****************************************************************************** Chicken Little Faq/Walkthrough Version 1.0 Author: MysticWeirdo ****************************************************************************** ****************************************************************************** CONTENTS ****************************************************************************** 1. Introduction 2. Version History 3. Menus 4. Basics 5. Walkthrough 6. Minigames 7. LEGAL 8. Contact Information 9. Credits ****************************************************************************** 1. Introduction ****************************************************************************** I am MysticWeirdo also known by my real name Warren Grieder. Chicken Little is a game based on the Disney movie of the same name. In this game you find yourself in the role of Chicken Little, and on occasion one of his friends: Abby, Runt, and Fish. Chicken Little is available for the Xbox, PS2, and Gamecube. I've played the game on the Xbox, but the majority of the guide should be applicable to the other platforms. ****************************************************************************** 2. Version History ****************************************************************************** Version 1.0, December 11, 2005. Last two mission walkthrough completed. Several typos corrected. Version 0.92, December 10, 2005. Three more mission walkthroughs completed. 22 of 24 now completed. Version 0.79, December 7, 2005. Three more mission walkthroughs completed, 19 of 24 now completed. Version 0.67, December 5, 2005. Three more mission walkthroughs completed, 16 of 24 now completed. Version 0.54, December 4, 2005. Initial Version of this Guide. 13 of the 24 mission walkthroughs completed. All other sections complete. ****************************************************************************** 3. Menus ****************************************************************************** ============= 3.1 Main Menu ============= The are 5 options in the main menu: Play Game, Extras, Load Game, Options, and Select Level. ------------------------ 3.1.1 Play/Continue Game ------------------------ Play game starts a new game on Easy, Normal, or Hard Difficulty. If you've just loaded a save game, this option will become Continue Game which will let you keep playing from where you left off. ------------ 3.1.2 Extras ------------ Play Minigames -------------- Play one of the 6 two player minigames if you've purchased it from the mini- game store. Minigame Store -------------- Unlock the 6 two player minigames here, using the cards sets you found all 5 cards for in the main story mission. There are 20 sets in all allowing you to unlock all of the mini games. Drone Dash - 2 Sets Pig Paddle - 2 Sets Super Speedway - 5 Sets Space Shooter - 3 Sets Saucer Smash - 3 Sets Walker War - 5 Sets Cheat Codes ---------- Try one of the 1296 possible codes to try to unlock something. The cheat codes themselves are beyond the scope of this guide. --------------- 3.1.3 Load Game --------------- Load a game profile from one of the three save slots. Note you'll need to "Continue Game" afterwards to start playing from where you left off. Also note that if you play a previously completed level and save, Continue Game will take you to the level following the one you replayed. ------------- 3.1.4 Options ------------- Some sound and controller settings can be adjusted on the options screen. Sound Volume and Music Volume can be set to levels from 0 to 5. Player 1 and 2 Vibration can be toggled on or off. Inverted Controller Player 1 and 2 can be toggled on or off. ------------------ 3.1.5 Select Level ------------------ Select a Level that you've reached in the main game. Note if you've stop playing that last unplayed level may disappear from this list. The first mission is unlocked initially. Completing a mission unlocks the next one in the list. Mission Level List ------------------ Late For School Dodgeball Hall Goosey Chase Uniform Hunt Batting Practice The Big Game Carpool Craze Backyard Pursuit Space Simulator Alien Abby Runaway Runt Space Alarm Space Simulator II Tube Surf Cornfield Escape Cannon Chaos Firetruck Frenzy Tube Tumble Alien Little Gravity Grab Space Simulator III Final Boss Runt's Escape Space Armada ============== 3.2 Pause Menu ============== There are six options in the Pause Menu: Continue, Restart Level, Main Menu, Objectives, Controls, and Options --------------- 3.2.1 Continue --------------- Continue resumes the current mission. -------------------- 3.2.2 Restart Level -------------------- Restart Level starts the level over. Be aware that you'll lose any cards that you've found and will need to find them again. ---------------- 3.2.3 Main Menu ---------------- This option aborts the current mission and returns you to the main menu. ----------------- 3.2.4 Objectives ----------------- Select Objectives to review the objective listed at the beginning of the current phase of the mission. --------------- 3.2.5 Controls --------------- Select Controls to review the control listed at the beginning of the current phase of the mission. -------------- 3.2.6 Options -------------- This is identical to the Options screen in the Main Menu. ****************************************************************************** 4. Basics ****************************************************************************** ------------ 4.1 Controls ------------ Other than movement and camera control, which are both handled using the left thumbstick of movement and the right (c-stick on Gamecube) to control the camera, most of the controls are listed at the begin of the missions and can be reviewed during the mission. I've listed the Xbox Controls required at the beginning of each mission in the walkthrough. The controls for the Gamecube will likely have the X and B reversed from the Xbox. Provided the buttons are in the same orientation, the X on the PS2 should map to the A on the Xbox, the square to the X, the triangle to the Y, and the circle to the B. I'm not sure which of the multiple left and right triggers on the PS2 are used for powerslides and tilting. NOTE: When you acquire the grapple, powershot, and slingshot upgrades, you be told how to use them, but the control won't be listed for that mission. One of the later missions omits the slingshot control from the list even though its required so you'll need to remember what it was from the previous levels. --------------------- 4.2. Character Health --------------------- When you're controlling a character, his or her health is measured by the number of eggs on the health meter. The maximum health level is six eggs. Health can be restored by collecting acorns. The default health level and acorn requirement are affected by the difficulty level. ----------------- 4.3 Walker Health ----------------- When you're controlling the alien walker the health is indicated by a red line. Some health can be restored by walking across a Health pickup (a circle containing a heart). -------------------- 4.4 Spaceship Basics -------------------- The spaceship's health in the simulators is indicated by the 10 green bars by the heart icon on the HUD. You'll fail the mission if this goes to zero. In the final mission the health is a red bar. Health Pickup: Circle contain a Heart. Restores 10% of health bar. Rapid Fire: Three green bullets in a circle. Allows you to hold the fire button for a constant fire for a short time. Double Shot: Two green hooks in a circle. Allows you to fire two shots at once. Missile Pickup: Missile in a circle. Adds 10 homing missiles to your inventory. Shield Pickup: Shield in a circle. Erects a defensive shield around the ship to protect you from damage. You may notice two number displayed on the HUD in the space mission. One of these is the missile inventory counter, the other is a kill count. There is also a thrust meter that can be used for a speed boost, it recharges when your not thrusting. Rapid Fire, Double Shot, and Shields have icons displayed when they are in effect. --------------------- 4.5 Automobile Basics --------------------- There are 3 missions that see you driving a car or fire truck. While health is not and issue you may be racing against the clock. Alarm clock pickups or energy loops will add time to the clock. The two mission in town will have a map displayed in the top right corner indicating your position as well as the current objective(s). The fire mission will see you picking up and delivering a variety of items. ------------- 4.6 Card Sets ------------- There are 20 cards sets of 5 cards each to be found in 20 of the 24 missions. The four mission without cards sets are: Batting Practice, The Big Game, Cannon Chaos, and Alien Little. --------------------------- 4.7 Difficulty Differences --------------------------- Most aspects of the game remain the same between the three difficulty levels. There are five main differences that I've noticed. Two of them are related to health, which is where the difference between the modes will be most noticeable. The game can be quite challenging even on easy level. Default Health -------------- Easy mode starts (or respawns) with 4 eggs of health. Normal mode starts (or respawns) with 3 eggs of health. Hard mode starts (or respawns) with 2 eggs of health. Health Regeneration ------------------- Easy mode requires 5 acorns to regenerate 1 egg of health. Normal mode requires 10 acorns to regenerate 1 egg of health. Hard mode requires 15 acorns to regenerate 1 egg of health. Coins Requirements ------------------ The are three levels that require you to locate a number of coins out of the 20 available to continue. Easy mode requires 10, Normal mode requires 15, and Hard mode requires all 20. I'll document all 20 locations in the walkthrough. Checkpoints ----------- Easy mode has more invisible checkpoints then Normal mode. Normal mode in turn has more invisible checkpoint the Hard mode. Missile quantity in Runts sliding mission ----------------------------------------- The difficulty level affects the number of missiles Runt can carry in this mission. Easy - 8 Missiles Normal - 6 Missiles Hard - 4 Missiles (confirmation needed) ****************************************************************************** 5. Walkthrough ****************************************************************************** NOTE: The checkpoints listed in the walkthrough are for Normal mode. Easy mode has more checkpoints, Hard Mode has fewer. =================== 5.1 Late For School =================== Objective --------- Get to School! Xbox Controls ------------- A - Jump/Double Jump X - Attack X - Pole Climb Walkthrough ----------- After the opening cutscene, you'll be at the top of the hill overlooking the school. Go across the wooden bridge in front of you, collecting the three acorns on it. Turn left at the other end of the bridge until you're facing a large check mark in the distance. Head forward and jump from the edge to a rock with an acorn on it, you may need to double jump if you jump too soon. Jump across two more rocks with acorns on them. Jump to the ledge with the acorn an the check mark. *CHECKPOINT* The check mark is a checkpoint. If you run out of health or fall into a bottomless pit you'll respawn here. Note the sound of a bell the plays when you cross the checkpoint, not all checkpoints are visible, but this sound plays for all of them. Continue forward to a pile of trash and barricades. Attack them to get some acorns and clear the path onward. Wall slowly along the pipe on the other side of the trash pile. Stop before the steam jet and wait for it to stop before running across it getting the acorn there. Continue walking along the pipe to the ledge on the other side, getting the acorn there. Jump onto the ledge ahead of you. Double jump onto the shorter rock with an acorn on it. Double jump over to the slightly higher rock, which also has an acorn on it. Double jump to the ledge to your right towards an acorn. Gather the three acorns to the right and turn around. Collect two more acorns and the first *CARD* in this levels card set. Continue ahead and collect two more acorns before a barricade. Attack the barricade to clear the path ahead. Jump over a gap and get the acorn. Double jump across the next gap and get another acorn. Double jump up the ledge to the right and get the acorn there. Turn right and double jump up another ledge. Get the acorn and destroy the barricades. Jump onto the wooden platform that was behind the barricades and get the acorn. Pole climb up the pipe here. You'll slide down the wire at the top of the pole over to the platform around the tank on the water tower. Go ahead along the platform. Jump across a gap to the next platform. Get the acorn on this platform and jump to the next platform around a corner to the right. Get the three acorns here and double jump to the final platform. Turn right on this platform and get the two acorns. Pole climb up the pipe. *CHECKPOINT* Slide down the wire to the top of the water tower, going through the checkpoint. Watch the cutscene. Follow the trail of acorns and start sliding down the pipe there. The pipe will curve left and then right. Jump over the three barricades in this stretch before the pipe turns up to the right. Try to jump to get a couple of acorns on this stretch before you end up back on the ledge. Go ahead towards where you can see a wind-up Chicken Little by a barricade. You'll see a cutscene after a couple of step after which you can continue towards it. Try to attack the windup Chicken Little to destroy it which will earn a couple of acorns if you pick them up fast enough. You can also run from it an it will self destruct after saying "The sky is falling" five times but you won't get any acorns. If it touches you, it will destroy itself at the cost of one egg of your health. Go ahead to the barricade at attack it to destroy it. Walk along the pipe on the other side of the barricade, getting the acorns, and crossing the steam jets when they turn off. Attack the barricade at the end of the pipe to destroy it. Deal with the windup Chicken little behind the barricade. If you want you can go up the dead-end slope to the left here to get some acorns before returning here. Jump up onto the short ledge ahead from here. Get the acorn and deal with the Windup Chicken Little. Jump up onto the ledge to the left and deal with the Windup Chicken Little. Get the acorn and destroy all of the barricades here. Get the acorns and the second *CARD* from behind the barricades to the left. Get the acorns on the wooden platform behind the other set of barricades. *CHECKPOINT* Pole climb up the pipe on the wooden platform. You'll slide don't a lengthy wire through a checkpoint by the school. A cutscene will play at the bottom. There will be a drink machine with a question mark in front of you. If you walk through the question mark you'll find out how many of the 20 coins you'll need to collect. There will be several Windup Chicken Littles to deal with as you collect the coins. Some of them are beside crates of the Windups and will respawn, there is no way to destroy these crates at this point in the game. Turn right toward a pair of crates, getting an acorn. Double jump onto the smaller crate and jump from there to the taller crate to get the 1st *COIN*. Pole climb up the lamp post beside the crate, getting two acorns on the way up. Slide along the wire at the top to a rooftop. Turn left and get the 2nd *COIN* as well as the 3rd *COIN*. Pole climb up the pipe in the corner of the roof. Slide down the wire at the top and land on the lichen on the tree at the end. Drop onto the lichen to the right to get the 4th *COIN*. Turn around towards the wire you just slid down and drop to the ground. Double jump onto larger of the two grass covered mounds ahead of you. Double jump to a stump, getting an acorn. Double jump to the next stump to get another acorn. Turn right and double jump to the top of another grass covered mound. Double jump across three stumps, getting acorns on the fire two and the 5th *COIN* on the last one. Turn around until you can see the school bus and drop to the ground. Head to toward the school bus and turn right toward the play set. There will be two windup Chicken little near the gap in the chain link fence, one of which respawns to the presence of the box of Windups. Jump up the blue steps on the play set. Turn right and jump into the red block. Go through the tunnel in the blocks, getting the 6th *COIN*. Drop onto the yellow step at the other end of the tunnel. Turn right and jump onto the red step. Double jump across the gap to another red step and turn right. Jump up onto the blue step. Run along the pipe ahead of you, getting the 7th *COIN*, eventually returning to the blue step. Go ahead onto the red ledge, getting an acorn. Pole climb up the pipe, getting two acorns on the way up. Slide down the wire to the top of a yellow and blue block. *CHECKPOINT* Pole climb up the pipe here. Slide down the wire at the top through a checkpoint on the top of a tank. Turn right on the top of the tank and get the 8th *COIN* here. Continue forward and start sliding down the pipe in front of you. The pipe turns right where you'll need to jump over a barricade. You'll get the 9th *COIN* on the turn to the left, jump before you'll need to jump over another barricade. You'll need to jump over a third barricade on the next turn to the right. The 10th *COIN* will be in the short stretch before you need to jump over the next barricade. The pipe curves up to the right. Jump over a barricade and get the 11th *COIN*. Jump over two more barricades and end up on a wooden platform by a brick building. Get the 12th *COIN* at the other end of this platform. You can destroy the paint can here for acorns. Turn around and go back to the corner of the building on the platform. Turn left and jump onto the larger point of the steam pipe by a gauge. Go past the steam jet ahead of you when it turns off. Destroy the paint can for an acorn and go past the next steam jet when it turns off. Get the acorn at the corner and turn left. Destroy the paint cans for acorns. Wait for the steam jet to turn off and get the 13th *COIN* at the end of the platform. Turn around and go past the steam jet when it turns off. Turn left toward the stump at the corner. Double jump onto the stump. Turn right towards another stump and double jump to it. Turn right again an double jump to the next stump. Turn left a bit and double jump to the stump with the 3rd *CARD*. Turn until you're facing the school bus. Head towards it and turn right towards the play set again. Go up the blue stairs on the play set. Turn right and go through the tunnel. Turn right and jump across the red steps. Turn right and jump onto the blue step. Turn left and go onto the red ledge. Pole climb up the pipe and slide down the wire at the top to the top of a yellow and blue block. Turn left and double jump to a red and yellow block. Pole climb up the pipe here. Slide down the wire and jump off it in the middle to land on the top of the school bus where you'll find the 4th *CARD*. Drop off the bus on the side facing the play set and make your way back to the wire you just jump off of. This time slide all of the way to the end where you'll land on a ledge. Destroy the two plants and get the acorn on the ledge. Pole click up the pipe here and double jump onto the higher ledge further up the pipe. Go towards the school bus to the right and go around a corner to the left. You'll find the 14th *COIN* and 15th *COIN* over the entrance to the school on the slope ledge. Drop down to the step. Turn right and deal with two Windup Chicken Littles. Turn right in the grassy area towards some stumps. Double jump your way up the four stumps to get the 16th *COIN*. Turn around and drop to the ground. Go through the woods and collect the 17th *COIN* in the woods near the white fence, which is guards by a Windup Chicken Little. Turn left at the fence and go up the slope. Deal with the two Windup Chicken Littles at the top and get the 18th *COIN* and 19th *COIN* here. Drop off the ledge by the fence and deal with the two Windup Chicken Little's below. Get the 20th *COIN* by the fence to the right. Turn around to face the school bus and go up the road. Go behind the school bus and turn right at the play set. Deal with the Windup Chicken Little at the dumpster and continue ahead to the question mark by the drink machine. Say okay to the off to buy a bottle of soda. Watch the cutscene. You'll enter a flying sequence. Go left of the bus and up over the hill. Go left and down under two trees. *CHECKPOINT* Go up into to the tunnel. Avoid barricades in the tunnel by going right, left, up, down, right, and up. Go left and down of to avoid a tree. *CHECKPOINT* Steer right toward another tunnel. Avoid the barricades here by going left, up, right, an down. As you exit the tunnel try to get the 5th *CARD* under the pipe supports to the left. (If you miss the card you can deliberately run into the wall at the school ahead to use up your health and respawn at the previous checkpoint to try again). Go through the next supports and through the gaps in the trees. Steer towards the open window in the school to complete the level. Save the game when prompted. ================== 5.2 Dodgeball Hall ================== ------------- 5.2.1 Hallway ------------- Objective --------- Avoid the falling obstacles to get to class on time! Xbox Controls ------------- A - Jump Walkthrough ----------- This level begins after a cutscene plays. You'll be riding in a janitor's bucket down the hallway. There's no need to worry about health here. If you run into a falling locker you'll restart at the beginning of the hall with 3 eggs of health. Just go straight down the center in the first segment and go through the doors. In the next segment you can keep going down the center. Two lockers will topple into your path. Jump over them from the beginning of the preceding tile. Go to the left or right of the central column in the next segment. As you enter the tile parallel to it, start shift into the middle to get the 1st *CARD* for this level. Try to jump over to locker just past the card and continue to the next door. Jump over the fallen locker at the beginning of the next segment and go left around the center column. Continue on the left side through the door. Jump to get the 2nd *CARD* while shifting into the center from the left side when you pass the water fountain. Jump over the two adjacent lockers. It can be done in the center but the timing doesn't need to be as precise to the left or right. In the next segment, go left around the column in the center and drift back to the center to avoid one to the left. *CHECKPOINT* Go down the center on the next segment to avoid fallen lockers on the left. Go down the center of the next segment. There are fallen locker and a fallen bookshelf to jump over here. You'll get the 3rd *CARD* as you jump over the bookshelf. Go down the center again in the next segment. Jump over the two fallen lockers and the fallen bookshelf as you do so. Jump over the first locker in the center in the next segment. Shift left so you can jump over the locker there and avoid the pile. Jump over the fallen locker past the water fountain. Jump over the locker in the next segment and go to the right side. Get the 4th *CARD* just before you need to jump over the locker at the end. Jump over the fallen sloped locker on the right. Keep going along the right side jumping to get the card in the air at the end of the hall. -------------------- 5.2.2 Dodgeball Game -------------------- Objective --------- Defeat Goosey's Team in a game of dodgeball! Xbox Controls ------------- A - Dodge Throw Strategy -------- Watch the cutscene. You'll be participating in a best of five game of dodge ball. At the beginning of the game you should head for the ball at the bottom of the center line as you can beat your opponents on the right side of the screen to it. You have a bit of an unfair advantage here as you need to be hit the number of time to knock you out inside of the single time the other players do. However if you to get knock out you lose the game even if the rest of your team is still in. The opponents with the red circle have a ball. If you're carrying one as well, try throwing at them as they make the easier targets as they prepare to thrown. You can easily avoid being hit be moving across the court. Watch the cutscene after you win your third match. Save the game when prompted. =============== 5.3 Goosy Chase =============== Objective --------- Escape from Goosey! Don't let her reach you! Xbox Controls ------------- A - Jump/Double Jump X - Attack Walkthrough ----------- You'll be back in the hallway of the school, on foot this time. You'll need to run towards the bottom of the screen so it will be hard to see the hazards and cards until you've reached them. All the while you'll need to keep ahead of Goosey Loosey or you'll need to start the chase over. In the first segment go around a fallen locker by running around the right end of it. Run the left end of the next locker and avoid running into the students. You may want to jump over the third locker where the acorn is or squeeze around the right end between the locker at the door. Avoid the trashcan in the center of the hall at the end of the segment. In the next segment go around the left ends of two fallen lockers. Go around the right side of the water puddle just past the lockers to avoid getting stuck in the water. Jump onto the locker on the right side past the puddle and jump onto the sloped locker. Run up the sloped locker to get the 1st *CARD*. Run down the center for the rest of this segment. In the third segment, go around the trashcan in the center. Go around the right end of the fallen locker. Go around the left ends of two lockers and then jump onto the two adjacent lockers on the left side and run across them. Keep to the left to avoid the last locker in this segment. Don't jump onto the cart at the beginning of the next segment, unless you've already go the 2nd *CARD* which you can get by running down the right side after passing the fallen locker on that side. Once you're past the janitor you can keep to the right or center for the rest of the segment. You'll want to keep to the center in the next segment to avoid the water puddles to the sides at the beginning. Jump over three lockers while in the center. Go around the fourth to the right and the fifth to the left. Go around the right side of the trashcan in the center and jump over the final locker in this segment. You'll need to jump onto the locker to the right and the beginning of the next segment. Jump onto the sloped locker and jump right to get the 3rd *CARD*. Run down the center. Jump onto the two adjacent locker and continue down the center. Jump onto the locker to the left in the pile of lockers. Go down the center in the next segment and jump onto the two adjacent lockers. Jump from them down the center to get the 4th *CARD*. Avoid the next two lockers by going around their left ends. Avoid the water puddle by going to the right. Go down the center of the next segment. Jump over the first locker, keeping just to the left of the water puddle. Jump onto the locker on the right side just past the puddle to get the 5th *CARD*. Avoid the next locker by going around its left end. Keep left to avoid the trashcan and go through the door. In the final segment, go around the right end of the first locker, class will get out, just plow through the students. Go around the next locker on its left end. The next locker can be avoided on its right end. Head straight to the bottom of the screen to complete the mission. Save the game when prompted to. Watch the cutscene. ================= 5.4 Uniform Hunt ================= ----------------- 5.4.1 Town Streets ----------------- Objective --------- Find the uniform pieces for the big game Xbox Controls ------------- A - Jump/Double Jump X - Attack X - Pole Climb Upgrades -------- Grapple Upgrade (Press Y when facing at object marked with a hook icon) Walkthrough ----------- After the cutscenes you'll find yourself in the street of town looking for the six pieces of your uniform. As you proceed through this mission you can destroy various piece of debris like paint can, garbage bags, potted plants, drink cans, and boxes to get acorns, as well as pick up loose acorns. The first thing you should do is turn around towards the gate. Go down the sidewalk to the right of the gate and get the 1st *CARD* around the corner to the right. Go ahead and deal with the two Windup Chicken Littles near the blue car. Turn right and destroy the pile of crates holding up a board behind the car. The board will drop to form a ramp. Go up the ramp onto the dumpster. Jump up onto the ledge to the right, where you'll see a yo-yo. This is the Grapple *UPGRADE* for your weapon. You'll notice a hooked arrow icon in the corner ahead of you. This indicates an object that you can use the newly acquired grapple on. Face the arrow and use the grapple to pull yourself the to the ledge in the corner. Pole climb up the pipe beside this platform. You'll slide down the wire at the top, landing on the roof of the structure by the car. Turn right onto the board on the roof. Double jump from the end of the board onto the roof-rack of the car. Grapple to the board that's directly in front of you on the other side of the car. Turn right and go along the board. Turn left at the end and double jump onto the white board. Go to the other end of the white board. Double jump onto the platform that's ahead of you. This platform collapses under you so quickly start pole climbing onto the pipe here. Jump back from the top to get the 2nd *CARD*. If you allow the platforms to collapse under you, you'll be on the street below where there's a Windup Chicken Little to deal with. Pole climb the pipe in the corner to get back up to the white board. Double jump back to the first collapsing platform. Jump onto the next collapsing platform and quickly jump to the roof past it. Walk across the pipe on the other side of the roof, going past the steam jets when they turn off. Pole climb up the pipe at the other end of the steam pipe. Double jump onto the white platform at the top. *CHECKPOINT* Slide down the pipe here, on the other side of the platform from the one you just climbed. You'll go through a checkpoint at the bottom. (If you fall into the street below there's a Windup Chicken Little to deal with. Pole climb up the pipe by the dumpster and slide down the wire at the top back to the checkpoint roof.) There's a pole with a curved arrow ahead of you. You can swing from pole by using the same button as a pole climb after jumping towards it. Jump from the far end on the arc of the swing and land on the ledge. Wait from the steam jet to turn off and double jump to the next ledge. Do the same to get to the following ledge. Turn a bit to the right and grapple across to a ledge on the other side of the street. Jump and swing on the pole further down the street. Jump from the far end of the swing to land on the narrow ledge ahead of you. Go along the ledge, passing the steam jets when they turn off. Turn right at the corner and go down the first ramp onto a lower ramp. Pole climb up the pipe here. (If you fell into the street where there's a Windup Chicken Little, you can pole climb up the same pipe which is by the dumpster under the ramps.) When you get to the top of the pipe, you'll slide down a wire to a ledge of the other side of the street. Go to the end of the ledge and double jump to the metal roofing, ahead and to the right. Pole climb up to the middle of the lower pipe here. Double jump and pole climb the pipe to left. Climb up a bit and double jump and pole climb on the next pipe to the left. Climb up and jump onto the white platform to the left. *CHECKPOINT* Go ahead and jump to a collapsing platform. Jump to the next collapsing platform and jump and pole climb the pipe past it. Climb up to the top of the pipe. Jump onto the roof and deal with the Windup Chicken Little there. Jump onto the board. Ignore the pipe for now and drop onto the lower portion of the roof. Deal with the two Windup Chicken Littles there. Double jump onto the white ledge behind the trash bags on the roof. Get the 3rd *CARD* here and return to the roof. Pole climb up the pipe. You'll slide down the wire at top to a roof on the other side of the street. Deal with the Windup Chicken Little. Pole climb the pipe here. You get the 1st *UNIFORM* piece here, the batting helmet. *CHECKPOINT* Slide down the wire at the top of the pole to end up at a checkpoint by the tree in the town square. If you look away from the tree on the path you're on, you'll notice the entrance to the theater. Before you go in there let's collect everything from this area first. Turn to face the tree. Go around to the other side. Double jump up four platforms of lichen. Double jump to the white board from the top lichen, aim for the branch on the side nearest the trunk to make it. Double jump to the boards to the left to get the 2nd *UNIFORM* piece, the jersey. Drop to the ground. Go two corners clockwise from the theater to the tall pole on large base. Jump onto the bench beside it and double jump onto the top of the base of the pole. Pole climb up the pole to get the 4th *CARD* at the top. Drop back to the ground. Go to the next corner clockwise. Go down the street by the Shoes shop to Foxy Loxy and watch the cutscene (optional). This is the entrance to the stadium, you'll be coming back here after finding the rest of your uniform. Turn around and go back to the town square. Pole climb up the pipe a bit clockwise from the Shoes shop, by the Tux shop. Jump onto the awning to get the 3rd *UNIFORM* piece, the baseball glove. Drop back to the ground. Continue clockwise. Jump onto the small ledge by the wooden shelf. Jump onto the shelf. You'll notice and target by the firehouse in the corner. Double jump onto it. Double off it and jump in midair to get back to the roof over the shelf where you can get the 4th *UNIFORM* piece, the baseball bat. Drop to the ground. Go a bit clockwise from the target and pole climb up the pole there. You'll slide down the wire onto the balcony over the theatre entrance. Go to the other side on the balcony and turn the corner to the left. Jump up the pile of crate to get onto the roof to the right. Get the 5th *CARD* on the roof. Drop to the ground and enter the theater. ------------- 5.4.2 Theater ------------- Objective --------- Get to the Roof of the Theater Xbox Controls ------------- A - Jump/Double Jump X - Attack X - Climb/Swing Walkthrough ----------- Go around the counter to the right (or left) and go through one of the doors. Go down one of the aisle on either side to the front of the theater. Watch the brief cutscene. Step onto the open light blue chair in the center of the front row. You'll spring off it. Land on the light blue chair one row back and two chairs right, avoid the chair with the loose springs. Bounce and jump two rows back onto light blue chair. Bounce and jump onto the balcony above. Ignore the chairs in the upper balcony, there's an easier way to cross the theater instead of bouncing you're way up them and sliding down the wire. Instead turn left and go to the far side. Jump to the small balcony to the left. Double jump to the next small balcony. Double jump to the small suspended platform. Double jump to the wooden ledge over the screen. *CHECKPOINT* Go left along the ledge and through an opening with a checkpoint. Go around a turn to the left on this platform. Jump to the board at the end. The board tilts, so get across it quickly and jump to the landing at the other end. (If you manage to fall to the floor in this area, deal with the four Windup Chicken Littles and climb the pole there back to this landing.) Turn right and attack the sandbag. This lowers a railing to the landing. Walk across the landing to another landing at the other end. Double jump to the square platform that moves slightly. Double jump to the grating beyond. Turn right and go across the rolled backdrop to the grating on the other side. You can step onto the higher part of this grating. Double jump onto the nearest moving platform. Wait for the platform to the right to get close and double jump to it. Turn left and double jump to the next platform when it gets close. Double jump to the catwalk. Turn left and attack the sandbag in your way. Continue on to the corner. Pole climb the post in the corner to get the 5th *UNIFORM* piece, the pants. Jump onto the walkway to the left at the top of the pole and deal with the Windup Chicken Little. Go down the walkway and turn left. Double jump toward the pole and swing from it. Jump from the end of the swing to land on the platform ahead of you. Attack the sandbag to the right to lower a ramp. Go up the ramp and ahead along the grating. Double jump to the tilting board, run along it, and double jump to the grating from the other end. Turn left and go along the grating. Turn left and go up the ramp, getting the 6th *UNIFORM* piece at the top, the shoes. Go through the door past the shoes to leave the theater. -------------------- 5.4.3 Return to Town -------------------- Objective --------- Find the uniform pieces for the big game Xbox Controls ------------- A - Jump/Double Jump X - Attack X - Pole Climb Walkthrough ----------- You'll be on the roof of the theater. Pole climb up the pole here and slide down the wire at the top. You'll end up in the street leading to the stadium. Go up to the stadium entrance to complete the mission. Save the game when prompted. Watch the cutscene. ==================== 5.5 Batting Practice ==================== Objective --------- Score three runs to practice for the big game! Xbox Controls ------------- Y Press when Y crosses plate X Press when X crosses plate B Press when B crosses plate A Press when A crosses plate Walkthrough ----------- You'll need to hit the ball somewhere between 3 to 6 times to score the required 3 runs. To get a hit you need to press a random sequence of buttons as they cross the plate. If you press the button as it crosses the plate the zone will expand. The buttons should be pressed in time with the organ music, the tempo of with will increase during the sequence. After the sequence the pitch will be throw. Press any button when the ball is in the colored area to get a hit. The type of hit depends on the color of the zone. Red - Single Orange - Double Yellow - Triple White - Homerun You'll only see the White zone if you got the entire sequence pressed over the plate. If you let a symbol pass by or press the wrong button three times you'll miss the ball. If you hit the ball in a outside the colored area, you'll foul it off. There are several humorous strike and foul animations so you may want to miss a few pitches to see them. After you've earned three runs, you'll be given the option of continuing to the big game or taking some more batting practice. Just continue to the Big Game and save the game when prompted. ================ 5.6 The Big Game ================ Objective --------- Hit the Ball to win the big Game! Xbox Controls ------------- Y Press when Y crosses plate X Press when X crosses plate B Press when B crosses plate A Press when A crosses plate Walkthrough ----------- Watch the cutscene. It's your turn at bat in the bottom of the ninth. You're team is down by a run, with two runners in scoring position. All you need to do is get a hit to win the game. This is exactly like the batting practice. Press the buttons in the random sequence in time with the organ music as the symbols cross the plate. You'll need at least a triple so the ball will need to be in the yellow or white zones when you hit it or you'll foul it off. Save the game when prompted after getting the hit. ================= 5.7 Carpool Craze ================= Objective --------- Complete the misfits' errands before going to Chicken Little's House Xbox Controls ------------- A Accelerate Y Reverse B Brake Left or Right Trigger - Power Slide Walkthrough ----------- Watch the cutscenes. You'll be driving a red car through the street of (and just outside) the town. There's a map in the top right corner of the screen that shows your current position and the active objective. You'll need to run several errand for Abby, Runt, and Fish, before they reach Chicken Little's house. In addition to the objectives being indication by arrow in front of the car and large exclamation marks at the locations. The most difficult part of this mission is locating the five cards, which aren't marked. You start on the north side of the map in the center, facing south. Head south down the street while Abby is talking. The first objective appears after a couple of seconds. Go past two right turns and turn right at the next driveway through the exclamation mark. Runt will start talking. Go slowly along the right side of the house while he does so. Smash through the hedge and wait for Runt to finish. 50 seconds will appear on the clock as well as three objective points (Runt's Snacks). Turn left and get the clock to add 5 seconds to the clock. The first of the objectives is beside the clock. Go ahead in a southerly direction through the hedges to get the 1st *CARD* and another clock. Turn right at the road until you see the exclamation mark for the nearest of the remain objectives. Drive straight for it, smashing through the white fence and getting the 2nd *CARD*. Drive along the brown fence and go around the house of the other side of the street to get to the objective to the west of the house. Smash through the hedge to the north of this objective and drive north, turning west at the intersection, towards the third objective beside a parked car on the north side of the road. Wait for Fish, interpreted by Abby, to finish speaking. Continue west down the street and get the surfboards from beside the house in the northwest corner of the map. There are four deliveries to make. Go around the u-turn to the east along the north side of the map. The first deliver is by the house to the east along the road. Keep going east and drive up to small hill to the southeast of the next intersection, under a tree, to get the 3rd *CARD*. Keep going east and turn south at the next intersection. Turn west at the following intersection and deliver the 2nd surfboard to the next house to the north. Continue west down the street and turn south at the end. Deliver the 3rd surfboard to the next house to the east. Go west down the street from this house and turn south at the end. The final surfboard deliver can be made to the second building to the west. Drive through the covered bridge to the southeast while Abby talks. When you get to the next intersection head northeast into a playground. The 4th *CARD* will be behind the slide. Abby should have finished talking by now and three magazines will be marked on the map. Leave the playground by the exit to the south and go northeast to get the first one by the town hall. Head east and turn north a very short distance before turning east again. When you get to the open area to the east near the intersection turn south and drive thought the yards to the west of the road to get the 5th *CARD*. Turn around and return to the intersection. Head north, going around a curve to the east and north again, where you'll find the second book. Head north as far as you can and turn west. Turn south at the next intersection. Turn west at the next intersection and go down this street to the 3rd magazine by the house to the north at the end of the street. Wait for Abby and Runt to finish speaking. Runt needs to deliver some papers. Turn around and go east as far as you can on this street. Turn south and follow the street all the way south to pick up the papers. Four deliver locations are marked on the map. Turn around and go north again until you see a house to the west with a target on it. Through papers using the button indicated at the bottom of the screen until a paper hits the target. Head northwest and through papers at the target on the house on the other side of the street. Go west down this street, pass a brown fence to the south and throw papers at the target on the house to the south just past the fence. Head north, going through the fence and turn east at the road. Turn north at the next intersection and throw papers at the target on the house to the west to make the last delivery. After Abby and Runt finish speaking, Runt will remember he needs to get the groceries. Turn around and turn south at the intersection. Head south, going through the yards and past the house where you made the third paper delivery. Turn east at the corner past it and pick up the trough at the house ahead. Four grocery locations will be marked on the map. Smash through the hedge to the northeast of the house and head toward the exclamation mark through a hedge and a fence to get the 1st grocery item on the west side of a house. Go north along the road on the east side of the house as far as you can and turn east. Turn south and the corner. Get the 2nd grocery item on the east side of the road at the curve ahead. Turn around and go all the way north. Turn west and go all the way to the northwest corner. Get the third grocery item beside the house southeast of the corner. Head south and turn west at the corner. Turn south at the next intersection and go south until you get to the final grocery item beside the first house to the west of the road. Turn around and go north. Turn east at the next intersection. Turn south and the following intersection. Turn east at the corner and go to the end of the street to return the trough. Head northeast while Abby and Runt speak. Runt has eaten the cookies that Abby was suppose to deliver. Turn north when you reach the road to the east of the house where you found the first grocery item. Turn west when you reach the end of the road. Get the cookies beside a house on the south side of the road. 60 seconds will appear on the clock along with 5 deliver location. Keep going west toward the house to the southeast of the northwest corner. Throw cookies at the target on it to make the 1st delivery. Go south from this house and turn east at the road. Go past the first road south and take the next road to the south. You'll see three exclamation marks in a line, the nearest of which it due south. Throw cookie at the target on the near to the three houses and turn southeast through the yards, throwing cookies at the other two targets to make the 2nd through 4th delivers. Head south to the road. Turn west and then north at the corner. Turn west at the next corner and north again. Turn west at the next intersection. Turn south at the following intersection. Throw cookies at the target on the first house on the west side of the road to make the final delivery. Are we there yet? While Runt and Abby are speaking head southeast through the covered bridge. As you head east as far as you can you'll find out it's time to finally go to Chicken Little's House. Turn north at the end of the road and take the first east turn. Turn south when you've gone as far east as you can (excluding the obvious dead end) and head towards the exclamation mark to complete the mission. Save the game when prompted. ==================== 5.8 Backyard Pursuit ==================== Objective --------- Follow the beam to catch up with Fish! Xbox Controls ------------- A - Jump/Double Jump X - Attack X - Climb/Swing Y - Grapple Upgrades -------- Powershot Upgrade (Hold X) Walkthrough ----------- After the cutscene, you'll be in control of Chicken Little in his back yard. The beam from the UFO is ahead of you. *UPGRADE* Go ahead a few steps to get the yo-yo that gives you the Powershot Upgrade. This will allow you to destroy objects that have a blue glow if you charge up a powershot. Go ahead to the gate with the blue glow below it. Use a powershot to destroy the gate. Go through the gate at turn left. Use a powershot to destroy the boarded wall with the blue glow below it. Behind the wall is a Windup Chicken Little. Charge up a powershot as you run by it to destroy the crate on windups behind it to prevent them from respawning. (Or if you want keep killing them for their acorns to max out your health here.) Attack the boxes on the left side of this garage to cause a board to drop forming a ramp. Go up the ramp to get the 1st *CARD*. Drop to the ground and destroy the acorn sack at the back of the garage, revealing a hole. Go through the hole and turn right. Deal with the Windup Chicken Little. Turn right again. Destroy the boards with the blue glow using a powershot. The beam that was in this yard will move off. Turn left and bit and go past the slide. Charge a powershot to destroy the box of windups and deal with the Windup Chicken Little. Turn left again and go to the door with the blue glow. Destroy it with a powershot, which causes a ledge to drop above, and deal with the Windup Chicken Little inside. Turn around and go back to the slide. Jump up the four steps on the slide and you'll slide down it. Jump from the bottom to get the 2nd *CARD* in the tire swing. Jump onto the crate to the right of the stairs going up to the slide. Jump onto the sill to the right of the crate. Destroy the plant so you can get by it. Pole climb the pipe at the other end of the sill. Jump onto the roof above the sill. Pole climb up another pipe here. Double jump onto the ledge at the top of the pipe. Double jump to grab the wire over this platform and slide along it to the ledge that was lowered when you destroy the door earlier. Turn right and jump off the other end of the ledge onto the trampoline. Bounce of it and over the fence into the yard where the UFO beam moved to. Deal with the Windup Chicken Little on the other side of the fence. Go ahead towards the beam, it will move off. Change up a powershot to destroy the crate of Windups to the left of the planters and deal with the two Windup Chicken Littles in this yard. Use a powershot to destroy the supports with the blue glow near where the case of Windup was to lower a ledge. Jump onto the crate to the right and double jump onto the ledge. Go left along the ledge and turn left at the corner onto another ledge. Use the grapple from the end of this ledge to pull yourself to a white ledge on the building across the yard. Pole climb up the pipe at the left end of this ledge and jump onto the roof at the top. Pole climb up the pipe on the other side of the roof and slide down the wire at the top to land on the other side of some hedges. *CHECKPOINT* Destroy the boards with the blue glow ahead of you using a powershot. Go through the hole behind the boards into another yard. Deal with the Windup Chicken Little to the right before turning left where you'll find another one to deal with. Destroy the supports with the blue glow using a powershot to lower a ramp. Go up the ramp a ways and use another powershot to destroy another support with a blue glow. Continue up the ramp to a pool. There are two climbable poles by the pool. Make sure to climb the one WITHOUT the wire at the top first, this is the one that is first clockwise from the top of the ramp and furthest from the floating pool toys. Double jump and push ahead at the top to get on top of the top. Face the violet colored house on the other side of the pool and use the grapple to get across to the ledge where you'll find the 3rd *CARD*. Drop back down to the pool and climb the other pole this time. When you land charge a powershot destroy the crate of Windups and deal with the Windup Chicken Little here. Go counterclockwise around the yard to the white doors that are glowing blue. Destroy them with a powershot, causing a ledge to drop above you. Deal with the Windup Chicken Little inside the shed. Turn around and head towards the picnic table in the yard. Double jump onto it. Turn to face the house where you land from the last wire and use the grapple to get over to a ledge on it. Pole climb up the pipe to the left of the ledge and jump onto the awning at the top. Bounce across the awning and then bounce and jump to make in to a ledge on the shed with two plant on it. Go into the shed and onto the interior ledge to the right. Turn left and destroy the paint cans to get by them. Jump up to the next ledge in the corner and turn left again. Destroy the paint can and box to get by them. Double jump onto the ledge that dropped earlier. Pole climb onto the pipe on this ledge and slide down the wire at the top over to a wooden ledge. Pole climb up the pipe where you land and jump onto the landing at the top. Jump into the open grating to start going down a water slide. *CHECKPOINT*. You don't need to steer at all during the side. You'll land at a checkpoint in a stream. Climb up the ramp in front of you. Double jump over to the ramp ahead and to the left and climb up it to a grassy area. Turn left and deal with the windup Chicken Little. Use a powershot to destroy the supports with the blue glow to lower a ramp. Go up the ramp and turn right at the top. Double jump to another ramp. The ufo will move again. Go up the ramp and turn left. Go ahead along the board and jump over a gap to another board. Pole climb up the pipe at the end of this board. Slide down the wire at the top to a path. Use a powershot to destroy the pile of rocks with the blue glow. Go to the end of the path past the rocks. Double jump to the balancing rock to the right. It will tilt so quickly double jump to another balancing rock and then double jump to the path past it. Take a few steps ahead on the path. Double jump towards the branch and start swinging from it. Jump from the end of the swing to land on the path beyond the branch. Use a powershot to destroy the fallen log with the blue glow on this path. Go across the bridge behind the log. The UFO moves again. Walk onto the pipe to the right on the other side of the bridge. You'll start sliding and will need to jump over a barricade right away. You'll need to jump over another barricade after a slight left turn and a third after the next right. The slide is fairly straight to the power where you need to jump over the next barricade. You'll end up by the stream again on its right bank. *CHECKPOINT* Go ahead and use a powershot the destroy the board with the blue glow to unjam the winch. This opens the rightmost of three grates in the distance. Backtrack a bit and go across the bridge to the other side of the stream. Turn right and use another powershot to unjam the second winch. The leftmost grate opens this time, you'll notice that there's a card in this one. Double jump to the grating to the right in the stream from the second winch. Grapple to the next grating to the right further downstream. Turn left and grapple to the pole between the left and center grates. Deal with the Windup Chicken Little that comes out of the left grate. Go into the left grate to get the 4th *CARD*. Leave the left grate and head past the other two grates, dealing with the Windup Chicken Little in the rightmost grate. Jump onto the grass past the right crate and use a powershot to unjam the winch there. This opens the central grate. Turn around and deal with the Windup Chicken Little that comes out of the central crate. Go into the crate and you start to slide. *CHECKPOINT* Ride the slide down to a checkpoint. Jump onto the rock ahead of you. Double jump to the bank of the stream. Go forward and deal with the Windup Chicken Little. Turn left and go up the path. Deal with the windup Chicken Little around a corner to the left. Turn left again and step onto the wooden steps of the broken bridge. Use the grapple to get to the center of the bridge. You'll land on the collapsing platform so double jump ahead and switch from the pole. Jump from the far end on the switch to land on the other end of the broken bridge. *CHECKPOINT* Go ahead on the path through a checkpoint. Destroy the rocks with the blue glow using a powershot. Jump onto the rock in the stream to the right. The ufo moves again further downstream. Jump onto one to the leaves that float past the rock. Jump onto the rock by the glowing blue logs before the leaf sinks. Use a power shot to destroy the logs. Double jump to the rock past the logs. Jump onto one of the leaves as they pop out of the water to the right. The leaving appear in alternating single and double batches so time your jump accordingly. Jump onto the rock at the next set of fallen branches. Use a powershot to destroy these branches as well and jump to the rock past them. Jump onto on the leaves as it emerges to the left. The leaves are evenly spaces this time. Jump onto the rock to the right before the leaf goes over the falls. Use the grapple from this rock to get the a balancing rock. Double jump and swing from a suspended bar. Double jump from the other end of the swing and swing from another bar. Double jump from the end of this swing to land on a balancing from and double jump over to the path to the left. Go up the path and turn right. Deal with the Windup Chicken Little. Turn right onto a broken bridge. Double jump to a collapsing segment. Quickly double jump to the next collapsing segment. Double jump and switch from the beam ahead. Jump from the end of the swing to land on the other end of the bridge. Turn left and deal with the Windup Chicken Little. *CHECKPOINT* Double jump to the checkpoint on the balancing rock at the end of the path. Unlike the previous balancing rocks this one won't tilt. Face downstream and use the grabble to get over to a pile. Walk along the pipe until you start to slide. There are multiple ways to get down these pipes, but only one will get a card for you. Jump over the initial barricade. The pipe you're on end and you'll have to choose which pipe to jump onto. Jump onto the one to the left. Jump over a barricade around a left turn. You'll need to make another choice here. Jump onto the pipe to the right this time. This pipe turns right. Jump over the barricade to get the 5th *CARD*. Jump over another barricade just before a left turn. Jump left to the center pipe when the one you're on end. Jump to either the left or right pipe ahead. Both turn left and will require you to jump over a barricade. You'll land on a grassy path. Go ahead along the path, dealing with three Windup Chicken Littles, until you reach some fallen logs that glow blue. Use a powershot to destroy these logs and continue ahead to end the mission. Save the game when prompted. =================== 5.9 Space Simulator =================== Objective --------- Complete the alien space flight test! Xbox Controls ------------- A - Thrust X - Shoot Y - Missile Left Trigger - Tilt Left Right Trigger - Tilt Right Walkthrough ----------- Watch the cutscene. You'll need to play a space simulator game here. The first stretch is a straight away in which your told the names of the various pickup as you fly through them in the center of the screen. The initial pickup appear in this order: Health Pickup, Rapid Fire Pickup, Missile Pickup, and Shield Pickup. You shoot keep shooting you lasers at all times to keep you path clear of asteroids. When the rapid fire is in effect you can keep the shoot button held down instead of constantly mashing it. Steer down to get the 1st *CARD* after the shield pickup. The 2nd *CARD* is a short distance ahead in the center of the screen. Five enemy vessel appear. Use the missiles or lasers on them. Get the health pickup in the warp gate ahead. Destroy or avoid the mine to the left. The 3rd *CARD* is just ahead and to the right. A health pickup is to the left after this. There will be a shield pickup to the right followed quickly by the 4th *CARD* to the left. Get the health pickup to the right as you proceed to open space. Fire missiles and lasers at the enemy vessels as you steer toward the warp gate with the 5th *CARD*. The next two warp gates contain health pickups. Five more aliens vessels attack at this point. Fly across the finish line to complete the mission. Save the game when prompted. =============== 5.10 Alien Abby =============== Objective --------- Help Abby find her way through the alien ship! Abby Xbox Controls ------------------ A Jump/Double Jump A Float(Hold) Alien Walker Xbox Controls -------------------------- Left Trigger - Grab Right Trigger - Shoot/Throw Right Trigger - Powershot(Hold) Walkthrough ----------- After the cutscenes, you'll find yourself in control of Abby. When double jumping with Abby you should always keep the button held down on the second jump to take advantage of here float abilities. The float ability is actually a slowed descent as Abby flaps her small wings. You'll see a force field in the distance at the end of the walkway that you'll on. You'll notices some blue hexes around the walkway. You can double jump and float between the chunks of hexes to recover a total of eight acorns. Keep in mind that Abby float ability allows her to safely jump a total distance of 3 hexes. Once your finished collecting acorns, jump on the hex floor switch the deactivate the force field. *CHECKPOINT* Walk ahead through the portal behind the force field into a short tunnel and through a checkpoint at the other end. Jump onto the blue hex floor switch ahead of you to activate some blue energy hexes is the gap ahead of you. Note the timer in the upper right. Jump to the first set of hexes. Go ahead to the left side and jump to the second set. Go ahead to the left side and jump to the third set. Go ahead and double jump and float to either the left or right set. DON'T try to get the acorns from both sets as there isn't time. Double jump and float to the final set. *CHECKPOINT* Double jump and float to the landing at the other end of the gap, going through the checkpoint. Walk through the green portal ahead of you into another short turn. You'll emerge into a room with a force field ahead of you and red portals to the left and right. Let's go through the portal to the left first. *CHECKPOINT* Walk down the tunnel and through the checkpoint at the other end. There are two hex switches ahead of you. Jump onto the yellow switch to cause some yellow energy hexes to appear. Jump onto the next set of hexes and go forward to the center hex. Double jump and float to the next set of hexes. Turn right and double jump and float to the next set of hexes. Turn right again and double jump and float to the final set of hexes, where you can get the 1st *CARD*. Attempt to get back to the landing by retracing you jumps and floats before time runs out, but you likely take some damage here. Jump onto the blue switch to cause some blue energy hexes to appear. Jump onto the first set of hexes and go two hexes right. Double jump and float to the next set of hexes and go to the hex furthest ahead and to the left. Double jump and float to the next set of hexes again going to the further hex forward and left. Double jump and float to the next set and go to the left most hex. Double jump and float to the next set and go to the furthest hex. Double jump and float to a large set of hexes and get the 2nd *CARD* to the left. Double jump and float back to the landing from the hex to the left of the card. Go back through the turn and go through the portal on the opposite side of the room at the other end. In the center of the tunnel wait for the laser to pass the halfway point as it goes left and right and cross it on the wider side. *CHECKPOINT* You go through a checkpoint when you leave the tunnel. Double jump and float to get to the landing in the distance. Jump onto the hex switch to lower the force field in the previous room. Turn around and double jump and float back to the previous landing. Enter the tunnel and avoid the laser as you did before. *CHECKPOINT* Turn right in the room at the end and enter the portal previously blocked by the force field, crossing a checkpoint. There's a dual laser in the center of this tunnel. Wait for the horizontal laser to be close to the top on the way up at the same time as the vertical laser has past the halfway point and cross through in the largest quadrant. *CHECKPOINT* Leave the tunnel and enter the Alien Walker in the next room to activate the checkpoint. The display with turn to face a closed door with four red lights around it. Shoot to lower light on the left and right sides of the door to turn the lights green and open the door. Talk two shots to destroy the Sentinel Droid in the hall ahead of you. Go to the other end. Shoot the lower red light on the left side of the door to turn that side green. A crate blocks the light on the right side. Get close to the crate so you can grab it with a magnetic beam to pick it up. Throw the crate to destroy it. Shoot the lower red light to the right of the door to turn the light on that side green and open the door. Shoot the three Sentinel Droid in the distance with you lasers. Destroy the crates in you're path either by grabbing an throwning them, or with fully charged laser shots. Go up to the corner and turn left. Destroy the two Sentinel Droids there with you lasers. Destroy the crates in you path as well as those to the left further down the hall. You notices that there are no lower lights on this door. One of the trigger light is behind the pile of crates to left that you just destroy. There other is on a machine in the distance to the right. Shoot them both to open the door. Go through the door into a fairly large area. The door slams shut behind you. Pick off the five Sentinel Droids by firing lasers through the gaps in the crates ahead of you. Once this batch is dealt with destroy some of the crates so that you can get by. There are three droid hatches in this area, one to the left, one to the right, and one on the door ahead. Sentinel Droids with emerge from all three when you cross the line of crates. Each hatch has three red lights on it that represent the number of Sentinel Droid that it can produce. Destroy three Sentinel Droids from each hatch to destroy the hatch. The door at the other end of the area opens after destroying all of the Sentinel Droids. Go through the door. You'll notice that there are three land mines in the hall way ahead of you. Stay to the right side to avoid the first. You can try to zigzag to the left to avoid the second, and then zigzag to the right to avoid the last. *CHECKPOINT* Go up to the checkpoint over a circle and exit the walker. *CHECKPOINT* Go through the green portal to the left and walk through the checkpoint. There are two lasers in this tunnel. The first goes left and right, pass it after it crosses the halfway point on the wider side. The second laser goes from top to bottom, pass it just after the laser disappears at the bottom. *CHECKPOINT* Leave the tunnel and go through the checkpoint. There's a force field ahead of you and tunnels to the left and right. *CHECKPOINT* Go through the tunnel to the left first and go through the checkpoint at the other end. Jump onto the energy elevator ahead of you. Face the elevator to the right as in rises. When the elevator starts to flash double jump and float to the elevator the you're facing. Turn left to face the third elevator. Double jump and float to it when the second elevator starts flashing. Turn to face the landing where you entered this area. Wait while the elevator rises through the 3rd *CARD*. When the elevator starts to flash, double jump and float back to the landing. Go through the tunnel to return to the previous room and enter the tunnel on the other side of the room. Cross the lasers in this tunnel on the wider side of the vertical laser as it crosses the halfway mark, when the horizontal laser vanishes at the bottom. *CHECKPOINT* Go through the checkpoint at the end of the tunnel. Double jump and float to the energy elevator ahead of you. When the elevator starts to flash, double jump and float to the landing in the distance. Jump on the switch to turn off the force field in the previous room. Turn around and double jump and float back to the energy elevator. Wait for the elevator to start to flash. Double jump and float back to the entrance landing, getting the 4th *CARD* on the way. Go back down the tunnel. Cross the lasers in this tunnel on the wider side of the vertical laser as it crosses the halfway mark, when the horizontal laser vanishes at the bottom. Leave the tunnel and turn right and enter the green portal previously blocked by the force field. Cross the lasers in this tunnel when the horizontal one vanished at the bottom at the two vertical lasers are on the same side. *CHECKPOINT* Leave the tunnel and go through the checkpoint. Jump on the blue hex switch ahead of you to cause some blue energy hexes to appear. Double jump and float to the first set of hexes ahead of you. Go to the furthest hex ahead and to the right. Double jump and float to the next set of hexes. Go to the furthest hex and double jump and float to the next batch of hexes. Go to the leftmost hex and double jump and float to the next batch of hexes. Go ahead to the furthest hex. For the first pass at this double jump and float to the hexes ahead to get the 5th *CARD*, but there likely won't be time to get back to the energy elevator. For the second pass double jump and float to the energy elevator to the left. Turn left to face the next elevator. Double jump and float to it when the elevator that you are on starts to flash. Turn left to face the next elevator. Again jump and float to it when the elevator that you are on starts to flash. Turn right to face the next elevator. Once again, double jump and float to it when the elevator that you are on starts to flash. *CHECKPOINT* Turn left to face the landing. Double jump and float to it when the elevator starts to flash, and walk through the checkpoint. Enter the green portal and go down the tunnel. The lasers here move faster that the earlier ones. Cross the lasers on the wider side on the vertical laser as soon as the horizontal laser crosses the bottom. You'll drop onto a short walkway at the end of the tunnel. It will be necessary to jump into the green portal at the other end of the walkway. At the first set of lasers, wait for the two horizontal laser to be visible and above Abby's head and cross on the wider side of the vertical laser. At the second set of lasers, wait for the two horizontal lasers to be rising and to go above Abbeys head and cross on the wider side of the two vertical lasers if they are on the same side. *CHECKPOINT* Leave the tunnel and go through the checkpoint. Jump on to the switch to drop the force field blocking the path of the alien walker below. You'll be in control of the walker again, any damage the it took previously will have been repaired. Go ahead through the door. From a distance, shoot the red crate with you lasers. It will start to flash and will explode after a few seconds, possibly destroy several other crates at the same time. Try not to destroy all the crate here and the moment. There are three health pickups here that you may want to save for latter. The doors on the other side of the room will open. Shoot the red crate in the distance to destroy the two Sentinel Droids and more importantly the ceiling laser that you can't target other side. There are along two droid hatches here, one on the left wall and one on the wall ahead of you. Destroy the three Sentinel Droids that will emerge from both of the hatches. Go ahead and look to the left in the corner. You'll see a red little that you should shoot a laser at to turn it green. Turn right to face the next door. There light on the left will be green. Shoot the lower red light on the right to turn those lights green and open the door. Shoot the two Sentinel Droids in the next hallway before going through the door. When they're destroy go through the door. You need to deal with the electrical barrier first. Turn left and shoot the green electrode in the distance. This cause the barrier to become intermittent. Cross it where the barrier turns off. Shoot the two lower red lights on the door ahead to open the door. Shoot the two Sentinel Droids in the distance from the doorway. Another electrical barrier blocks your path. Inch up to it and turn right. You'll see two electrode in the distance, once of which has a purple force field around it. Grab the red crate and throw it at the force field to lower it. This crate respawns so you can try again if you miss. Shoot both electrodes to interrupt the barrier. Cross the barrier when it turns off. Go ahead a bit and shoot the six Sentinel Droids that will emerge from the two hatches. Turn left and shoot the two sentinel droids in the hall. There is a third Sentinel Droid to the right. You need to grab a crate and throw it at the droid to get this one as it's above the line of your laser. Go toward the door. You'll see the red light switches on machine to the left and right, both of which are protected by purple force fields. Grab a crate, there's a conveniently respawning red crate here, and throw it at the force field protecting red light to the left. Shoot the light where the force field drops. The force field on the right is trickier as there are pistons in the way. Grab the red crate when it respawns and throw it at the force field where the pistons start to move apart. Shoot the light to turn it green and open the door. Shoot the three Sentinel Droids from this side of the door way. Go through the door and shoot the two Sentinel Droids, one on either side of the door as well as one more on each side further door this area. Approach the respawning red crates, triggering Sentinel Droid to emerge from the four hatches around it. You'll need to destroy 12 Sentinel Droids in all, which result in a door ahead opening. You'll need to deal with the electrical barrier before you can go through the door. There are two electrodes to the left, both of which are protected by the purple force fields. Grab the red crate and through it at one of the force fields to lower the force field. Wait for the crate to respawn, grab it again, and through it at the other force field. Shoot both electrodes to interrupt the barrier. Cross the barrier when it turns off. *CHECKPOINT*. Go ahead to the circle with the checkpoint over it. Exit the walker. Go through the green portal to the left. Go through the tunnel and drop into the room at the other end to end the mission. Save the game when prompted. ================= 5.11 Runaway Runt ================= Objective --------- Help Runt navigate through the alien hallway Xbox Controls ------------- A - Jump X - Shoot Walkthrough ----------- After the brief cutscene, you'll be in control of Runt as he slides through the spaceship. Like the mission where you slid down the hallway in the janitors bucket, you will be shifting between three paths, the one in the center and the ones to either side. Shift right to avoid the blue crate in the middle. After you go by it shift back to the center. Shift right after passing the green crate on the right to get the 1st *CARD*. Quickly shift back to the center to get the missiles. Shift left to avoid the light blue grate after passing the green crate on the left. Jump over the electric barrier and shift all the way right. Shift back to the center as you approach the next barrier and jump over it. Get the missile in the center and shift left. Fire a missile at the switch while you're on the floor on the left side to open the door ahead. Shift all the way right after you're past the door. Shift to the center after you pass the first column. Shift left after you pass the next column. Shift all the way right after you pass the crate in the middle. Shift to the middle and jump over the barrier. You should miss the vertical electricity if you shift to the left, although you may need to make a judgment call as it can be a bit random. Shift to center. Jump over another barrier and get the missiles in the center. Fire two missiles to destroy two crates ahead and jump over the next barrier. Shift left and fire a missile along the floor at one of the switches on the door and shift all to the way right and do the same there. Shift to the center to get the 2nd *CARD*. Stay in the center to get the missiles. Shift left and jump over the electric barrier. You'll miss the vertical electricity on the left (again you may need to make a judgment call here). Shift to the center and jump over the next barrier. Stay in the center after the green crate on the left, you'll be able to avoid the next two vertical electricity bolts there. Jump over the barrier and shift all the way right. Fire a missile before you get to the missile pickup to destroy a crate. Fire another missile along the ground and jump and fire a second missile to hit the two switches on this side of the door to open it. Quickly shift to the left side to get the 3rd *CARD*. Shift to the center to get the missiles. You should be able to miss all of the vertical electrical beams in the center (you may need to make judgment call in case the beams timing is off. Shift to the left and fire a missile at the crate by the column. Shift all the way right and fire a missile at another crate. Shift to the center and jump over a barrier. Get the missiles in the center. While you jump over the next three barriers be sure to fire a missile in the air on the left side and another along the floor on the right side. Fire a missile at the crate in the center. Shift left and fire a missile at the crate there before you pick up the missiles. Shift all the way right to get the 4th *CARD*. Shift all the way left after you pass the columns. Shift all the way right after the next pair of columns. Shift all to the way back to the left after the next pair. Quickly shift all the way right after the next pair. Jump over the barrier as you're shifting all the way left. Quickly shift to the center after the next pair of columns. Shoot a missile along the floor in the center to destroy a crate and jump and shoot missile at the door switches to the left and right to open the door. Shift into the middle to get the 5th *CARD*. The mission ends a few seconds past the last door. Save the game when prompted. ================ 5.12 Space Alarm ================ Objective --------- Find your way through the alien ship! Xbox Controls ------------- X - Attack X - Climb/Swing X - Powershot(Hold) A - Jump/Double Jump Y - Grapple Upgrades -------- Sling Shot Upgrade - B Walkthrough ----------- You're now back in control of Chicken Little. Walk forward through the green portal and into the tunnel. At the lasers wait for the horizontal laser to rise above the top of Chicken Little's ahead and go through when the two vertical lasers are on the same side. Go through the door at the end of the tunnel. *CHECKPOINT* You'll go through a checkpoint as you leave the tunnel. Wait for the lasers to turn off on the hex ahead of you. Double jump to it and quick double jump to the larger hex ahead and to the right. You can smash the grass domes to get the acorns inside. Wait for the red lasers to turn off on the hex on the other side of the large hex. Double jump to it and then double jump to the hex to the left. Quickly double jump to the larger hex ahead. *CHECKPOINT* Go through the checkpoint on the larger hex. Turn right and wait for the red laser to turn off on the hex there. Double jump to the hex and turn left. Double jump and start swinging. Jump from the end of the swing to land on an energy trampoline. Bounce of it and jump ahead to the large hex. Turn left and wait for the red lasers to turn off on the hex ahead. Double jump to it and turn right. Double jump and start swinging. Wait for the laser to turn off on the hex ahead before jumping to it from the end of the swing. Double jump ahead and start swinging again. *CHECKPOINT* Jump to the large hex with the checkpoint from the end of the swing. Get the 1st *CARD* near where you land. Double jump to the landing by the green portal. Walk through the portal into the tunnel. Wait for the horizontal laser to rise above Chicken Little's head and cross it when the two vertical lasers are on the same side. *CHECKPOINT* Leave the tunnel, going through the checkpoint at the end. Charge up a power shot and run towards the Electrical Droid here. Hit it before it can attack. The view will lock and a red force fields will appear in two of the hatches to the left. An Electrical Droid will be emerging from the nearest one so charge up a powershot to deal with it. Four hatches will open up around the room. Go into the second to the right of the force field to get the Slingshot *UPGRADE* there. Go into the first hatch to the right of the force field. Get the 2nd *CARD* there. The hatches to the left of the force field control only acorns. Use the slingshot to shoot the red light above the force field to lower it. *CHECKPOINT* Go through the portal behind the force field and through the checkpoint there. Double jump to the descending energy elevator ahead of you. Double jump to the next elevator to the right. Double jump to the next elevator to the left. Double jump ahead to the next elevator. Double jump right to the next elevator. Double jump to the column in the center of this area. Turn left to face the portal with the red light above it in the distance. Use the slingshot to shot the light. This cause some hexes to appear briefly. Double jump to the nearest pair of hexes. Move to the further hex and double jump ahead and left to the lone hex there. Double jump to the landing by the portal. *CHECKPOINT* Go through the portal, going through the checkpoint on the other side. Charge up a powershot to deal with the Electric Droid here. The view will lock. Two hatches will open with red force fields. An Electrical Droid will be emerging from the red force field to the right. Charge up a powershot to deal with it. If one starts to attack you can stun it with the slide shot. The other three hexes will open. An electrical droid will emerge from the one to the front left. Charge up a powershot to deal with it. The second hatch to the right of the closed hatch you entered this area from contains the 3rd *CARD*. The only other hatch that contains anything besides acorns in the one to the left of this one. Use the slingshot to shoot one of the two large red switches and quickly shoot the second one before time runs out. When you manage to hit both switch an energy elevator will start up in the main chamber. Get on the energy elevator and ride it up. Jump onto the ledge at the top. Go around the perimeter until you find the portal. *CHECKPOINT* Go through the portal and through the checkpoint on the other side. A force field will drop on another portal. Shoot the slingshot at the red switch in the center of the room. Descending energy elevators will appear to the right. Double jump to the first elevator as it crosses your level. Double jump ahead across four more elevators. While turning to the left and start jumping across four more elevators on your way to the center. Turn right and fire your slight shot at the red switch above the portal. Some hexes will appear briefly. Double jump ahead to the first pair. From the hex you land on double jump to the lower hex to the left. Double jump to the lower hex to the right. Double jump to the landing by the portal. *CHECKPOINT* Go through the portal and the checkpoint inside the tunnel. Go through the hatch and up to the lasers. Wait for all three diagonal lasers to clear the bottom and go past them. Go through the next two hatches. *CHECKPOINT* Leave the tunnel going through a checkpoint. Wait for the red lasers to turn off on the hex ahead of you. Double jump to it and quickly double jump across the two hexes to the left. Double jump onto the energy trampoline. Bounce on the trampoline, jump in midair and start swinging. *CHECKPOINT* Jump from the far end of the swing to land on the large hex by the checkpoint. Double jump onto the energy trampoline on the other side on the hex. Bounce and jump to the next two trampolines ahead and to the left. Bounce and jump in midair and start swinging. Wait for the red laser to turn of on the hex before jumping to it from the end of the swing. Double jump to the large hex. Turn right and double jump onto one of the round platform when it comes into range. *CHECKPOINT* Quickly double jump to the large hex before you get to the Jacob's Ladder and go through the checkpoint. Double jump onto one of the round platform after it passes through the Jacob's Ladder. Double jump to the next large hex. Grapple to a round platform from the other side of this hex. Wait for the laser to turn off on the hex on the other side of this platform and double jump to it. Jump and start swinging. Double jump from the end of the swing and start swinging again. *CHECKPOINT* Jump from the end of the swing to the large hex ahead of you and go through the checkpoint. If you go to the question mark behind the receptacles on this hex you'll discover that you need to find some batteries. You'll notices that there are red switches on either side of the hex. Go to the side where the battery is already in place first. Fire your slingshot at the switch to briefly activate some energy hexes. Double jump to the group of three ahead of you. Move to the furthest hex and double jump to the next hex. Double jump to the group of hexes to the right and move to the furthest one ignoring the small crack between the two adjacent groups.. Double jump to the next ground and double jump to the large hex. Get the 4th *CARD* and the 1st *BATTERY* on this hex. Turn right to face the red switch and fire your slingshot at it. This briefly reactivates the set of energy hexes. Double jump to the first set of hexes to the right onto the leftmost hex. Double jump to the next set of hexes and move to the furthest one. Double jump up to the pair of hexes and move to the further one. Double jump to the lone hex. Double jump to the group of three hexes and move to the furthest one. Double jump to the large hex to insert the battery. Shoot your slingshot at the other red switch to briefly activate some energy hexes on this side. Jump to the group of three hexes and move into the further one to the left. Double jump across two lone hexes. Double jump to the left to the pair of hexes and move to the furthest one. Double jump to the next pair to get the 5th *CARD* and move to the further hex. Double jump to the group of three hexes and move to the second one. Double jump to the large hex. Get the 2nd *BATTERY* on the large hex. Turn right to face the red switch. Fire your slingshot at it to briefly reactivation the set of hexes. Double jump onto the middle hex in the group of three to the right and move to the furthest hex. Double jump to the pair of hexes and move to the further one. Double jump to the next pair of hexes and mover to the further one. Double jump to the lone hex and then double jump to the lone hex to the right. Double jump to the next group of hexes and move to the furthest one. Double jump to the large hex and insert the battery. Turn right and enter the teleporter. You'll be in another area facing a force field across a large gap. Turn around and double jump onto the energy trampoline. Bounce and do a midair jump to get to the energy turret. All you need to do here is constantly fire while you more the turret from Sentinel Droid to Sentinel Droid. This sets up arcs of electrical energy that will destroy several at a time. Once enough have been destroyed an energy walkway will appear leading to a port previously covered by the now deactivated force field. As you walk along the walkway jump over the red lines, these aren't cracks, they're lasers. Go through the portal at the other end of the walkway. Go through the two hatches in the tunnel and follow the acorns in the room at the other end to end the mission. Save the game when prompted. ======================= 5.13 Space Simulator II ======================= Objective --------- Complete the alien space flight test! Xbox Controls ------------- X - Shoot Y - Missile Left Trigger - Tilt Left Right Trigger - Tilt Right Walkthrough ----------- You'll need to take another flight simulator test now. This is similar to the first simulator mission except it's a top down view. Keep up a constant fire to clear the debris and enemies in you path. Take on the first turret to get some extra missiles. You'll want to save you've missiles for the large green enemy vessels. Four small blue ships appear on the left and then four more appear to the right near the second turret. Destroy the second turret to get a rapid fire pickup as you enter an asteroid field after a mine in the center. The 1st *CARD* will be to the right of center in the asteroid field. The third turret past the field will produce a health pickup. Use missile on the large green ship that appears on the right. The next turret on the right will provide a shield just before you get to a group of red ships by the 2nd *CARD* to the left of center. Two groups on small blue ships will be in the center a short distance ahead of you. Use missile on the large green ship that appear to the left. There will be two groups of rockets and a couple of mines before the 3rd *CARD* appears to the right. There will be several red ships and some turrets in the center. After an empty stretch more rockets appear followed by a turret. The 4th *CARD* will be in the center past the turret. More rockets appear after this. There will be some more turrets and some small blue ships in the center. In the next stretch use missile on the large green ship that appear to the left and then right while dealing will turrets. The 5th card will be in just left of center. Cross the finish line to complete the mission. Save the game when prompted. ============== 5.14 Tube Surf ============== Objective --------- Help Fish navigate through the alien tubes! Xbox Controls ------------- A - Jump X - Shoot Walkthrough ----------- After the cutscenes you'll be in control of Fish as he slides through the ship. There are four electric barriers in the first stretch on the slide. Rotate 45 degrees so that you can avoid all four of them. Once you're by the fourth barrier make sure to rotate so the half pipe ahead will be under you. In the half pipe you'll be force to rotate a bit whenever you see flashing arrows ahead. There first two rotations are counterclockwise. The third is clockwise. The next three are counterclockwise. You'll enter a full pipe with more electric barriers now. You can most easily avoid the barriers in this segment by rotation clockwise as the angle of each barrier is shifted 45 degrees clockwise from the previous one. At the end of the full pipe rotate to the small colored strip to get an a rail. *CHECKPOINT* The rail leads into a half pipe. You'll want to be constantly shoot in this half pipe as there will be Sentinel Droid in your path that can hurt you if you don't eliminate them. You'll need to rotate in this half pipe as well. The first two rotations are counterclockwise, the next two are clockwise, the next one is counterclockwise, and the last one is clockwise. You'll enter a segment with some rotating blades. The blades are best avoided by rotating counter clockwise with them. Rotate to the colored strip to get on a rail after getting past the third blade. *CHECKPOINT* Rails will appear to the left and right on the one you're on after you leave the turn. Jump onto the left one to get the 1st *CARD* at its end. Immediately jump back onto the one in the center after getting the card . There are four moving electric barriers in the next stretch. If a barrier are on one side, rotate to the opposite side. If a barrier is in the center, rotate to the side it's moving away from. Rotate so that the half pipe coming up is under you. The first two rotations in this half pipe are clockwise, the next two are counter clockwise, the next two are clockwise, the next one is clockwise, the next one is counterclockwise, and the last two are counterclockwise. In the next tube rotate clockwise to get by the series of electric barriers. *CHECKPOINT* Shoot the Sentinel Droid as you're about to enter the half pipe ahead. The 2nd *CARD* should be in line with the droid at the beginning of the half pipe. All six rotations in this half pipe are clockwise. There are three more blades to avoid in this segment. Again rotate counterclockwise with them. Rotate so that the half pipe at the end of the blades is under you. *CHECKPOINT* The first rotation in the half pipe is counterclockwise, and the last two are clockwise. Make sure to rotate onto the colored strip to get on the rail. Jump to the rail to the right when you past the beginning of it. Jump left to the next rail so that you can get the 3rd *CARD* near its beginning. Ride this rail into a half pipe. The are three rotations in this half pipe are counterclockwise. There are more moving electric barriers in the full pipe at the end. These are double barriers at right angle. Try rotating to the largest quadrant if the barriers aren't near the center or the quadrant opposing the direction they're moving if they are. Rotate to the colored strip to get on the rail at the end. *CHECKPOINT* Jump to the rail to the left of the one your on when you pass it's beginning. A short distance later, jump to the one to the right and ride it into a pipe. Shoot the Sentinel Droid, but don't rotate at all in this short pipe so you'll hit the colored strip to get on a rail. Jump right from the rail you're on to when you past the beginning of the next rail. Jump left after passing the beginning of the next rail and ride it into a full pipe. You'll need to make judgment calls on whether to avoid the double angle barriers in this pipe. Go between them if they're fall apart or on one of the sides if they're in the center. Rotate to the colored strip after you're past the barriers. *CHECKPOINT* Ride the rail and jump to the one to the left when you get to it. Stay on this rail until you get the 4th *CARD* and jump to the one to the right. Jump left when you get to the next rail. Stay on this rail until you get the 5th *CARD*. Jump to the rail the right and ride it into the pipe. Avoid the three blades by rotating counter clockwise with them. Rotate so that the half pipe past them is under you and head into the light to end the mission. Save the game when prompted. ===================== 5.15 Cornfield Escape ===================== Objective --------- Help the misfits escape then warn the town about the alien invasion! Xbox Controls ------------- X - Attack X - Climb/Swing X - Powershot (Hold) A - Jump/Double Jump B - Slingshot Walkthrough ----------- Watch the cutscenes. You'll be in control of Chicken Little. In this mission avoid stepping in the search lights as they will injure you. Go ahead past the first search light when it moves to one of the side. Approach the second search light and follow it as it move by the stands. Jump up to the top of the stand and drop over the other end. Wait for the third light to move away from the base of the next stands. Jump up to the top of the stands to get the 1st *CARD*. Drop over the far end on the stands. Keep to the right and wait four the fourth light to move behind you. Run by the next stand. Avoid the fifth light as it zigzags by going to one side. Jump through the small hole past it. *CHECKPOINT* If you approach the question mark here you'll find that you need to return Abby, Fish, and Runt to the dugout where you are now. Turn left towards the baseball field, you'll notice 8 lights scouring the field. Shoot the Sentinel Droid to the right with your slingshot from the dugout entrance. When the light in front of you swings left, run up behind Runt ahead of you. You can shoot a second Sentinel Droid past him and a third to the left here. Walk in from of Runt to attract his attention. Turn back towards the dugout. Follow the light to the right back towards the dugout and go around it to the left. Enter the dugout to get Runt to safety. Turn back out to the field from the dugout. Abby is on the pitcher mound to the left. Follow the light along the baseline and avoid it to the right as it swings back. Sneak between the three lights around Abby and get in from of her to get her attention. Sneak back between the lights and follow the light back along the baseline towards the dugout, avoiding it to the left this time when it swings back. Go into the dugout to get Abby to safety. Face out onto the field again. Fish is past where Runt was. Follow the light along the outfield wall as it moves away from the dugout. Avoid it to the left when it swing back, swerving right around another light. Approach Fish and get in front of him to attract his attention. Wait for the light along the outfield wall to start moving away and follow it towards the dugout. Go around it to the right when it swings back and swerve left around another light. Go into the dugout to get Fish to safety. Watch the cutscene. *CHECKPOINT* *CHECKPOINT* (yes there are two adjacent checkpoints) Go forward to the where the path widens. Shoot the Sentinel Droid hiding behind the rock to the right ahead as well as the one further down the path. Run past the search light when it swings to the right and go up to the stream. Shoot the sentinel droid on the other side of the stream. Wait for the search light over the stream to move downstream past the rock. Double jump to the rock to get the 2nd *CARD*. Double jump to the other side of the stream. Wait for the search lights at the beginning of the path ahead to move apart and go between them. Wait for the lights at the other end of the path to move apart and go between them. Approach the barn. Watch the cutscene of the corn maze. *CHECKPOINT* Shoot the Sentinel Droid ahead of you. Walk ahead to the larger area with the question mark. Going through the question mark tells you to bring your friend back to this point. *CHECKPOINT* Walk through the checkpoint on the path ahead of you. Shoot the Sentinel Droid ahead. Go straight ahead to a fork. Charge up powershots to deal with the Electric Droid on either fork. If you need some acorns you can take the left fork, using a powershot to deal with the Electric Droid in the dead end. Continue around the left fork to where it loops back to the right fork. You can see Runt through the opening here. Use a powershot to eliminate the Electric Droid beside Runt. *CHECKPOINT*. Walk up to Runt to get his attention. Turn around. Some search lights will be out now. Wait for the first light to swing left and take the right fork. Go past the dead end and follow the second light to the point where the forks rejoin. Hug the left or right wall to get by the next light in the small round area. Wait four the fourth light to switch right and go by it back to the area with the question mark. Watch the cutscene of a new path being cut in the Maze. *CHECKPOINT* Turn right in the larger circle. *CHECKPOINT* Walk through the checkpoint at the beginning of the path. Go ahead to the fork. Use a powershot to take out the Electric Droid to the left. A narrow path leads of from the right fork. Use a powershot to deal with the Electric Droid and get the 3rd *CARD* in this dead-end. Return to the right fork and go to the point where it rejoins the left fork. Shoot the Sentinel Droid there. Use a powershot on the Electric Droid ahead of you. Go ahead and use powershots on the Electric Droids by Abby. *CHECKPOINT* Walk in front of Abby to get her attention. Turn around, again search lights will have appeared. Wait for the three light in the clearing ahead to move into the center. Move along the wall until the lights split up, and then run to the center on out the opening on the other side. Wait at the fork for the next light to switch left and take the right fork around. Go ahead when both light are to the right. Watch the cutscene of another path being cut. *CHECKPOINT* Enter the large circle and go to the new opening on the opposite side. *CHECKPOINT* Go through the checkpoint in the opening. Shoot the two Sentinel Droids in to the left and right ahead of the opening. There are only acorns on the narrow path to the right in the larger circle here. After going them take the larger path toward the trashcan. Use a powershot on the Electric Droid before it. The two path to the right of the trashcan loop back on themselves, you'll find an Electric Droid to deal with there. Take the path left from the trash can. Turn left and then right. Deal with the Electric Droid. Turn right and deal with another Electric Droid. Turn left two more times and deal with another Electric Droid at a right turn. Deal with the Electric Droid in the dead end to the right and another on the path to the left. *CHECKPOINT* Approach fish and get in front of him to get his attention. Turn around and there will be more search lights. Turn right and then left. Turn right twice and then left. Wait for the search light to clear the path and run by it. Turn left and wait for the lights to clear the corner ahead. Run around the corner to the right, turning right again at the trash can. Go ahead to the circle. Sneak into the center when the light are apart and go through the opening on the other side. Wait for the final light to swing right and run by it. Watch the cutscene. *CHECKPOINT* You'll now be inside the barn. You'll need to collect up to 20 coins depending on your difficulty level. Go further into the barn. Jump onto the crate behind Abby and pole climb up the pitchfork. Jump onto the shelf to the left to get the 1st *COIN*. Drop back down and destroy the pile of tires in the corner with a powershot. Jump up where they were to get the 2nd *COIN*. Turn to face the bales. Double jump up three levels of bales. Use the grapple to pull yourself to the other end of the barn. Turn right and jump onto the board. Go across the board and drop onto the hay on the other side to get the 3rd *COIN*. Turn right. Double jump and start swinging. Jump from the end of the swing to land in the hay loft at the other end of the barn. Turn right and go past the bales. Destroy the crate in the corner with a powershot. Jump to get the 4th *COIN* that was inside it. Jump onto the hay bale in the center and face the other end of the barn. Double jump and start swinging. Jump front the very end of the swing to get the 5th *COIN* and start swinging again. Jump from the end of this swing to get the 4th *CARD*. Drop off the end of the board where you get the 4th coins and turn right. Double jump and swing again. Jump from the end of the swing back to the hayloft. Jump onto the bales in the center and leave the barn via the window. Turn right on the platform outside and double jump to the small wooden board. Jump into the eaves trough and turn right. Go ahead a bit and jump up the three bent shingles to a ledge where you'll find the 6th *COIN*. Drop back into the eaves and continue forward. Turn right at the end of the eaves and double jump to the roof. (If you fall you can get back here by jumping up the bales in the corner on the barn.) Go to the other side of the roof to get the 7th *COIN*. Double jump onto the slanted board from the end of the roof. It tilts as you go up it so quickly jump to the next board to the right. This one tilts as well as you climb its, jump to the next board to the right again. Jump to some bent shingles from the end of this board before it tilts to far. Jump up the broken shingle and climb on the barn roof from the top one. Get the 8th *COIN* on top of the roof. Turn left and go to the end of the roof. *CHECKPOINT* Pole climb up the lightning rod. Slide down the wire at the top into the silo. Climb up the board in the silo. Wait for the sparks heading towards you to go out and get on the wire. Go along the wire jumping over the sparks. Jump onto the electricity pole. Jump up to the higher wooden piece and double jump up to the insulator to get the 9th *COIN*. Wait for the spark to go out and go onto the wire. Go along the wire, jumping over the sparks. Jump onto the insulator at the end to get the 10th *COIN*. Turn right and wait for another spark to go out. Go along the wire, jumping over the sparks again. Jump onto the insulator to get the 11th *COIN*. Turn left and wait for a spark to leave. Follow it along the wire, keeping pace with it. Jump onto the insulator at the end to get the 12th *COIN*. Turn right and wait for another spark to leave. Follow it along the wire, keeping pace with it. Jump onto the insulator at the end to get the 13th *COIN*. Drop onto the roof in front of you. Go down the roof to the left to get the 5th *CARD* above the drink machine. Drop to the ground. Deal with the with three Electric Droids around the building. Jump into the well to get the 14th *COIN*. Pole climb back up and jump out of the well. Go around to the other side of the building from the drink machine. Destroy the stacked tires there and jump to get the 15th *COIN*. Jump up the haystack one corner clockwise from the 15th coin. Destroy the acorns sacks to left you get to the top to get the 16h *COIN*. Jump back to the roof of the building from here. Go to the top and go to the other side of the roof. Double jump across to the roof over the well. Get the 17th *COIN* there. Turn around to face the building. Double jump to the three high crates from the right corner to the well roof to get the 18th *COIN*. Go into the corner on this side of the barn. Destroy the stacked tires with a powershot to get the 19th *COIN*. Go around to the corner on the other side of the barn. Jump up the bales and destroy the crate with a powershot to get the 20th *COIN*. Go to the drink machine by the building and go through the question mark. Say Okay to the offer to buy a soda. Go below the first UFO. Go left of the second. Go right of the third. Go above the fourth and fifth. Go below the sixth. Go left of the seven and right of the eight. Steer into the bell to end the mission. Save the game when prompted. ================= 5.16 Cannon Chaos ================= Objective --------- Help Turkey Lurkey defend the town! Xbox Controls ------------- X - Shoot X - Super Shot(Hold) Walkthrough ----------- Watch the cutscenes. This mission see you, as Turkey Lurkey, firing a cannon at UFOs to drive them off. There first batch is more or less just cannon training. There are six UFOs to drive off. Fully charge your cannon and aim at the UFOs. If you hit them with a fully charged shot they'll take off. These UFOs can't hurt you so take your time. The second way has 12 UFOs that will shoot at you. If there's no incoming fire try to hit one with a fully charged shot to drive it off. If they is visible incoming fire, use a light shot as a countermeasure. If there's an arrow on screen turn towards in to deal with the incoming fire there. Drive off all 12 UFOs and the cannon will move to another corner. For the final wave the cannon will be moving around the square. There are only three UFOs this time, but they're shielded. Charge up a shot and wail for them to drop their shields when they fire. They're take a few hits to drive off. Shoot down the incoming fire between charged shots. As you drive them off the cycles shorted. This mission end after this wave. Save the game when prompted. ===================== 5.17 Firetruck Frenzy ===================== Objective --------- Chase the alien ship to return the alien baby! Xbox Controls ------------- A Accelerate Y Reverse B Brake Left or Right Trigger - Power Slide Walkthrough ----------- Watch the cutscene. You're driving a firetruck on the same map that you drove the car on in the mission where you ran various errands for Abby, Runt, and Fish. This time all you're doing is racing against the clocks through a series of energy hoops as you chase a UFO. You start with 10 seconds on the clock. Each energy hoop adds 3 seconds to the clock. Drive along the road following the UFO. Go through the first hoop in the center of the road. Go to the left of a car ahead at take to the first left turn where you'll go through another hoop. Go ahead through the next hoop and take the next left going through the hoop there. You should go through the hoop at the next right and another at the next left. The next hoop is on the right side just before a right turn. Go through the hoop at the left turn ahead and another a short distance along this stretch. Turn right at the intersect, going through a hoop there. Go to the right of a fallen pole and swerve left to get a hoop as well as missing a blast crater. Go to the right side of the road to get the next hoop and back to the left for the following hoop. Turn left after going past blast crates. Go through the loop and turn right after going past the blast crater. Go through the hoop on the left side of the road. Go through the next hoop as you go around a corner to the left. The next hoop is in the center of the road at the top of the hill. Make a slight left turn and go through another hoop. Go to the left of a blast crate and turn right. Go to the right of a fallen pole and go through the hoop past it. Turn right at the next corner. Cut through the yard to the right to get the 1st *CARD* on the way to the next hoop. Head diagonally across the yards to get to the next hoop and turn left. Cut through the yard to the left to get the 2nd *CARD* on the way to the next hoop. Go to the right of the blast craters and turn right at the next hoop. The next hoop is on the left side of the road at a right turn. Go to the right of the fallen tree. Go to the left side of the road to get the next hoop as you turn left. Avoid a blast crates and fallen tree to their left side. Go through the next hoop on a turn the right. Make a left turn and head for the hoop. Powerslide to make the right turn as you go through this hoop. The next hoop is at the end of this straight stretch. Angle left past the corner of the town hall to get the 3rd *CARD* on the way to the next hoop. Turn left. Go to the corner ahead and turn left through another hoop. Turn left at the next corner. Go through the next hoop by the town hall. Go ahead along the right side on the road to get to the avoid the car and go through the hoop in the center. Go right to get the next hoop. Go left around a blast crater and right of the next one. Go through the hoop at take the road to the left. Go to the right of a fallen pole and then left of a blast crate. Go through the next hoop at a fork and go left. The next hoop is to the left side of the road. Go through the grass to the left of a blast crates. Get the next hoop and turn left. Turn left and go through the next hoop. Turn right and then left past the stop sign and get the next hoop on the right side of the road. Angle through the yards, past the brown fence on the right to get the next hoop. Straighten out to the left. Turn left at the next hoop. Go through the next hoop in the center of the road. Turn left to get the next hoop. Avoid the obstacles by driving along the right side of the road and get the next hoop. Go left around the blast crater. Smash through the hedges to the right at the corner to get the 4th *CARD*. Turn left at the next hoop. Avoid a falling pole to the right. Go through a hoop and avoid another pole to the left. Get the 5th *CARD* to the grass to the right and turn left through the covered bridge. Head straight through the final hoop to end the mission. Save the game when prompted. ================ 5.18 Tube Tumble ================ Objective --------- Help Runt navigate through the alien tubes! Xbox Controls ------------- - Jump Walkthrough ----------- After the cutscenes, you'll be in control of Runt again, sliding through more tubes on the spaceship. You'll need to rotate counterclockwise to get by the three electric barriers, the angles shift by 60 degree counterclockwise. (You could also rotate clockwise as the barriers are far enough apart). Jump through the iris that spring partially closed ahead of you, make sure you lead the jump a bit so you don't hit the wall. Rotate around to the white strip to safely hit the half pipe. Avoid the first flame jet in the half pipe by keep to center or to the left. Go left to avoid the next one in the center. Stay left to avoid the third flames jet and shift to the right for the last one. Jump through another iris a short ways into the full pipe. In the series of electric barriers avoid the moving barriers on the larger side if they are to one side, or to the side they are moving away from if they're moving. For the last barrier, make sure to get the 1st *CARD*. Jump through another iris ahead. Avoid the first flame jets by having them to either side of you.. Rotate to the white strip to avoid the next group of flame jets. Jump through another iris ahead. *CHECKPOINT* Keep to the white strip on the quarter pipe ahead, you shouldn't need to steer. Jump over the first flame jump. Jump through the iris. Jump over three move flame jets. *CHECKPOINT* Avoid the three double electric barrier by going through their largest quadrant if the crossover points are near a side or the expanding quadrant if the crossover point is centered. Jump through another iris. Rotate so the flame jets are above you. After you pass them rotate 180 degrees to avoid the next set of flame jets. Jump through another iris, getting the 2nd *CARD* in the process. Rotate clockwise with the fans to avoid the blades. Make sure the approaching half pipe is under you. Jump through another iris. Immediately jump again on the left side to get the 3rd *CARD* in the air. Go to the center to avoid the flame jets. Go left to avoid the next flame jet. *CHECKPOINT* There are a series on moving angled electric barrier in this full pipe. Go to one side if they're in the center or between them on the widest side if they're to the sides. Jump through another iris. Avoid the barriers in the same manner as the previous series. Keep the white strip below you to safely enter the quarter pipe ahead. The pipe splits. Switch to the left to get the 4th *CARD* although its a lot harder to stay on this path. (If you get the card and fall off you can stay on the right path without steering.) Rotate clockwise through the electric barriers in the next stretch. You should end up at the white strip leading into the quarter pipe. Jump through another iris. Go left to avoid a flame jet. Go right to avoid the next flame jet. Get left again to avoid the third flame jet. Go right to avoid the fourth flam jet. Jump in the center to get the 5th *CARD*. Go around the turn to the right and into the light to end the mission. Save the game when prompted. ================== 5.19 Alien Little ================== Objective --------- Help Chicken Little fid his way through the alien ship! Chicken Little Xbox Controls ---------------------------- X-Attack X-Powershot (Hold) A Jump/Double Jump Alien Walker Xbox Controls -------------------------- Left Trigger - Grab Right Trigger - Shoot/Throw Right Trigger - Powershot (Hold) Walkthrough ----------- You're back in control of Chicken Little. Go ahead through the green portal. *CHECKPOINT*. Go ahead to the walker and get in it to activate the checkpoint. Shoot the two lower lights on the door ahead to open it. Shoot the four Sentinel Droid in the hallway ahead through the cracks between the crates. One of the crates here has a health pickup if you grab and throw it. Move or destroy the furthers two crates, allowing you to shoot the lower lights on the next door to open it. Shoot the four Sentinel Droid in the distance from the doorway. Blast the domes to the right of the electric barrier. Grab the red crate to the left. Turn to the right making sure you don't touch the electric barrier with the crate. Move to the right side and through the crate on the electrode with the purple force field to lower it. Shoot both electrodes to interrupt the barrier. Grab a red crate while the barrier is flicker and drop it by the land mine ahead to clear your path and back up. Go by the barrier when it turns off again. Keep left and destroy a total of six Sentinel Droids that will emerge from the two hatches. Turn left and destroy three more Sentinel Droids. Grab a crate and through in through the pistons when they start to open to drop a purple force field on the machine with the switch light. Shoot the light on the machine. Destroy the domes to the left. Grab another crate and throw it at the purple force field there to lower the force field. Shoot the red light there to finish opening the door. Shoot the three visible Sentinel Droids from well back of the open door. Go through the door and shoot the droids to either side of the door as well as another on each side further down. Go ahead into the area with six hatches. Back up and destroy a total of 18 droid to open the door ahead. Pick up the respawning red crate and through it at one of the purple force fields to the left. Do the same with the other. Shoot both of the electrodes to interrupt the barrier. Go through the barrier when it turns off. *CHECKPOINT*. Move the walkway onto the circle with the checkpoint to open the next door. Shoot the three droids in the next area from the door way (one is hiding to the right.) Note the flashing lights on the hatch ahead. Sentinel Droid will spawn indefinitely from this hatch so don't bother waiting for it to be destroyed. The hatch on the left will only produce three droids, so you may want to destroy those to cut the incoming fire in half. As there are no convenient crates. Grab one of the droid and throw it at the force field in the corner to the left. Shoot the light on the machine that was behind the force field. Turn right and shoot the lower light on the right side of the door to finish opening it. Go through the door, you'll need to turn around occasional for a while to shoot the respawning droid as they come up behind you. Shoot the two droids on the other side of the electric barrier. Destroy the domes to either side. Go back and grab one of the respawning droids. Carry it back an throw it at the purple force field to the right. Go back for another droid an do the same thing to the force field on the left. Destroy both electrodes that were behind the force fields to interrupt the barrier. Go through the barrier when it turns off. Shoot the two lower lights on the door to open it. Go through the door and shoot the three Sentinel Droids in the distance. Grab the red crate and drop it beside the five mine to destroy them, repeating as necessary. Go ahead along the left wall. The hatch ahead on the far wall produces three droid which you can destroy. The hatch on the right wall produces droids indefinitely, so turn right after dealing with the three from the other hatch. Destroy the three droid there. Grab a crate or a droid to go through the two sets of pistons to the right. You'll need to throw when both sets of pistons start moving apart, keep in mind the further pair moves slower. Shoot the light on the machine there are the force field go down. Shoot the lower light to the left of the door to finish opening it. Go through the door. Destroy the green crates, one of them contains a health pick up. Shoot the droid in the distance. Go ahead between the hatches. Two of the hatches produce infinite droids. Start grabbing droids and throwing them at the force fields to the left and right. There are two in range on each side. Shoot the electrodes to interrupt the first two barrier. Go through the barriers when they turn off. You'll need to turn around to shoot the respawning droids occasionally. All four of the hatches in the next area continually respawn droid. Grab droids and throw them at the two force fields on either side and destroy the four electrodes to interrupt the remaining barriers. Go past the barriers when they turn off. You may take some damage here as the force fields are beside each other and the droid are respawning behind you. You may want to turn around once your past the barrier to shoot the droids as you back up. *CHECKPOINT* Move onto the circle with the checkpoint and exit the walker. Go through the portal to the left. Ride up the energy elevator at the other end of the tunnel to end the mission. Save the game when prompted. ================== 5.20 Gravity Grab ================== Objective --------- Find the coins in the antigravity room to escape the alien ship! Xbox Controls ------------- X - Attack X - Climb/Swing X - Powershot(Hold) A - Jump/Double Jump Y - Grapple Unlisted Xbox Control --------------------- B - Slingshot Walkthrough ----------- You're still controlling Chicken Little. Go ahead through the green portal. Wait for the horizontal laser to rise above Chicken Little's Head and run through a gap in the vertical lasers. Go through the hatch further down the tunnel. *CHECKPOINT* Go through the checkpoint at the tunnel exit. Charge up a powershot to take out the Electric Droid. The view locks. Another Electric Droid emerges from the red force field to the right of the green force field. The next Electric Droid will emerge two red force fields to the left of the green force field. If you have powershots charged up you can take them out as soon as they emerge. The green force field drops after the droid are defeated. The chambers of this room contain only acorns under the domes inside them. Go through the opening that the green force field covered. *CHECKPOINT* Go through the checkpoint on the other side of the opening. Jump onto the energy elevator ahead as it descends past the level you're on. Double jump ahead and to the right to get to the next elevator. Double jump left to get to the next one. The next one is straight ahead, double jump to it. Double jump right to get to the last elevator before double jumping to the top of the column in the center. Turn left and use the slingshot on the red switch over the portal there. This causes some energy hexes to briefly appear. Double jump to the first set of hexes and move to the further one. Double jump to the lone hex. Double jump to the landing. *CHECKPOINT* Go through the green portal and through the checkpoint. Charge a powershot to take out the Electric Droid. The view locks. Another electric droid emerges from the red force field in the lower left. The next droid appears from the force field in the lower right. A third appear from the force field to the left of the second. Charged up powershot can deal with them when they emerge from the force fields. There are acorns under domes in all five chamber here. Two adjacent chamber also have large red switches. Shoot one of this switches with the slingshot and quickly shoot the other one before the time runs out. This starts up an energy elevator in the main room. Ride the elevator up and jump onto the ledge at the top. Go around the ledge to the portal. *CHECKPOINT* Go through the portal and the checkpoint on the other side, deactivating a force field. Shoot the red switch ahead of you with your slingshot. This causes some energy elevators to descend to the right. Double jump across a string of nine elevators that start straight for the first five and start curving right for the last four. Double jump to the center column from the last elevator. Turn left and shoot the red switch with the slingshot. This causes some energy hexes to appear briefly. Double jump to the first pair of hexes. Stay in the first hex and double jump to the next pair on hexes and move to the further one. Double jump to the lone hex and double jump to the landing. *CHECKPOINT* Go through the green portal and through the checkpoint on the other side. Charge up a powershot to deal with the Electric Droid. The view will lock. Another electric droid appear from the red force field to the left of center. The next droid appears from the force field to the right of the previous droid. A third droid appears two hatch right of the second droid. A fourth droid appear from the furthers hatch left. A fifth droid appear from the furthest hatch left. Charged up powershot can deal with them when they emerge from the force fields. Again all of the small chambers contain acorns under the domes. This time there are three red switches to shoot before time run out, one in each of the first, third, and fourth hatches to the right of the closed hatch. When you shoot along of them within the allotted time (charges your next shot and turning when the current shot head towards a switch will help a lot), an energy elevator will start up. Ride the energy elevator up and jump onto the ledge at the top. Go around the ledge to the portal. *CHECKPOINT* Go through the portal and through the checkpoint on the other side. Shoot the red switch ahead of you. Energy elevators will start descending to the right. Double jump across a string of nine elevators that start straight for the first five and start curving right for the last four. Double jump to the center column from the last elevator. Go to the other side on the center column and shoot the red switch in the distance. This cause some energy hexes to appear briefly. Jump down to the pair of hexes. From the first hex double jump down to a lone hex to the left. Double jump to another lone hex to the right. Double jump to the ledge by the portal. *CHECKPOINT* Go through the portal and the checkpoint in the tunnel entrance. Go through the hatch. Go by the angle lasers when they are to the sides. Go through the hatches. *CHECKPOINT* Go through the checkpoint at the tunnel exit. Wait for the red laser to turn off on the hex ahead. Double jump to the hex. Go to the other side of the hex and double jump to the next one. Double jump to a third hex to the right. Double jump from the far side of this hex and start swinging. Double jump from the end of the swing and start swinging again. Wait from the red lasers to turn off on the hex ahead and jump to it from the end of the swing. Turn left and double jump to the next hex. Double jump to the next hex to the left. Turn right, jump and start swinging. Double jump from the end of the swing and start swinging again. *CHECKPOINT* Jump from the end of the swing onto the energy trampoline with the checkpoint. Bounce and do a midair jump to the next trampoline to the right. Bounce and jump up a series of four more trampolines that curve up to the left. Bounce from the last trampoline until one of the small platforms comes into range and do a midair jump onto it. Ride the platform and jump over the three electric barriers. Double jump through the gap in the red laser walls to the large hex. Ride the energy elevator up from here. Double jump to the platform at the top of the nearby lighting rod. *CHECKPOINT* Go through the checkpoint on this platform. Turn left and wait for the spark to disappear. Go onto the wire and jump over the sparks as you make your way to the platform on other end. *CHECKPOINT* Go through the checkpoint on this platform. Turn left and jump to the energy trampoline. Bounce and do an midair jump to the next trampoline. Bounce and start swinging as you push ahead. Jump from the end of the swing to another trampoline. Bounce and start swinging again. Jump from the end on the swing to another trampoline. Bounce and jump across two more trampolines to the left. Wait for the red lasers to turn off on the hex before bouncing and jumping to it. *CHECKPOINT* Turn right and double jump to the trampoline with the checkpoint. Wait for the red lasers to turn off on the hex before bouncing and jumping to it. Go to the other side of the next and double jump to the next hex. Double jump to the next hex to the right. Double jump from the other side of this hex and start swinging. Double jump from the end of the swing and start swinging again. Jump from the end of the swing to an energy trampoline. *CHECKPOINT* Bounce and jump to the next trampoline with the checkpoint. Keep bouncing until the small platform comes into range. Bounce and jump to the small platform. Jump over the electric barrier. Jump to the small piece of the large hex outside on the red laser wall before the small platform goes through the Jacob's Ladder. Jump back on the small platform when it emerges from the other side. Jump over two electric barriers in quick succession. Double jump through the gap in the red laser walls to the large hex. Ride the energy elevator here up to the platform on the top of the lightning rod. *CHECKPOINT* Go through the checkpoint on this platform. Turn right and wait for the spark to disappear. Get on the wire and jump over the sparks as you make your way to the platform on the other end. Jump down onto the energy trampoline on the other side on the platform. Bounce and jump up the two trampolines to the right. *CHECKPOINT* Bounce and jump from the last trampoline to the checkpoint on the large hex. There are two battery receptacles here. The question mark in the distance will tell you that you need to find the batteries to activate the teleporter. There are red switches to either side of the hex with the receptacle. Lets do the one on the side with the receptacle that already has a battery first. Shoot the switch with a slingshot to temporarily activate some energy hexes. Go into the leftmost hex and double jump to the next group of hexes. Go into the furthest hex and double jump to the energy trampoline to the left. Bounce and jump to the next set of hexes. Go into the further hex and double jump to the next group of hexes. Go to the furthest hex and double jump to the lone hex. Turn right and shoot the red switch with the slingshot. More hexes appear in front of you and the one you're on changes color to match them. Turn left and move into the hex beside you. Double jump to the next set of hexes. Move into the furthest hex. Jump and start swinging. Jump from the end of the swing to land on the next group of hexes. Move into the further hex and double jump to the lone hex. Double jump to the hex group to the right and move to the furthers hex on the left side. Double jump to the large hex and get the 1st *BATTERY*. Turn right and shoot the red switch to activates some hexes leading back to the receptacles. Jump onto the hexes to your left and move to the furthest one. Jump onto the energy trampoline to the right. Bounce and jump up to the next trampoline to the left, followed by a third to the right. Bounce and jump to the blue hex. Double jump to the pair of hexes and move to the furthest one. Double jump to the large hex and put the battery into a receptacle. Go to the other side of the large hex and shoot the red switch in the distance. Jump onto the first group of hexes and move into the leftmost hex. Double jump to the next group and move to the furthest hex. Wait for the red laser to turn off on the hex to the left and double jump to it. Go to the far side on the hex and double jump to the pair of energy hexes. Move into the further hex and double jump to the next hex set. Move into the furthest hex and double jump to the solid hex. Turn right and shoot the red switch with the sling shot. Turn left and double jump to the yellow energy hexes that have appeared. Move to the furthest hex and wait for the red laser to turn off on the hex before double jumping to it. Double jump to the next hex. Turn right and double jump to the next hex. Go to the other side of this hex and double jump to the lone yellow hex. Double jump to the next set of hexes and move to the furthest hex on the left. Double jump to the larger hex and get the 2nd *BATTERY*. Turn right and shoot the red switch with the slingshot. Double jump onto the hexes that have appeared to the left. Move to the furthest one and jump to the energy trampoline. Bounce, jump and swing. Double jump from the end of the swing and swing again. Jump from the end of this swing to the lone hex. Double jump to the hex pair and move to the further one. Double jump to the large hex and put the battery into a receptacle. *CHECKPOINT* Turn right and go through the teleporter. You'll be in another area at a checkpoint facing a force field across a large gap. Turn around and double jump onto the energy trampoline. Bounce and do a midair jump to get to the energy turret. Like the first time you did this, all you need to do here is constantly fire while you more the turret from Sentinel Droid to Sentinel Droid. This sets up arcs of electrical energy that will destroy several at a time. Once enough have been destroyed an energy walkway will appear leading to a port previously covered by the now deactivated force field. As you walk along the walkway jump over the red lasers. Go through the portal at the other end of the walkway. Go through the tunnel and hatch to some angled lasers. Wait for a large gap and go through. *CHECKPOINT* Go through the rest of the tunnel and through the checkpoint on the other end. This in the Gravity Room. All 5 *CARDS* and 20 *COINS* are here. You jump a lot farther in here that normal. When jumping for the coins move yourself above them and fall through them, if there's no safe landing point you'll respawn back at the checkpoint. All of the coins are plainly visible in this relative small room (except for three that get occasionally obscured by the tree near the question mark) so I'm not going to document there position beyond mentioning the need to jump and time double jumps from the various platforms around the room. I will however document the card locations as you need to locate these before going through the question mark on the far side of the room with the 1. Double jump up to the ledge to the left of the entrance checkpoint. 2. Jump down to the ledge to the right of the entrance checkpoint. 3. Jump ahead from the entrance checkpoint past the outhouse. 4. Double jump ahead to the central platform. Double jump to the platform with the question mark. Jump on the rail to the rail to the right of the question mark (when facing the center). Double jump to get the card. 5. Double jump to the platform to the left of the question mark's platform. When you have enough coins for your difficulty level get across the room to the question mark as if you where heading for coin four. Go through the question mark and the force field behind it will fade. Go through the portal that was behind the force field. Go through the tunnel and into the room at the other end to complete the mission. Save the game when prompted. ======================== 5.21 Space Simulator III ======================== Objective --------- Defeat the mother ship to complete the space flight test. Xbox Controls ------------- A - Thrust X - Shoot Y - Missile Left Trigger - Tilt Left Right Trigger - Tilt Right Walkthrough ----------- You'll now have to do a third simulator mission. Like before keep firing constantly to clear enemies and debris from your path. Unlike previous simulator mission, you'll need to tilt to get through some narrow openings. There's also a boss ship to deal with at the end. You'd be well advised to keep you missile in reserve for the boss. You'll path will take you towards the large crater in the moon to the right of the screen. Take out the turret on the top of bottom of the crater, which is actually the entrance to a tunnel. There will be another turret on the right side of the tunnel as you go through it. Past that there is a structure that can be destroyed for some pickups, missile on the left, and rapid fire on the right. Go under the rock barrier dividing the tunnel. There's another turret on the left side of the tunnel, just past it. A health pickup is to the right past the turret. Shoot the mine past the health pickup. Tilt to get between the walls and go over another rock barrier after straighten out. A turret is on the bottom of the tunnel around the slight bend to the left. Go over two barriers past this turret to get the 1st *CARD*. Destroy the angled structure for health pickups. Destroy the mine ahead. There will be another turret is to the upper left of the tunnel. A structure blocks the tunnel so you'll need to blast a hole in it, revealing a variety of pickups. Destroy the mine past there. There will be a turret on the right as you go around a bend. A health pick is past the turret on the right. You'll enter a larger open area. There are turrets on the asteroid and two space stations ahead. The tower below the second station can be destroyed to clear it from your path before you turn back into another tunnel. There are two structures in this short tunnel. Make sure to destroy the one in the upper right to get the 2nd *CARD*. Get the health pickup and go over the rock barrier in the entrance to the next tunnel. There are some concrete barriers ahead. You'll need to tilt to get three the narrow opening at the top to get the 3rd *CARD*. Destroy the mine ahead as well at the angled structure to get some pickups. Get the health pickup ahead. Ignore the turret on the right side and destroy the structure to the left ahead to get the 4th *CARD*. Descend into the gap in the center. Destroy the core in the reactor ahead. Blast and opening in the barrier over the tunnel. Rise upper to the wider portion of the tunnel. Get the Health Pickup on the right and the 5th *CARD* on the right. *CHECKPOINT* (Well sort off, sometime you respawn at the begin of the boss battle and sometime at the beginning of the level) Go out the opening to enter the boss battle. Note the bosses health bar in the upper right. Each quarter of the health bar is a different stage of the battle. In the first stage, wait for the mother ship to get in front of you. It will position its upper weapon pod in front of you. You need to shoot the orange circle in the center of the pod to damage the boss. Keep firing constantly. When you hear the incoming fire move to the upper left corner to avoid it and move back to the center when it passes. This work with both the initial single string and the later crossed strings of incoming fire. After the first quarter of the mother ship's health has been eliminated, wait for the mother ship to reposition its left weapon's pod. Again you need to fire at the center of the pod. Dodge the blue energy stream(s) to the lower right and moving to the upper right to top center before returning to the center. After the second pod is destroyed the mother ship will reposition itself so that the right pod is in front of you. Again you need to hit the center of the pod. Unleash all of your missiles to short the time require for this stage. Keep firing constantly as you move up and down, changing directions whenever you here the missiles lock on to you. You'll be healed for the final stage. The mother ship centers itself in front of you. You're target is the large orange circle in the center. Keep firing constantly staying to the center as much as possible. Dodge the energy stream using by dropping to the lower right going up to the top right and across to the top center before recentering yourself, you'll evade most of the missiles doing this as well. You can withstand a few hits from the missiles between the energy stream attacks as you concentrate on firing on the center, but move away from center (going right will allow you to maintain the energy stream dodging pattern with the least difficulty( if you hear one lock on. The mission ends when the last part of the mother ship is destroyed. Save the game when prompted. ================ 5.22 Final Boss ================ Objective --------- Navigate through the alien tunnel and defeat the security drone! Xbox Controls ------------- X - Attack X - Climb/Swing X - Powershot (Hold) A - Jump/Double Jump B - Slingshot Walkthrough ----------- You start off this mission riding a pop bottle rocket in one of the spaceships tubes. Push right to avoid the first barrier. Push left to avoid the next barrier and stay to the left for the third barrier. Push up to avoid the fourth barrier. In the open area ahead go above the tree beside the purple house to get the 1st *CARD*. Go to the lower right to avoid the building. Go to the left to avoid the next major obstacle. Go through the open square in the last major obstacle to enter another tunnel. Push all the way left to avoid the first barrier. Push right to avoid the next barrier. *CHECKPOINT* Fly through the checkpoint. Do your best to avoid the fan blades. Don't bother trying to rotate with them like in the sliding missions with Runt as they turn too fast. Going counterclockwise will give you the best change to make a last second course correction. The are three fan blades to avoid. Go clockwise around the perimeter of the area with the turrets to avoid their laser fire. After you pass them get to the left side to avoid the barrier at the tunnel entrance. Push all the way up to avoid the next barrier. Push all the way down to avoid the next one. Stay down for the next barrier. Push left for the next barrier. Go up and left of the last barrier to get the 2nd *CARD* which is hard to spot. *CHECKPOINT* Watch the cutscene. You'll be at a checkpoint to start the battle against the final boss. The are three stages to the final boss. In the first stage there will be a crate to your left contain the 3rd *CARD*. You'll need to get the boss to fire at it to release the card, use the slingshot to get its attention. There are two other types of grates. Light blue crates which contain across, and green crates that explodes and destroy portions of the walkway. You can get the boss to fire by shooting it anywhere with the slingshot. In this stage it uses blue pulses followed by red blasts. After it shoots it will need to recharge briefly, giving you time to get to one of it's sides and shoot the red switch. It attacks again, dodge the incoming fire at repeat with the other side. The boss is stunned when both switches have been hit. A rod will extend from the boss. You need to attack the tip of the rod. One powershot is enough, but you can also use two slingshot attacks or three regular attacks in situation where large chunks of the walkway have been destroyed due to the green crates being destroyed. When you inflict enough damage on the rod the boss will destroy the blue crates releasing the acorns and ascend to the next level. Collect the acorns and ride the elevator up. Face counterclockwise with respect to the walkway as you ride up the elevator. Double jump to the platform when the elevator gets well above it. Go to the other end of the walkway. Jump and start swinging. Jump from the end of the swing to the next platform. Go to the end of this platform. Jump and swing again. Double jump from the end of the swing to the next platform. Jump up the platforms and go to the end. Double jump onto the energy elevator. Double jump to the next elevator. Double jump to the platform when the second elevator reaches it. Go along the platform and jump up to the next one. *CHECKPOINT* Jump onto the hex lift and the end on the platform and ride it up through the checkpoint at the beginning of the second stage of the final boss. The boss has adds a fountain of blue energy to its attacks in this stage so its unlikely the green crates and walkway will survive for long. Run around to the other side of the walkway to the crate with the card. Attract the boss attacks to get it to destroy the crate allowing you to get the 4th card. Deal with the boss like the first stage. The only different is the switches are rotating so you need to lead the shots a bit above or below the leading edge. Deal with the rod as before when the boss is stunned after hitting both switches. Collect the acorns and ride the energy elevator. Face counterclockwise again as you ride up the elevator. Double jump to the energy trampoline when you get well above it. Bounce and jump to the platform. Go to the other end of the platform and jump and swing. Jump from the end of the swing and start swinging again. Jump from the end of this switch to land on the next platform. Jump up the platforms and go to the other end. Double jump to the energy trampoline. Bounce and start swinging. Jump from the end of the swing onto an energy trampoline. Bounce and start swinging again. Jump from the end of the swing onto the next platform. *CHECKPOINT* Go to the end of the platform and jump onto the wire. Slide down to the wire onto the hex lift, which rises through a checkpoint for the final stage of the final boss. The bosses attach now include a laser sweep. Double jump over these when they start to avoid them. There are no green crates to worry about this time. Go around to the large crate at attract the attention of the boss to get it to destroy the crate, allowing you to get the 5th *CARD* inside it. Deal with the boss like on the previous two stages. This time the switch move a lot fast so you'll need to give them a lot more lead, about halfway around one side. Deal with the rod as before. Save the game when prompted. =================== 5.23 Runt's Escape ==================== Objective --------- Help Runt escape the alien ship. Xbox Controls ------------- A Accelerate Y Reverse B Brake Left or Right Trigger - Power Slide Walkthrough ----------- It looks like "Final Boss" did not mean final mission. After the cutscenes you'll be driving the firetruck through the alien vessel. You start with 20 second on the clock. Picking up alarm clocks adds 5 seconds. Drive straight ahead to get the first alarm clock. Go to the left around the obstruction and get the alarm clock on the other side as you swerve back to the right. Go through the door and slalom around the columns and reactor in the next stretch. Go right around the first column and swerve left before the two reactor. Go left around the next column and swerve right, getting the 1st *CARD* between the next two reactors. Go right around the third column and swerve left between the third reactor pair, getting the alarm clock. Go to the left of the last column. Go into the tunnel past it. You'll come out of the glowing tunnel and a past. Get the alarm clock on the right side as you turn left. Take the turn sharply so that you get the alarm clock on the left side near the end of the turn. Go over to the right side further on to get the next alarm clock. The next alarm clock is on the left side of the path as it straightens out. Get to the center of the path to get the next one. You'll need to go between the cars on the over head trolleys, aim for the trailing edge of one when you're a short distance back. You need to past two sets of trolleys before a turn to the right. There are two more sets of trolleys to avoid before you need to fully accelerate in the center of the path to make the jump and get the 2nd *CARD* as you land. Go straight ahead to the alarm clock. Go right around the crates. Swerve left, through another alarm clock, to the left side. Swerve right, through another alarm clock, to the right side. Swerve left, through another alarm clock, and straight out in the center to hit the acceleration hex. Head to the right side and smash through the obstacles to get the alarm clock. Swerve left through the crates getting the alarm clock. Swerve right, through another alarm clock, to the right side. Swerve left, through another alarm clock, to the left side. Swerve right, through another alarm clock, to the right side. Swerve left, through another alarm clock, and straight out in the center to hit the acceleration hex. Take the jump in the center to get an alarm clock. Go straight down the center through two alarm clocks and go to the right side. Swerve left, through another alarm clock, to the left side. Swerve right, through another alarm clock, to the right side. Swerve left and straighten out to hit the acceleration hex. Go somewhat right towards another acceleration hex to get the 3rd *CARD*. The next segment has large blocks in the center. Go to the right of the first one. Swerve left through an alarm clock to the left side. Swerve to the right side. Swerve left, through another alarm clock to the left side. Swerve right and straight out to hit an acceleration hex. Take the jump straight on in the center to land on a dark blue path. After you cross the acceleration hex at the beginning of the path go to the right side to get the alarm clock. On the right turn ahead go to the left side to hit an acceleration hex and an alarm clock. Go to the right side for another acceleration hex and back to the left for an alarm clock. Hit the acceleration hex past the turn straight on in the center. Watch out for the crate moving across the path on the hump ahead, go behind it to the right if necessary. The crate on the next hump goes in the opposite direction so go behind it to the left if you need to. Hit the acceleration hex past this hump and get the alarm clock in the center. If necessary go behind the crate on the next hump on the right side. The trailing edge of the next two crates, one on a hump, the other in a dip, is to the left. Get the alarm clock. If necessary go behind the next two crates to left. Get the alarm clock as you enter the area with the gears. Keep going straight past the first gear to get the 4th *CARD*. Turn left to get the alarm clock in a doorway. Head straight down the center of the path. Hit the acceleration hex and the jump. Keep going down the center of the path to get the 5th *CARD*. Go through the opening at the end to complete the mission. Watch the cutscene. Save the game when prompted. ================== 5.24 Space Armada ================== Objective --------- Survive the Alien Attack Xbox Controls ------------- A = Thrust X - Shoot Y - Missile Left Trigger - Tilt Left Right Trigger - Tilt Right Walkthrough ----------- After watching the cutscene, you'll being playing another space simulator mission. Keep firing to remove alien vessels and debris from your path. Save your missile for use against the mother ships and a few barriers that will be in the way. As you go through the asteroid field, five lone enemy vessel will attack from the right side. They drop random pickups, if you want to get these you'll need to wait until the ships are in the center to destroy them. The next ship comes from the left, followed by one from the top, and one from the right. You'll be entering a tunnel in the asteroid. Destroy the center of the structure need on the entrance and fly through it to get the 1st *CARD*. Fly past a couple of rock barriers and out the asteroid. Four ufos attack as you approach the space station. Be sure to shoot out the red window so you can go through the station. There are four more ufos and several mines on the other side of the short tunnel. Tilt your ship and go past the laser on its trailing side. Stop tilting and go above the next laser. Several ufos attack in the debris field ahead. Keep your eye open for health pickups before you get to a large beside of spinning debris. Go through the hole in this piece of debris to get the 2nd *CARD*. You'll be underneath an asteroid after clearing the debris field. Tilt as you go through an opening to the upper right to get the 3rd *CARD*. Quickly get over to the upper left and tilt through the opening there to get the 4th *CARD*. Tilt to get through the narrow crack ahead. Enemy vessels attack in groups of four in this open stretch. There will be three groups of fours followed by a mother ship. Fire some missiles at the mother ship to dispose of it. You'll enter another space station. If you keep shooting you can get a couple of health pickups. You may need to boost to get them before them disappear. Boost as your leaving the space station to get through an iris before it closes. Stop boosting to allow the iris at the other end time to open. Immediately tilt and go to the top center to get the 5th *CARD*. WARNING: On easy mode there's a checkpoint here. This means you'll need to replay the mission, getting the previous cards again, if you miss this card. You're into the home stretch now. Eight lone ufos attack and then a mother ship. You'll be entering an asteroid field. A second mother ship appears. Two lone ufos, two lines of six ufos, and a mother ship are all that remain between you and the finish line. If you want just boost past the last batch of ufos. Cross the finish line to complete the last mission of the game. Save the game when prompted. Watch the final cutscene and the credits. ****************************************************************************** 6. Minigames ****************************************************************************** ============== 6.1 Drone Dash ============== Objective --------- Destroy the drone or cross the finish line for points. Xbox Controls ------------- A - Dash (Drone) X - Shoot (Cannon) Right Trigger - Zoom in (Cannon) Overview -------- Player 1 is on the top half of the screen, and Player 2 is on the bottom. There are two rounds which last for sixth seconds each. In the first player 1 operated the cannon and try to shoot the drone operated by player 2. Player 2 try to move forward using the shields as cover to cross the finish line. One point is awarded to Player 1 for shooting the drone, and one point is awarded to Player 2 for crossing the finish line. The players switch roles in the second round. ============== 6.2 Pig Paddle ============== Objective --------- Score 10 goals to win! Xbox Controls ------------- X - Shoot Overview -------- This is a game of "Pong" using Runt as the ball. As an added twist you can fire energy bolts at Runt to redirect him towards your opponents side or accelerate him in that direction. Score 10 goals to win. =================== 6.3 Super Speed Way =================== Objective --------- Finish 3 laps to win! Xbox Controls ------------- A - Accelerate Y - Reverse B - Brake Left or Right Trigger - Powerslide Overview -------- After a short straight away you go around a long left turn into the stadium. Go on the ramp on the other side of the stadium to jump out to the road. Go around a long right turn, followed by a short left, and then a short right. Take another short left followed by a straight-away to a short right. There's another short straight-away and the another short right turn. A short left turn is next. This is followed by a right and left turn in quick succession. The straight away here leads to the finish line. Complete three laps before your opponent to win the game. ================= 6.4 Space Shooter ================= Objective --------- Destroy enemy ships for points! Xbox Controls ------------- X - Shoot Y - Missile Left Trigger - Tilt Left Right Trigger - Tilt Right Overview -------- A variety of enemy ships attack as you fly towards the top of the scrolling screen. Destroy them to earn points Small Blue Ships - 250 points Small Red Ships - 500 points Larger Green Ship - 1000 points Missile Shaped Ships - 750 points You also score 100 points for picking up weapons upgrade. Score more points than your opponent to win. ================ 6.5 Saucer Smash ================ Objective --------- Destroy enemy ships for points! Xbox Controls ------------- X - Shoot X - Super Shot (Hold) Overview -------- Aim your cannon and take out as many flying saucers as you can in 1 minute. A fully charged super shot will take out a saucer if you hit it, any thing less will require two or more shots. ============== 6.6 Walker War ============== Objective --------- Defeat your opponent's walker twice. Xbox Controls ------------- Left Trigger - Grab Right Trigger - Shoot/Throw Overview -------- You can shoot the barrels to pickup on a variety of upgrades: health boosts, shields, speed boost, and assorted weapons upgrades. An unshielded opponent can be taken out by hit it with three crates or the blast radius of the red exploding crates. 30 shots with an unboosted laser will also take it out. Upgrades like the ricoshot (lazy Z) and triple shot (three green hooks) don't effect the number of hits, but others like the ones with added flame damage (three red bullets) will cut the number in half. Shields must drop before the opponents walker can be damaged. This takes 30 seconds. Hearts heal about 20% of the health bar. The Speed upgrades (three gold arrows) let you move about twice as fast. Destroy your opponents walker twice to win. ****************************************************************************** 7. LEGAL ****************************************************************************** This document is Copyright 2005 MysticWeirdo aka Warren Grieder. All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. Permission to host this document is given to the following: GameFAQs IGN Sites that DO NOT have permission and never will: fuska.nu cheats.de CheatCC.com cheatindex.com supercheats.de This file may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission, except GameFaqs and IGN. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. ****************************************************************************** 8. Contact Information ****************************************************************************** For suggestions and/or corrections for this guide please email: mystic.weirdo [at] gmail.com The most recent version of this guide will be on www.gamefaqs.com. Please check there before contacting me with additions/corrections. Please include Chicken Little FAQ in the subject of any email regarding this FAQ. ****************************************************************************** 9. Credits ****************************************************************************** Thanks go to the following: Disney, Buena Vista Games, and Avalanche Software for making this game. The following sites for hosting this FAQ: GameFAQs IGN ****************************************************************************** ******************************************************************************