DUNGEONS & DRAGONS HEROES ON XBOX AN IN-DEPTH FAQ ON THE ROGUE VERSION 0.30 By Chad Simplicio GameFAQs Handle: Lord deArnise newgoldenwynde@hotmail.com -- TABLE OF CONTENTS -- 1. Introduction 2. Rogue Starting Stats and Inventory 3. Rogue Moves and Traits 4. The Rogue In-Depth 5. Adventuring with a Rogue 6. Special Thanks -- VERSION NOTES -- Version 0.70 - September 24, 2003 ** Completed the fifth section. Version 0.30 - September 20, 2003 ** Began work on the FAQs with some basic information. -- 1. INTRODUCTION -- ** As written in the DnD Heroes Game Manual ** "Orphaned at the age of five, she was left in the care of the Seven Stars Crew, a feared and evil rogue outfit of which her parents had been members. Her future seemed set in stone. "Although the crew was rough around the edges, it nonetheless cared for its own quite well, and many of its senior members took to instructing the young rogue in the finer points of skullduggery. They began to include her on jobs, small ones at first, but gradually the mission increased in complexity and danger. Her small size was invaluable, and she showed an incredible proficiency with a bow as well as blades. "It was while she was on a job with the crew that she had a fateful encounter whose full impact would not be seen for years to come. "The crew had been paid by an evil wizard to liberate two amulets that had been hidden away in separate temples. The job was easy and the pay was incredible. Secretly, the young rogue hoped to work for the generous wizard again. "Ten years later, that mission nearly forgotten, she was away from home when word came that her village had been destroyed, and with it all the family she had ever known. She shivered to hear that the name behind such destruction: the wizard Kaedin. It was the same wizard her crew had worked for so many years before. "With this realization came emotions harbored deep within, accompanied by thoughts of what her life had become and the evil that she herself had wrought. When she heard the calling of the clerics of Pelor, she knew she must amend her ways such that evil may never triumph again. "Now more than 150 years later, her convinction is stronger still." The halfling rogue is the only hero of the group that can wield dual short blades and a bow. Those who play rogues do not have to worry about buying two weapons, for all rogue weapons come in one pair. Monk lovers will find that she is the closest to a monk, for some of her finishing moves are similar to those of a monk, from backflips to sweeping kicks. In all, those who love agility, love to be very skilled, or love to get the lowest possible prices around will love the rogue. -- 2. ROGUE STARTING STATS AND INVENTORY -- ** All characters start with 20 throwing daggers, 1 vial of fiery oil, 1 Raise Dead amulet, and 100 gp. ** Level 5, Default Name: Akio ** STR: 12 (+1) DEX: 18 (+4) CON: 13 (+1) INT: 14 (+2) WIS: 12 (+1) CHA: 11 (0) AC: 14 Damage: 7 - 19 HP HP: 40 MP: 35 Max carry weight: 140 Starting Moves and Traits: Arrow Strike, 1 rank of Sloth Arrow, 1 rank of Open Lock, 1 rank of Wield Daggers, 1 rank of Wield Lancets, & Wear Leather Armor Weapons: Ancestral Bow +1, Seven Stars Daggers * These weapons cannot be sold. Ancestral weapons strengthen in attributes as soul shards are collected. The rogue's Seven Stars Daggers have their damage increased with XP level. More on this later. -- 3. ROGUE MOVES AND TRAITS -- * Increasing moves with multiple ranks cost more than the cost of the previous rank. * ** Instant Moves ** ARROW STRIKE: A precise, targeted shot. Uses little or no mana. MULTI-SHOT: Multiple shots toward enemies. Each rank adds one additional arrow. SLOTH ARROW: A shot that barely pierces the enemy, but slows its speed temporarily. Each rank increases duration, damage, and slows down the affected enemy more. SET TRAPS: A trap that is set upon the ground, blasting unsuspecting enemies. HIDE & MOVE SILENTLY: A stealthy maneuver that temporarily provides the rogue cover and multiplies the melee damage done. POISON ARROW: A more damaging shot that also poisons creatures. VAMPIRE ARROW: A homing arrow that steals some lifeblood from its target, healing the rogue. SLEEP ARROW: A shot that barely pierces the enemy, but puts it into a deep, temporary sleep. ICE ARROW: A more damaging arrow that temporarily freezes an enemy. EXPLODING ARROW: A shot that explodes upon impact. VOLLEY OF ARROWS: A targeted cascade of arrows that rains down upon enemies and explodes. ** Finishing Moves ** BOMB FINISHER: A quick bomb drop followed by a back flip out of harm's way. Bombs remain in place until an enemy is nearby then it will explode. FLIP KICK FINISHER: A flip kick that delivers extra damage to the opponent and attempts to freeze it! The rogue will do forward flip kicks. SWEEP FINISHER: A sweeping kick that attempts to poison the opponent. This is a 360 move. ** Rogue Traits ** DISABLE DEVICE: A talent that allows the Hero to disarm a certain percentage of traps on treasure chests. A second rank increases the percentage. IMPROVED CRITICAL: A combat talent that increases the likelihood of a critical hit. More ranks improve the chance. INNER STRENGTH: A mental trait that allows the Hero to regain MW faster than normal. A second rank increases the rate. OPEN LOCK: A talent that allows the Hero to open a certain percentage of locks without aid of a skeleton key. A second rank increases the percentage. OUTER STRENGTH: A physical focus that gives the Hero a strength bonus on all melee attacks. ** Rogue Weapon Proficiencies. First rank allows the Hero to wield corresponding weapons. A second rank increases damage for those weapons. ** Daggers Blades Kris Lancets Cutlasses ** Common Traits. These traits provide increases resistances or allow the Hero to wear a certain kind of armor. ** Resist Fire Resist Ice Resist Poison Wear Leather Armor Wear Scale Armor Wear Chain Armor Wear Splint Armor Wear Plate Armor -- 4. THE ROGUE IN-DEPTH -- ** Soul Shards' Effect on the rogue's Ancestral Bow ** 5 shards - Ancestral Bow +2: +5 damage, +1 DEX, + HP Regeneration, +3% chance of criticals. 10 - Ancestral Bow +3: +10 damage, +2 DEX, + HP Regeneration, +6% chance of criticals 15 - Ancestral Bow +4: +15 damage, +3 DEX, + HP Regeneration, +9% chance of criticals 20 - Ancestral Bow +5: +20 damage, +4 DEX, + HP Regeneration, +12% chance of criticals ** More coming soon ** -- 5. ADVENTURING WITH A ROGUE -- ** Use your dexterity. ** As one of the most dexterous heroes (above or next to the wizard), you can harass enemies with your bow or take the assassin approach by going invisible and backstabbing enemies. Like wizards, rogues make great hit-and-run heroes. ** It pays to maximize rogue abilities early. ** By saving up some points, you can get the Disable Device and Open Lock traits maximized early. This will prove valuable for rogues, as they can disable most, if not all, traps and open chests and some locked doors with minimal keys. Eventually, this will come to a point where rogues will not need many keys and not have to worry about setting off traps unlike the other heroes. ** Don't worry about buying rogue weapons of the same type. ** All rogue weapons come in two blades. ** Multiplayer tactics. ** Rogues make good scouts for harassing enemies, softening them up for a mop up by fighters and clerics. Mid-High level rogues are valuable for a party of heroes since they can open chests without the need of keys. Finally, since their bows can be fired rapidly, they make excellent snipers and possibly arcane archers. -- 6. SPECIAL THANKS -- Thanks to Atari & Wizards of the Coast for another wonderful DnD game. And a shout out to all of my role-playing partners. Don't leave home without the dice! ***** Copyright 2003 Lord deArnise, all rights reserved. This document may not be redistributed, reproduced, or rewritten without the author's consent. The author has given exclusive rights for the public display of this FAQ only to GameFAQs (www.gamefaqs.com). All questions and concerns should be addressed to the author.