________________________________________________________________________ / / \ \ || BBBBBB TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT LL EEEEEEE || || BB BB AA TT TT LL EE || || BB BB AAAA TT TT LL EE || || BB BB AA AA TT TT LL EE || || BB BB AA AA TT TT LL EE || || BBBBBB AAAAAAAAAA TT TT LL EEEEEEE || || BB BB AA AA TT TT LL EE || || BB BB AA AA TT TT LL EE || || BB BB AA AA TT TT LL EE || || BB BB AA AA TT TT LL EE || || BBBBBB AA AA TT TT LLLLLLL EEEEEEE || || || || EEEEEEE NN NN GGGGGGGG II NN NN EEEEEEEE || || EE NNN NN GGG II NNN NN EE || || EE NNNN NN GG II NNNN NN EE || || EE NN NN NN GG II NN NN NN EE || || EE NN NN NN GG II NN NN NN EE || || EEEEEEE NN NN NN GG II NN NNNNN EEEEEEEE || || EE NN NNNN GG II NN NNNN EE || || EE NN NNN GG GGG II NN NN EE || || EE NN NN GG GG II NN NN EE || || EE NN NN GGG GG II NN NN EE || || EEEEEEE NN NN GGGGGGGG II NN NN EEEEEEEE || || || || AA QQQQQQQQ UU UU II LL AA || || AAAA QQ QQ UU UU II LL AAAA || || AA AA QQ QQ UU UU II LL AA AA || || AA AA QQ QQ UU UU II LL AA AA || || AA AA QQ QQ UU UU II LL AA AA || || AAAAAAAA QQ QQ UU UU II LL AAAAAAAA || || AA AA QQ QQ UU UU II LL AA AA || || AA AA QQ QQ UU UU II LL AA AA || || AA AA QQ QQ UU UU II LL AA AA || || AA AA QQ QQ UUU UUU II LL AA AA || || AA AA QQQQQQQQQ UUUUUU II LLLLLLLL AA AA || || QQQ || || || || F I E L D - M A N U A L || || || || || || Badly Drawn title © Me || \_\____________________________________________________________________/_/ Battle Engine Aquila: Field Manual, engineered, compiled and tested as combat ready by Dominus. Contact Dominus: chakan_theforeverman@hotmail.com This Version: v0.55S , made from 70% Reconstituted leftovers. ========================================================================== * * * TABLE OF CONTENTS * * * Keyword: ========================================================================== ------------------ *. Table of Contents TOC -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *. Table of Contents (You Are Here :-)..........................TOC 1. Disclaimer...................................................DISC 2. Introduction.................................................INTRO 3. Getting Started..............................................3START A. Controls.............................................3CONTROL B. The Story............................................3STORY 4. The Units....................................................4UNIT A. The Battle Engines...................................4ENGINE B. The Characters.......................................4CHAR C. The Wingmen..........................................4WING D. Forseti Units........................................4SETI E. Muspell Units........................................4MUSP 5. Basic Training...............................................5BASIC A. Evasive Manoeuvres...................................5EVADE B. Weaponry.............................................5WEAP C. Battle Tactics & Tricks..............................5TACT 6. Cheats.......................................................6CHEAT 7. Mission Walkthrough..........................................7WALK 7.1 Episode One.........................................EP1 Mission 1.00: "Training Level"........................M100 Mission 1.10: "Blackout"..............................M110 7.2 Episode Two.........................................EP2 Mission 2.00 "Interception"...........................M200 Mission 2.11 "Assault on Apollo"......................M211 Mission 2.11 "Assault on Apollo (Evo)"................M212 Mission 2.21 "Escort Duty"............................M221 Mission 2.22 "Escort Duty (Evo)"......................M221 Mission 2.31 "Counterstrike"..........................M231 Mission 2.32 "Counterstrike (Evo)"....................M232 7.3 Episode Three.......................................EP3 Mission 3.00 "The Liberation of Russo"................M300 7.4 Episode Four........................................EP4 7.5 Episode Five........................................EP5 7.6 Episode Six.........................................EP6 7.7 Episode Seven.......................................EP7 7.8 Episode Eight.......................................EP8 8. Multiplayer..................................................8MULTI 9. Goodies/Unlockables..........................................9UNLOCK A. Multiplayer Maps.....................................9MAPS B. Race Challenge.......................................9RACE 10. Guide Information...........................................10INFO A. About Me.............................................10ABOUT B. Email Info...........................................10EMAIL C. Credits..............................................10CREDIT D. Version History......................................10VERS E. The Legal Bit........................................10LEGAL ========================================================================== 1. Disclaimer DISC ========================================================================== Hi everyone, thanks for accessing the Battle Engine Aquila Field Manual!This is my first attempt at ever writing a guide, so please excuse the horrible ASCII-style title and any glitches or bugs in this guide while it is in the early stages. All information provided has been tested out by myself, and none of it will cause any harm to your Xbox or BEA game, only your social life and self- image if you resort to cheating :-) This guide has been written ONLY having played the Xbox version, though I imagine most of it is relevant for the Playstation 2 version as well, but I cannot guarantee it will. Besides, Xboxes are better so you should sell your outdated console and get one *ducks incoming flame war* Having said that, everything herein contained is to be considered an opinion and that goes for the strategic advice too: there are many ways to beat any given mission, so you don't have to follow everything to the letter. ========================================================================== 2. Introduction INTRO ========================================================================== Welcome one and all to Battle Engine Aquila: Field Manual. This FAQ has been written by me to fill the absence of a thorough aid for this absolutely wonderful, overlooked gem of a game on Xbox. Hopefully it will prove useful to some of you, and if not, at least it is here for countless generations to ignore in the future. Battle Engine Aquila (BEA from here on in) is an epic action-strategy title by Lost Toys and has made an appearance on both Microsoft's Xbox system and also Sony's Playstation 2. It is quite similar to Gunmetal, with a touch of Yager, and a dash of Battlezone. It is personally one of my favourite games on Xbox, if not the favourite. I have added the popular Keyword feature to allow you to easily access any section of the FAQ quickly. If you don't like keywords, you can still just type "10.A" to access the About me section, or just scroll down at your leisure. ========================================================================== 3. Getting Started 3START ========================================================================== ------------------ 3.A. The Controls 3CONTROL -------------------------------------------------------------------------- There are two modes for the Battle Engine, and thus there are two sets of controls: Walker Mode and Jet Mode. Here are the controls in case you have forgotten them or are fighting with your manual: Walker Mode: ------------- Forwards: Left thumbstick UP Backwards: Left thumbstick DOWN Strafe Left: Left thumbstick LEFT Strafe Right: Left thumbstick RIGHT Look Up: Right thumbstick UP Look Down: Right thumbstick DOWN Look Left: Right thumbstick LEFT Look Right: Right thumbstick RIGHT Fire Weapon: Right trigger Change Weapon: Left trigger Retro thrusters: A Button Special Function: B Button Transform To Jet: X Button Zoom In: Directional pad UP Zoom Out: Directional pad DOWN Jet Mode: ---------- Accelerate: Left thumbstick UP Brake: Left thumbstick DOWN Strafe Left: Left thumbstick LEFT Strafe Right: Left thumbstick RIGHT Nose Up: Right thumbstick UP Nose Down: Right thumbstick DOWN Bank Left: Right thumbstick LEFT Bank Right: Right thumbstick RIGHT Fire Weapon: Right trigger Change Weapon: Left trigger Transform: X Button For more information about making the most of these controls, stop reading this and go checkout Section 5.A Evasive Manoeuvres! Go on! --------------- 3.B. The Story 3STORY -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to Allium, home of watersports galore but very little in the way of dry land. Like so many sci-fi worlds, the people of Allium tended to ignore their environment far too long, and this eventually led to a pretty dramatic shift in climate. Polar caps melted, ozone layers grew big holes, and the scene was set for Waterworld the videogame..... ...Only Kevin Costner was nowhere to be seen. The people rejoiced, but alas! The age old rival races of the Forseti and Muspell were on the brink of war, both desperate to "acquire" what precious litle land remained on the planet. The Treaty of Sohra signed in 1174 set aside the island of Kensor as a buffer island between the two rivals, and for a time, things were peaceful But all good things must come to an end, especially if you want to make it an interesting videogame with epic island-based battles, and so the very dastardly Muspell attack the Forseti and the game was afoot! ========================================================================== 4. The Units 4UNIT ========================================================================== ------------------------ 4.A. The Battle Engines 4ENGINE -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Battle Engine: Weapon Effectiveness versus... =================================================================== Infantry Vehicles Aircraft Aquila Unit-00: "Prototype" ------------ Walker Mode: ------------- Pulse Cannon **** **** * Vulcan Cannon **** * **** ------------ Jet Mode: ------------- Vulcan Cannon **** * **** Micro Missiles - **** ***** Prototype Rating: **½ The prototype model Aquila is the mech you test pilot to begin the game. It's not a bad unit, but it only has 4 weapons all up and lacks the grenade launcher the Pulsar variant has. There's really no reason to use this one ever except in the missions you have no other options. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Infantry Vehicles Aircraft Aquila Unit-01: "Pulsar" ------------ Walker Mode: ------------- Pulse Cannon **** **** * Vulcan Cannon **** * **** Grenade *** ***** * ------------ Jet Mode: ------------- Micro Missiles - **** ***** Vulcan Cannon **** * **** Pulsar Rating: **** The Pulsar is the all around best performing Aquila you have the option of choosing. Its excellent range of weapons gives it a high level of versatility, making it the optimum choice for almost all missions. There are very few missions (or multiplayer arenas) that can be handled better by an Aquila variant than the Pulsar can. Micro missiles rule the sky, the Vulcan decimates vehicles and the Grenade Launcher levels buildings extremely fast ----------------------------------------------------------------- Infantry Vehicles Aircraft Aquila Unit-02: "Blazer" ------------ Walker Mode: ------------- Pulse Cannon **** **** * Blaster **** ** *** Grenade *** ***** * ------------ Jet Mode: ------------- Vulcan Cannon **** * **** Spread Bomb *** ***** * Blazer Rating: ***½ The Blazer has a pretty good configuration. Packing the Pulse Cannon & Grenades like the Pulsar, but with the Blaster instead of the Vulcan cannon, which is far more useful against land-based threats. The biggest let-down is the omission of Micro missiles, leaving you very vulnerable overall to air-attacks. This is odd considering the massive power of the Spread Bombs, as the Blazer is designed to be in the air at some stage. Still, it's definately a good mech to use if you are sick of the Pulsar ----------------------------------------------------------------- Infantry Vehicles Aircraft Aquila Unit-03: "Lancer" ------------ Walker Mode: ------------- Beam Laser ** **** *** Blaster **** ** *** Flux Missile - **** ***** ------------ Jet Mode: ------------- Vulcan Cannon **** * **** Torpedo **** **** * Lancer Rating: *** The Lancer is probably my least favourite, simply because the Walker weapons are less than stellar. The torpedos in Jet mode are great though, and make it a must-have for certain missions, but it definately isn't a good all-rounder. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Infantry Vehicles Air Aquila Unit-04S: "Sniper" ------------ Walker Mode: ------------- Rail Gun * ***** *** Blaster **** ** *** Flux Missile - **** ***** ------------ Jet Mode: ------------- Vulcan Cannon **** * **** Sniper Rating: ** Let's be clear about one thing: the sniper is a purpose-built mech, and is really only useful for sniping. It has no a flying deathtrap in Jet mode, the Blaster and Flux missiles are fairly weak against land targets, and good luck destroying buildings. Don't get me wrong, the rail-gun is VERY powerful, but it is slow and ponderous to use and there's really not that much to snipe in the game...at least not anything that couldn't be handled just as well with virtually any of the other primary weapons. One thing the Sniper does have is the ability to cloak itself, which I guess is why it had to sacrifice the second air weapon. This can be handy in multiplayer, but mission-wise I haven't encountered a situation where it is useful. =================================================================== Not all Variants are available all the time, but the Pulsar is available for virtually every mission bar the first few. It is undoubtedly the best Aquila model for unknown missions and general destruction. If you struggle in a mission using the Pulsar, then perhaps you might benefit from a specific weapon on another variant. Or you might suck, which is a very real possibility. Take heart though, because practice makes perfect. And if it doesn't, the cheats are in Section 6 :-) -------------------- 4.B. The Characters 4CHAR -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hawk Winter: ------------- This is you, so you'd better get used to the stupid sounding name. Hawk is by trade a cargo hauler, but when the lights go down he actually takes part in the exciting world of, you guessed it, cargo hauler racing! Yet it is this reckless passtime that makes him the Forseti's only hope of finding a pilot for the Battle Engine program when the others are assassinated. Brash and pugnatious, Hawk is nevertheless a great pilot and a true patriot for his country. Makes you all warm and fuzzy inside. Tatiana Kiralova: ------------------ As a wee lass, Tatiana had the misfortune of seeing her parents crushed beneath a skimcraft piloted by lousy Muspell drivers who were most likely drunk and not wearing seatbelts. Naturally she hates them now, but also turned her natural talent for all things mechanical towards the science and construction of mechanized walkers, which funnily enough found her eventually working on the Battle Engine program. Her passion for her work is matched only by her hatred for the maudlin, law flouting Muspell, which makes her a deadly opponent but a precious ally. Tara Fox: ---------- Tara is a member of the arrogant and extremely cocky Wild Card squadron, the best of the best and excellent pilots all around. She doesn't think too highly of you, sneering insults like "dock boy" at you. But take heart because Aquila is about ten times bigger and cooler than her poxy little plane, so it's just jealousy...or maybe she's got a crush on you... Billy Casbah: -------------- Billy is another cocky Wild Card pilot who thinks he knows everything, but he does make an excellent wingman. He is all about the flying, constantly training and in his spare time is an avid student of Forseti aviation history. He may pompous, but he's a damn fine pilot to have watching your six (only in the air of course, he's not into guys). Lewis Carver: -------------- This nasty little piece of work is actually a Muspell Mole, who cunningly infiltrated the Forseti airforce's prototype project. His aim: to win as much money and sabotage as many challenges as possible for the rest of the contestants, but more importantly, to destroy the prototype projects before they could ever reach fruition. And he succeeded, managing to kill virtually all the prototype pilots and almost managed to steal the Battle Engine itself! But rest assured, you'll get a chance to dish out some serious payback. General Archanus Surt: ----------------------- No wonder he turned evil with a name like Archanus...oh how the children tormented him, with horrid taunts like "Prime Butthole" & "supersphincter" ...ok, so none of that is true, but it is definately not the last time you will be hearing my bad jokes about the Arch Anus. But we must take this seriously, as he is apparently a very deadly and extremely brilliant adversary. He is the Commander in Chief of the Muspell forces, and you will feel his wrath during many of the missions. ------------- 4.C. Wingmen 4WING -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Major Lorenzo: --------------- vs. vehicles: * aircraft: ***** The wingman of choice if you want aerial assistance, which you often do. My personal choice for pretty much every mission. You'll learn to love him too. Lieutenant Casbah: ------------------- vs. vehicles: **** aircraft: * Lt. Casbah is the opposite of Lorenzo: great at vehicle demolition, but useless in the air. There are some missions where he is the way to go, but I think Lt. Fox would be better so you've at least got some air cover. Lieutenant Fox: ---------------- vs. vehicles: *** aircraft: *** Lt. Fox is the all rounder, and can do an above average job against both land an air targets. She's a good pick for a mission you haven't had a go of yet as she can switch between dogfighting and strafing tanks easily. ------------------- 4.D. Forseti Units 4SETI -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- 4.E. Muspell Units 4MUSP -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================== 5. Basic Training 5BASIC ========================================================================== ------------------------ 5.A. Evasive Manoeuvres 5EVADE -------------------------------------------------------------------------- To have any chance of succeeding in Battle Engine Aquila, you are going to need to learn how to pilot your mech well, and to do this you need to make the following moves your friend. The majority of these are not explained in the game or manual which is a bit of a nuisance, but don't worry, I'm sure you can learn. _____________ Walker Mode _____________ Juking aka Dodging: -------------------- Execution: left+right+left (rapidly) = left step right+left+right (rapidly) = right step up+down+up (rapidly) = hop forwards down+up+down (rapidly) = hop backwards * all directions are for the LEFT thumbstick This is one you *are* taught. It is basically the side-step move you learn in the Training Level. It is handy for avoiding incoming missiles in walker mode. What Tatiana fails to impart is that this can be done forwards and backwards too, which is just as useful for breaking a missile lock. The trick is to do it fast. You really need to bang the stick against each side quickly. Think of it as like doing a special move in Streetfighter or something...if you're too slow, you don't get the move. _____________ Jet Mode _____________ Barrel Roll: ------------- Execution: left+right+left (rapidly) = roll left right+left+right (rapidly) = roll right * all directions on the LEFT thumbstick This is ***THE*** most important move to learn otherwise you will get absolutely demolished when you take to the air. If you do two or three of these in succession, there isn't a missile you cannot shake. It breaks all close missile locks and even some further away. Learn this move very well and you will be unstoppable in the air! Loop-the-loop: --------------- Execution: down+up+down = loop * On the LEFT thumbstick as well. This one is classic Top Gun stuff folks! Your mech will execute a lazy loop, and if you had a bunch of bogeys on your six, you will now be behind THEM and ready to unleash some Micro-Missile payback!!! A good way to ensure you pull of this move is to really yank the thumbstick so that it hits the edges of the plastic and makes a kind of clicky smack. That will guarantee you A) shorten the life of your controller but more importantly B) pull off the desired moves and live to fight another day! -------------- 5.B. Weaponry 5WEAP -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I'm not going to regurgitate the manual here, that's really boring. But here is some basic information about the arsenal available to you in BEA: Walker Weapons: ---------------- ________________________________________ IS-5 Pulse Cannon: Infantry: 4/5 Vehicles: 4/5 Aircraft: 1/5 Building: 3/5 Best Against: Vehicles Worst Against: Aircraft The general purpose "all rounder" weapon which is virtually useless against aircraft, but is excellent versus most other things in the game. You'll use it quite alot, so make it your friend. ________________________________________ Vulcan Cannon: Infantry: 4/5 Vehicles: 1/5 Aircraft: 4/5 Building: 1/5 Best Against: Infantry & 1v1 dogfights Worst Against: Buildings & Vehicles The Vulcan Cannon is on every single variant of the Aquila. It is very weak overall, but mulches infantry well and auto-targets, making it quite handy in a mano a mano aerial dogfight. ________________________________________ M-4 Blaster: Infantry: 4/5 Vehicles: 2/5 Aircraft: 3/5 Building: 2/5 Best Against: Infantry and Aircraft Worst Against: Buildings & Heavy Vehicle The Blaster is like the Vulcan Cannon and Pulse Cannon rolled into one handy little package. Excellent rate of fire with reasonable damage against most things in the game. Prone to overheating though. ________________________________________ Flux Missile: Infantry: 0/5 Vehicles: 4/5 Aircraft: 5/5 Building: 3/5 Best Against: Vehicles & Aircraft Worst Against: Infantry The Flux missile seems pretty pointless when contrasted with the Micro Missiles, but they do have their uses, and are easily the best Walker Mode anti-air weapon you can get short of manually blazing away with the Vulcan. Sadly, beyond that they aren't that much use as they are quite slow. ________________________________________ Grenade Launcher: Infantry: 3/5 Vehicles: 5/5 Aircraft: 1/5 Building: 5/5 Best Against: Buildings & Groups Worst Against: Aircraft at a distance Wonderful weapon! Area effect damage means it is good against groups of infantry or clustered vehicles, and woe betide any building that stands in your way! The rating against aircraft is a bit misleading as grenades taken down a carrier faster than anything. ________________________________________ Beam Laser: Infantry: 2/5 Vehicles: 4/5 Aircraft: 3/5 Building: 3/5 Best Against: Vehicles & Emplacements Worst Against: Moving Targets This is a pretty hopeless weapon, simply because it overheats WAY too fast, and while the damage it can do is very high, there just isn't enough of it to be practical, especially if the target can move. ________________________________________ Rail Gun: Infantry: 1/5 Vehicles: 5/5 Aircraft: 3/5 Building: 3/5 Best Against: Vehicles & Emplacements Worst Against: Everything Else Big. Powerful. Slow. The Railgun is BEAs sniper-rifle. For alot of vehicles it is one-shot-one-kill with this bad boy, but its slow rate of fire coupled with its virtual uselessness against anything else make it good as a specific-mission weapon only. ________________________________________ The Pulse Cannon and Grenade Launcher are probably the best Walker mode weapons you can get, which is what makes the Pulsar such a brilliant all-rounder. Personally, I find the Railgun to be virtually useless as their are no "stealth" missions which require sniping. BEA is about blowing the utter crap out of as much as possible, not trying to be sneaky! Jet Weapons: ---------------- ________________________________________ Vulcan Cannon: Infantry: 4/5 Vehicles: 1/5 Aircraft: 4/5 Building: 1/5 Best Against: Infantry & 1v1 dogfights Worst Against: Buildings & Vehicles As above. Vulcan Cannon is on all Jet configurations to offer you some small protection. Great in a one on one fight, but pretty worthless against groups of enemy fighters or any ground targets. ________________________________________ Micro Missiles: Infantry: 0/5 Vehicles: 4/5 Aircraft: 5/5 Building: 3/5 Best Against: Pretty much everything :-) Worst Against: Infantry My kingdom for a Micro missile! Yes you heard it here first, the Bard got it wrong in Richard III, because the man was definately praying for more Micro Missile Mayhem. Easily the best weapon in the game, these wonders of modern technology home in on virtually anything enemy. And let's face it, when was the last time infantry killed you? Nope, this is hands down the best weapon in your arsenal. ________________________________________ Spread Bombs: Infantry: 3/5 Vehicles: 5/5 Aircraft: 1/5 Building: 4/5 Best Against: Clusters of Vehicles Worst Against: Most moving targets Think Carpet bombing. Spread bombs drop down with avengeance and will decimate buildings and emplacements as well as totally mauling any large clusters of troops or tanks. If the target is fast moving or airborne though, you've got no chance of doing much damage with this baby. ________________________________________ A wise man once said to me (it was me, I should really stop talking to myself...) that "if it don't have Missiles, it ain't worth flying." Naturally I have better grammar than that in real life, but the message remains: Micro Missiles rule the sky, and rule the ground too. Bottom Line: Take the Pulsar. ----------------------------- 5.A. Battle Tactics & Tricks 5TACT -------------------------------------------------------------------------- This section is for advanced pilots, who want to pick up a few handy game skills to assist them in the field. If you have tips to submit then please email me! Hitchin'a Ride: ---------------- This is a key strategy for alot of missions. You notice how there's alot of Muspell Carriers/Landers in many of the maps? Did you know you can land on them? Don't look at me like that, it's perfectly legal and not a bug or glitch! I call this "hitchin' a ride" in honour of Greenday. If you are low on energy, then just get above a carrier and switch to walker mode and retro down gently onto them. From here, you can recharge your shields, take potshots at jets or most importantly, aim down and blaze away at the carrier you are standing on! Many an evil laugh has been guffawed as a result of this. If you think it is dodgy, think of the Matrix when the sentinels hop onto the Nebuchanezzer and proceed to rip it apart. If it is in the Matrix it *has* to be legitimate! Plus, you can land on buildings and boats and stuff, so it's totally legit. Just remember to engage your jet mode as you fire the final killing blow so you don't get destroyed with the lander! Spray'n'Pray: -------------- One of my personal favourites :-) As you can probably tell, I love Micro Missiles to death, and here is yet another wonderful application for them If you AVOID locking onto an enemy (hear me out!), and charge up your missiles and fire, have a close look at what happens...ye gods, are those missiles HOMING IN ON ENEMIES!??! Damn right they are. This is the BEST way to clear the skies or deal with large groups. Don't waste time trying to get a missile lock, just aim in the general direction, spray...and pray :-) You don't even need to charge them up, groups of 5 work just as well, but a charged load can destroy up to 5 Fighters at a time which is very cool! This sometimes works on infantry and sea-mines as well, but it isn't effective enough to warrant wasting your missiles on. Paradrop: ---------- Use the Retro thrusters to your advantage. Have you noticed BEA actually has paratroopers? Well, now you can be one too! Slow down in the air and switch to Walker mode, and hold down A to keep your retros going. You can aim at your leisure and this is an excellent way to snipe large groups of Muspell tanks from the air. Once you get good at this, you can eliminate 90% of the group before you touch down, which is tres cool! ========================================================================== 6. Cheats 6CHEAT ========================================================================== You, sir, are a disgrace to your country and your family's good name. Only the weak need to cheat! But, if you aren't a sucker for punishment (and God knows this game can dish it out!), or you just want to move on to the next mission to be thrashed in, here are a variety of cheat codes for the game. These are valid for both Playstation 2 and Xbox versions of the game God Mode: ------------- Select "New Game" Type in the name as "B4K42" (minus quotes) voila! God Mode! Only you've got way cooler weapons than He does. To find your godhead, press Pause and select the option. Unlock All Missions: --------------------- Select "New Game" Type in the name as "!EVAH!" (sans quotes of course) There you go, all missions are unlocked but they ARE NOT beaten for you! You can just pick and choose at will. Quite handy if you're totally stuck on a tricky mission. Unlock All Goodies: -------------------- Select "New Game" Type in the name as "105770Y2" (no quotes, duh!) Everything in the Goodies menu is unlocked, including all the race modes. Not as satisfying as unlocking it the hard, honest, and real way, but hey, who the hell is going to get 20+ S rankings, huh? (or so you tell yourself you sad, lame little man). With All Our Powers Combined...: --------------------------------- You can *BE* Captain of the planet, but not actually Captain Planet. But who need a green mullet anyway. Back on topic, you can actually combine the any or all of the codes above to combine the cheats, so you can type: "B4K42!EVAH!105770Y2" (less quotes) to give you god mode, access to all missions and a 100% open Goodies Gallery. So ask yourself a question punk: How pathetic are you? ========================================================================== _______________________ |7. Mission Walkthrough | 7WALK ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ========================================================================== Here begins the mission walkthrough! Broken up into each episode for your convenience. Remember to use the keywords if you are after a specific scenario! Difficulty refers to how hard the mission is to beat overall, while the S-Difficulty bit refers to how hard it is to achieve an S-Rank in that mission. Good luck soldier! ========================================================================== 7.1 Episode One EP1 ========================================================================== ------------------------ 7.1 Mission 1.00 "Training Level" M100 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mission Info: -------------- Available Battle Engines: Prototype only Available Wingmen: None Difficulty: 0.5/10 S-Difficulty: 2/10 Objectives: Primary: -Movement tutorial -Weapons tutorial -Evade tutorial -Combat tutorial This is just basic training cadets, you can do it! Walkthrough: ------------- This is a reeeeeeally easy mission guys, you shouldn't need a walkthrough for this! Follow all the advice and you will do fine. S-Ranking: ----------- To get an S-Ranking, you need to ensure the following: - You DO NOT hit any building, even once. If you blow up a tank before it deploys from a building, that counts as a hit so be patient! - You MUST NOT get hit by the fighter during the missile Evade part of the tutorial - You shouldn't take any damage anyway, but make sure you don't. If you do all these things, you should get an S-Ranking for this mission no trouble. __________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------ 7.1 Mission 1.10 "Blackout" M110 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mission Info: -------------- Available Battle Engines: Prototype only Available Wingmen: None Difficulty: 1/10 S-Difficulty: 0.5/10 Objectives: Primary: - Research Centre Must Survive Secondary: - Destroy All Enemies Communications with the mainland have been lost, and enemies are closing in on R1-04. Defend the base, prevent invasion and above all keep Aquila in one piece! Walkthrough: ------------- This mission is designed to ease you into the game, and is pretty easy but don't get too cocky just yet! The easiest way to proceed is to ignore the suggestion to stay behind the tanks and charge headlong at the enemy. As soon as you have control of Aquila, convert to Jet Mode and switch to Micro Missiles. Launch a few volleys to take care of the enemy fighters, and then swing straight around to those big intimidating flying fortresses... Don't worry though folks, those are Muspell Carriers, and are basically just big, slow moving targets for you to practice on. Do so now, hurl more missiles at them until they blow up...usually about 5 un-charged shots do the trick. If you find yourself running low on energy, don't worry, use the Hitchin' A Ride trick you learnt in my Battle Tactics section (you *did* read it didn't you?), and blast away with the Pulse Cannon while you recharge, and savour the irony of it. Within a matter of minutes, you should have wiped out the Carriers, and if you do it quick enough, you can ensure that virtually no troops land on the island at all. Bet the cocky bugger in the movie feels stupid now! S-Ranking: ----------- The S-Rank here is even easier to get than in the tutorial. If you are quick in blowing up all the Carriers and make sure you get the Fighters early on too, then this S-Rank will be the easiest one you ever get. To obtain it, you must make sure you complete the secondary objective as well as make sure the Research Lab is undamaged. As usual, it helps to not take much damage yourself. __________________________________________________________________________ ========================================================================== 7.2 Episode Two EP2 ========================================================================== ------------------------ 7.2 Mission 2.00 "Interception" M200 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mission Info: -------------- Available Battle Engines: Prototype Only Available Wingmen: None Difficulty: 2/10 S-Difficulty: 2½/10 Objectives: Primary: - 50% of Transports Safe - Enemy Forces Destroyed Secondary: - 100% of Transports Safe The convoy of transports delivering the Aquila prototype to the Apollo Firebase have encountered a group of Muspell fighters. At the same time, you have stumbled on an actual invasion force of Muspelli trying to take control of Apollo! Are you going to take that? Of course not, go kick some red ass! Walkthrough: ------------- This mission is a bit trickier than the last one, but not by much. The trick to doing well is taking out the fighters ASAP. They are all that stands between you and the S-Rank. As the level begins, fly slightly to the right to line you up with the incoming fighters. Wait until you have a lock on one then fire twice, and try to lock in on another. It can take a bit of practice, but even if you just fire off a few random volleys you will probably hit something. You can switch to the vulcan if you want to mop up. Once you've neutralized the fighter threat, aim towards the beach below you and start firing massive salvos of missiles at the Carriers. Remember how in the last mission I said wiping out the Carriers ensured less work? Same applies here. If you're quick you can trash all three before more than a couple tanks get out. By now you'll be out of energy so drop to walker mode and vulcanize the infantry and any half-dead tanks. You should get a message saying all enemy forces in the West have been neutralized, and the Colonel will remind you that there is work to be done on the Eastern Front. Take to the air and head over to the east where another three Carriers await destruction. If you're really fast, one will still be in the air so you can take care of that and then aim for the one closest to the mountain Chances are the Forseti forces on the ground have already begun pounding on it, so all you have to do is fire a few missiles to finish it off. All that remains is to destroy the last transport as you see fit, and then assist in destroying any tanks that made it out. No need to worry about tracking down all the Muspell infantry either, the mission will end even if you don't kill all of them. S-Ranking: ----------- Basically, you MUST MUST MUST ensure none of the transports get shot down which can be a bit tricky. Follow the walkthrough advice and just aim to get as many of the fighters as quick as you can...you cannot stop their first "pass" at the transport, so it will be at slightly less than half health, so it is critical that you stop as many as possible from making that second, fatal run on the Alpha Transport. Once you have done that, it is smooth sailing for the rest of the mission and you will get an S-Rank providing that, well, you know, you don't die or let the base be overrun or something. Achieving this S-Rank will open up your first Evo mission! Congratulations pilot, well done! ------------------------ 7.2 Mission 2.11 "Assault on Apollo" M211 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mission Info: -------------- Available Battle Engines: Pulsar Only Available Wingmen: None Difficulty: 3/10 S-Difficulty: 10/10* Objectives: Primary: - Enemy Bombers Destroyed - Base Buildings Survived Secondary: - All Enemy Units Destroyed The Muspell bastards are launching an all-out, full-scale attack against Apollo! You must defend all the crucial base buildings and hold the fort until some air support arrives. Once it does, help your guys in the sky repel the accursed Reds! Walkthrough: ------------- As soon as the mission begins, transform into jet mode and get moving! The enemy Bombers are slightly to your left, so head that way and destroy any Fighters you encounter en route. The Bombers take two un-charged volleys of missiles to destroy, and if you slow down you can take them all out in one pass. You can rest easy once you do get them, because the odds of any of the base buildings being destroyed now is slim to none. This mission is a Carrier-based one as well...the faster you destroy those enemy landers, the less forces you will have to deal with on the ground. To complete the Secondary Objective, you need to rush straight past all the action and destroy the Carrier which is on its way off the map. If you do this, blow it up and swing back around and there will be a large group of landers in the process of deploying troops. Your energy will be almost gone, so launch as many missiles as you can at them before paradropping on to the back on a Carrier. From here, you can finish off the landers and recharge. Once you've done this, take to the skies and scout for more Carriers, and destroy as many Fighters as you can. Pretty soon your air support will arrive, and for them to be effective you need to prevent the Muspell jets from shooting them down. If you run out of missiles, there is a recharge station in your main base, but using it lowers you mission ranking I think At any rate, you've done most of the hard work! Providing you now rule the skies, your own Bombers will make short work of the remaining Muspell ground forces, but you can go and help them if you like. The mission ends as soon as all tanks and planes have been destroyed. * S-Ranking: ----------- I'm going to have to come clean and admit I have yet to achieve an S-Rank on this particular mission. At first I thought you just had to achieve the secondary objective which is notoriously difficult to do. However I finally managed to do that, but still only got a C rating??? Anyway, for those of you who do want to get the secondary completed, you HAVE to be very quick. Take out the three bombers, and then fly as fast as you can towards the other end of the island where the 3-4 Carriers are about to deploy. If you've been fast, you will notice one Carrier on the horizon on its way out...it deploys its payload before you begin so it is ready to go home. Chase it down and blast it out of the sky, and providing you elminate the rest of the carriers and Fighters, you will make the secondary objective. Sadly, it doesn't seem to be enough to get an S-Rank though... If anyone out there *HAS* gotten an S-Rank on this mission, please email me with your strategy so we can all benefit from your obviously superior skills :-) ------------------------ 7.2 Mission 2.12 "Assault on Apollo (Evo)" M212 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mission Info: -------------- Available Battle Engines: Pulsar Only Available Wingmen: None Difficulty: 5/10 S-Difficulty: 10/10 Objectives: Primary: - Enemy Bombers Destroyed - Base Buildings Survived Secondary: - All Enemy Units Destroyed Same as standard, only alot harder. So you be hard too, don't take any rubbish from the Commies...er, Muspell, and fight, win, prevail! Walkthrough: ------------- Your first Evo mission! Nice work! So what's different you might wonder... it looks just like the normal mission. Quite right! But, there are ALOT more units: there are four bombers, at least half a dozen more Fighters and two or three more Carriers, and trust me, they WILL get to deploy alot more troops in this mission, regardless of how quick you are. Strategy-wise, the standard walkthrough is applicable here, but it's even more important to make sure you get the Bombers straight away! It will probably take a second pass to make sure you get them though. You will notice the enemy Fighters harry you quite a bit more than in the standard mission, so try to take out as many of them as possible. Don't even try to get the runaway Carrier if you are struggling with this mission, just keep downing enemy jets and try to destroy the landers as fast as you can. When your Bombers arrive, I'm pretty sure a new batch of Muspell Fighters spawns to make a nuisance of themselves. Clear the skies as fast as you can so the bombers can do their work. Once you've got rid of Muspell air cover, help destroy any large groups of vehicles you encounter because the Muspell *can* break through and start hammering at the mission critical buildings if you are lax in defending them. S-Ranking: ----------- As above, I have never gotten an S-Rank for this map as it is tougher than the standard Apollo mission. If anyone out there has gotten an S-Rank here, email me right now and tell me how you did it :-) ------------------------ 7.2 Mission 2.21 "Escort Duty" M221 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mission Info: -------------- Available Battle Engines: Pulsar Only Available Wingmen: None Difficulty: 2½/10 S-Difficulty: 3/10 Objectives: Primary: - Convoy Reached Destination Secondary: - All Transport Ships Survived - Muspell Battleship Destroyed All civilians are being shipped off Apollo for their own safety, and are being escorted by the Support Frigate Marshall in a convoy of transports. Naturally those reds are going to do what they can to send them all to Davey Jones' Locker, so it's up to you to protect the transports. Walkthrough: ------------- This one is easy peasy guys! Take to the air as soon as the mission starts and make a sharp left and rush the enemy Fighters head on. Here's the trick: DO NOT LOCK ON!!! just charge up missiles and blaze away, and they will heat-seek all the Fighters for you! mwuahhaha! Go on, do an evil laugh, you deserve it. This technique should kill all but one or two of them, and that piddly little force cannot hurt the transports at all. No high-fives yet though, gun it as fast as you can to the battleship, it is cruical to be fast if you want the S-Ranking. You should be landed/in the process of landing on the battleship before the Colonel starts raving on about how you have to destroy its guns. Ignore him, and switch to your grenades and start blasting away at the boat. Land on the side and just shoot into the open mid-section...it will take about 25-30 grenades to destroy it, but it is worth the big boom. BOOM! Liftoff again, this time aim towards the Marshall (your gunboat with the recharge pad on it), but bank more towards the left to be in front of it. If you've been nice and fast, you can intercept the enemy Fighters that will appear soon. This is quite funny, as they are all flying in a long line, so you can just line up and fire, and it goes bang!bang!bang!bang! Have another evil laugh and then swing back around, fly past the Marshall and land on the second last transport and recharge. Soon a random guy will shout about enemy Fighters incoming. Laugh again, because you've already dealt with most of them. Ignore them, and wait for the warning about incoming Bombers. This will make or break your S-Ranking, so make sure you get the bombers before they reach the transports. Use the Spray'n'Pray technique you used at the start, and you'll get alot of them very quickly. Then it's just a matter of picking off whatever is left. Once the bombers are done, hunt down the Fighters and clip them and it'll be smooth sailing all the way to the end of the mission. S-Ranking: ----------- You must make sure you prevent ANY transports from being sunk, this is the most crucial thing to do, but getting the battleship is a must as well. Follow the normal walkthrough and be FAST and don't use the recharge pad and you will get the S-Rank easy. ------------------------ 7.2 Mission 2.22 "Escort Duty (Evo)" M222 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mission Info: -------------- Available Battle Engines: Pulsar Only Available Wingmen: None Difficulty: 3½/10 S-Difficulty: 7/10 Objectives: Primary: - Convoy Reached Destination Secondary: - All Transport Ships Survived - Muspell Battleship Destroyed You vs. a dozen Muspell air squadrons, a battleship, two wings of bombers and a minefield. Fun :-) Walkthrough: ------------- This is your first night mission! how quaint. Don't let the pretty scenery distract you though, speed is of the essence here. Take out the battleship ASAP. Two rounds of charged, un-locked micro missiles will take out all but one or two of the fighters, and you shouldn't even stop, just fly right on to the battleship and take out the front gun quickly. Land, and destroy it like usual. This time though, you need to blow up some sea-mines in the path of the Marshall because they WILL destroy it! un-locked missiles *can* hit the mines occasionally, but your best bet is to strafe them with your vulcan or to land on the Marshall and shoot from there. Once you've got most of the mines (please don't waste your time trying to get them all!), take to the air and blow up as many fighters as you can before the timer in the corner expires. Before it does, move to the 2nd or 3rd transport in the convoy and recharge your shields, and wait for the bombers. Yep. It's not just you, there is ALOT more bombers and alot more fighter wingmen. I'd recommend three or four fully charged spray'n'pray missile volleys and then start picking them off one by one, but keep on firing until you lose sensation in your hands or all the Muspell bombers are gone. Once they are, pick off the remaining aircraft and pretty soon the mission should end. It's alot more stressful than the normal mission huh? Take a break and then come back for some more. S-Ranking: ----------- Same deal here as in the standard mission, but it is alot bloody harder to get all the bombers before they hit a bomber. Try three salvos of un-locked missiles and then start picking of the nearest targets, but your finger should be locked into constantly firing missiles! Don't stop until all the bombers are dead or you've lost a transport (in which case you'd best restart if you want an S-Rank). ------------------------ 7.2 Mission 2.31 "Counterstrike" M231 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mission Info: -------------- Available Battle Engines: Pulsar Only Available Wingmen: Maj. Lorenzo Difficulty: 2/10 S-Difficulty: 2/10 Objectives: Primary: - Liberate Apollo - Venturer Must Survive Secondary: None The flying fortress known as the Venturer as been sent by the Forseti in a last ditch effort to clear Apollo of the Muspell menace. So it's time for you to take the offensive and be the fist of righteous vengeance for your people and punch the reds square in the nose! Walkthrough: ------------- Another easy mission here. Common sense applies, but if you are still having a hard time, I'll walk you through it anyway :-) Get airborne, and fire off a few Spray'n'Prays (SnPs from now on) to take care of some of the fighters. Then it is just a matter of dropping as many of the Carriers as you can as fast as possible. Remember to hitch a ride if you are low on energy. On your way you will probably spot a few big clusters of Muspell tanks, so by all means fire off a few rounds at them. It really is just a matter of hopping. Land on a Carrier, shot it with grenades and just as it blows up, take off and move onto the next. Take out all the nearby Carriers, then swing back around to get the other one. Make the most of your time now by following the radar to any of the red tank divisions and just unleash hell with your missiles. It won't affect your S-Rank if you need to resupply either, so by all means get more micro missiles if you run out. Eventually the Venturer will alert you to say it is in position over the firebase. Very soon, another Muspell attack force will appear on the right of the Venturer. Let rip some SnPs and target the Carrier and the two Bombers that come along. Once you have smacked this new invasion force down, it's just a matter of helping in the mop-up. As soon as all the vehicles and aircraft are gone, the mission is complete! S-Ranking: ----------- You'll get the S-Rank just for being quick and surviving the mission, so don't sweat it. Follow the guide and you'll be ok. ------------------------ 7.2 Mission 2.32 "Counterstrike (Evo)" M232 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mission Info: -------------- Available Battle Engines: Puslar Only Available Wingmen: Maj. Lorenzo Difficulty: 3/10 S-Difficulty: 5/10 Objectives: Primary: - Liberate Apollo - Venturer Must Survive Secondary: None Same as normal but with alot more reds in the sky. Such a shame you've only got 200 micro-missiles.... Walkthrough: ------------- The main difference between the normal Counterstrike and the Evo one is there are alot more Muspell aircraft flying about, most notably a bomber wing is present from the get-go. As you begin, fire off the usual SnPs at the fighters, but ignore the landers for the moment and go straight for the wing of bombers, because they will level your buildings and vehicles VERY quickly. Once you've demolished them, resume the Hitchin' a Ride policy and neutralize the Carriers quickly. Other than that, this mission plays very similarly to the standard mode, but there is alot more guys in the skies, so remember to shake rattle'n'roll to break all the missile locks. S-Ranking: ----------- It's really quite difficult to get the S-Rank here, and I am pretty sure you cannot use the recharge station on the Venturer if you want to get it, which means missile conservation is more important, so hitch rides rather than wasting missiles on the Carriers. ========================================================================== 7.1 Episode Three EP3 ========================================================================== ------------------------ 7.3 Mission 3.00 "The Liberation of Russo" M300 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mission Info: -------------- Available Battle Engines: Pulsar, Blazer & Lancer Suggested Battle Engine: Pulsar Available Wingmen: Difficulty: /10 S-Difficulty: /10 Objectives: Primary: - - Secondary: - ========================================================================== 7.1 Episode Four EP4 ========================================================================== ========================================================================== 7.1 Episode Five EP5 ========================================================================== ========================================================================== 7.1 Episode Six EP6 ========================================================================== ========================================================================== 7.1 Episode Seven EP7 ========================================================================== ========================================================================== 7.1 Episode Eight EP8 ========================================================================== ========================================================================== 8. Multiplayer 8MULTI ========================================================================== This section is for any specific multiplayer questions or tips that arise as I write this FAQ. If you have a multiplayer submission, please email me! ========================================================================== 9. Goodies/Unlockables 9UNLOCK ========================================================================== No, I'm not going to list every single unlockable in the game. I'm lazy!? You're the one who won't load up the game and LOOK to see what unlocks what :-) This is here just to address any specific questions about the unlockable content in Battle Engine Aquila. ----------------------------- 9.A. Multiplayer Maps 9MAPS -------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you have had a go of BEA multiplayer, you might notice that there are 6 greyed out maps that you cannot select. Curious as to how to open them I sent an email to Lost Toys and Jeremy Longley, Project Manager for BEA responded: "To unlock the other multiplayer maps you just need to finish the game on either tier (ie complete 7.41 or 8.00) - you can actually use the cheat to unlock all the main levels and finish 7.41 pretty quickly (when you work out how to do it!) - 8.00 is somewhat harder ;) To be fair, though, the extra multiplayer maps are just much harder versions of the original levels - but twice the number of units significantly changes the gameplay and the level of teamwork required in the cooperative levels." Straight from the horse's mouth people! Having not beaten those levels yet I haven't been able to test this, but I'm sure it is true! ----------------------------- 9.B. Race Challenge 9RACE -------------------------------------------------------------------------- This one was a bit of a surprise to me! I was looking over the latest items I had unlocked in the goodies menu when I saw one titled "Race Challenge 1" I loaded it up and it is actually a racing game with your battle engine, which you must fly around the track as fast as is possible! Which is no easy feat, so far a few people have wondered if this race level is beatable at all...my best time was 2:34 and I hoped that was enough but sadly it wasn't. So I asked Lost Toys about that, and again Jeremy Longley was happy to answer! "As to the race levels - there are actually 5! Although you need to beat each in turn to unlock the next one. Can't remember off hand what times you need, but a very useful tip is- fly low! The closer to the ground/water you go (don't hit it!) the faster you go. Something to do with 'ground effect' ;) Makes a big difference - I'm pretty sure you can't do the last couple without using that trick." 5 race levels!?! Ye gods, I'd better get racing! If anyone out there does know the times required to beat the tracks please email me so I can add it to the FAQ. ========================================================================== 10. Guide Information 10INFO ========================================================================== This is the section nobody much ever reads but gets included anyway. If you want to submit anything to the FAQ, this is the place to be! -------------- 10.A About Me 10ABOUT -------------------------------------------------------------------------- My name is Dominic Rozenberg, and I am a 21 year old bloke from the lovely town of Newcastle in New South Wales, Australia. I attend Newcastle Uni where I am currently studying a Bachelor of Arts, majoring in History and English (Creative Writing). In my spare time, I play alot of PC and Xbox games, and am a Games Reviewer and Forum Moderator at Australia's best Xbox site, http://www.xboxworld.com.au so check it out! ------------------------ 10.B. Email Information 10EMAIL -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I look forward to receiving emails about this guide, because it means that A) there's a demand for it and B) people are using it. So if you have something you want to contribute to the guide, then PLEASE EMAIL ME! The more tips and strategies I get the more people can benefit from them. However, I don't have time to answer questions about specific levels or things like that...if it isn't in the guide yet, then I haven't had the time to do it yet, but it will get done. Likewise, I might not reply too fast but I will endeavour to make sure a response goes out within a week. My email address for the purposes of this FAQ is: chakan_theforeverman@hotmail.com Please send your tips, tricks, strategies etc to here. You will naturally be fully credited for any submission used in this FAQ! -------------- 10.C. Credits 10CREDIT -------------------------------------------------------------------------- At this time there is nobody to credit besides myself for writing this much, so a hearty pat on the back to me and plenty of self congratulation. Thanks though to those of you who battled through this far. If you've got something to add, please email me so you can get your name relegated to the arse end of the FAQ and be famous forever! No, really! ---------------------- 10.D. Version History 10VERS -------------------------------------------------------------------------- This section contains the evolution of this debut FAQ of mine. It is probably longer than most peoples, but maybe some bored person out there will find it interesting to read how an FAQ is made by a total newbie... ...or not, but here's the version history regardless! v0.55S - (16th July, 2003) Wingmen completed Battle Tactics added v0.53U - (16th July, 2003) Episode Two Walkthrough completed Section 9 completed Evasive Manoeuvres added v0.42U - (15th July, 2003) Episode One Walkthrough completed Weaponry, Characters & Battle Engine Info completed v0.35U - (14th July, 2003) Sections 1, 2, 3 & 6 completed v0.19U - (13th July, 2003) Table of Contents created, keywords implemented Section 10 completed v0.01U - (12th July, 2003) FAQ Layout created, dodgy title made by myself U designates an Unreleased version, meaning this version was not submitted to any website. S designates a version that has been Submitted to a website. -------------------- 10.E. The Legal Bit 10LEGAL -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The bulk of this guide is my own work, excluding any reader submissions in the form of tips, tricks or strategies. Some information has been paraphrased from the game manual, but otherwise this is 100% my own work, and alot of time and effort has gone into its production. If you wish to host this guide on your site, then please email me for permission. Unless you are charging money for the service, the odds are I will be thrilled to have you list it. Currently, the following sites have permission to host this FAQ: - http://www.xboxworld.com.au - http://www.gamefaqs.com If you see this FAQ on another site, please email me so I can get an explaination from the owner of said site. This FAQ/Guide Copyright 2003 Dominic Rozenberg ------ FINIS ------