Buffy the Vampire Slayer Xbox Walkthrough +++++++++++++++++++++ Table of Contents +++++++++++++++++++++ 01: Controller 02: Level 1 - Spanish Mission 03: Level 2 - Sunnydale High School 04: Level 3 - The Bronze Nightclub 05: Level 4 - The Cemetery 06: Level 5 - Mausoleum 07: Level 6 - Sunken Church 08: Level 7 - The Mansion 09: Level 8 - Docks 10: Level 9 - High School 11: Level 10 - Foundry 12: Level 11 - Sunken Church 13: Level 12 - The Dreamers' Realm 14: Level 13 - Sunken church : Legal Jargon ++++++++++++++ CONTROLLER ++++++++++++++ The default settings for the XBox Controller are as follows RIGHT TRIGGER: Target Enemy LEFT TRIGGER: Look LEFT THUMBSTICK: Move RIGHT THUMBSTICK: Camera LEFT THUMBSTICK BUTTON: RIGHT THUMBSTICK BUTTON: A BUTTON: Kick B BUTTON: Jump X BUTTON: Punch Y BUTTON: Use Item / Weapon WHITE BUTTON: Inventory BLACK BUTTON: Ammo Select D-PAD: Quick Weapon Select **THIS GUIDE CONTAINS SPOILERS** +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Level 1: Spanish Mission +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ TOTAL SECRETS: 1 ********** Canyon ********** SECRETS: 1 GOAL: Follow Giles's instructions and make your way inside the mission. Listen to Giles's instructions. Jump across the ledges and make your way into the church. Pick up the lantern and place it in the pedestal in the next room. Press the switch, causing the bricks to move out from the wall. Climb up the bricks and grab the torch at the top. Follow the passageway avoiding the falling rocks, and falling pathway. Place the torch in the holder to open the gate. Kill the vamps while Giles finds a stake. Enter the church. Inside, break the beam locking the door. At the top of the stairs make your way into the upper loft area, and pick up the MISSION KEY from the desk. Break the boards across the window and climb outside onto the ledge. Pick up SECRET 1 a bottle of ELIXER. Climb back through the window, jump down, defeat the vampire, and open the door. Defeat the vamp, and throw the switch, entering the next area. ************* Courtyard ************* SECRETS: 0 GOAL: Follow Giles's instructions and locate the three stone keys to unlock the chapel. You need to find the three stone keys to pass through the door. Pick up STONE KEY 1 and put it in its niche. Some platforms will rise. All of the doors in the area are locked, but you can find a STAKE if you need it. Make your way up the platforms and meet Giles at the top. He'll give you a CROSSBOW. You can use the left trigger to aim, and the right trigger to zoom in. X to shoot. Snipe the two vamps, and the lion's head on the fountain will open to reveal STONE KEY 2. Pick it up and use it in its niche. Follow Giles into the bell tower, snipe the bell and drop down into the hole. Pick up STONE KEY 3, and the floor will crumble. Pick up an ELIXER from the table. Kill the zombies to reveal a button. Push it and the stone bricks move out from the wall, forming a ladder. Avoid the falling beam, and kill the vampire at the top. Exit out into the courtyard and put the key in its niche. Enter the church and walk into the vortex. Wake up! ********** Chapel ********** Enter the church and walk into the vortex. Wake up! ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Level 2: Sunnydale High School ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ TOTAL SECRETS: 5 ************* Gymnasium ************* SECRETS: 1 GOAL: The power's been shut off and vampires are attacking! Try to find Creepy Pete the Janitor. Exit the gym and enter the locker room, picking up the STAKE inside. Open the other door, and fight the vampire. Move farther into the locker room. Save the student to get a vial of HOLY WATER, also pick up the MOP before exiting the locker room. Save the next student and she will give you a bottle of ELIXER. Save the next hostage, and exit the gym storage area. Climb the stairs and move past the bleachers. Break the glass to gain entrance to a storeroom. Inside pick up a BASEBALL BAT, and a vial of HOLY ELIXER. Move through the classrooms to find Willow. She'll give you a KEYCARD. Exit the classrooms and a vamp will attack. Go down the stairs, taking out the attacking vampires along the way. In the hallway the body was thrown out of there is a partially open locker. Check it to find SECRET 1, a bottle of HOLY WATER. ************* Courtyard ************* Secrets: 1 Goals: Creepy Pete's key accesses the boiler room where the power controls are. Exit into the outdoor campus area kill the attacking vampires, and pick up a vial of HOLY EXIXER from one of the slain students. You can also find a RAKE. Climb up the small set of stairs and on top of the platform. Use the platform to jump across and grab the nearby ledge. Pull yourself up and climb make your way into the school and the administration office. Battle the vamp and pick up the JANITOR'S KEY. Exit the office and save the hostage to get a bottle of ELIXER. Kill the approaching vampires, and kill the Demon Dog. Back inside the school, go up the stairs and into the classroom with "Die Slayer" on the chalkboard. Check out the large desk to find SECRET 1, a bottle of HOLY WATER. Go down all of the stairs and use the janitor's key on the boiler room. *************** Boiler Room *************** SECRETS: 2 GOAL: Find the controls to bring the power back on and then head to the library to meet Giles and the others. Before you encounter an open doorway and some steps, turn to your right. There is a mall niche. Open a rusty door to the right to reveal SECRET 1 a bottle of ELIXER. Continue through the doorway and down the steps and kill the two vamps. Around the corner use the wheels to turn off the steam. You can also pick up a PUSHBROOM in the corner. Flip the switch in the breaker box to turn on the power. Use the keycard on the door at the bottom of the stairs where you entered the boiler room. Follow the passageway and climb up the ladder at the end. At the top exit and turn towards the burning boiler room. Pick up a bottle of ELIXER, SECRET 2. *********** Library *********** SECRETS: 1 GOAL: Get to the library as fast as you can. Giles is in Danger Climb the stairs and use the keycard to gain entrance to the Library. At the top of the stairs, kill the vamp and turn to the right. There is an open classroom. In the back, open a partially open cabinet to reveal SECRET 1 a bottle of ELIXER. Exit the classroom and go up the stairs. Enter the Library and battle Materiani. +++++++++++++++++++++++++ Library Gang Meeting 1 +++++++++++++++++++++++++ Secrets: 0 GOAL: The vampire threat has been eliminated, at least for tonight. Its time to celebrate at Sunnydale's hottest nightclub, Te Bronze! During the meeting talk to all of the Characters until there is nothing left to discuss. Get the CROSSBOW from Xander. Willow tells you to look out for crystals. She can use them to boost your energy and strength. Giles gives you a JOURNAL PAGE for the Super Cyclone Back Fist. Exit the library. +++++++++++++++++++++++ Level 3: The Bronze +++++++++++++++++++++++ TOTAL SECRETS: 9 ************* Nightclub ************* SECRETS: 2 GOAL: Vampires have taken Willow and some other kids from The Bronze captive. Catch up with and rescue them. Pick up the POOL CUE, and take out the two vampires that attack. Climb up to the upper level of the Bronze avoiding the mutant vampire. There is SECRET 1, a POWER CRYSTAL, under a table. Go through the broken wall, and you will crash down the stairs. Go into the kitchen and open the refrigerator to pick up a bottle of HOLY WATER. Dust the vampire that breaks out of the storeroom, and then go inside to pick up a bottle of ELIXER. Stake the next vamp and climb the stairs turn around and jump off of the outcropping to reach the platform. Pull your self up and pick up SECRET 2, a HEALTH CRYSTAL. Jump down and head back up the stairs and through the door. ************ Exterior ************ SECRETS: 3 GOAL: Spike and his gang of vamps are fleeing with their prey! Try to rescue Willow and as many Bronzers as you can. Do Battle with Spike, until he runs away. You can pick up a STAKE from a corpse just outside the entrance to the Bronze. Go around the chain link fence and climb up the tires and onto the roof. Battle the vampires and make your way around the outside of the Bronze. Drop down through a skylight to find a bottle of ELIXER, SECRET 1. Open a closet to reveal a hostage and a HEALTH CRYSTAL, SECRET 2. Go through the exit and pick up CROSSBOW BOLTS. Use your Crossbow to shoot the vamps throwing the Molotov cocktails. Make your way back to the roof of the room with the skylight. This time do not drop through the skylight but make your way around to the ledge. You must jump up and shimmy across. On the other side there is SECRET 3, a POWER CRYSTAL, sitting on a window ledge. Enter the doorway. *************** Back Alleys *************** SECRETS: 2 GOALS: Spike and his gang of vamps are fleeing with their prey! Try to rescue Willow and as many Bronzers as you can. Dust the female and two male vamps that will attack. Protect the hostage who is hiding behind the crates. Take the ladder down to the lower levels and defeat the demon dog. There is an ELIXER on the small ledge across the alley from the ladder. Enter the passage that the demon dog broke out of and break into the boarded up passage. If you break the crate you will find CROSSBOW BOLTS, a HELLFIRE VIAL and at the end, collect SECRET 1, a HELTH CRYSTAL. Exit the building thought the doors with the green exit sign. Avoid the Molotov cocktails. Dust the attacking vamps, pick up the HOLY WATER and jump up on the barrel just outside of the door. Pull yourself up on to the ledge. There is a niche to the right. Break the crates to reveal SECRET 2, a POWER CRYSTAL. Make your way around the roof. Use the lever to open the door that Willow went through. Inside, pick up an ELIXER, and some CROSSBOW BOLTS from the tables and exit through the door. Dust the attacking vampires, and make your way down to the ground level and up the stairs. Pick up the UTILITIES KEY from the corpse. Use the key on the locked door, and flip the switch to start the generator, and release two demon dogs. Stake them, and go back to where the corpse was, and flip that switch to gain access to the facility. Enter the doors, climb up the ladder and pick up the ELIXER. Open the doors and avoid the mutant vampire. Out run him towards the steel door to escape. ************ Railroad ************ SECRETS: 2 GOALS: Spike and his gang of vamps are fleeing with their prey! Try to rescue Willow and as many Bronzers as you can. Climb to the top of the stairs and kill the two vampires at the top. Turn to the left and at the end of the storage area is an ELIXER and a window to another area. Follow the tracks towards the trains, to the area we could see from the window. Dust the attacking vamp and break the crates for CROSSBOW BOLTS. Continue forward towards the trains. On the left side just before the tunnel, you can pick up a SECRET 1, a HEALTH CRYSTAL. Go back to where Spike took Willow down the ramp. Follow them, and carefully make your way down to the lower level. Fight of the four attacking vampires, and walk up the ramp and through the chain link gate. Defeat the demon dog and climb the ladder. Kill the vampire at the top, and jump up on top of the tall, green dumpster and pick up an ELIXER. Enter the building with the red and yellow wallpaper. Talk to the hostage hiding on the top level behind the table. He will give you a HELLFIRE bottle. Climb out of the window and jump across to the ledge on the opposite building. Follow it around, and kill the vampire on the opposite building. Jump up, grab the pipe and shimmy across. Break the boxes in the niche to find Secret #2, a POWER CRYSTAL and take the ladder down. Throw the switch, to open the door. Pick up the ELIXER behind the burning car. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Level 4: Sunnydale Cemetery +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ TOTAL SECRETS: 9 ************ Entrance ************ SECRETS: 3 GOALS: Spike and his cronies have taken refuge in one of Sunnydale's Cemeteries. Their escape is helped by another creature: A necromancer who is capable of raising the dead. Battle the attacking zombie skeletons and pick up the SHOVEL. Also dust the vampire, and enter the caretaker's shed to pick up the CARETAKER'S KEY. Also near the gated entrance, you can pick up an ELIXER. You can also break one of the gravestones to find a POWER CRYSTAL, SECRET 1. The force field will drop, and you can enter the crypt. Pick up the bottle of HOLY WATER in the niche to the left. Kill the vampires and zombie skeletons to bring down the force field, and continue through the next door of the crypt. Outside kill the zombie skeletons to lower the magical field. Dust the vampire, and pick up a RAKE just out side of the crypt's exit. Up the stairs break open the crypt to your right. Kill the zombie inside and pick up SECRET 2, ELIXER. Enter the next crypt. A vampire will break through the floor. Dust him and drop below. Pick up SECRET 3, a POWER CRYSTAL. Pull your self back up into the crypt and continue forward. Dust the vampire and pick up the ELIXER sitting near a grave to the right. Enter the door to the Sunnydale cemetery. ************* Graveyard ************* SECCRETS: 3 GOALS: Willow is in Spike's clutches while zombies and vampires try to prevent you from following them into the crypts. Defeat the swarm of zombie skeletons and vampires and continue through the gates. Defeat the next swarm of zombies. Inside the crypt one of the skeletons burst out of, find SECRET 1, HOLYWATER VIAL. In the above ground grave another skeleton came out of, pick up CROSSBOW BOLTS. Back near the gate the vampires threw the hostage through is a set of candles near a wall. Strike the wall between the sets of candles to reveal SECRET 2, a Power Crystal. Continue down the small flight of stairs and destroy the two zombie skeletons to bring down the force fields. In the storage room the Hostage will give you an ELIXER, and you can break a crate in the opposite corner to pick up a vial of HELLFIRE. Turn around and go through the other door. Kill the zombie swarms to bring down the force fields. In the room with the open roof, kill the vampires who attack and then the zombie. Inside the crypt the zombie crawled out of is SECRET 3 a POWER CRYSTAL. There is an ELIXER near an angel statue just before the door. ********* Crypts ********* SECRETS: 3 GOALS: Willow is in Spike's clutches while zombies and vampires try to prevent you from following them into the crypts. Take out the two attacking zombies, and move forward and watch the hostage flee. Kill the zombie skeletons to drop the force field, and pick up the HOLY WATER vial near the fountain. Dust the vamp and continue forward. A zombie skeleton will jump out of its crypt. Kill it and pick up the ELIXER inside. Go around the corner and kill the vamp, super vamp, and zombie who attack. Pick up the SHOVEL and go back to where the zombie jumped out of its crypt. Battle a demon dog and many skeletons to drop the force field. In one of the emptied crypts find SECRET 1, HEALTH CRYSTAL. Behind one of the large statues, a hostage will give you an ELIXER. In the next area, fight off the zombie hoards to lower the force field. Explore the surrounding area and find SECRET 2, an ELIXER. Back near the gates there are two candle groupings near a wall. Strike the wall between them to reveal SECRET 3, a POWER CRYSTAL. ************* Mausoleum ************* SECRETS: 0 GOALS: Spike's disappeared, leaving Willow with a leather-clad female vampire who seems stronger than a normal vamp. Do Battle with Scylla, and lower her health all the way. Watch her flee. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Library Gang Meeting 2 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ SECRETS: 0 GOALS: Spike and his gang have gone to ground . literally! And he's still got captives from The Bronze. You have to go back and find the entrance to the Sunken Church. Willow will power you up with the crystals you collected. Giles give you a JOURNAL PAGE detailing the SLAYER GROUND SMASH. Xander gives you the WATER GUN XVS ++++++++++++++++++++++ Level 5: Mausoleum ++++++++++++++++++++++ TOTAL SECRETS: 5 ********************** Secret Passageways ********************** SECRETS: 3 GOALS: The vampire who captured Willow escaped through a sliding panel in the floor of the tomb. You must discover how to activate it to access the catacombs below. Go up the stairs towards the angel statue to pick up a HELLFIRE vial. Go up the other steps and to the end of the passage and find an angel statue. Jump onto the altar and kick the cracked wall next to it to find SECRET 1, an ELIXER. Press the wall switch to raise the gate. And kill any attacking zombies. Once inside the gate, push the switch on the right and drop down into the hole revealed by the crypt. Once below destroy the attacking zombies, and look inside the opened crypts to find SECRET 2, a HEALTH CRYSTAL. You can also pick up a HELLFIRE vial, by climbing up into one of the high niches. Push the switch. Kill the zombies to lower the force field, and go through the gate. Pick up the ELIXER on the shelf, and push the switch. Head back up to the main level, and once there, push the right side switch, and drop down into the newly opened hole. Once below, push the two outside switches, and defeat the two zombie skeletons. Move forward through the gate, and push the switch. Go back to the main room and enter the secret passage. Kick the weak spot in the wall near the bend in the corridor to reveal a POWER CRYSTAL, SECRET 3. Continue forward and kill the zombies. Push the switch on the altar. ***************** The Catacombs ***************** SECRETS: 2 GOALS: The catacombs are guarded by zombies and demonic spiders. Somewhere up ahead are Spike and the captured Bronzers. Go down the stairs into the catacombs. At the base of the stairs near a group of candles you can pick up an ELIXER. Press Y to fill up your hellfire soaker at the HELLFIRE FOUNT. Continue forward through the catacombs and use your hellfire soaker to burn the spider webs blocking the passageway. Kill the three demon spiders that attack, and use the hellfire soaker to burn away the next set of webs. Refill your hellfire soaker if needed and keep moving through the level. Three zombies will attack. Approach a lit alter and Buffy will say "cinder and ash". Hmm . use the hellfire soaker to light the bowl on the altar. A green torch lights, and a gate opens. Enter the canyon room and continue down the steps to the right. Kill the demon spider that attacks, and use the ledges to jump across the room. There is a room with large waterfalls on the first ledge if you look across the room you can see a faint green light. Equip your crossbow and if you zoom in you will see a skull. Shoot it, and a niche will appear containing a HEALTH CRYSTAL, SECRET 1. Jump across pick it up and jump back. Continue to carefully use the ledges to jump up around the room. Outside of the room with the waterfall, turn right and kill the waiting zombie. Enter the room and pick up an ELIXER. Use the hellfire soaker to light the Cinder and Ash altar. A gate will open, and another green torch will light. Kill the attacking zombie, and drop down and jump across the chasm to go into the opened gate. Fill up your hellfire soaker using the HELLFIRE FOUNT. Go down the sloping passageway and kill the spider demons at the bottom. A gate will raise and two skeleton demons will attack. Tear them apart and keep going forward. At the bottom of the slope there is a zombie and two demons spiders. Take them out and use your hellfire soaker to burn away the web, and open the door. Inside kill the two demons spiders, and before jumping to the next ledge look down. On the right is a small ledge where you can drop down and pick up SECRET 2 a POWER CRYSTAL. Pick it up, and use the ledges to make your way around the room. You will see another cinder and ash altar. Light it and make your way up the ramp. Before you exit this room through the door, you can jump across to another platform to pick up an ELIXER. Drop down and exit through the gates to the main canyon room. Go up the stairs and into the room with the green torches. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Level 6, Sunken Church ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ TOTAL SECRETS: 6 ********** Bridge ********** SECRETS: 2 GOALS: Spike seems to have taken refuge somewhere in the labyrinthine corridors and passages of the Sunken Church where The Master was trapped for so many years. Exit the passageway until you come to the broken bridge. If you turn to the right you can follow the ledges and drop down to pick up an ELIXER if you need it. Carefully jump you way across the crumbling bridge. On the other side defeat the two demons to lower the magical barrier. You can fill your holy water soaker in the HOLYWATER FOUNT. You can also find a bottle of HELLFIRE on one of the ledges. To the left side of the holy water niche is a hill. If you run towards the hill and jump on the front side of the hill you can jump again and grab a ledge. Follow the ledge around and pick up SECRET 1, POWER CRYSTAL. Go back around the ledge and drop down onto the hill. Up ahead is a small passageway. Go up it and kill the zombies. Use the holy water soaker to bring down the evil soul shield. On the others side you will come to a point where you can drop down on a cracked ledge. So it and hit the Y button to reveal a secret niche containing SECRET 2, a health crystal. Follow the ledge and jump back across towards the holy water fount. Make your way back to where you stomped on the ledge. Once there climb up the ledge to your right where you can see a green lantern. At the top, kill the two demons to lower the shield. Climb the steps and enter the west wing of the church. ************* West Wing ************* SECRETS: 2 GOALS: Spike seems to have taken refuge somewhere in the labyrinthine corridors and passages of the Sunken Church where The Master was trapped for so many years. Make your way out of the cave and down the ledges to the right. Be careful as some of the ledges will drop as you approach them. Drop down into a small graveyard and be ready to take on three skeleton zombies. Carefully follow the ledges down to a sloping ramp. Follow it and use the HELLFIRE FOUNT to refill your hellfire soaker. Make your way back up the ramp and light the cinder and ash altar. A green torch lights. Use your hellfire soaker to clear the spider webs nearby. Kill the demon spiders. Follow the passage and a barrier will raise. Kill many, many zombies and zombie skeletons. The shield will drop allowing you to move forward. Check out the angel statue. There's gotta be a clue around there somewhere? How about those gravestones? Break them and the statue will drop a SECRET 1 a HEALTH CRYSTAL. Back where you just lowered the barrier there are some stones that are forming a large staircase. Climb up them. Make your way around the ledge and across the top of the arch. Go up the stairs to the chapel room. Battle the two demons, and break the wall on the right side of the curve arch to reveal SECRET 2, a POWER CRYSTAL. Light the cinder and ash altar to light the other green torch and raise the gate. Go back to where you crossed into this room. The arch will fall creating some ledges so you can jump down. Enter the gate. Defeat the zombies to lower the barrier. ************** Baptistery ************** SECRETS: 2 GOALS: The necromancer is casting a powerful spell, with three kids from The Bronze as sacrifices. You must stop him from completing his spell or else who knows what will happen! Enter the doors. To the left there is a column along the wall and behind it is an ELIXER. Turn around and climb the stairs. Some demons spiders will drop through the ceiling. Kill them and fill up your hellfire soaker at the HELLFIRE FOUNT. Go down the ramp and burn away the spider webs. Inside a demon will be killing a hostage. Kick the grave next to the victim to reveal SECRET 1, a HEALTH CRYSTAL. Kill the two zombies and two demons to lower the shield blocking the doors. In the next hallway some spider demons will burst through the wall. Kill them and inside the hidden room burn away the webs blocking the doors. Walk across the balcony and save the hostage inside. She will give you CROSSBOW BOLTS. Make your way through the next room into the door on the left. Inside there is a square on the wall to the right. Push it and part of the steps lower to reveal SECRET 2, a POWER CRYSTAL. Go up the stairs and avoid the spider demon and burn away the webs blocking the door. Once inside you need to battle four demons to lower the shields. Enter the open door, and carefully make your way across the room and into the doors. The floor on the left side falls, so use the right side. Once inside push the stone switch on the wall to open the well. ********* Altar ********* SECRETS: 0 GOALS: The necromancer is casting a powerful spell, with three kids from The Bronze as sacrifices. You must stop him from completing his spell or else who knows what will happen! It's time for the Boss fight with the necromancer. Keep kicking and punching the necromancer. He will pull you in with a gravity field, and then knife you with his hand blades. They're sort of like Freddy Krueger's or Wolverine from XMen. Avoid the zombie skeletons, and take him out. He also likes to teleport, so watch out. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Library Gang Meeting 3 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ SECRETS: 0 GOALS: Everyone is thunderstruck. The Master is back (albeit as an apparition). It's time for some research. Giles give you a JOURNAL PAGE detailing the SUPER POWER PUNCH. Talk to Willow, and she'll use the crystals to increase you max health and slayer power. Also give her the talisman ++++++++++++++++++++++++ Level 7, The Mansion ++++++++++++++++++++++++ TOTAL SECRETS: 2 ************* Main Hall ************* SECRETS: 2 GOALS: It's an ambush! Angel's Hideout is crawling with screaming Hanoch demons and vampires. Make your way through the mansion's secret chambers and track down Angel. Kill the Hanoch demon that blocked the doorway. You can pick up a STAKE from the copper urn filled with firewood. Behind the fireplace you can pick up a bottle of ELIXER from the bedside table. Go outside, kill the two Hanoch demons, and make your way up the stairs. At the top, kill the vamp who jumps through the windows. To your left is a sauna, and inside is a bottle of HOLY WATER. Climb inside the broken window and pick up the GREEN KEY. Go in the unlocked door to find the security system. Use the green key. Go back to the room with the broken window. Kill the demons to drop the barrier. Climb outside and kill the waiting vamp and demon. Around the corner you can pick up a RAKE. Open the doors. Once inside open the doors to the left of the bed to unlock them. In this bedroom there is also a door to a small shrine where you can pick up a bottle of HOLY WATER. Final go through the doors with the green key symbol above them. Once outside in the courtyard kill the two Hanoch and push the stone square on the left. The vent will open and reveal SECRET 1, a HEALTH CRYSTAL. Once inside the bedroom break the boards covering the window allowing the sunlight to come inside. Pick up the ELIXER from the side table, and open the shrine to pick up the RED KEY. Kill the attacking vampire. Open the doors and a male vamp will attack. Break down the boards to allow the sunlight to do its job. Enter the security area and use the red key. When you exit through the door under the red symbol, turn right at the painting. Make your way down the stairs to the main entrance of the mansion. Kill the attacking vampires and retrieve the BLUE KEY from the room hidden behind the painting. Go back upstairs to the security room and use the blue key. Go back to where you went right at the painting, and kill the attacking vampire. Use the blue key in the security area, and then return to the painting at the top of the stairs. Go left and push the button to raise the security gates covering the windows. Break them and climb out onto the terrace. Kill the demons and push the button to the left of the window. Fill up using the HOLY WATER FOUNT. Use some holy water to lower the evil spirit barrier inside the window and return to where we raised the stairs in the lower exterior courtyard. Climb up the stairs and collect SECRET 2 a POWER CRYSTAL. Go back to the door guarded by the spirit barrier, and enter the next area. ***************** Training Room ***************** SECRETS: 0 GOALS: Your Search for Angel has led you to the clutches of a shape-shifting snake vampire. Prepare for the Boss Fight with Scylla in snake form. Use the green shaped buttons on the sides of the room to open the windows. Lure Scylla into the sunlight and lower her health to defeat her. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Library Gang Meeting 4 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Secrets: 0 Goals: The Aurelius vamps are expecting a supernatural shipment to arrive at Sunnydale Docks tonight. You and your friends must head over there to investigate. Talk to Willow and exchange your crystals for a health and power boost. Talk to Giles to gain the REAPER BLADE. +++++++++++++++++++ Level 8, Docks +++++++++++++++++++ TOTAL SECRETS: 8 **************** Loading Area **************** SECRETS: 2 GOALS: The Search is on for the vamps' supernatural cargo, but proceed with caution - the undead are out in force at the Docks tonight. Talk to each of the Scoobies, and then exit the room. Outside you will need to defeat a vamp and a super vamp. Another vamp will attack. Dust it, and then save the hostage from yet another vampire. The hostage will give you a HELLFIRE vial. At the end of the docks you can break a crate to pick up a HELLFIRE VIAL. A vampire will break out from behind some boxes. Kill it and then pick up the CROSSBOW BOLTS that have spilled out of the other crate. Go back near the hostage and enter warehouse A. Kill the two attacking vampires make your way up the shipping containers that are stacked like a set of stairs. If you look around you should be able to see something on the top of a nearby shipping container. Run and jump across to pick up the ELIXER. On the ground, make your way around the water pit in the middle of the room. On the other side take out the attacking vampire and use your crossbow to shoot the exploding barrel. It will open the shipping container to reveal SECRET 1, a HEALTH CRYSTAL. Push the lever to start the conveyor belt and gain access to the crane control room. Run in the opening against the movement of the belt and kill the vampire waiting on the other side. At the other end of the conveyor belt, run inside the opening to pick up SECRET 2, a power crystal. Get into the elevator and pull the lever to get into the crane control room. Flip the lever to activate the crane. Make your way back out into the warehouse area. In the conveyor belt room, you will be attacked by another vampire. Use the conveyor belt to get back into the main warehouse and battle the three vampires that will attack. Climb up the shipping crates to gain access to the upper level. If you try to use the broken switch, you will be shocked and thrown into a control room through the window. Inside you can pick up an ELIXER. Exit and dust the two attacking vampires. Enter the double doors, and break open the large crate in the room to reveal a HOLY WATER FOUNT. Go up the stairs in the next area and talk to the hostage to get some CROSSBOW BOLTS ************ Shipping ************ SECRETS: 2 GOALS: The Search is on for the vamps' supernatural cargo, but proceed with caution - the undead are out in force at the Docks tonight. Open the cage and pick up the ELIXER inside. Kill the spider demons and flip the switch at the end of the room. Go down the stairs, and kill the spider demon in the cafeteria area. In the kitchen area there is a spider demon in the refrigerator. Kick the cupboard under the microwave to pick up SECRET 1, a HEALTH CRYSTAL, and kill the other spider demon who bursts out of the cabinet. Go through the double doors and battle the vampires on the other side. Save the hostage and he will give you a HOLY WATER vial. Go down the stairs and defeat the many vampires who will attack you. Use the floating crates to jump across the water. Climb up the ladder and pick up SECRET 2, a power crystal. Go through the gate and into the door at the end of the catwalk. Kill the spider demon, talk to Xander, and go through the gate at the end of the hallway. ********* Wharf ********* SECRETS: 2 GOALS: The Search is on for the vamps' supernatural cargo, but proceed with caution - the undead are out in force at the Docks tonight. Go through the gate, and follow the passage to its end. You will see a vampire run away from you. Do not go up the stairs yet. You can break a crate in the nearby closet to gain a STAKE if you need one. Exit though the door and kill the three attacking vampires on the roof. There is a fallen billboard to the left and you can find a STAKE under one of the ramps. On the edge of the roof run to the opposite side and pick up SECRET 1, a HEALTH CRYSTAL. Go up near the buildings and climb some stairs to get inside. Once inside, go down the stairs and to the right. Kill the waiting vamp, and pick up the HELLFIRE vial and SPEAR. At the end of the attic you can break the crates to pick up some CROSSBOW BOLTS. Go down the ladder and kill the spider demons inside. You can find a HELLFIRE FOUNT in one of the corners. Burn the spider webs blocking the door. Outside, make your way down the ramp to water level, and dust the attacking vamp. You can pick up an OAR at the end of the dock along the building, next to the ramp you just came down. Around the next corner to the right you can break some crates to pick up an ELIXER. Talk to Xander. Kill the shrimp demon that attacks, and then the vampire. Carefully walk across the remaining part of the dock. Break the crate at the end of the wooden dock and pick up the ELIXER. You can also break the crates in the area to get another STAKE. Go up the ramp and inside break the crates to pick up an ELIXER and STAKE. At the top use your reaper to defeat the uber vamp. Defeat the demon and exit outside to the docks. Go past the no fishing sign to the end of the dock. Open up a grate and find SECRET 2, a POWER CRYSTAL. Go back down the ramp you passed. At the end of the caf‚ area, break the crates and pick up CROSSBOW BOLTS. Turn around and go down the other dock and battle a demon and two vamps. Carefully make your way across the broken dock. Kill the demon to bring down the force field. The easiest way is to shoot one of the exploding barrels with your crossbow when the demon is standing near it. Go through the green exit doors. ********* Crane ********* SECRETS: 2 GOALS: The Search is on for the vamps' supernatural cargo, but proceed with caution - the undead are out in force at the Docks tonight! At the end of the hallway, go through the double doors on the right. At the bottom of the stairs enter the room with the large crane. A large vamp will drop through the catwalks to attack. Dust him and enter the door at the other end. Watch the cut scene of a man being dragged in to the ventilation. Inside you can find some CROSSBOW BOLTS. Back in the office with the body, go through the other door. Watch the cut scene and turn the switch on the wall. Stay on the rafters and use your crossbow to snipe the vampires below. Also pick up an ELIXER from the rafters. Use the large crates to drop down to the lower level. If you approach the area where the cargo is the gate will lower. You will need to do battle with the vampires you will be trapped with. Use the exploding barrels to your advantage. There is a shipping container against a support beam. At the base of that beam is a box you can break to gain an ELIXER. A vampire will break out of the exit. Defeat him and enter the newly opened passage. Outside go across the small metal drawbridge. Climb on top of the single crate. Jump on top of the next grouping, and so on. You will be able to jump on top of the low edge of a sloping roof. Pick up SECRET 1, a HEALTH CRYSTAL. Do Battle with the three demons to lower the force field. Before going into the door, make sure you go to the end of the dock and break the crate to pick up a HELLFIRE vial. Enter the building and kill the vamp inside. Turn the wheel to turn on the sprinklers and put out the fire. Go back to where you entered the building and climb behind the crates to find SECRET 2, a POWER CRYSTAL. You can use the crates and the large shelves to climb up to a breakable box. Enter the next room and kill the vamps waiting inside. Crush it and pick up the ELIXER inside. Make your way back to the floor and climb up the ladder. At the top turn to your right and enter the offices. Kill the vampire waiting inside and pick up the HOLY ELIXER. Make your way down stairs and Xander will use the crane to lower the Cargo. ************* Warehouse ************* SECRETS: 0 GOALS: Turns out the vamps' supernatural cargo is on of the Dreamer demons - Urd. Time to send this freak back to hell before things get really twisted. Prepare for a boss fight with the demon Urd. You cannot hurt him while he is surrounded by the magical barrier. Do a bit of battle with Urd, and he will disappear. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Library Gang Meeting 5 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ SECRETS: 2 GOALS: The remaining Dreamers must be located and destroyed. You will need to track a member of the Order of Aurelius back to the Master's new hideout. Talk to Willow and she will turn your crystals into extra health and power. Giles will give you a JOURNAL PAGE, SLAYER CYCLONE KICK. Kill the demon that falls through the ceiling. Enter Giles' office and pick up SECRET 1, a HEALTH CRYSTAL. Up in the stacks push in a book on one of the free standing bookcases, and the door to the book cage will open. Inside, look in the cabinet to pick up SECRET 2, a POWER CRYSTAL. Talk to the gang again, and then exit the library ++++++++++++++++++++++++ Level 9, High School ++++++++++++++++++++++++ TOTAL SECRETS: 11 *********** Hallway *********** SECRETS: 3 GOALS: The Master has sent an army of vampires and screaming Hanoch demons to slaughter everyone in the school. It's up to you to stop them. Kill the vampire and save the hostage to get an ELIXER. In the side hallway enter the closet on the right to pick up HELLFIRE BOLTS. Enter the boy's room, and follow the demon through the floor. Defeat him to lower the force field. Pick up the KEYCARD from the dead teacher. Climb up the ladder at the end of the hallway. At the top, re-enter the boy's room and pick up SECRET 1, a POWER CRYSTAL. Out in the hallway kill the Hanoch demons to lower the force field. Use the keycard on the doors. In the courtyard, kill the vampire and save the hostage straight ahead. Talk to the student to get an ELIXER. Enter the double doors, and go into the nurse's office. Kill the Hanoch demon to lower the force field. Jump through the window and enter the closet in the back of the office. Inside find SECRET 2, a HOLY ELIXER and a bottle of HELLFIRE. Back in the courtyard, battle the demons and vampires that attack you. Go up the nearby stairs and at one end you can pick up a vial of HOLY WATER. At the top of the stairs, jump over the railing and onto a ledge. Follow the ledge to another balcony and pick up SECRET 3, a health crystal. You can also break a crate near on of the dumpsters on the lowest level to pick up a HELLFIRE vial. Before entering the green exit door, pick up a SHOVEL. In the entrance to the basement, pick up the HOLY ELIXER and enter the door. ********** Sewers ********** SECRETS: 5 GOALS: The Master has sent an army of vampires and screaming Hanoch demons to slaughter everyone in the school. It's up to you to stop them. Kick the back of the boiler on the left to reveal SECRET 1, a HEALTH CRYSTAL. Move forward and jump down to the lower level to save the hostage below. He will give you an ELIXER. In one of the corners break the crate and pick up a HELLFIRE VIAL. Exit through the door, and battle the Hanoch demon in the hallway. At the end of the hallway Malik will taunt you. Battle with a shrimp demon and a hanoch demon and go down the ladder. Across the room kick the cracked wall to reveal SECRET 2, vials of HELLFIRE and HOLY WATER. Follow the long hallway to its end, and fight the two waiting shrimp demons. There is an exploding barrel on the lower level if you need it. You can also find SECRET 3, HOLY ELIXER at the end of the long sewer tunnel. Fight the Hanoch demon who attacks, and move to the platform with the fire barrels on it. Kick the crack in the wall to reveal SECRET 4, HELLFIRE BOLTS and BLESSED BOLTS. Climb back up the ladder and exit through the door. In the next room avoid falling into the water pit, and make your way up the stairs. Battle the Hanoch who breaks through the wall, and exit the room. In the next room at the bottom of the stairs a demon will burst through the wall, and another will also attack. Kill them, and then enter the hole in the wall. Inside pick up SECRET 5, a power crystal. Do not fall out of the room. Go back into the room with the staircase and go forward through the level. Inside the next room you can break one of the crates to gain an ELIXER. Climb the ladder. ************ Basement ************ SECRETS: 3 GOALS: The vampires are plotting to blow up the school! Track down the mysterious bomber and diffuse the explosives. Turn around and open the double doors, to find and ELIXER, SECRET 1. Turn around a go the way you were started. At the top of the stairs turn right and enter a closet to pick up a SPEAR. Go to the end of the hallway and enter the chemistry lab. Use the gas to your advantage and kick or punch the two waiting vamps into it. A third vampire will break through the door and attack. There is a HELLFIRE vial on the counter if you need one. Exit through the broken door and enter the closet at the end of the hall. Break a crate and pick up an ELIXER. Exit and go down the stairs. At the bottom turn to the right and kill the vampire who will break out of the restroom. Pick up SECRET 2, a health crystal from one of the toilets. Go to the other end of the hallway and kill the two attacking Hanoch demons and enter the basement area. Break the crate next to the stairs to pick up an ELIXER. Enter the Boiler room and kill the three attacking vampires. Look around and you can pick up a SHOVEL. Break the crate near the circuit breaker box to pick up SECRET 4, a POWER CRYSTAL and an ELIXER. Exit through the door the vampire broke down. In the hallway near some barrels are some crates. Break them and pick up the HELLFIRE vial, and the ELIXER. Climb the ladder. ******** Quad ******** SECRETS: 0 GOALS: You've been lured into a trap by a formidable adversary - a shape- shifting tiger vampire! Time to have a Boss fight with Malik in tiger form. He likes to teleport and will turn yellow first. I suggest using flying kicks, so that you can reach him when he teleports away from you, and avoid his teleportation attacks at the same time. He will knock you down, and then pull you in with his paw. You can escape his attack by kicking away before he bites down on your neck. When his health is out, stake him. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Library Gang Meeting 6 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ SECRETS: 0 GOALS: Spike will lead you and the others to the Master's new lair in exchange for helping him save his beloved Drusilla's life. Talk to the gang. Give Willow your crystals. Giles give you a JOURNAL PAGE, SLAYER SWEEP ATTACK. +++++++++++++++++++++ Level 10, Foundry +++++++++++++++++++++ TOTAL SECRETS: 13 ******** Yard ******** SECRETS: 4 GOALS: The Master and his followers have taken over a local foundry. While Spike, Xander and Giles rescue Drusilla, you must track down the master and destroy the Degion Sphere. Turn around and use the crates on your left to jump up onto the balcony. Open the door and pick up the CROSSBOW BOLTS inside. Outside defeat the demon dog, and the vampire who attack. Move all the way to the end of the lower level where there are some fire barrels and a tall stack of crates. Jump on the barrels and use them to jump onto the crates. Break the small box on top to reveal SECRET 1, a HEALTH CRYSTAL. Nearby break the large crate to get a HELLFIRE vial. Climb up the ramp and ladder. Inside the building at the top, Pick up the HOLY WATER vial and press the button to activate the bridge. Use your crossbow to snipe the vampire waiting in the building across the way. Cross the bridge and enter the building. Turn to your left and enter the room and climb up the ladder. Exit out into the upper level of the previous room. Break the small box near the large crates to reveal SECRET 2, a HOLY ELIXER. Go back down to the lower level and enter the other door. Break the crate near the fridge to pick up CROSBOW BOLTS. Exit through the open door, turn around and look for the rotating hazard sign high on one of the buildings. Shoot it with your crossbow and a door will open. Turn around and go up the stairs to pick up SECRET 3, a POWER CRYSTAL. Push the button at the bottom of the conveyor belt, and find out there's no power. Go back down the stairs and dust the attacking vampire The door that was locked earlier is now open. Use it to jump onto the nearby roof. There is a balcony nearby, but first you have to jump to the ledge just across from the roof. From that ledge, jump onto the ledge beside the balcony. Make your way inside. Open the fridge and pick up the HELLFIRE inside. Pick up the CONVEYOR KEY from the corpse. Kill the Hanoch demons to lower the shields. Drop down onto the lower level and defeat the demon dog. Enter the open garage near the ramp and break the box at the back to pick up SECRET 4, a vial of HOLY ELIXER. Return to the conveyor and activate it. Ride the conveyor, but before to jump off at the end to avoid the pit. Battle the Hanoch demons to lower the shields. Break the small box under the stairs to pick up an ELIXER. Enter the elevator. ************ Elevator ************ SECRETS: 5 GOALS: The Master and his followers have taken over a local foundry. While Spike, Xander and Giles rescue Drusilla, you must track down The Master and destroy the Degion Sphere. Kill the attacking vampires down the stairs, and turn the valve. Check the lockers and find SECRET 1, an ELIXER. Also pick up the SLEDGE HAMMER. Turn around and climb the ladder near the entrance. On the catwalks, turn the other valve to shut off the steam blocking the door. Kill the attacking Hanoch demons and make your way down the stairs. At the bottom of the stairs, turn around and kick the wall near the corpse under the stairs. Pick up SECRET 2, a HEALTH CRYSTAL. Turn back around, and in the next room, climb on the tilted locker and jump on top of the locker bank to pick up CROSSBOW BOLTS. Turn and go through the door on the right. Kill the two Hanoch demons and make your way across the long metal catwalk and into the control room. Check the lockers and pick up SECRET 3, a vial of HELLFIRE. Flip the switch to open the hatch. Kill the four attacking Hanoch demons to lower the barriers. When you exit the control room, if you continue forward, you can follow the pipe to a niche. Climb up and follow the ledge around the room to pick up SECRET 4, a POWER CRYSTAL. Some of the Hanoch burst out of the wall on the lower level. Go inside and pick up SECRET 5, an ELIXER. Climb back up to the catwalks and pass through the room at the top of the stairs. Enter the hatch. ************************ Conveyor Belt System ************************ SECRETS: 2 GOALS: The Master and his followers have taken over a local foundry. While Spike, Xander and Giles rescue Drusilla, you must track down The Master and destroy the Degion Sphere. Ride the conveyor belt across the room, and at the end jump off and grab the pipe. At the end you can climb on top of the pipe and machinery on the right and then jump across to the ledge. Pick up the ELIXER. Battle the vampire in the next area, and you can use the long yellow pipe to pick up the CROSSBOW BOLTS at the end near the conveyor belt. Climb down the ladder and shoot the vampire controlling the molten metal, also wait for the doors at the end of the room to open for the bucket. If you shoot the do not enter symbol on the wall a grate will open. Jump across the break in the scaffolding. At the other end of the ledge flip the lever to open the door. Once inside, turn to your right and pick up SECRET 1, a HEALTH CRYSTAL. climb up the ladder and defeat the Hanoch demons. Across from where they broke the fence kick the cracked wall and pick up SECRET 2, a POWER CRYSTAL. Jump outside to the scaffolding. Carefully take out the two Hanoch demons that will attack. At the cross in the catwalks take the left side, and you can gently step off of the catwalk and pick up an AXE. Get back on the cat walk and continue toward the hatch at the other end. Before you exit jump across to the niche on the left and pick up the HELLFIRE via. Jump back on the catwalk and enter the vents. Kill the demon spiders and exit the level. ****************** Ore Processing ****************** SECRETS: 2 GOALS: The Master and his followers have taken over a local foundry. While Spike, Xander and Giles rescue Drusilla, you must track down The Master and destroy the Degion Sphere. Break the crate to your right and pick up the CROSSBOW BOLTS. Use your crossbow to snipe the vamp pacing across the room. Kill the other vampire that will attack. Climb down the ladder and shoot the barrels across the hot pit. Make you way over to where they were and pick up SECRET 1, a HEALTH CRYSTAL. Activate the elevator by pressing the lever on the hot pit. Take the elevator to the lower level and defeat the waiting vampire. Turn the valves on the green tanks to blow open the gate door. Turn them back off to shut off the steam. Climb into the vent and climb up the ladder at the end. At the top battle the Hanoch demons and lower the force field. Do not fall to the lower area. Jump across to the other scaffolding and enter the vent on the side. Kill the four spider demons inside. Turn to your right and pull yourself up a level. Jump across to the next scaffolding, and drop down on top of the two parallel pipes that ran along the lower level. Near the corner under a light you can kick the wall and pick up SECRET 2, a POWER CRYSTAL. Jump back up to the scaffolding keep pulling your self up until there are no other ledges. Jump and grab the pipe, it's time for a shimmy. Make your way to the end of the room, but avoid the steam bursts. Drop off of the pipe and enter more vents. Jump across to the platform with the red light. Avoid the steam, and kill the demon spiders. Climb up the ladder. At the top open the gate, and you will see a door and a green switch. Climb up the ladder in this room and crush the small box in the loft. Pick up a HELLFIRE vial. Throw the switch and open the door. Follow the walkway through a control room, and break the box on the other side. Pick up the HOLY ELIXER, then turn around and throw the switch in the control room to start the conveyor belt. Kill the Hanoch demons to lower the force field. Use the elevator next to the conveyor to lower yourself to the ground. Make your way up the ladder, and across the conveyor. **************** Cooling Area **************** SECRETS: 0 GOALS: The Master is hellbent on destroying you, even if he kills Angel in the process. You must weaken the Master's grip on Angel while Willow performs the protection spell. Time for a Boss fight with Angel/The Master. Run his health down as far as you can, and Willow's spell will exorcise the Demon. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Library Gang Meeting 7 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ SECRETS: 0 GOALS: Angel has been saved, but there's no time to celebrate. You must head back to the Sunken Church and stop the Master before he completes the ritual with the Dreamers. Speak to everyone. Talk to Willow to use your crystals. She will also give you the TEDARKA TALISMAN. Giles gives you the REAPER WING. Exit the Library. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Level 11, Sunken Church +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ TOTAL SECRETS: 5 *********** Tunnels *********** SECRETS: 1 GOALS: The Master is attempting to build a bridge between Hell and Earth. Locate hi hideout inside the Sunken Church and stop him before he completes the ritual. Talk to Xander to get HELLFIRE BOLTS. Willow will give you a vial of HOLY WATER. Giles will give you an ELIXER. Do down the stairs and break the crates if you need STAKES. Also fill up your water soaker in the HOLY WATER FOUNT. Flip the switch to raise the shutter. Use your water soaker to kill the hellhound, and dissipate the spirit field. Kill the vampires and hound on the other side of the field. Check the hole in the wall and pick up a HELLFIRE vial. Climb down the stairs and push the right switch to turn off the fans. Turn around and punch the cracked wall behind you. Grab the HOLY WATER VIAL. Flip the switch in the middle of the fans to open the gate. Kill the attacking hellhound and vampire. At the end of the hallway, pick up the SHOVEL from the mound of dirt. Kill the vampire and jump from the broken ledge and grab the nearby pipe. Shimmy over to the ledge and drop off. Jump across the chasm and use holy water to lower the field. Carefully and quickly make your way across the crumbling wood planks. There is a niche at the end where you can pick up a vial of HOLY WATER. Kill the large vampire who bursts through the wall and then check the hole for an ELIXER. Go down the ladder and kill the teleporting demon. Jump across to the ledge on the right. Jump across to the next room. Kill the teleporting demon, and enter the hole in the wall. Kill the next demon, and use some holy water to lower the force field. *************** Fire Bridge *************** SECRETS: 1 GOALS: The Master is attempting to build a bridge between Hell and Earth. Locate hi hideout inside the Sunken Church and stop him before he completes the ritual. Carefully drop your way down the ledges to the level of the bridge. Parts of the bridge will crumble as you cross, try to stick to the left side. You will need to fight off a teleporting demon. At the other end the large stone pillar will sink. You can jump off to the rocks with the HELLFIRE FOUNT and fill up your hellfire soaker. Kill the attacking demon. If you jump along the stone pillars you will see one with a skeleton. It is holding a HOLY ELIXER. You can see a broken side of the bridge. If you ran down the left side earlier the floor is still intact. Jump across and make your way back to the end of the bridge. Make sure you jump off of the stone pillar and grab the ledge above. Keep jumping from rock pillar to rock pillar. At the top one, you will be able to see a Green fire at the top of some steps. Jump to the bottom step. Climb your way up, and make your way up the broken steps. At the top battle two demons, and find the fallen obelisk. Go around it and hit the wall to pick up SECRET 1, HELLFIRE BOLTS. Go back and climb up the obelisk towards the glowing green lantern and climb your way up the side of the building. At the top use fill up your soaker in the HOLY WATER FOUNT, and press the button. Kill the six demons who will attack to lower the barrier. Make your way back to the main entrance to the church. Push one button to raise the gate and another to open the door. Enter the church, but wait! Now you have two more demons to battle. ************* East Wing ************* SECRETS: 3 GOALS: The Master is attempting to build a bridge between Hell and Earth. Locate hi hideout inside the Sunken Church and stop him before he completes the ritual. Go down the stairs and across from the double doors is a weak wall kick it to pick up SECRET 1, a HOLY ELIXER. The doors are locked so let's head back up the stairs. Enter the hole in the wall and climb up on your left. At the top you can refill your holy water soaker in the HOLY WATER FOUNT. Follow the ledge around and you can find a HELLFIRE FOUNT also. Use the pipe to shimmy across to the other side. Drop off of the pipe and the floor immediately begins to crumble. Battle the two Hanoch demons to lower the field. Inside push the button to open a lower door. Use the pipe to shimmy across the room again. Make your way back to the entrance to the level. Kill the three waiting Hanoch demons and lower the fields. Go through the double doors at the bottom of the staircase. Use the fallen pillar to cross to the other side. Kill the three teleporting demons, and make your way to the end of the ledges. There is a hole near the wall. If you drop into it you can pick up SECRET 2, an ELIXER. There is another pillar nearby that you can use to cross into another area. Kill the teleporting demons on the other side, and you can also pick up some CROSSBOW BOLTS from a nearby corpse. Use the stones on the right side to jump your way up above. Kill the Hanoch at the top to lower the shield and enter the passage. Use the pipe to shimmy across in front of the rosace. Enter the double doors on the other side and go down the stairs. Kill the teleporting demon and then kick the cracked wall near the base of the staircase. Pick up SECRET 3, a HOLY ELIXER. Jump through the broken window, and go up the stairs. Two teleporting demons will appear. Kill them, and press the switch to unlock the doors. ************* Main Hall ************* SECRETS: 0 GOALS: The Master is attempting to build a bridge between Hell and Earth. Locate hi hideout inside the Sunken Church and stop him before he completes the ritual. Pick up the HOLY ELIXER in the niche to your left. Carefully use the ledges to make your way down to The Master and The Dreamers. There is an ELIXER in the niche to the left at the bottom. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Level 12, Dreamers Realm ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ TOTAL SECRETS: *********** Islands *********** SECRETS: 0 GOALS: You've been sucked into the twisted realm of the Dreamer demons - a hellish landscape of floating islands! Locate the exit and track down the Dreamer demons. Push the button on the pillar just in front of you to pick up the STONE KEY. A wall will lower, and inside you can pick up a HOLY ELIXER from the pillar. Use the stone key on the opposite side, and the room will turn. Outside kill the two attacking demons to lower the shield. Jump down using the floating floor pieces. Pick up the next STONE KEY from the pillar, and a staircase will appear. Use the stone key in the pillar and the room will turn again. Kill the three waiting demons, and go to the left side of the building. You can jump from ledge to ledge and pick up a HOLY ELIXER. Make you way back and enter the building. Avoid the spinning blades, and pick up the STONE KEY on the pillar. Turn around and to avoid the first blade, jump towards the ledge just as the blade is heading towards it. Jump across to the ledge on the other side of the room. Wait for this blade to leave then jump to the ledge and immediately jump to the end of the room. Go back to the main pillar and use the stone key. Wait for the room to spin, and then wait for the floor in the next area to raise. When you get to the end of the walkway. You want to jump when the first platform is upside down, and the next platform is just turning flat. On the other side, get ready for a boss battle with Dark Buffy. Avoid her axe and take her out. After you kill her you can pick up the AXE. Use the invisible staircase, but watch out there is a gap at the end, and you will need to jump to the invisible platform, and again to enter the gazebo at the top. ******** Maze ******** SECRETS: 1 GOALS: Use Matereani's Talisman to help guide you out of the Dreamer demons' treacherous maze. Locate the exit and confront the Dreamer demons. Use the nearby HELLFIRE and HOLY WATER founts if you need them. Use the talisman to open the door. When you are close to the correct button the talisman will blink to red. Go to the end of the hallway and turn left. Inside press the button. Go down the hallway to the left, and then turn left, and then right. If the talisman is not blinking you're in the wrong spot. Push the button. Continue forward, the only way out is to push the button. Push it and battle the demon, and demon spiders. Go straight to the end of the hallway, then right, take the first left. Before the pit is a blue button. If the talisman is not blinking you're in the wrong place. If it's blinking push the button. Turn around and take the first right. Take the next right after that. You can see the place where the invisible platforms raised. Use them to jump across the moat. Turn left and you can see the green button ahead. The talisman should be blinking. Push the button. If you turn to your right you can see a pit where a pillar is raising and falling. When it comes up, jump on it, and then immediately off of it towards the HELLFIRE FOUNT. Next to the fount is SECRET 1, a HOLY ELIXER. Make your way through the maze to the two demons. Enter the room behind them. ********* Arena ********* SECRETS: 0 GOALS: Prepare to face the wrath of the remaining Dreamer demons - Skuld and Verandi! Make way for the Boss fight with Skuld and Verandi. The best way to defeat Skuld is to keep throwing your reaper blade at it. Eventually he'll die. Verandi invincible when he is glowing for a magical attack, however afterwards he is vulnerable, and if you can avoid the magical attack you can then strike. Also kill some zombies for extra life and slayer power. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Level 13, Sunken Church +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ TOTAL SECRETS: ******** Apse ******** SECRETS: 0 GOALS: The Dreamers have been vanquished and the Deigon Sphere has been destroyed. No you must fight the Master to the death! To the left of the hallway you can pick up a STAKE and a HOLY ELIXER. Fill up your soaker using the HOLY WATER FOUNT and HELLFIRE FOUNT. Do your best to avoid the master when he is transparent. You will not be able to defeat him then. Use your reaper blade, as it will do the most damage. There is also a large protruding piece of wood you can throw him on. +++++++++++++++++++ Legal / Contact +++++++++++++++++++ This game guide is for personal, non-commercial use only. I was not paid to write it, and you should not be charged to read it. Please do not reproduce or alter this guide, in part or in whole without written permission. All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. Copyright April 22, 2006 S. Evans. I may be contacted at beatrixgamer[at]yahoo[dot]com. Please include an appropriate subject with your e-mail. Sites with permission to post this guide: www.gamefaqs.com www.neoseeker.com