=============================================================================== Cabela's Dangerous Hunts Walkthrought and FAQ(PC, PS2 and X-BOX) Made by Fun Labs and Activision Walkthrough made by Atracker Version: 1.0 E-mail: Bombardier_proxracer@hotmail.com This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. ================================================================================ Table of contents 1-Controls 2-HUD 3-Items/Firearms 4-Hunting Stratergys 5-Animals 6-quick hunt 7-Career Mode A-Creating a profile B-Difficulty C-Target Range D-Charters/Locations E-Challenges F-So your done the game...now what? 8-Action Zone 9-unlockables. 10-FAQ 11-Credits =============================================================================== 1) Controls PC foreward W backward S Step Right D Step Left A Left Delete Right PgDn Run Left Shift Look up Home Look down End Crouch C Fire Mouse 1 Reload R Aim/Zoom Mouse 2 Firearm 1 Defence 2 windage + RB Racket Windage - LB Racket Track Search T Use E Elevation + . Elevation - / Inventory F1 Vehicle Controls Accelerate up arrow brake/reverse down arrow Steer Left Left Arrow Steer Right Right Arrow Horn H =============================================================================== 2) HUD Tags: shows the tags you have. Compase: Shows direction also the blue that appears on some maps helps with finding your vehicle or portal in action zone. Stamina Bar: Shows the energy your hunter has to run, if it runs out you wont be able to run for some periode of time and your condition decreses. Health: Shows the avalable health you have. If it goes red or orange, you are in real trouble. You lose health from animal attacks, falls, vehicle crashes and drowning. When all your health runs out, you must restart your hunt and/or challenge. Condition: How much avalable energy your hunter has, runs out if you run out of stamina for too long. Nutrition: How much nutrition you have, if you run out you must restart your hunt. Hydration: How hydrated your hunter is, as more of an affect in hotter areas and your clothing. Wind Indicator: shows direction of wind witch helps in stalking game or can blow a stalk. Ammo: Self explanitory. Stealh: How likely animals are to dictect you. =============================================================================== 3) Items/Firearms a) Firearms 270.Bolt Action Rifle Price: 350$ Decent rifle for smaller animals such as deer, wolfs and coyotes because of its cheapness in price and desent range but its too weak of a rifle to be reliable. 7mm Mag Semi-Automatic Rifle Price: 900$ Good all round rifle to use again'st almost any animal. It has good range, fast reload and shooting and so-so knock down power if your accurate. 30-06 Lever action Price: 580$ Another old classic the 30-06 is a good deer gun. It has a good rate of fire , power and can carry alot of shells but it has a very slow reload and limited range compared with most rifles. 338. Magnum Bolt-Action Rifle Price: 714$ This is as good as you'll get to a good all around gun. Has superbe range, power and accuratcy. The only thing its not good for taking down multiple targets because of its low rate of fire and slow reload. .358 Lever-Action Rifle Price: 910$ This by far is the best dangerous animal rifle in the game whether your just hunting or in action zone. Fast rate of fire, knock-down power and good price makes it a good dangerous animal gun. Its draw backs are its slow reload and its not accurate at long distance. .416 Mag Bolt-Action Rifle Price: 1100$ A good long range rifle, it excells in extreme ranges. While it has very good accuratcy and power, it has lots of recoil and low ammo capasity so shot straight. .460 Mag Bolt-Action Rifle Price: 1000$ Similar to the 416 but with less accuratcy and more power. Unlike the .416 it has quite a drop over long ranges and is more affordable. .510 Mag Bolt-Action Rifle Price: 1300$ Behold the biggest gun in the game! Its overkill for almost everything which makes it the perfect rhino and cape buffalo gun. It may have extrem power but it has very slow reload, huge recoil and is the most expansive gun in the game. 10GA Pump-Action Price: 450$ The goose butcher is back with an attitude. The 10GA Pump can pretty much pullverise everything with its fast rate of fire, power and accuratcy but you may want to put the slow reload into account. 12GA Pump-Action Price: 329$ The old classic deer shotgun, its mostly good for smaller animals such as deer, duiker and coyotes. It has desent power and rate fire but weaknesses are similar to the 10GA Pump. 10GA Gas-Loaded Magnum Shotgun Price: 700$ Similar to the Pump but with more power, accuratcy and faster rate of fire. Its weakness are similar just its less accurate at longer ranges. Recurve Bow Price: 175$ The oldest of the bows, the recurve bow is the most challenging weapon in the game to hunt with. Like all bows you only get 1 shot, slow reload, expansive ammo and aimming for vital is manditory. Compound Bow Price: 300$ Similar to the recurve but with pin sights which makes aiming alot easier and more power. Drawbacks are similar to the recurve. Crossbow Price: 220$ The king of all bows. It excels in power, range and it has a scope which helps aiming. Also it is faster at reloading. B) Defence .44 Mag Revolver Price: 750$ Dirty Harrys old Handgun. It can take down any dangerous game with little to no problem. It has the knock down power, rate of fire, fast reload and minimal recoil however limited range keep this weapon balenced. .454 Revolver Price: 1200$ Similar to the .44 with the exception of being more powerful and better for long distance. It only drawback it that its pretty expansive. .45-70 Single-Action Revolver Price: 1500$ The hand cannon of all handgun, it good agaist larger game such as cape buffalo and bears. While it has extreme power, rate of fire and range, it has lots of recoil, slow reload and is the most expansive gun in the game. 5" Blade Knife Price: 30$ The classic hunting knife every woodsman has, it is the fastest knife to use but its not very powerful and its range is severly limited. 7" Blade Knife Price: 80$ A bit bigger the five inch, it is alot better for dealing with most animals. It gains more power but speed is a little slower. 12" Blade Knife Price: 150$ The big old machete is the most powerful knife. It has the power to take down rhinos and cape buffalo but its very slow. C) Ammo .270 130gr 1.10$ 150gr 7mm 160gr 1.10$ 175gr 1.30$ 30-06 180gr 1.30$ 220gr 1.50$ 338 225gr 1.20$ 250gr 1.80$ 358 225gr 2.20$ 250gr 2.90$ 416 350gr 4$ 400gr 5$ 460 500gr 5.50$ 510 600gr 7$ 10GA Slug 1$ 12GA Slug 1$ 44 300gr 0.50$ 454 360gr 1.30$ 45-70 405gr 1.25$ Wooden Arrow 5$ Aluminum Arrow 3.80$ Crossbow Bolt 5$ D) Clothing Light Price: 170$ Light Orange Price: 200$ Medium Price: 190$ Medium Orange Price: 260$ Heavy Price: 340$ Heavy Orange Price: 400$ Forest Price: 380$ Winter Price: 440$ E) Equipement Rattling Antlers Price: 22$ Call that imitates buck/bulls fights, good to use for deer, elk and moose. Grunt Call Price: 44$ Call that attracts deer and pronghorn. Bleat Call Price: 15$ Same as grunt call. Elk Call Price: 17$ Used to attract elk. Moose Call Price: 23$ Used to attract moose. Coyote Howler Call Price: 20$ Used to attact coyotes and wolfs. Doe Estrus Scent Price: 8$ Used to attract deer. Urine Scent Price: 5$ Same as the estrus scent. Cover Scent Price: 5$ Used to cover your scent, your most usful hunting equipement. Elk Bull/Cow Decoy Price: 120$ Used to attract elk. Moose Bull/Cow Decoy Price: 120$ Used to attract moose. Whitetail Buck/Doe Decoy Price: 120$ Used to attract deer. Deer Feeder Price: 170$ Used to attract horned/antlered game, very usful if you have a stand. Salt Lick Price: 40$ Similar to deer feeder but cheeper. Fresh Meat Price: 30$ Used to attract preditors. Tree Stand Price: 200$ A portable stand that you can put on a tree. Very effective if you got a good tree, cover scent and attractents. Tripod Price: 200$ An elevated stand that you can place in any flat ground that gives you a good 180 field of view. Ground Blind Price: 59$ A Stand on the ground which you have 360 of view. Tent Price: 150$ Something usful if your going to hunt for a while or if you wanna see the areas what they look like at night.(trust me its pretty cool) Hydration Bladder Price: 20$ Restores your hydration levels if it gets too low. Daily Rations Price: 20$ Restores your nutrition levels if it gets too low. Self-Heating Meal Price: 20$ Restores your condition levels if it gets too low. Medical Kit Price: 40$ Restores health, very usful in many of the career challenges. Map Price: 20$ Shows the layout, elevation and trails of the area. GPS Price: 40$ The most usful equipement of all. Shows the same as the map except it shows your current location and vehicles. F)Vehicles ATV Price for Rent: 20$ The woodsmans vehicle. Its very usful to get to certain areas fast but it does make alot of noise and scares game and its only avalable in 3 areas. Note that if your crash you vehicle around and flip, it will do you alot of damage. Snowmobile Price for rent: 20$ Same as ATV except used during the winter. *Vehicles dont appear in challenges. ============================================================================== 4) Hunting Stratergys Spot and Stalk This is a methode used mostly for wide open areas. All it simply is is just spotting an animal and stalking up it by using the terrain and wind to your advantage to shotting range and then shooting it. This technique with a bow is considerably more challenging. Still Hunting This technique is mostly used in areas that your unfamiliar with or with dense cover. It envolves just walking or crawling slowly stopping every so often to spot or hear deer or other animals at the same time it also put you more at risk of being attacked so be prepared. Stand Hunting This hunting methode is one of the easiest to do. Just set up any stand you want near where 2-3 trials met or a lake or pond. Tracking One of the oldest hunting techniques in history. Just simply find animal tracks with the track search button key or the old fashioned way with the eyes. Once you've found a animals trail follow it sthealty and while keeping the wind in your face. *The track search can be used for more than just finding tracks it can also alert you to animals attacks, when it does it will be disabled temporairly. Calling, decoying and scents Probably the best way for beigniers in this game to hunt. Call only sparingly has too much calling CAN spook animals as the same thing with using too much scents. When calling, decoying and scents are mixed together they are much more effective. Baiting Baiting is very very similar to decoying except your using food to stimulate an animal's hunger. This is a technique mostly used for bears and preditors with meat but also other animals with the salt lick. ============================================================================== 5) Hunting Regulations Much like in real life there are also regs in the game too except the offenses are not as severe. First charge you get a warning, second you get 200$ fine and third offense you get kicked out of the hunt. So heres whats illegal. -Shooting animals you dont have tags for(exception of self-defence) -Shooting animals you already tagged.(exception of self-defence) -Shooting from 50yards within inhabited buildings. -Shooting at evening or night -Killing animals with a vehicle -Killing/wounding animals and not tagging it ============================================================================== 6) Game Animals Bighorn Sheep Areas found: Pecos NM, Tuktu Nogait NWT and Foothills Alberta. Price of tag: 450$ Danger: Low Will put its head down and charge if its cornerd. Black Bear Areas found: Foothills AB, Badlands AB, Mount Tremblent QB, Pend Orielle ID, Red Forest NC, Bad River WC and Eastern Lowlands WS. Price of Tag: 225$ Danger: High Will attack anytime they see/hear/smell you. They can do alot of damage on harder difficultys. Cape Buffalo Areas found: Dry River, Zimbabwe. Price of tag: 700$ Danger: High Extremly aggressive, can do alot of damage if it plows right in to you. On harder difficultys it can kill you in 2-3 hits. Also most weapons wont damage its thick head so aim for its body. Cariboo Areas found: Tundra NWT and Guennela QB. Price of tag: 325$ Danger: none Coyote Areas found: Eastern Lowlands Wi, Bad River Wi, Pecos Nm and Blackhills Co Price of tag: 50$ Danger: high Relative weak but when in a pack of 2-3, they can be deadly as they are pretty fast. Dall Sheep Areas found: Peyto Lake, AK and Williams Lake, BC Price of tag: 425$ Danger: low Only attacks when cornered and usally makes a funny goat noise before charging at you. Duiker Areas found: Masai Price of tag: 180$ Danger: None Elk Areas found: Pend Orielle Id, Pecos NM and Sierra Nevada NC. Price of tag: 350$ Danger: none Gemsbok Areas found: Masai Price of tag: 870$ Danger: Medium Attacks when you approch to closely but dosent usally runs off after attacking. Grizzly Bear Areas found: Peyto Lake Ak, Badlands Ab and Kelowna BC. Price of tag: 500$ Danger: (see black bear above) Hyena Areas found: Masai, Tanzania and Selous, Tanzania. Price of Tag: 200$ Danger: High They attack similar to coyotes and wolfs except they do more damage. Impala Areas found: Dry River, Zimbabwee Price of Tag: 240$ Danger: none Kodiac Bear Areas found: Kodiac, Ak Price of tag: 750$ Danger: high (see Black Bear) Kudu Areas found: Selous, Tanzania and Nyanga Falls, Zimbabwee. Price of tag: 1200$ Danger: None Leapord Areas found: Selous, Tanzania and Nyanga Falls, Zimbabwee. Price of tag: 2000$ Danger: High Not only can they do alot of damage but they can leap on you, making them very diffult to shoot. Moose Areas found: Kodiac, Ak and Kelowna BC. Price of Tag: 400$ Danger: Medium Usally will only attack if you approche to close or disturb it. They do lots of damage but usally run away after attacking. Mountain Goat Areas found: Peyto Lake, Ak, Williams Lake Bc and Pend Oreille, Id. Price of tag: 300$ Danger: low Attacks very very rarely. Mountain Lion Areas found: Mt Tremblent Qc, Grenwood Co, Hell's canyon, Blackhills Co and Teen Canyon, NM. Price of tag: 300$ Danger: high (see leapord above) Mule Deer Areas found: Glenwood Co Price of tag: 200$ Danger: none Polar Bear Areas found: Tundra Nwt Price of tag: 1000$ Danger: High (see black bear above) Pronghorn Areas found: Hells Canyon Id, Red Forest NC and Tean Canyon Nm. Price of tag: 200$ Danger: Medium (see moose above) Rhino Areas found: Nyange Falls, Zimbabwee Price of tag: 2000$ Danger: Very High The toughest animal in the game, not only can they take alot of hit but there are really fast and on higher difficultys can kill in one hit. Whitetail Deer Areas found: Badlands Ab, Eastern Lowlands Wi, Sierra Nevada Nc and Glenwood Co, Blackhills Co. Price of tag: 150$ Danger: none Wild Boar Areas found: Red Forest Nc and Tean Canyon Nm. Price of tag: 100$ Danger: High Attacks usally by charging at you, there very slow so there pretty easy avoid. Wolf Areas found: Kodiac Ak, Williams Lake Bc and Guennula Qc. Price of tag: 100$ Danger: High (see coyote above) =========================================================================== 6) Quick Hunt Quick hunt is very simply a mode were you go in to get a quick kill, its recomended that you familarize yourself with the controls before starting career mode. In quick hunt you gear can automactilly be equiped but your only allowed one animal and high scores here wont save. ========================================================================== 7) Career Mode A) Creating a profile Creating a profile is very similar to the other cabelas(or any other hunting game for that matter) as you choose your character model, appearance, name and diffculty but a new feature is skill points. Skill points: there 5 catagories they apply to which are Strength, Resilience, stealth, tracking and shooting that you add or substract points for your caracter. Strength: This is how much weigth can your hunter carry. This skill increases naturally after almost every hunt. Resilience: It is very simiply your stamina or how far can your hunter run before pooching out. This skill increases naturally...but very slowly and if you tire out to often on a hunt, this stat goes down. Shooting: This is the skill thats helps with accuraty, steadiness of scope, recoil and reload speed. It increases after every kill you make. Stealth: How easiely can animals detect you. The higher this skill is, the less spooked animals will be. Increases after every stealthy kill you make. Tracking: The range of your track search. Increases after every time you find tracks. ============================================================================== B) Difficultys Easy: This mode is peaple that are new to the game. Animals are less wary of your presence, you start off with alot of money, animal attacks are relatively weak and many of the help features are on such as trophy beacon, auto-claim, bullet cam and auto-reload. Trophy beacon: helps you locate animals by showing a red dot. Auto-claim: as soon as you shoot an animal, you dont have to walk up to it to claim it. Bullet Cam: Shows a camera view of your bullet flying. Auto-Reload: automactically reloads your gun when its out of ammo. Medium: This difficulty is for more experienced players. Animals are more wary, you have less money, animal attacks do some respectable damage, track search range and time is reduced and the only help aids you get are bullet cam and auto-claim. Hard: This difficulty is for expert hunters. Animals are really wary, you have alot less money(just engouf to buy the cheapest gun and camo) , animal attacks are crippling, track search is sevraly limited and you have no help aids what so ever. ============================================================================= C) Target Range Theres 2 types of target ranges you can use to sight in your weapons, the indoor range to test the drop of the bullet and the outdoor to test the wind drift affect. The indoor range has a max yardage of 50m while the outdoor has a max range of 110m. Its important to sight in your weapon and get familar with it before going out on any hunt. ============================================================================ D) Charters Alberta Seasons: Spring and summer How to unlock: complete 20 challenges and get 8 single shot kills Areas Parkland Legal animals: (spring) wolf and black bear (summer) whitetail deer, wolf and black bear. Description: Very characteristic of parkland habitat, mostly open grassy areas with brush and scaterred trees. The terrian is really uneven for most of the area. Theres a stream that runs around the whole area. Foothills Legal animals: (spring) black bear and brown bear (summer) black bear, brown bear and bighorn sheep. Description: The area is extremly rugged with many small ponds and swamps. Most of the areas vegetation is tall grass with many shrubs and scattered evergreens. Alaska Seasons: summer and winter How to unlock: complete 8 challenges, take 8 trophies and have your accuratecy over 20%. Areas Kodiac Legal animals: (both seasons) wolf, kodiac bear and moose. Description: While some places are open, most of the area is pretty dense with conifers and brush. Theres a u-shaped stream thats found North. Most of the terrian is rugged. Cool Stuff: The abandoned highway near your start point. Peyto Lake Legal Animals: (summer) dall sheep, mountain goat and grizzly bear. (winter) mountain goat and grizzly bear. Description: Varied area. Open, grassy clearings with brush and some dense forest, mostly conifers. Terrain is mostly mountainious. There is a lake and stream South and a large inaccessible lake Northeast. Cool Stuff: The lake and stream South will be frozen solid in the winter. British Columbia Seasons: Spring and Fall How to unlock: Complete 4 challenges, take 4 trophies and 4 singleshot kills. Areas Williams Lake Legal Animals: (spring) wolf (fall) dall sheep, mountain goat and wolf. Description: Relatively mixed terrain, flat at most places and very hilly in others. Vegetion is mostly really dense brush with some trees. Theres a huge lake in middle of the area. Cool Stuff: Theres a cave to the Northeast and some glaciers in the fall. Kelowna Legal Animals: (spring) grizzly bear (fall) moose and grizzly bear Description: Mostly swampy near the rivers and ponds, brushy trails, conifer trees and very tall grass in some parts. Terrain is mostly flat but pretty hilly in some areas. Cool Stuff: This is one of the maps with the least boundries. Colorado Seasons: Fall and winter How to unlock: take 4 trophies. Areas Glenwood Legal animals: (both seasons) mule deer, whitetail deer and mountain lion. Description: Classic rocky mountain country. Mountainious rugged terrain with lots of grasses and brush and conifer forest. Theres a river that runs through most of the area. Cool Stuff: One of the few areas that has vehicles.(ATV in fall and sled in the winter) Blackhills Legal animals: (both seasons) whitetail deer, coyote and mountain lion. Description: Rolling prairie area. Lots of open grassy areas with treed hilltops. Idaho Seasons: Summer and Fall How to unlock: take 4 trophies and completed 4 challenges. Areas Hell's Canyon Legal Animals: (both seasons) pronghorn and mountain lion. Description: Desert area with really rugged terrain. Vegetation is mostly grasses and brush. Theres a river that runs through the map. Cool stuff: The fissures in the south part. Just be careful not to fall in them. Pend Oreille Legal Animals: (both seasons) black bear, mountain goat and elk. Description: Really dense forest of conifers and thick brush with lots of ferns and tall grasses.(makes bear hunting with a bow alot of fun) Terrain is mostly rolling with some ridges. Theres a lake in the south-center of the map. Northern California Seasons: Summer and fall How to unlock: Default Areas Red Forest Legal animals: (both seasons) pronghorn, black bear and wild boar. Description: Open mixed forest like area with lots of undergrowth, fallen trees and rocks. Terrain is pretty hilly with some depressions in the ground. Theres a very small pond in the center of the area. Sierra Nevada Legal Animals: (both seasons) whitetail deer, elk and mountain lion. Description: Mountainious conifer forest with lots of dense brush. Theres about 6 lakes in the area with most of them being in the center of the area. New Mexico Seasons: summer and winter How to unlock: complete 12 challenges, take 10 trophies, accuratcy over 30%, and take 1 of each kind of bear.(4 in total; black, grizzly, kodiac and polar bears) Areas Teen Canyon Legal animals: (both seasons) mountain lion, wild boar and pronghorn Description: Dry mountain area with lots of brush, grasses and some scattered trees. This area has lots of rock ridges and rugged terrain. Theres 2 lakes in this area, both are found East. Cool Stuff: Theres lots of cave systems and crevises throughout the area. Pecos Legal Animals: (summer) coyote and elk (winter) bighorn sheep, coyote and elk. Description: The area consists of mostly mountainous conifer forest witha few hardwoods and lots of ferns and thick brush along the stream and clearings. Theres a river that flows to a huge lake NorthWest and a pond NorthEast. Cool Stuff: The waterfall where you cross the bridge. Northwest Territories Seasons: Spring and Fall How to unlock: complete 26 challenges including More Bear or Northern Strike, and accuratcy up to 45%. Areas Tundra Legal Animals: (both seasons) cariboo and polar bear. Description: Typical artic tundra. Lots of grass, mosses and brush with some stunted trees. Theres a large river that runs through the eastern part of the map and 3 small ponds. Tuktu Nogait Legal Animals: (spring) wolf and grizzly bear (fall) bighorn sheep, wolf and grizzly bear. Description: Mostly open area with lots of grasses and brush with some small trees and also very rugged terrain. Theres a large river that flows accross the map. Quebec Seasons: spring and fall How to unlock: complete 24 challenges, take 16 trophies and accuratcy up to 40% or higher. Areas Mont Tremblant Legal Animals: (spring) mountain lion and black bear. (fall) moose, black bear and mountain lion. Description: Mostly mountain area with vast evergreen forest with little undergrowth such as ferns and grasses. Theres a river that runs through the western part of the maps. Cool Stuff: Theres a lodge in the SouthEast Old moose carcass on the other side of the bridge. Guennela Legal Animals: (both seasons) cariboo and wolf. Description: Very open forest area with rolling hilly terrain. Theres a river North. Cool Stuff: One of the few areas that has an ATV. Tanzania Seasons: summer and winter How to unlock: complete 40 challenges including Rhino and Longhorn. Areas Masai Legal Animals: (both seasons) hyenas, gemsbok and duiker Description: Flat, tall grass area with lots of brush and some trees. Theres lots of logs and rock scattered everywhere. Theres a large river that flows through the eastern half. Selous Legal Animals: (both seasons) hyenas, leopard and kudu. Description: Similar in alot of ways to Masai except for the large rock outcropping in center of the area and the three large ponds North. Zimbabwee Seasons: Spring and summer How to unlock: complete 30 challenges including Little Gems, Wolf Trap and Leopard Huntin. Areas Dry River Legal Animals: (both seasons) Cape Buffalo, impala and zebra. Description: Tall grass savana like area with a few huge trees and brushy areas. Terrain is rolling with lots of depressions. Theres 3 ponds scattered thought the area. Nyanga Falls Legal Animals: (both seasons) Rhino, leopard and kudu Description: Rugged savana area with lots of trees, brush and grass. Theres a river that flows through most of the area. Wisconsin Seasons: Fall and Winter How to unlock: take 8 trophies and accuratcy up to 35% Areas Bad River Legal Animals: (both seasons) whitetail deer, coyote and black bear. Description: Mountainious area, mostly open with some trees and lots of brush. A river runs thought most of the area. Eastern Lowlands Legal Animals: (both seasons) whitetail deer, coyote and black bear. Description: Old clearcut like area. Mostly open and flat but for the most part, very thick brush. Theres 2 small lakes. Cool Stuff: Has vehicles in it and is the most fun map to cruise around in em. Have fun running over deer and coyotes.=P ========================================================================= E) Challenges i) Season: Summer 1) Close up kill Location: Kodiac, Alaska Objective: Take 1 Kodiac Bear from less than 50 yards How to unlock: default Other Animals: wolfs(2) and a moose Difficulty: * Ready for your first challenge? Ok well this is an easy one. Just simply go around and kill a kodiac bear. Getting a shot over 50 yards in this map is not is easy so dont worry about a far shot. Just get a gun with engouf knock down power and your good to go. 2) Intruder Location: Pecos, New Mexico Objective: Take 1 mountain lion with a handgun How to unlock: Take 1 animal within an hour and take 1 coyote Other Animals: coyotes(3) and a bighorn sheep Difficulty: ** Hunting mountain lion is the same as hunting any other dangerous carnivore but here in Pecos, NM its really thick in some places. While the thick brush aint an issue on easier difficultys, on hard its pain to see whats after you. Using your track search often in this mission is a big help espically since its not just the lion thats hunting you. 3) Player's Bait Location: Sierra Nevada, Northern California Objective: Take 1 whitetail deer in mountain lion country How to unlock: Take 4 animals including 1 whitetail deer Other Animals: 1 mountain lion Difficulty:*** If you got a good set clothes on (i highly recomended the lightest clothing, perferably camo) you better be ready to cover alot of ground, espaicially on an area like Sierra Nevada. Because this area is so big and theres so many paths, your track search is gonna be your most useful tool to find the whitetail deer. Calls and other attractents work but your better off tracking. Also when stalking a deer here keep a close eye on your surroundings as whitetails are tough to spot the dense bush. Something else you may wanna watch out for is the mountain lion which is also hunting the same deer as you, you may wanna take it out as fast as possible so it dont make restart this long and tiring mission. 4) Get them all Location: Peyto Lake, Alaska Objective: Take 1 mountain goat and 1 dall sheep How to unlock: Take 1 black bear Other Animals: 1 grizzly Difficulty:**** If you tough the last mission was hard, try hunting 2 animals that cant even be called in. Your first priority here is to take out that Grizz before it kills your game. Once your done that, you can hunt the sheep and the goat without worrying about it getting killed by some bear. Hunting mountain goat and dall sheep is harder most animals. Because Peyto Lake has lots of dense brush and lots of trees your bet here is to either track or concel yourself with a blind or stand near the lake where 4 trails intersept. The dall sheep and mountain goat are both very white in color and therefore very easy to spot at a long ways off, must easier than spotting a dang deer in the bush and shadows like the last mission. 5) Choises Location: Pend Oreille, Idaho Objective: Take 1 elk or 1 mountain goat with a bow. How to unlock: Complete 8 challenges Other Animals: 1 black bear Difficulty:*** A good change of pace from the last misson, this time you get to chose what animal you wanna hunt..but you gotta use a bow. Bows are'nt that hard to use, you just gotta get a lil closer to animals than you normally would and you've got a slow reload. To shoot a compound bow(or recurve if your that intense) u have to draw first b4 you shoot. You have quite choise on which animal you want to hunt. The elk is much easier to hunt because you could call or decoy it in easily but its hard to spot in a thick area like this. The mountain goat is tougher in a way because you cant attract it in with anything but it stands out like a sore thumb. 6) Path of blood Location: Teen Canyon Objective: Take the wounded mountain lion. How to unlock: take 4 animals, 1 mountain goat over 200 pounds and 1 pronghorn over 120 pounds. Other animals: wild boar(2) and pronghorn(2). Difficulty: ** Yickes thats one nasty looking wound! Even if its wounded it still behaves like a normal mountain lion so theres no blood trail to follow or time limit b4 it dies. But what you do have to worry about is the wilds boars who will kill it.(boars alwase own cougars in fights) If you got a good stamina stat and light clothing, this wont be a problem. Even if u dont u just need a shotgun or some other fast firing weapon to take out boars or aggressive antelopes or even the mountain lion it self. The cave shortcut helps big time. 7) One shot one tail Location: Parkland, Alberta Objective: Take 1 whitetail deer with a single shot from a bow. How to unlock: take 6 animals Other animals: wolfs(2) and 1 black bear Difficulty: *** If your already good with bow hunting, you should have no trouble with this mission. If your still new at it, it aint that hard. Key to beating this mission, get as close to the deer as possible and try to get a still shot. Your best hunt stratergy here is the call/decoy it in, you could still spot and stalk or track since the area aint to thick. If u wanna drop the deer or any other animal, aim for the head or chest to drop ot instatly. Any bow will do, just bring good camo(forest camo recomended) and extra arrows to deal with the wolfs and the bear. 8) Messanger of mercy Location: Sierra Nevada, Northern California Objective: Take the wounded elk How to unlock: take 11 animals Other animals: coy*ote(2) and 1 whitetail deer Difficulty: ** Wow! Someown messed up there shot big time! Well time to put this elk out of its missery. This mission is very similar to the previous mission where you had to hunt a whitetail so basically use the same hunting stratergys except with elk calls and decoys. There is some coyotes but they dont pose much of a threat to the elk. Dont be too surprissed if the elk dont have any antlers, its a glitch in the game. 9) Tainted diner Location: Hell's Canyon, Idaho Objective: ;.Take 1 pronghorn then use it as bait for 2 mountain lions. How to unlock: Must have at least 16 trophies, 6 single shot kills with 1 taken over 100 yards. Other Animals: 1 pronghorn and mountain lions(2, spawn after u take the pronghorn) Difficulty: *** My fav type of hunt! Baiting hunts are simply have to take down an herbavor such as pronghorn and then u use its meat to bait some preditors. The pronghorn here are much easier to hunt than in the Teen Canyon, as its far more open and theres plenty of funels and bottlenecks. Easiest way to hunt the pronghorn here is to wait by the water hole with a blind or if you dont like waiting around just spot & stalk. Make sure u have light clthing and water as ur hydration and stamina will go down pretty fast. The mountain lions can be hunted the same way ur use to hunting them just that they're easier to spot in the wide open canyons of this area. Another good stratergy to hunt the mountain lions is too set up the meat bait near the waterhole and setting up a blind far off. 10) Last Stand Location: Pend Oreille, Idaho Objective: Take the wounded, very aggressive black bear. How to unlock: accuratcy of at least 20%, taken 8 trophies with a single shot kills and taken 1 trophy of over 1000 Ibs. Other Animals: 1 elk, 1 mountain goat and 1 black bear. Difficulty: * Just when i though the last hunter's shot was worse... This is a much easyier hunt than it seems. Its just that it takes a long time to find the bear in this dense forest area. Your best bet here is to track it down. U can still call or bait but its not recomended since this area is fairly large. As for gear you dont need anything special other than a shotgun or handgun to down the bear in close quarters. 11) Help on the way Location: Masai, Tanzania Objective: Find the lost hunter how to unlock: Taken 10 trophies, 2 kills with the shotgun and 7 charters open. Other Animals: (4-5) Hyenas Difficulty: * Wow who knew that we had to do some search & rescue work in this game. This is not hard to do, just find the hunter and presto your done the mission. The only problem is actually finding the hunter and no to mention the many hyeanas looking for you. Make sure u bring light clothing, med pack and automactic weapon such as the 12ga or 44 mag. The hunter will be sitting on a rock near the large tree, he'll be in grey blue camo just sitting there. 12) Longhorn Location: Selous, Tanzania Objective: Take the kudu with the long horns How to unlock: Accuratcy over 20%, taken 14 trophies and beaten 28 challenges. Other animals: 1 leopard and 3 kudu. Difficulty: **** Trophy hunting in Africa at its finest! If u where fimilar with the "King" misson you should pretty much know how to find and remember the biggest kudu without much trouble and kudu are way easier to field judge than cariboo or whitetails. Because this area is very open and has lots of hills and very tall grass, a tripod stand here is a must and same goes for optics(spotting scope or 1-10x will do)! Main way to hunt kudu here is either to stand hunt or spot & stalk. There not that difficult to spot since there gray/purple coats and tall horns stand out. Because actually hunting ur gonna want to take out that hungrey leopard. Any long range rifle will do. 13) Leopard Huntin Location: Nyanga Fall, Zimbabwee Objective: Take 1 kudu, then take 2 leopards. How to unlock: accuratcy over 20%, taken 14 trophys, 8 charters open and beaten 35 challenges. Other Animals: 1 kudu and 2 leopards(spawn after u kill the kudu) Difficulty: **** This mission is very similar to the previous mission where u had to kill a pronghorn and then kill 2 mountain lions...but your in Africa! Kudu are more challenging to hunt most other animals because they blend in good with their surroundings, dont respond to attractents and they're fast. Best way to hunt kudu here is to track them. After you bag the kudu, the leopards wont be much of an issue. Hunting leopards is mostly done by baiting, or if your brave enough you can track them too. Another tip when hunting leopards, use your track search often as they're hard to spot. The special equipement you need here is a med pack if you get attacked, leapords do more damage then mountian lions fyi. 14) Suicide Location: Nyanga Falls, Zimbabwee Objective: Take 1 Rhino with a bow. How to unlock: complete all challenges and unlock all charters. Other Animals: leopards(4) and Rhyno(2). Difficulty: ***** The last and final mission! What a way to finish the campaigne by killing a 8-9 tonned, armoured and angrey animal armed with a massive horn with only a bow! This is the toughest mission in a sence because Rhinos take aaalot of hits with a bow and they can kill you in 1 hit. Best way to get a stealthy kill on a rhino is to either still hunt or spot and stalk. Remember that shots to the head/neck have almost no effet on the beast so aim behind the shoulder. If the rhyno dosent drop shot it agian b4 it has the chance to charges at you. For gear the main thing i recomend is medium camo and as many first aid kits as possible. For bows bring a crossbow, its powerful, fast and easy to use. Make sure to bring lots of arrows too as theres many leapords on this hunt. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ii) Autumn 1) Moosing Around Location: Kelowna, BC Objective: Take 1 moose How to unlock: Taken 2 trophies Other Animals: 1 Grizzly bear and 2 Mooses Difficulty: ** This is one of my favorite missions in this game! Gotta love being in Kelowna when its fall! Moose hunting is similar to elk hunting in so many ways except that they will attack if angered. The main way to hunt moose in this area much like elk is to call or decoy them in, track them or still hunt. Moose are pretty big animals so u need a big rifle, the smallest gun id go with a 338. As for anything else u might wanna bring a med pack or handgun just in case but thats it. 2) Bait Location: Williams Lake, BC Objective: Take 1 Dall Sheep, then use as bait and take 4 wolfs. How to unlock: COmplete 1 challenge. Other Animals: 1 Dall Sheep and 4 Wolfs(appear after u kill the sheep) Difficulty: *** I hope you got a good a set of boots cuz this is gonna be a long one. Since you probably already hunted dall sheep in this game u kinda know what to expect but here in BC in even tougher cuz the dense brush hides the sheep pretty good. Because the of the dense brush you'll have to hunt it driffrently. Best way to hunt it is to Stand Hunt with a blind or tripod where 2 or more trails met. If your intence, you can alwase track or still hunt for it. Once u nail down the sheep the wolfs are'nt much of a problem, if u have a semi/pump/revolver action weapon with u and a health pack. Easiest way to hunt wolfs is too bait or call them in since the brush here is very dense. The wolfs will often be a pack so be ready if you encounter them. Most important thing to bring here is forest camo, you'll be stealthyer than Silver Snake with it and health pack if u dont have a fast shooting weapon. 3) Peacemaker Location: Hell's Canyon, Idaho Objective: Take 1 mountain lion with a handgun. How to unlock: Must have taken 1 animal in less than an hour and taken an elk that scores more than 158. Other Animals: Pronghorn(2) and 1 mountain lion Difficulty:* Similaritys, similaritys. This mission is identical to the intruder mission except that instade hunting in a dense mountain area, your now in the desert canyons of idaho. In some ways this mission is easyer because its not as dense as the other area but the lions can be tough to spot so moving slow is your best option here. Best way to hunt that lion here is to spot & stalk or track it. You dont need much important gear here other than your handgun(any will do). 4) Stubborn Location: Red forest, Northern California Objective: Take 1 wild boar with a shotgun How to unlock: taken 4 trophies as single shot kills and 1 grizzly bear. Other Animals: 1 black bear, 1 pronghorn and (2) wild boars. Difficulty: * Blasting a berserk pig seems fun aint it? Well grab your birdgun cough shotgun and go hunting. Wild boar aint hard to hunt because there slow , stand out like a sore thumb and are aggressive. Still hunting and tracking will be your best technics here in this open forest area. Any shotgun will do. 5) Grizzly nearby Location: Kelowna, BC Objective: Take 1 grizzly bear from under 30 yards. How to unlock: Taken 5 trophies. Other animals: (2) moose and 1 grizzly Difficulty: * Grizzly bears at close range..hmmm makes me feel like Grizzly Adams. Ok well grizzly aint much driffrent to hunt than black bears, just that they're bigger. Getting a Grizz under 30 yards aint hard in an area like this. Just call/bait or track or stalk like u would with black bears...just bring a bigger gun cuz grizzlys can take quite a bit of punishment, any rifle bigger than the 338 would do fine. Also u may wanna bring a health pack just in case you just randomly get attacked by a moose. 6) Great Moose Location: Eastern Lowlands, Wisconsin Objective: Take the impresive moose How to unlock: Taken 6 trophies and 5 one shot kills. Other Animals: 1 black bear, 3-4 coyotes and 1 moose Difficulty: **** Now heres a moose that rivals the Rackman's new World record! If your familar engouf with moose hunting, this is gonna be your toughest moose hunt yet. One word of advice...bring calls or decoys, u WILL need them, trust me. Eastern Lowlans is a tough area to hunt because its very, very brushy area with lots of tall grass and many parts of the area are so dense you cant even see more than 5 feet ahead but not only that you'll a couple coyotes and a black bear to deal with on your hunt. Your best technic like i mentioned above is to use calls and decoys but using a stand such as a blind or tripod in a opening, meadow or on a lake shore will be your odds of getting that bull. Another good stratergy is to track it, if u do use a handgun or shotgun, it will help with any bears or coyotes that want u for lunch. For gear i already mentioned a few things above, the most important thing too is Forest Camo and a med pack if your playing on hard. Good luck taking down that moose, it will surely be on your high scores. 7) Lion Bait Location: Glenwood, Colorado Objective: Take 1 mule deer and then lure 1 mountain lion. How to unlock: 6 single shot kills. Other Animals: none other than the objective ones Difficulty: *** Theres something about hunting mule deer in the rocky mountains of colorado that makes it nostaliga! Dont get too distract by beautiful sceenery we got muleys to hunt. Mule deer are almost same to hunt as whitetails except that they blend in a bit more and there bigger. The call/scent/decoy combo alwase works, tracking, still hunting and stand hunting are good techniques for this area since its pretty varied. After killing the mule deer, either bait an area or track the mountain lion like you normally would. Very similar to some of the previous lion baiting missions except u get to hunt a new animal. 8) More bear Location: Pend Oreille, Idaho Objective: Take 3 black bears How to unlock: Taken 8 trophies and a moose with a score over 200 points. Other Animals: 1 mountain goat, 1 elk and 3 black bears. Difficulty: ** Bears, bears and more bears. U should get the drill by now. Here use calls/bait, stand hunt or track to hunt these black bears. This is the same as any other black bear or any bear hunt for that matter except u got 3 bears. Close range weapons will do in this densly forested area. U dont need any other special gear other than Forest camo(which u should alwase be wearing in the fall) and a med pack for hard difficulty. 9) Wolf Country Location: Guennela, Quebec Objective: Take the wounded moose. How to unlock: Taken 1 trophy that scores over 210 or more. Other animals: 4 wolfs and 1 moose Difficulty: ** Gotta love moose hunting in good ol Quebec! If done the mission where you had to hunt a wounded elk u should'nt be surprised that the moose dosent have antlers.(its a glitch) Because this area is very open and you can see far, the best way to hunt that moose is too spot & stalk. The moose is pretty easy to hunt just all the wolfs you'll be dealing can be a pain. A handgun or shotgun will fix that problem in a hurry. No special gear needed, well maybe a tripod but thats it. 10) One boar Location: Red forest, Northern California Objective: take one wild boar before nightfall. How to unlock: Taken 1 trophy with a knife. Other Animals: 2 wild boar, 1 pronghorn and 1 black bear. Difficuty: * Same old, same old. Extremly similar to the "Stuborn" mission just that you can use any firearm u want and u gotta kill the wild boar before nightfall. This is pretty easy, unless your hunting in a stand so spot & stalk, tracking and still hunting is the way to go. 11) Rescuer Location: Bad River, Wisconsin Objective: Find the missing hunter How to unlock: taken 14 trophys, 5 charters open and 15 challenges beaten. Other Animals: 3 coyotes, 1 black bear and 1 whitetail deer Difficulty: ** Man do i ever love finding missing people espacially when they have camo and are found in not so obious areas. Okk well since were gonna be doing some search & rescue be sure to bring lots of ammo and a few med packs. To find our lost hunter cross the bridge from the starting point and follow the river Right, it will eventually lead into a path to the Left. Once there you will see him sitting down near a large rock. Hope this saves you the trouble of finding him. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- iii) Winter 1) Chain Hunt Location: Glenwood, Colorado Objective: Take 1 whitetail deer and 1 mule deer b4 nightfall. How to unlock: take 1 trophie with a single shot kill Other Animals: 1 mountain lion, 1 mule deer and 2 whitetail deer Difficulty: **** This is one for hardcore deer hunters! Its pretty tough for one of the few first missions ill tell u that! First before hunting the deer your gonna wanna take out the mountain lion to save you annoyances of getting your deer killed and having to restart the mission. Onces thats done, theres many ways to hunt them. The bests ways i know for this area is to set up a stand where 2-3 trails met and use calls and decoys. Tracking is also a good technic in this area too, same with spot & stalk in the more open areas. U dont need much special gear, just winter camo and your calls. 2) Wolfs Trio Location: Kodiac, Alaska Objective: Take 3 wolfs How to unlock: completed 2 challenges and taken 1 trophie at over 75 yards. Other animals: 1 kodiac bear, 1 moose and 3 wolfs Difficulty: ** Finally something new to hunt! Wolfs are pretty fun to hunt if you dont mind shooting more than 1 attacking animal at a time. The main way to hunt them in the dense forest of Kodiac is too either call/bait them in or track them or if your brave, still hunting. Be sure to bring a big gun just in case the moose turns ugly. The gear you will need is any fast firing gun to deal with wolf packs. 3) Northern Strike Location: Kodiac, Alaska Objective: Take 1 kodiac bear with a single shot of a rifle. How to unlock: Take 1 black bear Other Animals: 3 wolfs, 1 moose and 1 kodiac bear Difficulty: ** Boom Headshot!!! Ready to hunt some bear FPSDoug style? Alright well u should already be very experienced in bear hunting. Bait/call, and track, got it? The only difference is that Kodiac bears take more hits than Black, Grizz or Polar bears so bringing a big caliber rifle is a exellent choise. Anything over 338 will do for this mission. Because u gotta kill the bear in one shot, only aim for the head and shot when its close to get an easy one shot kill. BOOOM HEADSHOT!!! 4) Boar against time Location: Teen Canyon, New Mexico Objective: Take 3 wild boars before nightfall How to unlock: Taken 4 trophies and accuratcy above 35% Other Animals: 1 mountain lion, 1 pronghorn and 3 wild boars. Difficulty: ** Well aint this something...snow in New Mexico!=0 Learn something everyday. This mission is veryyyyyy similar to the "One boar" mission. Hunt the boars like u normally would, spot & stalk would be your best stratergy since the pigs stand out like a sore thumb in the snow. Remember to take out the mountain lion before it takes out any pigs and u should have no trouble beating this mission. The only gear i recomend is a rifle because this area is fairly open and long shots are very possible. 5) Ambush Location: Pecos, New Mexico Objective: Take 1 elk than use it to bait 3 coyotes. How to unlock: 3 charters open Other Animals: none other the objective animals Difficulty: *** Man that sceenery in Pecos in the winter is pretty beautiful aint it? I hope brough good boots cuz where gonna treck through this winter wonderland for elk and coyotes. Because of all the snow, tracking and spot and stalk is the best way to hunt for elk in this area. Once u doned your elk, its coyote hunting time. Coyote hunting is very similar to wolf hunting except coyotes are much smaller and go down easier and do less damage. In this area, baiting, tracking, still hunting, spot & stalk and stand hunting all work for coyotes in this area. No special gear needed! 6) Three Coyotes Location: Blackhills, Colorado Objective: Take 3 coyotes b4 nightfall. How to unlock: Taken 5 trophies, 1 bighorn over 265 pounds and accuratcy over 25%. Other Animals: 1 mountain lion, 1 whitetail deer and 3 coyotes. Difficulty: ** Kinda remiends you of little house on the prairie dont u think?=P This hunt is gonna be alot like Randy Andersons hunt videos! Find a high place and either use your calls or spot & stalk in this wast prairie like area. For gear just remember your snow camo and a long range rifle and your good to go! U really dont have to worry bout the nightfall since you'll be done this quick if your experienced. 7) The King Location: Glenwood, Colorado Objective: Take the whitetail deer with the huge rack. How to unlock: Taken 1 moose, 1 cariboo and 1 mountain goat. Other animals: 1 mountain lion and 4 whitetail deer. Difficuty: **** Gotta love them huge antlers eh? Alright its time to make our own monster buck videos! If u got good memory and good field judging skills this hunt wont be as hard. In the preview cam, ur gonna want to pay VERY close attention since ur gonna have to remember the largest deer because theres about 3-4 other whitetails too and shooting the wrong animal will result in failour. First thing ur going to want to do in the hunt is too take out the mountain which will save u headaches and so no deer gets killed. Once thats done, hunt the whitetail like u normally would here, calls/decoys, stand hunting, still hunting, tracking and spot & stalk. The only thing i would suggest for here is a spotting scope and the 1-10x power score for your rifle! Goodluck on your monster buck hunt! 8) Bowing for deer Location: Bad River, Wisconsin Objective: Take 1 whitetail with a bow How to unlock: taken 12 trophies Other animals: 2 coyotes, 1 black bear and 1 whitetail. Difficulty: *** Bowhunting for deer in this remote mountain area sure makes me feel like Lewis & Clark! If u got a crossbow u got ur work cut for yah! Bowhunting here means most stand hunting with calls/scents/decoys and perhaps still hunting or tracking. U may want to take out the coyotes and the black bear to save trouble. No special gear needed here other than extra arrows. 9) Skittish coyotes Location: Eastern Lowlands, Wisconsin Objective: Take 1 whitetail deer then use it to bait 3 coyotes. How to unlock: Taken 16 trophies and 1 moose over 1300 pounds. Other animals: no others besides objective ones. Difficulty: **** If u have a good memory of how hard that trophy moose hunt was in "Great Moose" you will know what to expect and because were hunting deer its just lil harder but fortunatly its winter. Best stratergys here are stand hunting, calls/decoy/scent combo, spot and stalk in open areas and tracking if your very skilled. Once u took out that deer, its coyote hunting time! Its all downhill from here. Either call/bait, stand hunt or track, much easier than that deer! 10) Little Gems Location: Masai, Tanzania Objective: Take 3 gemsbok How to unlock: Accuratcy over 20%, taken 14 trophies, 8 charters open and beaten 28 challenges. Other animals: hyeanas (2) and gemsbok (3) Difficulty: ** If your pumped about hunting African game, your in for a treat. Gemsbok are not difficult to hunt here because in this tall grassed savana they stand out like a sore thumb with their large horns and violet/grey fur. They cant be lure in thoo so you gotta track them or hunt from a stand(the latter being the best stratergy). As for equipement, the only major thing u need is a tripod and light clothing. A long range rifle such as the 338 or 410 is recomended and a handgun to deal with hyeanas or aggressive gembok. Have fun! 11) Hyenas Aplenty Location: Masai, Tanzania Objective: Take 1 duiker, then take 3 hyenas. How to unlock: Accuratcy over 20%, 18 trophies and 40 challenges beaten. Other animals: none other than the objective ones. Difficulty: **** Just when i though that game animals cant get any harder to hunt(Bighorn in foothills Alberta anywone?) u gotta hunt a tiny anteloppe that weights less than 30 pounds in some of the tallest and denses grass in the game. The duiker is probably the hardest animal to hunt in the game. The only practical way to hunt that thing is too set up a stand wait for it to go in a clearing and pray to god that your shot hits or u can try tracking through all that grass. After your done killing the midgit pain in the rear anteloppe, its hyena hunting time! Hyenas are veryyy similar to wolfs except hyenas do MUCH more damage and are uglyer. Either call/bait or track them down they aint hard to hunt at all when compered to the dreaded duiker. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- iiii) Spring 1) Wolf in the dusk Location: Badlands, Alberta Objective: Take 1 wolf b4 nightfall How to unlock: Default Other animals: 1 black bear, 1 whitetail and 2 wolfs Difficulty: * Probably the shortest hunt in the game! U should be very familar with wolf hunting by now. Calls/bait, tracking and spot & stalk are the best ways to hunt them in the badlands of Alberta. Just try not to take an hour to get the wolf. =P 2) Sleepy Bear Location: Kelowna, BC Objective: Take 1 grizzly bear b4 nightfall How to unlock: taken 4 trophies with 1 that scores over 140. Other Animals: 2 moose and 1 grizzly Difficulty: ** Its too bad we wont be shooting any sleeping bears but a rampaging hungry is just as eh?=P If this is your first bear hunt, this is nothing hard. This area here as long as u use calls or bait, spot & stalk in open areas or track using track search then this hunt will be over fast. You may want to bring a big rifle such as a 338 or bigger to down the grizz and any rampaging moose. 3) Just a bear Location: Foothills, Alberta Objective: Take 1 Grizzly bear How to unlock: Taken 6 trophies and 1 with a score over 180. Other Animals: 1 black bear, 1 bighorn sheep and 1 grizzly bear. Difficulty: * Again i love that mountain sceenery! This hunt is almost the same to the previous grizz hunt except that u have no time limit! Tracking, still hunt and calling are your best bet here because of the ruggedness of this area. No special gear required. 4) Spot the bear Location: Foothills, Alberta Objective: Take the black bear with the white muzzle. How to unlock: Taken 1 wolf with a single shot. Other animals: 1 grizzly bear, 1 bighorn sheep and 2 black bear. Difficulty: *** WOw we dont thoose often every day! If u dont have good vision than your going to have trouble with this mission because both bears look very similar so if u have a spotting scope or binoculars that will help big time! Hunt the bear like u normally would here in the foothills of Alberta.(look at Just a bear, just above). Just remember to only shot the bear with the white snout. 5) Survivor Location: Mont Tremblan, Quebec Objective: Make it back to the lodge alive with only a knife. How to unlock: Taken 10 trophies and 4 charters open. Other animals: 4-6 wolfs Difficulty: ***** Well they were'nt joking when they said there would be actual survivor missions. This is probably one of the hardest missions in the game. First of all u dont have any firearms, second of all u cant have any gear and third of all the knife (no matter which one) is a random hit weapon so its pretty hard to a wolf with it. To reach the lodge, cross the bridge from your start point and stay right til you get to a trail, once on the trail keep going til you make it to an open area and go right again on the next trail, when you reach the end you'll see a bridge and on the other is the lodge once you make it to the lodge the mission is over. If your really hardcore try taking down every wolf! 6) Picker Location: Tundra, NWT Objective: Take the cariboo with the large rack How to unlock: 14 trophies and 6 single shot kills. Other Animals: 1 Polar bear and 2 cariboo. Difficulty: *** For thoose of you that watch hunting videos this is nothing like what you see on tv. No theres no huge freakin herd of all trophies just stupidly standing in front of front of you like a deer staring at the headlights of an automobile, instade you have 2 free rooming sketch-bag cariboo you gotta hunt down and kill with skill! The cariboo even thoo they cant really be called in like deer or elk can but the openness of the area mitigates that difficulty. Cariboo are mostly hunted here by spot & stalk and by still hunting since this area most open treeless tundra. They do sorta blend in with the rocks a bit so a good pair of optics will help. The cariboo are even easier to field judge than whitetails so killing the biggest one wont be much of a problem. Again bring a big engouf gun to down that polar bear before it your prize and you should end up with a nice 'boo on your wall! 7) Indian Hunter Location: Mont Tremblan, Quebec Objective: Take 1 black bear with a bow or knife. How to unlock: Taken 2 trophies with a knife. Other animals: 1 mountian lion, 1 moose and 2 black bears. Difficulty: ** You should be familar engouf with bowhunting by now to be a proshooter with it but here theres a catch, u cant use any other gear, so your going to have to hunt the bears much like deer. Tracking, spot & stalk and still hunting are the main stratergys. U may want to bring a few extra arrows just in case u gotta deal with mountain lions or moose. 8) Wolf Trap Location: Tuktu Nogait, NWT Objectives: Take 1 bighorn and use it as for 3 wolfs. How to unlock: Complete 20 challenges, taken 14 trophys and 7 charters open! Other animals: none other than the objective ones. Difficulty: *** Ahhhhh i love this scenery! Dont get too distracted by awpiring sceenery as we some bighorn sheep to hunt. Bighorn sheep are almost the same to hunt as Dall Sheep except they dont stand out as much. Due to the openess of the area, spot & stalk and tracking are the main ways to hunt. Hunt the wolfs like you normally would and this mission should be over fast. Make sure you have light or medium clothing as this might be a long hunt and make sure to have health packs or food packs. 9) Rhino Location: Nyanga Falls, Zimbabwee Objectives: Take 1 rhino How to unlock: 20% accuratcy, 14 trophys, 8 charters open and 25 challenges beaten. Other animals: 2 leopards, 1 kudu and 2 rhinos Difficulty: *** Ohhhhh yeahhhhh! Theres nothing like hunting an animal that weights over 10000 pounds and that can 1 hit KO you. Rhinos are not hard to hunt there just hard to kill. Spot & stalk, tracking and still hunting are the only ways to hunt them. Make sure you have a rifle thats bigger than a 400 caliber otherwise your gonna have a "fun" time takin it down. Bring ammo too to deal with leopards and DO NOT FORGET THE MED KIT! You will need it! 10) Black Death Location: Dry River, Zimbabwee Objective: Take the cape buffalo with the broken horn How to unlock: 20% accuratcy, 14 trophys, 8 charters open and 30 challenges beaten. Other animals: 1 zebra and 3-5 cape buffalo Difficulty: ***** Trust me the name black death for the cape buffalo aint no joke! This is going to be the HARDEST dangerous hunts mission in the game. Finding, let alone getting too the cape buffalo with the broken is hard as hell. The cape buffalo with the broken horn will be near the second clearing, either path you take your sure to encounter 1-2 cape buffalo and killing the wrong one will fail your hunt and not only that but if the target animal gets killed by another buffalo your screwed. Theres 2 ways to get to the buffalo, either you can stealth your way there like Silent Sam or you can go all intence like Master Chief and have a bunch of med packs! The only logical way to hunt this buffalo is spot and stalk. For gear, for god sakes please a good scope or binoculars and med packs, we can forget thoose now can we! Best weapon for this mission is .510 Bolt cuz your really gonna need it! Good luck! 11) Impaler Location: Dry River, Zimbabwee Objective: Take 3 impala with a rifle How to unlock: 20% accuratcy, 14 trophys, 8 charters open and 40 challenges beaten. Other animals: 3 cape buffalo and 3 impala Difficulty: ***** Its too bad we cant spare anything in this game but we can still blast impala right?=P This mission is while so so on the easy difficulty, on normal and hard, this is easily the hardest mission in the game. Impala are very similar to hunt like the other african antelopes but their small size blends them in the grass and are tough to shot (although not as tough as the duiker). Because they are tanish brown and got long black horns their not well camoflauged to thier surrounding so there not as hard to spot. The main way your gonna have to hunt them is to either stand hunt with tripod or spot & stalk. One thing your going to have to really worry bout is cape buffalo so bring a heavy rifle and i suggesst you take them all out as it will save you from being attacked with stalking the very wary impala. Remember to bring a med kit, light camo, a tripod and extra bullet and you'll own this mission. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- F) So you beat the game? Now what? Even thoo you beat the game theres still a couple areas(diffrent seasons of area) that you havent hunted in yet if u only done the missions and a few more game animals to bag. And also theres alwase beating your high score! Heres all the areas witch you probably havent hunted yet; Guenalla, Quebec (Spring) Mont Tremblanc, Quebec (Fall) Peyto Lake, Alaska (Winter) Williams lake, BC (Spring) Foothills, Alberta (summer) Dry River, Zimbabwee (Summer) Selous, Tanzania (winter) Animals that are not hunted in the missions; Polar Bear Like all bears they are all very similar to hunt except that polar bears stand out like a sore thumb in the artic area! Best stratergy to hunt is spot & stalk , tracking and calling/baiting. Use large firearms to down them. *note that you will need to take 1 to unlock New Mexico. Zebra Zebras are something unique to hunt not only because there found in only 1 area but they are very tough to spot with their striped backgrounds. Best ways to hunt zebra are stand hunting near waterholes, still hunting, tracking and spot & stalk. ================================================================================ 8) Action Zone This is funest mode in the game if your looking for some fast paced fps shooting. Here all you gotta do is kill all the attacking animals in the vecinty and go trough the portal before it closes which you have 10 seconds, if the portal it will spawn another animal for you to kill. Keep doing this til you complete the level. You can chose whatever weapon you want but u have no equipement what so ever.(dont forget to choose your clothing thoo) You can also modify the difficulty for extra fun! Level 1: Badlands, Alberta Animals: wolf and black bear Rounds: 4 Level 2: Teen Canyon, New Mexico Animals: wild boar and mountain lion Rounds: 3 Level 3: Dry River, Zimbabwee Animals: cape buffalo Rounds: 6 Level 4: Tundra, NWT Animals: polar bear Rounds: 5 Level 5: Sierra Nevada, Northern California Animals: black bear, coyote and mountain lion Rounds: 4 Level 6: Foothills, Alberta Animals: black bear and grizzly bear Rounds: 5 Level 7: Glenwood, Colorado Animals: coyote and mountain lion Rounds: 5 Level 8: Kodiac, Alaska Animals: wolf and kodiac bear Rounds: 6 Level 9: Kelowna, BC Animals: grizzly bear Rounds: 6 Level 10: Nyanga Falls, Tanzania Animals: leopard and rhino Rounds: 4 Level 11: Pecos, New Mexico Animals: coyotes Rounds: 6 Level 12: Masai, Tanzania Animals: hyena and leopard Rounds: 7 Once your done all the levels, sit back and enjoy the cutsceen u deserve it! ============================================================================= 9) Unlockables X-Ray option for scope How to unlock: Complete all challenges and unlock all charters. ============================================================================= 10) Q&A Q: Hey is that true that theres a 27th animal in the game? A: No its all bullshit that u unlock another huntable animal. Q: Is it true that i could get unlimited tags for 1000 clean kill. A: Hell nooo! If u feel for that i feel sry for u bud. Q: How do i get a shot over 75 yards? Its sooo hard!!!! A: Easiest way to get this to unlock the Northern Strike and some other mission which i forget is to hunt a very open area such as Black Hills, Colorado or Hells Canyon. Just make sure u got a rifle scope and rangefinding binocs. Q: I have lots of trouble getting animals with high trophy scores and weigths too unlock missions. A: Easyest way to this is to do this is too to hunt in an area and take a look at the preview cam, if u dont see a big engouf animal, then restart the hunt. When u do find it, make sure u take it down asap! b4 any preditors can! This is'nt too hard although on the expert difficulty it is much easier to find larger animals. Q: Are there cheats for this game? A: ... ================================================================================ 11) Credits Id like to thank activision and fun labs for creating/publishing this awesome hunting game. And also id like to thank myself for making this walkthough! Atracker all rights reserved!