__________ .___ \______ \ ____ ___.__. ____ ____ __| _/ | | _/_/ __ \ < | | / _ \ / \ / __ | | | \\ ___/ \___ |( <_> )| | \/ /_/ | |______ / \___ > / ____| \____/ |___| /\____ | \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ _______________________________________________________ _____ ____ ____ ____ _ _____ _ _ _ / __// _ \/ _ \/ _ \ /.\ / __// \ |\/ \/ \ | | _| / \|| / \|| | \| \ _\_ | \ | | //| || | | |_//| \_/|| \_/|| |_/| /|/ / | /_ | \// | || |_/\ \____\\____/\____/\____/ \__/\ \____\\__/ \_/\____/ Gamecube, PS2, XBOX, PC WALKTHROUGH/FAQ By WishingTikal version 1 wishingtikal@hotmail.com 01/20/04 http://www.youtube.com/WishingTikal /---------------------------------------------------------------------------\ \ ----------- TABLE OF CONTENTS ------------ / /___________________________________________________________________________\ \===========================================================================/ 1. Introduction 2. Walkthrough 3. Sidequests a)Animals b)Pearls 4. FAQ 5. Credits /---------------------------------------------------------------------------\ \ ----------- INTRO ------------ / /___________________________________________________________________________\ \===========================================================================/ If you're reading this walkthrough, then it must be because you are in the possession of the great game Beyond Good & Evil. If you are reading this intro right now, then it must be because you have nothing better to do. Anyway, for whatever reason you are consulting this FAQ, I hope it helps you, since I made it for that matter. I tried to divide the walkthrough into parts and sections for better consultation but I must admit it's quite hard to navigate through when you only want one small information. You can always use the Sidequests section for small things like that. If you like the FAQ, tell me. Or if you don't like it (may happen, nothing's perfect), tell me also so I can make it better then. Well then, keep playing. WishingTikal http://www.youtube.com/WishingTikal /---------------------------------------------------------------------------\ \ ----------- WALKTHROUGH ------------ / /___________________________________________________________________________\ \===========================================================================/ *Note that this walkthrough was written using the gamecube version of the game so the buttons and controls mentioned here are based on the gamecube version, don't mind them if you're using another version of the game. Otherwise, it doesn't change a thing regarding the walkthrough. "Every day on the planet Hillys, the Domz attacks strike the population. The Alpha Section troops seem incapable of protecting the people. You play as Jade, a young reporter with a mysterious past. Will you succeed in saving the planet Hillys and unveiling the secrets of the Domz invasion? Your best weapons are your camera, your faithful companions, and your desire to reveal the truth. But watch out! The dividing line between good and evil is sometimes very thin, indeed!" LIGHTHOUSE AND HILLYS ===================== PART 1 - Saving the lighthouse and getting Pearl 1 ------ After the first cinematic, you take control of Jade to fight the Domz and free the child. Press the control stick to move Jade around, B to back flip and A to hit the enemies. After a bunch of hits on all the enemies, they'll all be dead, but Jade is then captured by the enemy. Hopefully, her friend Pey'j comes to her rescue. Time to free yourself up. Hold down the A button to capture the enemy's energy and release it to break the cage around you. Now go near the monster and use your super attack (hold on A and release) to break the bone barrier protecting him. The barrier will break after the attack so immediately hit the enemy's eye the more times you can. Don't forget to help your friend Pey'j to fight the other Domz when you can. After you repeat the process some more times, the monster will disappear, leaving the pearl d'Aramis behind him. Pick it up. PART 2 - Exploring the area and activating the shield ------ After collecting the pearl, stand on the blue elevator to go back up to Hillys. After the cinematic, you're free to explore the lighthouse. Start off by picking up (A) the camera on the table. Follow the instructions and take the picture of the *ADALIA OCTOPUNCTATA*. Send it to the science center for 150 Units. The first time you get 8 photos on your camera, you will get the zoom. Then, each time you'll receive a pearl! Go in the kitchen and pick up the yellow thing on the counter. This is a Starkos, it restores energy by one heart. Press X when you want to eat one. Take the 3 other Starkos in the fridge and kick (A) the furnace for another Starkos. Now go to the second floor of the lighthouse. You can take the picture of the *CANIS CANIS* sleeping in an alcove in the wall. He is worth 100 Units. He has a box of K-bups in his mouth, if you try to take it, he will start running and you'll have to run after him and catch him to get back the box. Then, go in the room next to the Canis Canis and pick up the Starkos on the bed next to the girl. Now go back to the first floor and exit the lighthouse. You can take the picture of the *PRIODONTES CAMPESTRIS*, the small armadillo in the herbs next to the lighthouse. He's worth 150 Units. Now go down the hill near the lighthouse to an area with a tree in the center. In daytime, you can take the picture of a *LARUS ALBUS*, one of the seagulls flying around. Worth 400 Units. At night, you can take the picture of a *LAMPYRIS CAMPESTRIS*, one of the fireflies flying around the tree. Worth 300 Units. If you take the picture of one of the child you will get the *HOMO SAPIENS* and 200 Units. There is one of the child who wears a red tee-shirt, he's a *CAPRA SAPIENS* and he's worth 350 Units. You should now have more than 350 Units, enough to power up the shield system and activate the shield. You can then return to the second floor of the lighthouse and press the button on the wall to open the door to the bathroom. Pick up the PA1 on the counter, your energy gauge will increase by one heart. While the shield is active, go back up to the second floor and push the button to open the door leading to the roof. Once on the roof, go on one of the edges of the roof and look up at the top roof where you'll see a weird otter. Zoom in (you get the zoom after 8 animals pics taken), and take a picture of the otter when you spot him. The *LUTRA ERECTA* is worth 1000 Units! PART 3 - The hangar and the hovercraft ------ Now go back up and enter the hangar in front of the lighthouse. Go down the stairs to the small port with the hovercraft. If you look in the water, you should be able to spot some fishes swimming around in the water. Take a picture of one of them. The *DIPNEUSTES TRILINEATUS* is worth 400 Units. You can also pick up the 2 P-O-D on the table along the wall. The P-O-P restores the gauge of your vehicle by one wrench. Also pick up the 2 Boosts, which triples the max speed of your hovercraft. Now go back up and enter Pey'j's workshop on your left. Pick up the Mdisk in this room and go near the machine Pey'j is repairing. Select the Mdisk in your menu and use it on the machine. You can now save your game with the save Mdisk. Then, insert the Mdisk "Mr De Castellac" that you just picked up to listen to his message. He wants you to come quickly to Black Isle. Anytime, take the picture of Pey'j for the *SUS SAPIENS*, worth 600 Units. You should now have 8 pictures and will get the zoom. Exit the workshop and go back to the hangar. Go down to the hovercraft port and push the generator at the right of Pey'j in direction of him. The hovercraft will then be functional again. Get in it and leave the hangar to Hillys. PART 4 - Collecting Pearl 2 and going to Black Isle ------ Hover to the shore and the hovercraft will... break down. The guy from Mammago Garage will come to take you to the garage, hopefully. Once in the garage, go in the room at the right of the guy at the counter. Place the only pearl you have in the machine next to that other guy in the room. You will get the Speedcraft motor, which allows you to speed up with R. You don't have enough money yet for the other things here so leave the room and go back to the hovercraft. Before leaving, take a pic of one of the rhino guys in the garage for the *RHINOCEROS SAPIENS*, worth 300 Units. The Domz are now attacking the city and there's a big sea serpent. Take a pic of it for the *TERATOSAURUS IMPERATOR*, worth 2000 Units! Follow it around the place using your new speedcraft motor and shoot it with the A button. Watch out for the things he is throwing at you and in the water. Stick to it and shoot it until he looses all of his body. You'll get your second pearl. Now there's a sidequest you could do right now for Pearl 3, but you can also do it later if you wish. Go to the shore near the lighthouse island and enter Looter's Cavern. You'll loose 100 Units when the Looter appears but that's the cost to get the Pearl. Race after the Looter using the speed button and avoid the obstacles so you have enough time to pass the doors. At the end of the race, you'll have to shoot the Looter until it's destroyed to get the Pearl. You can take the picture of the *RASCAX CAERULEUS* (300 Units), the scorpion fish jumping out of the water near Mammago Garage. To go to Black Isle, you'll need to enter the Main Canal, which goes through the city. Continue straight ahead on the canal and still ahead when in Hillys. Now enter Black Isle, where Mr. De Castellac is waiting for you. (When on the Main Canal, you can take up a path that leads to a hovercraft race. There are 2 races, pretty easy and simple. You can win on your first try if you're good at racing games. If you arrive in first place, you'll get a Pearl. There's one Pearl to win for each race so 2 Pearls here.) BLACK ISLE ========== PART 1 - Entering the mines and Ancient Mines section 1 ------ Talk with Mr. De Castellac's employ and then go into the passage. There's a room on your right and another room on your left. Go to the left one. You already have the two species here so don't bother. To open the door leading to the mines, you have to stand on an arrow and Pey'j on the other one. Press Pey'j's action button (Y) so that he will go on one of the arrow while you are standing on the other one. The door will then open to the Mines. First, take the picture of the *MUSCA SAPROPHAGIA*, the fly flying around the place. This one is worth 150 Units. Then, talk to Pey'j for a demonstration of his new Jet-Boots. It won't work the way he thought it would, but you'll find another utility for them anyway. Stand on one of the pads and Pey'j should go near the other one. It doesn't matter if he's not right on the pad, just next to it should work also. Use his super attack (Y) of the Jet-Boots to press the second pad. This will send you flying in the air and Jade will grab the ledge above. Climb on. Now go to the mechanism that lower the bridges and turn it on. You can cross to the other side. Don't forget to take a picture of the map on your right. Go down and you'll see a red slimy enemy surrounded by a wood barrier. Take a picture of it for the *LYCOPERDON FUGIFERUS*, worth 400 Units. You can't hit it because of the barrier around him, but if you use Pey'j Jet-Boots attack, the slime will jump up in the air. Now it's up to you. Hit the slime so it will be launch in direction of the crates "danger". The crates should explode when entering in contact with the slime. One of the pile of crates will reveal a secret room with 2 Starkos and a Boost inside. The other pile of crates will reveal a new specimen behind. Take it in picture for the *ANEMONIA MUTABILIS*, worth 500 Units. If you hit it, you will get some Materia Crystals, worth 5 Units each. Continue to hit the anemone and it'll retract its tentacles so you can pass your way. Now go up and to the right. Repeat the same thing as before with the slime and this time make it hit the cart with the explosive crate on. After the explosion, the bridge will lower. Cross it. On your left are some fireflies if you haven't photography them yet and on your right... a flying creature. Take a picture of it while you can. The *CROCHAX VELOX* is worth a nice 1000 Units. Hit its mouth a couple of times to get ride of it. Then, collect the Materia Crystals it leaves behind. Now go near the mine cart and turn on the mechanism on the wall near it to lower a footbridge. Then, push the mine cart against the wood barrier and climb on it. Then, get on the footbridge and enter the shaft. PART 2 - Secondary Shaft and secret room ------ Take a picture of the transparent blue medusa for the *CYANEA URTICA*, worth 700 Units. Kill them, then take the pic of the next enemy, the *PELAGIA PACHYDERMIS*, worth 800 Units. Kill all the enmies remaining and take the pic of the one on the wall, the *ALICIA SPLENDENS*, worth 300 Units. Then, open the door using Pey'j's help. You're back in the Ancient Mines, in a small room where you can save your game or buy some Starkos. Kick the first locker for a crowbar you'll give to Pey'j. The second locker contains a box of K-Bups, which restores all your energy and the third locker contains a Boost. Then, press Y (Pey'j's action action) and he'll open the metal gate for you with his new tool. Go down the tunnel to the fork. Go to the left first and take a pic of the *SPONGUS GLUANTEUS* on the ground. This is worth 500 Units. Then, walk over it (yes you can walk over the spongus) to go to the other side. There, take the picture of the giant snail when it puts its head out of its shell. The *HELIX RUPESTRIS* is worth 500 Units. Then go back and take the right path which brings you back to the secondary shaft. Now exit the shaft and return to the place where there was a metal gate but you couldn't open it before. Have Pey'j open it for you. PART 3 - Ancient Mines section 2 and Main Shaft ------ Buy the PA1 (1500 Units), and go downstairs. Sneak along the wall to cross to the other side. Pey'j can't follow you, but you'll have to find a way to make him cross. Go up the slope and to the right. Go up again and push the cart in direction of the red slime. Go near the slime and make Pey'j use his Jet-Boots attack on the slime. Then, hit the slime in direction of the cart to make it explode. The bridge will lower and Pey'j will join you... along with some creatures. Prepare to fight. Once they're all defeated, return on the bridge you just lowered before and go in the opening in the wall that was behind the brige when it was raised. Go at the end of the tunnel and zoom in to see the 2 creatures hiding behind the barrier. Take the pic very quickly as they'll have fun playing hide and seek with you... The *AMOEBA POLYPODIA* is worth 750 Units. Then go back up to the closed door and use Pey'j's attack on the pad like you did before to reach the ledge above. Now you need to open the door for Pey'j. Push the button next to the door on the other side to open it. Also, hit the generator over the metal crate at the left of the door to cut the power off in this room and immediatly look at the ceiling. You'll spot a glowing animal flying above your head. The *PLANARIA RUPESTRIS* (500 Units) only appears when there's no light. Then, have Pey'j open the metal gate for you. You're now in the Main Shaft. Jump over the pit at the start and Jade will step on some baby creatures... the big ones don't seem very happy about this. Photography one of them for the *PALINURUS RUPESTRIS*, worth 900 Units. There's a load of them to kill so get prepared. When you're done, photography the *NAUTILUS FLUOREUS* floating around the place for 500 Units. Then, you can go on the bridge and jump to the other side to save your game and get some Materia Crystals by hitting the big purple crystal. Go back down and turn on the mechanism on the wall. Then, climb on the platform at the right of it. You can buy some supplies here if you need to. Then hit the anemones to pass through the passageway. Jump on the higher ledge at the end and you'll arrive in front of an anemone blocking the way. Hit it many times and then use Pey'j attack to defeat it. Pass over it and continue your way. PART 4 - Getting Pearl 10 and returning to Black Isle ------ Now you'll arrive in a large suspicious area. Go on the central platform and Pey'j will tell you about the creatures in this room. Look on your right to locate the 2 small creatures hiding behind a rock. Take a picture using the zoom on which you can see both of the creatures. Send it to Mr. De Castellac once you're done. But uh-oh... seems like the 2 creatures were in fact one... and it doesn't seem friendly at all. Take a picture of it right at the beginning of the fight. The *PTEROLIMAX GIGANTEA* is worth 3000 Units. Now you'll have to kill it to save your life. When he pops out of one of the holes in the ground, use Pey'j Jet Boots attack to stun him. Then, quickly hit him many times before he goes back into the ground. His attacks consist of sending other enemies at you or running after you while breathing some kind of dangerous substance. This attack is very easy to avoid by simply running and the enemies he sends are easy to kill. Repeat the hitting process some more until he's dead. This wasn't a hard fight. Collect Pearl 10. You've been fooled, but anyway you'll get a reward of 3000 Units and now we'll have to go to AKUDA bar. But first, there's something left to do in Black Isle before leaving. Return in the passage at the start and enter the right room, the one with the water. Get into the pipe along the wall to another room. Here you can take the picture of the *ASTACUS ERECTUS*, worth 400 Units. Also pick up the Starkos on the ground. Ask Pey'j to open the gate in this room and get in the passage. Drop down on the platform below and pick up the PA1. Also, take a picture of the *PAPILIO PILOSUS* (300 Units) on the ledge on the other side of the room. Use your zoom. Now return to the Main Canal in the city. PEDESTRIAN DISTRICT AND VORAX'S LAIR ==================================== PART 1 - Going around the city and AKUDA Bar ------ Once on the main canal, go in the passage at the right of the races to dock in the city, Pedestrian District. There are many types of species to photography here. First, there's the *AQUILUS SAPIENS* (300 Units), the guy at the counter near the entrance (you can register yourself to some news papers if you'd like to by talking to this guy). Second, there's the *WALRUS SAPIENS* (300 Units), the orange fat guy talking with the 2 women near the counter. Then, you can go to the market and buy the PA1. You'll come back later for the pearl. Now it's time to go to AKUDA Bar. First, take the picture of the *TAURUS SAPIENS* (350 Units), the barman at the counter. Then, take a picture of the *CARCHARODON SAPIONS* (400 Units), the guy at the game table. You can play a game with that guy, it's quite simple but hard when you play to win the Pearl. I recommend you to save your game before playing, and if you loose your 1000 Units, load your previous game and retry until you get it. There's also a guy at the table with a girl that is hiding the ticket of room 2. If you approach the table to see the code on the ticket, he will automatically hide it with his hand. However, if you look really fast, you can perceive it before he hides it. Or you can use the camera's zoom to look at it from further. Once you have the code (X7W9), go upstairs and enter it on door 2 to open it. Inside, look in the locker for Pearl 6. Now go upstairs and push the button on the wall to open a door. Talk to the guy in that room to receive a ticket with the code B6B6 on. You'll have to enter that code into the locker located in the Shed (by Fountain Square, after you get the City-Pass) to open it and reveal Pearl 13 inside. There's also an animal to take in picture in that locker, the *BLABERA GREGARIA* (700 Units), a small creature that'll steal the Starkos. Then (still in AKUDA Bar), go and talk with the guy who gives the room tickets. Play his little game and you'll receive room 3's ticket. Look at the code on the ticket (V9J5) and enter it on room 3's door to open it. Inside the room, check the locker to find a secret passageway. Watch the cut-scene and you'll then be given a City-Pass to wander freely around the city. Take a picture of Mei, the cat girl, for the *FELIS SAPIENS* picture, worth 400 Units. Also take the Mdisk in the room before leaving. Now go to the place with the 2 guards guarding the way. You have the City-Pass now so they won't try to stop you. Go past them and enter Ming Tzu's shop on the left. You can buy whatever you want here or come back later for the expensive things. Be sure to buy the Animal Detector and Pearl Detector and take the picture of the *KOI KUMONRYU* (300 Units), the fish in the aquarium next to Ming Tzu. Talk to Ming Tzu and tell him the secret phrase so he will open a door in the wall. Enter the passage and pick up the 2 Mdisk there. Talk to Ming Tzu at your right to subscribe to the Iris news. You can leave then. PART 2 - The Transit and Pearl 16 ------ Enter the Transit, upstairs near one of the guards. In the entrance, kick the box for some Materia Crystals. Push the old locker aside the wall to reveal a secret passageway behind. Crouch (L button) to pass through the passage. Then, go to the right and crouch again to pass under the yellow ray barrier. Kick the box for some other Materia Crystals. Then, use Jade's Dive move (B Button) to "jump" over the other barrier. Dive over the last one too and kick the 2 other boxes of Materia Crystals on your left. Now go to the right and on the moving walkway. Jump from walkway to the other until you reach the bottom. There's a box of Materia Crystals to kick here. In the other room, it's kind of complex to explain but it's not that hard anyway. Avoid the yellow rays when you're on the moving walkways and find the right places to jump to land on the next walkway. On the last one, you'll have to run backwards and then you're done. There are 2 boxes with Materia Crystals on the platform at the end. Get on the crates above and grab the ledge of the big crate at your right. Once on it, take the Pearl on your left. You're done here, you can leave the place. PART 3 - Vorax's Lair and Pearl 12 ------ Then, return to the hovercraft and enter Vorax' Lair near the Lighthouse in Hillys, you can access it from one of the shores there. In the first room with the enemies, use Pey'j's super attack and then have Jade hit the enemy in direction of the raised bridge to lower it. Do the same thing for the 2 other bridges and start by going to the left bridge. At the end, throw the red slime to the bridge at the other side to lower it. Then go back and this time go on the right bridge. Kill the Crochax at the end for Pearl 12. NUTRIPILS FACTORY ================= Part 1 - Double H, the Gyrodisk Launcher and Pearl 21 ------ Now go to Mammago Garage and buy the Neutralizing Canon for 5 Pearls. As you leave, there'll be an alert. Just avoid the meteors until the alert stops. You can now enter some areas you couldn't before. Those areas are guarded by some patrols. You can now destroy them by holding down A and releasing it for a powerful blast. You can start off by going to Looter's Cavern 2 for another Pearl. Follow the Looter through the race and avoid the obstacles to the end. Destroy it at the end for Pearl 18. Now go to the Factory and before entering look over the mountains at the left of the factory to see a flying animal. Take its picture, the *MANTA CYANEA*, worth 700 Units. Now enter and you'll be in the Factory Entrance. Here you can photography the *VORAX NOCTURNUS* (500 Units) if you haven't done it at the start of the game. Climb on the top footbridge at the start and enter the big pipe on your right. Photography the crypted code in the red circle and send it to the governor. The code is S9T9. Enter it to the machine to open the door. Enter to get in the Elevator Room. Ask Pey'j to open the wire netting and then press A so Jade will open it completely. Take a picture of one of the rats on the ground, the *RATTUS GIGANTEUS*, worth 200 Units. Go to the right then and dive (B) over the red ray barrier. Then, crouch (L) to pass under the next one. Pass over the last one and then press the button on the wall to disable the rays so Pey'j can come. There's a crate in that room you can push. First push it (with Pey'j's help) to the right and then into the electrical barrier. Then, climb on top of the crate and jump in the next room. There's an elevator in this room but you can't use it right now. Press the button next to the door marked Laboratory to open it. Enter and go to the elevator there. Push the switch of the elevator and robot creatures will come out of it. Kill them all then get into the elevator. Ask Pey'j to push the button to activate the elevator and go to the next floor. On the next floor, continue straight ahead and enter the room there. You'll get attacked by a robot. You can't hurt it with your staff, you'll have to hit it in direction of the electrical barrier until it gets stuck into it and explode along with the barrier. No more barrier blocking your way so continue your way and enter the next room. Double H is being tortured here. Take him in picture and send the pic to IRIS. Then, take a picture of the crypted code on the machine in this room. The code is F6N9. Enter it in the machine to open it and take the Gyrodisk Launcher inside. Now that you have it, press Z to enter the camera mode and aim for the creature-like thing above Double H's cell. Then throw (X button) 3 gyrodisks at the creature to destroy it and free Double H. Pick up Pearl 21. PART 2 - Pearl 22 and the elevator ------ Then ask Double H to break up the metal gate in this room to open up a passage to the next room. Go through that passage and save your game before continuing. Sneak along the wall at the right of the saving machine to go back to Elevator Room. Oops. There's a big ugly problem here. Take the *CYCLOPEUS PALUSTRIS*'s picture for 3500 Units. The Cyclops will capture Pey'j.. You won't be able to approach the monster, but you have a new useful weapon. Use the Gyrodisk Launcher to hit the enemy from far. This will stun him. Use that opportunity to hit him. Avoid his attacks and run away when he tries to crush you from above. Repeat the process until he falls back in the water. To retrieve the Pearl, go back to the dock, get in the hovercraft and enter the Elevator Room from the water tunnel. You can now pick up the Pearl. Now return to Elevator Room and ask Pey'j to repair the elevator. He can't, he'll tell you to go and get a fuse. So now go to the room you haven't been yet, the Electrical Closet. Cross the first room and enter the second one. Here you can take the picture of the map of the area and scan it. Then, aim for the fan above your head and hit it twice with the gyrodisks. It will lead the electricity to the switch that opens the door. Open the door and enter the next room. Go to the back of the room and try to pick up the key there. A robot will pop out and attack you. Use Pey'j's Jet-Boots attack and hit the enemy in direction of the electrical barrier. If he touches it, he'll explode. Once he's destroyed, pick up the triangular key on the ground. Go back to the front of the room and more robots will come out. Beat them up and be sure to send some into the electrical barrier to blow it up. These robots will take a lot of hits.. Once you're done, enter the room behind the now disabled barrier for a PA1. Then use the key on the generator to stop it temporary so you can pick up the fuse. Now go back to the elevator and put in the fuse. There's still missing some electricity to make it work. Use the Gyrodisk Launcher to cut the electric wire above the electrical barrier at the right of the elevator. The wire will fall on the electrical barrier and provide some power to the elevator. Now that the elevator works, get in and push the button to go up to Upper Hall. PART 3 - The capture of Pey'j ------ Pey'j will give you a Mdisk that you'll look at later... Now go to the big door and ask Pey'j to push one of the buttons while you push the other one. The door will open. Enter and you'll get attacked. Take the creatures in picture for the *SARCOPHAGUS DOMZIL*, worth 900 Units. Climb on the objects at the back of the room to reach the top and press A to break up the metal gate there. Enter the passage to reach X-Ray Verification. While on the footbridge, look at your right to see a human skeleton on a computer monitor. Zoom in and take it in picture. Send the pic to IRIS. Now use a gyrodisk to shoot the guard in the room below the footbridge. He'll alert the other guards and you'll hear Pey'j's scream. Jade returns to the previous room only to find out Pey'j was captured. There's a crate that wasn't there before now. Push that crate against the door from where the guards disappeared. Climb on the crate and look through the hole in the door. You'll notice a small button on the wall at the right. Hit that button with a gyrodisk and the door will open. Now put the Mdisk Pey'j gave you into the machine and listen to it. Then save. Hit the wire netting on the left wall to break it open and crawl into the passageway to the Shipping Room. Go up the ladder in that room and you'll see Double H. Now continue into the tunnel and make sure to avoid getting hit by the rats or the guards will notice you. Then you'll arrive in a room with flies. Sneak along the wall there to cross to the other side. Now crouch and get past the guards. They won't see you if you stay crouched. Do the same thing in the next room, pass when the guard isn't looking. For the next guard, you'll have crawl behind him to the next passage. Here you'll meet up with Double H again but he's blocked by the flames and can't go any further. Throw gyrodisks at the switches under the flames to put them off so he can pass. Quickly hit the 3 switches and he'll cross safely to the other side. Save your game then ask Double H to turn off the barrier blocking your way. Quickly pass before it turns on. Go on. Climb on the things on your left to reach a kind of footbridge above the guard. Drop down on the other side and crouch to get out of his view. Then get past the other guys to reach X-Ray Verification once again. Here it's quite hard. You have to crawl and advance side to side with a crate. If you stay just next to any crate, you'll stay hidden from the guard's view. Cross the room that way to the other side and enter the Closet on your right. Go in the room on the right side and buy some supplies. Then exit the closet by the other door that leads to Nutripils Vat. Go to the right and push the button, that way the guard will come that side to see what's happening. Now quickly run by the other side while he's at the other side. Leave the room rapidly. In the next room, photography the *ARACHNIS VIRIDIS* (350 Units), the spider on the floor. Use the key to open the locker with Pey'j's shoes inside. Also push the button at the left to get a Mdisk. Now go in the other room and you'll get attacked by two robots. Push one of them into the electrical barrier to disable it and push the other robot in the previous room and into the other electrical barrier to break it. Now enter the Computer Room and pick up the Mdisk here and look at it on the machine. Then save your game. Now go back and enter the Routing. Get past the blue barrier and then press the button and hurry to get past the red barrier before the door shuts down. Then, pass under the blue barrier and wait for the guard to turn back then crouch and go to the passageway. In the next room, climb on the platform where the guard is and pass when he's not looking. Then go into the blue glowing circle to float to the upper area. Pass when the guards aren't looking as usual to the next room with a moving walkway. What you have to do here is get in the hole at the right and exit it by the second opening. You're now behind the guard. Go near the crane over the moving walkway and when a box arrives, grab its ledge and you'll get transported to the other side of the room. You're now in the Control Room. Avoid the barriers on the walkway and then go to the left to save your game. Sneak along the wall to the other side. Now shoot (with the gyrodisk launcher) the switch above the wall on the other side of the pit and a platform move over to you. Get on it and hit the switch again so the platform will return to the other side. Crouch to avoid the barrier. Now crawl into the passageway to the next room. Here pass when the guard is turned. In the next room, pass under rays and then you'll see Double H again. Now take a pic of the guy through the window. Freaky... Send it to IRIS. Then go to the left. Crawl past the guards to the center of the room then run to the door quickly. In the other room, just go around the thing in the center and follow the guard from far. Crawl under the first barrier and dive over the second one. Go down into the next tunnel. Then crouch and go downstairs. When the guard isn't looking go to the locker at the left of the room and open it to find the Square Key. Go back and use that key on the switch at the left of the door. Go through and enter the Routing. You're now in a previously visited room. Open the door in front that you couldn't open before. You're back in X-Ray Verification. Save your game before continuing. PART 4 - Collecting Pearl 20 and the Laboratory ------ Use the key on the switch at the left of the barrier to disable it. Crawl behind the guard and take a pic of the crypted code next to the door. The code is B7W8. Enter the code in the machine to open the door. Go through it to the Loading Docks. Enter in camera mode and look above the loading dock to spot a guy above. After the cut-scene, you'll enter in a fight with the boss. To defeat him, hit one of his legs and Double H will come to help you. Press Y when you want him to hit one of the legs of the enemy while you hit the other leg. This will make the monster fall. Quickly switch back to camera mode and throw a gyrodisk to the pearl inside him. His attacks are easy to avoid but do a lot of damage so be careful. Repeat the process until he's destroyed. Pick up Pearl 20 at the end of the fight. Now go through the passage and open the next door. Drop down and open the Laboratory's door (small door in front of the elevator). Enter and push the two tubes on each side of the electrical poles of the barrier. This will shut down the electricity. Enter the next room and take a picture of the *AEDES RAYMANIS* (800 Units), the small creature on the dead cow's snout. You'll have to zoom in to see it. Now open the container in the back of the room for Pearl 19. Go back to the Factory Entrance and kill the creatures on the footbridge. Then ask Double H to break the metal gate and enter the room behind. Use your second fuse (if you don't have anymore fuse, then you forgot one of the 2 fuses around the generator in the Electrical Closet) on the mechanism to open the door of the factory. Now quickly go back to AKUDA Bar under 4:30 and enter IRIS. ALPHA SECTIONS WAREHOUSE AND ALPHA SECTIONS UND. QUARTERS ========================================================= PART 1 - Alpha Sections Warehouse ------ After taking back Double H to IRIS, be sure to pick up the 5 Pearls in the nearby room. Exit the IRIS and it seems that Double H wants to accompany you again. Now you'll go back near the entrance of the Pedestrian District and look for a door with bars on it. Ask Double H to break it open for you. Enter the Alpha Sections Warehouse. Go in the elevator and ask Double H to press the button of the elevator to go down. Go past the guards in the 2 first rooms like you did in the factory. In the third room, press the pad with an arrow on and then hurry to the other side before the door closes. Run when the red light isn't on you and crouch when it comes near you. Dive to get over the blue barrier and go through the door. Take Pearl 42 in the next room and then repeat the same thing as in the previous room with the next room. Take Pearl 43 and 44 in the last room then go up in the elevator and disable the red barrier with the switch. Then prepare to run. Be sure to avoid everything on your way until the end if you want to make it alive. Climb on the crates at the end to go back to where Double H is waiting for you. PART 2 - Alpha Sections Und. Quarters 1 ------ Also, on the bridge when you exit AKUDA Bar, there's a door on the wall at the opposite side. Open the door to enter the Alpha Sections Un. Quarter. Push the large crate along the wall in the first room with Double H's help. Then, crawl into the passageway and go to the left. In the next room, there are a serie of different obstacles to go through to reach the bottom of the room. Once at the bottom, you'll be on a transparent green catwalk. Go to the right and avoid the lasers in the passageway then drop down and dive over the barrier to the next section. Follow one of the guards in this room but don't stay too near of him. Crawl behind him until you reach a ladder on the wall. Climb it up and get into the passage. Kill the rats and go to the other side. Then, look through the green glass and hit the switch on the wall on the other side with a gyrodisk. This will disable some barriers below. Now go back a bit in the tunnel to another opening on the side of the passage. Look on the wall at the other side to see the switch and hit it with a gyrodisk to disable to remaining lasers. Then, drop down and take Pearl 67-68 and 69. Then, go through the door, open the other one with the key and go in the next one. Follow the guard round and when you arrive at the switch on the wall, let the guard go ahead then press the button and make it fast to the door before it shuts down. Now go on the elevator and here to need to hide from the guard behind crates. Stay crouched and make it to the top. Once at the top, wait for the guard to go away then climb on the crate at the left to an opening at the top of the wall. Go back to the first room and disable the barrier to go out. PART 3 - Alpha Sections Und. Quarters 2 ------ You can also access another part of the Alpha Sections Und. Quarters from Hyllis, near Nutripils Factory. Inside, what you have to do is hit the robot enemies in direction of the electrical barriers so they'll explode on them, disabling the barriers. Do that with all the barriers and at the end, kill the 3 Crochaxes for Pearl 39 to 41. Don't forget to take the picture of the *RATTUS ALBUS* (750 Units), the rat standing on the barrel in the room where you killed the Crochaxes. THE SLAUGHTERHOUSE ================== PART 1 - Getting to the Slaughterhouse ------ Now go to Mammago Garage and buy the Jump Kit for 15 Pearls. This will allow you to jump over the barriers set above the water to prevent you from going any further. There's a few things you could do now that you have the Jump Kit before going to the Slaughterhouse. First there's a Pearl on the Main Canal so go there. You have surely noticed the path blocked by a red barrier on the Main Canal before. Jump over it by pressing the B button to reach another part of the canal. Find your way to the end of that new path and you'll end up in front of a closed gate. There's a crate floating over the water in front of that gate. Blow it up to reveal Pearl 65 hidden inside. Now go to Hillys sea where Black Isle is. Jump over the barrier surrounding the area and go behind Black Isle. You'll notice a red whale swimming in the water. Wait until it puts its head out of the water and photography it for the *MEGAPTERA PURRUREA*, worth 2200 Units. Then go to the sea where the Lighthouse is and jump over the barrier surrounding the area. There's a few things here. You can take the picture of the *MANTA MAGNIFICENS* (850 Units), flying above the water somewhere behind the lighthouse. You can also take the picture of the *MEGAPTERA BOREALIS* (2000 Units), the blue whale swimming in the water near the distant island. There are also Looters' Cavern 3 and 4, one near the red barrier and the other in the distant island, for 2 more Pearls. Then, enter the door in the mountainside to Races 3 and 4 Slaughterhouse. Enter Race 3 and you'll have to find a way leading to the Slaughterhouse somewhere in the race. That secret path is located halfway through the race, in a wall on your left, so go slowly if you don't want to miss it. The path is blocked by a barrier so take a run-up and jump over the barrier to access the Slaughterhouse Road. That part isn't that hard. Just jump when you need to and avoid the obstacles and enemies' attacks. Reach the end of the road to enter Slaughterhouse Quarter. Take the picture of the *ANGUILLA BIFIDA* (600 Units), the eel swimming at the water's surface. Now what you need to do in that area is get into the white spotlight of the patrol machine and go in the tunnel while the torpedo is following you. Go in direction of the mine blocking the way and jump so the torpedo will explode on the mine instead of you. Continue into the path and avoid the explosive mines on your way to the dock. Get out of the hovercraft and buy some supplies, then save your game. Go near the big gate and a bunch of enemies will attack you. Kill then all then get into the crack between the 2 doors. Push one of the doors aside and Double H will push the other one so the gate will now be open. Return to the hovercraft and pass by the way you just opened. PART 2 - First mission picture and Pearl 52 ------ You're now in Exterior Moats. Avoid the laser rays in the first room, then in the second room big fans will blow you in direction of the explosive mines, but quickly maneuver to the right to avoid them. Then, shoot the mines to make them explode and clear the way but hurry to pass because they will reappear. Go up the slope and the ledge above. Watch out not to be blown away from the ledge by the fans and go to the other side. Then pass into the door between the two fans at the end. Pass between the mines at the end of the tunnel and jump over the ledge of the opening in the wall to reach the room below. Here if you go through the tunnel with the small white lights, you'll open a shortcut leading from the Races to the Slaughterhouse. Now go in any of the two other paths and you'll arrive at a fork with 3 ways. Go up in the middle path and push the metal crate at the end into the water below. Now there should be 2 metal crates in the water but you'll need 3. So go back in the middle path and once at the top, down fall in the water but turn to the right and follow the ledge along the water very slowly. Jump over the two gaps then shoot the metal crate to make it fall in the water with the 2 others. Now go back into the water and push one of the crates into the first mine blocking the tunnel so it'll explode. Do the same with the second crate and the second mine and with the last one to clear the way. Shoot the two last explosive mines and enter the Slaughterhouse Entrance. Right when you enter that area, look at your left for a small creature flying above the trash near the sewer. The *TRILOBITES SALTANS* is worth 1100 Units. Dock at the left of the gate where the Bufo Erectus are and get out of the hovercraft. Then look at the right of the gate in the green hallow to spot a switch. Throw a gyrodisk at it to open the gate. Get back in the hovercraft and enter the Surveillance Room. Dock at the left of the next gate and get out of the hovercraft once again. Sneak along the wall to pass between the pipes. Double H can't pass but you'll need him so you'll find a way to make him pass. Climb to the top and a flying guard will attack you. To kill him, throw gyrodisks at his 2 oxygen tanks. Once he's dead, take the picture of the *MACROPODIA OMNIVORA* (400 Units), the white rat on the floor. Then cross to the opposite side by crawling to avoid the laser rays. Save your game then go to the right and press the switch on the machine to lift the gate. Quickly go back to the hovercraft because the gate will shut down after a while. Get in and go to the other dock. Now get out and go back to where you were before, with Double H this time. Go in the room on your right, Trolley Entrance, and take a picture of the map on the wall to analyze it. Then push the big crate with the help of Double H juste under the large opening in the wall and climb up to it. In the next room, open the locker on your right for hovercraft supplies. You'll notice then that you can't go any further because of the electric field, so return to the Surveillance Room. Go to the place where you had to press the button to lift up the gate on the water. Climb on the crates near the Mdisk reader and go to the other side on the pipes to the wooden crate. Then, climb up to the right on the gate's ledge. Ask Double H to press the button to lift up the gate and you'll get lifted up. Walk over to the other side of the gate and enter the Ventilation by the opening up into the wall. Inside, kill the rats on the pipe, then hit the switch on the wall with a gyrodisk to take off the fire. Take a picture of the red creature in the corner where the fire was for the *IGNIS IGNIFERA*, worth 700 Units. Then leave the Ventilation and ask Double H to press the button again so you can go back on the gate. Return to the other side of the gate and drop down on the other pipe when you're at the other side then jump to the hole in the wall to the room below in Trolley Entrance. Now you're behind the electric barrier you couldn't pass through before. Hit the robot enemy into the barrier to destroy it. Go back through the normal way to look for Double H and bring him back to this room. Once he's with you, ask him to break the metal bars on the door. In the next room, kill the guard with the help of Double H's super action. Then, take the picture of the *TIMOREA SAPONIFERA* (800 Units), the small creatures that makes bubbles. It should be laying on the ground but it could also be hidden in the crates. If it is the case, throw a gyrodisk on the crates and quickly take its picture before it hides somewhere else. Now press the switch on the wall to open the elevator and go in. Press the other switch to go up the next room. Here, go near the machine at the right and get prepare to rapidly use your camera. Ask Double H to press the button on the machine and a green creature will show up on top of the machine. Quickly take its picture before it disappears. The *AMOEBA SALTANS* is worth 500 Units. Continue on and go in the next room. Hit the 3 robots into the 3 electric barriers to disable them. If you miss your shot, you can press the purple switch on the wall and other robots will come out. Pick up the Triangular Key on the ground after the fight. You should now have 2 of these keys. Go in the room on your right and pick up Pearl 52. Now go near the door with 2 switches and give one of your Triangular Keys to Double H. Ask him to press the first switch while you are pressing the second one. The door will open to the next area. Here, the passage is blocked by some lasers so ask Double H to go through them and press the button on the wall at the other side to disable the lasers. Dive over the blue ones and safely reach the other side. Then repeat that process with the lasers blocking the other passages. You'll finally reach a room with 2 guards. Kill both with Double H's help (use his super action then hit their oxygen tanks) and kick the lockers to find PA1 and other things inside. Finally, look through the big window and you'll see human bodies being transported in tubes in a distant room. Take a pic of one of them and send it to IRIS. PART 3 - Second mission picture and Pearl 48 ------ Return to your hovercraft and go in the left path to Interior Moats. Here find the place with the patrols launching torpedoes and also find the 2 mines blocking a path. Go near them when the torpedoes are after you and try to make them explode on one of the mines. Then, pass through the cleared way and avoid the explosive mines in the tunnel. Dock to the right and enter the East Wing. Ask Double H to open the gate at the end of the tunnel. Then, go to the left in the room with the injured guard and hit his back to get ride of him. To save your game, press the button at the left of the barrier and ask Double H< to press it again when you want to leave. Return to the previous small room and climb up the small ladder at the right of the blue barrier. Break the metal gate on the wall and go in. Break the other gate at the end of the tunnel and get out. In the next room, hide near the wall and throw a gyrodisk at the switch behind the guard. Then quickly run to the door that just opened. Once inside, go straight and open the locker at the left for two boosts. Continue on the footbridge and stay crouched to the other side. Then, jump down from it at the left and crawl behind the crates. Go down and avoid the guards by hiding behind the big cylinders. In the next area, go to the right and push the big crate to the right on the elevator. Then press the switch to go down. Kick the generator there to cut the power off and pick up the fuse on the wall at the right. Go back up and stand in the big blue circle of light to get lifted up to the next floor. When the first guard is turned around, get behind the big cylinder. Then, follow the other guard around the crates and then pass when the first guard isn't looking and go in the next room. Go to the left now and take Pearl 48. Then save your game. In the next room, pass when the guard isn't looking in your way and press the switch at the left to disable the barrier. Then, put the fuse on the wall and press the button on the metallic door to lift it. Now crawl into the passageway to the next room. Here go to the left and left again. Kick the generator to cut off the power and disable the barrier. Pass and drop down below where Double H is waiting for you. Avoid the mines in the passage and go to the next room. Kill all the small enemies here then climb on the ledge at the right of the generator and ask Double H to hit the generator to cut off the power. Now that the barrier above is disabled, climb up the next ledge and go to the next room at the top. To get past the 3 guards here, you'll have to hide in the nook at the left of that room when the guard is turned back from you. Then, wait for him to pass his way an go through the door while the other guards aren't looking. You're now in the Central Hall. Save your game then go on the catwalk and throw a gyrodisk to the guard's oxygen tank to make him fall in the water below. Then, press the switch on the wall and go to the next area. Do the same thing with the guard here then press the other switch on the wall and proceed to the next area. Here, look through the small opening in the short wall and wait for the first guard to turn around. When you can see his oxygen tank, throw a gyrodisk at it and the second guard will come to his rescue. Throw a gyrodisk at this guard's tank too. Dive over the blue laser at the right and pick up the fuse on the wall next to the injured guards. Don't forget to take the picture of the Domz in the tubes at the other side of the room. Then, return to where you were before and put in the fuse into the wall next to the switch to activate it. Then press the switch and go through the passageway. Disable the barrier and go on the elevator to East Wing. PART 4 - Third mission picture and Pearl 70 ------ Return to the Interior Moats with your hovercraft and find the place with a large bone leading up to a passageway. Go up on the bone using the speed and jump functions. At the top, dock and enter the North Wing. Pass between the pipe and the wall at the left of the room. In the next room with the laser barriers, zoom in to see the wall at the other side of the room and throw a gyrodisk on the switch at the left of the guard to activate the platform he is on. When the platform comes to your side, get on and hit the switch again to cross to the other side. Avoid the lasers while you are on the platform. In the next room, stay crouched in the fog and pass when the guards aren't looking. They won't see you as long as you stay in the fog. Enter the next room at the end of that one and hit the generator to cut off the power and go in the passage with the lasers to pick up the fuse on the wall at the other side. Go back and put the fuse next to the elevator to activate it. Get in and go up to the next area. Here, push the 2 robots into the electric fields and once you're done, open the locker for a box of K-bups and a boost. Then go to the left on the catwalk and throw a gyrodisk to the guard's oxygen tank. Another one will come, throw a gyrodisk at his tank too. Kill them then cross to the other side of the footbridge by avoiding the mines and the patrol's light by standing at the left side. AT the end of the footbridge, crawl into the passageway to the small room and pick the PA1 and boost on the ground. Then go back to the previous room and enter the room on the right. Keep going on the right and avoid the mines on the floor to the next section. Follow the guard when he's going back and crawl into the small opening in the wall. Open the locker in the room for a Starkos and pick up Pearl 70 at the left of the locker also. Then press the switch on the wall to disable the red barrier. Go to the right and continue into the passage to a room with a Mdisk reader. Save your game and push the crate in this room to reveal a small passageway in the wall. Then, hit the generator to cut the power off and quickly crawl into the passageway to the next room. Here, dive over the blue lasers on the floor and then pick up the fuse in the wall. Now go back to the previous room. Go in the passage and to the left. The electric barrier is now disabled so go on the elevator and press the button to go down. In the next room, hide near the wall and throw a gyrodisk to the guard to make him move. When you can see his oxygen tank, throw a gyrodisk on it and quickly go up to finish him off. Now enter the room at the right and pick up the PA1 and the boost in the locker. Then, go back down and enter the next room there. Go in the passageway in the wall at the right to the next area. Crouch near the short wall and wait for the guard to be standing on the edge of the platform. Then, throw a gyrodisk to the switch on the wall where the guard is standing and the platform he is on will start moving. The lasers will kill him. Now get on the platform and hit the switch again to cross to the other side. Go to the right and then to the left to the other room. In this room, hide behind the crates and pass when the guards are walking around the place. Go in the passage and put the fuse you got earlier into the wall. This will lift the door a bit. Crawl under it to meet up with Double H again. Continue in the passage to Central Hall. Kill the 3 guards here with Double H's help. Then, go at the edge of the catwalk and take a picture of the humans in containers that are deposited on the moving walkway by the spaceship. You now have your 3 pictures for this mission so go back to the North Wing and press the button to disable the red barrier. Then, go back all the way to your hovercraft and when you arrive to the gate in Slaughterhouse Entrance, take a pic of the crypted code at the right of the gate to get the code (Z9Z4) and enter it into the machine to open the gate. Then go back to the Races hall and exit to Hillys. MOON SELENE =========== PART 1 - Alpha Sections HQ ------ There's an alert as you leave the Races. It's that sea serpent again. This time, lock on him and release to use your canon. Follow him around and repeat the process until he's dead. Pick up Pearl 50 at the end of the fight. Now return to Iris Den in AKUDA Bar. The governor will give you the Star Key. Your next and last mission will be going to the moon. You'll need to find the spaceship Pey'j has hidden. Before leaving Iris, don't forget to take the pearls given by the Hillyans in the other room. Now go to Fountain Square (near Ming-Tzu's shop) and disable the red barrier there with the Star Key. You'll enter Alpha Sections HQ. Go in the elevator to the upper area and here you'll need to get to the very top of the area, sneaking past the guards and the obstacles. After some trial and errors, you should be able to make it to the top. You'll end up in East District. Pick up Pearl 29 to 39 in the room and save your game. Then go in the next room and prepare to run. You'll have guards chasing you around but the path is straightforward so just avoid the obstacles and make it to the end. PART 2 - Finding the Beluga ------ After this, go to Mammago Garage and buy the Flight Stabilizer for 20 Pearls. Then, go back to the Lighthouse only to find it was destroyed. Go to the second floor and enter the bedroom. After the cinematic, enter the code Z9F5 into the computer. Leave the Lighthouse and guards will attack you. Kill them all by throwing gyrodisks to their oxygen tanks. Then go in the Hangar and push the billboard on the wall to reveal a second computer. Check Pey'j's jet-boots in your inventory and rotate them with the C stick to see the 2 codes under the sole. Enter the code Z8D9 into the computer, then press the red button to reveal the Beluga spaceship's secret emplacement. Go on and pick up the Mdisk and Flight Stabilizer on the desk. Then go to the spaceship and put the 2 Flight Stabilizers on it. Get in the ship and connect it to the hovercraft by pressing B. Once you're out, the sea serpent will attack once again. Lock on him and follow him around until you destroy it for once. You'll get Pearl 73 after the fight. PART 3 - Volcano's Treasure ------ Now fly to Black Isle and enter the crater on top of the island, disconnect the spaceship from the hovercraft and enter Volcano's Treasure. Dock and pick up the things inside the locker at the right. Then, go to the left and take a picture of the *AURELIA MAGNIFICENS* (500 Units) on the rock face at the left of the door. Then go into the mine and when you arrive at the gap, go to the left and sneak along the wall to reach the other side. Use Double H's super action and throw the red slime into the bridge to lower it. Then continue on and kill the crochaxes there for 3 Pearls. Go left after that for another Pearl and send the red slime into the bridge on the other side. Then go back for 2 more Pearls on your way and go to the right then for 4 more Pearls. Continue on the bridge you lowered to find the 4 last Pearls. PART 4 - Moon Domz Base ------ Go back to the spacecraft and go to Mammago Garage. Land on the roof and buy the Space Engine for 30 Pearls. Then exit the garage and fly straight up into the sky. Press X to enter outer space. As soon as you enter, look for the big ice block floating around. Shoot it until all the ice is broken and a whale will come out. Photography it for the *MEGAPTERA ANAEROBIA*, worth 800 Units. Then, enter the moon, Selene. Enter the Transmitter Entrance once you're on the moon, just above the base. Once inside, buy supplies then save your game. Then, go in the room with 2 pads. Stand on one and Double H will stand on the other one. This will activate the platform and you'll go down to Domz Base. Go in the room from where the light beam is coming and pick up the mirror at the left. Place this mirror on the small pedestal at the right. Another pole will come out. Return to the first pole and turn it around so the light beam hits in direction of the second pole. Then, go to the second pole and steer the light beam towards the door in the first room. This will open it. Go in to find a second mirror. Return to the second room and redirect the light of the second pole on the door in this room. The beam will go through the other door as well so you can now pass to the third room. Place the mirror on the pedestal here to raise another pole. Steer this pole's light on the door to open it and get some materia crystals. Then, redirect the beam through the tunnel in this room until you hear a sound. Go in the fourth room then and throw gyrodisks on the statues' panels to make them turn around until the light beam hits them all. The light beam will then go through the next tunnel so follow it. Cross the bridge to enter the Cloister. You'll be in a room with Pey'j in the center but surrounded by barriers. You'll have to rotate the poles around so the light beam will go all the way around each layer of barriers until Pey'j is free. Then, ask Double H to break Pey'j cell to liberate him. After the cinematic, save your game in the next room and take a pic of the map on the glass wall to analyze it. Then, sneak along the wall at the left to get past the glass door and go up in the blue warp. Once in the area above, throw a gyrodisk to the first guard's tank at the right and then go to finish him off. Kill the other one by hitting him just after he throws a bomb, he'll be vulnerable for a short time. After 6 hits he'll be gone. After the 2 guards are dead, go in the blue warp to go down. Go to the right and enter the tunnel in the wall's side leading to The Great Crypt. The next part is kind of like a maze with the warps. Go straight into the warp ahead at the beginning then look for the green warp and choose the correct warps to get you there. Then go through the tunnel at the end to end up behind a glass veil. Behind it you'll see the Alpha sections governor who you must take a picture of to complete the mission. Send the pic to IRIS and publish the report. Then go back through the maze to the dark blue warp to leave this place. Go back to the Domz Base to get informed that Pey'j's still alive. After the cinematic, go back to Transmitter Entrance with your 2 partners. Now you're back in the room with the spaceship. Press the button on the wall in this room and climb up on the things along the wall to reach the top. Once there, grab the crate's edge and ask Double H to press the button to move the crate. Drop down on the Beluga when you're above it. Throw a gyrodisk at the switch on the wall at the other side of the gap in the floor. The other crate will move towards you. Hit the switch again with a gyrodisk and quickly grab the crate's edge to get transported on the other side. Drop down and go near the right wall to action the mechanism on the wall. This will lower a bridge over the pit, allowing your companions to cross on the side you are. Ask each character to stand on a pad and stand on the third one. This will open the door. Rapidly cross the tunnel without getting shot and enter the train at the right to enter Radio Transmitter Room. Save your game there, then go downstairs and take a picture of the photo code to get the code which is T6Q6. Enter it into the computer. After the cinematic, you have 1:30 to go back to the spaceship. Once aboard, prepare for a small boss. A easy one still. Just avoid the beams and shoot the red lights on the enemy's ship. At the end of the fight, shoot the mines in the water and disconnect the hovercraft from the spaceship. Enter the enemy's ship and save your game. Kill the 3 guards in the next room and then go into the blue warp to go up. The governor will die under your eyes. Push the button in the cabin to liberate the Beluga from the ship. Return back to it and fly to the base. You'll get attacked... Land on the base and get on the elevator. After the cinematic, ... FINAL BOSS ---------- At the start of the fight, kill all the Sarcophagies and the boss will then fire a laser at you and some homing attacks. Avoid them, then hit the boss with a gyrodisk. You'll have to hit him 3 times. Then, the boss will create a huge barrier of Materia Crystals and send some Pey'j clones at you. Ask Double H to perform his super action, then place yourself towards the crystal barrier and hit the Pey'j clone in direction of the barrier to break it. Hit another one through the opening in the barrier to hit the boss. This part now gets tricky. You are on a tiny platform surrounded by water so you're stuck there. The boss will appear on each side of you. You have to press the stick in the direction the boss appear and hit him ONCE, then the boss will appear on another side so you repeat the process. Never start running around or things like that or the you'll get hit. The trick is to take your time and hit him always in the same pattern. Always stay at the same spot and press the stick in the right direction to hit the boss. One hit per side. After 4 hits, the boss will appear above you. Press B to jump aside to avoid this attack or you'll have to start back! Then quickly hit the boss just after you avoid his attack. The only hits that counts to defeat him are the ones you give him after he's above you. Repeat the process and hit his back until he passes to another phase. Now the boss will send some Double H clones after you. To kill them, wait for them to attack you with their big hand weapon, then hit them just after their attack. Defeat them all and the boss will create an attack that'll reverse the controls... You now have to press the opposite direction of where you want to go to move. It' kind of hard at first, but try to get used. Kill the Sarcophagies with your new controls, then you'll have to defeat the boss on the tiny platform again, but this time it's harder because of the controls. If the boss appears at your left, press right to hit him etc. You don't have to hit him as much as before, but it requires some time to get used to the controls. Once you've hit him enough, the fight will be over. Congratulations on beating the game... let the credits roll to the end, there's something you must see after the credits! /---------------------------------------------------------------------------\ \ ----------- SIDEQUESTS ------------ / /___________________________________________________________________________\ \===========================================================================/ *If the locations of the animals or Pearls isn't clear enough by just looking here, check the walkthrough for the detailed locations. ANIMALS ======= ADALIA OCTOPUNCTATA /150 Units This one is the first you'll get inside the Lighthouse when starting the game. AEDES RAYMANIS /800 Units The small creature on the dead cow's snout, in the Laboratory of the Factory. AQUILUS SAPIENS /300 Units Near the entrance of the Pedestrian District, the guy at the counter that sells some subscriptions to papers. ALICIA SPLENDENS /300 Units There are some of these species on the walls in the Secondary Shaft, in Ancient Mines. AMOEBA POLYPODIA /750 Units In Ancient Mines, after you lower the huge bridge, go in the opening in the wall that was behind the brige when it was raised. Go at the end of the tunnel and zoom in to see the 2 creatures hiding behind the barrier. Take the pic very quickly as they'll have fun playing hide and seek with you... AMOEBA SALTANS /500 Units In the Trolley Entrance (Slaughterhouse), after you up in the large elevator, go near the machine at the right in this room and get prepare to rapidly use your camera. Ask Double H to press the button on the machine and a green creature will show up on top of the machine. Quickly take its picture before it disappears. ANEMONIA MUTABILIS /500 Units The anemone in Ancient Mines. ANGUILLA BIFIDA /600 Units Eels swimming in the water in the Slaughterhouse Quarter and Interior Moats. ARACHNIS VIRIDIS /350 Units Green spiders that crawls on the ground in the Nutripils Vat, in the Factory. ASTACUS ERECTUS /400 Units In Black Isle's entrance, go to the right in the room with water. Enter the pipe along the wall and you'll find those creatures in the next room. AURELIA MAGNIFICENS /500 Units In the Volcano's Treasure entrance, at the left of the door leading to the inside of the "volcano". BLABERA GREGARIA /700 Units In the Shed (Pedestrian District, near Fountain Square), open up the locker using the code you got from a guy at AKUDA Bar (B6B6) and you'll notice a small creature stealing the Starkos inside. Quickly take a pic of it before it goes away with the food... (There is also one in the Factory Closet) BUFO ERECTUS /450 Units Frogs in Vorax's Lair entrance and in the Slaughterhouse Entrance also. CANIS CANIS /100 Units The big white dog sleeping at the second floor of the Lighthouse. CARCHARODON SAPIONS /400 Units Francis at Akuda bar, you play the mini-game with him. CAPRA SAPIENS /350 Units One of the kids in the Lighthouse is one. He's wearing a red tee-shirt. CROCHAX VELOX /1000 Units The flying enemy in Ancient Mines. You can also find some at the Factory's Entrance. CYANEA URTICA /700 Units The blue medusa in the Secondary Shaft, in Ancient Mines. CYCLOPEUS PALUSTRIS /3500 Units The Cyclops who attacks you in the Factory. If you forgot to take its picture, return to where you found the Pearl below and its dead body should still be floating over the water. DIPNEUSTES TRILINEATUS /400 Units One of the fishes in the water in the Hangar. FELIS SAPIENS /400 Units Take a picture of Mei in Iris Den. HELIX RUPESTRIS /500 Units In Ancient Mines, after taking the picture of the Spongus Gluanteus, walk over it to go to the other side. There, take the picture of the giant snail when it puts its head out of its shell. HOMO SAPIENS /200 Units One of the child at the Lighthouse or anybody in the city. IGNIS IGNIFERA /700 Units In the Slaughterhouse Surveillance Room, when you need to raise a gate so the hovercraft can pass, get on the ledge of the gate and ask Double H to press the button to raise the gate. Go to the other side of the gate and enter the Ventilation up ahead when the gate is raised. In, hit the switch on the wall with a gyrodisk to take off the fire. Then, take the picture of the red creature in the corner. KOI KUMONRYU /300 Units The fish in the aquarium in Ming Tzu's Shop. LAMPYRIS CAMPESTRIS /300 Units The fireflies flying near the big tree near the Lighthouse. Only at night. You can also find some in Black Isle's Ancient Mines. LARUS ALBUS /400 Units You can find those seagulls flying in the sky around the big tree near the Lighthouse or at the entrance of Black Isle. LUTRA ERECTA /1000 Units While the shield is active, go back up to the second floor of the Lighthouse and push the button to open the door leading to the roof. Once on the roof, go on one of the edges of the roof and look up at the top roof where you'll see a weird otter. Zoom in, and take a picture of the otter when you spot it. LYCOPERDON FUGIFERUS /400 Units The red slime you used to blow up the explosive crates in Ancient Mines. MACROPODIA OMNIVORA /400 Units White rats in the Slaughterhouse (Surveillance Room) and in the Alpha Sections. MANTA CYANEA /700 Units Before entering Nutripils Factory, look over the mountains at the left of the factory to see this flying animal. MANTA MAGNIFICENS /850 Units The red manta flying over the water behind the Lighthouse, beyond the red barriers surrounding the area. (Jump Kit needed) MEGAPTERA ANAEROBIA /800 Units As soon as you enter the outerspace, look for the big ice block floating around. The animal you want to take in picture is inside that ice block so shoot on it until all the ice is broken and you'll free the whale. MEGAPTERA BOREALIS /2000 Units The blue whale swimming in the water beyond the red barriers surrounding the Lighthouse area, near Looter's Cavern 4. (Jump Kit needed) MEGAPTERA PURRUREA /2200 Units The red whale swimming in the water beyond the red barriers surrounding Black Isle area. (Jump Kit needed) MUSCA SAPROPHAGIA /150 Units You can find this fly in Black Isle or in Nutripils Factory. NAUTILUS FLUOREUS /500 Units A creature flying around the Main Shaft, in Ancient Mines. PALINURUS RUPESTRIS /900 Units Creatures in the Main Shaft in Ancient Mines and also in Vorax's Lair. PAPILIO PILOSUS /300 Units In Black Isle's entrance, go to the right in the room with water. Enter the pipe along the wall and you'll be in another room with a metal gate. Ask Pey'j to open up the gate and go through to the other side. Use your camera and zoom in to see that creature on the ledge at the other side of the next room. PELAGIA PACHYDERMIS /800 Units One of the enemies in the Secondary Shaft, in Ancient Mines. PLANARIA RUPESTRIS /500 Units In Ancient Mines, in the room after you lower the huge bridge and open the door to that room (there's a fly in), hit the generator over the metal crate at the left of the door to cut the power off and immediatly look at the ceiling. You'll spot a glowing animal flying above your head. It only appears when there's no light. PRIODONTES CAMPESTRIS /150 Units The small armadillo in the herbs next to the lighthouse. You can also find one at the entrance of Black Isle. PTEROLIMAX GIGANTEA /3000 Units The boss you fight at the end of your mission in Ancient Mines. RASCAX CAERULEUS /300 Units The scorpion fish swimming in the water near Mammago Garage. RATTUS ALBUS /750 Units In the Alpha Sections Und. Quarters (from Hillys), the rat on the barrel at the end where the crochaxes holding the Pearls were. There is also one in Nutripils Factory, on floor 4. RATTUS GIGANTEUS /200 Units Nutripils Factory is infested by those black rats. RHINOCEROS SAPIENS /300 Units One of the guys at Mammago Garage. SARCOPHAGUS DOMZIL /900 Units The Domz that attacks you after Pey'j's capture in the Factory. You can also find some in the Slaughterhouse. SPONGUS GLUANTEUS /500 Units After the room where you found the crowbar for Pey'j in the Ancient Mines, go in the left path. That species is covering the ground. SUS SAPIENS /600 Units Take a picture of Pey'j. TAURUS SAPIENS /350 Units The barman at the counter in Akuda Bar. TERATOSAURUS IMPERATOR /2000 Units The sea serpent you fight for the second Pearl. If you forgot the take its picture when you fought it, you can still find its skeleton in a cave near Black Isle. TIMOREA SAPONIFERA /800 Units In the Trolley Entrance (Slaughterhouse), in the first room with a guard. The small creature should be on the ground but it could also be hidden in crates, throw a gyrodisk at them and the creature will change its hiding place. Quickly take its picture while it changes location. (Look at where the bubbles are coming from to know its location.) TRILOBITES SALTANS /1100 Units Right when you enter the Slaughterhouse Entrance, look at your left for a small creature flying above the trash near the sewer. VORAX NOCTURNUS /500 Units You can photography one in the sky when you exit the Lighthouse for the first time at the very start of the game. Or there is also one in the Factory's Entrance. WALRUS SAPIENS /300 Units The guy talking to some women near the entrance of the Pedestrian District or Ming Tzu. PEARLS ====== Pearl 1 /DOMZ LIGHTHOUSE MONSTER You get this one at the very start of the game, after beating up the monster in the Lighthouse. Pearl 2 /DOMZ SEA SERPENT You get it after defeating the sea serpent for the first time. Pearl 3 /LOOTERS' BOOTY Beat Looters' Cavern 1. Pearl 4 /SCIENCE CENTER: FILM OF ANIMALS 2 Take 8 animals in picture. Pearl 5 /VICTORY IN THE DISK GAME Beat Francis at the disk game in AKUDA Bar. The trick is to take your time and go slowly... If you go fast, be sure you'll loose the game. Pearl 6 /RUFUS' BOOTY In AKUDA Bar, the shark guy at the table with a girl is hiding the ticket of room 2. If you approach the table to see the code on the ticket, he'll automatically hide it with his hand. However, if you look really fast, you can perceive it before he hides it. Or you can use the camera's zoom to look at it from further. Once you have the code (X7W9), go upstairs and enter it on door 2 to open it. Inside, look in the locker for the Pearl. Pearl 7 /SCIENCE CENTER: FILM OF ANIMALS 3 Take 16 animals in picture. Pearl 8 /RACE 1 VICTORY Arrive in first place in Race 1, on Main Canal. Pearl 9 /RACE 2 VICTORY Arrive in first place in Race 2, on Main Canal. Pearl 10 /DOMZ PTEROLIMAX You get it after defeating the boss of Ancient Mines, in Black Isle. Pearl 11 /SCIENCE CENTER: FILM OF ANIMALS 4 Take 24 animals in picture. Pearl 12 /PEARL CROCHAX You get this one in Vorax's Lair. Pearl 13 /TAKEN BACK FROM THE ALPHA SECTIONS Go in the Shed, in Fountain Square (Pedestrian District) and enter the code you got from the guy in one of the rooms on the second floor of AKUDA Bar, which is B6B6, into the locker to open it. The Pearl is inside. Pearl 14 /BOUGHT FROM NOURI Bought from the market near Fountain Square in Pedestrian District. Pearl 15 /BOUGHT FROM MING-TZU Bought from Ming Tzu's Shop in Fountain Square. Pearl 16 /TAKEN BACK FROM THE ALPHA SECTIONS In the Transit, in Pedestrian District. Pearl 17 /SCIENCE CENTER: FILM OF ANIMALS 5 Take 32 animals in picture. Pearl 18 /LOOTERS' BOOTY Beat Looter's Cavern 2. Pearl 19 /TAKEN BACK FROM THE ALPHA SECTIONS In the Laboratory, in Nutripils Factory. Pearl 20 /DOMZ ROBOT AT THE FACTORY Defeat the Nutripils Factory boss. Pearl 21 /DOMZ TORTURE MACHINE You get this one after saving Double H in Nutripils Factory. Pearl 22 /REAPER After you defeat the Cyclops in Nutripils Factory, go back to your hovercraft and enter the Elevator Room from there to retrieve the pearl. Pearl 23 /HILLYANS' DONATIONS (COLLECTED FROM IRIS) In Iris Den, after the Nutripils Factory mission. Pearl 24 /HILLYANS' DONATIONS (COLLECTED FROM IRIS) In Iris Den, after the Nutripils Factory mission. Pearl 25 /HILLYANS' DONATIONS (COLLECTED FROM IRIS) In Iris Den, after the Nutripils Factory mission. Pearl 26 /HILLYANS' DONATIONS (COLLECTED FROM IRIS) In Iris Den, after the Nutripils Factory mission. Pearl 27 /HILLYANS' DONATIONS (COLLECTED FROM IRIS) In Iris Den, after the Nutripils Factory mission. Pearl 28 /SCIENCE CENTER: FILM OF ANIMALS 6 Take 40 animals in picture. Pearl 29 /TAKEN BACK FROM THE ALPHA SECTIONS In the Alpha Sections HQ, after you get the Star Key. Pearl 30 /TAKEN BACK FROM THE ALPHA SECTIONS In the Alpha Sections HQ, after you get the Star Key. Pearl 31 /TAKEN BACK FROM THE ALPHA SECTIONS In the Alpha Sections HQ, after you get the Star Key. Pearl 32 /TAKEN BACK FROM THE ALPHA SECTIONS In the Alpha Sections HQ, after you get the Star Key. Pearl 33 /TAKEN BACK FROM THE ALPHA SECTIONS In the Alpha Sections HQ, after you get the Star Key. Pearl 34 /TAKEN BACK FROM THE ALPHA SECTIONS In the Alpha Sections HQ, after you get the Star Key. Pearl 35 /TAKEN BACK FROM THE ALPHA SECTIONS In the Alpha Sections HQ, after you get the Star Key. Pearl 36 /TAKEN BACK FROM THE ALPHA SECTIONS In the Alpha Sections HQ, after you get the Star Key. Pearl 37 /TAKEN BACK FROM THE ALPHA SECTIONS In the Alpha Sections HQ, after you get the Star Key. Pearl 38 /TAKEN BACK FROM THE ALPHA SECTIONS In the Alpha Sections HQ, after you get the Star Key. Pearl 39 /TAKEN BACK FROM THE ALPHA SECTIONS In the Alpha Sections Und. Quarters (from Hillys). Pearl 40 /TAKEN BACK FROM THE ALPHA SECTIONS In the Alpha Sections Und. Quarters (from Hillys). Pearl 41 /TAKEN BACK FROM THE ALPHA SECTIONS In the Alpha Sections Und. Quarters (from Hillys). Pearl 42 /ALPHA SECTIONS HQ In Alpha Sections Warehouse, in Pedestrian District. Pearl 43 /ALPHA SECTIONS HQ In Alpha Sections Warehouse, in Pedestrian District. Pearl 44 /ALPHA SECTIONS HQ In Alpha Sections Warehouse, in Pedestrian District. Pearl 45 /VICTORY IN THE DISK GAME Beat Francis a second time at the disk game. Pearl 46 /BOUGHT FROM NOURI Bought from the market near Fountain Square in Pedestrian District. Pearl 47 /BOUGHT FROM MING-TZU Bought from Ming Tzu's Shop in Fountain Square. Pearl 48 /TAKEN BACK FROM THE ALPHA SECTIONS In the East Wing, in the Slaughterhouse. Pearl 49 /LOOTERS' BOOTY Beat Looters' Cavern 3. Pearl 50 DOMZ SEA SERPENT You get this one at the end of the fight with the sea serpent (second time, after the Slaughterhouse mission). Pearl 51 /LOOTERS' BOOTY Beat Looters' Cavern 4. Pearl 52 /TAKEN BACK FROM THE ALPHA SECTIONS In the Trolley Entrance, in the Slaughterhouse. Pearl 53 /HILLYANS' DONATIONS (COLLECTED FROM IRIS) In Iris Den, after the Slaughterhouse mission. Pearl 54 /HILLYANS' DONATIONS (COLLECTED FROM IRIS) In Iris Den, after the Slaughterhouse mission. Pearl 55 /HILLYANS' DONATIONS (COLLECTED FROM IRIS) In Iris Den, after the Slaughterhouse mission. Pearl 56 /HILLYANS' DONATIONS (COLLECTED FROM IRIS) In Iris Den, after the Slaughterhouse mission. Pearl 57 /HILLYANS' DONATIONS (COLLECTED FROM IRIS) In Iris Den, after the Slaughterhouse mission. Pearl 58 /HILLYANS' DONATIONS (COLLECTED FROM IRIS) In Iris Den, after the Slaughterhouse mission. Pearl 59 /HILLYANS' DONATIONS (COLLECTED FROM IRIS) In Iris Den, after the Slaughterhouse mission. Pearl 60 /HILLYANS' DONATIONS (COLLECTED FROM IRIS) In Iris Den, after the Slaughterhouse mission. Pearl 61 /HILLYANS' DONATIONS (COLLECTED FROM IRIS) In Iris Den, after the Slaughterhouse mission. Pearl 62 /HILLYANS' DONATIONS (COLLECTED FROM IRIS) In Iris Den, after the Slaughterhouse mission. Pearl 63 /HILLYANS' DONATIONS (COLLECTED FROM IRIS) In Iris Den, after the Slaughterhouse mission. Pearl 64 /HILLYANS' DONATIONS (COLLECTED FROM IRIS) In Iris Den, after the Slaughterhouse mission. Pearl 65 /TAKEN BACK FROM THE ALPHA SECTIONS You have surely noticed the path blocked by a red barrier on the Main Canal before. Jump over it by pressing the B button to reach another part of the canal (You need the Jump Kit). Find your way to the end of that new path and you'll end up in front of a closed gate. There's a crate floating over the water in front of that gate. Blow it up to reveal Pearl 65 hidden inside. Pearl 66 /BOUGHT FROM MING-TZU Bought from Ming Tzu's Shop in Fountain Square. Pearl 67 /TAKEN BACK FROM THE ALPHA SECTIONS In Alpha Sections Und. Quarters, in Pedestrian District. Pearl 68 /TAKEN BACK FROM THE ALPHA SECTIONS In Alpha Sections Und. Quarters, in Pedestrian District. Pearl 69 /TAKEN BACK FROM THE ALPHA SECTIONS In Alpha Sections Und. Quarters, in Pedestrian District. Pearl 70 /TAKEN BACK FROM THE ALPHA SECTIONS In the North Wing, in the Slaughterhouse. Pearl 71 RACE 3 VICTORY Arrive in first place in Race 3 near the Slaughterhouse. Pearl 72 RACE 4 VICTORY Arrive in first place in Race 4 near the Slaughterhouse. Pearl 73 /DOMZ SEA SERPENT Defeat the Sea Serpent a third time after you get the spacecraft. Pearl 74 /VOLCANO CROCHAX In Volcano's Treasure. Pearl 75 /VOLCANO CROCHAX In Volcano's Treasure. Pearl 76 /VOLCANO CROCHAX In Volcano's Treasure. Pearl 77 /VOLCANO CROCHAX In Volcano's Treasure. Pearl 78 /VOLCANO CROCHAX In Volcano's Treasure. Pearl 79 /VOLCANO CROCHAX In Volcano's Treasure. Pearl 80 /VOLCANO CROCHAX In Volcano's Treasure. Pearl 81 /VOLCANO CROCHAX In Volcano's Treasure. Pearl 82 /VOLCANO CROCHAX In Volcano's Treasure. Pearl 83 /VOLCANO CROCHAX In Volcano's Treasure. Pearl 84 /VOLCANO CROCHAX In Volcano's Treasure. Pearl 85 /VOLCANO CROCHAX In Volcano's Treasure. Pearl 86 /VOLCANO CROCHAX In Volcano's Treasure. Pearl 87 /VOLCANO CROCHAX In Volcano's Treasure. Pearl 88 /VOLCANO CROCHAX In Volcano's Treasure. /---------------------------------------------------------------------------\ \ ----------- F.A.Q ------------ / /___________________________________________________________________________\ \===========================================================================/ Questions have to be sent to wishingtikal at gmail.com Q: There is no triangular key on the ground after i destroy the robots.? A: I found the key laying on the ground after the fight. Try looking in your inventory if you don't already have 2 triangular keys, maybe you picked it up without noticing. Or try fighting some more robots, one of them will surely drop the key. Q: What is my reward for collecting all the animals/pearls ? A: For the animals, you'll receive a Mdisk on which you can look at all the pictures you took. As for the pearls, you'll receive a Mdisk containing a mini game you can play 2 players. /---------------------------------------------------------------------------\ \ ----------- CREDITS ------------ / /___________________________________________________________________________\ \===========================================================================/ * All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. Special Thanks -------------- Special thanks to : Nintendo, Ubisoft IGN Stephen Ng All of you for reading my FAQ Contact me ---------- Any questions ? Comments ? Suggestions ? I was wrong ? I made a mistake ? wishingtikal at gmail.com (please, put BG&E FAQ or something similar for the subject of the mail...) I will answer you as soon as I read your questions/comments or http://www.youtube.com/WishingTikal Legal info ---------- This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. http://www.youtube.com/WishingTikal This FAQ is copyright 2003 WishingTikal (c) ________ __ __ __ _______ __ __ __ | | | ||__|.-----.| |--.|__|.-----..-----.|_ _||__|| |--..---.-.| | | | | || ||__ --|| || || || _ | | | | || < | _ || | |________||__||_____||__|__||__||__|__||___ | |___| |__||__|__||___._||__| |_____|