Dynasty Warriors 3 and Dynasty Warriors 3: Xtreme Legends Weapon Elemental FAQ Version 2.0 XTREME Last Updated: January 20, 2004 by ShdwRlm3 (shdwrlm3 (at) yahoo (dot) com) UPDATED! The release of Xtreme Legends has warranted an update to this FAQ. Any new sections or info pertaining to XL are marked with "UPDATED!" Table of Contents 1. I Got Bored and Have Time to Kill [Intro] 2. Stuff You Should, Like, Know [Weapon Elemental Info] 3. Achichi!!! [Flame Elemental Attacks (FEAs)] 4. Voice of Thunder [Lightning Elemental Attack (LEAs)] 5. How to Make a Bad Character Good [Death Elemental Attacks (DEAs)] 6. How to Add a New Element w/o [Wind Elemental Attacks (WEAs)] Really Trying 7. How to Make a Bad Character Badder [Non-Elemental Weapons] (Bad as in Bad, not as in Good) 8. People I Ripped Info From [Credits] 9. Stuff You Don't Care About [Version History/Copyright Info] ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ 1. Intro __________ It's no wonder that over 1 million copies of Dynasty Warriors 3 have been sold worldwide. Take a tried and true Final Fight formula, add a pinch of strategy, pour in lots of secrets, and you get one of my favorite games of all time. Since I'm a sucker for compiling relatively useless info, I decided to write up this little Weapon Elemental FAQ. For other, actually useful info on DW3, make sure to check out the various FAQs available at gamefaqs.com UPDATED! Koei have decided to release Xtreme Legends: Dynasty Warriors 3 in the States, meaning much more work for me >_< A pseudo-add-on disc for the original Dynasty Warriors 3, the poorly named XL (there goes my boycott of anything with "X" in the title) adds a slew of new features. In addition to being able to play as unaligned characters in Musou Mode, new challenges in Challenge Mode, customizable bodyguards, and a new Combo grading system, Koei have added brand new 5th Weapons. 5th Weapons were apparently an effort to balance the characters, but for the most part 5th weapons aren't much better than 4th Weapons (and in some cases are worse). 5th Weapons also come with different elements than the 4th Weapons, including a (sorta) brand new element: wind. Note that even though XL actually contains all of the DW3 game data, you still need the original DW3 disc to open up most of the features. In particular, if you want most of the aligned characters' 5th Weapons, you must load the original DW3 disc! ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ 2. Weapon Elemental Info __________________________ Weapons and Elements and Bears, Oh My ------------------------------------- What are Weapons and what are Elements? Well, if you don't know the answer to that first question, stop playing DW3. As for Elements, some 4th Weapons in DW3 have Elements, meaning certain button combos will activate an Elemental Attack. But wait, what's a 4th Weapon you ask? As the game manual explains, each officer can equip 4 different types of the same weapon. Sun Shang Xiang, for example, has her Chakram (1st Weapon), Crescent Chakram (2nd Weapon), Luna Chakram (3rd Weapon), Sol Chakram (4th Weapon), plus the super secret, ultra-hidden Xena Charkam. 1st Weapons are already unlocked, but to get the 2nd and 3rd Weapons, you'll have to defeat officers and pick up Weapon Boxes OR crack open crates that contain Weapon Boxes. 4th Weapons, however, are harder to get. There are special requirements that you must meet to get a character's 4th Weapon. For 4th Weapon retrieval info, why not check out the aptly named 4th Weapon FAQ by muni shinobu found at gamefaqs.com ? And I was kidding about that Xena Chakram. UPDATED! Geez, and I thought I was just kidding about SSX's 5th Weapon. Perhaps after reading this FAQ (yeah, right), Koei decided to add brand new 5th Weapons to XL. These new weapons are obtained in ways similar to the 4th Weapons, and also come with Elements attached. For the most part, if a character had a particular Element on their 4th Weapon, that character will have a different Element (or no Element at all) on their 5th Weapon. If a character had no Element on their 4th Weapon, chances are they'll have one on their 5th Weapon. Once again, check out muni shinobu's excellent 5th Weapon FAQ for help with getting the 5th Weapons. Also recommended are Rampidzier and James' 5th Weapon guides. Their strategies definitely helped when I got mine! Again, some 4th (and 5th) Weapons have Elements attached, while others do not. You must equip the 4th (or 5th) Weapon to perform an Elemental Attack. Different Elements have different effects. Here are the 3 types of Elements and effects: Flame - Causes enemy to catch on fire, causing damage even after attack Lightning - When the enemy slams into the ground, lightning will flow through the ground, causing damage to nearby enemies Death - Instant death for most enemies, massive damage for generals Wind - Launches the enemy high up into the air No Water or Earth Element? And what does a bear have to do with anything? Beats me. UPDATED! Officially, the Elements are Fire, Lightning, Steel, and Wind. For the purpose of remaining lazy, I'll continue to refer to Flame and Death Elements. Combos ------ What about combos, you ask? Yes, I'm aware they're a fighting game staple, but they're also in DW3. To performs combos, you must perform a series of button presses. Combine normal S(quare) attacks with charged T(riangle) attacks and you get a combo. In other words, press Square a certain amount of times, then press Triangle to end the combo. Elements are activated by certain combos, depending on each character. Here's a list of possible combos that will activate an Element: UPDATED! Perhaps I should've read the manual the first time around, but the official term for the combination attacks is Charge attack: Key: S Press Square Button T Press Triangle Button (T) Optional Press Triangle Button T Charge 1 - An attack that has a large radius and causes enemies to stumble ST Charge 2 - Knocks enemy into the air SST Charge 3 - Paralyzes enemy (Only Zhuge Liang has an Elemental Attack that uses C3) SSST Charge 4 - Knocks enemy back SSSST(T) Charge 5 - Knocks enemy high into the air SSSSST(T)... Charge 6 - Varies depending on character (Some characters can have up to SSSSSTTTTT) What the heck is an FEA? LEA? DEA? WEA? ------------------------------------------ You ask too many questions, my friend. The following terms are used often and will thus be abbreviated: Flame Elemental Attack - FEA Lighting Elemental Attack - LEA Death Elemental Attack - DEA Wind Elemental Attack - WEA UPDATED! Again, the official name of the Flame Element is Fire and the official name of the Death Element is Steel (that's right, Steel). ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ 3. Flame Elemental Attacks (FEAs) ___________________________________ Much like Fire Arrows, FEAs cause the enemy to catch on fire, which continues to burn them after the attack, causing additional damage. Most of the activators are SSSST, which knocks the enemy into the air. If you didn't know, it's possible to pull of an infinite combo by repeatedly performing the SSSST combo. Once the enemy is in the air (and assuming your character's attack speed is decent), you can attack them and perform another SSSST combo. Lather, Rinse, Repeat for major damage. Adding the Flame Element to this combo makes it even better. Naturally, since SSSST usually triggers the Flame Element, the Flame Element is most useful against single officers and not groups. UPDATED! Section now separated into 4th Weapons and 5th Weapons. 4th Weapons ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Zhao Yun Weapon: Fierce Dragon Combo: SSSST SSSSST(T)(T)(T) Comments: His first FEA knocks the enemy into air. Useful for infinite combos. His second FEA is very awkward to use, however, and best used for one-on-one battles. The Flame Element is activated only after the final hit. Xiahou Dun Weapon: Kirin Fang Combo: ST Comments: Knocks enemy into air, much like SSSST. Easier to perform, obviously, and it's still possible (though MUCH harder since ST doesn't launch the enemy too high into the air) to do this infinitely. Zhou Yu Weapon: Ancients Sword Combo: ST SSSST Comments: Two FEAs available, and both are similar to each other. Both knock the enemy into the air. Zhuge Liang Weapon: Peacock Feather Combo: SSSST Comments: Knocks enemy into air. Useful for infinite combos. Note that Zhuge Liang's attack speed is rather slow, and so it might be hard to perform an infinite combo with him. Sun Jian Weapon: Savage Wolf Combo: SSSST Comments: Knocks enemy into air. Useful for infinite combos. Ma Chao Weapon: Steel Dragon Combo: SSSSST Comments: !?!? An FEA not activated by SSSST?? Normally, Ma Chao's SSSSST is a good crowd clearer, so adding the Flame Element only makes it better. Xiahou Yuan Weapon: Demon Fang Combo: SSSST Comments: Knocks enemy into air. Useful for infinite combos. Zhang Jiao Weapon: Volcano Staff Combo: SSSST Comments: Knocks enemy into air. Useful for infinite combos. Tecnically his SSST and SSSSSTTTT are also fire attacks, but you don't need the Volcano Staff to use them. Sun Ce Weapon: Overlord Combo: SSSST SSSSST(T)(T)(T) Comments: The SSSST knocks enemy into air and is useful for infinite combos. With the second FEA, the other T presses are optional. Meng Huo Weapon: King of Beasts Combo: SSSSST Comments: Now this is what I'm talkin about! Meng Huo's SSSSST makes him pound the ground with his Gauntlets. Any enemy hit will be set on fire. Zhu Rong Weapon: Magma Wheel Combo: SSST SSSST Comments: Zhu Rong's second FEA is the standard enemy-launcher, but her first FEA is far more interesting. SSST combos knock the enemy back. Even better, her SSST surrounds her. Fu Xi Weapon: Fu Xi's Sword Combo: SSSST SSSSST(T)(T) Comments: Hmm, well, his SSSST is the standard enemy-launcher, but his SSSSSTTT is a mystery to me. The other T presses are optional, but the Flame Element is only activated after the final hit. His SSSSSTTT is pretty slow and awkward to use, so it's a mystery why they decided to add a Flame Element to it. 5th Weapons ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Zhang Fei Weapon: Serpent Blade Combo: SSSSST Comments: His 4th Weapon had no element, so anything would be an improvement. This isn't too bad, and the stomp really helps to clear out crowds. Xu Zhu Weapon: Earthly Mace Combo: SSST Comments: A great crowd clearer. Pretty much reaches all around him, so you'll be setting everyone on fire in no time. Diao Chan Weapon: Imperial Mace Combo: SSST Comments: Only the first hit has the flame element. Diao Chan doesn't have an incredible reach, so adding the element to her SSST doesn't make it quite as useful as it should be. Lu Bu Weapon: Demon Slayer Combo: ST, SSST, SSSSST(T)(T) Comments: The ST attack is the standard enemy launcher. His SSST has very good range and should be a great crowd clearer since his 5th Weapon gives him extra Reach. With his SSSSST(T)(T), the element is only activated on the stomp. His FEAs are more useful than his LEAs, and having the Red Hare Saddle automatically is nice, but if you do use his 5th Weapon make sure to equip a Tortoise Amulet to make up for his lost Defense. Sun Shiang Xiang Weapon: Dragon Chakram Combo: SSSSST(T) Comments: Okay, the Arrows are useless, but with the Flame Element her 5th Weapon ends up better than her 4th. The element only activates if you hit T twice. It's a great crowd clearer that hits multiple times, so adding the flame element to it only makes it better. Yuan Shao Weapon: Imperial Saber Combo: SSSST, SSSSST Comments: Two very good FEAs. His SSSST is the standard launcher, but his SSSSST has pretty good range and is great for clearing crowds. Zhang Liao Weapon: Dragon God Combo: SSSST Comments: Basic launcher. Good for infinite combos, but it would've been nice if they had given him more than one FEA. Xu Huang Weapon: Tiger Fang Combo: SSSSST Comments: Another "stomping" FEA. Good for crowd-clearing, and his 5th Weapons is arguably better than his 4th anyway. Zhen Ji Weapon: Half Moon Flute Combo: SSST Comments: Useless. Her SSST has terrible range and you'll be lucky to hit more than one person with it. They should've added it to her SSSSST, but oh well. Da Qiao Weapon: Yellow Beauty Combo: SSST Comments: Pathetic. The actual DEA is okay, with decent range and maneuverability, but her 5th Weapon is just much worse than her 4th. First they screwed her by giving her sister a DEA while she got nothing, and now they screw her by giving her a 5th that takes away most of the good things about her 4th and adds Reach (?!) and Meat Bun Recovery. No FEA will make up for the loss of Defense. ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ 4. Lightning Elemental Attacks (LEAs) _______________________________________ Lightning attacks are rather rare. The Lightning Element is useful only when the enemy slams down into the ground, which explains why Lightning is common in SSSSTT. Of course, there are a couple of LEAs that are long-range (!). Lightning isn't really all that useful in one-on-one battles, but can help do damage to crowds. Besides, it's better than no Element at all. UPDATED! Section now separated into 4th Weapons and 5th Weapons. 4th Weapons ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Guan Yu Weapon: Blue Moon Dragon Combo: SSSSTT Comments: You MUST press T twice. The first T will launch the enemy into the air, but the Lightning Element isn't activated until Guan Yu jumps into the air and knocks the enemy back down. Dian Wei Weapon: Mad Bull Combo: SSSSTT SSSSST Comments: Like Guan Yu's, you MUST press T twice. The first T will launch the enemy into the air, but the Lightning Element isn't activated until Dian Wei jumps into the air and knocks the enemy back down. Dian Wei's second LEA causes him to stomp the ground, creating a shockwave that will electrify any enemy it touches. (Thanks to SUGARDUDE411 for informing me about this) Taishi Ci Weapon: Tiger Slayer Combo: SSST SSSSTT Comments: Taishi Ci's first LEA is rather awkward to use, but much easier to activate than the SSSSTTs. Taishi Ci uses his large Rods (hey now, stop thinking that way) to knock the enemies far back. Since SSST hits hard, it causes the enemy to slam into the ground and spread Lightning. For his second LEA, you MUST press T twice. Lu Bu Weapon: Sky Scorcher Combo: SSST SSSSTT SSSSSTTT Comments: His first LEA is a standard knock-back move. With his second LEA, again, you MUST perform the follow-up move after knocking the enemy into the air. Lu Bu's SSSSSTTT causes him to strike repeatedly with his Halberd, but the Lightning Element is only activated after the final hit. Dong Zhuo Weapon: Grand Star Combo: SSSSTT Comments: You MUST press T twice. The first T will launch the enemy into the air, but the Lightning Element isn't activated until Dong Zhuo jumps into the air and knocks the enemy back down. Sima Yi Weapon: Dark Feather Combo: SSST Comments: An interesting move that's sorta long range. Sima Yi tosses his Fans in front of him, an attack that knocks back enemies. Lu Meng Weapon: White Tiger Combo: SSSSST Comments: What's this? A LONG RANGE LEA?!?!? That's right, when Lu Meng launches that wind thingy, the Lightning Element is attached. VERY useful when fighting from afar. Gan Ning Weapon: Sea Master Combo: SSSSST Comments: Yet anoteher LONG RANGE LEA. His is even better than Lu Meng's, since Gan Ning's SSSSST causes him to stomp the ground twice. Each shockwave carries the Lightning Element. Jiang Wei Weapon: Blink Combo: SSSSST Comments: That's right, yet another long-range LEA. Again, good for clearing crowds from afar. 5th Weapons ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Zhao Yun Weapon: War Dragon Combo: SSSST SSSSST(T)(T) Comments: SSSST LEAs tend to be pretty useless since that particular combo isn't great at hitting a lot of people. However, if you manage to press T again to hit the enemy back down, it should still be a good crowd clearer, which was what his 5th Weapon was made for. His other LEA activates only on the first hit. Liu Bei Weapon: Dragon Star Combo: SSSSTT Comments: The Lightning Element will only activate once you press T a second time. Not too bad, but they should have added it to his incredible SSSSST. Still, his 5th tends to be better than his 4th, so having an LEA doesn't hurt. Ma Chao Weapon: Lightning Spear Combo: SSST Comments: They couldn't have come up with something more imaginative than Lightning Spear? At least they could have given him a better LEA than SSST. The reach is far too small for it to be really useful. Zhang Jiao Weapon: Thunder Staff Combo: SSST, SSSSST(T)(T)(T), MUSOU! Comments: INCREDIBLE! Quite possibly the best LEAs out there, if only because they look incredibly cool. Basically, any of the fire attacks that he had previously are replaced with lightning, so instead of fireballs with his SSSSSTTTT you get great balls of lightning! Even the flames from his Musou attack are replaced with lightning, so this is the only way you can have Lightning with your Musou without performing a Double Musou attack. Huang Gai Weapon: Spiked Mace Combo: SSST Comments: Huang Gai's SSST has great reach, so the lightning element is a useful addition. Sun Ce Weapon: God of War Combo: SSSSST(T)(T)(T) Comments: He lost an element for his SSSST, but his SSSSSTTTT makes up for it. The element is activated on the last hit, but if you press T all four times, it will be activated on the last two hits (oddly enough, this doesn't happen with his 4th Weapon's FEA). Pang Tong Weapon: Lightning Staff Combo: SSSSTT Comments: The element is only activated on the second press of T. Better than no element at all, I suppose. Meng Huo Weapon: Shadow Beast Combo: SSST Comments: Although his SSST clear crowds well, there's a huge recovery time. By the time you get back up the enemies will also be back up to hit you. ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ 5. Death Elemental Attacks (DEAs) ___________________________________ THE best Element in the game, in my opinion, DEAs cause instant death for any enemy that you make contact with. Best of all, even Gate Captains and Guards are susceptible to instant death. For higher level officers, DEAs don't cause instant death, but still cause a MASSIVE amount of damage. Of course, the Death Element is best used on Hard Mode, where enemies almost always take more than one hit to defeat. UPDATED! Section now separated into 4th Weapons and 5th Weapons. 4th Weapons ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lu Xun Weapon: Falcon Combo: SSST Comments: What's this? A DEA combo not involving SSSSST??? Just the fact that you don't have to perform a long combo to activate the Death Element makes this one of the best DEAs in the game. His SSST can cause 2 hits, but does have rather limited range and reach. Best used for crowd control, and is especially useful on Hard Mode. Cao Cao Weapon: Wrath of Heaven Combo: SSSSST(T)(T)(T)(T) Comments: One of the better DEAs, Cao Cao moves forward while repeatedly slashing. Limited reach, but rather long-range (compared to other DEAs, anyway). Very useful against both generals and groups. Also note that it's possible to rotate Cao Cao while he performs his DEA, but only if he doesn't hit anyone (this will help you move Cao Cao towards an enemy). The Death Element will be activated the moment you first press T. Zhang He Weapon: Peacock Talon Combo: SSSSST(T) Comments: Zhang He's DEA is relatively useful for crowd control, but is too unpredictable to be used effectively against generals. The Death Element is activated as soon as you press T, and at that point Zhang He slides left to right. His DEA covers a wide area, but has very limited distance. Wei Yan Weapon: Double Comet Combo: SSSST SSSSSTTT Comments: Wei Yan's Double Comet is quite a rarity in that it has TWO DEAs. Unfortunately, neither DEA is all that great. His SSSST launches his opponent the air, which means it has extrelemy limited reach. It's most useful for infinite combos (SSSST, SSSST, SSSST...) against generals. Usually damage will drop when you perform an inf. combo, but with the Death Element attached, you should still be able to inflict a lot of damage. Wei Yan's SSSSSTTT isn't really worth it. Wei Yan will spin his weapon over his head. The Death Element will only be activated on the final press of T, and by then the other Ts would have pushed the enemies back. You also MUST press T 3 times or the Death Element won't be activated. Xiao Qiao Weapon: True Grace Combo: SSSSST(T)(T)(T)(T) Comments: Xiao Qiao's SSSSSTTTTT is very much like her Musou Attack. You have a limited amount of control of her as she moves (if she doesn't hit anyone), which helps her to clear out crowds. However, if you get a clean hit on a general, you can combo multiple Death Element hits, racking up massive damage! The Death Element is activated as soon as you hit T. Nu Wa Weapon: Nu Wa's Rapier Combo: SSSSST(T) Comments: Nu Wa may be a goddess (and one of the best characters in the game), but her DEA is severely lacking. You can rotate her SSSSSTT if she doesn't hit anyone initially, which is not unlike her Musou Attack, but the Death Element is activated only at the final press of T, in which she'll lunge with her Rapier. Not too useful for crowds, but generally effective against generals (if you can manage to hit them with it). 5th Weapons ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Quan Weapon: Heavenly Wolf Combo: SSST Comments: Although perhaps not as useful as Lu Xun's, it's still quick to activate and has the potential to hit multiple enemies. Although you lose the Attack bonus that his 4th Weapon have, who needs Attack when you have a DEA? Dong Zhuo Weapon: Black Steel Combo: SSST Comments: Unfortunatley Dong Zhou's SSST has very limited range. Still, it's a DEA, and should be at least useful against generals. Xiahou Yuan Weapon: Mystic Fang Combo: SSSSST(T) Comments: Not unlike Cao Cao's, although it has much more limited movement. Regardless, a DEA is a DEA. ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ 6. Wind Elemental Attacks (WEAs) __________________________________ UPDATED! A new section for a new(ish) element! The Wind Element is an example of lazy programming in action. If you look closely, its obvious that the blasts of wind are the same ones from the wind tunnel at Seige of He Fei, so they barely did any work to implement it. As for what the Wind Element actually does, it (supposedly) juggles enemies. If the blasts of wind hit enemies, it will send them very high in the air, making it easy to follow up with another attack. Theoretically, it's very useful for getting combo points, but since most of the WEAs are SSSSST, you'll probably want to start your combo with it. Still, overall the Wind Elements is pretty useless. With the] exception of Huang Gong, all of the characters with a Wind Element on their 5th Weapon have another element on their 4th Weapon, which you're probably better off sticking with. 4th Weapons ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- No 4th Weapons have the Wind Element attached. 5th Weapons ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Xiahou Dun Weapon: Tempest Sword Combo: SSSSST Comments: Very, very hard to aim. If you manage to hit, though, the enemy is yours. Zhou Yu Weapon: Elder Moon Combo: SSSSST Comments: Not terribly hard to aim. Use from far away, then rush in to hit them while they're falling. Lu Xun Weapon: Flash Blade Combo: SSSSST Comments: Ummm... no. Although you get two blasts of wind instead of one, it's not easy to aim from far away. Besides, his DEA just can't be replaced. Zhuge Liang Weapon: Griffin Feather Combo: SST, SSSSST Comments: Two WEAs instead of one, but nothing can make Zhuge Liang a good character. Basically, his lasers are replaced with whirlwinds. His SST is easy enough to perform, but his SSSSST, although it sends out multiple blasts of wind, is far too uncontrolable to be really useful. REALLY not worth the trouble of getting the weapon in the first place. Also, for some reason I couldn't get his WEAs to actually juggle people, whereas I had no trouble juggling with the other characters that have WEAs. Huang Zhong Weapon: Mystic Blade Combo: SSSSST Comments: Two blasts of wind are released straight ahead, so if one misses, the other may still hit. Gan Ning Weapon: Seven Seas Blade Combo: SSSSST Comments: Why would you want a WEA when you have a perfectly good FEA available? Two blasts of wind, and not too hard to aim, but still pretty useless. Zhu Rong Weapon: Tri Blade Combo: SSSSST Comments: Her WEA sends out multiple blasts of wind in many directions, making it the best one in the game (which isn't saying much). Still, stick with her 4th Weapon for much better FEAs and better stat bonuses. ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ 7. Non-Elemental Weapons __________________________ For some very strange reason *coughlazyprogrammingcough*, some characters weren't given Elemental 4th Weapons. For some, not having an Element doesn't matter (Da Qiao), but for others (Xu Zhu), only an Element (preferably Death) could have saved their sorry hides from the abyss of unused, useless characters. The following lists characters and their weapons that do not have an Elemental Attack. Character 4th Weapon --------------- ---------------- Zhang Fei Viper Blade Xu Zhu Stone Crusher Diao Chan Gold Globe Sun Shang Xiang Sol Chakram Liu Bei Gold Moon Dragon Sun Quan Master Wolf Yuan Shao Grand Master Huang Zhong Oracle Sword Zhang Liao Dragon Breath Xu Huang Marauder Zhen Ji Dark Moon Flute Huang Gai Black Shadow Pang Tong Tornado Staff Da Qiao True Beauty UPDATED! In an attempt to balance the characters, XL features 5th Weapons that have elements for all of the characters who were screwed out of elements in 4th Weapons. Meanwhile, characters whose 4th Weapons had elements either have new elements on their 5th Weapons or no elements on them at all. For characters who do not have elements on their 5th Weapons, they instead get an attached item, which is useful for freeing up an item slot. Character 5th Weapon Item --------------- ---------- ---------------- Guan Yu Divine Dragon Red Hare Saddle Dian Wei Beast Axe Hex Mark Saddle Taishi Ci Tiger Wolf Divine Helm Cao Cao Blue Steel Musou Armor Lu Bu (*) Demon Slayer Red Hare Saddle Sun Jian Wolf Blade Buckler Sima Yi Raven Feather Defender Lu Meng Fighting Tiger Musou Armor Jiang Wei Starlight Pike Defender Zhang He Phoenix Talon Survival Guide Wei Yan Twin Stars The Way of Musou Xiao Qiao Blue Grace Survival Guide Fu Xi Dragon Slayer The Art of War Nu Wa Dragon Rapier Defender * In an attempt to make people want to choose Lu Bu over anyone else even more, Lu Bu has the distinction of having the only 5th Weapon with BOTH an Element (Flame) AND an Item (Red Hare Saddle). ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ 8. Credits ____________ This FAQ definitely could not have been possible without the following: muni shinobu- C'mon, I dare you to find even ONE DW3 FAQ that doesn't credit muni shinobu and his absolutely wonderful DW3 FAQs! Credit goes to him for helping me get every 4th weapon through the use of his 4th Weapon FAQ. Rampidzier and James- For their incredible 5th Weapon FAQs that helped me get those aggravating 5th Weapons! CJayC- Once again, for maintaining THE best video game site out there. My Bro- For playing DW3 with me and helping me get the 4th and 5th Weapons. SUGARDUDE411- For informing me about Dian Wei's other LEA. If you see something incorrect or wish to contribute info, feel free to e-mail me at shdwrlm3@yahoo.com You'll be credited if I use your info. PLEASE, PLEASE, do not e-mail me with other gamplay questions. If you have a question pertaining to other parts of DW3, please check out the FAQs at gamefaqs.com ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ 9. Version History/Copyright Info ___________________________________ V 1.0 - January 20, 2002 - Fastest FAQ completed ever, at least for me. All info was compiled in 2 days, though getting all 4th Weapons took about a month ^_^ Final version unless I find something else to put in. V 1.1 - January 26, 2002- Well whaddaya know, another version. Looks like I missed some Elemental Attacks, so I added those, plus I corrected some combos. V 2.0 - January 20, 2004 - Whoa... Exactly two years later. I swear I didn't plan that O_O Anyway, FAQ updated with all new Xtreme Legends elemental attacks. Copyright © 2002-2004 by ShdwRlm3. This file is for non-profit personal use only. Do not use information from this guide without permission. This file is a GameFAQs _EXCLUSIVE_!!! Exceptions will only be made for Dynasty Warriors-specific websites. If you have a site featuring Dynasty Warriors 3, you may e-mail me for permission. Any other sites may NOT host this FAQ! GameFAQs- http://www.gamefaqs.com "You don't win friends with salad."