Battle Engine Aquila : FAQ and Walkthrough version .1b (03/24/03) by adam23x VERSION HISTORY =============== .1b (03/24/03) - updated Weapons database .09b (03/18/03) - inserted submitted info Weapons Database, Special Maneuvers, Battle Engines info, Wingmen, Battle Tactics and Tips added contributors sections (thank you, all) .088b (03/12/03) - inserted submitted info .086b (03/09/03) - fixed database formatting began Forseti Units database .085b (03/06/03) - did Walkthrough for Episode 2.11 began Battle Engines Database .07b (03/02/03) - continued Episode Guide, began Walkthrough - Episode One completed, began Two .06b (03/01/03) - began working on Episode Guide .01b (02/28/03) - outlined topics to be covered, About This Guide, Basics, Cheats (courtesy of Al Amaloo, ******************************************************************************* TABLE OF CONTENTS ================= - To Do - About this Guide - Basics - Controls - Special Maneuvers - Battle Engines Database - Weapon Database - Forseti Units Database - Muspell Units Database - Misc. Database - Battle Tactics and Tips - Episode Guide / Walkthrough - Cheats, Secrets, Glitches, etc. - Contact Information - Contributors - Thanks ******************************************************************************* TO DO ===== Denotes sections incomplete, parts that need fleshing out, or rough ideas. This is mostly for my benefit or for someone who wants to contribute. - In-Game info (e.g. HUD, scanner, Battle Line Indicator, etc.) - Battle Engines Database, Weapon Database, Forseti Units, Muspell Units - Misc. Database, Battle Tactics and Tips, Episode Guide, Walkthrough - Secrets/Glitches ******************************************************************************* ABOUT THIS GUIDE ================ Realize this, noble pilot - I may not be the most qualified person to do this, but I am the only one as of now who is willing to take on this tremendous project. If someone else with more time and skill contacts me, the job is yours. If someone else releases a more comprehensive guide, I will contact them (or they can contact me) and I'll gladly let you absorb my guide into yours. Don't bother me by asking when it will be updated because if i'm not at the computer to work on it, i'm not there to check your emails, either. That being said, on with the guide. ******************************************************************************* BASICS ====== Your battle engine is the pride of the Forseti military. Coated with Plasteel Armor, it is both lightweight and extremely resistant to damage. In walker mode, your Shield Generator is active - allowing you to absorb most impacts before they reach your battle engine. Jet mode allows you quick access deep into enemy territory. While in jet mode, energy is diverted away from your shield generator to power the Lift Unit, making your battle engine more vulnerable to attack. CONTROLS -------- -Walker Mode: Left Analog Up - Move forwards Left Analog Down - Move backwards Left Analog Left - Strafe left Left Analog Right - Strafe right Right Analog Up - Look down Right Analog Down - Look up Right Analog Left - Look left Right Analog Right - Look right R1/R2 - Fire current weapon L1/L2 - Cycle through weapons Square - Transform to jet mode X - Activate Retro Thrusters (hold button down) Triangle - Cloak (available in BE:A Unit-04S "Sniper") D-pad Up - Zoom in D-pad Down - Zoom out Start - Pause (push Select at "Paused" to Quit current mission) -Jet Mode: Left Analog Up - Accelerate Left Analog Down - Decelerate (slow down too much, you will stall) Left Analog Left - Strafe left Left Analog Right - Strafe right Right Analog Up - Nose down Right Analog Down - Nose up Right Analog Left - Bank left Right Analog Right - Bank right R1/R2 - Fire current weapon L1/L2 - Cycle through weapons Square - Transform to walker mode Triangle - Cloak (available in BE:A Unit-04S "Sniper") Start - Pause (push Select at "Paused" to Quit current mission) SPECIAL MANEUVERS ----------------- JUKING: In the tutorial mission, you're taught how to juke to one side in the walker. What they don't tell you is that this maneuver can be done in any direction. For example, to juke forward, you would push Up on the Left Analog, then immediately pull it back to the Down position, then slam it to the Up position again. Your walker will take a much larger step. If you already walking forward (holding Up), you would simply slam the Left Analog down, then back up. When I first started, I couldn't consistently do this fast enough, but the key is to listen for the sound of your Left Analog stick smacking into the black body of the controller. You should hear three clicks distinctly. If you were to time this maneuver, I'd say it must be accomplished in under 2 seconds. This tactic is useful in dodging missiles and other incoming fire. With heat- seeking missiles, the best time to juke is right before it hits you, when your Threat Circle displays the orange warning triangle. Once you master this, you'll find yourself juking all over the place. Realize that you cover much more ground when juking, so it's important to do this when you're in a hurry and can't jump to jet mode. ROLLS: These maneuvers are not taught to you at all. I stumbled upon them during one of the early dogfights in jet mode. The first one is a barrel roll. Remember to listen for the clicks on these, too. To barrel roll to the left, slam the Left Analog stick right, then immediately left. To barrel roll to the right, slam the Left Analog stick left, then immediately to the right. Mastering this maneuver is important in avoiding air-to-air missiles. Use the same timing as you would use in walker mode: roll when the Threat Circle shows orange. I know there's a name for this, but I don't know it. Instead of rolling left/right, your jet "rolls forwards". Think of it this way. You have a Muspell fighter tailing you, firing missile after missile. You roll forwards, heading straight up. The fighter zips past you, continuing straight. You return to your original space in the sky, but now you're behind the fighter. To do this, slam Left Analog Down, then Up, then Down. Doing this will immediately put you in danger of stalling, so begin accelerating as soon as the maneuver is over to avoid this. Accelerating during the maneuver doesn't make you complete it faster. Using this tactic is important during dogfights, when multiple enemy units are tailing you and obviously locked on. You roll forwards, then engage them from behind. Niiiice. LOCKON: Funnily enough, some weapons are too powerful to use a lock on function. The weaker weapons can. When targetting a big object/ship, use the smaller weapons auto-tracking function to keep an eye on the ship. Then quickly switch to a bigger gun and fire, if you do it fast enough, the tracking will last for a few microseconds before it goes away. This can also be used in the air when enemy ships appear. MISSILE AVOIDANCE: Yes there is a way to stop missiles hurting you whilst in jet mode, it is done by turning on walker mode and floating down. Because you are in walker mode, your shields will absorb the blasts. Then, turn back on jet mode and continue flying. If you run out of energy and cannot jump back to jet mode, just float down, taking out as many targets as possible. CATCH A LIFT: This is one of the most hilarious tactics in the game. Since the enemy dropships and bombers are just large enough for you to 'catch a ride', jump on them and land on top of them. Use this 'land' to recharge your energy and to shoot at the ships below. The stupid enemy units will fire at you, and because that most of their weapons are 'dumb', they will hit their own ship instead of you. ******************************************************************************* BATTLE ENGINES DATABASE ======================= DESIGNATION: WEAPON's EFFECTIVENESS: ----------------------------------------------------------------- Troops Tanks Air -BE:A Unit-00 "Prototype" ::Walker:: Pulse Cannon oooo oooo o Vulcan Cannon oooo o oooo ::Jet:: Vulcan Cannon oooo o oooo Micro Missiles - oooo ooooo ----------------------------------------------------------------- Troops Tanks Air -BE:A Unit-01 "Pulsar" ::Walker:: Pulse Cannon oooo oooo o Vulcan Cannon oooo o oooo Grenade ooo ooooo o ::Jet:: Micro Missiles - oooo ooooo Vulcan Cannon oooo o oooo ----------------------------------------------------------------- Troops Tanks Air -BE:A Unit-02 "Blazer" ::Walker:: Pulse Cannon oooo oooo o Blaster oooo oo ooo Grenade ooo ooooo o ::Jet:: Vulcan Cannon oooo o oooo Spread Bomb ooo ooooo o ----------------------------------------------------------------- Troops Tanks Air -BE:A Unit-03 "Lancer" ::Walker:: Beam Laser oo oooo ooo Blaster oooo oo ooo Flux Missile - oooo ooooo :Jet:: Vulcan Cannon oooo o oooo Torpedo oooo oooo o ----------------------------------------------------------------- Troops Tanks Air -BE:A Unit-04S "Sniper" ::Walker:: Rail Gun o ooooo ooo Blaster oooo oo ooo Flux Missile - oooo ooooo :Jet:: Vulcan Cannon oooo o oooo *Cloaking device ----------------------------------------------------------------- WEAPONS DATABASE ================ GROUND WEAPONS: -------------- -Pulse Cannon A good overall weapon; can be charged up to produce a larger blast radius. This weapon is very good against tanks and other ground personel. Its lack of targetting array means that unless you're an expert, this gun shouldn't be used against aerial craft; although, it is fairly good against bigger buildings/ships. Augmentation of this gun yields a really large and powerful blast radius that occurs upon impact. This weapon is energy-based. -Vulcan Cannon (also air weapon) This weapon has a small targetting array so it is excellant for taking out flying targets. The fact that it doesn't overheat will save your life time and time again. Unfortunately, it isnt as effective against the ground targets. This weapon is ammo-based. -Grenade This weapon has a distance so as it launches at the right arc to hit the target. It will fire close to you or far away and has a small blast radius. This weapon is a godsend when dealing with a groups of tanks or buildings. This weapon is ammo-based, so keeping it for a 'special occasion' is almost a must. -Blaster The Pulse Cannon and the Vulcan Cannon rammed into one gun. This baby is great against almost every class, being precise enough to hit the smaller targets and heavy enough to take on larger ones. This gun is enery-based, so it does overheat. For maximum efficiency, switch between weapons while waiting for it to cool off. -Beam laser This weapon has a high damage rate, good charge time and a nice overall look. It does overheat quickly however, but has the advantage that, well, it's a laser. Firing at a point in space means that your beam reaches there instantly, negating the need to "lead" your target, like with the Torpedos. Augmentation is really sweet, as it lets off a really large beam attack which fragments to hit multiple targets. This weapon is enery-based. -Flux missile Being able to target about 5-6 units (air or otherwise), this weapon does some serious damage. It can unload many rockets when fully charged and has a quick reload time. Unfortunately, it isn't exactly perfect for taking out buildings or personnel. This weapon is ammo-based. Conversation is key. -Rail Gun Using powerful magnets, the Rail Gun's projectile accelerates through the chamber without losing any speed to friction. This greatly reduces time-to-target and the speed at which the projectile tears through it's target inflicts massive damage. This weapon is ammo-based, and reloading take a little time. Normal zoom is disabled with weapon. Charging the weapon to fire-ready status auto-zooms in to target, but makes it difficult to have this weapon ready to go before engaging an enemy. This is the primary weapon of the Sniper-class Battle Engine. AERIAL WEAPONS: -------------- -Micro missiles Similar to Flux Missiles, these missiles designed more for the aerial combat situations. These missiles come in the 100's and so are great for taming the skies. A nice touch is that if you do not choose a target when charging your weapon, the missile 'cloud' will separate and chase after multiple targets all on its own. These weapons are nice when used against enemy 'bomber' class units, charge up 2 full missile salvos and down goes a bomber. Though ammo-based, this weapon features a fast reload time. -Spread bomb An aerial grenade, of sorts, these bombs excel against enemy units and buildings. You'd have to be very skilled in leading your target to take out an aircraft with these. Low ammunition and an average blast radius limits this weapon, but it's excellent for quickly decimating large groups of reinforcements before they reach the battle line. -Torpedo Torpedos do high damage to both armored units, like tanks and walkers, as well as buildings. Same problems that beset the Spread Bomb apply here, such as ammo amount and it's effectiveness against aerial targets. Rate of fire exceeds that of Spread Bombs. ******************************************************************************* FORSETI UNITS DATABASE ====================== - Trooper The Forseti Army is operated on a strictly voluntary basis. People enlist ecause they want to and national service is not compulsory. Training is good and the equipment is advanced and generally in excellent condition. The Standard Forseti Army Trooper carries an M-22 Beam Rifle. As it is energy based, a Forseti trooper isn't weighed down by ammo packs and can continue in the field for many days without the need for resupply. Many individuals also choose to carry the M-208 Plasma Grenade for digging out well-defended opponents. They are nimble and lightly armored , preferring to hit and run rather than to get involved in a protracted conflict. Top speed: 5 mph Armor: Flak jacket Mobility: walk Power: n/a Weapons: M-22 Beam Rifle, M-208 Plasma Grenades - Dragoon The Special Forces branch of the army utilize Dragoons for their missions. They carry the advanced MX-25 Beam Rifle which has increased range and penetration over the M-22. They use Paveway Air Transports to get them behind enemy lines where their parachutes allow them be deployed from safe altitudes. Top Speed: 5 mph Mobility: walk, parachute Power: n/a Weaponry: MX-25 Beam Rifle - AV-14 Sabre Light Tank (incomplete) Generally referred to as Pulse Tanks, Sabres make up the bulk They are a competant Monted on the turret is the IS-2 Pulse Cannon which can fire a bolt of energy over a fair distance and is quite effective against armored units. As they are energy based, The hovering nature of the vehicled coupled with it's relatively lightweight construction gives it unprecedented maneuverability excellent protection while also keeping the weight to a minimum. Top Speed: 58 mph Armor: 30mm Plaseteel, 40mm Plasteel Mobility: hover Power: Fortech HU(300) (AV-14A/B) Weaponry: IS-2 Pulse Cannon, M-4 Blaster ******************************************************************************* BATTLE TACTICS AND TIPS ======================= (paraphrased from instruction manual:) - Jet mode weapons are less effective than walker mode weapons. Also, your shield generator doesn't function in jet mode. So it's best to use jet mode primarily for quick transport and to use walker mode for devastation. - Keep your eye on the Battle Line Indicator. When you're in the red, don't expect help from your fellow troops. - Try not to use up all your energy flying to a destination. Remember, in walker mode, your shield is powered by this same energy. If you run out of energy flying to the battle, you'll have no shields when you land there. - Firing energy-based weapons (e.g. Pulse Cannon, Beam Laser) taxes the Shield Generator, causing your energy to replenish slower. - Before engaging the enemy, note where the Repair Pad is. Use it. (end instruction manual contents) - DIVE BOMBING: Take a hint from the Artificial Intelligence in this game. If you're about to fly past a large target, head straight up in the air - fast. When you're significantly far into the air, slow down and swing the nose of the jet towards the ground so you can see your target. Begin firing upon it. When you're getting close to sea level again, accelerate away, and repeat if necessary. I'll frequently see Forseti bombers doing this in the distance. - PARATROOPING: Like dive bombing, ascend straight up directly over your intended target. At the height of your climb, switch to walker mode and activate the retro thrusters to slow your descent to a crawl. Begin decimating your target from the air. I've been able to do this over groups of Landers, tanks, or buildings, completely wiping them from the map before I even touch down. - MICRO MISSILES: (submitted by Pascal from Belgium) if you are facing mines or a lot of aircrafts, don't lock onto any of them, just fire a full blast of micro missiles. You'll see your missiles spread out and touch a lot of mines or enemies. I don't know if this works every time, but I do this all the time. If you lock onto one mine or enemy, all your missiles will fly to it. If you fire at an enemy formation without a specific lock-on, your missiles will hit more of them. The other option is to point and lock at one at a time until all the group is locked. Even if this never misses, it takes a lot of time. I once cleared a beach in two volleys and got rid of 3 of those damn AA turrets in one blow just by flying by and launching micro missiles at random. ******************************************************************************* EPISODE GUIDE / WALKTHROUGH =========================== ----------- -EPISODE 1- ----------- --- - 1.00 TRAINING LEVEL ---- Basic movement in walker and jet modes. Weapons use. BATTLE ENGINE(S): -BE:A Unit-00 "Prototype" PRIMARY OBJECTIVES: -Movement tutorial -Weapons tutorial -Evade tutorial -Combat tutorial WALKTHROUGH: Speed and accuracy. Once you're familiar with the map and the objectives, move through as quickly and accurately as you can. You will get the "S". Do not hit any structure - a tank blowing up inside a building counts as damage to the structure. --- - 1.10 BLACKOUT --- Communications are down. Defend the R1-04 base from enemy invasion. BATTLE ENGINE(S): -BE:A Unit-00 "Prototype" PRIMARY OBJECTIVES: -Research Center survived SECONDARY OBJECTIVES: -All enemy units destroyed WALKTHROUGH: Jump immediately into jet mode and head north. You'll see several landers full of tanks approaching the shoreline, as well as five Muspell fighters. Switch to Micro Missiles and fly towards the landers. Don't be too concerned with shooting down the fighters. Engage the lander closest to the shore. As soon as you have a lock-on, begin firing several fully-charged volleys of missiles. When you're within range, switch to walker mode and actually land on the lander itself. Now use your pulse cannon to destroy it. If you time it right, you can jump into jet mode just before the lander explodes. Fly over to the next lander and repeat. No enemy units even make it to the shore and you get the "S". ----------- -EPISODE 2- ----------- --- - 2.00 INTERCEPTION --- Protect the transport convoy from the enemy fighter ambush, then defend the firebase from the Muspell invasion force. BATTLE ENGINE(S): -BE:A Unit-00 "Prototype" PRIMARY OBJECTIVES: -50% of transports safe -Enemy forces destroyed SECONDARY OBJECTIVES: -100% of transports safe WALKTHROUGH: You begin in jet mode heading west. South (to your right), you'll see the end of the island. Begin heading this way and you will see multiple enemy fighters. They see you, too; they just don't care. Their primary goal is destruction of the transports. Each fighter is preparing to fire one missile and then swing around to line up for another shot. Their first volley -will- take out the Alpha transport. When heading towards the fighters, have your Vulcan Cannon ready. As soon as you're tracking one, take it down. Get as many as you can before they reach the lead transport. They'll fire their missiles and then break formation, scattering all around the transports. Engage the closest fighter. If you've got several of them in your sights, ignore the closest one and get missiles going on the tails of the ones you're not going to chase down. Now open fire on the closest fighter. Muspell fighters know when you have a radar lock. They will begin performing evasive maneuvers to avoid the missiles. The goal here is to keep the enemy fighter group on the defensive, either dodging your bullets or running from your missiles. There is no second wave of fighters, so if all the transports survived the attack, consider them safe. Turn your attention to the shore, where you'll see many a landing craft. Your energy is low or empty now, so land on the beach and focus on the lander closest to deploying. If some ground units made it out, ignore their fire, juking often, and destroy the next lander closest to deployment. Worry about the ground units when you know you have time. If all the transports made it, you stand a good chance of getting the "S". --- - 2.11 ASSAULT ON APOLLO --- Protect the four main base buildings from the Muspell offensive until your air support arrives, then assist the air support. BATTLE ENGINE(S): -BE:A Unit-01 "Pulsar" PRIMARY OBJECTIVES: -Enemy bombers destroyed -Base buildings survived SECONDARY OBJECTIVES: -All enemy units destroyed WALKTHROUGH: Jump to jet mode and engage the fighters overhead. There are three bombers approaching the firebase escorted by more fighters. Switch to Micro Missiles and get two distinct radar locks on each bomber. Make sure the missiles hit because you're probably out of energy by now. If you've still got some juice left, take out the two dropships that were tailing the bomber wave. Might as well run an air strike on the fleet of landing craft touching down to the east. Micro missiles work well. Especially on groups of tightly-packed tanks. Consider returning to base to re-arm and repair. Now decimate the units unloading in the east. I did another Micro Missile air strike, then landed when my energy ran out. I took out a lander or two with the grenades, then jumped to jet mode. Don't be worrying about the firebase unless you got to these landers too late. The only threat the base faces is the one you're stopping from amassing in this area. So your top priority should be to destroy the landers. Around this time your air support should be arriving. Just prior to this, the enemy's air offensive arrives. Engage them and try to take out any fighter that's tailing one of your guys. When the odds appear to be in your favor in the sky, turn your attention back to the enemy landing zone. Destroy any remaining landers or enemy units scattered around. I think the landing craft following up the bombers earlier on in this mission is responsible for the random one or two heavy tanks wandering around. Note: I find it difficult to complete this type of Secondary Objective. What does the game count as "enemy units"? All troops and vehicles? Just troops? Just vehicles? Does it vary? I don't know, but I can't complete it. ALTERNATE STRATEGIE(S): [ed. note - this still doesn't complete the Secondary Objective for me] [I'm convinced you must destroy every aircraft, tank, and troop] - destroy the three bombers and two "heavy bombers" (these guys are not consider has bombers but I saw them dropping some) [ed. note: i think he means the troop dropships] approaching the base. - fly to the south of the island and destroy the runaway Carrier, shooting some aircrafts on the way over there(use your vulcan so you spare your energy). - come back and blast the carrier on the ground and the next ones that are landing. - by then the air support will be there tailed by some ennemy crafts. - From this point, your target is the aircrafts. Don't let anyone escape and blast them has fast has you can. Your allies will take care of the tanks. --- - 2.12 ASSAULT ON APOLLO (EVO) --- Protect the four main base buildings from the Muspell offensive until your air support arrives, then assist the air support. BATTLE ENGINE(S): -BE:A Unit-01 "Pulsar" PRIMARY OBJECTIVES: -Enemy bombers destroyed -Base buildings survived SECONDARY OBJECTIVES: -All enemy units destroyed --- - 2.21 ESCORT DUTY --- The support frigate Marshall is escorting a civilian convoy away from Apollo. Ensure the convoy survives. BATTLE ENGINE(S): -BE:A Unit-01 "Pulsar" PRIMARY OBJECTIVES: -Convoy reached destination SECONDARY OBJECTIVES: -All transport ships survived -Muspell battleship destroyed --- - 2.22 ESCORT DUTY (EVO) --- The support frigate Marshall is escorting a civilian convoy away from Apollo. Ensure the convoy survives. BATTLE ENGINE(S): -BE:A Unit-01 "Pulsar" PRIMARY OBJECTIVES: -Convoy reached destination SECONDARY OBJECTIVES: -All transport ships survived -Muspell battleship destroyed --- - 2.31 COUNTERSTRIKE --- Assist the aircraft carrier Venturer in clearing Apollo of the Muspell. BATTLE ENGINE(S): -BE:A Unit-01 "Pulsar" WINGMEN: -Major Lorenzo PRIMARY OBJECTIVES: -Liberate Apollo -Venturer must survive --- - 2.32 COUNTERSTRIKE (EVO) --- Assist the aircraft carrier Venturer in clearing Apollo of the Muspell. BATTLE ENGINE(S): -BE:A Unit-01 "Pulsar" WINGMEN: -Major Lorenzo PRIMARY OBJECTIVES: -Liberate Apollo -Venturer must survive ----------- -EPISODE 3- ----------- --- - 3.00 LIBERATION OF RUSSO --- A Muspell outpost on Russo is being used to stage assaults on the final Forseti base. Destroy the outpost and protect your base. BATTLE ENGINE(S): -BE:A Unit-01 "Pulsar" -BE:A Unit-02 "Blazer" -BE:A Unit-03 "Lancer" WINGMEN: -Lieutenant Fox -Lieutenant Casbah -Major Lorenzo PRIMARY OBJECTIVES: -Protect Forseti base -Destroyed the outpost forces -The Muspell outpost has been destroyed SECONDARY OBJECTIVES: -All Forseti buildings survived --- - 3.11 MUSPELL COUNTERATTACK --- A Muspell counter-offensive is pounding the base. Help the Forseti forces hold out until the reinforcements arrive. BATTLE ENGINE(S): -BE:A Unit-01 "Pulsar" -BE:A Unit-02 "Blazer" -BE:A Unit-03 "Lancer" WINGMEN: -Lieutenant Fox -Lieutenant Casbah -Major Lorenzo PRIMARY OBJECTIVES: -Defend the Forseti base -No more than two Forseti Turrets destroyed SECONDARY OBJECTIVES: -All Forseti forces survived -All Forseti buildings survived --- - 3.12 MUSPELL COUNTERATTACK (EVO) --- A Muspell counter-offensive is pounding the base. Help the Forseti forces hold out until the reinforcements arrive. BATTLE ENGINE(S): -BE:A Unit-01 "Pulsar" -BE:A Unit-02 "Blazer" -BE:A Unit-03 "Lancer" WINGMEN: -Lieutenant Fox -Lieutenant Casbah -Major Lorenzo PRIMARY OBJECTIVES: -Defend the Forseti base -No more than two Forseti turrets destroyed SECONDARY OBJECTIVES: -All Forseti forces survived -All Forseti buildings survived --- - 3.21 THE WAKE OF THE VENTURER --- Help the Forseti units liberate Russo. The Venturer has arrived to assist the ground forces. BATTLE ENGINE(S): -BE:A Unit-01 "Pulsar" -BE:A Unit-02 "Blazer" -BE:A Unit-03 "Lancer" WINGMEN: -Lieutenant Fox -Lieutenant Casbah -Major Lorenzo PRIMARY OBJECTIVES: -Captured the island -No more than two Forseti turrets destroyed -Protected the Forseti base SECONDARY OBJECTIVES: -All Forseti turrets survived -All the Forseti buildings survived --- -3.22 THE WAKE OF THE VENTURER (EVO) --- Help the Forseti units liberate Russo. The Venturer has arrived to assist the ground forces. BATTLE ENGINE(S): -BE:A Unit-01 "Pulsar" -BE:A Unit-02 "Blazer" -BE:A Unit-03 "Lancer" WINGMEN: -Lieutenant Fox -Lieutenant Casbah -Major Lorenzo PRIMARY OBJECTIVES: -Captured the island -No more than two Forseti turrets destroyed -Protected the Forseti base SECONDARY OBJECTIVES: -All Forseti turrets survived -All the Forseti buildings survived ******************************************************************************* CHEATS, SECRETS, GLITCHES, ETC. =============================== CHEATS ------ All cheats are accomplished by starting a new game and entering the following letter combinations as your name (what you save your game as): - Level Selection - !EVAH! - Invincibility - B4K42 - Unlock All Goodies - 105770Y2 *To use multiple cheat codes simultaneously, combine the seperate codes into one long string, without spaces, ex: B4K42105770Y2 (courtesy of Al Amaloo, SECRETS ------- ******************************************************************************* CONTACT INFORMATION =================== Questions? Comments? Submissions? wish23x at yahoo dot com Please don't email me asking questions about gameplay, only questions regarding this document. If submitting something for inclusion herein, title it "SUBMISSION - " and some sort of description denoting section placement, or if it's a correction, etc. ******************************************************************************* CONTRIBUTORS ============ MAJOR: - Russell (k1485@*****.org) added to: special maneuvers battle engines database battle tactics and tips authored: weapons wingmen - Pascal of Belgium ******************************************************************************* Copyright 2003 Adam Gornell