=============================================================================== Buffy The Vampire Slayer: Chaos Bleeds Playstation 2 Boss FAQ by Bloodstone Version 1.01 January 08, 2004 Email: cimmerz@shattered-distortion.com (checked daily) cimmerz@tlcboyz.com (checked daily) cimmerz@hotmail.com (checked weekly) cimmerz@yahoo.com (checked monthly) blackdove48@hotmail.com (checked randomly) =============================================================================== Table Of Contents =============================================================================== 1. Introduction 2. Copyright 3. Bosses A. Vamps B. Zombies And Kakistos' Spell C. Ethan And Vamps D. Vamps F. No Boss G. Vamps H. Anyanka I. Kakistos J. Adam K. Tara (aka Vamp Tara) L. Giles (aka Ripper) M. The First 4. Websites 5. Thanks =============================================================================== 1. Introduction =============================================================================== This F.A.Q. is for the Playstation 2 version of the game "Buffy The Vampire Slayer: Chaos Bleeds". This game is a multi-console game, and I'm not aware of any changes or variations between the Playstation 2 version and the Gamecube or Xbox version(s). This guide may work on the other systems versions, but I can't guarantee it. This guide is ONLY for the boss battles at the end of each level. If you need help getting to them, getting the secrets, or anything else other than the boss battles, this is not the FAQ to use. I created this guide, since none of the other guides really go in depth about how to defeat the bosses. They're great walkthroughs, but the first time I played through this game, I had trouble with a few of the battles. The second time I played, I went through and found a sure strategy for each battle. Some are easy, and you may not need to use this guide for them, but there are some that can just be royal pains. =============================================================================== 2. Copyright =============================================================================== This guide was created by me, Chris Fisher, aka Bloodstone, aka Cimmerz, aka Cim, aka Blackdove. This guide is to only be posted at the following sites: gamefaqs.com neoseeker.com Other pages, magazines, publications etc. may not post this faq unless I'm asked and have responded, with permission given. If you want to use this guide, just contact me. I'm a fair guy, I'll most likely give you permission. If you do have permission, you must give proper credit, and the guide must remain unedited. I'll only update the one(s) found at gamefaqs.com, so it's up to you to get the most recent version. =============================================================================== 3. Bosses =============================================================================== *********************************** *Level 1 * *Boss: Vamps * *Character: Buffy (With Willow) * *********************************** Okay, this is simple. The first level is just to familiarize yourself with the game and it's controls anyway. I wouldn't really call this one a boss battle, but still the same, here goes. You're controlling Buffy for this one, but Willow will fight alongside you. Watch out for her fireballs. She'll use it against the vamps, but if you're in the crossfire, you'll get hit too. Much the same, you can hit her by mistake if you're aiming for a vamp. Vamps will come, but just keep killing them the same way you have throughout this level. Xander will have left a crossbow and battle axe on the counter, so you can pick up those if you want. Regardless, you shouldn't have any problem at all with this one. Eventually, the vamps will stop coming, and Buffy will kill off the last vamp without your control. *********************************** *Level 2 * *Boss: Zombies And Kakistos Spell * *Character: Buffy (With Spike) * *********************************** Kakistos will show up and cast a spell raising the dead. Buffy fears it will raise her mother as a zombie. So, your job is to destroy his spell before that happens, while fighting off the zombies that do rise. Again, you should have no problem at all with this one. Spike will be with you in this one. There's no time limit, and Buffy's mother will not actually rise, so all you have to do is keep from dying, and keep Spike from dying. No problem. So you can do one of two things FIRST CHOICE: First off, kill the zombies. Don't bother with the orb/spell yet. The zombies are easy to kill, and you've already done it plenty times this level. Keep killing them and they'll eventually stop rising. With Spike helping you, this shouldn't be too hard. Maybe long and tedious, but not hard. Then, run over to the glowing orb. This is Kakistos' spell. Attack it to stop the spell. It'll only be damaged when it's dim, so that's when you need to do your thing. Shouldn't take but around four hits. There's also a medi-pak in the back corner on the left. If you do happen to get low on health, and your out, go get it. All in all, using this strategy is long, but effective. Once the zombies are out of the way, the orb is just a wait and attack type deal. Or... SECOND CHOICE: Let Spike take care of the zombies. He's tough, and they're easy to kill. You immediately run over to the orb. Attack it when it's dim, and kill the zombies that come after you, instead of Spike. Again, the medi-pak in the back corner on the left is there if you should happen to need it. If the zombies at any time start to overwelm you, simply run away, and they will follow you. Take care of them on your own, or lead them to Spike. This is the strategy I chose, as neither is difficult, and this is much faster. You can do either one though. The one thing to look out for when using this strategy is Spike. He can die, and if he does, then it's game over. Letting him take care of the zombies speeds up the process, but it also puts him in more danger than Buffy. Since you're playing Buffy, she can be healed, he cannot. You really shouldn't have to worry about him dying though, as he's strong enough to take care of the zombies, and they are a piece of cake to defeat. *********************************** *Level 3 * *Boss: Ethan and Vamps * *Character: Willow (With Tara) * *********************************** This isn't difficult either. You can't kill Ethan, so don't bother going after him. Vamps however will come after you, and Ethan will be throwing Fireballs at Tara. First things first, cast the Shield Spell (X, Square). Stand in front of Tara, so that you will take the Fireball instead of her. With the shield spell on, you won't recieve any damage. Take care of the vamps. You can use any spell you want here, or stake them if you prefer. Whatever you've been doing up to this point will work. I suggest spells though, as you can usually take out more than one at a time this way, as opposed to stakes or weapons. Tara will help with the vamps, but just keep an eye on her location, Ethan's fireballs, and her health. You can't heal Tara, so if she gets low on health, you'll need to play bodyguard more heavily. You should also remember that your spells and punches can hit her if she's in the crossfire, and vice versa. So be careful when throwing out fireballs. After a short while, the battle will end, regardless of how many vamps you've dusted, Ethan will escape, and this battle is over. *********************************** *Level 4 * *Boss: Vamps * *Character: Buffy (With Giles) * *********************************** Okay, this one can be very frustrating. You'd think the fact that these are normal vamps, that this would be easy. However, that's not the case. You're job is to escort Giles to safety. He's injured, so he's very slow. He can fight, but not very good, so don't rely on his help. Stay in front of him at all times. Not too far ahead of him, you may need to rescue him, and you can't heal him. Start by going out the only door available, and then going through the next door. This is where the vamps start coming. Attack, attack, attack. Time is precious here, the sooner you kill these, the less the chance they have for attacking Giles. If Giles dies, it's game over. My advice would be to use throws to get them on the ground, then stake them with Triangle. If they're on the ground, staking will kill them instantly regardless of their health (unless you try staking their feet). They usually come in pairs, and almost always seem to target Giles instead of Buffy. With that in mind, you can throw one down, giving you time to fight the other. Kill him by the time the other reaches his feet, and you'll be able to dispose of the other without worrying about another going after Giles. Now, I said stay close to Giles. Once the vampires start coming, if you stay directly in front of him, they may hit you instead of him. You can heal, he cannot, so this is better overall. Just be careful not to hit Giles by accident. If you don't have a medi-pak to use, there's one in the first room you enter, after the gargoyles. Just keep going through the doors the vamps come from until you eventually see stairs. Go up the stairs and it's over. Just remember to kill the vamps. Don't try running from them, because Giles is limping, and he'll fall behind and be killed everytime. *********************************** *Level 5 * *Boss: No Boss * *Character: Buffy * *********************************** There's no real boss battle for this level. Just a bunch of objectives. So, no need to talk strategy, since you can handle the random vamps that appear just as you have in the previous levels. *********************************** *Level 6 * *Boss: Vamps * *Character: Buffy (With Sid) * *********************************** This is like Level 4 with Giles, only this time you're with Sid. He's leading the way, so follow him. When zombies or whatever appear, kill them. Stay close to Sid though, and make sure he stays alive. He's not injured like Giles, but he's very small, and has to jump to do most of his attacks. Like with Giles, if he dies, it's Game Over. They don't seem to target Sid as much as they did Giles, but they sometimes do, so you'll just have to make sure to draw their attention to you. When he finally gets to the destination, he will point out Cassandra's eyes on a shelf. Run over and pick them up, and that ends this one. This one is nowhere near as hard as Level Four with Giles, but that doesn't mean you can take it lightly. Just remember, you can't heal Sid, so if his health gets low, you'd better protect extra hard. *********************************** *Level 7 * *Boss: Anyanka * *Character: Xander * *********************************** This battle seems to be one of the tougher for me for the simple fact that you can't be everywhere at once. Anyanka will float around the gym glowing. You can't hurt her when she's doing this. So, you have to bring her down. You'll notice there are five pentagrams in this room. Two on each end, and one in the center. The key to bringing Anyanka down, is placing bunnies inside each pentagram, just as you did earlier in the level to solve the puzzles. But, don't just go from pentagram to pentagram dropping bunnies. Let me first tell about her attacks, and how to avoid them while placing your bunnies. She has two attacks while floating, one is sort of like a shockwave attack which stuns. This is a thin line of electricity straight from her to the location you are standing. The other is a fireball. These are slower, and easier to dodge. So to avoid both of these, never run in a straight line towards her. Get Xander in the center of a pentagram. Doesn't matter which. Then, position the camera so that it is directly behind Xander, while Xander is facing Anyanka. Then just wait in the center of the pentagram. When she unleashes her attack, whichever one it is, move to the left or right (assuming the door you came in from is either left or right) but stay inside the pentagram. Immediately place a bunny inside the pentagram, and run to the next pentagram. Continue doing this until a bunny has been placed in all the pentagrams. The center pentagram can be tricky since this is where Anyanka likes to stay. I'd suggest waiting for her to unleash an attack, dodge it, then run and place the bunny quickly. Once the bunnies are all set, Anyanka will come down, and without her magic and invincibilty. Run towards her and go hand to hand with her, or if you have hellfires, use those. If you want to use a weapon, go ahead, whatever's best for you and your fighting style. She has the basic type fighting style as a vampire, so nothing unusual here to look out for. After a few seconds of fighting, two those little pig monsters (I hate those things) will come out and start to kill your bunnies, one on each end of the gymnasium. This will give Anyanka her magic back, and her invincibility, so go kill these things as soon as you can. It's also best to try and keep the center bunny alive, since this is probably the hardest to place without getting hit, though it's still not too hard. If they do kill all of the bunnies, they will come after you, and even if you place a bunny, they'll just kill it right after you place it, so make sure you kill these little creatures. Once they're dead, follow the above steps for placing your bunnies, and proceed fighting with Anyanka. Keep doing this until you finally defeat her. Her health doesn't heal once she's back in the air, so you don't have to worry about that. This battle shouldn't be too hard. I had 1 medi-pak entering this battle, and while I wish I had more, I still did it. *********************************** *Level 8 * *Boss: Kakistos * *Character: Faith * *********************************** Before going into the battle with Kakistos, you'll get 2 medi-paks. It's also wise to have at least one more just in case. After the cut scene, immediately start running around. The glowing orbs surrounding in the outer areas all must be destroyed before fighting Kakistos. Any damage you do to him, the orbs will just recover for him, so get rid of these. You'll also have zombies rising from the ground, but these are no problem. Kakistos will also throw hellfire at you, making this fight even tougher. Start the fight by running the edges of the area, hitting the orbs as you go, but don't stop running just yet. It's best to do a jumping kick as you pass an orb. Like before, the orbs won't take any damage unless dim, but still, just hit them as you pass, just in case they do happen to go dim. Kakisto's hellfires will be thrown in front of you, in an attempt for you to run into them. If you hear the sound of him throwing it, stop moving for the second it takes it to miss, or turn in the opposite direction and let it miss, then continue in your original direction. He usually throws around two to four hellfires at a time, so when you see the first hellfire, be ready for more, and you should be able to avoid these. After running in one giant circle over and over, Kakistos and the zombies will eventually follow you (note that Kakistos isn't as dumb as the zombies, and will sometimes break out of the following pattern). When you're a good enough distance ahead of them, get on the backside of an orb and begin an all out attack on it. I say to get on the backside, because Kakistos could throw hellfires, and this will make the orb suck up most of the damage from it. If the zombies get too close, you can waste them if you want, more will just come, but my advice would be to not waste the time unless you get low on energy and are out of medi-pak's, then maybe they can restore a small amount. If Kakistos gets close, start running again. This can get tedious, but I've found it the best way to keep alive while getting rid of the orbs. After all the orbs are gone, Kakistos should be no problem. Attack him head on, and bring his energy down. He fights like the other vamps, and since he is a vampire, you'll need to stake him to finish him off. I haven't tried it, but hellfire and holy water may also work to finish him, since he is a vampire. The orbs are the biggest problem here. Kakistos is just like the other vamps you've dusted throughout the game. *********************************** *Level 9 * *Boss: Adam * *Character: Spike * *********************************** This is a simple battle, but it can be one of the longer ones, depending on how you work it. First off, attacks do nothing to Adam. The only way to kill Adam is to let him pick up a barrel, his intention is to throw it at you, but hit him with an EMP grenade, and it'll cause the barrel to drop, thus causing damage. Don't worry, there are EMP grenades in this area, and an infinite amount, so if you run out, you can get more. There will also be living dead appear, two at a time, but these should not be any problem. Killing them will just make more appear in their place. So, let's talk about the area. A normal square area, with four walls, but only three of which contain barrels. Like the EMP grenades, they are infinite also, so let him throw barrels all day, they won't run out. Just don't get hit. In the center, there's a rather large area, with stairs, this is deep down, and this will be your best defensive friend. The floor areas surrounding this, and between the walls, is small, but it's enough space to work with. Stay on a side that contains a barrel on the wall. Just keep running back and forth, dodging Adam's swinging punch, and the living dead. Eventually, Adam will either do one of his attacks or pick up a barrel. Hope for the barrel. As for Adam's attacks, he has his regular swinging punch, which is something you need to stay away from. He'll only do this if you're up close. Then he has a missle attack. This isn't so bad, as you can see it coming, and get out of the way in time. Then, lastly, he has his a machine gun attack. This is the most annoying one. One bullet hits you, you're stunned for another to hit you. Once this starts coming, immediately go to the lower level. Don't bother going for the stairs, just jump the rails, it won't hurt you. His machine gun attack will not hit you if he's in the upper level, and you're on the lower level, and vice versa. Neither will his missle for that matter. Which means, if he does it while you're at the bottom level, go for the top. This is also a good time to kill the walking dead, if you choose to, in case you need health. They'll follow you wherever you go. After his attack, head back up (if you went down) and proceed running around a side with a barrel, and just keep doing this until you've nailed him five times. When he drops five barrels over his head, the battle is over. All in all, this isn't really hard, and you may not even need to heal, unless you happen to get hit by his machine gun attack. *********************************** *Level 10 * *Boss: Tara * *Character: Willow * *********************************** This is quite possibly the easiest battle in the game. In fact, it's possible that you'll have more trouble with some of the demons running around in the areas than this battle. Tara being my favorite character in the Buffy series, I felt cheated! Anyway, Willow and Tara are on opposite sides of the room, which has no connection to go from one side to the other, so that meanst that you can't touch her. Don't try your homing missles. Why? Cause I asked you not to. I'm not going to bother going into to details on variations on this battle. All you have to do, is let her send across a vampire after you. Use your possession spell (Check your spellbook if you forget it), and possess it. It'll go attack her. Now, others will say hide to avoid her fireballs and prevent her from sending over multiple vamps. Then to jump out to let her send a vamp at after she's disposed of the one you possessed. I say no. Reasoning...First, Fireballs are easy to dodge. They're slow, and bright, so you can see them coming with plenty of time to move out of the way. Just keep running back and forth and they'll never hit you. Second, one vamp at a time, she'll either kill it or repossess it. Let her send more than one vamp at a time, and possess them at the same time, or rather close to it anyway. Then they'll both, or however many she sends/you possess, will be attacking her at once, speeding up this incredibly easy battle. With this battle, regardless of how you choose to fight it, you shouldn't have any problem at all. I had 5 medi-paks going into this battle, and I didn't use any. *********************************** *Level 11 * *Boss: Giles * *Character: Buffy * *********************************** This battle isn't hard, just confusing and tedious. Giles will send an ape after you pretty early on. You can kill it if you want, or use it as a shield for Giles' attacks. He has fireballs. Giles does two other things. He teleports and he clones. First let's talk about the teleporting. This is nothing to worry about. It's usually directly behind you on the other side of the room. Just turn around and voila, back to normal. Just keep an eye on him, in case he does go somewhere else. Now cloning. This is the only part of this battle that should cause trouble. He'll clone himself, but he'll be the one in the middle. Not the front middle, the one behind that one. However, all the Giles, fake or real, will throw fireballs, making dodging them difficult. Especially since they somewhat stun you, allowing for multiple hits. When you approach the Giles party, they'll scatter. You must keep your eye on the real Giles. If you lose him, and start tracking the wrong one, you'll do nothing as far as damage. Attacking a fake will just make it disappear. When they scatter, keep up to the real Giles, and attack him while following if you get the chance. If you have Hellfires, use them, either when following him, or once the Giles party is all together. Not really much else to say about this battle. Just keep track of the real Giles, and heal when needed. *********************************** *Level 12 * *Boss: The First * *Character: Buffy * *********************************** This battle is similar to the fight with Anyanka, in that there are three pentagrams in the room. No, you don't place bunnies in them. Bringers will be chanting inside the pentagrams. The First (in Ethan's form) is invincible as long as they are chanting inside the pentagrams. Before I talk strategy, I'll talk about The First's attacks. One is a simple blue magic spell of some kind. This is like the fireballs Giles would throw at you, so this should be extremely easy to dodge, since there's only one. Another is sort of a glymph in the shape of a circle from beneath you. This one also should be extremely easy to avoid. You'll see it appearing below you, and you have a second or two to move out of the way. Trust me, it's plenty of time, as it's not that big. The third attack however, is the hardest to avoid. It spans the room and if you're in the open, the only way to avoid it is to jump, but this attack is extremely fast, so you have to have fast reflexes. Now strategy. Keep Hope's Dagger equipped at all times. Stay behind a pillar. Doesn't matter which one, just stay behind it. Move out of the way of the glymphs that appear below you, but don't venture out in the open. Stay behind the pillar until you see the room spanning attack. The pillar blocks this for you. When he does his room spanning attack, that's when you make your move. Run out and disrupt two of the bringers and kill them. It's best to keep one of the two closest to the First alive. Use Hope's Dagger if you want, doesn't matter what means you kill them, as long as you kill them. I had a pitchfork, battle axe, sword, five stakes, and a spike, and I never used any of them in this battle. There's no use. It's wise to run behind another pillar here and wait for another room spanning attack, but you don't have to. That's up to you, and if you want to risk it or not. Now, when you're ready for the next move, run out and disrupt the third Bringer. Just kick him him a few times, DO NOT KILL HIM, but if you can, knock him to the ground. Immediately run toward The First, but don't run into his barrier or it will knock you back. Wait for it to disappear, then attack him with Hope's Dagger. This will knock Hope's Dagger out of your hand. The Bringer should have gone back to chanting by now. This is why you should keep one of the closer ones alive. You have less to run after disrupting him to get to The First before he goes back to chanting. Immediately go pick up Hope's Dagger. It's usually beside a pillar, and it's glowing so you should not have any problem missing it. After you've picked it up, run and wait behind a pillar again, and keep repeating this process until you've defeated The First. If you do happen to kill the third Bringer, three new Bringers will appear, and you'll have to disrupt all three before attacking The First. This can be difficult if one goes back to chanting while you are disrupting another. As long as you keep one alive, the other two will not be replaced. However, if you're low on medi-paks, you can keep killing them to try and bring up your health. Just remember to heal if and when you get low on health, and you shouldn't have too much trouble with this one. There should be two medi-paks in the room. (There was for me anyway). And congratulations, you beat the game! =============================================================================== 4. Websites =============================================================================== *************** * Buffy Sites * *************** Buffy World (www.buffyworld.com) Buffy Episode Guide (www.buffyguide.com) Official Buffy Site (www.buffy.com) =============================================================================== 5. Thanks =============================================================================== First, thanks go to CJayC, and GameFAQ's for building such a successful site, that really allows everyone to help each other out. Without, you probably wouldn't be reading this. Thanks to Joss Whedon for creating a highly intelligent and addictive show. Phonox and xweendogx for creating great walkthroughs for this game. Vandoza for helping me with the the Anyanka battle. You for reading this faq, and supporting this game. Thanks! Copyright 2004 Chris Fisher