This FAQ written exclusively for GameFAQs ( ======================================================================== ___________________________ --------->The Legacy of Kain Series<--------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ B L O O D O M E N 2 _______________________________________________________ | A FAQ/Walkthrough for LoK: Blood Omen 2(X-Box) | | Written by Michael Yellott ( | | Final Version (4/27/02) | | Copyright 2002 | ------------------------------------------------------- ======================================================================== I N D E X ======================================================================== 0 - U P D A T E S 1 - G A M E I N F O 1.1- For those new to the LoK series 1.2- Enemies 1.3- Boss strategies 1.4- Dark Gifts 2 - W A L K T H R O U G H 2.1- Chapter 1: The Slums 2.2- Chapter 2: The Den 2.3- Chapter 3: The Lower City 2.4- Chapter 4: The Upper City 2.5- Chapter 5: The Sarafan Keep 2.6- Chapter 6: The Industrial Quarters 2.7- Chapter 7: The Canyons 2.8- Chapter 8: The Eternal Prison 2.9- Chapter 9: The Device 2.10- Chapter 10: The Wharves 2.11- Chapter 11: The Hylden City 3 - C R E D I T S ======================================================================== 0 - U P D A T E S ======================================================================== __________________________ | 03/27/02 - Version 0.1 | -------------------------- -First version of the FAQ/Walkthrough. -Added Sections 1.1 - 1.3 -Finished up to half of Chapter 3 in the walkthrough. __________________________ | 03/29/02 - Version 0.2 | -------------------------- -Fixed some spelling errors and spacing problems (hopefully). -Added several enemies to the list. -Finished up to the beginning of Chapter 6 in the walkthrough. __________________________ | 03/30/02 - Version 0.3 | -------------------------- -Fixed some enemy names and added some 1 chapter-only enemies (prison guards, industrial guards, etc) -Finished up to the beginning of Chapter 10 in the walkthrough. __________________________ | 04/27/02 - Final Version | -------------------------- -Added some helpful strategies from people that e-mailed me, thank you! -Added Section 1.4 -Finished the FAQ/Walkthrough, last update unless there are errors. ======================================================================== 1 - G A M E I N F O ======================================================================== ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1.1- For those new to the LoK series ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ This game is fourth in a series called 'Legacy of Kain'. Thus, there is a lot that you missed out on if you haven't played any of them. This section spoils a lot of the story in the original Blood Omen but does not go into either of the Soul Reaver games. I suggest you go pick up, Blood Omen 1, Soul Reaver, and Soul Reaver 2 because they are all very good games and you will get much more of the history of this game if you do. This section will not explain anything that isn't referenced in Blood Omen 2 or in this FAQ by myself. NOSGOTH The land where all of the LoK games take place; there is not mention of anything beyond Nosgoth so we can assume it is a wasteland of little interest uninhabited by life. KAIN The main character in the series, although you only play as him in Blood Omen 1 and 2. He was originally a human nobleman but was slain as part of a plot. In death, the Necromancer (Mortanius) offers Kain revenge... for a price. Kain accepts and is transformed into a vampire as a result. MORTANIUS Only appears in Blood Omen 1. He represented one of the nine Pillars of Nosgoth and took part in a plot to corrupt the pillars and gain control of Nosgoth. PILLARS OF NOSGOTH These pillars represent the condition of Nosgoth; if they decay, so does Nosgoth. Each pillar is represented by a person; if the person becomes corrupted, so does the pillar. Kain's duty in Blood Omen 1 was to restore balance to all of the pillars by killing each of it's representatives, afterwards he was promised a "cure" to his vampirism. VORADOR An old vampire that is somewhat the rival of Kain. He took part in the corruption of the Pillars of Nosgoth by murdering the Sarafan priests. He was caught and decapitated by the Sarafan in a public display but somehow was revived like Kain to appear in Blood Omen 2. SARAFAN An ancient order of humans vowed to destroy all vampires in a sort of holy war. SARAFAN LORD A mysterious leader of the Sarafan that somehow killed Kain and now rules all of Meridian with an iron fist. MOEBIUS Also known as the Time Streamer; he also represented one of the nine Pillars of Nosgoth and has the ability to travel through time. He is only referenced to as a giant statue in Blood Omen 2. JANOS The oldest vampire in history. He was slain by the Sarafan when they broke into his keep and ripped his still beating, black heart from his chest. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1.2- Enemies ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ THUG Found throughout Meridian and the canyons, they are the easiest of enemies and are equipped with clubs. They are easy when alone but rather annoying in groups. THIEF Also found throughout Meridian, these girls carry short daggers as well as crossbows. If you are far away they will use these crossbows to launch fire arrows at you, best thing to do is jump or dodge them and then get close enough so they put it away. These characters also run away if they are 1 hit away from dying, which is fun to watch. GUARD These guards walk the streets of Meridian carrying swords and a slightly better combat AI. Although not usually in groups of more than 2, be careful if one sounds a nearby alarm and they start flooding out. GLYPH GUARD The more advanced version of the regular guard, these are almost impossible to stealth kill because their armor alerts them to your presence immediately. Easily identified by their yellow highlights on their armor and they carry the same weapons as normal guards. HOLY GUARD These appear only in Chapter 4 and are charmed by Marcus to delay your advance through the chapter. They carry strange bludgeon weapons that are not to my liking, so I stick with the sword. GLYPH CAPTAIN These are exactly like Glyph Guards except they are stronger and have a huge axe you can pry from their dead hands. GLYPH KNIGHT Easily identified for their size and red cape, these act the same as Glyph Captains but carry a sword instead of the signature axe of the Glyph Captains. These also have glyph magic that makes it impossible for you to stealth kill them. INDUSTRIAL GUARD Only appear in Chapter 6 and act as thugs except they fight better and carry swords instead of clubs. DEMON SPIDER These rather large spiders are the easier of the two demons you encounter. They are too small, however, to be thrown, not like it matters. They also don't have any yellow aura or red aura (unblockable) attacks. LESSER DEMON I hate these guys with a passion. These demons hover and have such a devastating unblockable move because there is little to no warning when they are about to do it. If you run into one best idea is to use fury/berserk/immolate if you can. PRISON GUARDIAN These only appear in Chapter 8 and although they look exactly like the Grim Reaper they are pansies. You cannot take their giant scythes and after you hit them once they tend to go into an "invisible" mode where you can only see their eyes and, of course, the red targeting circle, which defeats the purpose of it I suppose. PRISON WRATH These also only appear in Chapter 8 and are floating skeletons that don't do much besides slow you down. They also don't have any yellow aura or red aura attacks so are good to charge up your rage bar for later. HYLDEN These are the clothed version of this enigmatic race and pose little threat as they are one of the few enemies this late in the game that do not have a red aura (unblockable) attack. Thus, I find it easy and advantageous to block until your bar is filled and then kill them and use immolate on a tougher monster. HYLDEN WARRIOR These unclothed versions might be the deadliest enemies in the game although their AI is not that great until they are about to die. They have 2 yellow aura attacks and 2 versions of their red aura (unblockable) attack. One version is slightly faster than the other so it is very hard to develop a pattern and timing to dodge. HYLDEN PET These cannot be killed by Kain, except in one special circumstance later in the game. Even immolate does not work on them so best idea is to run very fast and very far... or close a door on their faces. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1.3- Boss strategies ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ These are put here for easier reference because, for some, the bosses are the only help they need in the game. FAUSTUS Simply block until your rage bar is full and then use your Fury attack on him. When you see him jump back with a red aura around him quickly dodge to the right or left by pressing right/left and jump in combat stance. You can not block any red aura attacks, however he also has a yellow aura attack that you can block but it will push you back. It might take a few tries to get his pattern down but if you keep using Fury when your bar is full you won't have much trouble. After 3 times he'll run away to another room. Follow him and here you'll have to use your Mist ability. Faustus will jump on top of boilers and throw some fire things at you. There are little mist trails leader to each of the boilers levers, find where it begins to the boiler he is on and then activate the lever. If you get too close to Faustus while not in Mist form or take too long to activate a lever he will jump to another one. After you do this 3 times Faustus will jump up onto the chains. The key here is to get into a corner and have a pretty wide field of view so you spot Faustus right when he lands. Get in a combat stance and face him and when he charges use dodge it like you did during the first part. If you successfully dodge it Faustus will become stunned and you can hit him. Do this until he dies and you will receive the Jump ability. MARCUS Marcus will vanish and start hitting you when you both fall. On both the left and the right are levers to start ringing the bells. For some reason, this will interfere with Marcus' ability to go invisible, giving you time to hit him. Keep alternating sides and hitting him until he is about halfway down in health and his Holy Guards will come through and destroy the bells. Run around the altar and back up the stairs to the 2nd floor. Marcus will be semi-invisible now. You'll have to pick up his Holy Guards and throwing them into the bells to stun him, allowing you to beat him up. (submitted by Watch out for the fire arrows they use if you are far away and simply kill them if you are low on life. Eventually you will kill Marcus and then acquire the Charm ability. SEBASTIAN Normal Strategy: This strategy is the way the designers intended for you to beat Sebastian, one of the harder bosses in the game. If you are having trouble with him then look down to the Easy Strategy. Use Kain's throwing technique, something I never take advantage of, to harm him. Advance on him and pick him up, then look for the steam coming out and try to throw him so the steam will be upon him when he stands up. If you do it right he will take some damage and then he'll yell "It burns!" and advance on you with a red aura (unblockable) move. Quickly dodge it to the left or right and continue throwing him into the steam until he starts running around the room. The middle will start releasing energy so quickly get on the side and avoid the steam coming out of the pipes. Try to always keep an eye on Sebastian and when he hangs onto one of the 3 bars quickly position yourself so the purple energy in the middle is between you and Sebastian. If you do it right he will jump at you and get caught in the beam and damage himself. Do this 3 times and he'll then try to destroy the Nexus Stone. Jump up to the platform and Sebastian will jump off. Use your charm ability on the worker through the window and make him turn the steam on by throwing the lever to your right. Sebastian will jump up and you'll have to grab him by the next and throw him down into the steam at least twice for him to finally die. Kain will now acquire the Berserk ability, a more powerful version of the Fury ability which also is activated in the same manner. Easy Strategy: As soon as you start the fight and Sebastian is standing in front of you, don't touch a single button. If you don't do anything, neither will he and the steam will eventually kill him. (submitted by MAGNUS Go forward to an area with huge statues of the Prison Guardians. Magnus will appear and jump on the center platform. Simply use your Telekinesis skill to push him off and he'll start to charge up his Immolate ability. Get behind one of the statues and he'll blow it up instead of you. Continue to do this for 3 of the statues and he'll run away after you knock him off again. Jump down to the next area and notice the red scythes (Prison Guardian weapon) that are pointed like they want to hurt someone. Get near one and then use your Telekinesis ability on Magnus and he'll charge you. When he gets near you dodge out of the way and he'll hit the scythe instead. Do this for all 4 statues with scythes. After this is done jump on the debris and use your Telekinesis ability on all 4 of the green symbols. This will recreate the statue, which just happens to be of Moebius the Time streamer. Most of the statue is on the raised platform, however, his cane is not. Get in front of the cane as you did with the scythes and make Magnus charge at you. Dodge out of the way and he'll break off the cane. Now simply make him charge at you while in front of the raised platform with the statue on it and dodge out of the way and Magnus will be finished. You'll gain the ability of Immolate, the last ability and the coolest attack because it instantly kills (except the Sarafan Lord). SARAFAN LORD The object in this first part is to knock the Sarafan Lord off the platform. To do this you will have to use your Telekinesis ability on him to stun him. Try to do this between his 3 bursts of energy he throws at you. After he is stunned quickly use your Jump ability to land on him in order to push him off. You will know you are on the Sarafan Lord when your normally blue/white cursor turns to red. Once he is down you will watch another cut scene. In this second part you will have to block the Sarafan Lord's attacks (he will block 99% of your attacks so don't bother) until your rage meter is full, then unleash your Immolate ability on him. Be sure to dodge his last unblockable move and then continue to block. You will have to Immolate him a total of 4 times before you will watch another cut scene. In this third and final part Kain will have the Soul Reaver. You must continue to block the Sarafan Lord's attacks until your rage meter is full and then unleash your Berserk ability on him. Be careful when dodging his red aura attacks because you might fall off due to the very small platform you are on. Once you use your Berserk ability on him twice he will die. Congratulations for beating Blood Omen 2 and enjoy the ending movie (no, there aren't any alternate endings). ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1.4- Dark Gifts ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ MIST ABILITY Acquire From: N/A The Mist Ability allows Kain to become partially invisible where there is mist on the ground. However, if Kain wanders too close in front of an enemy, they will detect him. It can be used for stealth cover to get through a thickly guarded area or for a more fun method of stealth kills. To stealth kill an enemy, Kain must be in his mist form and sneak up behind an enemy. If Kain is directly behind an enemy and in a combat stance a skull icon will appear above the enemy's head. You can then press the attack button and a directional (left/right or up/down) to perform different stealth kills. Every weapon, including Kain's claws, has 2 stealth attacks. Each will instantly kill the enemy. Your Mist Ability is useless to any enemies that make use of glyph magic as they can detect your presence without having to see you. It is still possible to achieve a stealth kill on these enemies but hardly worth it. FURY ABILITY Acquire From: N/A This ability allows Kain to perform one unblockable attack on any given enemy. It can only be used when his rage bar is about 3/4 filled. You can only raise Kain's rage bar by blocking attacks of enemies. Once you have enough rage Kain will begin to glow red and then perform this attack. This ability is only useful before Kain acquires the Berserk Ability. JUMP ABILITY Acquire From: Defeating Faustus The Jump Ability allows Kain to access areas out of the reach of any human by jumping extremely far distances. It's primary use is simply this. It is used in minor puzzles to get to seemingly impossible areas of a level. However, it can also be used as a combative weapon if used correctly. To do this you would access it from your Dark Gift menu and the purple cursor would appear, signifying where Kain would land. If you move this cursor over an enemy that is within range it will turn from purple to red. Now if Kain jumps he will land on the enemy, inflicting damage and pushing the enemy onto the ground. Not all that useful as the damage is equivalent to 1 or 2 hits from Kain's claws, however it is fun to pull off. CHARM ABILITY Acquire From: Defeating Marcus Kain can take control of any civilian-type human and make them do simple tasks with this ability such as using levers to let Kain proceed. Kain can use this ability as long as he has a line of site such as throw windows or gates. Using this ability on combatives will make them shake their head or do nothing at all so it is not an affective technique. Its' primary use is to solve puzzles throughout the game. BESERK ABILITY Acquire From: Defeating Sebastian This ability replaces the Fury ability as a more affective attack against enemies using the rage bar for power like Fury does. Kain will perform several devastating attacks against the targeted foe and end with a Matrix-like camera rotation and freeze frame. It looks pretty cool ;) TELEKINESIS ABILITY Acquire From: Visiting the Seer This is the only ability that you do not have to kill to acquire. It is primarily used in puzzle situations like the Charm ability, only on objects instead of people. In fact, it can only be used on special green symbols that appear throughout the later levels (Chapter 8 and beyond). There is, however, a combative use to push enemies away, giving Kain time to escape. The push, however, does not do any damage to enemies. IMMOLATE ABILITY Acquire From: Defeating Magnus The last and most useful skill Kain acquires in Blood Omen 2. This skill is purely combative and requires a full rage bar for Kain to execute. Doing so will result in an instant death from the targeted creature. The only exceptions to this are the Hylden Pet and (obviously) The Sarafan Lord. ======================================================================== 2 - W A L K T H R O U G H ======================================================================== ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2.1- Chapter 1: The Slums ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 5% This part is really just a tutorial and you shouldn't need a walkthrough for it but I'll still do a write-up for it. After the cut scene walk down to the red circle. This is called a checkpoint and it marks your progress. Continue around and down around the alley, listening to conversion or looking around like the game wants you to do. At the gate you will watch another cut scene. Jump on the little slum houses up to the Umah and watch another cut scene. Jump down(and try to float) and turn left to jump over the gate. Continue down the path until you come to a large gate. Turn right and you'll see something shiny next to the smaller gate; that is a lever, go up to it and pull it. Follow Umah and the gate will close behind you. Now go up to the door and use it as you would a lever when it is highlighted. Walk over the checkpoint. 15% Open the next door and watch the cut scene. For those of you that have played the original Blood Omen, you will become very nostalgic upon hearing this guy. Jump down or follow down the stairs to the guy in chains and once he is highlighted in red do as the game tells you and suck his blood(You must hold down this button if you want all of his blood). In the next cut scene Umah explains about "lore". Lore is a sort of experience that enhances your blood bar so you are harder to kill. Continue down the green-lit hallway and drink the blood of the next chained person. You'll need to hit them before you can drink, however. Your blood bar should expand upon drinking. Continue down and operate the lever to open the door and go through. You can kill the person on the right if you want and then go across the checkpoint after the cut scene. 25% Go to your left and jump over the running water. Walk up to the shining coffer and activate it like you would if you wanted to suck blood. You must also hold this button down to get everything from the coffer. This is a lore coffer; it should expand your life bar again but later in the game it won't always do this. Continue walking forward to the hazy green wall and watch the cut scene. Follow Umah to the right down into the sewer and over the checkpoint. 30% Turn right and Umah will train you in fighting. Follow the instructions on the screen to block all of her attacks. For the next part beat the crap out of Umah until the next cut scene appears. Again, follow the instructions on the screen to grab and throw Umah around. Do this a couple times and continue through the sewer after the cut scene. Take a left and walk over the checkpoint. 40% Turn around and you'll see a green glyph box near where you just came from. Activate the valve near it as you would a lever and the water will drain. Jump down and across to where Umah was. Turn right and go up the ramp. In this next scene you will encounter your first enemy- a thug. Walk up to him and beat him down, when he starts to crawl on the ground he won't get back up but you can still kick him in the groin if you desire. Afterwards, use blood suck to restore your health and pick up his weapon when it is highlighted. Go forward and left to a lore coffer, activate it. Turn around and go up the tunnel to your left. Watch the cut scene and you will use your first dark gift. Walk over the checkpoint. 50% Follow the instructions on the screen and use your Mist ability. Now turn left and walk up behind a guard, be sure that you are behind him because if you get too close in his view range he can still spot you. Once directly behind him you will see a skull appear over his head, attack him and you will instantly kill him and scare the peasant. Note that if you decide to blood suck then you will no longer be in your Mist form and others can attack you. Walk forward and behind the large vault to find a lore coffer you can activate. Turn around and go left up the hill and through to the next section. If you haven't already picked up a weapon you can do so here and kill some peasants. Here you will find something that looks similar to a lore coffer but it is in fact a weapon box. Use it and a purple energy will engulf your weapon. This enhances it's damage. Continue down and Umah will explain glyph energy. Before activating it kill the thug and then use the lever. To the right by the fire is a lore coffer you can also activate. Once energy has been supplied to the lever, use it and the gate will open. Walk over the checkpoint after the cut scene. 60% On the left is a lore coffer you can use and you can watch the thug kill the peasant. Kill the thug and ignore the stairs for now, go through the tunnel. Notice the mist on the floor, use your Mist ability, stealth kill the thug and use the lore coffer. Continue down the alleyway to a glyph box. Use the lever and now head back to the stairs. Climb up the stairs and follow the patch till you come to a door by a glyph box. Use the lever to open the door and go down the tunnel to the next checkpoint. 75% Note the mist in this area, change into your Mist form and use the valve on the right wall to turn off the steam. Steam is water so it harms you. Stealth kill the thug and continue around the corner. Walk down the stairs and onto the street to find 2 thugs. Simply hit whichever is closest to you at the time until they are both dead, usually only one attacks at a time. Turn back to where the peasant is by the fire and you'll find a lore coffer to use. Run up ahead to find Umah. After the cut scene, continue straight ahead through the doorway and kill the thug to the right. Climb the ladder that he was guarding up to the roof. Use the lore coffer at the end of the roof and then go back to the ladder and jump up onto the other section of the roof to activate the checkpoint. 85% Jump to the next roof and then down to where there is a catwalk and a peasant to the right of it. Jump to where the peasant is and walk into the building. If you need it, there is a sword on the floor but the enhanced club you have is still better (if you still have it). Go outside and jump across the way and open the door. Inside you will meet your first block. These blocks play important roles in puzzles and are rather annoying due to the sluggishly slow movement. Move the box away from the door once it is highlighted and then open this door to continue. Take the first right down the path and take a left into the building. Go into the elevator here and use the lever to ride it down. Walk into the next part and activate the lever next to the glyph box. Turn around and take the elevator back up. Before leaving the building to your left there is a lore coffer you can use. Take a left and go down the previously closed gate. Jump down and follow the path to a large gate with 2 thugs killing a peasant. Use the lever to the left of the gate to open it and then push the box under the gate. Again, use the lever and the gate will start to close but the box will block it so you can now travel through to the other side and watch the cut scene. END ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2.2- Chapter 2: The Den ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 10% Walk down and activate the checkpoint and take a right to find a lore coffer and a lever near a glyph box. Use both of these and go back to find a thug to kill. Take his weapon and go to the wheel. If you just press the button the gate will not open. You must hold it until the gate it all the way to the top and then go through. Ahead use your Mist ability to kill a new enemy, thieves. These women are rather annoying because they carry crossbows to shoot fire arrows at you. Stealth kill the first one and then normally kill the next. Might want to take their daggers, they are a little better. Climb up the ladder and open the door to the checkpoint. 25% Go to your right and down the stairs to a lore coffer to use. Continue to the other side and go left to kill 2 thugs. Continue on your way and kill the next thug near the end. On the right wall is a glyph box and a lever. Activate it and run back to the checkpoint. Continue going down that path and you'll cross the bridge you just lowered into the next section. Open the door and proceed down the stairs where you'll find a thief to your right. Kill her and activate the checkpoint. 40% Open the left gate using the wheel, remember you must hold it down until the gate fully opens. Use the lore coffer inside and then go back. On the other side of the room follow the stairs up to a thief, kill her and the screaming peasants. Go into the room on your left and activate the lever. Go back down to the basement and use the wheel to open the large gate. In this room, use the weapon box and activate the next lever. Go back upstairs and use the door to the outside. Wait for the glyph energy to get there and then use the lever to deactivate the ward barrier. This next area has mist so use your Mist ability and *try* to stealth kill one of the thugs, it usually doesn't work however. Once dead, use the lore coffer and walk ahead to find a 2 thieves and some mist. Using your ability you can get at least one of them on a stealth kill, and if you are good you can get both. Use the wheel to open the gate, remembering to hold the button until it fully opens. Walk to the left side and use your Mist ability to stealth kill the next thief. Kill the thug up ahead by the well and continue to the checkpoint. 50% Open the door on your left and go to the back of the tavern by the stairs on the right to watch a cut scene. Afterwards, go up the stairs and kill the thug guarding the hidden entrance. Go up to the bookshelf and pull it away from the wall. In here, kill the thief, go down the stairs and out the door. Follow the path to 2 thugs and a box, kill them and push the box to the metal fence. Jump on it and then jump over the fence to the checkpoint. 75% Use the lore coffer and then continue through the broken fence to a thug. Kill him and go up to a graveyard covered in mist. This is the first section with the guards, stealth kill the first one and then you must fight the other one normally. Take their sword unless you still have your enhanced dagger and climb up the ladder to your left. Go across the plank of wood and use the lever to activate the elevator. Follow the tunnel and watch the short cut scene. Take a left and activate the checkpoint. 90% Use the valve to turn off the steam and use the door on the left to find a weapon box and lore coffer for you. Go back through the door and walk along the catwalk and watch the cut scene. Use your Mist ability, walk over to the lever and, still in your Mist form, go through the doorway and stealth kill the guard. Go to the left to find 3 levers; activate all 3 and then go back around and use the valve to tenderize the 2 civilians. Use the lever to your left to open the door and go through. Pull the lever on the right wall and then the lever next to the door ahead to open it. Here, use your Mist ability to stealth kill the Sarafan guard and go to your left down the tunnel. Use this lever to open the door and climb the ladder to your immediate right. Pull both levers here and go through the left doorway, kill the Sarafan, and then pull the lever on the door other door opposite the one you came in. Go back around and pull the middle lever to deactivate the steam from the ladder, go through the right door and up the ladder. You must be quick because the right door is set to close automatically. Pull the lever when you get to the top of the ladder to completely shut off the steam. Now go back down and jump through the hole to the checkpoint. BOSS: Faustus (95%) After entering the door and watching the cut scene Faustus will begin kicking your ass. Simply block until your rage bar is full and then use your Fury attack on him. When you see him jump back with a red aura around him quickly dodge to the right or left by pressing right/left and jump in combat stance. You can not block any red aura attacks, however he also has a yellow aura attack that you can block but it will push you back. It might take a few tries to get his pattern down but if you keep using Fury when your bar is full you won't have much trouble. After 3 times he'll run away to another room. Follow him and here you'll have to use your Mist ability. Faustus will jump on top of boilers and throw some fire things at you. There are little mist trails leader to each of the boilers levers, find where it begins to the boiler he is on and then activate the lever. If you get too close to Faustus while not in Mist form or take too long to activate a lever he will jump to another one. After you do this 3 times Faustus will jump up onto the chains. The key here is to get into a corner and have a pretty wide field of view so you spot Faustus right when he lands. Get in a combat stance and face him and when he charges use dodge it like you did during the first part. If you successfully dodge it Faustus will become stunned and you can hit him. Do this until he dies and you will receive the Jump ability. Go outside and to the broken bridge and select the Jump ability. Aim it until the cursor is purple (not white) and jump to the other side. Go down the tunnel on the left. END ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2.3- Chapter 3: The Lower City ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 5% Umah shows you the way to go in the cut scene so turn right and go down the alley (you can kill the Guard if you wish). Here you will find a lore coffer and a peasant to kill as well as 2 sets of stairs. Go up the right set of stairs and then use your newly acquired Jump skill to get to the other set of buildings. Remember you can only jump when the circle turns from white to purple. Go over the checkpoint and continue down and use your Mist ability. Stealth kill the thug and take his weapon as you will need it for the other thug coming over to investigate. Kill this one and another one that comes from the left alley and continue that way. On the street, ignore the Guard for now and go up the left set of stairs to the gate to watch a cut scene. Jump off and kill the Guard, being sure you do not push him back through the ward gate, you want his sword after he dies. This will be the first time a Guard uses a red aura (unblockable) attack on you so be careful. Once you see him jump back and charge move back a little to get out of range. Continue down the street and dispose of the next Guard then turn around to see the tavern. Use the door and walk inside and approach the barkeep for a cut scene. Now go back to the gate and he'll open it for you. Feel free to kill him, there is no use for him. Down the alley you'll find 2 thugs, dumb as ever. After killing them exit the alley to find yourself on the other side of the ward gate and near a Sarafan outpost. Kill the Guard by the gate and walk up the stairs behind you. On the structure you'll find a lore coffer and, facing the keep, to your right you'll see a glyph box. Use your Jump skill to get to the top of the building and use the lever to activate the glyph magic. Follow the pipe to a lever beside a double door. Pull the lever and enter the building. These weird green things are glyph batteries. You need to pull the one to your left, like you would a box, over to the broken one in the next room. Pull the broken one away from the pipe and replace it with the green glowing one. Now go into the side room with the generators and pull the lever to open the door. Before proceeding go to the opposite side room and use the lore coffer. Using the lever to open the door you'll find a checkpoint. 20% Go into the alley and if you approach the gate he'll say you need a password. Go to your left and out to confront some thugs. Walk out onto the street and kill the Guard patrolling the area. Walk down the street on the right side until you come to a vendor and watch the cut scene. Go back to where you killed the Guard and walk up the stairs on the ramp and go right up another set of stairs to a gate with a lever. Open the gate and go left to the gate that required the password and he'll open it for you. Go into the building and you'll find 3 chained peasants (no, killing them never gets old) and a sword on the ground. Climb up the ladder and use your Jump ability to get over to the next checkpoint. 25% You'll find a lore coffer here and to your right another rooftop to jump to that is covered in mist, how lucky. Use your Jump ability and then your Mist ability to stealth kill the thug. Of course, there is another thug in the corner that you can't stealth kill so just dispose of him normally. Continue forward and jump down to find another 2 thugs in a storage area. On the other side is a lever that you need to operate, then turn around and climb back up the ladder. Use your Jump ability to get to the other side with the now activated lever to open the door to the warehouse (You'll most likely need to get on top of the small shack to your right if you want to make the jump for some reason). Dispose of the thug to your right and walk around to your left and down a flight of stairs. You'll come to 2 talking peasants, notice the cracked wood where they stand and a box hanging directly above it. Walk across the room and up a flight of stairs to find another thug and a lever that will drop the box and open a new path for you. Jump down the hole and go down the path to the next checkpoint. 30% Follow the path up a set of stairs to 2 thugs with their very keen perception (sarcasm for those of you that can't tell). Continue forward and around to a small room with a box. Pull the lever to the left of it to open the door and push the box out. Continue pushing it along this metal slide thingy onto the elevator then activate the lever to your right. The box will rise and now go around to the other side of the metal slide thingy that you slid the box on. When the entire thing highlights like a box you will be able to pull it, thus revealing a direct path for the box to fall through more cracked wood. Climb the ladder in the room where the box originally was, dispose of the guards on this floor, and then push the box off the edge to open yet another path for you. You are now in the sewers and directly ahead of you is another checkpoint. 40% Go down the path with some rubble and you'll encounter a thief in the small hallway. Another thief will be coming down the stairs that you may also slaughter. Go up the stairs to find a lore coffer for your use, then continue down the hall. Use the wheel to fill the room with water and you can use your Jump ability to get to the box on the other side. Now climb up the ladder through the manhole. On the street you'll immediately encounter 2 Guards and further down you'll find a thug. Down the street will be 2 more Guards and a glyph box. Activate it and follow the pipe down to a now open gate and further down a checkpoint. 50% To your left will be 2 thugs to take out. Jump over the debris ahead and go through the tunnel. In the room filled with water, climb up the ladder and jump up to the rooftop in front of you with the guard on it. Drop the box and then open the big metal door by using the lever on the catwalk. Put the box under the door when it's open and then use the valve that was on your left to drain the water. Quickly run up the stairs with the blocked metal door to the next checkpoint. 70% (ok, that last puzzle was worth 20% of the level... right) Exit where you'll see a gang war between the Thugs. Let them kill each other and finish them off. Once you are finished with that pull the lever to open a gate to the next area with the first Glyph Guard. Even though he can't see you, he'll be able to sense you because of his armor. 2 regular Guards will come out and you'll have to kill them (and take their swords). Sometimes the alarm won't be activated but most times it is (glitch?). Go to the left side of the building behind you and jump up on the boxes then on the roof of the building. Use your Jump ability to leap onto the small building in front of you. Use the ability again to jump to the gate where a lore coffer awaits you. This next part involves a little bit of strategy; you can either jump down and take out the Glyph Guard immediately, or deactivate the alarm by uses the switch by the door. I recommend flipping the switch first so more Guards don't flood out of the building. Dispose of all Sarafan, then open the gate to your right by turning the wheel (hold it until the gate is up all the way). Run ahead to the checkpoint. 80% Run out onto the street and to the right of the ward gate will be an alley to continue down. Use your Mist ability to stealth kill the Thug guarding the gate. Use the wheel to open the gate (I won't mention that you have to hold it anymore, you should know it by now) and continue forward to watch the cut scene. Follow the vampire up the ramp, he almost leaves a trail with his red aura feet. Continue following him up the building and use your Jump ability to leap to the next. A Thug will delay your progress, but only for a little bit. Afterwards, use your Jump ability again to get to the next building. Watch the cut scene and then continue around the corner and jump down to the checkpoint. 90% Walk onto the street and take a left past the small ward gate to encounter 2 Thugs. After killing them, look to your right and notice another ward gate... but also boxes stacked high enough for you to jump over it. Access the lore coffer then go down the stairs to discover a rather simple puzzle. Pull the lever to retract the bridge, then jump over to the other side, go to the right, and turn around again to discover a box. Push it down into the pit and push it over to where the bridge would be if you hadn't retracted it. Jump over to where the wheel is and use it to flood the pit. Jump over the water back to the lever and use it again to extend the bridge under the box that is now floating. Jump back, drain the water, and then safely push the box across into the hole to open the gate. Follow this tunnel and use the switch at the end to deactivate all of the ward gates in the area. Go back to the surface and follow the street and take your first right through a walkway with a sign of a lady in a blue dress over it. Take a left to a bridge over the street and use the lore coffer, then enter the Blue Lady tavern. Go down to the basement to find the leader of the resistance. END ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2.4- Chapter 4: The Upper City ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 5% Cross over the checkpoint and continue up to the street where you'll find 2 Guards. Kill them and take a sword to better battle the Sarafan. Go around the fountain and down the street where you can use your Mist ability to stealth kill the Thug. Continue down the stairs and watch the cut scene. You'll encounter your first Holy Guards here, charmed by Marcus. Kill them and take their weapons if you wish, although I prefer the sword. Use the wheel to open the gate and advance down, ignoring the 2 dead Holy Guards. Go through the door and you'll come to a flooded section of the Upper City and 2 more Holy Guards. Walk over the checkpoint before killing them. 10% After killing the Holy Guards, go across the catwalk into a room with another Holy Guard and a wheel to rotate the center building. Kill him and use the wheel and then go back and across into this center building. Use the wheel in here to rotate it again to get to the other side. Before going up the stairs, look to your right to find a Lore Coffer that you may access. Go up the stairs and use your Mist ability when you hear the voices of 2 Thugs; you will be able to stealth kill only one of them, not like it really matters with easy Thugs. Use the door at the end of the hall and then climb up the ladder. Use the wheel to open the gate and walk out onto the street and activate the checkpoint. 15% Walk down the street to your right and use your Mist ability as soon as possible. With a little sneaking around, you will manage to stealth kill both Guards. Continue walking down the street and kill the Guard by the large wooden door. On your left you can open the doors by activating the lever, and then open the next set of doors to a checkpoint. 20% The Thieves will almost always notice you so the mist doesn't serve a purpose here. Kill them and continue down this large alley. At the end you'll see a chunk of the ladder missing and a box to the right; pull the box back one and left one and then use it to jump on the ladder and up onto the roof. On the roof, kill the Thief that is preparing to... well... steal something (go figure) and then jump through the skylight into the house. Another Thief will be in here, as well as a Lore Coffer and a switch to open the door to the balcony. The right side of the balcony will be missing, allowing you to use your Jump ability to get into the next building. If you are quick, a Glyph Guard will cross in front of the opening, allowing you to jump and harm him at the same time (looks cool too!). Kill both of the Glyph Guards in here and use the Weapon Box in the corner before continuing down the stairs. Open the door and then use the wheel to open the gate and activate the checkpoint. 25% (this is a long chapter) Ahead on the street you'll encounter a Glyph Guard and you'll aware him to your presence, not like it matters. Kill him and then turn into your Mist form if the Guards further down haven't also been alerted. Try to stealth kill the normal Guard and dispose of the Glyph Guard. Go up to the guard house with the Sarafan flags on either side and use the lever to open the door. Go out the other door and use the glyph box to transfer power, then use the wheel to open the gate back onto the street. Go down a little and use your Mist ability, then use the now activated lever to raise the main gate to the keep. Still using your ability, stealth kill the Guard up ahead and use the second lever to raise the next gate and walk over the checkpoint. 30% In the right corner there will be a Glyph Guard to kill, as well as one up the stairs near the first. One the wall by the running water will be a valve to turn it off. Run back up the stairs and use your Jump ability to leap across where the water previously was. Go to the right and encounter yet another Glyph Guard with some mist, although he will be alerted to you so it is pointless. On the right wall will be another valve to turn off the water running off a tunnel below. Jump off and go through to a gate requiring you to use the wheel to open it. As a result, the other gate will close. A group of Thugs will open it for you and approach you. After you slaughter them all, use the Lore Coffer and proceed through the door to the checkpoint. 35% Go forward to come to a gate puzzle. Use the lever on the right to open the gate in front of you, but also closing another. Kill the Glyph Guard in this area and then use the switch on the left side of the wall to transfer the water from one side to the other. Use the glyph box in the newly drained pool to activate a switch on the right side. Use the lever on the wall to drain this pool and then activate the switch in the newly drained pool to drop the box. Again, flip the switch to drain the water back into the original pool (ok I know this is confusing, bear with me) allowing you to push the box. Push the box into the corner where the first gate is open. You will notice this now blocks the gate from swinging back to a closed position so go back up the stairs and use this lever to open the 2nd gate. Use the wheel in this area to open the double doors to a new area and checkpoint. 40% Go to the left towards the clock tower and 2 Glyph Guards will draw their swords and advance towards you. After killing them, enter the clock tower and you'll see a box to your immediate left. Push it two squares over, you'll see why in a second. Go up the stairs and use the wheel by the weight to drop the weight all the way down (something the box wouldn't have allowed), go back to the lever and activate it to ring the bell. Exit the clock tower and go through the newly opened gates into the courtyard with the statue. Kill the single Glyph Guard and continue over the bridge to an elevator. Use it to go up and then turn right to see an open window. Use your Jump ability to leap into it and into the bedroom where a lore coffer is by the stairs. Go down, kill the Glyph Guard, and exit through the door to the checkpoint. 45% Kill the Glyph Guard right in front of you, don't bother with the stealth kill even though there is mist. Go down to see a glyph battery in use to your left. It is caged however, so climb up the ladder and use the wheel to raise it's cage, while lower the other one. Move it over to the right where the other section of the pipe is now caged, go back up and use the wheel again to raise this cage, and go back down to push it into position to bring power to the switch by the gate. Use the lever to open the gate and kill both Glyph Guards in this area. Go through the open gate and open the door into the building, where you'll encounter another Glyph Guard on the stairs. Go up the stairs and out the door to the next section. Watch the short cut scene that of the Bishop's mansion and go down to the checkpoint. 50% You can try using the Mist ability for a stealth kill, but odds are they will spot you and you'll have to take down all 3 Guards normally. In the right corner of the area will be a Lore Coffer for your use, as well as stairs to proceed up. Jump onto the ladder and climb it up to the broken window. Use your Jump ability to get to the other building un- noticed. Open the door and go through to the checkpoint. 60% I swear I'll never understand how this game gauges progress... Anyways, kill the evil Guard and go down the hall where there is mist, and to your right, double doors that you may go through. If you are careful you can still get a stealth kill on this guard by avoiding him when he is searching for you and circling around him. Go down the stairs and kill the other Guards. (Note: It is very hard to fight any enemy in this game on any sort of inclined plane, I suggest you always bait them to a normal surface to fight) In the corner will be a single door you may open to proceed into a kitchen and then a study to encounter your first Glyph Captain, which will soon become common place throughout Meridian. Kill him and take his weapon, a large blade that is one of my favorite weapons. The best strategy to use is to block his attacks until he charges for his red aura (unblockable) move and to then dodge it and hit him. Approach the servant by the tunnel leading down and watch the cut scene. It isn't mandatory to kill this idiot, but I always do because I'm not a nice person. Go down the tunnel and you'll be at the cathedral and a checkpoint. 70% Kill the Glyph Guard up ahead and his buddy will open the gate and attack you. Go through the gate and down into the graveyard to encounter a Holy Guard, we haven't seen those guys in awhile. In a corner by a crypt you'll see a block which you can drag away from the wall to reveal a passage. Go through to the other part of the graveyard and kill the 5 Holy Guards throughout this area. Try to get a stealth kill off so you can enjoy your new huge axe thoroughly. You'll find a vault that isn't a vault at all, but a passage. In the 4 corners of this next room will be 4 blocks, push in the 3 black ones to open the large iron door. Follow this path out to another section of the graveyard with 2 more Holy Guards. There is a door at the other end you may open to proceed to a checkpoint. 80% Walk down the hall and you'll see a cut scene with the bishop. Chase after Marcus through the graveyard and down the street. The door will close as you approach him, simply activate the lever to raise it again and climb up the set of ladders to the roof. Use your Jump ability to chase him through the stained glass window and to the next checkpoint. BOSS: Marcus (90%) Go forward to the roof and you'll watch a cut scene where you'll both fall to the ground. Marcus will vanish and start hitting you. On both the left and the right are levers to start ringing the bells. For some reason, this will interfere with Marcus' ability to go invisible, giving you time to hit him. Keep alternating sides and hitting him until he is about halfway down in health and his Holy Guards will come through and destroy the bells. Run around the altar and back up the stairs to the 2nd floor. Marcus will be semi-invisible now. You'll have to pick up his Holy Guards and throwing them into the bells to stun him, allowing you to beat him up. (submitted by Watch out for the fire arrows they use if you are far away and simply kill them if you are low on life. Eventually you will kill Marcus and then acquire the Charm ability. END ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2.5 - Chapter 5: The Sarafan Keep ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1% Cross over the checkpoint right in front of you and go down the stairs to the courtyard. To your right is a line of mist that will make for an easy stealth kill of the Guard. Take his sword and then walk up to the small building and look through the window to find a citizen inside. Select your Charm ability and follow the instructions at the top of the screen to use it and take control of the human. Use him to flip the switch and open the door, release the human and then kill him and proceed through the other door. Walk over the checkpoint up ahead. 5% Wait a little bit for a Guard to walk by and then use your Mist ability to stealth kill him. Down the hall on the left will be a citizen and a weapon box you can use to upgrade your sword. Just outside of that room is a valve to turn off the steam and walk through the newly cleared doorway. Walk down the stairs in this next room and dispose of the Guard. Use the lever to the right of the machine and it will start doing... whatever it is it's supposed to do. Now, push the glyph battery to your left at the other end of the machine and push it back to the radiator thing then jump back on the platform and use this switch to start the flame in the machine. If you did it right, the glyph battery will explode, letting you continue through the doorway. Follow the path, killing the thief along the way, and take a right up the stairs to use the Lore Coffer. Now go back down the stairs and use the lever to open the door. Don't go for the checkpoint quite yet. Instead, immediately change to your Mist form and try to stealth kill the Guard. After that walk over the checkpoint. 15% Follow the mist trail to the left hallway and stealth kill the Guard that walks over to kick the thief. Activate the lever by the glyph box and run back to the main room and open the door to the next area. Run over this checkpoint in the misty hallway. 25% (10% of the chapter... uh huh) Use your Mist ability and stealth kill the Guard, do not risk alerting him to your presence by killing the citizen first. Kill the other guard then go through the doorway to your left to use a Lore Coffer. Continue down the hallway (you can't open the door) and out into a gigantic room with a large pool of water in the middle. Jump down and go left while in your Mist form. Stealth kill the Guard and go around till you see a platform above you with a citizen on it. Use your Charm ability to control him and use the valve, which will lower the water level. Continue around the level and kill the next Glyph Guard you encounter and you'll find a ladder to climb up to one of the platforms. Use the valve to further lower the water level and then look to your right. You'll see the last platform which you can get to by using your Jump ability. Use this valve and you can jump down into the now emptied pool. Find the pipe and jump in and follow it down to a Glyph Guard on some stairs. Kill him, go up the stairs, and use the lever to open the door. Walk over the checkpoint ahead in the hallway. 35% Don't bother with your Mist ability because the Glyph Captain will detect you. Kill him and open the door to the next area. Kill the Guard to your left and use the ladder to your right to climb up to the top where a glyph box controls where power goes. Use the switch to change it over to the left side and then jump to your right and enter the middle building where a switch lies on a wall. Use it to open the door on the side of the room you just gave power to and head back to the top. Use the switch again to bring power to the right side, allowing you to go through the newly opened doorway. Use the elevator at the end of this room and activate the checkpoint. 45% On the right side of the room is a weapon box to upgrade you current weapon, down the hall on your left is a room with a lever that will unlock the door to the next area. Open the door and enter to the main part of the keep. Use your Mist ability and wait for the Glyph Captain to come around so you can stealth kill him. Do not take his axe, your upgraded sword (if that is indeed what you have) is better. Kill the other Glyph Captain in this area then look up on the 2nd level to find a citizen. Use your Charm ability on him and make him run through the hall with the Glyph Captain and use the lever by the glyph box to deactivate the ward gate. Run back to the area with the door you came through and go left to a mural room. Walk over the checkpoint to your right and prepare for a fight. 60% Kill the Glyph Captain and look to your right down the stairs where another Glyph Captain is waiting. Use your Jump ability to hit him and then kill him like the others. By all this blocking that you have to do, your upgraded sword has probably broken by now so take this one's axe. Go back up the stairs and to your right where a citizen is behind a closed gate and watch the cut scene. Go back to where you killed the last Glyph Captain and you'll find your target. Kill both the citizen and the Glyph Captain then return to the woman. Proceed down the hall where 2 citizens will call a Glyph Captain to their rescue. Dispose of him and continue down and around the hall to an elevator that will take you up a floor. Walk forward a little and kill the Glyph Captain that rounds the corner. Walk out to the broken terrace and use your Jump ability to reach the one on the other side. Turn left and use the lever to lower the ladder (just in case you fall) and then continue down that path and use your Jump ability again to get to the other side. Go down this hall to arrive at the place where your charmed citizen had deactivated the ward gate. Kill the Glyph Guard and take a right to the 2nd floor of the dining hall. Go around till you find a switch that will open a door to the next area and a checkpoint. 75% After you watch the cut scene, jump down and throw the switch on the side which will raise a ward gate and the alarm will sound. Kill all of the Glyph Captains in this area, some will come out of the door, and then jump onto the ladder on the side back up to the 2nd floor. Go through the door up ahead to find a room with an elevator guarded by a Glyph Guard. Kill him and ride the elevator up a floor, activating the alarm. Go up the spiral staircase and use the lever to open the door. Quickly jump down and go through the door before it closes. Use your Mist ability and stealth kill the Guard, then kill the other Glyph Captain that is about to kill the citizen. Go up the stairs and around to a switch that will reveal a secret passageway. Go down this way and use your Charm ability on the citizen on the other side of the door. As the citizen, walk forward to find a switch on the staircase that will open the door for Kain. Upon entering note the passage to your left but ignore it for now and go up the stairs to use a Lore Coffer. Return back and go through that passage to find a checkpoint. 90% Kill the Guard up ahead then use the lever to open the door out to the roof. Watch the cut scene with the Glyph Knight and 2 Guards. Use your Mist ability to stealth kill the Guard in your area and then approach the Glyph Knight. Kill him and use a fury attack if you have on to make it easier. Also dispose of the other Guard and go to the left side of the chapel to use the switch to deactivate the ward gate. Enter the main door by using the lever and watch the cut scene. Afterwards, look to the left to see a statue of some Sarafan hero. Go to it and pull it away from the wall then go back around to the glyph box and use the switch so the ward gate by Umah is deactivated. Go back to Umah and watch the cut scene. END ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2.6- Chapter 6: The Industrial Quarters ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1% Upon entering the building, take a left and follow the path to a back room where some blue cube things are being produced. On the wall will be a glyph box and a valve to control where the energy goes. Use the valve first and then the glyph box to direct the energy to the right pipe. Go back to the first room you were in and use the lever to open the gate when the glyph energy reaches it. Before heading up, go back and change the valve again so the energy is directed to the left. Now go up the stairs and around the corner to a room with a Glyph Captain and a Lore Coffer. Kill him and use the lever to open the door to continue up the stairs. Follow the path to the next checkpoint. 5% To your left will be a lever to open a gate with a thief awaiting you. Kill her and use the lever in here to lower a ladder for you to climb. Use the Lore Coffer in here and continue through the door on the opposite side where there will be a checkpoint to your right. 7% Walk around the corner and watch the cut scene. Afterwards, kill the 2 thieves along your path. At the end you'll find a switch that is not yet activated. Jump down to your left and use the glyph box to activate it and then kill the thief that is quickly advancing on you. Run around to your left to find a ladder up to a platform where a worker is walking around. On this platform is a newly introduced weapon, and my favorite- the double-edged Darth Maul weapon ;) Pick it up if you wish but don't go up the slide, instead turn around and use your Jump ability to get onto the next set of crates. To your right will be another set of crates with a Lore Coffer that you can reach with your Jump ability also. To your right on this same section of crates will be crates configured to act as stairs. Jump from one to the other until you are at the top where you can use your Jump ability to get back to the main path you were originally on to your left. Now use the lever to open the door and enter a mist-filled area. Go to your left and inside the room with the very annoying music and kill the Industrial Guard. Activate the glyph box and go back to the hall, killing the other Industrial Guard, and continuing through the door to the checkpoint. 10% Walk forward to the elevator to ride it down. Walk around to the right and kill the thief. Be careful of the other thief's fire arrows, you'll get her in a second. After both are dead, jump down to the worker area and note the 4 boilers with 4 levers in each corner. Use each lever and the main switch on the second floor will be activated. Climb the ladder back up and use the lever to start the conveyer belt. Jump back down and watch the glyph box be powered up then follow it down the conveyer belt to the next area. Use the Lore Coffer to your right walk through to the next area to watch the cut scene... a bomb with a lever... right... Anyways, go through the newly created gigantic hole in the side of the building and dispose of all Industrial Guards. Walk around to the other side of the 2nd floor to the checkpoint. 25% Use the lever on the right to advance the gondola and then go through the door and jump in to be transported to the next area. To your right will be a ladder, and a checkpoint... because you need one after only 2 sentences. 35% Climb up the ladder and quickly advance on the thief before she can use her fire arrows. Use the ladder on the left wall to climb up to the next section where 2 more thieves await. Use the lever at the end to open the metal door and advance to the next checkpoint. 40% Climb up the ladder and walk down the catwalk to find 2 Glyph Captains and a Lore Coffer. At the other end of the walkway is a lever to call the lift down. Enter the lift and ride it up the next floor. Open the door and advance to the next checkpoint. 50% Kill the Industrial Guard right in front of you and walk down to the mist and use your Mist ability as soon as possible to avoid being spotted. Stealth kill the next Industrial Guard and then walk onto the lift to your right. Go down and you'll come to 2 Glyph Guards, one will have the darth maul weapon (woot!). Continue down to the last set of columns and use your Jump ability to get over to the left side. Follow the path until you come to an Industrial Guard by a door to the next area. Kill the guard and go through the door to the checkpoint. 60% Go through the left doorway and around to a room with another Glyph Guard. Go through to the next area where a conveyer belt will be with a closed door. Around the other side will be a lever to open the door so you can continue down the conveyer belt to the checkpoint on your right. 70% Use your Mist ability to stealth kill at least one of the Industrial Guards and kill the other. In the back left corner there will be a door to continue through. In this next area the lever is broken but there is a large window with a worker on the other side. Use your Charm ability to take control of one and then pull the lever on the bomb next to the window to blow it up. At this point a Glyph Guard will come and try to kill you. Kill him and jump through the broken window and to the right down the tunnel. At this point the cave will start collapsing and you can be hit by the falling rocks. To your right will be a lore coffer and then continue down the main tunnel. When you come to the next room watch the cut scene, then use the window to your advantage and use your Charm ability to take control of another worker. As the worker, use the lever to open the door for Kain then release him. Use your Mist ability to stealth kill the Industrial Guard, don't bother with the next one because he is a Glyph Guard. Continue down the hall and on your left will be a door to the next area. To your right will be another large window to use your Charm ability on the worker. As the worker, pull the lever right in front of you then turn back into Kain and jump on the conveyer belt to continue forward to the checkpoint. 75% Use your Mist ability and sneak behind one of the Industrial Guards to stealth kill him. You can try to stealth kill the other but it takes too long in my opinion. Use the lever to open the door on your right and then pull the lever by the window before using your Charm ability on the worker on the other side. Run through the conveyer belt and then take a left and use this lever to open the conveyer belt for Kain. Switch back to Kain and go through to find 2 Industrial Guards to kill. Before going through the doorway ahead of you, take a right to where the worker originally was to access a Lore Coffer. In the next area use the lever to go through the door to a misty hallway. Use your Mist ability and sneak past the Industrial Guards to the left room. Go into the office with a large window and stand a pretty far distance away from it before you use your Charm ability on the worker. If you are too close you will die when you make the worker activate the lever bomb. Jump through the broken window and ride the elevator to your left. Walk over the checkpoint using your Mist ability so the Industrial Guard doesn't detect you. 80% Stealth kill the Industrial Guard and continue forward to a section filled with mist and Industrial Guards and some Glyph Guards. It is possible to stealth kill every one but it isn't a big deal if you can't. When all of them are dead, run up the stairs, use the Lore Coffer, and flip the switch to open the door directly below you. Jump down and go into the room to activate the next checkpoint. 85% Use your Charm ability on the worker through the window and make her activate the switch. As Kain, go across the conveyer belt and pull the next switch to open the other conveyer belt to go across. Again, use your Charm ability (if you think doing this is boring you should try typing it over and over again) on the worker through the window to activate the lever that will open a conveyer belt and stop another. As Kain, go back and you'll find a conveyer belt along the way that will bring you to the room where the workers are that you just charmed. Kill the Industrial Guard and then on the control panels to your left flip all 3 switches to activate the small train. Follow the track back out to the main room and into another room that was opened up. Jump on the lift and use the lever to ride it up. Use the wheel on your left to start up some machinery, then go around the corner and up some stairs to an Industrial Guard. Here, there will be a track that goes around in a loop and several blockades that you are able to push. Push the one near the flame onto the track and then push the other one off the track. Jump on the control station to your left and use the lever to start the train and, hopefully, make it explode. Go through the hole in the wall to the check point. 90% Use the mist to your advantage and try to stealth kill the Industrial Guard before the Glyph Guard finds you. Kill them both and then use your Jump ability to make it across the gap to your right. Continue down the tunnel, killing the Industrial Guard along the way, until you come to an office with a Lore Coffer in the back left corner. Go out and take a left down to the checkpoint. BOSS: Sebastian (95%) Normal Strategy: This strategy is the way the designers intended for you to beat Sebastian, one of the harder bosses in the game. If you are having trouble with him then look down to the Easy Strategy. Use Kain's throwing technique, something I never take advantage of, to harm him. Advance on him and pick him up, then look for the steam coming out and try to throw him so the steam will be upon him when he stands up. If you do it right he will take some damage and then he'll yell "It burns!" and advance on you with a red aura (unblockable) move. Quickly dodge it to the left or right and continue throwing him into the steam until he starts running around the room. The middle will start releasing energy so quickly get on the side and avoid the steam coming out of the pipes. Try to always keep an eye on Sebastian and when he hangs onto one of the 3 bars quickly position yourself so the purple energy in the middle is between you and Sebastian. If you do it right he will jump at you and get caught in the beam and damage himself. Do this 3 times and he'll then try to destroy the Nexus Stone. Jump up to the platform and Sebastian will jump off. Use your charm ability on the worker through the window and make him turn the steam on by throwing the lever to your right. Sebastian will jump up and you'll have to grab him by the next and throw him down into the steam at least twice for him to finally die. Kain will now acquire the Berserk ability, a more powerful version of the Fury ability which also is activated in the same manner. Easy Strategy: As soon as you start the fight and Sebastian is standing in front of you, don't touch a single button. If you don't do anything, neither will he and the steam will eventually kill him. (submitted by ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2.7- Chapter 7: The Canyons ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1% Kain gets some new duds! Although, they are not as cool as his previous ones. Walk out of the tunnel and watch the cut scene. Jump down and kill the Glyph Captain and then use the Lore Coffer to the left of the small waterfall. Continue up this path and through a tunnel where you can take advantage of the mist to stealth kill the thieves. After they are dead, run across the wooden bridge to the checkpoint. 5% Kill the thief ahead and take a left, jumping up the ledges. Follow the tunnel out to a building by the waterfall. To your left will be 2 thieves to dispose of, then walk up the stairs to the building and look in your building to see a peasant that you can use your Charm ability on. Go up the stairs and use the valve to change the wheels and open the gates. Switch back to Kain and go up to your right where the gate opened and a box will be next to it. Push the box under the gate, go back and Charm the human again and make him use the valve to start the wheel but keep the gate open as well. Go to your left and jump on the passing blocks and ride it up to the upper level. You can now walk around and through the open gate to the checkpoint. 10% Use your Jump ability to get from one rock to the next and then use your Jump ability again to get to the Lore Coffer to your left. Jump inside the tower and go up the stairs and out the door. Kill the Glyph Captain in here and walk out the door on the opposite end into another tower. Walk down to the bottom and activate the checkpoint. 15% Before exiting through the double doors, flip the switch to your right to open the gate. Go up to the gate and it will open for you, with a Glyph Captain activating the alarm to call 2 fire arrow thieves. Kill them both and go to the right, using the mist to your advantage, stealth kill the Glyph Captain. Go through the double doors he was by, but first not the valve on the wall, you'll be coming back to it shortly. Go all the way up the stairs and activate the glyph box. Now jump down to the bottom and when you see the glyph energy coming down the pipe be sure to switch the valve so it doesn't activate the alarm, but instead powers the lever. This is a sort of preparation for the puzzles you will encounter in this chapter. Pull the lever and go through to the checkpoint. 20% Be careful in the tunnel as you can be hit by falling rocks rather easily. Continue forward to where a cargo transport is under siege by some thieves. Go forward some more and watch the cut scene. Silly woman... use your Jump ability to go over and kick her ass for the inconvenience. In the next part more rocks can fall and damage you. You'll get out just in time and find a checkpoint ahead. 30% Go to your left and kill all of the thugs that are attacking the cargo transport. Climb the ladders on the transport and use your Jump ability to get to the left ledges where a Lore Coffer awaits. Continue up the ledges and around till you see a misty part where you can use your Jump ability to get there. Immediately change into your Mist form and stealth kill the thieves. Continue around the side of the mountain and to the right will be an mine entrance. Go through the tunnel and down to the checkpoint. 35% Walk into the next room and use your Mist ability to stealth kill the thug and thief. Go around all of the boxes to your left and continue till you find another thief and an elevator to your left. Kill the thief and continue up the elevator. Go out onto the road and up to the thug. Kill him and go up the hill to your right. Go to the end and look to your left through the bars to find a peasant. Use your Charm ability on him and use the lever to open the door to a jail cell. Go back a little and use your Charm ability on the prisoner to go up the stairs and open the door and then use the wheel to lower the ladder for you. Switch back to Kain and climb up the ladder to the bridge. Go to your left and use the lever to open the steel door. Quickly run across the bridge and through to the prison cell before the door closes. Go down the stairs, jump over the debris to your left, and use the switch to open the next door. At the end of this tunnel you'll come upon a checkpoint. 45% Jump down to the spooky road and take a left to watch the cut scene with the first demons. The little spiders aren't that bad but the bigger ones are pure hell. These are the first ones you will encounter so go up to it and (if you have a full rage bar I'd use berserk) kill it. You will notice that it's red aura (unblockable) attack isn't at all a red aura attack but green poison that comes with no warning. Lucky for you the demons have a lot of blood; the designers could have been really mean and decided demons don't have any blood. Continue down to another deserted cargo transport and a Lore Coffer. Keep going forward to find 2 Lesser Demons and a Weapon Box (haven't seen one of these in awhile). Unless you want a really tough time with Lesser Demons, I suggest you power up one of the Glyph Captain's axes. Continue forward in this area and you'll find an open gate with a checkpoint. 55% Kill the 2 Lesser Demons that are feasting on the Glyph Captains and continue along the road until you come to yet another Lesser Demon. Kill him and go watch a Glyph Captain and Lesser Demon duke it out. Once the Glyph Captain dies go finish off the Lesser Demon. Go to the left of the large door and into the burning tower. Get up to the top using a combination of normal jumps and Jump ability. Exit out through the door and go across the bridge to the next tower. Go all the way down and exit out through the double doors. Run ahead and to the left to activate the checkpoint. 60% Kill the Lesser Demon right in front of you and then go to the left to the track intersection and use the valve to change the direction of the train that will be coming shortly. Go around the house to the right and up the hill and jump on the roof of the house. Use your Jump ability to get over to where the windmill is, use the Lore Coffer and the valve to change the direction of the train again. Now go back to the house and look through the window to find a peasant. Use your Charm ability to take control of him and pull the lever to activate the train. If all goes well, the train should go through to the other side and you'll ride it to the next section. Walk ahead to the next checkpoint. 65% Go to your left by the blockaded door to find a control station with 3 levers. In the following order pull the levers: left, middle, right, middle. If done correctly a piece of rock should be on the conveyer belt. Go around to where the glyph box is but first turn the valve so it powers the door, not the conveyer belt. Activate the glyph box and then go through the open door. On the wall will be another valve, switch it and the conveyer will start up. Now go over to a switch that deactivates the machine to the right which will smash the rock as it comes through. Do not activate it until the rock is close to you because it is on a timer and will restart the machine automatically. If done correctly, the rock should appear at the other side. If not, you'll have to go back to the crane and do it again. In this part there will also be a control station with 3 levers. You want to flip them in the following order: left, middle, right, middle. This will crush the glyph battery and let you proceed where the door used to be. Watch the cut scene and activate the checkpoint. 75% Continue forward where you'll encounter a Lesser Demon right before the hill. Kill him and continue up the hill and to the left where you'll find a Weapon Box. Go to the right (watch out for the pool of water, it's hard to see) and kill the other Lesser Demon before continuing up the hill and onto the ledges. Use your Jump ability to get across to the other ledge, where you'll find 2 peasants by the fire. Go to the right up a short tunnel to a higher ledge where you can use your Jump ability to get to the checkpoint on the other side. 85% Go around the waterfall and kill the Lesser Demon by the gate. Use the wheel to open it (remember you must hold it all the way) and run through to the next area. Right away you'll encounter 2 Lesser Demons to dispose of. Go to the right and onto the wooden platform where a valve and a ladder await you. Take note of the valve but don't do anything with it because it will reset anyways. Climb up the 2 ladders and take not of another valve, again it will reset if you do anything to it. Use your Jump ability to get to the other building where, surprise, you'll find yet another valve that will reset if you do anything to it. Go all the way down the stairs and you'll find a peasant in a cell with a glyph box. If you haven't guessed it already, you have to Charm the peasant to activate the glyph box, then as Kain, go back and flip each valve as the glyph magic reaches it. You can't do it too soon or the valve will reset and the magic won't be directed where you want. If you do it correctly with all 3 valves, it will power a lever to deactivate the ward gate outside. Continue forward to see a Lesser Demon kill a Glyph Captain, then finish it off. Keep following the path until you come to a checkpoint by a windmill. 90% Kill the Lesser Demon right in front of you and then use the Lore Coffer by the well before going up to the door of the Seer and acquiring the Telekinesis ability, the *only* ability you will get without killing a boss. After the cut scene use your Telekinesis ability to activate the symbol above the door. It works just like the Charm ability, only on objects. Go forward and enter the center complex and follow the pathway down where you'll watch another cut scene at the entrance of the device. END ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2.8- Chapter 8: The Eternal Prison ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1% By far, my favorite chapter in the entire game. This place is like "House on Haunted Hill" on ecstasy. Anyways, follow the path to the edge of a cliff and use your Jump ability to get to the entrance of the main building. Use your Telekinesis skill on the symbol above the large doors to open them and enter the prison to watch a cut scene. Is it just me or did that whole speech sound like propaganda? Of course, ignore his orders and go up the stairs and use your Jump ability to get to the large chair that the Prison Guardian was on a moment ago. Then turn right and, again, use your Jump ability to get to the next floor. Here, turn left and then go to the little piece that juts out and use your Jump ability to get to the other side. Here, you should climb up the ladder to the 3rd floor and use your Jump ability to get to the doorway with blue torches on either side. Walk over the checkpoint in this next room. 5% Jump down the hole and you'll encounter Spider Demons, these guys are great because they do not have either a yellow aura or red aura attack. They also can't be thrown but I never use that move anyways. Kill both of them and exit through the newly opened door. Kill the next Spider Demon and go to the left corner where a lever will raise the cell, revealing a hole to jump down, as well as raise the Spider Demon cages. Pick up the weapon to your left and chop up the Spider Demons then jump down the hole. You'll now be in a large room with a display of the planets and moons in the center with a lever on it. Go to the other side where a weapon and Lore Coffer await, as well as a cut scene. Climb out of the hole and activate the checkpoint. 10% Exit outside and use your Jump ability to get to the other building. Use your Telekinesis ability on the symbol above the door to open it and proceed through. Kill the 2 Demon Spiders and, again, use your Telekinesis ability on the symbol to open the door. Use your Jump ability to get across and, yet again, use your Telekinesis ability on the symbol to open the door. Sigh, again kill the 2 Spider Demons and use your Telekinesis ability on the symbol to proceed. Walk across the bridge and watch the cut scene. This will be your first fight with the Prison Guardian. After a couple of hits he will go invisible but his eyes will remain, making him an easy target still. After you kill him you *cannot* take his weapon (boo!). Proceed down the stairs to where you were before they teleported you. Use the Lore Coffer and then the switch on the center display to create a door for you to walk through and a checkpoint. 20% Walk down the stairs to encounter your first inmate, they will not harm you but will act as subjects for your Charm ability later. For now, use your Telekinesis skill on the right symbol to raise parts of the stairs so you can proceed. At the top watch the cut scene and be welcomed to This-Doesn't-Make-Any-Sense Land. Continue forward to the checkpoint and try not to rationalize this place. 25% Jump to the center and flip the switch to start platforms rotating around the display. Your goal is to get to the top where a door will teleport you out of this place. Jump back to the ring and up to the section in front of you. Go forward a little to a piece that sticks out to the right and a Prison Wraith will appear and attack you. Kill it (also interesting that they have blood) and then use your Jump ability to get to the next platform in front of you. Another Prison Wraith will appear, hindering your progress. Kill it and use your Jump ability to get to the next section. Go to the end of this platform and look a little to the right; that is the platform you need to get on, you'll just barely make it with your Jump ability and will most likely land on the checkpoint. 30% Here you'll encounter 2 Prison Wraiths so I suggest using your Berserk ability just to cut back on time. After they are dead, use your Jump ability to get to the next platform, just barely making it. Here you will find a Lore Coffer and a sword; by now your other one has probably been shattered. Also, a Prison Wraith will appear at the next platform. Use your Jump ability and try to aim it so you hit it and land at the same time. After you kill that one another will appear to kill. Use your Jump ability to get to the next platform, where 2 Prison Wraiths and the darth maul weapon awaits you. Kill them and at the end of this platform look to your left and use your Jump ability to get to the door. After the cut scene walk over the checkpoint. 35% Walk ahead a little and the prison cells will drop and Spider Demons will come out. Kill all of them and go into the fallen cells to find a Lore Coffer. Jump on top of the cells and use your Jump ability to get to the 2nd floor to your left. Use the lever by the prisoner to lower another group of cells. Jump on top of these then turn to your left and jump on top of the next group of cells. Jump over to the 3rd floor where a weapon awaits you if you need it. Look inside the middle cell and use your Charm ability to take control of the prisoner. Use... him? her? it to pull the lever and allow Kain to go through to the checkpoint. 40% Continue to the next room where several Spider Demons are inside cages and a symbol is above one of them. Sigh, I know what will happen but you still have to do it. Use your Telekinesis skill on the symbol and a group of cells will be lowered, as well as the Spider Demons released. Kill them all and go into the one Spider Demon cell that has a ladder for you to climb. Here you can open multiple cells, one of which contains the darth maul weapon and another (2nd from the left) contains a ladder to climb up. Use your Charm ability on the prisoner outside to use the lever so you may proceed. Turn left and go down to the end where you can use your Jump ability to get over to the other side. In the first cell will be a Weapon Box for you to use. Continue to the other side where you can use your Charm ability on the prisoner to raise the gate with the lever. Climb up the ladder and exit where you'll find a lever in the center. Use it to raise the group of cells so you can use your Jump ability to get over to the other side where the checkpoint awaits. 45% (Not even halfway there, heh)Go through to the next area and to the left up the stairs and onto the middle of the bridge. Use your Jump ability to get to the platform where a Lore Coffer awaits you. Then, go over to the opposite side where there is a gate and a prisoner that you can use your Charm ability on to open the gates. Kill both of the Prison Guardians and the gate will open for you to proceed. Use your Telekinesis ability on the symbol above the door for it to open, revealing the next checkpoint. 50% Walk forward and kill the Prison Guardian, then use your Telekinesis ability on the symbol on the other side of the river. This will rewind time, so to speak, so the bridge is created again. Also, it will close the door. Go across the bridge and use the lever to your right to move the group of cells. Go across the bridge again and use your Telekinesis ability again on the symbol to open the door, but not destroy the bridge. Go through the doors and activate the checkpoint. 55% Walk forward a little and watch the cut scene with Magnus. Needless to say, he is a little... ok he is very crazy. Run away from Magnus, you can't kill him. Keep running through until you get to watch another cut scene. Well that's the last we'll see of Magnus... uh huh. Use your Jump ability to go over towards the Lore Coffer and then go down that hall to approach another Prison Guardian. Kill him and then go down to activate a Weapon Box, then continue through the newly opened gate to watch another cut scene. Turn to your right to activate a checkpoint. 60% Go down this hall and into a room to find a Lore Coffer. Do not activate it yet though, a Prison Guardian will come, after you kill him another will appear. After you kill this one, you may use the Lore Coffer and continue through the next hallway. Keep going until you come to a room with 3 other ways to go. Turn right and go down that hallway to find Magnus flipping out. Use your Charm ability on the prisoner near Magnus and make him pull the lever on the right wall. As Kain, go back to the room with the 3 other hallways and take the right hallway where you'll find another checkpoint. 70% Follow the path till you come to a middle of the bridge and Magnus will start chasing you. Use your Telekinesis ability on the symbol as Magnus crosses the bridge to get rid of him. Maybe now he'll finally die... walk ahead to the next checkpoint. 80% Continue down this path filled with prisoners (with a Lore Coffer along the way) until you come to a Prison Guardian. Kill him and proceed to a gigantic room with a center platform. Use your Jump ability to get over to it and then turn around and use your Telekinesis ability on the symbol above. Go back across the bridge and use the lever to rotate the bridge to the right. Use your Jump ability to get back to the center platform and go across the bridge. Kill the Prison Guardian that shows up and then turn around to see another symbol that you have to use your Telekinesis ability on. Go back to the center platform and then use your Jump ability to get to the lever that moves the bridge. Use this lever twice and then go across it to an empty room. On the wall you'll see a lever which will lower the prison cell that houses the Builder. Go over to it and watch the cut scene. Afterwards, use the switch on the center display and watch the cut scene. Afterwards, walk towards the blue flame doors and over the checkpoint. 85% Kill the 2 Prison Guardians that appear when you try to approach the doors and then proceed through the doors. Continue down the path and there will be a darth maul weapon on the floor right before a gate closes on you. Pull the lever on the left wall to raise it and proceed. The screen will start going black but just keep walking and then Magnus will appear. Again, you can't harm him so just run away and pull the lever to make the bridge. Go to the other side and pull the lever so it falls and Magnus drops into some water again. We should know by now that water just pisses Magnus off, oh well. Go through the doors and follow the path to the next checkpoint. 90% Go forward and you'll come to a series of pillars that gates will come crashing down if you don't go the right way. Simply find the open path and follow it until the gates on all 4 sides come down and Magnus appears. Use your Telekinesis ability on the symbol to raise the gates and continue. Magnus will do this again but this time if you don't use your Telekinesis ability fast enough on the symbol you'll be killed by the approaching fire. Now just follow the path to the last checkpoint in this chapter. BOSS: Magnus (95%) Go forward to an area with huge statues of the Prison Guardians. Magnus will appear and jump on the center platform. Simply use your Telekinesis skill to push him off and he'll start to charge up his Immolate ability. Get behind one of the statues and he'll blow it up instead of you. Continue to do this for 3 of the statues and he'll run away after you knock him off again. Jump down to the next area and notice the red scythes (Prison Guardian weapon) that are pointed like they want to hurt someone. Get near one and then use your Telekinesis ability on Magnus and he'll charge you. When he gets near you dodge out of the way and he'll hit the scythe instead. Do this for all 4 statues with scythes. After this is done jump on the debris and use your Telekinesis ability on all 4 of the green symbols. This will recreate the statue, which just happens to be of Moebius the Time streamer. Most of the statue is on the raised platform, however, his cane is not. Get in front of the cane as you did with the scythes and make Magnus charge at you. Dodge out of the way and he'll break off the cane. Now simply make him charge at you while in front of the raised platform with the statue on it and dodge out of the way and Magnus will be finished. You'll gain the ability of Immolate, the last ability and the coolest attack because it instantly kills (except the Sarafan Lord). END ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2.9- Chapter 9: The Device ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 5% Go down the tunnel and you'll come to the first checkpoint. Continue down and watch the cut scene where you'll encounter the Hylden. Jump down and kill him. A little note about these clothes versions of the Hylden: They do not have a red aura (unblockable) attack, which is very rare from this point on in the game. They may block a lot of your attacks but they are great for filling up your rage bar to use Immolate against a Lesser Demon or Hylden Warrior. After he is dead use the control panel to continue down the tunnel. Go left and use the Lore Coffer, then proceed down to the right to the checkpoint. 15% A note about hallways that look like this in the level. The little spear-like things on the sides sometimes are traps and hit you. The way you can tell this is if they are swaying back and forth... or you could just wait for me to tell you. There will be one on the left as you go down this tunnel so stick to the right. Kill the Hylden as it comes out of the left tunnel and then go through and use your Jump ability to get over to the other side. Jump down in the next area and use the Lore Coffer and use both control panels. A Hylden will come out of the left one to kill. Go into the left room and use your Telekinesis ability on the symbol on the left part of the upper platform to lower the lift. Get on the lift and ride it up. In the next room use your Jump ability to go over to the glyph box and then return to the original hallway where you can now use the control panel to proceed. Continue through the next room and take the left tunnel where you can use your Telekinesis ability on the symbol to your left and then return to the hall. Watch out for a trap on the right side of this hallway and then use your Mist ability to stealth kill the Hylden. Look through the window and use your Telekinesis ability on the symbol to the right to release the slave. Go back to the side tunnel where you used the first symbol and use your Charm ability on the slave. As the slave, go over to the glyph box on the left then switch back to Kain. You can now proceed through the door to the next checkpoint. 30% Go down the hall and watch the cut scene where the Hylden sends the Lesser Demon out to kill you. Kill the Lesser Demon (again, Immolate works wonders on these bastards) and the Hylden will run away, allowing you to proceed through the passage. Kill the Hylden in the next room and then jump down into the main room where a Lesser Demon awaits. Kill it and use the glyph box on the back wall by the boilers to activate a control panel back up where you killed the Hylden (before going up the ramp be sure to use the Lore Coffer to your right). Use your Charm ability to take control of the slave and use him to activate the control panel. As Kain, jump onto the now activated pumps over to the other side where another Lore Coffer awaits. Jump down to the tunnel and go down it to the next checkpoint. 45% Go down and you'll encounter your first Hylden Warrior, one of the most dangerous enemies because he has variations of his red aura (unblockable) and yellow aura attacks which make it very hard to time dodges. Kill him and then dispose of the regular Hylden. Once they are both dead use your Jump ability to get to the other side where a closed door awaits. Turn around and use your Telekinesis ability on the symbol which will lower the water level. Jump down, use the glyph box, and then climb back up and, again, use your Jump ability to get over to the door. Use the control panel to open it and watch out for the trap on the left side of the hallway. Proceed down with caution and enter the next room on the left. Jump down and kill the Hylden Warrior, then use the control panel. Before going back up you might want to take the darth maul weapon at the end. Back up on the walkway, use the control panel to kill the Hylden and proceed. In this next area use your Mist ability to stealth kill the Hylden and Hylden Warrior then continue down the tunnel. Use your Charm ability on the slave and make him go around the right corner where he can use the control panel. Switch back to Kain and jump out the window to the right. Use the Lore Coffer then go to the other end of the walkway and jump on the platform to continue. Kill the Hylden Warrior then proceed down to the right to the next checkpoint. 55% Go down the tunnel, avoiding the trap on the right, and kill the Hylden Warrior that awaits you. After he is dead, look to the right and use your Telekinesis ability on the symbol and then use your Charm ability on the slave below. Walk him over to the right catwalk and release him by the boxes. As Kain, use your Telekinesis ability again on the symbol and, again, take control of the slave with your Charm ability. The slave can now reach the control panel to let Kain proceed to the next checkpoint. 65% Walk forward and kill the Lesser Demon, which will cause the Hylden to attack you. Kill the Hylden and proceed to the next room. Use your Jump ability to get to the raised platform with the glyph box. Use the glyph box and then jump down and kill the Hylden. You might want to block to fill up your rage bar because you'll be fighting that imprisoned Lesser Demon soon. Go over to the pool of water and use your Jump ability to get to the platform with the control panel on it. To the left is a Lore Coffer you can use if you use your Jump ability again. Use the control panel and then jump down and pull the battery away from the wall to lower all of the prison force fields. Climb back up the ladder and kill the Lesser Demon (hopefully with your Immolate ability). Go into the right passage next to where the Lesser Demon was imprisoned and out into a large chamber. Kill the Hylden that approaches you and use the control panel at the end to lower the yellow force field. Return to the glyph box and continue through the now clear path into some sort of sleeping or incubation chamber. Jump up and then over to the next area and through this passage to another chamber that holds a Lore Coffer. Continue down and out into another central chamber. Kill the Hylden that is by the left entryway and go into it where you'll find a checkpoint. 80% Use your Jump ability to get over to the large window where you can access a Lore Coffer. Jump down to where the conveyer belt is and on your right you'll see a doorway which leads to a Hylden Warrior. Kill him and jump down to the next area. Proceed through a tunnel with boiling water all around you in the walls. Watch the cut scene and then quickly use your Charm ability on the slave and use him to open the door so Kain can escape the flooding water and kill the Hylden. Jump down to grab the axe in the next area and then up to a small room with a control panel which turns out to be an elevator. You are now in the central chamber which holds the Mass. Kill the Hylden Warrior that advanced on you to the right and then go around to the control panel for you to get on the lift. Ride the lift up and proceed to the checkpoint. 90% Go forward a little and kill the Lesser Demon and then use your Telekinesis ability on the symbol to lower the ward gate. Continue around and use the control panel to call the lift down so you can go up another level. Proceed and kill the 2 Hylden you encounter along the way. Again, use the control panel and ride the lift up another level. Kill the Hylden Warrior and use your Jump ability to get to the other section of this level. Use the control panel at the end to ride the lift up to the last level. Here, use the control panel at the middle to extend a bridge to the Mass and watch the rather long cut scene. END ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2.10- Chapter 10: The Wharves ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1% Woot! Kain gets another change of clothes, and this time they kick ass! Anyways, walk forward and use your Mist ability as soon as you can to avoid getting slapped around by the Glyph Captains. Stealth kill all 3 of them and be careful not to walk into the search lights as they seem to see around your mist ability and alert the guards. Go up to the gate and use your Charm ability on the peasant to open the gate. Switch back to Kain and take a right though the door to a room with the checkpoint. 5% Walk outside and watch the cut scene. For some odd reason you can't use your Charm ability on him, he must be strong-minded or something... right. Go to the little market to your right where some woman is complaining about prices. Continue ahead to a gate where there is a wheel, but first go left down a small alley where you can use a Lore Coffer. Go back and use the wheel to open the gate and proceed. On the docks, take a right and kill the Glyph Knight walking up the stairs. Continue and dispose of the 2 Glyph Captains. Remember to dodge when they use their red aura attack. After they are both dead go back a little and to the left inside a building with a glyph box and some switches. This is exactly like that puzzle in Chapter 7. Pull the switch to activate the glyph magic then pull the switch to the left as it comes through to connect it. Quickly run up the stairs to the second level and do the same with this switch. Repeat this process for the third floor and then go to the right where you can activate the lever to turn on the lighthouse, thus letting the ship sail and clearing a path. Go back to where you killed the 2 Glyph Captains and use your Jump ability to get to the other side of the docks where a Lore Coffer awaits, as well as two very loud people that reveal the password to Kain. Climb up the ladder to a small shack on your left to find another Lore Coffer and then jump down to continue up the stairs where you have to use a wheel to open the gate. Continue forward to the Charm-immune guy and Kain will tell him the password to go through. To the right is yet another Lore Coffer, and to the left is a checkpoint. 15% Use the wheel to open the gate and proceed. Walk down the stairs to the left and on the boxes, *not* over the boxes because there is a water on the other side. Turn around and you'll see a symbol to use your Telekinesis ability on. This will bring power to another lighthouse, again allowing the ship to leave and Kain to proceed. Use your Jump ability to get to the other side. Don't bother with using your Mist ability because you'll have to kill a Glyph Knight. After he is dead go over the bridge and climb the ladder to the left and open the door to the building. As you walk in look down to see some holes in the section of the floor you are standing on. Drag the box to your left back to where this hollowed section is and it will fall through. Jump down and continue pushing the box to the other end of the hallway to the square on the floor which will unlock the door. Once outside walk up the stairs to your right and kill the Glyph Captain. Follow the path around the docks (there really is only 1 way to go), using the Weapon Box on the way, and you'll come to a cut scene with a peasant giving Kain some valuable information. Go through the door behind him to the next checkpoint. 30% Go to your right and climb up the ladder to the small shack to access a Lore Coffer. Jump down and kill the Glyph Knight, beware of the crossbow-wielding women that shoot you if you get within range. Once he is dead, run across, dodging the fire arrows, to the other side and inside a warehouse. Go to your left and kill the Glyph Captain and Glyph Guard. Go up the stairs and use the Lore Coffer then jump back down to where the glyph box is. Use the valve to open the gate on your left and here you should pull the switch to deactivate the lighthouse. Use the valve to open the right gate and use the wheel to rotate the lighthouse. Yet again use the valve to re-open the left side and now use the switch turn on the lighthouse. This will cause a ship to dock near you and the bridge to lower. Exit out and go across the newly- opened bridge (beware the thieves guarding it) to the next checkpoint. 45% Here will be a battle with another 2 Glyph Knights, nothing special about them as far as I know, although the game sure hypes them up with an entrance. After both are dead the door to the left will open, allowing you to proceed to fight another Glyph Knight and a normal Guard (haven't seen these guys in awhile). After they are dead go to the right where you'll see a crate fall on 2 people (and you thought this game lacked humor). Go into the next building to find some kind of storage for slaves. Go up the stairs around to 3 levers. The correct order to pull them in is: middle, right, middle, left, left, middle, right. This will cause it to drop and a Lesser Demon to be let loose upon the world. Exit out of the building and follow where the Lesser Demon fled through some newly-opened gates where you'll see a cut scene. Go around the corner and you'll find the Lesser Demon you unleashed. If you can, use Immolate on it for a quick kill, also beware the thieves that use their fire arrows if you get within range. Kill them too and walk up to the gate. Using the wheel will cause the Guard on the other side to close it so you'll have to use your Charm ability on the peasant behind him to go around to a control panel with 2 levers. Use the right one, then the left, and switch back to Kain. You can now use the wheel without interference ;) Continue down the path to the next checkpoint. 55% Go down to the 2 Glyph Knights and dispose of both of them. Go down to the end and to the right where you'll encounter some more Glyph Knights. Run forward to the checkpoint and then dispose of them. Use the Lore Coffer in this room and then walk out the door to find another checkpoint. ;p 75% Uh huh, 20% of the level in 4 Glyph Knights... Turn right and kill this Glyph Knight, be warned that a ship will come down the river and hit you with fire arrows periodically. My advice is to lay off attacking and jump around to avoid the arrows and then continue. Once he is dead go to the end where there is a break in the fence and then use you Jump ability to get to the other side of the river. Here you will have to kill 2 more Glyph Knights while constantly under attack from the passing ships. This gets very annoying very fast but you'll get through it... or you won't and you'll return the game after your 100th death in this section and be institutionalized for screaming "what kind of ship has fire arrows!?" Anyways, go to the end of this section and turn right find an old dock that you can use your Jump ability to get to the other side. Here, another Glyph Knight awaits as well as those every-so- popular ships. After he is dead use your Jump ability on the platform at the other end to get to the other side. Kill yet another Glyph Knight (got to hand it to the designers of this level for their stroke of genius and creativity *end sarcasm*) and then go to the other end where you'll (yep, you guessed it) use your Jump ability to get to the other side where ANOTHER Glyph Knight awaits. Do you hate this level yet? I know I do for the 3rd time beating this game. When he is dead go through the door to the checkpoint, congratulations for getting passed the most annoying part in this game. 85% You will find yourself in a large tavern. Go to your left and up a set of stairs to the 2nd floor. Take a right and use the Lore Coffer, then go to the other side of the 2nd floor where you can open a door to another room. Jump down and open the door at the ground level to find yourself outside again. Take a left and kill both Glyph Knights. Continue forward and climb up the ladder to the large steel platform. Turn to your right to see a place you can use your Jump ability to land on with a door on the other side. You cannot open the door, however, you can jump to the left inside a warehouse. Use the Lore Coffer in this room and then use the elevator to find the next checkpoint. 90% Walk forward a little until you find an enclosed peasant with some controls in front of him. Use your Charm ability and take control of him, then pull the middle lever. At this point something very strange happens in my copy of the game and I believe it happens in mostly everyone elses. The camera will change to the steel platform and show Kain on it (you aren't really there, by the way) and you'll hear a bunch of noises, then eventually the camera will show the Hylden Pet running away. Oh well... Take control of the peasant again and pull the middle lever to lower the cage. Go over into the cage and take control of the peasant to pull the middle lever for the last time. END ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2.11- Chapter 11: The Hylden City ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1% After the cut scene jump over the end of the ship onto the ramp up to the Hylden City. Walk forward a little bit and watch the cut scene with Kain and the Sarafan Lord. Afterwards, run up to the main gate and take a left up a ramp to the roof of the city entrance. You'll encounter a Hylden on your way up. Remember that normal Hylden are the best things in this level because they do not have a single red aura (unblockable) attack which means you can fill up on your rage bar for something hard like a Hylden Warrior or Lesser Demon. It might be a good idea to get on even ground when fighting this Hylden or your attacks will most likely miss. Up on the roof continue towards the right side where you'll see a green glow. Jump down the pit and look in the window at the 2 Hylden by the caged Hylden Pet. (By the way, you can find a Darth Maul weapon behind the crate in this pit) Use your Telekinesis ability on the symbol above the Hylden Pet's cage to release it. Go back around to the main entrance and enter the building. In the upper left corner you'll find a Lore Coffer and on the right side you'll find a control panel to open the door to the elevator. Enter it and watch the cut scene. Exit out the other side and walk over the checkpoint. 5% Just to let you know this is one of the longest chapters in the game. Use the Lore Coffer behind the crate on your left and then walk out to the main part of the city to watch a cut scene. The Hylden Pet will come out and start killing the humans. Note that it is impossible to kill the Hylden Pet. The only thing you can do is run away from it. Run to the left and up a ramp to a checkpoint in front of a door. 10% Run through the door quickly to get away from the Hylden Pet. Run into the next room and use your Mist ability in order to stealth kill both Hylden in this room. Continue through the only door that will fully open and go around the catwalk to find a Hylden Warrior. Kill him and go down the ramp to 2 control panels. Use both of them and the left one will open a passage through the wall for Kain to continue. A normal Hylden and a Hylden Warrior will come at you as soon as you enter. Dispose of them and go around where you'll find a Lore Coffer and another Darth Maul weapon if you need it. Continue forward and kill the Hylden Warrior that pops out around the corner. Go up the ramp and around to find another Hylden and Hylden Warrior. After they are both dead go through the door on your left to find yourself back in the main part of the city. Jump down and then quickly try to get on the large rock ahead by the broken catwalk because the Hylden Pet will come to pay you a visit. Jump up on the catwalk and follow it around to another building where you'll find a checkpoint at the end of a hallway. 15% Run through the door ahead and jump down to the right where you see a glyph battery. Push it forward once so it is by a part of the wall that is lighter than the rest. Go around and up the ramp to your left into a building. Use your Charm ability and possess the worker in the next room. Use the control panel and a Hylden Pet will be released. As Kain, go into the next room and press the lever to deactivate the laser. Now you must go up next to the window in order to taunt the Hylden Pet to come over by where the laser is. Once he is in position, use the control panel to activate the laser and it will kill the Hylden Pet, as well as blow apart the wall for Kain to enter. Jump through and to your immediate right will be a Lore Coffer. At the other side of the room you'll see some crates. Jump over them and activate the control panels to blow up the glyph battery you set next to the wall and open it for you. Go back outside and go through the hole in the wall to come to a water puzzle. Use your Charm ability to take control of the worker a little to your left and use him to turn lower the water level. Now as Kain, jump down and you'll find a crate that can run along a little track. Push it down this track exactly 6 times to find it directly below a broken part in the railing. Jump back up to the platform and make the worker raise the water level again. Watch the crate rise and then use your Jump ability to get on the crate. You will have to be very close to the edge and you will barely be able to make the jump. Once on the crate jump up onto the platform and use the control panel to your right. Jump back down and go around to where the platforms are still running, yet the water has been lowered. Jump on one of the platforms as it raises and then jump off at the top. Go to the other end of this path to find a hole where you can jump down to a ramp. Go up the ramp and around until you come to a large room filled with water. This is maybe the most difficult puzzle to describe what to do but I'll try my best. (Note: This is still at 15% progress but is separated for easier reference) Go to the right and kill the Spider Demons that come out of the hole. Now go through to door into a room with a valve on the right. Use it to lower the water level. Do not ever use this again until the water level is completely down or completely up. Doing so will sometimes result in a bug where the water level will permanently stay in-between the two. Jump down into the first section of this cavern and you'll find a crate directly ahead of you. This one can stay where it is, go to your right, through a broken wall and you'll find another crate. Pull this one to the left once (so it aligns with the first crate) and back about 2. Turn to your right and you'll see another crate near a platform with a door. Pull this one back about 2 to align with the 2nd crate (you may want to pull it closer to the 2nd crate but it isn't necessary). Now jump into the 3rd area to your left where the final door is located. That is where you ultimately want to go to. Go to your left up a ramp to find around 3 spiders to kill, a Lore Coffer, and a crate. Once all the spiders have been killed use the Lore Coffer and push the crate off the ledge. Push this one as close to the divider as you can. It will be blocked by some debris. With everything in place jump back up and use the valve at the beginning to raise the water level. Go around the ramp to the other side where you'll find the first crate. Jump onto it and then use your Jump ability to get onto the 2nd crate directly in front of you. Turn to the right and, again, use your Jump ability to get on the 3rd crate near the platform with the door. Jump to the platform with the door and turn to your left to see a worker through the window. Use your Charm ability to possess him and use the control panel to unlock the door for Kain. As Kain, kill the worker and continue around to see a crate. Push it off into the water and then get very close to the end and face the final block that you also pushed off a ledge. You should just barely be able to make the jump using your Jump ability. Now simply jump to the final door and activate the checkpoint on the other end. That is the last real puzzle in this game. 30% Go through the door ahead of you to find yourself in a room with a green beam in the center. Jump on it as the symbol comes down and ride it up to the 2nd floor where a Hylden Warrior awaits you. Kill him and proceed through the next door. Turn to the left to find a Hylden and Hylden Warrior behind some crates. Kill them both and then jump down the hold to a mist area. Use your Mist ability and stealth kill the patrolling Hylden Warrior. Kill the other Hylden Warrior around the large crate and walk over the checkpoint. 40% Jump across the broken bridge on the ramp and continue up to what seems to be a reactor. On your right will be a sword and to your left will be a Hylden to try out your new sword on. Go across the bridge to another Hylden and a Lore Coffer. Kill the Hylden and use the Lore Coffer, then go left into the next part. Turn to face the green river and use your Jump ability to get to the other side where a Hylden awaits. Kill him and go right where an elevator awaits you. Use the control panel and then quickly jump on the lift and then jump on top of the crates. You'll now be level with the 3 reactors and you'll notice the beams of energy turn off and on. Go into your Jump ability mode and line up the jump to the first reactor but do not jump until the energy disappears. Once it does you'll have to be quick and jump from each reactor until you reach the end. Go through the tunnel ahead and kill the Hylden Warrior ahead on your left. Go through the left door and ahead to the checkpoint. 50% In this room you'll want to go to the end of the walkway and jump on the boxes to your right up to the higher platform where 2 Hylden are working. Kill them both, use the Lore Coffer in the back corner, and then use the control panel to deactivate the force field to the next room. In here, beware the sides, obviously, and use the control panel to move ahead the platform so you can reach the tunnel on the other end. When you reach the end of it use your Jump ability to get to the upper catwalk and then follow that to the left. Jump off it at the end and go left where you'll see a weapon on some crates blocking a path and a Hylden Pet trying to chase you. Follow this path around to an area with a human slave and 2 Hylden. Jump on top of the crate in this area to find a sword, then use your Jump ability to get to the area across the water to find a weapon upgrade box! I believe this is the only one in this entire chapter so I'd be sure to use it and then go back to where you killed the 2 Hylden. Go straight ahead and use both control panels to open a door and deactivate a force field. Follow the path back out to where the Hylden Pet was and take a let through the open door to have it close quickly behind you. Kill the Hylden Warrior in this area and watch the cut scene as Kain is transported to the main building. Kill the normal Hylden and Hylden Warrior in this room and then go through the door to the checkpoint. 60% You are now in a room with what seems to be a main power generator. Use your Telekinesis ability on the symbol ahead of you as the sentinel tries to kill you. Keep running around and activating each of the 4 symbols with your Telekinesis ability until finally the generator will explode. Watch the long cut scene and walk ahead up to the large door. Turn right and go down that side path and use your Jump ability to get on the rock in the water. Turn and again use your Jump ability to get on the other side of the building where you'll find an opening to go through. Kill 2 Hylden Warriors in this room and continue up the ramp to a room flooded with water and a checkpoint. 80% Use your Charm ability on the worker to your left to activate the control panel which will lower the water. Jump down and push the crate so it is directly under the control panel. Again, use your Charm ability on the worker to raise the water level and then use this control panel to lower the water level again. Jump off the crate and then jump on the ride side of the walkways and around to where the turbines are. Use your Jump ability to get to the other side and use this control panel to open a door back in the main room. Backtrack and go through this newly-opened door and jump on the platforms as they rise to get up to the 2nd floor. Go around to a room where a normal Hylden and Hylden Warrior are conversing. Kill them both and use the control panel at the other end to open the large door. Go through and run to the other end of the long bridge into the building that contains the gate. BOSS: Sarafan Lord (95%) The object in this first part is to knock the Sarafan Lord off the platform. To do this you will have to use your Telekinesis ability on him to stun him. Try to do this between his 3 bursts of energy he throws at you. After he is stunned quickly use your Jump ability to land on him in order to push him off. You will know you are on the Sarafan Lord when your normally blue/white cursor turns to red. Once he is down you will watch another cut scene. In this second part you will have to block the Sarafan Lord's attacks (he will block 99% of your attacks so don't bother) until your rage meter is full, then unleash your Immolate ability on him. Be sure to dodge his last unblockable move and then continue to block. You will have to Immolate him a total of 4 times before you will watch another cut scene. In this third and final part Kain will have the Soul Reaver. You must continue to block the Sarafan Lord's attacks until your rage meter is full and then unleash your Berserk ability on him. Be careful when dodging his red aura attacks because you might fall off due to the very small platform you are on. Once you use your Berserk ability on him twice he will die. Congratulations for beating Blood Omen 2 and enjoy the ending movie (no, there aren't any alternate endings). ======================================================================== 3 - C R E D I T S ======================================================================== -Special thanks to the people at Crystal Dynamics and Eidos for continuing the series and making another great game! -Special thanks to the following people for submitting pieces of info for this walkthrough, it wouldn't be as good without you: ~ ~ ~ COPYRIGHT This document is protected by law. You cannot sell, trade, offer as a promotion, or receive any profit directly or indirectly from the use of this document. It is for private use only and may be printed. This document cannot be altered from it's original form in any manner and *IMPORTANT* this document may ONLY appear on There are no exceptions! Do not e-mail me asking if you can host it, you can't! If you are using this document as a basis for something you write please give proper acknowledgements to me. ~Fin