Beyond Good and Evil Photography FAQ Written by James Williamson ============================================================================== Introduction ============================================================================== This guide focuses exclusively on the photographs that you take for the Science Center. It is not a walkthrough. If my instructions for a particular animal are not entirely clear, then e-mail me for further information. This is not a walkthrough, and I will not answer any questions relating to game objectives, puzzles, etc. ============================================================================== Photography Checklist ============================================================================== 1. Adalia Octopunctata Location: When you pick up the Camera at the beginning of the game, you will automatically focus on this hornbilled insect. Zoom in and take a picture. 2. Homo Sapiens Location: Look for either Pablo, Kip, Zaza, or Yoa wandering around Lighthouse Island. 3. Capra Sapiens Location: Look for either Fehn or Cumi on Lighthouse Island. 4. Sus Sapiens Location: Take a picture of Pey'j. 5. Canis Canis Location: In the Lighthouse, go upstairs and take a picture of the large dog sleeping in the alcove. 6. Lampyris Campestris Location: These are found on Lighthouse Island at night. Head to the lower meadow by following the narrow path from the Lighthouse to find them near a tree. You'll also find them in the Mine on Black Isle. 7. Larus Albus Location: Head to the lower meadow during the day and take a picture of one of the circling seagulls. 8. Priodontes Campestris Location: The armadillo-like creature that is grazing just outside the Lighthouse entrance. 9. Vorax Nocturnus Location: You can find it at night on Lighthouse Island if the shield is deactivated. Observe its flight pattern before taking a picture. You can also find it in the Nutripils Factory Entrance, flying above the walkway near the hatch. 10. Dipneustes Trilineatus Location: Stand at the edge of the dock behind the emergency generator that you push in order to activate the hovercraft. Look down into the water and search carefully for a small green fish. Zoom in and take its picture. 11. Rhinoceros Sapiens Location: At Mammago Garage, take a picture of either Issam (at the outside counter), Babukar (at the dock), or Hal(standing inside). 12. Teratosaurus Imperator Location: This is the large sea serpent that starts attacking right after you leave the Mammago Garage on your first visit. Take its picture before fighting it. 13. Rascax Caeruleus Location: After the battle with the monster listed above, Pey'j mentions that a school of blue scorpion fish are hopping through Hillys Bay. You will inevitably encounter them at some point during your hovercraft travels, but it is best to get them now, just in case you forget about them later. 14. Musca Saprophagia Location: Even though this insect can be found in the Black Isle Mine, you can get it much earlier. Kick one of the barrels in the Lighthouse kitchen to make it appear. 15. Lycoperdon Fugiferus Location: These are the mushroom-like creatures scattered throughout the Black Isle Mine. 16. Anemonia Mutabilis Location: This giant anemone occasionally blocks your path through the Black Isle Mine. You have to attack it in order to make it retract its tentacles. 17. Crochax Velox Location: An enemy you first meet in the Black Isle Mine. They look like giant wasps. You'll also find that they like to carry Pearls. 18. Amoeba Polypodia Location: In the Black Isle Mine, there is a small alcove that's revealed after knocking down a gangway. Enter it walk to the end. There's a wooden barrier that prevents you from going any further. Use the Camera to zoom in to the area behind the barrier and you will see a pair of Amoeba Polypodias. They are shy, and will take turns ducking behind some rocks. Keep your finger on the X Button and take a picture of an Amoeba when it appears. This might take several tries. 19. Cyanea Urtica Location: Jelly fish creatures that attack you in the Black Isle Mine's Secondary Shaft (Medusa Cavern). 20. Pelagia Pachydermis Location: They attack you after you defeat the group of jelly fish (Cyanea Urtica). 21. Alicia Splendens Location: You'll find this benevolent and beautiful creature undulating on the walls of the Black Isle Mine. Your first chance to photograph it comes after you defeat the enemies in the Secondary Shaft (Medusa Cavern). 22. Spongus Gluanteus Location: Once you reach the Excavation Map in Black Isle Mine, turn left to enter a room with a large, green sponge-like creature. That's the Spongus Gluanteus. 23. Helix Rupestris Location: Walk across the Spongus Gluanteus to spot a big snail-like creature. Wait for its head to pop out, and then take a picture. 24. Planaria Rupestris Location: In Black Isle Mines, there's a room with a power box (marked with a lightning bolt.) Kick the power box, and then use the Camera to look up at the ceiling to catch a glimpse of the Planaria Rupestris. It disappears when the lights come back on. 25. Astacus Erectus Location: Exit the Black Isle Mine and go into the waterfall room on the left (it's on the right when you're going down the path from the De Castellac limo). In this room, climb into the pipe on the left. This brings you to a cistern. There are several Astacus Erectus scurrying about. 26. Papilio Pilosus Location: From the cistern, have Pey'j cut open the grate, and then follow the duct to the next grate, which has already been torn open. Use your Camera to zoom in on the creature crawling across the far ledge. This is the Papilio Pilosus. If you miss it, another one will appear, so don't worry. 27. Nautilus Fluoreus Location: Once you return to the Main Shaft from the Secondary Shaft, you'll spot a white shell-like creature floating in the distance. Zoom in and take a picture before it gets away. 28. Palinurus Rupestris Location: Once you return to the Main Shaft from the Secondary Shaft, you'll reach a dropoff where you have to leap down to a lower plateau. After a brief cutscene, you'll be attacked by the Palinurus Rupestris. Take its picture before fighting it. Note: After this battle, you get another chance to photograph the Nautilus Fluoreus if you missed it before. 29. Pterolimax Gigantea Location: This creatures serves as the boss of the Black Isle Mine. Take its picture as soon as the battle begins. 30. Aquilus Sapiens Location: These bird-men can be found in the Pedestrian District. Your best bet is to photograph the guy behind the counter at the newsstand. 31. Walrus Sapiens Location: They are wandering around the Pedestrian District. One will usually walk by the newsstand, and there's usually one that hangs around near the Akuda Bar. Ming Tzu (the shop owner) is also a member of this species. 32. Taurus Sapiens Location: Take a picture of the Mo the Bartender in the Akuda Bar. 33. Carcharodon Sapiens Location: Francis (the Pallets guy) is a member of this species. 34. Felis Sapiens Location: Mei, one of your contacts for the IRIS Network, is a member of this species. You can find her in the IRIS Den. 35. Koi Kumonryu Location: In the fish tank at Ming-Tzu's Shop. 36. Bufo Erectus Location: The frog-like creature near the entrance to Vorax's Lair. If you don't know where that is, it's directly across from the first Looter's Cavern, on a beach near Mammago Garage. 37. Manta Cyanea Location: It flies above the Nutripils Factory. Take its picture before entering. 38. Rattus Giganteus Location: You'll find many of them throughout the Factory. 39. Aedes Raymanis Location: In the Nutripils Factory, you'll find a dead cow. Zoom in on the nose of the corpse to see the Aedes Raymanis, an insect that apparently feeds on dead animals. 40. Cyclopeus Palustris Location: This the Reaper, a Boss that you fight in the Factory. 41. Sarcophagus Domzii Location: These are the Specters you fought at the beginning of the game. You fight then in the Factory as well, and that is where you get their picture. 42. Rattus Albus Location: This rodent can be tough to photograph. In the X-Ray Verification Room, you will find a catwalk. Follow it to the other side of the room. Move down the ramp and you'll see a white rat in the ventilation duct beneath the ramp. Hop down to the lower ramp. This makes the rat run away. Go to the very bottom of this ramp and wait for the rat to come back. Then, crouch and move toward it. When you get close enough, you can take its picture. If you stand up, it will run off again, so be careful. 43. Blabera Gregaria Location: In the Factory, you'll enter an area known as the Closet. There's a cabinet in the corner. Open the cabinet and a small insect scampers away. Use your Camera to inspect the interior of the cabinet, and you will notice that there are fragments, which are analyzed as "Traces of Blabera, a very greedy insect." Place one of your Starkos wafers in the cabinet. A group of Blabera Gregaria will come out and grab the wafer. That's when you take the picture. If you miss them, then you can simply put down another wafer to lure them out again. 44. Arachnis Viridis Location: From the Closet, you can reach the Nutripils Vat. Press the switch on the right side of the vat and then sneak around the left side to avoid the Alpha Sections Guard. Go through the doorway. In the next corridor, you'll find some Arachnis Viridis, which are little green spiders. 45. Macropodia Omnivora Location: Alpha Sections Underground Quarters. When you step onto the dock, you'll see several slug-like creatures. Photograph one of them, and then use a kick to eliminate them. Note: To reach the Underground Quarters, take a left from the Pedestrian District and exit the Main Canal. Turn left again to go through another entry arch. Blast the Alpha Filter Robot with the Neutralizing Cannon and then enter the castle-like structure. 46. Megaptera Borealis Location: Once you jump over the laser barriers south of Mammago Garage, you will see a large whale moving in the water to the right of the Slaughterhouse Race entrance. Given the thing's size, it's pretty hard to miss. 47. Anguilia Bifida Location: This green snake can be found in the Slaughterhouse Reservoir. 48. Trilobites Saltans Location: At the Slaughterhouse Entrance, use the Camera to look to the left and spot the glowing creature on top of the debris. 49. Ignis Ignifera Location: In the Slaughterhouse Surveillance Room, find the switch that raises the gate. Climb up to where the gate is and stand on it. Have Double H press the switch. When the gate stops moving, head to its far-right side and climb up onto the ledge and enter the Ventilation area. Kick the rats and then use a Gyrodisk to stop the fire. See the flame-like creature on the right? That's the Ignis Ignifera, and it is the game's most elusive animal (or at least I think so). 50. Timorea Saponifier Location: In the Trolley area of the Slaughterhouse, you will have to send Double H through a barred door. He will crash into the next room, disabling a Guard in the process. Another Guard will come down a ramp to investigate the noise. Stay hidden until the Guard says that it's all clear, and then nail his oxygen tank with a Gyrodisk. In the room at the top of the ramp, you will spot a small, bubbling creature. It will hide in a corner behind some crates. Shoot at the crates with a Gyrodisk and the Timorea Saponifier will hop across the floor to another corner. Take its picture before it reaches the corner. This may take several tries since the little guy moves quickly. 51. Amoeba Saltans Location: In the Slaughterhouse, ride the trolley to Central Hall. There is a green console marked with the number "35". Have Double H push the button on the button on the front of the console, and the Amoeba will leap out of the meat processor behind the console. If you miss it, then you can simply have Double H press the button a second time. 52. Lutra Erecta Location: This creature is waddling about on top of the Lighthouse. You might have seen it up there at the beginning of the game, but there was no way to photograph it. Once you find the Beluga, and buy the Flight Stabilizer at Mammago Garage, head back to Lighthouse Island to find that the Lighthouse has been destroyed. Head upstairs to watch a cutscene. Afterwards, head out to the landing (by going up a wooden ramp) and look for the Lutra Erecta on the other side of some rubble. 53. Megaptera Purpurea Location: Once you have found both Flight Stabilizers and have restored power to the Beluga Spaceship, head to the crater on top of Black Isle. To the left, past the line of beacons that mark the end of the "territorial waters" is a whale. Take its picture. 54. Manta Magnificens Location: Once you have the Beluga, position yourself over the crater on top of Black Isle, and then head right (or due east). You will pass the Factory that you explored earlier in the game. Keep heading due east until you see the Manta Magnificens. 55. Aurelia Magnificens Location: In the Volcano's Treasure section. Step onto the dock and you'll see a glowing blob on the left wall, past the Mdisk reader. That blob is the Aurelia Magnificens. 56. Megaptera Anaerobia Location: Once you reach outer space, you will see a shiny blue object heading off to the right. It is large chunk of ice, and there's a whale trapped inside. Shoot the ice to free the whale and then take a picture of the whale. Send the animal pictures to the Science Center to get Materia Crystal Units. Each time you finish a roll of a film, you get a Pearl (except the first time), and when you have taken pictures of every animal, you get an Mdisk that allows you to look at your pictures. I hope this FAQ has been helpful. I would like to thank Rick Barba, whose strategy guide (from Bradygames) helped me find some of the tougher animals.