""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" " Dead or Alive 2 LEI FANG MOVE LIST v1.1 " """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Author: TripleRaid E-Mail: tripleraid@yahoo.com http://www.doacentral.com Easy to read format :) M O V E L I S T """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" KEY!!! ------ U UP D DOWN L LEFT R RIGHT UL UP LEFT UR UP RIGHT DL DOWN LEFT DR DOWN RIGHT FREE Arcade Stick: "Z Button" Dreamcast: "R Trigger" PROFILE """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Age :: 19 Height :: 5' 4" Weight :: 110 lbs. Measurements :: B34" W22" H34" Blood Type :: B Nationality :: Chinese Fighting Style :: Tai Chi Quan Favorite Food :: Almond Jelly Profession :: College Student Hobby :: Karaoke First Appearance :: Dead or Alive Arcade She is one of the younger fighters and has been called a fighting genius by many. To fight and defeat Jann Lee is her ultimate goal. Jann Lee's absolute dominance in the combat arena only fuels her challenging spirit. Her desire to defeat him is her main reason for entering the Dead or Alive World Combat Championship. SPECIAL'S """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Zensho UR,Punch Shahi U,Punch Niki UR,Kick,Kick Tensin UL,Kick Soan R,R,Punch Sofu L + Punch Simultaneously Chisun R + Punch Simultaneously Kinkei Punch + Kick Simultaneously Tessa D,D,Kick Renchu R,Punch,Kick Ashu L,L,Punch Hoto L,Punch,Punch Shanpo DL,Punch,Punch Shaorin D,DR,R,Punch G. Niki DR,DR,Punch,Kick,Kick G. Hai DR,DR,Punch,Punch + Kick Simultaneously Sokutan R,Kick Bunkyaku R,R,Kick Hikyaku U,Kick Sengu L,Kick,Kick,D,Kick Fujin DL,Kick,Kick Tokyaku DR,Kick,Punch + Kick Simultaneously Hoko R,Punch + Kick Simultaneously Honsin UL,Punch R. Shao Punch,Punch,Punch R. Kin Punch,Punch,R,Punch,Kick R. Zen Punch,Punch,L,Punch,Punch R. Renshu Punch,Punch,Kick,Kick R. Sengu Punch,Punch,Kick,D,Kick R. Tessa Punch,Punch,D,Kick S. Soan Punch,DR,Punch,Punch S. Hai Punch,DR,Punch,Punch + Kick Simultaneously Tanben Punch,Kick,Kick,D,Kick Renshu Kick,Kick Shu/Sen Kick,D,Kick Paika L,Punch + Kick Simultaneously Tozu DL,Punch + Kick Simultaneously Haiseki D,Punch + Kick Simultaneously Senpu Free + Kick Simultaneously Sentsu Punch + Kick Simultaneously (with back to opponent) THROW'S """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Toben Free + Punch Simultaneously Noba L,Free + Punch Simultaneously Kaisin L,Free + Punch Simultaneously (by the wall) Tokan DR,Free + Punch Simultaneously Heisin R, + Free + Punch Simultaneously Yoho R,R,Free + Punch Simultaneously Assin R,R,Free + Punch Simultaneously (by the wall) Rentai D,DR,R,Free + Punch Simultaneously, (throw combo) L,Free + Punch Simultaneously, R,R,Free + Punch Simultaneously Kenpi D,DR,R,Free + Punch Simultaneously, (throw combo) L,Free + Punch Simultaneously, R + Punch Simultaneously Rinei D,DL,L,Free + Punch Simultaneously Haisui Free + Punch Simultaneously (from behind opponent) Shanpo R,R,Free + Punch Simultaneously (from behing opponent) Chogo D,DR,R,Free + Punch Simultaneously (from behind opponent) Toitsu D,Free + Punch Simultaneously (low throw) Kindoku DL,Free + Punch Simultaneously (low throw) Teishu D,Free + Punch Simultaneously (low throw from behind opponent) FOLLOW-UP'S """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Rakuso U,Punch + Kick Simultaneously Sinkyaku D,Kick TAG'S """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Tengyo R,R,Free + Punch Simultaneously (with Jann Lee) Heisin 2 R,R,Free + Punch Simultaneously (with any other character)* *-your partner makes the attack THANKS """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" A big thanx goes to Wind-X of http://doaonline.fighters.net for the lyrics. He has a PS2. I really suggest that if you are a real DOA2 freak and are looking for a great website go to his site. And thaks to GURT for pointing this out to me. LEGAL / STUFF """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" This FAQ may not in any form, reproduced without prior written consent of the author.If you want to use this Walkthrough/FAQ on or in your webpage/magazine/book/disk/cd or any other means of distribution(other than for personal use only) please contact me first (tripleraid@yahoo.com). ============================= ----- ---- --- ----- | ----- | TripleRaid | | | | | | || | ============================= | ---- | |---- | ----- |I am the man behind this | | | \--- | |----| |FAQ that I typed with my h-| ----- |nds for you to see and read| ---- /\ --- ---- |I hope you find this useful| | | / \ | | | THE FAQ MAN!!! |for Dead or Alive 2 | ----- ---- | | | ============================= | \ | |--- ---- FAQ written while listing to Winamp (^_^) http://www.winamp.com _____________________________________________________________________ COPYRIGHT ©TRIPLERAID, 2000