============================================================================= || Dynasty Warriors 4 - Bodyguard Combinations FAQ || |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| || Version 1.70 (17Jun04) || || Written by Loopy (loopyc(at)yahoo.nospam.com) || || Copyright 2004 Loopy -- All rights reserved. || ============================================================================= Before I start, this guide was written by me, Loopy, specifically to post on GameFAQs. This means you may not alter my guide without first getting my consent. You may neither sell this guide nor sell access to this guide. I might consent to let you posting this guide in its complete form and unaltered elsewhere but I'd prefer you just link to GameFAQs. If you decide that you'd like to host it, send me an e-mail with a request. If you agree to the terms outlined here, and I agree with your Terms of Use, I may allow it. If I grant your request, I reserve the right to have you remove it at any time. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display without my written permission is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. Private, personal use is of course allowed. ============================================================================= || 0. Contents (and Search Strings) || |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| || 0.5 Two Weapon Builds || |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| || 1. Bodyguard Basics || |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| || 2. Bodyguard Theory || |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| || 3. Bodyguard Breakdown and Best Of's || || || || 3a. Best of the 2,066 Lvl 20 Stalwarts - no Elemental attack || || 3b. Best of the 4,111 Phoenixes - Max Defense with Ice || || 3c. Best of the 1,497 Tigers - Max Attack with Blast || || 3d. Best of the 420 Dragons - High stats with Vorpal || || 3e. Best of the 111 Masters - Max HP with Flame || || 3f. Best of the 65 Experts - Max HP with Lightning || |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| || 4. Random Thoughts || |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| || 5. Excel Combinations || |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| || 6. FAQ || |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| || 7. Version History || |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| || 8. Thanks || ============================================================================= ============================================================================= || 0.5 Two Weapon Builds || ============================================================================= Just want to get the special bodyguards and don't care about the rest? Use a TWB: Phoenix - 7 Bow Levels (then change at Level 8 and finish with) 12 Swords. Tiger - 7 Bow Levels (then change at Level 8 and finish with) 12 Pikes. Dragon - 12 Bow Levels (then change at Level 13 and finish with) 7 Pikes. Master - 3 Bow Levels (then change at Level 4 and finish with) 16 Swords. Expert - 3 Bow Levels (then change at Level 4 and finish with) 16 Spears. They may not be the best, but they work. Read on to find out how and why. ============================================================================= || 1. Bodyguard Basics || ============================================================================= RTFM or a bodyguard section of any DW4 FAQ. Page 15 of my DW4 manual describes the basics of bodyguards and what this FAQ goes into detail about. Please read a basic DW4 FAQ or the manual before diving into this one. The bodyguard combinations will make a lot more sense that way. If you have an aversion to reading words off shiny paper or don't have a manual, here is a summary of what the manual says about bodyguard points and levels. Total BodyGuard (BG) Points will increase bodyguard Title, Number, Rank, and Class. This total maxes out at 9999 points. Bodyguard points in a single stage will increase bodyguard Level. This single stage number maxes out at 1,559 points. The basic information is in the box at the bottom of page 15 of my manual. Title is (surprise, surprise) the title of the bodyguard units. Aside for letting you know your bodyguards have achieved a special title when certain requirements are met, this is relatively meaningless. Title increases every 2000 total BG Points, going from: Novice to Fighter to Veteran to Stalwart. Number is the number of bodyguard units you will have available to you. Starting with two bodyguard units, their numbers will increase by one up until a total of eight at the following point totals: 500, 1000, 1500, 2000, 3000, and 4000 total BG Points. Rank determines the "sub-appearance" of your bodyguards. As rank increases, their "sub-appearance" upgrades to look like a unit of that rank. Their moveset may also change. This does not affect the appearance of female bodyguards. Rank increases every 1500 total BG Points, going from: Private to Sergeant to Major to Elite. Class is the types of weapon your bodyguards can equip. They start with only Swords and Bows available to them. Every 1000 total BG Points, they will gain a class until they have all five classes. The order in which the classes are gained are: Spear at 1000, Pike at 2000, and Crossbow at 3000 total BG Points. BG Points in a single stage can increase bodyguard Levels. These Level increases are the focus of this FAQ. You need to get nineteen of these Levels to reach Level 20 and get the special bodyguard Title. Since BG Points can be hard to control, these exact point values are not all confirmed. It is possible the points required might be a little lower or a little higher than listed. This list is just to give you a rough idea of the points needed and is probably accurate to within fifty points either way. Having actually paid attention three or four times through and seen different results, it's definately variable. Getting KOs might help beyond the points per KO. To increase to Level 2 or 3 requires around 300 single stage BG Points. To increase to Level 4 or 5 requires around 350 single stage BG Points. To increase to Level 6 or 7 requires around 400 single stage BG Points. To increase to Level 8 or 9 requires around 450 single stage BG Points. To increase to Level 10 or 11 requires around 500 single stage BG Points. To increase to Level 12 or 13 requires around 550 single stage BG Points. To increase to Level 14 or 15 requires around 600 single stage BG Points. To increase to Level 16 or 17 requires around 650 single stage BG Points. To increase to Level 18 or 19 requires around 700 single stage BG Points. To increase to Level 20 requires around 750 single stage BG Points. BG Points are earned by bodyguard KOs, bodyguards alive at the end of the stage, and a bonus. Each KO is worth 10 points. Each bodyguard member alive at the end of the stage is worth 40 points. The bonus comes from each bodyguard you enable at the start of the stage and is worth 30 points for each one enabled. Those last two mean that each bodyguard alive at the end of the stage is worth 70 points. A full set of eight bodyguards at the end will earn a minimum 560 BG Points before any points from KOs. The "theory" floating around that you need 1 more kill than Levels to gain a Level is only partially true because those 560 BG points for a full set. The higher Levels need the additional points from a few KOs before the next Level point requirement can be statisfied. Getting 20 KOs and then losing all eight of your bodyguards would only get you 440 points -- not even enough points get to Level 10. Morale of this story? Use as many bodyguards as you can and keep them alive if you want you want them to gain Levels. To get those higher Levels go to an easy stage and let your bodyguards get some KOs. Different bodyguard colors can be selected for each kingdom available/unlocked. There are five different bodyguard "skins". They are Normal Male, Normal Female, Nanman Male, Nanman Female, and Yellow Turban Male. Like colors, some are available immediately and others have to be unlocked. ============================================================================= || 2. Bodyguard Theory || ============================================================================= On the GameFAQs DW4 message board, Bmania posted a reference to a Chinese SSM3 site at http://tori.24cc.com. Listed there are the stat gains upon level ups, max stats, and requirements for Yellow Dragon bodyguards. The stat gain for a level up for each weapon class is as follows: Bows gain 3 HP, 3 Musou, 2 Attack, 3 Defense (for a mean gain of 2.75). Swords gain 4 HP, 3 Musou, 2 Attack, 1 Defense (for a mean gain of 2.50). Spears gain 3 HP, 4 Musou, 2 Attack, 1 Defense (for a mean gain of 2.50). Pikes gain 3 HP, 2 Musou, 4 Attack, 0 Defense (for a mean gain of 2.25). Crossbows gain 2 HP, 2 Musou, 3 Attack, 2 Defense (for a mean gain of 2.25). A more general way of saying this would be that Bows increase Defense, Swords increase HP, Spears increase Musou, Pikes increase Defense, and Crossbows increase Attack and Defense (though to a lesser degree than Bows and Pikes). Those stat gains are realized when bodyguards gain Levels. I suspect the gain algorithm just checks the weapon Class used at a Level gain and it doesn't matter if a different weapon was used to gain some of those experience points. But to be safe, just use the weapon Class until your bodyguards gain the Level. The maximum possible total gain for each stat are 70 HP, 70 Musou, 55 Attack, and 25 Defense. The high stats required for Yellow Dragons are HP, Musou, and Attack of at least 50 and max defense. Disclaimer: The entire premise of this FAQ is that the above information is correct. If proven wrong, then this FAQ would need to be seriously rewritten or abandoned. (It's probably right though.) I included a mean gain because I thought it was somewhat revealing. Using Bows increases your overall stats the most. Because of that, it might be best to get most of your Bow Class Levels in first. Those first Levels are also easier to gain since they can be had without any KOs. Pikes and Crossbows increase your overall stats the least and most of the "best" builds don't use any Crossbows at all. Even though Pikes have lower mean gain, they are used because they increase attack the most. Swords and Spears are very similar, offering higher HP or Musou builds, respectively. ============================================================================= || 3. Bodyguard Breakdown and Best Of's || ============================================================================= Since there are a finite number of levels, it's possible to enumerate all of them. You could do so by hand, but since that'd be time that could be spent playing, I did so in a quick-n-dirty SAS program. There are 8,855 different ways to get level 20 bodyguards. There are 5,084 different ways to get level 20 Phoenix builds (max Defense). There are 1,997 different ways to get level 20 Tigers builds (max Attack). There are 420 different ways to get level 20 Dragons builds (high stats). There are 130 different ways to get level 20 Master builds (max HP). There are 80 different ways to get level 20 Expert builds (max Musou). The majority of final states are as bodyguards with a special title and attack. There is considerable overlap in titles and I'm not positive which title wins out in every case. For example, all Dragons also qualify as Phoenixes. Aside for Dragons, it appears as if the first title requirement satisfied will be the final title. If I were Koei, I would have made the "rarer" titles win out in case of a tie. Since it's not possible to get a Dragon with max HP or max Musou, this makes sense to me. But then again, this is just speculation on my part. Since not all weapon types are available from the start, some builds counted above are unlikely (i.e. 19 Crossbows). Since most of the builds described below rely heavily on the initial types, they should be possible for those trying for these builds. To sort out bodyguards, I totaled the four known stats up to their maximum. If any stat exceeded the stat maximum, I took away the amount by which it exceeded the maximum. I've included the number exceeding the max in parenthesis. Those with the highest totals ended up being the "best". To choose the "best" of a given title, I first list those builds that guarantee the title by not fulfilling any other title requirements. This first set are those that didn't fulfill any requirements at all and don't have a special title at all. ============================================================================= || 3a. Best of the 2,066 Lvl 20 Stalwarts - no Elemental attack || ============================================================================= Without a special attack, you weren't paying attention, got unlucky, and ended up with blah bodyguards. The "best" totals are at a combined 192, of which there are 19 ways. The first ways are with: 8) 2 Bows, 0 Crossbows, 0 Pikes, 5-12 Spears, and 12-5 Swords for 69-62 HP, 62-69 Musou, 38 Attack, and 23 Defense. The other ways are with: 11) 3 Bow, 0 Crossbow, 1 Pike, 3-13 Spear, and 12-2 Swords for 69-59 HP, 59-69 Musou, 40 Attack, and 24 Defense. So, what do I mean by these numbers? For the first case (of 8 ways), the "2 Bows" means that your bodyguards need to gain 2 levels when equipped with the Bow class. The "5-12 Spears" goes hand-in-hand with the "12-5 Swords". To get that particular build, you can gain anywhere from 5 to 12 levels when equipped with Spears. Since you only have a total of 19 levels to gain, after the "2 Bows" and Spears bit, that only leaves you with 12 to 5 levels -- hence the "12-5 Swords". Depending on the combination, you will end up with slightly different stats. Using 5 Spears and 12 Swords for that build would give you 69 HP and 62 Musou. 12 Spears and 5 Swords would give you 62 HP and 69 Musou. So to build a 2 Bow, 5 Spear, 12 Sword bodyguard set you would go from Level 1 to Level 3 with Bows (the 2 Bow Levels), then from Level 3 to Level 8 with Spears (the 5 Spear Levels), and finally from Level 8 to Level 20 with Swords (the 12 Sword Levels). Still too confused? If the list below doesn't clear things up, I give up. Level 1 - Start here and pick Bow (1 of 2 levels) until you get to -> Level 2 Level 2 - And pick Bow (2 of 2 levels) until you level up and get -> Level 3 Level 3 - Where you'll switch to Spear (1 of 5 levels) until. . . -> Level 4 Level 4 - And continue to use Spear (2 of 5 levels) until. . . -> Level 5 Level 5 - And continue to use Spear (3 of 5 levels) until. . . -> Level 6 Level 6 - And continue to use Spear (4 of 5 levels) until. . . -> Level 7 Level 7 - For your last Spear Level (5 of 5 levels) until. . . -> Level 8 Level 8 - Where you switch to Sword (1 of 12 levels) until. . . -> Level 9 Level 9 - And continue to use Sword (2 of 12 levels) until. . . -> Level 10 Level 10 - And continue to use Sword (3 of 12 levels) until. . . -> Level 11 Level 11 - And continue to use Sword (4 of 12 levels) until. . . -> Level 12 Level 12 - And continue to use Sword (5 of 12 levels) until. . . -> Level 13 Level 13 - And continue to use Sword (6 of 12 levels) until. . . -> Level 14 Level 14 - And continue to use Sword (7 of 12 levels) until. . . -> Level 15 Level 15 - And continue to use Sword (8 of 12 levels) until. . . -> Level 16 Level 16 - And continue to use Sword (9 of 12 levels) until. . . -> Level 17 Level 17 - And continue to use Sword (10 of 12 levels) until. . . -> Level 18 Level 18 - And continue to use Sword (11 of 12 levels) until. . . -> Level 19 Level 19 - And continue to use Sword (12 of 12 levels) until. . . -> Level 20 Level 20 - Finished. You can't gain any more levels and can pick whatever. Again, that long list is for 2 Bows, 5 Spears, and 12 Swords to build a Stalwart bodyguard set. ============================================================================= || 3b. Best of the 4,111 Phoenixes - Max Defense with Ice || ============================================================================= That there's a big drop off in numbers here from the 5,084 I listed before. It's because with the 4,111 I'm subsetting to only Phoenix builds that do not meet any other title requirements. The title for this bodyguard build in the Japanese version is "Black Turtles". There are 9 guaranteed ways to get the "best" total of 193 for Phoenix builds: 9) 3 Bows, 0 Crossbow, 0 Pikes, 4-12 Spears, and 12-4 Swords for 69-61 HP, 61-69 Musou, 38 Attack, and 25 Defense. If bodyguard elemental attacks are triggered only when their Musou bars are filled, then to get more elemental attacks, you should have lower Musou. This would change the way of choosing the "best" build, so here's that alternate build. This is a big "if" and though I've suggested it, I don't know of any proof. If people want it, I might sort through the builds eventually to figure out a good test comparison. The Phoenix build with a "low" Musou and high Attack and HP is one of the above nine: 1) 3 Bows, 0 Crossbows, 0 Pikes, 4 Spears, and 12 Swords for 69 HP, 61 Musou, 38 Attack, and 25 Defense. ============================================================================= || 3c. Best of the 1,497 Tigers - Max Attack with Blast || ============================================================================= Again, there's a big drop off in numbers here. These numbers are subset to those Tigers that do not meet any other title requirements. The title for this bodyguard build in the Japanese version is "White Tigers". There are 9 guaranteed ways to get the "best" total of 187 for Tigers builds. They can be looked at as two different sets. The first guaranteed ways are with: 5) 6 Bows, 1 Crossbow, 8 Pikes, 0-4 Spears, and 4-0 Swords for 60-56 HP, 48-52 Musou, 55 Attack, and 24 Defense. The other ways are with: 4) 7 Bows, 0 Crossbows, 9 Pikes, 0-3 Spears, and 3-0 Swords for 60-57 HP, 48-51 Musou, 55(56) Attack, and 24 Defense. A Tiger with a "low" Musou and high Defense and HP would be either of the "60 HP / 48 Musou" builds listed above. Those builds use swords instead of spears. This title overrides that of Phoenix if Attack is maxed before Defense. When this happens there are an additional 4 builds. To get this title, be sure not to hit 25 Defense until after you've hit 55 Attack. You can do this by saving a Bow Level as the last Level -- that'll max both out at the same time. Two of the alternate ways are with: 2) 8 Bows, 0 Crossbows, 9 Pikes, 0-1 Spears, and 2-1 Swords for 59-58 HP, 48-49 Musou, 55(56) Attack, and 25(26) Defense. The other two ways are with: 2) 7 Bows, 1 Crossbow, 8 Pikes, 0-1 Spears, and 3-2 Swords for 59-58 HP, 48-49 Musou, 55 Attack, and 25(26) Defense. Again, a Tiger with a "low" Musou and high Defense and HP would be either of the "59 HP / 48 Musou" builds listed above. ============================================================================= || 3d. Best of the 420 Dragons - High stats with Vorpal || ============================================================================= I'm listing a lot of the ways to get this special bodyguard title. All Dragon builds meet the Phoenix requirement and since that title doesn't override, I'm going to guess that the Tiger title doesn't override either. It's not possible to max out HP or Musou and fulfil the Dragon requirements. Even though they may gain the Phoenix title prior to Level 20, they should end up as Dragons at Level 20. The title for this bodyguard build in the Japanese version is "Yellow Dragons". Since this is probably the build of most interest, instead of listing the eight ways to get the "best" total of 190, I'm going to list "best" of the highest HP, highest Musou, and highest Attack builds. The highest HP Dragon build has: 0) 6 Bow, 0 Crossbows, 6 Pikes, 0 Spears, and 7 Swords for 64 HP, 51 Musou, 50 Attack, and 25 Defense. The highest Musou Dragon build has: 0) 6 Bows, 0 Crossbows, 6 Pikes, 7 Spears, and 0 Swords for 57 HP, 58 Musou, 50 Attack, and 25 Defense. There are three ways to max out Attack and get the "best" total of 187. 1) 8 Bows, 0 Crossbows, 9 Pikes, 2 Spears, and 0 Swords for 57 HP, 50 Musou, 55(56) Attack, and 25(26) Defense. 2) 7 Bows, 1 Crossbow, 8 Pikes, 3 Spears, and 0 Swords for 55 HP, 51 Musou, 55 Attack, and 25 Defense. 3) 7 Bows, 1 Crossbow, 8 Pikes, 2 Spears, and 1 Sword for 56 HP, 50 Musou, 55 Attack, and 25 Defense. A Dragon build with a "low" Musou and high Attack, Defense, and HP is: 1) 7 Bows, 0 Crossbows, 8 Pikes, 1 Spear, and 3 Swords for 60 HP, 50 Musou, 54 Attack, and 25 Defense. ============================================================================= || 3e. Best of the 111 Masters - Max HP with Flame || ============================================================================= I'm going back to subsetting to those Master builds that do not meet any other title requirements. The title for this bodyguard build in the Japanese version is "Red Sparrows". There are two guaranteed ways to max out HP and get the "best" total of 192: 1) 2 Bows, 0 Crossbows, 0 Pikes, 4 Spears, and 13 Swords for 70 HP, 61 Musou, 38 Attack, and 23 Defense. 2) 3 Bows, 0 Crossbows, 1 Pike, 2 Spears, and 13 Swords for 70 HP, 58 Musou, 40 Attack, and 24 Defense. A guaranteed Master build with a "low" Musou and high Attack and Defense is: 1) 3 Bows, 0 Crossbows, 3 Pikes, 0 Spear, and 13 Swords for 70 HP, 54 Musou, 44 Attack, and 22 Defense. This title has been confirmed to overrule the Phoenix title when HP is maxed at the same time as Defense. This can be done by saving the Bow levels as the last levels. The better overall build when doing this is: 1) 3 Bows, 0 Crossbows, 0 Pikes, 3 Spears, and 13 Swords for 70 HP, 60 Musou, 38 Attack, and 25 Defense. The low Musou build is: 1) 4 Bows, 0 Crossbows, 2 Pikes, 0 Spears, and 13 Swords for 70 HP, 55 Musou, 42 Attack, and 25 Defense. ============================================================================= || 3f. Best of the 65 Experts - Max HP with Lightning || ============================================================================= These first Expert builds also do not meet any other title requirements. Since their Musou is always maxed, there is no alternate build listed here. The title for this bodyguard build in the Japanese version is "Green Dragons". There are two guaranteed ways to max out Musou and get the "best" total of 192. 1) 2 Bows, 0 Crossbows, 0 Pikes, 13 Spears, and 4 Swords for 61 HP, 70 Musou, 38 Attack, and 23 Defense. 2) 3 Bows, 0 Crossbows, 1 Pike, 14 Spears, and 1 Sword for 58 HP, 70 Musou, 40 Attack, and 24 Defense. This title has been confirmed to overrule the Phoenix when Musou is maxed before Defense. This better build is: 1) 3 Bows, 0 Crossbows, 0 Pikes, 13 Spears, and 3 Swords for 60 HP, 70 Musou, 38 Attack, and 25 Defense. ============================================================================= || 4. Random Thoughts || ============================================================================= Nothing too drastic here. I considered attaching a dataset containing some of these groupings, but it seemed like overkill. I'd include the SAS code but few people use SAS. In short, I created five datasets for each weapon type with possible levels. I then merged them all (with a Cartesian join) with a SQL statement. That resulting dataset was then subset to the various requirements and sorted in different ways. Also, I don't think I've done anything too innovative in finding "the best". The "best" combinations were already there and have probably already been used by players. All I've done is permute them all, sort them out, and put it in writing. The person who "found" the best is the person who first found out the number assignments (probably leaked from Koei / Omega-Force). If you thought explaining how to use the builds four times was three times too many, I agree with you. But since earlier explanations weren't enough, and if that fourth explanation stops one more kid from saying "it's too confusing, can you explain. . .", it's worth it. Of course now the whiners will be start to say "it's too long to read, can you explain". . . I lost the Japanese names in an earlier version due to a sloppy cut and paste incident. They're back. On a side note, I've decided the best name for every bodyguard unit is ".". I like to play with health bars showing and having long bodyguard names just blocks my view. Elemental attacks only activate during a charge attack. Since Bows and Crossbows units no longer use charge attacks, as bodyguards they won't use their elemental attack. They will be less likely to steal your kills though. Speaking of elemental attacks, let me say again that the speculation that low Musou builds is better for elemental attacks is just that -- speculation. It's just as possible that high Musou increases the frequency of Musou attacks. Or that Musou is linked to the frequency at which bodyguards use their Musou attack. Or that Musou affects the strength / frequency of success of elemental attacks. It's all speculation -- anyone that claims it as fact is full of it. Regardless of how Musou affects bodyguards, since it's an unknown and the effects of the other stats are relatively known, I still think the "low Musou" builds make sense. It's not like the Musou is really all that low for them anyways -- it's just a little lower than the other builds. I might eventually sort through the builds and find out a nice comparison set to try to work out the true effect of Musou in bodyguards. Don't hold your breath waiting for that though -- it's not very high on my to do list. I haven't even gotten any requests for this so it's safe to say it's near the bottom of my to do list. I was wrong about the left hand path on the Yellow Turban Rebellion being around 1 second faster than the right hand path when riding Shadow Runner. It's more like 4 seconds faster. I also think that with a decent character it's a faster stage than the Yellow Turban Menance. The Fairy Wine is on the ride up and the Dim Sum is right at the end. Both can be picked up without dismounting. There's also a clear path to Zhang Jiao. Those things make it my bodyguard leveling stage of choice. AFAIK, only rolling boulders and windmills can knock you off the Shadow Horse. I think a taunt would knock you off too, but that's hard to figure out. Taunts while mounted knock people off elephants because the taunt forces people to go into that overpowered / guard break animation. Since that state doesn't exist while mounted, taunts dismount riders. If true, I guess that'd mean characters with an SST that does the same thing (like Zhuge Liang) would also dismount someone from the Shadow Horse. GameFAQs says to take ratings with a pilar of salt, and I have. The first two votes I received were "not useful" votes. The rest have been "useful" votes. To those that voted useful I'd like to say thank you. To those that voted not useful I'd like to say pttthhhhbbbbbt. :p If haven't voted yet, and are thinking of voting "useful", please vote. If haven't voted yet, and are thinking of voting "not useful, please drop me a line before you vote. If you're a FAQ writer or just an aspiring writer, be sure to read the fine print. The Terms Of Use for GameFAQs is quite good for writers -- they make no attempt at claiming the rights to your work. Other sites, despite what they may say on their front pages, bury some insidious language in their User Agreements and/or Terms. Read the fine print before you submit or allow the use of your work. It doesn't hurt to read the fine print on anything you sign either. Take "Test Drive Agreement" paperwork -- the salesman will tell you it's just for insurance reasons. In many cases though, the fine print for those also give the dealership the right to run a credit check on you. Sneaky of 'em, no? While I'm on credit, let me tell you to be careful with your credit. Having good credit makes your life a lot easier, sorta like a lvl 20 Tiger Amulet helps a fresh character run through those early stages like a hot knife through butter. I've been wrong in the past and I'll be wrong in the future, but I think I'm right now. If you think I'm wrong about being right, please write me so I can right my wrong. I don't mind receiving constructive criticism. Reasonable requests are okay too, but are at the whim of my schedule. If I've forgotten to mention anyone anywhere, feel free to drop me a line and I'll try to add it to my next revision. Also, when writing me about this FAQ, please put "FAQ" in the subject heading of your e-mail. There's a better chance of it getting past my SPAM filter that way. ============================================================================= || 5. Excel Combinations || ============================================================================= If you have MS Excel, here's a quick and dirty way to calculate stats for various combinations. These five steps were written for MS Excel 2000. Other versions should work in a similar fashion. 1) Cut and paste the below block of text into the first cell (A1) of a blank worksheet. The first line should be the "Weapon" line and the last line should be the "Total" line. Some of these lines are more than 80 characters so make sure you get all of them, especially the "Total" line. Weapon Levels HP Musou Attack Defense Bow 1 =B2*3 =B2*3 =B2*2 =B2*3 C-Bow 1 =B3*2 =B3*2 =B3*3 =B3*2 Pike 1 =B4*3 =B4*2 =B4*4 =B4*0 Spear 1 =B5*3 =B5*4 =B5*2 =B5*1 Sword 1 =B6*4 =B6*3 =B6*2 =B6*1 Total =SUM(B2:B6) =MIN(SUM(C2:C6),70) =MIN(SUM(D2:D6),70) =MIN(SUM(E2:E6),55) =MIN(SUM(F2:F6),25) 2) Highlight the entire column of text (from A1 to A7). 3) Under the "Data" menu, select "Text to Columns..." option. 4) Click on "Finish". 5) Change the Levels so they total to 19. ============================================================================= || 6. FAQ || ============================================================================= Q: "Why are there only 19 levels and not 20?" A: Bodyguards start at level 1 and can reach level 20. That's 19 levels. Every build in this FAQ should total 19. If you think you followed the FAQ and find yourself with one Level remaining, you didn't follow the FAQ. There's a tiny chance I have a typo and the build doesn't total 19, but it's much more likely that you misconfigured a level. Q: "What about xx Swords, xx Spears, xx Pikes, xx Bows, and xx Crossbows?" A: My program computes all possible builds. That build may work for you but I prefer the one I listed. The exception is if your initials are DW, in honor of having the same initials as Dynasty Warriors, I'll allow for the possibility that I goofed and you're right. Q: "Your build didn't work! I followed your FAQ and only got xxxx title!" A: That's not a question, but I'll answer it anyway. Bodyguards might not get their final title until level 20. If they're at level 20, you used a guaranteed build, and they don't have the "right" title, you messed up somewhere and might have used the default swords for a level when you shouldn't have. If you ended up with Phoenix at level 20 and were expecting else, you may have maxed out Defense too soon. Q: "How do I get those other bodyguard skins?" A: Like colors, you can get additional skins by unlocking characters/kingdoms. Unlock Meng Hou / Zhu Rong, and Zhang Jiao to get additional skins. Check out other DW4 FAQs on GameFAQs for those character unlock requirements. Q: "I don't understand what you wrote. Its (sic) too complicated!" A: Again, that's not a question. Reread section 1, "Bodyguard Basics", and follow the instructions there. Section 3a was also put in front of the more exciting builds for a reason -- there's an explanation there too. If doing none of those help, print out a copy and ask an adult to explain it to you. Or if worse comes to, you can e-mail me and I might answer. You don't need to understand this FAQ to enjoy the game. Just play and save your worring about more important things -- education, jobs, the opposite sex (or whichever interests you more), affordable housing, world peace, when Dynasty Warriors 5 is coming out, the source of dark matter, why FOX canceled the Family Guy and Futurama but kept King of the Hill. . . ============================================================================= || 7. Version History || ============================================================================= 0.90 - Initial version. (08Apr03) 0.91 - Added alternate builds. (10Apr03) 0.92 - Typoes. Terminology. Text tweaking too. (10Apr03) 1.00 - Added speculative better builds dependent on overrides. (11Apr03) 1.05 - Clarified basic information. (15Apr03) 1.10 - Made up FAQ section and added Excel Combinations. (18Apr03) 1.50 - Added a lot to basics. Clarified "over-riding" titles. (19Apr03) 1.51 - Minor editing plus one build. (21Apr03) 1.52 - More minor editing. (22Apr03) 1.55 - DW correction, Excel adjustment, Spoonfed explanation. (24Apr03) 1.56 - Clarified bonus and legal. Rambled on some random thoughts. (28Apr03) 1.60 - Some reformatting and minor rewrites. (05May03) 1.61 - Reinsert Japanese names. (06May03) 1.62 - Minor additions and reformating per FCB thread suggestions. (27May03) 1.70 - Added two weapon builds. (17Jun04) ============================================================================= || 8. Thanks || ============================================================================= Thanks of course goes out to Omega Force for the design and Koei for publishing. GameFAQs for the site, quick updating, and message board, and all the other FAQ writers for the inspiration. Thanks to Donald Wong for alerting me to a mistake I made in my SAS code and the Excel suggestion.