Blood Omen 2: The Legacy of Kain The COMPLETE Guide! Written by: Hyuaki Hay TABLE OF CONTENTS: I. Copyright and Contact Information II. Story III. Enemy Listing IV. Walkthrough V. Codes and Tricks VI. Credits and Special Thanks ************************************************************************** I. Copyright and Contact Information Okay, short and not so sweet. Do not copy from this guide without my permission. Do not make people pay money to use it. Should you use a small portion of this guide in a work of your own, give me credit. Sorry, mind is wondering because I am watching Jeepers Creepers as I write this. Anyway, I wrote this for free so I want it to remain free. This guide is copyright January 31, 2002; and it is protected by international copyright laws. Now say you have a question or something that you want to add to this guide. Email me at and if it is not already covered I will put it into the guide giving you full credit for the find. As I said if your question or addition is already covered in here then I will ignore it. It may take a while for me to answer any questions that you have because I can only check my email 1-2 times per week. Thanks for reading. ************************************************************************** ************************************************************************** Story (Taken directly from the instruction manual.) The story of Blood Omen 2 takes place two hundred years after Blood Omen The Legacy of Kain, and several centuries before the events of Soul Reaver The Legacy of Kain. The vampire Kain awakens in a strange city with almost no memory of his former self. Another vampire, Umah, has taken him in and revived him to health after a deadly battle that Kain barely remembers. He is weak and has lost most of his former powers. Worse still, his Weapons, the Soul Reaver, is missing. Umah begins to fill Kain in on the recent past, and pieces of Kain's shattered memory returns. Since Blood Omen the Legacy of Kain, Kain had become a commander of an army of vampires bent on ruling the land of Nosgoth. In response to his rise to power, another faction appeared in the land: The Sarafan, a group of militant humans led by a mysterious powerful figure, the Sarafan Lord. Determined to wipe out the vampire threat, the Sarafan clashed with Kain's army for years. This war ended with the Sarafan finally triumphant over Kain's army, and with Kain and the Sarafan Lord locked in mortal combat. The Sarafan Lord won this battle, stripped the Soul Reaver from Kain, and threw him off a cliff to his apparent death. Umah tells Kain that his body was found and revived, and he has been brought to the capital of Nosgoth, the city of Meridian. Kain has been unconscious for aver two hundred years, and in this time, the Sarafan have taken the fascist control of most of Nosgoth. Vampires have formed a small resistance, called the Cabal, in Meridian to undermine the Sarafan. It is this resistance that Kain is now a part of. The goal of the resistance is simple: Kill the Sarafan Lord, and the Sarafan will crumble. Because the Sarafan do not know of Kain's existence, he becomes the perfect agent to find and kill the Sarafan Lord. Kain agrees to help the Cabal for the time being, but he fully intends to follow his own agenda, and seek revenge however possible... ************************************************************************** ************************************************************************** III. Enemy Listing NOTE: This listing is in the order in which you will encounter these types of characters. I will not include the boss characters here, but in the walkthrough you will find them at the appropriate times. Innocent: Any character that is in the game that does not have a Weapons. they are able to be controlled as well as used for food. Thug: Extremely weak and stupid. They have tattoos on their upper bodies and wear no shirt. Their Weapons is the spiked club. Thief: Slightly tougher than the Thug. They are much quicker and can attack at a distance with crossbows. For up close encounters they use daggers. They wear a short green cloak. Sarafan Guard (Male): They look almost like your typical knight in armor image. They use the sword for their Weapons. They are good at dodging and are also the first character with an unblockable attack. When you see a red aura around them, especially the sword, jump back out of the way. Sarafan Priest: They wear long white robes and are basically a stronger version of the Thug. Their Weapons of choice is a club in the shape of the Sarafan symbol. Glyph Guard: They are exactly the same as the Sarafan Guard (Male) except that they have different armor. It gets a yellow glow around it that tells them where you are. They use the sword and the double bladed staff. Sarafan Knight: Similar to the Sarafan Guard (Male) however they are much tougher in that they take more damage. When you see a red aura envelop them, quickly jump out of the way. Their Weapons is the great axe. (My personal favorite Weapons.) Glyph Knight: Combine the Sarafan Knight and the Glyph Guard and bingo. Their Weapons is the broadsword. Again with the red aura thing. Sarafan Guard (Female): Take your basic Thief, give her a more revealing outfit with a headdress that shows the Sarafan Symbol on the back and a sword, along with the Sarafan Guard (Male) toughness. Weapons are crossbow and sword. The red aura strikes again. Guard (Male): The same as the Sarafan Guard (Female) except that they are male and use a curved sword. Again with the red aura. Guard (Female): Like the Thief only stronger different outfit, no crossbow, and uses an axe, or sword. They have the red aura also. Glyph Beast: Looks like a giant green bug. No Weapons. Very tough. No red aura. When it draws back like it is taking a slow deep breath, jump back and out of the way. That is it's unblockable attack. Giant Spider: In the later levels only. Extremely easy to beat. Jailer: Looks like the Grim Reaper. And they have a red attack. Hylden: Looks like a mutated human. They are ugly. I mean they are so ugly that if my dog looked like them, I would shave her butt and make her walk backwards. No Weapons. Hylden Warrior: Fights like the Hylden and the Sarafan Knight. Their Weapons are attached to their arms. The red aura returns. ************************************************************************** ************************************************************************** IV. Walkthrough I will go through each level dividing it into sections by Checkpoints. If you have used some of my guides in the past, then you kind of know what to expect from me. Remember that enemies can be killed by the same strategy for the most part. Get them in close quarters and block their attacks building up your Fury bar. Then unleash an unblockable attack on them. Save your Weapons, use your arms to block. If when fighting an enemy, you see a red glow appear around them or their Weapons, then either jump back or jump out of the way. When your Weapon's picture at the top of the screen turns a rusty color, it is about to break and it is time to get a new one. I am not doing a training or control section for this guide simply because that is what the first level is. When you fight an enemy, it is a good idea to block their attacks until you know what their attack pattern is. After you know that they are easy to defeat. Drink the blood of everyone you come across. Use the mist in any area that you come across to your advantage. I won't always mention it. In this walkthrough I will tell you where the Lore Chests and Weapons Chests are. I will not say where to get Weapons because you can easily do that for yourself. Let's begin. ========================================================================== Chapter One: The Slums "Welcome to Meridian" ========================================================================== You start this level with a cut scene as you do for all of them. This level is basically a trainer for the level. Follow the on screen instructions and Umah and you will learn how to do everything in the game. Walk down the street at the beginning and step into the first Checkpoint. Note: In this game I recommend saving after every Checkpoint. Like I said, I am breaking the levels up by Checkpoints. You cannot kill the Innocents yet. Just follow the street and you will see another cut scene. After the cut scene jump up the shacks in the corner and get up to where Umah is. Here you get another cut scene. Just follow the marked path and you will make it through this level. That and following the on screen instructions. You will eventually come to another Checkpoint. Now that you are outside of the building where you crossed the last Checkpoint, you can now feed. Go down to the bottom of this area and slash the Innocent's throat and drink his blood. In the tunnel after that drink the blood of the other Innocent then flip the switch and open the door. Outside you will find another Innocent to the right. After killing that one, continue running up the street to the Checkpoint. Here in this area Umah will tell you your weaknesses and about Lore Chests. After jumping the stream activate the Red Lore Chest. Now go down the dock to the right and at the end you will find another Red Lore Chest and a Innocent. Now go back to the main road and again go to the next dock and get another Innocent then go to Umah. After speaking to Umah, head back a little bit the way you came and enter the door on the right, into the sewer. And a Checkpoint. Now Umah teaches you to fight. You get to knock her around a little bit. Again after the lesson, head down the marked path and you will come to another Checkpoint. Now you have to get across a large body of water. Flip the switch on your side to drain the water then jump across and head up the tunnel on the other side. Now it is time to make your first battle kill. Kill the Thug and take his club. At the intersection ahead, go left first and get the Red Lore Chest. Then head down the right corridor, and up into the graveyard. You will come to another Checkpoint here. Use Mist to kill both the people in the cemetery. You want to stealth kill them. Move up to them from behind and when you see a skull above their heads, then attack. After they are dead, head behind the small building in the mist and then up to the other side of the cemetery and go into the next area. Go to the Weapons Chest to power-up your Weapons. Now head to the left and kill the 2 Innocents. Once done with that, you will see a switch ahead of you, don't activate it just yet. Head into the small area to the right and kill the Thug and get the Red Lore Chest. Then activate the switch n the center of the area. Next wait next to the closed gate and flip the switch when the glyph energy gets to the box. Now head down the tunnel and another Checkpoint. Kill the Thug and the Innocent, then get the Red Lore Chest that is there. Now walk through the tunnel and kill the Thug there and get the Red Lore Chest. Once done with that, walk up the small path that the last thug was guarding. At the end you will find a switch that you can flip. Now go back to where you entered the area and climb the ramp to get onto the upper level. Along the way you will be able to kill 2 Innocents. Flip the switch after the second innocent and go through the door. Inside is another Checkpoint. Turn the wheel switch to stop the steam then stealth kill the thug. Then go down to ground level and you will find 2 more thugs to kill. You can Umah, but for the moment go the opposite direction from her. At the back of the area you will find an Innocent and a Red Lore Chest. Now go to Umah. In the following cut scene, you are separated from Umah. Now you are on your own. From where the cut scene ends, go through the door in front of you. In this large area, head left and kill the thug and then climb the ladder. At the top of the ladder head all the way to the back of the area and get the Red Lore chest. Now return to the top of the ladder and jump onto the tops of the shacks to get another Checkpoint. Jump across the roofs until you are on the other side of the wall that blocked you from this side a moment ago. Kill the thug on the ground and then climb the ladder you find in this area. From there, jump across the alley to the building on the other side where you can see an Innocent standing there. Inside the building you can get a dagger and then jump across to the opposite building. Once inside, move the red and white crate then open the door it was blocking. Head through this building to the outside. You should now be on some grating, kill the Innocent that is on this upper level with you. Now head down the other path and you will find another Innocent and a broken switch. You passed a building a moment ago that you can enter. It was on the left as you came through. Inside you will find a Red Lore Chest and an elevator. On the bottom floor, go outside and flip the switch that is in front of you to lower the gate. Then instead of entering the building again head past it and you will find another thug to kill. Now go back into the building and into the elevator to the top floor again. Now the gate that was blocking you is open. Go through it. When you get to the end jump to the ground level. Here you will find 2 Innocents and 2 thugs. You should now be at a large gate that is closed. Flip the switch beside it and go inside. Take the crate in there and push in under the gate so it will not close. Now go and flip the switch again to open the back part of the gate. And end the level. ========================================================================== Chapter Two: The Den "Creatures of the Night" ========================================================================== Now I know that the directions and everything for the last level sucked, but that level is so easy that I don't really consider it a level. Now the game begins... Run forward from the start point to the first Checkpoint. When you get onto the main area kill the 4 Innocents and thug. Now head into the area to the right of the first Checkpoint and there you will find a Red Lore Chest and a switch. After getting them go to the other end of the area and you will be at a locked gate. Spin the wheel to open the gate and use Mist to kill the 2 thieves. Next, climb the ladder in the rear of this room and open the door at the top to reach another Checkpoint. Follow the path to the right from the Checkpoint and you will eventually make your way to the area that is below the left of the Checkpoint. Along the way you will find 6 Innocents, 3 thugs, and a Red Lore Chest. At the end there is a switch that you need to flip to lower the drawbridge. Once it has been lowered, go back up and run across it to another area. Open the door and go into the building. Inside the building, go downstairs and you will find another Checkpoint. There is a thief in this downstairs area. On the left wall from where you entered this area you will find a wheel switch. Use that switch to open the gate and go inside this room to get a Red Lore Chest. Now head up the stairs at the other side of the room passing another room for the moment. Go upstairs and kill the thief and 2 Innocents. In the Innocents' bedroom you will find another switch. Flip this then go back downstairs. Once downstairs, flip the wheel switch to the gate you passed a moment ago to go inside. Inside there is a Weapons Chest and a switch. After flipping the switch head back upstairs where you just were and go outside. In this outdoor area you will need to wait on the glyph energy to power up the switch so you can shut off the glyph gate. Once that is deactivated, you can kill 2 thugs and 2 Innocents. In here you can also get a Red Lore Chest. Pass through the arch to get to the next area. In the next area there are 2 more thieves. Kill them and move on. At the end of this area you will find a wheel that raises a gate. When you are on the other side, kill the thief that is in the mist, then go and kill the thug and Innocent. Beyond the Innocent is a Checkpoint. Next to the Checkpoint, enter the building to the left. Kill the 4 Innocents in here. Then approach the stairs and a member of the Cabal will speak to you. Listen to him, then kill him. Next go upstairs. Kill the thug and then enter the area behind the bookcase. In the back here, kill the thief and Innocent. Once they are dead head downstairs and outside. When you walk around the corner you will see 2 thugs. Behind them is a block that you have to push into the small alley that it is in front of. Jump onto the block and jump over the fence, and land on the Checkpoint. Just in front of the Checkpoint is a Red Lore Chest. After getting it, move on until you head into a dock type area and you will be able to kill a thug. Now move on until you are in the mist. Here you can kill a couple of Sarafan Guards. The best way to beat them is to block their attacks building up your fury bar and then unleash it on them. Their only attack that is unblockable is one that where you see their sword glow red. If that happens, jump backward and out of reach. Most of the enemies in the game have a type of unblockable attack. They will have a red glow somewhere about them before they attack. If that happens, don't block, just get away. Anyway back to the matter at hand, climb up on top of the church and follow the walkway and you will find a dead body. Drain his blood, he doesn't need it now... After you are done with him, run into the room ahead and flip the switch to make the elevator go down. In this lower area and head through the tunnel and you will come to an open area. In this open area head left to a Checkpoint. When you are walking along you will see a doorway blocked by steam and you will find a wheel on the left side of the doorway to shut off the steam. NOTE: From this point, I will refer to all switches as switches. On the other side of this doorway you will find 2 Innocents. To the left you will find a room that you can go into. In this room you will find a Weapons Chest and a Red Lore Chest. Now head back outside and back to the main path. You will be on a narrow walkway that will suddenly widen up. When you get here, you can either head straight on up the walkway or turn and enter the room to your back right. In the back right area you will find a Red Lore Chest. Now go back out to the main path. You will go up some stairs in a moment and at the top is mist. Turn into mist and head into the room directly across from the stairs where there is a switch. Once you flip the switch, head to the gate that the Innocent just closed. Now keep using mist and on the other side kill the sarafan guard and that Innocent. In front of you, you will see a room where there are 2 switches on the outside. However, you don't want to use these just yet. Instead, go around to the left side of the room and flip the 3 switches over here. Now go back around the front and flip the right switch first then the left. Now you can enter the room and drink the blood of 2 Innocents. In the back room here flip the switch and go outside. Kill the sarafan guard. Now take the path that is to the left of the room you just exited. Follow this path until you come to a room that you need to flip a switch to enter. See that hole at the bottom? That's your destination. But the steam is blocking you for the moment. Climb the ladder and you will come to 2 switches in the front of 2 doors. Flip the right switch and then flip the left one to enter the door to the left. In the back, kill the sarafan guard and flip the switch back there. Quickly, run back around the front through the right door and flip the front switch again. Now go into the back again and climb the ladder and flip the switch at the top. Now go all the way back down to ground level and enter the hole. At the bottom of the hole there is a Checkpoint that leads to a door. Boss Battle: Faustace (sp?) This guy is kind of tough in the first act, but not in the second or third ones. Use Fury on him blocking his attacks. Watch out for his unblockable kick. When he does that just jump back. After a few attacks, he will retreat into another room. Follow him. In this next room use mist and stay in the mist so that he can't see you. Sneak up to whatever burner he is standing on top of and flip the switch to burn him. Keep repeating this process and when you do enough damage, he will begin attacking from the rafters. The easiest way to do this is to keep an eye on him and when you see him jumping toward you be standing in front of a wall so he hits it. Then turn around and attack him. Do this until he is dead. Then you take his power of JUMP. When you are finished with him, leave through the door and go back outside. There you will only need to use your new power to jump over the river bed and leave the level through the pipe to the left. ========================================================================== Chapter Three: The Lower City "In Darkness We Gather" ========================================================================== As you begin this area there are, in the main area, 2 Sarafan Guards and 3 Innocents in this area. Now if you go to the glyph gate at the end of the area, there is another Sarafan Guard that you can draw in, and I recommend doing so. Once they are all dead, then it is time to begin exploring this area. In the white building in the back-left of the area you will find a Red Lore Chest. After you get that, head back toward the spot where you began and you will find some stairs that go up between some buildings. On these stairs you will find a Red Lore Chest and 2 more victims. Once they are dead, from where you came up the stairs, and staying on the stairs, go right until you are at the front of the building looking across the area you are in. Use JUMP go get across to the other building directly across from you. You will also find a Checkpoint on the building that you just jumped to. Drop off of the back of the building into a small alley. There are 3 Thugs in the alley here that need to die. You need to kill them. Follow the alley out into the open area. This is the other area from the opposite side of the glyph gate that you saw earlier. You will find 5 Innocents and a Sarafan Guard in here also. Once they are all dead, from where you came out of the alley, head right and enter the white building in the corner. Inside you will find 2 Innocents and then talk to the tavern keeper. Once you finish talking to her, go back outside and get on the raised walkway that is near the alley and go across. Tell the gatekeeper the password to get through. Once he opens the gate, kill him. You will go through another alley with 2 Thugs in it to a much larger area than before. In here there are 3 Sarafan Guards and 2 Innocents. Next, get on top of the pillar in the center of the area and get the Red Lore Chest. From there turn so that you are facing the lowered gate where one of the Sarafan Guards was standing. Now turn right a little bit and JUMP to the raised area where a glyph switch is. Go to the now activated glyph switch on ground level and use it to open the door beside it. When you enter this area, there is a easy puzzle to solve. In the distance from you where the Glyph Brite was standing is a broken thing... Anyway, head in that direction and go into the room on the right and get a Red Lore Chest. Now go the rest of the way to the broken thing. Pull it off of it's area and push it completely out of the way. Now go back to where you first entered the building and pull the working one off of it's area. Move it to where the broken one was. Now go into the room on the left and flip the switch. After that go to the doors beside the thing you just moved and flip that switch to enter the last room of the building. In here is a Checkpoint. You have to jump out of the window to advance in the level, but there is a glitch here. If you look out of the window and it is all gray beyond the window, then go and run around the inside of the building a few times until the outside loads. Once it loads, jump out of it and into the alley beyond. Go up to the gate and you need another password (I'll give them a password...) so turn left and follow the alley to the open area. Along the way you will find 2 Thugs. You may possibly encounter a Sarafan Guard along the way to the open area. You will definitely encounter him in the open area though. In the open area there are 2 Innocents and another Sarafan Guard. Next go up to the newsstand and you will get some more information. Get onto the upper walkway in this area and follow it to a closed gate with a switch beside it. On the other side of the gate, turn left and go to the second password guy. After he opens the gate, he is dead. Go up the stairs and enter the building at the top. Inside, kill the 3 Innocents and then climb the ladder out of there. On top of the building, use JUMP to get across to the building in front of you with the Checkpoint. Outside on this ledge, get the Red Lore Chest and then jump to the building to the right with fog on the top of it. Once there, use MIST to kill the 2 Thugs there. Now just follow the path into a large area with some crates inside of it. In here you will find 2 Thugs and a switch on the wall. Once you flip the switch, make your way back to the rooftops and then JUMP to where the switch is across from you and open the door. Inside, kill the Thug that is to your right. Then follow the path along to the left side of the building where you will find an Innocent. Move along the path and you will soon find some stairs that go down. Go down the stairs and kill the 2 Innocents at the bottom there. Go to the other side from where you found the Innocents and you will find another room. Go up the stairs on the other side and kill the Thug at the top. In a small niche you will find a switch. Flip the switch and it will cause a large crate to drop through the floor where the 2 Innocents were. Go through this new hole and into the sewers. Now in the sewers, go left and you will pass a furnace type of object, just beside the furnace and the wall you will find a Red Lore Chest. Now take and continue along the path until you reach the Checkpoint. Run along until you come into a large room with a bunch of equipment. There are 2 thugs here that are begging for death. Once they are dead, run across to the far side of the area from where you entered and go up the stairs and into the small area. In here flip the switch to open the grate and push the crate out until it can't be pushed no more. It has to be completely on the other side of the metal ledge. Once the crate is on the side that you entered from originally, push the metal ledge to the side so that it is not lined up with the crate any longer. Now flip the switch beside the crate to raise it to another level. Go back into the small area in the back and climb the ladder to the top. At the top, you will find 2 Thugs. When they are dead, walk up behind the crate and push it off the ledge so that it puts a hole in the floor below. Follow the crate into the hole and you will also find a Checkpoint. Run along the corridor until you encounter a pair of Thieves. When they are dead, go up the stairs that they were guarding to get a Red Lore Chest. Now continue along the corridor and you will come to a large room. Spin the wheel to the left and fill the lower half of the room with water. Then JUMP to the crate on the opposite side near the ladder, and then climb the ladder out of there. You emerge in an alley so go out into the open and you find 4 Sarafan Guards, a Thug, and 2 Innocents. Enter the Armory (has a sword and axe on the sign) and you will find a Innocent and a Weapons Chest. Enter the small shop that is across from the armory and the cathedral. Inside is a Innocent and a Red Lore Chest. Now go and flip the switch that the last 2 Sarafan Guards were guarding and flip it. Follow the glyph energy to the gate that it opens. Then go down the tunnel and to the Checkpoint. From the Checkpoint, turn right and you will soon meet 2 Thugs. Now, follow along the corridor until you come to a large water-filled room. Go up the ladder to your immediate right. Outside you will find 3 bodies to drink the blood from. With that done, jump up on top of the building in the center and kill the Thug up here. Now take the crate and push it off of the building and it will go into the large room below. Now take and push the large box into the huge metal door. Go back to where you entered the room and go across the catwalk and flip the switch on the other side. Now very quickly, run back across to the crate and push it below the door. Now the door can't close completely. Go back into the tunnel that brought you here and enter the room to your immediate right. Flip the switch in here and you will drain the water from the large room. You have no time to waste! Run like hell through the large room taking the lower catwalks and come up on the other side of the large metal door. Exit the room and follow the steps up to another Checkpoint. Open the gate and you will hear the sounds of battle out here. Let your enemies kill themselves and terminate the last one. There are a total of 2 Innocents and 4 Thugs that all need to die up here. When you are done, go up to the gate and flip the switch to open it. Now you are in a large area. Here you meet your first Glyph Guard. They are exactly the same as the Sarafan Guard except for the fact that their armor lets them know when you are near. There are also 2 Sarafan Guards in this area with you. Once they have been disposed of, make your way to the rooftops. JUMP across the rooftops until you get to the end of them. You should be near a Red Lore Chest now so get it then drop to the ground on the other side of the wall. Drop onto the side with the Glyph Guard. You have to fight him and 4 Sarafan Guards. As soon as you get a chance go up to the open doors of the building and flip the switch on the left to shut off the siren and to close the door so no more enemies can come out (that is where the 4 Sarafan Guards come from). Now flip the one on the right to open the gate you need to get out. There is a Checkpoint on the other side of the gate. Out here there are 2 Innocents that are waiting for your touch. There is also a Sarafan Guard that you can draw in from the other side of the glyph gate. Once he is done, go and enter the alley that is filled with fog. Use MIST and you will be able to sneak up on a Thug and flip the switch he was guarding so that you can use the gate to get to the other side. (Ever here the one about the chicken that crossed the road...) Here you encounter 4 bodies and an "Old Friend." Follow this vampire until he tells you that you will meet again. Along the way you will find a Thug that you need to waste. Now drop off of the back of the building that he was last on and go to the Checkpoint on the ground in the back. From the Checkpoint, you will find an Innocent on the upper level with you. Now go to the ground level and head left. You will pass a small glyph gate on the left. That is your final destination for this level. There will be 2 Thugs waiting for you at the end of this area. At the end of the area, turn right and go over the wall using the crates and drop to the other side. Get the Red Lore Chest and then enter the underground area. Get into the canal and head right, enter the small niche at the end with the crate in it. Push the crate out into the canal and then push it so that it is underneath the bridge. Now go to the switch on the left side of the bridge to make the bridge go away. Now go to the switch on the other side and flip it to flood the canal with water. JUMP across the canal and flip the switch there again. Now the crate should be on top of the bridge. Drain the water and push the crate across the bridge to the dark bronze area that is on the right side of the bridge. That is another switch. It opens the gate at the back. Go into this last area and flip the switch back here and you disable some of the glyph gates. Go up the one that I told you that you will go up earlier. At the top is the Blue Lady Pub, your destination. However go left instead and get onto the catwalk that goes across the street and you will get a Blue Lore Chest for your trouble. It's worth it! Now go to the Blue Lady and finish the level. Meet Vorador. If you played Blood Omen then you know who he is. ========================================================================== Chapter Four: The Upper City "A Question of Faith" ========================================================================== When you start you are in a subway. Kill the 2 Innocents down here and then get the Checkpoint. Head on out toward the street and you will find another Innocent. In this section you will find 2 Sarafan Guards, an Innocent, and a Thug. Now continue along until you come to a closed gate and Marcus begins talking to you. After he is done talking, you will be attacked by 2 Sarafan Priests. The Sarafan Priests are exactly like Thugs except tougher. After opening the gate, you will find 2 bodies and then move along to the door at the other end of the tunnel. Outside, you will see Marcus on the other side of this area and he is getting away. Head right and get the Checkpoint. Head right and kill the 2 Sarafan Priests, and then follow the walkway into the small room and kill another Sarafan Priest. Flip the switch in here and go to the structure in the center of the area. Inside flip the switch and this will allow you to get to the other side (Why did the chicken cross the road...). On the other side head to the right and get the Red Lore Chest. Now head to the left and to another section. In the tunnel that you come to, you will find 2 Thugs inside and a door at the end. Outside, climb the ladder and flip the switch to open the gate. Head out into the street and get the Checkpoint, also Vorador will give you some information. Kill the Innocent next to the Checkpoint. Now start moving towards the right of the Checkpoint. There are 2 Sarafan Guards and an Innocent near the mist. Once they are all dead, continue along the direction that you were headed. You will soon come to a dead end where there is a Sarafan Guard and an Innocent waiting. Go to the set of doors on the left and flip the switch to open them, then the switch to open the second set of those doors and move into the next area. On the other side of the doors lies a Checkpoint. Now there is some mist in this back alley and 2 Thieves. Once the Thieves are dead, head all the way to the back. See that block against the back wall? Take that block and pull it to the left 1 time and then pull it back 1 time. Now jump onto the block and then jump onto the ladder above you. Climb up the ladder and on the ledge that you climb to, you will find another ladder. At the top of that ladder, you will find another Thief that you can kill. Now drop into the room below via the skylight and kill the Thief. She will kill the Innocent for you. You will also find a Blue Lore Chest. Flip the switch to open the doors to the balcony. Out on the balcony use JUMP to jump into the room on the other side of the alley. Inside kill the Innocent and 2 Sarafan Guards. You will also find a Weapons Chest in here to power up your Weapons. Now go to the end of the room with the fireplace and follow the stairs down and around it. Open the door and go down some more stairs. At the bottom flip the switch to open the gate and get the Checkpoint outside. In this first area you will find a Glyph Guard, 2 Innocents, and 2 Sarafan Guards. Deal with them the best that you can. Hint, use FURY and MIST. Go to the room that the 2 Sarafan Guards were guarding and flip the switch then enter the room. Open the door that will let you into the small fenced off area and flip the switch on the wall to activate the glyph switch a little further on and then flip the other switch to open the gate. Use MIST to make your way to the gate that the Glyph Guard was guarding and flip the switch that you just activated. Still using MIST, walk up behind the Sarafan Guard and stealth kill him. Now flip the back switch to move to the next area. On the other side of the gate is a Checkpoint. Now go along the left wall and you will find a switch, flip it to shut off the flow of water above. Now there are also 2 Glyph Guards in this area. When they are dead, go up the staircase and JUMP to the ledge on the left side of the area. Walk forward and use MIST to stealth kill the Sarafan Guard. Now flip the switch up here that he was guarding and then enter the tunnel below you. In the tunnel you will find a switch that raises a gate. Flip the switch and enter the gate, soon as you are past the gate, 3 Thugs will ambush you once they are dead get the Blue Lore Chest and move on towards the door at the end of the tunnel. On the other side of the door lies a Checkpoint. Follow the tunnel the rest of the way outside. Flip the switch to the right of the gate. Go down and kill the Glyph Guard. Now take and walk down the narrow paths between the 2 pools on either side and flip both switches. Go to the back pool on the left side and flip the switch in there. Now go to the back pool on the right side and flip the switch in there as well. Now take and flip the switch that will move the water out of the front right pool (where the block landed). Enter that pool and move the block up to where the block will block the gate from moving. Just take and push it up to the corner near where some of the retaining wall has been broken away. Now go up the stairs and flip the switch to the right of the gate again and the gate stays open and the back door that you needed to go through is open now as well. Flip the switch in there and move through the back door to a Checkpoint. Okay, now you need to enter the clock tower so that you can ring the bell. In this area there are 3 Innocents and 2 Glyph Guards. Once they are all dead, enter the building that was shown in the cut scene. Inside to the left of the door, you will find a crate, push it aside (it can only move 1 direction). Now climb the stairs all the way to the top and flip the second switch that you come across. This will lower a sandbag to the floor and make the bell ready to be rung. Now go to the other switch on the top landing there and flip it. This will cause the bell to ring and you can now gain entrance to the rest of the area. Back outside, you will find 2 Innocents and a Glyph Guard in the newly opened area. Once they have been disposed of, follow the path until you come to an elevator and flip the switch in it to raise it. Now JUMP across the way and into the open window. There will be a Innocent in here as well. You will also find a Red Lore Chest upstairs. Now go downstairs and kill the Glyph Guard and then go outside. Head down the stairs and you will find a Checkpoint. In the mist ahead you will find another Glyph Guard. Once he is disposed of, follow the path down some more stairs to where you will find a couple of Innocents. Now you will see 2 areas with cages in them behind you. Go into either one and climb up the ladder and flip the switch upstairs. Now go back to ground level and enter the left niche. Pull the generator out and place it in front of the cage in the right niche. Now go back up the ladder and flip the switch again. Go back to the right niche and place the generator beneath the cage. This deactivates the search lights and activates the gate switch. Flip the switch and go inside the gate. Inside the gate you will find 2 Glyph Guards and 2 Innocents. Once all are dead, enter the gate that you saw the Glyph Guards leave and go into that door. Now inside you will have to go upstairs. Along the way you will come to a Glyph Guard on the staircase. Upstairs go through the door and then down the stairs outside to get to the Checkpoint. There are 3 Innocents and 3 Sarafan Guards in this area. Also on the ground you will find a Red Lore Chest. Once all are dead, go up the stairs near the Bishop's Manor and follow the walkway to a ladder that you have to jump onto. At the top of the stairs, you will find a open window that leads to another open window of the Bishop's Manor. JUMP across to the open window and open the door there. On the other side of the door you will find a Sarafan Guard who has killed 2 Innocents. After drinking everyone's blood move along to the very large doors on the right and go through. In this room there are some stairs and 3 Sarafan Guards. When they are all dead, find the door that you need to go through on the bottom and you will find an empty room without enemies. Go through the other door to this room and you will be in the library. Now you get to fight your first Sarafan Knight. They look big and mean but they are nothing! Just block everything that they throw at you and jump out of the way when they get a red aura surrounding them. Once the Sarafan Knight is dead, a hidden door will open in the doorway and one of the Bishop's servants will come in and give you some information. I think you need some more blood. Go down the path that the servant came from and outside. There is a Checkpoint outside. Now go forward and kill the Glyph Guard making sure that the Glyph Guards on the other side see you fight so that they will open the gate. Go down the stairs and you will find a Sarafan Priest. Across from the stairs you will see an obvious white block up against the wall. Pull the block out and enter the area behind it. In this area there are a total of 5 Sarafan Priests. When you find the exit to the area, face it. Now turn around put your back to the exit and walk forward. Between the 2 small buildings in front of you, you will find a Blue Lore Chest. Now go through the exit and into a room below. In here you must go to all the corners and push the dark blocks into the walls to open the door out of here. Go through the tunnel and outside you will find yet another 2 Sarafan Priests. Once they are dead, go to the area exit and through the door. Walk through the halls until you find the Checkpoint. Now run along until you come across the Bishop. Now you have to kill Marcus to get the information that you need. Follow Marcus outside and you will have to flip the switch to open the gate. Once on the other side of the gate, you will encounter 4 Innocents. When you get to the door that Marcus ran into it will be closed. In the right side of the doorway you will find a switch. Go in the now open door and climb the ladder. At the top of the ladder, just follow Marcus through the next Checkpoint and you will soon reach the boss arena. Boss Battle: Marcus The first part of the battle is simple. Marcus will make himself invisible. To fix this problem, go to the bell switch on either side and flip the switch. Now Marcus will be visible and frozen in place for a short period of time. Go up and attack him and then head to the other bell switch. Keep doing this until he calls for backup. Once he does this he will leave for the top floor. On the top floor you will have to deal with Sarafan Priests and an invisible Marcus. He will periodically flash so that you can see where he is. You have to keep close to him and attack. When he is done, he will fall down onto the altar on the first floor and you will jump down after him. Now you get the Dark Gift of Telekinesis, and the Bishop will be freed from Marcus' spell. End of level. ========================================================================== Chapter Five: The Sarafan Keep "House of My Enemy" ========================================================================== At the beginning of the level you are in a large outside area. There is a Checkpoint right at the very beginning. Now head forward and into the mist on the ground. Kill the Sarafan Guard. Now move toward the small building at the back of the area. Use TELEKENESIS on the Innocent inside and make them flip the switch to open the door. Then go inside and kill him and proceed through the opposite door. There is a Checkpoint in the hallway ahead. Just past the Checkpoint there is a door on the right that is being blocked off by steam. That is where you want to get to. Go past the door and kill the Sarafan Guard in the hallway. Now go past him and turn the switch on the steam thing to get rid of the steam blocking the door. Also go into the room to the left of the steam thing. Kill the Innocent inside and you will also find a Weapons Chest in this room. Now head back to the room that was blocked by steam. In this room, go down the stairs in the back until you come to a larger room below it. In this lower room, you will be attacked by a Sarafan Guard. When he is dead, go to the large furnace at the far side of the room. Now take the power generator thing, and place it in front of the pipe at the front of the furnace (opposite side from where the furnace switch is) and between the barrel by the wall. Now go and flip the switch on the back of the furnace. Go up to the switch on the raised section of the room and flip that switch now and you will make an exit to this room. Proceed now through the exit. You are now in a large hallway. In here you will come across a Thief and an Innocent. Now move along until you come to 2 sets of stairs. 1 going up and the other down. Go up the up set and get the Red Lore Chest and then go down the other set flipping the switch at the bottom to open the door. In this large room there is a Sarafan Guard and a Thief that he will kill. There is also a Checkpoint. Now take and go through the hallway to the left and into a smaller room. In this smaller room, you will find another Sarafan Guard killing another Thief. Once he is dead, flip the switch at the back of the room and follow the glyph energy to the switch that you need to flip to open the door out of here. Go into the hallway beyond and get the Checkpoint. In this hallway you will find an Innocent and 2 Sarafan Guards. When you get to the corner that both of the Sarafan Guards were guarding you will find an open room on the left. Enter this room to get a Red Lore Chest. Now back in the hallway, continue to the end of the corridor and up some stairs into a large room with a pool in the center. Jump to the floor and kill the Sarafan Guard, Glyph Guard, and Innocent. Now climb up onto the platform to the right of where you entered the room. Flip the switch at the top. Now JUMP to the platform to the right of there. Flip the switch up there as well. Now jump back to the floor and use the CHARM on the Innocent up on the last platform and make him flip the switch. Once that has been done, go through the pipe that is in the side of the now empty pool. At the other side of the pipe, you will find a Glyph Guard and some stairs. At the top of the stairs, you will find a switch to the right that opens the door there. On the other side of the door, you will find a Checkpoint ahead. On the other side of the Checkpoint, you will be able to kill a Glyph Guard. After he is dead, a Sarafan Guard will come through the door. The other side of the door leads to the prison area of the Sarafan Keep. Go down the right side to the floor and kill the 2 Innocents that are chained to the wall. Now make your way up the other side and make your way to the middle level on the opposite side from where you started. Enter the open room at the far end and get the Red Lore Chest. Now make your way to the top of that side and kill the Sarafan Guard there. Now go back to the first side and head to the door to the far left from where you entered. You can't go through yet but that is your goal. Climb the ladder on the central structure that is near that door and flip the switch at the top. Now go back to the side of the room where you killed the Sarafan Guard. Enter the central structure via the walkway and doorway. Flip the switch inside and then make your way back to the top of the central structure again. Now flip the switch again and you can go through the aforementioned door. In this smaller room here go to the elevator and flip the switch to go up to the next floor. From the elevator go forward and get the Checkpoint. Kill the Innocent in this room and then get the Weapons Chest. After that is done, go down the hallway and enter the room on the left. Flip the switch and go through the door at the end of the hall. You are now in a huge area with ward gates to the left and right. Go into the room in front of you and kill the 2 Sarafan Knights. Now CHARM the Innocent on the upper level of the room and make him walk out the open door and flip the switch in the hallway outside. Now go back into the large hall you were in a moment ago and go through the now open ward gate to your left. In here, go to the right a few steps and you will find a Checkpoint. In this large cathedral type of room, there is a large picture of the Sarafan Lord defeating Kain and a pool in the center of the room. There are 2 Sarafan Knights in here and an Innocent. Once all have been disposed of, go through the doorway opposite where you entered this area. In the next large area, approach the grating near the ward gate. The woman in there tells you to assassinate someone and they are just arriving in the hall. Go back to the room with the picture and you will find an "Innocent" and a Sarafan Knight. Once they are dead, go back to the woman and she will open the ward gate (sadly, you don't get to kill the woman). On the other side of the ward gate you will find 2 Innocents and a Sarafan Knight. Once all are dead, follow the hallway around until you come to another elevator, you know what to do. On the next floor, a Sarafan Knight will come out of a room in front of you. After he is dead, go down the hallway to the right and enter the room in this hall. Get the Red Lore Chest in this room and then go back down to the room that the Sarafan Knight came out of. In this room you will find an Innocent. Now go to the end of the main hall and JUMP across to another hallway. Making your way down the hall, flip the switch that you find that will lower the ladder down to the first floor. Now continue down this hallway and JUMP across the gap and move down the hall. Around the corner you will find a Sarafan Knight and the Innocent you used earlier. When they are dead, make your way to the door opposite where you enter this room again only on the top floor. When you get to that door, flip the switch and then enter the door. In the hallway behind that door you will find a Checkpoint. Now continue through the door at the end of this hall. You will be in a large room with a total of 6 Sarafan Knights down on the floor, but only 1 remains for the moment. Drop down to the floor below and kill the remaining Sarafan Knight. Once he is dead, flip the switch beside the door and another one will come out. Kill this one also and then go to the top floor. Kill the Innocent up there and go through the door. Now in the next room, you will find a Sarafan Knight and an Innocent. When they are both dead, enter the elevator and flip the switch to go to the next floor. You will come out in a large room with a spiral staircase. Go to the top and flip the switch, there is also an Innocent on the floor. After flipping the switch, drop to the floor and go through the doors that are past the elevator. Now walking through the hallway, kill the Sarafan Guard at the other end. In the room beyond you will hear an Innocent and a Sarafan Knight arguing. Wait until the Innocent is killed and then kill the Sarafan Knight. Climb the stairs in this room and flip the switch on the other side to open a door on the bottom part of the room just below you. Now go through this now open door and you will see an Innocent on the other side of the closed doors. CHARM the Innocent and make him flip the switch in the room and then kill him. Go up the spiral staircase in this room and get the Red Lore Chest at the top. Now drop down to the bottom and enter the walkway beneath the staircase. Do not go down the hall here just yet, go under the stairs until you can't go anymore and get the Red Lore Chest there as well. Now go down the hallway you passed a moment ago. Here you will find a Checkpoint. Beyond the Checkpoint you will find a Sarafan Guard. Kill him and then flip the switch that he was guarding. Go through the doors outside. Out here there are 2 Sarafan Guards and a Glyph Knight. Treat the Glyph Knight the same as you do the Sarafan Knight. Once they are all dead, go around to the far side of the area where the second Sarafan Guard was patrolling and flip the switch there. Now flip the switch in front of the door that the Glyph Knight was guarding. Enter the doors and you will find Umah but you cannot get to her yet. Go to the statue near the door and pull it towards the door once. Now a door will open in the side of the building. Go outside and flip the switch on the side of the cell again to move the glyph gate and then go back inside to Umah via the side door. End of level. ========================================================================== Chapter Six: The Industrial Quarter "The Nexus Stone" ========================================================================== As you begin the level, you just snuck into a building. Kill the 2 Innocents in the room. You will also notice a closed door to the right of the entrance that you will soon open. For now take the only path out of the room and down through a hallway. You will also come across some new enemies in this level. Follow the hallway all the way to the end where you come to a room with some equipment and 2 more Innocents. (I hope I don't need to tell you to kill them all still.) You will find 2 switches in this room. One is a directional switch and the other is a normal one. Flip the directional switch so that it is pointing to the right, and then flip the other switch. Now go back to the beginning room and flip the switch to the closed door. Go back to where the 2 switches are in the back room and flip the directional over to the left. Now go back to the beginning room and upstairs. Upstairs you will eventually come to a room with an Innocent and a Sarafan Knight. You will also find a Red Lore Chest and a switch to open the far door. From the other side of the door just follow the path until you reach the Checkpoint. In the room beyond the Checkpoint, you will find 2 Innocents. There is also a switch to open the door near the entrance of this larger room to the next room. In this next room you will meet your first Female Sarafan Guard (I will refer to these characters as Sarafan Guards as well as their male counterparts.) Treat these characters like stronger versions of the Thieves. Flip the switch and climb the ladder to the next floor. Up top get the Red Lore Chest before going through the door. On the other side of the door, turn right and go to the Checkpoint. Now you are in a large outside area and Vorador will have a short conversation with you. First off, ignore the Sarafan Guards on the bridge for now. Instead go straight to the ground. On the ground, on the far side from where you began you will find a switch that you will need to flip to proceed. On the ground there are also 2 Innocents and a Sarafan Guard. When that is all taken care of, find the platform with the ladder that leads down to the ground and climb up the ladder. There is an Innocent up here as well. Now make your way around using the JUMP gift and get to the pile of boxes to the left of where you came in. Up here, there is a Blue Lore Chest. After getting that, climb to the top of the boxes and then jump to the bridge. On the bridge eliminate the 2 Sarafan Guards and then proceed across the bridge. Flip the switch on the other side and enter the door. In this area on the other side of the door, you will encounter 2 Male Guards (to be referred to as Guards from now on), and 3 Innocents. Enter the room to the left and flip the switch in there. Then enter the room on the other side of the door that you just opened to get the Checkpoint. From the Checkpoint, get onto the elevator platform and you will be taken to a large room with a strange contraption hanging from the ceiling. There are also 2 Sarafan Guards walking around the top. After you are finished with them, drop to the floor and kill the 2 Innocents and flip the 4 switches. Then go back to the top and flip the switch there. A block will come out of one of the doors on the conveyor belt and will stop in the middle of the room and get "powered-up". Stay on the conveyor belt behind the cube and the instant you get into the next room, jump off of the conveyor belt unless you want to die. Get the Red Lore Chest and then exit the room and go outside. Did you ever wonder what would happen if you gave a monkey a grenade? You're about to find out... Anyway, you will find 1 body outside the building, and 1 inside the building. Inside the building there are also 2 Innocents and 2 Guards. Once all are dead, make your way to the top where you will find a switch and a Checkpoint. Once you flip the switch to open the door, go through and get onto the "gondola" so that it can carry you to another part of the level. When you get off of the gondola there are 3 Innocents waiting on the platform along with a Checkpoint. Then climb the ladder to the next platform up. You will be doing this for a couple of levels going up so I won't repeat it. Along the way you will find 3 Sarafan Guards. At the end of the path you will find a large door that just happens to be closed and a switch beside it. Once you are inside, get the Checkpoint. Now climb the ladder. On this upper level here there are 2 Sarafan Knights. There is also a Blue Lore Chest. When all of that is done, go to the other side and flip the switch to gain access to the elevator. Once on the elevator flip the switch there to go up. Once you are up as high as the elevator will take you exit through the door. On the other side of the door, turn left and get the Checkpoint. Move along this outside ridge and kill the 2 Guards on your way to the elevator. (I hope that you are drinking all of the blood that you can. If you are, then you will be very strong at the end.) When you get to the elevator get on it to go down. At the bottom you will be attacked by 2 Glyph Guards. Along the way across here close to the elevator, you will also find a Blue Lore Chest. Now run across to the other end of the area. Just follow along the marked path and you will soon come to another Guard. After disposing of him, proceed forward and enter the door that you soon will come across. Once you are back inside get the Checkpoint. Just follow along the corridor and you will soon come to a room with a Glyph Guard and an Innocent. When they are dead, go through the other door via a switch beside that door. You are now in a room with large machines. You can see a way through near where you entered. That is the conveyor belt. Now go past the conveyor belt and flip the switch that you find there. Now take the conveyor belt to the other side. On the other side you find another Checkpoint. (If you don't think I am giving you enough detail here, well believe me, I am giving you all that you really need. Trust me... well you do or else you wouldn't be using this guide. Thanks for using this guide.) In the next room use the MIST to kill the 2 Guards and Glyph Guard. Then flip the switch near the closed door and exit the room. In this room there is a large round window. Stand up against the far wall so you are facing the window (believe me), and use CHARM on one of the Innocents to make one of them go over to the explosives and give you entrance to the room. You will be able to get the blood from all 3 bodies. Then proceed out the other exit and into the caves. You will soon come to a small room where rocks are falling in and there are 3 bodies and 1 Innocent. First, take the exit that is in front of where you came from to get a Red Lore Chest, and then take the other exit to continue along. When you get to the next room again CHARM an Innocent to make him flip the switch to let you into the room. There are 2 Innocents, a Guard and a Glyph Guard. When you get to the other end, flip the switch to get to the next room. Once you are in this next room CHARM the Innocent on the other side of the window to your right and then get the 2 Innocents in the same room with you. Walk to the far end of the room and get on the conveyor belt. On the other side kill your helper. Walk through the doorway and you will find a Checkpoint. Use the MIST to help you kill the 2 Guards. Once they are dead, use the switch in this room to open the door to the next area. Once again in this new room take and flip the switch near the conveyor belt and then CHARM the Innocent and make her walk across her conveyor belt and into the room beyond. Have her flip the switch that will open the doors to your conveyor belt so that you can get into the large room. In this large room you will find 2 Guards. Once they are dead, go into the room where the Innocent started and kill her then get the Blue Lore Chest. Next, go into another room that was already open and kill the Innocent in there then flip the switch to open the door and move into the room beyond. In this room you see 2 Guards, and explosives. How much are you going to touch? None. Use MIST to slip into the room beyond the Guards and you will find 2 Innocents in the room in the back. Kill one of them and CHARM the other one. Make sure that you are standing at the back wall of that far room and make the Innocent set off the explosives. When you go outside, you will find a total of 4 bodies. I'm not sure where the other one comes from, but we'll take it. Now get on the other side of where the blockage was and take the elevator up. At the top of the elevator you will find a Checkpoint. In front of the elevator you will find a Guard walking along. Kill him and then in the room beyond, you will find 2 more Guards and 2 Glyph Guards. After all are done, climb up to the upper platform on the far end and get the Red Lore Chest and flip the switch to open the door beneath where the switch is. In the room below that you just opened, get the Checkpoint. CHARM the Innocent in the adjacent room and have her flip the 2 switches that she has access to. Enter the Innocent's area and kill her then hop on the back conveyor belt to go to another room. CHARM one of the Innocents in the room in front of you and have them flip 2 of the switches on the far side of the room and then the 1 switch in the corner near you. Now go back to the room with the Checkpoint and hop onto the new conveyor and enter the room you were just looking into. There are 2 Innocents in here and a Guard. Then move into the room across the other side of the area and kill the Innocent in there. If you have trouble finding this room, just follow the trains. Now get onto the elevator in this room and flip the switch to take it up to the next area. At the top, turn left and kill the Innocent and then go around to the other side and go up the stairs. At the top of the stairs, you find a Guard and 3 Innocents. Now go to the stopper near the top of the stairs and push it onto the train tracks and then push the other one at the other side of the room and push it off of the tracks. Now take and flip the switch on the control box and watch the fun. Go through the new hole in the wall and get the Checkpoint. Now follow along the path and you will come across a Glyph Guard and a Guard. Once they are dead, JUMP across the opening in the ground and up the other side and there you find another Guard. Follow along the path and you will come to a couple of rooms. The first room has and exit to your right and one in front of you. Take the exit in front of you first and you will find a Blue Lore Chest. Now go and take the other exit where you will find a Checkpoint and a Boss Arena. Boss Battle: Sebastian Okay, at first just block his attacks and use FURY to knock him into the steam for the first few times. Each time you do this he will come back at you like a bat out of hell. Just make sure to watch out for his red attack. When he does, just jump back. Soon after a few rounds of that he will start running on the walls and a purple beam will appear beneath the Nexus Stone. Watch him and wherever he stops, put the beam between you and him when he hits the beam it will hurt him. After this happens a couple of times, he will have the platform in the center raised and he will begin attacking the Nexus Stone. Knock him off of the platform and CHARM the Innocent in the room and make them flip the switch to the right. Now it is a simple matter of block and using FURY until he is dead. In the end you get BERSERK, and the Nexus Stone. End of level. ========================================================================== Chapter Seven: The Canyons "Wild Places" ========================================================================== You start in a small cave. When you gain control of Kain just walk forward to the opening and then you will be in a large area. In this area is a Sarafan Knight that you have to kill. You will also find a Red Lore Chest in this area. Beside the Red Lore Chest is a path leading up to some more caves. On the way up you will find 2 Innocents. Once you are in these new caves just walk along until you come to an area with 2 Guards and some mist. After they have been disposed of continue along your happy path until you come to a lone Guard with some metal grating behind her. You will find a hole in the left side of the wall that you need to go through. Now jump/climb up the rock wall in front of you and follow this tunnel to the exit. Outside you will find a large area with some giant wheels attached to a building. There are 2 Guards in this area as well. Once the guards have been disposed of, use CHARM on the Innocent in the building and make him go upstairs and flip the switch at the top. Now make Kain go up the stairs near where you entered the area and push the block up there under the grating so that it can't close. Now go and CHARM the Innocent again and make him flip the switch once again. Hop on the giant wheel that was just activated and take it to the top and jump off onto the wooden platform connected to the grating. Just on the other side of the grating you find the Checkpoint. Use JUMP to make it across the rocks and water. When you get clear and in the open, you will notice that you are back in the main large area from the beginning. Now look towards the structure to the left and you will see a platform with a Red Lore Chest. Now enter the building there via the hole in the wall. Go all the way to the bottom and there you will find a Sarafan Guard and a Red Lore Chest. Now make your way back up and you will come across an Innocent in the upper floors before the door. When you get to the top, you will find a door to enter. On the other side of the door you will find a Sarafan Knight and 2 Innocents. Now enter the other door to the area and make your way down the stairs to the bottom. Along the way you will find an Innocent. At the bottom is a Checkpoint. Go to the switch on the wall and flip it and then quickly go to the doors on the ground level and open one of them. This is the gate to the next part of the level. Go outside and then enter the doors immediately to your right. On the other side of the gate you will be attacked by 2 Sarafan Guards and a Sarafan Knight. There is also an Innocent to be slaughtered. Once you are done with all of them, you will have noticed some buildings in the area, enter the doors to the furthest away one and go upstairs and flip the switch there and then go back outside. Beside the doors that you just entered you will see a directional switch for the glyph energy. turn it so that it is pointing left and then flip the other switch there then enter the large gates that you just opened to get the Checkpoint. Take and follow this large tunnel along the way and soon you will come to 2 Guards and an Innocent. When they are all dead move along and you will soon come to a bridge that a Guard is so thoughtfully chopping down. Make sure to savor that kill. Follow the tunnel to it's end from here. Outside, you will find 3 Innocents and a Blue Lore Chest to the right. Then get the Checkpoint before moving on. Past the Checkpoint you will encounter 4 Guards and an Innocent. Most of them will be dead though. After you are finished with them, jump onto the car type thing and then JUMP to the ledge with the Red Lore Chest and then climb to the highest point there and JUMP across to a ledge where there are 2 Guards. Now that they are dead, move along the marked path and enter the mine shaft. Move along and eventually you will find a hole with a rope leading down. Jump down that hole and at the bottom you will find a Checkpoint. Moving past the Checkpoint, when you first enter the next room immediately go to the left and all the way to the back wall. There you will find a Blue Lore Chest. Move along through the room until you come to an elevator. Along the way you will find 3 Guards. In the elevator flip the switch and you will go up. At the top you will be in a large room where you will see a Guard standing near a ramp. After killing the guard, walk up the ramp and you will then pass 2 sets of metal grating. Stop at the last one and CHARM the Innocent inside making him flip the switch releasing the other Innocent. Now CHARM the other Innocent and make him go up the stairs and flip the switch to open the door. Now have him flip the other switch that lowers the ladder. Now have Kain climb the ladder and first go and kill the Innocent. Now go to the other side of the walkway and flip the switch there. The door is open, but for a very short period of time. You cannot kill the first Innocent that you saw in the cells below. So at the base of the stairs you will find an opening and some doors with a switch that opens them. Flip the switch and follow the tunnel to the Checkpoint. Drop to the ground and move along the marked path in front of the buggy, and you will see a Glyph Beast kill a Sarafan Knight. See the enemies section for tips to defeating the Glyph Beast. Anyway, once it is dead, move along. Soon you will see a buggy but don't approach it yet. Instead go in the direction that it's rear is pointing, and you will find 2 Glyph Beasts. There is also a Weapons Chest up there with the second one. Now feel free to move down to the buggy and drink from the 2 bodies and the Red Lore Chest. Move along in front of the buggy now and you will come to another body and another Glyph Beast. Continue along the path and you will come to a small gatehouse with 3 Innocents in it and a Checkpoint. On the other side of the gatehouse, you will find 2 Sarafan Knights being attacked by 2 Glyph Beasts. Once all are dead walk along the path until you pass a large spider web on the left. Look behind the web and you will find a Blue Lore Chest. Now move along. Soon you will come to some large gates. Along the way you will meet another Glyph Beast. At the gate, you will see 2 bodies, a Sarafan Knight, and a Glyph Beast. Enter the left side of the gatehouse. Be very careful of the fire and make your way to the top. At the top, go through the door and across to the other side. On the other side, make your way down to the ground level and you will also meet another Innocent. Go outside through the doors. Outside you will see a Checkpoint. There is 1 Glyph Beast in this area. Beside the Checkpoint, go to the small wooden platform and flip the switch there. Now go behind the building on the right and get onto the roof. Now JUMP across to the other ledge there. You will find another Blue Lore Chest and a switch on that ledge. Now go back to the ground and CHARM the Innocent in the building. Have him flip the switch in there and catch a ride on the train. When you get off the train, you are in a large area. There is a Checkpoint dead ahead. In this area you will find 3 bodies. Now to begin the puzzle. Get to the wooden platform with 3 switches on it. Pull the left switch and the crane will swing in your direction. Now pull the middle switch and the crane will pick up a rock. Pull the right switch and then the middle switch again. Now go to the structure that is holding the boulder. Flip the switch beside the glyph symbol. Now go to the directional switch just around the corner beside the conveyor belt. Wait until the boulder disappears into the tunnel before you flip the directional switch. In a few seconds the door to the other side will open. Go to the other side and before you finish the puzzle go and get the 4 bodies and Blue Lore Chest. Now go back to the conveyor belt on this side. Flip the directional switch on this side and then quickly move to the other switch around the corner of the conveyor belt. Flip this switch when the boulder gets into the bend in the conveyor. Now it should go into the small building and come out on the other side into a small holding area. Go and find the crane control box for this side. Again 3 switches. Here is the order: left, middle, right, middle. Now you have blown out the gate and can proceed to the next area. Outside, you will kill an Innocent in the cut scene so drink his blood while you are there. You will also see a Checkpoint. Now make your way along the path and soon you will come to a Glyph Beast. Slightly beyond that Glyph Beast and to the left you will find a Weapons Chest also. The main thing to do in this area is to follow the train tracks. Near the end of the tracks you will find another Glyph Beast. At the end jump up onto the ledge to the left of the tracks and then JUMP to the lower ledge across the water. Now get on the top ledge and kill the 2 Innocents and move around the bend to the very top. From here JUMP across to the opposite ledge and the Checkpoint. On this ledge, walk forward and kill the waiting Glyph Beast and drain the body. Flip the switch and walk out through the gate. On this side of the gate there are 2 Glyph Beasts, an Innocent and a body. Now for another puzzle. You have to be quick this time to complete it. To the left of the path is the gate house that you must enter, but all the doors are locked. So go to the skeletal building across the street. Now look carefully and on the bottom level of the skeletal building is a switch. On the top of the building is a switch. JUMP across to the gate building from the top and into the opening in the top of the building. In the gate building right beside the top entrance is a switch as well. Remember these switches. Now take the stairs to the top of the building and get the Blue Lore Chest. Now go completely to the bottom of the building. Now is where you have to be quick. You must stay ahead of the glyph energy at all times or you have to start over again. CHARM the Innocent in the cage and then go up to the switch beside the top opening. Wait until the glyph energy is just above the floor and then flip the switch. JUMP across the gap to the skeletal building and wait on the top of it for the glyph energy. When the glyph energy gets close, flip the switch, then go down to the bottom and wait at that switch. Again when the glyph energy is close, flip the switch. Now the speedy part is over. Proceed past both buildings to where the glyph gate is and flip the switch there. You can now go past the glyph gate. Move along and you will find a Glyph Beast and a Sarafan Knight fighting. Kill the survivor. Then move along your merry way. Eventually you will come to another Checkpoint. Beyond the Checkpoint is an area with a windmill and a well and stuff. You will find 1 Glyph Beast alive and 3 dead ones. There is also a Red Lore Chest. Once you are done with all of that, go into the building at the end. Here you meet The Witch. She is not an enemy. You get TELEKENESIS from her and she teleports you to another area. In this area, use TELEKENESIS on the symbol that she showed to you and proceed down the tunnel that you just opened. That is the end of the level. ========================================================================== Chapter Eight: The Eternal Prison "Bad Blood" ========================================================================== When you begin the level, just follow the path marked by the lanterns. And make sure to be careful! One false step is death for you. Soon you will come to a bridge that has collapsed so JUMP to the other side. On the other side, use TELEKENESIS on the switch above the door and then enter the Eternal Prison. In the entrance room, you meet one of the Jailers but you don't fight any of them yet. After the "greeting" that you receive, walk around to the back of the center structure and make your way to the very top of it. When you are standing on the very top of the upper part of that structure, turn and face the left wall (as you entered the area) and JUMP to the ledge in front of you. From there, turn left and when you are between 2 flames JUMP across the room again. When you land, climb the ladder. At the top of the ladder, turn and once again when you are between 2 flames JUMP across to the opposite ledge. At the top of this ledge you will also find a Blue Lore Chest. Now walk to the back of the room and jump to the staircase that you couldn't reach before. It is the one marked with 2 blue flames. Enter the door there and get the Checkpoint. Beyond the Checkpoint drop down the hole. At the bottom you will be attacked by 2 Giant Spiders. When they are dead, the door to the next room will open. In this room there is another Giant Spider to play with. Now go into the rear left cell and flip the switch here. 2 more Giant Spiders will be released. Once they are done drop through the hole in the floor. In the room below, approach the Red Lore Chest to the right of where you land and you will be stopped by another Jailer. Then a second one will appear behind you and flip the switch on the central machine. Now you will instantly be teleported to a new area of the level. Climb out of the hole and get the Checkpoint. Go to the front opening to the structure you are in and JUMP across the chasm to the opposite building. Use TELEKENESIS on the switch above the door and go inside to kill 2 Giant Spiders. Use TELEKENESIS on the switch above the back door and go outside again. JUMP across the chasm here to another building. Again, TELEKENESIS on the outside and inside doors and 2 Giant Spiders. Walk across the bridge and you get to fight your first Jailer. They are easy, just block then use BERSERK. Once done with that walk down the stairs in front of you and into the room below. You can now get that Red Lore Chest you saw earlier. Go to the machine in the center of the room and flip the switch there and go through the door that opens. On the other side of the door you will find a Checkpoint. Continue walking down the stairs and eventually you will find an Innocent and a TELEKENESIS switch. Now climb up the new stairs to the top and enter the door up there. You appear on a narrow walkway with a Checkpoint in front of you. Now on this large structure you will find 4 Innocents and then enter the center building through the front and flip the switch. When you come back outside things are very different. Get on the lowest platform and start making your way around and across to the top where the door out of here is. You will have to fight and JUMP. There are a total of 8 ghosts, 4 Innocents, a Blue Lore Chest and a Checkpoint on the way to the top. Once at the top JUMP to the door in the center. There is a Checkpoint on the other side of the door. In the large room there will be a cage dropped and 2 Innocents will come out. They will be attacked by 2 Giant Spiders. Inside the cage there is a Red Lore Chest. When all of that is done, jump to the top of the cage and then jump to the ledge on the wall. On the ledge is an Innocent and a switch. The switch lowers another cage so you can use it to go higher. From the second cage jump to the middle ledge and you will find 2 Innocents and 2 bodies. Then go back to the cages and go all the way to the top. There you will find 2 Innocents. In the center cell on the top ledge you will find an Innocent. CHARM her and have her open the cell. Enter the cell and follow it to the back and into another large room. There is also a Checkpoint along the way. Go past the Checkpoint and into the room at the end of the hall. Use TELEKENESIS on the switch on the far side of the room and a large cage will be lowered with 2 Innocents coming out. 3 Giant Spiders will also attack. Once all are gone, enter the center cell and climb the ladder to the next floor up. The second floor is ringed in jail cells. Open each one via the switch beside it and you will find 2 Innocents and a ladder to the third floor. On the third floor, CHARM the Innocent outside of the cell you climb up into. Outside, you find more cells like below. Here you find a Red Lore Chest, Weapons Chest, and an Innocent. There will be one cell in the corner that you need to CHARM the Innocent inside to get in. Inside that cell there is also a ladder to the fourth floor. On the fourth floor, go to the center of the ledge and flip the switch there and that will raise the cell you lowered earlier. Now go back down to the third floor and climb the cell and then JUMP to the ledge on the far side and get the Checkpoint. Beside the Checkpoint there is an Innocent. After you are done with that, enter the hallway beyond that and you will go to another large room. In this room make your way to the top of the room and along the way get 4 Innocents. Now at the top look at the upper section of the wall from the direction you entered. You will be able to get a Blue Lore Chest in that back room. Now go to the room on the opposite side and CHARM the Innocent inside. Have her flip the switch. Once you are inside the room you will be attacked by 2 Jailers. Once they die the other gate opens up so you can proceed. Use TELEKENESIS on this switch and when the door opens, proceed. Walk forward in the next huge room and you will get a Checkpoint there. Beyond the Checkpoint, you will come to a river of sorts and you will meet another Jailer. Use TELEKENESIS on the switch on the other side of the river. Now walk across the bridge and flip the switch behind the TELEKENESIS switch. Now go back across and use TELEKENESIS on the switch again then exit the room. In the hallway beyond, you will get a Checkpoint. Beyond the Checkpoint just keep going and you will meet the boss for this level. However, you are far from where you will fight him. He does however give you 3 bodies to drink the blood from (while you are keeping him at bay of course). No matter how much damage you do to him now, he is unstoppable. Once you drink the blood from the 3 bodies run like hell through the rest of the hallway in the direction you were headed. At the end of the hallway you get a narrow escape. On the upper floor beside the open door you will find a Blue Lore Chest. At the end of this hall you will come to another room with a Jailer and an Innocent in it. There is also a Weapons Chest in this room. Now go through the other exit to the room and proceed to the Checkpoint in the next room. From the Checkpoint just keep moving. The next room has an Innocent in it. On the far side of the room there is a Blue Lore Chest, but as you approach it you will be attacked by 2 Jailers (one at a time). When all is done go through the exit at the end of the room. Keep running along until you come to a room with a Innocent and a grated floor. Look through the floor and you will be able to see an Innocent below. CHARM that Innocent and have them flip the switch on the wall down there. Now up here a door will open for you to move on. Proceed down this new hall and you will find another Checkpoint. As quickly as you can get across the bridge in the next area and use TELEKENESIS on the switch beside the bridge on the side you came from. The reason for this hurry is that your "friend" is after you. Once he takes a dip, go through the door that opens behind you. In the hall on the other side of the door you will see a Checkpoint. In this area you will also be able to get 10 Innocents, a Jailer, and a Blue Lore Chest on your way to the next room. In the center of this room is something that should be very familiar by now. The directions I give for this room are from where you first entered it (as in now). JUMP across to the center platform and use TELEKENESIS on the switch above where you came from. Now go back over to the other side and flip the switch on that side of the bridge. Now JUMP to the center again and cross the now moved bridge. In that area you will find 2 Innocents and a Jailer. Use TELEKENESIS on the switch in this area and then move back over to the switch that moves the bridge. Flip that switch 2 times and then cross the bridge to the new area. Flip the switch over in this area then return to the center platform. You have released the prisoner you came for. After you are done with it, then flip the switch on the center platform. You are now transported to another version of this center room and ahead you will see a Checkpoint in front of the door out. Once you get the Checkpoint you will be attacked by 2 Jailers. Once they are dead the door to the next room opens. In this room there are 2 Innocents. As you enter the hallway on the other side, flip the switch on your left. And then proceed to the room beyond. The lights will go out and then come back on and your "friend" is in front of you. Knock him down and then run past him. Flip the switch that you come to in the next room to activate a bridge and then run across. On the other side flip the switch there that will retract the bridge and then enter the room beyond. Follow the hallway around to a Checkpoint. Beyond the Checkpoint is a dark room that looks empty. Walk forward and you will realize that it is a maze. Just follow the maze around and you will be able to get 2 Blue Lore Chests along the way. There are also 3 traps that you will encounter. This happens when the spikes completely surround you. When this happens, use TELEKENESIS on the switch that you will find nearby. Soon you will be able to find your way out of this room. In the hallway going outside you will find a Checkpoint. Boss Battle: Magnus For the first few attacks stand close behind the statues and he will blow them up one by one. After he destroys one he will be vulnerable for a few seconds. Use TELEKENESIS to knock him off of the platform. DO NOT LET HIM CATCH YOU IN THE OPEN! Soon he will run down another hall screaming that water is not his friend. In the next arena, you will see 4 Jailer statues. Get him to run into each one and that will expose the TELEKENESIS switch in the bottom of each one. After all of them are exposed and activate each switch. This will rebuild a very large statue. Now get him to run into the bottom of the staff at the base of the statue to destroy that balance point and then have him run into the base a couple more times and the battle will be over. The level is done and you get IMMOLATE from this boss. Use this as your rage attack from here out. ========================================================================== Chapter Nine: The Device "Into the Depths" ========================================================================== NOTE: You will be surprised at how short this level is. Walk through the door that the beast opens for you into a dark tunnel. In that tunnel you will find a Checkpoint. (I think it was a bit too early for one myself, but I didn't make this game.) You fight your first Hylden on the floor of the room you come to. Once it is dead, flip the switch that will let you into the area beyond. Go through the new hall and when you come to a bigger one go left and get the Blue Lore Chest. After getting that, head in the other direction. In the tunnels like this one you will see arm like things attached to the walls. Some of them will attack you, the way to tell is to look at them and they will be constantly moving back and forth slightly. The way to avoid them is to walk along the opposite wall. Just around the bend ahead is a Checkpoint. Still in the tunnel keep moving along and soon you will find a Hylden to keep you busy. When it is dead enter the room it came out of. In this room, JUMP to the opposite ledge and hop through the broken window and into the next room. Now drop down to the floor and flip both of the switches down there. You will also find a Blue Lore Chest. Once you have opened both doors, enter the one to the right. There will be a Hylden waiting for you. Enter the room it left and use TELEKENESIS on the switch on the upper level. Now get on the elevator and take it to the top and enter the other room up there. In this last room you will find an Innocent on the floor. Now JUMP across the room and flip the switch on the far ledge of the upper level. Now that that is done make your way back out to the main tunnel. Along the way you will meet a Glyph Beast. In the main tunnel walk to the end that was blocked a few moments ago and flip the door switch there. In this next room there are 2 Innocents and a Weapons Chest. Now in the tunnel beyond go all the way to the end going past the doorway you come to. At the end of the tunnel you will find a Hylden. Once it is dead look through the window and use TELEKENESIS on the right switch. Now go back to that doorway you passed and use TELEKENESIS on the switch there. CHARM the Innocent in the room below and have him flip the switch down there. Now the switch at the end of the tunnel will open and you can go to the next area. On the other side of the door you will find a Checkpoint. Keep moving down this section of tunnel and you find a Hylden, Glyph Beast and an Innocent. After the Glyph Beast dies the Hylden runs off. Don't worry it won't go far. Go into the room that the Innocent and Glyph Beast came out of and you will find a Blue Lore Chest. Now go down the tunnel that the Hylden ran down. In this new room once you are done with the Hylden, drop to the floor and flip the switch you find down there. There is also a Glyph Beast down there. Once you have flipped the switch, go and CHARM the Innocent upstairs and have him flip the switch. Now 2 giant pistons will start working. When you are on the second one jump to the far ledge above the opposite walkway and you will get a Blue Lore Chest. Now head down the tunnel at the end of the walkway. Head down the tunnel at the end of this little one and you will find a Checkpoint. Just beyond the Checkpoint you will encounter a Hylden Warrior and a Hylden. Beyond them you can see a switch in the distance. JUMP over to that ledge and then use TELEKENESIS on the switch below the water. Now jump down into the lowest area and flip the switch down there. Once that is done, climb out of the pit and then JUMP back to the ledge with the switch on it to open the door. In the tunnel beyond, there is an Innocent and once he is dead, enter the room he was near. In this room drop to the floor and kill the Hylden Warrior and flip the switch down there. Now go up to the top and flip the switch that you have access to then proceed out of the room on the other side. On the way be sure to drain the dead Hylden on the way out. Now just follow this walkway to an area with a Hylden and a Hylden Warrior then proceed down the tunnel until you come to a broken window. Jump through the window and you will be able to get a Blue Lore Chest. Now go back outside and CHARM the Innocent on the other side of the force field and have him flip the switch in that area. Now go back through the broken window and jump to the now accessible far ledge and into the room beyond near the switch that you just had the Innocent flip. In here there is an Hylden Warrior and of course the aforementioned Innocent. Go through the doorway that is in that area and in the tunnel on the other side you will find a Checkpoint. Follow this tunnel along and you will be able to get an Innocent and a Hylden Warrior. Now take and in the glass tunnel use TELEKENESIS on the switch. Then CHARM the Innocent below and have him walk across the bridge and then use TELEKENESIS on the wall switch again. Now again CHARM the Innocent and have him flip the switch over near where he is. Feel free to go down the tunnel to the next Checkpoint. Just beyond the Checkpoint you will find a Hylden and a Glyph Beast. Enter the room that is at the end of the tunnel and fight the Hylden in there. Climb to the top of the highest ledge in the room and flip the switch up there and then get to the floor. Now take and look across the water and you will see a ledge that you can JUMP to. After jumping there, flip the switch there. Now if you look there is a ledge beyond that that you can jump to that has a Blue Lore Chest. Now drop down to the very bottom and pull the "plug" out of the wall and climb the ladder back up to the main section. There will be a Glyph Beast waiting for you. Once it is dead, enter the area it was in and go into the room beyond that. In here there is a Hylden and a switch. You know the drill. Now go back into the large room that you were in and go back to the highest ledge and enter the newly accessible area. Now in this next room, take and climb up the ledge that is directly in front of you and then turn left. Go into that small room there to get a Weapons Chest. Now just work your way through these rooms and you will make it to the other side easily. In the room before you leave this area, you will be able to get a Blue Lore Chest. In the area beyond you will see a doorway and a Hylden. Once the Hylden is dead though, go past the door and you will be able to get a Blue Lore Chest. Now go through the doorway and into the room beyond. In this room get the Checkpoint. Now climb onto the box beside the Checkpoint and JUMP to the ledge across the room and you will get another Blue Lore Chest. Now drop to the floor and enter the area below the ledges and you will find a Hylden Warrior and a tunnel. At the end of the tunnel it is a trap. Quickly, CHARM the Innocent and get the hell out of there. Now outside kill the Hylden and the Innocent also. Jump into the next room and flip the switch there then go down and into the red elevator. At the bottom, you will find a Hylden Warrior. Now move to the other side of the room and flip the switch there to get the elevator. That is all the rest of this level is. You will get a Checkpoint at the top of the elevator. Beyond the Checkpoint here is the rest of the level; 1 Glyph Beast, 1 TELEKENESIS switch, 2 Innocents, 3 Elevator Switches, 2 Hylden, 1 Hylden Warrior, 1 JUMP gap, and 1 Bridge Switch. End of Level. ========================================================================== Chapter Ten: The Wharves "Betrayal" ========================================================================== At the beginning of this level Umah steals the Nexus Stone from you and then disappears. Go forward toward the gate in the distance. Along the way you will have to go through 3 Sarafan Knights. At the gate CHARM the Innocent and have her flip the switch. Now enter the door to the right and proceed along. In this room you find a Checkpoint. Now go through the door beyond the Checkpoint. Outside you come to a gate where you need a password to get through. There are 4 Innocents to the right. And beyond them lies a gate that you need to go through. At the gate flip the switch to go through. On the other side of the gate is the docks. In this section of them there is an 2 Innocents and a Glyph Knight. Further down you will come to an open door on the right, but go past that for now. Go and kill the 2 Sarafan Knights first. Now back in the open door, you will find a timed puzzle of sorts. Flip the glyph switch and then move along ahead of the glyph energy and flip the connector switch to keep the glyph energy moving. Now follow along and you will find 2 more switches like that which will lead to a switch at the end which will activate a lighthouse. Now go back down to where the Sarafan Knights were. Now JUMP across to the docks to the right. Where you land you will find a Blue Lore Chest and 2 Innocents that slip the password. Climb the ladder beyond the Innocents and you will get a Blue Lore Chest. Now move past where the ladder is and you will find a gate and switch. On the other side of the gate you are back in the area from earlier where you needed the password to proceed. Give the Innocent the password and then move along through. In this area to the right you find a Blue Lore Chest, to the left a Checkpoint. On the other side of the Checkpoint is another gate and switch. On the other side of the gate is another lighthouse. Carefully jump onto the crates and use TELEKENESIS on the switch. Once the ship has moved out, JUMP across to the other section of the docks. There is a Glyph Knight and 2 Innocents over there. Now just follow along the path across the water and climb the ladder to the top. Enter the door that you come to. Now in the back section of the room you will find a crate, push it onto the dark section of the floor in this area and it will fall through. On the bottom floor push the crate onto the golden square and the door will become unlocked. Now on the outside move along the path until you come to where there is an open doorway on the right. Along the way you will find a Sarafan Knight. Beyond the doorway are some stairs that you need to go up. Just move along and you will be able to get a Blue Lore Chest. And beyond that an Innocent will give you some information. Enter the door he was guarding and you will be back on the docks with a Checkpoint. Out here you will find 2 Innocents. Beyond the Innocents is a ladder that you can climb up. At the top of the ladder you will find a Blue Lore Chest. Now back on the ground there is a Glyph Knight down on the docks. Beyond him you will find that 2 archers will shoot at you in the open area and you cannot kill them. So proceed carefully across the open section and enter the building on the other side. In this building you will find a Sarafan Knight and a Glyph Knight. If you go up the stairs to the top you will find a Blue Lore Chest. Now go to the directional switch that the Glyph Knight was guarding and flip it. Enter the room on the left that you just opened and flip the switch. Now go and flip the directional switch again, then flip the switch in the room on the right. Directional switch again and then left room switch again. Now go back outside and a ship will be docking. The drawbridge between the archers will go down and you have to go in there. There is also a Checkpoint. In this area you will be attacked by 2 Glyph Knights. Go down and into the next area via the open gate and you will see a Glyph Knight and a Sarafan Guard. When they are dead, head to the open building on the opposite side of the crates in the middle of the area. There will be 2 bodies there just as soon as the crate falls. Enter the building and follow the walkway all the way to the back corner. There will be 3 switches up here and you need to maneuver the crate out the top window by using the 3 switches. A Glyph Beast will be released and it does some of your dirty work for you. Now go through the gate that the Glyph Beast smashed. On the other side you will find Umah. Now you kill her! Once the cut scene is done drain the blood from the 2 bodies with blood in them. Move on around the corner. Around the corner you will find the Glyph Beast. Beyond it there are 2 Sarafan Guards. Now go to the gate behind them and CHARM the Innocent that is walking around on the other side. Have him go up to the crane control box around the corner and flip the switch to move the box and kill the Sarafan Guard on the gate. Make sure to kill the Innocent too when you get to him. Now just follow the path along and you will come to a Checkpoint. Moving down this alley you will find 2 Glyph Guards that you can kill. At the end enter the last door on the right. Inside you will find 2 Glyph Guards and a Checkpoint. On the other side of the Checkpoint is a Blue Lore Chest. Now go out the door and back to the docks. On the other side of the door is another Checkpoint. Now in this area be wary of the boat that is patrolling the waterways. If you are spotted arrows are fired at you. Move along to the right of the door and near the end you will find a break in the fence, JUMP across the water and you will fight a Glyph Knight. Move down the area and you will find another Glyph Knight. Enter the area on the end and guess what more JUMPING and boats firing on you. I won't need to tell you where to JUMP at or where to cross. It's pretty obvious. In this area there are 3 Glyph Knights. Enter the door that the last Glyph Knight was guarding and go inside the building. Inside the door is a Checkpoint. In this building you will find 3 Innocents and then head upstairs. Up here you will find a Red Lore Chest and an Innocent. Go out the door where the Innocent was and then go outside to the docks again. It looks the same but it's not the same area as before. Go left once you are outside and you will find 2 Sarafan Knights. Climb the ladder beyond them and then JUMP across to the opposite ledge. Hop into the window to the left. On the other side of the crates you will find a Red Lore Chest. Flip the switch in the elevator and you will be taken to ground level. On the ground there is a Checkpoint. Now take and CHARM the Innocent in the cell and have him lower the cage via the switch. A Hell Beast is released and it kills all 4 Sarafan Knights then flees the area. All of it's attacks are unblockable and you cannot kill it. You will encounter a few of these in the next level. Anyway, drain the 4 bodies and then have the Innocent lower the cage and get in. Now have him raise the cage with you in it and the level is over. ========================================================================== Chapter Eleven: The Hylden City "The Living End" ========================================================================== Welcome to Super Bowl XXXIV! This is the brawl for it all! Two teams go in and only one emerges as the winners. Eh? This isn't the Super Bowl! (click) Oh my God! Did you just see what Mankind did to the Undertaker! He just jumped off of that steel cage! He must be crazy! That had to be at least thirty feet!! Oops... I did it again... (click) Okay here we go the last level of Blood Omen 2. Believe me this level is simply gigantic! When you begin the level, get on the main land and take the path to the left up and around to the top. Eventually you will come to where there is a hole in the roof. There is also a Hylden along the way too. Drop through the hole and you will be looking through a window and into a decent sized room. Use TELEKENESIS on the switch on the other side of the room and the way into that room will magically open. It is the front door. So go back up to the top and work your way down to the front door. Along the way you will meet 3 Giant Spiders, and a Hylden. When you get in the front doors, drain the 2 bodies and get the Blue Lore Chest, then flip the switch to open the door. The Hell Beast is coming behind you but the elevator takes you down. At the bottom of the elevator is a Checkpoint. Go forward from the elevator and you will find 2 Innocents talking. Before you leave the room you will find a Blue Lore Chest. After getting some information from them the Hell Beast will return. Run around the corner to the left and make your way to the top of the walkway and you will find a Checkpoint. If you want to you can drain the blood from the bodies of the 2 Innocents if you wish, but it's risky at best. Enter the doorway just past the Checkpoint. Inside you will find 2 Hylden and 2 Innocents. Follow the path outside the other door and there you will find a Hylden Warrior. From the walkway that you are on, drop down to the ground and kill the Innocent there. You will also find 2 switches near the Innocent. One of them will open your way back into the building. Just flip the left one. Inside you will find 2 Innocents, a Hylden Warrior, and a Hylden. Once all are dead keep moving along and you will find the bodies of 2 Giant Spiders and a Blue Lore Chest. Keep Going. It's time to go back outside along the way you will find 2 Hylden Warriors and a Hylden. Find the door upstairs that will let you out. Outside there is a broken walkway. I recommend keeping moving. There is a Hell Beast and a Giant Spider. Where the walkway breaks, you will see a building to the left. Follow that building around the front and side and run around the far side. You will find another Giant Spider over there. Now take and climb the rocks on the side of the far building and then JUMP onto the walkway. Follow the walkway through the next door you come to. At the end of the hallway there is a Checkpoint. Outside drop to the ground and along the right wall there is a glyph generator. Push it over until it is in front of the dark spot in the wall. Now go up the walkway and into the door at the top. Inside look through the window and CHARM the Innocent and have him flip the switch in the center of the room. A Hell Beast will be released. Now go to the back room and flip the switch to turn off the machine. The Hell Beast will eventually come over into this area and when it is in the area in front of the window turn the machine back on and you will be able then to enter the large room. In this room you will find a Blue Lore Chest and 2 bodies. Once that is all done go to the front of the room where the bodies were and flip one of the switches. This will activate one of the lasers outside which will open the next building for you. Now go outside to that building and go in. In the next area CHARM the Innocent across from you and have him flip the switch. Now go down where the water was and push the box back into the light area. Then climb back up where you were and CHARM the Innocent again having him flood the area again. Now JUMP to the box and then jump onto the side of the building and flip the switch that you find. Now the water is once again drained out of the area. Run around to the large water wheel and hop onto one of the rotors. This will carry you up to the next floor. Follow the path to another large water filled area. Turn right and you will have to fight 2 Giant Spiders. Enter the door beyond where they were and flip the switch inside and then go back out. Drop to the ground and find the box on the far side of the room and push it so that it is both lined up with the door to the flood switch room and the hole in the wall near it. Now go into the next section on the other side of the wall and line the second box up with the first. From there go and flood the area again and then JUMP to the first box. And then JUMP to the second and third boxes. Now JUMP to the ledge outside the door and CHARM the Innocent inside making him flip the switch to open the door. Go inside and push the block you find off the edge and then go and drain the water from the area again. Now take the block you just dropped outside and push it forward as far as it can go and then to the right once. Now run up the ramp directly opposite you and in this tunnel you will fight 3 Giant Spiders and a Blue Lore Chest. At the top is another crate that needs to be dropped. Drop it and outside push it up to the hole in the wall (close as you can get. Now go and flood the area again and then JUMP across the boxes and then JUMP to the ledge and enter the door. On the other side of the door is a Checkpoint. Go through the door ahead and onto the strange elevator to the next floor. On the second floor you will find a Hylden Warrior. Go through the door that he was guarding and into the next room. In this next area you will find a Hylden, Hylden Warrior, and 2 Innocents. When all is said and done drop down the hole near where the Hylden were. In this area below there are 2 Hylden Warriors. Go to the end of the walkway and get the Checkpoint. Now from the Checkpoint jump into the next room where the green light is coming from. Run along until you come to a Hylden and an Innocent that just happens to be chained up. Now cross the bridge and you will find another Hylden with a Blue Lore Chest. Enter the door beside him and JUMP across the gap to where another Hylden is with the body of a Giant Spider. Now enter the room that is beside here and make your way to where a large elevator is. However, go past it for a minute and go to the other side of the elevator and you will find another chained up Innocent. Now get on the elevator and flip the switch. At the top, climb up the boxes to the top and JUMP across the smokestacks (when they aren't smoking of course, it's bad for your health). And when you get to the other side run forward and kill the Hylden Warrior and enter the door he was guarding. On the other side of the door is a Checkpoint. Now run forward as far as you can and then jump to the top of the boxes on your right. Climb onto the top of the ledge in front of you and kill the 2 Hylden and get the Blue Lore Chest. Then after that flip the switch up there and enter the new room. In this new room get the 2 Innocents and flip the switch. Now go out and hop onto the mobile platform and jump up and onto the walkway above and into that new area. In this walkway kill the Giant Spider. Then drop down to the floor of the room in front of you. There are 2 Innocents and a Hell Beast. Don't even worry about the Innocents because if you have been following this guide then Kain's health will be maxed out so all you are really doing is filling the lore meter for fun. Jump over the crates and debris near the Hell Beast and at the top you will find 2 Hylden and an Innocent. Now if you look at the back of the area you will see a crate in the water and an area on the other side. JUMP over there and you will get a Weapons Chest and 2 Giant Spiders. Now the tricky part is getting back across. Carefully aim a JUMP at the crate in the water again and then JUMP back across to the main level area. Go and flip the 2 switches at the front of the area and then go down to where the Hell Beast is. Ignore it and run into the room you just opened beyond. Kill the Hylden Warrior and then walk into the container to go to the next part of the level. In this next area here you will find a Hylden and a Hylden Warrior. Once they are dead, go through the door and into the next section. Now you must destroy the device. Use TELEKENESIS on the 4 switches here and dodge it's fire. That's all you have to do. Now Janus and Vorador will come to you and the Sarafan Lord will make an appearance. You are sent on alone to get the Sarafan Lord. Go around the right side of the building in front of you to gain entry. Inside you will find 2 Hylden Warriors and 2 Innocents that need to die. At the end go through the door to the next room. Jump over the debris and you will find a Checkpoint. Charm the Innocent beside you and have him flip the switch to lower the water. Now go to the right side of the room and hop into the last alcove on the right. Go onto the dark grating above the water and JUMP to the other side and flip the switch over there. Now make your way back to the center of the room and out of the area through the new door. Get on the water wheel in the back and go up to the second floor. In the back part of this room you will be attacked by a Hylden and a Hylden Warrior. Once they are dead, flip the switch at the front of the room and go outside. Outside walk along the path and kill the 2 Innocents you see there and make your way across the large walkway to the building. Enter the door to the final boss arena! Boss Battle: Sarafan Lord This is the big one. He's not really too tough. At first he will be appearing in one corner of the area or another. What you have to do is get within JUMP range and hit him with TELEKENESIS and then JUMP him. While you do this he will be firing 3 shots from the Soul Reaver at you and then he will "recharge" then he will do it again. You only need to knock him off the platform one time. Then he will reappear behind you and the fight really begins. He will attack you so block his first 5 hits and then dodge the sixth. Build up your rage meter and use IMMOLATE on him. Do this a few times and then you will get Soul Reaver. Now just let him attack you 5 times and dodge the 6th again and use BERSERK on him a couple of times and it's game over. You won! ************************************************************************** ************************************************************************** V. Codes and Tricks Here are the cheat codes for the game. Personally, I found the game far too easy to use codes with. But to each their own... These must be done on the main menu screen. (The screen after the one with the picture of Kain with the Soul Reaver that says Press Start. Playstation 2 codes: L1, R1, L2, R2, Square, Circle, Triangle X-Box codes: White Button, Left Button, Left Trigger, Right Trigger, X, B, Y These codes for both systems will start you with the Iron Armor from Blood Omen and the Soul Reaver which is indestructible. ************************************************************************** ************************************************************************** VI. Credits and Special Thanks I want to thank the people who made this game. It's a good game even though it has a few bugs. I like it. I want to thank the CJayC at and the people at for hosting my guides. The Dillon family (they know who they are) deserve a huge thanks for letting me use their internet. Who loves ya? I'd like to thank myself for writing this and you the reader for using it. I hope you found it useful. I'd also like to hear your questions/comments (as long as the questions are not already answered in this guide). Have a nice day!