---------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- LL OOOO K K BBBB OOOO 2222 LL O O K K o B B O O 2 22 LL O O KK BBBB O O 222 LL O O K K o B B O O 22 LLLLLLL OOOO K K BBBB OOOO 222222 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Legacy of Kain: Blood Omen 2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 - DOCUMENT INFORMATION / VERSION HISTORY: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Type - Full FAQ/Walkthrough Medium - Playstaion 2 Date Created - 4/22/02 Date Last Updated - 4/22/02 Created By - Kenn Austin Contact - a2293@together.net Version - 1.0 ================== Version 1.0 ================== 1. First version of this document. 2. Finished document layout. 3. Completed walkthrough through chapter 1. 4. Completed Appendix A: Coffer Locations through 8.1 (chapter 1). 5. Started Tips section. 6. Started Bugs section ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 - LEGAL INFORMATION: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- This document is Copyright 2002 Kenn Austin. This document can be found exclusively on GameFAQs' web site . This document is for personal use only and may be printed, but not redistributed in printed form. This document may not be used in any commercial transaction and may not be given away as a gift or traded. You may not alter this document in any way, shape, or form. You may not use this document as a reference for other documents, and may not be made available anywhere but GameFAQs (this means no magazines, web sites, CD's, etc.). This document is owned by me, Kenn Austin, and I can be contacted at the following email address: . All copyrights and trademarks not mentioned within this document are acknowledged and respected. The Legacy of Kain series is (c) Crystal Dynamics. Crystal Dynamics is a wholly owned subsidiary of Eidos Interactive, Inc. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 - TABLE OF CONTENTS: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 - DOCUMENT INFORMATION / VERSION HISTORY 1 - LEGAL INFORMATION 2 - TABLE OF CONTENTS 3 - GAME INFORMATION 4 - CONTROLS 5 - TIPS 5.1 - GENERAL 5.2 - COMBAT 6 - BUGS 7 - WALKTHROUGH 7.1 - CHAPTER 1: "WELCOME TO MERIDIAN" 7.2 - CHAPTER 2 7.3 - CHAPTER 3 7.4 - CHAPTER 4 7.5 - CHAPTER 5 7.6 - CHAPTER 6 7.7 - CHAPTER 7 7.8 - CHAPTER 8 7.9 - CHAPTER 9 7.10 - CHAPTER 10 7.11 - CHAPTER 11 8 - APPENDIX A: COFFER LOCATIONS 8.1 - CHAPTER 1: "WELCOME TO MERIDIAN" 8.2 - CHAPTER 2 8.3 - CHAPTER 3 8.4 - CHAPTER 4 8.5 - CHAPTER 5 8.6 - CHAPTER 6 8.7 - CHAPTER 7 8.8 - CHAPTER 8 8.9 - CHAPTER 9 8.10 - CHAPTER 10 8.11 - CHAPTER 11 9 - APPENDIX B: CUTSCENES 9.1 - CHAPTER 1: "WELCOME TO MERIDIAN" 9.2 - CHAPTER 2 9.3 - CHAPTER 3 9.4 - CHAPTER 4 9.5 - CHAPTER 5 9.6 - CHAPTER 6 9.7 - CHAPTER 7 9.8 - CHAPTER 8 9.9 - CHAPTER 9 9.10 - CHAPTER 10 9.11 - CHAPTER 11 10 - APPENDIX C: BOSS TIPS 11 - APPENDIX D: ENEMIES 12 - APPENDIX E: DARK GIFTS INFORMATION 13 - APPENDIX F: MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 - GAME INFORMATION: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Coming soon! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 - CONTROLS: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Coming soon! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 - TIPS: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ================= 5.1 - GENERAL ================= 1. Kill and drink the blood of everything. You'll get more lore this way, which means a higher maximum blood level! Though it's fun and tempting, avoid throwing enemies into the water...you won't be able to suck their blood if you do! 2. If an enemy's weapon turns red, they're powering up for an unblockable attack. Dodge out of the way before they connect! 3. Sometimes you can walk up to people and listen to their conversations. It isn't crucial to the game, but can be interesting. Try it out! 4. If you die you will return to the last checkpoint you passed with your blood meter filled, but if you were wielding a weapon it will be gone. 5. Objects that can be manipulated (items on the ground, levers, switches, etc.) will occasionally flash a white sparkle. They will also be highlighted white if you stand close enough to object to manipulate it. Be on the lookout for these objects (especially levers and switches and the like) because they are always mission critical, and you will not be able to progress through the game without manipulating them. Keep in mind that usable doors DO NOT sparkle. You'll have to walk next to them to see if you can go through it. 6. Don't walk through fire or water...they both hurt! 7. Your health decreases as time progresses, gradually, yes, but it still decreases. 8. Keep in mind that your weapons will break with use, and some weapons last longer than others! For example, a sword will last longer than a mace. Also, as far as I can tell, all weapons deal the same amount of damage, and they all deal more damage than your claws. 9. There are 3 kinds of Coffers -- Red, Blue, and Non-Colored. Red Coffers give you 3 Lore, Blue Coffers give you 5 Lore, and Non- Colored Coffers give you a weapon upgrade. The weapon upgrade will make your weapon deal more damage, and will completely repair it. However, if your weapon breaks, if you change weapons, or if you die, you will lose the upgrade. ================= 5.2 - COMBAT ================= ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 - BUGS: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. As you progress through a level, there will be several checkpoints. There are some you can go past without activating. If you do so, you can clear out the area between the checkpoint you just passed without activating, and the next checkpoint. Then, if your path back to the checkpoint you passed without activating isn't blocked, you can go back and activate it. After doing so, save the game, quit, and then load your game again. All of the people, Coffers, and objects will come back, and you will have all the Lore you gained from your recent efforts to clear out the area! You can then clear out the area again, and continue on, effectively doubling your Lore income between those checkpoints. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 7 - WALKTHROUGH: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Please note that this walkthrough is written based upon the assumption that you do not take advantage of bug #1 mentioned in the BUGS section of this document. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 7.1 - Chapter 1: The Slums - "Welcome to Meridian" ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Opening Cutscene ==================== When you start a new game there is a rather lengthy opening scene, which provides you with a lot of background information for the game's story. Kain, who is lying in bed suddenly wakes, not knowing where he is. Kain sees Umah, another vampire, who is apparently his ally. She tells Kain that they are in Meridian, a large human city. Kain has been sleeping for 200 years and was once a great leader of the vampire race. He had an army of vampires with which he attempted to take control of Nosgoth. However, Kain met with fierce resistance in the form of the Sarafan. Under the leadership of the being known only as the Sarafan Lord, the Sarafan managed to defeat Kain's vampire army, and Kain himself was defeated in mortal combat by the Sarafan Lord. Since then the Sarafan have ruled Nosgoth with an iron fist, treating the people rather poorly. Umah tells Kain of the Cabal, a small underground organization of vampires who resist the rule of the Sarafan, and work to foil them whenever possible. However, the Sarafan have the aid of Glyph Magic, and the Cabal is losing ground. What's worse is that vampires are also in service to the Sarafan! Though it is true that Kain is weak, if he can defeat these vampires, he can absorb their powers and gain new abilities, known to vampires as the Dark Gifts. With this in mind, Umah beckons Kain to follow her to a place where he can feed. Now outside, Umah speaks to Kain using the Whisper -- the natural ability of vampires to speak into each other's minds at great distances. You won't be using this, except in cut scenes. It isn't an ability usable on command. Umah indicates a street to Kain and tells him to proceed. She then runs off. ==================== End Opening Cutscene ''''''''''''' Checkpoint 1: ''''''''''''' Walk forward and step over the sparkling red stuff -- these are checkpoints. If you die (or save and quit) you'll be able to start from the last checkpoint you passed over. Kill the two peasants (just for fun because you can't drink blood yet) and follow the street. As you travel there will be a grate-like walkway overhead, and some stairs on a ledge that lead to it. The ledge is on the right wall. Jump up there and kill the two peasants and continue. Begin Cutscene 1 ==================== Umah welcomes you to the slums of Meridian, the oldest and most decrepit part of the city. A perfect place to train, according to her. The idea of training doesn't appeal to Kain much, since he still hasn't had any blood yet. Umah tells him to be patient and that he should know that he is stronger and faster than mortal men. She says that if his path should ever be blocked, Kain should look for a place to jump. She beckons him to join her amongst the rooftops and runs off. =================== End Cutscene 1 Jump on the shacks to your left and jump on the roof. Not too hard, eh? Begin Cutscene 2 ==================== Once on the roof, Umah tells Kain that he can also float...amazing! Kain can use this ability to land silently when jumping from a ledge, which she claims will be important when she trains him to kill. Kain thinks to himself that Umah will find that he needs no training in how to kill. Umah then runs to the right, around a corner. ==================== End Cutscene 2 Follow Umah right and jump off the roof. Follow the alley forward. You'll see two peasants talking to one another. You can listen to their conversation...or not. Either way, kill 'em both, just for kicks, (you still can't drink their blood yet...argh!), and move to the left (you'll have to jump a small grate-like fence). Kill the peasant and continue. Kill the next peasant, near the large gate. Turn right and pull the lever next to the small gate and go through, following the tunnel. Begin Cutscene 3 ==================== Once out of the tunnel, a gate closes behind Kain. ==================== End Cutscene 3 Walk forward and go through the door to your right. ''''''''''''' Checkpoint 2: ''''''''''''' Go through the door directly in front of you. Begin Cutscene 4 ==================== Kain complains about the maze-like qualities of Meridian. Umah notes that mazes make better hunting grounds. Umah tells Kain she has a prisoner waiting for him...a thug from a local gang. Umah tells Kain to drink and disappears. ==================== End Cutscene 4 Ah, finally, we can suck some blood! Head down the stairs and go forward. There will be a closed gate to your right with Umah behind it, and a prisoner chained to the wall. Drink the blood of the prisoner. Begin Cutscene 5 ==================== Umah tells Kain that blood is his life, and without it he'll die (duh). Anyway, she tells him that if he's ever wounded he should find blood to heal himself. She also tells him that the more blood he drinks, the stronger he becomes. Vampires call this ability "Lore." No big deal -- it's just a fancy word for "Experience Points." Umah suggests that they continue. The gate opens and she runs off. ==================== End Cutscene 5 Go right through the newly opened gate. Kill the prisoner chained to the left wall and drink her blood. If you're a fan of the original Legacy of Kain game, you may recognize the laugh that escapes from Kain's lips after you kill the prisoner (along with the prisoner's cries for help). Anyway, this should fill your lore meter and increase your maximum health. Head to the end of the hall and pull the lever next to the door. Go outside and kill the peasant. Continue forward. Begin Cutscene 6 ==================== Umah tells Kain that water is deadly to vampires. This is good to know since you'll encounter a lot of water throughout the game. She also tells Kain about Coffers scattered throughout Nosgoth that can only be used by vampires. She then runs off. ==================== End Cutscene 6 ''''''''''''' Checkpoint 3: ''''''''''''' Go left and access the Red Coffer Umah pointed out to you (it's next to some ruins across from the water drain). Get a good look at it because these things will play a huge role in whether you live or die later in the game. If you see one, make sure you get it at all costs! If all has gone well, your maximum health should increase. From there walk out onto the dock and at its end go up the stairs to the right. There'll be another peasant right around there as well as another Red Coffer behind the shack. Go back to the street and turn right. Continue until you get to the next dock. Kill the peasant and head back to the street. Go right, toward the foggy green gate. Begin Cutscene 7 ==================== Umah begins to talk about the Sarafan. She explains to Kain what the foggy green gate is -- it's a Ward Gate. Kain learns that these gates are dangerous, and if he should touch one, he will be damaged. Umah beckons Kain to follow her into the sewer. ==================== End Cutscene 7 Follow Umah back a few steps back the way you came and then turn right. ''''''''''''' Checkpoint 4: ''''''''''''' Once in the sewer, turn right. Another cutscene ensues. Begin Cutscene 8 ==================== Umah explains that she is going to train Kain how to kill (as if he needed any help!). Follow her directions. There will be several basic combat maneuvers you must successfully complete. They are: blocking, combo attacks, and grab attacks. All of these maneuvers are explained to you both in game, and in the CONTROLS section of this document. Once you've successfully completed all three maneuvers, Umah says the lesson is over. She instructs Kain to continue through the sewer, and says she will meet Kain again soon. She then disappears and a door opens. ==================== End Cutscene 8 Continue through the sewer and go through the newly opened door on the left. ''''''''''''' Checkpoint 5: ''''''''''''' Turn the wheel to your right. Begin Cutscene 9 ==================== The water lowers and Umah, who was waiting on the other side of the gap runs off right. ==================== End Cutscene 9 Once the water has lowered jump down into the gap and up onto the other side. Turn right and go through the doorway. Begin Cutscene 10 ==================== Umah tells Kain to kill some nearby thugs and drink their blood, and that she will be watching. She then disappears. ==================== End Cutscene 10 Simple enough. Kill the thug, take his blood, and take his mace...he won't be needing either anymore. Continue forward and turn left at the fire to find a Red Coffer. Turn around and proceed down the sewer tunnel and go through the doorway on the left, at the tunnel's end. Begin Cutscene 11 ==================== Using the Whisper, Umah begins to talk about the Dark Gifts to Kain. More specifically she talks about Kain's ability to turn into mist, making him nearly invisible, completely silent, and allowing him to sneak up behind opponents and kill them in one blow (when the skull icon has completely faded in above an enemy's head). Kain can assume mist form only when he is standing in mist. Umah instructs Kain to kill the nearby people before they continue. She then runs off. ==================== End Cutscene 11 ''''''''''''' Checkpoint 6: ''''''''''''' OK, here's your chance to mix little pleasure with business. Walk into the mist and use your Mist Dark Gift. Then sneak up behind the unsuspecting creatures and let 'em have it! It's not necessary to kill them this way, (you only need to make them all dead through any possible means), but it's MUCH easier, and MUCH cooler to use mist when it's available. Keep in mind that if you pick up an item, drink blood, change powers, or execute a normal attack against someone you will become visible again. Once you have killed them, go behind the sepulcher in the back-left corner of the graveyard to find a Red Coffer. When you're ready head toward the other side of the graveyard and go through the doorway. There will be a couple weapons lying on the ground, and a peasant will be walking around. Kill the peasant and walk forward to find your first Non-Colored Coffer. With your newly upgraded weapon, continue down the alley and kill the peasant. Ah...see how he falls before your newfound might! Anway, go past the fence and another cutscene will begin. Begin Cutscene 12 ==================== Kain notices a Glyph on the wall, and asks Umah about it. She explains that it is Glyph Energy, a new form of magic developed by the Sarafan after Kain's defeat. The Glyph Energy supplies power to the entire city of Meridian. The gate next to the Glyph can be opened using Glyph Energy. Umah instructs Kain to give power the Glyph Box so he can use the lever next to the gate. ==================== End Cutscene 12 Go toward the Glyph and go right, into a small alcove. A thug will be there. Kill him and drink his blood. Your life should increase again. There is also a Red Coffer in the alcove. Go back to the Glyph and pull the lever. Once the Glyph Energy reaches the Glyph Box next to the gate, pull the lever underneath the Box to open the gate. Begin Cutscene 13 ==================== Umah congratulates Kain on completing his task and begins to explain about the Glyph Writes...a secret society of Nosgoth. Umah instructs Kain to go to the bridge in the lower city. Umah says she will scout ahead and disappears. ==================== End Cutscene 13 Go through the gate you just opened. ''''''''''''' Checkpoint 7: ''''''''''''' Go through the tunnel. When you come out you will see a peasant getting attacked by a thug at the far end of the area. Make sure they both die one way or another. Also, near the far-left corner of the area is a Red Coffer. Head for the doorway, however, notice that there is mist on the ground. Assume Mist Form and kill the unsuspecting thug at the far end of the area (ignore the Red Coffer at the far-left corner of the area for now). Once the thug is dead, get the Red Coffer. Go into the small alley near where the thug was. At the end of the alley, flip the lever. Head back for the doorway. Go through and go up the stairs in the previous area. Follow the walkway and kill the peasant on the way. Continue and kill the other peasant. When you come to a large iron door, pull the lever. Go through the door. ''''''''''''' Checkpoint 8: ''''''''''''' There's mist on the ground here, so go into Mist Form. Walk down the hall and turn the lever on your right. Begin Cutscene 14 ==================== The steam coming from the pipe above will stop. ==================== End Cutscene 14 Continue down the hall (still in mist form) and kill the thug. Continue and walk down the stairs to your left. Near the bottom of the stairs there will be two thugs. Dispatch them and walk in the opposite direction you were facing when you came down the stairs (toward a big gate). Kill the peasant and get the Red Coffer near the fire. Once you get the coffer, go the opposite direction. Begin Cutscene 15 ==================== Kain meets Umah again and she beckons him to follow her to Sanctuary so Kain can meet the leader of the Cabal. As Umah runs off, a Sarafan Glyph Guard ambushes her. Kain and Umah are cut off by a Ward Gate...uh oh! As the Glyph Guard threatens Umah, she tells Kain about the Smuggler's Tunnel that will take him to the lower city. Umah runs off, chased by the Glyph Guard. ==================== End Cutscene 15 Go through the doorway in the wall left of the Ward Gate. Kill the thug in the area and go up the ladder in the far-left corner of the area. Once off the ladder, go straight to find a Red Coffer. Jump on the lean-to next to the ladder and onto the roof of the building. ''''''''''''' Checkpoint 9: ''''''''''''' Jump down from the roof to ground level and kill the thug. After that, climb up the ladder near the gate. Then jump across the gap to the peasant on the other side and kill him. Go into the nearby room (it'll have a dagger on the floor), and turn right. Jump across the gap to the door. Go through and pull the red-topped block in the corner of the room away from the door on the left wall. Go through the now accessible door and kill the peasant at the far end of the alley. Then go to the right fork of the alley and kill the peasant by the gate. Go back and go through the doorway on the right. In the far-right corner of the room is a Red Coffer. Your maximum health should increase again by now, if it hasn't already. Begin Cutscene 16 ==================== Upon pulling the lever, the elevator goes down. ==================== End Cutscene 16 Go through the doorway on the far wall. Turn right and kill the thug. Come back and go the other way and pull the lever on the left wall next to the Glyph Box. Begin Cutscene 17 ==================== Upon pulling the lever, the gate comes down. ==================== End Cutscene 17 Go back to the elevator and pull the lever again. A cutscene of the elevator going up will play. Leave the room and go left. Jump down into the alley and follow the alley to an open area. Kill the peasant. Continue to the area next to the one you're in and kill the two thugs and the peasant. Pull the lever next to the big gate. Unfortunately when you open that gate, the one just ahead will close. No prob, just push the red-topped box in the tunnel underneath the now open gate. Go back and pull the lever...both gates will now be open enough to cross. Begin Cutscene 18 ==================== Once past the next gate, Kain will examine his surroundings, noticing a peasant near a gate. Kain and the peasant will begin to talk about the Smuggler's Den, unaware of the creature listening in on their conversation. The peasant opens the gate and after Kain walks through, the creature (another vampire) kills the peasant. ==================== End Cutscene 18 Congratulations...you just finished the first chapter! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 7.2 - CHAPTER 2 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Coming soon! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 7.3 - CHAPTER 3 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Coming soon! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 7.4 - CHAPTER 4 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Coming soon! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 7.5 - CHAPTER 5 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Coming soon! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 7.6 - CHAPTER 6 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Coming soon! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 7.7 - CHAPTER 7 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Coming soon! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 7.8 - CHAPTER 8 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Coming soon! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 7.9 - CHAPTER 9 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Coming soon! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 7.10 - CHAPTER 10 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Coming soon! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 7.11 - CHAPTER 11 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Coming soon! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 8 - APPENDIX A: COFFER LOCATIONS ---------------------------------------------------------------------- (RED) = Red Coffer (BLU) = Blue Coffer (NON) = Non-Colored (Weapon Upgrade) Coffer ============================================================== 8.1 - Chapter 1: The Slums -- "Welcome to Meridian" ============================================================== 1. (RED) Next to some ruins at the dock (after third checkpoint and directly left from it). 2. (RED) Behind a shack on the first dock you come to. 3. (RED) To the left of a fire as you first approach it in the sewer. It's after the 5th checkpoint. 4. (RED) Behind the Sepulcher in the back-left corner of the graveyard. This is at the beginning of checkpoint 6. 5. (NON) In the alley after the graveyard. You can't miss it. 7. (RED) In a small alcove in the area you arrive in after cutscene 12. The alcove is to the right of the Glyph and its lever. 8. (RED) Near the far-left corner of the area where the 7th checkpoint is. 9. (RED) In the far-left corner of the area directly after Coffer #8. 10. (RED) Near a big gate at the back of an open area after cutscene 14. 11. (RED) At the top of the ladder, straight forward in the area next the one in the cutscene where you and Umah are separated. ============================================================== 8.2 - Chapter 2 ============================================================== Coming soon! ============================================================== 8.3 - Chapter 3 ============================================================== Coming soon! ============================================================== 8.4 - Chapter 4 ============================================================== Coming soon! ============================================================== 8.5 - Chapter 5 ============================================================== Coming soon! ============================================================== 8.6 - Chapter 6 ============================================================== Coming soon! ============================================================== 8.7 - Chapter 7 ============================================================== Coming soon! ============================================================== 8.8 - Chapter 8 ============================================================== Coming soon! ============================================================== 8.9 - Chapter 9 ============================================================== Coming soon! ============================================================== 8.10 - Chapter 10 ============================================================== Coming soon! ============================================================== 8.11 - Chapter 11 ============================================================== Coming soon! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 - APPENDIX B: CUTSCENES ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Coming soon! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 - APPENDIX C: BOSS TIPS ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Coming soon! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 11 - APPENDIX D: ENEMIES ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Coming soon! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 12 - APPENDIX E: DARK GIFTS INFORMATION ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Coming soon! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 13 - APPENDIX E: MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Coming soon! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- END OF DOCUMENT ----------------------------------------------------------------------