Curious George For the Nintendo Gamecube By ZeldaElf Email: This file is Copyright (c)2006 ZeldaElf. All rights reserved. This file was entirely written by me, unless otherwise noted in the Credits section of this file. If you wish to post this on your website, please e-mail me first. ****************************************************************************** Table of Contents: 1. Story 2. Controls 3. Curious Objects 4. Curious Points 5. Bananas 6. Gift Shop 7. Walkthrough 8. Credits ******************************************************************************* Story: When the man with the yellow hat travels to Africa in search of a lost artifact, he returns with some unexpected cargo - a curious little chimp named George. Make monkey business as you help George and his friends find the one item special enough to save the museum from the bulldozer. ******************************************************************************* Controls: Control Stick: Character Movement C Stick: Move Camera (When applicable) A Button: Jump, Select(Menus), and Skip animation B Button: Interact L Button: (hold) Crawl R Button: Display current objective Z Button: Display Banana and Curious Point Totals Start/Pause: Pause/Menu Curious Objects: Throughout the game, George will become curious when he gets near a Curious Object. You'll know you're near one when a question mark appears over George's head. When you see the question mark, use the Action button to interact with the object and gain Curious Points. Curious Points: By interacting with Curious Objects you earn Curious Points, which you can then use to purchase any unlocked items in the Gift shop. Bananas: Collect all the banans on each level to unlock items in the Gift Shop. You can then purchase these items with your Curious Points! This includes items such as outfits for Curious George and clips from the feature film. Gift Shop: The Gift shop is where you an go to use your Curious Points to purchase bonus items that have been unlocked by collecting bananas. You cannot purchase an item until it has been Unlocked. Once an item is Unlocked, you can purchase it provided that you have enough Curious Points. ******************************************************************************* Walkthrough: **Opening scene** *Insructions* "Follow Ted through the jungle" Move down by the bush, and press the B button for your firt curious points. Then, jump onto the ledge and press the B button at the light bulb. *Instructions* From here, move over by the wall and press the A button to jump up to grab onto the wall, and climb up to the top. At the top, press the B button at the light bulb. *Instructions* "Jump onto the vine and swing across the pit" Press the A button to jump, and press forward on the control stick to make George jump forward and grab onto the vine. Swing across the pit, and Press the A button again for George to release the vine. **Scene** From this point, there are two light bulbs. One on the right and left sides. First, we will go to the light bulb on the left side and press the B button. *Instructions* "Press jump in the air to jump higher and further* After the instructions, move to the light bulb on the right side and press the B button. *Instructions* "Jump to the zip line and slide down" Press the A button twice by the zip line, and George will grab onto it sliding down to the bottom. Once at the bottom, move right and press the B button by the light bulb. *Instructions* "Collect as many bananas as you can to unlock bonus features* Now, move to the left side and grab your first banana. After getting the bananas, move to the middle and press the A button twice to grab onto the vine. Swing and jump across all the vines to the other side. **Scene** On the other side, move straight ahead getting a bunch of bananas. Continue forward to the bee hive and press the B button for curious points. Run back and go to the right side grabbing the bananas along the way. Slide down the tree branch, jumping across to the next branch. Continue down the branch, jumping into the trees and bouncing up and getting the bananas. Once you are back on the tree branch, press the B button at the light bulb. *Instructions* Jumping onto some objects lets you bounch very high" From the light bulb, move forward getting the banana. Now, from the banana move straight ahead pressing the A button twice to grab onto the vine. Swing across all of the vines to the other side. Once there, move to the beehive on the right side and press the B button for curious points. After getting the curious points, go back to the left and move forward. **Scene** After the scene, press the A button twice to grab onto the zip line. Slide down getting the two bananas along the way and at the end, George will drop down onto a lilly pad with a idol. *Instructions* "Move George down the river on the lilly pad avoiding obstacles in the way" Move down the river, getting the bananas. **Scene** At the bottom, George will automatically jump up onto a log before going over the waterfall. *Instructions* "Continue to follow Ted through the jungle* Move forward to the end of the branch, and press the A button twice to grab onto the vine and swing to the other side. On the other side, move to the bushes on the left pressing the B button for curious points. Then, continue forward jumping to the tree branch on the other side, and get the banana. From here, press the A button twice to grab onto the vine and swing across all of the vines to the other side. At the zip line, press the A button twice to jump up and slide down, grabbing the bananas. At the bottom, rotate the camera using the C stick to the right to see a bee hive. Go to the hive and press the B button for curious points. Then, rotate the camera around again to see a bush. Head over to the bush and press the B button for more curious points. Finally, roate the camera around until you see the light bulb. Move over to it, and press the B button. *Instructions* "Jump across the lilly pads to get to the island" Move a little to the left, and press the A button to jump onto the first lilly pad. Make your way across all the pads to the other side, getting 2 bananas on the way. On the island, press the B button at the light bulb. *Instructions* "Push the tree over to make a bridge" From the light bulb, move right and press the B button by the tree to push it over getting curious points as well as making a bridge. Jump onto the new bridge, and continue moving forward. **Scene** After the scene, move forward and press the A button to jump up and climb the wall. At the top, get the banana then move to the left side. Press the B button at the bush for curious points. Now, move back to the right side pressing the A button to jump up and grab the wall. Climb to the top, and grab the banana. Continue forward to the light bulb pressing the B button. *Instructions* "Climb up the vine and jump onto the branch" Move left to the vine, and press the A button. George will jump straight up grabbing onto the vine. Make your way to the top, getting the banana along the way. At the top, continue forward, jumping and grabbing onto the swinging vine. Swing across to the other side. At the other side, slide down the zip line getting the bananas. **Scene** On the bottom, jump up and grab onto another vine, and swing across all the vines to the other side. At the other side, slide down the tree limb, jumping across getting bananas. At the end of the next limb, jump up to grab the vine and swing across. *Instructions* "Enter the village" Jump up to the zip line and slide down into the village. *Instructions* From the first roof, jump onto the roof top on the right side. When you see a lady comming near you, jump onto her hat. Continue across the ladies hats, getting the bananas to the other side. Once on the next roof top, jump straight forward to the next roof. This next jump is a bit tricky. Press the A button twice to jump higher, then press it again soon as George lands on the roof. Make your way across the next two roof tops. Now, we have to jump across more of the ladies hats to the other side, getting the bananas. **Scene** *Instructions* "Make your way through the crates to the ship" Fall or jump off of the wall and crawl under the crates by pressing the L button. On the other side, turn to the right and go through the huge opening. From here, jump onto the crates on the left side getting the banana. Jump down and go straight ahead, jumping over the crates in the middle to the other side. Now, turn left again and press the L button to crawl under more crates. On the other side, jump onto the crates in front of you, getting the banana. After getting the banana, turn around facing the wall and jumping onto it. Drop or jump down and turn right, run to the end, then turn left. Jump onto the small crate on the right side getting the banana. From here, jump up onto the next crate to the left. Press the B button at the light bulb. *Instructions* "Jump onto the forklifts to get to the opening on the other side. Be careful not to fall off" Soon as a forklift is close to you, jump onto the pallet, making your way across the forklifts to the other side. Get the banana on the right side, then drop down. *Instructions* "Get the idol and board the ship" Move to the left running up the ships plank and grab the idol. **Scene** *Instructions* "Find your way onto the elevator and get the idol" From the starting point, run to the left and press the B button at the light bulb for curious points. *Instructions* "Find the key to the forklift" Now, go left jumping onto the crate in the back of the forklift and get the banana. Then, jump onto the forklift to get yet another banana. Now, drop off crate at the back of the forklift and press the B button by the case that is "shining" to get curious points. From here, move to the end by the wall of the ship to the left and jump onto the crate to get the banana. Turn around on top of the crate and jump onto the crate that is slightly to the left. Once you are on this crate, jump up to get the banana. Again, stay on top of this crate and turn around until you are facing the left side and can see the end of the railing on the upper part of the storage area. Jump over to the railing to get a banana, now jump back to the crate. Now, turn slightly to the right until you are facing the middle of the railing and jump onto the crates in front of you. From here, jump over the railing and press the B button by the case to get curious points. From here, run through the opening to the left, jumping up and grabbing the banana on top of the case. Drop down onto the floor, and move straight ahead. See the banana under the platform on the right side? Jump onto the crates to get it, then turn around and drop down into the corner to get a bunch of bananas. After getting the bunch of bananas, jump onto the crates to the left to exit. Now, run straight ahead getting the banana by the grate along the way. Don't climb up the grate yet, we will come back to it in a minute. Instead, continue straight all the way to the end, jumping onto the crate and to get a banana. After this turn left, go straight a little ways then right to the case, pressing the B button to get curious points. From the case, move forward to the crates in the corner. Jump onto them and drop down into the corner, getting another bunch of bananas. Exit through the opening to the left, grabbing a banana on the way. Now, run straight to the crates that have a "tool box" on top of them. Jump onto the crates, to the top and get the banana. Stay on top of the crate and turn around until you see the chain. Jump over to it and swing to the other side. On the other side, move right and run to the end, jumping over the crates in the middle. Get the bananas, then turn right at the end until you are facing some crates with a banana on top. Jump over to the crates, and grab the banana. Drop down and go over to the grate. Jump up to grab onto it, and climb up getting the banana along the way. At the top, turn left and go all the way to the end of the left side. Press the B button by the light bulb. *Instructions* "You can climb hand-over-hand on some over head surfaces" From the light bulb, jump onto the crate in front of you getting the banana, then press the A button to jump straight up. George will grab onto the grate above him. Move to the other side, getting the bananas along the way. Once you are on the other side, drop down and turn left moving onto the crate. Take the banana and jump diagonally to the chain. Swing over to the crate, and get the banana. Now, turn around and face the second chain. Jump over to it. Once there, turn around to get the banana on the crate. From here, jump onto the crate in front of you, getting the banana and finally jump onto the last crate then into the elevator getting the idol. **Scene** "Make your way to the top of the crane to get the idol" As George is heading toward the crane, he is stopped by two sailors. George will have to perform tricks to get past them. Approach either of the sailors and press the B button. The Boat Deck Boogie instructions will come up. *Boat Deck Boogie Instructions* A series of icons will appear. *When an icon is completely inside inside the target square, press the matching control. *When an icon has a line connecting it to another icon, press and hold the matching control until the icon at the other end of the line is in the target square and then release the button. *Complete all of the sequences to finish each round. *Complete 3 rounds to win. *Press A to start I am sorry that I can't help you with this part, it is different each time. All I can say is that each round gets a bit faster, and to keep trying. After you are finished, the sailors then want to see how many banans George can get in a timed obstacle course. When you are ready, press the A button to being. Follow the obstacle course around, getting as many bananas as you can. After this, the sailors finally leave. *Instructions* "Make your way to the top of the crane and get the idol" Move straight forward, jumping onto the ladder climb up to the top. At the top, grab the banana then press the B button by the light bulb. *Instructions* "Climb to the top of the crane and take the zip line down to the bridge" Continue and jump onto the grate and climb up. At the top of this area, climb once more up the pole to the top of the crane. Turn the camera around with the C stick until you see the zip line. Jump onto it and slide down to the bridge. *Instruction* "Investigate the ships bridge" Move right and follow the path around to the ramp. Go down the ramp, getting the bananas as you make your way to the bridge. Once George is at the door to the bridge, it will automatically open. Turn around to the left and go toward all the instruments. Press the B button by all the things that are "shining" to get curious points. Uh oh George turned off the auto pilot. **Scene** *Instructions* "Hide from the sailor" Jump onto the left side of the console and run back toward the crates, hiding behind them. Watch the sailor. When he isn't looking, quickly jump over the crates and exit from the door and he came through. Follow the path around, grabbing the bananas. *Instructions* "Get the idol" *Instructions* "Use the zip line to go below deck* Jump onto the crate on the right, getting the banana then jump to the zip line. Slide down to the deck below. Once you are below deck, turn around and get the banana on the crate on the right side of the hallway. Drop off the crate, and press the B button by the case for curious points. *Instructions* "Search the cabins for a key" From here, continue moving straight ahead getting the bananas along the way. At the end of the hallway, climb down another ladder and turn around to exit the room. In the hallway turn right, then turn left into the open cabin. Press the B button by the case for curious points and grab the bunch of bananas on the bed. Exit the room. Now, turn left and move to the end of the hallway. Jump onto the crate at the end to get a banana, then drop down and turn right into another open cabin door. Inside, press the B button by the chest of drawers for more curious points, then get the banana on top of the bed. Exit this cabin, and turn right. Follow the hallway all the way around and to the end, getting the banana on top of the crate. Drop down and enter the open cabin on the left side. Get the key on top of the bed. **Scene** *Instructions* "Collect the idol and find a way to get back into the ship" From your lifeboat, run straight ahead getting the banana. Jump up to the chain, swinging across to the next lifeboat. On this boat, jump up to the chain and climb up, once at the top jump off to the next lifeboat. **Scene** After the scene, move right getting that banana, then jump onto the anchor making your way across it. Now, jump onto the chain, and finally to the last lifeboat, getting the idol. **Scene** *Instructions* "Use the crouch control and crawl into the vent" Use the B button by the case to get curious points, then jump onto the crate to get the banana. Now, drop back down by the vent and press the L button to crawl and enter the vent. Follow the vent around, eventually you will come out in the storage area of the ship. *Instructions* "Go to the forlift and use the key you found to start it* Make your way to the forklift, and press the B button to start it. **Scene** Get the idol from the box that the forklift breaks open. **Scene** *Instructions* "Ride the cabs through the city and follow Ted's cab" "Be careful not to fall into the street" "If you taxi stops or goes the wrong way, jump to another one" "If the sign on a nearby taxi lights up, jump onto it" From the top of your taxi, jump onto the green truck to the right. Now, quickly jump onto the white bus to the left and get the bunch of bananas. After getting the bananas jump onto another green truck in front of the bus and get the banana. After getting the banana, jump onto the red car on the right side as the green truck starts to turn left onto another street. From the red car, jump onto the taxi on the left, the light on top of the taxi will come on soon as you land. Jump onto the taxi on the left, then to another taxi to the left. Now jump onto the taxi on the right, then quickly jump to the green truck on the left and get the bunch of bananas. Make your way quickly to the front of the truck and jump onto the taxi on the left. **Scene** *Instructions* "Cut through the contruction site and find Ted" Move to the garden hose to the right and press the B button for curious points. Then go straight, jumping over the beam to get the bunch of bananas inside the pipe. Now, move all the way back to the crane and jump inside. Press the B button at the controls for curious points and to drop the steel beam onto the plank. Exit the crane, and move forward to the beam that you just dropped, turning left onto the plank. Jump up from the plank and land inside a unfinished window. *Instructions* "Get the idol on top of the unfinished building" From inside the window, move right and press the B button for curious points. Now, turn around getting the banana as you jump to the chain. Swing across to the cart, and get the banana. Drop down, and move all the way to the right and press the B button by the tool box for curious points. Go back left and press the B button by the jackhammer for more curious points. Leaving the jackhammer, go left under the beams to the tool box in the corner. Press the B in front of it for curious points, then move left to the garden hose and press the B button again for more curious points. Now, turn left once again and go under the steel ramp to get a bunch of bananas. After getting the bananas, make your way up the ramp and press the A button to jump up and grab onto the fence. Climb to the top, and press the A button again for George to jump backwards and land on a board. Turn around, and press the B button by the board that is standing up for curious points and to make a bridge. Before going across the bridge, move straight ahead to the tool box on the right and press the B button for curious points. Now, carefully move along the board that is lying diagonal. Follow it around to the banana. Go straight, then turn left on the next board and the get another banana. Now, turn right and get the banana at the end. From here, turn left, getting another banana and go down the ramp to get the banana at the bottom. Jump forward onto the steel beam that sticks out to get the bunch of bananas. Jump back up, and run up the ramp. Turn right, jumping off the end and grab onto the chain. Swing across to the bar, and walk to the right to get the banana. Now, turn around and jump up to the bar, walking hand over hand, make your way across to the end. Drop down and get the banana.Press the B button at the light bulb. *Instructions* "Jump to the pipe and climb across" Go back across the pipe, one last time. At the end, jump up and grab onto the chain, swinging across. On the other side, rum back up the ramp and make your way back over to the first board that you made a bridge with. Go across the bridge, and turn left. Jump up to the zip line and slide down getting the idol along the way. *Instructions* "Find a way out of the alley" Inside the alleyway, turn right and jump over the barrel to get the banana. *Instructions* "This end of the alley is blocked. Find another way out of the alley" Turn around, moving straight, jump over the barrel and dumpster. On the other side, press the L button to crawl through the hole on the right, and get the bunch of bananas at the end. Crawl backwards out of the hole, and crawl through the hole on the left, getting the banana as you come out. Once you are out of the hole, jump onto the beam, run across getting the bananas. At the end of the beam, jump onto the barrel and get a banana. Now, drop off the end and get a bunch of bananas.After getting the bunch of bananas, turn around and jump back onto the beam, then jump to the right. From here, jump to the middle beam, then drop down. Continue forward, jumping onto the barrel and getting the banana. Now, crawl through the hole on the left by pressing the L button and get the bunch of bananas. Finally, turn around and jump onto the dumpster, exiting the alley. **Scene** *Instructions" "Climb the building and find Ted's apartment" Starting on the ledge, jump to the right and get the banana. Then, jump to the left, grab the banana and jump again to the left. *Instructions* "Some of the flower boxes are crumbling. If they begin to shake move away quickly" From here, drop down to the ledge below and to the left. Now, jump onto the ledge to the right, getting the banana. Continue jumping right, to get a bunch of bananas. Return, and jump to the left twice, to the ladder. Climb up the ladder, and press the B button at the controls for curious points and to raise the platform. On the platform, jump 3 times to the right, getting the bananas along the way. Now, jump left once, then back to the upper ledge on the right. Jump left 2 times, then drop down once to the left. Jump back up to the right, left, right, left to get a bunch of bananas. Finally, jump to the right twice and grab onto the ladder. Climb to the top and press the B button at the controls for curious points and to raise the platform. Leaving the platform, jump left 3 times, getting the bananas. Now, jump right 4 times, left 2 times to get the idol. **Scene** *Instructions* "Interact with the curious objects" Jump onto the sink to the left and press the B button for curious points. Drop down, go straight to the bathtub. Jump into it and press the B button for curious points. Now, jump out and move to the right to the toilet, pressing the B button by it and the toilet paper for more curious points. *Instructions* "Get the idol and find a way out of the bathroom* Make your way back up to the sink, and jump to the shelf on the right. Using the control stick, move the camera around so that George is facing forward. Jump onto the cabinet, and finally to the open vent, getting the idol. Press the L button and crawl through the vent to the other side. *Instructions* "Find your way out of the apartment." Drop down off of the desk, turn around and press the B button by the drawer for curious points. Turn back around and run over to the phone, pressing the B button for more curious points. Now, run forward and jump onto the counter, over to the stove. Press the B button at the teapot for curious points. Drop down, an move right to the door. Exit the door, getting the banana. **Scene** *Instructions* "Get the idol at the end of the hall. Don't let Ivan see you" Turn right in the hallway, then turn left into the first open door. Move into the kitchen on the left, and jump onto the stove, pressing the B button for curious points. From the stove, jump onto the refridgerator and get the bunch of bananas. Drop down, and enter the second door on your left. Inside the door, turn left and press the B button by the desk, trash can, record player, and finally the trunk in the corner of the room. Exit the room, running straight, press the B button by the Television, and lamp to get curious points. Now, jump onto the gratin on the bookshelves and climb to the top. Then, jump to the open vent, getting the banana. Crawl through the vent, dropping down into the next apartment. Turn around, and press the B button by the lamp for your first curious points in this apartment. Climb back up the bookcase, getting the bunch of bananas. Drop off the bookcase at the end, and move forward to the door. Exit the apartment. In the hallway, run to the right, then left behind the boxes to hide from Ivan. Get the banana, then jump onto the boxes and enter the open vent by pressing the L button. Make your way through the vent, and drop down into a bathroom. Jump onto the cabinet that is slightly to the right, and get the bunch of bananas. Drop down, press the B button by the toilet, toilet paper, baththtub, and sink for curious points. Now, exit the bathroom getting the banana along the way. In the living room, turn right, pressing the B button by the phone for curious points. Then turn around, and move forward, pressing the B button again by the record player for more curious points. Exit the the apartment, into the hallway. Finally, turn right in the hallway and jump up to get the idol. *Instructions* "Climb the fire escape. Find out where the music is comming from!" Climb up the fire escape and enter the open window at the top. *Instructions* Find a way to the floor above and find the source of the music" Move down the hallway, jump onto the pallets then boxes on the left side. Take the banana, and enter the vent. Crawl through the vent, dropping into an apartment. Run forward, turning left past the counter. Continue straight to the book cases. Jump up, climbing up the grating. At the top, get the bunch of bananas. Drop down, and press the B button at the 2 lamps and television for curious points. Then, jump onto the scaffolding on the left, and grab the banana. Enter the vent, and make your way through it. After exiting the vent, drop down and move forward. Press the B button by the 2 lamps, and television. Now, enter the door on the left. In the bathroom, press the B button again at the sink, bathtub, toilet and toilet paper for more curious points. After doing this, exit the bathroom. Jump onto the scaffolding and drop down in the kitchen, get the banana. Now, jump back onto the scaffolding and exit through the vent opening. Jump across the hallway, and land on the next open vent. Drop down, getting the banana. Turn left in the kitchen and jump onto the stove, press the B button for curious points and the tea pot. From the stove, jump to the refridgerator and get the bunch of bannanas, dropping down onto the counter and press the B button again to get more curious points at the record player. Jump to the scaffolding and get the banana, drop down running straight ahead to the bookshelf and climb up the grating for another banana. Move back to the scaffolding, jumping to the highest level. Run to the end, and jump to the bar. Walk hand over hand to the open vent on the right. Get the banana, then crawl through the vent, getting several more bananas along the way. *Instructions* "Go to the wardrobe" Run straight head, turn left by the counter to the wardrobe, press the B button. **Scene** *Instructions* "Help the painter find his paintbrushes" Now, press the B button by the television, lamp, record player and tea pot for curious points. Exit the apartment, getting the banana in the door. Run straight across the hallway into the next apartment. Turn left into the kitchen, press the B button by the record player, tea pot and television for curious points. Now, jump onto the refrigerator and get the paint brush. *Instructions* "Take the paint brush to the painters cart" With the paint brush in hand, exit the apaprtment and give it to the painter across the hallway and slightly to the left. *Scene* Now, turn left past the painter. At the end of the hallway you can enter either the right or left doorway. I am entering the right doorway first. *Scene* "Instructions" Find the paint brush before the timer runs out, and Ivan discovers that you're a monkey!" From where George starts, run to the right into the bedroom. Jump onto the desk on the left, then jump onto the shelf. Run around the shelf, jumping to the next 2 shelves, and get the paintbrush. "Instructions" Take the paintbrush to the painters cart." Before exiting the apartment, press the B button, by the desk in the bedroom for curious points. Press it again in the living room, by the two lamps, trashcan, record player and tea pot for more curious points. Exit the apartment. In the hallway, turn left and run to the painters cart. **Scene** Turn around, and run down the hallway, this time entering the left open door. From the start, run into the room on the right. Climb up the grating on the bookcase, and jump to the shelf. Run around, jumping to 2 other shelves, to get the paintbrush. *Instructions* "Take the paintbrush to the painterss cart" Before exiting this room, press the B button by the fish tank for curious points, Exit the room into the living room. In this room, press the B button by the lamp, telephone, and teapot for more curious points. Then, jump onto the refrigerator to get a bunch of bananas. Finally, exit the apartment and take the final paintbrush back to the painter. **Scene** *Instructions* "Find out where the music is comming from!" In this apartment, press the B button by the 3 lamps, trash can, record player and telephone for curious points. Then, jump onto the scaffolding and get the banana. Drop down, turn around and run into the bathroom. George gets to play another game! *Instructions for Bubble Trouble* *Pop the required number of bubbles in each round. *To pop a bubble, press the matching control when the bubble is in the target area. *As the bubbles turn clear, they get faster. *To slow the bubbles down, press the control that matches the paint color of the bubble. *You can only slow the bubbles down a few times before you run out of paint. *Complete three rounds to win. *Press A to start. I am sorry that I can't help you with this one either, because it changes each time. As with the last game, just keep trying. **Scene** *Instructions* "Find a way out of Ted's office" Press the B button by the globe, fish tank, trunk, desk drawer and trash can for curious points, then jump back up to the desk with the fish tank and to the shelf. Run around the shelf, getting the bananas to the open vent. Exit. *Instructions* "Get to the vent" In the hallway, turn right and press the B button by the trash can for curious points, jump onto the cart and get the banana. After getting the banana, turn around drop down, run straight ahead jumping onto the lower blue cart, then to the taller cart. Press the B button by the light bulb. *Instructions* "Jump to the skeleton on the ceiling and make your way across" Jump up and grab onto the the dinosaur skeleton hanging from the ceiling. Walk hand over hand to the next cart, before entering the open vent, drop down. Run straight ahead, jumping to the next blue cart and get the banana, drop off, press the B button by the trunk for curious points. Now, go back to the top of the cart that is in front of the open vent. *Instructions* "Make your way to the mammoth exibit" Crawl through the vent by pressing the L button. **Scene** *Instructions* "Go to the platform near the ceiling and get the idol* In the mammoth exibit, press the B button by the red button to change it to green and also to get curious points. Then press the B button by the trash can for curious points, and press the second red button to start the bird hanging from the ceiling. Run around the circle to the light bulb and press the B button. *Instructions* "Run toward the banner and jump onto it" Run forward and jump to grab onto the banner. Climb up, then run to the left around the circle. **Scene** Continue around the circle, getting all the bananas, then jump onto the bird when it lowers down. As the bird rises up, jump forward to the banner and climb up. Get the idol at the top. **Scene** *Instructions* "Run to the end of the hallway, be careful not to touch any of the lasers or you'll set off the alarm." Slide down the cable, getting the bananas on the way. On the floor, run forward and press the B button at the trunk on the left for curious points. Jump onto the cart, get the banana, then jump to the cart on the right. Wait for the top laser to disapper, then jump forward to the cart in front of you. Now, jump to the taller cart on the left, then to the cart on the right. This next jump is a bit tricky, because if you jump too high you will set the alarm off. Stand as close to the edge of the cart as you can, and barely press the A button once. George will slightly fall but grab onto the cart in front of him, and pull himself up. Jump onto the cart on the left, and get the banana, then drop down. Wait until the laser at the very bottom disappers then press the L button to crawl under. *Instructions* "Make your way to the transportation exhibit* Go into the open door on the right, so that junior won't see you. Jump onto the fireplace, then onto the airplane that is hanging from the ceiling. From the airplane, jump to the bar above you and walk hand over hand, dropping off on the blimp. Using the control stick rotate the camera, until you are facing the bar that goes toward the vent. Jump up to it, and walk hand over hand to the shelf. Get the banana, then jump to the vent. Crawl through the vent. **Scene** *Instructions* "Find a way up to the train and get the idol" In the transportation exhibit, press the B button by the trash can and the red light for curious points and to turn the light green. Jump onto the back of the car, then to the top. From the top, jump up and grab the rope. Climb to the top, then jump to the airplane. This turns the airplane on. Ride the airplane in a circle to get all the bananas, then jump to the train. Then, from the train jump to the top of the "tunnel" and get the idol. **Scene** *Instructions* "Get to the end of the hallway. Remember, don't touch the lasers!" Drop down, and run straight ahead to the hallway. This time there are lasers on the floor as well. Jump to the lower cart on the right, then wait for the middle section of the lasers to disappear. Now, jump to the cart that is in front of you. Get the banana, wait for the laser to disapper, then jump again to the cart in front of you. Wait for the mid section of lasers to disapper and finally jump over the last section of lasers. *Instructions* "Go to the space exhibit" Run straight ahead and enter the space exhibit. Ignore the open door to the right for now, because junior is in his office. Once in the space exhibit, press the B button at the red light for curious points. *Instructions* "The space exhibit is broken. It's missing a gear. The missing gear might be in junior's office" "Go into juniors office, and find the missing gear for the space exhibit." Turn around, and run back down toward juniors office. *Instructions* "Rattle each of the three vases to create a distraction, then jump onto the pedestal" Run over to one of the vases and press the B button at all 3 vases to create a distraction. **Scene** *Instructions* "Jump to the pedestal" Run to the pedestal where the X is, and press the B button to "hide". Repeat **Scene** Repeat again **Scene** "Go into junior's office and find the missing gear for the space exhibit." Now that junior has left, jump off of the pedestal and enter the open door on the left of the hallway. In juniors office, press the B button by the trash can, fax machine, diploma, 3 file cabinets, and stop light for curious points and to get the gear. *Instructions* "Go to the space exhibit" With the gear in hand, exit the office, turn right in the hallway and go back to the space exhibit. Press the B button by the right light. *Instructions* Make your way to the platform by the ceiling, and get the idol" Jump to the banner, and climb up. Then jump onto the exhibit of the different planets. From here, jump up to the platform and get the idol. *Instructions* "Find a way into the dinosaur exhibit" Drop down from the platform, and climb back up the banner again. Run around the circle, until you see the open vent. Drop down onto the open vent, and crawl through. **Scene** *Instructions* "Go to the top of the tree and get the idol" Grab all the bananas, in this exhibit, then jump to the lower blue cart. Now, jump to the higher card, then to the shelf above. Run around until you see the rope. Jump to the rope, swing across to the tree and drop off, getting the idol. **Scene** Firefly Follies *Collect the required number of fireflies. *Each round you must collect more fireflies in a shorter amount of time. *If you run out of time before you have enough fireflies, you must start again. *Complete three rounds to win. *Instructions* "Collect the correct number of fireflies before the time runs out* Run around the park and catch fireflies for each round. The last round there are 30 fireflies to catch, it really isn't that difficult though. Try to get as many blue(3 fireflies) or red(5 fireflies) that you can. **Scene** *Instructions* "Interact with the children to get balloon tokens" Balloon Break *Pop the required number of balloons before they leave the screen. *To pop a balloon, use the directional controls to move the highlight to the balloon you want to pop and press the control that matches the balloon. *You get one token for each balloon you pop. *If more than 3 balloons escape, you must start again. *Complete 3 rounds to win. I am sorry that I can't really help you with this one either. As before, it is random and just keep trying. After performing for the first group of children, move to the left side and press the B button by the soccer ball to get curious points. Then run, to the right and get the banana. Continue right and press the B button by the bush and soccer ball for more curious points. Turn around, and get the banana to the right then press the B button by the next group of children to interact with them. After the second performace, move around to the right and get the banana. Continue to the right, then press the B button behind the third group of children at the skateboard for curious points. Before talking to the children, move forward and get the banana then the bunch of bananas. Turn around, and go back to the children, getting the last bananas on the way. Finally, time for the last performance. This one is the hardest of all because you will have to hit the same button up to 3 times in a row to break the balloons and it goes much faster than the last two. Instructions *Take your tokens to the balloon vendor* After finishing the performaces, turn around, and exit this area on the sidewalk. Move to the right side, and press the B button by the bush and skateboard for curious points. Get the banana, then turn around again, running straight get the banana behind the park bench. At last, press the B button at the balloon vendor. **Scene** Float left and get the balloon and bunch of bananas, then float right for the red balloon. George will then turn the corner to the right. Now, float straight to get the balloon, move left for the banana, then press and hold the A button to get the balloon above the car. Float left and right, getting the ballons and bananas in this next section, then press and hold the A button to make it over the power line at the end. George will turn the corner to the left. Float straight, and get the balloon, then right for the balloon, straight, right then left and finally straight again for the bunch of bananas. George will again go around the corner to the right. Get the balloon straight ahead, then float right for the next balloon, go straight for the bunch of bananas. Now, float left for a balloon, then right, straight and left for the last balloon. George will turn the corner to the right. Get the balloon on the left side, then the right, this one is difficult to get without hitting the scaffolding and popping one of the balloons. Now, float left, for the bunch of bananas, then right again for the balloon. Finally, George will turn the corner to the right for the last time. Float right for the balloon, then left, straight, right, left, right getting the balloons along the way. Finally, press and hold the A button and float left for the balloon, then right for the last balloon. **Scene** Instructions *Make your way to the vent and follow the rat that stole the idol!" Run straight and slightly to the left. Jump on the boxes and get the banana, turn left, and jump to the next box for the banana, then jump to the chain and swing across for another banana. Now, go straight and press the B button by the luggage for curious points. Turn around, drop off the edge of the box and press the L1 button to crawl underneath the boxes. Turn left, and run by Ted and the cage that you were in, press the B button for more curius points and the luggage in the corner. Now, go back by Ted and jump on the boxes once more and make your way back to the chain and swing across. Turn around, and jump to the higher boxes to the right, get the banana. From here, jump to the next box, then to the pole above George. He will slide across, getting the bananas along the way, then drop off at the end. Get the banana in front of you, then run around the boxes to the left, ignoring the grating for now, to get the banana, keep going to the left for the next banana and finally press the B button by the luggage at the end for curious points. Turn around, make your way back to the grating that you passed up before. Jump onto the grating and climb to the top. Once at the top, run forward getting the bananas, turn left and jump over the railing at the end for the bunch of bananas. On the other side of the railing, turn left, then left once again, jumping up to the pipe. Make your way across the pipe, and George will drop down. Turn around and run forward to the luggage, pressing the B button for curious points. Now, turn left to the rat by the vent. *Instructions* "Follow the rat through the vent" Press the L1 button to crawl and enter the vent. Crawl through the vent, and George will come to the exit and drop off into another storage area. *Instructions* "Find the rat" Turn around and jump onto the box for the banana, then drop off and turn around once again. Run straight ahead to the pipe sticking out of the wall and jump onto it. Use the C stick to turn the camera to the right. See the boxes? Jump over to them from the pipe. Once on the boxes, turn right and follow the boxes around getting that bananas along the way. Now, jump up to the pipe, and make your way across it and through the window. **Scene** *Instructions* "You need to get through that door" "If you calm the sailor down, he might open it for you" "Find the sailor and entertain him to take his mind off the rat" Run straight ahead and jump onto the console on the left side. Using the C stick roate the camera around to the left, and jump over the pipes. Now, climb up the ladder and get the banana. Turn right, then left and run down the ramp to the sailor. *Instructions* "Interact with the sailor to perform for him" Before talking with the sailor, run straight ahead and press the B button by the wheel for curious points. Now, go back to the sailor. Press the B button by the sailor to "talk" to him. George will perform the "Boat Deck Boogie" again. It is the same as before, only this time the third round is much faster than before. **Scene** *Instructions* "Go into the control room and follow the rat through the vent" Go into the control room on the left. Once inside, run straight and press the B button by the wheel for curious points. Now, go back and turn left around the console, to the vent. Press the L1 button to crawl and enter the vent. *Instructions* "Search for the rat" Make your way through the vent to the other side. Once on the other side, and in the room, press the B button by the luggate and chest of drawers for curious points. Exit this room, turn right into the hallway. Run forward, getting the bananas. Before following the rat into the open door on the left, go into the room on the right and press the B button by the chest of drawers and luggage for curious points. Now, exit this room and go straight across to the room that the rat went in. Climb up the ladder. At the top, turn around, and jump on the box to the left, getting the banana. From here, run straight ahead to the ladder at the end, getting the bananas along the way. Finally, climb up the ladder. **Scene** *Instructions* "Find a way to get the idol from the seagull" On the deck, run around to the right side and get the banana. Press the B button by the lightbulb. *Instructions* "Seagulls like potatoes. Perhaps a potato would be useful." Run over to the sailor that is peeling potatoes and press the B button to interact with him. **Scene** *Instructions* "Find a way to distract the sailor, so you can take a potato." Run straight ahead and get the banana, then run over to the seagull and press the B button to interact with it. *Instructions* "The seagull won't drop the idol, maybe if you had something to trade for it." Turn around and run back past the sailor peeling potatoes, and go into the open door on the right. In the room, turn to the right and go behind the counter, getting the bananas along the way. *Instructions* "Rattle the pots to distract the sailor" First, go forward and get the banana at the end, then turn around and jump onto the counter on the left side and press the B button by the pans hanging on the wall to rattle them. *Instructions* "Hide from the sailor" Quickly jump over the counter in front of you, and run around behind the tables and make your way out the door. *Instructions* "Get a potato and find the seagull that took the idol" Go over to the box of potatoes on the right side, and press the B button to get one and for curious points. *Instructions* *Get the idol from the sealgull* After getting the potato, run forward to the large pipe sticking out of the deck with the seagull sitting in it. Press the B button by the seagull. **Scene** *Instructions* "Lead Ted down the path* Run forward, getting the bananas along the way. **Scene** *Instructions* "Cross the river and find a way to lower the drawbridge" Get the banana, then turn around to the left and run forward to the vine that is hanging down. Jump up to the vine and climb up. At the top, move straight ahead and George will slide down the branch. Jump, to the next branch, then jump once again at the end, getting the bananas along the way. Now, move straight ahead by the river and make your way across the logs that are floating down. On the other side, keep going forward, getting the bananas, and jump up to the ledge. Press the B button by the bush in front of you to get curious points.Jump over the pit, getting the banana, then continue running forward. Turn left at the end, and jump on the stone to get the idol and lower the drawbridge. **Scene** *Instructions* "Continue down the jungle path" Run straight ahead down the jungle path past Ted. **Scene** Keep moving down the jungle path until you come to a huge arch. **Scene** *Instructions* "Cross the river and release the brake on the gondola." Run straight ahead, getting the bananas and jump over the pit. When you see the broken colums, turn to the right and get the bunch of bananas that is hiding beind a colum. Then, turn around and slightly to the left, press the B button by the bee hive hanging from the tree for curious points. Now, continue moving straight and press the B button by the bush for more curious points. Turn around and go back to the big arch with broken colums around it. Once there, jump up and grab the vines to climb up. At the top, turn left and jump to the vine, swing across 2 vines to the other side. On the other side, slide down the branch, jumping arcross to the next branch, getting the bananas along the way. Now, jump to the vine and swing across. Make your way to the banana on the stone, jump up to the bar above you and walk across getting the idol. On the other side, drop down on the next stone releasing the gondola brake. **Scene** *Instructions* "Continue down the jungle path" Drop off the edge, and run down the path past Ted. **Scene** Continue running down the jungle path getting the bananas along the way. **Scene** *Instructions* "Cross the river and find a way to raise the underwater colums" Turn to the right and run straight ahead, jumping over the pit and grabbing onto the vines, climb up to the top. At the top, jump over the pit, grabbing onto the vine swing across. Jump across the next pit, and grab the next vine to swing across to the other side. Now, jump onto the first lilly and jump to the vine. Swing across 2 vines, getting the bananas along the way. After getting across, continue down the jungle path to the river. At the river, make your way across the logs to the other side. On the other side, follow the path all the way around to the 3 huge monkey statues. Stand in front of each statue and press the B button for curious points and to raise the underwater colums. **Scene** *Instructions* "Get the idol" Run forward to get get the idol on the jungle path. *Instructions* "Continue down the jungle path" Run straight ahead and follow the jungle path around getting the bananas along the way. **Scene** Jump onto the colum on the left side, then up to the next one and finally to the top. Turn left, and get the bunch of bananas at the end. Now, turn around and run to the end of the ledge you are on, and drop off the edge. Jump to the other side, and then onto the round stone. **Scene** *Instructions* "Cross the river and find a way to lower the second drawbridge" Turn right and run down the path to the river. At the river, make your way across the logs to the other side once again. On the other side, keep going straight ahead and jump across the broken colums to continue on the jungle path above. Run straight, and jump over the pit to grab the vine. Swing across to the tree branch and slide down the branch. At the end, George will drop off onto the stone and lower the second drawbridge. **Scene** *Instruction* "Get to the top of the cliff and find a way to unlock the shrine" Run to the right, and jump over 4 ledges getting the bananas along the way. Turn around, and run back to the right, jumping up the next 3 ledges to the top. At the top, climb up the vine that is hanging down, and jump to the right. Get the idol, then the banana and continue to the right. Be careful in this next area, because there is a waterfall above the rocks, and they are very slippery. Jump to the right 2 times, then to the left 1 time and finally to the right 1 more time. Now, turn around and jump to the left and grab the vine. Swing across to the other side. On the other side, jump to the left 2 times, then right 1 time. From here, jump up to the ledge above you on the left. Run to the end and get the banana. Jump over to the vine and swing across. Jump to the left 3 times, then right once. Once again, jump to the vine and swing across to the other side. On the other side, jump up and grab the rungs above you. Walk hand over hand, through both of them. After getting across, jump to the right 3 times, then to the left 1 time. Jump to the vine and swing across to the next 2 vines. Now, turn around and jump to the right 4 times. From here, jump to the vine that is hanging down and climb up. From the top of this vine, jump to the vine on the left and climb to the top. At the top jump to the left 4 times, then to the right 1 time. Get the next idol and slide down the hill to the right. At the bottom of the hill, continue to run to the right and jump up to the vine that is hanging down. Climb up the vine and jump to the left 4 times. Finally, jump to the right and get the last idol. Run to the right and jump to the next 3 ledges, left 2 times, then right 3 more times. Swing across the vine, and run up the steps. Finally, jump up to the left ledge, to the huge monkey idol. **Scene** Congratulations, you finished the game! Sit back and enjoy the closing scene. ******************************************************************************* Credits: Thanks to the following: CJayC: For having a great website! Namco: For making the game! Instruction Manual: For the story and controls! Anyone who reads this!