____ _ _ _ / ___|___ _ __ ___| |_ __ _ _ __ | |_(_)_ __ ___ | | / _ \| '_ \/ __| __/ _` | '_ \| __| | '_ \ / _ \ | |__| (_) | | | \__ \ || (_| | | | | |_| | | | | __/ \____\___/|_| |_|___/\__\__,_|_| |_|\__|_|_| |_|\___| ASCII art from: http://www.network-science.de/ascii/ +------------------------------------+ | Game Title: Constantine | | Guide Type: FAQ/Walkthrough | | Written By: Robert Carr | | Version: 1.00 | | Started: 01/05/2005 | | Finished: 11/06/2005 | | Email: rcarr0(at)aol(dot)com | | FAQ Size: 147KB | +------------------------------------+ ======~~======~~======~~======~~======~~======~~======~~======~~======~~======~ Table of Contents ======~~======~~======~~======~~======~~======~~======~~======~~======~~======~ 1. Version History 2. Controls 3. Enemies 4. Weapons 5. Spells 6. Upgrades 7. Walkthrough 7.01: Hellblazer 7.02: Finding Hennessey 7.03: Elriu's Apartment 7.04: Elriu's Basement 7.05: Sangre de Dio 7.06: Edward Crowley Memorial Library 7.07: Mortuary 7.08: 13th Precinct House 7.09: Journey to Papa Midnite's 7.10: Hell's Museum 7.11: 20 Lanes Bowling Alley 7.12: Hell's Highway 7.13: Hell's Temple 7.14: Balthazar Zynergy Registry 7.15: The Reckoning 7.16: Ravenscar Hospital 7.17: Hydrotherapy Pool 8. Copyright 9. Credits ======~~======~~======~~======~~======~~======~~======~~======~~======~~======~ ======~~======~~======~~======~~======~~======~~======~~======~~======~~======~ 1. Version History ======~~======~~======~~======~~======~~======~~======~~======~~======~~======~ +---------------------------+ | Version 0.45 - 01/05/2005 | +---------------------------+ Started the FAQ. Added Controls, Enemies, Weapons, Spells, and Upgrades. I also added the first six levels of the walkthrough - Hellblazer, Finding Hennessey, Elriu's Apartment, Elriu's Basement, Sangre de Dio, and Edward Crowley Memorial Library. +---------------------------+ | Version 0.60 - 04/05/2005 | +---------------------------+ Only managed to add one level today - the Mortuary. More levels will be added in the next update. +---------------------------+ | Version 0.80 - 07/05/2005 | +---------------------------+ Managed to add quite a few levels - 13th Precinct House, Journey to Papa Mid- nite's, Hell's Museum, and 20 Lanes Bowling Alley. The final few levels will be up in the next update. +---------------------------+ | Version 1.00 - 11/06/2005 | +---------------------------+ Added the final six levels to the walkthrough - Hell's Highway, Hell's Temple, Balthazar Zynergy Registry, The Reckoning, Ravenscar Hospital, and Hydrotherapy Pool. This is the last update and it's unlikely that this will be updated again unless I get any contributions. ======~~======~~======~~======~~======~~======~~======~~======~~======~~======~ 2. Controls ======~~======~~======~~======~~======~~======~~======~~======~~======~~======~ Note: This section is from the game manual. +-------------------------------------+---------------------------------------+ | Button | Action | +-------------------------------------+---------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------------+---------------------------------------+ | R1 Button | Fire Primary Artefact | +-------------------------------------+---------------------------------------+ | L1 Button | Fire Secondary Artefact | +-------------------------------------+---------------------------------------+ | Left Analog Stick | Move Character | +-------------------------------------+---------------------------------------+ | L3 Button | 180ยบ turn | +-------------------------------------+---------------------------------------+ | Right Analog Stick | Look | +-------------------------------------+---------------------------------------+ | R3 Button | Over-the-shoulder view toggle | +-------------------------------------+---------------------------------------+ | X Button | Action/Melee | +-------------------------------------+---------------------------------------+ | Square Button | True Sight | +-------------------------------------+---------------------------------------+ | Triangle Button | Initiate Spell-Casting | +-------------------------------------+---------------------------------------+ | Circle Button | Flask of Enlightenment | +-------------------------------------+---------------------------------------+ | R2 Button | Change Primary Artefact | +-------------------------------------+---------------------------------------+ | L2 Button | Change Secondary Artefact | +-------------------------------------+---------------------------------------+ | Up Directional Button | Draw Weapon | +-------------------------------------+---------------------------------------+ | Down Directional Button | Holster Weapon | +-------------------------------------+---------------------------------------+ | Left Directional Button | Next Spell | +-------------------------------------+---------------------------------------+ | Right Directional Button | Previous Spell | +-------------------------------------+---------------------------------------+ | Start Button | Pause Menu | +-------------------------------------+---------------------------------------+ | SELECT Button | Journal | +-------------------------------------+---------------------------------------+ ======~~======~~======~~======~~======~~======~~======~~======~~======~~======~ 3. Enemies ======~~======~~======~~======~~======~~======~~======~~======~~======~~======~ Note: This section is from the game manual. ------ Vermin ------ These demonic rats will swarm to attack victims en masse. ------------------ Hosts and Bile-Riz ------------------ Hosts are the bodies of the recently deceased who are inhabited by Bile-Riz Demons. The possessed Hosts are incredibly strong, and can inflict immense damage. The Bile-Riz themselves are only vulnerable when separated from their Hosts. Once expelled, they will crawl quickly, dragging their spinal cord, to inhabit the nearest dead body they can find. The Exorcism spell will destroy Bile-Riz in one attack. ----------- Half-Breeds ----------- Outwardly normal-looking, Half-Breeds are actually Demons masquerading as full human beings. In human form they wield earthly weapons such as guns, and have a very strong grab attack. Once stripped of their human appearance, they will use long-range magic attacks. ---------------- Scavenger Scouts ---------------- The smallest of the Demon caste, these are the damned that have spent the least amount of time in Hell, and are thus the least deformed. Able to scuttle around on both floor and ceiling, they will try and grab hold of John at close range and use a spit attack at long range. ------------------ Scavenger Soldiers ------------------ Soldiers are the standard infantry Demon of Hell, stronger and larger than Scouts. Soldiers attack in groups to overwhelm their prey with close-range, battering attacks. ------------------ Scavenger Warriors ------------------ The strongest and largest of the Scavengers, these Demons have been in Hell for an eternity. Over time they have become twisted and deformed, their skin has hardened to an armour-like shell and their nails have sharpened into claws able to rip through flesh - which they use to slash at their victims. ---------- Seplavites ---------- Swift and deadly, these flying Demons can summon up Hell plasma to throw at their victims from above. When defeated, they launch a last-ditch death-dive into their opponents. -------- Cleavers -------- Warped by their eternal suffering in Hell, Cleavers have been twisted by hate, their right arms evolving into huge blades. In addition to swiping this deadly blade at their targets, they can also spin it to deflect ammunition and are equipped with a long-range spike attack. -------- Bastados -------- The result of two humans dying horrifically together and now fused into one gestalt entity, this Demon launches salves of green Hell fire in a deadly long range barrage. They can also dematerialise, only to materialise in a new location at will, but they can't stay hidden from John's True Sight. -------- Impalers -------- People who have committed suicide by jumping from high buildings or throwing themselves into in front of cars or trains are eternally doomed to suffer the pain of death from the broken shards of bone that impale their skin like knives. Over time, the flesh and bone of these Demons hardens into a fossil- like substance over most of the surface of their bodies. Impalers lash out at victims in a deadly charge attack. Note that once they begin moving, they find it difficult to change direction. ======~~======~~======~~======~~======~~======~~======~~======~~======~~======~ 4. Weapons ======~~======~~======~~======~~======~~======~~======~~======~~======~~======~ Note: This section is from the game manual. ------------- Witch's Curse ------------- This large-barelled pistol was made in 1845 for one purpose only - to kill Demons. Legend has it that there were originally a pair of these weapons, cast from religious relics for the use of a 19th-century Demon Hunter. --------- Crucifier --------- The Crucifier is an ancient Artefact fashioned by a tribe from the lost con- tinent of Alantis. Its hollow interior magnifies energy, sending any metallic objects placed within it barrelling out at great speeds. But beware: prolonged use can lead to overheating. The Crucifier is used to rapid-fire Martyr's Nails, six-inch iron nails pulled from the flesh of dead martyr's. The nails can be reclaimed once they have been fired. --------------- Dragon's Breath --------------- The Dragon's Breath is no ordinary flamethrower. Loaded with pressurised copper chambers which contain the fire of dragons, it shoots out a continuous jet of mystical flame and is very effective against groups of weaker enemies. ------------ Holy Shotgun ------------ John must find the three separate pieces of the Holy Shotgun. Once all of the pieces have been located, they automatically slot together to create a powerful weapon which fires shells made from blessed metals imbued with magic power. The Shotgun is deadly at close range, and makes it possible to hit multiple enemies in one shot - but the reload time is fairly slow when compared to the other Artefacts. ------ Purger ------ A mechanically operated, poweful crossbow created by the death god Crom Culach, the Purger fires iron-tipped bodkins which are very effective at long range. Bodkins may be reclaimed and reused once they have been fired. ---------------- Holy Water Bombs ---------------- A glass container filled with Holy Water which shatters on impact and splashes the water in a wide radius as it breaks. Holy Water Bombs are very effective against Half-Breeds. They strip away a Demon's outer protection (their human body), making them easier to combat. ------------------------- Amityville Screech Beetle ------------------------- A small black beetle from Amityville encased in a matchbox, the Screech Beetle is a sonic grenade for the Demonic hordes. When the matchbox is thrown, the Screech Beetle emits a frequency that causes immense pain to any Demons within range. All Demon attacks cease while the sound is in effect. The Beetle can be retrieved and used repeatedly, as John can only carry one Beetle at a time. True Sight will help locate it again once thrown. ------------ Moses Shroud ------------ The Moses Shroud is part of the cloth that was used to wrap the body of the Prophet Moses. When lit, the Shroud explodes with a violent bright light that engulfs Demons in a shockwave of death. This item is extremely rare but is also extremely powerful. ======~~======~~======~~======~~======~~======~~======~~======~~======~~======~ 5. Spells ======~~======~~======~~======~~======~~======~~======~~======~~======~~======~ Note: This section is from the game manual. --------- Stormcrow --------- The Stormcrow incantation summons multiple bolts of occult lightning to strike down any targeted enemies, who freeze in place as the spell drains them of their power. The spell can last up to a few seconds if John is standing still, but will be cut short if John is attacked or moves while it is in effect. The longer John holds this spell before releasing it, the more damage it will cause. ---------- Protection ---------- The "Protection" incantation encases John in a magical shield that deflects projectile attacks for a limited amount of time. ------ Hunger ------ A powerful spell that engulfs any targeted enemies in a swarm of dark, hungry insects who devour their victim whole. "Hunger" is lethal against smaller enemies, and good for distracting larger ones. --------- Confusion --------- This incantation makes a targeted enemy appear to be John Constantine to any Demons in the vicinity. Any enemies within range of the illusion will immediately attack the false target. Targets are automatically toggled. -------- Gargoyle -------- This stun spell freezes all enemies in range for a limited period of time. Frozen enemies take no damage from the spell itself, but while frozen a single hit from a projectile weapon will shatter them like glass. However, once the spell effect is over, any non-shattered enemies will return to full power. ----------- Demon Leech ----------- The "Demon Leech" spell bounces any damage from Demon attacks back at the attacking Demon. For a few seconds after the spell is cast, attacking Demons will take all the damage, while John takes none. ======~~======~~======~~======~~======~~======~~======~~======~~======~~======~ 6. Upgrades ======~~======~~======~~======~~======~~======~~======~~======~~======~~======~ Note: This section is from the game manual. ------ Charms ------ Charms are ancient occult scrolls decorated with arcane symbols that, when collected, tattoo themselves onto John's body, increasing his Life Force. John's body is covered with these ornate tattoos, and each new symbol that he acquires permanently increases the maximum amount of his Life Force Bar. ------ Relics ------ John can increase the maximum capacity of his Magic Reserve bar by finding Relics, enabling him to pull off even more devastating magic attacks. ------------ Voodoo Dolls ------------ Fashioned by a Voodoo High Priestess to collect the magic of a powerful Loa spirit, these Dolls increase the amount of occult energy John can absorb from vanquished Demons. Seek them out to improve the strength of John's Spell Casting Bar. ----------- Tarot Cards ----------- Finding a Tarot Card allows you to unlock extra bonus content accessible from the Main Menu. ======~~======~~======~~======~~======~~======~~======~~======~~======~~======~ 7. Walkthrough ======~~======~~======~~======~~======~~======~~======~~======~~======~~======~ +------------------+ | 7.01: Hellblazer | +------------------+ Watch the opening cutscene which introduces Constantine and Beeman. After the cutscene, you'll be in Beeman's apartment. A few notes will be added to the Journal which you can read if you want and take note of the sink beside the table in the middle of the room. These can be used to refill your health and Flask of Enlightenment if you need to. First, walk over to the water ampoule and stand in the water. Press the triangle button to start a spell. You then have to press the highlighted buttons in the corner of the screen in the order they are highlighted to enter Hell. You will now be in Hell where you meet your first enemies. Scavenger Scouts and Scavenger Soldiers. Quickly take out your Witch's Curse pistols and start shooting them. They are pretty weak but can become annoying in large groups. If they get too close they will jump on you. Just keep tapping the X button to get them off. When they are all dead, walk past the rusty car wrecks on the right, and just around the corner, a manhole will explode, and two more Scavenger Soldiers will appear. Shoot them and move on. Turn the corner and a message will pop up on screen instructing you to press the L3 button to be able to make a fast 180-degree turn. Try it out before going further. First pick up the pistol ammo from under the alcove and more Soldiers will attack you. When they are taken care of, continue making your way around the wrecked cars until you reach a blocked-off tunnel. Head to the left where a fireball will destroy another blockage, allowing you to pass. Go forward and pick up the ammo by the car in front of you. A fireball will have destroyed part of a building on the left. Go through the open doorway; kill any Soldiers that appear and on the left is a doorway that's blocked by part of a door. Walk into it to climb over, and a Soldier and a Scout will appear. Kill them both and go through the hole in the wall. There's more ammo in the corner just past the hole if you need it. Turn the corner and head down the hallway. Another explosion will destroy part of a wall. Kill the two Scavenger Soldiers that appear and head through the hole. Go through the hole in the wall on the left to find several more bags of ammo, otherwise go through the hole on the right and head up the stairs. Make your way through the rooms until you meet another Soldier. Take care of him and turn the corner where a fireball will destroy part of the floor. Run straight towards the gap in the floor to automatically jump it. Head through the next hallway where you'll find another hole in the floor, two more Scouts and a Soldier. Take care of the Scouts and Soldier before jumping the gap. Drop down the hole in the floor at the end of the hallway to get back to the street. Kill the Soldier and you'll see a vehicle get blown down the street. Go through the gap on the left where the vehicle was and some debris will fall from a collapsing tunnel. Three more Soldiers will appear as the debris falls so kill them and go through the doorway on the left. Kill another Soldier as you head up the stairs. At the top of the stairs, go through the hole in the wall and head back to the street to start a cutscene. Constantine will pick up a weapon, and a Seplavite will swoop down and pick him up. The Seplavite will drop you in a building somewhere in the level where the Holy Shotgun is waiting. However, you will be attacked by six Soldiers at this point. Continually strafe around the Soldiers and pick them off. Another group will attack you after, so do the same to them. When they are all dead, run over to the Holy Shotgun at the back of the room and press the X button to start a cutscene. This ends the first level. +-------------------------+ | 7.02: Finding Hennessey | +-------------------------+ After the cutscene you'll be in an alley behind the bar. Draw your weapons and climb over the wire gate in front of you. Run into it to climb it. When you drop down a dumpster will tip over and several rats will appear from a pipe on the left. They will hurt you, so kill them quickly. Rats aren't threatening at all but can be tricky to hit because of their size and because they move quite quickly. When all the rats are dead, climb onto the dumpster in the corner on the right and climb over the wall. Drop down into the car and head right. All the cars' headlights will come on, and a couple start bouncing. One will even drive right past you and crash into the wall so watch out for that. Another car will explode from inside a garage and two Soldiers will appear from the wreckage. Kill them and one or two more will jump down from above. Kill them all and enter the garage that exploded. Climb the ladder and get onto the roof. A helicopter will fly past and two more Soldiers will appear. Kill them both and head through the narrow gap behind the grating you just came from. A basketball will be bouncing around in the court in front of you. Ignore it and head down the alley. A little further up a body will be thrown out of a window on the right. First go to the end of the alley and pick up the bonus card and then turn around and climb onto the wooden crate below the window that has just been smashed. Then climb through the broken window. Head down the hall way and a cutscene will start. An old lady appears from a door but a Scavenger drags her back inside. After the cutscene, the lights will go out and you'll be ambushed by several groups of Soldiers. Take care of them quickly as you won't be able to see them very easily. You can use True Sight if you want to. When all the demons are dead, head up the steps and grab the ammo by the door at the end. Head up the steps you just passed, and turn the corner. Go through the door on the left at the end of this hall, and grab the bonus card by the steps. Make your way along this narrow rooftop and climb through the broken-barred window at the other end. Grab the bottles of water on the crates on the left as you drop down to refill your health and flask. A Scout will jump out from the crates so shoot him and several crates will fall down the stairs in front of you. Head down the stairs and you'll find a bonus card behind the stairs in the shadows. Head back up the stairs, past the crates and under the arch at the end of the walkway. Ignore the rumbling and head down the steps around the corner. Go through the double doors on the right to start a cutscene. You meet Hennessey and the level ends. +-------------------------+ | 7.03: Elriu's Apartment | +-------------------------+ After the cutscene, you'll be in an alley near Elriu's apartment. First, grab the two bottles of water against the wall next to you if you need it and head down the alley. As you exit, equip your weapon and pick up the ammo against the wall in front of you. A manhole will flip as well, but ignore it. Turn around and head down the alley on the left. You'll lose your weapons for the moment and be ambushed by two Soldiers. A message will pop up instructing you to cast the "Stormcrow" spell. Press the triangle button to start the spell and then press the buttons in the order they are highlighted to cast the spell. Stand still while you are casting the spell and two massive blue bolts of lightning will shake the screen and you'll easily kill the two demons. When both demons are killed, continue down the alley you were in just now. There's some ammo against the fence if you need it. Enter the small compound on the left with the dumpster in the middle, and you'll be attacked by four more Soldiers. Kill them as normal and another two will appear. When the remaining two Soldiers are dead, a cutscene shows an open window leading to Elriu's apartment. A fire escape ladder will be lowered as well. After the cutscene, climb the ladder to the balcony, and climb over to the balcony opposite. Climb the next ladder and climb across to another balcony opposite. Climb through the window on the right leading to Elriu's apartment. You now have to search Elriu's apartment. There's a bonus card behind the couch on the right and more ammo on the cabinet between the two couches on the right. Go through the hole in the wall and a message will tell you to find a key for the locked door on the left. The first room on the right contains more ammo, and another bonus card. In the bedroom is a Voodoo Doll on the bedside cabinet and if you press the square button to enter True Sight, you'll see a symbol on the wall next to the war- drobe. Press the X button when you are standing by the wardrobe to put your back against the wall. Shimmy through the narrow gap and into the secret room behind the wardrobe. Inside this small hidden room is a glowing green charm which will increase your life bar. Shimmy back through the gap again and go back out to the hallway. Head into the final room, the kitchen. In the kitchen is some more ammo on the shelf next to the fridge. Press the X button to open the fridge and find some more bottles of water. Go back out to the hallway and head back down the hallway to the bathroom at the other end. A message will pop up telling you to use True Sight. Use True Sight and you'll see some weird colours where the wall should be. Exit True Sight and pick up the Holy Water Bombs by your feet. Press the X button to open the wall panel and find a secret room. Straight ahead of you are the keys sitting on a broken shelf. There's also a bonus card in here so pick it up. Pick the keys up and head back to the locked door in the hallway. Open the door to the next room. A cutscene shows a cop standing over another cop who he has shot dead. John enters True Sight and discovers the cop is actually a Half-Breed in disguise. After the cutscene, you'll be in the hallway. You'll be fighting a new enemy here, a Half-Breed. Half-Breeds are stronger than the Scavengers you've fought so far and take quite a few hits with a weapon, so you need to weaken them a bit. First, equip the Holy Water Bombs you picked up earlier and toss one at him to get him to uncover his true form. Now, switch back to your weapon and shoot him until he's dead. Turn around and pick up a bonus card by the window. Head past the cop and to the double doors at the end of the hallway to start a cutscene and end the level. +------------------------+ | 7.04: Elriu's Basement | +------------------------+ You start off in the basement of Elriu's apartment. The enemies will start getting tougher here. You start off in the laundry room. Equip your weapon and take note of the water cooler on the left side of the room. You can use this as often as you want to refill your health. Open the door on the far left side of the room you're currently in. Press the X button when you're standing by the small shelf against the wall on the right to move it away from the wall. Against the wall is a new weapon, the Amityville Screech Beetle. The Screech Beetle will stop any Demon in its tracks by screeching loudly, allowing you to get a few shots in at them or just to finish killing them. Once you've used it, you can pick it up and reuse it. If you can't find it, use True Sight. A black mark on the floor will show you where it is. Head back outside to the laundry room and you'll be attacked by another swarm of rats. Same as last time, you have be quick shooting them as they move quite quickly. When all the rats are dead, enter Elriu's Office on the right side of the room that you are currently in. Open the locker in here to find Elriu's Note. Leave the office and head down the hallway on the right. Turn right next to the office and go through the door at the end. A cutscene shows a door at the top of some collapsed steps that you need to reach. After the cutscene, move the middle dumpster against the back wall and push/pull it over to where the steps used to be. First grab the bonus card behind the dumpster and climb onto the dumpster and up to the door. You discover the door is locked and your new objective now is to find the key to unlock it. Return to the hallway, and go right. Make your way to the end of this hallway and go through the last door on the left. Head down the steps and turn the corner at the end of the darkened hallway. Enter the boiler room on the left and parts of the floor will collapse. You have no choice but to drop down to the room below. Head down the steps on the left and climb over the gate on the right. You'll be in a dark little maze. It is pretty small so you can't get lost. Remember that there will be a new enemy inhabiting this area - Scavenger Crawlers as well as a few Soldiers. They are the same as Scouts but prefer to crawl around on the ceiling more so they'll be harder to hit and they can take more hits, but there are three bonus cards to find in this area so it's worth it. When you've found all three bonus cards and cleared the area of Crawlers and Soldiers, make your way back to the gate and climb back over. Now that you've left the maze, look for a wire gate with a red light above it. Open the gate and head up the stairs. Turn the corner and open the next gate and you'll be in a room with a generator. There are three lockers on the left as you enter, one of which contains a Crawler waiting to jump out at you and another which contains some ammo. Next to the lockers are the Workshop Keys that will open the locked door you found earlier. Now that you've found the keys, it's time to get out of here. Climb onto the crate and then climb over the wall and you'll be in the room with the collapsing floor again. You'll be attacked by two more Soldiers and Crawlers so quickly take care of them and make your way back to the locked door. Climb back up to the door and open it by pressing the X button. The next room is a hallway lined with pipes. Make your way down the hallway and at the end, a new weapon is waiting for you on the workbench - the Crucifier. You'll need this to fight some of the upcoming Demons as your pistol won't be of much use for much longer. Continue down the hallway to start a cutscene. Constantine finds a note left by Elriu telling him about a spell called the "Sangre de Dio". You need to find it before the Demons do. After the cutscene, you'll be back in the hallway. Make your way to the end of the hallway and open the grate at the end. Drop down into the room below and pick up the Generator Door Key on the table. Go over to the generator and press the X button to cut the generator's power. Use the Generator Door Key to leave the room and turn right as you exit. Go back through the last door on the left at the end of the hallway and make your way back through this hallway. You'll be attacked by another Soldier and Crawler. Kill them both and continue making your way back to the room with the collapsing floor. At the back of the room is a ramp leading down. Grab the bonus card behind the stack of boxes next to the ramp and another swarm of rats will appear. Kill them and head down the ramp and into the water. As you turn the corner, you'll get another message instructing you to cast another spell. Stand in the water and press the highlighted buttons in the order they are highlighted to cast the spell. You will be sent into Hell. Go back into the room you came from, and kill the Soldier and Crawler that appear. To the right of the ramp is a hole in the wall. Go through the hole in the wall and make your way through the narrow hallway and turn right as you exit to find a water ampoule. Use the water ampoule to end the level. +---------------------+ | 7.05: Sangre de Dio | +---------------------+ You start the level off in a hallway. Make your way through the hallway until you reach a steam room. You have to make your way around the pipes in order to reach the door at the end. First, grab the bonus card behind the pipes on the left. Time your movements so that you can crouch and move under the pipe when there's no steam. Coming into contact with the steam will hurt you. Crouch back under the pipe and move right around the room. Be careful of the steam coming from the pipes. Go through the opening in the wall and wait for the steam to stop before passing. Turn and wait for the steam to stop again before climbing over the pipe in the middle of the room. Walk over to the charm on the table on the left and pick it up to increase your magic reserve. Wait for the steam to stop before entering the next hallway. In this hallway, an explosion will destroy part of a wall and two Soldiers will appear. Take care of them and turn left into the next room at the end of the hallway where two more Soldiers are waiting. Kill them and turn the valve on the right side of the room to turn off the gas preventing you from going further. Turn the corner and open the gate to start a cutscene. Constantine discovers a Demon which breaks up as it runs into the shadows and a new enemy appears - Bile- Riz. After the cutscene, you'll be facing a new enemy - Hosts. These demons are quite deadly as you could be fighting them for ages. The two Bile-Riz will crawl over to the two dead bodies and inhabit them. You have to shoot the heads of the bodies to knock the Bile-Riz out of the bodies. You must them quickly shoot them before they inhabit another body. They move quite fast and take quite a few shots. It's best to use the Crucifier here if you still have ammo for it because of its rapid-fire. When both of the Bile-Riz are dead, you will be attacked in small waves by Scouts and Soldiers. Deal with them and then pick up the bonus card behind the crates on the right side of the room in the middle. Search this room to find Nails, Stones, and Water. Nails are important to you now, as you need lots of Crucifier ammo to take care of the Demons in the upcoming levels. When you've finished searching the room, open the gate and turn the corner to find a cop running from something. He will knock you over and lock the gate you just came from so you can't go back. Several rats will appear so kill them all and continue down the hallway. When you turn the corner, you will see a Half-Breed who is armed with the cop's gun. Take him out quickly with a Holy Water Bomb and your pistols and carry on down the hallway. You might need to heal. Continue along the hallway until part of the ceiling collapses. A book will drop down, so pick it up and you will learn the Exorcism spell. A Host will suddenly stand up, so quickly cast your newly-learned Exorcism spell to kill him before he gets too close. When he's dead, a Soldier will burst into the hallway. Kill him and head through the doorway. In the room he came from, you can find a sink to fill your flask if you are low on health. There are also some Nails and Holy Water Bombs on the shelf. Leave the room and continue along the hallway and several rats will pour out of a broken pipe. Kill them and move on. A little further up you will encounter two more Hosts. When they are both dead, search the room they came from to find Stones and Nails. Continue down the hallway and enter the dark room you come to straight ahead. If you want to, head to the end of this hallway to find some Nails. In the dark room, take care of the Scout waiting for you and make your way into the next room. Use your True Sight to see better. Kill the Crawler that appears in the next room and crouch under the gap in the wall on the left. As you exit, head down the hallway and into the room ahead where three Half-Breeds are looking for the spell that you need to find. Use Holy Water Bombs and the Crucifier to take care of them, and then enter the room they were in. In the far right corner of the room by the steps is a crate. Move the crate out of the way and crouch under the hole in the wall behind it. Open the door in front of you and enter another hallway. There's a sink on the right that you can use. Turn left and head down the hallway. At the end of the hallway, crouch under the wooden planks and enter the next room to start a cutscene. The Sangre de Dio is in the middle of the room but you first need to solve a puzzle to get rid of the force field protecting it. There are 8 panels on the floor in this room. You have to stand on them in the correct order to disable the force field. If you picked up Elriu's Note then the answer is there, otherwise, the answer is in the diagram below: +--------+ +--------+ | | +--------+ +--------+ | | | 5 | | | | | | 2 | | | | 4 | | 3 | | | +--------+ | | | | +--------+ +--------+ +--------+ +--------+ +--------+ | | +--------+ +--------+ | | | 8 | | | | | | 1 | | | | 6 | | 7 | | | +--------+ | | | | +--------+ +--------+ +--------+ If you hit the wrong panel, you will be knocked to the floor and will lose some of your health. When you've hit all the panels in the correct order, the force field disappears. Pick up the spear in the middle of where the force field was and grab the bonus card on the ledge on the left. When you've done that, a cut scene starts and a boss appears. +==========================+ | Boss Fight: Vermin Demon | +==========================+==================================================+ | This is the demon you saw break apart in the shadows earlier. It's a pretty | | simple fight. Run up to him and melee attack him a few times. He will break | | apart and the rats that form him will scatter about. If you don't already | | have a weapon equipped, quickly take one out and start shooting at the | | rats. It won't take long before they rejoin. Repeat this until you defeat | | him. When the Vermin Demon is defeated, he will drop another part of the | | Holy Shotgun. Pick it up to end the level. | +=============================================================================+ +---------------------------------------+ | 7.06: Edward Crowley Memorial Library | +---------------------------------------+ Watch the cutscene, and then you'll be in the Edward Crowley Memorial Library. Prepare yourself for this level, you'll be facing a tough new enemy in this level. When the level starts, take note of the water cooler on the left. You can use this to refill your health and flask. Go through the archway and into the central hub of the library. A cutscene will show something through the glass in the room below. Head over to the right side of the central hub and go into the hallway. Make your way round and open the tall double doors at the end. A bookcase will fall over in this room and a few books will fall from the shelves but ignore it. Enter the next part of the library where you'll see a strange Demon run off. Open the tall double doors at the back of this room and head along the hallway. A chandelier will fall in the hallway, just ignore it and open the next set of double doors. Turn right and head up the steps to the next floor. On this floor you'll be in the central hub of the floor above. You might also see the strange Demon again in the doorway across from you. Anyway, placed around the balcony are several busts that you need to push. They will drop and smash the glass floor below you. You only need to push one over, but make sure you'll be able to drop down through the glass after. If you push the wrong bust over, your movement will be restricted because of the bookcases. Anyway, head back downstairs and drop down into the room below. You'll lose some health, so use your flask to heal yourself. In this room, you'll find some Stones. Smash or shoot the glass in the middle of the room, and you'll be able to get the book which contains the Hunger spell. After the cutscene, a Half-Breed will appear. Use the Hunger spell to kill him. When he's dead, open the door he came from and head up the stairs. Open the double doors at the top and you'll be in a room with a fireplace. Grab the bottles of water and ammo by the chair, but watch out for a huge head that jumps out of the fireplace. Go through the door on the right and follow the hallway round to another set of double doors. Open these and you'll be back in the central hub with the broken glass floor panels. Cross the central hub to the stairs opposite and head back up to the second floor again where you pushed the busts over. Now you can explore this floor. On the left is the IT Lab. Enter the IT Lab and head through the double doors on the right. In this room a group of Soldiers will flash up in front of you. Forget about them for now. Use True Sight and you'll see a bookcase has a secret room behind it. Open the bookcase to find a Charm inside which will increase your Life Bar, and some Flaming Nails. Head back to the central hub and enter the room across from the IT Lab, the Reading Room. Go through this hallway and pick up the bonus card on the table and back to the central hub. Now enter the room to the right of the hallway you've just come from. Make your way through this hallway and open the double doors at the end. The doors across from you will close preventing you from leaving the room, and you now have to take care of the two Half-Breeds that are waiting for you. Same as always, use Holy Water Bombs and the Crucifier to take care of them. When both Half-Breeds are dead, grab the shelf between the two chairs and drag it over to the side of the shelf where the two Half-Breeds were. Climb onto the shelf and then onto the bookshelf to find a bonus card. Now head over to the double doors that closed earlier and next to it are two glass windows. Shoot the windows to break the glass and then drag the shelf over to the bookcase below it. Climb onto the shelf and then onto the bookcase and you can drop into the room below. In this room, step into the water ampoule and cast a spell to take you into Hell. Immediately as you enter Hell, you are attacked by a Scout. Shake him off and shoot him. Now that you've taken care of him, you can find the Naissance de Demoniacs. Be warned that you will be fighting a tough new enemy soon. Go through the doorway and a cutscene will show a tall door on the right with part of the top broken off that you need to get over. In the far left corner of this room is a water ampoule. There's nothing you can use in this room at the moment to get over the door, so return to Earth and you'll see a table near the door. Push the table over to the door and leave it there. Now go back into the previous room and use the water ampoule again to return to Hell and now the table will be by the door. Climb onto the table and climb over the door and drop down into the hallway. Make your way through the hallway until you reach the central hub again where you'll meet two Seplavites. There is a very good weapon for killing Seplavites but since you don't have it yet, you're stuck with the pistol as the Crucifier is absolutely useless against them. Watch out for the fireballs they spit at you and strafe backwards and forwards to dodge them. Get in close and try to shoot them quickly. They only take two hits but in the later levels they are a lot stronger. When they're dead, move to the door opposite the one you just came from and a Soldier will knock the door over. Kill him and go through the door to the right of the room you just came from. Pick up the bottle of water and bonus card at the end of this hallway and open the double doors. Now return to the hallway the Soldier came from and you should be able to crouch through a hole in the wall on the right. As you exit the hole a fireball will strike the floor. Exit the hole and pick up the Dragon's Breath flamethrower from the destroyed crate. This new, long-range weapon is very good at getting rid of Scouts and Soldiers but tougher enemies are harder to hurt with it. Use it on the Scouts that appear and then use your pistols to finish off any others. When all the Scouts are dead, enter the door on the left at the back of this room and more Scouts will appear from the hallway ahead. Kill them all and go down the hallway. At the end, climb over the bars blocking the doorway at the end and head down the stairs. At the bottom, you'll find a bottle of water and a bonus card along with some Nails. Head back up the stairs to the fourth floor. A bonus card is on the bookshelf on the left side of the stairs and some Stones and Nails on the bookshelf on the right side of the stairs. When you've got what you need, use the water ampoule in front of the gate to get back to Earth. Back on Earth, you can now proceed past the gate and into the central hub of the fourth floor. There is a bonus card on the table straight ahead. Head through the doorway on the right side of the room, and follow the trail of blood along the hallway. Open the double doors at the end and you'll be in a room with four dead bodies. There's a water cooler in here that you can use. In this room are Flasks, Holy Water Bombs and ammo. When you've got everything you want, use the double doors in this room to enter the next room. There's a dead body in the chair but you should ignore it. Get the keys from off the table and head back to the previous room. The four dead bodies in this room are now inhabited by Bile-Riz. This can be tough as they can gang up on you. Take on one of them at a time, and constantly strafe around the room. If you want to, use a powerful spell to get them. When they're dead, head back to the central hub and more Soldiers and Scouts will arrive. Take care of them as usuall, and then use the keys to open the locked across from the hallway you just came from. Follow the hallway round until you reach a dead end with a fire place. Pick up the bottles of water and ammo from the tables and use the water ampoule to head back to Hell. Now you're back in Hell, and there's a new enemy waiting for you - Scavenger Warriors. They are tougher than Soldiers and take more hits to kill. This one is weaker though but the ones in later levels are tougher. Note the water ampoule in this room. You can use this to return to Earth for health refills. Anyway, head through the doorway on the left and make your way round the hallway. Kill the Warrior that appears and go through the door on the right where two Soldiers are waiting. More Soldiers and a Warrior will appear when the first two are dead, so take care of them as you make your way around the balcony. Enter the last room on the right where the broken-down elevator waits. Grab the bottle of water that's sitting inside the elevator and start climbing up the shaft until you reach the fourth floor and a cutscene will start. Kan-Gore the dragon that jumped out of the fireplace earlier appears. +======================+ | Boss Fight: Kan-Gore | +======================+======================================================+ | This boss is huge, but is not much tougher than the last boss you fought. | | At the start of the fight, most of your movement is restricted because of | | the bookcases. Kan-Gore's most powerful attack is the fireball he spits at | | you. This can easily be avoided though. There are a few bottles of water | | scattered around if you need it. You need to equip a weapon (I used the | | Crucifier) and shoot at the inside of his mouth to damage him. Once you hit | | him, he will wave his head about and destroy some of the bookcases, giving | | you more space to move around. Repeat this and he will destroy the remain- | | ing bookcases, giving you a lot more space to dodge his attacks. Now he | | will also try to hit by waving his head around. Stay back and shoot at his | | mouth when he opens it and you'll defeat him. | +=============================================================================+ When he's defeated, you can pick up the Naissance de Demoniacs book on the other side of the room. Behind it, a fireball will destroy part of a wall. Enter the hole in the wall, pick up the final Holy Shotgun piece on the table on the right, and use the water ampoule to return to Earth and end the level. +----------------+ | 7.07: Mortuary | +----------------+ After the cutscene, you'll be outside the Mortuary. You need to meet up with Hennessey inside and find Elriu's body. At the start, you'll have a new weapon available to you - the Holy Shotgun. This will be very useful against the new upcoming monsters you'll be fighting. There's a few Impalers in this level so you need to be prepared. At the start, you'll see an open loading bay dock door. Head over to it and to the left of it in the corner is a dumpster. You can find a bonus card next to the dumpster. Pick it up and enter the Mortuary. The ambulance sirens will flash on for a moment, but ignore it. Head over to the plastic curtains behind the ambulance and enter the door on the left. A cutscene will start. After the cutscene, you'll be facing a Half-Breed. He's on his own, so he should be easy to kill. When he's dead, enter the small office area behind the counter to find Nails and another bonus card and enter the next room through the double doors. In this room are three bodies on gurnies. Go over to them and they will all get up and attack you. Use the Exorcism spell to take care of them and enter the hallway through the door at the back of the room. You'll see a gurney wheel past you here. Follow it and turn the corner where there is another bonus card behind a small overturned shelf. Head back round the corner and head through the doors in front of you. In this room a small bin lid will wheel around on the floor before falling. Enter the middle of this room and three more gurneys will shoot out at you from the side of the room and three more Hosts will attack you. Use the Exorcism spell to take out one of them and then kill the remaining two with the Crucifier. You'll need to heal at this point if you haven't already, so heal and open the next set of double doors at the back of this room to trigger a cutscene. The cutscene shows some Scouts feeding off a dead body. After the cutscene, take out your Crucifier and shoot the Scouts that attack you. Turn around and turn the corner where you'll find another bonus card. Shoot the glass window just past the dead body on the floor and enter the next room. Head to the double doors at the back and the lights will go out. Four more Scouts will appear from the shadows and you'll have to kill them all before you can go through the double doors. Go through the double doors and as you turn the corner, look behind the over- turned gurney to find another bonus card. Follow the hallway until you reach another section of the hallway that's on fire. A Host will appear from the flames on the right. Kill him first and then and then head over to the steps in the room across from the hallway you just came from. Drop down to the steps, avoiding the flames and enter the hallway on the left. A gurney will be thrown along the hallway here. Another gurney is blocking the door at the top of the steps on the left so head down the steps in front of you. Head through the doors to the left of the overturned gurney that was just thrown and you'll see two doctors in there and a cutscene will start. After the cutscene, aim your weapon at the female doctor on the right and you'll see the target is green, indicating the doctor is a Demon. Chuck a Holy Water Bomb at her and she'll start to attack you. Kill her and pick up the Maintenance Keys she drops. You'll also find a bonus card in here. Head back out to the hallway and continue along. Turn the corner and use the Maintenance Keys to unlock the double doors. In this room, you'll find another Charm that will increase your Magic Reserve Bar. Pick it up and turn the valve in this room to turn on the sprinklers. Head back to the room that was on fire and you'll now see a vent next to the stairs. Crouch and head through the vent. There's another Life Increase Charm in the small room here. Pick it up and leave the vent. Head up the stairs on the left and head down the hallway that was on fire earlier, where the Host came from. Open the double doors ahead and you'll be in a reception area. There's a dead security guard in here, on a chair. You'll hear another guard on the intercom trying to contact his buddy. Use the water cooler in this room to refill your health and flask and call the elevator. As it reaches your floor, the doors crash open and a new enemy appears - an Impaler. These guys are pretty hard to kill. They mainly charge at you and swipe at you with their claws which does a lot of damage if they corner you. To kill them you have to strafe around them and shoot the yellow spot on their back. Be careful as they are pretty fast too. The best thing to do here is to chuck a Beetle at them to stun them and blast them with the Holy Shotgun. When you've taken care of the Impaler, enter the elavator and use the debris to climb into the room above. There's another bonus card behind the overturned gurney in the hallway on the left. When you're done in this room, enter the double doors in the far left corner of the room. As you near the doors a body will be thrown against the window. Enter the next room and head up the steps. The glass windows on the right will shatter and three Seplavites will appear. Use the Crucifier to take care of them, but get in as close as you can as it's hard to hit them outside. When they're taken care of, search this room to find another bonus card and heal. You can also find more bottles of water in the room. Go through the next set of double doors on the left side of the room and in the hallway you'll be attacked by two Scouts and two Crawlers. Take care of them and open the double doors on the left at the end of the hallway to start a cutscene involving you and Hennessey. Hennessey will give you a key to open the lab containing Elriu's body. After the cutscene, go to the right and a Seplavite will arrive from the window above. Use the wall for cover and blast him with the Holy Shotgun when you get the chance. When he's dead, pick up the bonus card between the two chairs on the left side of the room and enter the hallway ahead of you. Use the water cooler in this hallway to fill up your health and flask before you open the set of double doors at the end. In this room is another Impaler and four Crawlers waiting for you. Repeat what you did the first time and use the Beetle again if it helps. When he's dead, finish off any remaining Crawlers and head to the doors at the end of the hallway. Pick up the bonus card by the gurney on the right before you enter the lab. In the lab, enter the next door and head over to the computer with the bright green screen in the far right corner to start a cutscene. Constantine discovers that Elriu's body has been moved. After the cutscene, shoot the Crawler and Host that has entered the room. When they're taken care of, check the computer again to get a new spell - the Protection spell. Using this will allow you to be immune to damage for a short while. Leave the lab and head back outside to the hallway where another cutscene starts. Hennessey comes running down the hallway, followed by an Impaler. After the cutscene, deal with the Impaler with the Beetle and Holy Shotgun and head back the way you came. Turn right at the end of the hallway to meet another Impaler. Again, use the Beetle and Holy Shotgun and enter the double doors to start a cutscene. The cutscene shows Constantine discovering Elriu's body and then two cops show up with someone named Angela and arrest you. This ends the level. +---------------------------+ | 7.08: 13th Precinct House | +---------------------------+ After the cutscene, you'll be in the Interrogation Room where Angela was questioning you during the cutscene. Quickly pick up your belongings from the table as two Soldiers knock down the door and attack. Quickly kill them with your Dragon's Breath flamethrower and go out to the hallway. Go straight down the hallway in front of you and a cop will run through the double doors in front of you. However, an unknown Demon emerges from the door on the right and drags him away. There's a cooler on the left side of the hallway and a bonus card just past it. Grab the card and then turn around and head back down the hallway. Turn the corner and a dead body will be thrown into the hallway from a room on the right. Two more Soldiers will exit the room so shoot them and enter the room they came from. Walk over to the table and the lights will go out. You will then be attacked by a Soldier and a Warrior. Use your Dragon's Breath to kill them and then pick up the ammo on the table and head back out to the hall- way. Heal if you have to before proceeding. Go into the second room on the right and you'll find a bottle of water on the cabinet in the corner. The lights will also go out again and a large group of Soldiers will appear. Stand by the doorway and burn them as they enter. In this room, you'll notice a bright room next to the one you're in. Leave this room and go through the door on the right. There's another cooler by the door on the left. Another large group of Soldiers and Warriors will appear here so get ready to kill them. Use the Holy Shotgun, and when they are dead, pick up the Nails and Flasks in the corner and go into the room the Demons came from. You'll now be in a room full of offices. There will be a few more Soldiers lurking around in this room. Take care of them and head to the left side of the room where you'll find an Impaler uh... impaling a cop in the next room behind a window. Head to the far left corner of the room next and you'll find another Impaler smashing a dead body against the window. In the bottom right corner of this room, open the door and head down the hallway where three Soldiers are waiting for you. Kill them and enter the room on the right and you'll find a bonus card next to the cabinets and another Charm which will increase your magic reserve. You'll have to climb over the wire fence to get them. When you've got them, head back to the offices. Now head to the far right corner of the room where a set of double doors are. They're locked but next to them is a desk and a bonus card beside it. Pick it up and head to the far right corner of the room where you saw the Impaler smashing a dead body against the window earlier. Go down the hallway here and enter the office on the right. Head over to the aquarium at the back and three more Soldiers will enter the room from behind you. Kill them and then use the aquarium to cast a spell and enter Hell. You have to press the highlighted buttons in the corner of the screen in the order they are highlighted to enter Hell. Now you're in Hell, you'll find a new weapon here, a Purger. This powerful crossbow is very effective against Seplavites and you'll be fighting quite a few of these in the upcoming levels. After you pick the Purger up, a fireball destroys the wall next to you. Go through the hole it creates and a trio of Seplavites will appear. Use the Purger to shoot them down, and use the wall for cover against the fireballs. When they're dead, two more appear. Repeat against the remaining two Seplavites and a cutscene will start. A Behemoth will break down a wall and charge at you. +======================+ | Boss Fight: Behemoth | +======================+======================================================+ | This beast will charge at you most of the time and swipes at you with his | | claws. His most devastating attack is his swipe combo which can take almost | | half of your health away so try to avoid it. He will pull you forward with | | a powerful wind before doing this so you know when to expect it. Also watch | | out for his slam attack. He slams both of his claws on the ground which | | will knock you over if you are within range, but does very little damage. | | However, you are open to attack at this point. To damage the Behemoth you | | will have to shoot at the growths on its torso. There are two on his back | | and one in the middle of his chest. The best weapon to use is the Holy Shot | | gun. Keep moving around as it charges at you during most of the fight. When | | it pulls you forward, you can actually use this to get closer and shoot one | | of its heads. This will stop him from getting his swipe combo in. | +=============================================================================+ When he's dead, a fireball will destroy a hole in a wall. First, search the area you're in to find a bonus card and go through the hole. Head down the hall way and at the top of the stairs you will be attacked by four Soldiers. Two of which will appear from behind you. Kill them all and descend the stairs. Half- way down the stairs, two Soldiers and two Warriors will appear. Kill them and continue down the stairs. Near the bottom, a Warrior appears. Kill him and use the water ampoule at the bottom to go to Earth. Back on Earth, you'll be in a hallway of the precinct. You'll hear someone screaming and two Soldiers will appear at the top of the stairs in front of you. Use the Holy Shotgun to kill them and head down the stairs. Climb over the gate and turn the corner. You'll see another gate ahead of you, but it's locked, so turn right again and two cell doors will fall over and four Bile- Riz will appear. Use the Screech Beetle to stun them and do your best not to get cornered. When the Bile-Riz are dead, continue past the cells. Note that the first cell on the left contains a bonus card. At the end is a water cooler so fill up your health and Flask and on the wall to the right of the cooler is the Shower Key. Pick it up and return to where you fought the Bile-Riz. Turn the corner and use the Shower Key to open the locked gate to the Shower Room. Use the water ampoule in the middle of the shower room to go back to Hell. Once you're back in Hell, two Warriors will enter the shower room. Kill them with the Shotgun and leave. Out in the hallway, you'll see that several of the cells are now destroyed and crumbling. Pick up the Nails, ammo, bodkins and a bonus card in the last cell on the right. This will cause a large group of Warriors to appear. Use the Beetle to stun them and finish them off with the Shotgun. Turn the corner at the end of the hall and go through the doorway on the left. In the next hallway a new enemy will appear, a Bastado along with two Soldiers. Take care of the Soldiers first and then focus on the Bastado. These skeletal- looking Demons have two heads and attack you with a barrage of green fireballs. They can be hard to hit though, because they can teleport to different areas. Use your True Sight to be able to see them at all times. When it's dead, turn the corner and two more Bastados and Soldiers will appear. Take care of them and continue down the hallway. Head up the stairs to the very top where you'll find a Life-Increase Charm and a Moses Shroud. Pick it up and go back down the stairs. Go through the doorway and make your way through the hallway until you reach a room where part of a wall crumbles. Turn the corner where a group of five Demons will attack you - three Soldiers and two Warriors. When they're dead, go back to the hallway and turn the corners until you reach a dead end, and at this point another Bastado will pop up. Kill him and another will appear. Kill him too and go through the doorway on the left. Another Soldier will arrive here, so shoot him and walk forward to find two more Soldiers appear. When they're both dead, make your way past the wreckage and go through the doorway. Kill the three Warriors that appear and watch out for an Impaler which will come through a door on the right. Use the Screech Beetle to stun it and shoot it in the back. Go through the door it came from and follow the hallway through to the next room where you'll find a bottle of water in the corner, and a water ampoule in the middle. Use it to return to Earth. You'll find yourself in the toilets. You can use the sinks in here to refill your Flask and health. There's also a bonus card by the toilet. Go through the door in front of you and the next one on the left to reach a hallway. Go through the door in front of you and a cutscene will show Angela running from some Soldiers. She locks herself in a room, leaving you to deal with them. After the cutscene, equip a weapon and use the keypad on the left in this cubicle to open the doors outside in the hallway. Wait a moment and several Soldiers will enter the room. Use the Holy Shotgun to keep them away until you kill them all. When all the Soldiers are dead, return to the hallway, and go through one of the now-open doors. A couple of Warriors and a Bastado will appear, along with a Half-Breed disguised as a cop. Take care of the Bastado and Warriors first, and then chuck a Holy Water Bomb at the cop to weaken it. You can then use the Holy Shotgun to kill it. When the room's clear, go towards the double doors at the back to start a cutscene and end the level. +---------------------------------+ | 7.09: Journey to Papa Midnite's | +---------------------------------+ After the cutscene, you'll be in an alley outside Papa Midnite's Bar. Walk forward to start a very brief cutscene. After the cutscene, three Seplavites will appear above you. I found that the best place for cover is the back of the truck on the right. If you stay behind one of the crates on the truck, the Seplavites will fly down in front of the truck and it will give you an easy opportunity to pick them off with the Purger. When all three Seplavites are dead, leave the back of the truck. You can find a bonus card by the car that is parked next to the truck. Approach the Bar entrance and go down the alley on the left side of the bar and you'll find a bottle of water on the dumpster against the wall. Head back to the bar entrance and climb over the wire fence on the right side of the bar. Head down the darkened alley and an Impaler will appear above the brick wall in front of you. He will jump down and charge at you. Stay back and use the Screech Beetle to stun him. You know what to do next. When he's dead, turn the corner and walk towards the building at the back. You'll be ambushed by a large group of Crawlers and an Impaler. Take care of the Crawlers first and then focus on the Impaler. When he's dead, another large group of Crawlers appear. When the area's clear of enemies, climb the wire fence on the far right side of the compound and grab the bottle of water on the canister by the fence before heading through the opening. Walk forward to start a cutscene. +==========================+ | Boss Fight: Vermin Demon | +==========================+==================================================+ | The Vermin Demon is back and is still a pushover. At the start, run up to | | him and melee attack him a few times. This will break him apart, and while | | the rats are scuttling around on the floor, equip your Dragon's Breath | | flamethrower and aim it at the pile of leaves blowing about on the floor. | | Now, when the rats join together again, they will all be burned. You should | | be able to kill him on the second time around. | +=============================================================================+ When the Vermin Demon's dead, go over to the fence at the back and go through the opening. Climb up the ladder to the left and walk along the ledge at the top. At the end, you'll need to jump across to the roof of another building. Jump across and pick up the bottle of water and bonus card by the vent. Drop down to the dumpster in the alley below and then drop down to the ground. You shouldn't lose any health by doing this, but if you do, heal yourself. Head down the next alley on the left and as you exit, a small group of Crawlers emerge from behind a crate next to a van. Stay back and use the Shotgun to take care of them. When they are all dead, go past the van and an Impaler will be waiting for you in the corner on the right. Another Crawler might also appear behind you. Take care of the Impaler and when it's dead, walk over to the van and press the X button by the back door to open it and a single Crawler will jump out. Shoot it and then head round the back of the building in the middle of this area. You'll see a monitoring room round the back and as you approach another group of Crawlers appear. Take care of them and then enter the monitoring room. Pick up the ammo and bottle of water in this room and check the CCTV. They show the surrounding area outside the monitoring room. On one of the CCTV cameras, you'll see the roof of a building with a billboard on it. This is where you need to get to. Go back outside and back round to the front entrance of the building with the van parked outside. Climb onto the crate next to the van and then onto the van itself. From here, you can climb up to the roof of the building. First, shoot the skylight windows and drop down into the building. In here you'll find some Stones on one of the cars and if you search behind the stack of crates in the corner you'll find some Explosive Nails, another Life Increase Charm, a bottle of water and a bonus card. When you've got everything, climb back over the crates. Head over to the keypad between the two warehouse doors and press the X button to open the door on the left. Look between the gap by the garage door and the van and you'll see another Impaler waiting for you outside. The keypad on the right opens the warehouse door on the right, so open it and another Impaler will appear. Use the Screech Beetle to stun them both and then shoot them in the back. When they're both dead, reclaim your Beetle and climb back up to the roof of the warehouse. Head over to the billboard and press the X button when you're near it to push it over. Now, run along the billboard and jump you need to make it across the gap to the roof of the building opposite. Once you're across the gap make your way along the roof of the building you're on and head towards the gap in the railings. As you near the gap, a trio of Warriors drop down on to the roof of the building opposite. They will then jump across to the roof of the building you're on so take care of them quickly. Below the railings is another alley but you'll take too much damage if you drop from here, so jump across the rooftops surrounding the alley and at the end, you'll see a dumpster you can drop down to. Do so, and go through the doorway on the left. There'll be a little inside alley before you get outside again, so head through the alley and exit. At the other end is an Impaler and Seplavite. Lure the Impaler into the inside alley and use the Screech Beetle. This will protect you from the Seplavite while you take care of the Impaler. When the Impaler's dead, equip the Purger and head back outside to the Seplavite. The Purger should make short work of the Seplavite. As you exit the alley, head to the right and pick up the bottle of water and the bonus card from the stack of crates against the wall. Now head through the double doors below where the Seplavite was, and turn the corner in the hallway. Turn the next corner and pick up the bonus card by the warehouse entrance. You're at a dead end now, and need to find a way out of the warehouse. Head over to the strange symbol in blood on the floor, and stand in the middle. You need to cast a spell here to summon a Seplavite and since the buttons you need to press are not indicated in the corner of the screen, it can be tricky to work the combination out. Press the triangle button first to start the spell. The combination is: Triangle (x2), Circle, X (x3), Square (x2), and Triangle. A Seplavite will fly through the floor, and pick you up. You will then be flown across an aqueduct and dropped in another alley somewhere. You will find Nails and a bottle of water on the canisters behind you. Approach the basketball court to start a cutscene. The cutscene shows Constantine standing in the middle of basketball court while Demons whizz past him. After the cutscene, you'll be in the basketball and you'll be facing a new Demon here - a Cleaver. These annoying creatures are very fast and have a damaging swipe attack. Stay back and deal with it with either the Holy Shotgun or Dragon's Breath flamethrower. Also try not to stay in one place for too long as they can and will surround you if you are facing several of them at once. When you've killed the Cleaver, two Seplavites appear along with two more Cleavers. Use the Purger to take care of the Seplavites first, and then deal with the Cleavers. When all the Demons are dead, head through the open gate on the left to leave the basketball court and in the dark corner opposite the basketball court is a dumpster where you can find another bonus card. Collect the bonus card and head down the alley. The purple building ahead is Papa Mid- nite's Bar. A cutscene will start shortly and the level ends. +---------------------+ | 7.10: Hell's Museum | +---------------------+ This level is a pain from start to finish. It's painfully long, and you have another encounter with the Behemoth to look forward to. When the level starts, you'll be outside the museum. You'll find some flasks and a bonus card on the right side of the museum and Nails on the left. Head toward the steps in front of you to start a cutscene. After the cutscene, head up the steps and enter the museum. Grab the bottle of water ahead of you and open the double doors. You'll also find a bonus card nearby. Continue through a couple of small rooms until you reach the main area of the museum. Enter the main area to start a cutscene. You learn that the Lexicon book that you need to be able to translate the Naissance de Demoniacs is locked behind a door that is protected by powerful black magic, and you need to find the Unholy Seals of Trinity to be able to unlock it. After the cutscene a couple of Warriors will attack you. Deal with them, and head past the stairs and round to the back of this room. There are three entrances on this floor, but two of them are blocked off at the moment, so crouch under the hole in the door at the back of the museum. Head to the right and climb over the low wall in the hallway. Turn the corner and a Bastado will appear. Shoot him and on the next corner, climb over another low wall and enter the Gallery of the Damned. Two Warriors appear in this room but its nothing you can't handle. Kill them and enter the double doors in the far left corner. Head through the next hallway and crouch under the next door that you come to. Four Warriors will appear in this room. Not very threatening, but you should still watch out for them. When they're all dead, head through the double doors in the far right corner and as you enter the next hallway, part of the ceiling collapses, preventing you from turning back. Open the double doors on the left and a cutscene will show one of the Seals. There's also a massive Behemoth statue behind it. You can guess what's coming, can't you? Walk forward and all the doors leading out of the room will lock you in. Walk over to the Seal and the glass surrounding it will shatter, and allow you to pick up the Seal of Lucifer. At that point, the Behemoth statue will crumble and the Behemoth itself appears. +======================+ | Boss Fight: Behemoth | +======================+======================================================+ | This fight is pretty much the same as the last time you fought it. This | | beast will charge at you most of the time and swipes at you with his claws. | | His most devastating attack is his swipe combo which can take almost half | | of your health away so try to avoid it. He will pull you forward with a | | powerful wind before doing this so you know when to expect it. Also watch | | out for his slam attack. He slams both of his claws on the ground which | | will knock you over if you are within range, but does very little damage. | | However, you are open to attack at this point. To damage the Behemoth you | | will have to shoot at the growths on its torso. There are two on his back | | and one in the middle of his chest. The best weapon to use is the Holy Shot | | gun. Keep moving around as it charges at you during most of the fight. When | | it pulls you forward, you can actually use this to get closer and shoot one | | of its heads. This will stop him from getting his swipe combo in. | +=============================================================================+ After the fight, the doors will unlock. Pick up the bonus card that the Behemoth drops and heal as well before you leave this room. To leave the room, open the double doors at the back of the room, behind where the Behemoth statue was. Turn right as you exit the room and head along the hallway until you reach some stairs leading up with three Warriors waiting for you. Deal with the three Warriors and head up the stairs. At the top, climb over the low wall and you'll see a door on the right, but it's blocked by a block. Press the X button near the block to grab it and move it away from the door. Now, you can crouch under the hole in the door and you'll be back in the main room of the museum. Head along the walkway and eliminate the Cleavers that appear from the stairs on the left. Jump across the gap they came from and head down the stairs. Step on the left panel in front of the huge double doors to unlock one of the beams holding the door closed. Once the first beam is unlocked a fireball will destroy a door on the walkway above. Head back up the stairs you just came from and head along the walkway on the right. Crouch under the hole in the door and enter the room. On the right, you will notice a rather large pit. If you try to jump it, you will fall to your death. Press the X button when standing near the wall to put your back against it and then you can shimmy along the ledge to the other side. At the other end, turn the corner and a Warrior will run up to you. Shoot it and head down the hallway. Turn the next corner up ahead and you'll see a low wall blocking a doorway. Climb over the low wall and into Satan's Flea Market, and several Warriors will enter the room. Before they get a chance to hit you, climb back over the wall. For some reason they stop moving here, and you can shoot them all with the Crucifier or another weapon without them attacking you. When all the Warriors are dead, re-enter the room and pick up the bonus card from the throne. Enter the next set of double doors ahead and on the right is another large pit. There is no ledge that you can use to shimmy across this time, so climb onto the creeping vines on the wall and use them to climb across to the other side. Ignore the rumbling that starts and climb down to the ground at the other end. Turn the corner and open another set of double doors. A large group of Cleavers and Bastados will attack you in the next room so take care of them quickly. When they're all dead, open the next set of double doors. You'll most likely need to heal at this point. Anyway, open the double doors and jump the small pit in the hallway. Turn the corner and open another set of double doors. In the next room is the Seal of Satan. This Seal is a bit more trickier to get. There are twelve panels set around the room. You have to step on four of the twelve panels to break the Seal. If you hit the wrong panel, a line of fire will appear around the edge of the room and you'll be attacked by Impalers, Bastados, Cleavers or Warriors, depending on which panel you wrongly step on. If you look on the wall, you will see a small map with the layout of the room. Looking at this with True Sight will indicate which panel you have to step on. If you can't work it out, the answer is in the diagram below: _ +---+ +---+ _ (_) | | | 1 | (_) +---+ +---+ +---+ +---+ | 4 | | | +---+ +---+ +---+ +---+ | | | | +---+ +---+ _ _ (_) (_) +---+ +---+ | 2 | | | +---+ +---+ +---+ +---+ | | | 3 | +---+ +---+ _ +---+ +---+ _ (_) | | | | (_) +---+ +---+ When all the right panels have been hit, the Seal breaks and you are able to pick up the Seal of Satan. Head through the double doors ahead of you, and head along the hallway. As you turn the corner, three Warriors are waiting for you. Kill them and go through the doorway on the right. Go down the stairs and climb over the low wall at the bottom. Pick up the bottle of water in the cor- ner if you need it and climb onto the low wall on the right. From there, climb over the partly broken door and you'll be back in the main area of the museum again. Take care of the Bastado that appears and then head back to the huge set of double doors in the middle of the room. Step on the middle panel in front of the door to unlock another beam. Just one more Seal to get. A fireball will destroy some rubble blocking another door, and this one is on the bottom floor on the left side of the museum. Head over to the destroyed door and open it where an Impaler will attack you. Same as always, use the Screech Beetle to stun it, and then get behind it and shoot the yellow spot on its back. Go through the door and climb over the low wall on the right. Turn the corner where a Cleaver and two Warriors are waiting for you. Deal with them and make your way through the hallway. On the next corner, crouch under the hole in the door and enter the next room. In this room, stand in the circle on the floor in the middle of the room and a group of Demons will drop down from the floor above. Two Bastados and two Cleavers. Take care of them quickly and then heal. Go through the next set of double doors and you'll be in a very small area where a cave-in has filled most of the room. Press the X button near the wall to put your back against it and then shimmy through the gap between the rocks and the wall. Head through the next set of double doors and you'll be in another room with a circle on the floor in the middle of the room. As you approach the circle, four Warriors will enter the room from the door at the back of the room. Use the Holy Shotgun to kill them quickly and then head through the door they came from. Move along this hallway but move quickly as part of the floor will collapse. Go through the next double doors on the left, and you'll be in the room with the Seal of Satan. This final puzzle is tricky to solve so the diagram below might be of some use: +------------------------+ +-----------------+ | | | | | +--------------------+ +-----------------+ Pressure | | Spot | | +----+ +----+ +-----------------+ #1 | | | | | | | | | | +----+----+----+ +------------+ | | | | | | | | | | S2 | | | | +--------+ +------+----+----+ | | Pressure | | | | | | | | Spot +---+--------+----+------+ S1 +----+ | | #2 |B1 | | | | | +---+--------------------| |+---------+ | | | || | +------------------------+----++--------------+ Okay, that diagram's probably very confusing, so I'll try my best to give a proper solution. First, push Block 1 (B1) over to Shelf 1 (S1). Push Shelf 1 forward and then continue pushing Block 1 until you reach the corner. Climb over Block 1 and pull it up to the next corner. Now head back to Shelf 1 and push or pull it back to its original position. Now, continue pulling Block 1 until you reach Shelf 2. Push Shelf 2 forward and then pull Block 1 along the path where Shelf 2 was originally until you reach the corner. Climb over Block 1 and pull it up to the next corner. Head back to Shelf 2 and push/pull it back to its original position. Now, push/pull Block 1 along the remaining path until it's out of the maze and push it onto the Pressure Spot #1. Now all you have to do is stand on Pressure Spot #2 to break the Seal. Now that you have all three Seals, you need to get the Lexicon. Once you pick up the Seal of the Devil, three Seplavites will appear in the room. Equip the Purger and use that to take care of them. When all three are dead, the doors will unlock. First, search along the walkway on the side of the room to find a bonus card and then open the double doors at the back of the room to leave. Head along the hallway until you reach some stairs. Go up the stairs and kill the two Bastados waiting for you at the top. Climb over the low wall and pick up the bottle of water and ammo in the corner. Climb over the mound of rocks on the right and you'll be back in the main area of the museum. Head back along the walkway and down the stairs to the bottom floor of the museum. Stand on the final panel on the right to unlock the third beam and the door protecting the Lexicon. When the door opens you are attacked by a variety of Demons - an Impaler, a Bastado, two Warriors and two Cleavers. Deal with them one by one and heal when necessary. When all the Demons are dead, go through the door but before you pick up the Lexicon, there's a bonus card in the corner behind it. Pick that up first and then the Lexicon to start a cut- scene. After that the level ends. +------------------------------+ | 7.11: 20 Lanes Bowling Alley | +------------------------------+ After the cutscene, you'll be in Beeman's apartment. Almost immediately you will be attacked by two Warriors. The apartment is small, so it's easy to get cornered here. Use the Holy Shotgun to take them out. When the Warriors are dead, a cutscene starts. After the cutscene, search the apartment to find a bottle of water, a bonus card and Voodoo Doll. You can also use the sink in the apartment to fill up your Flask and health. When you've done everything you need to, head through the open door at the back of the apartment and out into the hallway. Head down the hallway, and down the stairs at the end. At the bottom of the stairs, open the door on the right to enter the Bowling Alley. As you walk through this room, you'll probably notice the bowling balls rolling up and down in the gutters. When you reach the doorway at the other end of the room, a large group of Warriors appear in the bowling allies. You'll be here for a while as this is the easy part. Quickly cast the Protection Spell, and start blasting away. When the Warriors are dead, another swarm of Bastados and Cleavers appear. These are deadlier than the Warriors, especially in large groups. Keep moving the whole time, and remember to heal when you need to. When you've finally dealt with all the Demons, enter the arcade at the back of the room, where you were originally headed, and go behind the arcade machines and put your back to the wall. You should be able to shimmy through a gap in the wall and into a small secret room where you'll find a bonus card and a Magic Reserve Charm. Pick everything up in here, and head back outside to the bowling allies. To the right as you exit the arcade is a door. Open it and enter the hallway. Use the water cooler in the corner to fill up your health and a Flask before turning the corner. Go down the stairs on the left and pick up the ammo at the bottom, and then head back up the stairs. Continue along the hallway and up some more steps. Turn the corner at the top where three Warriors are waiting. Continue up the stairs until you reach a small hallway with crates stacked against the wall. Just past the crates is a locked door on the right, but there's a way into the room. Pull the single crate sitting by the door in front of the door and climb onto it. Now, you can climb over the top of the door but first shoot out the glass. You are now in a sort of sewing room. Open the door directly opposite as you entered the room, and activate True Sight. On the wall on the right is a strange symbol. Press the X button while you're standing near the red shelf to put your back against the wall. Shimmy through the narrow gap in the wall and you'll be in another small secret room where you'll find another Moses Shroud, Flasks Shot- gun Shells, and another bonus card. When you've got everything, leave the secret room and head back to sewing room. Once you're back in the sewing room, head over to the back, and you'll see a small office in the far right corner. You'll come back to this, but for now, enter the toilets opposite the small office. There's a young woman in there who cowers by one of the cubicles. She is not a threat and you will lose health if you try to kill her. You can use the sinks to refill your Flask and health if you need to. Leave the toilets and enter the office opposite. Head over to the door on the left as you near it, a cupboard will move in front of the door and block it. A large swarm of vermin will attack you at this point, with some of them coming from the toilets. Use the Dragon's Breath to burn them as you need the Shotgun ammo. When the rats have been taken care of, reenter the office, and move the cabinet out of the way. Open the door and follow the hallway round past the red shelves. There is plenty of ammo on the shelves along the way if you need it. Near the end of the hallway a human will come out of a room on the left and be attacked by Crawlers. Shoot the Crawlers and turn the corner up ahead. A bonus card is on the shelf at the end of this hallway. Equip a weapon and shoot the glass windows. Now you can climb out of the window and onto the fire escape. Start walking along the fire escape but move quickly as it will soon collapse under the weight of the several Warriors that drop down in front of you. Run to the end and try not to get stopped by any of the Warriors. Any Warriors on the fire escape will fall when it collapses. Finish off any remaining and head up the steps at the end. Shoot the window and reenter the building. Three Warriors and a couple of Crawlers will appear on the right, so kill them and head down the hallway they came from. Two Warriors, two Cleavers and another Crawler will appear, so kill them quickly. They can easily surround you because you're in a confined area. When they're dead, continue along the hall- way and the hallway splits. Take the right path first and at the end, you'll find a water cooler and a bonus card. Go back down the hallway you came from and take the left path now. At the end is another locked door. Pull the single crate in front of door and use it to climb over and drop down into the next room. Remember to shoot out the glass. Walk forward and you'll be attacked by three Warriors and a Bastado. Kill them all, and more Warriors and Bastados appear. When they are all finally dead, head over to the bottom left corner of the room from where you entered and open the door. An Impaler appears in the next room and charges through a pillar. Quickly chuck the Beetle at it and you can stun it before it reaches you. Kill it and reclaim the Beetle. Go through the door it came from and you will be ambushed by two waves of Demons. Two Impalers at first, but then a group of Crawlers appear. When they're all dead, proceed through the room and approach the door in the cornerm to start a cutscene. After the cutscene, your Life Bar will increase. Grab the bottle of water by the crates in this room and open the door. Balthazar will chime in on the intercom in the next room. Ignore him and pick up the two bonus cards in here. When he's finished talking, the room will fill with Warriors and Crawlers. Your movement is very restricted here, so cast the Protection Spell or use the Stormcrow Spell to wipe them all out without any fuss. Open the door to the next room and use the water cooler to refill your Flask and health. You can return here for the remainder of the level whenever you need more health. Open the next door and you'll be faced with more Warriors. Deal with them and head down the small hallway on the left of where you entered. In this room are a few more Crawlers, but most importantly, two bonus cards. Return to the previous room and activate True Sight. Explore this room with True Sight to find another symbol on the wall. Put your back against the wall just below the symbol and you'll find you can squeeze through another narrow gap between a wall and a shelf. At the end is another secret room containing a few Crawlers. Grab the bonus card at the base of the ladder before using it to climb up to the attic. In the attic there is a pentagram puzzle on the floor, which you must solve to unlock Beeman's powerful new spell - the Gargoyle spell. There are five candles sitting at various points on the floor. You must push them onto a specific point on the pentagram to light them up. I think the way it works is that you push a candle onto a part of the pentagram and three of the four remaining parts light up in the red. The remaining part that isn't lit up is where the next candle goes. If anyone can confirm this, please let me know. When the puzzle has been solved, the shield protecting Beeman's spell will disappear. Walk over to it to start a cutscene. After the cutscene, three Warriors and an Impaler will appear in the room. Now is the chance to try out the new spell. Cast the Gargoyle spell on them and they will all freeze on the spot. You can now destroy them all in one hit, even Impalers will be killed in one hit no matter where you hit them. When the attic's clear, a cutscene starts, and after that the level ends. +----------------------+ | 7.12: Hell's Highway | +----------------------+ After the cutscene, you'll be in Hell again. The whole level mainly takes place on this highway. This level can also be a bit difficult if you aren't prepared. Start by equipping your Purger and running forward. Three Seplavites will appear so use your Purger to take them down. When they're dead, pick up the water and bodkins from a small mound on the right. Continue forward and a couple of Scouts will appear from some wreckage on the right. Kill them and look along the left for some nails and a bonus card. Pick them up and continue forward again. Just past where you encounter the Scouts, a fireball will hit a wrecked car. I don't know if this can hurt you, but be careful. Head right around the wreckage and you will be surrounded by four Soldiers. Use your Holy Shotgun to kill them easily. You might also want to use the Shotgun for the rest of the level as it is pretty effective against most of the demons. Once they're all dead, look along the left side of the highway again and you'll find another bonus card along with some water and more ammo. Anyway, as you head around the wreckage, another fireball will hit the ground close to you and four more Soldiers will appear, one in front and three behind. When you've got rid of them, head to the left on the other side of the wreckage and you'll find water, stones and ammo on a small mound behind some wrecked cars. Be careful here as three Soldiers also appear. Head past the wrecked cars and up ahead two Warriors will appear from behind some wreckage. Take care of them and move on. Three more Warriors appear as you pass the wreckage so kill them quickly. Two Impalers will jump out from more wreckage on the right. Your space is a bit limited here, with all the wreckage around and it can be easy to be cornered behind some cars or in a corner so be careful while dealing with the Impalers. When they're dead, a very brief cut- scene shows a fireball destroying a large portion of the highway up ahead. When you reach this, be careful. If you fall in, you'll die. Head to the right and move along the edge. Once you pass the car hanging on the edge, head down the ramp on the left. At the bottom of the ramp, head to the left and you'll find a bonus card on top of a car by the barricade in front of you. Next to it is a small mound where you'll find water and ammo. Turn around and head back to the ramp, and continue forward. Up ahead, you will be attacked by two Soldiers and a Bastado. The best thing to do here is to back away and shoot at the Soldiers while you are moving and then charge at the Bastado and kill him quickly, but be careful of another part of the highway which will collapse just behind him. When the Bastado is dead, a single Soldier will appear. Kill him and head forward. Up ahead, more Soldiers and Bastados appear. Repeat what you did last time; back up and shoot them at the same time. When the area's clear, heal if you haven't done so by now before moving forward again. You'll find a bonus card near the wall on the left side of the highway along here. More parts of the highway will collapse so be careful. At the end is another ramp leading back up to the upper part of the highway. At the top of the ramp, though, are two Impalers waiting for you. They will let a wrecked car slide down the ramp so don't get too close before it falls or you won't be able to avoid it. The two Impalers will then jump down and attack you. When the Impalers are dead, head up the ramp and go to the right. Go between the car and the bus and press the X button near it to put your back against it. From here, shimmy through the narrow gap and you'll find a bonus card in front of you, near a ladder. Climb the ladder and run across the structure that stretches over the large gap below. At the end, the structure will collapse. As you jump off the structure, continue forward to the large tunnel up ahead. When you near the tunnel, a brief cutscene shows a Warrior appearing from behind a group of boulders on the arch of the tunnel entrance. After the cut scene, continue towards the tunnel and two Cleavers will appear. Take them out first as they are more of a threat than the Warrior, but at the same time, you will have to watch out for the boulders that the Warrior will be throwing. When the Cleavers are dead, make your way through the wreckage and you'll find another Warrior on top of a car. You should be able to kill him before he can do anything. Now, equip your Purger and use that to take care of the Warrior on the tunnel arch above you. Switch back to the Holy Shotgun before you enter the tunnel. When you enter the tunnel, more Warriors and Bastados appear. Same as before, back away and shoot them. When they're all dead, head forward and you will be surrounded again by Warriors and Bastados. This will be annoying if you aren't expecting it. A little further up the tunnel splits in two. The tunnel on the right is a dead end, but you can find some much needed water, ammo and a bonus card there. Go between the overturned car and shimmy through the gap to find it. Return to where the tunnel splits when you're done. The left side of the tunnel is where you need to go, however, there is a very tricky puzzle that you need to pass to get through. When you reach the left side of the tunnel, another two Impalers will attack, so back up a bit so they can't knock you over the side and take care of them. Remember to use the Screech Beetle. When they're dead, you'll notice a large pit ahead of you. You need to use the circular platforms to cross to the other side. Take your time and time your jumps. Do not rush as if you fall in, your starting point is quite far back. As you cross the pit, there is a small cave entrance on the left which contains a bonus card, ammo and an Explosive Nails Upgrade. Return to the platforms and continue across. Near the end is another small cave entrance on the right where you can find another bonus card. When you're near the end of the pit, the area will start shaking. Ignore this and focus on making the final jump. At the end, pick up the water on the small mound on the left to refill your health and flask. At this point, you have reached an obvious dead end. The rest of the tunnel is blocked off, and the doorway on the right is also a dead end, but there is a way through. Ignore the doorway on the right and climb over the rubble on the right. You should be able to get through a small gap in the rocks. Activate True Sight and make your way through this small tunnel. At the end, drop down into the tunnel again. You'll see another pit on the right. Ignore it for now and look to the right. You'll see the Behemoth charging towards you in the distance and a boss fight starts. +======================+ | Boss Fight: Behemoth | +======================+======================================================+ | This fight is pretty much the same as the last time you fought it. This | | beast will charge at you most of the time and swipes at you with his claws. | | His most devastating attack is his swipe combo which can take almost half | | of your health away so try to avoid it. He will pull you forward with a | | powerful wind before doing this so you know when to expect it. Also watch | | out for his slam attack. He slams both of his claws on the ground which | | will knock you over if you are within range, but does very little damage. | | However, you are open to attack at this point. To damage the Behemoth you | | will have to shoot at the growths on its torso. There are two on his back | | and one in the middle of his chest. The best weapon to use is the Holy Shot | | gun. Keep moving around as it charges at you during most of the fight. When | | it pulls you forward, you can actually use this to get closer and shoot one | | of its heads. This will stop him from getting his swipe combo in. | +=============================================================================+ After the boss fight, heal yourself and head to the back of the area where the Behemoth came from. There is another pit at the end that you can't possibly cross. Search this area to find water and another bonus card. When you're done here, head back to the pit. A fireball has knocked a wrecked car off of a plat form, giving you a way across. Jump over to the platform and then over to the next one on the left. There is a bus hanging on the platform here, that you can use to get across to the other side. Climb across the bus and exit at the other side. As you exit the bus, a group of Seplavites appear above you. Use the Purger to take care of them and switch back to the Shotgun after. There is a divider in the middle of the highway here. If you stay on the side of the highway you're currently on, head between the car on the left and at the end, there is a small mound where you'll find ammo and water. There will be a Bastado waiting for you on the way back. Cross the divider and head to the left around the wreckage. Four Warriors will appear here, two in front and two behind, so have your Shot gun ready. Continue past the wreckage and at the end you'll find more water and ammo. Turn around and head back and look in the middle of this road for a small ramp. Climb the ramp and head forward. When the area slopes downwards again, two Cleavers will appear. Continue forward once they are dead. Four Warriors appear up ahead, so take care of them and then head forward until you reach a wrecked building. Take care of the two Impalers that appear by the entrance of the building, and then enter. Walk forward and a beam above you will collapse and two Seplavites will appear. Use the Purger to kill them, and then continue along. Climb the small mound in the far corner to leave this area, and drop down to the next area. Move forward and another Behemoth will drop down, starting another boss fight. +======================+ | Boss Fight: Behemoth | +======================+======================================================+ | This fight is pretty much the same as the last time you fought it. This | | beast will charge at you most of the time and swipes at you with his claws. | | His most devastating attack is his swipe combo which can take almost half | | of your health away so try to avoid it. He will pull you forward with a | | powerful wind before doing this so you know when to expect it. Also watch | | out for his slam attack. He slams both of his claws on the ground which | | will knock you over if you are within range, but does very little damage. | | However, you are open to attack at this point. To damage the Behemoth you | | will have to shoot at the growths on its torso. There are two on his back | | and one in the middle of his chest. The best weapon to use is the Holy Shot | | gun. Keep moving around as it charges at you during most of the fight. When | | it pulls you forward, you can actually use this to get closer and shoot one | | of its heads. This will stop him from getting his swipe combo in. | +=============================================================================+ After the boss fight, a cutscene will show a fireball destroying a wall and creating an exit for you. Heal yourself and continue forward. You're finally near the end here. Head through the large gap in the wall, and cutscene shows your destination in front of you: Hell's Temple. After the cutscene, go over to the gates. You need to get rid of the demons in this area before you can proceed. You'll first need to kill three or four Cleavers and six Seplavites. Take care of the Cleavers first, but watch out for the fireballs from the Seplavites. When the Cleavers and Seplavites are dead, you'll be attacked by Warriors and Bastados. Heal when needed until they are all dead, when the area is finally clear, the gates to Hell's Temple will open. Proceed past the gates to end the level. +---------------------+ | 7.13: Hell's Temple | +---------------------+ This is a long hard level, so prepare yourself. You have to search Hell's Temple for the Demon Leech spell inside. You will have to pass five trials in order to open the vault where the Demon Leech spell is waiting. After the cutscene, you'll be in front of the entrance of the Temple. Start by heading to the right, and looking for a small gap in the rocks. Crouch down and head through. As you exit, look to the left of the door in front of you and you'll see another hole in the wall. Go through it and make your way down the tunnel to the next room. As you exit, head left and down the hallway. Go down the steps at the end, and enter the cell on the left to find ammo, nails and a bonus card. Leave the cell and head back to where you were just now. This time, go down the hallway across from the doorway. Enter the room on the right to start a cutscene. The cutscene shows the vault below you where you need to get to. After the cut- scene, search this room for lots of items. There's a lot of ammo near the walls and under the stairs. When you've got everything you need, head over to the far side of the room opposite the doorway you just came from. A cutscene will show a statue that you need to reach. Forget the statue for now, head down the hall- way and follow it round until you reach a dead end. There's a bonus card at the bottom of the steps. Return to the area you just came from. Go back under the stairs and you'll see a stone block against the wall. Push/ pull the block over to the left side of the room where you'll find a gap in the wall. Climb onto the block and then climb through the gap in the wall. Head to the left and follow the balcony round until you reach the statue shown in the cutscene. Press the X button when near it to push it over the balcony. When it crashes to the floor, a hole appears giving you a way down to the vault. Head back round the balcony, but watch out for the Soldiers and a Warrior that appears. Deal with them and then go back through the hole in the wall to return to the lower floor. Make your way to the hole in the floor caused by the statue and drop down below. Drop down to the rocks until you reach a narrow rocky tunnel that you can crawl through on the left. Crouch and go through. Make your way through the tunnel and at the end, exit into the cell. Pick up the water in front of you, and the bonus card in the corner on the right and to the left is the vault area. Your next objective is to go through five trials via electric chairs placed around the room, and find the tumbler located in each one. You need five of these to open the vault. Heal yourself and enter the first chair in front of you when ready. Note that the trials are listed in the order that I did them in. I did them in clockwise order. +========================+ | --- Trial of Anger --- | +========================+====================================================+ | You start this trial off in a long hallway somewhere. Proceed forward until | | the lights go out and flicker. You will then be attacked by a large group | | of Soldiers and Cleavers. Also watch out for the Bastado. Use the Holy Shot | | gun to get rid of them and then continue along the hallway. You'll run into | | a few more Soldiers until you reach the open area at the end. At the end of | | the hallway, a gate closes behind you and a boss fight starts. | +======================+======================================================+ | Boss Fight: Behemoth | | +======================+======================================================+ | This fight is pretty much the same as the last time you fought it. It will | | probably be easier if you deal with the Cleavers first. This beast will | | charge at you most of the time and swipes at you with his claws. His most | | devastating attack is his swipe combo which can take almost half of your | | health away so try to avoid it. He will pull you forward with a powerful | | wind before doing this so you know when to expect it. Also watch out for | | his slam attack. He slams both of his claws on the ground which will knock | | you over if you are within range, but does very little damage. However, you | | are open to attack at this point. To damage the Behemoth you will have to | | shoot at the growths on its torso. There are two on his back and one in the | | middle of his chest. The best weapon to use is the Holy Shotgun. Keep | | moving around as it charges at you during most of the fight. When it pulls | | you forward, you can actually use this to get closer and shoot one of its | | heads. This will stop him from getting his swipe combo in. | +=============================================================================+ | After the boss fight, a fireball will destroy the gate, allowing you back | | into the building you came from. Search this area for a bonus card at the | | back and ammo nearby. When you've got everything, re-enter the building | | (remember to grab the tumbler before you go), and head back to the electric | | chair. You'll encounter a lot more Soldiers along the way, but you should | | be able to deal with them. | +=============================================================================+ Once you're back outside the vault, you can either put the first tumbler in the vault now, or wait until you have all five. Either way, enter the next trial when you're ready. +=======================+ | --- Trial of Fear --- | +=======================+=====================================================+ | You start off on a narrow path somewhere. This trial is a lot harder than | | the previous one. There's a bonus card behind the electric chair as you | | start this trial. Start by following path and a little further up, you'll | | be attacked by two Bastados and a Seplavite. Use the Holy Shotgun to get | | rid of the Bastados first, and then switch to the Purger to take down the | | Seplavite. When it's clear, continue along the path. A little further up, a | | cutscene will show a crumbling stone structure that gets hit by a fireball. | | At the top of the structure is a statue of the Cross. The tumbler is behind | | the Cross. Continue along the path and take out the Bastados and the Sep- | | lavite that appears until you reach an open area. At this point, a large | | group of five Soldiers and four Seplavites appear. Use the Holy Shotgun for | | the Soldiers and the Purger for the Seplavites. Heal when you have to until | | all the demons are dead. Once the area's clear, approach the stone struct- | | ure. Climb the ladder, and make your way to the top. You'll have to make a | | few small jumps on the way, and Soldiers will constantly chase you and try | | to knock you off. If they knock you off near the top, you'll die. When you | | finally reach the Cross statue, grab the tumbler and press the X button | | when near the Cross statue to push it off. Kill any remaining Soldiers and | | make your way back down to the bottom. Remember not to jump off. When you | | reach the bottom, search the area for a bonus card, a Voodoo Doll and some | | water, and then head back to the path. Continue along until you reach the | | electric chair again, and several Bastados attack. You can shoot them if | | you want, but otherwise just use the electric chair to return to the vault | | area. | +=============================================================================+ Once you're back outside the vault, you can either put the next tumbler in the vault now, or wait until you have all five. Either way, enter the next trial when you're ready. +=============================+ | --- Trial of Temptation --- | +=============================+===============================================+ | This trial will seem a bit confusing at first. Everything's upside down. At | | the start, go down the hallway and through the door on the left. Drop down | | to the next room and head forward. As you turn the corner, three or four | | Bastados attack. Because they are above you, it might be easier to use the | | Purger against them. When they're dead, continue down the hallway, and at | | the end, look for a hole in the wall on the right. Crouch and go through. | | In front of you, you'll see another hole in the a wall that leads to a door | | that's locked for now. You'll be coming back here, so remember where it is. | | Turn left down the hallway, and as you turn the corner, you'll see a hole | | in a wall. Crouch and go through it where you'll find ammo, holy water | | bombs and a Magic Increase relic. Leave this little room and return to the | | spot where the locked door is. Go straight ahead and follow the hallway to | | the end where you'll find a lever. Press the X button when near it to turn | | everything the right way up. A Cleaver will attack you here, so quickly get | | rid of it and return to the spot where the locked door is. An Impaler will | | be waiting for you here. Use the Holy Shotgun to kill him and take the left | | behind him. Turn right and enter the room in front of you. On a bench in | | the middle of the room here is the keys to the locked door. Leave the room | | and take two lefts in the hallway. Turn the lever at the end to turn the | | rooms upside down again, and go back through the hallway. Climb through | | the hole in the wall on the left and the trial door is right in front of | | you. Press the X button when near the door to unlock it with the keys you | | got earlier. There's a bonus card on the right as you enter. The tumbler is | | on the table at the back of this room. Pick it up and several groups of | | demons will attack you. First, there's a large group of Soldiers that are | | easily taken care of with the Holy Shotgun. Two Impalers appear after and | | lots more Soldiers. Just keep using the Shotgun and a Moses Shroud might | | help if you get surrounded. When all the demons are dead, leave through the | | door you came in from, and return to the electric chair where you started | | to complete the trial. | +=============================================================================+ Once you're back outside the vault, you can either put the next tumbler in the vault now, or wait until you have all five. Either way, enter the next trial when you're ready. +=======================+ | --- Trial of Pain --- | +=======================+=====================================================+ | You start off in a hallway somewhere. This is quite a short trial, so it's | | not too difficult. Follow the hallway round, where four Bastados are | | waiting for you. Take them out quickly, as they can be quite dangerous | | here. At the end of the hallway, pick up the bonus card and head outside by | | going left. As you go outside, a cutscene shows where the tumbler is: on | | the other side of a lava pit. After the cutscene, there will be about four | | Seplavites hovering above you. Use the Purger to take them down and then | | jump across the platforms of the lava pit. At the end, two smaller plat- | | forms will pop up. Just keep running as the platform pops up and you will | | probably get to the end with minimal damage, but you need to have most of | | your health to survive. Pick up the tumbler, the water and the bonus card | | at the end and equip your Purger. A couple of groups of Seplavites appear, | | along with a couple of Warriors on the rocks high above who will attack by | | throwing rocks at you. You can't leave this platform until the other plat- | | forms rise up again. When all the demons are gone, make your way back | | across the lava pit. Re-enter the tunnel and a group of Soldiers appear. | | Kill them quickly with the Holy Shotgun, and then head back to the electric | | chair to end the trial. | +=============================================================================+ Once you're back outside the vault, you can either put the next tumbler in the vault now, or wait until you have all five. Either way, enter the next trial when you're ready. +========================+ | --- Trial of Death --- | +========================+====================================================+ | You start off in a hallway as always. On the right is another bonus card. | | At the start, enter the room in front of you with the table in the middle. | | On three sides of the room, are small rectangular panels and another panel | | on the wall above them. You have to stand on the floor panels to rotate the | | panels on the wall. You have to make sure the wall panels stop rotating on | | the Death symbol. There's no easy way to tell when it's going to land on | | the Death symbol. The best way you can do this is to quickly move on and | | off the panel so that the wall panel only rotates once at a time. Make sure | | it doesn't land on a demon panel, though. You need to match all three wall | | panels with the Death symbol. If the wall panel stops on any other panel | | you will be attacked by demons depending on the demon on the panel. When | | all of the wall panels have the Death symbol on them, the table in the | | middle of the room with be destroyed, uncovering the final tumbler. Pick it | | up and head back to the electric chair outside to return to the vault area. | +=============================================================================+ Now that you have all five tumblers, you can open the vault. First, though, search the vault area for the final bonus card. When you're ready, approach the vault and press the X button when near it to put a tumbler in. Repeat this 4 more times and once all five tumblers have been placed around the vault door, it opens. A cutscene shows Constantine getting the Demon Leech spell and the level ends. +----------------------------------+ | 7.14: Balthazar Zynergy Registry | +----------------------------------+ First of all, I hope you've been saving up your Holy Water Bombs; you'll need them for this level. This level can be easy or hard, depending on how you play it. If you have a decent amount of Holy Water bombs, it will be quite easy to get through. However, if you have little to no Holy Water bombs, this level is going to be very difficult since you'll need them most of the time. After the cutscene, you'll be in a small reception area just in front of the entrance. As you start, head up the steps and you'll find a bonus card on the right at the top. Go over to the desk at the back of the room. To the right of the desk is a gate with a green light above it. It's locked for now so you need to find a keycard. Go through the doorway on the left which is the CCTV room. You can use the CCTV security cameras here to see the hallways upstairs. Any- way, go into the room at the back and pick up the keycard next to the computer on the desk. Also in the corner is a copier which you can climb on and a bonus card sits on the ledge above it. Return to the reception area when ready. Now you can use your newly-acquired keycard to open the gate to the right of the desk. Press the X button when near it to use the turnstile and open the gate. Proceed past the gate (have your Holy Water bombs ready) and follow the hallway round to the elevators. Walk through the elevator area, and the lights will go out. Return to the hallway and you'll find a guard shooting at you. He's a Half-Breed so he's tough to kill unless you have a Holy Water bomb. If you have any water bombs, chuck one at him to disarm him, and then shoot him with the Crucifier. You can also use the Holy Shotgun but I didn't have any ammo for it at the time. Head back to the elevators where a few more guards are waiting for you. One in the middle elevator on the right, another in an elevator on the left and one by the doorway up ahead. When the area's clear, use one of the elevators at the back (the other four are out of service) to take you up to the 38th floor. As the elevator goes up, it starts stalling and the lights go out. When the lights come back on and the elevator door opens, you'll see the elevator has stopped partway up to the 38th floor, so you'll have to climb out. Do so, and turn left. A Bastado and several Warriors will attack, so have your weapon ready. Enter the next hall- way where the Bastado and Warriors came from (to the left of the elevator you came from), go down the hallway and through the door on the left where a cut- scene starts. After the cutscene, back up into the hallway and use this cover. There are four more Half-Breed guards in the next room. Two on the left as you enter, and another two in the hallway up ahead. If you stay behind the wall, the two in the hallway at the back will cautiously walk right up to the hallway you're in. At this point, you can jump out and chuck a Holy Water bomb to get both of them at once. The remaining two should be dealt with in the same way. When the room is empty, enter and pick up the much needed water and the shotgun shells. If you couldn't use the Holy Shotgun earlier, you'll be able to now which will make things slightly easier. There's also a bonus card on the desk. Go to the right as you enter this room and right again for a boss fight. It's not really a boss fight (it's Balthazar's secretary). The doors will close behind you as the fight starts. Holy Water bombs are the only thing that hurts the secretary, so just keep throwing them. She has no life bar, but she will start using magic on you when her health is low, so that's how you can tell. There are more Holy Water bombs and water on the table in the middle of the room if you need it at any time. When the secretary's dead, four more Half-Breed guards burst into the room. You have no cover here, so just quickly chuck a few Holy Water bombs and then shoot them with the Shotgun. When all the guards are dead, climb into the small area behind where the painting was that shattered after the fight with the secretary. In here you'll find a bonus card, more water and another Relic. Leave this room and there will be two more Half-Breeds waiting for you outside. One in the hallway on the left, and another will emerge behind you from the room opposite the one you've just left. Enter this room when the Half- Breeds are dead to find a sink that you can use to refill your health and Flask. Leave this room and head down the hallway you haven't been down yet. There is another Half-Breed behind the glass on the right. It's best to quickly run into the room and use a Holy Water bomb. There's water and a bonus card on the desk in this room. Pick them up and leave. Stay away from the door opposite. If you go near it a TV will drop from above from nowhere and knock you over. Turn the corner and there will be another two guards who appear up ahead. You can wait for them to approach you cautiously and then hit them with a Holy Water bomb if you want. Kill them and enter the room with the remaining guard. You will have to deal with the guard here and there are another three in the next room. Note that there is a bonus card on the file cabinets in the corner and an Explosive Nails Upgrade on the desk. Search the shelves in the next room for ammo and water and then use the water on the floor in the corner to enter Hell and end the level. +---------------------+ | 7.15: The Reckoning | +---------------------+ This level is sort of a second part to the previous level because you're still in Balthazar's firm. You won't need the Holy Water bombs as much here as most of the level is set in Hell, but you will still need a decent sized supply. After the cutscene, you'll immediately be attacked by a Crawler and a Soldier. Use the Holy Shotgun to kill them. You start off in the same room that the last level finished in. Your main objective here is to find and kill Balthazar. There is water and ammo on the shelves next to you. Another two Soldiers are in the adjoining room to the left and a Cleaver in the room behind you. When they've been taken care of, enter the room where the Cleaver came from to find more ammo and in the room on the left is another Cleaver, a Crawler, a Soldier and two Bastados. There's also a bonus card in here and some water. Go back to where you started and enter the room on the left. A fireball will come crashing through the windows and several Seplavites appear outside. I ignored the Seplavites as I couldn't see them, but you can kill them if you want. Stay near the windows and head down the hallway. Enter the room at the end to find two Impalers, a Cleaver and a Crawler. The Seplavites can become annoying here so try to kill the other demons quickly. Once you've dealt with the demons, enter the room they came from to find a bonus card, Nails and Stones. Return to where you started and go through the doorway behind you from where you started. Go through the next door on the right to find an Impaler waiting for you. Kill him and enter the elevator area on the left. A Bastado will attack you here. Kill him quickly and go through the doorway on the other side of the elevator area. Turn left at the end and kill the Warrior that appears. Enter the room he appeared in and climb up the ruined set of stairs. At the top, kill the Cleaver and get the water in the next room. Go through the door on the right and Crawlers appear with a Bastado. Take care of them and head down the hallway. Head right and grab the water by the statue and then enter the room in front of you to start a cutscene, turn around and head back the way you came. At the statue, head to the left and enter the room here to find two shelves loaded with water, ammo, and a bonus card. Use the water ampoule here to return to Earth. Back on Earth, you'll be in a storage room. Have your Holy Water bombs ready and go behind the shelf in the middle of the room to find two Half-Breed guards waiting for you. Kill them and leave the room. There are two more Half-Breeds waiting for you outside in the next room. Use the wall for cover and throw a Holy Water bomb at you. Use the Holy Shotgun to finish them off. There are also another three guards around here, so stay back behind the wall until you finish off the first two. There is another guard in the hallway on the left and two more in the next left hallway at the back. Heal once they're all dead, and go down the first left hallway to reach the elevator area, where two more Half-Breeds are waiting. Again, stay by the wall and chuck Holy Water bombs. When they're dead, go through the elevator area to the hallway ahead and you'll find a bonus card in the corner. Return to the previous room just before the elevator area and head to the back of the room where the final two Half-Breeds were earlier and shoot the glass. Enter the room and notice the statue in the middle of the room. Push or pull the statue over to the wall on the left side of the room. When that's done, pick up the bonus card on the desk and head back to the water ampoule to return to Hell. Once you're back in Hell, pick up the water on the shelves in this room and leave. You should know this area by now, so I won't explain where to go. All the rooms are inhabited by Soldiers, Warriors and Cleavers, and a few have Impalers in. There are also a few Crawlers in the hallways, and the Seplavites will still be hovering around outside, so watch out for their fireballs. Make your way back to the room with the statue in. It's the same statue that you pulled over to the wall on Earth. You can now climb on to the statue and then climb through a hole in the wall. A Warrior will appear at the bottom of a set of stairs on the left as you drop down from the statue. Kill it and go up the stairs behind it. At the top, you'll have to jump across a small gap. Do so and enter the room on the right where a Soldier, a Warrior, a Crawler, an Impaler and two Cleavers are waiting. Kill them all, and a Bastado will appear on the steps at the back. Kill it and head outside past the stone pillars. A cutscene starts. After the cutscene, you will be attacked by a large group of demons which include Crawlers, Soldiers, Impalers and Cleavers. There will also be a few Seplavites hovering about. First take care of all the demons on the ground, and then equip your Purger to take down the Seplavites. The last Seplavite you kill will drop the water ampoule that Balthazar chucked during the cutscene. There's a bonus card on a small wall surrounding a tree at the back. If you want it, pick it up before the water ampoule. Use the water ampoule to return to Earth and then a boss fight starts. +=======================+ | Boss Fight: Balthazar | +=======================+=====================================================+ | Balthazar will mainly throw fireballs at you but they can easily be avoided | | by staying behind the pillars. What you have to do here is first cast the | | Demon Leech Spell. When you've done that, come out from behind the pillars | | and stand in front of Balthazar, but not too close. If you stand too close | | he sends a ring of fire off which will knock you over. When he throws his | | fireballs, they will bounce off of you and hurt him. I think this only | | works once every time, so get back behind the pillars. Once you hurt him, | | he will summon a fireball which will almost always hit you. You won't have | | enough magic to cast the spell again so you'll have to kill the Seplavites | | that are hovering above. One or two should be enough to refill your magic | | bar. Cast the spell again when you're able to and repeat the process until | | you defeat him. A cutscene will start and the level ends. | +=============================================================================+ +--------------------------+ | 7.16: Ravenscar Hospital | +--------------------------+ Your main objective here is to find Angela who is being held somewhere in the hospital by Gabriel and Mammon. After the cutscene, you'll be in the reception area of the hospital. First, go over to the reception desk in front of you. On the left is a bonus card in the corner, and a water cooler against the wall behind the desk. You can come back here at any time to refill your Flask. Go past the reception desk to the elevators and a large group of demons, which consists of Bastados, Cleavers and Warriors, will appear from the elevators. Have your Holy Shotgun ready to fight them off. When all the demons are dead, go over to the door at the very back of the room. Something will be roaring on the door from the other side. When you get close enough, an Impaler will come charging through. If you are quick enough, you can get behind it as it charges into the room, but most of the time it will knock you over. Kill it and go through the doorway it came from. Go down the stairs on the left and at the bottom, two more Impalers will be waiting for you in the room on the right. Quickly kill them and at the back of the room is a stack of wooden crates. Behind these crates you'll find a bonus card, a Voodoo Doll and lots of ammo. Go down the rest of the hallway that the second Impaler came from and into the hallway. Down the first left hallway is a locked gate and a sink against the wall, which you can use to fill your Flask. You'll be coming back here later. Continue down the hallway and turn the corner. At the end on the left is a locked door with a button against the wall. Press the button to open the door and enter the room. A Bastado will be waiting in here. Kill him and go over to the left side of the room. You'll find another locked door with a switch. You won't have to bother opening this one as an Impaler will come charging through soon, along with a group of three Warriors and a Cleaver. Kill them and enter the room they came from. One the right in this room is another locked door where another Impaler will charge in from, followed by more Warriors and a Cleaver. Kill them all but ignore the room they came from for now. Go over to the left side of the room and next to the locked door is a hole in the wall, blocked by a wooden crate. Pull the crate away from the hole and crawl through. In the middle of this room is a Life Increase relic and on the shelves is ammo and water. There is also a bonus card behind the shelf at the back. Leave this room when you're done, and now enter the room the last group of demons came from. Open the next door up ahead and enter the hallway. As you enter the hallway, go up the ramp and you'll find a large supply of Holy Shotgun shells in case you're running low. Four Soldiers will come up behind you, so be prepared to kill them. Go back down the ramp, and turn left. Proceed down the hallway and grab the bonus card behind the crate as the hallway turns to the right. Three more Soldiers appear up ahead, so kill them and move on. Turn the corner and kill the next four Soldiers and two Warriors that appear. Up ahead another four Soldiers appear. Kill them and turn right at the end of the hallway. Head up the steps and kill the Bastado that appears along the way. Go through the doorway on the right at the top of the steps and open the door on the left to enter another hallway. Enter the room on the right and you'll be in a messy office. Go through the door here, and enter the room in the far right corner where you'll find a Half-Breed nurse. Back up into the previous room and throw a Holy Water bomb at her, then finish her off with the Shotgun. There's another water cooler here if you need to refill your Flask, and two bonus cards on the desk. Enter the room the Half-Breed came from, and on the floor is a dead security guard. Pick up the keys by his body and leave the room. As you leave, four Warriors attack. Once the Warriors are dead, leave this room and return to the hallway. Kill the three Soldiers that appear along the way. Back out in the hallway, there is another Warrior and two Soldiers. Kill them and continue down the hallway. Turn the corner and go through the double doors. Five Soldiers and two Cleavers will appear in front of you here so kill them quickly. When they're dead, an Impaler appears. Kill him and another one will appear. When the two Impalers are dead, search behind the reception desk for a bonus card. Go through the doorway just behind the reception desk and at the end of this small hallway is another bonus card. It's in a dark corner next to a dead body. Leave this room and back outside, proceed past the reception desk to the next hallway. At the end of this hallway is a security room. The keys you got from the dead security guard earlier will let you open them. Open the door and enter the room. In the corner next to the CCTV cameras is a small console with a red light on it. Use it to open the basement gates below. When you've done that, a cutscene shows Gabriel and two other people leading Angela down a nearby hall- way. Your next task is to get to the boiler room and bless the water. After the cutscene, leave this room and head back to the reception desk. The double doors you came through earlier will be locked here until you kill the demons here. A Bastado and two Cleavers arrive and then a group of Soldiers. Kill the Soldiers and go through the double doors when they open. Past the double doors are another group of about five Soldiers and an Impaler that will appear when you turn the corner. Behind the Impaler is two more Warriors. When they're dead, head back down the hallway to the stairs you came from earlier. Head back down the stairs to the basement hallways and at the end, you'll find the gate with a green light above it. You need to go through it, but first, you can go up the small ramp again and collect any Shotgun shells that you didn't pick up earlier. When you're ready, go through the gate. In the next hallway go through the first door on the right and you'll be in a narrow hallway with steam pipes. This leads to the boiler room, but to reach it you need to pass the steam. Stand as close to the steam as you can, and wait for it to disappear. When it does, quickly run past before it appears again. Once you've done it the first time, the lights go out completely, the screen will be black. When they come back on, make you way past the second steam pipe, and on the other side, three Warriors will be waiting for you. Two in front, and one comes from behind. When they're dead, go to the end of this hallway and enter the boiler room. In here, look for a small crate near the boiler in the middle of the room. Push or pull it round to a taller block standing against the boiler. Use the smaller block to climb onto the taller block and reach the valve at the top. Press the X button when near the valve to bless the water and start a cutscene. After the cutscene, jump down and leave this room through the unopened door. You now have to find Angela who's still in the hospital somewhere. In the next hallway, look to the left and you'll see a shelf that holds lots of items - water, ammo and two bonus cards. Ignore the hallway on the left except for the shelf. Go past the shelf and through the doorway on the right at the end. Head up the stairs and through the door on the right. Go down the hallway, and open the door on the left at the end. In the next room are three Half-Breed nurses. One will walk towards you, while the other two will stay behind cover and shoot at you. Chuck a couple of Holy Water bombs at the two armed Half- Breeds and finish them off. When all three Half-Breeds are dead, go through the door behind them. Enter the next hallway and go through the double doors on the right. Turn right as you enter the next hallway and there will be some bloodstains leading into the next room. The hallway is blocked by a hole and a hospital bed, so you have to go around it. Enter the room and you'll see another Half-Breed at the back of the room. Kill it with a Holy Water bomb and the Holy Shotgun. Note that you can also use the sprinklers found on this ward to disarm or weaken the Half- Breeds if you are low on ammo. Go through the broken glass window at the back of this room and turn the corner in the next hallway. Note that there is a switch on the wall next to the double doors here that activate the sprinklers. Use them if you see any. As you turn the corner, there are three more Half-Breeds - one armed, two unarmed. Kill them and go over to the double doors at the end of this hallway. It's locked at the moment because another Half-Breed appears from behind you. Kill it and the double doors will open, allowing you to go through. As you open the double doors, you'll immediately encounter three more armed Half-Breed nurses. Take them out quickly and then heal yourself after. You'll probably need to anyway. Continue down the hallway and when it splits, go left and kill the two Soldiers and Half-Breed. Use the sprinklers if you want to. If you go right, go through the double doors, and kill the two Soldiers in here. You'll also find a lot of Holy Shotgun shells and other ammo here. Continue down the hallway they came from until you reach two more Half-Breeds. Kill them as normal and the last one will drop the Physiotherapy Keys. Use them to open the double doors at the top of the ramp on the right, but first, go through the unhinged double doors and go through the door on the right with the green light above it, where you'll find the last bonus card in this level and the game. Return to the previous hallway and press the X button when near the double doors at the top of the ramp to open the Physiotherapy room. You'll now be trapped in here with about a 7-8 Half-Breeds. Use the Holy Water bombs and Holy Shotgun quickly, or just run to the back of the room and use the sprinklers to weaken them. Either way, when they're all dead, go through the double doors on the other side of this room to start a cutscene and end the level. +-------------------------+ | 7.17: Hydrotherapy Pool | +-------------------------+ This is the last level of the game. There are no bonus cards here, and the whole level is just two boss fights against Gabriel and Mammon. You start off in a square room. The room is full of items and ammo, so pick up as much as you can. Make sure all your weapons have maximum ammo. When that's done, go through the doorway on the other side of the room, but before you enter the Hydrotherapy room, use the water cooler on the right to refill your Flask. You will need it for the next part. Enter the next room to start a cutscene, and then a boss fight starts. +=====================+ | Boss Fight: Gabriel | +=====================+=======================================================+ | Gabriel is pretty hard to beat, and there is no easy way to beat her. The | | best thing you can do here is to equip your Dragon's Breath flamethrower | | and get as close to her as you can. She has four attacks. Her first one is | | that she will hover about in a corner of the room or the middle of the | | Hydrotherapy pool, and send out waves of lightning. If you can, line your | | self up with the lightning quickly, and it will go right past you, but this | | will damage you most of the time so don't rely on it. Her second attack is | | she will charge at you. This will almost always hit you. When she's in a | | corner of the room she will sometimes fly through a hole in the ceiling and | | appear in another corner of the room, usually when your back's turned. | | Finally, she will try to knock you back with a gust of wind. Stay back when | | she does this, as it takes quite a bit of health. To hurt her, equip your | | Dragon's Breath flamethrower and strafe back and forth across her and keep | | your finger on the X button. If you're lucky, the lightning sometimes will | | not hit you if you're constantly moving. When she bursts into flames and | | screams, a cutscene starts and the boss fight ends. | +=============================================================================+ Now, you have to go after Mammon and save Angela. Step into the middle of the Hydrotherapy pool, and cast the spell you are told to, and you will enter Hell. You will immediately be fighting Mammon. +====================+ | Boss Fight: Mammon | +====================+========================================================+ | In my opinion, Mammon is easier than Gabriel. When the fight starts, there | | is some water by the side of the pool. Pick it up quickly. If you don't | | need it, you must have been extremely lucky in the previous boss fight. To | | start off, Mammon will be walking over to Angela, who's in the middle of | | the pool. Quickly stand by the side of the pool and cast the Exorcism spell | | to shock Mammon away. He will then come after you. Jump down into the dry | | pool and pick up the Spear of Destiny. This is the only thing that can hurt | | Mammon, so you'll need it. Once you shock Mammon, he will hover up. You | | can't hurt him at this point, so don't try. He will then lower himself back | | down to the ground and summon a large group of demons to attack you. You | | can tell he's about to do this, as he puts his claw to the ground and there | | is a red light of some kind. Anyway, fight off the demons and Mammon will | | try the same thing again. Quickly run up to him and press the L1 button to | | attack him with the Spear of Destiny. This will take about a third of his | | health. You can only use this once so you'll have to go back into the pool | | to reclaim it. His other attack is that he will attack you with a black | | cloud of insects which slowly drains your health. You can't avoid this, so | | just heal yourself after. Repeat the process above two more times to kill | | him. A cutscene starts and you complete the game. | +=============================================================================+ Congratulations! You've just beaten Constantine! ======~~======~~======~~======~~======~~======~~======~~======~~======~~======~ 8. Copyright ======~~======~~======~~======~~======~~======~~======~~======~~======~~======~ (c) Copyright Robert Carr 2005. The only sites allowed to use this guide are: http://www.gamefaqs.com/ http://www.neoseeker.com/ This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. ======~~======~~======~~======~~======~~======~~======~~======~~======~~======~ 9. Credits ======~~======~~======~~======~~======~~======~~======~~======~~======~~======~ GameFAQs: For accepting this guide. Neoseeker: For hosting this guide. Myself: For writing this guide.