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Introduction 2 ........... Story 3 ........... Controls: 3a ............................. On Foot 3b ............................. Driving Config 3c ............................. Rail Shooter Controls 4 ............ Weapons and Gadgets: 4a ............................. Weapons 4b ............................. Gadgets 4c ............................. Vehicles 5 ........... Characters 6 ........... Walkthrough: 6a ............................. Paris Prelude 6b ............................. The Exchange 6c ............................. Alpine Escape 6d ............................. Enemies Vanquished 6e ............................. Double Cross 6f ............................. Night Shift 6g ............................. Chain Reaction 6h ............................. Phoenix Fire 6i ............................. Deep Descent 6j ............................. Island Infiltration 6k ............................. Countdown 6l ............................. Equinox 7 ........... Medals 8 ........... Multiplayer Mode 8a ............................. Multiplayer Characters 8b ............................. Multiplayer Scenarios 8c ............................. Multiplayer Levels 8d ............................. Multiplayer Weapons and Gadgets 9 ........... FAQs 10 ........... Cheats 10a ............................. Cheats 10b ............................. Codes 10c ............................. Secrets 11 ........... Legacy 12a ............................. Copyright 12b ............................. Website Permission 13 ........... Version History ------------------------------ 1 Introduction ---------------------------- Welcome to James Bond 007 Nightfire guide. This guide will tell you the best and easiest root through each objective in every Mission to fight Bond’s newest enemy Drake. 007 Token Locations are included. Please don’t email me about bond moves. I’m not doing them. Any information you need can be found at my email address agent1496@hotmail.com Email about any place you are stuck in any of the twelve missions, at any place (mot including bond moves or medals) you can email me. I hope this guide is a help to you and you make the most out of one of the best FPS (First Person Shooter) games around. Please note that this is the first version of my guide so expect more coming soon. ---------------------------------- 2 Story ------------------------------- It all starts on new years eve at around eleven o'clock. A women is getting chased by these black cars around the city of Paris. Suddenly, from the distance of the dark sky a helicopter appears. Who's in it but none other than James Bond. By giving those black cars a piece of the word 007. James Bond successfully saves the women and stops there second objective, to destroy the Eiffel Tower. In other words, that's what you'd call, a Paris prelude. The women reveals to be Domnique, from French Intelligence, who was also trying to stop the Eiffel Tower's catastrophe. Who were the people in the black cars though? They were found to be men of MI6's chief suspect, "Rafael Drake", as it says in the opening cut scene to the first proper mission, The Exchange. If you haven't worked it all out yet, you must step into the shoes of James Bond and complete missions to find out about more of his plans. James Bond 007, has just come grips with his next Nemesis, (or victim as I call it) Rafael Drake. -------------------------------- 3 Controls ------------------------------ There are a few different default controls which you can select. They all are named by the name of a James Bond film e.g. there's a set of controls called Moonraker. Of course there's a Nightfire type control setting and Classic Bond. In my opinion the Nightfire controls are the best. They are similar to quite a few of the FPS (First Person Shooter) games I've played on the GameCube. Here there are: ****************************************************************************** 3a On Foot ****************************************************************************** _________________________________ Nightfire __________________________________ A: Reload/Press something, the action button B: Alternate Fire X: Crouch/Stand Y: Jump C Stick: Look/Turn Control Stick: Move/Strafe L: Aim mode R: Fire Z: Night Vision/Thermal Vision (Heat Vision) Up/Down Control Pad: Cycle Gaget/Zoom (On sniper mode) Left/Right Control Pad: Cycle Weapon _________________________________ Classic Bond _______________________________ A: Reload/Press something, the action button B: Alternate Fire X: Crouch Y: Jump C Stick: Look/Strafe Control Stick: Move/Turn L: Manual aim R: Fire Z: Night Vision/Thermal Vision (Heat Vision) Left/Right Control Pad: Cycle Gadget Up/Down Control Pad: Cycle Weapon/Zoom (On Sniper mode) __________________________________ Moonraker _________________________________ A: Reload/Press something, the action button B: Alternate Fire X: Crouch Y: Jump C Stick: Turn/Look Control Stick: Move/Strafe L: Manual Aim R: Fire Z: Next Weapon Left/Right Control Pad: Cycle Gadget Up Control Pad: Zoom in (On Sniper mode) Down Control Pad: Night Vision/Thermal Vision (Heat Vision)/Zoom out (On Sniper mode) __________________________________ Octopussy _________________________________ A: Reload/Press something, the action button B: Night Vision/Thermal Vision (Heat Vision) X: Crouch Y: Jump Control Stick: Move/Turn C Stick: Look/Strafe L: Manual Aim R: Fire Z: Alternate Fire Left/Right Control Pad: Cycle Weapon Up Control Pad: Zoom in (On Sniper mode) Down Control Pad: Night Vision/Thermal Vision (Heat Vision)/Zoom Out (On Sniper Mode) __________________________________ Goldfinger ________________________________ A: Reload/Press something, the action button B: Night Vision/Thermal Vision (Heat Vision) X: Crouch Y: Jump Control Stick: Move/Strafe C Stick: Turn/Look L: Manual Aim R: Fire Z: Alternate Fire Left/Right Control Pad: Cycle Weapon Up/Down Control Pad: Cycle Gadget/Zoom (On Sniper mode) _________________________________ Thunderball ________________________________ A: Reload/Press something, the action button B: Night Vision/Thermal Vision (Heat Vision) X: Crouch/Zoom out (On Sniper mode) Y: Jump/Zoom in (On Sniper mode) Control Stick: Move/Turn C Stick: Look/Strafe L: Manual Aim R: Fire Z: Alternate Fire Left/Right Control Pad: Cycle Weapon Up/Down Control Pad: Cycle Gadget __________________________________ Goldeneye _________________________________ A: Reload/Press something, the action button B: Cycle Weapon X: Crouch Y: Jump Control Stick: Move/Strafe C Stick: Turn/Look L: Manual Aim R: Fire Z: Alternate Fire Left/Right Control Pad: Cycle Gadget Up Control Pad: Zoom in (On Sniper mode) Down Control Pad: Night Vision/Thermal Vision (Heat Vision)/Zoom out (On Sniper mode) ___________________________________ Dr. No ___________________________________ A: Reload/Press something, the action button B: Night Vision/Thermal Vision (Heat Vision) X: Cycle Gadget/Zoom out (On Sniper mode) Y: Cycle Weapon/Zoom in (On Sniper mode) C Stick: Move/Strafe Control Stick: Look/Turn L: Manual Aim R: Fire Z: Night Vision/Thermal Vision (Heat Vision) Up Control Pad: Jump Down Control Pad: Crouch Left/Right Control Pad: Not Used ****************************************************************************** 3b Driving Config ****************************************************************************** Note: There's only one set of controls for the driving. A: Fire B: Gadget X: Handbrake Y: Cycle Weapon Forward C Stick: Look Back Control Stick: Steer Left/Right L: Brake/Reverse R: Gas (speed up) Z: Change Camera Up/Down Control Pad: Not Used Left/Right Control Pad: Cycle Weapon Note: In the Deep Descent mission the X button is not used as there is no need for a handbrake in that mission. Other than that, the Deep Descent mission uses the same controls. ****************************************************************************** 3c Rail Shooter controls ****************************************************************************** The controls for this are the same for things like, the snowmobile and the D1400 plane. Note: The controls for the D1400 are the same, only the D1400 doesn't use the spin control. __________________________________ Nightfire _________________________________ A: Not Used B: Not Used X: Not Used Y: Spin Control Stick: Look C Stick: Look L: Manual Aim R: Fire Z: Not Used Left/Right Control Pad: Cycle Weapon Up/Down Control Pad: Zoom in/out __________________________________ Moonraker _________________________________ A: Not Used B: Not Used X: Not Used Y: Spin Control Stick: Look C Stick: Look L: Manual Aim R: Fire Z: Cycle Weapon Forward Left/Right Control Pad: Not Used Up/Down Control Pad: Zoom in/out __________________________________ Octopussy _________________________________ A: Not Used B: Not Used X: Not Used Y: Spin Control Stick: Look C Stick: Look L: Manual Aim R: Fire Z: Not Used Left/Right Control Pad: Cycle Weapon Up/Down Control Pad: Zoom in/out __________________________________ Goldfinger ________________________________ A: Not Used B: Not Used X: Not Used Y: Spin Control Stick: Look C Stick: Look L: Manual Aim R: Fire Z: Not Used Left/Right Control Pad: Cycle Weapon Up/Down Control Pad: Zoom in/out ___________________________________ Dr. No ___________________________________ A: Not Used B: Spin X: Zoom out Y: Cycle Weapon Forward/Zoom in Control Stick: Look C Stick: Look L: Manual Aim R: Fire Z: Cycle Weapon Back Left/Right Control Pad: Not Used Up/Down Control Pad: Not Used _________________________________ Thunderball ________________________________ A: Not Used B: Spin X: Zoom out Y: Zoom in Control Stick: Look C Stick: Look L: Manual Aim R: Fire Left/Right Control Pad: Cycle Weapon Up/Down Control Pad: Not Used __________________________________ Goldeneye _________________________________ A: Not Used B: Cycle Weapon Forward X: Not Used Y: Spin Control Stick: Look C Stick: Look L: Manual Aim R: Fire Z: Not Used Left/Right Control Pad: Not Used Up/Down Control Pad: Zoom in/out _________________________________ Clasic Bond ________________________________ A: Not Used B: Not Used X: Not Used Y: Spin Control Stick: Look C Stick: Look L: Manual Aim R: Fire Left/Right Control Pad: Not Used Up/Down Control Pad: Cycle Weapon/Zoom in and out ---------------------------- 4 Weapons and Gadgets --------------------------- ****************************************************************************** 4a Weapons ****************************************************************************** ============================================================================== Pistols ============================================================================== Wolfram P2K: The Wolfram P2K is a basic weapon in the game. The weapon is accurate and takes about three shots to kill, one if in the head. This weapon is also equipped with a silencer. Wolfram PP7: The Wolfram PP7 is similar to the PK2. It has a semi-automatic, and is very accurate. Golden Wolfram P2K: This gun has to be unlocked by medals before being able to have one. It's an upgrade of the P2K, has a golden colour and has twice the firepower. Golden PP7: Is an upgrade of the original PP7 gun. The weapon is gold and has twice the firepower. Raptor Magnum: Used in the levels Double Cross and I think Phoenix Fire. This is a very powerful weapon. It kills people in about two shots and one in the head. Some versions of the Raptor Magnum come equipped with laser sight as well. Kowloon Type 40: Similar to the Kowloon Type 80 which isn't mentioned in this guide. You can count on this weapon if your stuck for a weapon. It can be found in The Exchange mission and fire's three bullets every time you press the fire button. Golden Gun: The Golden gun can only be found in Multiplayer Mode. This is a really powerful handgun but needs reloading after each shot. ============================================================================== Snipers ============================================================================== Winter Tactical In the single player mode, it can only be found in the Sniper Rifle: Double Cross mission and I think this is the sniper used in the mission Chain Reaction. It comes from the British Army and is very powerful. It can zoom into target very far and killsin about one shot if not fired at the leg. Winter Covert Sniper: Used in The Exchange mission the Wind Covert Sniper is used for special missions. It comes with an integral silencer and can zoom in on targets like a telescope. ============================================================================== Machine Guns ============================================================================== SGS Commando: This weapon can fire at a really fast rate. It comes with a burst fire mode and can be zoomed in a bit on targets. AIMS-20: The AIMS-20 is an advanced military weapon. You can zoom in on targets but can only see the target in thermal vision (Heat vision). It has a fast fire mode and can also be a grenade launcher as well. The AIMS-20 can only be found in the Countdown mission. Note: If you're wondering what AIMS-20 stands for, it stands for: Advanced Idividual Munitions System-20 Deutsche M9K: The Deutsche M9K can be found in the missions The Exchange and Countdown. It's a very accurate submachine gun and is equipped with a silencer. Storm M32: Storm M32 is a lightweight machine gun, has a large clip, fast fire but not very good accuracy. ============================================================================== Other kinds of Weapons ============================================================================== Frinesi Auto 12: The Frinesi Auto 12 is the only shotgun in the game. It has two modes, one where you reload after every shot and the other an auto mode where it reloads after about eight shots. It takes around one shot to kill in the head and two in other places. The Auto 12 can be found in both the Double Cross and Phoenix Fire missions. Korsakov K5 Dart Gun: The Korsakav K5 Dart Gun is the only sleeping dart gun in the game. It can only be found in the Nightshift mission. It can tranquillise an oppenent for several minutes with one shot. Delta Repeater The Delta Repeater crossbow is a powerful weapon and Crossbow: is totally silent. It uses magazine rounds and has a Sniper mode on it. To pump it up press action. Phoenix Samurai Laser The Phoenix Samurai Laser Rifle is another very Rifle: powerful weapon. It fires burning lasers and takes about two or three shots of it to kill. Each shot taken causes the weapon to heat up, shown on a meter. When the meter is full it requires cooling time. It has two modes of fire, the normal fire and the charge one. The charges one charges the meter to one hundred (the top) and releases an extra powerful beam. This weapon can only be found in two missions, Countdown and Equinox. Militek Mark 6 Multi From what I know of, the Militek Mark 6 Multi Grenade Grenade Launcher: Launcher can only be found in the Phoenix Fire mission. It's a semi-automatic grenade launcher and is highly powerful. It fires explosive projectiles which will explode if they are touched or after a set amount of time. AT-420 Sentinel: The AT-420 Sentinel can only be found in the mission The Exchange. It fires highly powerful, portable missiles which can be camera guided. Normal people die in one shot when hit by one of these. This is the ultimate rocket launcher. AT-600 Scorpion: The AT-600 Scorpion can only be found in the Nightshift I think (it might be Phoenix Fire). It's another rocket launcher but specially made for rapidly firing missiles. It can't be guided but will track down targets automatically. It should be able to kill with one missile. ============================================================================== Explosives ============================================================================== Fragmentation Called a Frag in the game. The fragmentation grenade Grenade: is thrown to a target and explodes in a certain amount of seconds. It should kill people within the explosion. Smoke Grenade: The smoke grenade explodes into clouds of smoke to distract enemies. You can also lose health as the smoke affects you. All the same is a handy weapon to have. Flash Bang Grenade: The Flash Bang Grenade is another kind of distraction (Stun Grenade) explosive. It blinds the enemy's sight of you and stuns your opponent for a while. Remote Mine: The Remote Mine is an exposive where you can put it down somewhere and set it at any time you want. You can do this via your watch. Press detonate, and it should kill any enemies within the distance of the explosion. Laser Trip Bomb: The Laser Trip Bomb is an explosive that explodes if someone crosses its beam. Place it on the ground and if an enemy steps on it they will be killed in an explosion. Satchel Charge: The Satchel charge is to be placed and set on an object. When set it should have a five second timer to explosion. Note: In the level Phoenix Fire, in the elevator satchel charges are thrown at you and you have to deactivate them with your laser. They are timed for ten seconds instead of five. ============================================================================== Aston Matin V12 Vanquish/SUV Vehicle ============================================================================== Machine Gun: The machine gun on the Aston Martin has no ammo needed for it. It's quite accurate and if you wanted you could keep your hand down on the fire button for as long as you wanted ready for enemy veichles. It ususally aims at the tyres to pop them and slow it down. It takes quite a while to make your enemies veichle totally explode though. Missiles: Missiles come in very handy but need ammo and there's not a lot of it. You should use them wisely. They are powerful weapons and fir two at once. You can aim your target in the and the missile will automatically guide itself there. Torpedos: Used in the Deep Descent mission only, the torpedos are very powerful. It should take four torpedos to destroy an enemy sub. You fire two in one shot by by the way. This requires ammo to so use it sparingly. Remote-Controlled These may not be as powerful as normal torpedos but Torpedos: are camera guided. These are excellent to guide through moving machinery to destroy targets. These also require ammo so only use them when needed. ============================================================================== JL-7 Snow Mobile ============================================================================== JL-7 20mm Cannon: The JL-7 20mm Cannon is a machine gun on top of this model. It can kill people in less than a second and can hold thousands of bullets. They soon go quickly so beware. JL-7C Rocket The JL-7C Rocket Launcher fires two powerful missiles. Launcher: It can destroy. It can destroy another JL-7 Snow Mobile in up to three touches of the fire button. ============================================================================== D1400 Aeroplane ============================================================================== D1400 Pulse: The D1400 Pulse is the aeroplane's machine gun. It can hold up to five thousand bullets and take an estimated fifty to blow up a car. D1600 Rockets: The D1400 aeroplane can hold up to 100 of these rockets. The plane fires two at once and they are powerful enough to destroy a sentinel with four rockets. ****************************************************************************** 4b Gadgets ****************************************************************************** ============================================================================== Gadgets On Foot ============================================================================== Wristwatch Laser: The Wristwatched laser can be found in almost every mission except the driving missions and Equinox. It can destroy little hinges and locks. It can also cut wires. It can't kill enemies though and has no affect at all. Key Fob Stunner: Found in the same missions as the laser wristwatch, the Key Fob Stunner is a very useful device. At a close range, its tiny charge will stun an enemy for a certain amount of seconds. Micro Camera: The Micro Camera is disguised as a lighter but also a camera as well. You can take pictures of evidence from a far range away via its ability to zoom in and out of the picture. Grapple: The Grapple will let you grapple into higher places. First of all, to do this you must find a place to grapple. Above you should be a hook. If it's highlighted in white you aren't able to grapple from that position but if you're in green you can. Put the crossairs in the centre of your target, press the fire button and you're away. Vision Enhancement These stylish pair of shades let you see into two Glasses: visors. The night vision mode lets you see into the dark and the thermal vision mode (heat vision) lets movement of things stick out more. Decryptor: The Decryptor looks like a calculator but is a mini computer that hacks key codes. Point the cross hairs at the keycode you want to hack, hold down the fire button and let the Decryptor do its magic. Unfortunately, the Decryptor takes quite a while to do this. Q-Worm: Slip this device into a computer hardrive and it will allow Q-Branch to access its files from his computer. This is useful if you want evidence or to find out things. Shaver Grenade: The Shaver Grenade is disguised as an electric shaver but is nothing of the sort. When set you can detonate at any time you want via your wrist watch. It detonates as a Flash Bang Grenade. Phoenix Ronin: Q didn't make up this gadget, the Phoenix did. It can be found in the mission Phoenix Fire. It's disguised as a suitcase and when opened up, turns out to be a turret. It can be set to kill passing people or when opened up and you press action, turns to be a machine gun turret. It doesn't have any ammo so can be use for as long as you want. ============================================================================== Aston Martin V12 Vanquish Gadgets ============================================================================== Q-Smoke: When taking over an enemy, if he's still on your tail, use the Q-smoke to blind the enemy's vision of the road. Q-Wedge: The Q-Wedge turns the car sideways. This is very useful when trying to fit through a small gap. It can also be used to fit through two cars in a squeeze to burn them. Q-Boost: The Q-Boost is like having your own jet-pack attached to your car. When needing to cross a large gap use the the Q-Boost to Zoom sky high over the gap and land safely on the other side. Q-Pulse: The Q-Pulse uses electro-magnetic force to fire at enemy vechiles. It then Jams the vechile causing it to crash. Q-Charge: The Q-Charge fires limpet mines onto underwater explosives to disarm them by detroying their structure. This gadget can only be used in the Deep Descent mission. ****************************************************************************** 4c Vehicles ****************************************************************************** Aston Martin V12 The Aston Matin V12 Vanquish is the latest collection Vanquish: to James Bonds cars. Done up to have Q Branch's latest gadgets on the wheels, the Vanquish also can be equipped to fire missiles and machine guns. Aston Martin V12 The underwater version to the Aston Martin is the same Vanquish Under water thing but has the power to go underwater. It also has version: different weapon suitable for underwater. These are torpedos instead of missiles and machine guns. Combat Utility The Combat Utility Vehicle, also known as the SUV Vehicle: vehicle is a Jeep with ammunition on it. It has the same weapons on it as the Aston Martin. JL-7 Snow Mobile: The JL-7 Snow Mobile is Drake's way of moving around the snow in Austria. It is made for the use of two people. One person drives and the other, on top of the snow mobile, stands up on a turret type thing, waiting to fire at enemies. It uses two kinds of weapons; a JL-7 20mm Cannon and a JL-7C Rocket Launcher. D1400 Aeroplane: The D1400 Aeroplane is an aeroplane made for two people. One drives while the other is on a turret shooting. It weapons are rockets and a machine gun. Mini Helicopter: Used in multiplayer only, the Mini helicopter is controlled while you stand still. It has a machine gun and a self destruct mode. If this mini weapon so much as touches a wall, it will blow up. Mini Tank: The Mini Tank is found in multiplayer only. You control it in the same place as you find it. The Mini Tank has a self destruct mode as well and a machine gun. ----------------------------------- 5 Characters ----------------------------- ============================================================================== James Bond ============================================================================== You take on the roll of the game's main character James Bond 007. He's known as the world's best agent and works for MI6. He has immense skills with a weapon and is superb at driving a car. I would have called his driving more of a Jackass type thing really. ****************************************************************************** Your Friends ****************************************************************************** ============================================================================== Domnique Paradis ============================================================================== Works for the French Intelligence. Also there on the night of the Paris Prelude mission. In the Exchange she diguises herself as an allie of Drake and it works for a while. However once you get to the mission, "Phoenix Fire" James Bond and Domnique are found out. Unfortunately she gets killed during trying to escape and is knocked of the buliding. As for James Bond, he made a dramatic escape to start his next mission. Domnique is also an explosives expert and was trying to track down a neclear warhead. Unfortunately, it looked like she didn't succeed. ============================================================================== Zoe Nightshade ============================================================================== Zoe Nightshade is from the CIA. Her driving skills are supposed to be world class so that's why I don't get the reason, in the mission Enemies Vanquished, you drive and not Zoe. Prepared to start working again with an old ally. ============================================================================== Alura McCall ============================================================================== Alura McCall doesn't come into the story until it's nearing the end. She saves your life at the end of the mission Phoenix fire and is with you for quite a bit from then on, in the car. Her agency is Austrailian Intelligence. She doesn't really have to say that really as you can tell by the accent. She's a real help in the last two missions though, especially Countdown. ============================================================================== Q Branch ============================================================================== Is the maker of some of your very useful gadgets. He's behind the making of you, Q Worm, Decryptor, Micro Camera, Shaver Grenade and may more. Probably all of your gadgets are made by him. ****************************************************************************** Your Foes ****************************************************************************** ============================================================================== Rafael Drake ============================================================================== James Bond's next evil Nemesis is Rafael Drake. Is a professional business man and brought up a company called "Phoenix." His new plans, codename "Nightfire," are to put the world at fate by making a special space station in space. On it are missiles which are going to be launched on Earth to destroy it. There are only two places on earth which have a chance of stopping this from happening and they will be destroyed. ============================================================================== Alexander Mayhew ============================================================================== Is a mix in between a bad and a good person. He's one of Drake's main and most trusted men. He betrayed Drake, so Drake threatened to kill Mayhew. During the game there's a mission called Double Cross, where you have to protect Mayhew from Drake's men and he'll give you useful information. ============================================================================== Rook ============================================================================== Rook is Drake's main soldier. He's very strong, has high stamina so if you come against him expect a challenge. He's also the one that attacks you in a helicopter in the mission, The Exchange. ============================================================================== Kiko ============================================================================== You meet Kiko in the Double Cross mission. She's a servant of Mayhew's. Mayhew thinks she's very loyal to him. She shows it when Mayhew dies, at the end of the Double Cross mission. However she's still loyal to Drake and has been working for him all along. She shows this at the end of the mission Chain Reaction. You come out alive but Kiko gets you out in a helicopter, really going to Drake. -------------------------------- 6 Walkthrough ------------------------------- ****************************************************************************** 6a Paris Prelude ****************************************************************************** 007 Tokens 1. When first in the car, on your first corner. 2. When your road turns to the path. 3. In the air on a jump before the bridge. 4. After the bridge, through the no entry signs, on your left somewhere. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The first part of the mission sees you in a helicopter with a sniper in your hands. The first thing you must do is shoot a tyre in the first of two Black cars chasing the red car for a bond move. Do it quickly or you’ll fail the mission. Next, the red car will move away from the green truck that has been in front of it all that time. A bit further on shoot another Black car in the tyre for another bond move and then yet another Black car for another Bond Move. Next, you’ll swerve over to hold your position on a bridge. Hit the last Black car in the tyre or grill for a bond move. After that you’ll get a cut scene showing now two Black cars chasing the red one. One will be pushed off track and then the red car will fly off a ramp held by rope. When the cut scene is over what you have to do is to Sniper the specific showing part of the rope before the Black car flies off it two. If you’re not in time you fail the mission. Objective Complete! * Protect Dominique Paradis * After the next two part cut scene you end up in your new car. The Aston Martin V12 Vanquish. When you get going, use your smoke screen stopping two black cars also earning yourself a bond move. Carry on for now shooting enemies with your machine gun or missiles. Once you get to a thin area on the path your car should say "Q Wedge, online." Use the gadget to turn your car sideways. seen in the two part cut scene. You get a bond move for this. Carry on with what you were previously doing until you get to a bridge. Your car should say "Q Boost, online." Use this; if this trick is performed properly, you should get all the way over to the other side and earn yourself a bond move. Sometimes you will be close to the other side, fall and suddenly reach the other side without earning yourself a bond move. Note: You are able to fail the mission here if you go over the bridge and use the Q Boost too late. The last part of your mission sees you chasing the green truck you saw earlier in the game. It is carrying the bomb, so your mission is the follow it. Your car will soon say, "Q EMP Pulse Projectile, online." Fire the gadget to stop the bomb being in detonated and successfully completing your first mission! Objective Complete! * Stop Truck from reaching Eiffel Tower * Mission Complete! ****************************************************************************** 6b The Exchange ****************************************************************************** 007 Tokens 1. Behind the starting point where the truck comes from. 2. Next to the body armour. 3. When starting objective two, past the guard at the door. 4. In the wine cellar. 5. Near two chairs at the cut scene at the cut scene showing Rafael Drake and his Party guests. 6. In the library. 7. After going through the two glass doors. 8. At the cable car, instead of going in go down the stairs, along the path to see a door open. Inside are the token and two or three guards. Note 1: You target is only supposed to be seven tokens but there are actually eight. Note 2: The wine cellar can be found during the second objective. Carry on, instead of going left. If you look hard enough and defeat all the guards you will eventually see the truck during objective one. Kill the guard, head down the stairs to the wine cellar and defeat two more guards. The token is in the far corner. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Exchange is the first mission where you walk around and shoot people. You start off in the snow on the on the outskirts of the castle. There are several ways of completing this mission. One of the ways would be to jump in the truck that you’ll and avoid all the guards but my way lets you avoid all the guards and gets you body armour. Turn towards the stairs and walk past them to the wall. Jump over it and turn left down a narrow path. At the end of it, jump onto the low ground just low enough so you won’t get hurt when jumping. Grab the body armour and head under the high bridge. Walk around until the grapple icon comes on screen then look up to see that you are able to grapple on to a ledge on the castle. Next go on the ledge a bit higher up and head round towards a zip line and monkey bar across. Next move on until you come see press action and you will see three windows. Move past them without being seen by the two guards in the windows to get a bond move. Note: If you are seen you will have to shoot two guards and you won’t get the bond move. Move on to the next grapple then go on again, right up stairs and through the door. Objective Complete! * Breach the Castle Walls * This is your first checkpoint of the level. You can finish this next objective quickly or mess around the whole area to get a bond move and body armour. I’m going to tell you how to finish it quickly because you should already have full body armour and you don’t really need the bond move. Head up until you see a door open; in which case stop. Shoot the guard when he comes out, pick his gun up and run down the stairs. Open the door and pick of a guard above on your right. Shoot out two searchlights and instead of going under the bridge turn left. Here you pick off two guards. One you can see but the other is straight ahead above on the balcony. Turn left again to a big door for another cut scene showing Bond now in his party suit. Objective Complete! * Find a Way Inside to the Party * This is your second checkpoint of the level. You have no weapons for this objective, however its one of the easiest objectives you’ll get in the whole game. All you have to do is follow a red carpet through the castle past where the party guests are talking up to a door where a big well built guy comes out saying he’s busy. The guy is called "Rook," who you’ll meet later in the game. Go through the door after he’s gone and up the stairs, through a door at the top. You’ll get a cut scene showing the baddy, Rafael Drake entertaining his Party Guests. After that, head back down the stairs and through the door where you saw Rook. Go through the next one (which is the library) to get another cut scene. Objective Complete! * Rendezvous with Undercover Agents & Maintain Cover as a Party Guest * After the cut scene, pick up the body armour and head back to the stairs. When you’re in the room where the stairs were head right through a door. Turn left and on the corner there are about five or six guards. Kill them all and head up through the next door. Go up the stairs kill off all the guards and head right through a door. Then head through the door that really sticks out from the rest for another cut scene. Objective Complete! * Spy on Secret Meeting * After the cut scene showing Drake and a balled guy called Mayhew, you can see loads of guards from where you’re standing. You can avoid all of them by heading up out of the two glass doors. Look left and target two guards on the building ahead of you with your gun. Kill them both and head on a zip line down to that building also earning you a bond move. Head up to the top right and jump down an open window. When you’ve landed, head right onto the other side of the fence and head through the far door ahead of you. Kill two guards and go near the next and it will open automatically. Kill two more outside guards this time and head up two big doors. These also will open automatically and two guards lie inside here. When defeated, head up the stairs to a control box. Burn it with your laser to open the door. Kill the two guards inside, pick up the body armour (if needed) and head to the safe. Burn off the two hinges with your laser and get the two items inside. One is a suitcase with the guidance chip in; the other an AT-420 Sentinel which is a rocket launcher. Do not use this until I say its time to. Objective Complete! * Retrieve Guidance Chip from Safe Room * Head back down the stairs across the snow and into the opposite room; wait here for the moment. Eventually (after encouraging them to) one by one four guards will come in. Shoot them all and head into the room where you jumped through the open window. Head up and right down through a door. Grab the body armour (shoot all guards if they appear) and head into the cable car. Do not shoot the lady called Zoe Nightshade at any time or you’ll fail the mission. Whilst in the cable car duck while the guards are firing at you to save a bit of health. After a while the lights will go out in the cable and a cut scene showing a helicopter with Rook in a helicopter occurs. All you have to do is arm yourself with the AT-420 Sentinel and make sure it’s on guided mode. Fire and guide about three or four rockets to hit the helicopter and a cut scene shows showing the helicopter crashing. Note: A few tips with the last part of that mission. 1. When firing rockets make sure they don’t hit the cable car. 2. Watch your health as he fires machine guns and missiles at the cable car. 3. When getting in the cable car if for some reason it sets off without you (as it has done once with me) jump on top of the cable car and get in via the roof. Note: In case you wanted to know, Rook is not defeated yet as you'll see later on in the game. It looks like he's defeaten in the cut scene, but cut scene doesn't reveal everything. Talking about it, what does this tell if you think about it. If you meet with him again, he'll be hard to defeat. I'm not telling you if you do though. Objective Complete! * Escape with Zoe in Gondola * Mission Complete! ****************************************************************************** 6c Alpine Escape ****************************************************************************** 007 Tokens 1. When you’re first driving in the woods, shoot the fuel barrels where the guards are standing. In the smoke are some ammo and a 007 Token. 2. When duelling with the other snow mobile blow it up before it reaches you and a 007 token appears in the distance. 3. When heading to the closing gate kill two guards on top of the wall firing rockets at you before you stop, to get a 007 token. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The first thing you have two know before starting the mission is you have two weapons on your Snow Mobile. One is the JL-7 20mm Cannon and the other is the JL-7C Rocket Launcher. When I say shoot use the Cannon and when I say Blast use the Rocket Launcher. Start shooting the guards and when they come on the far right shoot the blue patch on the cable car to blow all of them up so far and get a bond move. Kill the ones on the far left by shooting the blue patch on the cylinder near the building and earning your another bond move. Shoot the ones near by shooting the fuel barrels. After the cut scene showing the count down and the garage blowing up get ready to shoot the fuel barrel on your right to blow up guards and shoot some after on your left to blow up some more guards and earn you another bond move. After another cut scene shoot three Snow Mobiles behind you and turn in front of you to shoot fencing under a bridge and a bond move. You will then get another cut scene showing a snow mobile straight ahead of you. Duel it by shooting it before it gets past you and carry on. Shoot a Snow Mobile on your left, then one behind you and if you still have time turn in front of you to shoot some fuel barrels, blowing up some guards. Then you will get another cut scene showing a big gate closing ahead of you. Dodge the rockets as you get nearer and when you stop shoot all the guards around you. After that blast the door down before the helicopter kills you. Objective Complete! * Escape from Drake’s Castle Compound * You will now get a cut scene. After it carry on shooting Snow Mobiles coming out in different directions for a while and soon after another cut scene happens showing he helicopter trapping you and your snow mobile heading right through it making the helicopter crash and you hitting the ground safely. Objective Complete! * Evade Drake’s Pursing Forces * Mission Complete! ****************************************************************************** 6d Enemies Vanquished ****************************************************************************** 007 Tokens 1. At the first set of turns, before the stairs, look on your left for some tables and chairs, and a 007 token 2. Before you bash through the wall where the armour is. 3. At the frozen river on the jump. 4. A bit further on from the frozen river when it splits in two on the left. 5. The bottom left side of the big lake at the end. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Start off by shooting two snowmobiles, one either side of you, with missiles. When a police car appears from behind a billboard keep take over it and use smokescreen for a bond move. The easiest way to shoot a car without using missiles, (because you’ll need them for the end of this,) is to shoot them in the tyre or take over them and use smokescreen, also earning yourself a bond move. Carry on until you see some steps ahead. Go as fast as you can up them so you go in the air and land in front of a wall. Go through it, grab the armour and you should find you back on the road. Carry on up the road defeating all the cars and going through a tunnel. When you get to the end of it turn right off the road or the police will catch you and you’ll fail the mission. Grab some more armour, and you should get a cut scene. Then fly off a ledge onto ice. Don’t hit the sides hard here or you lose health. I’ll allow you to use missiles here, on the enemies. Carry on through the level, until you jump off a big cliff into a frozen lake. You’re supposed to meet Q at the extraction point here. However, for him to be able to get to you through the air you have to defeat the helicopters and snowmobiles on the lake. Grab the missiles and the armour on the lake if you need them and blow the helicopters and snowmobiles up and you should get a cut scene. Objective Complete! * Rendezvous with Q at the Extraction Point * Objective Complete! * Avoid Civilian Casualties * Objective Complete! * Evade Local Police Using Non-Lethal Means * Objective Complete! * Dispatch all Enemies * Mission Complete! ****************************************************************************** 6e Double Cross ****************************************************************************** 007 Tokens 1. After shooting the opening three guards, top right. 2. Upstairs in the room before the bunker. 3. The building where you find the secret Winter Tactical Sniper, on the stairs, near the gong. 4. In the second big out door area, if you’re entering from underwater, look to the right of the guard with the sniper. 5. When there’s a kitchen with one of the two girls you have to find in look left and it’s in a sort of cubicle. 6. On the roof, on a balcony, near where the second sniper guard is. 7. In a servant’s room opposite to the room of the last servant. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Note: Listen carefully for parts of this room as there are lots of rooms and you might get lost if it’s your first time round. Start by shooting three guards, making sure Mayhew doesn’t get shot and make your way to the door. He says, "Check the hallway". Go left into a kind of office and in there is some armour. Go out of the room killing two guards and to the other door. A cut scene will happen from behind the door saying words like, "he’s coming, get ready." Open the door and run back beside Mayhew. Shoot them all from here but if the door shuts you need to open it again. When they’re dead go inside the room and shoot the rest of them. Then go through the door on the other side of the room, getting armour on the left if you need it. Turn right and shoot all the guards. Look up on the balcony to see another guard then follow Mayhew to the bunker. Objective Complete! * Escort Mayhew to Bunker * Grab the armour and head up the ladder. Turn on your night vision and shoot a guard in the dark. Then shoot all the guards in this entire open area before you do anything else. Then look for the building with a gong and swim round the back. There should be a hole for you to be able to go through, so swim under water through it. Climb up the ladder to find the secret Winter Tactical Sniper. Swim back out and look for another hole in the water. Swim under it until you find a ladder mid way. Climb up it moving the metal grid to earn your self a bond move. Turn round to find guards threatening a Geisha girl. Kill the guards making sure you don’t kill the girl and a cut scene happens. Head out of this room into a hallway and turn left when you can to get into a second open area. Kill all the guards near you and get your sniper out. Target a guard who also has a sniper and kill him. Go into the area and kill the rest of the guards as normal. Follow the bridge across and head through a door into the building. Note: There’s another fancy way into this building which also gets you a bond move. Shoot out three lanterns you saw and climb on a rock underneath the wire. You then press the Y button to Monkey bar into the building avoiding the electric shocks. Before you do anything else shoot the computer. Objective Complete! * Destroy Mayhew’s Computer * Open the door and shoot all the guards in the hallway and carry on until you find a kitchen. Shoot all the guards in here two rescue the second Geisha girl. Objective Complete! * Rescue Geisha Girls * Look for a door that’s flashing and go inside so it loads the third part to this level. Go left and left again to kill a guard in a room where there is some armour. Go into the dark room and kill the guard in there. Come out of the and look right to find the dragon. Press the A button to retrieve the code key. Objective Complete! * Retrieve the Dragon Safe Contents * Kill two guards, head down the hallway and turn right. Defeat all the guards here and a guard with a servant. Then head up the stairs. There’s armour on the left if you need it. Otherwise get you sniper out again and head outside. Shoot another guard with a sniper and head over to where he was standing. Shoot the windows and drop down. Kill two guards to rescue another servant. Head into the next room and wait to see a servant come out of a room screaming (kind of) followed by a guard. Kill the guard before he kills the servant. Objective Complete! * Rescue Mayhew’s Servants * Head through the next door kill the guards and the next door. Objective Complete! * Find the Door Leading to Mayhew * This is the last part of the mission now; you need to defeat Ninja, also known as the assassin. A few shots with the Frinesi Auto 12 should kill him and watch out for his sword. Objective Complete! * Defeat the Assassin * Mission Complete! ****************************************************************************** 6f Nightshift ****************************************************************************** 007 Tokens 1. When you’ve started the mission and shot the guard at the bottom on the right at a wall. 2. Near a window saying phoenix on the first floor. 3. At the start of the second part of the mission. Turn left and left again onto a narrow corridor called the Sky Bridge, it’s at the end. 4. Room 70-C. 5. Before completing the second part of the mission carry on, past the camera, to a dead end. The token is here. 6. Third part of the mission after going through the vent and going out of the door. Go into the door on your right and it’s with the armour. 7. At the end of the mission kill all the guards, to make it easy. Top left of the area. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ As soon as you start ignore the guard, turn behind you and head through the door. Note: Only shoot people with the dart gun in this level to put them to sleep. They can reawaken afterwards. If you run out of darts it’s you’re going to have to subdue them with your fists. Shoot the guard going down the stairs and make your way up the stairs through the door. You’ll find yourself in a big room now on the first floor. Go right to the opposite side of the room, shooting any guards and right through the door. Get the armour press action at a computer to activate the elevators. Objective Complete! * Get to the Lobby and Activate the Main Elevator Systems * Go back out of the room, up the corridor and turn left to head into an open elevator. This ends the first part of the mission. Objective Complete! * Take the Main Elevator to the Office Floor * Turn right to see a large corridor. Quickly head over the trip wire and hide behind a pillar on your right. Shoot a guard as he will come out of a door. Carry on and turn right down another long corridor. Get to the end of it and head into a door on your left. If you see a guard shoot him because there’s on round here. Install the Q Worm on an office computer flashing red. Objective Complete! * Install Q Worm on Office Computer Systems * Come back into the corridor and get out your Q Decryptor. Use it to open the door at the end of the corridor. Shoot the guard walking around inside and head into the door on the opposite side of the room. Head down the corridor shooting any guards, and head right into another long corridor. Use your Q Decryptor again to open a door. There’s armour in here but I would toggle if you want to get it because you don’t want a guard to see you through the window. Press action at a computer to complete an objective. Objective Complete! * Find Security Centre and Unlock Exterior Door * Carry on out of the door to the camera. Avoid its range finding beam and turn left to head through a door and wait for the third part to load. Objective Complete! * Find Door to Outer Balcony * Objective Complete! * Don’t let the Security Guards Raise the Alarm * You’re allowed to use other guns now since you completed the certain objective. Head right for a cut scene showing a helicopter and Dominique looking out of it. Carry on to; find an elevator going up and down. Climb on top of the elevator and wait until it gets to the top to see a vent. Press action to open it and head through and down into a room. Get out of the door and go to the one on the opposite side of the room. Avoid the camera beam and head forward and then right when you can to a big steel door. Press action on the button to open it. Objective Complete! * Locate Secure Terminal Room * If you’re playing on operative or agent mode, head to the thing rising in the room. Stay right near it to avoid the machine gun fire and when it is fully up press action to grab the files and you should get a bond move. Note: 00 Agent mode is a bit harder. Avoid the lasers retrieve the files and if you touch the lasers, guns will come so be careful. Objective Complete! * Retrieve Nightfire Files from the Secure Terminal * Head out, avoiding fire by machine guns and head right to the cameras, still avoiding them. Shoot the guards if there is any and head for the brown door. Go into the next one by using your Q Decryptor and head to the computer. Install the Q Worm. Objective Complete! * Install Q Worm on Mayhew’s Computer Systems * Head back to the cameras and go in the door to the left for a cut scene with Dominique. Objective Complete! * Escape to the Roof * This is the last part of this long mission. Kill all the guards in the area and grab a parachute at the helicopter. Then, jump off the roof to complete the mission. Objective Complete! * Acquire Parachute from Helicopter and Jump off Tower Roof * Mission Complete! ****************************************************************************** 6g Chain Reaction ****************************************************************************** 007 Tokens 1. At the bottom of the ST-1 building. 2. Grapple to the top of TR-2 Building and use the zip wire to get to a platform in an open building. It’s at the end with the Delta Repeater Crossbow. 3. From token 2, jump off the platform onto the top of the thing in the middle. Laser one of the vents so you’re able to get in (only one you can laser) and jump through it to find the token underneath you. Press action on the door to get out. 4. At the bottom of the TR-2 building. 5. Once you’ve moved the crane outside, jump onto a ledge on your left; once at the end, jump onto and climb up a ladder. Then walk up a pipe and press action. Move across the wall on the ledge to three smashed windows. Inside them is the token and armour. 6. Go from the laser prototype down into a door. In here, where you get the armour on the boxes, jump across to the boxes and turn right to find the token hidden. 7. On the catwalk, to get there once the inside crane is going, grapple onto it when there’s chance and when it’s at the other end, walk the catwalk to the token. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ On top of the building where you start shoot all the guards you can see firing at you with a sniper. Then make your way to the vent that has hinges on it. Burn them all off with your laser and jump into the vent for a bond move. Objective Complete! * Investigate Building ST-1 * Go into the building and take out all guards. Go to the jetpack and the screen and take a picture of it with your micro camera. Objective Complete! * Photograph the Jetpack Prototype * Head down, to the bottom of the building to get to the exit. Head right and right again to get out to, find more snipers. Take out all the snipers you can see and head up the ladder. Go and keep moving across wires to get to the TR-2 building. Open the door, kill all the guards here and make your way to the bottom. The way to get to the door from the bottom is to go up some stairs and head left round the sides until you get to the catwalk. Head up it, ignore the grapple signs and when you get to the top jump left off it and a door is right in front of you which you go through. Objective Complete! * Exit through Building TR-2 * You need good skill with a sniper here. Start by looking for and shooting three snipers. Grab the armour go left down the stairs, jump off and head into the small door with three snipers. From here, go diagonally across the area to shoot two snipers and then to shoot more snipers in three smashed windows. Head up a ladder to the top of a metal yellow platform and take the long wire over to the crane. If there are no pauses you should make it to the other side safely. There may be snipers appearing from the roof left of the crane every once and a while so shoot them. Press action to the crane controls so it moves and you can head across it to a door on your left. Objective Complete! * Investigate Building ST-3 * Inside there’s armour on the left door if you need it but head right and press action on the controls if you want to get the inside crane type thing going on the ceiling. Head down the stairs and shoot a mix of all the guards and snipers you see. They’ll keep appearing so keep shooting them while doing what you’re supposed to be doing. Head to the other side of the room and turn right. Jump on a box and then walk up the remaining bit of stairs. Turn left and get your micro camera out. Take a picture of the screen to complete an objective. Objective Complete! * Photograph the Laser Prototype * Make sure you’ve shot all the guards near you from where you are now and press action on the laser on the other side of the stairs. Target the massive door saying C5 on it ahead of you and fire at it. Keep on it for a several amount of seconds and eventually you’ll destroy it. Objective Complete! * Destroy Door C5 with Mounted Laser on Catwalk * To finish the mission head through the C5 door and that is the end of what can be one annoying mission Mission Complete! ****************************************************************************** 6h Phoenix Fire ****************************************************************************** 007 Tokens 1. The start of the mission jump left out of the elevator onto a ledge. At the end of it is the token. 2. In the room with the blue screen, armour and a guard. It’s on the table. 3. After the first loading point into the game, defeat two guards, collect the phoenix ronin and turn left to get to a dead end and watch for the helicopter. The token is there. 4. In the room with the cafeteria on the office floor. 5. Room 70-A. 6. After leaving the elevator with gun fire and satchel charges at you. In the familiar room from the Nightshift mission; the top left side from the elevator. 7. The control room you go to near the end of the mission. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ At the start of the mission I prefer to do it this way. As if you were getting the first token jump onto the ledge and look behind you. Grapple on top of the elevator to see a familiar vent. Go through the vent and down into the room for a bond move. Head out of the room and kill a guard who doesn’t know your presence. Go into the door on your right to kill a guard and get some armour. The go back out and into the room you haven’t been in yet. Look left to see the starting elevator and kill a guard or two there. Then head to the room with you installed the Q worm on Mayhew’s computer system to get a code from his computer; remember it! Now go to where you saw the big metal door. Turn right from hear and head through the door by typing in the code you should’ve remembered. Head right to the bottom of the stairs now killing all the guards, to a flashing door. Before you go in get the armour and rounds then the game will load. Objective Complete! * Gain Access to Lower Office Floor * If you see any Phoenix Ronins in this part of the mission get out of their range of fire. Kill two guards and head right, to the control room. door you were in on the Nightshift mission. If it’s open go inside. If it isn’t, this next paragraph will tell you how to get it. From the control head towards the phoenix ronin and guard, kill the guard and deactivate the phoenix ronin. From here kill any guards and head to room 70-E. In there go to the red computer and it will give you the key code into the control room. In the control room, press action on the operational computer on the right. Objective Complete! * Activate Elevator over ride control in Security Centre * Next press action on the operational computer on the left to open up the sky bridge. Head out of the room and head right, down to the sky bridge. Cross the sky bridge avoiding helicopter fire and turn right. Head right again behind the phoenix ronin avoiding its fire and kill the guard. Deactivate the Phoenix Ronin, grab the armour and head into the open elevator. Objective Complete! * Escape through the Elevator Shafts * You’re in the elevator for the next part. Kill guards in the windows firing from the left. When a cut scene happens of a satchel charge being thrown in by a guard, after it deactivate the satchel charge with your laser before it explodes. Keep killing the guards and watch out for a second satchel charge being thrown at you before the end of this part. There will then be a cut scene, showing the guard setting one on the lift. Then it will load the final part of the game. Objective Complete! * Gain Access to Lobby * Kill all guards while doing this. Look for the control room with the green window and enter it. Press action on a computer and head out of the control room to an open area with the window saying phoenix on it to complete the mission. Objective Complete! * Raise Security and Escape through front Entrance * Objective Complete! * Escape from Tower * Mission Complete! ****************************************************************************** 6i Deep Descent ****************************************************************************** 007 Tokens 1. At the start when going into the old wrecked tanker go right to find it. 2. After using your remote torpedoes dodging the fan, dodge the fan yourself and it’s on the other side. 3. Underneath the second control box you use to turn off the lasers. 4. When doing the submarine chase look right just before the third door and it’s on a ledge. 5. After you’ve finished chasing the submarine, look down for three submarines, it’s in the middle. 6. After coming out of the tunnel to the nuclear submarines go up near to the surface and it’s in this area. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ You start the mission underwater outside the base. Go forward for a cut scene. Quickly make your way across the kind of underwater road into a destroyed tanker. Go left to see a submarine and a cut scene. Objective Complete! * Find an alternate way into Drake’s base * Don’t follow it, instead turn left and go down the passage to the end to see some fans. Get out your remote torpedoes and fire them. Avoid the fans as they turn and at the end crash it into a pillar with the communications node on it. Objective Complete! * Destroy Communications Node * Now go through the passage on the left back to the path the submarine was going in. Go the way that it went and when you get to it fire torpedoes at it, dodging his. When done, fire your remote torpedoes through the red lasers avoiding them, and then follow the wire and crash it into the control box. Go through the hole and follow the passage to the end, avoiding the mines. At the end destroy the control box with your remote torpedoes again and head through. Go down a bit avoiding the mines to find and go through a small hole that’s a bit before the bottom. Follow the passage to a big area with six missiles in it. This next part has to be done in a certain time limit. Place a limpet mine on each of the six missiles before the time runs out to get a cut scene. Objective Complete! * Plant Charges on Missiles * Note: There’s a submarine there so shoot it with your torpedoes if it gets in your way. The timers still on so this part quickly. Go to the door that opened shoot all the submarines and go through. There should be another cut scene at which time your timer should have gone. Follow the submarine but do not shoot it! Follow it all the way avoiding the torpedoes it leaves. Follow it until (I forgot who in the background says it) but says you’re in the base. Objective Complete! * Follow Sub into Base * Still following it, follow it through the door before it closes and through the tunnel and then get your torpedoes out and shoot it. Them go to the lasers and shoot the control box with your remote torpedoes. Go through and get the armour (you’ll need it for the next part). There are three big submarines. Go to the blue area on each of them and plant a Q Charge on each of them. Objective Complete! * Plant Q Charges on docked Submarines * That was the easy bit; this is probably the only challenging part of this mission so be prepared from it going easy to difficult in one second flat. Note: The thing I hate about this mission is the end the thing is if you lose you go right back to the start! There is another submarine which fires out much powerful torpedoes than you’ve come across lately. Dodging the torpedoes it fires fire as many torpedoes as it takes to blow it up and make your way ahead to the beach. Objective Complete! * Destroy Enemy attack Sub * Objective Complete! * Make it to the Beach Undetected * Mission Complete! ****************************************************************************** 6j Island Infiltration ****************************************************************************** 007 Tokens 1. behind you at the start of the mission 2. The part where you download the access code in the Security Compound. 3. To the right of Sentinel 3 4. In the D1400 destroy the first tower. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ You start the mission in an SUV vehicle. Head down the road to the junction, turn right and head down here. Eventually you’ll enter a security compound. Destroy both cars, the man on the left with a rocket launcher (I think) and destroy the helicopter. Do this with missiles. Head up the ramp, turn right and press B to download the access code. Objective Complete! * Download Defence System Code from Compound * Head out and back onto the road you were on and carry on down it, shooting the down the enemy vehicles with your machine gun. Eventually you’ll come to a gate. Use the access code to get through. Head on and shoot down the sentinel with your machine gun (use missiles if you’re desperate). Carry on to the next gate and do the same as before. Head through and shoot sentinel 2 round the corner with your machine gun. Carry on, picking up missiles, to a bridge. Do not go across it or you’ll die. Instead press B again to create a bridge for you to go across. Destroy the car and head on through the tunnel to a sentinel and a cut scene. Note: before you leave the tunnel, there’s a secret road to the left of you. Just thought I’d tell you, that’s all. Destroy both vehicles and sentinel 3 for another cut scene. This also ends the first part of the mission. When you start part 2 you’re in a D1400 plane. Start by shooting down the bridge with your rockets. Objective Complete! * Disable Primary Access Route * Use your rockets as much as you want but make sure you have 12 rockets, four for each of the three remaining sentinels. Shoot any enemies if there is any throughout part 2. Carry on and shoot down the tower. Then there’ll be a cut scene with sentinel 4 on it so blow it up. You’ll come to an open area now. When you follow the road below, shoot down about three SUV vehicles, and then you'll head on. Carry on until you find sentinel 5 which you need to also blow up. Head on through the level, until there’s a cut scene with Alura saying something like, "hold on, I’m going to dive." After that, shoot down all enemy planes in the area and blow up all the boats down below. Then you’ll carry on. Shoot down the tower and blow up the boat. Then kill off the final sentinel, sentinel 6. This also completes part 2 of the mission. Objective Complete! * Disable Island Defence Sentinels * The last part is easy if know what will happen next; fortunately I know it off by heart. Also, don’t use the laser pulse shots until I say so. Destroy the tank on the left then if there isn’t one on the right look out left and shoot all the incoming planes for a bond move. Then look right again. If there’s no tank shoot the planes on the right for another bond move. Then two planes will come up from ahead so shoot them both for another bond move. Then there’s a tank down below you on the left. Finally take out your laser pulse shots. Fire them at the submarine; it’ll take a few shots to blow it up. Objective Complete! * Dismantle Drake’s Island Defence Systems * Objective Complete! * Protect Alura as she completes the Mission * Mission Complete! ****************************************************************************** 6k Countdown ****************************************************************************** 007 Tokens 1. After dropping through the vent at the start, on the opposite side of the room, grapple into another vent. Look around for it in here. 2. Next to the armour in the room A6. 3. The dead end near silo D12c 4. before the omega sector door 5. The part when you enter the omega sector, in a room on the second floor 6. underneath the first shuttle that launches 7. underneath the second shuttle that launches ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ You start the mission in a vent. Drop down, through the vent and kill a guard before he reaches the door. Go through the door, kill however men guards there are and move on for a cut scene. Kill the guard ahead and go up to him. Go through the door on the left and kill the guard. Objective Complete! * Infiltrate Drake’s Facility undetected * Go back out and go into the next door on the left with a camera sign on it. Kill the guard and collect the body armour. Open the control box and get out your laser. Shoot the part in green AND NOT THE RED to disarm the cameras. Head back out and into the room A5. Head down the corridor killing all the guards as you proceed. Now head into the A8 corridor and do the same; then A12. Then go into A16, kill all the guards and head into the camera near where you came in. Kill the guard inside if you’ve not already done so. Get the armour and go into the control box. Laser the green part to stop the alarm, if it’s on, or to stop it altogether. Go back out and into A17; there’s armour on the wall if you need it. Use the decryptor on the controls of each side of the locked door. Go in and get the Aims 20 gun and ammo for it. Save the grenade launcher function on it for after. It makes it so much easier. There are also grenades, if you want them and laser trip bombs. Go into A18 for a cut scene. Objective Complete! * Follow Kiko to the Security Control Centre * As you’ll probably see when it’s finished there’s no way out. So go down the stairs to the opposite side of the room. On the left and right of the room there are control boxes. Laser the green parts of them AND NOT THE RED, or you’ll die. Go back up the steps and press action on the computer. The machines will explode but if you stay in the area, you won’t be affected. After a few explosions the door will reopen. Objective Complete! * Sabotage Base Security and escape from room * Kill all the guards on your way back to A5. They all should be dead now except Rook who’s in the A5 corridor. Take out your Aims 20 and switch to your grenade launcher. Make sure you’re a fair distance apart so you don’t get hit by the blast. Rapidly fire at him and he will eventually die. Objective Complete! * Prevent Rook from cutting power to the Delta Sector * Make sure you pick up his weapon, the Phoenix Samurai Laser Rifle. Now head to the door, saying Delta Sector on it and go through it. Objective Complete! * Take exit to the Delta Sector * Defeat all the guards in this room and go through the door on the opposite side. Throw a flag grenade at the laser trip wire and take cover when it blows. Go through the door and defeat the guards. Go to the opposite side of the room and through the door for armour. Go back out and go through the door you haven’t been in yet. Flag grenade the trip wires and head on through the next door. Defeat the guards and go through the door at the opposite side of the room. Avoid the grenade that is thrown at you as it blows the fuel barrels as well. Then kill the guards. Go through the door on the left for ammo and the door on the right to move on. Throw a grenade at the tripwire and head through the door. Kill the guard and go through the other door. Duck under the tripwire and head through the door. Kill the guards and head through the door on the opposite side of the room. Flag grenade the trip wires, and go through the door. Kill the guard and head into the omega sector. That ends one confusing maze. Objective Complete! * Find exit to Omega Sector * Go through the door but beware, the next room is big but is swarming with guards. Kill all of them and make your way upstairs. Go into the room with body armour in and hit the button to unlock a door. Go through it, killing the guards and go through the other doors by pressing the button at the side. The last room your in has three other doors. Open D2 and head through for a cut scene. Objective Complete! * Reach Drake’s launch silo * There are quite a lot of guards in this last part and more than one ninja which you defeated in the Double Cross level. There are a few side rooms at the side. In them are armour and ammo. Go in one of them before they shut. You know by the countdown. After the first shuttle is launched defeat the guards and go into another one of the side rooms. Repeat this until there’s a cut scene showing Bond grappling up into the elevator and killing Kiko. Objective Complete! * Prevent Kiko from launching into space * Mission Complete! ****************************************************************************** 6l Equinox ****************************************************************************** 007 Tokens 1. In the middle of where the laser charges 2. near the second missile down on the left hand side 3. near the second missile down on the right hand side 4. at the back, high up, on the right 5. at the back, high up, on the left 6. At the back, down below, on the left 7. At the back, down below, on the right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The last level in the so expect a challenge if your on a harder difficulty. You’ll notice a diagram of the level in the top right hand corner of the screen. The circles are the missiles. If the circles are flashing green the missile is going to launch. If it’s got a cross in it, you’ve destroyed it. The squares at the top of the left and right of the diagram are the places where the enemies come out of. If it’s flashing some more have been released. Ignore Drake at the moment and through the whole of this level, when you’ve got time kill as many enemies as possible. Note: It’s easier to kill the enemies by switching to your sniper mode. Destroy each missile by shooting the circular thing in green on it which it’ll reveal. When you destroyed them all, you’ve done the hard part of the mission. Objective Complete! * Disable the missiles before they launched * Now concentrate on Drake. He’ll brake out of the window with a powerful weapon, missiles of some sort. Dodge them and give him a few shots with your Phoenix Samurai to kill him. Objective Complete! * Defeat Drake before the base goes critical * Mission Complete! --------------------------------- 7 Medals ----------------------------------- You can recieve awards depending on how well you do in a mission. For every different medal you earn, a reward comes with it. This can be an upgrade for a weapon, a new character playable on multiplayer mode or a new multiplayer scenario. To get a medal you have to earn a certain amount of points when you've finished a mission. To earn points you have to do things like, get a good percentage of accuracy or make a certain amount of opponent surrender. By pausing the game and looking at the "score" option. However, earning a platinum medal is different. From what I know, it can only be possible to earn on 00 Agent mode. This is because you need the bonus points for playing on a higher difficulty. Also, once you have earned a gold medal you may notice 007 symbols appearing in the mission. These are 007 tokens. You need to get a certain amount of these in each mission to get the points. However the nasty feature about 007 tokens is, if you get something like six out of the seven tokens you needed to get you still wouldn't get any points. Also to get a platinum medal it usually requires nearly twice the amount of points that a gold medal does. This is to make sure that there is no other way of earning a platinum medal without all of the 007 tokens. Here are the the rewards for the medals in each mission: Note: The 007 token locations can be found before the walkthrough of each mission. ============================================================================== Paris Prelude ============================================================================== Bronze: Domnique = Reward Card Silver: Jaws = MP Skin Gold: Pistol = Upgrade Platinum: Renard = MP Skin ============================================================================== The Exchange ============================================================================== Bronze: Zoe Nightshade = Reward Card Silver: Oddjob = MP Skin Gold: Pistol = Upgrade Platinum: Baron Samedi = MP Skin ============================================================================== Alpine Escape ============================================================================== Bronze: Military Snowmobile = Reward Card Silver: Assassination = MP Scenario Gold: Grapple = MP Mode Platinum: Max Zorin = MP Skin ============================================================================== Enemies Vanquished ============================================================================== Bronze: Vanquish = Reward Card Silver: Scaramanga = MP Skin Gold: Micro Camera = Upgrade Platinum: May Day = MP Skin ============================================================================== Double Cross ============================================================================== Bronze: Mayhew = Reward Card Silver: Uplink = MP Scenario Gold: Sniper Rifle = Upgrade Platinum: Xenia Onatopp = MP Skin ============================================================================== Nightshift ============================================================================== Bronze: Kiko = Reward Card Silver: Team King of the Hill = MP Scenario Gold: P2K Pistol = Upgrade Platinum: Christmas Jones = MP Skin ============================================================================== Chain Reaction ============================================================================== Bronze: Rook = Reward Card Silver: Wai Lin = MP Skin Gold: Dart Gun = Upgrade Platinum: Goldfinger = MP Skin ============================================================================== Phoenix Fire ============================================================================== Bronze: Alura = Reward Card Silver: Demolition = MP Scenario Gold: Golden P2K Pistol = Upgrade Platinum: Drake Suit = MP Skin ============================================================================== Deep Descent ============================================================================== Bronze: Vanquish Sub = Reward Card Silver: Nick Nack = MP Skin Gold: Decryptor = Upgrade Platinum: Electra King = MP Skin ============================================================================== Island Infiltration ============================================================================== Bronze: Ultralight = Reward Card Silver: Protection = MP Scenario Gold: Stunner = Upgrade Platinum: Bond Tuxedo = MP Skin ============================================================================== Countdown ============================================================================== Bronze: Drake = Reward Card Silver: Explosive Scenery = MP Mode Gold: Laser = Upgrade Platinum: Pussy Galore = MP Skin ============================================================================== Equinox ============================================================================== Bronze: Bond = Reward Card Silver: Goldeneye Strike = MP Scenario Gold: Laser = Upgrade Platinum: Bond Spacesuit = MP Skin ----------------------------- 8 Multiplayer Mode ----------------------------- The multiplayer for James Bond 007 Nightfire has impressed me. There are a huge range of multiplayer scenarios to choose from and lots of characters to play as. However some of them need to be unlocked so you can access them. What needs to be unlocked are found in the single player mode. You have to earn medals. View the medals section if you want further information. Here is a guide to the multiplayer mode like who the characters are what scenarios you can get, what weapons there are and other stuff too. ****************************************************************************** 8a Multiplayer Characters ****************************************************************************** Coming in later versions ****************************************************************************** 8b Multiplayer Scenarios ****************************************************************************** The multiplayer scenarios are like the different objectives of a level. Some need to be unlocked and others are already there for you to play. These range from scenarios like Quick Game to other kinds of scenarios like Capture the Flag. Some scenarios involve teamwork or everybody against everbody. The teams are split into two. They are MI6 and Phoenix teams. You know which team you're on when you choose a character. The background of there picture is in red or blue. Blue is MI6 and red is Phoenix. Here are all of the scenarios and the aim of them: Quick Game: A Quick Game is a normal game where you don't (Teams: Every man for have to mess around picking the difficulty of himself) everything and choosing things like the time limit. It's ramdomly chosen and it's like an all against all game. Arena: An arena is a deathmatch. If you kill somebody (Teams: Every man for you score a point for yourself. You can set the himself) amount of points to however many you want so the first person to reach that amount will win. Or until the time runs out. Team Arena: (Teams: MI6 V Phoenix) Team Arena is the same thing as the Arena scenario only it's in teams. This is good if you want to team up with your mates and face the computerized opponents. Capture the Flag: The aim of Capture the Flag is to steal the (Teams: MI6 V Phoenix) other team's flag and take it to the flag stand where you keep your flag. At the same time, the other team attempt to get yours. Uplink: In Uplink, you have find satellites hidden around the level and activate them. There are three in total. You need to simply walk through them to do that. One satellite equals one point. It's the first one to reach a set amount of points. Top Agent: Top Agent has to be the most enjoyable (Teams: Every man for multiplayer scenario in Nightfire. You can choose himself) a set amount of lives for everyone. If you lose them all your out. The aim is to kill your opponents and survive being kill. The last person in the game is the winner. Demolition: (Teams: MI6 V Phoenix) In demolition there is one satellite somewhere around the level. If you find it and you're on the MI6 team you must try and destroy it. If you're on the Phoenix team you must try and prevent MI6 from destroying it. When the time limit has gone, the point goes to MI6 if it's destroyed; to Phoenix if it isn't. The time will restart again after that. Protection: This is exactly the same as Demolition only it (Teams: MI6 V Phoenix) has one difference. It's the opposite way round in teams. The MI6 must prevent destruction while Phoenix try to destroy. Look at demolition for further details. Industrial Espionage: In Industrial Espionage there is a blueprint (Teams: MI6 V Phoenix) found around the level. The team must find the blueprints and take them back to a machine for a point. It's the first team to a set amount of points. GoldenEye Strike: GoldenEye strike has to be the most original (Teams: MI6 V Phoenix) multiplayer scenario. One team must find all the pieces to the GoldenEye and activate to destroy the players in the other team and score a point. Assassination: In assaination one person is the assassin and (Teams: Every man for the rest are normal people. If normal people kill himself) someone they get three points. If the assassin kills they recieve five points. If you kill the assassin you only get three points but you become the knew assassin. The old assassin now becomes a normal person again. It's the first person to reach a set amount of points. King of the Hill: In the scenario, King of the Hill there's a (Teams: Every man for blue circle of light somewhere in each level. You himself) step into this circle to score a point. After a few seconds you can score more points by going out of the circle and back in. At the same time, you have to stop opponents from scoring points in the circle by killing them. It's the first to a set amount of points. Team King of the Hill: As you can probably tell by the title of this (Teams: MI6 V Phoenix) scenario it is the same as King of the Hill but played in teams. If you wish to know further details about this scenario look at King of the Hill. ****************************************************************************** 8c Multiplayer Levels ****************************************************************************** Coming in later versions ****************************************************************************** 8c Multiplayer Weapons and Gadgets ****************************************************************************** Coming in later versions ---------------------------------- 9 FAQs ------------------------------------ Q: In Paris Prelude, I hit a bumper really hard and somehow jump over it. How do I get back on track? A: I'm not really that sure there's a way because I haven't tried this method properly yet. Try bumping into it hard from the other side to get back over. Q: In Alpine Escape I try shoot the gate down and it doesn't break, what do I do? A: Make sure the weapon you're using is the JL-7C Rocket Launcher. If you're on the cannon it won't work. Q: In Enemies Vanquished at the end, Q says in a cut scene, something like, "defeat the helicopters so we can enter the location." I've defeated the helicopters but the game keeps on going. What's Wrong? A: You must defeat the snow mobiles as well so the area is clear. Q: In the Double Cross mission, at the end when you face Ninja I don't have a Frinesi Auto 12. How do I defeat him? A: You'll just have to use whatever weapon you have. It'll take a bit longer but you'll just have manage. If you somehow don't have any weapon at all, you'll just have to use your fists. Q: In the Nightshift level I've run out of sleeping darts. What do I do to kill someone for the the rest of the mission? A: You just have to manage with your fists. Punch the guard to subdue him. Q: In Phoenix Fire, the door to the camera room is locked. What do I do to open it? A: Go to the room 70-E, which you should remember from the Nightshift mission to get a key code for the camera room. Q: In the Deep Descent mission, when trying to complete the following the sub into objective it suddenly says mission failed on the screen. Why is this? A: The sub probably went through a door which closed behind it. You were probably too far behind it. Q: In the Island Infiltration level, I get to this part with a bridge and then fall off. Why is this? A: You need to create a new and safer bridge for you to cross so that you won't fall off. Q: In Multiplayer mode, in the level ravine I can't have any bots on. Why is this? A: You are not able to have bots for this level and I don't think you can unlock them. ----------------------------- 10 Cheats and Codes ---------------------------- ****************************************************************************** 10a Cheats ****************************************************************************** ============================================================================== Multiplayer Unlocks ============================================================================== Uplink: TRANSMIT Protection: GUARDIAN GoldenEye Strike: ORBIT Team King of the Hill: TEAMWORK Demolition: TNT All Multi Player Scenarios: GAMEROOM Explosive Scenery: BOOM Unlock Jaws: DENTAL Unlock Xenia: JANUS Oddjob: BOWLER Baron Samedi: VOODOO Pussy Galore: CIRCUS Scaramanga: ASSASSIN Christmas Jones: NUCLEAR Goldfinger: MIDAS Tuxedo Bond: BLACKTIE Max Zorin: BLIMP ============================================================================== Cheats for the driving and Rail Shooter levels ============================================================================== Double Armour: Pause the game, hold L, press X Y B X X and release L Triple Armour: Pause the game, hold L, press X Y B X X X and Release L Quadruple Armour: Pause the game, hold L, press X Y B X X X X and release L Unlock Street Race in Enemies Vanquished: Pause the game, hold L, press X X B B Y and release L Drive SUV Vehicle in Enemies Vanquished: Pause the game, hold L, press B X Y B Y and Release L Extra Powerful Bullets in driving levels: Pause the game, hold L, press X X X X and release L Increase Speed in driving levels: Pause the game, hold L, B Y X B Y X and release L Unlimited Missiles in driving levels: Pause the game, hold L, press B Y Y B Y X and release L ============================================================================== Other Cheats ============================================================================== Equinox Level: VACUUM Level Select: PASSPORT All Upgrades: Q LAB Sniper Upgrade: SCOPE Laser Upgrade: PHOTON ****************************************************************************** 10b Codes (For Action Replay) ****************************************************************************** m 1 0Z96 - NF44 - VM0V8 2 J28B - DABN - 6KDK2 3 H4WX - CDFT - D52F6 4 QK9M - FXUT - KVC0F 5 67EN - C9XG - T8KM8 6 AKP9 - 53FW - FUEC2 7 4381 - EURF - BNE7T 8 HJAP - 8GGB - 2RQ2G 9 6FQT - A7F4 - YVK4P 10 F568 - NGUR - AQ644 12 CAXN - EACA - 02ETT Infinite Health 1 D6Y4 - U1G1 - 6QR9R 2 769E - 3V1T - AJTJN ****************************************************************************** 10c Secrets ****************************************************************************** These are a few secrets I spotted while playing the game: Paris Prelude secret area: In Paris Prelude, when your in the car you can hit one of the bumpers so hard that the car manages to flip over the bumper onto the other side in a what's not supposed to be an accessible area. The trouble is getting back. I'm not sure if the method works, but check out the FAQ section to find out. The Exchange secret amour: In The Exchange at the start there's two towers ahead of the starting point. On the right one the door is accessible. Climb up the ladder, if the sniper's there kill him and there you have your secret armour. Chain Reaction Armour Piercing: In Chain Reaction, in the middle of checkpoint two there's armour on the ground in the big out door area. When you get it, change your fire mode on the Winter Tactical Sniper Rifle to find an armour piericng mode on it. Island Infiltration secret In Island Infiltration, before you defeat passage: the sentinel giving you a cut scene into the aeroplane part, if you notice there's a secret passage which you can reverse into. On the way down the passage there's armour and if you go to the end and turn around, there's a place where there's a waterfall and some nature. -------------------------------- 11 Legacy ----------------------------------- ****************************************************************************** 11a Copyright ****************************************************************************** This guide is only copyright with the writer’s permission, which can be found at the email address agent1496@hotmail.com Put the subject as "copyright" and explain your reason within the email. Thank-you. ****************************************************************************** 11b Website Permission ****************************************************************************** Websites Granted permission: www.gamefaqs.com www.neoseeker.com www.ign.com Note: These three websites will get them anyway as I will always send them my latest work. Any other websites that wish to post my guides on their site must ask permission on the email address agent1496@hotmail.com Put the subject as "Website Permisssion" an right your reason, what will you do with my guide on the site and give me a registration option as a member and contributer. --------------------------- 12 Version History -------------------------------- This FAQ/Walkthrough was written on a Notepad so, therefore is probably best viewed on one. Version 1.0 (49k) - Was a basic first version; it was my first ever FAQ/Walkthrough. Contained a basic title, introduction, the whole walkthrough and the copyright section without the site permission part. Version 2.0 (52K) - Updated with a proper title, site permission part, the version history. A few Faqs as well. Version 3.0 (60k) - Updated with the Storyline, some controls and cheats. Where it says, "More FAQs coming soon!" that will come in a higher version. Version 4.0 (99k) - A change around of presentation in the contents and other places. A change around of the controls section and updated. Added a weapons and gadgets section, updated the cheats section and added the secrets part to it. Made a few more small changes. Might do more on the FAQs section, might not. Version 5.0 (114k) - Added the medals section and the first part of the multiplayer mode section. Shows what's going to be where in the section. Under construction still. Another website allowed to use my walkthrough, IGN.