Alens Versus Predator: Extinction Strategy FAQ Copyright 2004 by Atomsmasher Full Legal notice at end written by Marcos Davila(Atomsmasher) Table of Contents Intro Strategies Definitions Legal Notice Conclusion Strategies This was taken from my other FAQ. Just look below from some samples. Marines The Marines are sneaky devils, the lot of them. # # ## ### ###### ######### ### ###### # ##### ##### ##### T # # ### T # # T # # ### T # # ##### # # ### # # # # Marine Sample Board # ### # ### # # ##### ##### # # ### ### # # # # # # # # # # # #```` # ###################################### Now, just looking at the board, you see 3 trees, 2 hills, 2 hiding spots and a ditch. We will place enemies appropriately. Key C= Commtech M= Medic S= Synthetic I= Infantry F= Flamethrower Sm= SmartGunner Sn= Sniper Sa= S.A.D.A.R. E= Exosuit SG= Sentry Gun # # ## ### ###### SG ######### ### ######### # ##### ##### ##### T Sn # # ### T Sn # # T Sn # # ### T # # E --> ##### <-- Sa F # # I ### C # # # # # ### # ### # # ##### ##### # # ### III ### # # # CM # # # # # # # # #```` # ######################################### As the map shows, there are 5 groups. Group 1: Exosuit Infantry Group 2: Sentry Gun Group 3: Infantry Infantry Infantry Commtech Medic Group 4 S.A.D.A.R. Flamethrower Commtech Group 5 Sniper Sniper Sniper Currently, the largest group is centered around a tree. This is your Hub. Always have a Hub. The hub contains our largest group. Currently, there are no enemies, so let's add some. * Note that the groups are moving towards the tree. Key Q= Queen P= Praetorian F= Facehugger PF= Praetorian Facehugger D= Drone CD= Cystic Drone R= Runner CR= Cystic Runner W= Warrior CW= Cystic Warrior PA= Predalien CPA= Cystic Predalien C= Carrier RV= Ravager # # ## ### ###### SG ######### ### ######### # ##### ##### ##### T Sn # # ### T Sn # # T Sn # # ### T # # E --> W ##### <-- Sa F # # I CW ### C CPA # # # PA # # ### # ### D RV # # ##### ##### RV # # ### III ### RV # # # CM # # # # # # # # #```` # ######################################### Say now, do you notice something? The Snipers hiding out are doomed because the Ravagers are directly below. Group 5 is toast, unless Group 4 alters course. They would run into the Drone, the Cystic Predalien, and the Predalien. Big toughies. Group 4 won't make it in time. Group 3 can assist Group 5 and 4 because they aren't under attack. How to get there? It's shown below. Group 1 will destroy its adversaries with ease, as it is a Warrior and a Cystic Warrior. Group 2 will assist Group 1, so Group 1 already won the battle. # # ## ### ###### SG ######### ### ######### # ##### ##### ##### T Sn # # ### T Sn # # -------------------- T Sn # # | ### | T # # E ------- ##### Sa F # # I ### C CPA # # # PA # # ### # ### D RV # # ##### ##### RV # # ### III ### RV # # # CM---- # ^ # # # l # l # # l---------------- # #```` # ######################################### Here's a tip: Never remove your troops from a hub. The smart thing to do would be to upgrade your sniper. Now the snipers have a chance. Group one will take Group 3's place. With help, the team of Aliens should go down shortly. Group 1 and 4 can advance to help group 5, if the battle isn't already over. Couldn't be done any other way. Predators Cheap ass monsters....*grumble* ######################################### # ################ # # #################### ### # # ################ ##### # # ######### ### # # # # # # ### # # # ##### # # # ### # # ##### # # # ### # # ##### # # # ### # # ##### # # # ######################################### There are 4 hills, a pond and a tree. Key: B= Brawler H= Hunter SM= Spear Master S= Stalker DM= Disc Master V= Vanguard HD= Hydra BZ= Blazer P= Predgun SR= Shrine ######################################### # ################ S # # #################### ### H # # ################ ##### # # ######### SR ### # # # BZ DM # # # ### # # # ##### # # # ### # # ##### # # # ### V # # P ##### # HD # # DM ### # # SM ##### # # # ######################################### We now have 4 groups. Keep less groups when in less space. Group 1: Shrine Disc Master Blazer Group 2: Spear Master Predgun Disc Master Group 3: Vanguard Hydra Group 4: Stalker Hunter Let's implement some enemies. Key: C= Commtech M= Medic S= Synthetic I= Infantry F= Flamethrower Sm= SmartGunner Sn= Sniper Sa= S.A.D.A.R. E= Exosuit SG= Sentry Gun ######################################### # ################ S # # #################### ### H # # ################ ##### # # ######### SR ### # # # BZ DM # # # ### # Sa # # ##### # IIIII E # # ### CM # # ##### # # # ### V # # P ##### # HD # # DM Sn ### # # SM Sm ##### # # # ######################################### Now we're in a heap o trouble. Only one thing to do. It's listed below. ######################################### # ################ --------- S # # #################### | ### H # # ################ | ##### # # ######### SR v ### # # # BZ DM # # # ### # Sa # # ##### # IIIII E # # ### CM # # ##### # # # ### V # # P ##### # HD ^ # # DM--->Sn ### | | # # SM Sm ##### |--| # # # ######################################### Congrats, you have now consolidated into 3 groups and gained significant space. Attack with Group 3 when space is achieved and with group 2 when possible. They should go down with no problem. ######################################### # ################ --------- S # # #################### | ### H # # ################ | ##### # # ######### SR v ### # # # BZ DM # # # ### |--------- > # Sa # # ##### | # IIIII E<-| # # | ### CM | # # | ##### # V # # | ### V HD # # P P ##### # HD ^ # # DM--->DM ### | | # # SM SM ##### |--| # # # ######################################### Now you are 2 groups. The hub can take the wave of Infantry easily, and group 2 will dispose of the stragglers. Hubs are effective. Aliens Even cheaper…* moan* ##### ############### ############### # ##### # ##### T# # ##### # # ####### # # ######### ### # ########### # # # ############# # # # ############### # # # # # # _# # # # ### ### # # ##### ##### # # ### ### # # # # # # # # # ######################################## As you can see, we have one big mountain, a dead end, and 2 trees as well as a ditch. Evil… Let's put in the Aliens: Key Q= Queen P= Praetorian F= Facehugger PF= Praetorian Facehugger D= Drone CD= Cystic Drone R= Runner CR= Cystic Runner W= Warrior CW= Cystic Warrior PA= Predalien CPA= Cystic Predalien C= Carrier RV= Ravager O= Hive node ##### ############### ############### # ##### # ##### # # ##### # # ####### # # o ######### o ### # ########### # # # W ############# # # # R ############### # # # D CW Q RV # # # CPA C _# # # # ### ### # # ##### ##### W # # ### ### D # # # o # PA # # # # # ######################################## Aliens are all about numbers. We have 3 groups: Group 1: Queen Cystic Predalien Cystic Warrior Ravager Carrier w/ Facehuggers x 6 & Praetorian Facehuggers x6 Group 2: Warrior Runner Drone Group 3: Warrior Drone Predalien Now that we have our hub and 3 groups, it's time to implement some enemies. Key: B= Brawler H= Hunter SM= Spear Master S= Stalker DM= Disc Master V= Vanguard HD= Hydra BZ= Blazer P= Predgun SR= Shrine ##### ############### ############### # ##### # ##### # # HD ##### # # V ####### # # o DM ######### o ### # ########### #P# # W ############# # # # R ############### # # # D CW Q RV # # # CPA C _# # B # # ### ### # # ##### SM S V ##### W # # ### DM ### D # # # o # PA # # # # # ######################################## If taking the right steps, this becomes too easy. ######################################## # ##### # ##### # # HD ##### # # V ####### # # o |-> DM ######### o ### # | ########### #P# # W ############# # # # R ############### # # # D CW Q RV # # # CPA C _# # B # # ### ### # # ##### SM S V ##### W # # ### DM ### D # # # o # PA # # # # # ######################################## The Brawler's toast, so don't worry about that. Avoid the PredGun. Group 2 will take on the Disc Master, the Vanguard and the Hydra. Afterwards… ######################################## # ##### # ##### # # ##### # # ####### # # o |-| ######### o ### # | | ########### #P# # W | ############# # # # R | ############### # # # D | CW Q RV # # # |------> CPA C ^ _# # |------| # # ### ### | # # ##### SM S V ##### W # # ### DM ### D # # # o # PA # # # # # ######################################## Now that one big group will trap and destroy the Spear Master, the Stalker, the Vanguard and the Disc Master. The Hive Nodes come in handy here. Mission(s) Accomplished! ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Definitions Some definitions are for above, and others are for in-game maneuvers. Hub: Central Point in a map. Landing Beacon: Not one up there, but where you order troops. Marines only. Trap: Cornering an opponent Ditch: little hole. Hide in one. Circle Trap #1: Circling around an opponent to bring him down from all sides. Fish and Bait: Luring the enemy to one easy target; the rest attack from behind. Never attempt with Aliens. Roadkill: Rushing forward to take opponents down. Only with Aliens. Explosions: Death by explosives. Marines only. Hook, Line, and Sinker: Luring an opponent to an easy target, and picking them off from across a lake. Defensive Pattern A: Keeping all weaklings within the group. Defensive Pattern B: Moving slowly, hiding from shrub to shrub. Node Road: Building a road full of nodes. Aliens only. Offensive Pattern A: Breaking off into 2 groups to attack an enemy. Offensive Pattern B: Pushing one group forward, and attack with another group from behind. Entrenching: Attacking from a hill or ditch. Never attempt with Aliens. Microwave: Attacking with explosives Long Distance Microwave: Attacking with explosives from a distance Fried Alien: Frying your opponents Circle Feint: Form a circle, but destroy all opponents in the process. ~~~ Legal Notice Copyright 2004 Marcos Davila (Atomsmasher) All rights reserved This document was created and maintained by Skeleton Ghost, its author. It is the sole property of its author, whom bears the copyright and reserves all rights. This document can only appear in one of two forms: electronic and a personal printed file for private use. The ONLY websites that can post this document are: This document may not be reproduced or retransmitted (the above listed websites are the only sites exempted from this) in any way, shape, form, or medium. You shall contact Atomsmasher if you want your site to use this information in anyway. You must give him a good reason on why to use it on your site, to promise to keep it up-to-date, and to give me a link to the FAQ once it is posted on the site. You may not alter, edit, format, remove or add materials to any part of this document. It may not be offered for money and/or compensation (even if profit attempt fails) or offered as a bonus or gift for accessing a web page or purchasing an item. It may not be added to an archive of any type. It must always remain in the English Language unless otherwise changed by Atomsmasher. It will not appear in any publication. This document was in no way intended for commercial, promotional and/or profitable uses. This guide is limited to personal and private use only. Any other uses MUST be approved by the author, Atomsmasher. If this copyright is transgressed, the violators will face immediate civil and/or criminal penalties to the fullest extent possible. Any breach of copyright (which includes acts of stealing, plagiarism, pirating, uses not private and personal, posting without permission, etc.) is considered a felony, and will be punished accordingly. By accessing, reading, viewing, or using this document in any way, you automatically agree to abide by this copyright. This copyright supercedes any conversation, verbal exchange and written statements that have any affiliation with this guide. The latest version of this document contains the copyright information that is valid for the latest version, and all prior versions. There's no reason for not checking the latest version, its locations are listed above. Ignorance to this, the copyright, or the law is no excuse. Also, any part of this copyright may change at anytime, without prior warning. All characters and associated materials are copyright their owner. No breach of copyright intended. This guide, its author, and persons otherwise associated (through contributions, hosting, etc.) make no claims to the above stated articles. All trademarks and copyrights not acknowledged in this document are respected. Information in this document is provided "as is," without warranty or guarantee of any kind, either express or implied. Under no circumstances will this guide, its author, and persons otherwise associated with this guide, be held responsible by any party for any direct, indirect, consequential, or special damages incurred through use of this document, including without limitation, lost profits, and loss of computer data. If for any reason you do not agree with parts or the entire copyright, your only remedy shall be to not use this guide. Conclusion This is the end. You have reached the end of this FAQ. There is nothing more to see. Use this FAQ to beat this game. There is nothing more I can do but improve on it. If you have any questions about this FAQ, email me with the address listed at the top of this FAQ. It may take a couple of days to get back at this point, my password doesn't like to work. This can be used for private purposes, but this is not to be resold.