna's Lair - Floor 10 (The QUICKEST Floor!) ---------------------------------------------- When you land, you will be greeted with a personal sign/message from Werdna himself. After reading it (BTW: Here's a major answer for Wizardry 4 - The Return of Werdna... a standalone Wizardry which is a direct sequel to this game. (5 Minutes after the game's end to be exact) Late in the game when you're asked by a castle guard for the password... remember what Werdna says in his P.S. :) That's the Castle PW! Well... minus the exclamation point.) you will now find out why this is the quickest floor. Go 1 East. Seriously! 1 East and you will INSTANTLY be transported back to the surface, making this floor the quickest to finish! I also might add, its REALLY Convienient. Get ready for the final stretch of the game. This is going to take a while, so hang on in there. This is level building heaven! It's also treasure heaven! You can get the best armor and weapons down here! Some of the goodies are, Dagger of Thieves (If its power works, your thief can become a Ninja :) The Helm of Malor which can be used to chant Malor, or your Mage can actually wear it :) The Muramasa Blade is only good for Samurai's... otherwise, sell it for about $500,000 :) And finally, the ultimate find. The Blade of Cusinart! This is THE weapon for your fighters. You will start hitting 3+ Hits almost every time and for some serious damage! Your Ninja can use it to, but the Ninja is better off barehanded.. even if they seem to hit for crap at first. Then of course there's other assorted goodies, but I'll let you find them :) Also, something of interest :) If you happen to FIND a Dagger of Thieves, you may want to hold off its use. Maybe transform your Mage with 6-9 Tiltowait spells into a thief and then into a Ninja... after all.. a Ninja that can both decapitate AND chant Tiltowait is a force to be reckoned with! Just remember, only a THIEF! May equip and invoke this dagger so if you want another character, other then your thief to be a Ninja, you must make them into thieves first, then you can turn to a Ninja. Remember, unequip EVERYTHING, when you become a Ninja. Your AC will constantly lower on its own and Weapons and Armor prevent that from being its lowest. Since Dumapic fizzles if you use it on this level, mapping this level is a bitch. I will try and guide you as best I can, making the assumption that you face North when you land and East is the Teleporter to the Surface. Also, this maze has alot of 1 way passages and other assorted wall traps, so do becareful of where you step if you go off the beaten path. One other thing... AVOID TELEPORTER TRAPS! Trust me! Your thief may be good and all by now, but if he/she screws up... god only knows where you're going to be teleported! It may be within the confines of a maze... or 50 floors down in rock. [I say that one from experience] and the last thing you want is a kick ass party in the rocks. From the sign, Go 3 North, 4 East, 3 North, 3 West and 1 North to the door. Heal here and chant Latumapic if you haven't already. If you encounter a Flack, Maelific, Hatamoto, Any number of High Ninjas or Greater Demons... RUN!! Dear god run! They can seriously make short work of you in a heartbeat. Pray for what I call the "Experience" group. 2-4 Poison Giants and 1-2 Will-O-Wisp's. The Poison Giants can breathe on your part for 20-40 damage a breath... so becareful. Will-O-Wisp's have a high AC so chant dilto. To kill off the Giants easy, chant a Lakanito or a Makanito if they're 40 HP or under. When you defeat this group, you'll get a nice lot of experience... around 30,000. :) Will-O-Wisp's aren't too bad alone either, but they don't reap you as much for experience. They also have a tendancy to use Alarm traps, but mainly stick to Teleporter traps. Anyways, go through the door and fight. Anyways, once you've decimated this group, head 1 West and 2 North. Go 1 East and you will be at a sign and you will be boxed in. Continue on 2 East, 2 South, 5 West, 4 North, 2 East, 2 North and Heal. Go 1 West through a door and fight the next batch of guardians. Head 1 North to return to the start of the level and the teleporter. Otherwise go 1 West, 1 North and then Turn South. You're now boxed in again. Go 3 South, 2 West, 3 North, 1 West, 6 South, 1 East and Heal. 1 more East brings you to the next encounter. 1 South will take you to the start again. Otherwise go 2 more East and you're in again. 2 South, 3 West, 3 North, 1 West, 4 North, 1 West, Heal! Then go 1 more West to yet another encounter. 1 North is the start once more. If you choose to go on, go 1 South and then face West. You'll note a 1 way passage. Go 3 West, 2 South, 2 West, 2 South, 2 East, 4 South, 4 East, 2 South, 1 East, 2 South and Heal! Then go 1 more South to the encounter. 1 West will lead you to the start. If you wish to continue on, go 4 South to be boxed in. From here, 2 West, 3 North and then yet again.. heal if you need it. 1 more North brings you to the almost final encounter. 1 East will return you back to the start. At this point, I would suggest going back and healing at the inn as well as leveling up. If you want to go straight to Werdna, ignore this next part. Sell all the stuff you don't want and get ready to go back to Werdna's Lair again. Repeat this loop until you're about Level 13-17. Trust me, you'll need these levels as well as the spells they bring you. If you HAVE chosen to go kick Werdna's ass, good luck! You'll need it! From the last encounter, instead of going 1 East to the start, go 2 West and 1 South to a dead end. Turn around and proceed to go 2 North, 5 East, 2 North, 8 West, 3 South and 2 West to Werdna's Doorstep. Go 1 North, through the door to fight Werdna and his guests, 1 Vampire Lord and 4 Vampires. Use Zilwan against the Vampire Lord and attempt to Dispell the 4 vampires. If they don't die, PRAY they don't drain you. Werdna on the other hand is a tougher cookie. He has the ability to chant Tiltowait and loves to do it! He also occasionaly will chant Katino or Lakanito just to piss you off. When you manage to beat Werdna and Guests, you will obtain the Amulet! :) Just DON'T USE IT! Trust me when I say that. Now just simply Malor back up to the surface. [10 Up] And you will be greeted with the ending and all your characters present will now have a symbol by their names to represent that you have beaten the game. [I am not sure what happens in the NES version. It's been a while.] If you want to go build up more levels and find more goodies, then go right ahead. :) If you go down to Werdna's room, it will say that he's not In. To the best of my knowledge, if you get rid of the amulet, Werdna will come back so you can do it again. :) Now, if this is the NES version... hope you had alot of fun, go down and explore all you want now, since you're so buff. In case you're wondering, the symbol is between 2 " 's. It looks like this "<" If this is the PC Version... I would suggest you go back down to Werdna's Level and raise some hell until you're about Level 15-18. It will take a while, but you'll be glad you did. And if you can make a Ninja for the trip :) Kick ass! At points, a Ninja alone can do damage enough to go alone in the level and still survive for a while. When you've reached Level 15-18 theres a few quick things you may just want to do to make your life a bit easier and any future attempts at beating this game a bit easier. #1 Make a temp character... name it anything.. I called mine Mr Moneybags for reasons that will be come clear in a moment. #2 Pool all your gold to this temp character! #3 Make sure you sell all dupe goodies and other treasures you find. #4 Make sure your 2 fighters have Blade of Cusinarts. It makes life easier if you decide to go level up more. #5 Make sure Boltac's has at least 2 Blade of Cusinarts in stock before your done. A Dagger of Thieves wouldn't hurt either... if you have 1 to spare. #6 Make a back up of the game if you possibly can. If it's from the Wizardry Archives CD Collection, then this is easy. Otherwise, do the next step with caution. #7 If you have Wizardry 2: Knight of Diamonds, now is the time to go to the Utilities menu in your Wizardry 1 Game and (M)ove Characters. Follow the instructions and you will then import your characters to Wizardry 2. Be warned though... you can't import back to part 1, so make sure you really want do this! You must beat the game before doing so though, or it won't work. Note: All your equipment goes BYE BYE! when you port your characters to Wizardry 2... BUT! You keep your gold, and Boltac's has a fairly nice selection still, so all is not lost. Also.. you may wish to level up before the move, since going up levels in this game is a BIT difficult. Especially when a Ninja needs 3-4 Million experience per level. Part 3 - Item List ================== This is virtually complete, but! considering the fact that there's so many things, and most just don't pop up terribly often, I think it's as good as they come. The quest items will be added as I find them and their use. All "-" weapons and armor should obviously be avoided. Spell List ========== Item Effect? Rare? Full Price ==== ======= ===== ========== * Of Latumofis Cure Poison Nope 300 * Of Dios Restore 1-8 HP Nope 500 % Of Katino Put Enemies to Sleep Nope 500 % Of Badios 1-8 Dmg Against an Enemy Nope 500 % Of Halito 1-8 Fire Dmg Against an Enemy Nope 500 * Of Sopic Caster -4 AC Temp Nope 1,500 % Of Lomilwa Chants Lomilwa Nope 2,500 % Of Dilto Makes Enemies easier to hit Nope 2,500 * Of Dial Restore 2-16 HP Nope 5,000 % Of Badial 2-16 Dmg Against an Enemy Average 8,000 Rings & Amulets List ==================== Item Effect? Rare? Full Price ==== ======= ===== ========== Amulet of Jewels Sell for Money Sort Of 5,000 Ring of Porfic [Use] Casts Porfic Average 10,000 Amulet of Monifo [Use] Casts Monifo Avg-Rare 15,000 Amulet of Makanito [Use] Chants Makanito Avg-Rare 20,000 Ring of Death! (C) Trust me. Don't use it! Rare 500,000 Weapons List ============ Item Effect? Rare? Full Price ==== ======= ===== ========== Dagger Nope 5 Staff Nope 10 Short Sword Nope 15 Long Sword Nope 25 Anointed Mace Nope 30 Anointed Flail Nope 150 Long Sword -1 You don't want it! Sort Of 1,000 Short Sword -1 You don't want it! Sort Of 1,000 Mace -1 You don't want it! Average 1,000 Staff +2 Nope 2,500 Staff of Mogref [Use] Chants Mogref Nope 3,000 Short Sword +2 Sort Of 4,000 Long Sword +2 Sort Of 4,000 Mace +2 Sort Of 4,000 Mace -2 You don't want it! Rare 8,000 Staff -2 You don't want it! Rare 8,000 Dagger +2 Average 8,000 Were Slayer Average 10,000 Mage Masher Average 10,000 Mace of Poison Avg-Rare 10,000 Long Sword +1 Nope 10,000 Slayer of Dragons Sort Of 10,000 Mace +1 Nope 12,500 Short Sword +1 Nope 15,000 Staff of Montino [Use] Casts Montino Average 15,000 Blade Cusinart Multiple Hits! :) Rare 15,000 Rod of Flame ?????? Avg-Rare 25,000 Dagger of Speed Avg-Rare 30,000 Sword +3 (E) Evil Characters Only Rare 50,000 S-Sword +3 (E) Evil Characters Only Rare 50,000 Dagger of Thieves Turns a Thief into a Ninja Rare 50,000 Shurikens Gives Ninja +1 HP perm VERY! Rare 50,000 per use Muramasa Blade! Gives Samurai's +1 Strength per use ULTRA RARE 1,000,000 Shields List ============ Item Effect? Rare? Full Price ==== ======= ===== ========== Small Shield Nope 20 Large Shield Nope 40 Shield +1 Nope 1,500 Shield -1 You don't want it! Sort Of 1,500 Shield -2 You don't want it! Rare 8,000 Shield +3 (E) Evil Characters Only Rare 25,000 Shield +3 Rare 250,000 Armor List ========== Item Effect? Rare? Full Price ==== ======= ===== ========== Robes Nope 15 Leather Armor Nope 50 Chain Mail Nope 90 Helm Nope 100 Breast Plate Nope 200 Plate Mail Nope 750 Breast Plate -1 You don't want it! Avg-Rare 1,000 Chain -1 You don't want it! Average 1,000 Leather +1 Nope 1,500 Chain Mail +1 Nope 1,500 Plate Mail +1 Nope 1,500 Breast Plate +1 Nope 1,500 Leather -1 You don't want it! Sort Of 1,500 Helm +1 Sort Of 3,000 Gloves of Copper Average 6,000 Leather +2 Nope 6,000 Chain +2 Nope 6,000 Plate Mail +2 Nope 6,000 Leather -2 You don't want it! Rare 8,000 Chain -2 You don't want it! Rare 8,000 Chain Mail -2 You don't want it! Sort Of 8,000 Breastplate -2 You don't want it! Rare 8,000 Robe of Curses You REALLY don't want it! Very Rare 8,000 Helm +2 (E) Evil Characters Only Nope 8,000 Chain +2 (E) Evil Characters Only Avg-Rare 8,000 Plate +2 (N) Neutral Characters Only Avg-Rare 8,000 Breast Plate +2 Average 10,000 Helm of Malor [Use] Chants Malor, Rare 25,000 Equipable by Mages! Helm of Curses Snicker, Snicker Rare 50,000 Gloves of Silver Rare 60,000 Breast Plate +3 Rare 100,000 Plate +3 (E) Evil Characters Only Rare 150,000 Garb of Lords [Use] Casts Madi, Lords Only VERY! Rare 1,000,000 Quest Items! ============ Item Use Where? Sell Price? ==== === ====== =========== Blue Ribbon Enter room at 10E, 1N, 4D 11E, 10N, 4D 0 Key of Bronze Enter room at 8E, 7N, 2D 13E, 3N, 1D 0 Silver Key Enter room at 8E, 12N, 2D 13E, 18N, 1D 0 Key of Gold ??? 4E, 16N, 2D 0 Statue of Frog ??? 12E, 4N, 2D 0 Statue of Bear Enter room at 17E, 12N, 4D 9E, 18N, 2D 0 Amulet of Werdna To Beat The Game! Werdna! None! A few notes about the final Quest Item, The Amulet of Werdna. First of all, becareful if you wish to equip it. It's cursed... but oddly enough takes your armor class down 20 points! My Bishop went from Ac = 2 to Ac = -18! If you equip it though... you can't give it to the man at 11E, 10N, 4D :( And hence you'll require Boltac's uncursing... which ain't cheap! And go back and kill Werdna again! When you INVOKE it, it can heal your party! The "*" refers to the spell bag thing and the "%" refers to scrolls. Most classifications are PURELY from my own gaming experiences. These are from literally thousands of hours logged into this game from the first day I played, to the time of this writing. Please note, that as such, you will find that you may come across items more frequently or infrequently when you play. After all, alot of it is purely random. Part 4 - Experience Charts ========================== Below are the charts for experience points to level up for all 8 classes. Special thanks to John Anderson for these killer tables! [And I thought I had time on my hands sometimes! :)] Lvl Fighter Mage Priest Thief 2 1,000 1,100 1,050 900 3 1,724 1,896 1,810 1,551 4 2,972 3,268 3,120 2,674 5 5,124 5,634 5,379 4,610 6 8,834 9,713 9,274 7,948 7 15,231 16,746 15,989 13,703 8 26,260 28,872 27,567 23,625 9 45,275 49,779 47,529 40,732 10 78,060 85,825 81,946 70,187 11 134,586 147,974 141,286 121,081 12 232,044 255,127 243,596 208,750 13 400,075 439,874 419,993 359,931 14+ 289,709 318,529 304,132 260,639 Lvl Bishop Samurai Lord Ninja 2 1,000 1,250 1,300 1,450 3 2,105 2,192 2,280 2,543 4 3,692 3,845 4,000 4,461 5 6,477 6,745 7,017 7,826 6 11,363 11,833 12,310 13,729 7 19,935 20,759 21,596 24,085 8 34,973 36,419 37,887 42,254 9 61,136 63,892 66,468 74,129 10 107,642 112,091 116,610 130,050 11 188,845 196,650 204,578 228,157 12 331,370 345,000 358,908 400,275 13 581,240 605,263 629,663 702,236 14+ 438,479 456,601 475,008 529,756 Part 5 - Frequently Asked Questions =================================== Q: If one of my characters dies in the game right off the bat, is there any way to bring them back to life? If so how? A: Yes there is a way, but you won't like the answer. You get a party together, or the remaining party members who didn't die, and heal them up. Go to the square where your character died and do a search. If you're on the correct square, and the alignment of the party members matches the dead character [Or you're all Neutral] you can pick them up and take them back to the surface. Go to the Temple of Cant and then gawk at the expensive price to revive your fallen comrade. In all honesty, you're better off pillaging the dead one and then making a new character. The Temple can screw up your fallen comrade by accident and cost you way more then you need to worry about so early in the game. Q: Where can I find any of these games? A: For the PC Versions, you can go to any good Computer store and pick yourself up a copy of the Wizardry Archives cd-rom at a decent price. I believe a Macintosh copy does exist, so Mac Fans, rejoice. If you want the old school NES Versions, I would recommend online gaming stores dealing in ancient games or pawn/used shops in your area. You could alternately go online and... no.. you would NEVER do that.. considering it's illegal, immoral, carries a hefty fine.. etc. Q: Where can I find the Roms? A: You want to go the illegal route? Find them yourself as I can't help you. Q: Where can I find maps for the game? A: I am fairly sure there is at least a site or 2 on the net that has maps for this game. I personally have made maps for the First Trilogy, but only have Wizardry 1 scanned. I will be more then happy to email people them if requested, unless someone wishes to keep them up on their site for me. My connect is crap, so apologies for any delay in getting them to you. Q: Can I switch my characters from Part 1 NES to Part 2 NES? A: Sadly you can't, as there is no way to transfer the data from one Cartridge to another that I am aware of. Q: Can you send me a copy of the Manual? I lost mine. A: I'd honestly like to help you here... but then there's way too many people emailing me about this.. and with the roms floating around the net, it's virtually impossible for me to tell if the person asking me legitimately owns the game or they pirated the rom. Part 6 - End Credits and Stuffage ================================= I hope this has been a great deal of help to anyone who has struggled thru this fantastic game. I will update it as I figure out the major purpose of the statues and keys and I will also do my best to make maps and scan them for the future so you don't have to blindly explore. Happy gaming, and see you in Scenario 2... If you have any questions or comments, please direct them to me at; K_Flewin@Yahoo.Ca Attn: Wizardry Special thanks to my best friend who got me HOOKED on Wizardry when we were about 11 and the NES Version he got for his Birthday had a 17+ rating but we played and loved it anyways :) Boris. If you're reading this my friend, remember, you and this game is what got me started on my huge love for RPG's :) If you want to distro it, be my guest. As long as you don't edit this in any way, unless permission is granted. You MUST ALSO Inform me of which website you wish to add it to so I may add the link to future updates and give my official OK. It MAY be editted to be displayed on a web page only if my name is intact and I am notified so I may come and marvel. :) It may be printed out... not like I could stop you :) Just please keep it intact. This solve/walkthrough and any subsequent updates can always [Hopefully] be found/available at the following sites: [Updated as often as possible] Game Faqs [http://www.gamefaqs.com] http://www.gamefaqs.com/computer/doswin/file/wizardry.txt Game Winners [http://www.gamewinners.com] http://www.gamewinners.com/DUO/Wizardry1And2.htm The Cheat Empire [http://home.planetinternet.be/~twuyts] http://home.planetinternet.be/~twuyts/xdown/wz.zip Al Amaloo's Video Game Strategies [http://vgstrategies.about.com] http://www.gameadvice.com/cgibin/faq.cgi?game=w/Wizardry-KFlewin.txt Foraker's Page of Wizardry [http://www.geocities.com/foraker.geo/wizard/index.html] http://www.geocities.com/foraker.geo/wizard/wizardry.txt RPG Classics [http://rpgclassics.com] http://www.rpgclassics.com/database/wizardry1pc/1.txt Games Domain [http://www.gamesdomain.com] [and all mirrors] http://www.gamesdomain.co.uk/solution/wizardry_pc.txt Cheatsearch.Com http://www.cheatsearch.com/PC/unp90_20000501_00273.HTML Games Over [http://www.gamesover.com] http://www.gamesover.com/walkthroughs/wizardry1.txt Wizardry Copyright 1981-2001 Andrew Greenberg, Inc. and Robert Woodhead, Inc. All Rights Reserved Wizardry is a registered trademark of Sir-Tech Software, Inc.; Reg'd TM Canada This Walkthrough/Solve is Copyright Mr. Kelly Flewin, 1999-2002 Copyright Time Traveller's Inc. 1999-2002