nick729’s 99.9% Spoiler-Free Blitz: the League © FAQ 1.3 Copyright Midway © 2005 Is it really important that I have a graphic? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Use any part of this FAQ in any manner you want. I won’t sue unless you use it to kill people. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contents: I. Preface (search: blitzi) II. Controls (blitzii) A. Offense (blitziia) B. Defense blitziib) III. (Very) Basic Strategy (blitziii) A. Turbo (blitziiia) B. Clash is key (blitziiib) C. Unleash (blitziiic) IV. Offensive Strategy (blitziv) A. Intro (blitziva) B. Play Calling (blitzivb) C. Other Considerations (blitzivc) V. Defensive Strategy (blitzv) A. Intro (blitzva) B. Play Calling (general) (blitzvb) C. Play Calling (my strategy)(blitzvc) VI. Special Teams (blitzvi) A. Kickoffs (blitzvia) B. Kickoff Return (blitzvib) C. Punts (blitzvic) D. Punt Return (blitzvid) E. Field Goal (blitzvie) F. Field Goal Block (blitzvif) VII. Campaign Mode (blitzvii) A. Intro (blitzviia) B. Character Development (blitzviib) 1. Training (blitzviib1) 2. Supplements (blitzviib2) 3. Equipment (blitzviib3) 4. VERDICT (blitzviib4) C. Strategy (blitzviic) 1. Team Creation (blitzviic1) 2. Team Development (blitzviic2) 3. Other Considerations (blitzviic3) VIII. Teams (blitzviii) IX. Random Post-FAQ Rambling (blitzix) X. Version History (blitzx) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- I. Preface: (blitzi) Who are we kidding? This game just isn’t that good. It almost seems as though Midway stopped work on this game as soon as the NFL pulled out on them (can’t imagine why), but decided to market it anyway, leaving several glitches, inconsistencies, and ridiculous AI that has frustrated several gamers, including myself at times. Though I can’t solve the glitches, it is my intent herein to share the tricks I’ve found that exploit the computer’s AI even worse than it messes with the human player. Given ample information and practice, there’s really no excuse to lose to the computer EVER. A good player is able to put a $50,000 wager on every game and cover any spread easily. (This will make the remainder of games easier, too… but I digress). The load and save times for this game are downright lousy. Whatever you do, don’t use the autosave feature that the game tries so hard to push on you unless you’re not doing anything for like a week. To save time, only save when you absolutely have to. Throughout this document, I shall assume that the reader has read the instructions, gone through training mode, and has reasonable experience playing the game. (You should be familiar enough with the controls to know how to cause a dirty hit, juke move, etc.) This FAQ is 99.9% spoiler free. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- II. Controls: (blitzii) A. Offense: (blitziia) D-Pad, Left Analog: Move Player X Button: Stiff Arm -- very helpful in grinding out yardage. I use it often when I'm low on clash. O Button: Juke -- Doesn't do too much outside of clash mode, but use it with clash and it's downright sweet. It really has the ability to break open plays. Square Button: Hurdle. Sometimes with proper timing you can use this to evade diving tacklers. Also can be used when the ball is in the air to catch; combine with clash for clash catching, which, when mastered, can make this game easy as pie. Triangle Button: Dive. Good for getting those extra few yards needed for a first down, or, as discussed later in detail, diving can also be used to quickly end plays without the threat of a sleazy fumble. Right Analog: Juke in a specific direction (pretty useless, in my opinion, as the O button juke seems to automatically pick the best juke for a given situation.) The right analog stick also taunts when you're way in front of defenders, which is rather satisfying, and has the potential to earn you extra clash icons. R1: Jump throw? I hope this isn't a gamebreaking move or anything because I've NEVER used it. R2: Turbo: Use this ALL THE TIME. (Discussed in detail later) L2: Clash: The key to beating the you-know-what out of the computer. (Also discussed in detail later) B. Defense: (blitziib) D-Pad, Left Analog: Move Player X Button: Tackle. Combine with clash for a dirty hit. Note that a player does not need to have the ball in order to be tackled. (Tackling the intended receiver is very helpful when defending the pass.) O Button: Switch to nearest(?) defender. ? means it doesn't always seem to work out that way. Square Button: Leap, which I never use, or catch when the ball is in the air. If you time this right with a DB, intercepting the ball becomes much easier. Triangle Button: Dive, which I also can't seem to find a good use for, considering that tackling seems to do the same thing for you, AND takes a player out. R2: Turbo. Nice. L2: Clash. Very nice. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- III. (Very) Basic Strategy: (blitziii) A. Always use turbo (except when using clash – see below) (blitziiia) B. CLASH IS KEY. (blitziiib) I can't stress this enough. Games are won and lost by effective "clash conservation." ALWAYS have some juice left in your clash meter. This applies to offense as well as defense. A simple rule of thumb in clash conservation is only use clash in opportunities to gain more clash (sacks, losses, big offensive gains, touchdowns, etc.) so you’ll always have something left in your clash meter. There are some exceptions to this rule: 1. A dirty hit on the team captain will earn you two clash icons, in addition to lowering his stamina and therefore worsening his stats. Whack the team captain whenever you see fit, as long as he has the ball. 2. Kill the Quarterback. As mentioned above, a dirty hit lowers stamina and makes a player worse. A worse quarterback is easier to sack in the future. Aside: Though everyone likes to that cool cutscreen you get when you cause an injury, if you’re looking to win big, it’s probably better that the player stays up. Player abilities decrease quickly as stamina is depleted and computer players will be much less effective as they become weaker. Consider the fact that second stringers are generally very good (third stringers are a different story), and you’ll agree that facing a 70-stamina first stringer is FAR more desirable than injuring the starter and facing a fresh backup. (Not that the player really has much control over whether or not a dirty hit causes an injury…. This is just and interesting thing to note.) Also note that only dirty hits can cause injuries. 3. The use of clash will lead to one or more clash icons that will bring about unleash status. Even if it means using up your last ounce of clash, it is well worth it to pull of that last juke or dirty hit that will lead to unleash. (By the same token, if you’re a good brawler, feel free to land that last dirty hit that starts a brawl.) C. UNLEASH: (blitziiic) Unleash is great because it has the potential to make for an easy touchdown or a turnover on defense… but again, use it sparingly, and like clash, don’t use it for something that won’t earn you more clash. Unleash should probably be conserved more than clash because after an unleash move, you will be left with a totally empty clash meter (whereas with clash, you’ll only use a bit). Personally, I think unleash should be reserved strictly for sacks and passing plays – passing plays, especially, because if you use clash as the receiver to try and catch a long pass, even if you don’t catch it, the game doesn’t count the incomplete pass as an “unleash move,” and will allow you to maintain unleash status so you can just try again. Whatever you do, don’t unleash on a kick returner. Unless you cause a fumble, you will have no clash left for defense. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- IV. Offensive Strategy: (blitziv) A. Intro (blitziva) You can use clash and unleash more freely on offense, because any gain of yardage will lead to more juice in your clash meter. That said, NEVER use clash and turbo together. As both will provide you with a “boost” of sorts, it makes no sense to deplete both meters at the same time… especially when there has been no evidence to suggest that their use in conjunction with one another provides any additional boost. A good strategy for most plays is to use turbo from the start, then immediately switch to clash when you need extra speed or a juke move. By the time your clash is depleted, your turbo will have recharged itself (turbo, unlike clash, recharges during plays), and you’ll be able to deplete your turbo, hopefully on the open field. In summary: Turbo->Clash when you get in trouble, hopefully to break the play open->Turbo B. Play Calling: (blitzivb) Most people will agree that it’s generally not too tough to put points on the board, and I’ve heard SEVERAL different play-calling strategies that have worked for people. Here’s what I do and you can take it for what it’s worth: PIRATE (speed set): It’s a shovel pass to the HB. I could get through campaign mode using nothing but this play and beat the computer every time convincingly. Even late in the game, when the cheesy AI starts kicking in, the computer can never seem to intercept this pass, as they never use anything more than single coverage on the HB. Make the catch, use clash to juke and/or break free, then turbo your way to the first down, or better, the end zone. Screen passes: They work like sweeps, except you seem to be able to pass the ball faster than it would take a RB to get around the end. Same thing here as with PIRATE: make the grab, break free, and good-bye. Maybe through the computer a taunt for good measure…. Screen passes are especially good for short yardage situations. Note: The game counts any pass where the reception is made before the line of scrimmage as a running play. Another note: If the pass involves throwing the ball backwards, and the pass is incomplete, it will be ruled a fumble (consistent with NFL rules… surprised?) Option Plays: The computer will defend most option plays like passes… and this is great because most often, the player with the option has enough speed to run around the end and pick up a cheap ten yards rather easily. Ironically, I never throw the ball with anyone but my QB, because of their propensity to get picked off (unless, of course, you’ve jacked up a player’s arm strength and accuracy). Throw the Bomb when you have unleash status (see “UNLEASH” above): I like flag patterns, but I guess the key is to look for single coverage, or better, open receivers. Somewhere in the “tips,” the game says that unleash passes can’t be picked off. I don’t know how true that is. As to my recollection, I’ve had these passes picked on occasion, so use caution. (Almost) NEVER PUNT: On the more difficult play settings, or late in campaign mode, the computer is a pretty nasty punt returner and will often bring the ball back to the line of scrimmage or better. Just go for it…. Who knows? Maybe the computer will pick the pass off and get lousier field position than it would had you punted. Of course, there definite exceptions to this rule, like when you think you can get a touchback, or you’re on your own two yard line, etc. Use all the discretion you want, but as campaign mode progresses, you’ll find yourself punting less and less for the above-stated reasons. C. Other considerations: (blitzivc) Contrary to most sports games, the computer never seems to catch on when you run the same play repeatedly -- the moral of the story being, of course: If it works, do it over and over and over again. Second stringers are GOOD. Don’t be too upset when your starters get whacked. The comeback AI is downright raunchy in this game. If you get up by a few touchdowns in an important game, the computer will cause turnovers out the proverbial yin-yang. The computer will also appear to run faster, hurt more players, and “appear” in the right place at the right time after a cutscreen or unleash move. Yeah, it’s THAT bad. But you can fight back, here’s how: EAT THE CLOCK: Fight fire with fire and perform one of the sleaziest tricks in the book. The AI gets really underhanded later in the game, so just let that clock tick down in order to give it fewer opportunities to screw you. Persist with running plays, let the clock tick all the way down before you select the play, then the game will give you eight more seconds to milk off the clock before you snap the ball and begin the cycle again. Since quarters in campaign mode are only 2:00 long, you can eat the better part of a quarter in one set of downs. THE SIDELINE CAN BE YOUR FRIEND: If, for some reason, you DO desire to gain substantial yardage late in the game, keep it close to the sidelines and keep those sleazy fumbles and pass drops out of bounds. (This trick helps with kickoff returns, too.) EAT DIRT: When you’re on the ground, the computer only has to touch you to end the play. Use the square button to dive, and the computer will have fewer opportunities to whack the ball away from you. (Also, diving helps a lot when you really need to stretch for that first down or touchdown.) Another advantage to the weak AI is that the computer doesn't catch on when you run the same play on it over and over again (despite what many frustrated players have said). This, as you will see, is especially true of defense. One more consideration: In my opinion, the game actually gets EASIER when the computer has a huge hole to dig itself out of. Though occasionally it gets a cheap turnover, it runs the same pass plays over and over again on offense. You don't have to ever worry about defending against the run, and can get easy sacks on a QB in an empty backfield. Once again, just make sure there are players up-field that will be there to whack the intended receiver in case the QB is lucky enough to get the pass off. (You'll hear a lot more about this as you read on.) Combine this with the fact that the computer never punts when it trails considerably in the fourth quarter, and a good player has the opportunity to run up a huge score. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- V. Defensive Strategy: (blitzv) A. Intro (blitzva) Defense wins games. People who complain about the AI do so because those cheap turnovers turn into quick touchdowns because of their inability to stop the computer on defense. Indeed, most people find defense far more difficult than offense. B. Play Calling (general): (blitzvb) Once again, I’ve heard several people say several things that all could conceivably work on defense. I will disclose my strategy later. However, allow me to say first that most strategies incorporate two basic tricks: 1. Kill the QB: This gets a little tricky because the computer has superhuman ability to exploit “QB Evade.” Nearly every experienced player will agree that the easiest way to get to the QB is with a linebacker… DBs line up too far away (or worse, outside the view of the screen) and tackles and ends tend to get blocked. The “Sack Trick”: Pick a defensive scheme with two or three linebackers and line up as an outside linebacker (I always choose the left side, but I’m not sure it matters), and go after the QB. The computer tends to bootleg to the side that DOESN’T have you on it… but that’s not a problem. You should be able to switch to the opposite side outside LB and put a dirty hit on the quarterback. Bulking up your OLBs will definitely be of service here. Once you put one dirty hit on the quarterback, it will become increasingly easier to get sacks because of the loss in the QBs stamina, which, as mentioned before, leads to stat losses. 2. Whack the intended receiver: **DON’T waste your clash and use a dirty hit. Play it safe and get good at hitting the receiver before the pass gets there. Then there’s no debate as to whether or not the computers going to burn you after (or during) the catch. (This becomes easier as you bulk up your CBs.) ** Dirty hits do you no good at all unless the player being hit has possession of the ball. Hitting a player without the ball will never cause an injury or any loss in stamina. C. Play Calling (my strategy): (blitzvc) On offense, the computer only seems to kill you with the big pass play, or if you make some dumb mistake such as missing a few tackles. The computer VERY rarely seems to nickel-and-dime you ten yards at a time all the way up the field. SO, I never get overly aggressive, and tend to call zone plays that essentially let the computer have its five to ten yards, then punt on fourth down. GLOVE and COVER I ALWAYS come out in a balanced set and play either GLOVE or COVER. I line up as my left side outside linebacker, and “fan” left. “Fan” is a term pretty much only known by football players and coaches (that’s the washed-up player in me). What I mean by it is to move tentatively to the left, and if you see the ball-carrier moving toward you, make a hard move up-field for the dirty hit. If the computer goes right, both SPREAD and COVER provide for an opposite side LB that does the same thing, who will also be able to go in for the dirty hit. If the QB is lucky enough to get the pass off, it will most likely be a short one which will only gain a few yards, and may be picked off by zone coverage. In the unlikely instance where the computer manages to get off a bomb, SPREAD and COVER put two DBs, two safeties, and a LB downfield so you can whack the intended receiver before the pass arrives. If the computer decides to run, don’t be too aggressive. Several players (props to pubbisk, who persuaded me to write this FAQ) have said several things to suggest that when the computer wants ten yards on a running play, the computer is going to get ten yards on a running play no matter what. I tend to keep my defenders in the backfield and wait for a safe opportunity to hit the RB. As mentioned earlier, once the ball carrier is beyond the line of scrimmage, it doesn’t make much sense to waste your clash to put a dirty hit on him unless he's absolutely killing you, or you desperately need a turnover. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- VI. Special Teams Strategy: (blitzvi) A. Kickoffs: (blitzvia) A lot of people seem to have so much trouble containing the computer on kickoffs that they do onside kicks, or just shank the kick out of bounds. Don't do that. Here's a better alternative that involves exploiting the computer's raunchy AI: The computer tends run to the side that doesn't have you on it (hence the “Sack Trick”). So on kickoff, aim your kick as far as you possibly can to one side (I say left, because the star returner always lines up to the right), and kick as hard as you can. As soon as the kick is off, switch to the nearest defender to the ball, which will be the cornerback that lines up to the far side. Hold turbo and move slightly inside the point where the ball carrier is, and the ball carrier will ALWAYS make a move outside. From that point, just go tackle him with that same cornerback. Use the sideline as an extra man and returners will hardly ever get away. (This becomes easier with jacked-up cornerbacks, providing yet another reason to train your CBs.) Get this trick down and you'll have better field position, plus more opportunities for fumbles, than you would if you were to simply kick the ball out of bounds. As mentioned above under “offensive strategy” (for some reason), whatever you do, don’t unleash on a kick returner. Unless you cause a fumble, you will have no clash left for defense. B. Kickoff Return: (blitzvib) Kickoffs are fairly easy to break open. Use this trick again: Turbo->Clash when you get in trouble, hopefully to break the play open->Turbo Since you earn clash for kickoff return yards, feel free to burn up all your clash in an effort to get into open field. I always try to run up the sidelines… but I think that’s just a matter of preference. C. Punts: (blitzvic) Don’t punt. See “play calling” under “offensive strategy” above. D. Punt Return: (blitzvid) It’s very difficult, but not impossible, to block a punt. It involves jacking up your outside LBs, attempting to get around the offensive line, and being very, very, lucky. Punt returns are also fairly easy to break open, but beware: you won’t get any clash juice for punt return yardage (though I still can’t figure out why not), so only use clash if you think you’re going to break open a big one, or else you won’t have anything to start up your offense with. The computer will not punt in the fourth quarter if it is down by more than a touchdown. It just won't. E. Field Goals: (blitzvie) Like punts, I seldom use them. The arrow to aim a field goal is WAY more sensitive than the arrow to aim a punt or kickoff, and the inconsistency throws a lot of people, including myself, off. I suppose this just depends on how good you are with the kicking mechanism, but for me, in most situations I find that I’m just as likely to get a first down or touchdown as I am to nail a field goal. Like always, there are exceptions to this rule, like when you’re up by 6 with 30 seconds left in the game on the five yard line. F. Field Goal Block: (blitzvif) Again – very hard, but not impossible to block. Jacking up your corners will serve you well here as well. A speedy corner will occasionally get lucky and whack the holder, or occasionally outright block the kick. The computer misses a disproportionate amount of field goals and extra points, even on the more difficult settings. Several people have suggested lining up in different sets that allow your speedier players to line up closer to the ball. While I don’t mean to say these strategies are without merit, I have always enjoyed the most success with plain-old FG BLOCK. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- VII. Campaign Mode: (blitzvii) A. Intro: (blitzviia) There are SEVERAL aspects of campaign mode that I cannot explain, which might be due to glitches, ignorance on my part, or some combination of the two. I will supplement this FAQ with any revelations that come to me as time progresses. In the meantime, please give me the benefit of the doubt and consider inexplicable stat and development losses as errors on the part of the game. In my opinion, the campaign mode could have been made light years better by improvements to the character development portion of the game. It seems that players can very rarely develop a team with more than six bars in any category, and that very, very few players can figure out how to spend their money to optimize their gains. B. Character Development (blitzviib) Though improvements could definitely be made, I still consider player development to be the most fun of campaign mode. Though this topic is subject to debate, the following worked very well for me: 1. Training: (blitzviib1) As defense is much more important than offense, as indicated above in “intro” under “defense,” I suggest you focus the majority of your training efforts onto defense. It’s easier to score with a lousy offense than it is to make stops with a lousy defense. Even as your level of play improves, to really run up the score you're going to want to be able to make quick stops on D. QB: *Arm Strength, *Arm Accuracy (who else can benefit from these?) HB: *Break Tackle, Speed, Hands FB: *Break Tackle, (The FB is rather useless unless you can develop him to the level of a HB.) What I did with my FB was wierd -- I developed his arm to the level of a QB and constantly ran options. WRs: Hands, Speed, *Break Tackle TEs: Hands, *Blocking OL: *Blocking, Strength DL: Strength, **Tackling LBs: **Tackling, Agility, Strength LBs play a crucial role in most defensive schemes, as most players agree sacks are easiest to get when you line up as an OLB. (SPOILER: When you win the D-III Championship, you will sign the ILB Bruno Battaglia – so don’t waste training efforts on your middle linebacker until you get Battaglia.) CBs: Speed, Hands, Agility This should be first priority. Good corners can pick off passes, whack the intended receiver (remember, there is no pass interference in this game), block FGs and extra points, and make stops on the above trick under “kickoffs” S: Speed, Hands, **Tackling, Agility Train them the same as corners, but in the great scheme of things, they’re not as important. Ks: Kicking (duh) (If you train tackling, in time your kickers will stop throwing that girly arm tackle. Still, in my opinion, it’s not worth wasting a tackling slot on a player who’s only on the field a few times a game.) * It should go without saying that Arm Strength, Arm Accuracy, Break Tackles, and Blocking are offensive skills that well, should only be trained by players who will actually be used on offense. ** Same goes with tackling on defense. (I am also led to believe that agility only improves ratings on defensive players, no proof though.) Resist Injury: As backups are generally pretty good, I’ve only used this to fill empty slots for offensive players. (I’ve never had a defensive player get hurt, but that doesn’t mean it can’t happen.) SPOILER: Don’t waste Resist Injury on your rookie. He will go down in the first D-I game against the NY Nightmare and be out until the next time you play the Nightmare. Of course, you can avoid this by essentially throwing that first game by punting every time you have the ball. **In fact, rookies and captains will automatically improve regardless of how much they train as the season progresses. (NOTE: the above should just be enough to get you started. As players develop and/or max out, you will definitely want to switch things up.) 2. Supplements: (blitzviib2) Though the jury is still out on supplements, here’s my opinion: GIANT WASTE OF MONEY Though not proven, there is still plenty of evidence to suggest that the benefits of all supplements, both legal and illegal, disappear after their three week use. As training upgrades and, as you will see later, equipment, offer gifts that keep on giving, I firmly maintain that your hard-earned money is better spent elsewhere. (In my opinion, this game could have been made SO much better if illegal supplements could turn your guys into beasts.) 3. Equipment: (blitzviib3) Now this seems like a better deal. Equipment offers a stat boost to your entire team for the remainder of the game. You will definitely want good shoes, as they will provide improvements to both your defense and offense. I’ve found the shoulder pads to be helpful, too. NOTE: If you buy two sets of the same equipment, the stat boosts WILL NOT add on top of each other. You will simply get the stat boost from the better set… so spend wisely. Also, equipment gains will not improve player and/or team ratings. 4. VERDICT: (blitzviib4) There is no better way to permanently improve your team's stats than training upgrades. Spend all your money on training upgrades in D-III an D-II. If you are successful in betting on games, this should take care of you rather well. If all goes well, you will find yourself about halfway through D-II with no more training upgrades to buy (the level 2 upgrades don't unlock until D-I.) From there, you have two options: either start buying equipment then and there (note what I said before: only buy the best!), or save your money for when the level 2 upgrades unlock. I suggest you save your money. Then, when you finally get to D-I, you will have more than a million dollars to blow on top-of-the-line training upgrades on the very first week. Sit back and watch your team develop all the way through D-I. Towards the end of D-I, you'll realize that your team just doesn't have that much time left to improve from training upgrades. You may then decide to spend some dough on the equipment. (See above: shoes and shoulder pads are decent.) DON'T waste your money on supplements. They're pricey and the benefits are not permanent. (Though the experimental military juice at the end of D-I is pretty sweet. Save your game and try it.) C. Strategy: (blitzviic) 1. Team Creation: (blitzviic1) Colors: Decide what's important to you. If you want to be able to easily identify your players, pick loud, obnoxious colors so you don't confuse your players with the other team (a really common problem, especially in brawls.) Of course, a good-looking uniform might be worth the problems to some people. For the beginner: Draft the HB to run easy sweeps and sign the LB for easy sacks. Advanced: Draft the QB and it will be ridiculously easy the throw the bomb, especially once you get a good grasp on clash catching. Train wide receivers for speed and hands to strengthen this strategy. You'll find yourself only running on short yardage situations. Sign the safety, who quickly becomes a BEAST in the secondary and, as mentioned before, the computer only seems to kill you off the long pass, having a talented, hard-hitter in the secondary with good hands is a major asset to your team. (SPOILER: Consider the fact that you will get Battaglia after D-III. You don't really need the LB, anyway.) Coaches pretty much give you what the game tells you. The only aspect of gameplay that is highly dependant on your coach is the playbook, and there are good plays in every playbook. You would think the stadium would matter, but from my experience, it doesn't. (I was hoping turf would aid a passing game, but the difference is neglible or even non-existent.) 2. Team Development: (blitzviic2) See VERDICT above (blitzviib4) 3. Other considerations: (blitzviic3) Don’t be too chicken to bet. Though there is some evidence suggesting that the AI may get more desperate when you bet, a decent player’s wins through betting will far exceed his losses. On the same note, run up the score for extra money. Most of the cutscreens in Campaign Mode have nothing to do with gameplay whatsoever. If you fast forward through them by pressing triangle, you won’t be missing much. The only point to completing weekly challenges is unlockables, which won’t have any bearing on your season, stats, or bank account. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- VIII. Teams (blitzviii) I've found that how the computer plays a team is highly dependant on who the captain is. For example, teams with a star RB tend to run more often than a team whose captain is a QB, just as teams with a LB captain tend to blitz, and teams with a DB tend to play a zone. Please note that full rosters can be found at the official game website: Las Vegas Aces: Team Captain: RB Kelvin Diggs Strategy: Like most teams with a RB captain, this team is not too hard to stop. Defend conservatively against the run to slowly but surely develop a lead. Dallas Aztecs: Team Captain: QB Julis Williams (a Donovan McNabb rip-off?) Strategy: Most teams with QB captains are tough, and this one is made all the tougher because Williams has speed. They'll go to town on you with QB sweeps and passes. I suggest taking a linebacker and "shadowing" Williams in the backfield so he doesn't get around the end. Put dirty hits on him whenever possible to slow him down. Baltimore Bearcats: Team Captain: LB Bruno Battaglia Strategy: Teams with an LB captain can occasionally cause problems with sacks, but other than that, they're pretty much beatable. This team is no exception, and after D-I, (SPOILER) the colorful Battaglia will become yours (and he desperately needs to be trained.) Carolina Copperheads: Team Captain: QB Grant Tanner Strategy: This team can really move the ball on offense, but is a total pushover on defense. It's satisfying to whack Tanner. Run up a high point total by exploiting their lousy secondary with long passes and clash catches. Kansas City Crossfire: Team Captain: DT Tyrell Price Strategy: For some reason, I completely murder this team whenever I play them, though every now and then, Price puts a hit on my QB. Just be careful in the backfield and play your basic strategy. Cincinnati Crusaders: Team Captain: RB Kwazi Mbutabe Strategy: Same as the Aces, but a bit easier. Once you hurt Mbutabe, their offense is pretty much useless. San Diego Cyclones: Team Captain: CB Ezekial Freeman Strategy: Without a doubt, teams with strong DBs give me the most trouble, mostly because they do the most to take away big pass opportunities and turn them into turnovers. Freeman is no exception, and once he rips you off, he'll infuriate you further by spitting out a bible verse. I'm serious; this guy gives me more trouble than Quentin Sands. That said, he CAN be beaten, especially by a master of clash catching, and to a lesser extent, screen passing. Offensively, they're tough but nothing to write home about. Detriot Devils: Team Captain: WR Cookie Wallace Strategy: Aim your kickoffs to the left to avoid big returns by Wallace (he lines up on the right). This team can be tough because they favor the pass, which, as mentioned earlier, is the computer's best weapon. Plus, Wallace can come up with some total BS catches. Like all teams with a WR captain, they'll throw to that captain about 50% of the time. Denver Grizzlies: Team Captain: None Strategy: You won't play this team in campaign mode. I have no clue why not. Orlando Hammerheads: Team Captain: None Strategy: Same as above. Visit the official game website:, and it really knocks this team and the above Denver Grizzlies. Knowing this, I'm gonna spend some time playing them on quick play to discover what's up. Chicago Marauders: Team Captain: QB Shane Spain Strategy: All hail Spain! Ha, hardly. Just be careful because they throw a lot. Beat the daylights out of Spain and earn a ton of clash icons. Big money here. New York Nightmare: Team Captain: LB Quentin Sands (LT) Strategy: The best team in the game, and the computer plays them like it. I can't offer you any more advice than to play your absolute best game. The plus side is that, in campaign mode, the game will always place you as the underdog -- so winning bets is fairly easy. Arizona Outlaws: Team Captain: WR Tito Maas Strategy: Since they're a D-III team, they should be a pushover. Watch out though -- they go to Maas A LOT, and he can occasionally pull out a Jesu-like catch and run thereafter. Minnesota Reapers: Team Captain: RB Tony Forbes Strategy: Of all the teams with RB captains, this one is the toughest, and will play you VERY tough in the D-II championship game. Once again, defend conservatively against the run, but be careful: Forbes is a decent receiver, too. Washington Redhawks Team Captain: DE Jacob Williams Strategy: Williams isn't overbearingly tough, but their QB Mexico can case problems. Mike Mexico, No. 7, is so much of a rip-off of Mike Vick that I'm surpised he never filed suit. Don't believe me? Do a google search on "Ron Mexico." Even though Mexico plays like Vick as well, the Redhawks are still just a D-III team and should therefore be easy to beat. Dirty hit Mexico whenever possible to slow him down. New England Regulars: Team Captain: CB Vonnie Treonday Strategy: Same as the Cyclones, but even though New England is a D-I team, they don't get to me as badly as San Diego and that Amish guy Freeman does. Still, a very tough team. In my opinion, the second best team in the game. Seattle Reign: Team Captain: DL Chad Longstreet Strategy: Longstreet can be frustrating, but all-in-all, this team is the easiest victory in D-I. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- IX. Random Post-FAQ Rambling (blitzvix) This is the section that can be found in any FAQ in which the author tells you about a whole bunch of garbage that you totally don't care about. As my FAQ is no different, I encourage the stalkers or the extremely bored to read on. This is my first FAQ ever. I started it at work because all the typing made me look so busy that noone gave me any work to do. Ironically, I think this game, though fun, is rather poorly made. Further, I don't consider myself a very good gamer either -- I'm just nasty at whacking the computer at this particular game -- oh, and Hot Shots Golf 3. I may very well be the world's best Hot Shots Golf 3 player, having shot 21 under on several of the courses. LOL -- Hot Shots isn't exactly a pinnacle of modern gaming either. I am in the process of getting an email address for this FAQ so I can read people's complaints, or if I'm lucky, positive feedback and suggestions. If and when that does happen, I'll make a new version and put it in there. In the meantime, please direct your questions or concerns to the message board for this game on ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- X. Version history (blitzx) 1.0: Garbage. It was meant as an email to someone else who was going to do an FAQ. When that email turned 9 pages long, I decided to do my own. 1.1: I finally learned how to meet contribution requirements on 1.2: Touched up FAQ formally and grammatically, added more explicit directions and tips for campaign mode. 1.3: Touch ups; Added controls and teams in order to officially make this an "FAQ"