Burnout 3: Takedoown FAQ/Walkthrough by El Chupamacabre Table of Contents 1. Why write this FAQ/walkthrough? 2. Game Overview: From Genesis to my Revelations 3. Controls 4. Audio 5. Basic Racing 6. Racing Compacts 7. Racing Muscle Cars 8. Racing Coupe Cars 9. Racing Super Cars 10. Racing the US Circuit Racer 11. Road Rage Events 12. Crash Events 13. The AI, Curse It 14. Hidden Stuff 15. New Ways to Play the Game 16. Legal Stuff 17. Special Thanks ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Why write this FAQ/walkthrough? There’s not enough to racing games to provide a lot of walkthrough-type meat. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well, odds are good that if you’re looking at walkthroughs you’re either frustrated with the game and need help or you’re looking for different ways to play the game after having beaten it in all the standard ways. I have been on both ends of those needs, particularly the frustrated one, and as I crashed over and over again into the later hours of the night,I realized I had a lot of thoughts and ideas about the game that I wanted to share. Furthermore, GameFAQs.com didn’t have any complete overall walkthroughs. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Game Overview: From Genesis to my Revelations (This can be skipped, for those who already know what the game is like or who don’t want to hear my story) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- In the beginning there was nothing, but eventually a bright sunny day emerged thousands of years after all that, and I decided to reward myself for being alive on such a nice day. The summer college class I was taking was almost over, I had picked up my girlfriend and she was looking attractive, as she always does, and I was confident that a good PS2 game was likely to be cheap with all the new systems coming out. We went down to the game store and looked for a game. I wanted a game with violence, and she thought a racing game would be fun, and Burnout looked like the best of both worlds. We bought the game and took it home, and soon we found that it was everything we had hoped it would be for the time being. The real idea was to find a game that we could both start from scratch with so that we could play together, and our skills did progress about evenly, though she actually excelled in the destruction and I favored the racing. However, the next day she was going to start a week volunteering at the hospital from morning to evening to help secure a position in medical school, and I was left alone with the game until the next Saturday. She begged me not to play without her, and I insisted I’d only play around on the crash modes, but soon I decided one little race wouldn’t hurt. One was followed by two, two by three, and before I knew it I had spent the entire day playing Burnout. I thought maybe I should stop so she would have the chance to catch up, but since a slew of my friends had joined the military or volunteered to help out in hurricane areas, I really couldn’t think of much else to do. Besides, it was a cool game, in my opinion, once I had turned off the DJ and the music. Eventually I finished the game, or came pretty close anyway. I got tired of crash modes, and after spending a half hour resetting one race in particular I decided it was time to take a break until my girlfriend was free again. Basically, what I mean to say through all of this is that it’s a good destructive racing game that can be addictive enough to get you into trouble, and I didn’t have much of a taste for the music. I recommend buying it if you don’t own it already. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Controls ------------------------------------------------------------------------- The controls are right there in your manual, but in case you don’t own one, here they are: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Accelerate | X button or move the right analog | | stick forward | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Brake | Square button or move the right | | analog stick backward | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Steering | D-pad or left analog stick | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Look back | L1 button | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Change view | Triangle button | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Boost | R1 button | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Impact time (while crashing) | Hold the R1 button | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Switch music tracks (offline) | L2 button | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Audio ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hey, kids, are you tired of radio DJs not talking to you while you drive? Not anymore, with Wacky Action DJ of Crash FM! Wacky Action DJ comes with over twenty wacky action phrases! All you have to do is race or select a track to hear him say things like, “Planning to crash? Hit boost, genius!” Have hours of fun listening to him misunderstand Chaos Theory, tell you what he thinks of your racing, and so much more! But remember, Wacky Action DJ isn’t sold in stores, so order now! Audio isn’t actually all that important to your overall racing, but I found that the music and DJ distressed me enough that I had to include a bit here about it. The DJ is a simple problem to overcome. If you hate him, just go into driver details, settings, audio, and turn him off. Now you won’t have to listen to the stupid and unimportant things he has to say. He doesn’t really create a story or add anything so I turned him off and never went back. The music, on the other hand, has multiple solutions. It’s really up to your tastes, but I found that over half the music included in the game wasn’t really very racing oriented. It’s pretty much all punk rock or what-have-you, and a lot of it starts to blur together after playing for long enough because too much of it sounds the same. If you don’t like any of it you can go into driver details, settings, audio, and then turn the radio all the way down. However, if you don’t mind some of it, the programmers included a nifty feature that allows you to choose which tracks do and do not play. Go into driver details, settings, then EA Games Trax to scroll down through the forty some-odd songs and tell them when you’d like each track to be played, if at all. Trax is spelled with an ‘x’ because this is an XTREME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! EA game, naturally. Thank you, EA Games, you freaking tone-deaf jerks. This is another perfect example of how the “counter culture” inadvertently worships shallow commercialism. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Basic Racing ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now that we’re all through the preliminary stuff, we can start racing, which is good seeing as how that’s what the game is about. There are two aspects to the standard races. One is the racing, of course, and the other is the crashing. You crash, your opponents crash, everything crashes in this game. However, crashing is a good thing in any way you can think to crash, provided you haven’t already unlocked all the burnout-point awarded cars. Your car has a feature called a boost; it should have been explained in the beginning of the game if you were listening. If you weren’t, it’s a nitro sort of thing that makes your car go faster when you use it. You have a limited amount of boost, and you accumulate more by doing dangerous things like driving into traffic or doing car battle with your opponents. To increase your overall boost capacity and fully fill up your boost you have to crash your opponents. Getting crashed yourself makes you loose overall boost capacity, but it won’t do anything to how full your gauge is. Since driving into traffic is one of the more frequently presented ways of raising your boost, you’ll be likely to do it a lot early on. If you can, drive right down the middle of the lines in the road. Unless a car is changing lanes, which they sometimes do, you won’t hit anything. Unfortunately, the road isn’t completely straight, so more often than not following the lines is easier said than done, but it works. Drifting is something that your cars will do often and without your control until somewhere around the sports car races, but it becomes an integral part of the game later on. To make your car drift on purpose, just tap the brake as you turn and then go right back to the accelerator. You can use that maneuver to make really sharp turns if you time it correctly. If you crash you’ll be able to control your car for a while by holding R1, sometimes allowing you to move in the way of an opponent to crash him. That’s called an aftertouch takedown, and it relies probably seventy-five percent on luck. If you do pull it off you’ll be awarded more boost instead of having it taken away, and your gauge will be filled. At the end of each race you’ll be awarded points for crashing, driving well, and taking out your opponents, and so on. Those points are called burnout points, and if you collect enough of them you’re awarded new cars. That’s why crashing is not all bad for a while, though it is still easier to win if you aren’t crashing all over the place. Your takedowns will also be counted, and likewise you’ll be awarded new cars for high numbers of takedowns in a race. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. Racing Compacts -------------------------------------------------------------------------- These are the cars you have to start with. The compact series is basically pimped out compact cars, Hondas and things, which for some reason the Burnout racers decided to drive in despite obviously having the money to buy more practical cars. The reason why “racing compacts” always look florescent and lousy in real life is because if anyone had the money to pimp out a Honda and make it a real, nice-looking racing car, they’d probably have the money to skip that process and start with a high- performance vehicle in the first place. But, just like in “Fast and the Furious”, these guys were willing to spend tens of thousands of dollars on cars you might expect a sensible accountant to drive, and so help me you’re going to drive them and like it! The compact tracks aren’t very difficult, and the competitors aren’t very tough. Crashing now and again won’t hurt you too badly, but driving perfectly doesn’t hurt at all. You’re likely to spend a lot of time grinding against the walls, but don’t worry, oddly enough it won’t cause much harm. In fact, even riding the back of someone else’s car while grinding against the wall won’t slow you down much either, and it’s a fine way to get a takedown. Just get used to puttering around in these little things until you get to the next level of vehicles. Go for all gold medals if you feel like it, and you’ll eventually be awarded all the compact vehicles through competition, burnout-points, takedowns, or number of gold medals. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7. Racing Muscle Cars -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now you get to start racing with the cars I would have begun with if given the choice. The speeds are a tad bit higher and the handling is more stable, but in general it isn’t much different from racing in compact cars. Again, just take it easy, find a comfortable car, and kill people. You still have plenty of room for error, and catching up isn’t an impossible task, even if you don’t drift on turns and conserve time effectively. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8. Racing Coupe Cars -------------------------------------------------------------------------- To be honest I’m not a car wizard, so I don’t know what exactly makes a coupe a better car than muscle cars, but these little things are noticeably faster than muscle cars. Unfortunately you still drift a lot, especially in areas with snow on the ground since you’ll get moved to Europe, but for the most part the competition will still seem to be playing fair. You may have to get more aggressive, but you’re still going slowly enough that you’ll be able to see traffic coming most of the time. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9. Racing Sports Cars -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I felt this was somewhere around the peak of the game’s fun levels. You get going pretty fast, the handling is pretty good, and crashing once or twice doesn’t put you too far behind to catch up even if you aren’t drifting or conserving time. You can also start choosing strategies now, seeing as how the vehicles are better in every way it takes to make them worth competing in. You can either race with boost, dangerously and quickly, so as to stay ahead of the competition for the whole race, or you can just barely be ahead of the whole pack the entire time. If you do it hard and fast, you should be able to spare a few collisions and catch up without losing too many places. If you just stay a little bit ahead, you’ll either be in fourth or sixth every time you crash. If you try racing by staying just a little bit ahead you won’t have to drift or drive efficiently. All you’ll need to do is takedown your opponents as they drive near to you, preventing them from holding a lead. I probably spent the whole time doing this since it was easy to do and protected me from surprise traffic. I also figured it made sense, seeing as how I could never get more than a second or two ahead even with the fastest car boosting the whole way. The only trouble is that all the sports cars are lightweights, so there isn’t much of a combat advantage from car to car. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10. Racing Super Cars -------------------------------------------------------------------------- These things are downright fast. You’ll find that all too often traffic will pop out of the blue on some tracks, though you’ll fortunately be out of Europe and in the Far East where traffic doesn’t blend in as easily. Unless you’re good at drifting and conserving time some of these tracks will be difficult for you. The method of barely staying ahead of the competition will also be put to the test with the super cars. If you crash once that way you’ll typically fall all the way behind, and soon you’ll find that losing sight of your opponents means losing them for the next half of the race. Once they’re out of your sight the off-screen computer takes over, and it’s a terribly unscrupulous machine. I recommend drifting, conserving time, and avoiding lengthy exchanges with the enemy during these races. You can conserve time by making the tightest turns possible and not crashing. If you crash you’ll lose about four to six seconds, but if you turn sharply you may actually be able to gain two or three. Turning sharply without hitting the walls means you don’t hardly slow down at all, maintaining a speed closer to 200 mph than if you dragged your butt along the railing. Drifting is the best way to make these sharp turns, but your timing has to be superb sometimes, especially when the game parks something like a bus on the far end of the turn just to screw you up. Use your opponents to your advantage by crashing them as soon as they show up. They’ll fill your boost gauge again and let you get back to winning. As for other methods of filling your boost, be careful about driving into traffic. When you’re going so fast you may often be at the point of no return before you realize there’s something coming directly towards you, and crashing twice almost always puts the first place position far enough out of your sight for the off-screen computer to take over. Slowly but surely each racer will separate by increments as large as sixteen seconds, and it will be a pain to catch up to each racer one by one. The first place position will separate itself from the pack right away if you don’t keep up with it, and you’ll have to work to catch it even if you’ve got a better car. Even more annoying is the fact that every time you pass a racer he’ll glom on to you and stay right on your tail. Somehow they can’t keep up with the guy in front of them, but as soon as you pass they wake up and start racing again. By the time you’re catching up to the first place position you’ll have the other four racers competing for your attention. Try to ignore them if you can, and kill them all the time when you can’t. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10. Racing the US Circuit Racer ------------------------------------------------------------------------- The US Circuit Racer is a formula one racing vehicle, and lucky you gets to take it exactly where it was never meant to be: the streets. It has an open top where your racer’s head sticks out, but down worry, you’re wearing your seatbelt and a helmet. Good thing, huh? You can unlock the Circuit Racer by completing the super car races, and then the game throws you a grand prix in the Circuit Racer. You’ll be happy to know that as you crash you may be able to stop the game just at the right time to get a close up of your racer’s head, and he shined his helmet so well that you can see a reflection of the city you’re going to be buried in. To be honest it’s going to take as much luck as skill. If you thought the super car racers were stupid when they were around you, you’re in for a shock when you get to rub elbows with the circuit car racers. Similar to the super car racers, these guys will often barrel into you on turns, but they’ll do it as fast as they can. They won’t even bother to try and save themselves; their mission is to destroy you to let the others get ahead, probably. The game will declare you taken down, and both of you will lose a lot of ground due to how quickly the circuit racers move. The circuit racers also have a problem with maintaining speed if they touch a wall. It may have to do with their wheels being on the outside of the vehicle; I don’t know. You’ll have to drift really efficiently to avoid the problem; if you don’t you’ll get passed on turns. There’s sometimes a similar problem after performing a takedown where your car will get stuck in the siding and won’t move. When you turn to free the car it will take off again, turn at a sharp angle, and crash right into the opposite wall. If this happens often I recommend resisting the urge to throw your controller at the TV; it will help you win. I actually haven’t beaten the circuit racer grand prix yet, so I don’t know what happens next. I get closer every time I try it, though, but I finally got sick enough of it that I decided to take a break from the game for a while. Good luck if you’re on it. You may just have to memorize the tracks through repetition. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11. Road Rage Events ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Road rage events can actually be a lot of fun. The idea is to crash as many opponents as possible in three minutes. You can only personally crash so many times before you’re declared totaled and done, but there’s no limit to how many opponents you can take out. If you can get one, I recommend a car with a heavier weight to help overpower the other cars. There are a lot of different ways to crash your opponents. The most common way I use is a wall takedown which can be done by pushing your opponent into a wall so he hits it perpendicularly, grinding him against a wall until he wipes out, or by ramming his back tires with the front of my car to make him lose control into a wall. You can also push them into cars, which takes good enough aim not to kill yourself in the process, hit them with your own flaming wreckage, and find a variety of other unique circumstances to destroy them. If you’re using a fast car then I suggest only using your boost when you’re right behind a car. Fire the thing when you’re close enough to hit someone, and if they don’t crash move on to the next one. I think of the R1 button like a triggeron a gun when I play road rage events, and typically when I shoot at someone they get killed. Just be careful not to get overzealous and fire into the wall or another vehicle ahead of your target. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12. Crash Events ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Crash events are events where you drive your car into things and attempt to cause as much damage as possible. They pretty much rely on luck, but there are specifics ways set up to earn more points in each event. Typically, if there’s a tanker or any large vehicle involved you want to hit it in order to make it spread across the road and block as much traffic as possible. If you can blow a tanker up with a crashbreaker then it will be worth roughly $100 thousand. Score multipliers, little signs that display multiplication signs and numbers, multiply your score. You probably didn’t need any help with that one. However, there are also “heartbreakers,” little signs with a broken heart on them, which halve your score. Heartbreakers take precedence over all else, and the game won’t count any other multipliers you picked up if you hit one. The game also won’t multiply your score by anything by the highest multiplier you picked up. Gold dollar signs are worth 20,000 points, silver are worth 10,000, bronze are worth 5,000, and performing a crashbreaker is worth 5,000. Earning enough money awards you with heavyweight vehicles. It would be pretty cool if you could drive them in races, but unfortunately the game doesn’t have that sense of humor. Earning enough money to gain headlines in all ten crashbreaker locations unlocks a fire truck, and by the time you unlock everything else there’s not much point in doing crashbreaker anymore unless you just like to see the destruction. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13. The AI, Curse It ------------------------------------------------------------------------- As you may have noticed, Burnout 3’s AI has some quirks. For example, the computers have a way of keeping up with you or getting ahead of you despite being total doofuses while you can see them. This is an example of a game where the AI really is doing things it shouldn’t be able to just to make things harder on you. The reason is because the game has two types of racer AI. The first is the one used while you can see them: retarded, predictable, and easily susceptible to crashing. They follow simple patterns and are easy to deal with. The second AI is an off-screen AI, and it follows a method used by many games to save space. Since it can’t keep track of every detail when you aren’t looking at traffic or seeing your opponents, the game just estimates where everything should be to save memory. In the case of your rivals, the AI always estimates that first position is doing very well, even if it happens to be in the worst vehicle. It also speeds up the AI behind you so that they never fall too far behind, preventing you from getting too far ahead even in the most perfect circumstances and fastest cars. I look at them as two different entities. I enjoy competing with the on-screen AI, the hopeless little bugger, because I get a kick out of thrashing its wits out. The off-screen AI, however, is like some kind of ominous phantom god that ignores traffic, sharp turns, and every other obstacle which might slow it down, and I despise it. It takes an effort to keep up with it sometimes. To be perfectly honest, I feel the phantom god AI makes the game a little less fun. All I want to do is destroy my opponents and crash into things. However, it’s always relaxing to see the first position’s arrow come into view because then I know I’ll overtake it beyond a shadow of a doubt if I don’t crash in the very near future. The trouble is just that the phantom god AI seems to move its minions at a constant speed, so you can gain in some areas, but if you aren’t great at taking turns you lose time there even if you could stick to the on-screen AI in those areas. The traffic also has a few problems you have to look out for. It mostly comes from the crash mode programming, since they apparently designed one AI for all traffic all the time. Sometimes if you completely miss your mark in the crash mode, you may notice that cars a mile behind will speed up and crash into nearby walls for no reason other than because there’s a wrecked car around. This is, of course, perfectly natural. I do it and so do thousands of other people. The fact helps in crash mode because every crashed car helps the cause, even if they aren’t crashing for any particular reason. But sometimes it becomes a problem when you’re racing and something goes wrong nearby. The traffic AI will initiate panic mode, slam on the accelerator, and drive straight as fast as it can. I notice this the most after I’ve already crashed, but on rare occasions I have to watch out for it while I’m racing. It’s not a problem that bothered me much or often, but I just thought it was interesting imagining a world in which the common reaction to traffic accidents was full on, hand-flailing, blind panic. I imagine such a world would soon be destroyed by traffic wrecks. Every time somebody drove by they would speed up and crash, and when the emergency vehicles arrived they would do the exact same thing, and then they would need rescuing too. And what would airplanes flying overhead do? Would they nose dive or just fly straight until they ran out of gas and crashed? And what about helicopters? Would nearby boats be doomed to the same fate? What an absurd place to live. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14. Hidden Stuff ------------------------------------------------------------------------- You’re probably going to be really disappointed about this, but this game actually doesn’t leave anything to the imagination. I was really disappointed about that. There’s nothing hidden to unlock or do, really. I searched around for a website or something with information about fun stuff this game does besides the game part, and I didn’t find a thing. You can tell how to get everything because it’s all advertised when you try to select it before it’s unlocked. You can see how to get the next cars and what they are by looking at them in the menu, the game tells you what will unlock the next races if you stop and wait for it to scroll by when you’re selecting races, and since the game advertises itself anything you miss gets pointed out to you eventually. I was really hoping for a secret jet car that traveled 500 mph and fired random traffic cars out of the front end like a mortar instead of boosting, but no such luck. I don’t even get to race the fire truck. Well, actually I’ve heard that you can drive with Need for Speed: Underground cars after beating the whole game with gold medals in everything, but I haven’t been able to confirm that yet. It may be a bald-faced lie. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15. New Ways to Play the Game ------------------------------------------------------------------------- So, you’re tired of playing the game the way it’s supposed to be played, are you? Well, the following is a list of new ways to make the game fun and interesting. Some of them are plausible, and the others are not. Invent a Story -------------- This isn’t a very difficult thing to do. The general game plot is that you’re racing, and if you turn off Wacky Action DJ there isn’t anything more to it. Instead of being nameless racer number one or whatever your profile says, pretend you actually are somebody striving for a goal. I personally prefer to pretend I am Lord Cao Cao and I only race in the Far East. The only way to conquer China is to defeat the other racers in combat. Whoever’s in first place is Lu Bu, and I shall make my name by destroying him. If I can’t catch up to him then I cry and order my servants be beheaded before they tell anybody that Lord Cao Cao wails like a baby. If you don’t like that, you can be something else. Why not the Blue Bomber? Yes. Mega Man. Paint all your cars blue to stay true to your name. If you can’t paint the car blue don’t ride in it. It is a car of sin. The other racers are robot masters, and that’s why it’s so easy to throw them into walls and figure out their patterns. If you crash, try to imagine you exploded into a hundred little balls of light and went “pew, pew, pew, pew” instead of “bang! crash!” Play Crash Mode in Modes Other Than Crash Mode ---------------------------------------------- Enter a race and select one of your favorite cars. Then, instead of racing, hunt down traffic and take them all out one by one. You may have to be tactful about it sometimes because the game only lets you backtrack so far. Destroy oncoming traffic first, and then you can get the traffic that will foolishly catch up with you. Use your crash points at the end of the race to determine how well you did. You may be at this for a good while on some courses. World War I ----------- This is just like playing crash mode in modes other than crash mode, only you’ll need a leather aviator’s helmet, some aviator’s goggles, and maybe a scarf. Turn off the game music and put on “War of the Valkyries” on a portable CD player or something. Set up a fan in front of you but off to the side so it won’t obstruct your vision, turn it on full blast, and either hunt down traffic or the other racers. This actually works particularly well on road rage modes since the whole object is to crash other cars. You aren’t racing, you’re flying. Find an ink stamp, any ink stamp, it can be a stamp that says “good job” if you have one, and put one stamp on your Playstation for every car you destroy. Tell everyone you’re a zoo pilot to make them think you’re extra crazy. If you get totaled and the game stops you early, roll around on the ground screaming “mayday!” until somebody physically forces you to stop. Then go into a coma. Locked On Target ---------------- This works particularly well with a friend, assuming you're of equal skill level. If you don’t have a friend, you can still try it with a computer, but computers won’t be as fun about it. Just pick out one particular racer, your friend if you have one, and destroy him as many times as possible before the race is over. Don’t let your friend know of your intentions or he may tell you not to. Hang around and wait for him, make sure he’s the only one you destroy, sacrifice yourself to kill him even if the game doesn’t technically award you a “takedown” for it. You’ll both know it was your fault. Make no effort to cover up what you’re doing, but if he asks you about it punch him in the liver and deny everything; in that order. Try Playing With One Hand ------------------------- Try playing with one hand. World War I: Locked On Target ----------------------------- Set up everything you need to play like in the World War I idea, but now your friend is your sole target. He’s the Red Baron, and the survival of your country depends on his destruction. Once again, don’t let him know what you’re thinking. This time if he asks, remind him that four legs are good and two legs are bad, and no animal shall sleep in a bed. Protector of the Innocent ------------------------- You’ll need a friend for this one. Play team crush with your friend, and pick a fast car. Let her pick whatever she wants; the slower the better. When the game begins, suddenly you realize that the insane woman in the lane next to you is about to drive into to traffic on purpose. It’s your job to stop her and save all those innocent lives. You’ve lived a long life, and it’s time to prove you really do care about society. This will actually be a bit of a challenge, especially because the run up of some of the crash levels is short and you won’t have much time to intercept your friend and push her into a wall before she reaches traffic. You could do this on double impact too, but it really makes more sense to attack your friend while you’re supposed to be on a team. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16. Legal Stuff ------------------------------------------------------------------------- My work here is technically protected by Copyright laws, and I would appreciate it if you would give credit where credit is due. I won’t labor over the issue much, but please don’t break the law. Write your own FAQ. All it takes is some English ability. However, I will permit other websites to post my work, if they prefer, without advanced permission. It really doesn’t concern me if they do as I’m an independent writer. Copyright 2006 Greg Hoffman ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 17. Special Thanks ------------------------------------------------------------------------- I’d just like to thank my friends since many of them have gone on to other things or are about to. Best of luck to each of you in your endeavors, and Lyman, I recommend you come home alive with all your limbs intact. Be sharp out there.