-------------- --------- Baldur's Gate ---- ---- --------------------------- -------------------- DARK ------ ALLIANCE ----------------------------- FAQ / Walkthrough ----------------------------------- By Hjjf 309 ----------- December 29th 2002 ------------------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- Hjjf309@hotmail.com ----- --- Contents: Legal information Version history Introduction Tips Buldar's gate 101 ((Or "How to play")) Item List Character's ----THE WALK THROUGH - ACT I ----- The opening scene The Elfsong Tavern The Rat Cellar Back to the Tavern Back to the Cellar The Sewers Level 1 BOSS 1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LEGAL INFORMATION: This FAQ was made by Me, Hjjf, known as Hjjf 309 on GameFAQS, and only by Me. The information in this FAQ was gathered, and is being gathered by My personal experience with the game. Do not copy this FAQ, take credit for it, put it on a disc, or try to make money off of it in any way. If you would like this FAQ on your site, ask Me first. I may not accept, if I do, I must have all credit. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION HISTORY: 1: I made the original parts of this FAQ on December 29th 2002. 2: Started the walk through from the start, to Sewers level 2 on December 30th, 2002. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- INTRODUCTION: Baldur's Gate is an over head action game for the Game Cube. It's the first Dungeons and Dragons game for the Game Cube. It's an awesome game with a lot of RPG elements, and just enough action to keep action fan's interested. Through out this, version 1 of this FAQ, I will be explaining the game walk through as the human archer character. Hopefully in later versions I will get a chance to add walk throughs for the rest of the character's, not to mention item/weapon lists. ***************************************************************************** TIPS: Before we get started, let Me give you some minor tips and pointers. Heeding this advice will probably save your life more then once. - BE LOGICAL: Don't "Rambo" into an area, and bull charge into an army of monster's. Stay behind, and let them come to you. This may take a little more time, but in the long run, you will actually save time, as well as your life. - WAIT BESIDE DOORS: If there is an army of monster's in the next room, wait on the other side of that rooms door, but not in front of the door, to the left or right of it. You may have to run in and run out, but in time, the monster's will start to hunt you down. When they run through the door, they will not see you, and you will have the advantage to club 'em. - PICK UP EVERYTHING: As long as you have room for things, ((how much room depends on your character's endurance,)) try to pick up things, even if you do not need them. When you get back to the tavern, your 'hub', you can sell them for money! - CONSERVE: Some items you find a lot of in the game, but if you use them like an idiot, you won't believe how fast the numbers run down. Try as much as possible to conserve your items for later use. Only use them when you really need them, even if you do have a good stock of them. - ALWAYS KEEP A 'RECALL' HANDY!: One of the most useful items, the "Recall potion" will transport you right back to the 'hub', the tavern. One good thing is that if you run out of room for items in your inventory, you can use a recall to go sell some stuff, and then get back to where you was. When you use one to go to the tavern be sure to buy one more to keep a never-ending stock. - CHECK DEAD PEOPLE: Yep, you never know what you will find. When you kill monster's, they usually drop Gold and other items. Gold will be picked up automatically when you walk over it, but other items must be manually picked up by standing over them, and pressing "X". With so many monster's to kill, it can be easy to miss items that they drop. Most of the items you will be getting will be from battles. - INSTANT HEAL: When you need to heal, but don't want to go to the menu to do it, just press "R". It will automatically use the right amount of potions to get you to perfect health. This is a fast way of doing things, but don't do it if you want to limit how many potions you spend. You can do the same thing with Rejuv. Potions, simply by pressing the "L" button. - BACK TRACK: If you can't figure out what to do, and you have explored every thing in your current area, just back track a little. It's very likely that you simply over looked something before. - TALK TO EVERYONE, AND COMPLETE QUESTS: "Quests" are like side quests that you go on in the game. Some critical, some not. Talking to everyone helps you find quests. Go to the tavern, and persist conversations with all people. You may have one ask you to do something. If you do what they ask, and return to them, they will reward you with experience points, money, and perhaps items! - HELP YOUR FRIEND: If your playing in Multi player mode, try to be as co-operative as possible. For instance, if you have something you have no room / need for, but your friend might, go to your menu and drop it. It will appear on the floor, and you friend can go pick it up. - SAVE OFTEN: You never know what will happen, so save every chance you get. - ***************************************************************************** BULDAR'S GATE 101 ((OR "HOW TO PLAY")) Well, this game is a hack-n-slash with RPG elements, like games in the Gauntlet series, but more complex then Gauntlet. ((In My opinion.)) The game takes place in an over head view. You fight enemies' with what weapon you currently have. Through out your adventure, you will find new weapons, and be able to equip them in the menu screen. You will also find new clothes, ranging from what you start out with, little more then poor rags, and what you get later, like iron armor. These will also be critical to your Adventure, and equipped in the menu. You gain experience points as you beat monster's, and complete quests. After you gain a certain amount, you level up. When you level up you gain a number of points based on the level up. ((If you leveled up to L.3, you will get 3 points.)) You use these points in the menu to raise your stats. Soon in the game, you will find your self with both a long ranged weapon, ((Like a bow,)) and a melee weapon, ((Like a club,)) a melee and a long ranged weapon can be equipped at the same time, and changed between the two by pressing the control pad left and right. Some weapons must be held with two hands. ((Like the battle axe.)) When you have a weapon that requires two hands, you will not be able to hold a shield. This is the down fall of using a usually strong double hand weapon. Every item in the game has a weight number. This shows how many of them you can hold. The number of weight of all the items you are holding is made into a total, and if it is to the max of your endurance, you will not be able to pick anything else up. You can always level up and raise your endurance. As you level up, you can select spells to acquire. There are all sorts of spells and 'feats', and they use up your arcane energy. ((Your M.P type stuff.)) As you level up more, you can upgrade spells you currently have to make them stronger. The three meters on the top left area of the playing screen need to be watched often. The first is your life, the second is your experience points, ((When you fill the experience meter, you level up,)) and the third is your M.P, or 'arcane energy.' That should about explain everything you need to know to play right now. The game is pretty self-explanatory, anyway. So we shall move on.. ***************************************************************************** COMMON ITEM LIST: - Healing potions - Recover some of your life / H.P - Rejuv Potions - Recover some of your arcane energy / M.P - Recall Potions - Transport you back to the tavern, and back where you was. - Arrows - Use them for your bow. ***************************************************************************** THE CHARACTER'S: Here I will list the first three character's you can pick to play as. I recommend the human archer for beginner's. - HUMAN ARCHER: A good, well rounded character. This first walk through will center most attention on this character. The Human Archer is good with a bow because he starts out with one point in accuracy. He can also use a good amount of spells. - ELF SORCERESS: This woman can use most of the spells in the game! And the best one's, at that. The perfect magic user, she suffers a little in the strength departments. For an example, she can't hold as many items/weapons at first. - DWARF WARRIOR: He's short, but obviously pretty deadly. Not really skilled with the better magic from what I've seen, he's still a power house. ***************************************************************************** ***************************************************************************** THE HUMAN ARCHER WALK THROUGH!: Yes, the moment you have all been waiting for finally. This walk through can be used by any one because the game is the same with any character's. It simply singles out the archer when I am talking about what weapons are good, and how to level him up. Hopefully walk throughs for different character's, and other difficulty settings will be witting down later. ============================================================================= SCENE 1: Now let's start the game, pick the character, and watch the scenes. - ACT I: At the start, you see a map that zooms down to the location, "Baldur's Gate." Your character walks into the town, looking for fame and fortune. The town seems empty, however, and all of the sudden he is knocked out and robbed. The robber's talk to a weird looking pin head, named "Karne." The night watchmen come to help, and they make off with your loot. They warn you to seek shelter in the tavern, since one of the cut throat's there will probably know how to find your robber's. You walk into the Elfsong Tavern. You hear a strange song playing, and talk to Alyth, a woman, at the bar. Press 'A' a few times to talk and get the history of the tavern, and the song. Soon you will be able to ask questions. Just ask about the robber's, and then about the guilds, and so on. You will learn that Karne and his gang use the sewers for transportation, that the new and old guild are at war with each other, and that giant rats have infested the cellars. If you help Alyth by ridding the cellar of rats, she will give you the sewer key, to help you track down the thieves. She tells you to talk to Ethon to get the key to the cellar. When you agree, Ethon will have a light over his head, letting you know he's the one you need to talk to. Do so. At first, he will be reluctant to give you anything, so keep persisting. Finally, after too much wasted time, he will give you the key, and a dagger to help you fight the rats. You can now look around the tavern, but there's not much going on. You can save your game, too. When your ready, go to the door beside the bar where Alyth is, and open it. Then go to the ladder, and press the action button to go down it. ============================================================================= ===================THE RAT CELLAR =========================================== ============================================================================= Now that your in the cellar, save your game. Now walk around breaking stuff to see if you can get items or gold. Do this in every room. You could miss things if you don't. Now go to the next room, and prepare to fight. Make sure your dagger is equipped. In the next room, you will find three rats. That can't do too much damage, but there hard to hit. Dispose them, and break the rest of the things. Then go to the next room, ((You may have to change angles to see the door,)) the next room has a large pool of dirty water. You can take a swim in the water if you want, but it doesn't do much. You should find some arrows, gold, and potions in this room. Be sure to check the treasure chest, then go into the next door for some more rat fighting. This next room is a long hall. Well, it's kinda long. There will be about four rats in here. Use the same strategy. None of these should give you any problem, so don't worry. At the end of the hall: Another door. You know what to do: Open it. The next room is pretty large, and there are rats scramming every where. Hunt 'em down. You should also notice the blood spurting every where. If you hit one right, it actually gets cut in half, as well. Now go into the next room. There will be about three rats in here, some gold, and a treasure chest. Kill the rats, open the chest, go to new room. By now you should have the hang of this. Beat the rats, and get more gold. Remember, sometimes rats will slip by you, and run out the open door in to other rooms. If your missing some rats, be sure to check. Now go on into the next room. The next area is another hall way. When you beat the rats here, counters should appear at the top of the screen, telling you how many more you have left to slay. The hallway leads right into a large room, ((No door to stop rats from coming after you,)) so be prepared. When your done, get the treasure chest, and go into yet another room. You will be in another hallway, this one a longer one then usual. fight the rat's then go to the end of the hall, where there is a door leading to another rat room. Enter it. Beat the rats, destroy the boxes 'n' such. The rats should be getting down in the numbers now, finally. Go into the next room. This is the final rat room. Kill these one's, and if you didn't miss any other's, a message will appear letting you know to go back to Alyth to receive your rewards. The message tells you to use a recall potion if you have it, but ignore that message. Walk back, and don't waste your items. ============================================================================= ================== BACK TO THE TAVERN ======================================= ============================================================================= Now that your back, talk to Alyth and get your stuff. You will learn the Ethon went down after you, and got lost. So you know your going to have to play the hero and try to get him back. But before you do, you have a few things to do. *******LEVEL ALERT!***** The experience you gained from the quest completion, ((On top of the rat killing,)) Should be enough to give you your first level up. You will see a gold medal appear on the screen. When this happens, you can use a level up. Pause, go to the stats menu, and you can use a point. I suggest you get "Enchanted Arrows." This is a spell that is always active. (("Passive" spell.)) And it will make your arrows stronger. You really need this, so get it. Worry about other stats in later levels. ************************ Now your probably wondering why you got that when you don't have a bow and arrow in the first place. Well, use your hard earned gold to buy a bow from the guy selling stuff. Make sure to equip it. This bow will be critical to survival. Don't bother buying arrows, you will find a good supply just exploring. If you don't have enough gold, ((Which is very possible,)) just go down and explore a little ways into the sewers to get some extra gold. Before you leave, talk to the guy beside the guy selling stuff. Persist in the conversation, and he will finally give you a quest: Give him wine. Down in the celler you'll find some wine when you explore more. That about covers everything right now.. Save your game if you wish, and get back to work. ============================================================================= ====================BACK TO THE CELLER ====================================== ============================================================================= Go back to the cellar the same way you went in before. Go through the now empty rooms, intill you reach the last room again. Now go through the door of the 'last room'. Go down it's hallway. You will be met by a Kobold. There's a lot more of him, too. There small orc like creature's. Not very smart, or strong, but a little harder then the rat's your used to fighting. Run up and kill him like you would a rat. You will face at least one more on your way out. Go to the door at the end of the hall, and enter. You will be in a room with another dirty pool in the middle. Kill the Kabold's in here. Open the chest, and then go to check the flashing item near the treasure chest. It's the wine that the strange idiot at the tavern wanted. Head back to the Tavern, ((Don't use a recall,)) and give it to him to complete that quest. The rewards are good, seeing this was pretty easy to do. Now return back to the cellar, and come to where we left off. What in the ... I just seen some weird thing run across on My way back to the celler. Oh well, it's just a tiny rat. You can't kill it, so don't try if you happen to run across this pest. Now back to where we was, the room where the wine was.. Break the stuff in the room, and loot the treasures. Play in the dirty water for some light hearted fun before you get back to killing people. When your done, go in the door. It may be hard to find. It's on the right wall of the room when you walk in. Go down the hallway, and be prepared when you meet a small army of Kobold's. You should have found a new weapon, 'the rusty long sword,' from the last room's treasure chest, so you should make quick work of them. Loot the rooms treasures and treasure chest. Ouch that didn't feel good. Let Me warn you before you blow your self up, there is an explosive barrel in here. Don't hack it, walk up to it and press the action button to ignite it, and you can run off and watch the fireworks. Ok, now go on to the next room. Kill more Kobold's, and be careful when smashing things, because there is another explosive barrel in this room. When your done, go through the new door to the new room. It's another hallway, with ANOTHER explosive barrel. It's small and abnormal looking, so it's hard to miss. Don't forget, ignite it, don't smite it. Go to the door at the end of the hallway, into the next room. Don't run into the room, there are three spiders in there. Stand beside the door opening, and wait for them to come in, then jump on them and hack away. There actually pretty easy. Now go into the room. There is a lot of stuff in here for you to break 'n' take, along with two treasure chests. You should get some worn leather boots! Now, onto the next door which leads to the sewers.. ============================================================================= ================THE SEWERS LEVEL 1 ========================================== ============================================================================= SCENE: You will see Ethon trapped in a jail, with a big ugly ogre looking thing guarding him. The familiar face, uh I mean familiar mask of Karne will make his way into the scene. He will tell the ogre-thingie to keep Ethon alive, as his "Lord" will want to speak with him. Suddenly a guy with a thing in his hands rushes in. Karne instructs him to do as the "Lord" said, and take this thing to the temple of ashes. The scene then ends. You will be standing in the sewers now. The door directly behind you leads right back to the cellar. There are boxes around here, but none of them can be broken. Now jump in the muddy sewer water and trudge through it. No real way to get lost, the muddy water track is straight forward. It finally leads to another area where you jump back up to a floored area. Some rat's will come after you here. There even harder to hit in the water, and they can do you some major damage if your not careful. Go through the door now, and be prepared for a rat attack. If your low on damage, or not confident in your skills, you could hide beside the door to fight the rat's the easy way. You will also find cages with rat's in them from time to time. Obviously, the inhabitants of this area eat rat's. You can't do nothing to caged rat's, and they can't hurt you, so ignore them. In the next room you will find a save point. Save the game. You will see a door on the upper wall of the room with the save point. Inside it's a small room, with rats. Open the door, and stand to the side as the rat's come out. It's too small in the room for open battle, anyway. When there dead, head in and open the treasure chest. Now, go to the hallway right of the save point, and head down it. You will end up in a room full of Kobold's, some throw spears at you. If you have a one handed weapon, you can equip a sheild, and use it ((Z button,)) to protect your self from most of the projectile spear attacks. You should let the Kobold's follow you into the room with the save point, to split them up. When your done with them, go into the room they we're in. You will see they we're having a BAR-B-Q of rat's. There's a treasure chest here. At the back wall, you will see a strange door with a face on it. You will need a switch to open it. Go to the right end of the room, and enter the door. You will find a switch in here. Open it to open the odd door. Go to the right end of this small room, and open the jail door. Inside is two treasure chest's. Now back out to the main room with the weird door, and go in. At the end of the hallway, you will be attacked by an army of Kobold's chucking spears. Rush in on them, jump over the boxes there using as shields, and slaughter them. Go on the other side of the boxes, and walk the path behind the boxes they we're using. You will come to a ramp going down to the sewer waters. Go down the ramp, and trudge through some sludge. Go the only path you can, and some rat's will chase you. You might want to lure them to the floor of the sewers, so you can have the advantage of battle. Kill them, and keep trekking, 'till you find the ramp that goes back up to the sewer floors. You will be met by Kobold's. Chase them down, and kill them fast. Open the treasure chests, and keep going. You will see another rat Bar-BQ area. On the other side, you will find a sewer water river. There are edges to walk the way of the river on either side. The water coming out of the wall and into vents on these edgy walk ways will not hurt you, so don't worry. There is a bridge in the middle, but it's pretty useless. At the end of the river area, you will find your self in a huge room. There is a save point here. Use it. Go right from the save point, and behind the pile of boxes to find a treasure chest. Now walk some to the front of the room. There is enough boxes here to make it a warehouse. And the boxes are needed; they are cover. From what, you ask? A huge army of Kobold spear chucker's! This is when you will first see the true power of that old bow and arrow you bought. Hide behind the box piles, jump out, shoot a few Kobold's with arrows, then jump back for cover. There are also boxes here you can move. You can use this to move right out in the open, and use it for cover. This is a slow process, but running out to fight these guy's in hand to hand combat is suicide. Try not to use the bow and arrow like a machine gun, although you probably have a ton of arrows by now, you still don't want to waste them. Once you have killed them ALL, and only when you have killed them all, go collect the ton of stuff they all dropped. The right side of the room has another weird door. There are levers to open it right beside it, but don't bother with it right now. Instead, go to the left side of the room and open the normal door, then enter it. Oops, I forgot to say a giant ogre will stomp out after you. Run back into the huge warehouse room, and jump onto one of the pile of boxes. There is a small army of Kobold's with this guy. Your going to have to play some cat-and-mouse with this ogre thing, because he's way too strong for you to take on any other way. The ogre is very aggressive, and will try to swing at you, but your protected on top of the box piles. When ever the ogre is away jump down, and take some Kobold's out. repeat 'till it's one-on-one. Just you and the big ugly club holder. If you want, you can also jump down and use arrows to pelt him from a distance. Just don't stand still. Anyway, here's the way I recommend.. Listen up. Stay on the box pile, and wait intill he gets close, and turns his back, or has his guard down. Jump to a lower box on the pile, run close to the edge, and strike him. Jump back up to the top for cover from his counter attacks. When you finally kill him, run into the room he was in. A large army of Kobold's will attack. Run out and wait beside the door for them. About this time, your inventory will be too full.. So when this happens, use a recall potion, sell some stuff at the tavern, buy some more recall's, and teleport back. Now we're back to the big warehouse room. Hrmm. What should we do now. Well, follow the path through where the big ogre was. The enemies' hear will earn you some experience, it finally leads to a door that goes out to an area you have already been to, but it's a door you have probably missed before. Now head back to the big warehouse room. Hit the levers to open the weird door on the right side of the room, and enter it. Go into some dirty waters and fight some rats. You will see a formation of stacked boxes, shaped like a stair case. Go up them and jump from box to box 'till you get to a pile of boxes with two treasure chests. Now jump back into the water, and follow the sewer path. You will find another box pile, with a treasure chest on top. Then beside it, another stair case box formation that you can go up. Go up them and jump down to the sewer floors. Watch out for Kobold's! Go forward some and another large ogre will chase you down. Run back, and jump back up to the box pile you used to get in here. Use the same strategy as the other ogre, up and down on the boxes trying to get a hit in when you can. Now get back down to the ground. Go forward, where you we're going again, when the ogre attacked. You will come to a dead end with a red tent, ((A tent in the sewers? Hmm.)) And a treasure chest. Open the chest, then go to the rack looking thing beside the tent. Press the action button to 'search' it. Some extra arrows will fall on the ground. Now head back to the lower end of the area, then walk right through the right end hallway. You will come to an area with pools of dirty water in the floor. Walk around it and fight some Kobold's, then go to the other end of the room, where you will find another hallway into another area. Go down the hallway and then open the door at the end. Beware. An army of Kobold's are going to be here. Throwing spears, poking your eyes, chewing your feet.. It gets annoying. Beat them quick, then run through the waters into the small 'island' in the middle. Theres a save point, and about four spear thrower's here. Kill them quick, there the biggest danger. Make sure to kill all the other's, too. Since a lot of the Kabold's you kill will be underwater, be sure to scout the waters checking for gold and items you can't see. Once the room is completely empty, use the save point in the middle of the room. Oh, by the by, I just ran out of room again, forcing Me to use another recall and sell My loot. I just by mistake sold My only wooden shield.. How moronic of Me. Don't make the same mistake. Don't get trigger happy at the "sell screen." That's My advise of the day. Ok, now back to where we left off. Head to the north end of this big room with the save point in it. You will see an opening to a hallway, with a bunch of boxes blocking it. These boxes are the movable kind, so just push through them if you want. You will be in a maze like area with dead Kobold's all over the place. . . Strange. Walk through picking up the items of the dead Kobold's, then make your way to the north end of the maze area. You will come to a room with a HUGE RAT! I guess the rat is having some revenge on the Kobold's that usually use them as food. You may want to kill the thing from a distance, with arrows because it is extremely strong. When it's dead, pick up the ton of gold in the room, and leave. Make sure you have explored the maze to get all the gold. Now that your back in the big room with the save point, go to the left end of the room, where there will be an odd door, with a switch beside it. Hit the lever, then walk in a little ways Suddenly another ogre will charge out. As you probably noticed, a little to the left of the "Odd door" is a pile of boxes. Let the ogre chase you out into the big room, then jump on them boxes. The boxes are short to the ground, so you should be able to do a bunch of over head attacks to kill the beast fast. Now go into the room he was in, and head down the hallway to the door on the other side. Open it up and get prepared! Walk a few steps into the room, and a cinema scene will start. SCENE: An army of loyal Kobold's stand before the great OGRE KING! Or whatever he is. He has a key around his neck, so he is obviously the one supposed to guard Ethon. He commands his minions, in bad English, to eat you, beat you, or something. . After the scene, run out the door, and wait at the side. Your going to have to let them come to you, and then kill them. There will be a ton going through the door, too. If it gets lonely, just run back into the room, and lure some more down. Try not to go too far up to lure them, or the boss may come after you. You don't want to fight both at the same time. When your done fighting Kobold's and it's just you and the big guy, charge up to him. Suddenly a life meter will appear on the bottom. This is your first true boss! Get ready! ############################################################################ ##################BUGBEAR CHEIFTAIN######################################### ############################################################################ Ok, here it goes. Switch to your bow and arrow. Run out, close to him, lure him to the door you killed the Kobold's at. Whenever he comes to this door, and trys to get in, he gets stuck for a second. Go up close and shoot him when he's stuck. When he runs in, run around him, run into the door to the room where he was, and then lure him back to the door. Repeat. Slow, but safe none the less. The closer you are when you shoot him, the more damage it will take. If your bold, you can also turn around quickly and shoot him while he is chasing you, and then turn back and continue running. When you do this, he usually gets a hit in, however. When your running from him, keep jumping to get added speed. ((He's pretty fast.)) This seems to work good. This is the best strategy I have seen for this boss. When you kill him, you will get the prison key. You should also get a handy shortbow! ############################################################################ *****LEVEL ALERT!*********** I got a level up now from the experience this boss gave Me. You should get one around this time. You will have 2 points. I suggest powering up your "Dodge" which is for armor class, and "Intestinal Fortitude" which is how fast your health regeneration works. And that's that for this level. **************************** Ok, now that you have killed the boss, and got the key, explore the big room that the boss was in. At the far end, you will find some treasure chests. Be sure to check the 'racks' as usual, which will drop extra arrows, in most cases. Now go to the right end of the room. You will see a hallway. Go down it. You will now be in the jail area. You see Ethon in one of the prisons, with a light above his head. Open the door, and then talk to him. You will learn that he was once a thief, ((Retired,)) and that he was from the old guild. He will tell you that he felt bad about letting you come down here without help, so he followed you, but was then trapped by Kobold's. He also tells you that he heard the thieves of the new guild, and how there planning some 'mission.' He said you should go deeper in to the sewers and find the thief, as it is your only way to find out what there up to. He then gives you a key that leads deeper into the sewers. He stole it from the boss that you killed. He will then leave. Check out the other prisons. There will be two treasure chests in one. The hall finally leads to a dead end, but you will find some more chests. Head back into the main room, but instead of going into the locked door with the key already, take care of some other business first. Go to the spiral staircase you see in this room, and hit the action button to go up. You will appear in a rainy town. The sad music will depress you. Now follow the GREY cobblestone upward. As long as you stick to the GREY COBBLESTONE PATH that you started on, you shouldn't get lost. You should soon, after following it for a little while, see a house with a sign with a beer logo on it. Go up to that house's door and press the action button. It's the tavern. Inside, talk to Alyth. She will be glad that you saved Ethon, and she will give you some rewards. Next, talk to Ethon. He will also give you some rewards for saving him, including a helpful coin of dexterity! There are some new people in the tavern, so you can talk to them if you wish. Now leave the tavern, ((Go to the door in the back of the main room and press the action button,)) and you will be back in the town. Now follow the grey cobblestone path downwards, 'till you finally reach the manhole cover that you came from. Stand over it and press the 'action' buttion to go back where you left off in the sewers. Now that your back, go to the door at the north end of the room. You will be able to open it with the key that Ethon gave you. Inside is a small room with with a staircase that leads down farther into the sewers.. ============================================================================ ======================= THE SEWERS LEVEL 2 ================================= ============================================================================ I will continue playing this game tomorrow, and I will continue writing as well. Hopefully the next update will be ready tomorrow night. The reason I have to start over, (this early in the game,) is that My game erased. For the fact that I will do the FAQ's sections in order, I have no contact section yet. Instead, you can use the address at the top of the FAQ.. Just don't send spam, chain letters, or useless things.