############################################################################### #--------------------CASTLEVANIA: CURSE OF DARKNESS---------------------------# ############################################################################### FAIRY-TYPE INNOCENT DEVIL FAQ version 1.0 (11/11/05) by Hero_100_Fights ------------------------------------- Table of Contents ------------------------------------- 1) Introduction/Updates 2) Fairy Type IDs I. Basic Info II. Fairy ID Names and Evolution Choices 3) Fairy Type ID Skills I. Healing Skills II. Battle Skills III. Enhancement/Restorative Skills IV. Other Skills 4) Contact Info 5) Credits 6) Legal Info ============================================================================== 1) INTRODUCTION/UPDATE INFO ============================================================================== This FAQ gives detailed info on every Fairy-Type Innocent Devil you can find in Castlevania: Curse of Darkness. It covers both the PS2 and Xbox versions. I've written it in essentially the format as my Battle-Type ID FAQ, so hope- fully once you read one ID FAQ the rest will be clear and easy to navigate. Update:11/07/05 First version, hopefully complete, but feel free to e-mail with any problems. ============================================================================== 2) FAIRY TYPE INNOCENT DEVILS ============================================================================== I. Basic Info The Fairy is the first Innocent Devil you receive. Fairies are primarily healers, and generally have low Atk and Heart stats, but some evolution paths have abilities that allow them to be useful in battle for more than healing or restoring Hector. Until a battle skill is learned, Fairy IDs don't attack at all. Unlike Battle IDs, some of the Fairy's "Final" forms have multiple paths leading to them, so make sure you consider which skills you want the fully-evolved Fairy to have and take the right path. In the descriptions of each "Final" I'll give my opinion on the best path to take. Fairy IDs also have many skills that are automatic, so you don't have to press a button to activate them, and some of these skills are required to get full map %. All of the Fairy Type IDs look extremely similar in game (unless you have a gigantic TV, maybe) and bob around Hector's head. Since it's hard to tell by looking, if you have multiple Fairy IDs with you make sure you know their skills well, because having the wrong Fairy equipped and using the wrong skill in a hectic battle can take up loads of hearts for nothing. It's also REALLY annoying when you're immersed in battle and use Heal 3 or 4 when you only needed a small amount of HP. In order to stop wasting hearts, whenever I use a healing spell I always put the cursor back on the lowest cost Heal and only move it when neccessary. It's just a tip, some people probably aren't as clumsy/careless as I am, but using 10 hearts by accident is a lot better than using 20 or 50. Fairy IDs have only two modes: Command, and Auto. I rarely if ever use Auto because the AI likes to spend hearts healing you when you don't need it, but in a room mobbed with enemies Auto mode can come in handy and let you focus on the action. Evolving IDs: the game gives a pretty clear explanation for evolving IDs, so my guide assumes you know how. If you don't, look in the "Tips" section of your status screen. Tier System: After every ID name I will put a number that corresponds to the IDs "level" on the chart, so Infant Fairy is "Tier 1," the lowest level of the chart, and Infant Fairy's evolution options are "Tier 2", the next level on the charts. Final evolutions that cannot evolve any more will be Tier "F-#" with the "#" standing for the chart level, although all Fairy Finals will be Tier F-4. II. Fairy ID Names and Evolution Choices *Skill details are in the next section* INFANT FAIRY: TIER: 1 Infant Fairy is the first form for all Fairy Type IDs. Infant Fairy is a grey, androgynous looking creature, with grey wings and a thick pink "tail" as their crystal (all the IDs have crystals). Unlike Battle and Bird Type IDs, all Fairy IDs have their crystal in the exact same location and form, from Infant Fairy to the Final Evolutions. Infant Fairy comes with two extremely useful innate skills, Unlock (which allows Hector to open chests), and Heal Lvl. 1. SKILLS: Unlock, Heal Lvl. 1 INFANT FAIRY EVOLUTION OPTIONS Infant Fairy-->Leaffle= 40 Sword/Knuckle crystals Infant Fairy-->Herbest= 40 Axe/Spear/Special crystals LEAFFLE: TIER: 2 Leaffle looks like a small boy fairy with a green coat and green pants, and wears a hat made from a small leaf. Leaffle is the the first Fairy ID with a battle skill, "Poison Powder," and its healing skill is a lot more cost- effective than Heal Lvl. 1. Unless you need HP right away, "Time Heal" is far superior. SKILLS: Time Heal, Poison Powder LEAFFLE EVOLUTION OPTIONS Leaffle-->Killer Bee= 70 Sword/Spear crystals Leaffle-->Honey Bee= 70 Axe/Knuckle/Special crystals HERBEST: TIER: 2 The other form of Fairy that evolves from the Infant Fairy, Herbest looks almost exactly like Leaffle, sporting the same green pants and wearing a leaf hat. The only difference is that Herbest has a brown coat instead of green. Leaffle has much better skills and evolution options, but if you want the Comet Star Fairy (a Final Evolution) you must take Herbest's path up the right side of the chart. Although Leaffle has better skills, Herbest is by no means terrible, but since the Fairy evolution charts allows both Tier 2 Fairies to end up as the middle two Final Evolutions (the other two Final's require one or the other), I recommend Leaffle over Herbest if you have the option. If you're an obsessive completist like I am and intend to have every Final ID, you should still choose Leaffle over Herbest for three out of the four Finals, though I'm sure some people would disagree. SKILLS: Antidote, Heal Lvl. 2 HERBEST EVOLUTION OPTIONS Herbest-->Killer Bee= 70 Sword/Spear crystals Herbest-->Hornet= 70 Axe/Knuckle/Special crystals KILLER BEE: TIER: 3 The Tier 3 Fairies all have insect-like eyes, and also feelers on top of their heads, and wear the same pants and have the same coat. All of the Tier 3 Fairies look almost identical, differentiated only by their color scheme. Killer Bee has purple eyes, hair, and pants, and wears a green coat. Killer Bee is smack in the middle of the Fairy Evolution Chart, and can evolve into either of the middle Final Forms (Tiramisu and Tiara), which is why Leaffle and Herbest can both end up in those forms (since both can evole into Killer Bee). Killer Bee has good skills, and is definitely the most well- rounded Tier 3 Fairy, but not neccessarily the best. Curse Breaker is great on the rare occasion that you get cursed, and Heal Lvl. 3 costs a lot, but heals 100 HP instantly, so it's great for healing during boss fights. SKILLS: Heal Lvl. 3, Curse Breaker KILLER BEE EVOLUTION OPTIONS Killer Bee-->Tiramisu(Final)= 90 Axe/Special crystals Killer Bee-->Tiara(Final= 90 Sword/Spear/Knuckle crystals HONEY BEE: TIER: 3 Honey Bee has the same insect look as Killer Bee. Honey Bee's coat is yellow, and his pants are a lighter shade of purple than Killer Bee. Only Leaffle can evolve into Honey Bee, and only Honey Bee can become a Proboscis Fairy Final. Honey Bee's downside is that he only has one skill, but luckily it happens to be AWESOME. Healing Field costs a third of Heal Lvl. 3 for approximately the same amount of HP. Unfortunately it's useless during a battle, but after clearing a room full of enemies Healing Field is a godsend. Honey Bee is the only Fairy that can evole into the Proboscis Fairy, who is necessary to unlock certain parts of the map. Honey Bee's lack of a second skill makes him about even with Killer Bee as far as all around usefullness, but personally I think Healing Field makes Honey Bee essential. One of each is even better. SKILLS:Healing Field HONEY BEE EVOLUTION OPTIONS Honey Bee-->Tiramisu(Final)= 90 Sword/Axe/Knuckle/Spear crystals Honey Bee-->Proboscis Fairy(Final)= 90 Special crstals HORNET: TIER: 3 Hornet looks almost exactly like Honey Bee. Hornet's shirt is a different shade of yellow, and his pants are sort of reddish-purple. Hornet's hair is purple, though, while Honey Bee's is yellow, which would be the only way to tell them apart if Hornet wasn't so awful in comparison. Hornet's Healing skill, Lucky Slot, is completely useless, and sometimes IT DOESN'T EVEN WORK. Lucky slot can heal tons of HP for really cheap, but if you screw up you get no HP. Hornet does have some redeeming factors, though. The Stone Breaker skill gets you out of the most annoying and most dangerous status ailment in the game, but stoning is rare enough to make this skill almost useless. What makes Hornet different from any other Fairy is his stat growth: level ups boost Atk like crazy, but other stats get tiny gains if any. The Atk boost is completely useless for Hornet, since the path to get there has absolutely no battle skills, but once evolved into Comet Star (who can only evolve from Hornet), the reasons for the Atk boost become evident. Honestly, the only reason to evolve into Hornet is to get a Comet Star. If you evolve a Hornet into a Tiara instead of a Comet Star, you end up with the worst Fairy you could possibly make. SKILLS: Stone Breaker, Lucky Slot HORNET EVOLUTION OPTIONS Hornet-->Comet Star(Final)= 90 Special/Knuckle crystals Hornet-->Tiara(Final)= 90 Sword/Spear/Axe crystals PROBOSCIS FAIRY: TIER: F-4 Thankfully, the Tier 4 Fairies don't all look the same, especially the Proboscis Fairy. The Prosboscis Fairy looks, well...like a creepy old man with Fairy wings. Definitely strange looking. However, despite appearances the Proboscis Fairy is very useful. His innate skill Press It and See is the only way to get to some parts of the Castle. His first gained skill is the worst in the game, but maybe there is a hidden use for it I haven't found yet. The second skill is an area attack called Skull Bomb, which doesn't do a lot of damage, but covers a pretty wide area. The drawback is that Hector will get hit too, unless he blocks when it explodes, which fortunately is easy. Even though his first three skills are on the verge of being worthless, the Proboscis Fairy gets 4 skills, more than any other ID, and the fourth skill makes Herbest, Killer Bee, and Hornet pretty much worthless. Restore is an automatic skill that cures Hector of ANY status ailment. The Proboscis Fairy also has amazing skills from the path leading to him, most notably Healing Field. SKILLS: Press It and See, Just a Little, Skull Bomb, Restore TIRAMISU: TIER: F-4 Tiramisu looks like a Fairy from an anime, a small, smiling girl with big sparkling blue eyes and white wings, wearing a reddish-pink tunic. Tiramisu has good skills, and depending on what path you take to get to her she can be the best Fairy in the game. If you have a Proboscis Fairy or plan to make one I would take say the best path is Infant Fairy to Leaffle to Killer Bee, you probably only need one fairy with Healing Field, and having Heal Lvl. 3 from Killer Bee gives you instant healing when you need immidiate HP. Tiramisu's first skill is costly, but powerful: 5,000 gold gets you back to full HP. Her second skill is Decipher, which lets you read ancient writing. It's not used till late in the game, but it's the only way to read the text. Her third skill is flat-out ridiculous. Invincible Vase makes Hector invincible for about 10 seconds, and will save your life in some boss fights. SKILLS: Gold Heal, Decipher, Invincible Vase TIARA: TIER: F-4 Tiara looks like she could be an anime character too. She wears a blue and gold coat, and smiles excitedly. Compared to the other Final Fairy IDs, she is pretty much worthless. She only gets two skills, and they're both awful. Her Healing Drop skill is cheap, but worthless unless you're fighting a large group, and other Healing skills would be a lot more practical. Her other skill turns Hector invisible for a short time, which is only usefull if you're near dead and need to get to a save point without fighting, which should never happen if you have a Proboscis Fairy or Tiramisu to heal you. SKILLS: Healing Drop, Crystal Skull COMET STAR: TIER: F-4 Comet Star is a goofy looking girl with a pointy red hat and a red tunic with stars all over it. Comet Star's first skill lets her attack opponents with little yellow stars she draws in the air, but she attacks so slow that most of the time she misses because the enemy moves. Her second skill is what makes Comet Star worth it at all. Lullaby is another battle skill that puts enemies to sleep, and has a pretty good area of effect as well. When she activates Lullaby, you get a lot of time to hack up your opponents, but it's not a skill you can command her to use, so you just have to hope she'll do that instead of the lousy star attack. Her last skill is Heal Lvl. 4, which costs a ton but can really help out when you need it. SKILLS: Twinkle Star, Lullaby, Heal Lvl. 4 ============================================================================== 3) FAIRY TYPE INNOCENT DEVIL SKILLS ============================================================================== I. HEALING SKILLS HEAL Lvl. 1: COST: 10 CONDITIONS: Innate EFFECT: Heals 20 HP OPINION: Great early in the game, but pretty useless later, especially when compared to Time Heal or Healing Field. HEAL Lvl. 2: COST: 20 CONDITIONS: Defeat a certain number of enemies with Herbest EFFECT: Heals 50 HP OPINION: For 14 less hearts, Time Heal will give you just as much HP. HEAL Lvl. 3: COST: 30 CONDITIONS: Defeat a certain number of enemies with Killer Bee EFFECT: Heals 100 HP OPINION: For 20 less hearts, Healing Field blows this out of the water. HEAL Lvl. 4: COST: 50 CONDITIONS: Defeat a certain number of enemies with Comet Star EFFECT: Heals 200 HP OPINION: Costly, but if you really need HP, better than using a High Potion. TIME HEAL: COST: 6 CONDITIONS: Defeat a certain number of enemies with Leaffle EFFECT: Heals approximately 50 HP gradually over a short period of time. OPINION: If you aren't in immediate danger of death, Time Heal eats everything except Healing Field for breakfast. The equivalent HEAL costs more than three times as much. HEALING FIELD: COST: 10 CONDITIONS: Defeat a certain number of enemies with Honey Bee EFFECT: Creates a small circle that restores HP rapidly when Hector stands inside. Can heal around 100 HP. OPINION: My favorite healing skill. Essential if you plan to tackle the Tower of Evermore. Clear a floor, then use Healing Field and you'll get three times more Healing to use. 10 hearts for 100 HP is ridiculous. JUST A LITTLE: COST:5 CONDITIONS: Defeat a certain number of enemies with Proboscis Fairy EFFECT: Heals 1 HP, then disappears from use for a brief time. OPINION: I have to be missing something about this, it can't possibly be as horrible as it seems. If anyone knows anything about it, please e-mail me. HEALING DROP: COST: 6 CONDITIONS: Defeat a certain number of enemies with Tiara EFFECT: Causes enemies to drop healing spheres when hit for a brief period. OPINION: Each sphere heals 2 HP. I see no use for this at all. LUCKY SLOT: COST: 10 CONDITIONS: Defeat a certain number of enemies with Hornet EFFECT: Play a slot machine to determine how much HP is healed. OPINIONS: Worthless, but maybe people who are good at it think it rules? I never get anything, so I have no idea how much HP it gives back. I know I would rather be sure my ten hearts were getting me some HP. GOLD HEAL: COST: 6 + $5,000 CONDITIONS: Defeat a certain number of enemies with Tiramisu EFFECT: Pay the Fairy $5,000 gold for full HP. OPINION: For use in dire needs only, although money doesn't buy you much in this game. It will come in handy for tough boss fights. II. BATTLE SKILLS POISON POWDER: COST: 0 CONDITIONS: Defeat a certain number of enemies with Leaffle EFFECTS: Fairy attacks enemies by poisoning them. Fairy does automatically, you can't control or command it. OPINION: This can help alot. It does barely any damage, but keeps enemies off you for a little while. Be careful when you're trying to steal, though, a lot of enemies don't have a steal opportunity when poisoned. It can get really annoying, so even if you're taking a beating trying to steal from an enemy, only bring the fairy out to heal then send it back. TWINKLE STAR: COST: 0 CONDITIONS: Defeat a certain number of enemies with Comet Star EFFECT: Comet Star draws stars in the air and shoots them at enemies. Fairy does automatically, you can't control or command it. OPINION: Ultra-slow, and when it hits it does tiny damage. Hope for Lullaby instead. LULLABY: COST: 0 CONDITIONS: Defeat a certain number of enemies with Comet Star EFFECT: Comet Star puts nearby enemies to sleep. Fairy does automatically, you can't control or command it. OPINION: When it activates it gives you a huge advantage. The sleep actually lasts for a while, so concentrate on the tough enemies on at time. Works wonders in the Towers if Comet Star can pull it off. SKULL BOMB: COST: 10 CONDITIONS: Defeat a certain number of enemies with Proboscis Fairy EFFECT: Drops a bomb that damages anyone in range, including Hector. OPINION: Not much damage, but has good area of affect and it's easy to block. The fairy gives you a countdown. I say you're better off saving the hearts for healing, but it can come in handy sometimes. III. ENHANCEMENT/RESTORATIVE SKILLS ANTIDOTE: COST: 5 CONDITIONS: Defeat a certain number of enemies with Herbest EFFECTS: Cures poison automatically. Not an activated skill. OPINION: Nice to have, but rarely used. Not too important. STONE BREAKER: COST: 5 CONDITIONS: Defeat a certain number of enemies with Hornet EFFECTS: Cures stoning automatically. Not an activated skill. OPINION: Nice to have, but rarely used. Since there's no item to cure stone status, this ability is better than Antidote or Curse Breaker. CURSE BREAKER: COST: 5 CONDITIONS: Defeat a certain number of enemies with Killer Bee EFFECTS: Removes curse automatically. Not an activated skill. OPINION: Nice to have, but rarely used. Not too important. REFRESH: COST: 5 CONDITIONS: Defeat a certain number of enemies with Proboscis Fairy EFFECTS: Cures all status ailments automatically. Not an activated skill. OPINION: An all in one protection for the same price? Awesome. CRYSTAL SKULL: COST: 20 CONDITIONS: Defeat a certain number of enemies with Tiara EFFECTS: Renders Hector invisible for a brief period of time. OPINION: Pretty much worthless. INVINCIBLE VASE: COST: 30 CONDITIONS: Defeat a certain number of enemies with Tiramisu EFFECTS: Renders Hector invincible for a brief period of time. OPINION: Not for frequent use, but it will save your life on bosses. IV. OTHER SKILLS UNLOCK: COST: 0 CONDITIONS: Innate EFFECTS: Allows Hector to open chests. OPINIONS: None needed. PRESS IT AND SEE: COST: 0 CONDITIONS: Innate Skill for Proboscis Fairy EFFECTS: Fairy will press hard to reach buttons for you. OPINIONS: You need it to get the whole Castle. DECIPHER: COST: 0 CONDITIONS: Defeat a certain number of enemies with Tiramisu EFFECTS: Allows Hector to read ancient script. OPINION: Uh...cool. ============================================================================== 4) CONTACT INFO ============================================================================== Feel free to contact me with any corrections/questions regarding Battle Type IDs or their skills. DO NOT CONTACT ME asking where to use each skill or for help when you're stuck I get enough spam in my mailbox as it is. My name on the message boards is Hero_100_Fights. E-mail me at: Micahlandsman@lycos.com ============================================================================== 5) Credits ============================================================================== Thanks to all the people on the board who helped when I needed it. Thanks to my terrible insomnia, for "giving" me time to actually write this. Thanks to Konami for Castlevania, especially. Never stop making them or I might get violent. Heh. ============================================================================== 6) Legal Info ============================================================================== This FAQ is copyright 2005 by Micah Landsman. It may not be used on any site other than Gamefaqs.com for any reason, unless specifically granted permission by myself. Any trademarks or copywritten characters are Copyright or Trademarks of Konami.