Guide #101: Ys I & II Bosses: Recommended equipment, levels and strategies Version 1.2 (11/12/99) (Mainly typo fixing) By "Emptyeye" ( This guide appears at and There are 7 Sections Section I: Version History Section II: Intro Section III: Absolute Game Basics Section IV: Boss Strategies Section V: Passwords Section VI: This Guide's Future Section VII: Legal Stuff/Special Thanks Section I: Version History Beta (9/1/99): This is not a complete guide, but it'll help with Book I. Beta 2 (10/30/99): Added Strategy for Winged Griffin; Guide still not complete so request for game should remain on board. Thanks. Beta 3 (10/31/99): Added Strategy for Armored Cyborg; Changed the name of the Winged Griffin (To Armored Griffin); Guide still not complete, you know the routine. Beta 4 (11/2/99): Added Strategy for Greenface; Fixed a typo; Guide still not done but progress is being made. (NOTE: Never released because I wrote Beta 5 the same day) Beta 5 (11/2/99): Added Strategy for Mr. Drager; Fixed another typo; Closer but not complete yet... Beta 6 (11/5/99): Added Strategy for Greenar; Added a "Never Released" note to Beta 4 in the Version History; Just two bosses to go... V1.0 (11/6/99): Added Strategies for Dalles and Darm; Added the Passwords section; did whatever else I had to do...the guide is complete, or at least complete to my specifications of a Version 1.0 guide. V1.1 (11/11/99): Added some little things to the Dark Fact and Dalles Strategies; Added a few notes to the Magic of Shield; added a URL; Fixed a small typo. V1.2 (11/12/99): Mainly typo fixing. Section II: Intro Hi there! And welcome to my guide for Ys I & II. In this guide you will find strategies for beating the Turbo-Grafx-CD game mentioned above. One day I may make this a full Kao Megura FFVII-style walkthrough, with Item Lists and everything, but for now a mere boss guide is in order. In this guide you will find: -Recommended Levels for Adol -Recommended Equipment -And comments by me about strategies. -As well as passwords for various points in the game. You may wonder why I've put "Guide #101" as part of the title for this guide. Basically, the last 9-10 months have been an experiment in FAQ writing for me. As of now, I will number my guides going by something like in what order I start them (In other words, now I'm getting serious). For more info (And a complete list of Guides I've written, both finished and unfinished) you can E-mail me at the address provided at the top of this guide. Enough of my ranting, let's get to the strategy. Section III: Absolute Basics Absolute basic controls for the game. Not much more to say really. The control pad moves Adol around in the world, besides moving arrows and highlighting items in menus. Button I confirms menu choices, and Button II cancels them. You attack enemies by merely running into them. The Select button brings up the main menu. That's about it pretty much. Section IV: Boss Strategies These are specific Boss Strategies for the boss characters in this game. NOTE: I don't know the real names of most of the Bosses (Dark Fact, Dalles, and Boss Darm being the exceptions), so I used generic names. If you know the names of these bosses (And DO NOT use the names found in Clint Dyer's Sega Master System Ys walkthrough, as almost all the major names were changed from the Master System version of the game to the TG-CD version of Ys I.), please send them to me and I'll put them in and give you credit for the submission. A quick note that Level and Equipment refer to YOUR Level and Equipment, not the bosses' (Approx. HP DOES refer to the boss however). Now.. Magician Approx HP: 85 Level: 4 Equipment: Long Sword (Preferable, but not necessary), Small Shield, Chain-Armor The Magician doesn't actually attack you. Instead, three flame pillars shoot from the walls at various times. These flames hurt you for 3 HP per hit at level 4 (Note that a hit doesn't last very long, so if you're not at the end of the flame, you'll get hit for a lot more than 3 HP). As far as the Magician itself, he warps around the room randomly, but usually stays near the middle. The easiest thing to do is to stand near the bottom flame shooter, dodging the flame when necessary. When the Magician gets near you, run up to him and stop on him when you do damage. You'll keep doing damage until he warps somewhere else. You may take some damage too, but that's okay. Return to near the bottom flame shooter and wait for another opportunity. Repeat as necessary. Millipede Approx. HP: 120 Level: 10 Equipment: Long Sword, Silver Shield, Plate-Armor In this battle, the Millipede slithers around the room randomly. If you hit his head, you take damage (4 HP a hit at level 10, but again, one hit doesn't last long at all.). When you hit its tail, it takes damage. Beating it is pretty simple (Assuming your level is high enough). Just follow the Millipede around and try to stay on its tail (Literally). A quick warning though: use a heal potion before the battle, if you have one (You should have gotten one in the Shrine Depths). Sometimes the Millipede will suddenly turn and start goring you for big damage (He's done 40 damage at once to me before), so full health is highly recommended for this battle. Vampire Bats Approx. HP: 150 Level: 16 Equipment: Silver Sword, Silver Shield, Silver-Armor What this boss basically does is split up into 16 small vampire bats, and start following you around the screen. Occasionally he will reform into his Vampire self. When he does, he will slowly open his cape, then close it again. You must wait until he completely opens the cape to attack him, and get out before he starts to close it. It's VERY difficult to do. Also, you can't hurt the bats, and each hit you take will do 13 HP at level 16, so you have to constantly dodge. The basic strategy is to do laps around the room until he reforms, then hit him just as the cape opens completely. You may get hit some, too, but as long as he dies before you do, it's okay. Again, use a Heal Potion before you start this battle. Scyther (Yes as in the have a better description?) Approx. HP: 150 Level: 22 Equipment: Silver Sword, Silver Shield, Reflex-Armor Scyther stays on top of the screen, kind of following you around while he's up there. He throws up to three scythe-things at you, and these follow you around the screen. These do big damage to you, roughly 22 HP at level 22. But Scyther has one big weakness: His scythes can't reach the very top of the screen. Further, he will retreat to the top left corner of the screen if you visit him up at the top. The strategy isn't all that complicated. Run around the perimeter of the battlefield in a counter-clockwise direction. The purpose of this is to get Scyther to throw his weapons a long way. He can't launch more than 3, so if 3 are out, he can't throw any more until one gets back to him. When you get to the top left, or wherever Scyther happens to be, hit him for as much damage as you can. Once the scythes get close, walk to the upper left corner and repeat the lap as many times as necessary. The Boulder (Anyone come up with anything better?) Approx. HP: 120 Level: 24 Equipment: Same as for Scyther The Boulder starts in the top-middle of the screen, and slowly follows you around the room. He will try to get his center horizontally level with you. He also shoots little rocks, which take off 8 HP per hit at level 24. These rock start shooting in a clockwise circle, but soon turn random. The annoying part about this battle is that if you touch his center, he will hurt you for 16 HP of damage per hit. There are two basic strategies you can take here. One is to "Figure-8" around the entire room, trying to hit the edges of The Boulder whenever you get near (This will generally give you enough time to dodge whatever rocks come your way). The second method is to run smaller circles around The Boulder. You'll be able to inflict damage quicker, but in general will have less time then you may need to dodge his rocks. However, either strategy should work. It's just a matter of personal preference. Twinhead Approx. HP: 140 Level: 31 Equipment: Flame Sword, Battle Shield, Battle-Armor The toughest Boss in all of Book 1, and maybe in the entire game, Twinhead has a deceptively simple attack pattern. He splits into 2 heads, Red/Orange and Blue. The Blue head is surrounded by 4 diamonds that orbit him in a counter-clockwise direction. The Red/Orange one is protected by four flames that move clockwise around it. Any of these orbiters will do 20 HP of damage to you at level 31. The Twinheads themselves move diagonally around the room, bouncing off the walls. What makes this battle annoying? Let me count the ways....1. Only the Red head can be hurt. 2. After you hit the Red head it will switch positions with the Blue head. 3. Really poor hit detection (Sometimes you'll hit the Red head right down the middle and won't score a hit. It seems you have to hit him more toward the ear in order to get a consistent hit. Of course if the flames/diamonds hit you anywhere at all-- even in your head [Due to the perspective they should thus be going slightly above where you're standing] --you lose HP.). To battle this, stay in one of the bottom corners (I prefer the left) where Twinhead can't hit you. When the red head draws near, run up to it, hit it, then when the heads switch, run away. To make running away a little easier try to exit in the opposite direction of the one Twinhead is moving in. For instance, it he's moving downward try to exit from the top. Also try to go in the direction of the diamonds/flames as much as possible. Taking the above as an example, try to exit the diamonds going up and to the left. Thankfully, at certain points in the battle Twinhead's flames/diamonds will begin to disappear. He'll lose one once you get him down to 60 HP, another when he's down to 40 HP, and a third once you reduce him to about 20 HP. Dark Fact Approx. HP: 200 Level: 35 (You can't even HURT him at 33, even WITH the right equipment; You can THEORETICALLY do it at 34 but his method of attack makes it impossible to win before he cuts off too much of the platform) Equipment: Silver Sword, Silver Shield, Silver-Armor (There is a reason for this; more on that later) Your final opponent in book I is Dark Fact. After his monologue (Which is darn cool IMO), the platform you're on will start flying through space. Dark Fact will take off flying diagonally, not unlike Twinhead, except he moves MUCH faster and is not limited to just the platform. The main thing to watch for in this battle is the fireballs that come from the edge of the screen. These will split up into 8 smaller fireballs which can hit you for 20 HP each at level 35. The annoying part about this is that 2 will typically split at about the same time and in the same place, meaning you'll probably get hit twice in a row. Also, these fireballs are to be regarded as a threat BEFORE they split, as if you come in contact them you will either lose 60 (The fireball immediately splits and three smaller fireballs hit you at once) or 100(!) (Same as above except you get smacked with FIVE fireballs at once) HP. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention: Whenever you hit Dark Fact, he will remove a piece of the platform entirely! This is right where you're standing, and although you can't fall off the platform, you also can no longer move there. As you can imagine, this gets annoying pretty quickly. There are several tips that can help you gain the upper hand, however. First, if you hold right on the control pad as the monologue is ending, you can get a quick two (Three? the meter goes off too fast for me to tell) hits in before Dark Fact takes off. Secondly, if you hit him twice in quick succession (Hit him again before he's done taking off the piece of platform from the first hit), he will only take off a piece of platform for the SECOND time you hit him. As a follow up to this, he will move diagonally at about the same speed as you will move horizontally. I will show this ASCII diagramically, so prepare yourself...... ------------------------------------------- | / | | DF\ / | | \ / | | \ / | |A >>>>>X>>>>>>X>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>| | \ / | ----------\--/----------------------------- \/ Okay, A is you (Adol). The > is your horizontal path. DF is Dark Fact and the / and \ are his path. The Xs are where you should meet, especially if on the first X you manage to get there just as his left (Your right) side does. I notice that in all of this I haven't really given any strategy as to how to BEAT Dark Fact. There are several, though which you choose is really up to you. One is the "Stay around the edges" strategy. The theory behind this is that by hitting him on the edges you have plenty of room to maneuver once the platform starts crumbling. It also gives you more chances at multiple hits per pass. The drawback is it's tougher to dodge the fireballs, and you also risk trapping yourself in a very small area in the corner. Another is the "Follow Dark Fact wherever he goes" strategy, the theory being that you'll do more damage more quickly this way. The problem here is you risk cutting off a large portion of the platform quicker than you really should, as well as slamming into a large fireball. I personally like to lurk near the MIDDLE of the platform, which gives me the most time to dodge the fireballs, and strike whenever Dark Fact draws near. (NOTE: There is a reason why you want the Silver Equipment in this battle. Basically, without it you can't hurt him, and he'll waste you in about 3-4 small fireball hits. As Lair says, without the full lineup of Silver Equipment, you will never defeat him. Also, Dark Fact HIMSELF tells you that "You have no chance without the protection of the Silver Equipment!" So there ya go. Silver all the way. (Thanks to G. Crowe and Clint Dyer for coming up with the other strategies for this battle...Tony Lacau had a good point about the Silver Equipment too, but it was for the Sega Master System version of the game [So were the other strategies, but Dark Fact's attacks didn't change in the two versions of the game, whereas apparently you didn't NEED the Silver Equipment to beat Dark Fact in Ys for SMS]. For the full strategies check out Clint Dyer's guide to Ys: The Vanished Omens for SMS on [Dark Dekt in the SMS version is the same as Dark Fact in this version].) Armored Griffin Approx. HP: 220 Level: 37 Equipment: Short Sword, Wood Shield, Chain-Armor, Magic of Fire The Armored Griffin--I couldn't see anything else in him--follows you around the screen horizontally. He doesn't leave the top of the screen. However, he will stop and fire 7 spreading lasers whenever he gets you in his sights-- it's actually a Plasma ball and 6 lasers (3 on each side), but hey. In fact let me show you this in an ASCII diagram, since I seem to be doing a lot of those lately: L3 R3 L2 C R2 L1 R1 There. The key here is to use the Magic of Fire when he opens up to fire at you. Since he makes a weird noise before he fires at you, the easiest way to win this battle is to go to the lower left corner of the screen and face him. As soon as you hear the weird noise, fire and move just a SMIDGE to the right so that you're between the lasers R1 and R2. Go down as low on the screen as you can go (Careful when you're near the door, as you CAN leave the room). Face him again and wait for him to fire again. Continue doing this until you get to the right edge of the room (He should be unable to fire at you at this point). Go all the way back to the left and do it again. Repeat as necessary (Oh yeah, the lasers, plasma ball and Armored Griffin himself all take off 20 HP per hit at level 37. Also, if you're timing is PERFECT, meaning you can fire off the first Fireball BEFORE you hear the weird noise, you can hit him TWICE per laser blast. It's fairly difficult to do though). Armored Cyborg Approx. HP: 255 Level: 41 (Difficult, but it can be done.) Equipment: Katana, Small Shield, Breast Plate, Magic of Fire The Armored Cyborg basically jumps around the room, following you. Just before he jumps he will shoot out 8 fireballs which take out 27 HP per hit at level 41, and they will usually hit two or three times at once. That means big reduction of your HP. Worse, he can only be damaged just after he lands from a jump, or just before he starts one. There isn't really any foolproof technique to this battle, but the basic strategy is to run around him as far away as you can get from him, and fire when you think the time is right. Also remember to avoid the fireballs. As I said, 41 is a difficult level to do this at (It takes awhile too--the Boss music played twice and was about half way through the third play before I finally brought him down); You may want to build up an extra level or two. Greenface Approx. HP: 255 Level: 47 Equipment: Katana, Large Shield, Plate-Armor, Magic of Fire Greenface will materialize out of the ground in the middle of the room, then will start following you around, periodically spitting out a large worm and reinhaling it soon after. Contact with Greenface or the worm will take off 25 HP per hit at level 47. Move to the top of the screen, just to the right of Greenface's starting point. When he starts to follow you, move SLOWLY around the outside of the screen. He can only be hurt when he is spitting out of inhaling the worm. When he pauses to spit it out, hit him with a fireball or two. When he inhales it, get as close as you can to him and pump fireballs into him for all you're worth. Repeat going around the outside of the room and shooting fireballs at the right time until he dies. You may have to break the pattern of running around the outside of the room when the worm chases you. Don't worry about it. Mr. Drager Approx. HP: 255 Level: 52 Equipment: Hyper Cutter, Iron Shield, Reflex-Armor, Magic of Fire Mr. Drager, like most other bosses in Book II, slowly follows you around the room. He will shoot out 6 small fireballs that begin to spread out then sort of "join together" in front of him. Contact with these fireballs, or with Mr. Drager, will result in a loss of 12 HP per hit at level 52. Worse, you can only hit him directly in front, where he shoots the fireballs at. Nonetheless, if you "get back to basics", so to speak, this is the easiest boss in the entire game (Assuming you're at Level 52 and have full HP). Turn the Turbo function on Button I all the way up. As soon as the battle starts, hold down Button I so that you're constantly shooting fireballs forward at Mr. Drager, one after the other. Don't move, just keep shooting fireballs. This is seriously all there is to the battle. You should come out of it with 25 HP remaining, which is fine since you'll get it all back. (NOTE: If for whatever reason you lack a Turbo Function on your controller, just hit the I button as fast as you can. You may have to build up another level in this case, and you'll come out of it with a different amount of HP left.) Greenar (Thanks David!) Approx. HP: 255 Level: 54 Equipment: Battle Sword, Battle Shield, Battle-Armor, Magic of Fire Greenar sends out four bats that swoop around the room diagonally, like Dark Fact or Twinhead. Greenar himself doesn't even MOVE, but of course there's a catch. Greenar himself can't be hurt. You have to shoot Fire at the BATS, and you can't make contact with them or you'll lose 20 HP per hit at level 54. Contact with Greenar will result in the same loss of HP. Also, a hit doesn't last long (As I've stated several times), and the bats move rather slowly, so you can get HAMMERED if you're not careful. When a Bat gets weak, it will turn red, and a few more Fireballs will kill it, damaging Greenar. However, another bat will replace it, and the new bat will in all likelihood be flying at a non-perfectly-diagonal angle, making this battle doubly annoying. There are a total of 10 bats to kill, meaning they'll be replaced 6 times. It's generally safest to stay near the bottom of the screen and fire only horizontally at the bats. You will break this rule at times though, so don't adhere STRICTLY to it or else you will eventually receive the aforementioned hammering. Dalles Approx. HP: 255 Level: 57 Equipment: Cleria Sword, Battle Shield, Cleria-Armor Dalles the Wizard is, to say the least, a difficult opponent. Your Magic of Fire is useless against him (It doesn't fire), so you have to actually make contact with him, just like with the Book I bosses. Dalles teleports slowly around the room. He is surrounded by 4 fireballs, not unlike Twinhead, except that when you hit Dalles, the fireballs COME IN toward him, so you have to get out as quick as you can. Basically, come in at him from the bottom when there's an opening in between the fireballs (The width of the opening varies), then quickly exit the way you went in. The exception to this is if the fireballs sweep the bottom of the screen, in which case you should run left-to-right or right-to-left through him, depending on where you are in relation to him at that point. Contact with the fireballs will mean the loss of 7 HP per hit at level 57. Also, you want to take as little damage as possible in the early stages of this battle, as the fire moves quite a bit faster once Dalles gets below about 100 HP and they're almost impossible to dodge when they speed up. (Something of a minor spoiler coming've been warned) Boss Darm (Called merely "Darm" in the game...any idea why?) Approx. HP: 255 Level: 60 (62 is preferable, but I pulled it off at 60) Equipment: Cleria Sword, Cleria Shield, Cleria-Armor, Magic of Shield, Goddess' Ring When you take the walk up the final corridor, you will see the Black Pearl, the source of all the evil in Ys. The pearl will then "unfold" into your final foe--Boss Darm. Darm warps randomly around the room, like Dalles except MUCH quicker. Also, his attack is to send meteors raining down on your head, rather than being surrounded by fireballs. These meteors take off 7 HP per hit at level 60. When you hit him, he will momentarily freeze in place and revert to becoming the Black Pearl, before resuming teleporting. Making this battle even tougher is the fact that there is a pit in the middle where Boss Darm will sometimes warp to. Also, the platform is not a perfect rectangle. The corners are kind of "Cut off". Sadly, I don't have a foolproof strategy for you (If I did, it wouldn't be difficult enough IMO), but here are some general tips to improve your chances of victory. -First off, EQUIP THE GODDESS' RING IN YOUR INVENTORY!! This is the single most important thing you can do in this battle. If you don't have it equipped the meteors will rain on you faster than you can dodge them, and they will deplete your Magic of Shield 5 times as quickly, and perhaps more (More on that in the next tip). Even with it equipped the meteors fall kind of fast, but you at least have a chance of dodging them. -As far as how the Magic of Shield works, if renders you immune to all attacks--assuming you have MP to power it. You lose MP at the rate of about 2 per second, and contact with the meteors results in an instant loss of 4-5 MP per hit at Level 60 (About 3 per hit at 62)--unless you forgot to equip the Goddess' Ring, in which case they take off 25 MP per hit. Try to get as close to the final door as you can before equipping it--every Magic Point counts. -Even with the Magic of Shield equipped, dodge the meteors as much as you can, because your HP will drop pretty quickly once your MP runs out and the meteor hits start counting. -Try to stay on the lower half of the platform; There's more room to maneuver there. -Try to attack Darm horizontally, rather than vertically. The meteors typically come more vertically than horizontally (Though there are exceptions), so they're easier to dodge if you're moving horizonally. -Try not to go after Boss Darm if he's more than half the length (Horizonally) of the platform away from you; You probably won't make it in time. -BE PREPARED!! Unlike all the other boss battles, the Darm battle begins IMMDEATELY after his face disappears from the screen. In most other battles (Dark Fact's most notably) you get a good look at your foe before the battle starts. Not here. Well that's it. Follow these tips and victory should be yours. Good Luck! Section V: Passwords These are passwords that will put you just before various bosses in the game. WARNING: Once you enter a password, it will ERASE the data of the file you entered it on. Make sure nothing important is on that data. NOTE: Most of these codes require you to do some building up before you'll actually be able to take the boss. I just get to them quickly I guess. :P Okay, so I lied. This first password is a little unusual. You may be familiar with the code that starts you off with 99,999 Experience and 65,535 Gold. This puts you just after the start of the game with some equipment and about 50,000 gold (You still have 99,999 Experience). Special thanks goes to the now-defunct (I think) Video Games and Computer Entertainment magazine for printing the original code from which this one is derived. You can view the original code nowadays at and, amongst others, but I originally took it from VG & CE. *Q9EF/qAAZg!Q/HYX8pZp ZpZpZ/pZpZpZp/ZpZpZpZ 6J6J6/J6J6J6J/6J6J5K5 K3L Before the Magician, at level 4 *yPyM/?EEX8GX/rYx1K5K 5Oka$/B$B*A*A/*A*A*A* RxRxR/xRxRxRx/RxRxSwS wSF Before the Millipede, at level 9 $TrGK/#LL!3G6/KHr4dxC #e1Ow/RxUukdg/hghghgh QyQyQ/yQyQyQy/QyQyPzP zP5 Before the Vampire Bats (I think this code is wrong but I don't know exactly what I copied wrong. Can anyone figure it out, or just give me a different one?) #Tm!7/d!E5r5r/VBae4nJ xQAg#/BfoqxSR/xRxRxRx A*A*A/*A*A*A*/A*A*B$B $Bp Before Scyther, at level 20 8aoqF/hQ4gRCw/T5AEdum Hpq6Y/67AED##/kekekek O1O1O/1O1O1O1/O1O1N2N 2PQ Before the Boulder, at level 24 5XkNr/OodXZo$/GLVRZqh jBPSz/SXwsvUU/E!E!E!E tVM3M/3M3M3M3/M3M3L4L 4Mq Before Twinhead, at level 29 1K1a5/v11SQSe/x22222! !cWCk/CB88$AA/WsWsWsW 9FTvT/vTvTvTv/TvTvUuU uT2 Before Dark Fact, at level 33 1e1PF/fDtjuc*/U7XXXXf f$ypp/HG$$8HH/To1O1O1 ek4L4/L4L4L4L/4L4L3M3 M6V Before the Armored Griffin, at level 37 v#D?v/TvXH!Wa/oFncncn fK$B$/BGRdD?D/?D?D?D? UuUuU/uTgqYqY/qYqYrXr fVA Before the Armored Cyborg, at level 41 uUvUA/wapz!AX/K!DOUOH VDUmc/mfPPSwT/vTvTvTv G7H?D/?CCWsWs/WsWsVtV jUV Before Greenface, at level 45 meoKd/1FFPHWV/v*rp8pv $rrXv/Tq77pZm/pZpZpZp N1vVt/Vss*A*D/?D?D#C# KyL Before Mr. Drager, at level 50 tnfzh/Ellh4gY/vF6z6z2 hzzEv/Tq77pZm/mRJpdlZ 2OC!E/!FFSyQ6/7H7H8G8 Lw2 Before Greenar, at level 54 r6Nlu/6qUw$EE/Xx*#*#* u??Kq/gn44sWr/reW9K5P x5XxR/xSSFml!/?D?D#C# QuQ Before Dalles, at level 55 qqX8q/!uYelld/v?99779 t!!PQ/7CTT048/8vnaL4O NlzKX/rYYDlp*/7H7H8G8 LqA Before Boss Darm, at level 58 p9WaA/TF?nr7$/44tttlk 1KkYY/hbLLWvj/j4#BSSS RwxYJ/6KKe#8r/wSwSxRx g1A Section VI: This Guide's Future Well I know one thing right off I'll have to update: THE PASSWORDS! Sadly, I couldn't tell the differences in my own writing between subtle things like 'u' and 'v', 'S' and '5', and other such things. Other than that I think the guide is pretty much complete. So what's the next step? Who knows, maybe the aforementioned full FAQ to this game....see ya... -Marc Section VII: Legal Stuff/Special Thanks This guide is Copyright 1999 by "Emptyeye". However, you can do pretty much what you want with it except A. Say you wrote it, B. Quote parts of it directly without putting the quoted parts in quotation marks and naming this guide as a source (THAT IS PLAIGERISM!!!), and C. Sell/give this guide away for profit of any kind. Lastly, I reserve the right to ask that this guide be removed from your website at any time (Which won't happen under any circumstances). Thank you. I acknowledge all copyrights, trademarks, etc. in writing this guide. Special thanks to Clint Dyer, G. Crowe and Tony Lacau (For the Dark Fact strategies), to my little brother David (For saying "That boss looks like the gold guy from the Power Rangers, except he's green", thus coming up with the name "Greenar"), to Nintendo (For coming up with Scyther), to my cousin Jamie (For providing the system and game which I wrote this guide with, and for not getting mad when I repeatedly [But accidentally] erase his games :P), to VG & CE (For originally printing the "Start with 99,999 Experience and 65,535 Gold" password), and to.... The Lagged Riftez Man (For nothing in particular).