Air Force Delta Storm Version 1.0 Walkthrough by Mc Jigge aka Version History --------------- Version 1.0-----11/24/01------ First version, has missions 1-4 Contents ------------- 1. Copyrights 2. Introduction 3. Mission Guide 4. Plane Guide 1. A-7 Corsair II 5. F-4E Phantom II 7. F-SE Tiger II 8. F-14D Tomcat 10. F-15C Eagle 29. Mig - 21bis Fishbed 49. Tornado F3 54. Mirage F1 64. FC-1 Fighter China 69. KFX - 2 5. Credits ----------- Copyrights ----------- This faq is property of GameFaqs and Mc Jigge (myself). If you want to post this faq on your site please e-mail (it helps to put the title in all caps). This faq is protected by international copyright law, again please don't copy it. ------------ Introduction ------------- STORY: At the end of the 20th century, the analysis of the human gnome was completed, leading to great advances for humankind, including the ability to cure even the most severe diseases, life spans lengthened, and for a brief time the Earth was like the Garden of Eden. However, the exploding population soon depicted the world resources, and serious food shortages began appearing. In one country where shortages of food and fuel caused mass starvation, and a coup d'etat occurs. The new revolutionary government declares the birth of the "United Front", an organization dedicated to equal division of all the earth's resources. Countries that lacked resources supported the ideology of sharing all humankind's resources. The United Front gathered an army that came to be known as the "United Forces". They soon made great advances, but soon countries with abundant resources wanting protection for themselves formed an Alliance called the Allied Forces. The year is 20X1, on the Alexxy Peninsula, the two sides struggle for power as the war has taken new turn. COMMENTS: As you guessed it you will be fighting this war in airplanes. The twist here is that you're the Allied Forces, through this game you will be defending and attacking different positions and much, much, more. ----------------- Mission Guide ---------------- The mission guide I made is divided into to campaigns as in each air base you reach in the game you get a new set of missions as the missions you beat are cleared off the mission list. The Guide will tell you how to beat the missions, what plane to use and what's the objective. ---------Agakles Air Base (Campaign 01)-------- Mission 01- Defending the Perimeter ---------------- Plane to Use: A-7 Corsair II, Why? because it's the only one you can use Briefing; United Forces are converging on the Lodey Coast and are about to attempt a landing. You must destroy the landing party that is about to reach the coast. This is the first mission of the game, you are thrown right into the action soon as you hit new game on the start up menu. What the stunning pre mission clip and get ready for the battle. First turn on your map so you can track your enemies and find where is the coast. About 15 seconds after you get on track you will find 3 enemy fighter jets, leave them alone for now the main target is landing party about to land. When you get near the coast a message will come up telling you to attack the landing party. Do what it says and attack the small hover craft on the beachhead, you can use your machine guns on tse guys you just have to get in real close and pump them full of lead, just don't crash into the ground. After you done this destroy a couple of ships, this guys go down easily with a few rounds of your machine guns, just watch out for their anti-air craft guns they can slowly chip your HP away. Soon after destroying some ships go back the beach head because you will get another message telling you to destroy another wave of hover craft. Guns them down like the last time and then take care of the fighters. Now you completed the first mission. Pat your self on the back. Mission 02- The Battle of the Castalia Sea --------------- Plane to Use: A-7 Corsair II, Why? Because you get it for free. Briefing; There is an unidentified force tought to be a United Forces fleet converging on the Castalia Sea. Your mission is to hook up with the friendly fleet and destroy the enemy fleet. This missions is quite easy once you start it. First you should turn on your map and follow the path to the fleet. You will run into a cluster of enemy jet fighters. These guys are easy to take out an just a bit harder then the ones on the last mission. All you need to do is fly up above the clouds so the jets can't hit you with its missiles and then take out the fighters one by one. I suggest using missiles only when you need them and when time is running low, in close range machine guns work great. About 3 minutes into the mission you should of destroyed all of them. Once your done drop down from the clouds and take out the many ships on the water. Be careful they will be hurl missiles at you the whole mission, the best way to take them out is to use your missiles you have left on them then dive in and take out what's left with your machine guns. Mission 03- Through the Valley of Death -------------------- Plane to Use: F-4E Phantom II, Why? Because you will need to speed is has Briefing; Allied Forces have discovered an enemy fortress on a bridge in the upstream portion of the Cayenne River, near the foothills of Mt. Megalith. Your mission is to cut off the United Forces supply routes on the Cayenne River. Attack and destroy the fortress and seal off their transport routes on the river. This mission can be easy if you do it right. This mission you move straight foreward right into you reach the giant fortress. Soon as you start the mission turn right an their will be a couple of ships and some land around them, pass over them and keep going, don't try to hit them, they will just hold you up. Watch out for their missiles they will, send a volley of them at you. After you got pass the first fleet of ships, you will see some more ships and a bridge-type object with anti-aircraft guns on it. Pass right over the ships and go straight for the middle of the bridge, it will be targeted in orange, when you get it locked on blast it and watch as the bridge goes down. Repeat this a couple times as the same thing comes up a few more times through the canyon. Now you have reached the hardest part of the mission, when you done with the above you will see this giant fortress. It may look big, but its very easy, just hit the turrets that target in orange color and then destroy the two bridge-like objects on each side and your done. If you want to get some extra money then you can destroy the whole base before destroying the last target, just don't get cocky. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ --------- Bellona Air Base (Campaign 02) -------- Mission 01- Defending the Zayno ------------- Plane to use: F-4E Phantom II, Why? Because you should save your money. Briefing; A large United Forces transport carrier has been confirmed near the mouth of the Cayenne River. It is suspected that they are deploying in preparation for a parachute attack on our base in the vicinity. You must destroy the transport carrier. Prevent the paratroopers from occupying the base. This mission is extremely easily if you conserve your missiles from the locations before you get to the base. Soon as you get into the mission turn on your map and look for the red targets. The trick is only destroy the objects you need to. You don't have to destroy any fighters in this mission, so just leave them alone. First go straight forward until you get to the base, you will know it when you see it. Then locate the tanks moving around the base and destroy them with your missiles. Be careful not to run into a building or the ground because there is one hiding in between a couple of building. Once you make sure they all destroyed. Go around the map and destroy the other tanks. The will probably be in clusters and groups because a plane just drop them off. To make it easier, on your route to the base part of the battlefield you can intercept a carrier plane and take out a few tanks before they drop off. One thing, remember you don't have to engage the fighter since you don't have to destroy them to complete the mission. Mission 02- -------------- Plane to Use- F-14D Tomcat, Why? Because it rocks. Briefing; Olmeno City is currently being reconnoitered by United Forces' spy planes. They are using the city buildings as a shield so we can't use our anti-aircraft artillery against them. You are dispatched to Olemeno City to intercept and destroy the spy planes. This mission will make you use your time wisely. You need all the time you get for this one. In this mission, the whole level is a huge city. There are 3 parts of the city that you have to fight in. The first part of the city there is a couple of anti-aircraft guns on the ground, destroy them with your missiles and don't run into the building. Remember only hit the targets with orange targets only, they are the only ones you need to destroy. Back on topic, while destroying the AA guns in the first part of the city, you might be engaged by some spy planes, remember spy planes have orange when targeted, not green. Destroy them if you can, most of the spy planes are slow moving, but 1 or 2 are super-sonic. After this is done, go north and repeat the steps above twice. Then look for the rest of the spy fighters if there is any left. There you have it. --------------------- Plane Guide --------------------- ---- A-7 Corsair II ---- History: In order to reduce development costs, the design for this carrier based attack craft was based on the supersonic F-8 Crusader. The all- around nature of the aircraft's design makes it a basic reference point for other fighter models. Plane Number: 1 Stats: Attack- 2 Defense- 3 Speed- 2.5 Power- 3 Mobility- 2.5 HP- 2500c Missile Number- 35 Flying Range- 1 Cost- 138,000c Comments: This is the basic fighter of the game, it's the run of the mill jet. This is also the first fighter you get and the only plane you don't have to buy for yourself. So if all your planes get destroyed you can still use this one. Later on you will probably drop this for the more powerful fighters, but it does the job. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ---- F-4E Phantom II---- History: None Listed Plane Number: 5 Stats: Attack- 2 Defense- 3 Speed- 4.5 Power- 4 Mobility- 3.5 HP- 2600 Missile Number- 47 Flying Range- 1 Cost:? Comments: This is one fast plane, 800+ mph. This is great because it has a payload of missiles and the speed to beat, it will cost you a pretty penny but not as much as the others. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ---- F-SE Tiger II---- History: No Info Plane Number: 7 Stats: Attack- 2 Defense- 2.3 Speed- 3.5 Power- 2.5 Mobility- 2.8 Missile Number- 35 HP- 1750 Flying Range- 1 Cost- ? Comments: This is a very, VERY, tiny fighter. Its sub-standard after getting 3 or 4 missions into the game. Only buy this fighter to complete your collection. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ---- F-140 Tomcat ---- History: Plane Number: 8 Stats: Attack- 2.5 Defense- 3.5 Speed- 4.5 Power- 4.9 Mobility- 3.5 Missile Nubmer- 49 HP- 3650 Flying Range- 2 Cost: 230,000 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ---- F-15C Eagle ---- History: No Info Plane Number: 10 Stats: Attack- 2.9 Defense- 3.8 Speed- 4.9 Power- 4.5 Mobility- 4.5 Missile Number- 55 HP- 3750 Flying Range- 1 Cost- 250, 000 Comments: This is a wonderful fighter. You should buy this fighter soon as it comes on the shop. Its big, its fast, and its powerful, just like the Eagle (pun intended). ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ---- Mig - 21bis Fishbed ---- History: No Info Plane Number: 29 Stats: Attack- 1.5 Defense- 2 Speed- 4 Power- 3 Mobility- 3.5 Missile Number- 28 HP- 1550 Cost- 65,000 Comments: This is one of the worst jets in the whole game. Its even below the one you get at the start. Low Attack, Defense, Mission Number, and HP. Like the Tiger II only get it to complete your collection. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ---- Tornado F3 ---- History: No info Plane Number: 49 Stats- Attack- 2 Defense- 3 Speed- 4.3 Power- 3.5 Mobility- 3 Missile Number- 42 HP- 3100 Flying Range- 1 Cost- 190,000 Comments: This is a quality fighter and for a good price. When you have some extra credits to spare, pick this bad boy up. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ---- Mirage F1 ---- History: Plane Number: 54 Stats: Attack- 2 Defense- 3 Speed- 4.3 Power- 3.5 Mobility- 3 Missile Number- 42 HP- 3100 Flying Range- 1 Cost- 190,000 Comments: No comments as of yet ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ---- FC-1 Fighter China ---- History: No Info Plane Number: 64 Stats: Attack0 2 Defense- 3 Speed- 3.5 Power- 3 Mobility- 3.5 Missile Number- 42 HP- 2700 Flying Range- 2 Cost- 250, 000 Comments: First I have to say this one has a cool name, second I have to say this one costs too much for its stats. It appears in the shop about the same time as the Eagle and is a little weaker then the Eagle. So buy this after you buy the Eagle and have extra cash. I think I said Eagle to much....... ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ---- KFX - 2 ---- Attack- 2 Defense- 2.5 Speed- 4 Power- 3.5 Mobility- 4.5 Missile Number- 33 HP- 2000 Flying Range- 3 Cost- Free? Comments: Hate the name, love the plane. Its kinda the weak among the high class fighters. But you get it for free (for beating the Pursuit Across the Sky mission). I only use it because you can fly past 3 locations, which is always good. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ------- Credits ------- I like to thank Konami for making this game and I give them credit for the history data on the airplanes and the mission objectives from the game.