Blinx: The Time Sweeper Game Script Version 1.01 Created by: knuckles_sonic8 ************************************** Table of Contents: 1. Disclaimer 2. FAQ Information 3. Game Information 4. Version History 5. Cinematic 1 - Prologue 6. Cinematic 2 - Momentopolis 7. Cinematic 3 - Ending 8. Thank You ************************************** 1. Disclaimer I give permission to to use my FAQ on their site. No other site, nor individual person, may use my FAQ in its entirety, or part of it, by ripping off, copying and pasting, selling, rewriting, redistributing or in any way shape or form duplicating or taking part of this FAQ without documented permission from me. To violate any of the above is a serious crime and you will be dealt with by the law. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2. FAQ Information This is a Game Script for Blinx: The Time Sweeper. As this is a Game Script, there are numerous spoilers in this guide. Please do NOT spoil the ending for yourself. I found it was one of the greatest endings in a game I've ever seen. It won't be worth it. Watch it for yourself and see what happens. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 3. Game Information Title: Blinx: The Time Sweeper Platform: Xbox My Rating: 8.7/10 Number of Players: 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 4. Version History Version 1.0 - Game Script includes all in-game cinematics. Version 1.01 - Final update. Minor changes. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 5. Cinematic 1 - Prologue (The cinematic begins in the clouds.) Blinx: Time is like a treasure. (The clouds get thinner and thinner, eventually revealing the location of the Time Factory.) Blinx: Use each gem of it wisely, and your dreams will come true. (The Time Factory doors open.) Blinx: This is the Time Factory. (We see a bird's eye view of the Time Factory.) (We come to the lower level of the Time Factory, seeing the Time Sweepers.) Blinx: We make time and deliver it to different worlds. (Close-up on Blinx's face.) Blinx: This is me, Blinx. (Come to the room where the CEO and other supervisors are watching over other Time Sweepers on a giant monitor.) Blinx: Each supervisor watches over a world, making sure there aren't any glitches in time. When glitches occur, they become time crystals. After a while, time crystals become monsters. It's our job to clean them up before they do! (Go back to the area where the Time Sweepers are.) (Suddenly, an emergency announcement comes on all the monitors in the Time Factory.) (Blinx runs over to a monitor, observing the announcement.) Reporter Sweeper: An emergency announcement from management! The Tom-Tom Gang of time bandits has invaded the World B1Q64. (Live footage of the Tom-Tom Gang stealing Time Crystals comes on-screen.) Reporter Sweeper: They've broken the time we've delivered, and are stealing the resulting time crystals. (Footage is shown of time freezing, causing Time Crystals to develop.) Reporter Sweeper: The Tom-Tom Gang profits by selling time to other worlds. (Footage is shown of money and Time Crystals pouring down on Benito whilst he laughs maniacally.) Reporter Sweeper: But the number of crystals they've stolen is off the charts. Some of the crystals have already turned into monsters! (Footage is shown of the World 4 Boss forming out of Time Crystals, scaring a Tom-Tom Gang member on an air bike.) Reporter Sweeper: We need your help as quickly as possible! (As the Reporter addresses the urgent need of Time Sweepers, a Tom-Tom Gang message intercepts the report and comes on-screen.) (A message is shown of Benito and some members of his gang who have captured the princess of World B1Q64, Princess Lena.) (Princess Lena is seen in the background struggling, trying to escape.) Benito: You Time Factory clods! We've captured the princess of World B1Q64. (Princess Lena kicks Benito in the face during his announcement.) Benito: Yeowch! (Benito falls unconscious onto the floor and the Tom-Tom Gang members stare.) (Princess Lena, now free, runs over to the monitor and tries to call for help.) Princess Lena: Don't let them get away with this! (Blinx sees Princess Lena and falls in love as hearts appear by his face.) (Benito then regains consciousness and punches Princess Lena off the screen and continues his announcement.) Benito: Shut up! Your world's all out of time, baby! (A Tom-Tom Gang member appears on-screen, talking to Benito.) Tom-Tom Gang Member: Boss! The time crystals! They've become monsters! Benito: (Shocked) What the-?! (The monitor then goes blank.) (The Time Factory starts to blink red all over.) (The scene then switches over to the core of the Time Factory, the Mother Computer.) Mother Computer: Alert from Mother Computer: (The scene then switches over to the room where the shocked CEO and the supervisors are.) Mother Computer: Danger level exceeded in World B1Q64. (The scene then switches over to an area where a large group of shocked Time Sweepers are.) Mother Computer: The time monsters are absorbing more energy. They're going to explode...and destroy the world. (The scene switches back over to the Mother Computer.) Mother Computer: We must protect the other worlds. B1Q64 will be cut off from the Time Factory. It's supply of time will be frozen forever. (The scene then switches over to a concerned Blinx, who is lost, not knowing what to do as a panic ensues.) (The scene then switches over to the doors of World B1Q64 and Time Sweepers are seen running out of it frantically.) (The scene then switches over to the gate to World B1Q64 and Time Sweepers are seen jumping out of the gate hastily.) Mother Computer: All employees stationed in World B1Q64, exit immediately! (The scene switches back to the doors of World B1Q64 and Blinx is seen running towards the gate of the World.) Supervisor: Blinx! What do you think you're doing?! World B1Q64 is done for...forget it! (The scene switches over to Blinx who is running up steps which lead to the gate of the World.) (A close-up of Blinx's determined face is then shown.) (The camera then follows Blinx as he jumps off a set of steps into the gate of the World and the screen goes totally white.) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 6. Cinematic 2 - Momentopolis There are no words uttered within this "Mini-Cinematic", so, only camera shots will be spoken about here. (The camera opens up with Blinx running along a metal and rusty chain in a dark room where Benito and two of his gang members are floating around the room on their air bikes.) (A close-up on Benito, who is holding Princess Lena in his hand, shows up and Princess Lena tries to reach out to Blinx to, possibly, ask Blinx for help.) (As the chain meets up with a large metal platform, the Tom Toms, Benito and the Princess all fly into a Time Wormhole where tons of time crystals are floating around and they all freeze in time.) (The 4 figures disappear.) (The Time crystals combine to form a massive monster capable of controlling time like Blinx can.) (The monster uses rewinds time and the screen goes totally white.) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 7. Cinematic 3 - Ending ***Please note that the Ending of the game is certainly something that you SHOULD NOT spoil for yourself. Even if you do, you'll have to see it for yourself to fully appreciate it as much as I did. Please don't spoil it for yourself. It's better for you if you view it yourself. *** (The scene opens up with a view on World B1Q64 at dusk.) (The camera switches over to Blinx who is atop a ledge with Princess Lena who is sleeping on a bench.) Blinx: Time has begun flowing again. (Close-up on Blinx's face.) Blinx: The people who disappeared will soon return. (Camera pans over to Princess Lena who begins to awaken.) (Camera pans back over to Blinx.) Blinx: Well, then, goodbye, Princess! (A now sad Blinx runs off the ledge and leaves the World through the Gate.) Princess Lena: (Now fully awake, sees Blinx leave.) Please wait! (Close-up goes on to Princess Lena's somewhat sad but somewhat happy face.) (The camera goes back to Blinx inside the Gate traveling through time.) (Blinx reaches a bright white light inside the Gate and he jumps out of the Gate landing into the Time Factory.) (The camera then goes behind him, revealing a whole slew of Time Sweepers who are applauding Blinx.) (Camera then heads over to the Mother Computer.) Mother Computer: World B1Q64 will not be cut off. (A proud Blinx begins to walk over to the CEO and two supervisors who are also applauding him.) (Credits roll.) (Screen goes blank.) ***I warned you, didn't I? Please don't continue if you didn't listen to me'll spoil such a good ending... *** (Screen comes up again and words appear on-screen.) Princess Lena: (In writing) To my hero: I have in my possession the time crystals you collected. I will use the crystals for the most important thing of all. -Love, Princess Lena. (Princess Lena uses the Rewind Crystals which rewinds past the Credits all the way back to the opening of the cinematic.) (Like before, the scene opens with a view of the World, now restored.) (The camera then heads over to the ledge where Blinx is standing and Princess Lena is still sleeping.) Blinx: The people who disappeared will soon return. (The camera switches back to a close-up of Blinx.) Blinx: Goodbye, then. *Gasps* (The camera moves back a little showing a silhouette of Blinx in the sun.) (The scene then shows a silhouette of Princess Lena as she quickly jumps and gives Blinx a huge hug.) Princess Lena: (Continuing in her letter) Thank you. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 8. Thank You The only thank you for this Game Script definitely goes out to Microsoft. What a stellar ending! That was one of the greatest Game Ending's I've ever seen! I can't wait for Blinx 3. Thank you for coming up with the Blinx series. Also, thanks to YOU for reading this guide. I Hope you enjoyed it and you DIDN'T spoil the ending for yourself (wink, wink). Thanks!