Buffy the Vampire Slayer 2: Chaos Bleeds The COMPLETE Guide! Written by: Hyuaki Hay ************************************************************************** Table of Contents ************************************************************************** I. Copyright and Contact Information II. Story III. Walkthrough IV. Credits and Special Thanks ************************************************************************** I. Copyright and Contact Information ************************************************************************** Okay, short and not so sweet. Do not copy from this guide without my permission. Do not make people pay money to use it. Should you use a small portion of this guide in a work of your own, give me credit. Anyway, I wrote this for free so I want it to remain free. This guide is copyright May 22, 2004; and it is protected by international copyright laws. This FAQ was written by Ty "Hyuaki Hay" Nungester. Now say you have a question or something that you want to add to this guide. Email me at hyuakihay@yahoo.com and if it is not already covered I will put it into the guide giving you full credit for the find. As I said if your question or addition is already covered in here then I will ignore it. It may take a while for me to answer any questions that you have because I can only check my email 1-2 times per week. Thanks for reading. ************************************************************************** II. Story ************************************************************************** (Taken directly from the instruction manual.) When Buffy Summers discovers that an enemy from the past, Ethan Rayne, is at the center of a great struggle with The First, literally the first incarnation of evil the world has ever known, she and the gang must face an undead army of vampires, zombies, and demons to keep these nefarious villains from casting the world into permanent darkness. It would help you a great deal if you were a fan of the series or at least watched it. That will provide all of the back story you will need. ************************************************************************** III. Walkthrough ************************************************************************** I will take each level and break it down by both character and secrets. You'll see what I mean soon enough. If you are familiar with my Tomb Raider FAQs then you know what I mean. I will not mention where the enemies are or where the items are. The reason for that is that there are many many enemies and the same for the items. I will tell you how to get through the levels and how to solve the puzzles. I will also tell you how to beat the bosses of levels where there are bosses. Remember a few things here. When it comes to enemies, focus on fighting one at a time. Take care of all enemies before you explore for items unless you are in dire need. Explore, explore, explore. This walkthrough however, will not tell you every little detail of the game because these are my exact notes that I made while playing the game. I felt that the notes I made were sufficient enough to make a guide out of them. ========================================================================== Magic Box ========================================================================== Characters Used: Buffy, Willow, Xander, Spike Secrets: 3 Enemies: Vampires, Zombies Buffy First locate the STAKES in the shop and then equip them. Dust any vampires that show up until the cut scene. Willow Drop down to the floor and go behind the store counter. There you will find the KEY to the bookcase. Also behind the counter you will find a small cabinet that is about thigh high, open it to get SECRET #1. Now go to the area of the store where Spike went downstairs. You will find a floor lamp in the corner by itself. Punch it a couple of times to get SECRET #2. Now go to the bookcase in the front of the store and use the KEY to open the bookcase. From here use magic and STAKES to take care of any vampires until another cut scene begins. Xander You are in the training room. Get the AXE and CROSSBOW and kill any and all vampires that you happen to see. Spike You are in the basement. Grab the SWORD that you find in the first room. Work your way through the basement until you are in the third room of the basement. This is the room where the opposite door is blocked by an overturned table. In here search the bookcase on the right side for the RELIC and then place it in the statue's mouth. A hidden room will be revealed. This is SECRET #3. Now break the table that is blocking the door and you will come to a room where Tara and Anya are locked in a cage. Some vampires will come in, kill them and get the KEY to the cage from them. Buffy Grab the weapons that Xander left on the counter. Kill the vampires that run in. Don't worry about Willow because she can't die. ========================================================================== Cemetery ========================================================================== Characters: Buffy Secrets: 5 Enemies: Vampires, Zombies, Bakemono, Demons Buffy You will find a SHOVEL in the center of the area to the right. Grab it and then trash all the enemies that show. Now from the spot where you began the level enter the third door on the right. Inside here you will find a SUNDIAL PIECE. Enter the sarcophagus in the back and you will find SECRET #1. Now take the statue/vase thing and push it onto the diamond shaped tile in the center of the room to get back outside. Back outside turn to the right and go to the last building on the right. It will have a sarcophagus beside it. Get on top of the sarcophagus and kick in the window to enter the building. Make it through the building to the other side. Back outside, go into the second area of the cemetery and enter the building on the right side. Inside you will find another SUNDIAL PIECE. Go back outside and then go to the second building on the right and enter. Here is SECRET #2. Now go back outside and go to the large gate that is on the far side of the area from where you entered. Go through the large double doors and you will be in the Church courtyard. The sundial is in front of you. You will find another SUNDIAL PIECE behind the graves to the right of the Church. Place all 3 SUNDIAL PIECES on the sundial and a building in the previous area will now be open. Go inside that building and kill the zombies. One of them will drop the KEY to the Church. Now after you have the KEY go back to the Church and enter it. Inside kill the vampires until some of them bust open a door to get in to the chapel to fight you. When all are dust go down the area they opened. Toward the bottom here you will have to kill some Bakemono. They are large spider-like things. Kick open the door at the end and you will be in a small room with a bell. Kick open the other door in here and you will now be in some tunnels. Fight your way and break your way into mausoleum where zombies will begin coming out of their crypts in the walls. After you have finished with them, you will notice that a couple of the crypts have golden handles on them. Pull them out and climb on the one on the right to get to SECRET #3. Now pull out the one on the left and climb it and then break the door you find to move to the next area. In here you will find a hole with a ladder that takes you down. Before you go jump across the hole and fight the baddies. Go to the far side and get the SWORD. This is SECRET #4. Now go down the ladder into the sewers below. Go through the tunnel into a large round room. You just came out of tunnel 2. Head to the right toward tunnel 1. Midway between the tunnels look at the pipe on the wall to your right and you will see a place where you could put a valve handle if you had one. Anyway go into tunnel 1 and you will find a VALVE HANDLE. Now go back into the round room and place the VALVE HANDLE in it's spot on the pipe. After you turn the valve, go back into tunnel 1 and climb the ladder. Up top, you will see a small arch shaped doorway. Get close to it and a demon will break it open. Enter this room to get SECRET #5. Now head through this upper room and notice on the wall where a fuse box and a power switch are. You need a fuse. Go into the open cage area and a demon will partially break the wall down. Finish the job and then enter the new tunnel. Follow it into the top of the round room. Go to the left side and you will find a fuse box. Open the fuse box and take the FUSE out of it. Now go back to the other fuse box and place the FUSE in it. Flip the power switch that is next to it. Go back into the top of the round room and this time go to the right. Flip the switch that you find over there and the bridge will move. Cross the bridge. Follow the tunnel to another ladder and climb it. Now you are in another mausoleum. Make your way to the door and go outside into the cemetery again. Go to the last building on the left and go to the statue that is on the far side of it. Turn the statue's head and a door in the side of the building will open. Go inside the building and break the vases and you will find the IGNITION KEY to the construction equipment that is outside. Now go to the machine and use the IGNITION KEY and the machine will break down the wall. Enter the building there. Follow the path here until you are back outside in the cemetery once again. Go to the lower area of the cemetery and you will find a sarcophagus beside the large building down there. Get on the top of the sarcophagus and then jump onto the side of the building. Now climb up and then attack the glass up there to enter the building. Inside this building you will find a doorway that is massively choked with spider webs. There is an unlit torch on the side of the doorway. Grab it and light it in the fire. Now punch the spider webs. Follow the tunnel until you find a doorway that has a gate. Place the torch in the empty torch holder and the gate will open. Go up the stairs and outside to battle the boss of the level. Boss: Magic Orb You have to destroy the Magic Orb before Joyce Summers (your mom) is resurrected. Destroy the zombies that come up and you will have help in the form of Spike. You have to hit the Orb with your bare fists and kick it to do damage. This is too easy for a boss. But they get harder, much harder... ========================================================================== Blood Factory ========================================================================== Characters: Xander, Willow Secrets: 3 Enemies: Vampires, Demons, Zombies, Bakemono Xander As you begin there is a woman stuck in a tray on a conveyor belt. Go forward and hit the button on the control panel. She will now be able to escape. Now go and open up the boarded up room and let out another hostage. Go through the door that is directly opposite of the boarded up room. You will be outside. Now go through the door that is across the alley from you. In this room, hit the lockers to get a CROSSBOW (there is a crossbow refill next to the lockers) and release the two hostages. Now go outside through the other door. Now that you are outside again, it is time to use the CROSSBOW. Look around and you will find a power box with a flashing green light. Shoot the box. Now climb the fence and enter the next area. Release the hostage who will give you a KEY and then go outside via the other door. Turn right and run past the door that you find on the right. Go around the corner of the building and you will find a corpse. Take the LIGHTER. Now go through the door that you passed. Inside here go up the staircase until you find SECRET #1 and a WATER SOAKER. Now go back downstairs and break open the other room down there. Inside move the file cabinet and go outside. Enter the only doors that you can and turn the valve in the room to turn on the gas. Now go up to where the gas is coming out and press the use button and Xander will use the lighter to make a door. In the next area you will see a caged off area with a hostage in a cage. I recommend killing the vampire in there with her before you release her. When you go to release her come back to this side of the cage and you will find a switch on the wall next to the fence. Now go back to that side of the fence and release the other hostage from the boarded up room. It's Willow time. Willow The key to using Willow is to use magic early and often. Follow the hallway outside. Now go to the door that has the fire extinguisher beside it. Jump onto the boxes to the right and get SECRET #2. Now go back to the other side and climb the cargo containers. Make your way to the control room on the upper level by jumping and climbing onto the catwalk. Inside flip the switch on the wall and you will move another cargo container. Go into the room that the container was blocking and release a hostage. Now go to the door with the fire extinguisher and enter. In this area go to the forklift to the left and press the switch on it to raise the crate. Now use the crate to climb onto the truck trailer. Jump from the trailer to the upper door and enter. In this room you will find a truck and trailer. Jump between them and use both to get to the top of the trailer so that you can claim SECRET #3. Now go to the side of the room with the conveyor belt and press the switch next to it to stop it. Climb onto the boxes and jump and grab the bottom of the doorway and climb in. Drop into a room where you will have to fight Bakemonos and a vampire. The vampire will drop a KEY CARD when it dies. Go outside into the larger room and you will see a caged off area. Use the KEY CARD to enter here. In this back area you will see some blood tanks. Go to the one with the valves on it and turn the first and third valves to drain the blood pool in another room. Now go back to the room where you entered the caged area and use the other unlocked door to enter the room where the blood pool was. Climb the ladder and enter the room. Continue along until you get into a locker room. Bust the lockers until you find a KEY CARD. Now enter the next room and use the KEY CARD to go outside for a boss fight. Boss: Ethan Rayne All that you have to do here is defend Tara and take hits for her until Ethan uses up all of his life force. ========================================================================== Magic Box Revisited ========================================================================== Characters: Buffy Secrets: 2 Enemies: Vampires, Gargoyles You begin in the shop. Go into the training room and then go outside from there into the back alley. In the alley break the glass that is in the ground and drop in to see Giles. Now climb the ladder and go back into the shop. Climb the ladder to the upper area and grab BIBEAU'S COMP and return to Giles. Now go back into the shop and then go down to the basement. In the first room of the basement go to the pink/purple curtain and turn left. Behind the red curtain you will find a small chest. Open it and get SECRET #1. Now continue moving along through the basement until you come to the room where as Spike you had to break the table. You will find a chest sitting on some boxes. Open the chest and get the GARGOYLE CLAW. Now go back up into the shop and use the GARGOYLE CLAW to test each of the liquids up there. When you find the Gorgon Venom dip a STAKE or two into it and then go back to Giles. Enter the cage and kill the gargoyles. Just beat them to a pulp and then steak them with the GORGON STAKE and they're gone. Now it is time to escort Giles out of here. After you open the first door into the small room there will be a chest on the floor. Open it to get SECRET #2. Now to finish the level make sure that Giles reaches the stairs to the main floor alive. ========================================================================== Downtown Sunnydale ========================================================================== Characters: Buffy Secrets: 3 Enemies: Vampires You start the level just outside of the Magic Box. Head to the left down the street until you come to the movie theatre. Go inside the movie theatre. Go through the building until you come to the concession counter. If you look around you will see a couple of turnstiles that will allow you access to the rest of the theatre. For now go up the stairs behind the concession counter. At the top of the stairs go down the hall to your left. You will see vampires coming out of two rooms. Enter the room that is to the right side of this hall and you will be in the projection room. In here grab the FUSE off of the desk and then go around the side of the film projector. Here you will find SECRET #1. Now go into the room that is at the end of this hall and you will find Willow trapped behind a locked door, and she has the key (way to go Will). Grab the TURNSTILE TICKET off of the desk and then go back downstairs. Go to the turnstiles and use the TURNSTILE TICKET to enter the rest of the theatre. In this area move around until you find the restroom. In the restroom break out the window and go outside into the alley. In the alley from where you came out of the theatre, go right and you will find an open gate with a hole that leads into the sewers. Facing the ladder that you came down, go to the right. You will find a SPARKPLUG at the end of the tunnel. Now go back topside and just in front of the restroom window you will find a water pump. Insert the SPARKPLUG and drain the water in the room below. Now go back into the sewer you were in and enter the door to the right of the ladder. In here cross the room and climb the ladder out into another alley. Out here grab the shovel and Willow will toss you the KEYCARD to open her locked door (why didn't she just shove it under the door to Buffy?) At the end of the alley you will find a locked gate. Kick the lock off of the gate and go back into a familiar alley. So now go and let her out and use the stuff that Ethan gave you. Now to go for Faith. Go back out to the main street and you will see a truck trailer in front of you. When you get there take the road to the right. Then take the alley to the left after that. You will see a dumpster underneath a fire escape. Push the dumpster back as far as it will go and then climb up onto the fire escape. Enter the top floor of the building and go into the elevator. Take it down a floor and enter the first office on the left to get the HELL-FIRE SOAKER. Now go back into the elevator and go down another floor. Enter the office in front of you and access the monitors and you will have a conversation with Faith. Grab the FLASHLIGHT and then go back to the top floor. On the top floor enter the dark room up here and go to the desk. Use the FLASHLIGHT and you will find the vault combination. Go back to the bottom floor and free Faith. Now go back to the middle floor and go out the door back to the street. Go to the truck trailer you passed a moment ago. Press the button on the back right of it and the trailer will open. Go inside and out the other door toward the front. Go through the door in front of you and you will be in another alley with a locked gate to your right. Kick the lock off but don't leave yet. Dust all of the vampires in the alley and soon some will begin to come out of Willy's. Now go inside Willy's and you will find Spike. Go and break the box that is beside the pinball machine and you will get SECRET #2. Now go out the unlocked gate and turn left. Go to the end of the road and you will find a building with large garage doors. Insert the FUSE in the fuse box and press the button next to it. The garage door to the right will open. Go inside and dust the vampires. In the center of the area between the boxes you will find some goodies. This is SECRET #3. Now climb the stairs to the left and press the button on the control panel. Jump and grab onto the thing that comes over to you and it will take you across the room to Xander. Once you have sprinkled him with the stuff go back to the Magic Box to finish the level. ========================================================================== Sunnydale Hospital ========================================================================== Characters: Buffy, Sid the Dummy Secrets: 3 Enemies: Vampires, Zombies, Demons, Mental Patients Buffy Break a chair behind you to get a STAKE. Now kill the vampires that are attacking Sid. When you get to the next room do not enter the hallway to the left for now. Let Sid go alone in there. Go back into the first room and search for supplies. When you get back into the second room enter the boarded up room to the right. In here is SECRET #1. Now go to Sid for a cut scene. Sid Do whatever you want and then let me know when you're done, okay? Go to the oxygen tanks on rollers and push them toward the fire for an explosive surprise. Buffy Go into the hallway in front of you and join back up with Sid. Go to the large double doors that are boarded up and break out of there. Now you are outside. Go to the right side of the area and you will find a ladder on the side of the building. Climb it. Up top you will find a CROSSBOW. Go over to the right side of the roof from where you came up and jump onto the smaller ledge beside it and get the goodies. Here is SECRET #2. Now go back onto the main roof that you were just on and break through one of the skylights. Inside you will have to fend off a army of vampires. The last one will drop a KEY CARD. Go out into the hallway and use the KEY CARD to open the elevator. Inside press the button to go to another floor. Explore wherever you wish but the only room you can enter is the one to the left as you come out of the elevator. Inside that room, go through the metal door to the balcony outside. Outside, turn and grab onto the ledge and shimmy to the left until you are above the next section of the building. Then drop down and enter via the window. Inside go to the right and look along the wall and you will find a fire alarm. Break the glass over it and then set it off. Go through the door on the right side of the other end of the hallway. Inside here you will find a WATER SOAKER. Now go to the white screen and pull it up. Enter the room in the back there and get the SEVERED HAND. Now go back into the hall and go to the double doors. Use the SEVERED HAND to open the doors and enter. Go through the doors until you are again outside. Climb onto the air conditioning units and then onto the upper area. You will see how there is a place going down with a ladder. Go down the ladder and you will get SECRET #3. Now climb back up the ladder and enter the only door up there. Inside, enter the elevator shaft that you find and attack both sets of cables to get to the floor below. You will again meet up with Sid. Follow him to a cut scene. Sid Enter the second room on the left and go out the window. From where you go outside turn right and enter the room over there. In this room get the HAMMER. Go back into the hall and break open all of the boarded up rooms. In one of the rooms you will find a GAS CANNISTER. Now go back into the hallway and approach the flames ahead. Equip the GAS CANNISTER and press punch in front of the flames. Now you have a FLAMETHROWER. Blow up the gas canisters that are blocking your way. In this hallway head to the left. Go to the door at the end of the hallway and let Buffy in. Buffy Go to the hand scanner door in the hallway and use the SEVERED HAND again. Go down into the basement. Enter the morgue ahead and protect Sid from the zombies while he searches through the files. After he tells you where CASSANDRA'S EYES are go over to them and collect them. Now just follow Sid and protect him to the end of the level. ========================================================================== High School ========================================================================== Characters: Xander Secrets: 2 Enemies: Vampires, Zombies, Imps, Werewolves, Bakemono, Demons You begin the level outside of the school and you are in a pentagram. Remember this spot you'll be back. After slaying the enemies and finding everything go to the boarded up window and break it open and enter the school. You are in the Administration Office. Read the cryptic note on the desk and get the FLASHLIGHT off of the same desk. Now go out into the hallway and enter Principal Snyder's office (I hated him, why did they have to kill off Principal Flutie in season 1). In here get the DICTAPHONE off of the desk. Now go into the hallway and go upstairs. Turn right and go past the Math Room through the double doors and into the next section of the hallway. Go past the Computer Lab and also go past the Physics Lab into the hallway past that. In this hallway turn left and go to the lockers there. Break open the locker for SECRET #1. Now go back and enter the Physics Lab and get the UV FILTER off of the desk. Now you have a UV FLASHLIGHT. Go back and enter the Math Room. In there equip the UV FLASHLIGHT and approach the boards. You will see some funky writing and I'm not going to try to say what it says or my head may explode. Go downstairs and approach the area where there are swinging vines blocking some doors and enter the Language Lab to the right. Go to the computer in there and use it to get the password. Now go across the hallway to where the intercom box is and use it. You now have access to more of the school. With a set of double doors in front of you and a set to the left, enter the set to the left. On the other side of the doors enter the Costume Room and get the MAGIC HAT. Use the MAGIC HAT where you see pentagrams on the floor. Now go back outside of the school where you began and plant another bunny in another pentagram. Go back into the school and enter the other set of double doors that were blocked by plants and enter the Science Lab on the other side. In there get the YELLOW LIQUID and the COMPUTER DISK and also the ALIEN GUN. Now go back up to the Computer Lab and access the computer in there. Now you have a password. Go back to Principal Snyder's office and go to the safe and get the LIBRARY CAGE KEY. Go back into the hall with the Science Lab and go past it and enter the Library. Enter the cage and make a bunny. Coming out of the Library head straight down the hall in front of you and then turn right to go out into the courtyard. Go to the birdbath and use the YELLOW LIQUID. You now have ammo for the ALIEN GUN. Explore the area and enter the other door on ground level. You will now be approaching the basement. Enter the door across from you not the one to the left (for now). In this room gather some supplies. Now enter the door to the left and enter the basement. After you get rid of the imps, go over to the far right side. You will find a pipe with a valve on it you can turn. After you turn the valve go to the pentagram and make a bunny. Now go back outside and climb the stairs. From the top of the stairs jump over them to the small ledge on the right. Go to the end of it and jump onto the fenced off area. This is SECRET #2. Now go back to the top of the stairs and use the ALIEN GUN on the Murgoth Demon blocking the doors. You may have to refill the ALIEN GUN a time or two to get this done. Once that's done enter the door and enter the English Room. Make a bunny in the pentagram. Now return to the hallway with the Costume Room and the magic barrier to the gym is now gone. Enter the gym for a boss battle. Boss: Anyanka This is really pretty simple. Dodge what she fires at you while she is flying and make bunnies in all of the pentagrams. When she is on the ground attack her as much as you can before she takes off again. Imps will come along and eat the bunnies. If that happens, make more. HELL- FIRE works very well against her. ========================================================================== Old Quarry ========================================================================== Characters: Faith Secrets: 3 Enemies: Vampires, Demons, Zombies When you begin search frantically for a couple of STAKES because you are going to need them now! After you run out of vampires and demons in this beginning area go into the small building that was behind you as you began the level and you will get SECRET #1. Now go over to the collapsed cave on the other side of the truck and jump over the boulders and you will get SECRET #2. Enter the other building that is out there and inside move the shelves on the wall and you will find a weakened wall. Break the wall and go down the tunnel. You will come to where you can go either right or left. Go right and go past the door that you pass on the left. See those barrels that are on their sides on the platform? Push the button on the side of the platform and a gate will roll down as will two barrels. Push them under the elevator and go back to the room you passed a moment ago. Inside get the DYNAMITE and other supplies. Now as you come out of the room go to the right and at the end of the tunnel use the DYNAMITE on the weakened section of wall that is marked. You will run to the elevator and go up to the next level. On the next level there you will find a room in front and to the left of you and one to the right. Enter the one to the left and re-supply yourself. Now enter the other room. Run down the scaffolding as far as you can passing a door. When you get to the door at the bottom enter it and use dynamite on the support in the center of the room. Now go back up to the room you passed and enter it. Enter the door on the other side of the room from where you entered and avoid the large hole in the floor. Follow the tunnel and go across a bridge to another section of the quarry. In here you will find a locked door to the right and a large double door in front of you. Go through the double door. In this room go over to the machine and turn the valve wheel to put some coal into the machine. Now there is a low torch to the right of the machine. Once you have that toss the torch into the machine. Go up the walkway where the cart tracks are and follow them to a room with the cart. Push the button on the side of the machine holding the mine cart and it will go to the other room. Back in the main room go to the back of the cart and use the wheel on the back to dump it. Go to the conveyor belts on the bottom and after a few seconds the EMBLEM will come out. Now go back to the locked door in the hallway and use the EMBLEM to unlock it. Enter here and climb the ladder into the quarry house. Get the stuff in this room and then go through the door and into the house itself. Go under the stairs and you will get SECRET #3. Go up the stairs and enter the room at the end. Try to save the girl. If you do, you will be able to get a HOLY WATER from her. Get the LIGHTER off of the desk and go back to the bottom floor. Enter the room that is to the left of the stairs and use the LIGHTER on the fireplace. Now go back upstairs and enter the room at the top again. You will see smoke coming from a brick. Press on the brick and a hidden door will open. Go through the door and follow it to a hidden room. In this room get the WRENCH off of the floor and use it on the bolt on the floor. In a room below you a chandelier will drop making a large hole in the floor. Go back down to the main floor and enter the other room on the ground floor and drop into the hole. Follow the path down here to the boss battle. I recommend making sure that you have as many MEDIPACKS as you can carry before you begin. You will need them. Boss: Kakistos Okay this boss fight is a bitch. Ignore Kakistos as you cannot really hurt him until you take away his supports. You will be attacked by zombies. Attack them until you have one of them alive and it is crawling on the ground. DO NOT KILL IT! This will work to your advantage. Now go up to a Magic Orb and begin hitting it just like you did in the Cemetery. When Kakistos and the zombie get close, run off and lure them away. Beat on the orb until it goes away and then do the same to the rest of the Magic Orbs. Then you can fight Kakistos like you normally would anything else. Stake him or toss him on some broken wood to win the battle. ========================================================================== The Initiative ========================================================================== Characters: Spike Secrets: 4 Enemies: Vampires, Zombies, Cyborgs, Demons First off watch out for the zombies in this level as quite a few of them carry grenades with them to blow you up with. In the room where you begin, climb the boxes to the right of where you begin and you will get SECRET #1. Now climb the boxes and barrels in the center of the room on the left side and drop behind the fence for SECRET #2. Climb the boxes that are directly across from 2 and then shimmy along the bottom of the catwalk to the left and drop behind that fence to get SECRET #3 and a HELL-FIRE SOAKER. Now go through the door at the end of the room and down the stairs. Enter the room on the right and use the computer to unlock the door at the end of the hallway. In the next section you will come to where you can go either left or straight. Go left. In the room at the end you have to jump over lasers to avoid releasing cyborgs. You don't want anything to do with them trust me but you will later... Anyway go to the left of where you enter and you will find a large pipe with a danger sticker on it. Kick or hit it and it will rupture releasing fog so you can now see the lasers. Go into the room on the right side of the room and use the computer in it to unlock another security door. Jump over the lasers again and go back into the hallway and jump over the laser there as well. Now go back to the main hallway and turn left. Run along into a until you are in a large room with a Hummer in it. You will pass two rooms that you need to enter on the way but you can't enter them for now. In the Hummer room enter the door across from where you entered. Follow the path until until you are on the top of the Hummer room and go through the door at the top. Follow this until you are in a large room with many computers. Go up onto the raised area to the right and use the computer there to access all of the rest of the security doors. Now go and enter the other security door that is in this room and you will find a laptop computer. Use it and you will get the weakness to the cyborgs. Now go all the way back to the Hummer room on ground level and head back toward the beginning of the level. In the hallway you remember the rooms you passed? Enter the first room you come to and you will get EMP GRENADES inside of it. Now continue up the hallway and enter the next room you come to. Once the door is open toss in a EMP GRENADE and then search the room. When you find the AMMO CLIP go back to the Hummer. Get on the back of it and use the machine gun. This is a great way to kill enemies. Blow up the large gas tank next to the wall. Go through the opening you just made and in the room at the back go to the left side and jump up onto the equipment on that side of the small room and you will get SECRET #4. Head through the other door up the stairs and into the elevator. Go to a different floor and in this first room equip the EMP GRENADES you will need them! Enter the next room which is the containment area. You have a cyborg to deal with in here. The EMP GRENADES only buy you a few seconds when you use them and you have to hit the cyborg with them. You can explore all of the cells if you wish, it's your funeral. Go into the cell to the far right and you will find a SEVERED HEAD in there. Now go to the retinal scanner beside the large double doors in the containment area. Quickly enter the room behind the containment area where the cyborg won't go (or at least it didn't for me). Enter the large room through the doors to this one and it is the one with the operation pit. Kill the demons in here and then go through the door on the right side. I recommend getting more EMP GRENADES first though. In here climb the ladder and then drop into the room where there are two cyborgs. Use the EMP GRENADES on them and also go over to the computer on the left side of the room from where you entered. Use the computer several times and you will shut down the cyborgs. Go through the door and you will wind up back in the operation room you were in a moment ago but now it is a boss arena. Boss: Adam Ignore his zombie flunkies unless they get in your way. Avoid what he shoots at you to the best of your ability. Try to lure him next to the walls so that he will hopefully pick up barrels that are there. When he is holding a barrel above his head toss a EMP GRENADE at him. Do this as many times as is necessary to beat him. You can get more EMP GRENADES in this room so don't worry about running out. ========================================================================== Sunnydale Mall ========================================================================== Characters: Willow Secrets: 3 Enemies: Vampires First off, there are tons of vampires in this level. From where you begin get the COOKING OIL off of the hotdog stand. Now go into the sporting goods store and enter the right changing room for SECRET #1. Go through the back door of the store and you will wind up in another store. Go up to the caged area and throw a fireball at the gas canisters there. Now go through the new door you just made. You are now in the back of the computer store. You will find a small chest up against the wall back here. Open it for SECRET #2. Now continue along the hallway until you arrive in the front of the computer store. Get the SHUTTER KEY off of the counter and then go out the front door of the store. Go up the escalator and enter the book store. In here go up to the center counter and grab the CREDIT CARD off of the counter. Then go in the center of the counter area and a cut scene will begin. Take the rolling ladder thing and push it to the right under the hole that the vampire came out of. Now climb up into the hole. Go over to the elevator generator and pour the COOKING OIL on it. Now it works again, yay! Go back into the bookstore and push the rolling ladder to the left beneath another hole. Climb in to get SECRET #3. Now go out of the front of the bookstore and through the shutter door back into the main area of the mall. While you are on the first floor, go and look for an ATM and use the CREDIT CARD to get CASH. Go into the elevator and take the BROKEN KEY from the corpse. Take the elevator up to the second level of the mall and enter the key store. Go up to the rack of keys on the wall and press use. You will now have a DOOR KEY. Leave the key store and turn to the left. Enter the security office. It has a video camera outside of the door and it is in a recessed area. Inside get the DICTAPHONE off of the desk and go back outside. Go back through the shutter to the second area of the mall and go up to the top floor. Enter the bank. Inside place all of your items in the metal tray that is on the left as you enter then go around and collect them from the other side. Go to the office in the back of the bank and save the hostage if you can. If you do you will get a HELLFIRE from her. Anyway, press the button on the wall in here and use the computer. Now go out and enter the vault to collect more CASH. Go outside the bank and turn to the right. Go to the very next door and trade the CASH for the COMPUTER STORE KEY. Enter the computer store and go to the rear of the store. Use the COMPUTER STORE KEY to enter the locked room. In here get the MODEM. Now go back to the security office and use the MODEM on the computer in there. Now all of the shutters are unlocked. On the upper level of the mall go through the now unlocked shutter door to the boss area of the level. Boss: Vampire Tara This battle is easy. Dodge the fireballs she shoots at you. When she sends a vampire or so over to you use the Possession spell to make them attack her. That's all she wrote. ========================================================================== Sunnydale Zoo ========================================================================== Characters: Buffy Secrets: 3 Enemies: Vampires, Zombie Gorillas, Demons, Bringer First go to the entrance to the Africa exhibit. From the door and still outside go to the right. When you reach the plants look down and you will find SECRET #1. Now enter the Africa exhibit and go straight through the next room to the outside. Out here look to the left and you will see two entrances. Enter the left entrance of the two. Go through the sets of doors until you are in another area where a woman is being attacked by vampires. If you save her you will get HELL FIRE. Now once you have the enemies cleared from here go to the benches that are to the left of the woman (your left not hers). Jump up onto the grassy area and you will find SECRET #2, and a WATER SOAKER. Now take and go through the entrance to the left of where you entered this section. Run along until you come to some windows on the right. Break one and go into the exhibit. Climb up the platforms and on the top one you will find a KEY. Now go back out to the entrance to the zoo. Enter the Reptile exhibit. When you arrive here there will be vampires attacking another woman. If you save her you will get HOLY WATER. Now as you face the door to the next area, go into the grass to the right and there you will find SECRET #3. Enter the Reptile exhibit and inside go to the right side and in the middle display you will have to break open a window and open the hidden door in there. In the back area jump out the window to the outside alley area. Run forward until you see a parked SUV. Enter the building that is at the rear of the SUV. Now go to the back section of the building on the inside. Turn and jump onto the gate that is open from the back and it will slide down to the floor. Quickly get off and go into the other gate that is now open. In here get the RELIC and then go outside via the door. Now go to the front passenger side of the SUV and enter the open fence there. Go to the lockers in the back and hit them until they open. Press the button to turn off the power. Now enter the building that is on the driver's side of the SUV. Go up to the control box in here and press the button. Quickly jump onto the gate before it goes up. Now shimmy to the right until you are above the upper area. Now drop to the floor of the fenced off area and enter the sewers below. Go through the sewers and climb out the other side. When you come out you are back in the African exhibit. Take the straw and push it into the gate that is open as far as it will go. Now break open one of the nearby windows. Go to the nearby gates inside here and kick the locks off if you can. Push the button near the windows. Go back outside and crawl under the open gates. Now to your right you will find some more windows to break. Enter there and get the TRANQUILIZER GUN. Now go back to where you got the KEY earlier in the African exhibit. Get onto the highest platform and then jump to the top of the fence and shimmy to the right until you are above the platform. Drop onto the platform and collect another RELIC. Go back out to the main section of the zoo and enter the Jungle Cafe. Kill the 2 gorilla zombies and then snipe the one that is on the top of the building. It will drop a third RELIC for you to get. Go back to the front of the African exhibit and place the three RELICS on the statue and then press the blue sphere that appears. Enter the African exhibit and inside the first room enter the door to the right. Go up to the vampire and kill him then get the AFRICAN SHIELD. Now go back outside to the main area and enter the door that is between the African exhibit and the Jungle Cafe. This leads to the Aquarium. Kill the 2 gorilla zombies and then equip the AFRICAN SHIELD. Go around the corner and use the block button to block the magic that the Bringer shoots at you. Once you block kick his ass! Now just follow the path along until you arrive at the boss battle. Boss: Ripper I think this battle is very easy. Now Ripper will do a few different things to annoy you. He zips around the arena very fast. He will summon gorilla zombies. He will throw fireballs at you. He will teleport. The only time that you can hurt him is after he has made clones of himself. He is always the one in the center. I think this battle is very easy. ========================================================================== The First's Fortress ========================================================================== Characters: Buffy Secrets: 3 Enemies: Vampires, Demons, Zombies, Bringers When you begin you will find a climbable scaffolding ahead and to the right of you. Climb it and then jump to the upper ledge. Enter the only unlocked door that is up there. In the hallway turn left and enter the door all the way at the end. In this room get the two glass bottles and take the torch out of the suit of armor's hand and a hidden passage will open. In this back area get the glass bottle and the KEY MOULD. Now go and replace the torch to where you got it and then go back out into the area you were just in. Outside go to the rear of the catapult and use it. Now go through the door that you just opened. Follow this hallway all the way to the end and go through the last door on the right. You will now be in a second courtyard. Go down the steps and you will see a carriage to the left. Push it out of the way of the doors and enter. Place the KEY MOULD on the platform and then turn the wheel on the side and you will get a SKELETON KEY. Also get the CHARCOAL DUST then go back outside and back up the stairs. In the hallway go around the first corner and then enter the door right there on the left. You will now be in a chapel. Fill up the glass bottles with holy water. Tip a couple of STAKES in venom. Get the CANDLE STICK off of the table. Now go outside through the large double door. Search the landing that you are on for a CROSSBOW. Now look at the drawbridge across the water from you. Look at where the bricks are broken near the top. Shoot that area and the drawbridge will come down. Cross the drawbridge and enter the room there. Go through the other door to emerge into a third courtyard. Go down the well and get SECRET #1. Make sure that you grab the SUNDIAL HAND. Now follow the tunnels and go up the stairs to get back outside into the third courtyard. Now up next to one of the support beams to the upper walkway you will find some boxes and stuff piled up. Climb them and then climb onto the upper walkway and enter the door. Get the CANDLE STICK off of the wall. Go through the other door and you will be in the fourth and final courtyard. Place the SUNDIAL HAND on the sundial. Now go to the front of the hand and press use and one of the lower doors will become unlocked. Enter the door for SECRET #2. There in the fourth courtyard is a place where there are three doors next to each other. Enter the right one and enter the first door inside to the right. Now go up the stairs and then take the right path. In the room at the end you will get SECRET #3. Now go back outside and enter the left door. Take the crypts in the walls and make sure that all of them are pulled out. Get in the center of the room and step onto the button and the elevator will take you down. Down here go through the door and you will come to a room with a broken bridge walk along the side of the bridge and cross it. In the room beyond you will find a SULFUR block. Take it and then go back to the courtyard with the cannon in it. Enter the door on the right side this time and you will find a large grinding stone. Place the SULFUR on it and then pull the ring next to the wall on the chord to grind it. You will now have GUNPOWDER. Go back to the courtyard with the cannon in it and use the cannon. Go up to the door that you shot and break the rest of it down. Fight your way through the hallway and you will wind up in a banquet hall. Place the CANDLE STICKS in the niches next to the one that is already there. Then pull them each down from left to right and a hidden door will open. Enter the hidden door and you will be in another room. Go through the door in here and go through the hallway. Enter the door at the end and you will find HOPE'S DAGGER on a shelf in this room. Now return to the fourth courtyard and go up to the center door. Look to the left side and you will see a lock, go up to it and press use. Now follow this path to the boss battle. You will have to go through a few doors but you can't get lost from that point. Boss: The First I found this battle to be easy. Wait until there is a bringer in each of the pentagrams and then kill them. After you do that go up and hit Ethan with Hope's Dagger. Each time you hit him the dagger will fly across the room. Each time you kill the Bringers they come back a little bit stronger each time. But this battle is cake. Enjoy you just beat the game! ************************************************************************** IV. Credits and Special Thanks ************************************************************************** Thanks to the people that made this awesome game. I am a huge fan of BTVS the series so I loved it. Thanks to all of the people who will host this FAQ on their web sites. Thanks to me for writing this for everyone to use. And thanks to you for using it. Have a nice day! Other FAQs by me: Metal Gear Solid (PS1) Spider-Man (PS1) Spyro the Dragon (PS1) Tomb Raider (PS1) Tomb Raider 2 (PS1) Tomb Raider 3 (PS1) Tomb Raider 4 (PS1) Blood Omen (PS1) Blood Omen 2 (PS2) Buffy the Vampire Slayer 2: Chaos Bleeds (PS2)