Dead or Alive Xtreme Beach Volleyball (Much Too Much) Frequently Asked Questions by Marty Runyon v0.4 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- PART THE FIRST: Wherein the Contents are Divulged ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The Questions and Answers 1. Buy/Rent/Avoid/Burn on sight 2. Code: Kunoichi 3. Nudity 4. Shady Shop 5. The DOA3 Survival Mode Connection 6. Multiple Vacations 7. The Videos 8. Verified Hidden Items 9. Other Hidden Characters/Items/Courts/Minigames 10. DOAXBV/DOAXVB 11. The EGM April Fools Topless Hoax 12. Nudity Revisited 13. The ESRB Descriptors The Girls 1. Ayane 2. Christie 3. Helena 4. Hitomi 5. Kasumi 6. Leifang 7. Lisa 8. Tina Things To Do 1. Volleyball 2. The Casino 3. Poolside 4. Gravure Movies The Lists 1. Suits 2. Accessories 3. Items ---------------------------------------------------------------------- PART THE SECOND: Where the Questions are Posed and some Unsatisfactory Answers are Made ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Should I buy this game? I'm going to make a couple of lists. Depending on which list you fall on will tell you whether you should buy, rent, or avoid the game. -- Buy -- If you lover of all things DOA -- Rent -- If you really had to ask the question -- Avoid -- If you only like serious, hardcore gaming -- Burn on sight -- If you are Joe Lieberman (though I don't have to tell you that) I believe this is a great game and it is my favorite on the XBox. However, I can certainly understand why someone else might not like it. If you are not sure, RENT THE GAME FIRST. You will figure out whether you like it very quickly. +++ 2. What does "Code: Kunoichi" mean? When a game is in development, it is usually given a name to tell it apart from other games. This is a good thing unless you want the RPGs and RTSs and FPSs to get mixed up. This name usually has nothing to do with the final game because, let's face facts, marketing people name things better than programmers do. When Team Ninja does this, they give each game a codename. For Ninja Gaiden, it was Code: Kumai. For the forthcoming DOA game, it is Code: Cronos. And (you can see this coming I'm sure) for DOA:XBV, it is Code: Kunoichi. Kunoichi evidently means "female ninja." Sounds good to me. +++ 3. The back of the box says Nudity but there isn't any. Did I get ripped off? Did you watch the opening movie? There you go. Other than that, chances are the teeny bikinis are as good as you're going to get. Here are a few reasons why: One, Itagaki is very protective of his girls. He has stated in the past that he was upset when the DOA2 nudity thing happened. He just isn't going to do that to his creations. Notice that he had to create an entirely new character (Christie) to get as naked as she does in both in DOA3 and this game. Two, real games don't have nudity. It just doesn't sell. The porn industry has that covered quite nicely and the game industry can't to compete. Third, that last statement isn't entirely true. I can think of two games that have nudity: BMX XXX and Leisure Suit Larry 6: Love For Sail. One of which sucked posterior orifi and the other was a Leisure Suit Larry game, for god's sake. +++ 4. The manual mentions a shop that sells shady items. What and where is it? As much as people don't want to believe it, the manual is most likely referring Zack Of All Trades. The reason I believe this is that the shop is not otherwise mentioned in the manual. Also, since it does not open until day four, it is ostensibly locked until that time. Admittedly, it is not too hard to find since it is on the freaking menu, but there you go. UPDATE 1/29/03: This has been confirmed by xtreamgamer on the GameFAQs DOAXBV forum by, of all things, CALLING TECMO. The audacity. We'll be hearing more from xtreamgamer later in this FAQ. +++ 5. The manual mentions a connection with DOA3's Survival Mode. What is that all about? This is going to sound a little odd, but this question has pretty much been put to rest. The number of wins a particular character in DOA3 has is survival mode determines the character's starting money. For every ten wins, the character starts with 10,000 Zacks. Thus a character must have at least 20 wins to see any difference. Here's an example: Hitomi has 26 wins in DOA3 Survival mode. When she starts her first vacation, she starts with 20,000 Zacks. If she had 30 or more, it would be 30,000 Zacks. It's not much, but it is something. Which is more than you get from most games. +++ 6. If I start a new vacation, do I lose everything I had? Within each save game slot, items, money, and relationships stay with the girl who earned them. Each girl keeps a separate inventory and collection. Any gifts you give during your vacation (that are accepted) will also carry over to the next vacation. For example, if you used Hitomi for the first vacation, she keeps all of the money and items she has at the end. If you start a new vacation with Hitomi, she with have all of the money and items from before. If you start a vacation with Tina, she begins with her starting suit and base money and any gifts she has received from your previous game. However you should see Hitomi wearing her own items during your vacation. +++ 7. What videos are available and how do I get them? There are eight videos available in the game. You can only receive them as gifts from Zack in your hotel room at night DOA1 Demo 1997 DOA2 Realtime Demo 990217 DOA2 Realtime Demo 990909 DOA3 CF For Japan (Japanese Commercial) DOA3 CF For UK (United Kingdom Commercial) DOA3 CF For US (United States Commercial) DOA3 Opening Movie Ninja Gaiden Trailer +++ 8. What unlockable items are in the game? Right now there are only three items that change in the game and it is really easy to do. After completing your first vacation, you will notice a couple of changes. First, your hotel room will now come with the option "Leave Tomorrow." This allows you to stop a vacation early and start over with new girl. Second, both the opening and closing songs will appear at the radio station so you can now add them to your paylists if you so choose. And that is all for now. +++ 9. Are there any other hidden characters/items/courts/minigames/ areas/anything? Maybe, but probably not much. So far, no one has unlocked anything. But the hunt continues. Most games don't put that much into extras unless they are pretty easy to find or else, why bother? So most likely we are not going to find anything amazing. If something is found it will probably be something nice, but the lengths to which one will have to go (completing every girls collection? good grief!) may not make it worth the effort. A lot of the rumors on hidden stuff is based on the writings of marketing folk, anyway, and not the programmers themselves. And let's face it, marketing people make up stuff a lot better than programmers do. (They just can't make games. Thank goodness or we would get a new Doom or Warcraft clone every few days.) UPDATE 1/29/03: xtreamgamer and Rakthar, those mad dialers, got a little more info out of Tecmo. The man at the other end hinted that there are other unlockables in the game, even mentioning the possibility that Zack may be a playable character or that there are other courts available, though none of this is official. +++ 10. This is really bugging me: is it DOAXBV or DOAXVB? Okay, nobody is asking this question, but I'm answering it anyway. DOAXBV = Dead Or Alive Xtreme Beach Volleyball DOAXVB = Drums Of Alabama Xylophone Vibrato Battle Let's make sure we're talking about the right game, folks. +++ 11. There is this code I saw in EGM to make the girls topless. Does it really work? I'm going to type this one more time just to be absolutely clear: THERE IS NO NUDITY IN THIS GAME! Anyone who asks this question at this point needs to get a life. Really you do. The folks at EGM think you do too. They think it to such an extent that they played their annual April Fools joke on each and every one of you. And judging from the message boards, it worked. For the uninitiated, here is the explanation. Every year, EGM prints at least one code of dubious nature in its April issue (which this year was released in February, adding to the confusion). This year, to the detriment of each and every one of you slack-jawed yokels, they turned their attention to DOAXBV. The code itself is simple: starting a new vacation save game, complete the first vacation in 13 minutes or less. From there any future vacations played in that save game can be switched to topless mode by pressing the Y button on the Swimsuits page of the items screen. With a little help from Photoshop (or the like) some fairly convincing screen shots accompanied the article. Numbers 3 and 4 are the give- aways if you know what you are looking for. Now here is the deal: it does not work. People have tried. They prayed. They made virgin sacrifices (which is ironic, in a way). It does not work. And is never will. Why? BECAUSE THERE IS NO NUDITY IN THIS GAME! +++ 12. But, but, but... what about the transparent visor trick? Okay, time to backpedal here. When I type (quoting) "THERE IS NO NUDITY IN THIS GAME!", what I am trying to convey is "THERE IS NO (intentional) NUDITY IN THIS GAME!" The trick is: 1. Buy a transparent visor. 2. I mean in the game. 3. Put it on. 4. Again, I mean in the game. 5. Start a Gravure movie. 6. Now use all of those skills you honed zooming in on pixel boobies and aim the camera through the visor at the afore mentioned pixels. 7. If you did everything right, you should me looking at an undressed girl. Assuming of course she is wearing a suit with some sort of transparency. Did I for get to mention that part earlier? My bad. What is on display here is what we call a bug. The transparency of the visor is overriding the suit transparency, making the suit all transparent. Woo. Are you all happy now? +++ 13. DOA2 had just as much nudity and it got a Teen rating. Why is this game rated Mature? The nudity descriptor can only be on the box for the one reason: the naked Christie video in the intro. And that bearly cuts it. DOA2 had just as much nudity in the Kasumi cloning sequence. So why Mature? I believe that it was not a single descriptor that earned the rating, but instead was the preponderence of the descriptors. Each of the individual descriptors is not enough to earn the rating, but a combination of the three pushs DOAXBV over the top. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- PART THE THIRD: Wherein the Ladies are Enumerated and Chest Sizes are Expounded upon ---------------------------------------------------------------------- This information is provided in the following format * Profile - based on info from the manual * Item Affinities - a list of what a girl likes or loves * Gravure Movies - listing of movies available 1. Ayane --Profile-- Nationality: Japanese Height: 5' 2" Weight: 104 lbs Body Size: B37 W21 H33 Birthday: 08/05 Age: n/a Blood Type: AB Hobbies: Beauty Treatment Likes: Marros glaces Favorite Color: Dark purple --Item Affinities-- Loves: Grape Juice, Kunais, Marrons Glaces, Peridot, Shurikens, Swallowtail Brooch Likes: Hand Glass --Gravure Movies-- +++ 2. Christie --Profile-- Nationality: British Height: 5' 10" Weight: 126 lbs Body Size: B37 W23 H35 Birthday: 12/18 Age: 24 Blood Type: B Hobbies: Driving Likes: Tomato Juice Favorite Color: Black --Item Affinities-- Loves: Army Knives, British Bread, Guitar (any), Knife, Pistol (any), Revolver (any), Steering Wheel (all), Sub-Machine Gun, Tomato, Tomato Juice, Turquoise --Gravure Movies-- Niki Beach: Morning - Fighting practice, Daytime - Laying on the beach +++ 3. Helena --Profile-- Nationality: French Height: 5' 7" Weight: 108 lbs Body Size: B35 W22 H34 Birthday: 01/30 Age: 21 Blood Type: AB Hobbies: Walking Likes: Blanc manger Favorite Color: Pearl White --Item Affinities-- Loves: Blancmange, Candles, Collar, Conch (all), Dolphin Brooch, Dolphin Clock, Dolphin Sea World Ticket, French Bread, Garnet, Murex (all), Pen and Ink, Perfume, Shell (any), Shell Brooch --Gravure Movies-- Bass Island: Daytime - Swimming underwater Jungle: Any - Leaning against a tree Niki Beach: Morning - Fighting practice Poolside: Evening - Sitting at a table Private Beach: Evening - Finding a shell +++ 4. Hitomi --Profile-- Nationality: German Height: 5' 3" Weight: 108 lbs Body Size: B35 W23 H33 Birthday: 05/25 Age: 18 Blood Type: O Hobbies: Cooking Likes: Sachertorte Favorite Color: Sky blue --Item Affinities-- Loves: Emerald, Frying Pan, Heart Brooch, Hourglass, Microwave Oven, Milk, Music Box, Recipe (all), Sachertorte, Silver Set Likes: Aquamarine --Gravure Movies-- Bass Island: Daytime - Riding a bike Jungle: Morning - Stradling a tree Niki Beach: Morning - Fighting practice, Evening - Dancing Private Beach: Any - Swinging +++ 5. Kasumi --Profile-- Nationality: Japanese Height: 5' 2" Weight: 106 lbs Body Size: B35 W21 H33 Birthday: 02/23 Age: n/a Blood Type: A Hobbies: Fortune telling Likes: Strawberry millefeuille Favorite Color: Milky pink --Item Affinities-- Loves: Amethyst, Balloons, Checked Cushion, Clover Brooch, Crystal Ball, Cute Cushion, Origami (all), Strawberry, Strawberry Juice, Strawberry Millefeuille, Tarot Cards, Teddy Bear (Pink) --Gravure Movies-- Bass Island: Daytime - Swimming underwater Jungle: Any - Leaning against a tree Niki Beach: Daytime - Stretching, Evening - Wishing of a shooting star Poolside: Morning - Stretching, Daytime - Playing in pool, Evening - Sitting at a table +++ 6. Leifang --Profile-- Nationality: Chinese Height: 5' 4" Weight: 110 lbs Body Size: B35 W23 H33 Birthday: 04/23 Age: 19 Blood Type: B Hobbies: Aromatherapy Likes: Chinese dessert Favorite Color: Lemon yellow --Item Affinities-- Loves: Aromapot, Candles, Chinese Desert, Diamond, Fan (any), Feathered Fan (any), Meat Bun, Nunchaku, Orange Juice, Panda Doll, Star Brooch, Teddy Bear (any) --Gravure Movies-- Poolside: Morning, Evening - Sitting at a table, Daytime - Posing by the pool +++ 7. Lisa --Profile-- Nationality: American Height: 5' 9" Weight: 117 lbs Body Size: B36 W22 H34 Birthday: 07/20 Age: 21 Blood Type: A Hobbies: Surfing Likes: Cherry Pie Favorite Color: Crimson Red --Item Affinities-- Loves: Cactus, Cherry Pie, Doughnuts, Flower Brooch, Fountain Pen, Lavender, Lily, Pineapple, Ruby, Scholarly Book (any), Vegetable Juice Likes: Salad --Gravure Movies-- Bass Island: Daytime - Swimming underwater Jungle: Evening - Leaning against a tree Niki Beach: Daytime, Evening - Laying on the beach Poolside: Morning, Evening - Stretching, Daytime - Sitting at a table Private Beach: Morning - Playing in the sand +++ 8. Tina --Profile-- Nationality: American Height: 5' 9" Weight: 123 lbs Body Size: B37 W24 H35 Birthday: 12/06 Age: 22 Blood Type: O Hobbies: Cycling, videogames Likes: Seafood Favorite Color: Sapphire blue --Item Affinities-- Loves: Crab, Doughnuts, Jewel Brooch, Lobster, Pistol (any), Prototype Xbox, Revolver (any), Sub-Machine Gun, Turquoise, Ukulele Likes: Blue Bangle, Blue Guitar, Blue Ribbon, Guitar (Blue/Red), Sapphire --Gravure Movies-- Bass Island: Daytime - Riding a bike ---------------------------------------------------------------------- PART THE FOURTH: Wherein we Discover there is more to Live than Shopping ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Volleyball There is volleyball in this game if you look for it. +++ 2. The Casino There are four games in the casino: 1. Blackjack The object of blackjack is to hold a hand of as close to 21 as possible. 2. Poker The object of poker is to draw a hand of five cards which meet certain requirements. 3. Roulette The object of roulette is to bet on which slot on the roulette wheel the ball will drop in. 4. Slot Machines +++ 3. Poolside There are a few options at Poolside: 1. The Hopping Game If you don't have a partner or you just want to take a break, you can try the pool hopping game and make a little money besides. The key part of the game though is practicing using the analog buttons that are key to performing well in volleyball. 2. Taking a Rest To trigger the Gravure movies at Poolside, choose Take A Rest. 3. Changing Suits and Accessories One of the benefits of the pool is that you can change you suit and any accessories and the changes show up immediately. If you want to see how a new purchase looks, just head to the pool, hit that X button, and make your selection. Your character will automatically wear the outfit and you can see the change immediately. +++ 4. Gravure Movies If you want to take a good look at the girls, this is the way to do it. You can trigger a gravure movie by visiting a volleyball court that is unoccupied or at Poolside. The movies for each character are listed along with their profile. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- PART THE FIFTH: Wherein a mighty number of Lists are, well, Listed ---------------------------------------------------------------------- While you are looking over these lists, keep this horrifying fact in mind: the total price of 8 copies (one each) of all these items is 50,699,600 Zacks. This is why making friends to get gifts is so important. 1. The Suits: sorted by character availability and annotated Ayane (suits are named for mythical creatures) ===== Ainsel 370000 Apsaras 125000 Ariel 80000 Banshee 30000 Cait Sith 5000 Drac 270000 Dryas 10000 Echo 550000 Elf 125000 Fay 30000 Gnome 50000 Gruagach 270000 Kikimora 5000 Lamina 5000 Maridah 125000 Mermaid -- -- can only be received as a present from Zack Meliae 80000 Merrow 65000 -- red bikini top with black shorts Morgan 270000 Naias 10000 Neck 125000 Nereis 10000 Nixie 65000 Nymph 5000 Oreas 10000 Pixie 370000 Raccoon -- -- can only be received as a present from Zack Roane 475000 Rousalka 30000 Salamander 50000 Selky 270000 Shylph 80000 Siren -- -- can only be received as a present from Zack Spriggan 370000 Undine 50000 Wilde Frau 370000 Christie (suits are named for precious stones) ===== Agate 220000 Alexandrite 40000 Amber 330000 Amethyst 90000 Aquamarine 40000 Azurite 500000 Black Pearl 500000 -- black one piece laced-up plunge Bloodstone 375000 Carnelian 170000 Cat's Eye 125000 Citrine 220000 Diamond -- -- can only be received as a present from Zack Emerald 125000 Fluorite 170000 Garnet 40000 Heliodor 40000 Incarose 40000 Iolite 275000 Jade 375000 Jasper 500000 Jet 330000 Lapis Lazuli 90000 -- Christie's starting suit -- navy two piece with high cut thong Moonstone 170000 Obsidian 115000 Onyx 220000 Opal 90000 Orthoclase 125000 Panther -- -- can only be received as a present from Zack Pearl 220000 Peridot 275000 Pyrope -- -- can only be received as a present from Zack Ruby 125000 Sapphire 330000 Spinel 170000 Topaz 115000 Trivia 10000 Turquoise 375000 Viridine 275000 Helena (suits are named for adult beverages) ===== Acapulco 50000 Adonis 270000 Angel's Wing 550000 Black Velvet 50000 Bloody Mary 40000 Blue Lagoon 20000 Blue Moon 50000 Cafe De Paris 550000 -- red lace bikini Champs-Elysees -- -- can only be received as a present from Zack -- black/bronze strapless bikini Chi-Chi 40000 Czarine 500000 Daiquiri 40000 Gimlet 500000 Gin & Tonic 50000 -- blue/white strapless bikini Golden Girl 50000 Habana Beach 30000 Kir Royal 30000 -- black/charcoal checked one piece thong Little Princess 270000 Mai-Tai 20000 Manhatten 350000 Margarita -- -- can only be received as a present from Zack Martini 550000 Mint Frappe 350000 Moscow Mule 30000 Panache 10000 -- Helena's starting suit -- lavender/pink bikini Papagena 10000 Polonaise 20000 Salty Dog 270000 Shandy 20000 -- blue with read and white stripes one piece Sidecar 125000 Singapore Sling 10000 Spritzer 125000 Summer Time 125000 Tequila Sunrise 350000 White Cat -- -- can only be received as a present from Zack Hitomi (suits are named for astronomical formations and animals) ===== Andromeda 85000 -- black one-piece with aqua striping Aquarius 30000 Aries 5000 Bear -- -- can only be received as a present from Zack -- brown one-piece -- includes bear ears headband Cancer 370000 Capricorn 20000 Carina 30000 Cassiopeia -- -- can only be received as a present from Zack Centaurus 50000 Cepheus 220000 Chameleon 50000 Colt 275000 Comet 220000 Corona 85000 Cygnus 85000 Dolphin 20000 Draco 20000 Eagle 30000 Eridanus 50000 Flying Fish 85000 Fox 275000 Galaxy 125000 Gemini 20000 Giraffe 275000 Hydra 50000 Leo 30000 Lepus 170000 Libra 70000 Little Bear 220000 -- white bikini top and shorts with brown bear face on posterior Lynx 20000 Lyra 30000 Marlin 30000 Meteor 85000 Milky Way 370000 Nebula 20000 Norma 70000 Nova 5000 Orion -- -- can only be received as a present from Zack -- black one piece with jagged edged mesh midriff Pegasus 370000 Perseus 70000 Pictor 30000 Puppy 30000 Pyxis 125000 Reticulum 220000 Sagittarius 20000 Scorpion 275000 Serpent 220000 Shooting Star 5000 Southern Cross 5000 Taurus 170000 Unicorn 30000 Virgo 5000 Whale 370000 Zodiac 170000 Kasumi (suits are named for flowers) ===== Acacia 550000 Amaryllis 10000 Begonia 310000 Bougainvillea 220000 Camellia 10000 -- persimmon bikini Carnation 12000 Carnation (skirt) 100000 Cattleya 550000 Chamomile 220000 Cherry Blossom 50000 Clover 12000 Clover (skirt) 100000 Cosmos 45000 Cyclamen 10000 Dahlia 50000 Daisy 10000 Dandelion 50000 Freesia 50000 Gentian -- -- can only be receive as a present from Zack -- white one piece with red lines Gerbera 370000 Hyacinth 5000 Hydrangea 20000 Indigo 12000 Indigo (skirt) 100000 Iris 45000 Jasmine -- -- can only be receive as a present from Zack Lilac 550000 Lily 5000 Marguerite 20000 Marigold 45000 Morning Glory 45000 Olive 5000 Pansy 20000 Peony 20000 Pink 370000 Rabbit -- -- can only be receive as a present from Zack Rose 20000 Salvia 310000 Sasanqua 370000 Sweet Pea 220000 Tulip 5000 -- Kasumi's starting suit Leifang (suits are named for birds) ===== Albatross 30000 Bluebird 50000 Bush Warbler 45000 Canary 5000 Cardinal 45000 Condor 125000 Condor (skirt) 500000 Cuckoo 30000 Emu 250000 -- patchy black and transparent one piece Falcon 30000 Flamingo 170000 Goldcrest 5000 Goose 170000 Hawk 125000 Hawk (skirt) 500000 Heron 170000 Hummingbird 170000 Ibis 10000 Kiwi 50000 Nene 45000 Nightingale 10000 Oriole 600000 Panda -- -- can only be received as a present from Zack Paradise 10000 Parrot 10000 Peacock -- -- can only be receved as a present from Zack -- blue bikini with white ruffle on bottom Penguin 370000 Phoenix -- -- can only be received as a present from Zack Pigeon 30000 Pipit 125000 Pipit (skirt) 500000 Raven 30000 Robin 5000 Rosefinch 50000 Sea Gull 5000 Skylark 5000 Sparrow 125000 Sparrow (skirt) 500000 Swallow 75000 Swan 10000 Swift 30000 Woodpecker 30000 Lisa (suits are named for mythical characters) ===== Arthemis -- -- Can only be received as a present from Zack Amaterasu 245000 Aphrodite 70000 Astarte 600000 Athene 20000 -- tan bikini Aurora 70000 Bellona 10000 Brigit 10000 Calliope 20000 Cardea 20000 Cybele 375000 Demeter 70000 Diana 170000 Dike 170000 Eirene 600000 Eos 90000 Epona 10000 Flora 245000 Freya 45000 Frigg 20000 Gaia 600000 Hela 600000 Hestia 20000 Ishtar 10000 Izanami 245000 Jono 10000 Kali 375000 Leopard -- -- can only be received as a present from Zack -- leopard print one piece with leopard tail Leto 90000 Lilith 90000 Luna 45000 Mach 600000 Minerva 90000 -- gold bikini with black belt Nike -- -- can only be received as a present from Zack Ratri 600000 Sati 20000 Selene 45000 Sophia 170000 Thaleia 10000 Tiamat 375000 Usas 600000 Venus 1000000 -- the most expensive suit in the game -- jeweled thong and jewels tastefully covering the chest Victoria 170000 Tina (suits are named for astronomical formations) ===== Albireo 175000 Alcyone 370000 Aldebaran 120000 Algol 500000 Altair 10000 Antares 500000 Apollo 500000 Arcturus 225000 Arneb 500000 Asterope 50000 Atlas 500000 Bellatrix 370000 Betelgeuse 280000 Black Cat -- -- can only be received as a present from Zack Canopus -- -- can only be received as a present from Zack -- white with black cow spots two piece -- includes holsters Capella 10000 Castor 25000 Celaeno 10000 Chara 10000 Dheneb 225000 Fomalhaut 370000 Maia 50000 Merope 50000 Mira 120000 -- red, white and, blue striped two piece Mizar 50000 Pleiades 120000 Pleyone 280000 Polaris -- -- can only be received as a present from Zack Pollux 25000 Presepe 20000 Procyon 25000 Regulus 25000 Rigel 500000 Sheraton 10000 Sirius 10000 -- Tina's starting suit -- US flag design two piece Spica 225000 Taygeta 370000 Thuban 175000 Vega 20000 *** 2. The Accessories Analog Wristwatch 27500 Black Bangle 1500 Black Framed Glasses 10000 Black Polka-Dot Sandals 15000 Black Sneakers 20000 Black Wristwatch 27500 Blue Bangle 1500 Blue Checked Visor 4500 Blue Hibiscus 100 Blue Sandals 15000 Blue Sneakers 20000 Blue Sunglasses 4000 Blue Visor 4500 Blue Wristwatch 20000 Bronze Framed Glasses 4000 Brown Casquette 5000 Brown Framed Glasses 4000 Brown Sneakers 20000 Butterfly Hair Clip (Blue) 10000 Butterfly Hair Clip (Cyan) 10000 Butterfly Hair Clip (Green) 10000 Butterfly Hair Clip (Red) 10000 Butterfly Hair Clip (Yellow) 10000 Camouflage Sneakers 20000 Checked Ribbon Straw 5000 Checked Sneakers 20000 Clear Framed Sunglasses 4000 Common Sunglasses 4000 Common Sunglasses (Blue) 4000 Common Sunglasses (Green) 4000 Cotton Visor (Blue) 4500 Cotton Visor (Pink) 4500 Dark Blue Sunglasses 4000 Denim Casquette 5000 Fashionable Cap 5000 Floral Hat 5000 Flower Sandals (Pink) 15000 Flower Sandals (Violet) 15000 Flower Sandals (White) 15000 Flower Sandals (Yellow) 15000 Goggle Sunglasses (Black) 4000 Goggle Sunglasses (Blue) 4000 Goggle Sunglasses (Yellow) 4000 Gold Framed Sunglasses 4000 Gold Ribbon 1000 Grapes Hair Clip 10000 Gray Ribbon Straw 5000 Green High Heels 15000 Green Sneakers 20000 Hearts Printed Visor 4500 Hearts Sneakers 20000 Hexagon Sunglasses (Blue) 4000 Hexagon Sunglasses (Pink) 4000 Hexagon Sunglasses (Red) 4000 Large Sized Sunglasses 4000 Leopard Print Sneakers 25000 Low Profile Cap (Black) 5000 Low Profile Cap (Pink) 5000 Low Profile Cap (Yellow) 5000 Marble Bangle 1500 Navy Ribbon 1000 Navy Wristband 1500 Orange Plumeria 100 Orange Rose 300 Orange Sunglasses 4000 Orange Sneakers 20000 Oval Glasses 4000 Oval Sunglasses (Black) 4000 Oval Sunglasses (Brown) 4000 Pink Bangle 1500 Pink Baseball Cap 5000 Pink Canvas Sneakers 20000 Pink Framed Glasses 4000 Pink Hibiscus 100 Pink Plumeria 100 Pink Ribbon 1000 Pink Rose 300 Pink Sunglasses 4000 Pink Visor 4500 Pink Wristband 1500 Plastic Sunglasses (Blue) 4000 Plastic Sunglasses (Red) 4000 Purple Anemone 100 Purple Ribbon 1000 Purple Rose 300 Purple Sunglasses 4000 Red Anemone 100 Red Bangle 1500 Red Checked Visor 4500 Red Hibiscus 100 Red High Heels 15000 Red Leather Sneakers 25000 Red Polka-Dot Sandals 15000 Red Sneakers 20000 Red Visor 4500 Ribbon Bracelet (Blue) 1500 Ribbon Bracelet (Orange) 1500 Ribbon Bracelet (Pink) 1500 Ribbon Bracelet (Purple) 1500 Ribbon Bracelet (Red) 1500 Ribbon Bracelet (Sky Blue) 1500 Ribbon Bracelet (White) 1500 Ribbon Bracelet (Yellow) 1500 Rimless Glasses 4000 Rimless Sunglasses (Blue) 4000 Rimless Sunglasses (Yellow) 4000 Showy Sunglasses 4000 Silver Framed Glasses 4000 Silver Framed Sunglasses 4000 Sky Blue High Heels 15000 Sky Blue Visor 4500 Sports Sunglasses (Blue) 5000 Sports Sunglasses (White) 5000 Sports Sunglasses (Yellow) 5000 Straw Hat 5000 Sunflower Hair Clip 10000 Swimming Goggles 5000 Titanium Sunglasses (Blue) 5000 Titanium Sunglasses (Brown) 5000 Titanium Sunglasses (Orange) 5000 Tortoise Sunglasses 4000 Unknown Pink Flowers 200 Unknown Red Flowers 200 Unknown White Flowers 200 Unknown Yellow Flowers 200 Washed Denim Casquette 5000 Western Straw Hat 7500 White And Blue Cap 5000 White Anemone 100 White Canvas Sneakers 20000 White Framed Sunglasses 4000 White Hat 5000 White Hibiscus 100 White High Heels 15000 White Leather Sneakers 25000 White Plumeria 100 White Ribbon 1000 White Ribbon Straw 5000 White Wristband 1500 Wristband (Leopard) 1500 Wristband (Panther) 1500 Yellow And Green Cap 5000 Yellow Anemone 100 Yellow Plumeria 100 Yellow Ribbon Straw 5000 Yellow Rose 300 Yellow Sandals 15000 Yellow Visor 4500 *** 3. The Items Amethyst 30000 Aquamarine 30000 Army Knives 8500 Aromapot 2800 Balloons 2000 Black Compact 2500 Black Fan 3000 Blancmange 5000 Blue Conch 2000 Blue Fan 3000 Blue Guitar 16000 Blue Origami 2500 Blue Volleyball 5000 British Bread 700 Brown Guitar 16000 Cactus 1000 Camouflage Ball (Blue) 5000 Camouflage Ball (Green) 5000 Camouflage Ball (White) 5000 Candles 4000 Checked Cushion 3000 Cherry Pie 5000 Chinese Dessert 5000 Clover Brooch 4000 Collar 3500 Colorful Volleyball 5000 Crab 1000 Crystal Ball 10000 Cute Cushion 3000 Diamond 30000 DOA1 Demo 1997 -- -- can only be received as a present from Zack DOA2 Realtime Demo 990217 -- -- can only be received as a present from Zack DOA2 Realtime Demo 990909 -- -- can only be received as a present from Zack DOA3 CF For Japan -- -- can only be received as a present from Zack DOA3 CF For UK -- -- can only be received as a present from Zack DOA3 CF For US -- -- can only be received as a present from Zack DOA3 Opening Movie -- -- can only be received as a present from Zack Dolphin Brooch 4000 Dolphin Clock 7000 Dolphin Sea World Ticket 2000 Doughnuts 700 Emerald 30000 Fan 3000 Favorite Bandanna -- -- Ayane's starting item -- may not be traded or discarded Favorite Barrette -- -- Leifang's starting item -- may not be traded or discarded Favorite Hair Band -- -- Hitomi's starting item -- may not be traded or discarded Favorite Ribbon -- -- Kasumi's starting item -- may not be traded or discarded Flower Brooch 4000 Fluorescent Orange Ball 5000 Fountain Pen 1800 French Bread 700 Frying Pan 2000 Garnet 30000 Gold Compact 2500 Gold Revolver 8000 Gold Volleyball -- -- can only be received as a present from Zack Grape Juice 600 Green Murex 1500 Green Soap 1500 Green Volleyball 5000 Guitar (Blue/Red) 16000 Guitar (Brown/White) 16000 Hand Glass 2000 Heart Brooch 4000 Hourglass 2500 Jewel Brooch 4000 Knife 7000 Kunais 10000 Lavender 750 Leather Steering Wheel 15000 Leopard Print Ball 5000 Light Green Volleyball 5000 Lily 650 Lobster 1000 Marrons Glaces 5000 Meat Bun 700 Microwave Oven 6000 Milk 600 Mineral Water 600 Music Box 3000 Nail Polish (Black) 5000 Nail Polish (Blue) 5000 Nail Polish (Green) 5000 Nail Polish (Pink) 5000 Nail Polish (Purple) 5000 Nail Polish (Red) 5000 Nail Polish (White) 5000 Nail Polish (Yellow) 5000 Nail Polish Remover 5000 Ninja Gaiden Trailer -- -- can only be received as a present from Zack Nunchaku 12500 Opal 30000 Orange Guitar 16000 Orange Juice 600 Orange Origami 2500 Orange Volleyball 5000 Panda Doll 8000 Pearl 30000 Pen And Ink 2000 Perfume 3000 Peridot 30000 Pineapple 900 Pink Feather Fan 2000 Pink Murex 2000 Pistol 8000 Pistol (Black) 8000 Polka-Dot Volleyball 5000 Prototype Xbox 24800 Purple Conch 1500 Purple Origami 2500 Purple Volleyball 5000 Recipe "Sanuki Udon" 10000 Recipe "Sashimi" 10000 Recipe "Shabu-Shabu" 10000 Recipe "Sukiyaki" 10000 Recipe "Sushi" 10000 Recipe "Tempura" 10000 Recipe "Yakisoba" 10000 Recipe "Yakitori" 10000 Red Fan 3000 Red Volleyball 5000 Ruby 30000 Sachertorte 5000 Salad 600 Sapphire 30000 Scholarly Book "Anti-Gravity" 20000 Scholarly Book "Clone" 20000 Scholarly Book "Cyborg" 20000 Scholarly Book "Time Machine" 20000 Scholarly Book "Warp" 20000 Shell Brooch 4000 Shurikens 10000 Silver Compact 2500 Silver Revolver 8000 Silver Set 16000 Silver Volleyball -- -- can only be received as a present from Zack Sky Blue Feather Fan 2000 Sky Blue Shell 1500 Sports Drink 600 Star Brooch 4000 Stars And Stripes Ball 5000 Strawberries 700 Strawberry Juice 600 Strawberry Millefeuille 5000 Sub-Machine Gun 8000 Sunblock Lotion 1000 Suntan Lotion 1000 Swallowtail Brooch 4000 Tarot Cards 3000 Teddy Bear (Brown) 8000 Teddy Bear (Pink) 8000 Tomato 500 Tomato Juice 5000 Topaz 30000 Turquoise 30000 Ukulele 4000 Union Jack Ball 5000 Vegetable Juice 600 White Conch 1300 White Guitar 16000 White Origami 2500 White Shell 1300 White Soap 1500 White Volleyball 5000 Wood Steering Wheel 15000 Yellow And Blue Ball 5000 Yellow Compact 2500 Yellow Feather Fan 2000 Yellow Murex 1300 Yellow Shell 2000 Yellow Volleyball 5000 Zack's Autograph 10000 Zack's Figure 10000 Zebra Print Ball 5000 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- PART THE SIXTH: Wherein a Chronicle of Deeds is Recorded ---------------------------------------------------------------------- project started 28 January 2003 0.1 - 28 January 2003 - first version, rife with inadequacies and stolen wholly from the sweat and toil of the great members of the GameFAQs DOAXBV forum 0.2 - 29 January 2003 - actual gameplay information added (will the wonders never cease) and a few answers are updated 0.3 - 30 January 2003 - info about the girls is added, it would not be an DOA FAQ without chest sizes, and we discuss the actual game 0.4 - 3 March 2003 - details are fleshed out, but not much, and we revisit the issue that will not die, nudity ---------------------------------------------------------------------- PART THE SEVENTH: Wherein proper Credit in Given ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Special thanks to: xtreamgamer and Rakthar for calling Tecmo shipwreck for his great item lists, check out his spreadsheet at: Tim Neill for that wonderful and freightening feat of addition gurl gamer for pointing out Leifang's meat bun fetish and helping with the gravure movies EGM for letting everyone have it with both barrels with that April Fools joke ---------------------------------------------------------------------- PART THE LAST: Wherein the Final Words are Written ---------------------------------------------------------------------- This Document is Copyright 2003 by Marty Runyon Dead or Alive Xtreme Beach Volleyball and, therefore, pretty much everything I'm writing about is Copyright 2003 by Tecmo Ltd Team Ninja I am not affiliated with Tecmo, Team Ninja, or anyone who had anything to do with the creation of this game. This FAQ may be posted on any site so long as NOTHING IS CHANGED and you EMAIL ME telling me that you are posting it. You may not charge for, or in any way profit from this FAQ. If something is wrong, you want to add something or you just want to make fun of me, either post something in the DOAXBV forum or shoot me an email at: