____ ___ _ ____ __ __ _____ _ ____ _____ ___ _____ _____ | __ \ / _ \ | | | _ \ | || || ___ \|// __| | ___| / _ \ |_ _|| ___ | | __ <| _ || |__ | |_> || -- || / \__ \ | |__--| _ | | | | ___| |____/|_| |_||____||____/ \____/ |_|\__\ |____/ |_____||_| |_| |_| |_____| BALDUR'S GATE: DARK ALLIANCE--NINTENDO GAMECUBE Baulder's Gate Dark Alliance FAQ/Walkthrough by Kevin Zhu (nucleargamer12) Visit my site for more walkthroughs and guides: http://www.g-cubed.co.nr ================= ***0: Contents*** ================= 0) Contents 0.1) Notes on the FAQ 1) Introduction--About Me 1.1) What's in the FAQ 2) Version History 3) Legal Information 4) Welcome to Baldur's Gate 4.1) Controls and Basics 4.2) How to Aim the Bow 5) Characters: Spells, Feats, Abilities 5.1) List of Spells/Feats 5.2) Human Archer 5.3) Dwarven Fighter 5.4) Elven Sorceress 5.5) Drow Ranger 6) Items 6.1) One-Handed Weapons 6.2) Two-Handed Weapons 6.3) Armor 6.4) Shields 6.5) Potions 6.6) Jewelry 6.7) Key Items/Quest Items 7) Walkthrough 7.1) Tutorial Game 7.2) Act 1: Baldur's Gate 7.3) Act 2: Sunset Mountains 7.4) Act 3: Marsh of Chelimber 7.5) The Gauntlet/Extreme Mode 8) Strategies 8.1) Enemy List 8.2) Containers 8.3) Importing Characters 8.4) Two-player Strategies 9) FAQ--Frequently Asked Questions 9.1) Tips and Tricks 9.2) In-Game Cheats 10) Credits 11) End --------------------- 0.1: Notes on the FAQ --------------------- ~ Printing: Only print important parts of this document, since it is many pages long. ~ Searching: Press Ctrl+F to find what you're looking for; type in the section number. ~ Finding an item/weapon: Type the full name of the item you are looking for into the Find Bar. ~ Finding a section: Type the Section Number, colon, and Section name. (Example - 6.3: Armor) ~ About the version: Please note that my FAQ is designed for the Gamecube version of the game. ~ About the game: Baldur's Gate Dark Alliance is copyrighted by Snowblind and Black Isle Studios. ~ Contacting the author: Suggestions, questions, or comments should be sent to nucleargamer12@gmail.com. ~ Astericks: I use triple astericks (***) to break up subsections within a section. =============================== ***1: Introduction--About Me*** =============================== I'm nucleargamer12, the author and editor of my walkthroughs and FAQs. As a third sequel to the classic Gauntlet/Diablo-style hack and slash RPG of Baldur's Gate, Dark Alliance is also the first game of the franchise to come onto the consoles. And that is the reason why I wrote this FAQ, plus the fact that I like to help anyone I can. As mentioned before, Dark Alliance is mainly a hectic "kill or get killed" type of game. This is an aspect that makes it fun! Please contact me via Email at nucleargamer12@gmail.com. Alternatively, use AOL Instant Messaging, screename nucleargamer12. Any contributions, corrections, and comments are welcome. --------------------------- 1.1: What's Inside the FAQ? --------------------------- Included in this document are various collections of data and help about Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance. There is an informative item list, a section on character statistics, and all there is to need to know about playing the game. Finally, a walkthrough section is included, with descriptions, maps, checklists, and strategies. I will be updating this FAQ and adding new information to it regularly. If you notice something that's not in the FAQ and should be, you may contact me via the methods mentioned above. I'd appreciate additions and will give you credit. ======================== ***2: Version History*** ======================== V. 1.2 10/28/04 Updates: My Email no longer works, so I have an alternate address. I added my website URL, where you can find this guide and more. V. 1.1 8/19/04 Changes: Updated Legal Information. Corrected some errors. V. 1.0 5/27/04 Initial release: Everything is pretty much up to speed. Walkthrough and other information finished. ========================== ***3: Legal Information*** ========================== The text you're reading is my own work. Therefore, it is copyrighted 2004-2005 by nucleargamer12. It may not be reproduced in any way without my permission. This FAQ is designed for personal use only. However... The FAQ may appear on the following sites, because permission was granted: ~ www.gamefaqs.com ~ www.freewebs.com/gameguidegalaxy ~ www.g-cubed.co.nr If, for some reason, you'd like to put my FAQ on your site, please send an Email to me regarding the use of this document. Please include the URL of your site so that I can view it. Consent will be given at my leisure. If permission is given, do not make any changes to my FAQ; paste it onto your site as it is, WITH the legal information included. Failure to use any of the above procedures may result in legal action. If you wish to print these pages, please do so, but only for your private enjoyment and leisure. Please note that I should not be held responsible to any problems of your own resulting in the reading, following, or downloading of this guide. Thank you in advance. Now that the Legal stuff is taken care of, it's time for the FUN!!! ================================= ***4: Welcome to Baldur's Gate*** ================================= Baldur's Gate is a port city on the shores of Sword Coast and near the Chionthar River. This is where the beginnings of your adventure takes place. Over time, you'll be able to enter other Acts, fight harder enemies, and take on harder quests. Here is the story of Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance, described in the instruction manual. *** The Story: Baldur's Gate is a city recently plagued by a growing evil. Members of the city watch have been found dead, townsfolk are afread to leave their homes, and unsettling rumors of a Thieves' Gulid cival war beneath the streets run rampant throught the taverns of the city. Your arrival has placed you in the middle of this cauldron of danger. A young hero, fresh to Baldur's Gate and fresh to the world of adventuring, you're carrying little except a blade and a small purse of coins. You've come to the city to seek your fortune. That is, if the danger that threatens Baldur's Gate doesn't claim you first.... *** But why is evil running throughout the city? The answer lies in the tale of Eldrith the Betrayer, the main cause of the conflict and the most powerful villan in the game. The source of the evil roaming in Baldur's Gate is described below. *** The Background: Have you not heard of Eldrith the Betrayer, the Traitress of swords, Eldrith of the Westering Sun? That she has been forgotten is an...irony of a sort. Eldrith was one of the greatest generals of the Sword Coast, commander of the Company of the Bladed Crescent, sworn sword and defender of Baldur's Gate. She served with honor and distinction in the first and last seasones of the Sundering war, the Stillwater Port siege, and finally, the campaign against the Black Horde. In all these battles, she was victorious. I do not know when pride burrowed into her heart, but it poisoned her. Eldrith had fought too many battles, achieved too many victories, and she had come to see the city of Baldur's Gate as her own. On the day of the Great Betrayal, Eldrith's company took the field against the Black Horde and scattered them, even though the orcs and goblins outnumbered her troops five to one. Still, in the rout, almost half of their forces survived and fled the field. Eldrith was determined to pursue them. The Dukes of Baldur's Gate refused. Too many good soldiers had been lost, the Dukes told her. They--and the people--wanted no more of blood and death, and they felt the Horde would not return. Eldrith was furious. Even though she had lost many men, she felt it was better to deal a deathblow to the Horde and insure they never threatened Baldur's Gate again. And so she defied the Dukes, and led her soldiers to their deaths. Far from Baldur's Gate, she cornered the Horde in a narrow defile, but once their retreat was denied them, they proved more vicious than anticipated. Eldrith, fearful of losing the field, sent a messenger back to Baldur's Gate for reinforcements before the Horde broke free of her trap. The reinforcements never came, and the Horde overran Eldrith's weakened troops. Eldrith survived...but many of the Company of the Bladed Crescent did not. Eldrith became a creature consumed by fury. Wounded, she returned to Baldur's Gate to demand an audience with the Dukes. Instead, she met at the gates and told that for disobedience upon the battlefield, the watlls of Baldur's Gate would borever be closed to her and the Bladed Crescent. Eldrith gathered all of the Bladed Crescent who remained, all who had sworn to serve her, and she ordered her broken company to attack the walls of her city...she swore she would take it from the Dukes and put them to the sword. It would be justice, she said. Eldrith's attack was like the charge of a maddened animal. It was suicide. The Bladed Crescent were slain almost to the man, and they were driven from the city, hounded by the remaining troops of Baldur's Gate. They pursued Eldrith for leagues, all the way to the Marsh of Chelimber. As the last of her soldiers floundered and died within the marsh, the soldiers closed upon her. She was no longer recognizable--blood caked her armor, and her helmet. Barely able to put one foot in front of the other--she was dying, but even in death, she still struggled onwards, fueled by her lust for vengeance. Fearing her skills with the sword, the soldiers band did not approach within arm's reach of her--instead, they felled her from a distance with crossbow bolts. It was a cowardly execution, one without honor. As Eldrith fell, she cursed Baldur's Gate and all within it. And with her death, the Dark Alliance was born. *** So, you see, Eldrith is the antagonist, and when she fell, her curse was cast over the three acts in the Forbidden Realms--Baldur's Gate, Sunset Mountains, and Marsh of Chelimber. Each area, has countless minions and evildoers running around, searching for someone to kill. Your ultimate goal is to stop these enemies and solve this curse. The fate of Baldur's Gate depends on you! Dark Alliance, unlike the previous computer-based Baldur's Gate games, does not let you customize or characterize your own characters. Instead, it gives you three pre-decided characters to pick from. There's more on the characters in section 5. ------------------------ 4.1: Controls and Basics ------------------------ Controls of the Game: In order to excel in Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance, one must first master the Nintendo Gamecube controller. If you have a PS2 or Xbox port, familiarize your controller via the instruction manual. But for Gamecube owners (like me), I'll list all the buttons, functions, and other details about the controller. Please note that this FAQ was intended for the Gamecube, so in the walkthrough, I will be referring to Gamecube terms (i.e. Z button, C-stick, etc.). That, however, doesn't mean that owners of other ports won't be able to follow along with the walkthrough as a whole. *Button* *Location/Color* *Function* D-Pad Front left, bottom gray Toggle Spells/Feats List, switch weapons Stick Front left, top gray Moves character in proper direction A Front right, large green Attack, confirm selections B Front right, small red Use Feat/Spell, cancels selections C Stick Front right, yellow Rotates camera Y Front right, left gray Jump, throw away X Front right, right gray Action button, pick up/talk L Side left, gray Drink Rejuvenation Potion R Side right, gray Drink Health Potion Z Side right, blue Block/parry Start Front center, gray Pause Game, activates Pause Menu *** Starting the Game: When you start the game, choose Start New Game in the main menu. This will let you choose a character: Adrianna, Vahn, or Kromlech. The characters will be described in section 5. Also, select the difficulty. For first-time players, it will be wise to select "Easy". You can also choose to play a Tutorial game, explained in the walkthrough (section 8). To play with a friend in a two-player game, you must have two controllers plugged into the ports of your system. The game will then have the option of a two player quest. When selecting characters, your partner cannot choose the same player as yours. To save your game in the quest, simply find a save spot in the game and press the X button. Save spots look like diaries on pedestals, and they open up once you have saved. Save often, because you never know what'll happen! I'll list the number of Save Pedestals in every area of the game in the walkthrough later on in the document. Also, please note that if you are playing a two-player game and your partner dies, you can go to the nearest save spot and he/she will be resurrected! Be wary that the revived partner will only have half health; simply use some Healing Potions to get him/her ready to battle. *** Other Basics: Press the Start button during play to enter the Pause Menu, or the main menu of the game. The Pause Menu is very important in the game. You will be able to select armor, weapons, and shields by using the Inventory/Level Up option. Using the Toggle Automap, you can put a handy map on the screen and adjust it to a position. Use Load Game to load another game from your Memory Card. Recall uses one of your Recall Potions and teleports you back to a safe area. Change the dialouge, brightness, and controller functions in the Options menu. Import another player into the game using the Change Players option. Be sure to test these options out! On the top-left of your screen, you'll notice three bars: one red, one green, and another blue. The red one shows your HP, the green tells you of your Experience, and the blue one shows your Arcane Energy. When you run out of HP, you're dead and have to start over again. If your Arcane Energy is depleted, you won't be able to use Spells and Feats. When your Experience bar is full, it means you can level up. An icon will show up below the thee bars if you can level up. Also, icons will be displayed below the bars if you run out of Healing Potions, Rejuvenation Potions, Arrows, or are unable to rotate the Camera. They are good indications for you to restock or readjust. *** Inventory/Level Up: In the Inventory/Level Up menu, You are given six tabs for you to scroll around on. These will be explained below. More information on items and how to equip them can be found in section 6. Weapons: You will see a list of the weapons you currently possess, their damages, weights, prices, and special attributes. You can equip a weapon with the A button, or drop it with the Y button. Please note that you need to have both Arrows and Shortbow equipped in order to use a bow! You may have one Ranged Weapon and one Melee Weapon at a time. Armor: This window displays all the armor your character is holding, and their Armor Class Bonuses, prices, and weights. You can have one helmet, one pair of gloves, one chest armor, a pair of boots, and a shield at the same time. Also note that shields contradict with two-handed weapons, so you may only have one or the other at the same time. Potions/Magic: Healing, Rejuvenation, and Recall Potions of different sizes are shown in this tab, along with their prices and weights. Healing Potions revive HP, Rejuvenation Potions recover magic, and Recall Potions were explained earlier. Also, Magic items, like Amulets and Rings, are included. You can only equip one Amulet and two Rings at a time, due to magical contradictions. Statistics: Your character's abilities, explained below, experience points, and other information is displayed in this section. Refer to section 5 for further information. Journal: This tab lists your character's current quests. Quests can be given from the various NPC's in the game. When you complete a quest, you will get a reward! Some quests are mandatory to complete, while others are optional and serve only to raise your experience. Spells/Feats: The character's current spells and feats are listed there, and the ranks they possess in each of them. Refer to Section 5 for more detailed explanations. You can access the Inventory/Level Up menu by pausing the game and highlighting the first option. Additionally, you can scroll through it when selling at a shop, or when leveling up. *** Using the Automap: A handy feature often overlooked by players of the game, the automap will give you a sense of where you're going. It's most useful if you set the map on the upper right corner of the screen by hitting the Toggle Automap button twice. This way, the map won't impede your sight. You are represented on the map with a yellow arrow, and the way the arrow is pointing is the direction you're facing. An exit to the level you're at is marked by a curved yellow arrow, and water areas are marked by blue. ----------------------- 4.2: How to Aim the Bow ----------------------- The bow is an essensial part to any character's arsenal, as it sometimes can be used very strategically in killing enemies from long range. But what if you have trouble aiming the bow so it will hit a target? Read the tips and strategies below, especially if you're starting out as an archer. First, though, you should go along a while in the game first (use the walkthrough if you need help) until you find a Shortbow and Arrows. Now, refer to this section after equipping the items. *** Tips: ~ The prime lesson on aiming is to walk towards the foe when you're aiming. Your character will shoot the arrow in the precise direction he/she is WALKING, not particularly the direction he/she is FACING. ~ As an installment to the strategy above, you can lightly tap A when walking the direction you're aiming. This will make you stop while in the aiming pose. Shoot the arrow from here, and you'll get an almost sure hit. ~ Don't run towards the enemy with a bow, or shoot at it from close range (unless using Hail of Arrows). This defeats the purpose of a long-range weapon. ~ Noted in section 4.1, you can rotate in place while aiming by pressing the A button lightly. But, this method only shoots the arrow in the GENERAL direction you're aiming at, not precise. I use the above methods instead. ~ Some characters, like Adrianna, do not rely on arrows as their projectile. In these cases, it's still smart to carry about 100 arrows around with you, in case you run out of magic. ~ The bow you carry is very crucial to the effect of the arrow you shoot. With a better bow, you waste less arrows to kill a target and have a lower chance of misfiring or getting hit by an enemy. ~ Arrows are in no short supply, as they are on sale in any shop, but your pack can only hold a certain amount, making aiming the bow more important. *** This has been a rather short section, but I hope it'll be a useful one, as it teaches the player the basics of aiming. Practice shooting at torches on dungeon walls and maybe some slower enemies, and you'll have the whole thing down in no time. Well, these are pretty much the basics of the game. Check out the next section for tips on which character to use! ============================================= ***5: Characters: Spells, Feats, Abilities*** ============================================= At the beginning of the game, you'll have accessibility to three characters to play as in your quest. These characters all have different statistics, spells, feats, strengths, and weaknesses. - Vahn, the Arcane Archer: Arcane Archers are archers known for their supernatural accuracy with a bow and the ability to imbue their arrows with magic. A fusion of skill and innate magical ability has turned them into fearsome and respected warriors. A good character for taking down opponents from a distance, the Arcane Archer employs a number of magical powers related to his archery skills, including the ability to enchant arrows with magical accuracy, create fire arrows, exploding arrows, and even fire off several arrows at once. - Kromlech, the Dwarven Fighter: The youngest of the Bruenghor Clan in the Sunset Mountains, this gruff and opinionated dwarf is a fearsome warrior - tough, strong and devastating in combat when wielding melee weapons. A good character for hand-to-hand combat and sheer toughness, the dwarf also has access to a number of specialized fighting feats unavailable to the Arcane Archer and the Sorceress. - Adrianna, the Elven Sorceress: A strikingly beautiful female elf with exotic features, the Elven Sorceress can create magic the way a poet creates poems, by drawing on the raw power within themselves... and unleashing it with devastating effects. The Sorceress has the ability to cast spells, an ability unavailable to the Dwarven Fighter or the Arcane Archer, and she has a number of specialized metamagic fields and spells available to her as she advances in level. Unlike the Dwarven Fighter or the Arcane Archer, however, the Sorceress cannot use weapons that require more than one hand such as two-handed swords and two-handed axes. Note that once you beat the game once, you'll gain access to Drizzt, the secret character in the game, discussed in section 5.5. All the characters of Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance will be listed in the later subsections, along with their statistics, spells and feats, abilities, and recommendations. The characters are the same for all the ports of the game. *** Abilities: There are several character abilities that the game will have. These will be found in the Character Statistics tab in the Inventory/Level Up menu. Here are some definitions for these abilities: Strength: The weight a character can hold and the damage one can deal. Dexterity: The Armor Class of a character, and his/her accuracy with bows. Constitution: The health a character has, and the time taken for it to renew. Intellegence: The magic a character has, and the time taken for it to renew. Wisdom: The amount of experience points a character will get from enemies. Charisma: The buy/sell prices a character will have at a shop. You can improve any of these abilities once every four levels you gain, starting from level four. When you are at the correct level, you can increase any one of your abilities by one. Select carefully! *** Secondary Statistics: Secondary statistics are the other things I will be listing in a character's description. They are listed in the same place as the character's abilities. Here are the meanings of those: Race: The character's formation and species. Class: The character's main attack type. Health: The points of health, or Hit Points, of a chaaracter. Arcane Energy: The amount of magic, or Arcane Energy, a character has. Armor Class: The protection a character holds. Can be altered using armor. Damage: The amount of damage one can do. Holding weapons improves this. Base Attack Bonus: A bonus that allows you to hit a foe easier. *** Spells/Feats: There are a number of spells and feats available to the characters as they progress in the game. They help to customize and improve your characters as their levels increase. Every time you gain a level, press Start to level up. When leveling up, you gain points equal to the level you are currently at. These points can be used to increase your spells and feats, in the Spells/Feats section of the Inventory/Level Up menu. Passive Feats, like Dodge and Endurance, are always turned on. Your character will experience the feat without having to select it. Active Feats, on the other hand, must be turned on with the Directional Pad (up and down) and used with the B button. These include Shock Arrows and Bull Rush. Spells are available to the Elven Sorceress only, as a replacement to Active Feats (which she doesn't posess). Spells are used similarly to Active Feats, since they have to be turned on and used with the B button. Also, the Bonus Character, Drizzt, will possess spells. When you select a feat to improve, one of the faded dots alongside the feat will turn red. This indicates the number of ranks you have in this feat. The higher the rank, the more damage the feat will do, or the more effective it will become. Choose your feats wisely, or turn to Section 5 to see my recommendations about every feat (they are listed in the appropriate character's section). ------------------------- 5.1: List of Spells/Feats ------------------------- All spells and feats available to the characters will be listed in this section, along with the characters able to use them. Recommendations for the spells and feats will be given in sections 5.2 to 5.5 for the proper character. Get ready for a lot of lists below! *** Passive Feats Accuracy: (Arcane Archer, Dwarven Fighter, and Sorceress) Improves the accuracy of your ranged attacks. You'll find it much easier to wound creatures at a distance when you have this feat. Slots Filled Cost (Skill Points) Effect 1 1 Better arrow accuracy Arcane Quiver: (Arcane Archer) This feat reduces the weight of arrows in your inventory, allowing you tol hold enough to take down an army. Slots Filled Cost (Skill Points) Effect 1 5 Halves arrow weight Combat Reflexes: (Arcane Archer, Ranger, and Dwarven Fighter) With this feat, your attack speed increases slightly, allowing you to hammer down your foes more quickly. Slots Filled Cost (Skill Points) Effect 1 2 5% faster 2 4 10% faster 3 6 15% faster 4 8 20% faster 5 10 25% faster Death Blow: (Arcane Archer, Ranger, and Dwarven Fighter) If you take the Death Blow feat, your critical hits will deal more damage. Slots Filled Cost (Skill Points) Effect 1 1 +2 damage 2 2 +4 damage 3 3 +6 damage 4 4 +8 damage 5 5 +10 damage Deflect Missiles: (Arcane Archer and Ranger) This feat gives you a chance of automatically blocking missile attacks. This is useful when a swarm of Kobold archers suddenly pops up from around the corner. Slots Filled Cost (Skill Points) Effect 1 1 5% chance 2 2 10% chance 3 3 15% chance 4 4 20% chance 5 5 25% chance Dodge: (Arcane Archer, Ranger, and Dwarven Fighter) If you don't like being hit, take the Dodge feat. It gives you a +1 bonus to Armor Class and makes your enemies' lives much harder. Slots Filled Cost (Skill Points) Effect 1 1 +1 armor class 2 2 +2 armor class 3 3 +3 armor class 4 4 +4 armor class 5 5 +5 armor class Enchant Arrows: (Arcane Archer) With this feat, every normal arrow you fire becomes echanted, doing additional damage when it hits. Slots Filled Cost (Skill Points) Effect 1 1 +2 damage 2 4 +4 damage 3 8 +6 damage 4 14 +8 damage 5 20 +10 damage Endurance: (Arcane Archer, Ranger, and Dwarven Fighter) Increases your carrying capacity, allowing you to haul more loot out of dungeons. Slots Filled Cost (Skill Points) Effect 1 2 +15 pounds 2 4 +30 pounds 3 6 +45 pounds 4 8 +60 pounds 5 10 +75 pounds Improved Block: (Ranger and Dwarven Fighter) Improved Block allows you to block with a melee weapon, without having a shield equipped. Perfect for characters who prefer two-handed weapons but still want the ability to block when need be. Slots Filled Cost (Skill Points) Effect 1 5 Block without shield Improved Critical: (Arcane Archer, Ranger, and Dwarven Fighter) Increases your chance of scoring a critical hit in combat, something your enemies won't care for too much. Slots Filled Cost (Skill Points) Effect 1 1 +5% chance 2 2 +10% chance 3 3 +15% chance 4 4 +20% chance 5 5 +25% chance Intestinal Fortitude: (All) Intestinal Fortitude increases your health regeneration rate. This reduces the amount of time you have to spend to wait to get back up to full health in the dungeon. Slots Filled Cost (Skill Points) Effect 1 1 +150% faster 2 2 +200% faster 3 3 +250% faster 4 4 +300% faster 5 5 +350% faster Meditation: (All) Increases your arcane energy regeneration rate. Just as Intestinal Fortitude aids your health recovery, Meditation reduces the amount of time you have to spend to wait to get back to full power in the dungeon. Slots Filled Cost (Skill Points) Effect 1 1 +125% faster 2 2 +150% faster 3 3 +175% faster 4 4 +200% faster 5 5 +225% faster Shield Expert: (Dwarven Fighter) Your character really knows how to use a shield. This feat gives you an additional armor class bonus when you have a shield equipped. Slots Filled Cost (Skill Points) Effect 1 2 +1 armor class 2 4 +2 armor class 3 6 +3 armor class 4 8 +4 armor class 5 10 +5 armor class Sword and Fist: (Dwarven Fighter) This feat increases your chance to hit with melee weapons. Slots Filled Cost (Skill Points) Effect 1 2 +1 to hit/+1 damage 2 4 +2 to hit/+2 damage 3 6 +3 to hit/+3 damage 4 8 +4 to hit/+4 damage 5 10 +5 to hit/+5 damage Targeting: (Arcane Archer, Dwarven Fighter, and Sorceress) Helps you aim your ranged weapon by providing a targeting line on the screen. This handy feat can save you a fortune in arrows in the longrun. Slots Filled Cost (Skill Points) Effect 1 1 Targeting line Toughness: (Arcane Archer, Ranger, and Dwarven Fighter) This feat grants you a permanent +3 health bonus per rank. Slots Filled Cost (Skill Points) Effect 1 1 +3 health 2 2 +6 health 3 3 +9 health 4 4 +12 health 5 5 +15 health Willpower: (All) This feat gives you +5 arcane energy permanently for each rank you take in it. Useful for the sorceress and other characters who rely on energy for their main attacks. Slots Filled Cost (Skill Points) Effect 1 1 +5 energy 2 2 +10 energy 3 3 +15 energy 4 4 +20 energy 5 5 +25 energy *** Active Feats Bull Rush: (Dwarven Fighter) This is a short, powerful charge that inflicts tremendous damage. It costs arcane energy to use, but the results are worth it. Slots Filled Cost (Skill Points) Cost (Energy) Effect 1 3 4 12-21 damage 2 6 4 18-26 damage 3 9 4 23-31 damage 4 12 4 28-36 damage 5 15 4 33-41 damage Clangeddin's Fist: (Dwarven Fighter) A gift of the dwarven god Clangeddin, this feat allows you to strike the ground with a warhammer to smite your foes. Slots Filled Cost (Skill Points) Cost (Energy) Effect 1 10 10 1-40 damage Exploding Arrows: (Arcane Archer) Enchants arrows so that they explode when they strike a target. Perfect for scaterring large clumps of monsters quickly. Slots Filled Cost (Skill Points) Cost (Energy) Effect 1 5 5 1-15 damage 2 6 6 1-20 damage 3 8 7 1-25 damage 4 10 8 1-30 damage 5 14 9 1-35 damage Flaming Arrows: (Arcane Archer) This feat grants a flaming aura to your arrows, causing them to do more damage when they hit. Slots Filled Cost (Skill Points) Cost (Energy) Effect 1 2 5 15-20 damage 2 4 6 20-27 damage 3 6 7 25-27 damage 4 8 8 30-41 damage 5 10 9 35-49 damage Hail of Arrows: (Arcane Archer) Allows you to fire multiple arrows at once, starting with two arrows at rank one, all the way up to six arrows at rank 5. This feat allows you to get more bang from your buck from any quiver of arrows you pick up in a dungeon. Slots Filled Cost (Skill Points) Cost (Energy) Effect 1 5 4 2 arrows at once 2 7 6 3 arrows at once 3 10 8 4 arrows at once 4 14 10 5 arrows at once 5 20 12 6 arrows at once Ice Arrows: (Arcane Archer) This feat echants your arrows with an icy aura, increasing their damage and can freeze opponents struck by them. Slots Filled Cost (Skill Points) Cost (Energy) Effect 1 5 8 20-26 damage 2 6 9 25-35 damage 3 8 10 30-45 damage 4 10 11 35-56 damage 5 14 12 40-67 damage Repulsion: (Arcane Archer and Ranger) Repulsion causes a ring of force to spread out from the castor, driving enemies away and doing damage to them in the process. It's useful for telling a horde of melee attackers to "back off." Slots Filled Cost (Skill Points) Cost (Energy) Effect 1 5 8 1-10 damage 2 6 8 1-17 damage 3 8 8 1-24 damage 4 10 8 1-31 damage 5 14 8 1-39 damage Shock Arrows: (Arcane Archer) This feat enchants arrows with an electrical aura, increasing the damage they do and shocking opponents. At higher levels, shock arrows gain an electrical trail that damages any enemies along their path. Slots Filled Cost (Skill Points) Cost (Energy) Effect 1 10 10 30-48 damage 2 11 11 35-59 damage 3 13 12 40-73 damage 4 15 13 45-89 damage 5 19 14 50-105 damage Whirlwind Attack: (Dwarven Fighter) When you equip a two-handed axe or hammer, you can put this feat to good use. The whirlwind attack costs arcane energy to use, but it causes you to perform a devastating circular attack on any opponents within reach. Slots Filled Cost (Skill Points) Cost (Energy) Effect 1 9 20 Damage varies *** Spells Ball Lightning: (Sorceress) A ball of electricity travels forth from the caster, striking all nearby foes with lightning. Much like the Arcane Archer's Hail of Arrows feat, Ball Lightning helps you clear a room quickly. Slots Filled Cost (Skill Points) Cost (Energy) Effect 1 16 15 36 damage 2 17 15 72 damage 3 19 15 108 damage 4 21 15 144 damage 5 25 15 180 damage Burning Hands: (Sorceress) The Sorceress automatically begins the game with this spell. When cast, Burning Hands turns the sorceress into a magical flamethrower, emitting a cone-shaped blast of fire from her hands to torch any enemies within range. Slots Filled Cost (Skill Points) Cost (Energy) Effect 1 1 6/second 12 damage/second 2 2 9/second 15 damage/second 3 3 12/second 18 damage/second 4 4 15/second 21 damage/second 5 5 18/second 24 damage/second Fire Shield: (Sorceress) This spells encircles the caster in a flaming wreath that damages any enemy that comes into contact with it. Perfect for those close-quarters combats when you're being mobbed from all sides. Slots Filled Cost (Skill Points) Cost (Energy) Effect 1 18 20 18 damage, 1 second 2 19 20 18 damage, 2 seconds 3 21 20 18 damage, 3 seconds 4 23 20 18 damage, 4 seconds 5 27 20 18 damage, 5 seconds Fireball: (Sorceress) A Dungeons and Dragons classic, a fireball is a burst of flame that the Sorceress can hurl at a target. It detonates when it hits, doing damage to all creatures within its radius; the greater the number of ranks in the spell, the more damage it does. Slots Filled Cost (Skill Points) Cost (Energy) Effect 1 8 10 1-25 damage, 25 direct damage 2 9 10 1-30 damage, 25 direct damage 3 11 10 1-35 damage, 25 direct damage 4 13 10 1-40 damage, 25 direct damage 5 17 10 1-45 damage, 25 direct damage Lightning Bolt: (Sorceress) When cast, a bolt of lightning streaks from the sorceress toward a nearby enemy, inflicting electrical damage. At higher ranks of this spell, it evolves into Chain Lightning, allowing the sorceress to harm multiple enemies in the bolt's path. Slots Filled Cost (Skill Points) Cost (Energy) Effect 1 (Bolt) 12 24 72 damage 2 (Chain) 13 27 72 damage, path arcs Magic Missile: (Sorceress) When used, a missile of magical energy darts forth and unerringly strikes a target. The Sorceress gains an additional magic missile for every two levels she is above the first (at 3rd level she fires two missiles, at 5th she fires three missiles) up to a maximum of 5 missiles. Slots Filled Cost (Skill Points) Cost (Energy) Effect 1 1 12 3-6 damage per missile Melf's Acid Arrow: (Sorceress) Named for the famed elven adventurer Melf, this spell causes a magical arrow of acid to spring from the sorceress' hand, doing acid damage to any creature struck by it. Note: all values for the arrow's duration were calculated by experiment and rounded to the nearest two decimal places. Slots Filled Cost (Skill Points) Cost (Energy) Effect 1 4 5 8-18 damage/1.5 seconds 2 8 5 13-23 damage/1.9 seconds 3 12 5 18-28 damage/2.35 seconds 4 16 5 23-33 damage/2.75 seconds 5 20 5 28-38 damage/3.15 seconds Meteor Swarm: (Sorceress) When cast, the heavens open up and meteors rain down around the caster, doing tremendous damage to any enemies in range. This spell is the ultimate spell in the sorceress' arsenal, and puts the skies themselves at her command. Slots Filled Cost (Skill Points) Cost (Energy) Effect 1 22 40 1-40 damage per meteor Mordenkainen's Sword: (Sorceress) This spells summons a magical weapon of force to your aid, slashing at enemies within range. For every rank of this spell, the weapon and the damage it does improves. Note: All durations for the sword are about 30 seconds, regardless of level. Slots Filled Cost (Skill Points) Cost (Energy) Effect 1 12 20 1-20 damage 2 18 25 1-40 damage 3 24 30 1-60 damage 4 32 35 1-80 damage 5 40 40 1-100 damage Otiluke's Icy Sphere: (Sorceress and Ranger) This spells summons a sphere of intense cold to strike targets, doing frost damage and freezing targets in place. Slots Filled Cost (Skill Points) Cost (Energy) Effect 1 14 12 1-20 damage 2 15 12 1-25 damage 3 17 12 1-30 damage 4 19 12 1-35 damage 5 23 12 1-40 damage Snowblind: (Sorceress) A mysterious spell from the wizards of the Far North, Snowblind causes a cone of frost to shoot forth from the sorceress' hands, doing frost damage to any targets within range. It behaves similarly to Burning Hands, except that it also has the power to freeze enemies, reducing their movement rate and combat ability. Slots Filled Cost (Skill Points) Cost (Energy) Effect 1 10 15/second 18 damage/second 2 11 18/second 21 damage/second 3 13 21/second 24 damage/second 4 15 24/second 27 damage/second 5 19 27/second 30 damage/second *** The information below will be listed in this order: General Information Character Statistics Strengths/Weaknesses Character Passive Feats Character Active Feats Character Spells Tips Other The information will be breaked by astericks (***), just like how my other info is broken into. ----------------- 5.2: Human Archer ----------------- General Information: The Human Archer, or Arcane Archer, is terrific at shooting arrows. Thus, he has the ability to enhance his arrows with various types of magic, including fire, ice, electricity, and dynamite. Most of his active feats center around his arrow-casting abilities, so it is essential to have a good bow for the Archer early in the game. He is well-balanced in terms of stats, and is a good character to use for beginners. Note: any feat with (+) on it means the character starts out with a skill point in the particular feat. *** Character Statistics: Race: Human Class: Archer Strength: 17 Dexterity: 11 Constitution: 13 Intelligence: 15 Wisdom: 14 Charisma: 11 Health: 14 Arcane Energy: 10 Armor Class: 12 Base Attack Bonus: 4 *** Strengths: - Well-balanced stats, good HP - Handles bows extremely well - Great Active Feats, takes advantage of arrows - Flexible battle style, good for beginners Weaknesses: - Requires many arrows and a good bow - Most Active Feats require arrows/bows along with Magic Points - Not outstanding in any trait *** Character Passive Feats: Accuracy: This feat improves the accuracy of your ranged attacks, and it makes your arrows more effective when hitting an enemy. (+) Arcane Quiver: This halves the weight of arrows in your inventory. You will have more space to carry more items this way. Combat Reflexes: Your attack speed is increased, allowing you to kill off your enemies more quickly. Death Blow: If you get a critical hit, the Death Blow feat will increase its damage. Take out your foes more effectively with this. Deflect Missiles: This gives you a small chance of deflecting a missile attack without manually controlling anything. Dodge: This feat adds a bonus to your Armor Class, making it tougher for you to get hit by enemies. Enchant Arrows: This feat allows every arrow you fire to do additional magical damage if it hits a target. Endurance: A character's carrying capacity is improved if you choose this Feat. You can loot more effectively with more pounds available to carry. Improved Critical: Your chances of scoring Critical Hits in battle will be improved, causing you to frequently do double damage. Intestinal Fortitude: Your Health Regeneration Rate is improved with this, so you don't have to spend your money on Health Potions. Meditation: This improves your Magic Regeneration Rate, and is essential if magic is your primary offense. Targeting: A targeting line appears whenever you shoot an arrow, making it much easier to aim at your target. (+) Toughness: You will gain three Health Points permanently if you choose this feat. You will be harder to kill if you have many HP. Willpower: This will grant you five more Magic Points. This is permanent, and useful for magic users. *** Character Active Feats: Exploding Arrows: Your arrows will explode when hitting a target, dealing frequent Critical Hits and major damage. Flaming Arrows: This feat lends a flaming aura to your arrows. Extra damage will be done when these arrows hit a target. Hail of Arrows: You will be able to shoot up to six arrows with just a single execution, thus doing up to six times as much damage. Ice Arrows: Your arrows will do ice damage to opponents when cast. You also have a chance to paralyze an enemy. Repulsion: A ring of force exerts from your character, driving enemies away and damaging them at the same time. Shock Arrows: The ultimate arrow in any character's arsenal, Shock Arrows will do major shock damage to an opponent, effectively killing it at long range. *** Character Spells: None: The Arcane Archer and the Dwarven Fighter have Active Feats in place of spells; only the Sorceress and Ranger can cast spells. *** Tips: ~ The Arcane Archer's main strength is his powerful arrows. Save up your first few level up points to get the Arcane Quiver feat. The reduced arrow weight really helps you in carrying more items. ~ Vahn should have no less than 400 arrows in his pack at all times, especially if he has the Hail of Arrows feat. ~ Use the Accuracy feat to your advantage by shooting your bow often. You'll be surprised at how much it tends to hit the enemy! ~ Combat Reflexes is extremely important for the archer, allowing him to score multiple hits at a great speed. ~ Death Blow and Improved Critical go hand in hand with each other. First, improve your critical in the beginning stages of the game, then work on increasing the damage. An archer with 5 ranks on both feats is very deadly! ~ Although unpredictable, Deflect Missiles are a great help when battling swarms of enemies. A 25% chance of not getting hit is quite good, actually. ~ While an extra point in Armor Class is nice, Dodge should only be reserved when you have a few extra skill points to spare. Your armor, boots, and shields make good enough protection already. ~ Enchant Arrows is very bad compared to Vahn's Active Feats. Sure, it will conserve Magic, but an extra damage point or two is nothing compared to the almighty Shock Arrow. ~ If you don't want to increase the archer's Strength ability, the Endurance feat is a must. 15 pounds of extra capacity could mean one less wasted Recall Potion in your travels. ~ Intestinal Fortitude is very effective when its ranks are high. You won't need to worry about Healing Potions if your HP recovers quickly by itself. ~ The archer is half and half with Melee and Magic. He doesn't rely on one type like the other characters, so half of your skill points should go to improving Meditation, and half should be used on the feat above. ~ You already have a targeting line, thanks to your character's skills. Aiming becomes a useful tactic with the line (section 4.2). ~ The archer's Hit Points are only average, so you might want to spend a few skill points on Toughness to beef him up. Or, you could just spend your Ability Points on Constitution improvement. ~ You don't need a lot of Magic regeneration as much as health, so spend less points on this feat and more on Constitution. ~ As soon as possible, spend some skill points on Repulsion. It's useful for scattering masses of enemies. From then on, save your points until Shock Arrows and Hail of Arrows become possible. They are both very useful tactics. ~ Flaming Arrows are a big help in damaging enemies early in the game, when all you have is a Worn Shortbow. Its damage is not affected by the bow type, so when you get a decent bow, stop using it. ~ The Ice Arrows can paralyze and freeze opponents, but Frost Shortbows can do the same without wasting Magic. Save your points for Shock Arrows. ~ Shock Arrows can do up to 105 damage to an unsuspecting opponent, and that's not counting the swarms of additional damage it leaves in its tracks. Use this as soon as possible, and a decent bow isn't even required! ~ Hail of Arrows may not be very useful in early ranks, but when you have six arrows simultaneously, the results are amazing. Simply get close to an enemy and let loose. Also, get a good bow for this, as the damage depends on the bow. ~ Exploding Arrows suck. Don't use them. If the arrow hits a target, a blast follows, dealing two hits on the foe. But the explosion does too little damage, and so the feat isn't very good. ~ Dexterity and Constitution are where most of your abilities should be turned towards. Constitution at level 20 means 20 more HP, plus a better regeneration rate. Dexterity greatly improves your aim and damage with Vahn's arrows. *** Other: - When you use your feats that involve arrows, the archer will automatically switch his weapon to the bow. - The explosion of the Exploding Arrows, if it hits a target, will not hurt the person who casted it. - Vahn can use both one-handed and two-handed weapons. He is able to carry a shield with a one-handed weapon and therefore block infinitely. He can only block for a moment with only a weapon. -------------------- 5.3: Dwarven Fighter -------------------- General Information: The youngest member of the Bruenghor Clan is no slouch at melee combat. Kromlech can wield any type of axe, hammer, or sword with ease, and has the highest base endurance of all the characters. However, with every strength comes a weakness, and Kromlech's Achilles heel is the fact that his long range attacks are weak and limited to his arrows. Get past this obstacle, and you'll be great with him. Kromlech is recommended to people who either don't like long range attacks, or enjoy to get into the fray close-up. Note: any feat with (+) on it means the character starts out with a skill point in the particular feat. *** Character Statistics: Race: Dwarf Class: Fighter Strength: 18 Dexterity: 12 Constitution: 15 Intelligence: 10 Wisdom: 11 Charisma: 10 Health: 15 Arcane Energy: 8 Armor Class: 12 Base Attack Bonus: 5 *** Strengths: - Great HP and Health Regeneration - Many Passive feats exclusive to himself - Does great damage with weapons - Stocky, good defense Weaknesses: - No long range attacks except regular arrows - Bad Magic supply and regeneration - High prices for items in shops *** Character Passive Feats: Accuracy: This feat improves the accuracy of your ranged attacks, and it makes your arrows more effective when hitting an enemy. Combat Reflexes: Your attack speed is increased, allowing you to kill off your enemies more quickly. Death Blow: If you get a critical hit, the Death Blow feat will increase its damage. Take out your foes more effectively with this. Dodge: This feat adds a bonus to your Armor Class, making it tougher for you to get hit by enemies. Endurance: A character's carrying capacity is improved if you choose this Feat. You can loot more effectively with more pounds available to carry. Improved Block: This allows you to continually block forever without a shield necessary. You still cannot block with a bow or without a weapon. Improved Critical: Your chances of scoring Critical Hits in battle will be improved, causing you to frequently do double damage. Intestinal Fortitude: Your Health Regeneration Rate is improved with this, so you don't have to spend your money on Health Potions. (+) Meditation: This improves your Magic Regeneration Rate, and is essential if magic is your primary offense. Shield Expert: Your character will gain an extra armor bonus if a shield is equipped on him/her. Sword and Fist: This increases your chance to strike the enemy with melee weapons, and gives you one more damage point when you hit a foe. Targeting: A targeting line appears whenever you shoot an arrow, making it much easier to aim at your target. Toughness: You will gain three Health Points permanently if you choose this feat. You will be harder to kill if you have many HP. Willpower: This will grant you five more Magic Points. This is permanent, and useful for magic users. *** Character Active Feats: Bull Rush: The fighter will perform a quick, powerful charge, causing tremendous damage even without a weapon. Clangeddin's Fist: This feat sends the user's warhammer crashing to the ground, emitting a small shock and damaging nearby enemies. Whirlwind Attack: A two-handed warhammer or axe must be held by the user in order to do a swift, powerful circular attack. *** Character Spells: None: The Arcane Archer and the Dwarven Fighter have Active Feats in place of spells; only the Sorceress and Ranger can cast spells. *** Tips: ~ In order to capitalize on the Dwarf's main strength, you need to equip him with some powerful weapons, like halberds and great swords. Combined with his powerful Strength stat, Kromlech can handle any weapon quite well. ~ While you may not think long range is important, it's always nice to have a couple of arrows to weaken a strong foe without getting hurt. ~ If you wanted to be good with bows, you should've chosen Vahn, the Arcane Archer. Still, if you have some points to spare, Accuracy isn't a bad choice. ~ Combat Reflexes is extremely important for the fighter, because a faster attack could mean faster enemy kills. ~ Death Blow and Improved Critical go hand in hand with each other. First, improve your critical in the beginning stages of the game, then work on increasing the damage. A fighter with 5 ranks on both feats is very deadly! ~ While an extra point in Armor Class is nice, Dodge should only be reserved when you have a few extra skill points to spare. Your armor, boots, and shields make good enough protection already. ~ If you don't want to increase the Fighter's Strength ability, the Endurance feat is a must. 15 pounds of extra capacity could mean one less wasted Recall Potion in your travels. ~ Improved Block lets you block forever without sacrificing your best Bastard Sword/Great Sword, and for that reason, it's highly useful in many situations. ~ For the close range fighter, hit points go down rather quickly as you're always in the enemy's attacking range. That's why it's good to boast a good health regeneration rate and spend some points on Intestinal Fortitude. ~ You'll only need your magic a few times for the whole game, so Meditation shouldn't be very useful. ~ The Shield Expert feat is just like Dodge, but works only when Kromlech has a shield. And, since Dodge isn't very good itself, this feat is even worse. ~ Combined with a high Strength, Sword and Fist is absolutely lethal in front of the many enemies you face in your quest. ~ If you use arrows and want to save money, invest the Targeting point, since it can help you aim much better. Again, Vahn is much better at long range. ~ Kromlech has the largest amount of hit points among all the characters. But still, you might find the need to beef up his Toughness once in a while. ~ Willpower is for Adrianna, not Kromlech. ~ Bull Rush may be good at early levels of the game (where it does much more damage as your regular weapon), but it is weak at later stages. Maybe only fill up a few of this feat, and remember not to charge into an army of opponents! ~ The fighter's Clangeddin's Fist technique is not particularly useful, but it has a very good knockback rate (like Repulsion). Be careful when using it, as you are still vulnerable when you prepare for the attack. ~ The Whirlwind Attack is probably the most useful Active Feat Kromlech has. A 720 degree spin can clear everyone within radius, especially with a good axe. ~ Your Ability Points should be targeted towards Strength and Constitution. The fighter relies on Strength to carry items and deal lots of damage, and his health relies on Constitution to regenerate faster. *** Other: - You have to have the specific type of weapon to use two of Kromlech's three Active Feats: warhammers or axes. - When Kromlech is not wielding a shield, he cannot block forever without the Improved Block technique. Kromlech can never block with a bow. - Kromlech can use both one-hand and two-handed melee weapons. He can only carry a shield if he doesn't have a two-handed weapon (includes bows). -------------------- 5.4: Elven Sorceress -------------------- General Information: Beautiful and exotic, if the Elven Sorceress fails to get past an obstacle with her looks, she relies upon her various spells and magic. Adrianna has little need for arrows; over half of her spells involve projectiles and long range. The sorceress' need for Magic is painfully obvious, so increasing the amount of energy she has is crucial. Adrianna is very frail and vulnerable in hand-to- hand combat, partly because she cannot wield a two-handed weapon. Note: any feat with (+) on it means the character starts out with a skill point in the particular feat. *** Character Statistics: Race: Elf Class: Mage/Sorceress Strength: 13 Dexterity: 14 Constitution: 13 Intelligence: 17 Wisdom: 12 Charisma: 15 Health: 12 Arcane Energy: 16 Armor Class: 12 Base Attack Bonus: 2 *** Strengths: - Damaging, unique spells - Great at long range attacks - Good Magic total, good regeneration rate - Attractive, cheaper item prices Weaknesses: - Frail, poor HP and Strength - Cannot bear two-handed weapons - Not able to carry heavy weight *** Character Passive Feats: Accuracy: This feat improves the accuracy of your ranged attacks, and it makes your arrows more effective upon hitting an enemy. Intestinal Fortitude: Your Health Regeneration Rate is improved with this, so you don't have to spend your money on Health Potions. Meditation: This improves your Magic Regeneration Rate, and is essential if magic is your primary offense. Targeting: A targeting line appears whenever you shoot an arrow, making it much easier to aim at your target. Willpower: This will grant you five more Magic Points. This is permanent, and useful for magic users. *** Character Active Feats: None: The Sorceress can only cast spells in place of Active Feats. Only the Archer, Fighter, and Ranger can learn Active Feats. *** Character Spells: Ball Lightning: An enormous ball of electricity can do tremendous damage and help you defeat enemies at long range very quickly. Burning Hands: Cones of fire will spread from the caster's hand, damaging all foes in range. (+) Fire Shield: The caster will be surrounded in a ring of fire for a time. Simply running into foes during this time will cause damage! Fireball: Hurled at a target, the Fireball will do respectable fire damage to any foes within its radius. Lightning Bolt: A bolt of electricity will stun and damage a nearby foe. This evolves into Chain Lightning, which can harm multiple enemies. Magic Missile: Small projectiles will track down an enemy's location and do damage to it. The more ranks Adrianna has, the more missiles she can cast. Melf's Acid Arrow: A poisonous green arrow will fire from the caster, and can poison a foe it hits. Meteor Swarm: Random amounts of meteors rain down near the castor, doing great damage and stunning any enemies in range. Mordenkainen's Sword: This summons a mysterious sword-bearing creature to your aid, slashing at foes with its magical sword. Otiluke's Icy Sphere: A ball of icy cold is summoned to freeze and slow targets down, and does moderate damage. Snowblind: An upgrade of Burning Hands, Snowblind has the power to freeze enemies, slowing down their movement. *** Tips: ~ Adrianna's main strength is her magic spells, but in order to use them, you must save lots of Skill Points and Magic increases. She is weak in melee combat, so don't think you're a coward by using "hit-and-run" techniques. ~ Although great spells, like Ball Lightning, Melf's Acid Arrow, and Lightning Bolt do the long-range job pretty well, it's good to have some arrows in your pack in case you run out of Magic. ~ The Accuracy feat is good for anyone, but Adrianna doesn't particularly need it because her spells are much better. ~ Because her health grows the least out of all the characters, it's important to increase the mage's health regeneration using Intestinal Fortitude. ~ Go for Meditation if you need a quick Magic regeneration boost. Otherwise, go for Intelligence for this purpose. ~ Targeting makes it easier to aim your bow. But, the sorceress' spells don't require a bow, and they do more damage than an arrow does. ~ Like Meditation, Willpower is good for a quick boost in Magic. Otherwise, spend your ability point on Intelligence. ~ Ball Lightning holds to be the cheapest thing in the whole game. 180 fixed damage to anything the ball hits can clear entire rooms in seconds. The Magic needed isn't much, and you should start saving for this as soon as possible. ~ Burning Hands is a very useless spell, draining loads of magic for an unimpressive turnout. Don't use any more points on this feat. ~ A unique defensive spell, Fire Shield will cause Adrianna to hurt foes simply by walking into them. It's very useful for killing groups of tough enemies. ~ Fireball's inaccuracy and low overall damage keeps me from recommending it. Sure, it's a D&D classic, but that doesn't mean it's very good. ~ Lightning Bolt is an interesting, albeit weaker, Ball Lightning alternative. This long-range electric charge will hurt foes many times, doing 72 damage each time. The upgraded Chain Lightning is even better and can hit multiple enemies. ~ Although half-decent at the earliest levels of the game, Magic Missile does not hold on with its pitiful damage, even though it attempts to track the foe. ~ For creatures resistant to Lightning damage, Melf's Arrow can serve as a decent long range alternative. It is the only attack a player can use in the game that can poison your foe, so that's definitely a plus. ~ Meteor Swarm is a great finisher spell on close-range opponents. Just watch your back, because there's a rather long pause before you can use it again. But, the amount of meteors she fires is inconsistant and pretty much random. ~ While thirty seconds of summoned aid is a very good help, you really cannot control Mordenkainen's Sword during its cast. It uses a great deal of Skill Points to do decent damage, also. ~ Although the random freezing effect is nice, the Icy Sphere stays inferior to many of Adrianna's other spells; its minimum damage is always 1. ~ Snowblind has a worse Energy-to-damage ratio than Burning Hands. Your Magic will drain like mad when using this. An upgrade to Burning Hands? I think not. ~ As you gain more Ability Points, you should spend them towards Intelligence and Constitution feats. Intelligence will give the sorceress some much-needed Magic, and Constitution will improve her lacking Health total. *** Other: - The sorceress cannot wield halberds, warhammers, bastard swords, or any weapon which requires two hands to hold, except Staves. - Adrianna can block infinitely with a shield, but can only block a short time with a weapon only. She cannot block at all with a bow. - The sword summoned using the Mordenkainen's Sword technique always lasts thirty seconds, while the ring of fire summoned by Fire Shield is consistently five seconds in duration. ---------------- 5.5: Drow Ranger ---------------- General Information: Many Baldur's Gate fans have heard of Drizzt Do'Urden, a benevolent but harsh member of the Drow clan (the one we all liked to pickpocket or kill in the days of Baldur's Gate II). Drizzt returns as a playable character in Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance, and boasts his famous dual scimitars in his arsenal. As a bonus character in the game, Drizzt must be unlocked through a series of events in order to be playable. This procedure will be described in section 7.5: The Gauntlet. None of his feats are exclusive to himself. Note: any feat with (+) on it means the character starts out with a skill point in the particular feat. *** Character Statistics: Race: Drow Class: Ranger Strength: 13 Dexterity: 20 Constitution: 15 Intelligence: 17 Wisdom: 17 Charisma: 14 Health: 160 Arcane Energy: 57 Armor Class: 49 Base Attack Bonus: 45 Drizzt starts at level 16 when he is inherited, with 122000 Experience Points. *** Strengths: - Starts at a high level when inherited - Lots of health and Base Attack - Able to hold two weapons, high damage - Can keep items found in The Gauntlet mode Weaknesses: - Lack of Feats, both Active and Passive - Bad Magic total and regeneration rate - Sub-par at long range attacks, cannot use bow *** Character Passive Feats: Combat Reflexes: Your attack speed is increased, allowing you to kill off your enemies more quickly. Death Blow: If you get a critical hit, the Death Blow feat will increase its damage. Take out your foes more effectively with this. (+++++) Deflect Missiles: This gives you a small chance of deflecting a missile attack without manually controlling anything. (+++) Dodge: This feat adds a bonus to your Armor Class, making it tougher for you to get hit by enemies. Endurance: A character's carrying capacity is improved if you choose this Feat. You can loot more effectively with more pounds available to carry. Improved Block: This allows you to continually block forever without a shield necessary. You still cannot block with a bow or without a weapon. (+) Improved Critical: Your chances of scoring Critical Hits in battle will be improved, causing you to frequently do double damage. (+++++) Intestinal Fortitude: Your Health Regeneration Rate is improved with this, so you don't have to spend your money on Health Potions. (++) Meditation: This improves your Magic Regeneration Rate, and is essential if magic is your primary offense. Toughness: You will gain three Health Points permanently if you choose this feat. You will be harder to kill if you have many HP. Willpower: This will grant you five more Magic Points. This is permanent, and useful for magic users. (+) *** Character Active Feats: Repulsion: A ring of force exerts from your character, driving enemies away and damaging them at the same time. (++) *** Character Spells: Otiluke's Icy Sphere: A ball of icy cold is summoned to freeze and slow targets down, and does moderate damage. (+++) *** Tips: ~ Drizzt, statwise, is a cross between the Archer and the Fighter. So, he has lots of HP and little Magic. Use physical attacks often, as Drizzt is meant to be a close-range fighter. ~ Although the ranger already has a good amount of points on Otiluke's Sphere, the spell is his only projectile attack and you may want to stock up on arrows. ~ Combat Reflexes is a great feat to spend points on, especially at level 16 where points are of abundance. A faster attack rate means faster kills. ~ The ranger already has full points on both Death Blow and Improved Critical, making for a very nasty combo of offense. ~ A helpful feat against Kobold spear-throwers is Deflect Missiles, which, at full power, can give you a one-in-four chance of dodging a projectile. ~ Since Drizzt is already at a high level, you can get all five points of the Dodge feat upon only one level-up. But there is little benefit, so why bother? ~ If you are impatient for the next Strength upgrade, you may want to consider Endurance. It's a fast way to increase your carrying capacity. ~ Because Drizzt already has Improved Block, you don't need to worry about it. The feat is still very useful, though. ~ Use the "hit and run" techniques more effectively with Intestinal Fortitude, which increases your Health regeneration rate. ~ Meditation is less useful to the ranger, simply because he only has two techniques that use magic. But if you like Repulsion or Otiluke's Icy Sphere, it'll be useful. ~ As with Endurance, the Toughness feat is a less rewarding way to increase a stat without waiting for that Ability increase. ~ Drizzt is better off with melee weapons than he is with magic, so you can skip the Willpower feat for him. ~ Repulsion is extremely useful in a case where you're surrounded by foes. The damage it causes doesn't increase much even if you spend many points, so just leave the feat as it is and use it well. ~ An often overlooked spell in the sorceress' collection of magic, Otiluke's Icy Sphere becomes highly useful for the ranger, since he has nothing better to cast. It's a decent long range missile with a chance to freeze foes. ~ Target the Strength and Wisdom feats as your ability levels increase. Since you're at a high level, Wisdom can get you to the next level faster from its experience increase. Strength is vital for a close range fighter like Drizzt. *** Other: - Drizzt is the only character in the game who can attack with two weapons at once: his dual scimitars. - The ranger's scimitars cannot be sold or dropped, and they are exclusive for him only, meaning other characters cannot find/wield them. - Drizzt is the only character with both active feats and spells, albeit only one of each. He can be unlocked by beating the game once on any difficulty, then beating the Gauntlet and Extreme modes, respectively (see section 7.5). ============== ***6: Items*** ============== Overall Summary: Throughout your adventure at Baldur's gate and its surrounding areas, you'll have an inventory of items you can carry. Items in the game include weapons, armor, shields, potions, and jewelry. Some items can be found on the ground, while others are gotten after you kill enemies, break open containers, or open treasure chests. Still others can be bought at the local shop for summations of Gold Pieces (also called Gold, GP, G, etc). Items exist to improve your offense, defense, agility, health, and other attributes. When equipped, they give you a bonus on top of your normal attack, defense, or other statistic. This makes you in much better shape for battles. Items like Potions recover damaged statistics from battle. *** Equipping Items: In order to make use of a certain item, you must equip it. To do that, go to the Inventory/Level Up option in the Pause Menu. Use left and right on the control stick to change tabs, and use up and down on the stick to select items from each tab. Press the A button to equip an item. You may only equip a certain amount of any type of item: one weapon (one-handed or two-handed), one set of armor (helmet, clothes, gloves, boots), one shield (with one-handed weapon), and one set of jewelry (one amulet and two rings). There are some items in the game that do not require equipping, like potions. To make use of a potion, just press the appropriate button on the controller. Press R to use a Healing Potion, L to use a Rejuvenation Potion, and select the Recall option on the Start menu to use a Recall Potion. Other items, like ruby and sapphire, are just for selling. Also, some Key Items will come your way as you go through your quest. These usually have an obvious use; they're usually the objectives of some quests. I have these items listed in section 6.7. *** Finding Items: The most powerful items in Baldur's Gate are not obtained simply from buying them in stores; they are found in enemy corpses, treasure chests, and weapon racks all throughout your adventure. In the beginnings of the game, less powerful items, like Daggers, Padded Armor, and Lesser Health Potions are often dropped. However, as you advance, Great Swords, Chainmail, and Extra Health Potions often drop your way. From the middle of Act I onwards, the items dropped from a chest, weapon rack, or foe are all random. They get better and better as you progress through the game, but essentially, anything could drop. For obvious reasons, weapon racks only drop weapons and arrows. *** Modifiers/Magical Properties: Some items you collect may have a +x attached to their names, with x being a number from 1 to 5. These are modifiers, and an item with an x modifier has an attack or defense value x points above the normal item. Modified items are dropped by monsters at random, or bought from shops throughout the game. An increase in modifiers is definitely to your advantage. There are different other kinds of modifiers in the game, sometimes referred to as Magical Properties. For example, a "rusty" dagger does half the damage a normal dagger is supposed to do. Modifiers of each type of item will be listed in the item lists below. They help to make regular weapons more powerful. Below contains information of all the items in the game. I'll be using some of the terms listed in the previous sections of the guide, so refer back to the appropriate section if you don't understand something. Also, G means Gold, or the amount of money something is. Just to clear things up. ----------------------- 6.1: One-Handed Weapons ----------------------- Overall Summary: Weapons wielded by only one hand generically produce quick and nimble hits, although, in most cases, the damages of these weapons are lower than the damages of two-handed weapons. There are two ways to classify these weapons: whether they are sharp or dull, and whether they are made of steel or wood. Different types of weapons have different modifiers. Note that you are able to have a shield equipped with a one-handed weapon. All lists are in alphabetical order, and will contain whatever information I feel important to the item. I will not list any buying prices, since you cannot buy every item, and because the buying price of an item is roughly twice the selling price, depending on your charisma. *** Notes on Weapons: Weapons that are less than 5 pounds are light weight. Weapons that are 5 to 10 pounds are medium weight. Weapons that are 10 to 15 pounds are heavy weight. Weapons that are more than 15 pounds are very heavy weight. Weapons that average less than 5 damage per hit have low base attacks. Weapons that average 5 to 10 damage per hit have medium base attacks. Weapons that average 10 to 15 damage per hit have high base attacks. Weapons that average more than 15 damage per hit have very high base attacks. Weapons that sell for less than 850G are cheap. Weapons that sell for 850G or more are expensive. *** Club A primitive weapon used to bang the lights out from your foe. Clubs come in abundance throughout the game, and are normally pretty weak and basic. However, modifiers can change this. Clubs are useful against the undead. - A dull, wood bludgeon. - 3.0 pounds, light weight. - 2-3 low base attack. - 59G to sell, cheap. *** Dagger Used mainly at the starting levels of the game, daggers are quick weapons that do pretty weak damage. A high modifier can get a dagger to be pretty powerful, but it is ousted by Long Swords and Morning Stars in its category. - A sharp, steel blade. - 1.0 pounds, light weight. - 1-4 low base attack. - 50G to sell, cheap. *** Handaxe Its original purpose was to cut down trees, but I guess it could be used to dismantle foes' heads also. A pretty decent beginning weapon hindered by the fact that it's hard to find one with a good modifier. - A sharp, steel axe. - 5.0 pounds, medium weight. - 1-6 low base attack. - 92G to sell, cheap. *** Long Sword Along with the Morning Star, Long Swords are very practical and reliable weapons for you to have, and the sorceress commonly uses this type of weapon. It's relatively cheap, and can have many modifiers on it. - A sharp, steel blade. - 4.0 pounds, light weight. - 2-8 medium base attack. - 194G to sell, cheap. *** Lt. Mace Basically a club with a steel head attached to it, the Lt. Mace excels at destroying the undead, but is still outclassed by better weapons. The Morning Star is a better choice. - A dull, steel bludgeon. - 6.0 pounds, medium weight. - 1-6 low base attack. - 205G to sell, cheap. *** Morning Star The best regular one-handed weapon in terms of damage and price, the Morning Star is a solid clobbering item that does a lot of damage early in the game. The only downside is its weight, but it's still the best way to go if you want a solid blunt weapon with a shield. - A dull, steel bludgeon. - 8.0 pounds, medium weight. - 8-12 high base attack. - 832G to sell, cheap. *** Onyx Sword (spoiler) Forged from the Onyx Tower itself, the Onyx Sword is an incredibly powerful weapon that possesses the highest unmodified attack power in the game. Found only by defeating the Onyx Golem near the end of the game, this special Long Sword is one of the best weapons for any character you choose. (Note: this weapon cannot have modifiers on it.) - A sharp, steel blade. - 10.0 pounds, heavy weight. - 90-120 very high base attack. - 89480G to sell, expensive. *** Scimitar A great alternative to a Long Sword, Scimitars can inflict lots of damage, especially with modifiers. Scimitars do very consistent damage compared to other swords, but are relatively hard to find. Also, scimitars have increased critical hit percentage when equipped. - A sharp, steel blade. - 4.0 pounds, light weight. - 5-7 medium base attack. - 333G to sell, cheap. *** Short Sword Short Swords are upgrades to daggers in the beginnings of your journey, but are outclassed by Long Swords later on. This blade excels at fast, light hits that do little damage. - A sharp, steel blade. - 3.0 pounds, light weight. - 1-4 low base attack. - 92G to sell, cheap. *** Recommendations: One-handed weapons are fit for every character, but the sorceress will be using them most, as she cannot wield many two-handed weapons. If you want to pick one, a Morning Star, Scimitar, or Long Sword will give you the best results. Equip a weapon with preferably many modifiers, since that will increase damage and results. *** Drizzt's Scimitars (spoiler) The two Scimitars Drizzt, the hidden character, possesses are moderately powerful and the only weapons in the game that can be used together. Twinkle, the more powerful of the swords, does 17-33 damage per hit, while Icingdeath, the other sword, does 11-25 and can freeze the enemy. Drizzt is stuck with these two weapons for the entire game, and cannot use a shield since the swords take up both his hands. *** List of Modifiers: Below are all the modifiers found for one-handed weapons in Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance. All modifiers will increase or decrease the price of a weapon by an amount that seems to vary from weapon to weapon. *Modifier (1)* *Weapon Type* *Description* Adamantine Steel Weapon gets 400% of regular base attack. Darkwood Wood Weapon gets 300% of regular base attack. Fine All Weapon gets 150% of regular base attack. Masterwork All Weapon gets 200% of regular base attack. Mithril Steel Weapon gets 300% of regular base attack. Oak Wood Weapon gets 400% of regular base attack. Rusty Steel Weapon gets 50% of regular base attack. Worn Wood Weapon gets 50% of regular base attack. ~ Please note that a weapon can only have one modifier of the eight above. *Modifier (2)* *Weapon Type* *Description* Flaming All Weapon gets 1-6 additional base attack. (fire) On critical hits, may burn enemy. Flaming Burst All Weapon gets 1-6 additional base attack. (fire) On critical hits, gets 1-10 more base attack. On critical hits, may burn enemy. Frost All Weapon gets 1-12 additional base attack. (ice) On critical hits, may freeze enemy. Icy Burst All Weapon gets 1-12 additional base attack. (ice) On critical hits, gets 1-20 more base attack. On critical hits, may freeze enemy. Jeweled All Weapon sells for more money. Keen All Weapon has an increased chance of critical hits. Adds about 5% chance to regular critical rate. Serrated Sharp Always does maximum damage with every hit. Shock All Weapon gets 1-24 additional base attack. (elec) On critical hits, does 3 times regular damage. Shocking Burst All Weapon gets 1-24 additional base attack. (elec) On critical hits, gets 1-40 more base attack. On critical hits, does 3 times regular damage. Spiked Dull Always does maximum damage with every hit. Wounding All Does additional 1-5 damage for two seconds. ~ Please note that a weapon can only have one modifier of the eleven above. *Modifier (3)* *Weapon Type* *Description* Of Defense +x All Weapon gets additional x damage (x is 1 to 5). Weapon adds x/2 armor (round to nearest whole). Of Disruption +x Dull Chance of automatically killing undead foes. Additional x damage to weapon (x is 0 to 5). Of Speed +x All Weapon gets additional x damage (x is 1 to 5). Weapon adds attack speed bonus (5% for each x). +x All Additional x damage to weapon, weapon glows. Variable x is an integer from 1 through 5. ~ Please note that a weapon can only have one modifier of the four above. *** Notes on Modifiers: There is a specific order that the modifiers are added to each other in a weapon. First, the weapon's base damage is added to its modifier (3). Then, the result is multiplied by the modifier (1). Finally, the bonus on modifier (2) adds on. This is worth noting particularly because the base damages shown for weapons in the inventory of the game are calculated incorrectly. You see, the game itself uses the method I previously mentioned to calculate damages onto a foe. But, the display in the inventory does it another way: it adds modifier (2) before multiplying by modifier (1), thus producing often higher results. You might be noticing that your Shock Mithral Bastard Sword +2 isn't getting 100 damage at all, like its base attack promises. But: (8+1+2)*3 = 33 minimum damage (18+24+2)*3 = 132 maximum damage This is how the inventory figures it out: a 33-132 weapon. Now, consider: (8+2)*3 = 30 minimum damage ((18+2)*3)+24 = 84 maximum damage It's a very significant decrease, probably one that answers why the sword couldn't do 100 damage barring a critical hit. So, before you pick up that majorly enhanced weapon of yours, consider the above and calculate if you've made a wise choice. Remember, the inventory may be lying. ----------------------- 6.2: Two-Handed Weapons ----------------------- Overall Summary: In contrast to their one-handed alternatives, two-handed weapons tend to have larger base attack powers, enabling your hits to become more effective. There are a few downsides to this; your attack speed is slightly reduced, and you cannot wield a shield in combat. The sorceress may not hold many of these weapons, and it's up to you to decide whether the archer or fighter will be better off with one of these. The shortbow is a unique two-handed weapon, largely because it is the only ranged weapon in the game. You can equip one shortbow and one weapon of your choice simultaneously, and alternate between them with the Directional Pad on the controller. Be sure to also equip arrows with your shortbow, if you choose to have one. Refer back to section 4.2 for more information on bows. All lists are in alphabetical order, and will contain whatever information I feel important to the item. I will not list any buying prices, since you cannot buy every item, and because the buying price of an item is roughly twice the selling price, depending on your charisma. *** Notes on Weapons: Weapons that are less than 5 pounds are light weight. Weapons that are 5 to 10 pounds are medium weight. Weapons that are 10 to 15 pounds are heavy weight. Weapons that are more than 15 pounds are very heavy weight. Weapons that average less than 5 damage per hit have low base attacks. Weapons that average 5 to 10 damage per hit have medium base attacks. Weapons that average 10 to 15 damage per hit have high base attacks. Weapons that average more than 15 damage per hit have very high base attacks. Weapons that sell for less than 850G are cheap. Weapons that sell for 850G or more are expensive. *** Bastard Sword The Bastard Sword is a very good blade, which can serve as a lighter alternative to Great Swords and Great Axes. These weapons can get very powerful at the later levels of the game, especially in the Onyx Tower. - A sharp, steel blade. - 10.0 pounds, heavy weight. - 8-18 high base attack. - 878G to sell, expensive. *** Battle Axe Relatively light and useful for splitting enemy heads, the Battle Axe can be found or bought in abundance right from the game's first act. You'll want to keep only the ones that have good modifiers, though. - A sharp, steel axe. - 7.0 pounds, medium weight. - 4-12 medium base attack. - 307G to sell, cheap. *** Great Axe An enormous double-sided weapon, the Great Axe's size dwarves many weapons of your foes. These weapons are able to inflict triple damage on critical hits, and do a respectable amount of damage even without a critical hit. It is very heavy, though, so save space in your inventory for it. - A sharp, steel axe. - 20.0 pounds, very heavy weight. - 12-16 high base attack. - 1064G to sell, expensive. *** Great Sword These ultimate swords are treasured pieces of weaponry, with sky-high damage potential and profitable selling price. Unfortunately, these can only be found in the last levels of the game and cannot be bought. Great Swords are very heavy, but the highest base damages in the game are just too good to pass up. - A sharp, steel blade. - 15.0 pounds, very heavy weight. - 10-24 very high base attack. - 1390G to sell, expensive. *** Halberd Very long in size, Halberds are powerful weapons that can be bought early in the game. Though it can do massive damage at times, the Halberd is known for its very low minimum damage and its overall inconsistency plus its high weight. - A sharp, steel axe. - 18.0 pounds, very heavy weight. - 2-24 high base attack. - 1122G to sell, expensive. *** Spear Shouldn't Spears be used for throwing? In this game, though, it's used just like a staff. And, with its low base damage, it's not worth much. A notable thing in the game is that the characters swing Spears with the tips facing the wrong way, therefore hitting enemies with the blunt end. Smart... (Note that this two-handed weapon can be used by the sorceress.) - A sharp, steel blade. - 8.0 pounds, medium weight. - 2-6 low base attack. - 131G to sell, cheap. *** Staff Basically, Staves are just pieces of wood used to whack things with. They're traditionally used by sorceresses, but I prefer Long Swords and Morning Stars for Adrianna, who has no business fighting without a shield. (Note that this two-handed weapon can be used by the sorceress.) - A dull, wood bludgeon. - 4.0 pounds, light weight. - 1-6 low base attack. - 177G to sell, cheap. *** Warhammer These are crude metal weapons with a large, blunt end. Warhammers are good weapons for Dwarves if you want to use their Active Feats. Otherwise, stick with a more reliable Great Sword or Great Axe. - A dull, steel bludgeon. - 8.0 pounds, medium weight. - 1-8 low base attack. - 88G to sell, cheap. *** Recommendations: For the Dwarf and the Human, I suggest a sturdy Great Sword, Bastard Sword, or Great Axe, or whatever you find with a good enough modifier. The Elf shouldn't fight with staves or spears because she needs the shield. Overall, if you can sacrifice that shield, use these. Also, carry (don't equip) a one-handed weapon and a shield, for good measure. *** The Shortbow This is the only ranged weapon in the game, so it's a must-have for everyone. You can have a shortbow equipped with a regular weapon and toggle between the two with the directional pad. There's not much choice in the type of bow, so equip the best one you can find. Be sure to equip arrows with the bow. (Note that this two-handed weapon can be used by the sorceress.) - A wood arrow-launcher. - 2.0 pounds, light weight. - 4-8 medium base attack. - 234G to sell, cheap. *** Arrows Arrows are complementary to shortbows, as you can't fire one without arrows. Have at least 150-300 arrows, and although they take up a lot of space, you'll be using them fast. Use Vahn's Arcane Quiver feat to half the weight of arrows. (Note that the weight of one arrow decreases as the total amount increases.) - A sharp, steel blade. - 0.19 pounds each, weight varies. - Damage varies with bow. - 0.55G to sell each, sold in twenties, price varies. *** List of Modifiers: Below are all the modifiers found for two-handed weapons in Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance. All modifiers will increase or decrease the price of a weapon by an amount that seems to vary from weapon to weapon. *Modifier (1)* *Weapon Type* *Description* Adamantine Steel Weapon gets 400% of regular base attack. Darkwood Wood Weapon gets 300% of regular base attack. Fine All Weapon gets 150% of regular base attack. Masterwork All Weapon gets 200% of regular base attack. Mithril Steel Weapon gets 300% of regular base attack. Oak Wood Weapon gets 400% of regular base attack. Rusty Steel Weapon gets 50% of regular base attack. Worn Wood Weapon gets 50% of regular base attack. ~ Please note that a weapon can only have one modifier from the eight above. *Modifier (2)* *Weapon Type* *Description* Flaming All Weapon gets 1-6 additional base attack. (fire) On critical hits, may burn enemy. Flaming Burst All Weapon gets 1-6 additional base attack. (fire) On critical hits, gets 1-10 more base attack. On critical hits, may burn enemy. Frost All Weapon gets 1-12 additional base attack. (ice) On critical hits, may freeze enemy. Icy Burst All Weapon gets 1-12 additional base attack. (ice) On critical hits, gets 1-20 more base attack. On critical hits, may freeze enemy. Jeweled All Weapon sells for more money. Keen All Weapon has an increased chance of critical hits. Adds about 5% chance to regular critical rate. Serrated Sharp Always does maximum damage with every hit. Shock All Weapon gets 1-24 additional base attack. (elec) On critical hits, does 3 times regular damage. Shocking Burst All Weapon gets 1-24 additional base attack. (elec) On critical hits, gets 1-40 more base attack. On critical hits, does 3 times regular damage. Spiked Dull Always does maximum damage with every hit. Wounding All Does additional 1-5 damage for two seconds. ~ elec = electric ~ Please note that a weapon can only have one modifier from the eleven above. *Modifier (3)* *Weapon Type* *Description* Of Defense +x All Weapon gets additional x damage (x is 1 to 5). Weapon adds x/2 armor (round to nearest whole). Of Disruption +x Dull Chance of automatically killing undead foes. Additional x damage to weapon (x is 0 to 5). Of Speed +x All Weapon gets additional x damage (x is 1 to 5). Weapon adds attack speed bonus (5% for each x). +x All Additional x damage to weapon, weapon glows. Variable x is an integer from 1 through 5. ~ Please note that a weapon can only have one modifier from the four above. *** Notes on Modifiers: There is a specific order that the modifiers are added to each other in a weapon. First, the weapon's base damage is added to its modifier (3). Then, the result is multiplied by the modifier (1). Finally, the bonus on modifier (2) adds on. This is worth noting particularly because the base damages shown for weapons in the inventory of the game are calculated incorrectly. You see, the game itself uses the method I previously mentioned to calculate damages onto a foe. But, the display in the inventory does it another way: it adds modifier (2) before multiplying by modifier (1), thus producing often higher results. You might be noticing that your Shock Mithral Bastard Sword +2 isn't getting 100 damage at all, like its base attack promises. But: (8+1+2)*3 = 33 minimum damage (18+24+2)*3 = 132 maximum damage This is how the inventory figures it out: a 33-132 weapon. Now, consider: (8+2)*3 = 30 minimum damage ((18+2)*3)+24 = 84 maximum damage It's a very significant decrease, probably one that answers why the sword couldn't do 100 damage barring a critical hit. So, before you pick up that majorly enhanced weapon of yours, consider the above and calculate if you've made a wise choice. Remember, the inventory may be lying. ---------- 6.3: Armor ---------- Overall Summary: Armor is used to defend your character against enemy blows, or otherwise cover him/her up. From the start of the game, you have a default set of clothes. You can enhance your defense by switching those clothes to sets of armor, boots, gloves, and helmets. You can get armor from stores, simply by finding them throughout your quest. When you are wearing a set of armor, your Armor Class gets raised by a set amount, depending on which armor you're wearing. Armor Class (or AC) determines the chances you'll receive damage from enemy blows; the higher your AC, the less likely you'll get hurt. Enemies have an attacking potential, or a chance of successfully hitting you. Your Armor Class decreases that percentage, sometimes to the point where the enemy may miss. Some enemies have so high attacking potentials, though, that it is impossible to make them miss! Watch out, because in these cases, your armor is nigh useless. Depending on the difficulty game you're playing on, your enemies have different attacking potentials. For example, on Easy mode, your armor will work well for you entirely through the game. In Medium, enemies start having great attacking potentials in the middle of Act III. For Hard mode, they come around Act II. In Extreme mode, armor is just a trinket, as the hit will almost never be blocked. *** Modifiers/Magical Properties: There are a few modifiers given to the armor you can find in the game. Some will increase/decrease your Armor Class, while others serve to decrease the armor's weight and prices. Keep an eye out for any modifiers you encounter when choosing which armors to wear. Below is a full list of armor, with all the sets of armors in the game, and their possible modifiers. This list is in alphabetical order. *** Chain Boots These boots are good ones to possess in the latter parts of Act II, like the Ice Caves. It's not very heavy compared to later sets, and this could probably get you through the game if it has a +3 or more modifier. Type: Boots Armor Class: 7 Weight: 4.0 pounds Sell: 1349G *** Chain Gloves Unlike the boots above, Chain Gloves are not a good set because the Half and Full Plate Gloves offer better protection with the same weight. So, get a set of Full Plate Gloves instead of this. Type: Gloves Armor Class: 7 Weight: 4.0 pounds Sell: 1349G *** Chain Helmet Considering that the sets of helmets with more protection than this one are much heavier, the Chain Helmet is a good choice with its medium Armor Class and semi-light weight. Type: Helmet Armor Class: 7 Weight: 4.0 pounds Sell: 1552G *** Chainmail It's a pretty heavy set of armor, but from here on out, armors are going to skyrocket in weight. So, you might as well try to find one of these with a high enough modifier and stick with it for the rest of the game. Type: Armor Armor Class: 24 Weight: 40.0 pounds Sell: 1349G *** Cloth Boots These boots you have at the start of the game do nothing except cover you up. Sell these upon finding a new set of boots. They're not worth much, either... Type: Boots Armor Class: 0 Weight: 3.0 pounds Sell: 1G *** Cloth Bracers They're not used for anything practical, so these "gloves" have no point and offer no protection. Sell them for the single gold piece it's worth. Type: Gloves Armor Class: 0 Weight: 1.0 pounds Sell: 1G *** Clothes They look pretty nice on your character, but do nothing except weigh him/her down. So, sell these as soon as you find any other armor. Type: Armor Armor Class: 0 Weight: 5.0 pounds Sell: 2G *** Full Plate Boots This set of boots comes with a nifty Armor Class, but it's pretty heavy. The weight doesn't really matter, though, when you reach the last levels in the game and can get some Rings/Amulets of Strength. Type: Boots Armor Class: 12 Weight: 6.0 pounds Sell: 1484G *** Full Plate Gloves This is obviously the best set of gloves, and the fact that it's the same weight as the Half Plate and Chain Gloves makes these gloves an even better deal. You won't regret getting this set. Type: Gloves Armor Class: 12 Weight: 4.0 pounds Sell: 1709G *** Full Plate Helmet It has the decent AC bonus and the cool look to your character, but this helmet isn't as good as the Half Plate in terms of weight to Armor Class ratio. So, get the other set unless you can carry this without a problem. Type: Helmet Armor Class: 12 Weight: 8.0 pounds Sell: 1349G *** Full Platemail The Armor Class of this set of armor is extremely high - and so is its price. Really, it comes down to where you're at in the game. If you're near the end, even this high of an armor class won't do you much good. Look for an Elven modifier if you do choose to wear this, though. Type: Armor Armor Class: 39 Weight: 50.0 pounds Sell: 11249G *** Half Plate Boots This is a decent set of boots; not very heavy, and a good Armor Class. Basically a matter of choice between this and Full Plate Boots, I'd personally choose the latter, but it's your decision. Type: Boots Armor Class: 9 Weight: 5.0 pounds Sell: 1574G *** Half Plate Gloves Like the Chain Gloves, Half Plate Gloves are at a disadvantage with their Full Plate counterparts because the Full Plate has a higher Armor Class and the same weight. With that said, I will go ahead and recommend the other set. Type: Gloves Armor Class: 9 Weight: 4.0 pounds Sell: 1664G *** Half Plate Helmet An interesting fact is that the Chain Helmet actually has the best weight to Armor Class ratio of all the helmets. So, the Half and Full Plate Helmets should only be worn by those who have the inventory room. Type: Helmet Armor Class: 9 Weight: 6.0 pounds Sell: 1484G *** Half Platemail It doesn't matter what set you choose between this and the Full Plate, but just consider that whichever you choose, the armor will have a very little chance of working since you're probably very far into the game. Consider that fact. Type: Armor Armor Class: 30 Weight: 46.0 pounds Sell: 7199G *** Leather Armor A basic set of armor found in the beginnings of the game, the Leather Armor offers little protection at a small weight. Use this armor until you find Studded Leather, but if you find a high modifier, stick with it. Type: Armor Armor Class: 9 Weight: 15.0 pounds Sell: 539G *** Leather Boots Use these as soon as you find them; you'll be using them until you find a better pair. A high modifier in Armor Class usually can make you wear these longer. Type: Boots Armor Class: 2 Weight: 2.0 pounds Sell: 134G *** Leather Gloves They're only one pound, but the Armor Class bonus you get is only two. It's better than Padded Gloves, but better pairs will do you more good. Type: Gloves Armor Class: 2 Weight: 1.0 pounds Sell: 157G *** Leather Helmet These are just like the gloves in AC and weight. It's probably the first or second helmet you get to wear, but you can buy better stuff from Bartley's armor shop. Type: Helmet Armor Class: 2 Weight: 1.0 pounds Sell: 157G *** Padded Armor A seriously weak set of armor, the Padded Armor is just to make you a tiny bit less vulnerable to enemy attacks. Replace them with Leather as soon as you can, but if you find a +5 modifier or something like that, use it longer. Type: Armor Armor Class: 6 Weight: 12.0 pounds Sell: 179G *** Padded Boots These boots have minimal AC and not much weight, so it really doesn't matter much if you wear them or not. Wait until you get Leather or Studded Leather. Type: Boots Armor Class: 1 Weight: 2.0 pounds Sell: 44G *** Padded Gloves The difference is minuscule, if any, whether you have these on or not. Just wear these until Leather is available, and note that Worn Padded Gloves give you +0 protection. Type: Gloves Armor Class: 1 Weight: 1.0 pounds Sell: 49G *** Padded Helmet A simple bowl-shaped headgear, the Padded Helm should be replaced with a better one as soon as you find another one. Worn versions of these helmets don't offer any protection at all. Type: Helmet Armor Class: 1 Weight: 1.0 pounds Sell: 53G *** Scale Boots The first metal set of boots is a pretty good improvement, but the weight has also increased. Nevertheless, put these to replace your Leather Boots, and wait for the next upgrade. Type: Boots Armor Class: 5 Weight: 3.0 pounds Sell: 652G *** Scale Gloves For the two pounds it weighs, these Scale Gloves offer very good protection. With a modifier, you can wear these all the way till you get the Full Plates! Type: Gloves Armor Class: 5 Weight: 2.0 pounds Sell: 607G *** Scale Helmet These are identical to the boots in terms of AC and weight, and they're good improvements to the last set. It may be somewhat heavy, but that's pretty trivial and negligible. Type: Helmet Armor Class: 5 Weight: 3.0 pounds Sell: 652G *** Scale Mail Scale Mail is available to you right at the beginnings of Act II, but it's probably too heavy for you at that time. At 30 pounds, this set of mail can be skipped directly to the more protective Chainmail if you want. Type: Armor Armor Class: 21 Weight: 30.0 pounds Sell: 2249G *** Studded Leather Armor This is definitely a better set than every one before it; if you can find a decent modifier (like +5) for it, the armor can become very versatile, especially if you have a sorceress and can't have heavy steel armors. Type: Armor Armor Class: 12 Weight: 17.0 pounds Sell: 989G *** Studded Leather Boots It's not a particularly good deal of getting 3 AC for 3.5 pounds. But, if you want to take these boots, you can. They're inferior to Scale Boots, though. Type: Boots Armor Class: 3 Weight: 3.5 pounds Sell: 292G *** Studded Leather Gloves These are a good set of gloves, but again, Scale Gloves beat this kind. The Scale Gloves have better Armor Class while maintaining the low weight, so I suggest you choose those. Type: Gloves Armor Class: 3 Weight: 2.0 pounds Sell: 292G *** Studded Leather Helmet This is one decent helmet, and I might even go as far as to saying it is better than the Scale Helmet, simply because of its light weight. Use this along with your Studded Leather Armor or Scale Mail. Type: Helmet Armor Class: 3 Weight: 2.0 pounds Sell: 292G *** List of Modifiers: Here are all the armor modifiers of the game. These modifiers will change the price of the armor somewhat if they are added. Note that steel armor includes the Scale, Chain, Half Plate, and Full Plate sets, and regular armor contains all other armors except for clothes, cloth bracers, and cloth boots. *Modifier (1)* *Armor Type* *Description* Elven All Halves armor weight, increases price. Jeweled All Doubles armor prices. Rusty Steel Decreases Armor Class. Worn Regular Decreases Armor Class. ~ Please note that armor can only have one modifier from the four above. *Modifier (2)* *Armor Type* *Description* +x All Additional x Armor Class to armor, armor glows. Variable x is an integer from 1 through 5. ~ Please note that armor can only have one modifier from the one above. *** Notes on Modifiers: The process of adding modifiers on armor should be straightforward. You just add the Modifier (2) first, and then factor in Modifier (1). But, I haven't found a Rusty/Worn piece of armor with a Modifier (2) yet, so I may have to fix the chart. ------------ 6.4: Shields ------------ Overall Summary: Wielding a shield with your weapon is often a good idea, as you'll have the ability to block (Z button) for an infinite amount of time. This is useful especially for weaker characters like the sorceress and maybe the archer, since blocking the hit with your shield would be avoiding a large dent in your health. Besides, the Sorceress can't even hold most two-handed weapons, so use a shield instead! Blocking without a shield is often a risky maneuver. Your block with just a weapon is limited to one second (give or take some milliseconds). After you block, your character will be unable to move for an instant. At that time, if the foe attacks you, you'll be hit for sure and the block will not work. *** Using the Shield: Simply equip your shield when blocking to get more desired results! There are two types of shields in the game, and they both give the user infinite blocking power. The difference lies in the additional Armor Class bonus your character receives upon equipping the shield. So, if you have a shield equipped, your enemies will have lower chances to hit you, even if you don't block. Shields are essentially pieces of armor, and are thus listed in the Armor section of the Inventory/Level Up menu. The modifiers for shields are the same as the ones for armor, so you can find a shield with better Armor Class, if you'd like. Also, an Iron Shield is Steel, and a Wood Shield is Wood, if you're wondering what kinds of modifiers they have. Below is a list of shields in the game. They are described in the layout like the armor in the previous section. *** Iron Shield Heavy but reliable, the Iron Shield has decent Armor Class for a semi-high weight. Use it on your character if you have enough space, and be sure to look for a good modifier, possibly even an Elven modifier. Type: Shield Armor Class: 4 Weight: 15.0 pounds Sell: 261G *** Wood Shield The other shield in the game. This one is lighter and can be carried with ease by your Sorceress or anyone else. The downside is the lessened Armor Class, but a +5 modifier can fix that up... Type: Shield Armor Class: 2 Weight: 5.0 pounds Sell: 35G *** Recommendations: If you choose to use a shield, it really doesn't matter which one you choose. The Wood Shield has a better Armor to weight ratio, but the Iron Shield can get up to nine AC (with +5 modifier). Also, the Wooden Shield cannot be bought in any stores, only from monster cadavers. ------------ 6.5: Potions ------------ Overall Summary: In the world of Adventure RPGs, a well-prepared adventurer always has many varieties of potions in his inventory. There are a couple sorts of potions in this game, and they can be consumed anytime you need to replenish health or magic, or anytime you need to warp to a safe area. It's good to keep at least ten of each kind of potion with you at all times. *** Using Potions: The three kinds of potions in the game can be used rather simply. Health Potions are consumed with the R button, and Rejuvenation Potions can be used with the L button. If you have a Recall Potion and want to Recall to a safe place, simply press start during game play and select Recall. After recalling, make sure you don't leave the safe area. What you can do is press Recall again to recall back to the place you came from. It's a neat feature, and it only uses one Recall Potion! Potions (excluding Recall) heal a set amount of lost Health or Magic. So, as you progress levels and gain more HP and Magic, you might notice the effect of Potions lessening. This is when you should buy the potion upgrades, like Extra potions and such. The upgraded potions replenish more damage, but are more expensive to buy. Note that Health and Rejuvenation Potions can be used by selecting the item from the Inventory/Level Up menu, but this way isn't any different and wastes more time to use. There is a list below of all the potions in the game. *** Extra Healing Potion This potion is a must for any character in the later levels of the game, where they can be found and bought of abundance. Be sure to carry at least twenty of these no matter where you are going or how unimportant it may seem. It may weigh you down, but that's what Jewelry of Strength are for. Weight: 1.0 pounds Effect: Recovers 66 health to player. Sell: 84G *** Extra Rejuvenation Potion Depending on what character you're using, I have different recommendations for this potion. If you're an Archer or Sorceress, carry 5 to 10 of these; if you are a Fighter or Ranger, don't bother, since they just waste inventory room and you'll hardly use them. Weight: 2.0 pounds Effect: Recovers 66 magic to player. Sell: 84G *** Healing Potion This is the mid-sized potion you get in Act II and up. You'll be using these a lot, especially if you've leveled up a lot and they're not increasing much health. Carry as much as you can; about 25 is good. Weight: 0.75 pounds Effect: Recovers 44 health to player. Sell: 28G *** Lesser Healing Potion The Lesser version of this red liquid can be found throughout the beginning of the game. They usually do their job well in Act I, but sell them as soon as you can in Act II, as enemies start doing more damage. Weight: 0.5 pounds Effect: Recovers 22 health to player. Sell: 8G *** Lesser Rejuvenation Potion These are mainly for selling at this early stage of the game where you'll find them. Only the sorceress has any use for them, and that use is limited. Other characters don't even have Active Feats/Spells yet, so don't bother. Weight: 1.0 pounds Effect: Recovers 22 magic to player. Sell: 8G *** Recall Potion Recall potions are helpful if you've filled up your space and want to sell off your loot. They can only be used after a safe area is found, and cannot be used in the last levels of the game. Sell them off or use them before then. Also, when in the safe are, recall again to go back to where you came from. Weight: 1.0 pounds Effect: Recalls player back and forth from an area to a safe area. Sell: 50G *** Rejuvenation Potion As with all types of this potion, use only if your character uses magic as a primary or important method of attack. Otherwise, you're just using up space in your inventory by stocking too much. Weight: 1.5 pounds Effect: Recovers 44 magic to player. Sell: 28G *** Recommendations: Take them as they come. Stronger types of potions will, at some point, replace the ones you currently have. Basically, sell your old potions as new ones become available, since you'll probably need it since your HP and Magic have increased. Keep Recall Potions throughout the game, until the Onyx Tower (more in the walkthrough). ------------ 6.6: Jewelry ------------ Wearing Jewelry: Jewelry in the game is worn on your character's fingers as rings, or around the character's neck as amulets. Generally serving no purpose, these pieces of jewelry can be forged with magic to increase your characters' statistics. Only the jewelry with magic is worth wearing, since normal jewelry doesn't do anything at all. Jewelry is light, and will get you good prices in shops. Magical jewelry is hard to come by at first, but can be bought and found in abundance in the game's later levels. Many statistics can be increased by this modified jewelry, including health, strength, intelligence, and many others. A full list can be found after the jewelry list. The modifier can range from +1 all the way to +15! Look carefully, as jewelry is small and easy to miss when dropped from an enemy or chest. Jewelry can be equipped in the Potions tab in the Inventory/Level Up menu (the third tab from the left). You can only have one amulet and two rings worn at a time, since wearing too much will cause magical interference. Also, there are some precious stones in the game, like Rubies and Sapphires. They cannot be worn, attached, or used in any way. Their main purpose is to be sold for quick cash, and they're pretty hard to find. Here is a jewelry list: *** Amulet The amulet is like a necklace, except used to ward off evil spirits. In the game, you won't find many amulets dropping on the ground until the later acts, so you can buy one at a shop. Look for a high modifier! Weight: 0.5 pounds Effect: Can be modified to help player Sell: 134G *** Diamond This is pretty rare to find, and pretty expensive to sell. Oddly, you can buy diamonds in Bartley's shop, but they don't do anything, so you'll have to sell them again. Weight: 1.0 pounds Effect: None Sell: 697G *** Emerald A sparkling green rock, the Emerald serves no other purpose than to be sold for a relatively low price. Bummer. Weight: 0.05 pounds Effect: None Sell: 112G *** Ring A multi-colored band designed to fit your finger, rings can help you in many different attributes depending on what magic is forged upon it. They can be found or bought, but are very small and very hard to see on the ground. Weight: 0.2 pounds Effect: Can be modified to help player Sell: 141G *** Ruby The cheapest gem, the Ruby has next to no value, especially since it can't do anything to your character. Weight: 0.05 pounds Effect: None Sell: 22G *** Sapphire A gem of medium selling price, the Sapphire should be cashed in for gold as soon as you visit a shopkeeper. Weight: 0.05 pounds Effect: None Sell: 258G *** List of Modifiers: Only Rings and Amulets can be worn, and therefore only those two can be modified. Jewelry modifiers differ from other modifiers in that it can go to +15, whereas other modifiers can only reach +5. Depending on what attribute the modifier is, the ring or amulet will have different effects. All of these effects are beneficial to the character. The modifiers for Rings and Amulets are the same. Here is the list, in alphabetical order: *Modifier* *Description* of Constitution +x Adds x Constitution to character, where x is from 1 to 15. of Dexterity +x Adds x Dexterity to character, where x is from 1 to 15. of Intellect +x Adds x Intelligence to character, where x is from 1 to 15. of Protection +x Adds x Armor Class to character, where x is from 1 to 15. of Regeneration +x Adds x Intestinal Fortitude ranks, where x is from 1 to 15. of Rejuvenation +x Adds x Willpower ranks, where x is from 1 to 15. of Strength +x Adds x Strength to character, where x is from 1 to 15. ~ Please note that jewelry can only have one modifier from the seven above. *** Recommendations: Use these rings and amulets to help assist a statistic that you're lacking at. Beware, if you take the jewelry off, your statistic will decrease to before you put the jewelry on. Use the three pieces of jewelry you're allotted to increase three different stats, for maximum effect. -------------------------- 6.7: Key Items/Quest Items -------------------------- Various items are found in the game that are essential to progressing in the quest. Some other items are used to complete quests in the game, some of which are optional. Here is a list of Key and Quest items, in the order you get them. *** Cellar Door Key - Found in the Tavern, Act I. - Used to open Cellar door. *** Bottle of Fine Wine - Found in the Cellar, Act I. - Used to complete Nebbish's Quest. *** Sewer Level 1 Door Key - Found in the Tavern, Act I. - Used to open Sewers Level 1 door. *** Prison Cell Key - Found in the Sewers Level 1, Act I. - Used to open Sewers Cell. *** Sewer Level 2 Door Key - Found in the Sewers Level 1, Act I. - Used to open Sewers Level 2 door. *** Ipswitch's Medallion - Found in the Crypts Level 1, Act I. - Used to complete Ipswitch's Quest. *** Thief's Map - Found in the Crypts Level 2, Act I. - Used to complete Osala's Quest. *** Secret Door Key - Found in the Tavern, Act I. - Used to open Thieves Guild Level 1 door. *** Box of Rare Spice - Found in the Thieves' Guild Level 1, Act I. - Used to complete Kaeira's Quest. *** Flint - Found in the Burning Eye Summit West, Act II. - Used to light Signal Fire. *** Torch - Found in the Burning Eye Summit East, Act II. - Used to light Signal Fire. *** Oil Flask - Found in the Burning Eye Summit, Act II. - Used to light Signal Fire. *** Key of Dumthoin - Found in the Burning Eye Peak, Act II. - Used to enter Drow Mines. *** Steel Shaft Gear - Found in the Drow Mines Level 1, Act II. - Used to enter Drow Mines Level 2. *** Silver Shaft Gear - Found in the Drow Mines Level 1, Act II. - Used to enter Drow Mines Level 2. *** Gold Shaft Gear - Found in the Drow Mines Level 1, Act II. - Used to enter Drow Mines Level 2. *** Illivara's Key - Found in the Drow Underworld, Act II. - Used to open Brogan's Cell. *** Illivara's Horn of Shahri - Found in the Drow Underworld, Act II. - Used to enter Ice Caves. *** Forest Map - Found in the Dwarven Mining Camp, Act II. - Used to enter Dark Forest. *** Sleyvas' Consent - Found in the Adderspine Road West, Act III. - Used to access Adderspine Road East. ==================== ***7: Walkthrough*** ==================== Are you stuck in a part of the game? Do you want some hints on defeating a particular boss? Would you like assistance on how to spend your gold or which items to carry? Or, are you just bored? If you've answered yes to any of the questions above, read the following walkthrough, with all the tips, strategies, and descriptions you'll ever want. If you find anything untrue, mistaken, or incomplete about the walkthrough (or my entire FAQ), please contact me by means of email. That information is in Section 1. If you cannot understand a part of the guide, contact me. Please note that any Non-Player Characters or Bosses in the game are denoted by hyphens (---) in the walkthrough. Breaks are represented by asterisks (***). ------------------ 7.1: Tutorial Game ------------------ If you've never played an Action/RPG game before, the Tutorial game is a good place to start. Begin by pressing New Game on the game menu, and selecting Tutorial on the next screen. You'll start as Vahn, the Human Archer. *** Tutorial Level Save Pedestals: 1 Enemies: Rats This is an optional level of the game to get you accustomed to the controls and basics. You may want to read section 4 to get the game basics before even playing this, just to get used to the game. Area Checklist: - Toggle the Automap on the Main Menu so it is visible. - Learn to use the Action Button for doors, levers, chests, etc. - Equip weapons found using Start and attack using the A button, jump using Y. - Equip and attack with a ranged weapon and toggle ranged and melee weapons. - Save the game and exit. (tutorial game is not really saved) ------------------------- 7.2: Act I: Baldur's Gate ------------------------- Pick a difficulty for your game after selecting New Game from the main menu. Newcomers to the genre should select Easy, while skilled players might go for Medium or Hard. As you start a new game, you'll be able to choose one of three well-balanced characters. They were described in previous sections: Vahn, the human archer, Kromlech, the dwarven fighter, and Adrianna, the sorceress. Note that the quest is the same for all three characters, but the dialouge you'll hear is sometimes different. Refer to section 5 for the analysis on each character. And so, your journey starts. *** Elfsong Tavern Save Pedestals: 1 Enemies: none You start the adventure as an adventurer down on your luck. With your few possessions, you come to the port city of Baldur's Gate in hopes of a fortune. But, all you get is a hard blow to the back by a thief, one that knocks you unconscious. A cutsene occurs, and you are brought to the Elfsong Tavern, where you are informed of your status and mission. Area Checklist: - Save the game using the save pedestal on the far corner of the tavern. - A woman will have an exlamation point above her head. Speak to her. - After finishing the conversation, speak to the man standing near you. - Equip weapon and go into Cellars. --- Alyth --- Alyth the bartender will tell you about the rats invading the tavern cellar. She tells you to talk to Ethon, who has the key to the cellar. Alyth will give you several quests throughout the first act. --- Ethon --- Ethon will give you the key to the cellar. He is a good source of information as the game progresses. You will also recieve a Rusty Dagger to fight with. Equip it and save your game. Progress to the left corner of the room and enter the cellar. *** The Cellar Save Pedestals: 3 Enemies: Rats This is the first dungeon in the game. Navigate the cellar carefully with the Automap feature, and kill all of the rats with the A button. Break open all of the boxes and chests; you might find some valuable stuff. If you find a weapon or armor, equip it using Inventory/Level Up in the Start menu. Area Checklist: - Kill rats using the A button. Block with Z button. - Open chests and doors using X. Pick up items using X. - Use Health Potion using R and Rejuvenation Potion using L when needed. - Upon killing all rats, go back to Elfsong Tavern. If you have a Recall Potion right now, use it by selecting Recall from the main menu. You can recall from the tavern back to this place using Recall again. No additional Potion will be needed. Recall gets increasingly useful in later levels, and more Recall Potions can be bought. *** Elfsong Tavern (2) Ethon will be missing upon your return. Alyth will tell you how he went down to get you. She will give you a reward for the rats. Because you got some gold and items from the Cellar, you might want to talk to Bartley and Nebbish by the looping stairs. Area Checklist: - Talk to Alyth, receive reward and key. - Talk to Bartley and Nebbish for various information. - Head back to Cellars. Save your Game. --- Alyth --- The bartender will reward you for the rat extermination and give you a sewer key to go find Ethon. Go to Bartley by the stairs. --- Bartley --- Bartley sells all kinds of swords, bows, armor, and potions. If you don't have enough potions, he is the guy to come to. Sell unused weapons and accessories for cash at his shop. Press B to leave. --- Nebbish --- Nebbish is also by the stairs. He wants you to fetch him a bottle of wine from the cellars since Alyth won't let him go himself. Accept his quest and head back down to the cellar. If you Recalled up from the cellar, press Recall again to head back down. Otherwise, go back down on foot. *** The Cellar (2) Additional Enemies: Kobolds, Kobold Spearmen, Spiders Continue from where you left off in the Cellar. Make your way fighting some new enemies, like the feisty Kobolds and Kobold Spearmen. They may drop valuable items when you kill them, so use the X button to pick them up. Be sure to equip a weapon if you want to use it. Area Checklist: - Kill all enemies using your weapons; equip better ones if found. - Use all save pedestals to save the game. Save often for the entire game. - Ignite dynamite barrels with the X button and run away to prevent damage. - Recall back to Elfsong Tavern if short on supplies. - Find Bottle of Fine Wine in a room with a large water pool. - Enter Sewers with key. You will eventually come to the Sewers door. Be prepared before you enter, and make sure you didn't miss any previous enemies and treasure. *** The Sewers Level 1 Save Pedestals: 3 Enemies: Bugbears, Bugbear Elites, Kobolds, Kobold Spearmen, Rats, Giant Rat As you enter the sewers, you'll view a cut-scene showing Ethon getting caught by The man with the silver mask, Karne. He looks suspiciously like the same man who mugged you out in the streets of Baldur's Gate! The other one is a big Bugbear. You'd better head over there to find out what's going on. Area Checklist: - Kill all enemies found, heal whenever needed. - Proceed until circular door. Find the lever to your right; pull to unlock. - Find and equip a shield; block oncoming Kobold spears. - Locate large group of Kobold Spearmen; block spears and attack quickly. - Pull three levers after killing Spearmen to open circular doors. - Jump on top of stacked boxes to get over wall. - Enter lair of Bugbear Chieftain, defeat and get key. - Free Ethon with key, find and equip a shortbow. - Exit to Baldur's Gate city. --- Bugbear Chieftain - Boss --- This is one intimidating boss, towering over his Kobold army of about twenty. The strategy here is to lure some of the Kobolds out of the room. This will make it easier to pick them off little by little. Repeat this until only the Chieftain is left. Killing the boss alone will be relatively easier, so be careful of your health and watch the Bugbear's lifebar on the bottom of the screen. Be careful of his powerful mace swing. When you kill the Chieftain, he'll drop a key and some items. Search the room for chests and weapon racks. The key unlocks Ethon's cell over to the right of the Bugbear room. Search the chests in the area. You'll find a Shortbow and arrows to equip. Remember this place; you'll be heading back to it soon. Go back to the Chieftain room and exit through the stairs. *** Baldur's Gate Save Pedestals: none Enemies: none You'll emerge in Baldur's Gate, which, in this game, has no purpose except to act as a shortcut from a dungeon to the Tavern. More dungeon exits will be available as you progress. There is nothing of interest here; go to the Tavern. Area Checklist: - Emerge from Sewers, explore town. - Go to Elfsong Tavern for quest reward. *** Elfsong Tavern (3) Ethon and Alyth will both give you quest rewards when you enter the tavern. You'll hear about the Thieves' Guild and Ethon will give you access to the lower level of the sewers. Two new characters will be hanging around the tavern, and they will offer you new quests. Area Checklist: - Talk to Alyth and receive her reward. - Speak to Ethon and get a key for Sewers Level 2. Also get reward. - Go to the hefty man with a pipe and accept his quest. - Go to the long-haired woman and accept her quest. - Sell off unneeded items and buy better ones from Bartley. - Go to Sewers Level 2. --- Alyth --- Being her usual kind self, Alyth will give you a reward for your duties. --- Ethon --- Thanking you for his rescue, Ethon will reveal that he is a thief and has connections with the Thieves' Guild. He needs your help, though, as the new Guild is up to no good. Ethon will give you access to Sewers Level 2. --- Nebbish --- If you haven't already done so, speak with Nebbish to receive your reward for giving him the wine from the cellar. --- Ipswitch --- A balding man smoking a pipe, Ipswitch will give you a mission to find his family heirloom in the Crypts. Accept it and progress on your journey. --- Osala --- Osala is a worried-looking woman who will give you a quest to find her missing husband in the Crypts of Ilmater. After navigating the Sewers Level 2, you'll be going there. Depending on which character you choose, your pack may be near full right now. Go to Bartley the Shopkeeper to sell off your excess items, and buy some nicer items using the gold you've collected. It's a good idea to occasionally use a Recall Potion to the shopkeeper when your bag is full. Now head back to Sewers Level 1 and enter Level 2. *** The Sewers Level 2 Save Pedestals: 4 Enemies: Bugbears, Bugbear Elites, Gelatinous Cubes, Green Slimes, Kobolds, Kobold Spearmen The lower level of the Sewers has more monsters to kill and better rewards to claim. This point is where your characters start developing elusive skills. Use these abilities to your advantage, and my information in Sections 4, 5, and 6 may help you in this. Area Checklist: - Navigate the dungeon with the Automap, kill monsters, find items. - Go right from the room with four pillars; find and pull lever. - Find two other levers as you progress to open circular doors. - Be careful near the big water pools for Green Slimes; kill them with arrows. - Behind the two circular doors is the entrance to the Crypts. Save your game if needed, then enter the Crypts of Ilmater. *** The Crypts Level 1 Save Pedestals: 3 Enemies: Skeletons, Skeleton Archers, Zombies A cut-scene will occur upon your entrance. This shows how Karne the Masked Man is working for someone. Karne will be ordered to search for the intruder (you). Before you enter the Crypts, equip a good mace or other blunt weapon with "of Disruption" on its name. Skeletons in the Crypts are resistant to blades and therefore will take more damage from Maces and Clubs. Disruption weapons can instantly kill the undead upon a Critical Hit. This level of the Crypts is pretty straightforward, and remember to use Save Pedestals. Area Checklist: - A swarm of undead will attack as soon as you enter the Crypts. - A character will talk to you as soon as you enter a room. Accept his quest. - When hurt, go back to this character to get healed for no charge. - Find Ipswitch's Family Heirloom in the far corner of a big room. - Progress to the room with three urns at the end of the level. - Move each urn to corresponding pedestal to enter Crypts Level 2. --- Fayed --- A terrified-looking priest, Fayed notices the undead roaming in the Crypts and needs you to stop them. He tells you about a magical Orb, which has been turning his fellow priests into undead monsters. Accept his quest and come back to Fayed any time for help and healing. After you solve the urns, the gateway to Level 2 will open. If you want, head back to the tavern through the stairway near the exit to buy supplies. You will enter Baldur's Gate again and can go to the tavern this way. *** The Crypts Level 2 Save Pedestals: 3 Enemies: Skeletons, Zombies This is a rather dark level to explore, so you might miss some items when going through. You're better off letting monsters come to you instead of seeking them, since the undead will spawn from the floor as you approach them. Area Checklist: - Kill off undead with blunt weapons of Disruption. - Navigate straight ahead to the Chamber of the Orb of the Undead. - Defeat Orb and speak to Fayed, who will come with reward. - Learn about Osala's husband. - Recall or walk back to the Elfsong Tavern. --- Orb of the Undead - Boss --- You will finish in the chamber of the Orb that has been raising all of those undead monsters. When the Orb floats up into the air, he cannot be reached and will summon many undead to attack you. Try not to get mobbed by the monsters as you fight them, and the Repulsion, Whirlwind Attack, and Fire Shield feats are useful abilities. After you kill them off, the Orb will come back down. This is when you can attack it. Repeat this strategy until the boss explodes. Pick up the treasure the undead may have left behind. --- Fayed --- Fayed the priest will come in and congratulate you for your heroics. Get your Quest Reward and meet him back in the Tavern. You will also find Osala's dead husband and learn of his fate, how he was the one who placed the Orb into the crypts. Report back to the Tavern now. *** Elfsong Tavern (4) Go and receive your various Quest rewards for completing the tasks. Ethon will have found a man who can help you go to the Thieves' Guild. Also, another sidequest will be available to you. Area Checklist: - Speak to Ethon, who will introduce to you his thief aquaintance. - Speak to Ethon's aquaintance right beside him, gain access to Thieves' Guild. - Go to Osala and Ipswitch to receive rewards for quests. - Talk to a woman by the tavern desk and accept her quest. - Sell and buy items from Bartley if needed. - Leave and go to Sewers Level 1 to enter the Thieves' Guild Level 1. --- Ethon --- Ethon has found Jherek, a thief who will inform you about the Thieves' Guild and give you access to it. --- Jherek --- A hooded aquaintance of Ethon's, Jherek will give you access to Thieves' Guild Level 1. He tells you that the hidden entrance is in the Sewers Level 1, near Ethon's cell and the shortbow chest. --- Osala --- Osala will be melancholy about her husband's death, but will thank you for letting her know and give you a reward. --- Ipswitch --- Ipswitch will give you a reward in exchange for his family heirloom. It is a weapon you might want to use. If not, sell it to Bartley in the shop. --- Keaira --- This lady will speak of needing a valuable spice box and wondering if you could find one for her in the Sewers. Accept her quest. Once you are finished, exit the tavern into the city of Baldur's Gate, and enter the Sewers Level 1 from there. *** The Sewers Level 1 (2) Re-navigate the sewers and go to the place where Ethon's cell was. Walk a little further and enter the crease in the wall to go to Thieves Guild and find a solution to this mayhem. Area Checklist: - Navigate sewers again, get any missed experience/items. - Find hole in wall by Ethon's Cell. Enter Thieves' Guild Level 1. There will be a cut-scene of Karne talking to his employer. Their foiled plans will be addressed, and the Beholder Xantam will be revealed. *** Thieves' Guild Level 1 Save Pedestals: 3 Enemies: Kobolds, Kobold Spermen, Thieves, Spore Pods You will encounter many new enemies when exploring the Thieves' Guild. There is a stairway leading to Baldur's Gate in a large room, so use it whenever you need. Collect all the treasure you can. Area Checklist: - Navigate into large meeting room and find stairs to Town. Use if needed. - Kill all enemies encountered; buy better weapons if necessary. - Near the exit, find a room with many treasure chests. Find Keara's Spice Box. - Kill Spore Pods quickly to prevent explosion and heavy damage. - Go to the exit and enter Level 2. Keaira will give you a reward for the spice box upon your next tavern visit. Head on to Level 2 when ready. *** Thieves' Guild Level 2 Save Pedestals: 7 Enemies: Green Slimes, Gelatinous Cubes, Spiders, Giant Spiders, Rats, Thieves, Spore Pods, Flare Pedestals This section of the Thieves' Guild is the hardest challenge yet, and it will involve precise jumping skills and keen attacking. There are three Jump Puzzles throughout the map, and strategies will be discussed below. After finishing these puzzles, you must navigate a circular path filled with many enemies and leading to the exit. Area Checklist: - Progress to Flare Pedestals area. Flares explode upon impact; be careful. - Save before first Jump Puzzle maze in case of error. - Jump from platform onto another before the previous one vanishes to succeed. - Save after first Jump Puzzle; prepare for second Jump Puzzle. - Jump across chasm avoiding flare being shot at you. - Jump on platform and quickly jump to an adjacent platform that doesn't flash. - Save after second Jump Puzzle; prepare for third Jump Puzzle. - Repeat previous method to pass the third Jump Puzzle. Save after finishing. - Jump across another chasm and save. This is the Monsters area. - Kill big Spiders and Spore Pods, avoid Flares, and watch your health. - Meet Karne and defeat him in a boss fight. Enter Level 3. The first Jump Puzzle is pretty straightforward. Jump quickly from platform to platform. Platforms will flash and vanish about 2 seconds after you jump on them. The other Jump Puzzles are harder. Jump onto the first platform and the adjacent ones will blink. Quickly locate the only adjacent one that doesn't blink and jump on it. Repeat this method one platform at a time to get across. --- Karne - Boss --- At the end of the circular path, you will meet with Karne and engage in a conversation, and a battle will begin. Karne throws an unlimited amount of knives, and you'll have to block or dodge them from time to time. Approach him carefully and start hacking at his backside. Karne can teleport when he is in danger. As his lifebar goes down, the boss will start throwing many knives at a time, so it is important for you to block. When he is defeated, Karne will throw one last dagger at you and drop. Pick up the treasure Karne has dropped and proceed to Level 3. *** Thieves' Guild Level 3 Save Pedestals: 6 Enemies: Rotating Eyeballs, Arrow Machines Save the game at the start of the level. There are Eyeballs scattered around the level that wil shoot beams at you. You will die if you get hit by one. You must evade the Eyeballs and hit the appropriate levers they are guarding to get across. Use the save spots so you don't have to redo anything. Area Checklist: - Pull lever in first room to lower force field from doorway. - Run past Rotating Eyeball when it is not looking your way. - Save game on Save Pedestal and pull lever to enter another room. - Avoid arrows from machines, save game after passing them. - In next room, Dodge Eyeball beams and pull two levers in order. - Proceed and save game. Hit two more levers to open doors. - Quickly hit all NINE levers while running around eyeball; avoid fire. - Save game in next room. Recall to Tavern before going to Throne Room. Recall to the Elfsong Tavern, because this is the last opportunity you'll have before engaging with Xantam. *** Elfsong Tavern (5) Sell off all of your unused items here. You'll be going to Act 2 soon, where better weapons can be bought, so sell everything except the bare neccessities. Kaeira will give you a reward for your Spice Box. Area Checklist: - Talk to Kaeira and claim quest reward. - Visit Bartley's shop and sell off unwanted items. Buy strong armor. - Recall to Thieves' Guild Level 3. --- Kaeira --- Kaeira will give you a reward for finding the Spice Box down in the Thieves' Guild Level 1. --- Bartley --- Bartley the Shopkeeper will be happy to buy your unused items and weapons. Buy some potions if you are in need of them. The fight with Xantam might require a potion or two. Also, get yourself a suit of armor for the battle ahead. Recall back to the Thieves' Guild Level 3. *** Thieves' Guild Level 3 (2) Additional Enemies: Bugbear Elites A bunch of Bugbear Elites will be the final obstacle guarding the way to Xantam the Beholder. When ready, enter the Throne Room. Area Checklist: - Kill off all Bugbears and make sure your health is good. - Head into Throne Room to face Xantam. *** Throne Room Save Pedestals: none Enemies: Xantam the Beholder Upon walking up to him, you will engage in a conversation with the purple Beholder, Xantam. He will challenge you following his explanation of your meddling in his business. Area Checklist: - Find and defeat Xantam the Beholder. - Meet Jherek and get reward. Learn of mission. - Recall if necessary, then enter Teleportation Gate. --- Xantam the Beholder - Boss --- Xantam is a tough boss, since he has many hit points and is resistant, or takes half damage, from certain magical attacks and spells, so the Sorceress will be at a disadvantage. If you are far away from him, Xantam will use Magic Missiles and other accurate spells. Make sure you have a strong weapon equipped, and get right in front of the Beholder and start attacking him this way. The boss' melee attack is weaker, especially if you have good armor. So, you are better off fighting close. --- Jherek --- Upon defeating Xantam, Jherek will enter the room and congratulate you. He will show you a map of the Sword Coast and its triangle of Baldur's Gate, Sunset Mountains, and Marsh of Chelimber. He will tell you about the Teleportation Gate in the room and wants you to go through the gate and investigate the growing evil. Jherek will also hand you a reward. Head through the gate when ready, as you won't be able to come back. ----------------------------- 7.3: Act II: Sunset Mountains ----------------------------- I hope you have sold whatever possible off your back before going into this act, because you won't reach a safe area until after navigating the Wind's Walk. And, if you don't have enough pack space to carry the loot enemies drop, you'll either have to leave it or backtrack later. As you progress through this act, you'll notice your characters developing their unique traits from each other. You should go into section 5 and learn to use a particular character the most effective way possible. With that, your journey continues... *** Wind's Walk Save Pedestals: 2 Enemies: Gnolls, Gnoll Captains, Ogres, Yetis You'll start your adventure at a barren hilltop. The journey downwards will be covered with gnolls and yetis. Save pedestals will be rare, so conserve your potions in case of disaster. You cannot use a Recall Potion yet. Area Checklist: - Descend the mountain and kill everything in your path. - Evade projectiles thrown at you from enemies; counter with own attacks. - Collect Healing Potions laid out for you from area with boxes. - End at Dwarven Mining Camp. Exit. You'll notice Lesser Healing Potions becoming extinct in Act II and being replaced with Healing Potions, which recover double the health. Exit at the Dwarven Mining Camp. *** Dwarven Mining Camp Save Pedestals: 1 Enemies: none This is the Safe Area for Act II and from this point on, a Recall Potion will get you here. Two dwarves will be standing among all the walking ones. Talk to them to get information about their troubles. There are paths to the Dark Forest, Wind's Walk, Dwarven Mines, and Mount Burning Eye from this point, and you'll find yourself revisiting here often. Area Checklist: - Save your game. Speak to dwarf with exclamation point above head. - Speak to other standing dwarf and enter shop. - Exit to Mount Burning Eye Base. --- Torrgeir --- He is the dwarf who has a ! on his head. Torrgeir will tell you about the dwarves' trouble with the Drow elves, and how their mines had to be closed off because of them. He will tell you about the signal fire and how you have to go and find what's going on with it not being lit. This is your first quest. --- Branoch --- A dwarven shopkeeper, Branoch will be your man to sell off goods and buy better ones. Sell off the stuff you got from the Wind's Walk and buy some weapons and potions if you have the money. When all is done, enter Burning Eye Base to the right of the camp. *** Burning Eye Base Save Pedestals: 3 Enemies: Gnolls, Gnoll Captains, Yetis, Wolves You will begin your ascent up Mount Burning Eye in the forest area. As you progress, you'll enter the snow-covered area and face new enemies. you'll get some treasure to loot in a yeti camp at the end of the forest. Area Checklist: - Progress upwards into the forest. - Walk up the narrow upwards pathway into the snow. - Encounter an ice cave and enter it. Loot the area. - Exit cave and proceed upwards to the exit. You'll find an entrance in the snow, leading to a cave with some potions and a pack of wolves. Items might be hard to see on the cave floor. When all is done, exit into Mount Burning Eye Summit. *** Burning Eye Summit Save Pedestals: 3 Enemies: Gnolls, Gnoll Captains, Ogres, Wolves A large icy area, the summit of Burning Eye will lead to three paths apart from the one you came from. You'll need a flint, flask, and torch to light the fire Torregir was talking about. Navigate the path and head left at the crossroads. Area Checklist: - Enter a cave near the level beginning and grab treasure. Exit. - Progress to the second Save Pedestal you encounter and head left. - Enter Mount Burning Eye Summit West. *** Burning Eye Summit West Save Pedestals: 3 Enemies: Gnolls, Gnoll Captains, Ogres, Yetis This area is a large outlet from the summit, with lots and lots of monsters to fight. If all you're after is the quest item, go directly west and encounter a cave with the cadaver of a dwarf, who is holding it. After doing that, explore the whole area for more items and experience. Area Checklist: - Explore the large area and kill all enemies for treasure. - Encounter a cave off to the left (west). - Kill the enemies in the cave and get the Flint from a dead dwarf. - Exit cave and go back to Burning Eye Summit. Now you need to venture east and get another quest item. Recall back to the Mining Camp if necessary. *** Burning Eye Summit (2) This time, head the opposite direction from the crossroads. You'll reach the east side, which holds another piece of the signal fire requirements. Area Checklist: - Go to the crossroads and go to opposite direction. - Reach Mount Burning Eye Summit East. Enter. *** Burning Eye Summit East Save Pedestals: 2 Enemies: Gnolls, Ogres, Wolves, Gnoll Captains A relatively small area, the East Summit is a valley within the mountain, and is home to some enemies who have set up camp here. Find the dwarf corpse and locate the Torch. Area Checklist: - Head downwards into valley, destroying monsters. - Find corpse of dwarf and find Torch for signal fire. - Loot campsite and head back to Burning Eye Summit. Only one more piece of the puzzle to go! *** Burning Eye Summit (3) You need to locate the cave of where the Dwarf Captain is and get the final quest item from him. Head to the north when approaching the crossroads and locate his cave to the left of the third save pedestal. Area Checklist: - Go north upon reaching crossroads. - Head left when you reach third save spot. - Enter Kolgrim's cave and get Oil Flask after conversation. - Exit cave and proceed north to Burning Eye Peak. --- Kolgrim --- You'll meet a badly wounded dwarf in the cave after you kill all the enemies. He'll tell you that he doesn't have the key, and the guy with the key is frozen in the ice. Before he dies, he'll give you the oil flask. Pick it up and leave the cave. Now that you have all the items necessary, go up to the peak and light the signal fire. *** Burning Eye Peak Save Pedestals: 1 Enemies: Will-o-Wisp The balls of lightning you encounter in this level apparently killed many of the enemies for you. They will do the same to you if you're not careful. Do not let more than one of them zap you at once, or you will surely die. Use arrows or well-placed attacks to get rid of them, one by one. Head up the peak and to the signal fire platform. Area Checklist: - Kill Will-o-Wisps (lightning balls) throughout the level. - Reach peak of mountain and go to signal fire tower. - Light the fire using quest items. Unfreeze dwarf and get Key of Dumthoin. - Watch cut-scene of dragon waking up. - Recall back to Mining Camp and claim reward. Ciraxis the dragon will be woken up by the fire. He is a formidable boss later on. Recall back to the camp when all is done. *** Dwarven Mining Camp (2) Torregir will be elated by your accomplishments and give you a quest. Now you must use the key and open the door to the mines, where Brogan the dwarf is kept prisoner. Get supplies if you need to from the shop. Area Checklist: - Talk to Torregir to end quest. Learn of quest to rescue Brogan. - Buy supplies and save game if needed. - Head to door to mines and open it with key. Enter. --- Torregir --- You will ask Torregir in your conversation of a way you can make the drow pay for what they've done. Torregir tells you how to open up the door to the mines with the Key of Dumthoin, and you are off on your new quest. The door to the mines is near the exit to Mount Burning Eye, on the side with a cliff. Enter the mines when you are ready. *** Drow Mines Level 1 Save Pedestals: 3 Enemies: Drow Warriors, Drow Archers, Rats, Spiders It will be very dark throughout the mines, so you might want to press Start and turn up the brightness in the Options menu. Your task here is to repair the elevator leading to Level 2 by finding three shaft gears. They are small and hard to find on the ground. Kill all the drow and other monsters, and pick up the gold just scattering around. Area Checklist: - Don't change camera angles or you won't understand directions below. - Explore mines and kill drow. Pick up gold on floor. - At the second save spot, turn right and find Steel Shaft Gear in a corner. - Go back to second save spot. Go upwards further to find Silver Shaft Gear. - Head back to save spot, and turn left. Continue exploring. - Reach area with many Spiders. Near here is Gold Shaft Gear. - Go upwards and use shaft gears to go down to level 2. If you need some weapons, recall to the camp. Otherwise, head down. *** Drow Mines Level 2 Save Pedestals: 7 Enemies: Drow Archers, Drow Warriors, Drow Females, Drow Horsemen, Spiders This is a huge area with many enemies. There are some dark pits you could fall into and die from. There are many very narrow corridors, which actually work to your advantage since your opponents cannot mob you (unless they're coming from both sides, and that's bad). Area Checklist: - Head to the right from the start. Heading upwards will get you to a barrier. - Jump over any holes you see. Don't fall in or you'll die. - Reach a split path by the fifth save spot. The left leads to a dead end. - Encounter two drow camps. Be wary of the numerous enemies. - After the large drow camp, exit to Drow Underworld. Enter the Drow Underworld and prepare to face their leader, Ilivara. Make sure you've explored everything before entering. *** The Drow Underworld Save Pedestals: 5 Enemies: Drow Females, Drow Horsemen, Umber Hulks The final level of the mines is a dark, cavern-like environment. You'll immediately face Umber Hulks, which are purple monsters with lots of health and a damaging attack. Use long range spells and feats to kill them, if possible. Explore everything, and reach Ilivara, leader of the drow elves. Area Checklist: - Progress through level; be wary of Umber Hulks. - Jump over pits. They are lethal if you fall in. - Navigate maze and encounter drow encampment. Fight all enemies there. - Meet and fight Ilivara at the end. Collect Key with Horn. - Rescue captured dwarf from nearby cell after defeating Ilivara. --- Ilivara - Boss --- The leader of the drow, Ilivara will talk briefly and attack you. Ilivara is a magic caster, like many other Drow females. She is resistant to many forms of magic and can cast a multitude of spells of her own. She can also summon undead warriors to help her. If you have a good weapon of Disruption, you might want to equip it for this battle. Ilivara can also teleport across the room, making hitting her a pain. If attacking her close-up is too hard, switch to a powerful bow and start firing. It might be hard to see her dark figure in the cave. --- Brogan --- Upon Ilivara's destruction, you'll pick up a Key with the Horn of Shahri. Go to Brogan's cell off to the lower corner, and open it using the key. Brogan will tell you about the Teleportation Gate to Marsh of Chelimber, and how it is guarded by Ciraxis the dragon (the one you saw in the cut-scene). Brogan insists he will stay here until his wounds have healed. Ilivara's Horn will gain you access to the Ciraxis' lair. Recall back to the Mining Camp. *** Dwarven Mining Camp (3) Talk to Torregir for the third time, and reveal how Brogan was saved. The dwarf will give you a reward for rescuing his comrade, and will also give you the final quest of Act 2. Be sure to buy supplies if needed. Area Checklist: - Talk to Torregir, get reward and next quest. - Enter Branoch's shop and exchange items if necessary. - Enter Dark Forest with Forest Map. --- Torregir --- The dwarf will be very happy to hear how some of his kind have survived the drow and how you have rescued Brogan from them. He will give you a quest reward and will also point your map with a map of the forest. It will come in handy for entering the forest for your next task - to kill Ciraxis the dragon! The horn you found will be used to open the door to Ciraxis' lair. With the Forest Map from Torregir, head upwards from the save pedestal and enter the Dark Forest. *** The Dark Forest Save Pedestals: 5 Enemies: Gnolls, Gnoll Captains, Kobolds, Kobold Spearmen, Kobold Shamen, Ogres, Wolves This is quite a large area for you to explore. Head to the right if you want to explore the whole area, but if you're just looking for the Ice Caves, take the left path. Lots of enemies will be scattered in the level. Area Checklist: - Progress through right path to kill more monsters. - Approach a Gnoll camp and open chests and racks for treasure. - Backtrack to unexplored left path for more experience. - Enter Ice Caves Level 1 by blowing horn at entrance. Blow Ilivara's Horn of Shahri upon reaching the cave entrance. The ice covering the cave will collapse, granting safe passage. Enter the Caves when you're done exploring the forest. *** The Ice Caves Level 1 Save Pedestals: 2 Enemies: Yetis, Displacer Beasts This is a short level of the caves, but lots of Yetis can mob you at times. Some will throw rocks at you, and you'll be paralyzed if the icy projectiles hit. Upon reaching some water pools, you'll witness a cut-scene of a Displacer Beast moving in and out of invisibility. Kill these when they become visible. Area Checklist: - Attack Yetis and watch out for icy rocks. - Witness cut-scene of Displacer Beasts. - Kill Beast by waiting for it to appear, usually behind you. - Also notice ripples of water caused by Beast's movement. - Go to the end and get to Level 2. You're approaching the end of the Act. Level two will lead to the battle with Ciraxis the dragon. *** The Ice Caves Level 2 Save Pedestals: 3 Enemies: Displacer Beasts, Frost Giants, Spiders, Giant Spiders, Wolves Quite a bit larger than the previous level, Level 2 has a straightforward main path with the water in the middle, with several outlet paths which lead to monsters and treasure. The Frost Giants tower over your head, and must be dealt with effectively for you to avoid large pain. Ball Lightning and Shock Arrows usually kill in about 3 hits, but rapid normal attacks and arrows also work. Area Checklist: - Stray off main path to collect experience and treasure. - Kill three Frost Giants using powerful feats or rapid attacks. - Kill arctic Wolf and avoid its icy breath. - Save game before going on to Ciraxis' Lair entrance. - Recall to Branoch the Shopkeeper if necessary. Then, enter Lair. You must save the game before entering the lair of the dragon, or else you will be in big trouble if you die. There is no save pedestal in the lair. Go to the shop back in the mining camp and buy yourself a good Flaming or Flaming Burst weapon or bow. Also, sell most everything; there are better items in Act III. *** Ciraxis' Lair Save Pedestals: none Enemies: Ciraxis the Dragon the boss will be in the left of the room, guarding the portal to Act III. You may want to retreat to the back left corner of the lair if you're injured during the boss fight. Area Checklist: - Meet Ciraxis and defeat him using strategies. - Loot chests in upper corner of room. - Enter Teleportation Gate to Act III and continue on your journey. --- Ciraxis the Dragon - Boss --- A huge, mean-looking dragon, Ciraxis has a multitude of attacks to cause mean damage to your character. Equip a strong Flaming Burst Bow on your character, or use the Fireball technique with the sorceress. Ciraxis is vulnerable to fire attacks, and that is how you should take him down. If you are not in range of his chilling icy breath, the dragon will shake the field and make ice boulders fall down and hit you. Your best bet is long-range, since his melee attacks are even more damaging. However, by blocking, you can win even with close range. After Ciraxis is defeated, check the chests for many good items. With all said and done, enter the Teleportation Gate and head for Act III. -------------------------------- 7.4: Act III: Marsh of Chelimber -------------------------------- There will be a very long duration in the beginning of the act where you won't be able to sell items. That was why selling everything to the Act II shop was so important. If you run out of room (especially the case for Adrianna), you'll have to backtrack later if you want the items, which is a pain. In this act, you'll notice the enemies becoming more and more numerous. There's only one monster, Sleyvas, in his right mind, and he will be your only aid throughout the Marsh of Chelimber. It will be easier to get lost in a dungeon, so saving at every place possible is extremely important. If you do get lost, either enlarge the Automap to try and sort it out, or reset the game to the save area. And so, your journey comes down to the final stretch... *** The Sunken Chapel Save Pedestals: 1 Enemies: Skeletons, Zombies An abandoned chapel infested with undead monsters is where you'll start. If you have a weapon of Disruption, you might want to use it if the attack power is high enough. Make your way through the chapel, looting the chests. Remember that skeletons are resistant to bladed weapons. Area Checklist: - Progress through chapel, killing undead and looting chests. - Equip a blunt weapon of Disruption for best results. - Open large black chest in room full of benches. It has powerful items. - Exit to Adderspine Road West. The large black chest you'll open contains great items and lots of gold. You'll be seeing those at the final levels of the game. For now, exit through the doorway into Adderspine Road. *** Adderspine Road West Save Pedestals: 3 Enemies: Lizards, Lizard Spearmen, Zombies, Zombie Lobbers The shape of the road relates to its name. Adderspine Road West is a winding, narrow path, just like the spine of an adder snake. The Zombies in here will emit poisonous gas after being killed. There will be a closed-off entrance as you travel through the level. You'll be going here as soon as the gate opens. Area Checklist: - Navigate the path, collecting treasure from enemies. - Be careful of the Zombies' poison gas from their corpses. - Talk to stationary lizard by hut on island. - Buy and sell goods from the lizard's shop. - Enter Adderspine Road East with consent from the lizard. --- Sleyvas --- Believe it or not, the safe area for Act III is this tiny island where Sleyvas the talking lizardman resides. You can't even go into his hut; a rushed ending is evident. Sleyvas will not attack you. The rest of his species has been controlled by the Onyx Tower, and their leader, Sess'sth, must be stopped in order to stop the onslaught. This is your first mission. The lizardman will also show you his makeshift shop upon request. He has the most powerful weapons and armor money can buy, and the most potent healing supplies and amulets. You'll also be selling lots of your loot here. Slevyas will open up the vines to Adderspine Road East with Sleyvas' Consent. That is your next destination on your journey. *** Adderspine Road East Save Pedestals: 5 Enemies: Lizards, Lizard Lobbers, Lizard Shamans, Lizard Spearmen This is, by far, the biggest, most expansive area in the game. If you want all the treasure and experience here, prepare for a long walk. If you're only here to get to Chelimber's Crown, follow the dirt road onto the bridges, with your destination at the end. There are so many Lizard camps and lots of chests to loot and enemies to kill. Area Checklist: - Navigate the area, killing all monsters. - Always save whenever possible and recall if necessary - Watch out for Lobbers, which accurately throw fire at you. - When being attacked, search and kill Shamans and Lobbers first. - Loot and attack all Lizard encampments to gain maximum treasure. - Follow dirt path to bridge area. Exit to Chelimber's Crown. As you progress, you'll notice more gold being dropped by enemies and chests. Exit to Chelimber's Crown, the outside area of the castle where Sess'sth lives and governs his lizard troops. *** Chelimber's Crown Save Pedestals: 4 Enemies: Lizards, Lizard Lobbers, Lizard Shamans, Lizard Spearmen Another Lizard-infested area, the Crown is a series of small paths leading to a large, open place. Be sure to loot any Lizard camps you find, and watch out for the Shamans and Lobbers that are lethal from a distance. Area Checklist: - Go from one island to another using wood bridges. - End at large open area, explore Lizard camp to the right. - Kill all enemies and progress forward to Outer Keep. You should master some spells for each character at this point of the game. Vahn should have Hail of Arrows and Shock/Ice Arrows, and also Repulsion. Adrianna needs Ball Lightning/Lightning Bolt, Acid Arrow, and Meteor Swarm. Kromlech only needs Whirlwind Attack. With this in mind, proceed to Outer Keep. *** Outer Keep Save Pedestals: 3 Enemies: Lizards, Lizard Lobbers, Lizard Shamans, Lizard Spearmen The left half of the level is symmetrical with the right, making exploration of the Outer Keep rather easy. Go one path, then backtrack the other to gain more treasure. Plunder in the many lizard camps to get various items. The enemies here are the same as the ones in the previous level. Area Checklist: - Explore one half of the area and reach end point. - Backtrack to the other half of area to collect maximum experience. - Loot various lizard camps for gold. - Exit level and enter Inner Keep of castle. You are close to the lizardman king, Sess'sth, who is waiting at his throne in the Inner Keep. *** Inner Keep Save Pedestals: 2 Enemies: Umber Hulks, Lizards, Lizard Lobbers, Lizard Shamans, Lizard Spearmen, Kobolds, Kobold Spearmen, Kobold Shamen This is the dark, monster-infested lair of King Sess'sth. Explore every area of the castle, being sure to pick up the gold pieces just lying on the floor. Look for chests, weapon racks, and treasure rooms. Umber Hulks should be dealt with carefully; be sure to block his attacks. Area Checklist: - There are three passages from the start. Explore left and center rooms. - Kill Umber Hulks in center room, then go left. - Loot Kobold Camp. Beware of Kobolds pushing exploding barrels. - Backtrack to beginning and go right. Collect treasure on ground. - From second save point, go left and explore Lizard camp. - Return to save point. Go up and enter Sess'sth's lair. Defeat boss. - Recall back to Adderspine Road and Sleyvas. --- Sess'sth - Boss --- A believer in brute strength, the massive lizardman dons a huge mace and will attack you upon coming in range for very heavy damage. Electric attacks will only do half damage to Sess'sth. The strategy here is to run around and around the boss in tight circles. When you see an opportunity to attack his backside, get a couple of quick hits in and start running in circles again. This can take a while because Sess'sth runs pretty fast, but eventually you can succeed. You cannot use the Save Points when engaged in battle. Once the beast is dead, Recall back to Sleyvas, who will acknowledge your strength and give you your next task. *** Adderspine Road West (2) Talk to Sleyvas upon entering. He will give you your next quest. Also, be sure to buy and sell some items upon stopping by. Use Recall to go back to the Inner Keep, and from there, go to the Rotting Bog. Area Checklist: - Speak to Sleyvas and gain information on next mission. - Buy and sell items from Sleyvas. Be sure to get Potions if needed. - Recall back to Inner Keep. - From Sess'sth's room, head to left exit to Rotting Bog. --- Sleyvas --- The talking lizard will speak of your strength in defeating the boss, and will tell you that the Onyx Tower can be accessed through a Water Stair inside the Sinking Temple. Your first step, though, will be the Rotting Bog. Recall to the Inner Keep, and from there, exit to the Rotting Bog. *** The Rotting Bog Save Pedestals: 3 Enemies: Zombies, Zombie Lobbers, Bulettes, Giant Bulettes This is a very straightforward place for you to gain experience. This is the only place in the game where you'll meet burrowing, scaled monsters known as Bulettes. They come up from the ground if you step on a certain area. At the end of the level, you'll come across a Giant Bulette, who is a big target but can cause major damage. Area Checklist: - Kill Zombies throughout level. Beware their poison gas. - Come to second save point. Find Bulettes and kill them with fast attacks. - Progress to end of level, meet Giant Bullette. - Kill Giant Bullette and progress to Sinking Temple. Save your game, and enter the Sinking Temple to find the Water Stair. *** The Sinking Temple Save Pedestals: 3 Enemies: Minotaurs Lots of bull-like Minotaurs inhabit this temple. Even though they're relatively weak, you wouldn't want to be Bull Rushed by them. Progress through the area, and reach the Water Stair, where you'll encounter the familiar face of Sleyvas. How did he get here? Area Checklist: - Navigate temple, killing Minotaurs. - Meet Sleyvas at the Water Stair by final Save Pedestal. - Talk to Sleyvas. Receive ability to breathe in water for short time. - Sell off all Recall Potions, save game. - Make final preparations and enter Onyx Tower Basement. No turning back! --- Sleyvas --- Magically appearing beside the Water Stair, Sleyvas will recognize your strength. He will cast a spell that will allow you to breathe underwater and enter through the Water Stair. However, you won't be able to return. This is your final chance to buy and sell from the lizardman. Sell all your Recall Potions, as they will no longer provide any service. Buy lots of potions and weapons, but leave inventory space, as the items you'll find in the Onyx Tower are the most potent ones in the game. Once ready, go down the stairs and enter. Please note that any gold from this point on will have no purpose other than if the character is imported into another game. *** Onyx Tower Basement Save Pedestals: 6 Enemies: Gargoyles, Brass Golems, Flare Pedestals, Arrow Machines This is a large, complicated area full of many Gargoyles. Also, there are Brass Golems which have a poisonous breath attack. Prevent the enemies from ganging up on you, especially on narrow corridors. If you want to get directly to the first floor, go left from the start and continue going left as far as possible. From there, go up as far as possible and you should end up at the exit. Area Checklist: - Explore Tower, killing all enemies. - Find big black chests with good treasure inside. - Avoid Flares from pedestals and arrow barrage from machines. - Navigate using Automap and end at First Floor. I suggest you explore everywhere in the tower, since the black chests here hold very powerful treasures and items, some that you might want to equip right away. Rely on the map often, and enter the First Floor. *** Onyx Tower First Floor Save Pedestals: 5 Enemies: Brass Golems, Minotaurs, Arrow Machines A considerably less confusing level compared to the basement, this floor only has one split path. Go and kill all the monsters, but watch out for any arrows along the way. Area Checklist: - Progress through tower until split path. Take right path and backtrack later. - Kill Minotaurs and Brass Golems whenever seen. - Collect treasure from chests in area with Arrow Machine. - Exit level into Second Floor. You should be at level sixteen or seventeen by now, depending on the amount of enemies you killed. Spend your points wisely, as the last bosses are coming up. *** Onyx Tower Second Floor Save Pedestals: 5 Enemies: Iron Golems, Minotaurs, Bronze Golems, Gargoyles, Arrow Machines There will be two more varieties of Golems guarding this level. The bluish Iron Golems will come at you spinning with a sword in each hand. Stop it using your arrows and kill using your best weapon. The Bronze Golem has a big axe and can cause large damage with it. The surroundings in this level are much like the last level of the tower. Area Checklist: - Encounter new enemies and kill them using proper techniques. - Dodge arrows from Arrow Machines. - Explore everywhere and reach entrance to Third Floor. Enter the third level of the Onyx Tower after you are done. *** Onyx Tower Third Floor Save Pedestals: 5 Enemies: Brass Golems, Bronze Golems, Gargoyles, Onyx Golems, Iron Golems, Flare Pedestals This floor will have an accumulation of all the strongest enemies found in the previous tower levels. It is in the shape of an 8, so you'd better loop around the circles to gain extra treasure. Iron Golems here wield large spear/fork weapons, and can attack from afar. Area Checklist: - Be careful when fighting many of the game's strongest enemies here. - Backtrack in the circles to gain more items coming back the other way. - Avoid Flare Pedestals and walk past flare projectiles. - End at entrance to Black Forge. You'll meet new enemies in the last regular level of the game. Progress up the stairs to find out. *** The Black Forge Save Pedestals: 4 Enemies: Fire Elementals, Spiders, Steel Golems, Onyx Golem, Flare Pedestals Fire Elementals will be present in the furnace-looking areas of the level, especially by the pool of lava. These are best killed with Ice weapons and spells like Icy Sphere. Be sure to explore the level fully. You'll meet up with the monstrous Onyx Golem in the depths of the Black Forge. Area Checklist: - Fight your way through level, gaining treasure. - Be careful not to get swarmed when crossing Flare Pedestals. - Try and lure enemies to get hit by Flares. - Fight Onyx Golems at end of level. Kill and retrieve Onyx Sword. - Exit level and onto Hall of Remembrance. --- Onyx Golem - Boss --- Okay, this massive golem isn't quite a boss, but since it's so much bigger than all the other bosses, why not include it? Well, the Onyx Golem hits very hard, so you'll be much better off shooting projectiles than trying to get melee hits in. Take advantage of the slow-moving monster, and attack with all the power you've got. The golem, when taken down, will drop an incredibly powerful sword forged from the tower itself. The Onyx Sword is a special, one-handed longsword that does 90-120 base damage. I have heard instances of people beating the golem and not finding the sword. If that happens to you, resetting the game is your best bet. The reason is that the sword probably got dropped too close to the golem's body, not allowing you to reach it. After getting the sword, progress to the Hall of Remembrance. *** Hall of Remembrance Save Pedestals: 2 Enemies: none This hall will be your last stop on your journey. Use this time to rest up for the final battle ahead. Go through the signs on the walls to access rooms which contain Potions and Arrows. You will not be able to go up the stairs yet; head to the room to your left and talk to the ghostly figure with the exclamation mark there. Area Checklist: - Explore area, bash crates for healing items and arrows. - Find out that you cannot ascend stairs yet. - Head west to the room where the spirit of a man stands. Talk to it. - Gain access up the stairs. Save your game and proceed. --- Keledon --- This is the spirit of one of the soldiers of the Westering Sun, one of the many slain by Eldrith and her campaign of betrayal. Keledon is imprisoned here with his comrades, and his elven wife is still singing for him back in the Elfsong Tavern. Keledon will tell you to defeat Eldrith to bring sense back into her, and that the Onyx Sword might help you do so. He will also tell the story in the game manual of Eldrith's rise and fall. Make sure you have at least 30 Healing Potions at this point, just in case. Equip the Onyx Sword after the conversation if desired. If you have a weapon that does more damage than the sword, you can equip that one instead. Go up the stairs, where your final challenge awaits. *** Eldrith's Watch There is nothing here in this hexagonal battlefield except Eldrith herself. You'll immediately talk to the enemy, and she will engage in a fight. Area Checklist: - Talk to Eldrith and a battle will start. - Defeat Eldrith and a conversation will conclude battle. - Enter Teleportation Gate and watch ending. Enjoy! --- Eldrith the Betrayer - Boss --- Eldrith will begin a harsh conversation with you upon your entrance to her watch, and some plot holes will be filled. Your final battle will start right after. Eldrith is a powerful sword-wielder, and one or two blows from her blade can end your game fast. Melee combat, therefore, is usually not a good idea. If you have the Onyx Sword or another weapon that can do massive damage, though, you can take down the boss in about twenty or so hits. If you choose melee strategy, be sure to have potions and the sort. Eldrith's attack can wipe off a half to three quarters of your life bar, so when you get hit, immediately use Health Potion and retreat. Melee combat will kill Eldrith in the shortest amount of time. You can try to attack her with arrows; I usually bring a good shortbow and about 300 or more arrows to the battle. The sorceress' lightning spells will not do a single point of damage to Eldrith. So, equip a good bow or use Melf's Acid Arrow to attack away. The boss will throw her sword like a boomerang to attack you far away, but those attacks cause less damage than melee attacks. The good thing is how she stands still when throwing, giving you an accurate shot at long range. You'll need several minutes to defeat her this way. Eldrith will grow in size when her health gets low. At her growing stage, she is invincible, so focus on not getting hit by the various lightning bolts from the sky. Her attacks will become more powerful, but she will become a bigger target for your arrows. So, keep on attacking while healing yourself when needed, and the ending will commence. *** The End... *** What's Next? After defeating Eldrith and beating the game, you might wonder what else the game has in store for you. Firstly, in the main menu, you can access the Gauntlet Mode, which lets you play with a secret character. Or, you may want to beat the game again with a different character to test his/her abilities. Finally, you could try for the ultimate goal: to raise your character to level 40, the highest obtainable. To do this effectively, start a new game and select the new option, Extreme. This mode features many more enemies and lots more experience for you to get. Congratulations on beating Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance; the other parts of my guide will help you on what's next. ------------------------------ 7.5: The Gauntlet/Extreme Mode ------------------------------ After you beat the game once on any difficulty, you can play as Drizzt Do'Urden the Drow Ranger in a special, super-hard level. You'll progress through nine rooms, each with tough enemies to kill. Drizzt starts with his two scimitars (explained previously in section 5.5), Mithral Chainmail +4, and a couple of potions. You need to beat this in 15 minutes to unlock Extreme Mode. Area Checklist: - Start the game. Loot three chests at beginning. - Watch out for exploding chests. They do lots of damage. - Kill off spiders in second room, Repulsion if needed. Loot chest. - Attack Kobold Shamen first in next room, then Spearmen. There are 3 chests. - Freeze Umber Hulks one by one using Icy Sphere, then attack. Loot 4 chests. - Lure small spiders, then giant spiders. Watch out for poison. Loot 4 chests. - Use repulsion if swarmed by Gnolls. Kill Shamen first. There are 3 chests. - Fight Gnolls in next room. Loot three chests and watch your time. - Use Icy Sphere, Repulsion, and attacks against Gargoyles. There are 5 chests. - Kill Drow and Spiders in next room. Watch your time. Plunder in 6 chests. - Face Onyx Golem at the end. Go to its backside or fire Icy Sphere. - Exit Level within 15 minute time limit. - Save game to new file to unlock Extreme Mode. Completion of The Gauntlet gets you access to Extreme Mode. This is a very tough level of difficulty that requires you to import a character from a beaten game. Follow the regular walkthrough to beat Extreme Mode, and always watch your back! Here are some tips for progressing in Extreme Mode: - You will not be able to take any items from the previous game. - You cannot buy any shortbows from shopkeepers. - Weapons and armor found will be much better than in normal games. - Enemies have much better attacks and Health and are much harder to kill. - There are more enemies and they may swarm you. - Carry around 50 Health Potions and 25 Rejuvenation Potions AT ALL TIMES. - Bosses will do much more damage than normal counterparts. - You won't be able to gain many levels since experience give is the same. - Quest rewards are the same as in normal modes. See walkthrough. - You must learn how to block efficiently to be successful. - The archer will not be able to use bow skills without the bow. Good Luck with battling, and if you do succeed in beating Extreme Mode, you'll unlock the option to play as Drizzt in a regular game. Simply choose the save file you saved The Gauntlet game with when asked to import a saved character. Refer to Section 5.5 for more information on Drizzt's statistics. Note: This method is the non-cheating way of getting Drizzt. However, there is a cheat that will start Drizzt into a new game. This will be explained in section 9.2. =================== ***8: Strategies*** =================== Some miscellaneous information I felt to have left out in the game, this section fills in some of the holes I left in my writing. If you spot any mis- information and have corrections, please contact me. --------------- 8.1: Enemy List --------------- A simple alphabetical listing of all the enemies of the game, plus what the enemy looks like for easy reference. All the enemy-killing strategies are included in my walkthrough. These are not necessarily the official names of the monsters, only what I call them in the walkthrough. Brass Golem - Metal man, rusty yellow colored Bronze Golem - Orange-brown colored, large sword Bugbear - Ox-looking beast Bulette - Large armadillo burrowing from ground Displacer Beast - Six-legged, panther-like Drow - Dark-colored elves Drow Rider - Drow which ride on green monsters Fire Elemental - Glowing fire ball Frost Giant - Tall, gigantic Vikings Iron Golem - Spear-wielding iron beasts Gargoyle - Bat-like creatures, often in groups Gelatinous Cube - Blue squishy cube that makes noises Gnoll - Hyena mutations, fast Green Slime - Green blobs, different sizes Kobold - Monkey/rat creature, small, many varieties Lizard - Standing green lizards, many kinds Minotaur - Bull oafs, likes to rush Ogre - Large creature with little clothing Onyx Golem - Huge can-shaped metal monster Rat - Many sizes, rodent Skeleton - Human skeletons holding weapons Spider - Quick 8-legged creature, can poison Spore Pod - Exploding seed-like spores Steel Golem - Blue colored metal soldiers with two swords Thief - Speedy thugs, some with weapons Umber Hulk - Big and purple, strong arms Will-O-Wisp - Electric floating glowing balls Wolf - Large, quick animal with sharp teeth Mountain Yeti - Hairy beasts, different kinds Zombie - Walking cadaver, undead monster Variations of monsters, i.e. Lizard Lobber, are not listed. Refer to the walkthrough for the locations of these enemies. --------------- 8.2: Containers --------------- Containers hold various items and have various effects in the game. They can be opened by attacking or pressing X. There are different kinds of treasure chests and different boxes in the game, too. Square Treasure Chest - medium reward Dome Treasure Chest - small reward Black Treasure Chest - large reward Pot-Shaped Treasure Chest - contains gold Vase - small amounts of gold Barrel - small amounts of gold, healing items, arrows Box - medium amounts of gold, healing items, arrows Exploding Barrels - explosion when attacked, fuse when lit Weapon Rack - contains varying weapon/arrows Crate - unbreakable, moveable as shield Flat Box - small amounts of gold, healing items Exploding Chests - random occurance in regular chests, fuse when opened Pottery - small amounts of gold, healing items If I missed any others, please send me a notification. If you open a chest and a fuse is lighted, immediately RUN away to avoid getting hurt by the bomb. Booby traps like these are completely random, far as I know. ------------------------- 8.3: Importing Characters ------------------------- You will have the option, in this game, to import characters from previous saved games onto other games. This is useful and important for a couple purposes. First, you can play new games with characters who you've already beaten the game with. First, beat the game with any character. Save your file, and start a new game. Now, during gameplay, press Start and go to the Change Characters option. Select the file with your previous game, and your character from before will replace the current one. Use this to gain more experience and more levels! Additionally, you can get multipule copies of items using Character Imports. You must have two save slots to do this, one with the items you want to copy. Begin by selecting Change Characters in the Start Menu for the file that you want the items duplicated to. Import the character with the items desired. Do not save the game. Now make the character drop the items wanted, and replace it with the original one by going back to the Change Characters menu. Now you have duplicates of the items, and you can pick them up and save the game. You can also use this option to gain levels quickly. To do this, have two slots of gameplay on your memory card. finish one of the quests on the first slot, like rescuing Brogan in Act II. When you go back to the Mining Camp, collect the reward from Torregir and save the game under a new file. Now switch to the old file and import the character from the new file. Talk to Torregir again to gain another reward. You can do this infinitely. These tricks will hopefully let you accumulate to Level 40 with the best items you can get. I haven't confirmed about importing in a two-player game. That information will come as I update. -------------------------- 8.4: Two-Player Strategies -------------------------- You can play with a friend in a two-player, cooperation mode in the game. There are certain things that are essential to know for two-player games. ~ The player who kills an enemy will get 60 percent of its experience. The other player will get 40 percent. ~ Players cannot attack each other. ~ Gold and items from enemies and containers are only gotten by the player who picks up the item first. ~ Upon reaching a Save Pedestal, a dead character will automatically be revived to half health, with no penalty. ~ Both players will gain the equal reward amount from quests. ~ If both characters die without one of them getting revived, the game is over. Keep in mind that since the experience is split, your characters will not be able to gain as many levels through the game. I finished my two-player quest at level 13, while my cousin, who played the sorceress, finished at level 11. *** Some strategies to keep in mind: ~ If possible, lure enemies close to a save pedestal and fight there. You are near invincible near a save spot since you can revive your partner if he/she is killed. ~ Don't let enemies gang up on you. Have your strong character go up and attack a mob of monsters and a weaker character following up with spells, arrows, or long-range feats. ~ The most common combination for two-player games is Fighter-Sorceress. the strategy above especially applies to this combination. ~ It's understandably hard for both players to get equal amounts of experience and kills, so be fair and try not to start fights offscreen, when mobs may be attacking you onscreen. ~ In Act I Thieves' Guild Level 2, the platform traps are very hard to get past using two characters. Have one character kill him/herself and focus on getting past using the other one. ~ In Boss/NPC conversations, the player who encounters or talks with the character is the one who the conversation will be directed towards. The game will be the same, regardless of the player amount. So, try inventing some new battle strategies and take advantage of this mode when you have a friend who can fight with you! ======================================== ***9: FAQ--Frequently Asked Questions*** ======================================== This section answers questions people might have about the game and its strategies. Please send in a question if you feel you cannot get through a section of the game. But, please read the guide first to see if the question was already answered. Q: What is the highest level obtainable in the game? A: 40, although it's very hard to get experience when your level is high. Q: Who is Lotor? A: Lotor is another name for Drizzt, the hidden character. Q: How do you use other spells/active feats you've learned? A: Use the Directional Pad to toggle between spells. This is the first version, so the list is not complete. I will post questions you may have in future releases. -------------------- 9.1: Tips and Tricks -------------------- These are some strategies I feel should be helpful to your progress. Go to the walkthrough for strategies on a particular section. ~ Aiming: When holding a bow, lightly tap the A button to rotate while standing in place. Aim your arrow, and press harder on the A button. You'll shoot the arrow in the way you are facing. This tactic works best with the Targeting feat described in section 5. ~ Blocking is useful not only to stop a swipe from an enemy, but also to absorb a barrage of spears. You can block infinitely with a shield, unless your Dwarf has the feat Improved Block. You cannot block with a bow. ~ To switch between a Melee weapon and a Ranged weapon quickly, tap the D-pad left or right. This is useful when you currently have a bow and need to get your shield out quickly. ~ Some levels require precise jumps and timing. You can jump over certain objects, like boxes or enemy spears. Keep in mind that you can jump very quick when going uphill, but not very fast when heading downhill. ~ Items, like boxes or crates, can be pushed by running in to them. You can attack an item to see if something was inside it. ~ Rotate the camera often. It gives you a better look at what foes lie behind the door you're about to open, and it lets you see an area previously covered by a shadow. ~ Use the R and L buttons to quickly heal your character in battle. It's more convenient than to scroll in your inventory, but be careful, as your HP doesn't go up instantly, so you may be clobbered to death WHILE healing. ~ In the case where you don't have a weapon, you can attack without a weapon using your martial arts skills. Use it when you're in a tight spot. ~ Toggle your Spells and Feats by using the D-pad. Press up and down to do so. When you press B to use a Spell, you are only going to use the active one. ~ Your character can only carry a certain amount of stuff. When you've reached your limit, your character won't be able to pick anything up. Use this time to drink a Recall Potion and recall to a save spot and sell your excess loot. After selling your stuff, Recall again and you'll go back to the place you came from. It's a good idea to carry a Recall Potion or two everywhere. ~ Your health and energy will regenerate slowly by themselves. Use the tactic of running around a foe for a while to regenerate your life. ------------------- 9.2: In-Game Cheats ------------------- Using an assortment of button combinations when playing, you can gain access to various bonuses and cheats in the game. Below are the ways to get to these cheats on the Gamecube version of the game. *** Cheat I During gameplay, hold down the L, R, and Y buttons down and press Left on the control pad. You'll gain access to invulnerability and level warp. ~ Invulnerability allows you to take infinite enemy blows. Your health bar will stay full as long as you don't kill yourself in a pit or through an explosive barrel. You can gain levels easily this way. ~ Level Warp grants you access to every single level of the game, even ones which you haven't explored yet. If you warp back to a level you've beaten, the enemies will respawn and can be killed again. ~ Press Return to Game in the menu to exit the menu. A nifty way to INSTANTLY get to level 40 is to start a new game and use the warp to get to the Hall of Remembrance. From there go down the stairs to the Black Forge and defeat the Onyx Golem (which is no easy task), which will bring you up fourty levels for the massive experience you get at level 1. *** Cheat II This cheat grants your characters various level changes and feats/spells. I personally don't save the game with it, as the characters will have feats and spells they can't actually have. To access this, hold down L, R, and X. Then push Right on the control pad. ~ Your characters will have high energy and health, until you gain a quest item or trigger an event. ~ The character will become Level 20, but his/her stats will not change. It is not confirmed by me whether you can gain levels or not. The experience bar just goes up really slow. Drizzt will not experience this change. ~ Characters will gain one point on every feat and gain a couple new feats they normally cannot use. ~ You will have 100000 gold. ~ Your character will gain boosts to some statistics; the most noticeable change is Strength. ~ Characters will get extra spells originating from other characters. Vahn and Drizzt will get an exclusive spell called Cure Lt. Wounds; I haven't tested its effect as of now. Credit in part to Fragnarok@hotmail.com and the Debug Mode guide for giving me certain information and clarifying my experiences. *** Cheat III - Drizzt This cool code gives you the option to play as Drizzt without even beating anything! When choosing characters, simply hold the L and R buttons when selecting the character. Drizzt will replace the chosen character. ~ Drizzt starts at level 1 instead of 16. ~ He will have no points on his spells and feats, just like a normal level 1 player game. I've noticed no setbacks to this way of getting Drizzt, so if Extreme Mode is too hard for you, by all means try this code. *** Secret I It's not much to speak about, but if you toggle around the C stick when the game is loading an area, you'll make the flames on the LOADING words move in correspondence to the stick direction. No real value, but just to pass time. *** Secret II It should be known that a Ring or Amulet of Strength will give you 10 pounds of carrying capacity for every +1. So a Ring of Strength +5 will give you 50 extra pounds. Get some aforementioned rings, and equip them. Now, collect enough items to max out your inventory. You can unequip the rings and you will be able to hold more than you can carry. Useful if you want to wear a different ring. *** Unlockables Refer to section 7.5 for information on characters, levels, and difficulty settings you can unlock: - Gauntlet Mode - Extreme Difficulty - Drizzt Do'Urden ================= ***10: Credits*** ================= Contributors to this FAQ will be listed here. ~ Nucleargamer12--that'd be me; I created the guide. ~ www.gamefaqs.com--for creating a great site and posting this FAQ. ~ Nintendo, Black Isle, etc.--making Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance. ~ Fragnarok@hotmail.com--for information in his guide about cheats. ~ www.planetbaldursgate.com--for their item lists. ============= ***11: End*** ============= Thanks for reading this document, and have a nice day. ~~nucleargamer12~~ Video games make the world go 'round...