Buffy The Vampire Slayer for the xbox FAQ author: Phunk King (Dave Frasier, email to phunk_king@hotmail.com) This document can be found on gamefaqs.com, and stormpages.com/phunkking/buffy/btvs.html (my site of course). Any place else wishing to use this document should contact me first. Monday, September 16, 2002 FAQ Version 1.0 First version of my Arena Bug FAQ. *Notice* If you have a question that is not answered here please check out my website, I have a lot more information on other aspects of the game there. If you have double checked and still do not see an answer please email me your question. As an unexpected glitch, when you use the Arena Code to open up the arena it changes the game as well. To possess just about any character you come across in the 'story' mode part of the game just follow these steps. 1) Enter the extras menu 2) Enter the code YYW-BBY-YYY-YWB (W and B being White and Black buttons) 3) Enter into an opened arena 4) Once in the arena exit it (hit start, select quit, say yes) 5) Start a new game or load a saved game. If that all went through correctly you will now be able to control just about every character in the game. You will come across three types of characters basically, enemies, scoobies and innocents. Each has their own section below. It is quite possible that I am missing moves (in fact I know the Matereani has a move I have not figured out that raises a big blue cloud, throws Buffy into the air and can be fatal if she is near death), it is also possible I am missing monsters too. If you find something I missed let me know! Email me at phunk_king@hotmail.com with your tips. Thanks for any help you submit. Innocents There are a handfull of innocents along your way. From my expierience non of them have any fighting moves. You can run around with them though. Scoobies (the gang) All of them are the same, very slow, X to kick and A to punch. They only do one attack about every five seconds. Some things you may hear the scoobies say... (Cordy and Xander also sometimes say these in the Bronze nightclub level). Willow: Come on Taz, I eat danger for breakfast... Hey, did anyone notice the demon about to eat me?... I swear demons can be such jerks sometimes... Not that I'm complaining but HELP!... Just wondering, do you guys get horn envy?... If its not too much to ask I do NOT want to be demon nummies! Cordy: How Gross are you?... Excuse me a little help here... Why does evil have to be so ugly?... Somebody get over here before this slimeball destroys my outfit... What am I, a demon magnet? Xander: Hey, I've got a bit of a vampire problem here... I don't drink wine, my ass... Enemies Okay, so obviously this is going to be the meat of this FAQ. There are tons of enemies to control. For the most part all the enemies have been covered in my Arena FAQ. Those that were covered there will not be covered here. Hellhounds Bite (X) - Simple bite. Claw (A) - Simple claw swipe. Jump (B) - Nice little hop. Glowing Eye Horn Toss (Double Tap Towards Buffy, X) - Lowers head and tries to launch Buffy with horn. Bull Charge (Double Tap Towards Buffy, A) - Glows red then charges Buffy. Usually throws her very high. Rag Doll Shake (X) - While Buffy is laying on the ground near death, this will pick her up and tear out her neck. Big Dude at the Bronze Same moves as a couple of the vamps from Arena Four (Blue Circle). See the Arena FAQ for those moves. Fleshy Zombies (females) The 'bite' moves are fatal if Buffy is near death. Acid Spit (A) - Spits out some acid like stuff at Buffy. Shambling Neck Bite (Hold Right Trigger + X) - Will walk towards Buffy and bite her neck. Neck Bite (Hold Right Trigger + X) - When in close to Buffy this will bite her neck. Arm Swing (Any Direction + X) - While moving any direction this will cause the zombie to swipe at Buffy. Head Butt Neck Bite (Double Tap Direction of Slayer, X) - Head butts Buffy two or three times then eats her neck. Small Spiders Poision Spit (Tap Direction of Slayer, X) - Spits out some poision goo. Crawling Charge, Leaping Neck Bite (A) - Face the Slayer to do this one, the spider will launch itself at Buffy. Walk On Back Legs (While Moving Hold Right Trigger) - This gets the spider onto its back legs. Large Spiders Spider Head Butt (X) - When in close this will cause the spider to do some sort of head butt/bite thing. Spider Launch (A) - Leap across the room and knock over Buffy. Male Leather Clad Vamp (all black, brown or grey jackets) Vampire Nibble (X+A) - When in close to Buffy, if low on health this will kill her. Forward Backflip (Hold Right Trigger, Push away from the Slayer + A) - Vamp leaps forward, flips backward and knocks the slayer around. Power Kick (Double Tap Toward Buffy, A) - Similar to what Angel does, a strong forward kick. Overhead Two Handed Swipe (Hold Right Trigger, Double Tap Toward Buffy, X) - When in close to the slayer this will cause the vamp to swipe at her face. Power Uppercut (Double Tap Towards Buffy, X) - Strong uppercut, throws Buffy around pretty good. Super Arm Sweep (Hold Right Trigger, Double Tap Away From Buffy, X) - Vamp sweeps arms upward knocking the slayer over. Dreamer Demons Urd Uplifting Beam (X) - A beam that lifts Buffy up, if low on health, rolls her into a ball and kills her Lower the Sheild, Raise the Slayer (A) - He drops his shield, lifts Buffy up similar to the last move. Can be fatal. Unsheilded Charge (Hold Right Trigger and Direction You Want to Travel + B) - You will charge in whatever direction you pressed. Skuld Shoulder Blade Slash (A) - The things hanging from his shoulders vibrate and attack, like a kick sort of. (fatal) Shoulder Blade Spin (X) - Those same things spin and slash at Buffy. Blade Slash Charge (B) - A charging spin attack (fatal) (also is an automatic reflex if enough damage done to him). Verdandi I have only found one thing he can do so far. Also, it seems that sometimes he just starts doing this on his own, even if you have control of him. Lifting Charge (X) - Charge, then shoots out magic beams, then charges again. Fatal if near death. Teleporting Hanoch Demon Handspring Kick (Hold Direction of Slayer + A) - Does a one handed cartwheel and kicks Buffy. Spinning Back Fist (Hold Direction of Slayer + X) - Spins around and rams the back of his fist into Buffys face. Teleport (Hold Right Trigger, Double Tap Away From Slayer, X) - Teleports directly to the Slayer. Fire Eyes (Hold Right Trigger, Double Tap Away From Slayer, A) - The demon will shoot fire from his eyes, fatal if Buffy is near death. This document is a work of my own creation; future versions may have information listed that was contributed by readers that wished to help, with credit given to them as well. This document is designed for use on gamefaqs.com and www.stormpages.com/phunkking/phunkking/buffy/btvs.html. If you wish to use it please ask permission first. Copyright 2002 David Frasier (phunk_king@hotmail.com)