Crystal Castles FAQ(Arcade version) FAQ version 0.9.0 copyright 2002 by Andrew Schultz Please do not copy and redistribute this FAQ for profit. It was a nail- biting effort. If you'd like to post this FAQ on your website please drop me a polite note asking me by name for this specific game. This is my way of weeding out sites that just want to get whatever's on GameFAQs, my favorite FAQ site on the internet. Also I have to warn that I am bad about answering e-mails, so two polite and reasonably [time] spaced mails may be enough to convince me. This FAQ was not written for profit and I only want authorized sites to have a shot at the measly profit it would make. ** AD SPACE ** My home page: ================================ OUTLINE 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1. STATUS 1.2. PORTS OF THIS ARCADE GAME 1.3. THE ORIGINAL 1.4. EMULATION AND TRICKS 1.5 IN-FAQ TERMINOLOGY/CLARIFICATIONS 2. HOW POINTS ARE SCORED 3. GENERAL STRATEGY 3.1. MONSTERS 3.1.1. KNOW THY ENEMY 3.1.2. KNOW THY ENEMY'S AI 3.1.3. STUFF THAT ACTUALLY DOESN'T KILL YOU 3.2. GETTING THE LAST GEM 3.3. CONTROL, I GUESS 3.3.1. FACTS 3.3.2. SUGGESTIONS/OBSERVATIONS 3.3.3. MY OWN RANDOM GRIPINGS 4. 2-D TEXT MAPS WITH SPECIFIC STRATEGIES [LEVELS 1-1 THROUGH 10-1] 5. MISCELLANY 5.1. CUTE EASTER EGGS 5.2. THE HIGH SCORE LIST 5.3. ENDING SPOILER 5.4. TRIVIAL NONSENSE 6. VERSIONS/CREDITS ================================ 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1. STATUS This FAQ will never feel fully complete due to how often Crystal Castles feels impossible to me--I suspect I'm missing something and there's no cut and dried way to poke through ALL the levels methodically as in, say, CastleQuest. Anyone who feels he has a finesse is definitely welcome to share them with me. Crystal Castles is so absurdly impossible to complete normally that I know I must have missed some general tricks- -although I was forced to find some others to pick up the last few gems or just not die in the first two seconds. 1.2. PORTS OF THIS ARCADE GAME I know there is a port to the DreamCast and have the CD but haven't extensively looked at it. The Atari 2600 version is rather neat although it cannot retain most items of the regular game(I may write the port up some time) and I think there are others. And none of them has a trak ball control! 1.3. THE ORIGINAL, AND ITS OVERVIEW Trak ball control, with the blinking game-start buttons. The trak ball makes it easier to guess which directions to head as you can intuit diagonal directions. Standard arrow-key moving on, say, emulators is not really effective. The plot of the game is as follows: there are 37 levels that Bentley Bear must run through. He has 1.4. EMULATION AND TRICKS First of all, has the game. I won't discuss where the ROM is. That's illegal! If you emulate, you may want to use the cheating command for infinite lives. This actually makes the game a reasonable challenge. On many later levels you can die several times trying to access certain parts of the board and not getting any gems in the process. It's entertaining to try to fake out the bad guys. Invincibility is fun to see all the levels but having infinite lives provides you with good challenge. Windows 2000/MAME 37.14 seems to have a problem with the controls as I have to restart the computer after playing it. Windows 98 seems OK with it. You also need to press the space(jump) to start the game and not the usual 1. I think there are settings you can adjust maybe to tilt the game into a standard grid where the arrows work perfectly well. If I figure it out for sure I'll post it. 1.5 IN-FAQ TERMINOLOGY/CLARIFICATIONS I'll frequently use terms such as 'upper right' and so forth. As Crystal Castles is in slightly rotated perspective I mean what it would be like if you were on a flat 2-d map. UL UR DL DR A brief map of the directions is above. The game doesn't label individual boards by number but with each level having 4 boards I felt it expedient to denote them shorthand as 1- 1, 1-2, 1-3, 1-4, etc. X-4 always features Berthilda. --grid = group of dots that form an unbroken rectangle of 3 or more on each side. --cul-de-sac = shares the properties of a dead end but is 2 wide and not 1. cul de dead sac end XXXXXX XXXXXX X X X XXXX X XXXX X XXXX X X XXXXXX XXXXXX 2. HOW POINTS ARE SCORED --gems = 1 for the first, adding 1 for the value of each next gem up to 99. Total points for gems, where X = # of gems you've gotten [ X(X+1)/2 if you've eaten 99 or fewer gems [ 100X-4950 if you have eaten 99 or more gems --touching Caterpillar when it's eating a gem = 500 points --Invincibility hat = 500 points --Honey = 1000 points --Berthilda = 3000 points Getting the last gem on each board = 100 * (9 + board number) With 37 levels this total can range from 1000 to 4600. Your score jumps to 140000 if you find the first warp easter egg. This can make a difference of about 70000 over if you went through the levels manually. Your score jumps to 420000 if you find the second warp easter egg. This can make a difference of about 200000 over if you went through the levels manually. I wind up with about 560000 points when I get through level 10. 3. GENERAL STRATEGY 3.1. MONSTERS 3.1.1. KNOW THY ENEMY [to add: which you can jump over and pause, which digest gems] --bees: fly down from the top and buzz around a bit. You can get rid of them a bit more quickly by jumping. There's a warning tune before they come down and each time they do they get quicker and closer to where you are and stay around longer. Also getting the honey gives them less to protect so they ease up a bit, but they'll still be around. Note that if you are on the top of the screen and the bees intend to get you, you won't have much time to react. So you'll want to enter and leave towers quickly. --Berthilda: Besides caterpillars, the only monster you can kill. The least dangerous of the lot, actually. Put on the invincibility hat and go to meet her. It's an easy 3000 points. She generally follows a predictable cyclic pattern and pauses when she makes a turn. Does not eat gems. --bowling balls: not very fast until they gather momentum. The result is that they slide by you a lot when they see you. The least harmful of the bad guys by a long stretch. --cauldron: while not specifically an enemy it tends to block your path and will kill you on contact. On the bright side it also gets in the monsters' way, although unfortunately there's only one level where this division is meaningful--the maddening last one. --caterpillars: wait around as they digest their gems. If you touch one while it's digesting, it's gone for good, and you get points. This gets tougher on higher levels where their digestive systems speed up some. --ghost: moves around slowly and is more of a nuisance when you want to get gems near it than anything else. Does not eat gems. --skeleton: see ghost, but generally a bit more active. --tree: really annoying especially on later levels when it is ultra fast(see: Nasty Tree. In this case even invulnerability delays the inevitable, as the tree sticks to you and is very hard to shake.) You can jump over it to slow it down, and it shrinks. When it's at full size it begins running around again. Trees don't pause while eating gems. 3.1.2. KNOW THY ENEMY'S AI Many monsters are content to stay put if they are aligned horizontally or vertically with you. They consider either one before making a move-- if lining up one can't work, they try another. [which do they try first?] Often if a monster can't seem to improve its position it doesn't. That is annoying, but it is fun to trap a monster in a corner. That is where their seeming steadfastness works in your favor. 3.1.3. STUFF THAT ACTUALLY DOESN'T KILL YOU Invisibility hats actually have the added bonus of blocking enemies in--even if they are jumping around. However they don't allow you to vanquish caterpillars eating gems. Of course they allow you to kill Berthilda. Honey seems to attract the bees a bit more. Elevators move up and down with regular frequency. The pause for you to step on them does not seem to vary with height. 3.2. GETTING THE LAST GEM Generally there will be gems you have to give up on. You probably want to leave a gem in a secluded safe place, or if you are in a place where monsters can't reach you may want to let them have their parties before you grab the last gem. For instance, in the first Nasty Tree level there is that part in the center you can't reach but by elevator. That's a good place to go at the end; no chance of the monsters getting there. Also the Cross Maze has the upper-left tower which monsters can't reach. In the first Berthilda scene you can also wait 'til last to wipe her out. You should be able to get the last gem most of the time, but sometimes chance intrudes, especially with three gems lying in distinctly separate regions, and survival may be more important. 3.3. CONTROL, I GUESS 3.3.1. FACTS If using a trak-ball you can try to guess the angle Bentley should go- -it's often important to guess right to escape to a safe place quickly. If using a keyboard stagger between going straight and diagonally to simulate walking at an angle. Beware that when you jump you can only go in the direction you would be walking. You also seem to be able to curve your jump, but if a monster is on the side and you think you're jumping over it, you'll freeze it but you'll also land on it, resulting in your losing a life. The 3-d vision of the board doesn't affect how far Bentley can jump. For instance if he jumps downward he still seems to go the same distance as if he jumps upwards. Note that gems are never hidden behind walls but may be hidden under invincibility caps, etc. Although you can guide a jump in midair you can never pirouette. 3.3.2. SUGGESTIONS/OBSERVATIONS The jump back and forth works quite well. For instance, jump to the left and then to the right over monsters nearby until the elevator arrives near where you do. It's easier to control Bentley through narrow passages instead of open areas because the trak-ball is not perfectly accurate, and the computer has an easy time grasping an angled view(which it does not care about) than you. Since there are no dead ends until the very late levels, this should work OK. When you are in a two-square-wide passage, just try to cover one half and come back for the other side. It's tough to reverse direction and jump over a monster that's too close to you. So allow some time. 3.3.3. MY OWN RANDOM GRIPINGS It can be tough to get on an elevator even from one square away with the controls. Grr. 4. 2-D TEXT MAPS WITH SPECIFIC STRATEGIES The maps below attempt to create a 2-d interpretation of a map that is 3-d. | - = [between] squares linked, on same level : = [between] squares linked, not on same level E = elevator . = open square + = gem S = secret passage H = honey * = invincibility MONSTERS[may not be all here, but they usually appear in the upper right if you're lost.] s = skeleton g = ghost b = bowling ball c = caterpillar t = tree GENERAL STUFF: Monsters tend to appear in the upper right. You tend to appear three squares left of the bottom right. When I say "See level x" that means the map is a duplicate. I didn't feel 20-25KB extra of already-printed text would be helpful, especially since if you've played the earlier level you know what to expect anyway. The maps are here to break down a confusing yet slightly more entertaining 3-d picture into a 2-d plotting that may help a person's logical faculties. Duplicate map levels assume the strategy of the levels they duplicate. In general these levels tend to get a bit faster, and simply running through later levels becomes less effective. You'll need to use Bentley's jumping capabilities and also nail monsters into corners more efficiently. LEVEL 1-1 "Get the gems Bentley Bear" Enemies: 3 bowling balls Board/gem/side color: white/red/grey Total # gems: 79 .-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-. | | . . | | . . | | . . | | . . | | . . | | . +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-. | | | | | | . + + + +-. | | | | | | . + + + +-. | | | | | | . + +-+-+-+ +-. | | | | | . + + +-. | | | | | . + + +-. | | | | | . +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-. | | | | | | . + + + +-. | | | | | | . + + + +-. | | | | | | . +-+-+-+ + +-. | | | | | . + + +-. | | | | | . + + +-. | | | | | . +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | .-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-. This level is not repeated and, quite frankly, it is probably too silly to be repeated. You shouldn't have much of a problem evading the bowling balls and getting the last gem, but you may want to save the lower left small loop for last. The bowling balls can always be suckered to run after you. There is a well-known easter egg here. Go to the upper left corner and jump. You'll get a score of 140000 and be transported to level 3-1. Even if you pick up gems beforehand your score will be 140000. When this was known early in arcade gaming history so many people tried it, but I'm thinking Atari didn't mind their secrets being found out. The levels rapidly get much tougher. Very sneaky of them to put in a hidden corner way behind everything. But it is an introduction to the secret corridors which can facilitate solving levels later on. LEVEL 1-2 Enemies: 4 trees Board/gem/side color: white/red/pink Total # gems: 160 "Tree Wave" H-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | | | | + + + + | | | | + + + + | | | | + + + + | | | | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | | | | + +-+ + | | | | + +-+ + | | | | + +-+ + | | | | + +-+ + | | | | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | | | | + + + + | | | | + + + + | | | | + + + + | | | | + + + + | | | | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | | | | + +-+ + | | | | + +-+ + | | | | + +-+ + | | | | + +-+ + | | | | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ The four trees appear on the back row. There's no reason why you can't go back there, let them get the gems in back, jump over them, and maybe leave some gems in one corner(lower left, just jump over a few.) You can always sucker the trees to follow you if nothing else, and since they are not too fast this level really only requires a bit of patience. Note this is a lot more lucrative than the first level. Double the gems actually means four times the points. 3-d ness makes its first stand here on squares with gems, but it doesn't affect control. LEVEL 1-3 Enemies: 2 caterpillars, skeleton Board/gem/side color: white/red/blue Total # of gems: 104 "Doomsdome" .-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-. | | . + | | . .-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-. + | | | | . . + + | | | | . . + + | | | | . . + + | | | | . . + + | | | | . . + + | | | | . . +-+-+ | | | | . . S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-+ + | | | | | | | | | | | | . . S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-+ + | | | | | | . . S-S K-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+ | | | | | | | | | | | | . . S-S +-+-+-+-+-+ + + | | | | | | | | | | | | . . S-S +-+-+-+-+-+ + + | | | | | | | | | | | | . . S-S +-+-+-+-+-+ + + | | | | | | | | | | | | . . S-S +-+-+-+-+-+ + + | | | | | | | | | | | | . . S-S +-+-+-+-+-E-+ + | | | | | | | . .-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ + | | | | . + + + | | | | .-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ "Doomsdome." Cool name, neat level as well. The action heats up a bit here with not only the first secret door but also the first elevator! You also get your first glimpse of caterpillars, and you can probably wipe both out so that you need only worry about the skeleton. It's a bit tricky to time the elevator if the skeleton's hovering around it, but with the caterpillars gone(run at one just as it is about to eat a gem--they are spaced far enough apart and by enough gems for this to be reasonable) you don't have much else to think about, and once the skeleton's in the corner it's easy to get on the plateau. Then you just have to wait for him to move away from the spots you haven't touched yet. You may want to run around the two passages in back as well as the dark passage just behind the skeleton's little plateau. It's lots of fun and prepares you for situations where such maneuvering will be critical--and you need to see how you or the monsters look when obscured in a secret passage anyway. LEVEL 1-4 "Berthilda's Castle" Enemies: ? caterpillars, Berthilda Board/gem/side color: white/red/periwinkle # of gems: 138 +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ + | | | | | + + + + + | | | | | + + + + + | | | | | + + +-+-+-E-+ | | | | | +-+ + +-+ | | | | S-S-S-S-S-S-+-+ + . | | | | S + + . | | | | S +-+-+ + . | | | | | S +-+-. + + +-+-+ + | | | | | | | | S +-+-. +-+-+ + + | | | | | | | | S .-.-E-+ + + + | | | | | | +-+ +-+-+-+ +-+-+-+ + + | | | | | +-E-+ + + | | | | +-+ + + | | | + + + | | | + + + | | | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-E-+ | | | + +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | | | + + + | | | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ The caterpillars aren't really a factor here, but you have to be careful about getting the hat. Berthilda guards the upper right jealously so once you get the hat you need to wipe her out. I find a clockwise jaunt around the perimeter, detouring to get the gems on the tower in the center, is a good quick way through the level. Kill off any caterpillars you see gobbling up rows of gems along the way. The secret doors are useful in saving a lot of time. If you are quick you can get the left-side tower with three gems without waiting for the elevator to come back up, but there's no danger of caterpillars following you, so it is just an inconvenience. This is the first level without any symmetry. It's only vaguely resembling symmetry across the UL/DR axis. The corners are different, and you have the elevator and a few asymmetric loops. LEVEL 2-1 "Hidden Ramp" Enemies: ? caterpillars, tree Board/gem/side color: white/blue/grey # of gems: 211 +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ + | | | | | | | | | +-+-+-+ +-+-+-+ s | | | | | | | +-+ S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-+-+-+-+ + | | | | | | | | +-+ S +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-E-+ | | | | | | | | | + S +-+-+-+-+ s + s-+-+-+ | | | | | | | | | | | + S +-+ +-+ + + +-+-+ | | | | | | | | | | | + S +-+-+-+-+ + + +-+-+ | | | | | | | | | | | | + S +-+-+-+-E-.-.-.-.-.-. + +-+-+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | + S + s-+-+-.-.-.-.-.-.-. + +-+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | + S + .-.-H-.-.-.-. + +-+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | + S + .-.-.-.-.-.-. + +-+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | + S + .-.-.-.-.-.-. + +-+ | | | | | | | | | | | | + S + .-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-+-+ .-+ + | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | + S + .-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-+ + . + + | | | | | | | | | | | + S + .-.-.-+ +-. +-+ | | | | | | | | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-E-+-+-+-+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | +-+-+-+ s +-+-+ +-+-+-+-+ | | | | | | | | | | | +-+-+-+ +-+-+-+ .-.-. +-+-+-+-+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +-+-+-E-+-+-+-+ +-+-+ +-+-+-+-+ | | | | | | | | | | | +-s-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ There's a cool secret ramp here which is hidden by the fact that it bends down. You'll want to get the elevator to your left quickly on the later clones of this level, as the caterpillars move fast. Once on the second level you should have little trouble walking across the top for big points. With the elevator near the center being inaccessible you have free rein to do whatever you want. However, you should be prepared to try to fool enemies into running after you and into a corner where they can't follow you when you want to get back down. Also beware of the bees dropping down. If you have to clear the area on the center(lower level,) the four gems can be pretty nasty. You'll want to jump over the area with the honey if you're being followed, as those steps are treacherous. They slow you up, so the honey isn't worth getting killed over. The secret passages in the UR and DL are pretty fun but also pretty useless if you are facing more than one monster. And the monsters are not scared of dark passages--heck, they're the sort of things that POP UP in dark passages. LEVEL 2-2 Enemies: ? caterpillars, ? Board/gem/side color: black/red/light purple # of gems: "Extra Lives Every 70000" +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ + | | | | | | | | | | | | | +-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ + | | | | | | | | + +-+ + + + +-+-+-+-+-.-.-.-+ + | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | + + +-+ + + +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ + | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | + + +-+-+ + + +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-E-+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | + +-+-+-+-E-+-+-+-E-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | | | | | | | + +-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+ | | | | | | | | | + + + +-+ + + +-+-+-+-+ | | | | | | | | | | | + + + + + + +-+-+-+-+ | | | | | | | | | | | +-+-+-+-+-E-+ + + +-+-+-+-+ | | | | | | | | | | | +-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+ | | | | | | | | | +-+ +-+-+ + + +-+ | | | | | | | | | +-+ +-+-+ + + +-+ | | | | | | | | | +-+ +-+-+ + + +-+ | | | | | | | | | +-+ +-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | | | | | | | | | | +-+ .-+-+ + +-+-+-+ + +-+-+-+-+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +-+ . +-+ + +-+-+-+ + +-+-+-+-+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +-+ . +-+ +-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +-+-+ +-E-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +-+-+-H-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ This is a standard sort of level with a lot of stuff thrown in. It's pretty much symmetrical about the UL/DR axis and is similar to the previous one in that you can go over the top to pick up many of the gems. You'll have to let the monsters get the right hand side. Note any one square is accessible from any other square without having to use the elevators, although if you can get the enemies to get trapped in the zigzag area between the two elevators, you can get a lot done. In general the UL half of the board is yours, the DR will be the monsters'. LEVEL 2-3 "Crossroads" Enemies: Board/gem/side color: //light green # of gems: +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-E-+ | | | + +-+-+ | | | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ + + | | | + + + | | | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-E-+ + + | | | | | + +-+-+-+-+-+-+ | | | | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ + + H | | | | + + + + | | | | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-E-+ + + + | | | | | | + +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | | | | | | +-+-+-+-+-+-+ + + + + + | | | | | | + + + + + + | | | | | | +-+-+-+-+-+-E-+ + + + + + | | | | | | | | + +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | | | | | | | +-+-+-+-+-+ + + + + + | | | | | | | | | | +-+-+-+-+ + + + + + | | | | | | | | | | +-+-+-+-+ + + + + + | | | | | | | | | | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Most of the back segment is only accessible by elevator. You'll be able to jump pretty easily over any monsters to clear out the actual crossroads, after which cleaning out the top is very easy. For maximum points go to the DR and let the tree come down the elevator. Jump over it(back and forth if you must) and get on the elevator to clear out the top part and get the most gems you can. One thing you need to watch for here is if bad guys park themselves next to the elevators, and you are cleaning up on top. It won't be easy to jump vertically over them, and you can't bait them to come back horizontally. What you need to do is to time a quick run so that, as you are moving down, the elevator is coming up. Run across the raised elevator and move to the next row. The enemy will then move horizontally to a row you've already covered. It's a simple looking level but you may wind up simply cruising through it or simply stuck. Each elevator can be classified as a checkpoint where you need to have pigeonholed the monsters into various awkward positions. Do it a few times, and you should roll. LEVEL 2-4 "Berthilda's Fortress" Enemies: Board/gem/side color: //peach # of gems: .-.-.-.-+ +-+-+-+ | | | | | | | .-.-.-.-. + + | | | | | | | .-.-.-.-. + + | | | | | | | .-.-.-.-. + + | | | | | | | .-.-.-.-. + + | | | + + + | | | + +-+-+-+ | | | | | + +-+-+-+ | | | + + + | | | H-+-+-+-+ + + | | | | | | | +-+-+-+-+ + + | | | | | | | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-.-. +-+-+-+-+ + + | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | + +-+-+-+-+-.-. +-+-+-+-+ + + | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | + +-+-+-+-+-.-. +-+-+-+-+ + + | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | + +-+-+-+-+-.-. +-+-+-+-+ + + | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | + +-+-+-+-+-.-. +-+-+-+-E-+ + | | | | | | | | | | | + +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ + | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | + +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ + | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | + +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ + | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ A lot of unused space here(for gameplay) devoted to ridged castle towers and stuff makes this look pretty cool, especially with Berthilda looking isolated in the top right. "Nyah nyah, catch me if you can." The first part of this should be no problem; circling off to the right should be a piece of cake. Similarly the big loop on the left shouldn't be much bother. The problem is when you have to get the grid of gems, as monsters seem to be able to control this more easily than you can. It's a great place to die, in the open. Last is probably the plateau area. In the UL part of it there is a passageway back to Berthilda, and in the corner of that area you should run into her. You may want to leave a gem in the foreground to ensure that you get the 3000 points for touching her, and you also might like to clear the rest of the screen before entering the raised area. Note you have to find the hidden passageway, since there's one gem behind it. LEVEL 3-1 "Hidden Ramp" Same as level 2-1. LEVEL 3-2 "Nasty Tree" Enemies: Board/gem/side color: //peach # of gems: +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+ +-+-+ +-+-+ +-+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +-+ +-+-+-+ +-+-E-+-+-+ +-+-+ +-+-+ +-+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +-+ +-+-+ +-+-+ +-+-+-+ +-+-+ +-+-+ +-+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +-+-+-+-E-+-+ +-+-+-+-+ +-+-+ + +-+-+-+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +-+-+ +-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+ + +-+-+-+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +-+ +-+-+ +-+-+-+-E-.-. + + +-+-+-+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+ .-.-. + +-+-+-+-+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +-+-E-+-+-+-+-+-+ .-.-. + +-+-+-+-+ | | | | | | | | | | | | +-+-+-+-+-+-E-.-. + + +-+-+-+-+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +-+-+-+-+-+ .-.-. + + +-+-+-+-+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +-+-+-+-+-+ .-.-.-+-+-+ + +-+-+-+-+ | | | | | | | + +-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | +-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | | | | | | | | | + +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ The first of the Nasty Tree levels is the easiest. The tree does move pretty fast, and you are probably best advised to get to the plateau UL of where you start as quickly as possible. In general you will want to stick a tree in a point where it can move only D and R; the point just touching the area isolated is the best one to ensure the outward manifestation of the tree's temperament extends little beyond a nasty look. Once you do that you should be able to avoid the caterpillars. This board really has four areas, the one with a few gems onder the elevators, the other base-level area, the UL part with the elevators, and the mid-range part spanning UR to DL. You'll probably just let the monsters gobble the DR-side gems, while picking off the other areas and leaving the center for last, as monsters will never get around to touching it. By the way, if waiting for an elevator to the very top, centipedes may chase you. Stand away from the elevator are waiting for if they are near. Then jump over them and back, make a break for the elevator. LEVEL 3-3 "Hidden Spiral" Enemies: Board/gem/side color: //peach # of gems: +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | | | | | + +-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+ | | | | | | | + + +-+ +-+ +-+ | | | | | | | | + + +-+ +-+-+-+-+ +-+ | | | | | | | | + + +-+ +-+ +-+ | | | | | | | + +-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+ +-+ | | | + +-+ | | | + . +-+-+-+-+-+-+ | | | | | | + . +-+ +-+ | | | | | | + . +-+-+-+-+ +-+ | | | | | | + . +-+ +-+ | | | | | | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+ +-+ | | | + +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | + +-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+ + +-+-+ | | | | | | | | | | | + + +-+ + +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ | | | | | | | | | | | + +-+-+-+ +-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+ +-+ | | | | | | | | | | + + +-+ + +-+ + + + +-+ | | | | | | | | | | | + +-+-+-+-+- -+-+-+-+-+ + + +-+ | | | + +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | + +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ This level can't quite be linearly written out as the hidden spiral overlaps itself, and I can't really see what's going on, but here is the path the hidden spiral takes: ? fill in path later ? The general principle of filling in one of the DSS/BBM letters at a time is a good one. After running all the way around the perimeter(good points there,) start with the D then S then S, and work your way around. The hat by the B should help. Your first time through be sure to nail a caterpillar on the right edge. Also be aware that bowling balls like to trap you in the S's. If in the corner of an S, peek out and run back. The ball will run after you, but its momentum will get it carried away, and you can escape cleanly. LEVEL 3-4 "Berthilda's Dungeon" .-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-. + | | | . +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-H-+-+-+-+-+ + + | | | | | | | | | | . + .-. + + +-+ + + | | | | | | | | | . + +-+-+-+ + +-+-+-+-+-+-+-E-+ + + | | | | | | | | | | . +-.-+ +-.-+ + +-+-+-+ + + | | | | | | | | | . + +-+-+-+ + +-+-+-+-+ + +-+-+-+ + | | | | | | | | | | | . + .-. + + + + + + + | | | | | | | | | | | . +-+-+-+-+-+-+-E-+-+-+-+-+ + + + + + | | | | | | | | | . +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ + + + + | | | | | | | | | | | . +-+-E-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ + + + | | | | | | | | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-E-+ + + | | | | | | + + +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ + + | | | | | | | | + + + + + + +-+-+-+-+ + | | | | | | | | | | | | + + + + + + +-+-+-+-+ + | | | | | | | | | | | | +-+ + + + + + +-+-+-+-+ + | | | | | | | | | | | | + + + + + +-+-+-+-+-+-+ | | | | | | | | | | | | + +-E-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | +-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ The most annoying parts of this level are 1) the center near the elevator to Berthilda's where you will never go down the path you want(the slight inclines mean Bentley can and probably will walk anywhere) and the spot by the honey, as the bees seem frequent. Berthilda's rather easy to dispose of and can/should be left for last to get the last gem bonus, and going clockwise around the perimeter(follow the secret door) you should be able to get many gems quickly. It also may clear the way to muck about in the grid of gems for a bit. The honey area is difficult because the swarm of bees will align so it's directly above you if you climb the stairs to reach it, playing a nasty 'prevent defense.' I actually find using the elevator a bit easier, but with the dodgy controls that is easier said than done. But in general Berthilda levels are actually not as bad as the others, and this is little different. Unfortunately this is the first level where the annoying control begins to kick in and you don't feel like you were really outsmarted, just out-moved by the 'perfect' computer-controlled enemies. LEVEL 4-1 "Pyramid" Enemies: Board/gem/side color: # of gems: +-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ + | | | | | | | | | | | | | +-+ +-+-E-+-+-+-+-+-+-E-+ | | | | | | + + +-E-+-+ +-+-+-+ | | | | | + + + + + | | | | + + + + | | | | + + + + | | | | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ + + | | | | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+ | | | | | + +-+-+-+ | | | | | .-.-.-.-.-.-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+ | | | | | | | . +-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-E-+-+-+-+ | | | | | | | | | | . + +-+ + +-+-+-+-+ | | | | | | | . + +-+ + + + | | | | | | | . + +-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ + | | | | | | . + +-+ + + | | | | | | . + +-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | | | | | | | | . + +-E-+ + + + | | | | | | . + + + + + | | | | | | .-+ + + + + | | | | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Around here the invincibility caps start jumping around, requiring timing or the ability to stay in one place. Murphy's Law dictates they're much more likely to jump on you just as you're about to grab an eating caterpillar and as a result you just pass right through it. The loop in the UL is dangerous if a tree is following you. This is a more serious issue on later levels, but if nothing follows you to the loop, it should be easy to sweep to the right and take the elevators to ckear out the OR area. Given the good deal of narrow passages you can also outmaneuver enemies pretty easily on the bottom. It's also a useful place to goad a tree into perhaps following you and getting jumped over while you take the elevator up the screen(moving up and left afterwards sticks the tree where it can't get at you.) LEVEL 4-2 "Cross Maze" Enemies: Board/gem/side color: # of gems: .-.-.-.-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | | | | | | | | . H-+-+ +-+ +-+-+ +-+-+ +-+-+-+-+ | | | | | | | | | | . +-+-+ + + + +-+ + | | | | | | | | | | . +-+-E-+-+ +-+-+ +-+-+ +-+-+ + | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ + | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +-+ +-+-+ +-+-+ +-+-+ +-+-+ + | | | | | | | + + + + +-+ + | | | | | | +-+ +-+-+ +-+-+ +-+-+ + | | | | | | | | | | | | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+ + | | | | | | | | | | | | +-+ +-+-+ +-+-+ +-+-+ + | | | | + + +-+ + | | | | | + + +-+-+ +-+-+ +-+-+ + | | | | | | | | | | | | + +-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+ + | | | | | | | | | | | | + + +-+-+ +-+-+ +-+-+ + | | | | | | + + + +-+ + | | | | | | + + +-+-+ +-+-+ +-+-+ +-+-+ + | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | + +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ + | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | + +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ + | | | +-+ + | | | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ There are three versions of the cross maze, and I feel this is the easiest one. The reason is that you have dead-end crosses where you can take breaks from the caterpillars, and they are slow enough that you can shake them off before they follow you there. You can also sucker enemies into there when you're well away, and they will get stuck. Jumping is a bit tricky so you may want to back out to the edges before doing so. Also you have a chance to clear out a lot of gems by going inside the perimeter to the DR at first--which also may freeze the monsters out a bit as they will be stuck on the DR perimeter. Remember you can only nail one caterpillar eating gems if you start off going UR. I recommend taking on the tower last to get the gem bonus, although you want to watch out for the bee warning tune in the meantime. It's also fun to sneak behind the tower to get the invincibility cap and shake off monsters(reverse and jup over them.) LEVEL 4-3 "Hidden Ramp" Enemies: Board/gem/side color: # of gems: See 2-1. LEVEL 4-4 "Berthilda's Palace" Enemies: Board/gem/side color: # of gems: .-.-.-.-.-.-. +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | .-.-.-.-.-.-. +-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | .-.-.-.-.-.-. +-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | .-.-.-.-.-.-. +-+-+-+-+ s-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | .-.-.-.-.-.-. +-+-+-+-+ s + | | | | | | | | | | | | | | .-.-.-.-.-.-. +-+-+-+-+ + + | | | | | | | | | | | | | | .-.-.-.-.-.-. +-+-+-+-+ + + | | | | | | | h-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ + + | | | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ s-s-s-+-+ + | | | | | | | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+ + | | | | | | | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ + | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ + | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ + | | | | | | | | + +-+-+-+ + + + | | | | | | | | + . +-+-+-+ + . + + | | | | | | | | + +-+-+-+ + + + | | | | | + +-+-+ +-+-+ + + | | | | | | | + + + . + + + + | | | | | + + + + + | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ The last of the original Berthilda levels. The big loop in the right is the first place to go, but there are other loops that will guarantee you will get a better percentage of the gems in the level than usual. You may even be able to stick caterpillars on the lower level to get all the gems in the top center! The only annoying part is the grid in the middle but you can use the loop to lead monsters on a chase and jump over them with ease and possibly even stick them there. Killing Berthilda is a bit tough but if you get the hat you want to head through the door immediately and into the UL. It's tough to see exactly where you are, but she is predictable and immobile enough that you should have enough time to get her. LEVEL 5-1 "Extra Lives Every 70000" Enemies: Board/gem/side color: See 2-2. LEVEL 5-2 "Nasty Tree" Enemies: Board/gem/side color: # of gems: Not quite the same as 3-2. +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+ +-+-+ +-+-+ +-+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +-+ +-+-+-+ +-+-E-+-+-+ +-+-+ +-+-+ +-+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +-+ +-+-+ +-+-+ +-+-+-+ +-+-+ +-+-+ +-+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +-+-+-+-E-+-+ +-+-+-+-+ +-+-+ + +-+-+-+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +-+-+ +-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+ + +-+-+-+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +-+ +-+-+ +-+-+-+-E-.-. + + +-+-+-+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+ .-.-. + +-+-+-+-+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +-+-E-+-+-+-+-+-+ .-.-. + +-+-+-+-+ | | | | | | | | | | | | +-+-+-+-+-+-E-.-. + + +-+-+-+-+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +-+-+-+-+-+ .-.-. +-+ + +-+-+-+-+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +-+-+-+-+-+ .-.-.-+-+-+-+ + +-+-+-+-+ | | | | | | | | | | + +-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | | | | | | | | | + +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Nasty Tree gets a nasty addition here. Now the gem-free areas are accessible from the DR anddon't think the Nasty Tree doesn't know that. You'll want to move quickly over the middle region from the DL to the UR and you will probably 1) have to sucker the tree to the top, 2)run away as it's going up the elevator, 3) jump back over it and 4) descend the first elevator you find in between jumps back over the tree. You may need to ditch the tree several times throughout the course of the level although while you are clearing the DR you can stick the tree in the corner between the two elevators to the bottom part. Starting out is especially important. Get on the DL ramp going up and hook quickly around the left perimeter to get the tree stuck in a corner and temporarily impotent. Kill as many caterpillars as you can(ditching the tree will take enough thought.) Juking the tree is especially important this level given how terribly fast it is. LEVEL 5-3 "Crossroads" Enemies: Board/gem/side color: The easter egg here is to jump in the UL corner to get to level 7-1. You'll skip some nondescript waves and get a nice big score hard-coded in. If you don't want that then you'll have a time avoiding the nasty tree who will either 1)impeccably guard the top part or 2)come down the elevator and tear after you. See 2-3. LEVEL 5-4 "Berthilda's Castle" Enemies: Board/gem/side color: See 1-4. LEVEL 6-1 "Cross Maze" Enemies: Board/gem/side color: # of gems: Not quite the same as 4-2. .-.-.-.-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | | | | | | | | . H-+-+ +-+ +-+-+ +-+-+-+-+ | | | | | | | | | . +-+-+ + + +-+ + | | | | | | | | | . +-+-E-+-+ +-+-+ +-+-+ + | | | | | | | | | | | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+ + | | | | | | | | | | | | +-+ +-+-+ +-+-+ +-+-+ + | | | | | | + + + +-+ + | | | | | | +-+ +-+-+ +-+-+ +-+-+ +-+-+ + | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ + | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +-+ +-+-+ +-+-+ +-+-+ +-+-+ + | | | | | + + + +-+ + | | | | | | + +-+-+ +-+-+ +-+-+ + | | | | | | | | | | | + +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ + | | | | | | | | | | | + +-+-+ +-+-+ +-+-+ + | | | | | | + + + +-+ + | | | | | | + + +-+-+ +-+-+ +-+-+ +-+-+ + | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | + +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ + | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | + +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ + | | | +-+ + | | | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ This cross maze is a bit tougher than the first because the dead-end crosses in the left and upper centers have been moved to the right and down respectively. That makes it tougher to take a break, although the UL strategy and initial gem-grabbing strategies still hold. Just try to move arond the perimeter as quickly as possible and maybe even jump back and forth over the monsters on the DR perimieter to slow them down before exploring the UL. But most of the challenge here will come from futzing with the control or waiting for the long elevator ride to the tower(and jumping over monsters in the process.) LEVEL 6-2 "Tree Wave" Enemies: Board/gem/side color: See 1-2. LEVEL 6-3 Enemies: Board/gem/side color: "Tree Wave" See 1-2. Disappointing that you have two similar levels in a row, but they're relatively easy compared to the usual fare. Your reflexes just need to be a bit quicker, and prepare for more jumping. LEVEL 6-4 Enemies: Board/gem/side color: "Berthilda's Palace" See 4-4. LEVEL 7-1 "Extra Lives Every 70000" Enemies: Board/gem/side color: # of gems: Not quite the same as previously on 2-2. +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+ + | | | | | | | | +-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+ +-+-+-+ + | | | | | | | | + +-+ + + + +-+-+-+-.-.-.-.-+ + | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | + + +-+ + + +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ + | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | + + +-+-+ + + +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-E-+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | + +-+-+-+-E-+-+-+-E-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | | | | | | | + +-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+ | | | | | | | | | + + + +-+ + + +-+-+-+-+ | | | | | | | | | | | + + + + + + +-+-+-+-+ | | | | | | | | | | | +-+-+-+-+-E-+ + + +-+-+-+-+ | | | | | | | | | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+ | | | | | | | +-+-+ + + +-+ | | | | | | | +-+-+ + + +-+ | | | | | | | +-+-+ + + +-+ | | | | | | | .-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | | | | | | | | +-+ .-+-+ + +-+-+-+ + +-+-+-+-+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +-+ . +-+ + +-+-+-+ + +-+-+-+-+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +-+ . +-+ +-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +-+-+ +-E-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +-+-+-H-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ You'll notice that part of the ramps on the U and L perimeters have been cut off. This actually makes a hyge difference, as not every square is connected by elevator now. It can provide a bit of extra danger for you if a tree is following you, so before you go into the culdesac be sure to jump a bunch. This extra danger(you have to go through this twice) is lessened a bit by the added security of the UL. As usual you'll want to hit the elevator on the left immediately. LEVEL 7-2 "Pyramid" Enemies: Board/gem/side color: See 4-1. LEVEL 7-3 "Hidden Spiral" Enemies: Board/gem/side color: See 3-3. LEVEL 7-4 "Berthilda's Dungeon" Enemies: Board/gem/side color: See 3-4. LEVEL 8-1 "Extra Lives Every 70000" Enemies: Board/gem/side color: See 7-1. LEVEL 8-2 "Cross maze" Enemies: Board/gem/side color: # of gems: A combination of the previous. .-.-.-.-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | | | | | | | | . H-+-+ +-+ +-+-+ +-+-+ +-+-+-+-+ | | | | | | | | | | . +-+-+ + + + +-+ + | | | | | | | | | | . +-+-E-+-+ +-+-+ +-+-+ +-+-+ + | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ + | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +-+ +-+-+ +-+-+ +-+-+ +-+-+ + | | | | | | | + + + + +-+ + | | | | | | | +-+ +-+-+ +-+-+ +-+-+ +-+-+ + | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ + | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +-+ +-+-+ +-+-+ +-+-+ +-+-+ + | | | | | + + + + +-+ + | | | | | | | + + +-+-+ +-+-+ +-+-+ +-+-+ + | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | + +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ + | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | + + +-+-+ +-+-+ +-+-+ +-+-+ + | | | | | | | + + + + +-+ + | | | | | | | + + +-+-+ +-+-+ +-+-+ +-+-+ + | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | + +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ + | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | + +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ + | | | +-+ + | | | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ This cross maze combines 5-2 and 3-2 to put out a full grid which is by no means easy. Fortunately there is still the break in the middle horizontal and vertical lines, and if it weren't for everything being so much faster you would just need to be more careful about bad guys running at you. Same initial strategy works well here as in other cross mazes. You will just find yourself running into more annoying nooks. LEVEL 8-3 "Hidden Ramp" Enemies: Board/gem/side color: See 2-1. LEVEL 8-4 "Berthilda's Fortress" Enemies: Board/gem/side color: # of gems: A change for the more inane from 2-4. .-.-.-.-+ +-+-+-+ | | | | | | | .-.-.-.-. + + | | | | | | | .-.-.-.-. + + | | | | | | | .-.-.-.-. + + | | | | | | | .-.-.-.-. + + | | | + + + | | | + +-+-+-+ | | | | | + +-+-+-+ | | | + + + | | | H-+-+-+-+ + + | | | | | | | +-+-+-+-+ + + | | | | | | | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-.-. +-+-+-+-+ + + | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-.-. +-+-+-+-+ + + | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-.-. +-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-.-. +-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-.-. +-+-+-+-E-+ + | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ + | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ + | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ + | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ The new grid is really pretty annoying. You'll probably want to make a quick expedition there, jump back over the monsters that follow you, go back into the loop(note it's got two cross-paths and not one,) and go back for another foraging. It may be a good idea to start by clearing the edges, which will slow up your quick forays. You may want to go clockwise around the loop to make it easier to hop(eventually) on the elevator for your visit to Berthilda. LEVEL 9-1 "Impossible Staircase" Enemies: Board/gem/side color: # of gems: A bona fide original. .>>>>>+++-+++-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | X | | . X + +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-. + | X | | | | | | | | . X + + +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-. + | X | | | | | | | | | | | | | . X + + +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-. + | X | | | | | | | | | | | | | . X + + +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-. + | X | | | | | | | | | | | | | . X + + +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-. + | X | | | | | | | | | | | | | . X + + +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-. + | X | | | | | | | | | | | | | . + + + +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-. + | | | | | | | . + + + +-+ + | | | | | | | . +-+-+-+-+ + +-+ + | | | | | . +-+ + +-+ + | | | | | | | . +-+ + +-+ + | | | | | | | . +-+ + +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | . +-+ + +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | . +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | . +-+-+-+-+-+-+-E-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | | | | | .-+ +-+-+ + | | | | | | .-+ +-+-+ + | | | | | | .-+ +-+-+ + | | | | | | .-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ First the ledger. The row of X's is actually a short distance that you cannot cross. You can sneak on the left perimeter up to the top, but it is a one-way ticket. Once up there the map is slightly out of proportion although the circular-appearing staircase, a nice classic paradoxical picture, is worth seeing. Otherwise between the loops and the grid areas which the monsters wind up eating most of, you may just need to cycle around a lot to get through this level. It's actually not so bad. The culdesac LEVEL 9-2 "Nasty Tree" Enemies: Board/gem/side color: See 7-3. LEVEL 9-3 "Hidden Spiral" Enemies: Board/gem/side color: # of gems: +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | | | | +-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+ | | | | | | + +-+ +-+ +-+ | | | | | | | + +-+ +-+-+-+-+ +-+ | | | | | | | + +-+ +-+ +-+ | | | | | | +-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+ +-+ | | +-+ | | + +-+-+-+-+-+-+ | | | | | + +-+ +-+ | | | | | + +-+-+-+-+ +-+ | | | | | + +-+ +-+ | | | | | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+ +-+ | | | + +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | | | | | | | | | | | + +-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+ + +-+-+ | | | | | | | | | | | + + +-+ + +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ | | | | | | | | | | | + +-+-+-+ +-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+ +-+ | | | | | | | | | | + + +-+ + +-+ + + + +-+ | | | | | | | | | | | + +-+-+-+-+- -+-+-+-+-+ + + +-+ | | | + +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | + +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ This level is a bit cut off from the previous hidden spirals. Here you have to use the spiral to progress. Note you also have to jump over the cauldron that is past the spiral. You can do stuff in any order you want but there's no reason to change it from previous hidden spirals. In fact I would leave the dead end at the top until last as it can be tough to leave the spiral. Monsters will catch up to you. Be a bit more wary of caterpillars here as they digest their gems in no time. Since when you're in a letter you're isolated one on one, and you probably can't nail all the caterpillars, there's little incentive to wipe them out. Your main challenge will come from goading bowling balls' momentum. LEVEL 9-4 Enemies: Board/gem/side color: "Berthilda's Dungeon" Same as 6-4. LEVEL 10-1 "The End" Enemies: ?, cauldron Board/gem/side color: # of gems: 256 +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | | | | | | | | + +-+ + + +-+ + | | | | | | | | + +-+ + + +-+ + | | | | | | | | + +-+ + + +-+ + | | | | | | | | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | | | | | | | | + +-+ + + +-+ + | | | | | | | | + +-+ + + +-+ + | | | | | | | | + +-+ + + +-+ + | | | | | | | | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | | | | | | | | + +-+ + + +-+ + | | | | | | | | + +-+ + + +-+ + | | | | | | | | + +-+ + + +-+ + | | | | | | | | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | | | | | | | | + +-+ + + +-+ + | | | | | | | | + +-+ + + +-+ + | | | | | | | | + +-+ + + +-+ + | | | | | | | | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Obviously that cauldron blocking you is a nuisance and keeps you in the bottom right quarter unless you jump over it. You will also have a problem with the tree and getting into the upper left. The quick jump over/back seems the best way to do things, and maybe if you are very lucky you can lose the tree behind one of the 3x3 holes that pop up. In half-seriousness, though, I recommend cheating to get through this level. The slow skeleton and fast tree make this level utter murder. 5. MISCELLANY 5.1. CUTE EASTER EGGS Thanks to RetroFreak on GameFAQs for all of these(although I swear I remember the first one from my youth)--I'vehad trouble verifying the 'Atari' bit right now, but jumping 100x is a bit of a nuisance. Jump in the UL corner behind the structure in level 1-1. Your score goes to 140000 and you're kicked to 3-1. Jump in the UL corner in the crossroads level at 5-3. Your score goes to 420000 and you're kicked to 7-1. Go to DR corner(sucker the bowling balls into one of the small loops first) and jump 100+ times here. The bees seem to come down in an area where they can actually do damage after 70 times but apparently losing a life(not that it's hard to juke the bees) doesn't alter the internal count. When you get to 2-1 you will see the words 'Atari' on a banner. In 5-4, go to the UR and kill Berthilda in the process. In the very corner, jump up and the initials FXL(for the game's creator) will appear. 5.2. THE HIGH SCORE LIST The default list works as follows: it starts at 30000 and works its way down by 100's to 100. The initials will be listed below, 10 to a row, L->R and then U->D. 5.3. ENDING SPOILER If you get all of the gems on the last level you just sort of sit around until the monsters kill you. You don't advance again. 5.4. TRIVIAL NONSENSE Upon completing level X, X Berthildas bounce up and down in time with Bentley at the top of the screen. Except for level 9--then there are only 8. End of FAQ proper ================================ 6. VERSIONS/CREDITS 0.9.0 sent to GameFAQs 6/6/2002. Except for the duplicate levels, which require nuances in addition to the general strategies outlined earlier, this is as complete as I can hope for right now,(except exact monster locations aren't 100%,) but if anyone knows some slick tactics that will work, do tell me. I'd be interested to hear them but not to search them out any more. When I complete a FAQ for a game like this all my previous frustration is catharsized. Assistance with minor oversight(some of which I know exist) would be a great help. Somewhat duplicate levels are left unchecked. A more thorough walkthrough detailing differences between similar levels may come later. and for, err, just being their beautiful selves! :D Thanks to RetroFreak on GameFAQs for posting the codes and giving me permission to use them. Sega for releasing the Atari Classics on Dreamcast to get me interested in this game again. eBay for holding the auction for the game.