____ __ __ /\ _`\ /\ \__/\ \ \ \ \L\ \ _ __ ___\ \ ,_\ \ \___ __ _ __ ____ \ \ _ <'/\`'__\/ __`\ \ \/\ \ _ `\ /'__`\/\`'__\/',__\ \ \ \L\ \ \ \//\ \L\ \ \ \_\ \ \ \ \/\ __/\ \ \//\__, `\ \ \____/\ \_\\ \____/\ \__\\ \_\ \_\ \____\\ \_\\/\____/ \/___/ \/_/ \/___/ \/__/ \/_/\/_/\/____/ \/_/ \/___/ ______ ______ ___ /\__ _\ /\ _ \ /'___`\ \/_/\ \/ ___ \ \ \L\ \ _ __ ___ ___ ____ /\_\ /\ \ \ \ \ /' _ `\ \ \ __ \/\`'__\/' __` __`\ /',__\ \/_/// /__ \_\ \__/\ \/\ \ \ \ \/\ \ \ \/ /\ \/\ \/\ \/\__, `\ // /_\ \ /\_____\ \_\ \_\ \ \_\ \_\ \_\ \ \_\ \_\ \_\/\____/ /\______/ \/_____/\/_/\/_/ \/_/\/_/\/_/ \/_/\/_/\/_/\/___/ \/_____/ ___ _ _ ___ _ _ | __> ___ _ _ ._ _ ___ _| | | |._ _ | . >| | ___ ___ _| | | _> <_> || '_>| ' |/ ._>/ . | | || ' | | . \| |/ . \/ . \/ . | |___><___||_| |_|_|\___.\___| |_||_|_| |___/|_|\___/\___/\___| Published by: _ _ _ _ __ _ | | | | |__(_)___ ___ / _| |_ | |_| | '_ \ (_- | | /_/\_\ (X) (B) | | \___/ XBOX (A) | (Back)------|-> O _____ | (Start)---------/--> O /_| |_\ /¯¯¯\ O <-\------(Black) | |_ + _| | | O <---|--------(White) D-PAD------|--------> \_|_|_/ \___/ <---------|----Right Stick / \ | /`--------¯¯¯¯¯¯--------`\ | | / Controller S \ | | / made by Thuyker \ | \____/ \____/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE CONTROLS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Command ______ ______ Unit ----->/ \ / \ <------------Shoot/Fire /¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯`-,____,-`¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\ / /¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\¯¯¯¯ Reload/Action / /¯¯¯\ \¯\/¯/ v (Y) <---\-------Select Weapon Move/Control---|-> | | /_/\_\ (X) (B)<--|--------Melee Attack | \___/ XBOX (A) <----|-Jump | O _____ | / O /_| |_\ /¯¯¯\ O <-\--Throw Grenade | |_ + _| | | O <---|---Select Unit Select-----|--------> \_|_|_/ \___/ <----Look | Unit / \ | /`--------¯¯¯¯¯¯--------`\ | | / \ | | / \ | \____/ \____/ Left Thumbstick | Moves Character/Strafes Clicked Left Thumbstick | Toggle-On Crouch Right Thumbstick | Look Clicked Right Thumbstick | Scope/Zoom Left Trigger | Command Option Right Trigger | Shoot D-Pad Up | Fall-In Command D-Pad Down | Charge Command D-Pad Left | Switch Between Teams (Defense) D-Pad Right | Switch Between Teams (Offense) A Button | Jump B Button | Melee Attack X Button | Restock/Reload, Pick Up Weapon, Use, Talk Y Button | Alternative Weapon Switch Black | Throw Grenade White | Fall-In Command Start | Pause Back | Situation Awareness ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (W-T) WALK-THROUGH (W-T) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.a. Story Mode =============== _____ _______ ____ _______ __ __ __ ____ _____ ______ / ____|__ __/ __ \| __ \ \ / / | \/ |/ __ \| __ \| ____| | (___ | | | | | | |__) \ \_/ / | \ / | | | | | | | |__ \___ \ | | | | | | _ / \ / | |\/| | | | | | | | __| ____) | | | | |__| | | \ \ | | | | | | |__| | |__| | |____ |_____/ |_| \____/|_| \_\ |_| |_| |_|\____/|_____/|______| In story mode, the demo gives you a total of two levels to play and complete! -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* * Bookends. D-Day + 15 * - ----------------------- - * * - Newly promoted Seregant - * Hartsock sits down for a cup * - of coffee with Col. SLA - * Marshall to recount his trip * - through Normandy. - *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* * Close Quarters. D-Day + 8 * - ----------------------- - * * - After a fellow soldier is - * wounded, the men of the 2nd * - and 3rd squad must work - * togeather to eliminate the * - threat hiding deep in - * Carentan. * *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- -------------- 1.b. Bookends. ============== Okay, so the first level isn't playable, but they do give you a rather nice cutscene showing the account of what happened up in the plane on the Normandy landings... ... And well, that's it for this chapter. CHAPTER COMPLETE! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------- 1.c. Close Quarters. ==================== This is an excellent opening to the level. Watch the begining cutscene, looking around your surroundings if you like to get a feel of the level before moving onto the brief, in-game training. Pay real close attention to the pop-up boxes, as they teach you the basics. When you are told to move Friar into a nearby field, Pull the L-Trigger and using the Right Thumbstick, aim for the white circular marker and release the L-Trigger. Now it is time for the fire command. Press and hold the L-Trigger again, but this time aim for the scarecrow, where you crosshairs will turn red to indicate an enemy target. Release the trigger to start the firing. When you are commanded to assault the scarecrow, pull the L-Trigger once again and aim for the enemy target, and instead of releasing the L-Trigger, hit the R-Trigger. This'll order Friar to charge the enemy and engage in close-quarter combat. Once the scarecrow has been knocked down, either hold the WHITE button or hit the Down arrow on the D-Pad to make Friar fall in on your position. -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- CHECKPOINT! *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Get both teams on you by using the Fall In command and take them up the route to the main street. You've got plenty of Germans hiding amongst the wreckage of the buildings, so send up a team to hide behind the already placed debris and order them to fire on the targets ahead. Send another team forward to the next mound and order them to fire on another target. Order the team left behind to move to the next mound and provide loads more surpression. With all the teams support, all the enemy targets will be surpressed to the fullest. Take up aim yourself and go for the two Krauts hiding behind the automobile to the left of the street, and once they are down, make a fast dash into the building on the right of the street. Crouch down and take aim for the gunner on the second floor. Shoot him and then order a team to assault the bottom floor targets. ********* You can flank the targets ahead by cutting through the building on the right and going around. Try it if you have trouble with my method above. ********* When the targets have been elimated, go down the alley to the left of the street where the automobile is. Set up both teams on the wall to fire upon the enemy targets on the other side of the field. When they are surpressed, choose a path to flank them with; the left side with the fence, or the right side with the wall. Pick one and assault them. Head around the farmhouse to see a way out into the street again. Form up with both teams and get ready to take down an MG-42. -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- CHECKPOINT! *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Send a team out fast to get to the wall of crates on the left to set up a base of fire, before sending out the second team to go down the street and behind the car to wipe out the forces. Move the car team in and secure the MG-Nest and fight off the wave of forces rushing down the hill of debris on the right of the street. Move your crate team up as well and get into the maze of buildings behind the Machine Gunners post. Set up a field of fire with both teams and then flank them. Get out fast and back to the Machine Gun post, since coming down this hill will be another swarm of ant-like Germans. Continue to pour on the mass-fire, throwing in grenades to prevent them from escaping. Oh, and by the way, don't worry about the large, evil, steel German tank which decides to show up. He'll keep driving on to find a better spot. When they are all dead, the game'll autosave. -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- CHECKPOINT! *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Run to the large field and over to the wall. Don't shoot the two soldiers, since after all, THEY ARE ON YOUR SIDE! The soldier is Sgt. Baker, so listen to what he has to say before acting. I can imagine your faces as you listen to Baker and look over his shoulder. ...Priceless. But yeah, that's the tank from earlier and he's back again! "Holy ****!" Run your ass off and get behind cover whilst the tank goes haywire and starts shooting the place up. Eventually, he'll shell a wall and blast it to pieces allowing you to get to the other side. Do so as soon as you get the chance! Set up cover behind the wall to avoid being slaughtered by the Germans who'll decide to rush you in their moment of triumph. Set up another field of fire for the Germans without cover before moving onto surpressing the others. When they are fully surpressed, and they must be, flank them from the left with one team, assault them from the right with the other and you can take up the centre of attack. Slaughter them all. **** Hell, you can even use the enemy tank as cover as it drives it way up closer to the enemy's cover. **** Now it's just your men and one big-ass tank to play a game of tag with. Behind the enemy position you just flanked is a tonne of weaponry...including one German Panzerfaust...a.ka....THE ROCKET LAUNCHER. Pick one up and fire upon the tank. Boom! Pick up another one! BOOM! Pick up another and fast! BOOM!! COME ON! ONE MORE! With the last and fourth hit, the tank will be placed out of action. Phew. That could of turned really nasty if you were without that Panserfaust. Remember the building where the Sgt. and Cop. ran into? Head over there and talk with Baker. Watch the nice closing cutscene of Baker holding up his bottle of wine in a toast to celebrate Sockman's promotion. Congrats! You completed the level! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.a. Skirmish Mode. =================== _____ _ _______ _____ __ __ _____ _____ _ _ / ____| |/ /_ _| __ \| \/ |_ _|/ ____| | | | | (___ | ' / | | | |__) | \ / | | | | (___ | |__| | \___ \| < | | | _ /| |\/| | | | \___ \| __ | ____) | . \ _| |_| | \ \| | | |_| |_ ____) | | | | |_____/|_|\_\_____|_| \_\_| |_|_____|_____/|_| |_| __ __ ____ _____ ______ | \/ |/ __ \| __ \| ____| | \ / | | | | | | | |__ | |\/| | | | | | | | __| | | | | |__| | |__| | |____ |_| |_|\____/|_____/|______| -------------- 2.b. Enemy AI. ============== Playing on Skirmish mode would give you the basic idea of a actual mission before you attempt the real thing, but the Story Mode Mission they gave us features an in-game tutorial and plenty of oppertunities to try out what you've learnt. Skirmish allows you to set the AI of the enemy. They can be as dumb as a water proof towel if you want them to be, with three different options to customise: -Accuracy -Tactics -Surpression *---------* ACCURACY: *---------* The accuracy level plays a big part in the game. If they have poor accuracy, you can send your men across the battle field without worry due to their lousy shots. But if on the other hand they are HIGHLY accurate, you'd fear sending your men out in the open, or just telling them to pop their heads over the cover for a second. Accuracy goes up to 10, with 1 being the lowest. Take your pick. *---------* TACTICS: *---------* Once again, a key part to gameplay. These guys know how to control themselves in battle, using cover effectivly and moving when they are about to be stormed. If they are behind cover, but are approached from the rear, they'll fire and head for the next safest point. But be warned, tactics is not just for defense, as they have the ability to flank you as you have them. Tactics can all the way up to 4, with 1 being the lowest again. *------------* SURPRESSION: *------------* Surpressive fire is another key to the game, making up the three skills needed to effectivly complete the game and defeat those Nazis. Like accuracy, you can have it set really low and they'll only pour on a few shots at you, which is pretty useless and hardly surpressive. If, however, it's really high, you'll be pinnned down, stuck between a rock and a large open killing ground. Once you are stuck and pinned, it's only a matter of time before the Germans realise what's happened. Surpression is on a scale of 1-10, with 1 being the lowest. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.c. Characters. ================ Skirmish mode allows you to pick from two characters to play as; Sgt. Matt Baker, US Paratrooper. Or as Sgt. Joe Hartsock; also from the US Paratroopers. There is no difference between the two men, but playing as Hartsock will make your team call you "Red" due to Hartsock's hair colour. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.d. Offensive/Defensive ======================== There are two types of Skirmish mode. One is Objective, with the other being defensive. The two do exactly what it says on the tin, but for those who are new to the whole genre and game, here's a breif synopsis on both: *------------* OBJECTIVE: *------------* Objective mode is to carry out a given objective within a battle situation. Call it your "mission", if you will. These can range from securing a building controlled by Kraut forces, to blowing up bridges to prevent the Germans from resupplying themselves. It involves you and your team crossing a large map, filled with all sorts of enemy posts, MG-42s, encampments and the like. The Germans are fortified, and they aren't giving up without a fight. *------------* DEFENSIVE: *------------* The defense aspect of the game is to sit tight in your position and defend it from incoming invaders. If you've ever played the game Space Invaders (Who hasn't?!), you'll know what I mean. The enemies come in, slow at first, but slowly increasing in skill and speed over time. Eventually, you've got wave-after-wave of highly skilled, smart, strong and agile German soldiers trying to flank you from all sides with heavy fire. It's a hard test of endurance. Can YOU last? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.e. Objective: Blow up the Bridge. =================================== ____ ____ _ ______ _____ _______ _______ ________ / __ \| _ \ | | ____/ ____|__ __|_ _\ \ / / ____| | | | | |_) | | | |__ | | | | | | \ \ / /| |__ | | | | _ < _ | | __|| | | | | | \ \/ / | __| | |__| | |_) | |__| | |___| |____ | | _| |_ \ / | |____ \____/|____/ \____/|______\_____| |_| |_____| \/ |______| I'm writing this guide for those who are new to the game, and would have the enemy AI set to the NOVICE mode. This way, the guide features the basic tactics for you to use on the required setting, as well as the ability to build upon those tactics to complete the Skirmish on a higher difficulty. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You have 4 men under your command, make use of them. Send your fire team up the little hill to your right and take cover behind the fence post. They'll be your eyes. Once they are up there, they'll spot all of the enemy German positions on the field. They'll also cause some Germans to flee from their cover and head for a new one, don't let that happen. Directly after sending your fire team to the fence, send your assault team in to the area where a fallen tree is, to the left of the field. Kill the Krauts. You've got an MG42 positioned mid-field with a clear killing sight. Send your fire team down the wall of the train bridge and under the archway. Go with them and leave your assault team in their position. Set your assault team up behind cover and order them to fire upon the Germans whilst you go up the hill and flank them yourself. So place your men behind the rock and get up the hill. Follow it around and take cover behind the fence post, fire when ready. Rally your men. Walk slightly into the second-but-last archway to see some Krauts. Put some fire upon them and order your assault team to do the same and kill them. Take your men under the last archway and look up. Hit the X Button by the orange marker to plant the bbomb. Quickly sneak up to the MG42 from the side. Either toss a grenade into the post or just fire upon them. When the gunner is down, get behind his post and bring both teams togeather. When the bridge goes up, give yourself a pat on the back. Send your assault team up and around the fence on the right, and have Fire Team take cover behind some trees. Fire upon the Germans and flank them with the Assault. -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- CHECKPOINT! *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* You can send your Fire Team back under the tunnel to fire upon the enemies from this side of the fence (Which is what I would do) or you can approach them from the front. If you do send them up under the tunnel, place them behind the fencing and order them to fire on the Germans (especially the MG42 post), then be sending your assault team in directly. Set the assault team up to secure the captured post and move in with your other team. ******************************** ALTERNATIVE METHOD ******************************** After playing around a bit more, I discovered that using the cover from a rail transport, you can fire upon the enemy postion and flank them by going around to other side of the fence. Using your fence team, fire upon the MG42 position to get the gunners attention before assaulting it with the other team. ******************************** Send them up and around the side of the tunnel, and then through it to the enemy positions and kill them all, making sure to move your Assault team up the field to give covering fire. Be sure to take out the MG42 by yourself with a well placed grenade before moving on. Send a team over to the fallen tree area to provide surpressive fire on the next lot of Germans before quickly moving up to the rock they're hiding under and assualt it. Move one team back to the MG post you took out with the grenade and set them behind cover whilst you move your other team up, but carefully, since you've got a whole bunch of Krauts behind straw bales. Set up the teams with surpression before sending your waiting teams off and around the farmhouse to flank from the rear. Phew! That could of been nasty if you weren't organised. Head back to the train bridge and over to the grey cargo carriage. Walk over to the marker and Hit X to plant the explosives. Be wanred, you'll be swarmed by angry Germans at the last moment, just get a safe distance from the train, pouring on fire. When the explosives detonate, it's Objective Complete! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.f. Defending ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I'm not going to write a full guide on this, since it would be impossible and impractical. The whole idea of Defensive Skirmish is to give you a tonne of practise in the defensive line of the game, setting up positions of fire and murder zones. Instead of a guide, a list of helpful tactics and general hints will do you some favours... -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- FLANKING! *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Don't be afraid to flank! Just because you're defending it doesn't mean you have to just hide behind cover and fire back. Whilst you're doing that, a bunch of Germans are probably flanking you. If you take down the forces fast with the aid of flanks, you can set yourself back up in time for the next wave. -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- AMBUSHING! *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Once again, don't be afraid to let Germans into the area. Make a little ambush from both sides of the field using the "Bottleneck" tactic. The basis of the Bottleneck is to make the enemy go up the centre in a straight line, but jump out and surprise them from both sides. So hide behind some cover, wait for them to come close and jump out. Because they are too busy charging you, they won't notice they are in the open...like sitting ducks. -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- FIRING ON ONE! *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Instead of letting two sides kill you because you were too busy trying to keep both sides at bay, attack one position! If you concentrate your fire on just one target, they'll go down quicker, allowing you to do the same with the other attacking force. Just toss a grenade to one lot of Germans and order your men to fire on the other. -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- SEARCH & DESTROY! *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Don't be so wound up on staying in one place, get out of the area with one team and search the area for hiding Krauts. Surprise them before they surprise you. -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- GRENADING! *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Trap your targets in a corner by surpression and toss a grenade in. They can either stay with the grenade and be blown to dog chunks or risk the oncoming bullets. Either way, they are dead. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Legal Information and Acknowledgements: Thanks to: -IGN: For keeping me updated on all Earned In Blood related news! -GameFAQs: Because. -Ubisoft: For brining yet another kick-ass game to the mix...and stuff. -Official XBox Magazine: For having the best demo disc of all time. -Thuyker: For the Controller ASCII...again and again. <3 -Saturday. The day where nothing happens. Perfect writing time for this guide. -http://www.network-science.de/ascii/'s wonderful ASCII generator! -Jesus. Not God. :P -Yams, Spring Rubber, SoftReset, MetalGearREXDude, Hello2ucat, Falcor, Bass X, iamtheprodigy, BannedAccount, KageShinobi, PSXer, RoarMonkey, Lollybomb, Agonized Flyer, Tomba42, monker, Red Snake, DeathStalka2, GigaRaver, TwistedCrow, NeoChaosPerfect, RedLight, Spiderman23JII...Just for being... well, people. =============================================================== This text file, "Brothers In Arms: Earned In Blood Demo Guide" may not be republished and reprinted for any charges and/or profits. This includes being reproduced in books, magazines, ebooks, CDs, DVDs, on other web sites other than GameFAQs without the permission of the original author. Any changes to this file without the permission of the author is wrong and breaks the law of copyright, so please don't it. And as the legal owner of this guide, I bare the right to require any reproduced copies of this guides to be removed from any source of media that may use this guide. You are free to save it for later reference, and you may also print it if you wish. Pfft...that's a lot of legal mumbo-jumbo, ain't it? _|-|_ Copyright 2005 Steve 'Jimfish' Taylor. <(o_q)>TM