Dr. Muto v1.1 Walkthrough and FAQs for PlayStation2 Copyright 2003 Chris Young (aka DocTabasco) ---------------- JUST SO YOU KNOW ---------------- This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. So there. Don't move this stuff ANYWHERE without my consent. Thanks to GameFAQs for the nice restriction notice and for posting my submissions. Those with permission as of June 2, 2003: GameFAQs.com IGN.com CheatCC.com CheatPlanet.com Neoseeker.com Computerunderground.com Cheats.de Thanks for the support. Send money ;) CONTENTS ~~~~~~~~~ 0 About this Guide -1 Author's Comments -2 Version History -3 Contacting the Author -4 THANK YOU!!! 1 Playing the Game -1 The Story Thus Far -2 Objectives -3 Items -4 Controls -5 Formulas -6 Blueprints 2 The Walkthrough -1 Lab; Home Sweet Home -2 Totltec .1 The Junkyard .2 The Vats .3 The Factory .4 Vinny's Dump -3 Aqeum .1 The Lagoon .2 The Oil Rig .3 Hydro Station .4 Water Works .5 Carla's Hole -4 Flotos .1 The Sphere .2 The Cube .3 The Furnaces .4 Jupiter City .5 Steele's Garage -5 Mazon .1 The Workshop .2 Burnital's Lair -6 The End 3 Lists -1 Terra -2 Isotopes -3 Fauna -4 Scrap 4 FAQ 5 Codes and Secrets \^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^/ < 0 - About this Guide > /v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v\ 0-1 Author's Comments --------------------- Truthfully, this is my first Guide/Walkthrough written by my own hand. I've read many, and I have my high school English credits, so it shouldn't suck. Dr. Muto is the second newest adventure game in my arsenal of PS2 glory (after Vexx), and it's hella good. The guide is finally finished, and I've had the pleasure of enduring much praise, at the same time assisting where my notes are unclear. Maybe I'll drag my ass out of the house now. My opinion of this game is that it has much more depth of game play than many of my other platform/adventure games, which I won't list so you can claim I'm wrong. It's a big challenge, although the most rewarding part of getting everything is self-gratification. The only other Midway game I own right now is Gauntlet: Dark Legacy, which had very nice environments. I'm glad to see that this game is not an exception. I actually recognized the way that the textures look from Gauntlet... don't ask me how, it's hard to explain. It has been observed that this game is incredibly difficult, especially in the later levels. I've had much trouble trying to figure out how to master this game without cheats or walkthroughs, as well as recording my exploits. I strive for as much depth and detail as I can, so if something is unclear I will gladly fix it. Particularly useful information can be found in the FAQ section The idea here is for me to have fun while I write this, and you while you read. Here's to a job well done. 0-2 Version History ------------------- 0.20 Jan 22, 2003 Responded to the cry on the GameFAQs message board for a FAQ. Everything up to the end of Totltec included. Still need a FAQ section. 0.21 Jan 23, 2003 Fixed up a few neglected details, added transloader area markers. 0.50 Jan 24, 2003 Aqeum missions complete. Decided to leave details on isotopes for later. 0.60 May 17, 2003 Completed outline of isotope, fauna, and Terra locations. Opened FAQ section. 0.80 May 28, 2003 Finished Flotos walkthrough, lists updated, fooled around with headers. 1.00 June 1, 2003 Finished Mazon, information regarding lost isotopes in Hydro Station revealed, Everything DONE! DONE! ----ing DONE!!!! 1.10 August 20, 2003 Made clarifications to walkthrough based on e-mails, added Codes and Secrets section. 0-3 Contacting the Author ------------------------- My e-mail address is doctabasco83@rogers.com If you'd like to add something to this guide/walkthrough/FAQ thingie, send me an email with the subject "regarding Dr. Muto" otherwise it goes out with the rest of the crap I get on a daily basis. If you want me to work on some other walkthrough, or do review stuff for your website, I'd be flattered. If you're offering cash, I might even do it. ;) Send me any questions you have about the game in general so I can construct a FAQ section! Also tell me what areas need clarification. PLEASE tell me if you find isotopes that are not accounted for in the isotope list. A few people refer to "the forums." These people should keep in mind that there is more than one game website with forums, so let me know which one you use. I visit the GameFAQs boards most frequently, but recently bookmarked the IGN and Neoseeker forums. 0-4 THANK YOU!!! ---------------- Fredric Mora, for telling me stuff no non-former-Midway person could ever know. Mark Eaton, aka badboymark, for telling me about stuff I didn't figure out. Steven Ng, for noticing me. Mom, for feeding me. And doing laundry. And not cutting the power to my room. You, for making it all worth-while. \^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^/ < 1 - Playing the Game > /v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v\ 1-1 The Story Thus Far ---------------------- Dr. Muto was, obviously, born to be a mad scientist. His projects have always been big, and always a disaster. Despite that, he does his best to help the people of planet Midway with the energy crisis caused my Burnital Industries. Against the recommendation of the experts, the president agrees to use Muto's energy device, saying to reporters, "What could possibly go wrong?" Bad choice of words there, Dr. Muto. Upon activation, Planet Midway makes an earth- shattering KABOOM on the news channels. Cue maniacal laughter of mysterious figure. Upon awakening, Muto's servant frantically points out that the entire planet, except for Dr. Muto's own residence, has been destroyed. He hastily activates his high-tech telescope to find something to rebuild the planet, forgetting about the power shortage in his own lab. And so it begins. 1-2 Objectives -------------- There are 6 types of collectibles in this game which make up your objectives. Vials - The magic red bubbly. Collect 20 units of these to increase your health metre. Dr. Muto can have up to 6 health points, shown as hearts, and 20 spare vials. Small vials are worth 1 point and bigger ones are 5. Most health crates contain 3 vials, but some are jackpots of 5 pointers. There are also Health Dispensers in various places, but these only fill empty heart slots. Isotopes - Although they don't look like over-sized particles in real life, that's what you're looking for. These give power to your sentient computer, AL, who obviously knows Dr. Muto would be screwed without him. More isotopes provide access to more Formulas and Blueprints, and will be needed for the Genitor 9000 as well. They come as 1 point blue/white isotopes or 5 point green/yellow isotopes, and are found in blue and unmarked crates. Genitor Piece - The Genitor 9000 is what Dr. Muto needs to rebuild Planet Midway, and there are 17 in all. They tend to be quite obvious with their large size and bright aura. You'll find one at the end of each area. Terra Piece - Glowing green polygons that kinda resemble a soccer ball. You'll find 7 in each area, which is generally one for each challenge. Scrap Parts - Found in special tool crates, you'll need 7 of each to create a new gadget. It would seem that every area has a set of scrap parts, but I'm guessing they are removed from new areas when you get them earlier in the game. Gadgets only appear on what I like to call dispensers, and are strictly temporary. DNA - Harvested from various Fauna, you'll need certain combinations in order to morph into something new. You only need a total amount of the required DNA so you don't have to get separate DNA for each form. Use the zap button to harvest DNA from Fauna in any form. 1-3 Items --------- blue isotope - worth 1 isotope green isotope - worth 5 isotopes small vial - 1 health point large vial - 5 health points dispenser vial - refills lost health crate - brown box with no markings, contains one isotope health crate - crate with red cross contains between 3 and 10 health points Splizz crate - crate with 12 isotope capacity, contents vanish 5 seconds after opening with Splizz, NEVER TO RETURN blue box - blue, dissolves with Gomer contact barrel - explosive, can carry for 12 seconds switch - activated with Splizz, various uses blue switch - activated with Gomers, more annoying target - flashing square activated by morph or heavy weapons box - large flashing box, destroyed for various purposes 1-4 Controls ------------ Dr. Muto Left Analog Move the clumsy Dr. Muto. Right Analog Rotate the view around Dr. Muto. < > D-Pad Cycle through the available forms. X Jump. Press again to double jump, then hold to hover a bit. O Blast Attack. [] Splizz Capture device, aka zap attack. /\ Morph into selected form. L1 Strafe Left R1 Strafe Right L2 Show HUD R2 Centre camera behind Dr. Muto R3 First-person mode Gerbilus Doctorus O Tail Whip. Hold down to charge a farther strike [] Eat. Doczilla X Jump. Press again for Butt Stomp. O Clap Attack. [] Eat. Arachnidoc X Hold down to aim the web sling. Aim at enemies to either eat them or come at them in a spinning attack. Aim at webbing to grab on from a distance. O Drop an egg mine. Explodes after about 5 seconds. [] Eat. R3 Egg-shooter Spiny Docfish Left Analog Rotate the Docfish. X Swim forward. O Spine Shot. Hold down to initiate a spin attack, and let go to spin forward at high speed. [] Eat. R2 Fast U-turn. Teradoctyl Left Analog Aim & control the mutant squirrel. X Start/stop/restart flying. O Hit once for a quick shot, hold for a homing hairball. [] Eat. R2 Fast U-turn. 1-5 Formulas ------------ FYI, the plural of formula is supposed to be "formulae." You need to have a certain number of Isotopes for each Formula, just so you can see what you need. Then you just need to get a total number of the displayed types of DNA from the Fauna. I'm not exactly sure how you unlock them, but there seems to be alternate forms for your Formulas, indicated by a piece of note paper clipped over the morph's image. Just get the indicated DNA strands to finish it off. Don't forget that you can harvest DNA by eating enemies in these forms. Gerbillus Doctorus - 15 isotopes 1 mouse (+ 30 chark = Rat) You're pretty much given this at the beginning of the game, but I suppose you could say it requires 15 isotopes to activate. You'll learn early on that this is the only way to get through tight fits. It's handy to remember that you can hold the O button to charge a longer attack, so you can avoid taking damage from enemies. And yes, it can eat enemies bigger than it is, but don't bother on guards. The SOBs don't even twitch on sight of a harmless mouse. Doczilla - 250 isotopes 10 monkey + 20 roach (+ 30 tarfish = Mech Gorilla) The first morph you earn. It's slow, but definitely stronger, especially in the butt. Butt stomps are the best way to deal with multiple enemies, as well as the way you're supposed to activate those big ground switches. You can forget jumping though, 'cause this thing is as mobile as a boulder. It's the only morph that can climb up and across rope nets. While hanging from these, your attack can actually destroy DOAs, and have some effectiveness on nearby ground enemies. When swinging from blue and white poles, you can get the most distance by jumping as his feet reach their highest point. ArachniDoc - 450 isotopes 30 fireant + 30 roach (+ 30 peliqui = Roach) The only way to traverse webbings. This one cannot jump at all, and the camera orients to the ground you're currently on. You'll use this mainly to cross webs, but you can attack by shooting your web sling at enemies too. Depending on it's size and attributes, you'll either eat it or jump at it in a spinning attack. Another effective attack is to use first-person mode to launch your egg-foo style from a distance. Spiny Docfish - 700 isotopes 35 roach + 35 fireant + 15 monkey + 3 chark (+ 30 airbag = Electric Eel) The only way to swim with any sort of competence. Since Aqeum is the first time you can get charks, just hop in the water there and harvest 3 at the beginning. This will be the best form to harvest charks and tarfish. The spine attack is not incredibly accurate, since the spines spin out at a certain distance. As long as your target is behind your view of Muto when you fire, it should hit. The spin attack takes about 1 second to charge, and spins out after 2. It goes extremely fast when released though, and is great for hopping pool dividers and cutting down your opposition. I have also noticed that Fauna is less likely to appear at far distances, so make tight circles when searching for them TerraDoctyl - 1400 isotopes 20 tarfish + 10 airbag + 5 peliqui + 20 chark (+ 13 ? = Bat) The only way to fly! Flotos makes extensive use of this morph, but you'll have to prove your platforming skills by capturing 15 aerial fauna in the first area of the Sphere. The attack provides decent rapid fire depending on how fast you can hit the button. You can lock on to targets by holding it down, but the turning speed is greatly reduced. You can start and stop flight at any time with the X button, but you will need space to land safely. Or, you can stop and drop instantly by morphing back into Dr. Muto 1-6 Blueprints -------------- All of your gadgets are only available from specific dispensers, and have limited operation time. Each gadget requires 7 pieces of the same kind of scrap. When you're collecting scrap, you've gone too far if you enter a new area. Rocket Boots - already complete Single-use gadgets that propel you to new heights, and appear throughout the game. Most of these are placed exactly where you need to use them, and straying from the area before launching usually makes them fail. Be careful not to fall too fast though... it's quite possible to kill yourself on the way down. Super Boots - already complete These essentially provide a high-powered double jump. Some of the strangely airborne isotopes can be collected with these. Invisibility - 65 isotopes, Klock Em scraps Totltec Junkyard, Aqeum Oil Rig, Flotos Cube Self-explanatory. In case you didn't know, enemies will ignore you when this is activated. Pocket Rocket - 150 isotopes, Uberpowder scraps Totltec Vats, Aqeum Hydro Station, Flotos Furnaces A handy little rocket launcher. Fire at will to launch guided missiles, or enter first-person mode to go manual. Superballer - 375 isotopes, Boing! scraps Totltec Factory, Aqeum Water Works, Flotos Jupiter City Pretty close to a machine gun, it fires large quantities of bouncy balls which explode on impact, or when they stop. Invincibility - 600 isotopes, Renaline scraps Aqeum Lagoon, Flotos Sphere, Mazon Workshop Another self-explanatory. You won't take any damage while using this. \^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^/ < 2 - The Walkthrough > /v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v\ 2-1 Lab; Home Sweet Home ------------------------ 1 Refuel the Reactor Grab any 15 isotopes. 2 minutes should be plenty of time for this. It doesn't matter which ones, since they're removed after you get 15. You're automatically placed in front of the now powered reactor. Morph into a mouse and enter the transporter to claim your first piece of Terra. 2 Scope a Chip There are 45 isotopes in the wall, but they're easy enough to get. Get to the end, go to the right from the microwave oven and deliver the chip. You're now back at the Tele-Transloader, where you can get the last Terra piece available on the remains of Planet Midway. Only two things left to do here. Finish collecting the isotopes by blasting the unmarked crates around the house. That's 18 isotopes. Zap the television for 5 seconds to reveal 10 more isotopes. Finally, zap the strange box behind the stairs of the reactor room for 12 more. A word of warning about these boxes is that the isotopes disappear 5 seconds after being opened. (That's one heck of a half-life) Now, zap the kitchen sink beside the specimen refrigerator, beside the open door, for your first Genitor 9000 part. 2-2 Totltec *-------------* |Terra: 21 | |Isotopes: 900| |DNA: 106 | |Genitor: 4 | *-------------* Roaches are simple fauna that emit a green smoke, and sometimes use their shell for protection. Zap them for their DNA samples, then blast them to keep them out of your way. Bulldog SOB; One on one is hardly a challenge. One blast will take it out. If they're getting too close for comfort, give it a zap first to put it off balance. A drawn-out zap will give you an extra health vial, but you can only get 2 by this method. Destroying them give you 3 vials. If you decide to run away, you might notice them tuck in their saws for a short while, making a good time to strike. One last thing, you can also try sneaking up on them. BUGZ; As a mouse, they might seem like something you want to avoid completely, but if you're fast enough you can take them out. If you know where they are, prime your tail whip, charge, and release when you're facing the right direction. This is usually surprise enough to destroy them safely. DOAs; Floating turrets that you will learn to hate later on. There are two ways to destroy them. Hold the zapper to grab them, then release when facing a wall. If there was enough distance between the DOA and the wall, it will shatter. Otherwise, you can just hold on to the DOA and it will eventually overload. You can also sneak up on these. Running is another option. SOBs; These semi-humanoid guards have a variety of attacks. They swing their baton at close range, but can use it for long range attacks as well. Their shield is also electrified at times. The best way to deal with them is a quick zap and blast, then hold on the zap until he recovers and blast him again. Fireants are basically small roaches that tend to stay in close groups. They are notable from their orange flame. Monkeys are very slow despite spider-like legs, and seem to have a scorpion's stinger. They're not very dangerous compared to the rest of the enemies here. Mines and Mouse Traps are close proximity detectors. They can be detonated using long-range attacks or Gomers so you don't have to worry about them for a while. 2-2.1 The Junkyard ------------------ 300 isotopes, 17 DNA, 7 Klock Em scraps *Junkyard Entrance* 1 DNA Extraction Go forth and learn to capture DNA from fauna. Simply zap a creature to gain its DNA and destroy it with a blast attack. Don't worry about killing fauna you haven't captured, they'll regenerate until you do. Kill the bulldogs that charge from the gate and claim the Terra. 2 Pumped Up See the pipes where the roaches were wandering? Morph into a mouse to get in. Be careful of mouse traps in small areas. Simply jump over them to avoid being hit. Hop the many stepping stones before you, up the piston and to the pump station. When you get to a pair of pistons, check out the crack in the wall for some goodies. The 2 launch pads can be tricky to use at first. Keep in mind that you can control your velocity with the left analog control, and you can maintain some height by jumping twice. This should land you on a platform near 3 pistons. Explore this area thoroughly for all the goodies, being careful of the BUGZ. Enter the air vents for a slide full of vials, and you'll land very close to the access card you're looking for. The Terra is just behind it. You should have 91 isotopes from the Junkyard by now. 3 Security Booth You now have 1 minute to escape the pump station. Just keep your wits about you and it will be no problem. There are only 6 isotopes on the escape route. Grab the Terra from the booth and you can move on. Don't miss the path that begins on one of the sewer pipes; there's some valuable DNA up there, as well as isotopes, vials, and a piece of scrap. Zap the switch at the gas pipe to shut that off. The garbage crushers are not hard to get by. Climb the ladder near the transloader for 5 isotopes and a nice stash of red bubbly. SAVE YOUR GAME! you should now have 146 isotopes, 13 DNA and 2 Klock Em scraps. *Junkyard Interior* Now you learn about Gomers. Each has 30 seconds before your Splizz tears it apart. You can use Gomers to cover up explosive barrels, but you should know that I've found isotope containers under them. I'm not sure if you can get those from under a coated barrel. Gomers are also the only things that can open the blue boxes and activate blue switches. When you come to 2 conveyer belts, note the box beside the top one. I missed it the first time I passed here. There are other crates hidden on the lower grounds of this path as well, so watch out. *Junkyard Ending* 4 Abra Cadabra Power up the crane holding the yellow and black wrecking ball at the start of the toxic sluice. Hop over the streams, capture the Fireant DNA and activate 3 switches. Hop back to the other side, morph into a mouse and get some Terra. 5 Overloaded Walk up the walkways on the side of the sluice. Activate the switch at the top. Bring the Gomer over to the switch. Grab the Terra. Rejoice. SAVE. 6 Shaft Shot Here you get to try the Rocket Boots for the first time. Stand right on the dispenser and fire the rockets by pressing X. That's probably the easiest Terra piece in the game. You should have 255 isotopes, 17 DNA and all of the scrap for this area. At the top of the ladder you can try out the Invisibility gadget. This is NOT the Invincibility gadget, you will take damage from the green sludge. 7 Smoke the Rings Since you need the TeraDocTyl morph to get this one, you'll need to come back after reaching Flotos. Climb (or fly) up to the top of the sluice gates past the goo drains, and morph in to TeraDocTyl when you reach the terminal. Use the terminal to have AL challenge you. Now simply fly through the rings as quickly as possible which should be easy since your speed is mostly fixed. Watch out on the last stretch though, as you may need to dodge the goo blasts. Get through to the Genitor piece and you should have every item from this area. 2-2.2 The Vats -------------- 300 isotopes, 27 DNA, 7 Uberpowder scraps *Vats Entrance* 1 Open Sesame This task takes place over this whole first section. There are plenty of enemies around here that tend to respawn, so be careful. The first container can be opened with a nearby Gomer. Jump across the platforms on the left side and use the Gomer there to activate 3 switches in the area beyond. One activates the Pocket Rocket dispenser, one opens a container, and one shuts off the gas pipes. Climb the now safe pipes with a Gomer and activate the blue and regular switches. Back on the ground, in the transloader area, is an already open container. Jump on that, then go through the hole in the fence to get in that small area. Once you're done collecting everything here, go activate that lift. There are 2 S.O.B.s that give way to 3 respawning bulldogs. Zap the switch in front of the container. Then bring the gomer up the stairs near the lift and shoot it at the blue switch. Move on to the ledge before you and destroy all opposition, and open the last container. Go get that Terra. You should have 92 isotopes, 10 DNA, and 3 scrap 2 Target Practice You'll have to come back to this area once you have the Pocket Rocket finished. When you do, just stand on the pocket Rocket dispenser and use first-person mode to hit the 3 towers. One more piece of Terra. 3 Circus Freak Morph into a mouse and move onward. DO NOT touch the gears when they are in motion. You can eat the D.O.A.s and spit them against a wall or wait until you spit them automatically. When you're at the catapult flooring, I recommend jumping off at the other side so you can see the other side before jumping again. This will reduce the risk of you steering off to the side and falling into the sludge. Jump through the hoops and collect the isotopes. When you grab the Terra, you're automatically dropped on the far side of the pool. Continue on and you'll come out by a closed gate. You should have 145 isotopes, 10 DNA and 3 scraps. Now to open that gate. Go through the mouse hole and down the left path. Hit the target, and go back to the newly opened path. Slide down and hit the target. Climb back to the iris switch, hit that again, then return to the gate. The muck drains to reveal a mine field. 4 Mine Sweeper Use the Gomer to pop the mines. This is not hard to do, but can take a bit of time. Patience is key if you have a bit of trouble. Grab the Terra and isotopes. Be careful of the remaining puddles. *Vats Interior* Moving on, you see your first Monkey. I think "crazy looking" is accurate. The switch to the left of the Transloader reveals a Gomer. There's also quite a few fauna around here. 5 Gomer Overload The switch at the start of the upper platform reveals another Gomer. Take it to the blue pad on the other security station to reveal a blue switch, and activate that. Bring another Gomer to the pad and activate the second switch. Collect the Terra. 6 Blast Em! Activate the turret, and blow away the DOAs. The turret takes some getting used to, and there's no auto fire. At least they don't attack you... 7 Chaos and Carnage Spoke too soon. Destroy the DOAs before they destroy you. I think this one is easier because they come at you straight on. Collect the Terra and move on. Go through the gate and get that scrap crate. You should have them all by now. When you get to the Pocket Rocket, you should have 224 isotopes and 27 DNA. *Vats Ending* There are 3 large targets in this area that you can activate, either by rocket or throwing a DOA at them. It is possible to hit them all from the dispenser. Enter first-person mode to fire guided missiles. The last one can be tricky, but you could just get closer. After you pass the third target, note the stash of crates above the slide. You can get to these by riding the steam vent. You should now have everything from this area. 2-2.3 The Factory ----------------- 300 isotopes, 62 DNA, 7 Boing! scraps *Factory Entrance* At this point, you probably don't have enough Monkey DNA to use the Doczilla, but luckily there's plenty of Monkeys here. As usual, beware of the respawning bulldogs and SOBs, especially in the generator pit. There are some blue switches you'll want to activate, namely the Super Boots to get those lofty isotopes, and the Rocket Boots for a few more. 1 Chrome Dome Once you have the Doczilla morph, go into the pit. It's supposed to be done with the butt stomp, which is simply pressing X twice, but you can use the O attack as well. I've had repeated failures due to the distance between my position and the next target being a bit too far. The bulldogs and explosive barrels on the ground don't help matters either. Try walking on the dome's rim to shorten the distance, but be careful when time is low. It closes very fast, and is capable of squishing an over-sized gorilla, namely you. 2 Ballerz There's not enough scrap in this area to do this just yet. Come back later. With the Super Baller in hand, hold down the O button and unleash heck upon the disgruntled guard, then steal his Terra while you're at it. Before moving on, you should have 73 isotopes, 15 DNA and 4 scraps. This next area looks much like a warehouse, except for the gaping hole in the middle. Time for some side-scrolling action. When you get on up to the platform alcove be careful not to fall too fast. Use the ledges to go down slow. On the way out, you should have 116 isotopes, 28 DNA, and 5 scraps. *Factory Interior 1* 3 Monkeying Around All you need to get this piece of Terra is get to the end of the monkey rope course. You're probably going to need more help with the other part of this area... 4 Lighthouse of Horrors It's not as bad as it sounds though. You should cover every path to get all the isotopes, but the 3 targets you need to hit are on the first left path, and the second right path. The last target is at the end of the course. The single monkey bar is tricky to land. Normally you want to jump when your feet are at the highest point. Jump just before that and you should at least land on the island there. Once the targets are switched, go forth and claim the Terra. *Factory Interior 2* Before starting on the spider caves, you should have 191 isotopes, 52 DNA, and all the scrap for this area. Make your way through here, avoiding the mines, webbing across the gaps, and NOT trying to capture the Fireants in ArachniDoc form. Trust me, it's not wise, and very silly, especially if you fall in the goo. Before starting the Goomatron area, you should have 220 isotopes and 56 DNA. *Factory Interior 3* 5 Powered Assault I recommend at least finishing off the fauna in this area before going up the goomatron. Break the crates, get some health, and SAVE YOUR GAME! At this point I'll assume you're smart enough to visit every Transloader you see. When you are on the ceiling, don't forget to visit every path for their isotopes. If you don't have time to morph back when you're attacked by SOBs, use your web attack to knock them over, then egg 'em to death. Activate the switches with an egg or the ape if you wish. Now make your way to the turret with the Terra. 6 Blowing Off Steam Activate the turret, and shoot the flashing target on the Goomatron's base. Then fire at the four boxes that open up quick, since they close again. Repeat until all four are busted. DOAs come in from the left side. Going counter-clockwise, same deal and watch the left for enemies. Last one, but watch the right this time. Get some health, get the Terra, and get the part. You should have 270 isotopes, and all the DNA. *Factory Ending* 7 Droppin Balls Time to climb. Morph into Doczilla and start climbing. The first wall is a piece of cake. The second one adds a new element to this challenge. Balls of goo threaten you now. Stay close to the dividers and move as necessary to avoid being hit. The Third wall is very similar. At the end of this area, you should have everything you need. 2-2.4 Vinny The Tool Bino ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ You might be wondering what a Bino is. Well, it's not in the dictionary, so don't bother. It might be like albino, where the thing in question is completely white. That would mean a tool-bino is completely mechanical. But it's best not to think too hard on such things. The strategy here is to stay behind him while you're morphing, because he turns SOOO SLOOW it's pathetic. First off, morph into the mouse and go to face him. He'll probably start taunting you, but be careful not to go under his toes. Whip his open toe, and he'll drop his guard to fix it. Quickly morph into Doczilla and smack him for 3 points of damage. Stay in this form, because he will drop a few BUGZ. Take these out with the butt stomp. Wash, rinse, repeat. He drops a few more BUGZ the next time, but the strategy's the same. If you let him, he may go drink some goo to restore his own health. His attacks include a forward swipe, a buzz saw burst, and a hammer slam that creates a shock wave. A small FMV shows Vinny fall into the goo. Mmm, tasty. 2-3 Aqeum *--------------* |Terra: 28 | |Isotopes: 1200| |DNA: 78 | |Genitor: 5 | *--------------* Charks are slow-moving mouths that vaguely resemble sharks. They're most annoying in packs of more than 3, because then you risk being snapped while taking DNA samples. Luckily, fauna doesn't respawn after being sampled. DOAs have a faster firing speed on this planet, but are otherwise the same. Bullsquids, again, are nearly identical to bulldogs. SOBs, however, are now squids. Their close range attack involves spinning sharp objects around in a whirly motion. A slower spin means they're about to fire, so circle them until they do, then attack. Tarfish are much like Charks in their movement, but they are smaller and have a long tongue attack. Make running captures on these guys so you dodge the attack and split up the mobs. Piranhabots are quite annoying, because they follow you when they can, and have a kamikaze manoeuver. You know they're on to you when you hear a constant blinking sound. They are also dropped by squid SOBs. The best way to deal with them, especially in groups, is to swim away, make a U-turn and spin right through them. Their kamikaze fails when you're doing this attack. 2-3.1 The Lagoon ---------------- 300 isotopes, 28 DNA, 7 Renaline scrap *Lagoon Entrance* 1 Hidden Matter Disregard the Chark warnings and take a dip. Attract some Charks with your meaty cranium and zap them for their DNA. You should only be able to attract 3 Charks near the surface. Get to land so the Charks will move away, then get back in and try out the Spiny Docfish. The rest of the Charks should be easy enough. Grab the Terra and jump back on the island. 2 Splizzbots n Scat-a-lites Jump across the floating rocks and note the robot thingy to the right, hovering over a rock. That's a splizzbot. Maintain a zap attack and it will carry the rock over to a switch, revealing a switch. Watch out for the mines here, there are many, and it's not worth using the mouse tail whip to detonate them. From the first splizzbot, you should be able to get up to the next ledge and move the second bot, revealing a platform in the sludge. Activate the switch to reveal a Gomer. Hop the lasers over to the other mined platforms, and jump to the last bot. It will reveal the blue switch, and a piece of Terra. The blue switch reveals a scrap. You can find your first vial dispenser here, which only refills empty hearts. You should have 75 isotopes, 6 DNA and 3 scraps before squeaking into the Machine Room. On this path, you should beware the not-so-solid platforms. Pay close attention to your shadow so you know where you're landing. Disarm the mouse traps with your tail whip so you don't have to worry about them. 3 Cage the Gomer The first target you come to raises a set of platforms for 18 seconds, which is plenty of time to get across. The second target works for only 7 seconds, but if you stay cool, you can do it fine. While you're up here, spit the gomer at the box. Then take it down to the blue pressure plate, and cage the gomer. Grab the Terra and carry on. Watch for falling BUGZ. 4 Bust the Generator It is not an easy task to engulf these DOAs, so don't try it. Use the 3 blue plates to move around the sludge. When you hit the target, a few notable things happen. First you get Terra. Then you'll experience many annoying rumbles. Then you get a Genitor part. Then the DOAs are sent after you. As long as you keep moving and don't fall into a pit, you should be fine. You should now have 156 isotopes, 6 DNA and 6 scraps. The canyon is likely to cause you much dismay when gathering items. Jump when the target rock is finished going up, so it'll move down while you move toward it. As for opening the blue boxes near the end, I recommend using the higher of the two Gomers, then hovering to the most convenient rock. You're likely to take a point of damage from the explosions. This canyon should leave you with 198 isotopes in total. *Lagoon Interior* This part sucks. Switches here will not stay active when you die, except for the less annoying ones like laser beams. Deactivating the first 2 sludge cannons is just a zap switch, but the next four involve a blue switch placed behind. 5 Shoot the Gap The blue switch next to the sign pointing to the laser shut-off activates the geyser rock you need to stand on to activate it. Climb up here and flip the switch to turn off the lasers. Now, man the turret and take out those aerial mines. If you die, you'll have to do this again. Hop over to one side of the gap and get a good look at the landing zone. If you press forward on the whole upward shot, you'll notice that the isotopes and Terra are not in a very direct path. Try going straight up after two or three seconds, and control your descent with a bit of hovering. You can only activate the hover once while in the air, so be careful how you do this. 6 Jam the Water Wheel After deactivating the pool lasers, jump in and swim around as the Docfish. Here you get your first look at the Tarfish. There are 3 targets down here you need to activate to deactivate the water wheel lasers. Take out the mines from a good distance, since their blast radius is larger than you might think. *Lagoon Ending* 7 Chamber Compression Capture and destroy the fauna first, then approach the terminal at the bottom of the pool. There's no fixed time limit, but if you take too long to hit a target you will have to start again from the terminal. You should get reasonably close before firing, because firing slows you down. Now grab the Terra from the pipe there. Before moving on, you should have 272 isotopes, 26 DNA and all scraps from this area. The following area is a good place to exercise caution. Sharp objects, falling pipes, and SOBs are the reasons. There's plenty of health here, so stock up if you need to. You should have all items from the Lagoon before you exit this cave. 2-3.2 The Oil Rig ----------------- 300 isotopes, 5 DNA, Klock Em scraps (if you haven't gotten them) *Rig Entrance* 1 Release the Pressure The waters here are divided by two walls, each intersecting with two pipes near the surface. You're going to need to release a Gomer, quickly grab it, and activate the switch below. I recommend destroying as many enemies as you can in the tank you're attempting before releasing the Gomer to make it easier on your health metre. After activating the third switch, charge at the Terra and go for the platform nearby. 2 Crane Box The right side of this area brings you to a frozen pipe which you can follow to the other end of the area. On the other side, you go back on an extremely hot pipe, ending with a mouse hole. Quickly dispose of the BUGZ, and hop through the pipe. Beware of the sinking platforms, and the rising lava in various parts. Now for the fun part. Climb the moving gears and platforms with some slick jumping skills. Remember that Dr. Muto doesn't turn so well in mid-air, so face the direction you're moving to avoid slip-ups. Remember not to jump in the water as a mouse, since your floaties don't fit. Nab the Terra and get on the platform. 3 Up There Right behind the entrance to this area is a series of broken ladders. Work your way up for a piece of Terra, then slide down to the far side of the area. Before moving on, you should have 135 isotopes and all of the DNA. Aren't pools of lethal liquids fun? Combine it with low-friction, rotating platforms and the fun never ends! CAREFULLY manoeuver these platforms so that you have a running jump when the platforms are closest. You should end up with 150 isotopes. *Rig Interior* 5 Sneaky Snatcher This one is available as soon as you can enter the drill area, and is quite sneaky. First, you must flip 3 switches. 01 is on the far right corner from the entrance, below the entrance to the Hydro Station. 02 is at the end of the platform challenge near 01, and is located on a pipe. 03 is right past that, clearly visible from 02. Use the Rocket Boots to jump over the barrier to the entrance and traverse the ledges on the left wall, leading to the newly accessible area. Watch out for the swarm of BUGZ that appear once you set foot inside. Try grabbing the invincibility gadget from the outer area, then coming back. The switch in here reveals your Terra at the end of that platform challenge you used earlier, but now you have a timer! If you're having trouble try standing on the edge of the fire pipe, and pay attention to the sliding platforms. Time your jumps accordingly, and the Terra is yours! 6 Remote Control Getting to this one is a not-so obvious task. One of the laser doorways has a Gomer very close on the other side. If you grab this Gomer and toss it at the switch inside, you shut of those lasers. Destroy everything in this room and hit the mouse switch to open the turret control room. You have 30 seconds to hit 8 targets in order of pairs, and you don't even have to worry about the DOAs. One more piece of Terra. That's all you can do for now. Go through the Hydro Station and Water Works, then come back. 7 Water to Wine This is actually done by completing the Hydro Station and Water Works areas, causing the goo to drain and be replaced by water. The Terra is on one of the floating debris. 4 Overwork the Drill Before you are able to do this mission, you can get up to 240 isotopes - 290 if you include the 2 available exits. Swim as low as possible in the pool to avoid the spikes. Swim around the drill looking for open targets, and shoot them. After doing this enough times, the drill reaches maximum drive and more Terra appears. *Rig Ending* One piece of Genitor, and you're set for Carla. 2-3.3 Hydro Station ------------------- <300 isotopes, 42 DNA Please refer to FAQ section regarding lost isotopes To get here, take the gomer near the Rig Interior transloader around to the nearest blue switch. You know it's the right door if you find rope nets beyond. Many people have had trouble with this particular set of rope nets. It's all about timing. You need to press the jump button as his feet reach their highest point, before they start moving down. This should get you the farthest distance, but if not it should only take a bit of tweaking. Pressing the jump button too late makes you fall straight down, so don't do that. Rotate the camera so you can see his feet. *Hydro Entrance* 1 Busted Nutz First things first; kill as many enemies as you can. Then you can take your time aiming at the spinning targets. 3 hits will release the grate to an undisclosed location. Nab the Terra and go forth CAREFULLY. 2 Pop the Caps This is not made any easier by the turrets firing guided torpedos. You can destroy them, but it's not easy. It will relieve the pressure here though. Shoot the boxes on top of the pipes to unplug them. The green stuff does not harm you here. Grab the Terra, gather the numerous vials, and move on through the green-lit pipe. By the way, there's a breakable wall in there. *Hydro Interior* 5 Memory Like a Fish Another simple task. Shoot three screens of the same image in a row to release a lock. Their colours include yellow, green, and blue. From the place you enter, going clockwise, the order is as follows: y g y g b y b g b You should have 77 isotopes and 12 DNA by now. 3 Secret Caves The caves can be quite confusing if you don't pay attention. I suppose I'm going to have to drawn up a map of this area sometime. To get this piece of Terra, I'll make it as simple as possible. Get to the second pump room, and go down the path that doesn't involve breaking open a wall. There will be a cracked ceiling. Go through there to get the Terra. You should have 125+ isotopes by the time you get to the subs. 4 Damn Subs The thing that will save your life here is the Vial Dispenser. As discovered in the Lagoon, these only fill empty hearts that you've already earned. Instead of letting yourself die, beach yourself on this platform and regain some health. You need to hit 2 targets on each sub - some subs are easier than others, and they have many sharp points to make it harder. Not only that, but the usual crowd of miscreants have a knack of getting in the way. Take them out as you see fit. Grab the Terra and clean up for 10 more isotopes and 14 DNA. Be careful of these goo rollers. There's always a pair on the left side that makes a pancake out of you if you're not careful. Beyond is the whirlpool. *Hydro Ending* Hang out near the surface to get your bearings on targets and enemies. If you have all the Chark and Tarfish DNA up to here, you can unlock the Rat and Mech Gorilla here, too. Take the Gomers from the whirlpool and toss them at the three switches in this area to reveal a Genitor piece. 7 Up for Air Here you will perfect your first-person missile-guiding skills. To hit the boxes on the upper left, aim to the left of the monkey bars and slowly curve to the right. You can hit two of the back boxes from that trajectory as well. The back left box will require you to go under the right dish and curve up and left. The last boxes can be hit coming from the left as well. 6 Damn Dirty Ape Now jump on the springboard and morph into an ape. Before moving onto the second grate, you should have all the DNA. Some spinning grids have acid gas pouring on one side, so don't linger on the outside. Hit the switch and move on. When you come to a crossroad, go right. Follow the path to the Terra, and hit the switch. Now take the left path to the Hydro Entrance. You "should" have everything from this area now, but circumstances may prove otherwise. Please refer to the FAQ section at the end of this file for more information. 2-3.4 Water Works ----------------- 300 isotopes, 3 DNA To get here, take the same gomer used to open the Hydro Station door further around the drill rig to another door. 4 Chain Lightning As you start on your way from the central Rig area, you're flung up a shaft by massive winds. Nearby, you should find a Gomer. Use it to activate the switch up the ramp. Doing so reveals a new gomer and another switch farther along the path. If you go to the trouble of bringing a Gomer to each of the switches on the way to the Water Works, you are rewarded with this piece of Terra. The last gomer requires that you catch it with the Splizz at the bottom of the shaft. 1 Turn It Up Take the lift down and hop over to the transloader. Make your way to the far side of the room. Zap the three dial things and get a piece of Terra. Yay. Without diving, you should be able to get 56 isotopes. 2 Juice the Goo Rods Notice the goo balls flowing through the water? What you're about to do involves increasing the number of balls that come out. You have one Gomer at the far end of the danger zone, and six blue switches at the other end. Activate all six without getting hit, and I'll give you a cookie. Well, at least you get some Terra as well. Check the safe zone in behind for some isotopes and 3 Tarfish. Don't forget the blue boxes. 3 Cut the Power Back at the start, there is some webbing on the floor and wall near the lift. Climb up there and through the hole. Climb up the tall structure and sling from one to another. Use first-person mode to spit eggs at the glass windows on the sides of this crevasse. Break each one, then go down to the broken rail road for the piece of Terra. You'll need to backtrack on the ceiling to get all the isotopes though. Continue on to the end of the webbing. *Works Interior* This area is just annoying. You need to hop from the moving platforms as an ape in such a way that the next platform is closer to the other side. Get to the end and play in the box maze. Chris Cooper contributes the following tip: "In the Works Interior section, you can "Butt Bounce" with the Ape to hop up into the Maze section. It saves a lot of time and frustration in hopping through the moving platforms." I wish I tried that... 5 Where the ---- am I! Simply navigate the mazes to find a target at the end of each. Once activated, the "no access" towers becomes climbable. Do so and claim the Terra. 6 Blind the Overseer This also takes place in the maze, but should not be done at the same time as the previous mission. Go through the maze and you will see wall braces with web on them. Use those to get close to the cameras and lay egg bombs on them. When you're done, a piece of Terra appears near the end of the area. 7 Titanic Towers Climb the tower with the Terra piece and you will notice a ladder for Muto to climb. From here, you will need to land on the centre of each tower in a specific order. You have no choice but to start with the green towers, which is simple enough. After that, you must move on to another colour or start again. I recommend the blue, then red towers. The Terra appears on a balcony near the end. *Works Ending* Before going past the transloader, you should have 254 isotopes. The rest are obtained on the iced goo slide. I suggest avoiding double jumps, as they can mess up your momentum, but there will be some isotopes that require a double jump to catch. When those come up, jump early, since you might not be able to slow down as much as you think. 2-3.5 Carla Squid Kisser MacPhearson ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Here's the rundown: Before you can enter the door in the central Rig, you must complete 3 tasks - shut down a huge whirlpool in the Hydro Station, maximize the goo drain at the Water Works, and burn out the drill in the Rig. These tasks are rewarded with the 4th and 7th Terra for the Rig. With that done, the door on the drill rig is unlocked and your enemy awaits. This is not going to be easy, especially after you die. First, you need to shoot the rear target, then to hurt her, you need to hit her as she spins out of control. This may seem tough at first, but if you land a spin attack on Carla, you'll do 3 points of damage. Your main worry is probably going to be the piranhabots, as they aren't temporary obstacles like the other mines, claws, and torpedoes she sends after you. The best way to take care of them is to circle one of the generators and they'll group together. Then, unleash a spin attack to tear them apart, and continue your squid-fishing. 2-4 Flotos *--------------* |Terra: 28 | |Isotopes: 1600| |DNA: 60 | |Genitor: 5 | *--------------* DOAs are now faster and more annoying. Longer sight range and faster reloading makes them your first target. It doesn't help that the only noise they make is a constant buzzing. Airbags are the beaked bat-wing creatures. They aren't very aggressive, until you sample their DNA. Peliqui are quite aggressive. Be careful around them, and dispose of them when you can. SOBs are one hit tougher, their long-range attack is bigger, they float, wield a chainsaw, and wear make-up. How scary can you get? Boars are the floating equivalent of bulldogs, but they take 2 hits to destroy. 2-4.1 The Sphere ---------------- 400 isotopes, 23 DNA 1 Satellite 1 You'll get to a point with some green jump pads and a Gomer in the middle. There is a switch past two sets of moving platforms you need a Gomer for. Don't use this Gomer. There's one past this one that you can get much easier. Activating that switch will reveal a closer Gomer. Two switches near here raise a series of platforms. Raise the ones going up, quickly grab the close Gomer and take it up those steps and deactivate the Satellite. Yay, Terra. Think that was hard? This was only the first of many. 2 Satellite 2 When you come across platforms sliding back and forth, there's a switch that gives you an alternative route. Go up here and you should find a gomer and the second satellite. 3 Satellite 3 Now you just have to get to the end of the outside area. More moving platforms are in your way, and there's no easy way around them. Just know that there's enough DNA outside to complete the Teradoctyl formula. If you get it by now, use the rings to practice flying. *Sphere Inside* 4 No Mo Flow Yo 4 faucets need to turn off. This is not hard as long as you keep the DOAs down. Turn off two on the near side, then hop on the platforms to the other side. Invincibility makes this easy. Continue out the door. This spot has an interesting blue box challenge. Fly over to the Gomer above the door, and capture it as you fall. Take it to the blue box and voila. Make it to the top of the sphere for the Genitor piece. Don't forget to reverse the goomidifyer. 5 Bust the Bubbler Carefully make your way to the bottom and shoot the targets under water for some easy Terra. *Sphere Ending* 6 Ring Wrangled Either fly up outside, or climb up inside to get to the very top. Use the terminal to get AL's challenge, and accept. This takes some crazy reflexes to get it on the first try, since most of the rings appear just as you finish a set. If you miss one, you will be sent back to the start. Not all of the rings are set vertically, so prepare for some steep dives. Grab the Terra and face left. 7 Kamikazee If you didn't know, this term refers to one who sacrifices themselves to destroy a target. Since the particle accelerator tunnel makes you invincible, this isn't very accurate. Ram all of the mines in the tunnel by aiming just ahead of them and curving to the next as you float into a target. If you miss one, go through the hoop at the end. Since I don't know how to get back to the Sphere, I recommend finishing this first. 2-4.2 The Cube -------------- 400 isotopes, 15 DNA *Cube Entrance* I suggest taking a walk around the block. This makes it easier to get the isotopes and DNA. By the way, you get more satellites to deactivate. 1 Spinning Tops The front wall displays 5 round targets. Hit each one in 20 seconds to deactivate a satellite. I suggest approaching from the left for 3 and back for 2 more. 2 Broken Caps Avoid the fire while trying to hit the targets, protected by rotating shields. You can tell which have been hit by the glowing lights. Only go over and under the flame if you hope to dodge it. 3 Bespin Reactor Emitters Remember Star Wars? Anyway, under the cube are some more rockets and rotating targets. Once a set of targets is hit it will move out of the way. 4 Damn Lasers This wall has a few lasers about, some hidden by smoke. The targets slide in and out of the wall, so be quick if you need to turn around. R2 can help with that. The button, not the android... 5 Sick Balls Chopper Destroy the SOBs around the cube. Use homing spit balls to hit, but remember the slower turning. If you're having trouble finding them, go clockwise around the cube. The Terra appears near the entrance transloader. *Cube Interior* 6 Mission: Highly Unlikely Aside from the series of life-threatening jumps, you need to watch for webbing leading to red switches. 4 of these are on the main path, but the fifth hides under a ledge where the platforms move diagonally. When that's done, slowly float to the bottom and grab the Terra. I frequently overlook the web in the barrel hall. *Cube Ending* 7 Dead Man Jumping Notice the pillar of gun turrets. Each corner is a safe spot, but there are a few enemies that make an exception. Use the barrels to dispatch SOBs instantly. Use the pocket rocket to get rid of some turrets too. 2-4.3 The Furnaces ------------------- 400 isotopes, 7 DNA That last part was tough, huh? Suck it up, there's more where that came from. 1 Chop Em Down This has caused much grief from many people, due to conflicting beliefs, and no solid proof. I would guess that most people take out the SOBs as they go along, not bothering to count, but there is probably about 20 in the whole area. You Do Not have to kill them all in one go. I know, because I never tried that. You Do have to kill 5 temporary SOBs near the end of the area. I don't know if you have to kill them all at once, but you definitely have to kill them all. *Furnace Entrance* The first challenge of the furnaces is a series of platforms among a series of fire balls. The switch reveals the first one, which you have a limited time to land on. Once you land, the next platform is revealed. Pay attention to the fireballs so you know how much time you have before they pop up. Land on the last one to give you access to the bottom platform. Beyond a narrow walkway with more fireballs is a bunch of deactivated springs. This is remedied by bringing the gomer from above the walkway, by jumping to the side platform and climbing the boxes, then going back to the spring room. Once activated, jump onto the scaffolding to get to the next spring and so on, until you get to the big room of evil spinning platforms. 3 Light it Up You'll probably notice a series of switches on the far side of this area, sporting 4 lights above them. You want to turn them all on. Compared to other on/off puzzles in other games this is pathetically easy. Activate both blue switches, then go grab the Terra. EVIL PLATFORMS. There is little I can do but offer general advice. Jump only when you're ready to, plan to jump where the next platform is going, not where it is. Double jumping is most effective when you jump twice quickly, instead of jumping in flight. Super Boots give you more height, but are harder to control. The only thing you don't have to do again when you die is grab isotopes. Once that is firmly behind you, activate the transloader and SAVE. *Furnace Interior* Things aren't getting easier by far. The platforms here are too far apart, so you need to make your own. Use the mouse morph to enter the hole beside the transloader. On the way up to the rafters, use the metal supports to dodge the white sparks, but be careful of the broken ones. Once again, death only makes this harder. When you reach the top, you will be locked in. 4 Gaseous Anomaly Don't worry, you haven't missed any Terra yet. If you look on your right, you should see a large box behind a "Girder Drop" sign. On top of this is a piece of Terra. Move along until you get a chance to get to the right wall, where a series of springs are activated by targets. Use these to get on the box and grab the Terra. Activate the target up here while you're at it. 6 Cut the Chains For his next trick, Dr. Muto will juggle 5 girders with his tail! Well, not quite. Look at one of the terminals. Note the 5 green circles around the middle. Near each of these is a blue switch, which needs to be activated. Use the terminal to plan your route, and keep track of which ones you've dropped. All 5 can be activated before passing through a gate you open with a switch here. The Terra you seek is at the bottom, across the girder platforms you just created, but that's tomorrow's news right now. The frozen pipes beyond are not made easier by the leaky gas, pistons, or pumps across them. Also, watch out for falling BUGZ, they aren't really programmed to walk on ice either. 5 Boxed In As you approach the end of this area, you will come across swinging platforms covered with green Christmas lights. Some of these lead to an isolated target, which opens the box from which you got the "Gaseous Anomaly" Terra from. Hit that, and continue on. You'll finally come across the target that opens the exit, but don't leave yet. Go back along the springs and launch yourself into the now open box, and grab the Terra. Now, make your way to the ground floor. Now you can grab that Terra you earned juggling girders and gomers. 2 Stay Off the Carpet To the left, on the side of a ramp, is a target surrounded by webbing. On the other side of the room, is a door surrounded by webbing. On the walls of the room are poles, covered with webbing. You need to activate the switch, and use the webbed poles to reach the door before the time runs out and the door closes, without leaving the webbing. I found that it was possible to sling to the next pole on the same wall as the one I was on if I moved as close as possible to that pole, but this could also be a matter of skill. The key is not losing your orientation. And now, the last leg of the first mission. Near the previous piece of Terra are 2 gadgets and a switch. The switch reveals the platform you need to get to the next area, as well as 5 temporary SOBs. All of these disappear when time runs out. So, in order to kill them all in time, you're going to need to kill them fast, and to do that you use the explosive barrels. The Invincibility gadget will make this a lot easier as well. Once you've nailed all 5, move on to the next platform, and kill off the SOBs there. By now, there should be a piece of Terra on this platform. If not, go hunt SOBs. Let me know how it goes. *Furnace Ending* 7 Control Freak This is complicated, but the skilled and attentive will prevail. Your top priority is to get to the room's exit. The main rules are that the green ones go back and forth, and the blue ones move one way at a time. The platform you stand on determines what platforms move what direction. For now, pay close attention to my directions: stand on the green platform to the right stand on the next blue platform when the moving green one is close stand on the green platform that was moving first stand on the green platform that was just moving when it is close stand on the blue platform This next part requires fast reactions, so read ahead jump on the next blue platform, stand on the green platform until two blue platforms lead directly to the exit jump straight to the exit. If you let the green platform get too far, it won't come back. But, you could always take the long way, since it could actually be easier if you don't want to risk it. Once on the other side, grab the Terra, destroy the door, but don't leave yet. Grab the super boots and make your way to the other corner of the room. The path you take is pretty much up to you, but remember to look on top of and behind things. Make your way back to the entrance and take the emergency shuttle to Jupiter City. 2-4.4 Jupiter City ------------------ 400 isotopes, 15 DNA 1 Catch the Thief The droid with this piece of Terra hangs out in the tallest towers of this area and the only way up is by rope net. The first one is right beside the transloader, so get on up there and hit the target. The droid isn't ready to give up though, so watch for the next tower, marked with a green light. If you climb any of the other towers, it will not appear. Also note that some towers contain various items, so watch for those too. 2 De-Magneto-Izing In order to leave the facility, you're going to have to destroy some magnetic generators holding the door closed. To find these, as well as the rope net towers, you will have to traverse the sides of the ozo-wrecko facility. Watch out for fire spouts and DOAs. You'll come upon the first generator pretty soon. A switch nearby activates the crane to the other side. As you come to the next tower, you'll notice an area off to the left. What you might not notice is the Super Boots just below the edge here. Get over to that area to reach the third tower. Now, on the other side, ignore the ledge below on the left, that leads to the Fifth tower. On the far side is a ladder leading to a switch, which activates some platforms leading to another switch. I forgot what that switch does though. Remember to press jump twice quickly, so you get the most height. Next to the ladder, to the right, is a small corner platform. Use this to move onward. Instead of trying to cross the gap beside the rope net, turn around and climb some platforms to some Super Boots. 3 Hidden Gem From those super boots, you can jump up to a blue target near that switch from before. From there, jump onto the roof. Instead of going to the next blue target, I find it easier to move towards the blue light and climb the rooftops that way. You'll find a gomer next to a burning tower. Fire the gomer in the direction of the tower, and it should cause it to topple over. If you think it's too hard to get there by jumping, you can complete the first mission then use the last tower to jump to the burning tower. Continue onward to find more fire spouts. Keep going and you'll find the second generator. Go through the unlocked door to claim the Terra. The droid will give you its Terra as soon as you climb the fifth tower. Then, find the broken tower piece and climb it. The rope net there will lead to another piece of Terra. *Jupiter City Interior* Note that a DOA is right outside this transloader so run as soon as you can when transporting here. 7 Where the ---- is it? At the receiving end of the conveyor belt, find the pair of blue boxes and open them. Behind them is a mouse hole. Go through to find Rocket boots and a piece of Terra. Through the door is a series of rope nets leading to the docks. Some of the blue switches here are too far from a gomer to activate easily, so you'll need to use first-person mode to shoot them towards the switch before it's too late. There is also a target switch below the crossroad platform, so look for a rope net on the side. Exit the huge door to get to the docks *Jupiter City Ending* There's quite a few things to do here, although you could just open the gate and leave. 4 docking bays house magnetic generators, and the fifth is inside the half closed alcove on the right. Once the gate is unlocked, the genitor part is revealed. 4 Hard Target Notice the hovering transport ships. Each one has rope nets underneath, but only one can be reached by the ape right now. Find the conveyor directly under one of the ships, morph, and jump on. It'll take you to another rope net. Follow these nets to another ship, until you are taken into the secret docking bay. Now, you have to use the gomers to hit the green targets in this area. You can hang from the rope net here and fire like that, but you have to aim a great distance ahead and hope for the best. I'm not sure if using the TeraDocTyl would work, but you can give it a try. 5 BurnCo Destruction There are 2 half-closed alcoves on the cliff face. The left one leads down a very hot cavern, ending with a very hot engine thing. Since what you're about to do makes it even hotter, find the 5 green isotopes nearby first. Now, destroy the boxes to release more fire into the cave, and grab some Terra. 6 Safe Route Now to fight off the angry swarm of turrets. Luckily, these turrets don't use homing missiles. Destroy them all to reveal more Terra. Now, all that's left is isotopes, fauna, and Steele. 2-4.5 Steele... uh, just Steele ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The large gate of the docks leads to another particle accelerator, but this time you have health vials instead of mines to run into. Right after that, it's more turrets. Hit the targets in the middle to reveal more turrets and bust those up. Then, you automatically man the turret at the end while Steele floats around the window like a wounded fly with rocket launchers. When he fires, shoot the missiles before they get close. Sometimes he pops a target over his head, which you need to hit to drop his shield. Then, hit him again to do some damage. I don't know of any way to do more than one point at a time so buckle in for a not-quite-short shooting session. 2-5 Mazon *-------------* |Terra: 7 | |Isotopes: 450| |DNA: 13 | |Genitor: 2 | *-------------* Bulldogs are now replaced by ----ing wood chippers! They don't stun as easily now, but the bonus there is that you can hit them again sooner. Be very careful. SOBs are now complete robots, but aren't much different from everything else you've fought. DOAs look like they enjoy their work, but are as lethal as ever. Just don't forget that you can't blast them. The fauna here are only mentioned in your formulas on a piece of ripped paper, and I can't make out what they're called. They're still aggressive, so watch what you're doing when crawling around here. 2-5.1 The Workshop ------------------ 450 isotopes, 13 DNA *Burnital HQ Entrance* The first thing you come across here is either an isotope or a sentient wood chipper. I recommend killing them before they do the same to you. You need to get a keycard before you can move on to Burnital, but there's plenty more to do here as well. 2 Hunter, Hunted. There's a big, inactive device near the entrance. You need to find 5 switches, "hidden" by spider webs, in the workshop to make it spit out some Terra. The first two can be found near the entrance, one underneath the entrance and the other above the crevasse. You can reach the webbing over the crevasse from the entrance, but you have to skip the isotopes in that crusher thing to get down. The only advice for the crusher is one word; TIMING. You'll need lots of it. To get into the workshop, take a gomer up to the blue target, stand there and aim at the now visible blue switch. You should have about 93 isotopes and 2 DNA once you go through the door. Ride the rail up past the arcing pink death rays, and see the webbing to the third switch. Sling up there and activate the switch, then go back down to the crushers. 1 Guide Your Missile Grab the pocket rocket and take aim at the fan. 3 targets are back there, and each has its own difficulty. Inside, 2 more fans are in your way, but only have 2 paddles, so your main focus should be getting a good curving trajectory. Frustration may be your worst enemy here. Once that's done, grab the Terra and move on. Here we have 2 doors opened by gomer switches. The trouble is, the cart can be so slow that the door closes before you get there. To remedy that, grab the gomer, but wait until you're close to the switch and fire the gomer at the switch in first-person. Ride the cart all the way to the end. Don't die, because the next transloader is coming up. 4 40 hundred gillion billion watts See the big pink electrical funnel. See 3 dials in front of it. Use the Splizz to move the dials up and down, and stop when the pink stuff is highest. Moving the dial up does not always raise the power though. Once it reaches full capacity, the big door opens and Terra is revealed. Grab it, and Save. *Burnital HQ Interior* More webbing can be seen beside the door, so climb up there for switch #4. Another 2 DNA should be there as well. Don't move on just yet, because the walkway beside the window leads to some isotopes, as well as the previous areas. Ride the lift to find a vial dispenser too. Before stepping onto the triplet carts, you should have 126 isotopes and 4 DNA. The middle crates move the fastest, so you're going to have to watch the outer crates carefully to see what jumps are safest. Don't try going between crates coming at you, because you will be squashed. I usually hop between the close cart and the middle, but sometimes you need to go to the far cart, so use your judgement. Be careful of trap doors in this area. For the first part of this area, follow the arrows until you get to the second lift. Drop down to get some isotopes, then go back. When you go for the isotopes next to the furnace, you want to spend as little time as possible there, so jump the railings for a quick grab. You should see a ladder nearby the switch that reveals the invisibility gadget. Up here you'll find a truck-load of isotopes, but the catch is you can't touch the spikes. There's also a ton of vials at the end, so it's all or nothing. Before you move on, you should have 214 isotopes. 3 The Running Man You're no Arnold Schwarzenegger, so grab the invisibility gadget. You need to run through the gomer molds without getting squashed, burned, or blasted, so more timing is required. Once you're through, I highly recommend taking the lift down to the door below, so you spawn there instead of in front of the gomer molds again. Go back to the line of trap doors and grab the Terra. See the crates moving towards the platform you're on? To get all the isotopes, you're going to have to jump on them, up to the platform they're coming from. This is not easy, and will probably take several attempts. Some of the crates will be close enough for you to jump onto the next crate on the same track. Don't try for the isotopes over the crates until you're on your way back. You should have 289 isotopes now. Now, grab the keycard and you'll appear on top of the big electric thing. To the right, you will find the crates again, but they lead to yet another platform. Get over there, then get back, and beyond the crates is some webbing. Climb up for the last of 5 switches and 2 more DNA. Grab the genitor part, and as you leave the slide you should have 319 isotopes and 6 DNA. Grab the Terra, and move on to the lair. 7 Can't Get it Up? The elevator isn't the only thing in this room. A ladder and a spring lead to a blue box. The elevator shaft is the home of 7 more spider things, and they appear as you move up. The left side of the dial raises the platform, and the right side lowers it. *Burnital HQ Ending* 5 Factory Racing If you find that you are not able to select the TeraDocTyl, you will have to return to the lab then come back. Morph into the flying morph and find the second terminal in the lair. Have AL challenge you to another ring race, and take off. The only thing I can warn you of in advance is after the first 10 rings, you have to go straight down. There are a couple places where you have to fly through a really small space to continue, but it is still quite possible. You are teleported to the start if you screw up. 6 Close Encounters For the last (second last) piece of Terra, and the exit, you must use the gomers to activate the coloured skulls in a specific order. A switch near the ring race terminal reveals the solution, but you can throw a gomer into a skull to see the answer as well. You can prance around on the springs if you like, but flying is a good alternative. Then, collect all the isotopes in the area, and go forth to your final challenge. 2-5.2 Burnital ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The spider morph is the only form you can use in this battle, so stay off the ground! Crawling on the wall is your only advantage. If you can, while you're still on the entry way, grab onto the web to the left, so you don't have to waste any time on the floor. His main attack while you're on the ceiling is a barrage of guided missiles. They're pretty slow, but you'll still need to use the dome in the middle to block them. Once he does that, he takes a bit of a breather. In order to damage Smokey here, you have to latch onto the switch on his back, then lay an egg at his feet. The target is only open when he's taking a puff. When you do land a hit, he will send a DOA after you. Make it your first priority to get off the ground and devour it as soon as it appears. He'll either resume his attack, or go off to recharge his health. If he recharges, you get another opportunity to attack, so don't waste it or your last one will have been useless. When he's getting low on health, he sends 2 DOAs after you , so watch out for that. One last note; when you hit the target on his back, you ALWAYS land behind him, so make sure his back is facing enough ground for you to land. After the last hit, his bot goes haywire. 2-6 The End ----------- Now, you have all the Genitor 9000 parts, all the Terra, and well over 80% of the isotopes in the solar system. There's only one thing left to do... Mosey over to your hand-made Genitor 9000 system, and give it a zap to kick-start the device. If you are a sensible player who only got what he needed to pass the game, then the device successfully creates a large rock. Congratulations. Now how about whipping up some ecosystem, huh? If you obsessively collected every isotope your eyes came across, then the device successfully re-creates Planet Midway as it was, complete with beach babes wearing tight-fitting Dr. Muto merchandise. I guess all those years of maniacal laughter was worth it after all. \^v^v^v^v^v^/ < 3 - Lists > /v^v^v^v^v^v\ Here is a few lists I made describing where you need to go to find what you need. The locations described are best met in the order listed, with the exception of some Terra, which is best understood with the Walkthrough. 3-1 Terra --------- **Lab** 1 Refuel the Reactor grab 15 isotopes morph into mouse enter teleporter grab the Terra. 2 Scope a Chip traverse mouse hole grab the fucking chip approach the computers grab the Terra. The Kitchen Sink beside the specimen refrigerator, near the open door ***Totltec **The Junkyard** 1 DNA Extraction zap and destroy 5 roaches avoid or destroy 2 bulldog SOBs grab the Terra. 2 Pumped Up morph into mouse enter Pump Station Intake #1 traverse the pump station grab the key card grab the Terra. 3 Security Booth complete "Pumped Up" escape the pump station go to security station at entrance grab the Terra. 4 Abra Cadabra reach the Junkyard Ending transloader activate 3 switches nearby morph into mouse enter area revealed by wrecking ball grab the Terra. 5 Overloaded climb ramps on side of sluice activate switch to access blue switch activate blue switch grab the Terra. 6 Shaft Shot grab Rocket Boots jump grab the Terra. 7 Smoke the Rings complete TeraDocTyl formula morph into TeraDocTyl use terminal at the end of the sluice area fly through all the rings grab the Terra. Keg at the end of the junkyard **The Vats** 1 Open Sesame activate blue switch near entrance activate blue switch behind pillars activate blue switch up the gas pipes activate blue switch beside container near transloader activate switch up the gas pipes activate blue switch near cranes activate switch inside empty container activate switch on container below cranes grab the Terra. 2 Target Practice complete Pocket Rocket gadget use first-person mode to aim guide a rocket to each of 3 targets grab the Terra. 3 Circus Freak 1) face opposite side of goo stream 2) line up with a row of rings 3) step on to grate spring 4) as the spring releases, move towards opposite side jump and repeat as necessary grab the Terra. 4 Mine Sweeper toss gomer towards mines in empty goo lake grab the Terra. 5 Gomer Overload activate switch beside security booth take Gomer to blue target activate first blue switch activate second blue switch grab the Terra. 6 Blast Em! activate the turret destroy all DOAs grab the Terra. 7 Chaos and Carnage complete "Blast Em!" destroy all DOAs before they get to you grab the Terra. Dark Electron Fuse Box at the end of the vats **The Factory** 1 Chrome Dome complete the Doczilla formula hit a bunch of red targets move faster by walking on the dome's rim grab the Terra. 2 Ballerz complete the Super Baller gadget hold onto the trigger run straight for the platform grab the Terra. 3 Monkeying Around traverse the rope nets over the goo boilers grab the Terra. 4 Lighthouse of Horrors activate two targets activate the last target reach the lighthouse grab the Terra. 5 Powered Assault crawl up goomatron activate 3 small targets grab the Terra. 6 Blowing Off Steam man a turret shoot flashing light on goomatron shoot 4 boxes repeat twice grab the Terra. Titanium Coolant Pipe behind large exit door 7 Droppin Balls climb the walls avoid the balls grab the Terra. ***Aqeum **Lagoon** 1 Hidden Matter complete Spiny Docfish formula dive into the lagoon grab the Terra. 2 Splizzbots n Scat-a-lites power splizzbot with zap attack repeat repeat grab the Terra. 3 Cage the Gomer hit first switch, reach second hit second switch, reach gomer step on blue target, activate blue switch grab the Terra. 4 Bust the Generator reach the generator room activate the switch grab the Terra Free Flow Coupler released nearby in previous mission 5 Shoot the Gap use turrets to destroy mines use rocket boots grab the Terra. 6 Jam the Water Wheel activate switch near turret activate 3 switches in scum-covered river grab the Terra. 7 Chamber Compression approach terminal in upper lagoon hit 7 targets grab the Terra. **The Oil Rig** 1 Release the Pressure activate first switch activate first blue switch activate second switch activate second blue switch activate third switch activate third blue switch grab the Terra. 2 Crane Box cross the cold pipe cross the hot pipe enter the hot pipe climb the nifty thing at the end hit the switch grab the Terra. 3 Up There climb ladders behind entrance grab the Terra. 4 Overwork the Drill complete Water to Wine hit 6 switches quickly grab the Terra. 5 Sneaky Snatcher activate 3 switches fend off 5 BUGZ activate the switch prove your platforming skill grab the Terra. 6 Remote Control use gomer in break room through lasers activate blue switch activate switch behind microwave use turret to hit 8 targets in a row grab the Terra. 7 Water To Wine deactivate whirlpool in Hydro Station over-power goo rods in Water Works return to rig grab the Terra. Amodium Hydration Valve in the access tunnel to Carla's Hole **Hydro Station** 1 Busted Nutz hit 3 spinning targets release the rope net grab the Terra. 2 Pop the Caps shoot 6 red boxes grab the Terra. 3 Secret Caves reach pump station 2 go through natural tunnel look for crack on ceiling grab the Terra. 4 Damn Subs hit 2 targets on 4 subs release the rope net grab the Terra. 5 Memory Like a Fish hit 3 of one shape in a row repeat repeat release the rope net grab the Terra. 6 Damn Dirty Ape complete "Busted Nutz" complete "Damn Subs" complete "Memory Like a Fish" traverse the rope nets activate 3 switches grab the Terra. 7 Up for Air use rockets to blast boxes grab the Terra. Tri Plutonium Induction Funnel activate 3 blue switches at whirlpool **Water Works** 1 Turn It Up zap 3 dials for 5 seconds each grab the Terra. 2 Juice the Goo Rods grab the gomer activate a blue switch repeat 5 times grab the Terra. 3 Cut the Power blast 4 glass compression chambers grab the Terra. 4 Chain Lightning start at Oil Rig grab a gomer activate blue switch repeat several times grab the Terra. 5 Where the ---- am I! use ape to traverse boxes activate switch, and back-track traverse more boxes activate switch grab the Terra. 6 Blind the Overseer use Arachnidoc destroy 5 cameras grab the Terra. 7 Titanic towers complete "Where the ---- am I!" climb to the top of first green tower land on the next two green towers land on 3 blue towers land on 3 red towers grab the Terra. Neo Carbite Cams at the end of the ice slide ***Flotos **Sphere** 1 Satellite 1 get past first 2 chain sets activate blue switch beside satellite 1 grab the Terra. 2 Satellite 2 get above transloader activate blue switch beside satellite 2 grab the Terra. 3 Satellite 3 get to last platform activate blue switch beside satellite 3 grab the Terra. 4 No Mo Flow Yo activate 4 switches inside Sphere grab the Terra. Fusonic Sphere in the roof of the Sphere 5 Bust the Bubbler activate switch at roof hit 4 targets in water grab the Terra. 6 Ring Wrangled pass through rings in order on time grab the Terra. 7 Kamikazee enter accelerator tunnel hit all mines in one go grab the Terra. **The Cube** 1 Spinning Tops hit 6 targets in 20 seconds on front side grab the Terra. 2 Broken Caps hit 10 targets on right side grab the Terra. 3 Bespin Reactor Emitters hit 10 targets on bottom side grab the Terra. 4 Damn Lasers hit 10 targets on left side grab the Terra. 5 Sick Balls Chopper kill the SOBs jetting around the cube grab the Terra. 6 Mission: Highly Unlikely destroy 5 switches grab the Terra. 7 Dead Man Jumping grab the invisibility gadget hop onto the rising platforms grab the Terra. NOs Slushy Machine in the roof exit **The Furnaces** 1 Chop Em Down destroy all SOBs use barrels to destroy 5 temporary SOBs grab the Terra. 2 Stay Off the Carpet lay egg on switch swing across room webs grab the Terra. 3 Light it Up activate two blue switches grab the Terra. 4 Gaseous Anomaly use springs and targets in rafters grab the Terra. 5 Boxed In use swinging platforms with green lights activate target get back to springs grab the Terra. 6 Cut the Chains get into rafters activate 5 blue switches get down from rafters get the Terra. 7 Control Freak manipulate platforms grab the Terra. Super Frickin Unit Thingy it's around there somewhere... **Jupiter City** 1 Catch the Thief climb tower with green light hit switch repeat 4 times grab the Terra. 2 De-Magneto-Izing destroy 2 magnetic generators get to ground level grab the Terra. 3 Hidden Gem reach burning tower fire gomer towards tower follow tower wreck climb wreck grab the Terra. 4 Hard Target use transports as ape enter secret dock hit green targets 4 times with gomer grab the Terra. 5 BurnCo Destruction hit 5 boxes on machine thingy grab the Terra. 6 Safe Route destroy the turrets grab the Terra. 7 Where the ---- is it? behind blue boxes at receiving end of conveyor grab the Terra. Ionic Gas Particle Condenser destroy 5 magnetic generators ***Mazon **The Workshop** 1 Guide Your Missile reach pocket rocket fire into fan duct hit 3 targets grab the Terra. 2 Hunter, Hunted. activate target under first area activate target above first area activate target after first cart ride activate target near generator activate target beyond gomer molding 3 The Running Man grab the invisibility gadget run through gomer molding area grab the Terra. 4 40 hundred gillion billion watts use 3 dials to adjust power output watch big power thing to get max output grab the Terra. Lithium Nitrate Canister get to the key card 5 Factory Racing use a terminal nearby the ending transloader fly through all the rings in order grab the Terra. 6 Close Encounters memorize the color order of the skulls activate blue switches in that order grab the Terra. 7 Can't Get it Up? power the splizz platform in the lair grab the Terra. 3-2 Isotopes ------------- **Lab** 15 at start 45 in mouse hole 10 below reactor 12 in isotope box 4 upstairs near reactor 4 in main lab and outside 10 in TV; zap for 5 seconds ***Totltec **The Junkyard** 3 before first gate 3 on platforms leading to security booth 4 in roach area without using mouse morph 10 11 up to first piston 9 up to map terminal 6 up to piston pair 4 above piston pair 40 13 floating in secret area 3 boxed in secret area 2 on platform nearby 3 above 4th piston 6 by first launcher 1 behind second launcher 5 on platform from second launcher 1 on the ground 74 3 above 5th piston 2 above 6th piston 2 on terminal platform 2 above 7th piston 5 on high platform 3 in key room 91 6 in exit tunnel 6 close to goo drains 4 in fenced area near goo drains 4 on high platforms 111 7 on right platform 14 on bulldog shed platform 1 near gas wall 6 in garbage crushers 2 past garbage crushers 5 up ladder near transloader *Junkyard Interior* 146 3 up to blue box 5 in blue box 3 along goo stream 5 up to blue switch 7 from blue switch 169 6 on platforms 4 under platforms 15 in blue boxes revealed by blue switch 4 up to blue switch gate 5 in blue box 3 up to terminal 8 beyond terminal on platform 12 in lower sluice area 1 in secret area 227 8 on sluice ramps 5 in blue box 12 in splizz box 3 in rocket boost shaft 3 at top of ladder 1 past first stream 14 near ring race terminal (isotope box under barrel) 5 before platform ledge 5 on nearest conveyors 6 around central conveyors 6 in nearby blue boxes 5 up to genitor part **The Vats** 5 on the ground near beginning 5 in container near beginning 10 on platforms along left side 10 in blue crates 6 in goo pit debris 4 in transloader area 7 in fenced area near transloader 7 up gas pipes 5 in goo pit container 6 around container near transloader 5 in crane container 5 in guarded container 5 in high areas 12 in splizz crate 92 2 before rotating gears 7 in rotating gears 3 after rotating gears 21 floating over goo stream 3 on far side of stream 7 before trio of goo streams 9 floating over goo streams 1 on far side of goo streams 145 3 in front of goo lake 16 in drain area 20 in goo lake 15 in goo area 14 before step down on upper ledge 6 past step down 5 in a blue box 224 5 on upper platforms 12 from isotope box 4 on lower platforms 11 in blue boxes 15 from big red switches 15 in ice area 14 above ice area **The Factory** 6 on ramps to generator 4 on right side 5 above rocket boots 2 isotopes up to steam pipe 5 floating over security booth 5 on another security booth 6 close to ground near garbage piles 9 floating around garbage piles 15 in fenced area 11 up ramped platform 5 revealed by blue switch 73 10 in first warehouse section 10 in middle warehouse section 23 in last warehouse section 116 8 on the ground outside the warehouse 8 on switch 1 island 3 on switch 2 island 7 around lighthouse 40 suspended under rope nets 9 in exit area 191 29 in spider cave 220 3 on first section 1 on isolated area 2 on right section 2 around isolated turret 4 on back section 6 on sides of goomatron 5 on rear webbing 3 on platform 9 circling the ceiling 4 on web above isolated turret 2 on platform 4 on web above entrance 5 in blue box 270 5 on first wall 3 in hall 7 on second wall 6 in hall 9 on third wall ***Aqeum **Lagoon** 7 on water's surface under water: 1 on end of broken pipe 3 along curved pipe 5 not in crates 4 in crates 20 4 on floating rocks 1 beside rock switch 4 on platforms up to terminal 5 floating off high ledge 3 up to gomer rock 3 surrounding scrap box 7 on surrounding platforms 12 surrounding health dispenser 3 near blue switch 4 on the way to the mouse pipe 3 in the stream towards the waterfall 5 in blue box 75 5 in blue box 10 on platforms up to pipe 7 in and on pipe 3 up to first red switch 2 close to the oil 2 from first step set 1 from next step set 5 from blue box 1 from last step set 111 6 up to next pipe 15 from blue boxes 14 on top of pillars 1 in a box 5 on top of a gear gateway 2 over a rotating gear 2 beside Free Flow Coupler 156 9 on upper platforms 5 on high spout 10 in blue boxes 1 below entrance 1 next to low gomer 11 revealed by switch 5 next to exit 198 11 revealed by switch 5 in main area 11 in turret area 225 12 between rocket dispensers 2 to the right of water wheel 7 in blue boxes 18 on upper lagoon 8 in upper lagoon 28 in exit tunnel **The Oil Rig** 2 at entrance 18 in pool 1 3 in jet stream 11 in pool 2 4 in drain stream 20 in pool 3 16 at far end 13 on liquid nitrogen pipe 8 at other end 8 on hot pipe 103 13 in hot pipe 2 on second ladder 1 on 3rd 2 on 4th 2 on 6th 1 on 8th 1 on 9th 1 on 10th 1 in tower 8 on slide 3 in big pipe 138 8 in cold room 4 in next pipe 3 in first hallway 6 in blue boxes 9 in next hallway 4 in next hallway 5 in break room 5 in control room 9 down last hallway 5 in blue box 196 3 in blue boxes near transloader 7 close to the goo 5 around the transloader and exits 5 beside a leaking pipe 4 on the switch path 5 above switch 3 5 on a ledge near the rocket boots 10 towards the Sneaky Snatcher switch 240 25 towards Hydro Station 265 22 towards Water Works 287 3 ? 10 underwater 300 **Hydro Station** 4 over the water 3 inside pipes 5 in first lake 2 in access pipe 30 in gas vents 12 near gas vents 2 in access pipe 10 in secret stash 9 near memory puzzle 77 23 up to pump 2 22 up to exit 3 in secret cave <<16 lost in the walls>> 125 10 near subs 5 through goo rod area 1 near transloader 5 in whirlpool 35 around whirlpool 6 under spring 13 around plateau 200 5 up to first ape platform 30 up to second ape platform 15 to left before leaving broken net 23 on the right up to Terra 11 up to exit 284 **Water Works** 4 on first platform 21 up to last sliding platform 8 on top of spinning platforms 1 on pocket rocket platform 8 under spinning platforms 14 around turbine area 8 behind goo rods 10 in blue boxes 11 in front of goo rods 85 3 above entrance 18 on mined web 106 6 in compression units 21 on hanging bulbs 133 8 before the pits 6 before pit 2 9 before next pits 14 in next pits 5 up to transloader 175 11 on left side 12 on right side 198 54 on towers 252 2 above transloader 46 on ice slide 300 ***Flotos **The Sphere** 3 outside transloader 10 on curved platform 5 in crate 10 in blue boxes 12 in isotope box under entrance 3 on grating under entrance 10 over springboards near entrance 3 on next grating 5 in blue box 10 just before first chain set 5 over first set 10 over second set 15 just after second set 10 on concrete under satellite 1 5 hovering near concrete 3 leading to satellite 1 119 5 in blue box 8 up to transloader 15 over shifting set 1 across from satellite 2 7 up to U-turn set 1 10 over U-turn set 1 10 over platform over U-turn set 1 12 in isotope box over U-turn set 1 12 in isotope box between U-turn sets 3 past U-turn set 1 30 over U-turn set 2 10 over last spring set 1 on last platform 243 6 inside entrance 6 near exit 6 on left side 6 on right side 10 on faucets 12 under ramp inside sphere 5 leading to gomer 15 inside blue boxes 6 leading to centre 12 around centre 5 floating near top 12 in isotope box inside roof 12 in isotope box on roof 20 around roof 24 in isotope boxes around roof **The Cube** 10 near transloader 5 to the left 4 to the right 6 through left cannon field 10 outside door 6 through back cannon field 12 at back 6 through right cannon field 40 on front side 99 40 on right side 30 on back side 30 on left side 50 on bottom side 5 in blue box 254 5 in front hall 4 up ramp 10 over barrels 4 past barrels 15 over shifty platforms 3 up to more barrels 5 in blue box 300 10 over more barrels 4 past barrels 6 on diagonal platforms 10 over other platforms 6 past platforms 15 over even more barrels 3 past barrels 10 around fire spouts 364 12 in isotope box 5 in blue box 18 around roof 1 on platforms **The Furnaces** 6 up to transloader 5 over lava 10 in blue boxes 11 up to door in cave 5 in blue box 9 along fireball walkway 5 over fireball walkway 21 ove springs and walkways 9 around edges 81 13 on top ledges 16 on lower ledges 12 in isotope box 15 under isotope box 137 5 up to first platform 10 up to second platform 12 up to third platform 9 up to last platform 3 over transloader 176 10 over first cable 8 around pipes 12 up to rafters 206 10 up to first spring 11 up to Terra piece 4 10 near first girder 23 up to last girder 3 past girders 5 in blue box 16 up to diagonal bar 284 8 up to more swinging platforms 19 past swinging platforms 311 5 up to control switch 5 in blue box 5 in blue box in box 326 5 around girders 5 in blue box 4 past girders 10 in blue boxes 3 isotopes above platform switch 3 near transloader 24 in isotope boxes above transloader 3 above 7th Terra 5 in blue box 10 down slide **Jupiter City** 7 near entrance 4 up to spike wheel 10 over spike wheel 25 up to magneto thing 6 back to entrance 12 in isotope box across from spike wheel 5 in blue box 10 on top of small towers 5 above second tower 10 in third tower 94 10 past crane 17 up to second magneto thing 9 at ground level 25 in blue crates 10 in rocket shaft 165 6 up to switch 10 up to crossroad 22 on right path 9 up to gomer 15 revealed by blue switch 13 towards ending 230 45 in entrance to machine thingy 25 near machine 5 in blue box 305 8 on top left 10 under top right 4 on top right 15 under platforms 6 on bottom left 6 under bottom middle 354 4 on bottom middle 8 over bottom right 6 around bottom right 5 in blue box 377 20 under ledge of cliff 397 3 in secret dock ***Mazon **The Workshop** 7 up to first crusher 10 above spring-loaded hole 4 towards lair door 10 along webbing under entrance 5 over switch 1 8 up to switch 2 44 10 in blue boxes 10 over edge near broken bridge 5 in bottom crushers 5 in middle crushers 7 in top crushers 12 up to gomer door 93 5 up to rail 6 in web area 4 in crushers 108 1 towards pocket rocket 1 by cart dispensor 5 on cart track 2 near 4th switch 6 leading to previous area 3 behind next door 4 past triplet carts 130 10 in first half of obstacles 1 at the bottom 10 in next area 63 above big obstacle machine 40 in gomer molding facility 35 over moving crates 15 over more moving crates 304 8 towards last switch thing 7 in slide 319 4 over blue goo 5 around area 5 in blue box 335 16 near transloader 35 in blue goo 3 near puzzle solution revealer 3 up to springs 10 on high platform 400 50 floating around ending 450 3-3 Fauna --------- ***Totltec 44 roaches 46 fireants 16 monkeys **The Junkyard** 5 roaches near entrance 4 roaches above goo drains 2 before garbage crushers 2 after garbage crushers 4 fireants around sluice base **The Vats** 2 roaches near entrance 1 behind pillars 3 in transloader area 1 in fenced area 3 near mouse hole 3 fireants past goo lake 2 monkeys past goo lake 3 fireants beside ladder 4 fireants in pit on upper ledge 3 monkeys on upper ledge 2 monkeys behind big door **The Factory** 1 monkey at entrance 3 monkeys on right side 3 fireants next to steam pipe 3 fireants near garbage piles 5 monkeys in fenced area 2 roaches in warehouse entrance 1 in first warehouse section 3 in middle warehouse 3 in last warehouse section 4 in warehouse exit 3 fireants outside warehouse 6 fireants under the rope nets 2 roaches under the rope nets 3 fireants on switch 1 island 2 roaches on switch 2 island 4 fireants on switch 2 island 4 roaches in exit area 1 fireant in cave entrance 3 fireants at cave exit 1 fireant behind transloader 3 fireants to right of entrance 2 fireants near exit ***Aqeum 39 charks 40 tarfish **Lagoon** 6 charks at entrance 9 tarfish in scum-covered river 8 charks near upper lagoon surface 4 tarfish in upper lagoon 2 charks in exit tunnel **The Oil Rig** 1 chark in first pool 2 charks in second pool 2 charks in third pool **Hydro Station** 2 tarfish at entrance 6 tarfish near gas vents 4 tarfish near memory puzzle 2 charks near subs 13 charks near whirlpool 12 tarfish 3 charks closer to transloader **Water Works** 3 tarfish behind goo rods ***Flotos 30 airbags 30 peliqui **The Sphere** 2 airbags near entrance 1 peliqui near entrance 1 peliqui beyond entrance 1 peliqui before chain set 1 peliqui beyond chain set 1 peliqui near satellite 1 1 peliqui at satellite 1 2 airbags at satellite 1 1 airbag near transloader 1 airbag across from satellite 2 3 airbags over U-turn set 1 1 peliqui past U-turn set 1 1 peliqui past U-turn set 2 1 airbag on last platform 2 airbags in far side of sphere 1 airbag in roof 2 peliqui around roof **The Cube** 3 peliqui near transloader 2 peliqui on left side 2 peliqui on back side 1 peliqui at back area 2 peliqui on right side 1 airbag past barrels 2 airbags in front of safe 1 airbag under ledge past barrels 1 airbag around carts **The Furnaces** 1 airbag beside fireball walkway 1 airbag in platform room 1 airbag near rafter entrance 2 airbags past girders 1 airbag above 7th Terra 1 airbag above area past girders **Jupiter City** 1 peliqui past first magneto thing 1 peliqui on second tower 1 peliqui near crane 1 peliqui past crane 1 peliqui near second magneto thing 1 peliqui on fifth tower 4 peliqui near conveyor 1 airbag on top of machine thingy 1 airbag under machine thingy 1 airbag beside bottom middle conveyor and Boing! 2 airbags in secret dock ***Mazon **The Workshop** 2 near first switch 2 near 4th switch 2 near 5th switch 7 on splizz platform 3-4 Scrap --------- ***Totltec **The Junkyard** Klock Em 1 near the goo drains before the crushers 1 inside bulldog shed 2 inside access tunnel 1 past gate inside tunnel 1 outside tunnel 1 on sluice ramps **The Vats** Uberpowder 1 on left-side platforms 1 on scrap containers near cranes 1 on ledge beside cranes 1 on ramp in front of goo pool 1 on upper ledge 1 held by a crane 1 behind big door **The Factory** Boing! 1 on right side 1 next to steam pipe 1 on ramped platform 1 beside generator 1 at top right of first warehouse section 1 on switch 1 island 1 on switch 2 island ***Aqeum **Lagoon** Renaline 1 at entrance 1 outside outer security door 1 revealed by blue switch 1 in machine room cave 1 revealed by blue switch in machine room cave 1 in machine room 1 in upper lagoon, beside turret =-----= 4 - FAQ =-----= Q: Why can't I morph into the ArachniDoc? I have all the DNA and isotopes I need. A: This problem occurs the first time you need to morph into something not already selected for you. As Dr. Muto, you need to manually select the morph you desire by pressing the left or right buttons. Once the desired morph appears on the screen, press the morph button. Problem solved. Also note that some areas are restricted to specific morphs, and some are completely moprh- free. Q: I can't seem to grab on to the next rope nets in the Hydro Station entrance. What am I doing wrong? A: It's all about timing. You need to press the jump button as his feet reach their highest point, before they start moving down. This should get you the farthest distance, but if not it should only take a bit of tweaking. Pressing the jump button too late makes you fall straight down, so don't do that. Rotate the camera so you can see his feet. Q: WTF!?!? I CAN'T FIND 12+ ISOTOPES IN THE HYDRO STATION! IT'S DRIVING ME INSANE!!! A: Yeah, about that, see, Midway isn't perfect, especially not their level designers. I'll leave the rest to my friend, former product analyst on the Dr. Muto team, Fredric Mora; "Those missing isotopes you are talking about was a problem that even the testers for this game had a hard time finding. Generally the isotopes the testers had missing were in the underwater cave mazes you had to swim in before you had to do the mission where you destroy the submarines, but here's the even funnier part.....you'll hate the designers for this: "As hard as it is to navigate within the maze, some isotopes were "accidentally placed" too close to the walls or the floor so that you literally had to scrape along the wall (or the floor) to get it. You had to rotate your camera to a certain view to even begin to see it. "This problem happened because designers generally placed their isotopes in the world in a haphazard manner, but sometimes artists would change the art of a level and the designers (being the geniuses they are) decided not to make a note of where all of them were placed and could not fix it. "Also, when this design issue of missing isotopes was brought up, the producers told us that "Hey as long as the player gets 80 percent of the total in game isotopes then that's all they really need. There's nothing if you get 100.00% of the isotopes. It's still the same reward as getting 80.00% of the isotopes." I know this sounds lazy, but they were pressed for time and just wanted to ship the product." A bit of a disappointment for the "completionists" but at least you know what the deal is now. Remember - FORMER product analyst. This isn't an official statement, but the guy's name is in the credits so it can't be far off. \^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^/ < 5 - Codes and Secrets > /v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v\ Here's the list of codes I know to work, and the location of two "Easter eggs." I've provided, the CODE, followed by the "confirmation message" and a short description of the effect. NECROSCI "Death Cannot Touch You. Don't Fall" you receive damage, but it doesn't kill you CHEATERBOY "Never Take Damage" damage has no effect - you can walk on lava TINKERTOY "Unlock Every Gadget" as it says EUREKA "Unlock Every Morph" as it says, just normal morphs BEAMMEUP "Go Anywhere" activates all transloaders LOGGLOGG "Secret Morphs" morphs use "enhanced" formulas HOTTICKET "See the Movies" all movies except Ending2 are viewable BUZZOFF "Super Ending Unlocked" Ending2 is viewable ******************* Secret Characters!! ******************* Once you enter the code, morph back into Dr. Muto from any other morph. I get the feeling that some of these are based on specific characters, but I'm clueless to what they are. If you can give me proof of a secret character's true identity, it will be very much appreciated. One more thing; to get a really nice close-up, load up the secret character, quit, and start a new game. After collecting those 15 isotopes, you can see the doc's new face job. CYBERDOC "Must I do everything myself, Doctor?" who's running this operation, really? MINISCOT "Play as a Circus Freak" looks like a guy with a big head and "Mad Dog" shirt MADKING "I ain't dead, I swear!" Dr. Presley CHOPSUEY "I know Kung-Fu" Confucious say "who's your doctor?" BLUEPILL "Just how far the rabbit hole goes" Dr. Matrix DISTURBING "Hoisted by my own petard!" Dr. Mom HOLLOWDOC "What a big brain!" Dr. Organ HOTGREGMA "Riiiiiight...a chip buttie please!" looks like a guy with long greying hair and dark eyes PARTYDOC "Nice tan!" Dr. Underwear BIGDADDY "Forshnizzle my Nizzle, baby." Dr. Pimp GROOVYBABY "So wrong, Mon" Dr. Rastafarian QUEPASA "Say hello to my little friend" Dr. Mariachi SWITCHOFF "Unit X18 loading Muto program..." Dr. Roboto GOTHCHICK "Carpe Nocturn!" a girl in cool shades and dark clothes STIG "I'm in a fricking game!" a peculiarly small guy RELOAD "You are all just wannabes." Dr. Muto *********** Easter Eggs *********** A silly message from the makers of Dr. Muto Go to the Junkyard Ending, and note the crushed cars floating in the goo. One of them actually sinks when you stand on it. Let it sink for a few seconds, then morph into the mouse to let it rise again. For safety, find the highest spot on the car - it should be the far left corner from the nearest solid ground. Remember it takes two seconds to morph. You get 4 large vials for the effort as well as a really cheap message. A silly mugshot from the makers of Dr. Muto Go to the Vats Entrance. The topmost storage crate is opened by a switch inside a nearby storage crate - this switch holds a secret. Give the switch 5 quick jolts, and a picture of some guy's head pops up behind you, as does 4 large vials. END OF DOCUMENT