############ # # # # # # ######## ######## # CASTLEVANIA # # CURSE OF DARKNESS # # # ######## ######## # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # ############ CASTLEVANIA: CURSE OF DARKNESS (c) Konami Digital Entertainment, Inc. 2005. Combine Guide Copyright 2005 Steven Meigs Written By: DJ Wassabi, 10 Nov 05 Email: djwassabi (at) shaw (dot) ca =============================================================================== Version Information Version 1.0 [10 Nov 05] - This is the first incarnation of this guide - and it is also my first official FAQ (thank you thank you). =============================================================================== SECTIONS 111 - Introduction 222 - Material List 333 - Combination Guide SWR - Sword AXE - Axe SPR - Spear KNK - Knuckle SPC - Special HLM - Helmet AMR - Armor 444 - Shout Outs, Contact, Copyrights =============================================================================== 111 - INTRODUCTION =============================================================================== I've designed this FAQ to allow players to quickly find out what combination of materials will net them the absolute best gear in the easiest fashion possible. It is by no means a guide to tell you where to get the materials simply what is required so you don't waste hard to steal or rare materials on something you'll never use. Simply put - this guide tells you WHAT you need, and provides some other brief information about the weapons. Other than that - I may make a materials/steal guide once I play through the game a few more times as I keep finding places and items I've missed the first three times through. So without further delay...on with the guiiiiiiddddeee! Oh and the guide WILL contain a few MINOR spoilers - nothing relating to the story, but just how to get certain...things. =============================================================================== 222 - MATERIAL LIST INTRODUCTION =============================================================================== There are 40 different materials in CCoD that Hector can get by either getting them as drops from monsters, finding them laying around, or by nicking them from unsuspecting bosses and creatures. All these materials fall into several categories - the categories themselves have no real purpose but to determine the base graphic the game uses to represent the material in the list. While the categories I heap them into may not be accurate, remember they're more like guidelines ;) Also the text after each one IS directly from the game, spelling/grammar errors included. Keep in mind that again, these are grouped by graphics not by what the flavor text reads. -=COMPOSITE=- Ceramics: Lighter and More resistant to heat than metallic materials. A light, white color. Damascus Steel: A beautiful layered selection of metals expertly combined. Hard and resistant, it never rusts. Carbon Steel: The base for amazingly tough steel. Very precious, it makes great weaponry or armor. Adamantine: A mythical metal said to be the hardest in existence. Amazing that it actually exists in raw form. -=MATTER=- Phlogiston: Hardened "warmth" collected from a variety of objects; gives off natural heat in its pure form. Ether: Said to make up a large part of the universe, but further details remain unknown. Dark Matter: Evil, dark matter that lingers in space. Must be handled extremely carefully. Miracle Egg: No one knows what will be born from this egg. Looks as though it could suck you right in. -=METAL=- Devil Iron: Ore that glows blue. Has very strong magical powers. Aluminum: A very light metal used by some alchemists, but mostly unknown. Makes very light armor. Bronze: Deep bluish bronze. Pretty common as a material and not that strong, but has many uses. Orichalcum: The ultimate metal, created on a phantom continent. Shines with a red light. -=GEM=- Dragon Scale: Although not actually taken from a dragon, so hard and flameproof that it may as well have been. Aquamarine: A blue ore as clear an deeo as the sea. Appears moist to the touch. Jade: Rarely used to make weapons, but... maybe...? Frenzy of Wind: A bright, fresh green ore. You can hear the wind if you hold it close to your ear. -=BLOOD=- Vampire Blood: A pure red jewel, created from drops of blood from those killed by Dracula. Mark of a demonic king. Holy Man's Vein: The blood of a high-ranking holy man solidified by magic. Filled with the holy power to crush evil. Knight's Vein: The blood of a great knight solidified by magic. It's burning-hot red, too hot to hold for long. Devil's Vein: The blood of many devils, solidified by magic. Black and sickly, don't look at it for too long. -=STEEL=- White Steel: White steel, easy to come by and cheap to buy. Quite weak when used along, but easy to work with. Steel: Regular Steel. Easy to find but brittle and hard to shape. Used more for weapons than armor. Indigo Steel: Fairly easy to find, bright indigo in color and pretty heavy. Melts at high temperatures. Red Steel: Red Steel, made from solidified magma. Hard, good for armor and non-edged weapons. -=ARTIFACT=- Beelzebub's Seal: The spirit body of Beelzebub, sealed in amber. Overflowing with phantom energy. Death's Pulse: A drum beat from the black depths; merely holding it sends shivers down your spine. Sun Tears: The innocence of the shining sun captured in amber. Will shine brightly for eternity. Ceremonial Tool: An amber artifact used in ancient rituals. An ancient weapon is said to be made from this. -=MEMORY=- Immortal Fragment: A piece of eternity itself. Releases endless amounts of energy. Really shouldn't exist, to be honest. Forgotten Memory: Has existed since the creation of the Earth. Used to make weapons, but almost impossible to work with. Ancient Memory: A stone fragment with ancient memories engraved on it. Used for primitive weapons. Wild Memory: A strange stone fragment with ancient memories carved on it. Used for simple weapons. -=CRYSTAL=- Angel Halo: Its name from its shape and shine. Has strong holy powers. Purple Glitter: A crystal that glows a strange purple. Very rare, said to fall from the sky. Lightning Stone: A stone made when lightning strikes a crystal by chance. Has massive energy, and shocking to touch. Dark Crystal: A powerful material created with malevolent intent. Handle with care, or beware... -=MYSTICAL=- Spirit of Fuji: A godly material from a distant mountain in the East. Prized for its use in many different weapons. Galtite: A heavy red metal in many layers. Said to draw out a human's latent power, but who really knows? Midas' Gold: Amazingly pure gold. Worth a great deal, but not the best material to make things from. Jet Black: A primitive material used since the dawn of time. Still used to make many basic weapons. =============================================================================== 333 - COMBINATION GUIDE =============================================================================== Ah, here we are what you all came here for - the meat and potatoes of the guide itself. Here you'll find all you need to know about making the games most deadly, detrimental and demeaning weapons (to both you and the enemy ;P ). So on with the show! Entries will appear as such: Name Materials - Mats required for combine - Quantity in brackets Bonuses - Atk, Def, Other Note - Special Notes from me, if nessecary/applicable Flavor Text - The weapons flavor text on the equip screen Category - Weapon Type # - So if you haven't created you can still see what it is when ?????'d out. Effects - Special Visual/Audio effects if applicable also Special Attacks. ####################### # SWR - Swords # ####################### There are 22 Swords available to Hector in his quest to crush Isaac and the unholy legions that stand between your goal. The Swords fall into three categories - Two-Handed, Rapiers, and One-Handed, check each sword listed below for the proper category. These are listed in the Numerical Order they appear in the list. Entries will appear as such; Name Materials - Mats required for combine - Quantity in brackets Bonuses - Atk, Def, Other Note - Special Notes from me, if nessecary/applicable Flavor Text - The weapons flavor text on the equip screen Category - Weapon Type # - So if you haven't created you can still see what it is when ?????'d out. Effects - Special Visual/Audio effects if applicable Short Sword Materials: Bronze (2) Atk: +10 Note: Used in a LOT of Combines but thankfully easy to make. Flavor Text: A simple, functional sword. Sturdy, good for taking on groups, and easy to keep under total control. Category: One-Handed #: 1 Broad Sword Materials: Short Sword (1), Jet Black (1) Atk: +20 Note: Flavor text SAYS two handed but its a one-handed weapon in game. Flavor Text: A two-handed blade with great power in each swing. Thick and very heavy, but potentially devastating. Category: One-Handed #: 2 Ada Materials: Short Sword (1), Gano (1), Ceremonial Tool (1), Wild Memory (1) Atk: +23 Flavor Text: A sword used mainly in ceremonies. Said to bestow its owner with holy power. Good in a real fight, too. Category: One-Handed #: 3 Sword Breaker Materials: Short Sword (1), Main Gauche (1), Carbon Steel (1) Atk: +23 Def: +5 Flavor Text: A sword designed to halt and then snap the sword of the attacking enemy. Category: One-Handed #: 4 Schiavona Materials: Broad Sword (1), Indigo Steel (1) Atk: +25 Flavor Text: A derivative of the broad sword; has a unique basket hilt which protects the user's hand. Category: One-Handed #: 5 Kris Naga Materials: Ada (1), Dragon Scale (1), Ether (1), Ancient Memory (1) Atk: +28 Flavor Text: The sword gets its name from its snake's head motif, with the blade representing the Narga's tail. Category: One-Handed #: 6 Damascus Sword Materials: Kris Naga (1), Damascus Steel (1) Atk: +33 Flavor Text: Takes its name from the Damascus steel from which it is made. Amazingly tough, almost impossible to notch. Category: One-Handed #: 7 Bastard Sword Materials: Short Sword (1), Ceramics (1) Atk: +35 Flavor Text: An extremely well-balanced weapon that can both cut and thrust. Large, but can be used with one hand. Category: One-Handed #: 8 7 Bladed Sword Materials: Damascus Sword (1), Short Sword (6), Beelzebub's Seal (1), Dark Crystal (1) Atk: +50 Flavor Text: A sword with six blades branching off the main one. Rarely used in combat, but has awesome potential. Category: One-Handed #: 9 Effects: Dark Purple aura around blade. After five swings press the final attack button (B) to unleash a shockwave of pink energy that travels in a straight line. Also allows up to 7 swings before combo ends. Laser Blade Materials: Short Sword (1), Broad Sword (1), Ada (1), Sword Breaker (1), Schiavona (1), Kris Naga (1), Damascus Sword (1), Bastard Sword (1), 7 Bladed Sword (1), Purple Glitter (1) Atk: +55 Flavor Text: Shrouded in mystery and with varying reports of its weight and length, many say it does not even exist. Category: One-Handed #: 10 Effects: Pink whip-like blade - makes a laser-esque sound when swung. Rests on Hectors left hip, only lights up when swung. Has the same shockwave attack as the 7 Bladed Sword above Bamboo Sword Materials: Ancient Memory (1), Wild Memory (1) Atk: +5 Flavor Text: A simple sword made from bamboo bound together. Not very strong, but still has potential. Category: Two-Handed #: 11 Zweihander Materials: Short Sword (1), Knight's Vein (1) Atk: +35 Flavor Text: Wielded with two hands, it cuts a massive arc in the air. Heavy and long; requires great skill to use. Category: Two-Handed #: 12 Nodachi Materials: Bamboo Sword (1), Steel (1), Spirit of Fuji (1) Atk: +40 Flavor Text: A long blade that really shows off the skills of the user. Its delicate curve is beautiful yet deadly. Category: Two-Handed #: 13 Claymore Materials: Zweihander (1), White Steel (1) Atk: +45 Flavor Text: Has a number of rings on its tip. A name that means "great sword", and heavy to boot. Category: Two-Handed #: 14 Dragon Killer Materials: Nodachi (1), Claymore (1), Ceramics (1) Atk: +55 Flavor Text: A massive dual-handed sword. Great for taking out big monsters... so long as you can swing it. Category: Two-Handed #: 15 Effects: Four Swings + Final Attack = Walking Wall of Spinning Steel! Muramasa Materials: Nodachi (1), Ether (1), Lightning Stone (1), Dark Crystal (1) Atk: +60 Flavor Text: A blade of Eastern origin with a deadly sharp edge. Requires clarity of will to bring it under control. Category: Two-Handed #: 16 Effects: When swung Red Japanese characters appear mid-air then dissapear as they are cut in two. Four Swings then Final Attack has Hector swing the blade in circles alternating left to right before a final uppercut swing is given. Five Swings then Final Attack has Hector thrust his sword to the sky and call down lightning Feather Sword Materials: Zweihander (1), Adamantine (1), Frenzy of Wind (1), Orichalcum (1), Angel Halo (1) Atk: +70 Flavor Text: Far easier to handle than its apperance suggests, its name comes from it being light as a feather. Category: Two-Handed #: 17 Effects: When swung the sword throws out feathers that fly in the direction you are facing. Four Swings + Final Attack does the same attack as Muramasa above. Five Swings + Final Attack has Hector thrust the sword, point first into the ground causing a shockwave to erupt around him. Foil Materials: Short Sword (1), Aluminum (1) Atk: +10 Flavor Text: A rapier used when learning fencing. Light, easy to grip, and serviceable in real combat. Category: Rapier #: 18 Main Gauche Materials: Foil (1), Carbon Steel (1) Atk: +20 Def: +10 Flavor Text: A rapier that can be used to both thrust and turn aside enemy attacks, depending on user preference Category: Rapier #: 19 Rapier Materials: Foil (1), White Steel (1) Atk: +28 Flavor Text: A thin sword best used for drawn-out fights. Light and easy to use; great for fighting groups. Category: Rapier #: 20 Colichemarde Materials: Rapier (1), Damascus Steel (1), Ether (1) Atk: +35 Flavor Text: A sword created from highly detailed plans. Fine and very sharp; can easily be used with just one hand. Category: Rapier #: 21 Estoc Materials: Colichemarde (1), Aluminum (1), Forgotten Memory (1), Angel Halo (1) Atk: +38 Flavor Text: A rapier with a diamond-sectioned edge. So thin, it can slide between the plates of any armor. Category: Rapier #: 22 Effects: This blade is VERY fast and gives Hector incredible reaction time. Six Swings + Final Attack has Hector draw an arcane symbol in the air and shatter it unleashing 7 bolts of magical energy. ####################### # AXE - Axes # ####################### 14 Axes have found their homes in CCoD. Axes are divded into two categories Axes and Maces. Hammers fall under Maces, and Scythes fall under Axes. Axe #s take up where Swords left off and run from 23 - 36. Weapons under the Axe combine section require more weapon + weapon materials than actual materials. Bullova Materials: Gano (1), Ancient Memory (1) Atk: +40 Flavor Text: A wide, crescent-moon bladed axe for use with both hands. Causes massive damage if you can swing it. Category: Axe #: 23 Bardiche Materials: Bullova (1), Morgenstern (1) Atk: +50 Flavor Text: A dual-handed war axe with a long blade. Great for both swinging and chopping. Category: Axe #: 24 Tabar Materials: Bullova (1), White Steel (1) Atk: +55 Flavor Text: A battle axe with a half-moon head and covered in ornate carvings. Double-edged as well. Category: Axe #: 25 Battle Axe Materials: Bardiche (1), Dragon Killer (1), Forgotten Memory (1) Atk: +70 Flavor Text: A large war axe developed for versatility. Requires skill to wield well, but deadly if used correctly. Category: Axe #: 26 Effects: Tree's quiver at your coming with this hefty axe, Four Swings + Final Attack will ensure they stay in line as you spin around cutting through whatever's in your way. Oak. Pine. Birch. Nuff said. War Hammer Materials: Tabar (1), Adamantine (1) Atk: +80 Flavor Text: A brutal mallet, like the kind used for construction, that can beat and smash. Batters through all armor. Category: Mace #: 27 Effects: DO NOT miss the nail with this massive weapon. Four Swings + Final Attack = Instant Spinorama-dama-ding-dong-Hector! Ole! Death's Scythe Materials: 7 Bladed Sword (1), Battle Axe (1), Chauve-souris (1), Death's Pulse (1) Atk: +120 Flavor Text: The ultimate dark weapon, shrouded in mystery. Many have lost their lives trying to duplicate it. Category: Axe #: 28 Effects: HUGE Weapon, glows with purple fire, tendrils of energy flowing off. Four Swings + Final Attack has Hector spin the scythe causing several smaller scythes to appear and fly at enemies. Piko Piko hammer Materials: Mace (1), Miracle Egg (1) Atk: +1 Flavor Text: A strange hammer that makes an odd noise when it hits. Created by mistake during a failed combination. Category: Mace #: 29 Effects: Its a big annoying sounding toy hammer.... Gano Materials: Short Sword (1), Wild Memory (1) Atk: +15 Note: Like the Short Sword this axe is used for a lot of weapons as a material. Flavor Text: A simple, one-handed axe comprising a triangular head on a pole. Easy to use, but not that effective. Category: Axe #: 30 Frying Pan Materials: Phlogiston (1), Ether (1), Steel (1) Atk: +17 Flavor Text: Intended for cookery and hot from the kitchen, causes first degree bruns to all who are hit with it. Category: Mace #: 31 Effects: Resembles a frying pan with eggs that seem to never budge (so much for non-stick cookware). Three Swings + Final Attack has Hector slam the pan on the ground and WOOSH! Eggs Flambe anyone? Club Materials: Gano (1), Ancient Memory (1), Wild Memory (1) Atk: +20 Flavor Text: Humanity's first weapon -- a brutal masher. At least this one has thorny metal spikes. Category: Mace #: 32 Mace Materials: Gano (1), Steel (1) Atk: +25 Flavor Text: A brutal but very short club. Its large, wide head creates a distinctive sound when swung. Category: Mace #: 33 Effects: When swung there's an airwave that appears around the weapons path. Pumpkin Mace Materials: Piko Piko Hammer (1), Pumpkin Head (1) Atk: +27 Flavor Text: A very rare weapon said to have the power to ressurect a legendary hero. Category: Mace #: 34 Effects: Think of a pumpkin on a stick. Now when you swing said item, it whistles annoyingly...and as if thats not bad enough - when you hit an enemy with it, it scatters candy. Morgenstern Materials: Mace (1), Carbon Steel (1), Holy Man's Vein (1) Atk: +40 Flavor Text: And extension of the mace, the spiked ball its its most striking (Author Note: Okay, I like bad puns....but that...) feature. Heavy, but packs a massive impact. Category: Mace #: 35 Effects: Same airwave as the mace. Zaghnol Materials: Gano (1), Indigo Steel (1), Red Steel (1) Atk: +45 Flavor Text: A type of war pick, its sharp edge can be used to dispose of foes in a variety of ways. Category: Axe #: 36 ####################### # SPR - Spears # ####################### 13 Spears to make any distance melee lover proud. They run numbers 37 - 49. One Category - Spears, don't like it? Well...okay then. Carry on. Deck Brush Materials: Bamboo Lance (1), Aquamarine (1) Atk: +6 Flavor Text: Although originally used for cleaning, sailors have also been known to ably defend themselves with it. Category: Spear #: 37 Effects: This weapons look is gaurenteed to sweep you off your feet... HAH! I made a funny. Its a combat broom. Bamboo Lance Materials: Wild Memory (1), Jet Black (1) Atk: +10 Flavor Text: A rough lance that looks like nothing more than a stick of bamboo. It might work in battle. Possibly. Category: Spear #: 38 Dung Materials: Aluminum (1), Jet Black (1) Atk: +15 Flavor Text: A long, thin, double-bladed spear. The hilt is wound with metallic cloth, which acts as a grip. Category: Spear #: 39 Sasumata Materials: Ceremonial Tool (1), Spirit of Fuji (1) Atk: +19 Flavor Text: A long weapon used more to threaten or capture than kill. Can be used in combat, but not very deadly. Category: Spear #: 40 Lance Materials: Dung (1), Holy Man's Vein (1), Knight's Vein (1) Atk: +23 Flavor Text: The weapon of mounted knights, with a bulb tip. Many refineries have made it easy to use. Category: Spear #: 41 Naginata Materials: Sasumata (1), Steel (1) Atk: +27 Flavor Text: Slice up enemies with its wickedly curved blade set on a long pole. Developed on an island in the East. Category: Spear #: 42 Long Spear Materials: Dung (1), Indigo Steel (1) Atk: +27 Flavor Text: Born from a fairly simple concept -- keep the enemy as far away as possible. What's more, it works. Category: Spear #: 43 Trident Materials: Sasumata (1), Ether (1), Aquamarine (1) Atk: +30 Flavor Text: A long, three-pronged fork, created with the intent of increasing accuracy. Category: Spear #: 44 Versatile Spear Materials: Trident (1), Naginata (1), Ether (1), Phlogiston (1) Atk: +30 Flavor Text: An all-around weapon with many uses. Can thrust, cut and parry attacks. Category: Spear #: 45 Effects: All Final Attacks with this weapon involve fire. You're your very own BBQ pit! Halbard Materials: Lance (1), Bullova (1), Ceramics (1) Atk: +32 Flavor Text: The combination of a long shaft and wicked axe head make for a fearsome weapon. Category: Spear #: 46 Nyoi-Bo Materials: Bamboo Sword (5), Bamboo Lance (5), Orichalcum (1) Atk: +45 Flavor Text: A mythical pole that can extend or shrink at will. Extremely rare, few have actually seen it. Category: Spear #: 47 Effects: Just as the flavor text says, it extends when swung almost like a....slinky...get your head out of the gutter! Da Sanga Materials: Long Spear (1), Adamantine (1) Atk: +38 Flavor Text: A long spear with a second head made from a special alloy. Often brightly decorated. Category: Spear #: 48 Chauvre-souris Materials: Trident (1), Versatile Spear (1), Devil's Vein (1), Dark Crystal (1) Atk: +50 Flavor Text: A weapon said to be forged in the blood of countless humans. Isaac's favorite weapon. Use it a lot and...? Category: Staff #: 49 Effect: For the final Spear weapon not that great huh? Well once you get the Devil I.D...use it for a while. It lets you get the Devil I.D. to third tier after 100 crystals ####################### # KNK - Knuckles # ####################### Put up your dukes in style with these 12 swanky accoutriments for your dextrous digits! Remember you are the fist that mashes the groin of evil! Only one category here as well, and if you can't figure it out - perhaps you should leave fighting evil to us ;). 50 - 61 here. Knuckles are unique in that every move at the END of a combo is different. Champion Glove Materials: Knuckle Duster (1), Sports Jersey (1) Atk: +2 Flavor Text: The rage of an undefeated champion who died in an accident is infused in these blood-soaked gloves. Category: Knuckle #: 50 Effects: Now with 10% more earbiting action! These boxing gloves clash with your outfit horribly. Punch Rings Materials: Aluminum (1), Bronze (1) Atk: +7 Flavor Text: A metal weapon that strengthens punches. Easy to use but simply made, and thus not too strong. Category: Knuckle #: 51 Baghnakhs Materials: Punch Rings (1), Ancient Memory (1) Atk: +10 Flavor Text: A set of punch rings with claws attached. These tear up an opponent like a tiger's claws. Category: Knuckle #: 52 Claws Materials: Pata (1), Ada (1), Miracle Egg (1) Atk: +13 Flavor Text: Massive claws that almost totally obscure the wearer's hands. Can shred metal and flesh. Category: Knuckle #: 53 Effects: Avast! Ye scallywags had best not be loafin else Captain Doubles will be runnin upside ye're unholy heads wit there here hooks. Yaaar. Jur Materials: Baghnakhs (1), Steel (1) Atk: +15 Flavor Text: Used for assassinations. With practice, this bullhorn of a weapon can pierce enemy hearts in one blow. Category: Knuckle #: 54 Knuckle Duster Materials: Jur (1), Indigo Steel (1) Atk: +15 Flavor Text: Steel bands attached across the knuckles by a leather belt. Turns a punch into a knock out. Category: Knuckle #: 55 Metal Glove Materials: Knuckle Duster (1), White Steel (1) Atk: +20 Flavor Text: Gloves covered with hard metal chunks. Powerful but very heavy. Category: Knuckle #: 56 Iron Shell Fists Materials: Metal Glove (1), Red Steel (1) Atk: +25 Flavor Text: Only the best materials are used to make these tough hand-to-hand weapons. Loved by ninjas. Category: Knuckle #: 57 Ring Materials: Punch Rings (1), Short Sword (1), Ceramics (1) Atk: +25 Flavor Text: Although only a metal ring, using the best materials can massively strengthen its attack power. Category: Knuckle #: 58 Hora Materials: Ring (1), Forgotten Memory (1) Atk: +30 Flavor Text: A precious weapon made from the bone of a long dead best. Harder than steel after many centuries Category: Knuckle #: 59 Effects: Six + Final. Same effect as the Pata. Timing specifics under Force Glove. Pata Materials: Hora (1), Short Sword (1) Atk: +35 Flavor Text: A unique close-combat weapon with blades on the end of gauntlets. Can cut and thrust, but hard to use. Category: Knuckle #: 60 Effects: Watch where you're pointing with these on! Six + Final causes Hector to leap into the air and slam down in a shockwave of blue energy. For help with the timing read the Force Glove section Force Glove Materials: Knuckle Duster (1), Metal Glove (1), Dark Matter (1), Galtite (1) Atk: +45 Flavor Text: Gauntlets created from an unknown metal and dark powers; so strong they may damage the user's arms. Category: Knuckle #: 61 Effects: Sweat merciful monkey futz! Perhaps the flashiest weapon in the game. Two Swings + Final Attack releases a more direct force blast unlike the other knuckles. Six Swings + Final causes the H-Man to deliver a massive blast of holy energy to everything around him by leaping into the air and slamming down - a bit more effective than the same move on other knuckle weapons. Its a little tricky for the timing so after the second round-house kick, Hector will do a backhand during that backhand hit Final to see the fireworks. ####################### # SPC - Special # ####################### These weapons aren't the short-bus special, just the what the heck special. 9 Weapons that really make you wonder if Konami wasn't dropping tabs of acid during one of their brainstorming sessions. Some make sense...others...oi vey. No categories here...#'s 62-70. Gatling Gun Materials: Hien (1), Bomb (1), Fire Flask (1), Phlogiston (1), Immortal Fragment (1) Atk: N/A Flavor Text: A super long-distance weapon that does not need reloading for its fearsomely rapid fire. #: 62 Effects: Get to ze choppah! Okay, I couldn't resist. Ulimited Ammo, insane rate of fire....ownage? Yes indeed - however while firing your a sitting duck - so make sure you've got some backup in the form of an ID running interference while you mop up. Oh and it fires on a flat plane, so no airborne targets. Bomb Materials: Phlogiston (1), Ether (1) Atk: N/A Flavor Text: Floats in the air and explodes upon contact with an enemy, or after a brief period. Unlimited. #: 63 Effects: Hit attack to leave a floating bomb just as it says - three second fuse and the bombs are pretty big so enemies may very well run into it. 3 on screen at a time. Boomerang Materials: Shuriken (1), Ada (1) Atk: N/A Flavor Text: Will return to its owner if thrown correctly. Its sharp edges make it strong, but hard to catch. #: 64 Effect: One press = one throw, not that great. Never could get the stupid things to come back - guess it IS all in the wrist. Fire Flask Materials: Shuriken (1), Bomb (1) Atk: N/A Flavor Text: A potent explosive. Designed to burn for long periods. #: 65 Effects: These cocktails you definately don't want to drink. They get thrown really far too. Don't burn that long however. Shuriken Materials: Adamantine (1), Frenzy of Wind (1), Red Steel (1), Spirit of Fuji (1) Atk: N/A Flavor Text: A lethal projectile used by ninja. Very effective if used precisely. #: 66 Effects: With these, Hector becomes a certified wannabe ninja. He throws the shurikens in clusters of three and pretty quickly too also don't worry about running out. Hien Materials: Knuckle Duster (1), Colichemarde (1), Dark Matter (1), Devil Iron (1), Galtite (1) Atk: +55 Flavor Text: Special weapon similar to tonfa. Transforms the user's life-force into energy and attacks with it. #: 67 Effects: Think of a police baton. Now think of it throwing waves of force in three quick punches. Now think of all the crime you won't want to do now. Good boys and girls. One of the only ways to kill off those annoying Blood Skeletons. Spike Shield Materials: Soft Leather Armor (1), Leather Helm (1), Bronze (1), Steel (1) Atk: +40 Flavor Text: Originally for defense, it's so hard that it has also come to be loved as a weapon. #: 68 Effects: Take a swing with this shield and it winks into existance and smotes anything in your way fairly well. Does heaps of damage, but its a one swing affair - no combos here kiddies. Bat Materials: Club (1), Steel (1) Atk: +20 Flavor Text: Supposedly the result of research into the ultimate weapon...but absolutely zero class and style. #: 69 Effects: Who said baseballs a slow sport? Well okay maybe it is, but then again, they don't use spiked baseball bats do they? Use this weapon and the H-Man himself will take a proper baseball swing and knock em out the park. Too bad its horribly slow, even morseo than the axes and maces above. Electric Guitar Materials: Tabar (1), Lightning Stone (1), Dark Crystal (1) Atk: +25 Flavor Text: A ceremonial artifact with real soul. Some people can't play it, and some just pretend to. #: 70 Effects: Eat your heart out Slash. This is one cherry axe, an axe even a Devil Forgemaster would be proud of. Hit attack and Hector whips it out shouting "Let's Go!". You can hold down the first attack to rock out while Hector headbangs. Hit Final to have him end the 'riff' hit attack twice and he starts playing it upright, then hit Final to do a knee slide across the ground. Hit attack three times to have him play it behind his head. Final here will have him smash the guitar on the ground creating a minor earthquake. You can also hit final while just holding the guitar ready to have him smash whatevers in front of him. Nice thing is, the attack while playing is rapid fire and dazes enemies, but you have to be looking in their direction. Takes some getting used too. And just for fun, jump and hit attack ;) Take note that while the guitar is out you can't move around. You can change the direction you face though. ####################### # HLM - Helmet # ####################### 21 different hats for you to wear on your quest of quests. Some are uber cool, others...well those ones belong in the Special group, but that was apparently only reserved for weapons. Nevertheless here they are. Helmets and Armor have their own numbers, both start a 1. No categories here either kiddies. School Cap Materials: Bamboo Sword (1), Sports Kit (1) Def: +1 Flavor Text: It's going too far when a school uniform includes a cap. #: 1 Topknot Materials: Nodachi (1), Tengu Mask (1) Def: +1 Flavor Text: Invented by a comedian in the East, perhaps the joke doesn't translate very well. #: 2 Ten-Gallon hat Materials: Leather Helm (1), Ether (1) Def: +1 Con: +10 Flavor Text: A type of cowboy hat. Although all bear the same name, weather, wind conditions and job affect style. #: 3 Leather Helm Materials: Bronze (1), Wild Memory (1) Def: +2 Flavor Text: Light and easy to wear, cheap and easy to find. Just don't expect it to protect your head that well. #: 4 Stone mask Materials: Jade (1), Sun Tears (1) Def: +2 Str: +5 Con: +5 Lck: -5 Flavor Text: A shaman's stone mask, used in rituals where the heart of the victim is offered to a dark god. #: 5 Face Guard Materials: Stone Mask (1), Gano (1) Def: +3 Flavor Text: Exactly who this is, no one knows. But their latent power can still be strongly felt #: 6 Note: *cough*Jason*cough*. Sorry coming down with something. Corinthian Helmet Materials: Leather Helm (1), Aluminum (1) Def: +4 Flavor Text: A beautiful piece, but its total coverage of the ears may make hearing orders a little tricky. #: 7 Iron Mask Materials: Face Guard (1), Red Steel (1) Def: +5 Flavor Text: Used by a certain country to train elite secret agents by using sensory deprevation on children. #: 8 Tengu Mask Materials: Face Guard (1), Spirit of Fuji (1) Def: +5 Flavor Text: The mask of a spirit native to a Far East island. Often appears in traditional Noh plays. #: 9 Pumpkin Head Materials: Iron Mask (1), Miracle Egg (1) Def: +5 Flavor Text: Pumpkin is so popular, he became a mask! What fun! Trick or Treat? #: 10 Thracian Helmet Materials: Corinthian Helmet (1), Sun Tears (1) Def: +8 Flavor Text: A helmet from centuries ago, with moustache and beard molded onto it. Makes anyone look manly. #: 11 Gallic Helmet Materials: Leather Helm (1), Knight's Vein (1) Def: +10 Flavor Text: An iron hlmet created by an ancient empire. Also protects neck and cheeks, offfering solid defense. #: 12 Frog Mouth Helm Materials: Gallic Helm (1), Aquamarine (1) Def: +12 Flavor Text: A lancer's helmet, its opening is angled up rather than forward so one can lean forward. #: 13 Sallet Materials: Gallic Helm (1), Indigo Steel (1) Def: +14 Flavor Text: A helmet with slits to see out of. Decorated beautifully, also used for formal occasions. #: 14 Masakado's Helm Materials: Topknot (1), Adamantine (1) Def: +15 Str: +10 Con: +10 Lck: -10 Flavor Text: Said to belong to a general whose neck was twisted. Still infused with his rage. #: 15 Barrel Helm Materials: Thracian Helmet (1), Carbon Steel (1), Knight's Vein (1) Def: +16 Flavor Text: A barrel-shaped basket helm, mainly used by cavalry. High defense but very hard to see out of. #: 16 Lobster Tail Pod Materials: Frog Mouth Helm (1), White Steel (1) Def: +18 Flavor Text: This helmet takes its name from the movable neck guard attached to it. #: 17 Armet Materials: Sallet (1), Red Steel (1) Def: +20 Flavor Text: An incredibly heavy helmet supported by the shoulders. Opens out when not in battle. #: 18 Burgonet Materials: Sallet (1), Damascus Steel (1), Red Steel (1) Def: +22 Flavor Text: Its large visor deflects the sun during long battles. The large cheek guards offer extra protection. #: 19 Crest Helm Materials: Burgonet (1), Ceramics (1) Def: +24 Flavor Text: Created for use in jousting tournaments. Heavily decorated, with a space for the wearer's crest. #: 20 Cross Helmet Materials: Armet (1), Angel Halo (1) Def: +26 Flavor Text: A helmet with a crest and visor. Best to leave it open when not in combat. #: 21 ####################### # AMR - Armor # ####################### The body is a temple so defend it in style with these 26 different suits of armor, ranging from What The? to Sweeeeeet! No Categories hither milords and ladies. Alucart Mail Materials: Half Plate (1), Midas' Gold (1) Def: +1 Flavor Text: Look carefully, one letter is different! It's not who you think! Also offers terrible defense. #: 1 Sports Kit Materials: Hide Armor (1), Cermonial Tool (1) Def: +2 Str: +5 Flavor Text: How many times have I told you?! Take this home and get it washed every once in a while! It stinks! #: 2 Special Ops Materials: School Cap (1), Bat (1) Def: +2 Flavor Text: Worn by operatives on special missions; proof of the top brass's implicit trust. #: 3 Hide Armor Materials: Soft Leather Armor (1), Sun Tears (1) Def: +3 Con: +5 Flavor Text: Clothing covered in animal furs. Mainly used by hunters; popular because of its warmth. #: 4 Sports Jersey Materials: Sports Kit (1), Bat (1) Def: +3 Con: +5 Flavor Text: Girls may wear this to avoid the looks from boys brought on by a sports kit...or so I'm told. #: 5 Note: ... Clown Suit Materials: Sports Jersey (1), Piko Piko Hammer (1) Def: +3 Lck: +5 Flavor Text: Worn by the heroic Vampire Hunter Comesafter C. Filled with the rage of those he killed. #: 6 Note: Anime + The Letter D....think about it ;) Prince's Clothes Materials: Clown Suit (1), Midas' Gold (1) Def: +3 Lck: +10 Flavor Text: Oh, my prince! All the girls dream of a shining prince coming to whisk them away...or so I've heard. #: 7 Note: Not sure of much are we? Soft Leather Armor Materials: Wild Memory (1) Def: +5 Flavor Text: Cheap and easy to find, great armor for the beginner. Crafted with love and care. #: 8 Black Belt Suit Materials: Sport Jersey (1), Spirit of Fuji (1) Def: +5 Str: +5 Con: +5 Flavor Text: The color of the belt indicates rank, with black being the highest. Proof of a lethal fighter. #: 9 Hard Leather Armor Materials: Soft Leather Armor (1), Jet Black (1) Def: +8 Flavor Text: Layer upon layer of leather built up to make tough armor, yet still allows free movement. Very popular #: 10 Lorica Materials: Bronze (1), Ancient Memory (1) Def: +10 Flavor Text: Old but sturdy armor detailed with beautiful relief, a symbol of the metallurgic quality at the time. #: 11 Kendo Suit Materials: Barbarian Armor (1), Bamboo Sword (1) Def: +10 Flavor Text: A traditional sword-play uniform from a small, far Eastern island. Boiling hot in summer. #: 12 Hanzou's Clothes Materials: Black Belt Suit (1), Shuriken (1) Def: +10 Str: +10 Con: +10 Flavor Text: Said to have been worn by a famous assassin from the Far East with much tension and suspense. #: 13 Lamellar Materials: Steel (2) Def: +12 Flavor Text: Beautiful armor made of leather scales. A historical piece from a once mighty empire. #: 14 Eastern Armor Materials: Lamellar (1), Ancient Memory (1), Spirit of Fuji (1) Def: +15 Con: +5 Flavor Text: From a small country in the Far East, comprised of many small metal disks. A collector's item. #: 15 Brigandine Materials: Eastern Armor (1), Knight's Vein (1) Def: +16 Flavor Text: The tightly fitted golden plates comprising this armor could be dragon scales. A snug fit. #: 16 Chain Mail Materials: Indigo Steel (2) Def: +20 Flavor Text: Countless metal rings linked to form armor. Takes a long, long time to make. #: 17 Half Plate Materials: Brigandine (1), Carbon Steel (1) Def: +24 Flavor Text: Safe, sturdy armor that also allows freedom of movement. Highly decorated and attractive. #: 18 Barbarian Armor Materials: Eastern Plate (1), Half Plate (1) Def: +28 Con: +5 Flavor Text: Created by an empire in the West, but taken and imprved by an island in the orient. #: 19 Banded Mail Materials: Chain Mail (1), Half Plate (1), White Steel (1) Def: +30 Flavor Text: Additional metal plates added to chain mail to create very tough armor. However, also very heavy. #: 20 Dracula's Clothes Materials: Prince's Clothes (1), Vampire Blood (1) Def: +30 Str: +10 Con: +10 Lck: -5 Flavor Text: Created over thousands of years by the denizens of the dark, they absorb human blood. All powerful #: 21 Plate Mail Materials: White Steel (2) Def: +32 Flavor Text: Armor created with the requests of wearers in mind. Perfect in battle; standard garb for many soldiers. #: 22 Field Armor Materials: Red Steel (2) Def: +35 Flavor Text: Armor focused on high defense for heavy infantry. So heavy that few wear it by choice. #: 23 Cuirassair Armor Materials: Field Armor (1), Adamantine (1) Def: +40 Flavor Text: Designed to cover the weak points of field armor; very easy to use and wear. #: 24 Parade Armor Materials: Field Armor (1), Orichalcum (2), Ceramics (3) Def: +45 Flavor Text: Armor designed for formal occasions, but offers such high defense that it is now also used in battle. #: 25 Maximillian Armor Materials: Parade Armor (1), Angel Halo (1), Holy Man's Vein (2) Def: +50 Flavor Text: High level techniques are required to created this aerodynamic armor. So smooth that it's very light. #: 26 =============================================================================== 444 - MISCELLANEOUS =============================================================================== That about wraps it up. so I guess I'd just like to say thanks to Konami for making such a kick butt series of games for us to enjoy, and keep up the good work!Also thanks to GameFAQs for answering all of digital lifes little questions when we get stumped, and for hosting this guide. If you need to get in touch with me, either for amendments to this guide or to simply ask a question, no questions about material locations please, about the Combine system - feel free to drop me a line at; djwassabi (at) shaw (dot) ca or stevenmeigs (at) gmail (dot) com Thanks, again and hope you all find this guide useful. -=COPYRIGHT INFORMATION=- This guide is copyright 2005 Steven Meigs (AKA djwassabi / Anti-Steve) This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other website or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. Castlevania: Curse of Darkness is a Copyright (c) of Konami Digital Entertainment, Inc. 2005. ===============================================================================