1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789 Maxo996 Full FAQ & Walkthrough E-mail: maxthe4th@msn.com Copyright 2004 Max Miller ***Crimson Skies: High Road to Revenge*** Welcome to my Crimson Skies Full FAQ Walkthrough. This is my first ever guide that I wrote so please feel free to contact me and give me any advice, comments, questions, etc. on how I did this guide if you feel like it. ***Table of Contents*** 1.Version Info 2.Controls 3.Planes 4.Turrets, Rocket Launchers, and Missile Launchers 5.Walkthrough 6.Upgrade Tokens List 7.FAQ 8.Credits 9.Legal Stuff ***Version Info/Upcoming Updates*** Version 0.35 (2/13/04) Initial version of the FAQ/Walkthrough. Basic Controls, Planes, Turrets, and a small piece of the Walkthrough section created. Version 0.45 (2/16/04) Added a little more of the Walkthrough, a few more sections in the Upgrade Tokens List, and fixed a lot (oops!) of typos and grammar issues. Version 0.50 (2/26/04) Added another two levels to the Walkthrough-Upgrade Tokens List and fixed some remaining grammar errors. ***Controls*** Start Button: Pauses the game, skips movies Back Button: Goes back to the previous screen Left Thumbstick: Steers you plane in the air, aims turrents, moves icon in menus, etc. Right Thumbstick: Rolls the plane Directional Pad (D-Pad): Scrolls through menu, turns camera angle while flying the plane Left Trigger: Fires Secondary Weapon (Example: missiles) Right Trigger: Fires Primary Weapon (Example: machine guns, turret fire) X Button (Action Button): Activates blinking "X" icons A Button (Zoom button): Activates Zoom (Sniper-like) view on some planes, turrets, confirms selections in menu B Button: Brakes plane, cancels menu selections Y Button: Turbo-boots your plane (watch the meter under your health though!), your turbo regenerates slowly after you let off the Y Button Black Button: Camera swings around to the nearest person shooting at or near you (a.k.a.-enemy cam) White Button: Broadcast Button (Xbox LIVE I'm assuming to talk to other people with) ***Planes*** Planes are what Crimson Skies are mostly about. They fly, shoot, roll, snipe, and explode as you will soon find out. There are Ten (10) planes total available in single-player mode. In multiplayer with Xbox LIVE I believe there is one new plane called the Fury. Each plane (Not the Mini-Gyro) can be upgraded once. To upgrade a plane you must use a certain number of Upgrade Tokens and a certain amount of cash. Devastator (Before upgrade) (After upgrade) Defense 5 7 Speed 5 6 Power 6 7 Cost to Upgrade: 14 Tokens, $4,200 Dust Devil Defense 4 6 Speed 5 6 Power 4 5 Cost to Upgrade: 12 Tokens, $3,600 Coyote Defense 4 6 Speed 6 7 Power 6 7 Cost to Upgrade: 12 Tokens, $3,600 Desert Fox Defense 2 6 Speed 8 9 Power 5 6 Cost to Upgrade: 12 Tokens, $3,600 Brigand Defense 7 9 Speed 1 2 Power 9 10 Cost to Upgrade: 16 Tokens, $4,800 Bulldog Defense 2 7 Speed 9 10 Power 5 7 Cost to Upgrade: 12 Tokens, $3,600 Doppelganger Defense 8 10 Speed 1 2 Power 8 9 Cost to Upgrade: 14 Tokens, $4,200 Piranha Defense 5 7 Speed 4 5 Power 7 8 Cost to Upgrade: 14 Tokens, $4,200 Dauphin Defense 6 7 Speed 3 4 Power 7 7 Cost to Upgrade: 10 Tokens, $3,000 Mini-Gyro Defense 1 Speed 2 Power 1 Cost to Upgrade: No Upgrade Available ***Turrets, Rocket Launchers, and Missile Launchers*** You may be wondering why there is a Turrets, Rocket Launchers, and Missile Launchers section for this game if you don't own it. You say this game is about flying planes and dogfighting with them right? Righto except this game has more. In some sections of the game you can use these other stationary (and some not stationary) weapons. Turrets Turrets are stationary weapons (mostly) that fire regular or heavy machine-gun fire. There are two types of Turrets. Weak Fast-Firing Turrets Fast-Fire Turrets shoot out blue looking machine-gun fire from 4 barrels providing maximum rounds per minute. The damage done by each hit of these bullets is very light although this is meant to not do too much damage, it's gets the job done if used properly. These Turrets usually are best for faster-type aircraft such as planes. This Turret is found in some levels on a moving ship. Heavy Slow-Firing Turrets Heavy Slow-Fire Turrets shoot out dual-orange heavy machine-gun shells. These shells especially if both hit the target, do heavy damage. These Turrets are best used on Zeps (Blimps). There is a model of this Turrent in one level that is built onto a Truck that can move or not depending if you want it to, so not all Turrets are stationary. Rocket Launchers There is only one type of Rocket Launcher. As soon as you enter into one it looks like there are 4 rockets on the right of the Launcher and one ready to fire. As soon as you fire a rocket it goes into a First Person View (more or less) of the rocket and you can control limitidly where you want the rocket to go. You can increase the speed of the rocket with the Directional Pad. Slow the rocket down by pressing down on the D-Pad and speeding it up by pressing up on the D-Pad. These rockets do massive damage and are the stationary weapon of choice if available where there are Zeps around. It's VERY hard to hit planes with this Launcher. Missile Launchers Missile Launchers shoot out a single Homing Missile at a time. These Missiles home in much more efficiently than say the Devastators. The Missiles provide medium damage per hit. This Launcher is best used for taking out specific targets the are moving such as a Turrent stationed on top of a moving train or taking out a specific Turrent on a Zep. The Missile Launcher is also the best weapon to use against Ships and Trucks. ***Walkthrough Guide*** After choosing a name for your file, Inverted or Normal control, Sound Effects and difficulty, a movie plays. In this movie you see.................. _______________________________________________________________________________ ---Mission Summary--- >Follow Betty's orders to learn how to fly Total number of Upgrade Tokens in this level: 1 When you first get "in control" of the game, you begin with a Devastator plane. This plane is probably the most versatile of all the planes so get used to it because it is okay for almost every condition. You also start out with $2000, which, in this game isn't much but then again it's a start. The mission you start in as you could probably guess is more or less a training zone. This is the only time you will come here in the whole game so if you want to rush through it that's okay or if you want to fly around and enjoy it while you can that's okay too. A woman by the name of Betty will be flying somewhere in front of you at the start, she will give you instructions and you have to do them to proceed. She also has a Devastator (same plane as you) by the way. The first thing she will tell you to do is to follow her. Okay, simple enough, fly at a regular speed towards her. After you follow her for about 5-10 seconds you will see 3 blimps up ahead. She wants you to "test-out" your machine guns on them. So fire at will on them, they don't strike back. You may also notice if you hold down your machine gun fire trigger (R Trigger) for too long without giving it a rest, your machine guns will overheat and will just suddenly stop. If that happens, wait a second or two then fire some more but generally it's best to just fire in bursts when your target is directly in front of you. After the blimps are destroyed then after following Betty some more she will say to try out your missiles on 3 Turret towers. They don't shoot back so don't worry, just take your time and get to know your missiles. The missiles on the Devastator home in on close targets, (20-25 degrees) in front of the missile. They pack a punch and although they don't usually destroy a plane in one hit, they usually get the job done with turrets or ships, or trucks just fine. After the turret towers are all destroyed Betty again says to follow her. She suggests you try out your brakes (B Button) and your turbo (Y Button) so try those out and catch back up to her. Next she will perform a "special move". Special moves require a certain amount of your Special gauge (same gauge used for your turbo) and when you pull off one of these moves not only are they stylish but they help you dodge incoming or rear-sided projectiles. To pull off the "Immelman" she tells you to do, just hold back on your Left and Right Analog Sticks and click them both in. This "Immelman" move lets you quickly fly the opposite direction you're currently flying in I'd have to say it's one of the more useful of the Special moves also. After doing an Immelman she tells you to do one more special move. Click both Analog Sticks away from each other and then you will do a circle-like flying/swooping motion that makes enemies shooting you a lot harder to hit you. After you get the feel of special moves continue to follow Betty. You have to use your turbo to keep up with her now as she speeds past the green rocks sticking out of the sandy beaches and when you come around the final bend...you'll see the Pandora. You're home. The Pandora is like a "base of operations" for you. It holds all your planes, repairs any damages to them (for free), and gives you the option to upgrade any of your planes if you have the required amount of tokens and money. Too bad you can't enter into your base yet, some enemy planes fly out of nowhere and a few stationary turrets start attacking you and Betty. This is a training mission so it shouldn't be too hard to take them all down. After you dispatch your first set off baddies, you get your first upgrade token. Now that you have your first upgrade token the screen will flash a message that says you can upgrade your plane (The Devastator) in exchange of 14 upgrade tokens and $4,200. After the message fades you see the loading screen and then get your first glimpse of the inside of the Pandora! _______________________________________________________________________________ "A Ship without a Captain" Sea Haven can be a rough place, especially when you have no money, no crew, and a bad hangover. Take odd jobs and earn as much cash as possible in your Search for Big John. ---Mission Summary--- >Find Big John >Earn money >Explore Sea Haven Total number of Upgrade Tokens in this level: 10 NEW PLANE AVAILABLE!!!! (Bulldog) As you can see after you get a debriefing of the next mission, your "hanger" is very, very empty. With only the Devastator to use that's the plane you must use for the next mission. Pick it to continue on. When you exit the Pandora the screen will say "Search Sea Haven for Big John" so before you do any missions you might want to start looking for Tokens, getting some miscellaneous cash, or just fly around enjoy the view. (For a list of where the Upgrade Tokens are in any level, just check the section below the Walkthrough) The first thing you should do though is go and get your first new airplane. It is located on the outside edge of the Island and you will see and Airplane symbol. Get close enough, press X when the symbol flashes and when you get in your new ride, the Bulldog, it's automatically added to your Hanger in the Pandora and whenever you can choose which plane you want, the Bulldog is now an option. You can upgrade the Bulldog in exchange for 12 Upgrade Tokens and $3,600. Miscellaneous cash can be won by shooting any of the Zeps flying around the island. As soon as you start shooting the Zeps your aimer should turn red indicating it's now an enemy, it will start firing back (weakly equipped though) so just keep firing between passes and they should go down easily. When you defeat a Zep, they drop bags of money attached to a parachute. They usually drop between $100-$300 and it depends on how much you "catch". They fall pretty slowly so you should be able to get them all though. They sometimes drop Health Kits and Secondary Ammo Boxes too. Shooting these Zeps doesn't do anything to hurt you or your mission whatsoever. You can see some whales if you're interested. They are usually seen in groups swimming on the outside of the whole island. You cannot shoot them. A fairly good way to increase your money is to race (bet) for it. You can bet a maximum (half your total) or a minimum amount of money depending on how sure you feel about it. Your first race in the area is easily won so I'd say bet maximum and use your turbo! Use it smartly though and don't run out and start stalling. The race symbol looks like a paint can and is located near the base of the volcano. When Betty asks you to help her destroy the Raijin' Cajuns fuel tanks you just need to use your Primary Fire to easily take them out. 4 enemy planes will try to shoot you down while you are destroying the tanks so you might want to eliminate them first. There are 10 fuel tanks you need to destroy. After you do all the required missions, if you go by the racing symbol you'll notice there is a new symbol, a $ symbol. Big John awaits here for you and charges you $500 to fly your Zep for you. You now have a Captain for your ship! Mission accomplished. _______________________________________________________________________________ "Man Overboard" Protect Eddie's ship as he escorts you to Thibodeaux. Recover Betty's plane. ---Mission Summary--- >Protect cargo ship from Raijin' Cajuns >Recover Betty's plane >Get payback on the Raijin' Cajuns Total number of Upgrade Tokens in this level: 3 NEW PLANE AVAILABLE!!!! (Dauphin) "Protect the ship until you reach Thibodeaux." Okay, so seeing that Eddie is under attack from the Raijin Cajuns you have to stall them off at least until you reach the nearby airport docks. You can use the blimp or Eddie's ship on this level if you want. At first a wave of 3 planes will attack you and the ship. They should be no threat. So then the Raijin Cajuns will start sending out ships... 2 at a time they come. After you take out the first 3 waves or so of the ships, you should get in your plane (if you're not already) and fly following the meandering ocean current through the rocks. Take out the 6 total turrets. Now all you have to do is wait. Eddie's main threat (the turrets) should have been taken care of now so just hold of the never-ending wave of about 10 planes flying around. Until the Eddie's ship reaches the dock you must do this. When Eddie finally gets in the vicinity of the airport docks, you get a message saying "Steal Thibodeaux's airplane". Fly over to the airport symbol and watch a little cutscene of the main-man landing, getting out of your plane, walking over to and punching Thibodeaux off the docks into the water and then you riding off with his plane. (A NEW plane, the Dauphin.) When you first get control of your new little plane your current objective states "Take out the rest of the planes." But as soon as you get anywhere, a huge Cajun zep comes out of nowhere and so that becomes your newest objective. "Attack Cajuns zep." Now it's time to really try out your new ride. Whip-up some speed on that plane and get to the zep. When you can see and are in range of hitting it, hold those brakes and let loose all it's got. Hold R&L Triggers. The Tri-rockets punch a big hole each time they hit the zep. Soon enough, the zep should go down. But the funs not over yet, you're now to "Destroy remaining Cajun planes." again. So take your time and whittle away their numbers to none. When your done with all of that you get an Upgrade Token and you're done with this level. "Send 'Em Packing" Locate the Hollywood Knights' base of operations and destroy it. ---Mission Summary--- >Rendezvous with Eddie >Find a way into the Knights' base >Destroy their base >Get out of there Total number of Upgrade Tokens in this level: 4 When you start the mission your current objective is to "Get into the Hollywood Knights' base." If you fly over to the cursor where the base is, you'll notice it's closed. Locked. No way in. Right? Well take out the 4 turrets there while your thinking or you'll be cream before you know it. After the turrets, take out all the planes until there is one or two left. When you accomplish that you'll see the base only opens to supply reinforcement planes to kill you. So, stay close to it when it opens and don't worry about the plane as you go through, just get past the door before it closes again. When you finally get past their "front door" you'll get a new current objective "Destroy the Hollywood Knights' Base." Fly past all planes that come your way. When you get to the center of the base you'll see they are armed............heavily armed. All you have to do here is destroy the three fuel tanks in this base. Find them, blow them up and start heading out (back the way you came in). Your screen will ever say "Get out of the cave!" When you exit the cave you notice two things; 1. They left the door open for you on your way out (how nice), and 2. A zep and his friend await to take you on. "Destroy all remaining enemies." Easiest way to do this part is go directly and as fast as you can to Eddie's ship. Try out his new Rocket Launcher on the zep. After the zep goes down, use whatever method you find best to destroy the last of the enemy planes. When you destroy the last plane you will receive one Upgrade Token and the mission will be over. _______________________________________________________________________________ A Dark Night Protect an old friend from a new evil. ---Mission Summary--- >Help Doc >Destroy all enemies Total number of Upgrade Tokens in this level: 2 When you first start out on this level your mission objective is to 'Annihilate all opposing forces' but as you take down a ship or two, and get further out you'll see a Zep...a huge Zep. Matter of fact this is your first "Boss" encounter. Now your objective is 'Destroy the unidentified zeppelin.' Seeing your first Boss in this game may be daunting but this guy is a pushover if you know what you're doing. Listen to my advice, forget the other planes. They are nothing now, they hardly will even shoot at you. Things to keep in mind about this level; there is an landing strip where you can switch for the Dauphin if you like, there is a stationary machine gun turret, and there is also a Repair Shop. Remember where the Repair Shop is, you'll likely need to use it a couple times on this level. Boss Strategy: Go in for the attack from the sides. Shoot everything you got at the crystal near the front end of the Zep, it's huge you can't miss it. Shoot primary and secondary fire at it every pass you take at it. So it will blow up... Revealing another stage of this boss battle. The whole front end of the Zep falls to the ground opening up into a mechanical spider-like flame-throwing monster. It's not very threatening though. Aim high on the spider on the egg- shaped top where its armor plating is. When you hit it, it should flash and after it takes enough the section of armor you were shooting will fall off revealing a cell. There are four of the cells, one under each armor plate you must destroy. After you destroy them, the boss is gone. Keep in mind where the Repair Shop is and don't be afraid to use it, just don't waste time. If this boss reaches Doc's place, the missions over. After you defeat the spider-boss, you get to Upgrade Tokens and you don't have to destroy the remaining enemy planes. Mission accomplished. _______________________________________________________________________________ Arixo, last place Doc visited A Mine in the Desert Locate the Arixo titanium mine. ---Missions Summary--- >Locate the Titanium mine >Help out the locals. They might have information on the mine. >This is unknown territory, scout it out. Total number of Upgrade Tokens in this level: 9 When you start this level your Mission Objective will be to 'Explore and search for the titanium mine.' Anytime after you complete a mission on this level, that will be you mission objective again. When you first fly into the city part of this level your suddenly attacked. You must defend the fuel tanks of the city from attacking planes. I counted 20 planes I had to shoot down. You only NEED to save one tank actually though. After the sudden attack and your victory, you can do a little exploring if you wish and it is probably advised. There is a racetrack up above the city on the top of a canyon and you should race if you're low on cash. There are also tons of Upgrade Tokens in this level. You should have saw at least 2-4 while fighting off the planes when you first entered the city. The next mission you must do is to fly to the top of the canyon above the city and help the sheriff. He has a job for you...get on his good side. He suddenly gets ambushed by about 5 Gyro-copters, these things are vicious, don't let them fire at the sheriff, he's incredibly weak. I find it best to follow a decent range behind wherever the sheriff flies and then lock on to anyone who starts to even get behind him. The Gyros are weak also, it's just that they can turn on a dime and they are incredibly small is what makes them hard to take down. The next mission you must do is to 'Save the train from the Los Muertos gang.' This mission isn't hard. A dozen or so planes will try and attack a moving train and you must defeat them before it blows up the train. Don't forget you can use the trains' turrets to help. Next mission, 'Fly to Red's Hideout.' When you get near the canyon hideout though you will get attacked. 4 turrets on the far side of the canyon on 3 Gyro-copters will try and take you down. Shoot them all down and then 'Steal the mini gyro.' So fly down onto the airstrip and hop in your new ride. The Gyro is different than other planes. That being said it is not a plane. You cannot use Special moves with this copter, this copter can hover, and snipe, but cannot roll. You need to do as the screen says to "accelerate", press Y to turbo straight up basically above the building on top of the mesa. Press and hold B to stop and hover, then press A to zoom in. You need to shoot all 5 crates on top of the mesa. They take one shot (primary or secondary) each so don't waste your secondary ammo on them. After the 5 crates are destroyed you need to go down to the bottom of the canyon destroying all the crates along the way is a good idea because almost every one has something good inside of it. The easiest way to shoot them is to stop, hover, zoom in and shoot them. There are 6 of them total. 2 of the crates give you a little money, 1 gives you a health kit, 1 gives you a secondary ammo kit, and 1 gives you an Upgrade Token so don't miss any of them. When you get to Carl's (the small base at the bottom of the canyon) he offers you a job. Accept the job and start the 'Find and pick up the crate of stolen goods.' mission. If you don't have a clue what your doing, this mission is kind of tough. The key to keeping the planes off of you is to stay in the canyons below the city for as long as you can. Keep flying towards the marker until you have to fly up and into the main part of the city. After 7 seconds of being above the canyon an enemy plane pilot will say "Looks like we got ourselves a smuggler, let's bring him in boys." Then all the planes will come after you and that's not good since you're in a mini-gyro. Fly into the opening where the Fragile crate is and fly right over it to 'pick it up', now you just have to return the crate to Carl so go as fast as you can back to him. When you deliver the crate by flying through Carl's garage, Carl will tell you to destroy all enemies. This is HARD with the Gyro because well, it's not exactly a 'fighting' machine. So stay back...far back from enemies and hover, waiting and sniping them with both your primary and secondary fire. There are about 5 or 6 planes total. *Whew* now Carl wants you to steal some ammo from a Los Muertos train. He'll know more about the titanium mine when you get back with it. So fly up and out of the canyon towards the train tracks. A handy on-screen target will show you the way to the train. When you start getting pretty close to the train Betty will suggest you 'Knockout the guns on the Ls Muertos train.' In total there are 3 machine gun turrets aboard the moving train. It's pretty easy to just follow the train and then go into your zoom mode and take out the turrets with whatever you got. When all 3 turrets are destroyed the train driver will admit he is defenseless and that the crate is yours for the taking. So, uh take it. Also I found $127 worth of money (in bags) on the train where a couple of the turrets were. 'Deliver the crate to Carl.' When you near Carl's base a sudden rush of enemy planes will be on your radar. Now you must 'Destroy the Los Muertos planes before they steal the crate back!' In total I counted 8 planes you must destroy, and you must do this while holding the crate so be careful but keep to the general tactics of Gyro and you'll be fine. (Stay far away, hover and wait, then snipe and unload everything you got.) Once all the planes are taken down you just deliver the crate (finally) to Carl and you won't get attacked this time. This task earns you $1000. Oh boy, Carl just won't get you that information on the titanium mines yet will he? Nope, he will take advantage of you one more time. He says his cousin Roy the delivery boy knows how to get there though. A new zep will appear next to Carl's base. A new job icon will be above the zep but don't accept it just yet. Go and fly back to where your plane was before you traded it in for the Gyro. It won't have an airport symbol until you get really close so it may be hard to find but it's on the out side edge of the canyons on Carl's side. Now that you have a decent dog-fighting plane again, this mission will be a breeze. Go back once again to Carl's and accept the job there. 'Fly escort for Roy's delivery zeppelin in the canyons below town.' You will notice after that message appears a health bar of Roy's zep will pop up indicating you now have to watch that before it goes completely down from enemy fire. The way to do this part is just to follow closely behind or barely in front of the zep especially if you don't know which way it will go. Right up ahead of where the zep first starts off will be a huge metal bridge and on it are 3 turret trucks on it. Take them down, they will cut Roy's health down fast. Also be sure to check below for another 2 turret trucks on the canyon floor. After Roy's zep finally manages to get past the bridge and up into the sky you will have to 'Protect Roy's zeppelin from Red's gang.' AND 'Protect Roy's zeppelin from the Los Muertos gang.' *Whew* looks like you got your work cut out for yourself again. The first wave of enemy planes consists of 3 Mini- Gyros and 3 Los Muertos planes. I chose to go after the Los Muertos planes first because they do more damage to the zep and are easier targets. Having cleared them out you can slowly and leisurely pick off the Gyros. The second wave consists of 5 planes...and one mini-boss like zep. I took out the zep first as it does a pretty decent amount of damage. Or if you think the planes are doing more damage, hurry and take out the turrets on the enemy zep making it useless and then you could take out the planes much easier. When you succeed in destroying the enemy zep and the 5 planes, Roy will finally say he's prepared to go towards the titanium mine area but it will cost ya' $1000 to 'insure' his cargo. Pay up and you will get an Upgrade Token and this level will be done. _______________________________________________________________________________ ***Upgrade Tokens List*** "A Ship without a Captain" Total Number of Upgrade Tokens: 11 1.In abandoned ship on coast 2.In body of a Zep 3.Within eyesight of Token #2 in a close-by Zep. 4.In the volcano in the center of the Island (Hold the brakes on your plane until the fire dies down then shoot up and out of the volcano to make it out alive) 5.In the body of a Zep, way high above center of Island/Volcano area 6.Near Airplane symbol, in body of Zep 7.Part of a Zep should be Hanging over the ground, inside is a Token 8.Go generally east facing out to the sea of the airport takeoff/landing strip, Token is in a hole of a abandoned ship 9.Next to Token #8 is a Zep, in there is another Token 10.Under Token #9 between rocks 11.When you destroy the big Zep at the end of the level, don't miss (or not see like I did) the Upgrade Token floating down on a parachute. (It falls slow don't worry.) "Man Overboard" Total Number of Upgrade Tokens: 3 1.#8 (in ship) of previous level 2.#6 of previous level, also there's health & secondary ammo boxes in there too 3.When you complete the level, you get one more Upgrade Token "Send 'Em Packing" Total Number of Upgrade Tokens: 4 1.In half-sunken ship (chimney) 2.In highest up zep remains 3.On the way out of the Hollywood Knights' base floating above the water 4.When you complete the level, you get one more Upgrade Token "A Dark Night" Total Number of Upgrade Tokens: 2 1 & 2. Both received after you defeat the boss on this level. "A Mine in the Desert" Total Number of Upgrade Tokens: 9 1.In town floating above roof of center building 2.Floating in opening on highest building near canyon close (by the sheriffs) 3.Floating in opening near Repair Shop 4.Smudged in between a canyon slit near where you start the level 5.Bottom of canyon near extra $ (Carl) icon 6.In crate using Gyro on canyon floor, 2nd closest to Carl's base 7.Past steel bridge, under canyon arch past Carl's near outside of level 8.Follow the top of the steel bridge towards the huge canyons, in passage there 9.At end of level you'll receive one ***Legal Stuff*** This guide is meant for personal use only. It cannot be sold in any way, nor can it be reproduced in any magazine, article, or anything else wise. All you can do with this guide is look at it and print it out for personal us. This guide can ONLY be used on GameFAQs and nowhere else. You can contact me at maxthe4th@msn.com Copyright 2004 Max Miller