DUNGEONS & DRAGONS HEROES ON XBOX AN IN-DEPTH FAQ ON THE FIGHTER VERSION 0.70 By Chad Simplicio GameFAQs Handle: Lord deArnise newgoldenwynde@hotmail.com -- TABLE OF CONTENTS -- 1. Introduction 2. Fighter Starting Stats and Inventory 3. Fighter Moves and Traits 4. The FighterIn-Depth 5. Adventuring with a fighter 6. Special Thanks -- VERSION NOTES -- Version 0.70 - September 24, 2003 ** Completed the fifth section and did some editing to existing information. Version 0.10 - September 21, 2003 ** Began work on the FAQs with some basic information. -- 1. INTRODUCTION -- ** As written in the DnD Heroes Game Manual ** "Far north of Baele across the Nelsansian Sea, a young fighter lost his father to death in battle on the island of Axion. "He would hear the tale with thanks for years to come: how his father had engaged a fierce nightwalker, and holding it at bay, allowed 34 warriors to escape safely into the night, losing his own life in the effort. The gratitude of the survivors and their families made a great impression upon the boy, and deeply rooted his conviction that evil must be stopped at all costs, even if that cost be life itself. "Taking one of his father's prized swords, he set out for the Kingdom of Baele to train with its renowned Armed Guard, but it would be many years before he arrived. Barely a week away from home, he was asked to join a group of elven adventurers. Knowing their cause to be good and their need for help to be great, he readily agreed to accompany them. "The elves were to be the first in a long line of people seeking his assistance, none of whom he could bear to turn away. Fighting alongside dwarves, halflings, elves, and gnomes, he watched and learned, and driven by a deep devotion, he perfected the art of melee combat and became a disciplined shot with thrown weapons. As the years passed, he became the land's toughest, fastest, and most renowned fighter, and some said that his skill with a sword approached magic. "When at last he arrived in Baele, nearly nine years after he left his home, his skill was beyond those that he had hoped to learn from, yet his timing could not have been better. Baele needed heroes to defeat a wizard bent on the Kingdom's destruction. Sword in hand, he stood ready. "Now, raised from the dead over 150 years later, he will be a Hero again." Great for players who love to wade in and get up close and personal with enemies, the fighter is the strongest of the DnD Heroes. As expected, he can wield some of the heaviest weapons and bear the thickest armors with relative ease. Since throwing weapon damage is modified by strength, this gives the fighter some ranged attacks when he needs it. And although there are no shields available in this game, he can certainly wield some powerful two-handed weapons. -- 2. FIGHTER STARTING STATS AND INVENTORY -- ** All characters start with 20 throwing daggers, 1 vial of fiery oil, 1 Raise Dead amulet, and 100 gp. ** Level 5, Default Name: Aradin ** STR: 17 (+3) DEX: 12 (+1) CON: 14 (+2) INT: 12 (+1) WIS: 12 (+1) CHA: 10 (0) AC: 11 Damage: 8 - 20 HP HP: 55 MP: 30 Max carry weight: 240 Starting Moves and Traits: 1 rank of Avid Pursuit, 1 rank of War Cry, 1 ranks of each of the fighter weapon types, Wear Leather Armor, Wear Scale Armor Weapons: Ancestral Sword +1 which can be upgraded by collecting soul shards. More on this later. -- 3. FIGHTER MOVES AND TRAITS -- * Increasing moves with multiple ranks cost more than the cost of the previous rank. * ** Instant Moves ** AVID PURSUIT: Temporarily increases the fighter's movement speed. A second rank provides faster movement and increased duration. EYE FOR AN EYE: Reflects a percentage of the damage done to the fighter back to his enemy. People familiar with Diablo II and WarCraft III will find this feat simiar to the Thorns Aura. Additional ranks increase the percentage. WAR CRY: A primal roar that temporarily stuns all nearby enemies. Additional ranks increase duration. SURE STRIKE: A mystical aura that makes the fighter's melee attacks temporarily unblockable. POWER ATTACK: A 180-degree power weapon swing that may reach outside its bounds. Additional ranks increase the reach beyond its bounds and damage. WEAPON'S FURY: Temporarily increases the fighter's attack speed. Additional ranks increase the speed and duration. FRENZY: A mystical aura that temporarily increases the fighter's melee damage. Additional ranks increase damage and duration. STUNNING FIST: An earth-rumbling move that creates a 360-degree blast of flames. Additional ranks increase the damage and radius. ** Finishing Moves ** REVERSE STAB FINISHER: A devastating reverse stab that does extra damage. This can impale enemies in the path of the sword. SHOCK FINISHER: A bolt of electrical energy that shoots forward, shocking enemies. This finisher has a charge-up time. WHIRLWIND FINISHER: A whirlwind of steel that leaves nearby creatures stunned. ** Fighter Traits ** DRAGON'S TOUGHNESS: A state of physical mettle that reduces melee damage done to the Hero. A second rank reduces melee damage inflicted against the Hero further. IMPROVED CRITICAL: A combat talent that increases the likelihood of a critical hit. Added ranks increase the chances. INNER STRENGTH: A mental trait that allows the Hero to regain MW faster than normal. A second rank increases the rate. OUTER STRENGTH: A physical focus that gives the Hero a strength bonus on all melee attacks. ** Fighter Weapon Proficiencies. Additional ranks increase damage for those weapons. ** Long Sword Scimitar Bastard Sword Great Sword Claymore Sword ** Common Traits. These traits provide increases resistances or allow the Hero to wear a certain kind of armor. ** Resist Fire Resist Ice Resist Poison Wear Leather Armor Wear Scale Armor Wear Chain Armor Wear Splint Armor Wear Plate Armor -- 4. THE FIGHTER IN-DEPTH -- ** Soul Shards' Effect on the Fighter's Ancestral Sword ** 5 shards - Ancestral Sword +2: +5 damage, +1 STR, + HP Regeneration, +3% chance of criticals. 10 - Ancestral Sword +3: +10 damage, +2 STR, + HP Regeneration, +6% chance of criticals. 15 - Ancestral Sword +4: +15 damage, +3 STR, + HP Regeneration, +9% chance of criticals. 20 - Ancestral Sword +5: +20 damage, +4 STR, + HP Regeneration, +12% chance of criticals. ** More coming soon ** -- 5. ADVENTURING WITH A FIGHTER -- ** A fighter is a tank, but it is not invincible. ** As a fighter, you can wade into a group of enemies and hack away. However, while you are pretty much a tank with one of the highest CON among the heroes, you are not invincible. Remember to block incoming melee attacks to deflect the attacks or take reduced damage, and evade to heal as needed. ** Finishing moves. ** The Whirlwind Finisher is a great feat to have when you have the available points. The Fighter will do a fast 360 with his sword, hitting any enemies within the circle. This is a great move to have to wrap up a melee combo. ** Carry at least 30 keys. ** With all the chests and doors throughout the battlefields, it is advisable that your fighter carry plenty of keys. When you hear a loud click, move away from the chest since a trap is about to go off. ** Multiplayer tactics. ** Fighters are obviously the front lines for a party of heroes, but they are also great for guarding weaker archer rogues and wizards. In cases where the heroes are surrounded by enemies, it is a good tactic to go after the baddies that are closest to the weaker heroes first then mop up. -- 6. SPECIAL THANKS -- Thanks to Atari & Wizards of the Coast for another wonderful DnD game. And a shout out to all of my role-playing partners. Don't leave home without the dice! ***** Copyright 2003 Lord deArnise, all rights reserved. This document may not be redistributed, reproduced, or rewritten without the author's consent. The author has given exclusive rights for the public display of this FAQ only to GameFAQs (www.gamefaqs.com). All questions and concerns should be addressed to the author.