O-----------------------------------O |Dynasty Warriors 4 Stage List | |Version 0.7 | |May 12th, 2003 | |By Baldactor (baldactor@yahoo.com) | O-----------------------------------O Table of Contents 1. INTRODUCTION 2. VERSION HISTORY 3. STAGE LIST IN FREE MODE 4. STAGE LIST BY DIFFICULTY 5. STAGE DETAILS 6. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS O----------------O |1. INTRODUCTION | O----------------O As a big fan of the series, I couldn't wait to get my hands on this game. Once I got it, I noticed immediately the difference in free mode stage selection. No longer were the stages set up roughly in terms of difficulty, but in terms of area or location. I knew I could start leveling up my characters starting with the yellow turbans, but where to go from there? So I fastidiously tried to unlock every stage and create a cheat sheet for myself so I'd know where the 3's, 4's and so on were. Here it is. I'm sure I've missed something, so if you see an error or omission, please let me know and I'll give you the credit. Thanks! O-------------------O |2. VERSION HISTORY | O-------------------O Version 0.7 (5/12/03) - Added Stage Details with basic unlocking walkthroughs. Changed the faq name from 'boards' to 'stages', though it could be called battles or areas, or any number of things, 'stages' seems to be the agreed upon convention. Version 0.6 (4/29/03) - Added the last three or four sides I didn't have yet. Version 0.5 (4/24/03) - Just the basics. I have fielded a question or two about 'Can someone post all the stages and sides' in the message boards, so I thought I'd just get this out. I'm going to go into more detail about each stage in future revisions (items, officers, interesting things). O---------------------------O |3. STAGE LIST IN FREE MODE | O---------------------------O The seq# refers to the order they appear in the free mode selection screen sequence. Difficulty is the game's rating (not mine) of the stage on a scale of 1 to 8 when set to the normal difficulty (in options). For the easy setting subtract one from number shown. For hard difficulty, add one. Sides: WU = Wu Forces SHU = Shu Forces WEI = Wei Forces LBF = Liu Bei's Forces CCF = Cao Cao's Forces SJF = Sun Jian's Forces DZF = Dong Zhou's Forces LUBU = Lu Bu's Forces ALD = Allied Forces HAN = Han Forces YSF = Yuan Shao's Forces YT = Yellow Turban Forces Seq# Name of Board Map Area Difficulty Sides Available ---- ----------------------------- --------------- ---------- --------------- 01a Battle of Yi Ling Yi Ling 7 WU,SHU 01b The Campaign for Jing Yi Ling 5 LBF 01c Unification of Jing Yi Ling 4 SJF 02a Battle of Jie Ting Wu Zhang Plains 7 WEI,SHU 02b Battle of Wu Zhang Plains Wu Zhang Plains 7 WEI,SHU 02c Battle of Tian Shui Wu Zhang Plains 6 SHU 03a Battle of He Fei He Fei 7 WEI,WU 03b Battle of Shi Ting He Fei 7 WEI,WU 03c Campaign against Sun Jian He Fei 4,6,6,4 DZF,LUBU,YSF,YT 03d The Two Qiaos He Fei 2 SJF 04a Battle of Mt. Ding Jun Han Zhong 7 WEI,SHU 04b Battle of Han Zhong Han Zhong 6 SHU 04c Eliminate Zhang Jiao! Han Zhong 3,2,2 CCF,LBF,SJF 05a Battle of Guan Du Guan Du 4,5 CCF,YSF 05b Campaign against Cao Cao Guan Du 5 DZF,LUBU,YT 05c The Yellow Turban Fortress Guan Du 2,3 HAN,YT 06a Battle of Ji Province Ji Province 4 CCF 06b The Yellow Turban Rebellion Ji Province 2,6 HAN,YT 06c Dong Zhou in Ji Ji Province 6 WEI 07a Guan Yu's Escape Xu Chang 4,3 CCF,LBF 07b Battle of Xu Chang Xu Chang 7,7,5 WU,SHU,NAN 07c Battle of Si Shui Gate Xu Chang 3 ALD,DZF 08a Battle of Jian Ye Wu Territory 7,7,4 WEI,SHU,NAN 08b Unification of Jiang Dong Wu Territory 4 SJF 08c Campaign for the Wu Territory Wu Territory 4 SJF 09a The Imperial Seal Luo Yang 3 SJF 09b Battle of Hu Lao Gate Luo Yang 3 ALD,DZF 09c Battle of Tong Gate Luo Yang 5 CCF,LBF 10a Battle of Xia Pi Xu Province 4,5 CCF, LUBU 10b The Yellow Turban Menace Xu Province 2,5 HAN,YT 10c Campaign against Liu Bei Xu Province 5,6,6,3 DZF,LUBU,YSF,YT 10d Lu Bu's Offensive Xu Province 5 CCF 11a Campaign for Cheng Du Cheng Du 5 LBF 11b Battle of Cheng Du Cheng Du 6,7,7 NAN,WEI,WU 11c Battle of Luo Castle Cheng Du 5 LBF 12a Battle of Xia Kou Chi Bi 5 SJF 12b Battle of Chi Bi Chi Bi 5,5,4 CCF,SJF,LBF 12c Battle of Chang Jiang Chi Bi 6 WU 13a The Siege of Fan Castle Xiang Yang 7 WEI,WU 13b Battle of Fan Castle Xiang Yang 7 SHU 13c Assault on Liu Biao Xiang Yang 4 SJF 14a Battle of Bo Wan Po Ru Nan 5,4 CCF,LBF 14b Battle of Ru Nan Ru Nan 3 LBF 15a Battle of Wan Castle Nan Yang 4 CCF 15b Lu Bu's Revolt Nan Yang 6,4 DZF,LUBU 16a The Nanman Campaign Nan Zhong 7,7,3 WU,SHU,NAN 16b Defense of Nanman Nan Zhong 5 SJF 17a Battle of Chang Ban Nan Territory 5,4 CCF,LBF 17b Race for the Nan Territory Nan Territory 7 ALD 17c Battle of Mai Castle Nan Territory 6 SJF O----------------------------O |4. STAGE LIST BY DIFFICULTY | O----------------------------O The seq# refers to the order they appear in the free mode selection screen sequence. Difficulty is the game's rating (not mine) of the stage on a scale of 1 to 8 when set to the normal difficulty (in options). For the easy setting subtract one from number shown. For hard difficulty, add one. Seq# Name of Board Map Area Difficulty Sides Available ---- ----------------------------- --------------- ---------- --------------- 03d The Two Qiaos He Fei 2 SJF 04c Eliminate Zhang Jiao! Han Zhong 2 LBF,SJF 05c The Yellow Turban Fortress Guan Du 2 HAN 06b The Yellow Turban Rebellion Ji Province 2 HAN 10b The Yellow Turban Menace Xu Province 2 HAN 04c Eliminate Zhang Jiao! Han Zhong 3 CCF 05c The Yellow Turban Fortress Guan Du 3 YT 07a Guan Yu's Escape Xu Chang 3 LBF 07c Battle of Si Shui Gate Xu Chang 3 ALD,DZF 09a The Imperial Seal Luo Yang 3 SJF 09b Battle of Hu Lao Gate Luo Yang 3 ALD,DZF 10c Campaign against Liu Bei Xu Province 3 YT 14b Battle of Ru Nan Ru Nan 3 LBF 16a The Nanman Campaign Nan Zhong 3 NAN 01c Unification of Jing Yi Ling 4 SJF 03c Campaign against Sun Jian He Fei 4 DZF,YT 05a Battle of Guan Du Guan Du 4 CCF 06a Battle of Ji Province Ji Province 4 CCF 07a Guan Yu's Escape Xu Chang 4 CCF 08a Battle of Jian Ye Wu Territory 4 NAN 08b Unification of Jiang Dong Wu Territory 4 SJF 08c Campaign for the Wu Territory Wu Territory 4 SJF 10a Battle of Xia Pi Xu Province 4 CCF 12b Battle of Chi Bi Chi Bi 4 LBF 13c Assault on Liu Biao Xiang Yang 4 SJF 14a Battle of Bo Wan Po Ru Nan 4 LBF 15a Battle of Wan Castle Nan Yang 4 CCF 15b Lu Bu's Revolt Nan Yang 4 LUBU 17a Battle of Chang Ban Nan Territory 4 LBF 01b The Campaign for Jing Yi Ling 5 LBF 05a Battle of Guan Du Guan Du 5 YSF 05b Campaign against Cao Cao Guan Du 5 DZF,LUBU,YT 07b Battle of Xu Chang Xu Chang 5 NAN 09c Battle of Tong Gate Luo Yang 5 CCF,LBF 10a Battle of Xia Pi Xu Province 5 LUBU 10b The Yellow Turban Menace Xu Province 5 YT 10c Campaign against Liu Bei Xu Province 5 DZF 10d Lu Bu's Offensive Xu Province 5 CCF 11a Campaign for Cheng Du Cheng Du 5 LBF 11c Battle of Luo Castle Cheng Du 5 LBF 12a Battle of Xia Kou Chi Bi 5 SJF 12b Battle of Chi Bi Chi Bi 5 CCF,SJF 14a Battle of Bo Wan Po Ru Nan 5 CCF 16b Defense of Nanman Nan Zhong 5 SJF 17a Battle of Chang Ban Nan Territory 5 CCF 02c Battle of Tian Shui Wu Zhang Plains 6 SHU 03c Campaign against Sun Jian He Fei 6 LUBU,YSF 04b Battle of Han Zhong Han Zhong 6 SHU 06b The Yellow Turban Rebellion Ji Province 6 YT 06c Dong Zhou in Ji Ji Province 6 WEI 10c Campaign against Liu Bei Xu Province 6 LUBU,YSF 11b Battle of Cheng Du Cheng Du 6 NAN 12c Battle of Chang Jiang Chi Bi 6 WU 15b Lu Bu's Revolt Nan Yang 6 DZF 17c Battle of Mai Castle Nan Territory 6 SJF 01a Battle of Yi Ling Yi Ling 7 WU,SHU 02a Battle of Jie Ting Wu Zhang Plains 7 WEI,SHU 02b Battle of Wu Zhang Plains Wu Zhang Plains 7 WEI,SHU 03a Battle of He Fei He Fei 7 WEI,WU 03b Battle of Shi Ting He Fei 7 WEI,WU 04a Battle of Mt. Ding Jun Han Zhong 7 WEI,SHU 07b Battle of Xu Chang Xu Chang 7 WU,SHU 08a Battle of Jian Ye Wu Territory 7 WEI,SHU 11b Battle of Cheng Du Cheng Du 7 WEI,WU 13a The Siege of Fan Castle Xiang Yang 7 WEI,WU 13b Battle of Fan Castle Xiang Yang 7 SHU 16a The Nanman Campaign Nan Zhong 7 WU,SHU 17b Race for the Nan Territory Nan Territory 7 ALD O----------------------------O |5. STAGE DETAILS | O----------------------------O This section contains anything I think is note-worthy about the stages. Some pointers: -Use ctrl-F to search for the stage you want. They are in free mode order now. -All Stages must be unlocked in Musou mode, but can be unlocked at any difficulty setting. -You don't have to beat a stage to unlock it, once you've seen it appear in musou mode, it will appear in free mode as well. -You can unlock most stages multiple times - once for each playable side. -Refer to one of the walkthrough faqs(BNii's is the best, I think) if you need more help. I'll credit BNii for the much of my material here, and I know that he'd give Muni Shinobi credit for helping him too. So thanks! -More information is on the way. I've started to get a lot of emails from people on how to unlock stages, and just wanted to get that part in. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Battle of Yi Ling ------------------------------------ Map Area: Yi Ling Sides Available(Difficulty): Wu(7), Shu(7) Who: Wu vs. Shu Attack Bonus Available: +? Defense Bonus Available: +? Items Available: 5(Wu), 5(Shu) To Unlock: Play through Wu or Shu Musou(depending on which side you want to unlock). It will appear in Act V or the Final Act, depending on whether the fire attack at Chi Bi was successful. Other info: An easy way to get through the Zhuge Liang's maze is to follow the outside wall. This stage contains Ba Dai castle and 3 smaller forts. Zhuge Liang(Shu) will create a waterway across the river. Zhu Ran(Wu) will attempt a fire attack on the castle. The Campaign for Jing ------------------------------------ Map Area: Yi Ling Sides Available(Difficulty): Liu Bei's Forces(5) Who: Attack Bonus Available: +? Defense Bonus Available: +? Items Available: To Unlock: Shu Musou-Act IV Other info: Unification of Jing ------------------------------------ Map Area: Yi Ling Sides Available(Difficulty): Sun Jian's Forces(4) Who: Attack Bonus Available: +? Defense Bonus Available: +? Items Available: To Unlock: Wu Musou-Tales-In Act III, play Unification of Jiang Dong first. Other info: Battle of Jie Ting ------------------------------------ Map Area: Wu Zhang Plains Sides Available(Difficulty): Wei(7), Shu(7) Who: Attack Bonus Available: +? Defense Bonus Available: +? Items Available: To Unlock: Play through Wei or Shu Musou. It will appear in Act V or the Final Act, depending on whether the fire attack at Chi Bi was successful. Other info: Battle of Wu Zhang Plains ------------------------------------ Map Area: Wu Zhang Plains Sides Available(Difficulty): Wei(7), Shu(7) Who: Attack Bonus Available: +? Defense Bonus Available: +? Items Available: To Unlock: Play through Wei or Shu Musou. It will appear in Act V or the Final Act, depending on whether the fire attack at Chi Bi was successful. Other info: Battle of Tian Shui ------------------------------------ Map Area: Wu Zhang Plains Sides Available(Difficulty): Shu(6) Who: Attack Bonus Available: +? Defense Bonus Available: +? Items Available: To Unlock: Shu Musou-Tales- In Act III, play Battle of Chi Bi first and make sure that the fire attack is NOT successful. Other info: Battle of He Fei ------------------------------------ Map Area: He Fei Sides Available(Difficulty): Wei(7), Wu(7) Who: Attack Bonus Available: +? Defense Bonus Available: +? Items Available: To Unlock: Play through Wei or Wu Musou. It will appear in Act V or the Final Act, depending on whether the fire attack at Chi Bi was successful. Other info: Battle of Shi Ting ------------------------------------ Map Area: He Fei Sides Available(Difficulty): Wei(7), Wu(7) Who: Attack Bonus Available: +? Defense Bonus Available: +? Items Available: To Unlock: Play through Wei or Wu Musou. It will appear in Act V or the Final Act, depending on whether the fire attack at Chi Bi was successful. Other info: Campaign against Sun Jian ------------------------------------ Map Area: He Fei Sides Available(Difficulty): Dong Zhou's Forces(4),Lu Bu's Forces(6), Yuan Shao's Forces(6),Yellow Turban Forces(4) Who: Attack Bonus Available: +? Defense Bonus Available: +? Items Available: To Unlock: Dong Zhou Musou-Act II,Lu Bu Musou-Act IV, Yuan Shao Musou-Act IV, Yellow Turban Musou-Act II Other info: The Two Qiaos ------------------------------------ Map Area: He Fei Sides Available(Difficulty): Sun Jian's Forces(2) Who: Attack Bonus Available: +? Defense Bonus Available: +? Items Available: To Unlock: Wu Musou-Tales- Clear Wu Musou Mode once. The second time through, in Act I, select The Yellow Turban Fortress first, then The Yellow Turban Rebellion. Other info: Battle of Mt. Ding Jun ------------------------------------ Map Area: Han Zhong Sides Available(Difficulty): Wei(7), Shu(7) Who: Attack Bonus Available: +? Defense Bonus Available: +? Items Available: To Unlock: Play through Wei or Shu Musou. It will appear in Act V or the Final Act, depending on whether the fire attack at Chi Bi was successful. Other info: Battle of Han Zhong ------------------------------------ Map Area: Han Zhong Sides Available(Difficulty): Shu(6) Who: Attack Bonus Available: +? Defense Bonus Available: +? Items Available: To Unlock: Shu Musou-Tales-Clear less than 10 stages before end of Act V. In Act II, at the Battle of Hu Lao Gate defeat all generals and let Dong Zhou escape. In Act III, the fire attack at Battle of Chi Bi must be successful. In Act V, select Battle of Wu Zhang Plains first. Other info: Eliminate Zhang Jiao! ------------------------------------ Map Area: Han Zhong Sides Available(Difficulty): Cao Cao's Forces(3),Liu Bei's Forces(2),Sun Jian's Forces(2) Who: Attack Bonus Available: +? Defense Bonus Available: +? Items Available: To Unlock: In Wei, Wu, or Shu Musou, In Act I, select The Yellow Turban Rebellion first. Defeat all generals and sub generals and let Zhang Jiao retreat. Other info: Battle of Guan Du ------------------------------------ Map Area: Guan Du Sides Available(Difficulty): Cao Cao's Forces(4),Yuan Shao's Forces(5) Who: Attack Bonus Available: +? Defense Bonus Available: +? Items Available: To Unlock: CCF-Wei Musou-Act III, YSF-Yuan Shao Musou-Act III Other info: Campaign against Cao Cao ------------------------------------ Map Area: Guan Du Sides Available(Difficulty): Dong Zhou's Forces(5),Lu Bu's Forces(5),Yellow Turbans(5) Who: Attack Bonus Available: +? Defense Bonus Available: +? Items Available: To Unlock: DZF-Dong Zhou Musou-Act III, LUBU-Lu Bu's Forces-Act III, YT- Yellow Turban Musou-Act III Other info: The Yellow Turban Fortress ------------------------------------ Map Area: Guan Du Sides Available(Difficulty): Han Forces(2), Yellow Turbans(3) Who: Attack Bonus Available: +? Defense Bonus Available: +? Items Available: To Unlock: HAN-Unlocked initially, YT-Yellow Turban Musou-Act I Other info: Battle of Ji Province ------------------------------------ Map Area: Ji Province Sides Available(Difficulty): Cao Cao's Forces(4) Who: Attack Bonus Available: +? Defense Bonus Available: +? Items Available: To Unlock: Wei Musou-Tales-In Act II, select the Battle of Hu Lao Gate first and defeat Lu Bu(!). In Act III, select the Battle of Guan Du first, defeat all generals and let Yuan Shao retreat. Other info: The Yellow Turban Rebellion ------------------------------------ Map Area: Ji Province Sides Available(Difficulty): Han Forces(2), Yellow Turbans(6) Who: Attack Bonus Available: +? Defense Bonus Available: +? Items Available: To Unlock: HAN-Unlocked initially, YT-Yellow Turban Musou-Final Act(IV) Other info: Dong Zhou in Ji ------------------------------------ Map Area: Ji Province Sides Available(Difficulty): Wei(6) Who: Attack Bonus Available: +? Defense Bonus Available: +? Items Available: To Unlock: Wei Musou-Tales-In Act II, during the Battle at Hu Lao Gate let Dong Zhou retreat. Clear less than 10 stages before the end of Act V. In Act V, depending on which scenario you receive select the Battle of He Fei or the Battle of Wu Zhang Plains first. Other info: Guan Yu's Escape ------------------------------------ Map Area: Xu Chang Sides Available(Difficulty): Cao Cao's Forces(4),Liu Bei's Forces(3) Who: Attack Bonus Available: +? Defense Bonus Available: +? Items Available: To Unlock: CCF-Wei Musou-Tales-In Act I, select The Yellow Turban Rebellion first. In Act II, clear both Hu Lao and Si Shui stages. LBF-Shu Musou-Tales- At the Shu Musou's Battle of Si Shui Gate (Act II), do not enter the supply depot until Yuan Shao asks "Is there no one who can defeat Hua Xiong?" Defeat Hua Xiong. At the Battle of Hu Lao Gate (Act II) defeat Lu Bu and Diao Chan, and let Dong Zhou escape. Other info: Battle of Xu Chang ------------------------------------ Map Area: Xu Chang Sides Available(Difficulty): Wu(7), Shu(7), Nanman(5) Who: Attack Bonus Available: +? Defense Bonus Available: +? Items Available: To Unlock: WU-In Wu Musou Act IV, the fire attack at Chi Bi must be SUCCESSFUL. Battle of Xu Chang will then be the final stage in Wu Musou. SHU-In Shu Musou Act III, the fire attack at Chi Bi must be UNSUCCESSFUL. Battle of Xu Chang will then be the final stage in Shu Musou. NAN-Appears in Nanman Musou Act III. Other info: Battle of Si Shui Gate ------------------------------------ Map Area: Xu Chang Sides Available(Difficulty): Allied Forces(3), Dong Zhou's Forces(3) Who: Allied Forces vs. Dong Zhou's Forces Attack Bonus Available: +? Defense Bonus Available: +? Items Available: To Unlock: ALD-ACT II of Wu, Shu, or Wei Musou. DZF-Lu Bu Musou Act I. Other info: Battle of Jian Ye ------------------------------------ Map Area: Wu Territory Sides Available(Difficulty): Wei(7), Shu(7), Nanman(4) Who: Attack Bonus Available: +? Defense Bonus Available: +? Items Available: To Unlock: WEI-Wei Musou-If the fire attack at Chi Bi in Act IV is SUCCESSFUL, the final stage of Wei Musou will be this one. SHU-Shu Musou-If the fire attack at Chi Bi in Act III is SUCCESSFUL, the final stage of Shu Musou will be this one. NAN-Nanman Musou- Act II Other info: Unification of Jiang Dong ------------------------------------ Map Area: Wu Territory Sides Available(Difficulty): Sun Jian's Forces(4) Who: Attack Bonus Available: +? Defense Bonus Available: +? Items Available: To Unlock: Wu Musou-Act III Other info: Campaign for the Wu Territory ------------------------------------ Map Area: Wu Territory Sides Available(Difficulty): Sun Jian's Forces(4) Who: Attack Bonus Available: +? Defense Bonus Available: +? Items Available: To Unlock: Wu Musou-Act III Other info: The Imperial Seal ------------------------------------ Map Area: Luo Yang Sides Available(Difficulty): Sun Jian's Forces(3) Who: Sun Jian's Forces vs. Dong Zhou's Forces Attack Bonus Available: +? Defense Bonus Available: +? Items Available: To Unlock: Wu Musou-Tales-In Act II, play Battle of Hu Lao Gate first. Other info: Battle of Hu Lao Gate ------------------------------------ Map Area: Luo Yang Sides Available(Difficulty): Allied Forces(3), Dong Zhou's Forces(3) Who: Allied Forces vs. Dong Zhou's Forces Attack Bonus Available: +? Defense Bonus Available: +? Items Available: To Unlock: ALD-ACT II of Wu, Shu, or Wei Musou. DZF-Lu Bu Musou Act I. Other info: Battle of Tong Gate ------------------------------------ Map Area: Luo Yang Sides Available(Difficulty): Cao Cao's Forces(5), Liu Bei's Forces(5) Who: Cao Cao's Forces vs. Liu Bei's Forces Attack Bonus Available: +? Defense Bonus Available: +? Items Available: To Unlock: CCF-Wei Musou-Tales-In Act III select the Battle of Chi Bi first. LBF-Shu Musou-Tales-Play Campaign for Cheng Du first in Act IV. Defeat either Ma Chao or Pang De when they arrive as reinforcements. Other info: Battle of Xia Pi ------------------------------------ Map Area: Xu Province Sides Available(Difficulty): Cao Cao's Forces(4), Lu Bu's Forces(5) Who: Attack Bonus Available: +? Defense Bonus Available: +? Items Available: To Unlock: CCF-Wei Musou-Act III, LUBU-Lu Bu Musou-Act III. Other info: The Yellow Turban Menace ------------------------------------ Map Area: Xu Province Sides Available(Difficulty): Han Forces(2), Yellow Turbans(5) Who: Attack Bonus Available: +? Defense Bonus Available: +? Items Available: To Unlock: HAN-Initially available. YT-Yellow Turban Musou-Act III. Other info: Campaign against Liu Bei ------------------------------------ Map Area: Xu Province Sides Available(Difficulty): Dong Zhou's Forces(5), Lu Bu's Forces(6), Yuan Shao's Forces(6), Yellow Turbans(3) Who: Attack Bonus Available: +? Defense Bonus Available: +? Items Available: To Unlock: DZF-Dong Zhou Musou-Act III, LUBU-Lu Bu Musou-Act IV, YSF-Yuan Shao Musou-Act IV, YT-Yellow Turban Musou-Act I Other info: Lu Bu's Offensive ------------------------------------ Map Area: Xu Province Sides Available(Difficulty): Cao Cao's Forces(5) Who: Attack Bonus Available: +? Defense Bonus Available: +? Items Available: To Unlock: CCF-Wei Musou-Tales-In Act II, at the Battle of Hu Lao Gate defeat Lu Bu(!). In Act III, at the Battle of Guan Du defeat Lu Bu. In Act IV play through all the stages in order, and during the Battle of Chi Bi prevent the prayer for wind AND the fire attack. Other info: Campaign for Cheng Du ------------------------------------ Map Area: Cheng Du Sides Available(Difficulty): Liu Bei's Forces(5) Who: Attack Bonus Available: +? Defense Bonus Available: +? Items Available: To Unlock: Shu Musou-Act IV Other info: Battle of Cheng Du ------------------------------------ Map Area: Cheng Du Sides Available(Difficulty): Nanman(6), Wei(7), Wu(7) Who: Attack Bonus Available: +? Defense Bonus Available: +? Items Available: To Unlock: NAN-Nanman Musou-Final Act. WEI-Wei Musou-If the fire attack at Chi Bi in Act IV is UNSUCCESSFUL, the final stage of Wei Musou will be this one. WU-Wu Musou-In Act IV, the fire attack at Chi Bi must be UNSUCCESSFUL. Battle of Cheng Du will then be the final stage in Wu Musou. Other info: Battle of Luo Castle ------------------------------------ Map Area: Cheng Du Sides Available(Difficulty): Liu Bei's Forces(5) Who: Attack Bonus Available: +? Defense Bonus Available: +? Items Available: To Unlock: Shu Musou-Act IV. Other info: Battle of Xia Kou ------------------------------------ Map Area: Chi Bi Sides Available(Difficulty): Sun Jian's Forces(5) Who: Attack Bonus Available: +? Defense Bonus Available: +? Items Available: To Unlock: Wu Musou-Act IV Other info: Battle of Chi Bi ------------------------------------ Map Area: Chi Bi Sides Available(Difficulty): Cao Cao's Forces(5), Sun Jian's Forces(5), Liu Bei's Forces(4) Who: Attack Bonus Available: +? Defense Bonus Available: +? Items Available: To Unlock: CCF-Wei Musou-Act IV, SJF-Wu Musou-Act IV, LBF-Shu Musou-Act III. Other info: Battle of Chang Jiang ------------------------------------ Map Area: Chi Bi Sides Available(Difficulty): Wu(6) Who: Attack Bonus Available: +? Defense Bonus Available: +? Items Available: To Unlock: Wu Musou-Tales-In Act II, at the Battle of Hu Lao Gate allow Dong Zhou to retreat. In Act IV, the fire attack at Chi Bi must be UNSUCCESSFUL. In Act V, play the Battle of He Fei first. Clear less than 10 stages before the end of Act V. Other info: The Siege of Fan Castle ------------------------------------ Map Area: Xiang Yang Sides Available(Difficulty): Wei(7), Wu(7) Who: Attack Bonus Available: +? Defense Bonus Available: +? Items Available: To Unlock: Play through Wei or Wu Musou. It will appear in Act V or the Final Act, depending on whether the fire attack at Chi Bi was successful. Other info: Battle of Fan Castle ------------------------------------ Map Area: Xiang Yang Sides Available(Difficulty): Shu(7) Who: Attack Bonus Available: +? Defense Bonus Available: +? Items Available: To Unlock: Shu Musou-It will appear in Act V or the Final Act, depending on whether the fire attack at Chi Bi was successful. Other info: Assault on Liu Biao ------------------------------------ Map Area: Xiang Yang Sides Available(Difficulty): Sun Jian's Forces(4) Who: Attack Bonus Available: +? Defense Bonus Available: +? Items Available: To Unlock: Wu Musou-Act III. Other info: Battle of Bo Wan Po ------------------------------------ Map Area: Ru Nan Sides Available(Difficulty): Cao Cao's Forces(5), Liu Bei's Forces(4) Who: Attack Bonus Available: +? Defense Bonus Available: +? Items Available: To Unlock: CCF-Wei Musou-Act IV, LBF-Shu Musou-Act III. Other info: Battle of Ru Nan ------------------------------------ Map Area: Ru Nan Sides Available(Difficulty): Liu Bei's Forces(3) Who: Attack Bonus Available: +? Defense Bonus Available: +? Items Available: To Unlock: Shu Musou-Tales-Clear Shu's Musou Mode once. The second time around, Select Battle of Hu Lao Gate first in Act II, do not defeat Lu Bu, and defeat Dong Zhou. Other info: Battle of Wan Castle ------------------------------------ Map Area: Nan Yang Sides Available(Difficulty): Cao Cao's Forces(4) Who: Attack Bonus Available: +? Defense Bonus Available: +? Items Available: To Unlock: Wei Musou-Act III Other info: Lu Bu's Revolt ------------------------------------ Map Area: Nan Yang Sides Available(Difficulty): Dong Zhou's Forces(6), Lu Bu's Forces(4) Who: Attack Bonus Available: +? Defense Bonus Available: +? Items Available: To Unlock: DZF-Dong Zhou Musou-Final, LUBU-Lu Bu Musou-Act II Other info: The Nanman Campaign ------------------------------------ Map Area: Nan Zhong Sides Available(Difficulty): Wu(7), Shu(7), Nanman(3) Who: Attack Bonus Available: +? Defense Bonus Available: +? Items Available: To Unlock: WU or SHU-Play through Wu or Shu Musou. It will appear in Act V or the Final Act, depending on whether the fire attack at Chi Bi was successful. NAN-Nanman Musou-Act I. Other info: Defense of Nanman ------------------------------------ Map Area: Nan Zhong Sides Available(Difficulty): Sun Jian's Forces(5) Who: Attack Bonus Available: +? Defense Bonus Available: +? Items Available: To Unlock: Wu Musou-Act IV. Other info: Battle of Chang Ban ------------------------------------ Map Area: Nan Territory Sides Available(Difficulty): Cao Cao's Forces(5), Liu Bei's Forces(4) Who: Attack Bonus Available: +? Defense Bonus Available: +? Items Available: To Unlock: CCF-Wei Musou-Act IV, LBF-Shu Musou-Act III. Other info: Race for the Nan Territory ------------------------------------ Map Area: Nan Territory Sides Available(Difficulty): Allied Forces(7) Who: Allied Forces vs. Cao Cao's Forces Attack Bonus Available: +? Defense Bonus Available: +? Items Available: 2 To Unlock: ALD-Wu Musou-It will appear in Act V or the Final Act, depending on whether the fire attack at Chi Bi was successful. Other info: Battle of Mai Castle ------------------------------------ Map Area: Nan Territory Sides Available(Difficulty): Sun Jian's Forces(6) Who: Attack Bonus Available: +? Defense Bonus Available: +? Items Available: To Unlock: Wu Musou-Tales-Clear Wu Musou Mode once. The second time around, in Act IV, select Battle of Chi Bi first and make sure the prayer for wind AND fire attack are SUCCESSFUL. In Act V, select Battle of Yi Ling first and make sure Zhu Ran's fire attack is successful. Other info: O----------------------------O |6. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS | O----------------------------O Firstly, thanks to my beautiful and tolerant wife, Fiona, for allowing me this near polygamous relationship with Dynasty Warriors 4. Second, thanks to Lehon, Minnesota Mike, and Canada Clint for help in unlocking everything. Thanks to Muni and Bnii for their walkthroughs and Gaiden stages guides, which helped me navigate thus far. Thanks to Thuyker and doninss for help in formatting the thing. My email address is at the top for questions. Please don't use this guide on your site or include it in your faqs without obtaining my permission first. Gamefaqs.com is the only place it should currently appear. Thanks, Baldactor. For legal purposes of course: Copyright 2003 Jonathon Church This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders.