Dragon's Lair 3D Copyright 2003 by Sundancer Walkthrough version 2.00, by Sundancer, bluejester12@hotmail.com 5-22-04 For private use only. Permission required to borrow/reproduce in any format. *USING THIS GUIDE* This guide will give you a basic walkthrough through the game. I provided a list of all the treasures and possibly all the heart/mana containers, at least the ones I've discovered. Since this game lets you know how many treasures are on each level I've put them in CAPS for easier finding. I thought it would be more user-friendly then a list. ****BASIC TIPS**** *If you find yourself facing more than one enemy, I recommend avoiding the lock-on. Run in circles around the enemies, swinging. You may not see the enemy, but you'll have a better chance of hitting them without getting cheap shotted. Use the crossbow for flying enemies or when there isn't much room to move around. *Giddy Goons--These guys either have swords or crossbows. Either way you should run in and smack them ASAP. They'll become dizzy then finish them off. In groups, you should run circles around them. *Grunts--So I named the purple guys with long spears. You should run in ASAP as well. If there is more than one present consider the crossbow, or run circles around them swinging wildly. Otherwise their spears can be annoying. *Cyclop Worms*--block works well on these guys *Dragonlings--These come in different levels of toughness. Some you should avoid. Green spew gas, red just float around, but the black ones are the toughest and shoot electricity. Running wildly and swinging is a good tactic if you have room, making use of the lock-on feature. If you don't switch to the crossbow. *Knights--best defeated while standing still; watch your back in groups. *Health--There's plenty of power-ups around, so don't worry too much about running out of health or mana. If the mana bar gets too low it'll start to replenish itself. Barrels can re-appear; another good way to get refills. *Dirk can jump on barrels and smash them. Great for when you don't have time to fiddle hacking. *You can control Dirk while in mid-jump. Very useful. * Gliding is a skill--it's great for breaking up a long fall or even controlling a very small dip. *Practice using lock on and switching between essences while running. *Whenever you can use the Dragon Eye, a white eye-like symbol will be on a nearby wall\par CONTROLS Xbox (from manual) x--Action a--jump b--block y--auto face/lock on (white)--sword (black)--crossbow Left Trigger--Run Right Trigger--Crouch, helpful for walking on narrow beams *ENTRANCE* Getting to the castle is pretty basic. On the first level watch out for boulders when you reach the second niche in the castle wall near a huge thorn. When you reach the drawbridge, slay the cyclops worm then go in. Defeat the goon in the foyer. Hit the barrels then the switch on the right to enter the room with the TREASURE. Daphne will get mad, but ignore her. At the intersection grab the TREASURE in the upper left then head near the left door. Down the corridor a wall will fall open revealing a goon and more treasure. After this, go through the next, careful not to step on the area near the chair or desk. Climb the bookcase and hit a switch. The gap in the floor will close allowing you to climb to the GOBLET. Another hallway and goon and you're in what looks like a library. Head down the middle of the room. Careful: books will fly at you. Collect the TREASURE on the table. Up ahead is a torch that Daphne says is drafty. Hit it to open a corridor with another TREASURE. Go back to where you came in and take the other way. Somersault down where the books fly. Head around and to the niche on the right to avoid the moving bookcase. Go upstairs and defeat more books by waiting for them to come into your sword swing. Jump across the boards, noticing the GOBLET on your right. A bookcase will fall, startling Dirk. Up ahead is a hole. See the top of the bookcase near the railing? Jump forward in that direction, and in midair angle towards the hole. You will avoid the bookcase that would crush you. Grab the GOLD just before going through the door. *MAIN HALL* Cool....Irish-like music. The door in front of you is locked. If you try to go left a table will rise and smack you. Climb up the wall to its left to enter the second section of the room. Beat the goon and get the red potion on the table. Keep going till you get to a dead end with barrels. Climb the bookcase on the left and running jump to reach the GOBLET on the ledge. Smash the barrels and somersault to get the gold key. Go back and unlock the door. Now you're in a room with a stream of fire coming from a furnace. Somersault under the stream and hit the switch next to the table. Hit the other switch and go into a carpeted hallway. Two goons are ahead. Past them is a room with big tables that don't like you. Kill the goon then go around the room where a ladder is behind a column. After the first rope swing is a switch that looks\par like part of the railing. Hit it to open the way to a CROWN. Swing over to the switch and don't worry about the chairs. Hit it and swing back. Drop down, another door. You're in another carpeted hallway. A giant hand carries Daphne off. Kill the goon then collect the TREASURE on the right of the carpet. Go after Daphne and air will suck you in. *ATRIUM* Go straight to find yourself in a very unhappy hallway with flames and catapults. Time your way the best you can, hiding in the middle when you have to. Make your way along the chains then down to a switch beyond the catapults. Backtrack to the door it opens. You can climb the chains and get the DIAMOND on the beam if you want. Get the GOLD just to the left then proceed slowly to the ropes over the fire pit. The angle is fixed, so do the best you can, being patient with the last rope. In the next hallway look out for a fire arrow shooting right at you. They don't hurt much, but can be annoying. Then you'll be in a room with more catapults and fire that pulses from the wall. There's a switch on the catapult that will let you navigate this room. Then you meet a knight statue and Daphne gives great advice. The next chamber has two statues. TREASURE is straight ahead, around a rock. Go between the statues to find the mana cell. Pick it up and head back. Drop the cell when the knights come alive. Kill them; you shouldn't have to run around much. Bring the cell to the knight you passed in the previous room. Kill him then get the HEART CONTAINER in the alcove. Pick up the cell and go through the new door. Place the cell on the pedestal then kill the new knights that appear, careful not to get surrounded. Go up the stairs that form from nowhere. Kill the knight and keep going to find barrels and TREASURE on top of a column. Get ready for the Robot Knight. *BOSS-THE ROBOT KNIGHT* The knight sends electricity via the floor tiles your way. Anticpate gaps and jump to the knight. The first wave you can jump over completely. Hit the knight the instant you reach him. He'll vanish to the other end of the room. Rinse and repeat. If you need to, hang back a bit and look for the gaps; they are always in the same spot. See which tiles are safe and head for those between waves. After three hits you get the Dragon Ring. *CASTLE DEPTHS* Now it looks like you're outside on an outcropping. As you go forward a goon comes out of the door and two appear behind you. Slash 'em then go into the chamber with three doors. The knights come to life and two more goons. Afterwards, go through the door on the left. Jump the gap in the bridge and get the MANA CONTAINER on the far right. Two more goons, then go in the door near the bridge. Kill the goons on the stairs and go in the door. *SPIRAL STAIRS* Before you go up the appearing stairs, go around. You will see a BAG OF GOLD on a ledge. Climb up on the block then jump to the gold and you will grab it. Go up the appearing/vanishing stairs. Three goons await you at the top. Past them is a chamber with a blue potion under the first window on the left. There is a small niche past the second blue beam in the wall. Somersault down, kill the goons, up the rope at the end, claim the potions, then get the HEART CONTAINER. Backtrack. Goons and bats are here. Focus on the goons; the one by the door has a crossbow. In that door is a big room with brown goo for a floor. Walk along the wood to the goon and hit the switch. The column will rotate. Head towards where a new bridge touches the wooden landing and cross past the column then jump to the ledge with BAG OF GOLD. Head back to the switch and hit it twice more till the bridge rotates near you. Cross over to the landing that looks like a dead end. Kill the goon that appears and head up the chain. Far up is a floating ledge; you can see it better if you face the room as you climb. Ahead is a switch and another goon from nowhere. Hit the switch; column rotates again. Cross to a plank that rises and falls to another floating ledge. Hit that switch. After the column rotates, head back down to the plank where you got on the rising plank and head down the other side. There is a goon with a crossbow on the other side of a gap with a chain. After he shoots jump on the chain, then over to finish him. Down the chain, then jump and grab the ledge to get the DIAMOND hidden under the column's bridge. Back up the chain to where the goon with the crossbow was, then up the chain to the other side. Jump over to where the wall juts out at intervals. Two goons appear. With luck, they hop or get pushed off. Ahead is a locked door. Navigate the floating ledges beyond it to the middle of the room where two goons and a key await. Unlock the door. *WIZARDS CHAMBERS* Head right to get red and blue potions, being careful of the furniture. Then proceed to the bookcase where books fly at you. Enter the next wizard's room where a big cauldron is in the middle. Goons will pop out of it. Hurry to the table to get a red potion and a GOBLET. Through the door, up the chain. Hurry through the bedroom before the wall closes. More books, and avoid the robes that fly out of the wardrobe. Now you're in what looks like a room with spinning globes. Take a minute to survey the room. See the two stones set in the cobblestone? You have to stand on those to get the blue squares to rise. Go slowly forward and drop onto the bookcase, the drop left. Books will come. Avoid the chair and table! Go stand on the stones for about a few seconds, enough for the ledges to rise some. If the globes give you trouble, try evasive running, somersaulting or blocking them. Head to the ladder in the other corner where you came in. Jump across the ledges up to the switch. Hit it then drop down and into the door. *BELLS AND ROPES* "Sound is the key." This chamber is cross shaped, with a barred door directly across from you. Down each of the other ends is a goon with a crossbow and a bell. Once you hit one bell you will have less than a minute to make your way to the other to hit it and open the barred door. It doesn't matter which you do first, but make sure both goons are dead before you start the timer. You don't have to shimmy far up the chains to jump; maybe once. After the first bell two goons may appear. Ignore them so you have time to hit the second bell. When you get near the other door three goons will appear. Stun each one in turn so you don't get crossbowed. Grab the GOLD to the left. Now you're in a green circular room and you just finished off two more goons, right? Up the rope. Rotate the camera to see the next rope with a spike going along it. Wait till it reaches the top then hop to that rope, the next, then the landing. Wait till the next spikey ball starts up and follow after it to the landing with a goon, then another, then one more with two goons. With each rope wait for the spikey thing to reach the ropes end and rise; hop on the rope after it, rotating the camera so you can see where to go next. There is one rope near a purple window where you'll have to hop on the rope after the spike ball goes below you. Two goons, one with a crossbow--get 'em fast. Jump-grab the floating platform, and jump onto the GOBLET, angling so you drop back on the landing. Ride the floating ledges up to a rope than a floater over spikes. See the GOBLET? To get it you have to jump and land on the ledge, walk slowly left then jump back onto the floater over the spikes. Up the rope then a ledge with three goons. Whirlwind attack. Go to the very top of the chain. Jump, then angle so you grab the beam and the DIAMOND. \par The next chamber has no floor and a bunch of ropes. Jump toward the first chain in the middle and climb it almost to the top. Angle toward the right and jump. If you angle Dirk just right, you'll grab the beam and pull yourself up. On the beams there's a DIAMOND and TWO GOBLETS. Use stealth. From either goblet position you can jump back to where you started. Hop across the chasm. *PLATFORM MADNESS* Big room with sliding planks. Around the wooden structure to your right is a BAG OF GOLD. There's not much help I can give; just jump from one plank to another, using the camera angle often and best timing. After about the third plank, head left just before the roller for a DIAMOND and a MANA CONTAINER. When you get to the plank with the gaps on either side, keep an eye out for TREASURE. About halfway when you're manuevering from left to right gaps in the wall, you will reach a wall where you can go either way. Go left for a CROWN. The plank will stop then go around to the right. A small breather than a few more planks then the exit. *BELL CHALLENGE* This room is similar to the one where you had to strike two bells to open the next door except the camera angle is fixed. On the second section of jutting walls, wait for both to recede before crossing to the bell. There is TWO TREASURES on top of the walls. Use the ledge in between to get them. Ignore the knights when they come alive. Pass on. Next room has two bells high up and a watery floor. Go left then left again to the chain. Get to the bell, but don't strike it. Fall right and see the vertical beam. Daphne will make a comment. Hit the beam. Now backtrack to the same bell and strike it. Ignore the knight and head right to the path of ropes you opened up. Up near the top of the ropes you can grab a beam and a GOBLET after you hit the bells. Do some hopping, hit the second bell then down the nearby rope and out (or drop down and take a little damage). You can also go back to the ledge over the exit and jump onto the beams in the center column to find a DIAMOND. Up the stairs about four knights await. Take them out one at a time. *BOSS--GIANT BAT* The giant bat uses a sonic shriek thats easy to avoid. Hit him, watch him fly, then hit him again. Take note of the two bells in the room. After about four hits the bat hides up near a giant bell. Get both lower bells ringing at the same time to get the sucker to drop so you can hit him. About two hits and he's toast. Get the TREASURE in the platform highest up. *ELEVATOR* Take the second platform for a CROWN. *DEATHLY DISCS* The opening panning shot showed you where the two TREASURES are. The discs are three colors. All except the discs of one color will drop. Keep your eye on the torches--When all three discs apear the flame will change to the color of the discs that will not drop. Make your way to the HEART CONTAINER on the right near the treasures. If you time it right, you can land just before new discs appear. Get the essence and you're back to where you first entered the bell tower. Go over the bridge and you're back at the Castle Depths, a room with four doors. Go into the one on the left. Glide over the bridge then go right. Using the essence to soften your fall, drop near the ladder for a MANA CONTAINER then climb back up and enter the next section. You can also glide to the platforms way below to get it, then climb up. *HALL OF SKULLS* Stay in the middle and take the last passage on the left. Enter with sword drawn to kill the pesky spiders. GOBLET over the doorway. Hit the switch then go to the middle room on the other side of the hall. Kill the crypt ghoulies when the coffins open then break open the coffins in the new passage to get the green key. TWO BAGS OF GOLD is in one of the coffins. Backtrack to the hall and unlock the door on the right. *CROSSBOW* Jump up over the door you came in to get the GOBLET. Make your way down and to the left, gliding over the gap. You'll enter the room where the crossbow lies. Get it then head up the ledges along the wall as the water rises. Jump then glide over to the ledge above where the crossbow was. If you can't land on it, you can probably grab the edge and pull yourself up. Hop up the ledges over the door you came in. Hit the flying ghoulie then glide over to the alcove. Kill the spider, claim the arrows, blue key and TREASURES. Before gliding back, shoot the eye on the far wall. Make your way over the water, killing the ghoulies as they approach you. Unlock the door. *COFFIN TROUBLE* Get what's in the barrels then hit the switch. Ooze will rise. If you're fast you can jump on the block on the left and glide to the CROWN. Otherwise jump over the lowering grate and head immediately left, somersaulting into the TWO TREASURES. Jump before the bricks form and head only to the middle coffin. Break the last coffin on the right for a GOBLET. Climb up the coffins, glide over to the broken stairs. Break open the next coffins for TREASURES, exit. *CRYPT CREEPS* Start a whirlwind attack for the approaching ghoulies. Glide onto the conduct for the fire arrow. On the other side a ghoulie will take a mana cell and run. Now meet the pig soldiers, or "grunts." Swing wildly and run between them. Afterwards, get the BAG OF GOLD in a coffin. A GOBLET is behind where the mana cell was. In the next room, get the red potion, then somersault around the corner to avoid the skulls and getting smacked by the wall. Cross the chasm and beat the grunt. On the right side is an alcove. Get onto the nearest ledge, kill the suddenly appearing ghoulie, then climb up on the block. See the HEART CONTAINER? You have to jump and hit glide just when you are level with it, so you float under the edge. If you jump too high, lower yourself abit by releasing glide then hitting it again. You'll have to grab the ledge and pull up to get it. Climb up the block here and glide over to the DIAMOND on the beam. Leave this place, making sure the coffins are open, blocking the fire that will stream out. Use your crossbow and lock-on to kill the ghoulie with the mana cell then bring it to the stand in the next room. *BOSS--GHOULIES* Arm the crossbow and hit one of the ghoulies. They will swarm and vanish into seperate coffins. Hit a coffin with your sword. If a ghoulie is in it, switch to crossbow and hit him. If not, you'll get chattering skulls. Kill them then switch to crossbow, because the ghoulies will be floating around again. Repeat this till all three are dead. Collect the Dragon's Spirit. You will be taken back to the Castle Depths. Go into the door with barrels in front. Go over the bridge and shoot the eye to lower the drawbridge. *IMPOSSIBLE ROOM* Having fun yet? You will. The fire pit is where you need to go but the Dragon Scale is required. You can't see it now, but the ceiling is actually another floor. You have to meander up and at a certain point the ceiling becomes the floor and where you came in with the fire pit becomes the ceiling. Let's get started. Head upstairs and into the first door and into an open room. Remember this room!! Call it LADDER 1. Take the door opposite the ladder across a gap. This should bring you to a new room with a ladder. Climb it and take the door on your left. A fake dead end that leads to a MANA CONTAINER. Return to room LADDER 1. Take the door underneath/past the ladder. Ignore the door before you, bear right, like you're circling\par back. In the next open chamber head directly across into the round door. *CASTLE SEWERS* Glide to the switch to drain the room. Drop and kill the army of goons. In the next chamber a row of barrels blocks the way ahead. Head left to where the flame arrow is. When you first enter a pattern of flames will show you which blocks you need to step on. There's a floor panel nearby you can step on to see the pattern again. I don't think you need to step on them in order but you have to step on them all to bring down the flame around the switch that opens the grate to the fire arrow. It is possible to stay on a platform near the edge and avoid fireballs, like on the platform in the 5 o'clock position. Practice!! Get the flame arrow and head back. Use the fire arrow on the barrels (explosive ones are lighter colored) and somersault forward until you get to the first dragonling. Kill it with the sword, proceed to two goons and another dragonling. The sword will be fine. Get the TREASURE and loop back to get the dragonling behind you, careful of the cyclops worm in the muck. Get the fire arrows in the normal barrels and backtrack. From right there shoot the explosive barrels then hit the switch. There is a GOBLET on top of that little "shack" area. *SEWER DEPTHS* Go right up the blocks then jump onto where you came in. Glide over to the first rope then swing over to where there are three piles of explosive barrels. Shoot the ones by the door then be careful of the dragonlings in the next chamber. Shoot the other piles--one is a locked door and the other is a HEART CONTAINER. Go through the open door. Under it is a red potion. Beyond is a chamber with cyclops worms. Keep moving till you get to three dragonlings, a huge pile of green goo, and the green key. See the mana podium? Backtrack to the door you revealed beyond the barrels and unlock it. Wait for the dragonling then finish it. Head up, but do not hit the switch. Crossbow time. Angle up and hit the barrels. Climb the block that falls. In the next room, hug the walls and ignore the chain. Go around the gas vents and notice the eye in the dead end. Shoot it to drain the water where the worms were. Head back there. Bring the mana cell to the stand, dropping it to fight the dragonling. A bridge of rock forms. Cross it, careful of the cyclop worms. *POOL ROOM* Draw your sword and immediately somersault along the left wall, avoiding three sets of knives. Swing to hit the spider and switch to crossbow. Stand near the pool and finish the dragonlings, using lock on. Get on the pool's edge, because there will be no more floor. Shoot the cyclops worm then glide to the door. As it rises you have to somersault or be squashed. In the chamber cross the bridge to get the THREE TREASURES. Glide around the room to the eye. Twang! The room drains. Drop, using glide. Prepare for chattering skulls and grunts. Shoot the eye to get the gold key. There is a switch and and a MANA CONTAINER. Use the whirlwind attack on the switch. *BOSS--CYCLOPS WORM* Walk up the stairs and hit the switch. Then go up the ladder to the other switch, then glide to the third to release the boss. To beat the eye-boss hit him with a fire arrow then run in and strike with your sword. Use the lock-on feature. Do the best you can avoiding the tentacles. Work in a circular pattern. You really shouldn't stop except to aim the arrows. Get the Dragon's eye then go through the invisible door on the right. You're back in the Impossible Room. Head back up to where you went into the round door. At this point, the fire pit is the ceiling. Glide down to the underside of a bridge in the chamber's middle. Daphne will mention the Lizard King. Use the Dragon's Eye and head for the phantom door in the wall. *LIZARD KING* Circular chamber in front of a locked door. Use the Dragon's Eye to spot the lizard then head for the invisible door on the right. More Daphne blabber. Proceed, swatting dragonlings. After the corridor with beams and blocks avoid the door on the right--death trap. Somewhere on the right you will see a dead end a a torch. Light the torch with a flame arrow, opening a room to a DIAMOND and a HEART CONTAINER. Keep going till you get to another dead end. See the little eye icon? This is an indicator to use the Dragon's Eye. Do so, then hit the switch in the hidden room. Go through the new hall, slashing dragonlings. Go through the double doors and snatch the red and blue potions on a table. Head left for a small room with two dragonlings and the gold key. Then go straight up the carpeted hallway (the right side at where you came in). At the dead end on the left between two blocks, use the Dragon's Eye and get the MANA CONTAINER, DIAMOND and GOBLET. Proceed till you're back in the circular room and unlock the door. A pot of gold will snatch your sword. Grab the TREASURE and GOBLET then run after it. In the hall with beams and blocks make sure you jump on the blocks to avoid the crumbling ceiling. When you reach the area with four "exits" the pot will slow down. Then you have to run up to it, grab your sword, hit the Lizard King, get your sword stolen, grab it from the pot...well, you'll get the idea. After about ten hits collect the key then the FIVE TREASURES. Back at the Impossible Room. Head back up to the level with the round door, then drop/glide all the way down. Open the locked door. *BOSS--SINGE* Enjoy the cutscene, then get ready to run. Be careful of fire appearing from nowhere, things falling and pieces of the floor dropping. I would stay to the right when the path splits. Collect the enchanted sword and prepare for battle. You are in a big circular area. Walk up to Singe until he sits and his head is about an inch from the screen top. Singe will breath a stream of fire. Watch his head to see if he will start at the right or left then approach at an opposite angle, almost in an arc. When you get near him, somersault under his head and stream. While rolling you should already be on your way out from under him. He'll spit a fireball at you. Block it, and your sword will charge. Lock-on and swing. The fire will shoot from your sword and stun him. Run up to his belly and strike. Then immediately run in the opposite direction. Nevermind the camera angle--you'll need to see Singe move because his tail will sweep at you and you'll need to jump over it. Then head back to Singe and the process repeats. This time he will do two streams of fire before shooting a fireball. After that he will shoot three then etc. all the way up to six streams before the final fireball that will take him down. So get good at predicting which angle his head will do a strafing stream with and at running in/somersualting under/rolling back. The somersault should be like a U-Turn when you get near his mouth to do it. Make sure you undo the lock-on after striking while running away from his tail. Practice this method and you will beat him. *ROOFTOP BATTLE* Enjoy the next cutscene, then prepare for battle again with the knight Hollow. On the tower collect the DIAMOND and potions for him to appear. He's actually easy--run up to him and block. He will either strike once then charge for a whirlwind attack or attack four times, stop, swing once, then charge. You need to hit him once just as he holds his sword back to charge then get out of his range. Throughout the battle he will change into several different enemies, but once you dispatch them he returns to his original form and patterns. He alternates these two attack patterns, which makes beating him easier. Get the Dragon Scale, then back at the Impossible Room. Equip the scales and drop into the fire pit. *LAVA DOMAIN* Keep the scales on. In the first open section take out the dragonlings with the crossbow and fire arrows. Head forward and to the right to get the HEART CONTAINER in the niche. Jump back onto one block then glide over to the door. YOu may have to let go and grab/pull up. In the next chamber, head forward, jumping over the lava pit when it's not erupting. Head left for the MANA CONTAINER in the alcove then backtrack. When the path splits, take the lower right path for a GOBLET on a small island and TWO BAGS OF GOLD and another GOBLET. Then backtrack and go up on the left. Pass the dragonling that appears and ride the spouting platforms. Keep going over some slabs of rock and you're out. *DARK CAVERNS* Take out the spider with crossbow. Go upstairs, but before you go in the door jump on the wall and drop to get the HEART CONTAINER. Face three knights in a room of doors. After defeating them, take the door on the right. *SMITHEE FORGE* After a message from Daphne, hit the switch to open an upper door and slash the dragonlings that fall down. Put yourself about where the beam of light hits the floor and shoot the eye to make the wall drop. In the forge chamber, hit the switch forward and to the left. A door will open, a piece of wood sticks out and a smithee appears. Light your sword from the fire pit and hit the smithee--repeat as needed. Knock the wood piece out from under the wheel Light your sword again and go into the door that opened. Several knights and a dragonling await. Take them out then re-light your sword if needed. Go back and light the coals next to the smithee who comes to life. Beat him then use the fire to light the three coals set in the columns nearby to raise the gate to the switch. Climb the ladder, last switch. You can glide all the way to the RIGHT here for a CROWN before hitting the switch. More wood sticks out, stuff happens, get the TWO BAGS OF GOLD. Glide left for a GOBLET on a ledge. The coals that have something like an iron cover also has a GOBLET on the cover. You can also glide right past the once-barred door to get a DIAMOND. At the upper crossroads, go left. *ROLLING BALLS* Kill the knight and hit the switch on the catapult to break down the wall. Dispatch the dragonlings then climb on the other catapult to get the blue and red potions. Forward through two goons then a big chamber with fires and smithee statues. Light your blade and take out the smithees, one at a time. Use a flame arrow to hit the red squares in the wooden columns. A MANA CONTAINER, TWO GOLBETS and a DIAMOND appear. Take the door at other end, dragonling and goon, then you're at the big curved surface with the balls. Go down it and a huge ball starts rolling at you. Just keep going, avoiding the smaller balls when possible. Just after the purple ball is a pit you need to go around to get to the next section. *SMITHEE GAUNTLET* Avoid the first hammer then glide to get the TREASURE. Pass the next hammers then go into another forge room. Get the TREASURE by the blazing coals. Light up then take out the smithees. Get the three sets of coals to blaze at the same time, being careful of dragonlings. Exit. *SMITHEE MAZE* After the second left somersault or hug the right side to avoid the wall that pokes out at you. At your first junction go straight. There's a dead end, but the wall on the right is transparent. Go through, get the barrels and GOBLET then around and left. At this junction drop/glide under the grate and get the HEART CONTAINER at the end then the other way to rising platforms. Ignore the dragonling if you can. More rising platforms. Time it so you can jump ASAP, or just when a platform is rising in front of you. The last platform here doesn't go below the lava so jump on it quickly then pull yourself or jump onto the grate. Use the Dragon Eye and jump right through the wall. Grab the GOBLET then get to the second chain. Turn around so you can see the DIAMOND on the jutting wall. Back up the chains. Go straight to the coals and left. Glide around to a CROWN. Go past the smithee, then another quick left. Switch to the scales and go through the wall of fire. Don't run far! Glide across then scales again. When back on the grate, somersault and head immediate left. When the path breaks right somersault to avoid being poked then bear left for the long stretch home. Draw your sword and switch to glider. A column will fall, barring your path. Break the barrels for mana then glide over the column and to the right for the blue key and exit back to the Smithee Forge. Unlock the door. *BOSS--MASTER SMITHEE* When the fire rises, lock on to the weapons as they approach, except the anvil. Just move to avoid it. The flames subside. Go stand on the bellows. Light up and the Master comes to life. After the first hit, run back and re-light your sword, making sure to lock on to the weapons and block them as they come except the anvil--just keep running and it goes past you. Stand next to the smithee with your sword lit. After a few more weapons, which you lock n'block, he'll come to life then you strike and repeat. If your flame dies before he returns, go back and light it. He takes about 5-6 hits. During the entire battle you shouldn't have to stray far from the coals. Get the Dragon Flame. Back at the Dark Caverns. Take the door on the left using the flame. Move past the spiders and into the first door you see by lighting the torch. *LAIR OF THORNS* Proceed, gliding through the area with thorny rollers. Keep going past goons and dragonlings and a locked door. At the room with sliding floors, stay in the doorway and take out the dragonlings by any means. Step on the floor with the sword aflame. At the bend, take out the dragonlings and claim the gold key. Backtrack to the locked door. Instead of opening, the wall falls. At the second round door hit the middle with your sword and a wall will open revealing a HEART CONTAINER. Go left till you get to more rolling balls. Just to their left is a gold key and on their right a BAG OF GOLD. Work your way past 'em and unlock the door on the other side. Goons and another locked door. The Dragon Eye will show you where to go. Grab the blue key. Pick the door in the exact middle of a wall to get the green key which opens to a DIAMOND. Unlock the blue door next to it to get the gold key. Unlock that door and go straight for a GOBLET, then backtrack to the other path. At the next fork go towards the machinery and around it for a goon and a switch. Backtrack; you're being timed. Go left then manuever over the sliding wood to the falling gate. Go under, past goons, into the door. *PITS AND PERILS* Grab the red potion and climb the bookcase then the ceiling beam. Glide over to the DIAMOND. Forward, killing the thorn with your flame if you must. Glide over the pit then once more, avoiding the giant Skeleton hand. Kill the goons and take out all the bats with the crossbow. Glide left to the corner with barrels and take out the crossbow goon. Proceed into the room and two dragonlings come out. Kill them and go through the door. Back up against the wall and hit the explosive barrel with a fire arrow--then the next one. Enter the room of enemies and show some knighthood on them. Use the Dragon Eye and get the MANA CONTAINER. The next room has a bunch of flaming and swinging ropes. You should have enough mana from the nearby barrels so I say just glide across this chasm. *BOSS--THORN MASTER* Not much to say, except have good timing and use the flame sword. Get past the swinging mallets. The Thorn Master's scythe will either glow or turn blue. If it glows, jump when it comes, otherwise somersault. Hit him and he'll reappear at the other end like the Black Knight. Time your way past the mallets best you can each time. You can hug one side so you jump over only one mallet. Be wary of thorns that sprout from nowhere, expecially right in front of the Thorn Master. For this reason, when you get near him approach from the side. About five hits and the magic arrow is yours. So is the Thorn key. Yippee. Back at the Dark Caverns. Go down the dark path you took to get to the Thorn Lair. Beyond the first door is another door across a gap. Light the torch by it and go in. Proceed to the locked door and use the thorn key. *DESCENT* Get your glider on--this is all about timing. Don't go more than a second or two w/o gliding or you will fall. After a short fall two dragonlings then a staircase where fireballs leap over. Switch to scales. Hang back and look for the gaps between the fireballs' paths and go there in between. At the end hit the barrels and descend again. Try to descend faster without dropping and stay towards the edges. A few jets of fire do a stop n' go stream. When you reach the bottom immediately switch to scales and take out the dragonlings. *METAL MADNESS* Huuuge room. Basically you want to make your way left and up. Take the first sheet that glides to you, then when it joins with two others take the left. You don't need the scales here. Shoot the dragonlings before proceeding. You can glide, or if you're good, jump onto the ledge with the GOBLET. Glide back to the ramp with an incline and bouncing fireballs or wait for the metal sheet to come to you. Stay on the first section of the incline. It will join with a part that lowers. When that rises a piece will slide over. Ride that and one more sheet to a tiled section above where you came in. Up the ladder. Wait for an odd shaped piece to take you to the top of the column in the middle. Wait for a cross shaped piece to come. then you'll have to glide over to a piece that's below you in the forward left. This piece will rise to the piece you need--the one that looks like you can jump grab it from the cross piece. Run down the piece with more bouncing fireballs than glide over to the barrels. Kill the dragonlings. Avoid the spiked "bumpers" and fireballs to the end where blue mana and a column with chains awaits. Make your way up by chain hopping. On the last chain jump-glide to the tiled section with barrels. Long walk here; prepare the crossbow for a bunch of grunts. If you smash the barrels at the end three more grunts will appear. Glide all the way over to the column to the right of the door. A DIAMOND is on a beam. Then glide to the door. *CHECKERBOARDS* Jump onto the big checkered grid. Dragonlings will appear. As you kill each one a piece of the section will tilt, then vanish to appear up ahead as part of a bridge. Use your sword initially and when room gets tight switch to crossbow and flame arrows. The last three tiles will tilt and vanish. When you're on the last one switch to glider and start gliding forward. When you land a bunch of goons with crossbows appear. Cut your way forward with the sword flame and exit. Grab the potions. The biggest threat in this next room is the white magic that shoots periodically down the path. I say make your way down as fast as possible, stay to the side out of the white magic's way. Move fast so the dragonlings don't sucker-punch you from behind. Near the last rolling ball switch to glider to help you get to the exit. You'll appear in what looks like another dimension with floating tiles. The big structures that are first on your left and right--TWO CROWNS are there, one on each in the back. The floating tiles are safe spots--When you get near them an entire tiled floor will cover them, then vanish after a few seconds. You need to see where the next safe spot is and make it there before the floor gives way. If you're in trouble glide while the floor is gone. Remain calm as the dragonlings approach and crossbow them with fire arrows. As you proceed goons with crossbows will appear. Any place they do is a safe spot. Use flame arrows on them. At the other end glide to the door, zigzagging abit to avoid dragonlings from behind, unless you took them all out, which is safest. *PORTAL ROOM* Two mana cells. Two knights coming at you. Dispatch the knights and move forward so you can see the cell stands. Two more knights than four smithees. Afterwards place one of the mana cells on the stand and a bunch of drgaonlings appear. Beat them by running around a lot and swinging with the fire sword. Fill up on health then bring the other cell to its stand to open the portal. *BOSS--MORDROC* Mordroc is fairly easy. The only thing that can hurt him is a magic arrow, and you only got one...or none. Lock on and shoot him with it and move around Mordroc will fire magic that's hard to see but easy to hear. When he does check the other direction--sometimes dragonlings form when his magic hits the circular ledge you are on. Kill the dragonlings; they yield health and most importantly, more magic arrows. Mordroc will also shoot a roving laser, so jump over it or keep moving while slashing dragonlings. He will also shoot out rays of green sparks. Five hits and he switches to dragon form. Lock on to watch him. He'll eventually come to hovering. If his mouth is lit up, he's gonna spew electricity. Immediately undo lock and run away, then re-lock and wait for hovering again. If his mouth doesn't light up, wait for a fireball and block it to charge your sword. When your sword is charged, swing then immediately start running. Mordroc will shriek then fall with a huge thud. Run quickly to where he lands and strike. Repeat the above as needed. Your sword will not stay charged long, so swing as soon as possible when it is. About six hits and he's finished. Enjoy the ending and credits. CREDITS Thanks to-- Pat Sheehan for telling me about some treasures in the Giant Bat, Main Hall, Spiral Stairs and Checkerboard areas. Also for how to get the Mana Container in the Pool Room. John T (jedijt76) for telling me about the torches in the Deathly Discs room. Xarbia for the Mana in the Impossible Room. Mike Arseneau for tips on fighting final boss. Comments, feedback etc. email me at bluejester12@hotmail.com.