Le Brand New Crash Nitro Kart Crash Side SCRIIIIIIIIIIIIIIPT!!! By Samus Le Hamus michael_manley_426@msn.com ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Table o Contents I. Intro II. Version Info III. Legal Stuff IV. The Crash Side Scriiiiipt! i. Introduction ii. The Galaxy Circuit iii. Krunk Challenge iv. Krunk Defeated v. Nash Intro vi. Beat Nash vii. Meet Norm viii. Norm Fails ix. Geary Race x. Geary the Loser xi. Velo Championship xii. Velo Rematch xiii. Velo's Victory xiv. Velo Loses xv. Velo Vanquished V. Credits ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I. Intro Hello yall! And welcome to the Crash Nitro Kart Script Crash Side Edition, my first contribution to Gamefaqs! This has the script to the Crash side of the Adventure Mode in Crash Nitro Kart, so this WILL CONTAIN SPOILERS!! If you don't want the story or important elements spoiled for you, then DO NOT READ!! I'M WARNING YOU!! READ AT YOUR OWN RIIIIISK!!!! Enjoy. (NOTE: If you find anything wrong with my script or if anything's missing, contact me at michael_manley_426@msn.com so I can fix it. Thank You.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II. Version Info VERSION 1.0 My first version ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- III. Legal Stuff If you must know, this script is property of me and GameFaqs! Anyone or anything that uses this guide without permission WILL be hunted down and will either be sued or have their hides tanned like the dirty animals they are! But if you want to use this script that badly, then contact me at michael_manley_426@msn.com where your plea will be... reviewed. Crash Nitro Kart copyright of Vivendi Universal. My script copyright of Samus Le Hamus and GameFaqs. This script is under the protection of the American Copyright Laws, so nobody can use this without my permission until 75 years after it has been released, then they can modify it anyway they want to after that. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IV. The Crash Side Scriiiiipt! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- i. Introduction --------------- [We get a peek at Crash's house. The camera zooms in a bit before fading to inside the house. The camera zooms past a snoring Crash through a bead rope door that leads into the garage, where we see Coco working on her kart through her laptop, Crunch exercizing with a 150 lb. dumbbell, and Aku Aku hovering over him.] CRUNCH: That diet's a joke. AKU AKU: Well, I've heard you can lose a lot of weight on it. CRUNCH: But ya can keep it off. Just eat less and exercize more. [All of a sudden, a bright light shines through the garage window, causing Crunch to drop his dumbbell, and causing all of them to lend their attention towards it.] AKU AKU: Something's wrong. That's not sunlight! [The same bright light shines through Crash's window, waking Crash up. Crash can't rest in this condition, so he puts on a pair of sunglasses and quickly goes back to sleep. The scene cuts to the outside of the house, which is lifted right out of the ground and into the air...] [Now we get a peek at Cortex's Castle. As the camera zooms to the castle's tallest tower, the scene fades to inside the tower, and we see Cortex pacing across the floor of his lab and Tiny playing checkers with himself.] CORTEX: Oh, how can I defeat those pesky BANDICOOTS! Hmmm... AND conquer the world, of course! TINY: BANDICOOTS!! [pounds the ground, scattering his checkers] TINY: I can squash bandicoots! CORTEX: Yes yes, I know you can Tiny. But you fail so many many MANY times! [short silence] Tiny! Go see if Doctor N.Gin requires assistance! [Tiny gets up, salutes, and runs off. The scene cuts to N.Gin's office, where he has some kinda giant ray aimed at his kart. His assistant Dingodile is near a switch which is unfortunately near the door Tiny's about to pass through.] N.GIN: Dingodile! Throw the switch! [Just as Dingodile is reaching for the switch, Tiny bursts through the door, flattening Dingodile. All of a sudden, the same bright light we saw before shines through N.Gin's window.] N.GIN: (to Tiny) What did you break now?! [Tiny shrugs. The scene cuts back to Cortex's Lab, where Cortex notices the same light, and appears shocked about it. The scene cuts to outside the castle. The whole castle shakes, but only the tower breaks off as it is lifted into the air.] [Cuts to a close-up of Crash's face, still inside his house. He takes off his sunglasses, wanting to know what's going on: there's cheering outside. He opens the door, which breaks apart in the process. He throws away the knob and steps into what looks like a large coliseum with a Winner's Circle and many goblins sitting in the coliseum seats, who cheer loudly when he steps out. Crash is amazed at this, and then looks up in the sky. The huge zoom-out shows that the Coliseum is actually a crown on a gigantic goblin head-shaped asteroid. The camera zooms back in on Crash, who seems confused about all of this, but then sees Crunch and Coco by the house and waves at them. He also sees Cortex's Tower nearby, where he also sees Cortex, N.Gin and Tiny. Tiny cracks his knuckles menacingly at Crash. Not one to disappoint the fans, he waves hi at him with his fingers. The two groups walk towards each other.] CORTEX: What have you done, you miserable marsupi... [Just before Cortex can finish his sentence, the large holographic head of Velo appears over Velo's Throne] VELO: I am Emperor Velo the 27th, Ruler of this Galaxy! My subjects hunger for entertainment. [We get various shots of cheering goblins in the coliseum seats.] AUDIENCE: Velo! Velo! Velo! VELO: And word of your racing prowess has reached my glorius empire! [The camera pans down from Velo's head to get a glimpse of Nitrous Oxide, Zam, Zem, Dingodile, N.Trance, Polar and Pura sitting in Velo's throne.] VELO: And I hope you put on a good show, especially since winning the circuit will win your freedom. And... if, for some reason, you refuse to race, your EARTH will be... destroyed. [The gang looks worried.] VELO: But... I don't think it will come to that. DO YOU ACCEPT MY CHALLENGE? [End Scene] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ii. The Galaxy Circuit ---------------------- [If you choose Adventure Mode at the main menu, choose to start a new game, and then choose Team Crash, you start out with this scene with Crash, Coco and Crunch walking towards Velo's throne, where Velo's head resides.] VELO: Do you accept my challenge? [Crash hesitates a bit. Velo quickly gets angry.] VELO: OUT WITH IT!! [Crash pauses and then raises a thumb. The audience cheers.] VELO: It is decided! You will race across 4 worlds of my choosing. And if you should win each world's key, [key appears below him] VELO: you will earn a chance to race the Galactic Champion for your freedom! [Velo laughs evilly as Crash's, Coco's and Crunch's karts fall from the sky.] VELO: And to give you a fighting chance, I even modified your earthling vehicles. Now, on to the first world: Terra! [Crash's house is lifted off the ground as the Bandicoots hop into their karts. They rev up their vehicles and set off towards the pink portal, where they're teleported to Terra.] [End Scene] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- iii. Krunk Challenge -------------------- [The Bandicoot Team travels to Terra and wins the trophies for Inferno Island, Jungle Boogie and Tiny Temple. We get a scene where Velo is seen over the throne.] VELO: You've collected 3 trophies, a promising start. Now you must face Terra's champion: KRUNK! [The audience cheers and start chanting Krunk's name, and at that moment, a bright light appears in front of the bandicoots, which is hard on their eyes. Coming out of the beam of light is a blue obese tribal gorilla looking thing floating on a platform, assumedly Krunk. The audience cheers and continue to chant, as Krunk gives off a yell and beats his chest. Then he starts to observe the Bandicoot Team.] VELO: Krunk's speed is only matched by his cunning on the track. [Krunk raises his arms several times to get the full audience's applause. Then he looks at the Bandicoots.] KRUNK: They will race me? They look slow. Send them back! VELO: But Krunk! They come from a planet just like yours. It's called... Earth. KRUNK: EARRTH!! I have heard of this planet! It is a copy of my Terra! [Floats over to the Bandicoots.] KRUNK: I WILL race them, and show them... WHO HAS BETTER PLANET!! [The Bandicoot Team gives menacing glares at Krunk, as Velo giggles evilly.] [End Scene] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- iv. Krunk Defeated ------------------ [The Bandicoots go to the Terra Championship in Terra to race and beat Krunk, and they do. We get a scene where the audience is cheering for the Bandicoot Team, who wave back while Crash smiles and plays with his yo-yo. As the cheering dies down, a lone goblin yells "Woo Hooooooo!" and continues to clap. The rest of them look angrily at him and are pretty disappointed. The goblin notices this, and looks ashamed. Krunk walks toward the Crash Team.] KRUNK: Key... makes you champion of Terra. Also, opens... all world gates on my planet. Visit... when you want. [Crash looks sorry for him. Suddenly, he looks at his yo-yo, and hands it to Krunk.] KRUNK: What is this? [takes the yo-yo] KRUNK: Gift from your world? [Crash nods yes] KRUNK: Thank you! I am sorry. [tries to play with the yo-yo] KRUNK: We actually copied your planet. [Krunk still struggles to play with the yo-yo, and Crash laughs at this. All of a sudden, Velo's holographic head appears over the throne.] VELO: KRUNK!! [We hear swiping noises in the background. Velo gives a disgusted look, seeing that Krunk is tangled in the yo-yo rope.] VELO: Oooh. Leave my sight!! [Krunk is teleported away into the depths of space. Team Bandicoot looks pretty worried.] VELO: You did well, but you're nowhere close to winning the Circuit yet. On to the second world: Barin!! [End Scene] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v. Nash Intro ------------- [The Bandicoots enter Barin and win the trophies for Meteor Gorge, Barin Ruins and Deep Sea Driving. After that, we get a scene that starts with Velo's holographic head appearing over the throne.] VELO: You now have 6 trophies! With these, you have earned the right to race Nash, Barin's Champion! [The audience cheers and claps enthusiastically upon hearing this.] VELO: Nash was engineered to always move. He never stops, or even sleeps. [The beam of light that teleported Krunk appears once again. This time, the thing riding on the platform is a small beady-eyed shark-like thing wearing gold/red diving headgear, goggles with water inside them, spiked red shoulder blades and red-orange swimming trunks. This is obviously Nash. Nash starts growling, snarling and spinning rapidly on the platform upon his arrival.] NASH: Put em' up! Put em' up! [The Bandicoot Team looks confused as Nash continues to spin and growl like a maniac. He soon stops and turns toward Velo.] NASH: Is that... enough? [Velo gives off an annoyed sigh as Nash floats over to him.] NASH: I NEED to get MOVING!! VELO: Soon, Nash. Soon. NASH: Not soon... NOOOOOW!!!! [Velo snarls as Nash angrily as the crowd gasps, boos and hisses as Nash. Nash floats a distance away and looks embarrased. He gives off a silent chuckle, then Velo smiles.] VELO: Excellent! [End Scene] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- vi. Beat Nash ------------- [After the Bandicoots enter the Barin Championship in Barin, they race and beat Nash. Crunch and Crash are seen giving each other a high-five, and Crash looks like he hurt his hand doing that.] CRUNCH: Yeah!! [Nash starts to walk over to the two.] NASH: Oooooh! Hello there! Do you think... I can get my key back? [Crash and Crunch look at each other with skeptical faces.] NASH: COME OOOOON!! CRUNCH: You lost, buddy! NASH: IIII DOOOON'T CAAAAAAARE!!!! [Nash make a weird noise and suddenly falls asleep. Crunch and Crash look at him, then each other with confused faces. Coco starts talking.] COCO: I hatched a spring to put him to sleep. He looked like he needed some, the poor shark thingy! [After looking at a sleeping Nash some more, Crash notifies Crunch that Velo's head is over the throne.] VELO: That's a first! [silence] VELO: Get him out of here this instant!! [Nash is teleported away into the depths of space.] VELO: Well, you're halfway there. Here's where things start to get tricky! On to Fenomena! [End Scene] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- vii. Meet Norm -------------- [The Bandicoots travel to Fenomena and win the trophies for Out of Time, Clockwork Wumpa and Thunder Struck. Velo's head appears over the throne.] VELO: With your 9 trophies, you have earned the right to race Fenomena's champion: Norm!! [The audience cheers and starts chanting Norm's name, and at that moment, the infamous bright light appears again. Crash Team's just about had it with that light, so they all quickly put on sunglasses. Coming out of the beam of light is a small goblin-like creature dressed like a mime. The goblin is sitting on the floating platform reading a book. The Crash Team points and laughs at the sight of such a pathetic-looking thing. Even Velo starts to laugh a little, but he quickly snaps out of it.] VELO: Don't let Norm's size fool you. He's a demon on the racetrack! [Norm closes his book, stands up and nods no at Velo. This makes Velo very, very angry.] VELO: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! YOU ARE RACING TODAY!! NOW DO IT!! [Norm becomes frightened at Velo's behavior and decides to do what he says. He floats down and hops off the platform, then he melts into a big gelatinous blue blob, which splits in two, one of them bigger than the other. The Bandicoot Team give disgusted/confused looks, then a red beret pops out of the bigger blob and the two blobs take form. The smaller one becomes the Norm we saw earlier, and the bigger one becomes a big obese obnoxious goblin dressed like Norm.] NORM #2: Oooooh, a race! Count me in! [Norm #1 waves his finger at Norm #2 and turns away.] NORM #2: I don't wanna hear it! The deal was that you race in return for me wearing this dumb get-up! [Norm #2 walks over to the Crash Team, pulling his pants up in the process.] NORM #2: Besides, they don't stand a chance! [The Bandicoot Team gives mean looks at Norm #2.] [End Scene] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- viii. Norm Fails ---------------- [The Bandicoots enter the Fenomena Championship where they race and beat Norm. Norm, a distance away from the winner's circle, is sitting and reading his book in shame, then he nods his head.] COCO: Yes!! CRUNCH: I feel good!! COCO: Oh yeah!! [The crowd goes wild. Norm #2 approaches the Bandicoot Team.] NORM #2: Y'now, you did good out there! You got a real shot at winning this thing, cuz you worked together! CRUNCH: Both of you make a good team too! [Norm #2 sees Norm #1 reading his book alone.] NORM #2: Hey. Come over here and make nice! [Norm #1 turns away.] NORM #2: Meh, he pretends not to care, but he's just like me: he hates losing! [Velo's head appears over the throne and he looks kinda piffed.] VELO: NORM!! GET OVER HERE!! [Norm puts his book away and walks towards Velo.] NORM #2: Uh oh! [Both Norms walk towards Velo. They sigh and turn into blobs again. They fuse back together and Norm takes shape.] VELO: Perhaps I need new ways to motivate you, like taking your books away! [Norm looks scared as he's teleported into the depths of space.] VELO: I thought he had you beat, but you proved me wrong! You won't be so lucky on... Teknee! [End Scene] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ix. Geary Race -------------- [The Bandicoots travel to Teknee, where they win the trophies for Assembly Lane, Android Alley and Electron Avenue. Velo's head is seen once again over the throne.] VELO: So you know, very few racers have ever won all 12 trophies! [The audience starts chanting "Bandicoot" as the team waves at them.] VELO: Yes! They deserve it! But now, they must face my finest racer: GEARY, Champion of Teknee! [The bright light appears and a brown, green-eyed robot with a red chest port appears floating on a platform. The crowd starts chanting "Geary".] VELO: The pinnacle of robotics! Isn't that right, Geary? [Geary starts speaking, his eyes turning red and his voice sounding angrier as he speaks.] GEARY: Only a robot can achieve perfection in motion! I WILL DEMOLISH ANY... [quickly snaps out of it.] GEARY: Oh, what a MESS! Can't have that not clean! [takes a vaccum out of his chest port and starts cleaning the platform.] GEARY: Now, WHERE WAS I? [End Scene] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ x. Geary the Loser ------------------ [The Bandicoots enter the Teknee Championship to race and beat Geary, which they do. Geary is seen standing behind a column in the winner's circle.] GEARY: My key! How did I lose?! I know Teknee like the back of my... MY HAND!! IT'S DIRTY!! This whole place is FILTHY!! [Geary gives off an annoyed sigh and takes out his vaccum, then starts vaccuming the place. When he approaches Crash, he takes out a brush from his arm, and starts stroking Crash on the back with it. Then he takes the vaccum and strokes Crash's armpit. Then we hear Velo's angry voice (in person this time) in the background. Geary looks scared.] VELO: GEEAAARY!!!! You... have... FAILED ME!!!! [We see Velo standing on his throne, surrounded by two of his followers.] VELO: As punishment, you must clean the trophy for them! AND when you're done with that, you will clean... the entire Coliseum! [laughs evilly] VELO: You now have all 4 Champion Keys! And with these, you can now challenge the most accomplished racer in the entire galaxy... ME [The crowd starts to cheer.] VELO: And... I... never... lose! [End Scene] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ xi. Velo Championship --------------------- [With all 12 trophies in their possession, the Bandicoots enter the Velo Championship to ultimately race Velo. The arena turns into part of the Hyper Spaceway as Velo speaks and the Crash Team looks on.] VELO: It seems that I did not give you enough credit, yes? I won't make that mistake again. You savages will learn fear, just as millions have before you! [Velo laughs maniacally as they both float towards the starting line.] [End Scene] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ xii. Velo Rematch ----------------- [After losing to Velo the first time, the Bandicoots enter the Velo Championship again for a rematch. This is just a scene of the arena turning into part of the Hyper Spaceway.] [End Scene] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ xiii. Velo's Victory -------------------- [The Bandicoots race Velo, but fail miserably. The arena closes up as Velo speaks.] VELO: That was a joke. Perhaps next time you might actually challenge me! [End Scene] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ xiv. Velo Loses --------------- [The Bandicoots race Velo, and ultimately win. We see Velo snarling and growling over his loss, but then looks around and smiles as the Bandicoot Team approaches.] VELO: Congratulations! You have won the Galaxy Circuit! And you put on quite a show! Am I right everyone? [The crowd goes wild.] VELO: You are now free to go! COCO: Great! Send us home! VELO: Wha? You mean... Earth? But no! I have to destroy Earth, since you no longer want to race. You can't go back there. I thought I was pretty clear about that! COCO: That's not fair! VELO: What do you mean?! You're free to go! CRUNCH: We're not going anywhere! We'll keep racing if that's what it takes! VELO: A REMATCH?! How exciting! But there are rules to follow. You must first collect all my Time Relics, then we can race for the fate of your... Earth. [End Scene] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ xv. Velo Vanquished ------------------- [The Bandicoots go back to all the previous tracks they visited to win all 13 Time Relics. Then they go back and enter the Velo Championship to beat Velo once and for all, and they do. We see the crowd going insane with applause as Velo snarls and growls over his loss.] ADVISOR #1: My lord! Please don't get angry! ADVISOR #2: Your suit is leaking, sire! [In a frustrated rage, Velo smacks Advisor #2 far away with his scepter.] ADVISOR #2: Yaaahhhh!! I can see my house from heeeeere!! [The crowd cheers even louder. Velo's just about had it. He gives off his last couple of snarls before he suddenly explodes. The audience gasps. The Bandicoot Team walks over to the pile of gears, bolts, springs and body parts that used to be Velo.] COCO: Emperor Velo was a robot? CRUNCH: They just don't make 'em like they used to! [Crash sees a small green goblin-like creature, much like the ones in the audience, crawling towards the scepter in the middle of the wreck.] COCO: Is that... the real Velo? [The real Velo grabs the scepter and holds it over his head in pride, but no one cheers, as the crowd is shocked to see their leader's pathetic state. Ashamed, Velo leaves the scepter in the metallic pile and walks away.] VELO: [to Crash] My empire is yours, and all the power that comes with it. CRASH: Ook! [Crash walks towards the scepter and picks it up. Then he imagines the meteor the coliseum is placed on reshaped in his image. Crash is seen sitting on the throne with the scepter. The crowd looks pretty bored. Crash notices this and looks disappointed. Then the scene cuts away to reality, as Crash decides he doesn't want the empire. Crash hands the scepter to Velo. Velo is ready to take the scepter. Crash gives/pushes the scepter to him. The force causes Velo to lose balance, then he tumbles down the sooty pile of parts. The crowd laughs. So does the Bandicoot team. The camera pans up to Crunch's face.] CRUNCH: Time to go home! You'll do that for us! Right, little guy? [Velo nods yes. The scene cuts to the Crash Team and Polar relaxing on the beach back at Earth. The camera pans up to the Sun.] [THE END] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ V. Credits I would like to thank these things for allowing me to do my script... *Naughty Dog for creating Crash and the gang. *Vivendi Universal for making this game. *Nintendo for creating the Gamecube. *CJayC for letting me post it at GameFaqs. *And of course, Christmastime/My Family for making Crash Nitro Kart my first Gamecube game. Crash Bandicoot and other related characters copyright of Vivendi Universal Nintendo Gamecube copyright of Nintendo. This game script copyright of SamusLeHamus and GameFaqs. All rights reserved. Cortex Side Script coming soon!! Take care, everyone! Always spay and neuter your pets! Goodbye!