------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Brute Force DNA Canister FAQ' owned by cyberz. (c) 2003 All Rights Reserved. /---------------------------\ /-----------|<< I N F O R M A T I O N >>|-----------\ | FAQ Name: Brute Force DNA Canister FAQ | | Written by: Cyberz | | Email: Cyberz97@hotmail.com | | FAQ version: 1.20 | \---------------------------------------------------/ The purpose of this file is to help people locate DNA Canisters in this game. ===================== Table of Contents ===================== A. Main Locations B. Miscellaneous Info. C. Frequently Asked Questions D. Acknowledgments =============================================================================== A. Main Locations =============================================================================== Welcome to the 23rd [Confed Marine]: In the second or third bunker. When the commander guy tells you this is a good time to use Tex's Beserker power, it's in that area. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rescue Brutus [Feral Colonist][chapter 2]: Behind door with a slit after you rescue Brutus. Use grenades to destroy the door. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cemetery gates [Feral Outcast]: Right before the foggy canyon, inside the hut up on the hill to the left ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hunting for Shadoon [Seer Follower]: Short alternate path before the second (?) teleporter. You are on the right path if Tex says "the road less traveled." The DNA is held on some sort of a shrine; its hard to miss. After you grab it some enemies will appear, so watch out ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Terrorist ghetto [Militia]: Directly in front of the computer you must destroy for the mission. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lonesome death of Edward Kingman [Confed Marine]: On the path that doesn’t lead to the end of the level, in a building. These more specific directions were created by cassing - - The only thing you can do at Ferguson base is take out the two guards and the sentry guns are indestructible. The gate to the right of Ferguson is basically on the opposite side of where the level ends (you'll see it shortly after taking out Kingman. You should find the DNA inside a building at the top center of the Kingman refinery. You'll come to a path the forks left and right. The left path takes you up a kind of steep hill. The right path has a large, opened pipe on the right (that you can walk through). Take the path on the left up the steep hill. At the top, the path forks again, left and right. On the left is a large container (looks like a medicine tablet) with Kingman's face on it. On the right there is a moving oil rig. The building is in the middle; directly in front of you. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ship graveyard [Outcast shaman]: In the second part of the stage in a big area with a lot of structures. The canister is in a small shed to the right of the big area when you enter. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Return to osrisis [High priest]: Near the beginning of the level, inside a priest of shadoon hologram. When you walk into it, the holo will disappear, revealing the DNA. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Seers of the bayou [Feral Shaman][chapter 3]: You'll reach a point where the path branches left across a bridge and further up a tree. The left bridge is the correct path. Further up there's an outcast that rolls bombs at you. Kill him and the canister should be there (might be behind a destructible door) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Squirm [Gunther Ghent]: At the fork in the road go left. You will have to kill the objective before he reaches a landing zone. After, the DNA is located in a small building to your forward left on the wall, assuming as if you just walked in through the gate into the area. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Supermutant [Militia]: After you kill the supermutant and open the rear gate, turn left. There is a big pipe in the back which contains the DNA canister. The pipe is across from the exit point. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kill Shadoon [Shadoon]: Defeat shadoon the first time and he'll drop it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Abaddon [Fire hound]: At the end of the level, go past the satellite. It will be just on the edge next to the lava. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SETI 2049 [McTavish]: When you climb the building to McTavish, head left and go to the edge, it's behind some crates or something. It’s straight across from McTavish. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hostile Reception [Shrike Soldier][chapter 4]: Remember the ship at the end of the fourth chapter of this level, the one the Shrike is escaping in? Destroy it or not, you can enter the tunnel the ship launched from. You should find the DNA in there. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ripe for Plunder [Shrike Heavy]: Inside the building with the last weapons crate. You may have to blow up a wall. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shrike Rogues [Shrike Hound]: On top of the ziggurat. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Anvil [Hunter lord]: In the final area with the boss, circle around the edge until you get to one of two the force field projectors. It should be right there. =============================================================================== B. MISCELLANEOUS INFO. =============================================================================== If you are wondering why you may have some discrepancies with DNA, this may be the reason. Two levels contain the same DNA, so although there are 18 levels, there are only 16 characters to unlock. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Squads: To unlock the squad, you must collect its members DNA. Brute Force : Already Accesable. Ferguson Platoon: McTavish, Confed Marine, Militia, and Gunther Ghent. Ferral Squad : Feral Colonist, Feral Outcast, Feral Shaman, and Outcast shaman. Seer Squad : Seer Follower, High priest, Shadoon, and Fire hound. Shrike Squad : Shrike Soldier, Shrike Heavy, Shrike Hound, and Hunter lord. =============================================================================== C. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS =============================================================================== Q: I think something's wrong, I got the same DNA for two levels! A: See Section B. MISCELLANEOUS INFO. Q: How do I unlock squads? A: If you want to unlock squads, you must collect the DNA canisters associated with the squad's members. See Section B. MISCELLANEOUS INFO. Q: Do you have to complete the mission to get the DNA canister?" A: The answer is you only have to complete that section, not the whole level (i.e. in Return to Osiris, you can get the canister, finish the first section of said level, and exit) =============================================================================== D. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS =============================================================================== Microsoft for making a terrific game, Drake03, cassing, IcyFighter, Beau Blackbottle, and mophisus for helpful information, Arcer for making something to base this FAQ on, and Jeff "CJC" Veasay, for creating the gaming site GameFAQs. Feel free to email me (cyberz97@hotmail.com) for anything concerning this game. You'll be credited for any information that I find useful. Also, If you want to post this guide on your site, please consult me first. (c) 2003 All Rights Reserved. All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders.