===================================DISCLAIMER================================== I have decided not to allow websites other than Gamefaqs (www.gamefaqs.com), IGN (faqs.ign.com) & Gamespot (www.gamespot.com) to host my FAQs from now on. Please don't ask, because I will not grant permission. It's just that too many sites don't keep their version of my FAQ up to date which makes for a lot of hassle in my mailbox. So if anyone sees this FAQ on any site other than those mentioned above, please let me know and I will take care of the situation, thanks. Just to make things crystal clear for some people, this FAQ is not to appear anywhere at the following URLs: http://www.cheatcc.com http://www.cheatindex.com This document Copyright 2005,2017 Daniel Engel =============================================================================== Dead To Rights II FAQ [PS2] December 01, 2017 Daniel (DEngel) Engel dan.engel.2017 [AT] gmail [DOT] com ############################################################################### (A) TABLE OF CONTENTS ############################################################################### Table of Contents (A) This Table of Contents (B) Controls (C) Walkthrough - (C-01) Blue Fly Night Club Part 1 - (C-02) Blue Fly Night Club Part 2 - (C-03) Blue Fly Night Club Part 3 - (C-04) Blue Fly Night Club Part 4 - (C-05) Blue Fly Night Club Part 5 - (C-06) Ice Rink Part 1 - (C-07) Ice Rink Part 2 - (C-08) Ice Rink Part 3 - (C-09) South Star Bar Part 1 - (C-10) South Star Bar Part 2 - (C-11) South Star Bar Part 3 - (C-12) South Star Bar Part 4 - (C-13) South Star Bar Part 5 - (C-14) South Star Bar Part 6 - (C-15) South Star Bar Part 7 - (C-16) South Star Bar Part 8 - (C-17) Old Church Part 1 - (C-18) Old Church Part 2 - (C-19) Old Church Part 3 - (C-20) Old Church Part 4 - (C-21) Black Dragon's Lair Part 1 - (C-22) Black Dragon's Lair Part 2 - (C-23) Black Dragon's Lair Part 3 - (C-24) Harbor Part 1 - (C-25) Harbor Part 2 - (C-26) Harbor Part 3 - (C-27) Harbor Part 4 - (C-28) Harbor Part 5 - (C-29) Harbor Part 6 - (C-30) Harbor Part 7 - (C-31) Harbor Part 8 - (C-32) Harbor Part 9 - (C-33) Rooftops Part 1 - (C-34) Rooftops Part 2 - (C-35) Rooftops Part 3 - (C-36) Rooftops Part 4 - (C-37) Rooftops Part 5 - (C-38) Rooftops Part 6 - (C-39) Rooftops Part 7 - (C-40) Rooftops Part 8 - (C-41) Rooftops Part 9 - (C-42) Blackjack Part 1 - (C-43) Blackjack Part 2 - (C-44) Blackjack Part 3 - (C-45) Blackjack Part 4 - (C-46) Blackjack Part 5 - (C-47) Blackjack Part 6 (D) Tips (E) Items (F) Experimental ############################################################################### (B) CONTROLS ############################################################################### The default controls for this game are as follows: Left stick - Move. Right stick - Move the camera, change target while locked. dpad - change weapons. Square - Climb over large obstacles [if held], use enemy as bullet-shield. X - Shoot. Circle - Climb over low objects [if held], disarm enemies at close range. Triangle - Dive [press] or use slow motion [hold]. R1 - Lock on closest target. R2 - Flatten against wall or low obstacle. L1 - Crouch. L2 - Attack with Shadow [dog] or order hi to collect ammo nearby. Select - Check objectives. Start - Pause menu. ############################################################################### (C) WALKTHROUGH ############################################################################### Bricklayer J. Gastronomy I strongly recommend watching the tutorials before you do anything, otherwise you will find the walkthrough for the entire game in the sections below. ############################################################################### (C-01) BLUE FLY NIGHT CLUB PART 1 ############################################################################### Shoot the small group of enemies and collect the ammo, then take the medkit behind the desk and use the switch on the left wall. Kill the group of enemies that come running to you and head through the open door that they came through. Kill a trio of enemies and two more up ahead, then continue along the path and shoot two enemies up ahead in the next room. Enter the room and finish off about 10 more enemies, then take their ammo and shotguns. Grab the medkit from the booth on your left, then go through the door in the far left corner. Follow the passage right and open the white door, then kill about 3 enemies and one on the far toilet. Take the ammo and climb on the box in the corner, then shoot out the window and climb over the ledge. Shoot a pair of enemies to your right and take the canister, then use it on another group of enemies up ahead. Take the armor and shoot the glass on your right, then climb through over the new ledge. Kill a pair of enemies as you climb the ramp and open the next door, then shoot about 8 or so enemies in the next room [some down low]. Take the medkit and use the elevator up ahead to end the stage. ############################################################################### (C-02) BLUE FLY NIGHT CLUB PART 2 ############################################################################### Kill a large group of enemies in the next room while you collect the ammo, then take the medkit in the right corner and the armor in the middle of the room. Shoot about five enemies as you work your way through the hall, then kill a small group in the next room. Take the light SMGs and the health above the fridge, then shoot 2 more enemies near the stairs and a group of 3 in the next room. The windows open up next, so kill the few enemies and jump over to their side. Shoot more enemies until a door opens, then shoot about 3 more enemies. Go through the door and shoot up another group of enemies, then take the armor on your right and use the elevator to end the stage. ############################################################################### (C-03) BLUE FLY NIGHT CLUB PART 3 ############################################################################### Clear the room of enemies and climb through the window on your right, then hit the switch to open a nearby door. Shoot a small group of enemies near the door as you enter the hallway beyond, then shoot 2 more enemies. Open the messy door on your left and take the medkit, then open the next door and shoot your way down the hall until a set of doors opens. Kill the enemy that runs out and shoot 4 of his friends inside, then shoot 2 more up ahead before taking the medkit. Grab the keycard from the nearby table and shoot your way back out the room and down the hall. Use the switch on your right [now that you have the keycard] to get the door open. Shoot the enemies inside the next room and take the armor near the stairs, then shoot your way to the hall at the back. Head right and open the door at the end, then shoot past 3 enemies as you climb the stairs and open another door. Shoot the enemy and take the medkit, then go downstairs and open the door. Kill a few more enemies and head for the hallway at the back once more, then go through the open door on your left. Shoot a pair of enemies inside and open the white door, then kill about 4 enemies as you go down the stairs. Finally, open the elevator doors at the bottom to end the stage. ############################################################################### (C-04) BLUE FLY NIGHT CLUB PART 4 ############################################################################### Use "square" and "X" to attack and "triangle" to block here as you fight off enemies without your weapons. You can also have Shadow attack some of them for you, but either way you should fight your way down the alleys until a window is smashed. Fight off some more enemies and get shadow to take down the armed thug. Pick up the nailed 2x4 and use it on the remaining enemies. Take the medkit in the nearby room, then use the switch and attack some enemies as you leave the room. Head left and open the unlocked door as well as another door, then beat down some more enemies and use the medkit on your left when you need it. Head for the door in the back left corner and fight off some enemies, then take the knife and go through that door. Fight your way up the stairs while you grab the armor, then open the door at the top to end the stage. ############################################################################### (C-05) BLUE FLY NIGHT CLUB PART 5 ############################################################################### There's not a lot to this fight really, you want to concentrate your fire on the boss in the red hat. Watch your target on him and start shooting when it's not grey. You should also use the canisters to deal major damage, when you can. Otherwise keep moving and collect the ammo, use your cover and don't forget to use Shadow to help you out. You can attack the other enemies if they get in your way, but the stage is over once the boss's health is gone. ############################################################################### (C-06) ICE RINK PART 1 ############################################################################### Shoot your way down the alleys until you come to a small wooden ramp, then walk up it and hop the fence. Kill more enemies in the next alleys and shoot the car [or use a canister] before the elevator doors to take out a large group of enemies. Pick up all the ammo and use the elevator doors to end the stage. ############################################################################### (C-07) ICE RINK PART 2 ############################################################################### Some of the enemies in this stage throw molotovs, so keep an eye out and stay away from the flames. Shoot the enemies before climbing the stairs, then turn around and kill a few more. Go back down the stairs and through the door on your left, then shoot 2 enemies and open the next door. Shoot your way through the room and the hall, then kill more enemies in the next room and hall. Open the door and shoot your way to a medkit and a switch, then use the switch and shoot the enemies that come to you. Shoot your way back through the box room, then kill more enemies in the room to your left. Kill a trio of enemies [including one behind you] and take the ammo, then use the elevator to end the stage. ############################################################################### (C-08) ICE RINK PART 3 ############################################################################### Head down the stairs while you shoot up a group of enemies, then go left and open the door ahead of you. Shoot the explosive barrel and the enemies to your right, then grab the ammo and go through the door in the back left corner. Take the armor and climb through the window, then shoot all the enemies high and low while you climb the stairs. Enter the small room up here and turn the valve to shut off the steam, then shoot your way back downstairs and kill more enemies beyond the steam door. Take the medkit at the top of the ramp and enter the next room on your left. Shoot the enemies and head for the back of the room to start a cutscene and finish the stage. ############################################################################### (C-09) SOUTH STAR BAR PART 1 ############################################################################### Beat up the enemies in your way as you climb the stairs on your left and go through the door, then beat up more enemies in the next room while using their bottles against them. Smash the wooden barrier on your left as you grab the metal bat, then fight more enemies around the pool tables. Follow the path outside and open the door, then fight some enemies and take the medkit. Fight your way to a nearby switch and use it, then beat up the enemies on your way through the door that just opened. Take the metal bat and head up the stairs, then grab the armor on the box and fight your way to the elevator to end the stage. ############################################################################### (C-10) SOUTH STAR BAR PART 2 ############################################################################### Watch for molotovs as you shoot these enemies, then take the canister by the car and follow the path while you gun down those in your way. Head up the stairs and take the medkit on the box while you kill more enemies, then open the next door for more target practice. Clear the area of enemies and head for the back right corner for passage and some stairs. Shoot the enemies at the top and take the armor, then hit the switch and shoot a few enemies from the window [while ordering Shadow on others]. Go back down the stairs and finish off the rest of the group, then go through the open door in the right corner and use the elevator to end the stage. ############################################################################### (C-11) SOUTH STAR BAR PART 3 ############################################################################### Walk up the ramp and shoot the enemies to your left, then jump over the fence and kill some more. Climb the boxes on your right and take the armor, then drop to the other side and kill some enemies to your left. Watch out for an enemy in the train car to your right, then take the medkit inside. Shoot more enemies up ahead and go right at the fork, then kill two more and climb on the box for a revolver. Return to the fork and go left this time as you shoot your way to a lot of boxes. Kill more enemies here and head right when you hit the fence, then follow the path until you reach a stack of boxes. Climb up and jump the gap, then shoot a few enemies and jump another gap to reach their room. Take the items and use the switch to open a door below and release some enemies. DON'T dive over the ledge here, instead go back to the stack of boxes and dive off there. Work your way around the train car and the boxes to take the enemies out from a much safer location. Go through the door and shoot some more enemies, then use the elevator to end the stage. ############################################################################### (C-12) SOUTH STAR BAR PART 4 ############################################################################### Climb up the pile of boxes to get on top of the wall, then shoot the enemies to your right and drop down to finish off some more. Shoot some enemies through the door on your left and take the armor behind the counter, then open the door that's between the pop machines. Shoot your way up the stairs and kill more enemies in the open area, then drop down and finish off some more. Use the stairs up ahead [slightly right] while you shoot some enemies, then grab a medkit through the door on your right as you shoot the guy guarding it. Return outside and kill more enemies up ahead as you pass through a door and down some stairs. Watch out for molotovs as you shoot up a group of enemies outside, then look for the staircase in one of the far corners and use it. Kill more enemies and check the first door on your left for some armor, then return outside to end the stage. ############################################################################### (C-13) SOUTH STAR BAR PART 5 ############################################################################### Take the armor from the room on your right and fight your way down the stairs, then take the bottles and attack more enemies. Grab the metal bat and climb the stairs as you attack more enemies and start a short cutscene. Fight your way down the stairs for more bottles and a lead pipe, then go through the gate on your left. Attack a few more enemies and use the elevator to end this short stage. ############################################################################### (C-14) SOUTH STAR BAR PART 6 ############################################################################### Shoot the bikes and the explosive barrel before finishing off some enemies, then continue along the path and shoot another explosive barrel while a short cutscene plays. Shoot your way to the far corner and go through the gate, then take the medkit and shoot the explosive barrels as another short cutscene starts. Shoot your way down the stairs and kill more enemies, then shoot the motorcycle and keep taking out those in your way. Grab the armor in the right corner and shoot your way up the stairs for another cutscene. Shoot the vehicles to really cripple the enemies, then finish off the rest and use the nearby elevator to end the stage. ############################################################################### (C-15) SOUTH STAR BAR PART 7 ############################################################################### Shoot your way to the stairs and climb up, then kill an enemy for some armor and open the door to end this short stage. ############################################################################### (C-16) SOUTH STAR BAR PART 8 ############################################################################### For this boss you need to shoot his hostage when he takes one, then get in a few hits on him before your target turns grey. Take cover and find the armor in the alcove to your right, and the medkit [plus lots of ammo] behind the bar. Otherwise you want to KEEP MOVING and use shadow or slow motion to help you damage the boss and his annoying friends. There are also some canisters around so be sure to use them to take out groups of enemies or damage the boss himself. It's a tricky battle, but if you keep moving and use the cover and ammo well, then you should come out on top. ############################################################################### (C-17) OLD CHURCH PART 1 ############################################################################### Kill a group of enemies and follow the path in the left corner, then shoot some more and climb the box to reach the medkit. Kill a group up ahead and open the nearby door, then shoot some more enemies and watch for some on your left. Take the ammo and the armor before using the switch, then kill the enemies through the new door and shoot the explosive barrel. Shoot your way up some stairs and use the elevator to end the stage. ############################################################################### (C-18) OLD CHURCH PART 2 ############################################################################### Go down some stairs as you shoot a group of enemies and bikes, then go up a different set of stairs and kill the enemies to your left. Follow the passage as you kill enemies and reach an open area, then shoot some more and take the medkit from the ledge on your left. Climb the stairs and shoot your way to an open room, then kill the enemies below and dive to the armor on the ledge. Drop down and pick up the key, then kill the enemies outside. Head for the back left corner and keep shooting those in your way until you reach an open area. Kill more enemies here and work your way up the stairs, then head right and kill the enemies in your way before using the elevator to end the stage. ############################################################################### (C-19) OLD CHURCH PART 3 ############################################################################### Shoot your way down the stairs as you grab some armor, then go through the open door and kill the enemy on your left. Open the next door and shoot past more enemies, then take the medkit on the box and climb the stairs. Kill more enemies as you follow the passage, then meet up with Ruby to end the stage. ############################################################################### (C-20) OLD CHURCH PART 4 ############################################################################### Shoot the enemies that appear and collect the ammo. Grab the canisters and molotovs if you need them and the medkit on your right as well as another one on the right platform. Otherwise you want to keep moving and keep shooting so that you protect Ruby and stay alive. Shadow is pretty useless but keep using your slow motion and it should help a LOT with this stage. ############################################################################### (C-21) BLACK DRAGON'S LAIR PART 1 ############################################################################### Shoot your way to some boxes and climb up for a medkit, then drop over the wall and kill some enemies on your way up a ramp and hill. Enter the door on your right for some armor and continue along the nearby path, then shoot more enemies as you dive over some rocks. Open the nearby doors and kill some enemies as you take the medkit on your right, then shoot your way up the stairs. Kill more enemies high and low just around the corner and use the elevator to end the stage. ############################################################################### (C-22) BLACK DRAGON'S LAIR PART 2 ############################################################################### Open the door and shoot enemies high and low, then go upstairs for a hand grenade. Go back down and follow the passage under the stairs while shooting more enemies, then take the canister on your left and the medkit behind the bar to your right. Enter the nearby door and shoot up some more enemies, then take the armor on your right and kill a few more. Shoot your way up the stairs and take some more ammo, then open the door to end the chapter. ############################################################################### (C-23) BLACK DRAGON'S LAIR PART 3 ############################################################################### During this boss battle you fight minions on the ground and on the railings up high. There are objects that you can use for cover but you need to watch out for grenades when doing this. Otherwise you want to find where the boss is and throw a molotov at him to drain a good chunk of his health. Fight off minions until his health turns red once more, then use another molotov until you run out. There is a medkit on the left side of this area and some armor on the right side, so use them as needed. I find it works very well to back up at the start and crouch behind the object on your left. From here you can lock onto enemies and have Shadow attack them and bring you ammo. Once you find the boss you can lock on and use grenades, molotovs or canisters, then return to your hiding spot until his health turns red again. ############################################################################### (C-24) HARBOR PART 1 ############################################################################### Punch your way through the enemies and destroy a wooden barrier in the corner, then fight some more and use "circle" to get over the boxes and take the katana. Attack a large group of enemies on the other side and watch out for those with metal bats, then grab the medkit in the left corner. Open the door in the right corner and use the elevator to end the stage. ############################################################################### (C-25) HARBOR PART 2 ############################################################################### Shoot the enemies and climb the boxes in the far right corner for some armor. Open the door on the other side and kill some more enemies before going through the next door in the right corner. Take the medkit and hit the switch, then kill the enemies behind you and return to the previous room. Shoot up the place and go through the door behind the truck, then shoot your way to the access card in the next room. Go up the ramp and kill the enemies in your way, then use the elevator in the back right corner of the large room to end the stage. ############################################################################### (C-26) HARBOR PART 3 ############################################################################### Kill the enemies and climb on the boxes in front of the forklift, then dive onto the forklift for some armor. Shoot more enemies up ahead and use the panel by the "A1" door to get it open. Shoot your way up the stairs and into the next room, then head down the ramps and take the medkit in the alcove to your left. Open the yellow doors up ahead and shoot the enemies in the freezer, then open another set of yellow doors. Kill some more and take the armor, then open up another door. Shoot the explosive barrels here, then use the elevator to end the stage. ############################################################################### (C-27) HARBOR PART 4 ############################################################################### Shoot your way into the passage on your left and head right, then shoot your way past some stairs and outside once more. Destroy the explosive barrels and take the armor, then use the switch and backtrack as you pass the stairs once more. Kill the enemies on the way and go through the open door at the bottom of the stairs, then shoot some enemies and dive over a fence in the corner. Kill those in your way and watch out for more in the left corner, then take the medkit. Use the nearby switch and kill the enemies that come through the door, then enter that door and shoot a couple of enemies. Go through the door on your right for some armor, then use the elevator to end the stage. ############################################################################### (C-28) HARBOR PART 5 ############################################################################### Shoot the enemies and the truck before entering the doors at the back right corner, then kill the enemies in the next room as you hit the switch on the wall. Shoot the enemies in the next room and take the keycard, then shoot your way back to where you started and use the elevator to end this stage. ############################################################################### (C-29) HARBOR PART 6 ############################################################################### Shoot your way past some stairs and an explosive barrel, then use the keycard to get the "B2" door open and end this short stage. ############################################################################### (C-30) HARBOR PART 7 ############################################################################### Head right until an enemy pops out, then shoot him and climb up to where he was. Shoot his friends and an explosive barrel to get things moving, then kill a few more enemies in the large room. Take the armor in the back right corner, then shoot up more enemies in the next room. Take the medkit as you climb over a desk, then hit the switch on the wall. Kill more enemies [watch for one in an alcove on your left] and work your way up the stairs, then use the elevator to end the stage. ############################################################################### (C-31) HARBOR PART 8 ############################################################################### Target the enemies below and shoot them through the skylight, then drop down and open the door. Shoot your way through the next room and kill the enemies in the nearby passage, then shoot an explosive barrel and head for the hole in the wall. Shoot the enemies outside and drop down to kill some more, then take the armor to the right of the truck and use the elevator to end the stage. ############################################################################### (C-32) HARBOR PART 9 ############################################################################### Shoot the enemies on your way into the next room, then kill some more and head through the "B2" door to end the chapter. ############################################################################### (C-33) ROOFTOPS PART 1 ############################################################################### Shoot the enemies while avoiding the helicopter's guns, then climb the boxes in the corner for some armor. Shoot some more enemies and open the door to the next room, then kill some more enemies and climb the stairs. Climb the boxes and shoot some more enemies, then take the medkit on the nearby boxes and dive over the railing. Climb to the top of the stairs for some armor, then shoot the enemies below and smash the window. Kill more enemies inside and open the metal door in the corner, then kill some more enemies and use the elevator to end the stage. ############################################################################### (C-34) ROOFTOPS PART 2 ############################################################################### Kill the enemies as you enter the small building, then shoot another one and hit the switch on the wall. Kill the enemies outside and use the new staircase on your right. Shoot the enemies through the window at the top, then dive through and kill the rest. Take the armor and use the switch, then shoot some enemies high and low outside. Use a slow motion dive out the window to finish off most of their friends, then shoot the enemies in the alley. Quickly shoot some more enemies while you hop the barriers and avoid the helicopter, then grab the medkit and jump through the window. Kill a few enemies in here and in the hallway as you go right at the fork. Shoot more enemies in the next room and take the grenade launcher, then save it for later as you kill some enemies outside. Dive out the window and use the alcoves for cover, then enter the small building and kill an enemy on your right. Take the medkit and shoot more enemies outside, then climb the stairs and shoot the crane to create a bridge. Kill some enemies as you cross the bridge and take the heavy AMG and armor. Shoot the enemies and explosive barrels here as you weave your way through this room, then use the elevator to end the stage. ############################################################################### (C-35) ROOFTOPS PART 3 ############################################################################### This part is pretty tricky but you want to use slow motion with guns blazing as you shoot enemies and a few explosive barrels. Climb the stairs and shoot a few more enemies, then use the switch and kill the enemies that appear. Enter the door that opened and go through another door inside, then take the armor on your left and shoot more enemies and explosive barrels. Go through the door in the corner and take the medkit, then jump through the window. Shoot the enemies and the explosive barrel to your right, then open the door and run through to avoid the helicopter. Walk up the stairs and use the elevator in front of you to end the stage. ############################################################################### (C-36) ROOFTOPS PART 4 ############################################################################### Kill the enemies and ignore the path to your left, then shoot your way up the stairs instead. Kill more enemies and cross a bridge, then shoot some more as you open the door. Take the medkit and shoot your way up the stairs, then take the armor by the ledge and dive over. Use slow motion to help get rid of these guys, then shoot your way to the top of the stairs and open the door. Shoot more enemies and an explosive barrel to get rid of the snipers and attract the helicopter. Go through the hole in the wall and jump the ledge, then kill the enemies below. Head right and shoot the enemies as you go down the stairs, then go right and use the elevator to end the stage. ############################################################################### (C-37) ROOFTOPS PART 5 ############################################################################### Kill the enemies as you enter the hallway, then shoot some more up ahead. Go through the next door and shoot your way down all the stairs, then open the doors at the bottom. Kill the enemies that appear behind you and on your left, then grab the medkit and canister before entering the next room. Go right into a small room for some armor, then shoot more enemies down the stairs. Enter the hall next and kill some more enemies, then shoot another group as you enter the room with the TV. Go through the door behind the TV for some armor, then open the dark door and kill a group of enemies. Take the medkit at the back wall and go through the door in the far right corner to end the stage. ############################################################################### (C-38) ROOFTOPS PART 6 ############################################################################### Shoot the enemies in the next room and take the medkit as you enter, then take the armor in the back right corner and shoot some enemies in the next room. Jump the ledge once more and shoot a few more enemies, then use the nearby elevator to end the stage. ############################################################################### (C-39) ROOFTOPS PART 7 ############################################################################### Kill the enemies as you go down the stairs and into the next area, then use the elevator to end this short stage. ############################################################################### (C-40) ROOFTOPS PART 8 ############################################################################### Shoot your way down the stairs and up another set, then take the grenade launcher from the small room on your right. Shoot some more enemies up ahead and to your left, then fight your way down some stairs. Take the armor in the corner and open the metal gate in the fence to end this stage. ############################################################################### (C-41) ROOFTOPS PART 9 ############################################################################### This is easily one of the most annoying and frustrating parts of the game, but hopefully I can make things a little easier. When you first start, you should use the large object for cover while you shoot the enemies in the area and the explosive barrels. Target the helicopter and use your grenade launcher, as well as the rocket launcher that you can pick up here. There is also a door that you can open, which gives you some cover, but also leaves you open to grenades. You should use the door as you shoot the enemies and keep covered on the helicopter's second approach. This battle is VERY hard, but eventually you should finish it. Just use your cover well, crouch and kill the minions, then rain bullets at the helicopter in bursts before ducking back to your cover. ############################################################################### (C-42) BLACKJACK PART 1 ############################################################################### Kill the enemies and shoot the cars, then enter the small room in the corner. Take the medkit and the canister as you use the switch, then shoot more enemies and go through the door in the corner. Shoot through more enemies and use another switch to get the next door open, then kill some enemies [shoot the cars too] and take the armor in the corner. Go through the nearby door and shoot your way past enemies and an explosive barrel, then kill some more in the room to your left. Take the armor and medkit as you go through the next door, then shoot your way to a switch and a medkit. Use the switch and take the medkit, then kill the enemies as you follow the path. Shoot some more enemies in the room up ahead, then use the elevator to end the stage. ############################################################################### (C-43) BLACKJACK PART 2 ############################################################################### Kill the enemies as you work your way through the hall to the next room, then take the armor to your left and the canister to your right. Shoot the enemies as you cross this room and enter the next room, then take the medkit and use the switch. Shoot your way back to the start of this stage and use the elevator to end it. ############################################################################### (C-44) BLACKJACK PART 3 ############################################################################### Kill the enemies and open the green door in the corner, then shoot the enemies beyond as you head down the stairs and open the door at the bottom. Kill some more enemies and take the medkit and keycard in the next room. Kill the enemies that come out of the nearby door and shoot your way through the passage beyond, then open the door up ahead and shoot some more enemies before using the elevator to end the stage. ############################################################################### (C-45) BLACKJACK PART 4 ############################################################################### Shoot your way to the back of the room and enter the room on your left, then open a door and shoot your way to the stairs at the back of the room. Take the medkit and kill more enemies through the door at the top, then open another door and kill a group of enemies. Hit the switch and shoot your way to the open gate, then take the medkit, the grenade launcher and some armor. Kill some more enemies in the next room and destroy the machine by the green cursor, then shoot your way to the elevator and use it to end the stage. ############################################################################### (C-46) BLACKJACK PART 5 ############################################################################### Kill the enemies and enter the hallway in the far right corner, then open the next door and shoot some more enemies while you take the armor in the left corner. Open another door up ahead and kill those in your way, then jump over the small ledge and shoot some more enemies. Take the medkit and use the switch, then shoot the enemies down the stairs and in the next room. Go through the door on your left and kill more enemies, then use the elevator to end the stage. ############################################################################### (C-47) BLACKJACK PART 6 ############################################################################### For this boss fight you want to keep moving and try to use the cover on the outer ring if possible. Otherwise shoot the enemies in your way and target the boss with your heavy weapons until his health turns grey. Repeat once his health is red once more and watch for canisters and other weapons around for you to pick up. You can also use the LARGE "exit" alcoves on the outer ring to plan your next moves, so watch for them. Once the boss is dead, the doors in the middle of the room open up, so grab the ammo and enter one of these doors to end the stage and the game! ############################################################################### (D) TIPS ############################################################################### Pay attention to the colour of your target cursor, it tells you how easy a target is to hit. From easy (green), to hard (red) and impossible (grey). Don't forget to call Shadow to attack your enemies [lock on first] and collect ammo. Listen for enemy footsteps and hide accordingly, so you can fight them off easier. Try to use the right analog stick to look around corners and see who's waiting for you. This is useful to see enemies, but also helps to lock on early. Even more helpful, you can lock onto someone around the corner and send Shadow to get rid of them. ############################################################################### (E) ITEMS ############################################################################### ------ Medkit ------ These items restores all of your health when picked up. ----- Armor ----- Adds an armor meter that slowly drains as you take damage, your health also drains slower while you have armor. ############################################################################### (F) EXPERIMENTAL ############################################################################### For a little while now I've had a paypal link in all my FAQs at the very bottom here. Mainly as a small experiment since a few other FAQ authors have also had the same idea. I had a few people email me before I put this link in because they wanted to send money, so it's here for those people. For the record I've received about $87 (which works out to a bit more in Canadian lol) last I checked, so I've been getting cases of pop and making some excellent progress on a few FAQs. If you don't want to send money or can't then send me an email, it's nice to hear what people thought about my work and there's always room for improvement. My email address and paypal address for those that want to contribute are both dan.engel.2017 (AT) gmail (DOT) com Many thanks, and I hope you continue to use my work! ~Dan