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(T-K) (C-R) Copyright (C-R) Note: *This section needs to be re-vamped. **This section needs to be completed. ***This section needs to be started. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (I-I) INTRODUCTION (I-I) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well, I've returned fresh from my Masters of the Universe guide for the Atari 2600 to tackle another; "Air-Sea Battle." "Air-Sea Battle" was one of the original launch titles for the Atari, way back in 1977. I actually find it pretty fun, but maybe I'm just weird. I was surprised not to see a guide for it on GameFAQs, and considering I had some free time and I knew the game, I thought "what the hell, why not?" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- (C-N) CONTACT ME (C-N) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Yes. It's official. I love the attention. Gimme your e-mails. Make my head explode with compliments. To send me mail that I will read, please set it up with the following fields: E-Mail: jimfish@gmail.com Subject Line: Air-Sea Battle (Atari) Guide Now that you've got my interest, you must abide by the rules below, or else it won't be read and instead, ignored. Please, if you want your voice to be heard, follow the rules/guidelines. THE DO'S =-=-=-=-= - Inform me of errors that I've made. Either constant grammar or factual info. - Pass on strategies and solutions on how to solve parts of the game which I have not mentioned. - Ask for help about things not mentioned in the guide. - Write in words. Not internet short cuts. - I like to read e-mails with proper formatting and grammar. Please do be sure to write your e-mail like so. - And please, read through the guide before even thinking about contacting me. I've had many e-mails in the past about my other guides where they ask me questions which were answered, or not answered in some cases, since some were about the demo guides I had wrote. THE DO NOT'S =-=-=-=-=-=-= - Send me chain letters or spam. That's one big no-no. - Send attachments. In some cases, I do accept them, but usually for pictures only. - Call me names/Insult me/Threaten me/yadda yadda yadda... - Use child like e-mails with crap colours. I don't want size 32 bright yellow font on top of a lime green background. - Type in alterNaTiNg CaPs LiKe ThIs or just in ALL CAPS AND STUFF. - No stupid 1337 speaking. If I see it, it's deleted in a flash. - Ask irrelevent questions which I answered in my guide. It irritates me to have that done. See those rules? Well...they're more like guidelines anyway...but it doesn't matter either way! OBEY THEM OR DIE! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (V-H) VERSION HISTORY (V-H) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.00 - Yet another quick, simple guide for a quick, simple game. I'm still not fond of my introduction section, so I might update that in the future after I've sat down and penned a good one to include in all my FAQs. For the time being, I'll leave it as it is. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (C-N) CONTROLS (C-N) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In "Air-Sea Battle", the game is a simple, one-screen game that sees you take command of a number of war-machines, be they submarines, gun turrets, ships or bombers. Your goal is to simply obliterate anything and everything that comes at you. Incoming aircraft and...fish? Well, they look like fish, but they're really helicopters. Luckily for you, they don't attack, making this game a simple shooting gallery. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Controls: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-=-= The default controls for when controlling the Anti-Aircraft guns are as follows: Down - Aims the gun turret straight up at a 90 degree angle. Up - Aims the gun turret at a 30 degree angle. Joystick Centre - Aims the gun at a 60 degree angle. Fire Button - Fires your missle. Note: When playing with the guidance missles, shifting your turret's direction after firing will guide your missle in the same direction. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The default controls for when controlling the submarine are as follows: Left - Moves your gun to the left. Right - Moves your gun to the right. Fire Button - Fires your torpedo. Note: When playing with the guidance missles, shifting your submarine's direction after firing will guide your missle in the same direction. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The default controls for when controlling the shooting gallery gun are as follows: Left - Moves your gun to the left. Right - Moves your gun to the right. Up - Aims your gun at the widest angle. Not Moving - Aims the gun at a 45-ish degree angle. Down - Aims the gun straight up. Fire Button - Fires your gun. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The default controls for when controlling the tank are as follows: Up - Increases the tank's speed. Down - Decreases the tank's speed. Fire Button - Fires your gun. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The default controls for when controlling the bomber are as follows: Up - Increase bomber's speed. Down - Decrease bomber's speed. Fire Button - Launches a bomb. They're pretty simple controls, but it's knowing when to fire that's the trick. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (F-Q) FAQ (F-Q) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Using the "Game Select" switch, you can switch between any of the 27 'games' that the cartridge has to offer. They all revolve around the same principle of destroying a moving target that travels across the screen, but the situation varies between them. Game Mode: Game Type: Number of Players: Computer? 1 Anti-Aircraft 2 N 2* Anti-Aircraft 2 N 3 Anti-Aircraft 1 Y 4 Anti-Aircraft 2 N 5* Anti-Aircraft 2 N 6 Anti-Aircraft 1 Y 7 Torpedo 2 Y 8* Torpedo 2 N Torpedo 1 Y 10 Torpedo 2 N 11* Torpedo 2 N 12 Torpedo 1 Y 13 Shooting Gallery 2 N 14* Shooting Gallery 2 N 15 Shooting Gallery 1 Y 16 Polaris 2 N 17* Polaris 2 N 18 Polaris 1 Y 19 Bomber 2 N 20* Bomber 2 N 21 Bomber 1 Y 22 Polaris vs Bomber 2 N 23* Polaris vs Bomber 2 N 24 Polaris vs Bomber 1 Y 25 Polaris vs Bomber 2 N 26* Polaris vs Bomber 2 N 27 Polaris vs Bomber 1 *These games have guidance missiles. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ =-==-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Anti-Aircraft Game -=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= How to Play: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= As mentioned in the table, there are six variations of this game, ranging from 1 to 6. These modes either add another element to the gameplay (such as moving obstacles to block your shots), or another player. Since they are all relativly similar, I'll give you the general overview of the stage and then talk about what each of the other modes offer. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Game Mode 1: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= To begin, you've got two turrets on the bottom of the screen, one on the left, and the other on the right. Since this is the two player mode, you'll need a friend to play with you or else the other turret will remain motionless. The basic objective of this game is to destroy as many targets that pass by overhead as possible within the 2 minute and 16 second time limit, and the player with the highest score wins. Easy. For this game, your Anti-Aircraft turret is stationary, and thus can only change the angle at which it fires by pushing the joystick up or down. It's relativly easy, but since you can only fire one shot at a time (you must wait for you shot to either hit an enemy, or leave the screen), it's risky to fire at the lowest level, since it takes a long time for your shot to disappear, and in that time, your friend (or bitter nemesis) might have gotten a few, easy potshots by firing straight up, which is the easiest way to score points in these early games. The enemies you face in this round include helicopters and planes of varying size. Every enemy you hit earns you one point, regardless of colour or type. You'll face waves of 1 to 6 enemies at a time. During the game, you may notice your scores at the top of the screen flashing, and when this happens, you better get your arse in gear, since this means you've only got 16 seconds left until the game's over. It gets pretty tense, believe me. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Game Mode 2: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= This game mode is identical to the first, except this time, you've got guided missles instead. This mode is actually much easier than the first, since you no longer have to fire and hope for the best. If you see it going off course, just controlt the missile's flight path with your joystick. It's a simple game. I find that all you need to do is fire at the 60 degree angle, let it fly under a target and pull up sharply to score an easy point. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Game Mode 3: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= This is the same game as Mode 1, but this time, it's one player versus the computer. Oddly, you control the right gun, whilst he controls the gun on the left. Normally it's the other way around. Oh well. He's a tough opponent sometimes, so just remember to time your shots well or else you'll be struggling to catch up. If you find yourself losing often, hit the difficulty switch for the computer's side to change the size of his missile to a smaller one, making it harder for him to hit. Hooray for unfair advantages! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Game Mode 4: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= This one is another Mode 1, but now we've got obstacles blocking your shots in the form of blimps. Blimps don't grant any points when hit, so you'll want to avoid wasting your time with them and instead, focus on the targets. However, that being said, it doesn't really affect your game if you do hit a blimp, and sometimes it is necessary to clear your line of fire. In this Mode, targets are worth different points depending on which type you hit. Blimps are worth zero points. Thin planes (747) are worth one point. Helicopters are worth two points. Large planes (jets) are worth three points. Small planes (small jets) are worth four points. I hope my descriptions aren't vague, but you should be able to guess which one is which, even with the primitive Atari graphics. As you might have guessed, the more points they're worth, the faster they move. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Game Mode 5: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Same as Mode 4, except you're using your guidance missles instead. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Game Mode 6: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Same as Mode 4, except you're fighting against the computer again. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ =-==-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Submarine Game -=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= How to Play: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= The submarine games covers modes 7 to 12. The story in the manual is that you're a submarine captain firing torpedoes at ships moving above you. Pretty deep story, huh? It's very similar to the Anti-Aircraft game, except this time your gun turret is able to move. Huzzah! -=-=-=-==-=-=-=- Game Mode 7: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Like in the Anti-Aircraft game, there are two guns on screen; one on the left and the other on the right. Moving left and right on the joystick moves your submarine in those directions, and hitting fire launches a missile straight up at a 90 degree angle. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Game Mode 8: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Same as Mode 7, except with guidance missiles. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Game Mode 9: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- It's Mode 7 again, except this time you're up against the computer in a battle to sink more ships. Again, you're the submarine on the right, whilst the computer occupies the left of the screen. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Game Mode 10: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- This is your obstructions round. Instead of blimps flying across the playing field, you've got mines. It's identical to the Game Mode 4, except with different enemy types. Freighters are worth one point. Pirate Ships are worth two points. Aircraft Carriers are worth three points. PT Boats are worth four points. How to Identify Them: =--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- The mine is the pointy, round looking object with a chain (looks like a tail). The freighter is both long, tall and thick. The pirate ship has two long masts that stick out of it like prongs. Pretty small, too. The aircraft carrier is the longest ship and has a pretty big ass on it. Easy to identify. The PT boats are the smallest ships and will move very, very fast. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Game Mode 11: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Same as Mode 10, except with guidance missiles instead. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Game Mode 12: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Same as Mode 10, except you're battling against the computer. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ =-==-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Shooting Gallery Game -=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= How to Play: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= This is probably the funnest game on the cart, purely because you can move *and* aim your turret as well, unlike the last two where you could only do one or the other. The Shooting Gallery covers Game Modes 13 to 15. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Game Mode 13: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- This is your basic two-player mode of the game. As mentioned, you can both move your gun left or right as well as change the angle of your shots, giving you much more freedom. Problem is, the enemies in the game will now randomly change direction, making even a well-timed shot useless if one of them decides to go the other way. The first few games, you'll score very low due to missing when a target changes direction. After a while, you'll begin to notice the pattern in which it follows, allowing you to time your shots better. Also, targets in this game are worth different points: Clowns are worth one point. Ducks are worth two points. Rabbits are worth three points. It's a fun game mode and one you'll probably play the most. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Game Mode 14: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- The same game as Mode 13, except you've got guidance missles this time. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Game Mode 15: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- The same game as Mode 13, except you're facing off against the computer. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ =-==-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Polaris Game -=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= How to Play: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= In these games, your turret is replaced by a battleship! This game is a little tricker than the rest, since not only are you constantly moving, but so are your targets, making it even more crucial to time your shots just right. Whilst you are moving, you can slow yourself down, or fasten yourself up, but you can't stop moving, I'm afraid. The Polaris games are Modes 16 to 18. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Game Mode 16: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Your missiles travel along at the same speed as your ship when the missile is fired, so if you're going really fast, so will your missiles. Player One is the green battleship on top, and the Player Two is the red one on bottom. Occasionally, the ships you've got to hit will change direction, so be alert for when it happens. Also, there are four enemies types in this game, and each are worth a different amount of points: Blimps are worth zero points. Thin planes (747) are worth one point. Helicopters are worth two points. Large planes (jets) are worth three points. Small planes (small jets) are worth four points. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Game Mode 17: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Same as Mode 16, except this time, you've got your guidance missiles. By decreasing or increasing your speed, you can alter your missile's flight path. The technique you want to use is to keep at top speed, fire, and then decrease your speed to the slowest to send the missile at practically 90 degrees to hit a target above. If you go from slowest to fastest, the missile will be travel at a 60 degree angle. Varying your speeds will get different results, but I recommend using the 90 degree technique. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Game Mode 18: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Same as Mode 16, except you're battling against the nefarious computer again. I've noticed that he doesn't change his speeds, so use that to your advantage. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ =-==-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Bomber Game -=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= How to Play: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= In this round, you are no longer crawling along the bottom of the screen as a turret or battleship, but instead, you're taking to the skies in a bomber plane to drop your projectiles upon the ships belows. Score more points than your opponent to win. This game covers modes 19 to 21. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Game Mode 19: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- As your bomber drops the bomb, it will move across the playfield at the same speed as your plane, just like in the Polaris game. Likewise with the previous games, you can increase your speed by pushing up or down on the joystick. Once you've fired however, you can't increase or decrease your plane's speed until the missile either hits a target, or disappears from the screen. Freighters are worth one point. Pirate Ships are worth two points. Aircraft Carriers are worth three points. PT Boats are worth four points. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Game Mode 20: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Same as Mode 19, except you can increase and decrease the speed of your plane whilst a missile is in flight, allowing you to guide it to an enemy target. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Game Mode 21: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Same as Mode 19, except you're once again battling against the computer to score the most points. Whilst you can, the computer doesn't change speeds. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ =-==-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Bomber vs Polaris Game -=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= How to Play: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= This is another fun game which will probably be your second favourite, coming in after the Shooting Gallery. You and your opponent are in opposite vehicles; one's in the sky as a bomber, and the other is the battleship on the waters below. Player One plays as the plane, whereas Player Two takes control of the battleship. It only takes one hit to destroy the opponent's vehicle, but a new one will spawn at the edge of the screen for you to control again. Each hit is worth one point. This game covers Modes 22-27. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Game Mode 22: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- See the "How to Play" section just above to find out the objectives of this mode. The controls are simple - Pushing up on the joystick increases the speed, whilst pushing down decreases it. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Game Mode 23: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= This is the same game as Mode 22, except this time, changing the speed of your craft will guide your missile as it travels across the playfield. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Game Mode 24: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- This is the same game as Mode 22, except you'll be facing off against the computer. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Game Mode 25: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- This is the same game as Mode 22, except we see the return of the dreaded mines! They add nothing to your points if hit, but do obstruct your shot of the opposing player. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Game Mode 26: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- This is the same game as Mode 23, except you've got the mines obstructing your shots again. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Game Mode 27: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Once again, you're battling against the computer, except this time around, you still have the mines to face. Same as Mode 25. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - And there we have it. A quick, yet comprehensive (I hope) look at a classic Atari 2600 game. I've hoped you've enjoyed our little journey together. I'm Leonard Nimoy. Good night. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (T-K) THANKS TO... (T-K) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ There are people who deserve credit, and they are as follows: Thanks to: -http://www.network-science.de/ascii/'s wonderful ASCII generator! -GameFAQs.com for hosting this file. -the.sunnyspot.org/asciiart/gallery/shiplit.html for the ship ASCII. -And nobody else. Go away. You don't deserve anything. -To the valiant men and women who protect and serve their countries. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (C-R) Copyright Information (C-R) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ============================================================================== This text file may not be republished and reprinted for any charges and/or profits. This includes being reproduced in books, magazines, ebooks, CDs, DVDs, on other web sites other than GameFAQs without the permission of the original author. Any changes to this file without the permission of the author is wrong and breaks the law of copyright, so please don't do it. And as the legal owner of this guide, I bare the right to require any reproduced copies of this guides to be removed from any source of media that may use this guide. You are free to save it for later reference, and you may also print it if you wish. The latest version of this guide can always be found on the GameFAQs.com gaming website. Pfft...that's a lot of legal mumbo-jumbo, ain't it? _|-|_ Copyright 2007 Steve 'Jimfish' Taylor. <(o_q)>TM