Advent Rising Boss Battle Guide by Raven Saterno v1.1 Alright, I gotta start out saying that this is one of the best games I've played in a long while, and I have never written any kind of FAQ or Guide before. The only part of this game that gave me headaches were the boss battles, so, to help other gamers figure out the strategies that took me at least an hour each to figure out, here is an easy-to-use guide. Table of Contents 1A - Seeker General 2B - Flippy Ninja Cat Lady ( Real name later ) 3C - Skinrider/Beast 4D - Epilogue Final Boss 5E - Disclaimer and stuff 6F - Contact Information * * * * * Section 1A - Seeker General Difficulty - Easy Best Weapon Combo - Twin Acolytes and Grenades This is the boss you face when you finally find Olivia. He comes charging in asking what happened to the guards he left there. Once you proudly proclaim that you killed them, he gets a little annoyed and threatens your life. I can't even begin to tell you how hard I was laughing at the noise he made at that point. Ok, this guy isn't really that hard. Just keep shoot-dodging him and stay away from him. If you get low on health, there is a health thingy under the catwalk that leads to the room where you found Olivia. He can be a pain in the whoopseydaisy with that sheild he has, but when he throws that up, toss a grenade at him and he'll drop it quick and try to dodge. That's a good time to shoot him. If you run out of ammo, then you can run up to him and melee attack him, but I warn you, he can and will probably grab you, fling you around, then slam you into the ground. Best to stay away and use grenades and guns. And the health thingy. Don't forget the health thingy. Patience is a virtue in this fight. Kamikaze actions will get you killed faster than a cat thrown into a dog pound. * * * * * Section 2B - Flippy Ninja Cat Lady ( Real Name Later ) Difficulty - Medium to Hard Best Weapon Combo - Aeon Pulse and Surge This is the boss you face just after the council meeting on Aurelia goes to crap. She's a tall, lanky cat lady bounty hunter, who speaks in a language you can't understand even with the translator in your ear. She has a jetpack so you can't push her off of the sky dock and be done with it, no. That would make the fight easy. Instead, it was a pain in the feces generator. Even when you know what to do, it's still a trial and error battle to a point. The one good thing about this fight, though, is that you don't need anything but your powers and your fists. Yes, your fists. Guns (Even the Fury) seem to have absolutely no effect on this catgirl. Alright, here's what you do. Get the reticle around the catlady, do a side dodge. Once you've done the side dodge, hit the melee attack button. You'll go from the dodge animation to an instant melee attack. Then, dodge away and blast her with the Aeon Pulse and Surge attacks simultaneously. It may take a few tries, but it will look like you have pushed her off of the dock and she has fallen to an untimely death. Yeah, right, and I'm Yoda. Not dead she is. In fact, you might want to run back to the other end of the dock, the end by the watery door, because she is on her ship now. It blasts the end of the dock with massive amounts of lasers, and if you are still there when they hit you will die... very quickly. Once the lasers stop bombarding the end of the dock, there will be a few seconds of silence before her ship comes up with all barrells aimed at you and charging. Lock onto one of the engines of her ship and slow-dodge in any direction (as long as that direction doesn't take you off the edge of the platform ) and blast away with the Aeon Pulse. You will have to do this a few times to break the engine. Once you see the flames erupt from the engine signaling it's death, the ship dives and the catlady reappears at the end of the platform. Now, start the process all over again. You have to do this three times total. Once you finish off the ship for the third time, the cutscene triggers and the battle is over. Congratulations, you've just beaten the most annoying boss I have ever fought. * * * * * Section 3C - Skinrider/Beast Difficulty - Medium Best Weapon Combo - Lift and fists The Skinrider seems like a huge, evil giant invincible boss of death, who in reality is a little tougher than he seems. I'm so completely not serious. The Skinrider isn't actually the beast you're fighting. The Skinrider is the little metal bug-looking thing that is stuck to the back of it's head. Skinrider is a metal bounty hunter who can take control of a creature or being. it's a nasty little cuss who has found a giant ape-like creature, and sees it as a way to collect the bounty on our intrepid hero. Once the creature grabs Marin, follow it through the hole it leaves in the side of the facility and jump down into the waist-deep water, and get ready for a fight of near-miss dodges and the throwing of big rocks. This fight isn't actually all that hard. Run around and avoid the beast's punches with the slow-dodge, and stay away when it pounds the ground, as the impact will cause you to fall down, and rocks to fall from the ceiling. If you see a very large rock, get ready, because this is your chance to do some damage. The beast will pick up the large rock and then look at you menacingly for a few seconds before hurling it at you. While it doesn't kill you, it takes your health down to red and you get knocked down, which is usually just enough time for the beast to come over and get a good solid death-delivering punch in to finish the job. This will require VERY good timing. As the beast is holding the rock, highlight the giant boulder with the Lift power. As soon as the beast throws the rock, grab it with the Lift ability. You won't actually be able to grab the rock, but you will keep it in place just long enough for it to fall right back down onto the beast's head, knocking it unconscious for a few moments. This is where the fists come in. While the beast is out, Skinrider is within reach. Melee attack Skinrider with as much vigor as you would a punching bag. After all, it is using this normally docile, gentle beast to try kill you. You've got to save the giant ape thing! You'll do this two or three times before Skinrider loses control of the beast and the creature goes down hard. The rest is up to a cutscene. * * * * * Section 4D - Epilogue Final Boss Difficulty - Hard Best Weapon Combo - Surge, Negate, and Lift Alright, you've made it. You sat through the credits hoping there might be more, and here you are, all the way at the Epilogue Boss! For purposes of spoilers I will not give this boss a title other than Epilogue Final, nor will I give a setup introduction. This fight starts hard and stays that way. This boss has several attacks that can hurt like heck, but nothing that will kill you outright. The attacks include throwing a rock at you, hurling waves of energy across the lobby from side to side, calling out Seekers to annoy you, hurling a large black bolt of energy at you, hurling a wave of infernal energy, and just generally being annoying and smug. Alright, the Seekers are easy to take care of. Just Lift throw them at the boss. They'll hit a wall of energy and die. The rocks... just move around. The side-to-side waves of energy, alt fire for Negate. Same thing for the infernal wave. The giant dark orb of black energy, when it gets thrown at you, throw it back. With a Surge attack. Doesn't have to be charged up. Just Surge it back. The boss will catch it, and try to throw it at you again. You will go through this a few times. Just keep using Surge and sending it back. Eventually it will hit the boss and knock the boss to the floor as three rocks fall from the ceiling. Lift a rock, hurl it at the boss. Repeat as necessary or until Cutscene. After Cutscene, pull right trigger. Congratulations, you have beaten the Epilogue Final Boss. * * * * * Section 5E - Disclaimer Difficulty - Easy Best Weapon Combo - Eyes, Brain (Results may vary) Advent Rising, Skinrider, and all other indicia are registered trademarks of GlyphX Media, and are used without permission. This is an unofficial guide. Please use it as you wish, but if you wish for a copy of this guide, send me an e-mail with your request. Do NOT claim this guide as your own work. This guide is to be used ONLY on, and I will turn down any request to use it on another site. All rights reserved. See back panel for nutritional information. Void where prohibited. * * * * * Section 6F - Contact Information Difficulty -Easy to Medium Best Weapon Combo - E-mail program, Keyboard Please, by all means, if you have anything to contribute to this guide, send me an e-mail. I may have missed one or two boss fights, because I didn't think they were hard enough to consider boss fights. If there is a fight that you would consider a boss fight, send me an e-mail and I will put it in and give you credit. Contact me at