DYNASTY WARRIORS 4 ------------------ CHALLENGES GUIDE By SOLIDSNKE Ver. 1.00 1) Introduction 2) Challenges on Easy 3) Challenges on Hard 4) 2 Players Challenges 5) Characters challenges 6) Frequently Asked Questions 7) Credits 8) Legal Stuff =============================================================================== 1) Introduction What's this guide all about, you ask ? This guide is for those who are like me, those who miss the Very Hard mode from DW3:XL. Its only some Challenges you can try, I got some of the ideas on two of my topics on DW4 Message Board : "Give me some challenges" and "I'm working on my Challenge FAQ, anyone wanna help me ?" Thanks to L00PY for the idea. NOTE : ALL THESE CHALLENGES CAN BE DONE AND IF THEY ARE ON THIS GUIDE, IT'S BECAUSE I DID THEM MYSELF Here how it's done : CHALLENGE # ( the number of the challenge, easier if someone wanna ask aboutç something ) Stage : ( The Name of the stage/The name of the province ) Side : ( I think it's clear ) Character(s) : ( Which character to use, If it's written "fresh", that means the character MUST have basic stats and 1st weapon and Maxed means all stats at the max and his lvl 10 weapon ) Item(s) : ( Which items to use, NONE means you can't use any items :P) Bodyguards : ( Max # of bodyguard/Max level/weapon ) ( NONE = 0 BG. ) Element : ( Which orb to use, NONE means you can't use any orb :P) Time Limit : ( If there is one. "--:--:--" means no time limit ) Challenge : ( What to do ) Difficulty : ( Difficulty ( From 1 to 10 ) 1 = easy, 10 = Almost Impossible ) Idea : ( Who gave me the idea ) Have Fun !!! If you did some of them and you have any proof if possible, i'll create a section with the name of those who did one or some of these challenges. Post your name, your proof and the # of the challenge at SOLIDSNKE_challenges@hotmail.com I'll create 2 section 1 : With Proof, 2 - Without Proof. All challenges who are not in the "2 PLAYERS CHALLENGES" section must be done alone. I'll add some challenges later, don't worry. =============================================================================== 2) CHALLENGES ON EASY =============================================================================== CHALLENGE # 1 Stage : Battle of Chang Ban/Nan Territory Side : Liu Bei's forces Character(s) : Gan Ning Item(s) : Any Bodyguards : Any Element : Any Time Limit : --:--:-- Challenge : Get the Musou Full 60 Sec., after that and try to reach the escape point before it runs out Difficulty : 1 Idea : Omak Zero ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHALLENGE # 2 Stage : Battle of Guan Du/Guan Du Side : Yuan Shao's forces Character(s) : Any fresh Character beside Yuan Shao Item(s) : Only a Saddle, No Items Bodyguard : Any Element : NONE Time Limit : --:--:-- Challenge : Finish the stage with Yan Liang alive Difficulty : 5 Idea : SOLIDSNKE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHALLENGE # 3 Stage : Battle of Wan Castle/Nan Yang Side : Cao Cao's Forces Character(s) : any Item(s) : Red Hare Harness + Any items Bodyguards : NONE Element : NONE Time Limit : --:--:-- Challenge : Start the stage on the red hare and get 100 K.O. just by running into people, YOU CAN'T TOUCH SQUARE, TRIANGLE, CIRCLE OR R3 BUTTON BEFORE YOU GOT 100 K.O. Difficulty : 8 Idea : SOLIDSNKE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHALLENGE # 4 Stage : Battle of Chang Ban/Nan Territory Side : Cao Cao's Forces Character(s) : Any Item(s) : Any Bodyguard : Any Element : Any Time Limit : --:--:-- Challenge : get 1000 K.O. Difficulty : 4 Idea : Tenken ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHALLENGE # 5 Stage : Any ( 3 difficulty or more ) Side : Any Character(s) : Any Item(s) : Huang's Bow and Fire Arrows only Bodyguard : Max : 1/level : 20 or less/ Bow or crossbow Element : Any Time Limit : 10:00:00 Challenge : Finish the stage with just using arrows (and no charge arrow) Difficulty : 3 Idea : CulunShinobi ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHALLENGE # 6 Stage : Battle of Xia Kou/Chi Bi Side : Sun Jian's forces Character(s) : Any fresh Character Item(s) : NONE, only a saddle Bodyguard : NONE Element : NONE Time Limit : --:--:-- Challenge : Run straight to Gan Ning and kill him Difficulty : 6 Idea : SOLIDSNKE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHALLENGE # 7 Stage : The Yellow Turbans Menace/Xu Province Side : Han Forces Character(s) : any character with "Missile" or arrows on charge 1 Item(s) : Any, no saddle Bodyguard : NONE Element : Any Time Limit : 5:00:00 Challenge : Finish the stage without being hit once and get at least 150 k.o. Difficulty : 5 Idea : SOLIDSNKE and pythias24 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHALLENGE # 8 Stage : Race for the Nan Territory/Nan Territory Side : Allied Forces Character(s) : Any fresh character Item(s) : Any Bodyguard : NONE Element : Any Time Limit : --:--:-- Challenge : Get all the 3 territories without getting any health Difficulty : 7 Idea : SOLIDSNKE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHALLENGE # 9 Stage : Race for the Nan Territory/Nan Territory Side : Allied Forces Character(s) : Fresh Xu Zhu or Fresh Meng Huo Item(s) : Any, no saddle Bodyguard : Any Element : Any Time Limit : --:--:-- Challenge : Get all 3 territories and NEVER steal any horse Difficulty : 8 Idea : One That Was Waiting ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHALLENGE # 10 Stage : The Yellow Turbans Menace/Xu Province Side : Han Forces Character(s) : Any except Wu Characters Item(s) : Any Bodyguard : NONE Element : NONE Time Limit : --:--:-- Challenge : Kill Zhang Man Cheng before the rain storm event Difficulty : 2 with Ma Chao, 5 with any other Shu or Others, 6 with any Wei Idea : SOLIDSNKE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHALLENGE # 11 Stage : Any Side : Any Character(s) : Any Item(s) : Any Bodyguard : NONE Element : Any Time Limit : --:--:-- Challenge : Do a combo with at least 200 hits Difficulty : 1 Idea : SOLIDSNKE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHALLENGE # 12 Stage : The Nanman Campaign/Nan Zhong Side : Shu Forces Character(s) : any Fresh Character except Zhuge Liang Item(s) : Any Bodyguard : NONE Element : Blast Time Limit : --:--:-- Challenge : get 3500 k.o. Difficulty : 9 Idea : SOLIDSNKE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHALLENGE # 13 Stage : Eliminate Zhang Jiao !/Han Zhong Side : Liu Bei's Forces Character(s) : Any Character with a weapon with 58 attack or more Item(s) : Any Bodyguard : Any Element : Any Time Limit : --:--:-- Challenge : Finish the stage with at least 2600 weapon exp. Difficulty : 8 Idea : SOLIDSNKE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHALLENGE # 14 Stage : Battle of Mt. Ding Jun/Han Zhong Side : Shu Forces Character(s) : Ma Chao or Zhou Tai Item(s) : Any, Red Hare, Hex Mark or Storm Harness Bodyguard : NONE Element : NONE Time Limit : --:--:-- Challenge : Do not fall of the horse, you can dismount ONLY if you go to a place where you can't go with an horse, get at least 300 Ko and kill all officers Yourself, You MUST NOT kill anyone if you're not on an horse, not even Cao Cao and You must kill Xiahou Shang before he cross the gate Difficulty : 8 Idea : SOLIDSNKE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHALLENGE # 15 Stage : Any Side : Any Character(s) : Any Item(s) : Any Bodyguard : Any Element : Any Time Limit : --:--:-- Challenge : Finish any Stage ONLY using Jumping attack or Jump Charge and get at least 200 KOs Difficulty : 2 Idea : Evil Sniper =============================================================================== 3) CHALLENGES ON HARD =============================================================================== CHALLENGE # 16 Stage : Battle Of Hu Lao Gate/Luo Yang Side : Allied Forces Character(s) : Any Item(s) : NONE Bodyguard : Any Element : NONE Time Limit : --:--:-- Challenge : Kill Lu Bu on a DUEL Difficulty : 10 Idea : SOLIDSNKE and rikkulu ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHALLENGE # 17 Stage : The Imperial Seal/Luo Yang Side : Sun Jian's Forces Character(s) : Any Item(s) : Any Bodyguard : NONE Element : Any Time Limit : 10:00:00 Challenge : DO NOT touch any crates before Dong Zhuo's death and clear the stage under 10 minutes Difficulty : 5 Idea : SOLIDSNKE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHALLENGE # 18 Stage : Battle of Mt. Ding Jun/Han Zhong Side : Any Character(s) : Any Item(s) : only 1 item of your choice + a Storm Harness Bodyguard : NONE Element : Fire Time Limit : --:--:-- Challenge : Run straight to the enemy commander and clear his army but DO NOT kill any archer, when it's done, kill all the officers on the map Difficulty : 8 Idea : SOLIDSNKE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHALLENGE # 19 Stage : Battle of Xu Chang/Xu Chang Side : Shu Character(s) : Any except Zhuge Liang Item(s) : Any Bodyguard : NONE Element : Any Time Limit : --:--:-- Challenge : DO NOT kill any officer except Cao Cao but none of them must be alive at the end of the stage Difficulty : 9 Idea : SOLIDSNKE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHALLENGE # 20 Stage : Yellow Turbans Rebellion/Ji Province Side : Yellow Turbans Character(s) : Any Item(s) : Any Bodyguard : Any Element : Any Time Limit : --:--:-- Challenge : get at least 27500 weapon exp. Difficulty : 9 Idea : SOLIDSNKE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHALLENGE # 21 Stage : Battle of Mt.Ding Jun/Han Zhong Side : Shu Character(s) : Xu Zhu, Meng Huo or Guan Yu Item(s) : Any except Speed Scroll, No Saddle Bodyguard : NONE Element : Any except Ice Time Limit : --:--:-- Challenge : kill Xiahou Shang before he cross the gate Difficulty : With Xu Zhu or Meng Huo : 4, with Guan Yu : 6 Idea : GeneralGuan ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHALLENGE # 22 Stage : Defence of Nanman/Nan Zhong Side : Sun Jian's forces Character(s) : Any Item(s) : Any Bodyguard : Max : 1/level : 20 or less/ Any Weapon Element : Any Time Limit : Challenge : Your bodyguard must stay alive until the end and he must kill all the officers and Gate Capitain Himself, he must finish the stage with more Ko. than you have Difficulty : 7 Idea : SOLIDSNKE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHALLENGE # 23 Stage : Guan Yu's Escape/Xu Chang Side : Cao Cao's forces Character(s) : Any Item(s) : Any Bodyguard : NONE Element : Any Time Limit : --:--:-- Challenge : Destroy the carriage ONLY using arrows before he cross the 2nd gate and after that, defeat Guan Yu normally before he cross it How I did it : You have to be fast, very fast, Use a red hare and a Huang's bow, and even if Huang Zhong seems to be the best character to do that, I did it with Zhang He Difficulty : 9 Idea : SOLIDSNKE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHALLENGE # 24 Stage : Battle of Chang Jiang/Chi Bi Side : Wu Forces Character(s) : Any Item(s) : Any , No saddle Bodyguard : Any Element : Any Time Limit : --:--:-- Challenge : Clear the stage of all ennemies before it ends(1). for more challenge, try to kill every officers too(2) Difficulty : (1) : 8, (2) : 10 Idea : SOLIDSNKE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHALLENGE # 25 Stage : The Two Qiaos/He Fei Side : Sun Jian's Forces Character(s) : Any Item(s) : Any Bodyguard : Any Element : Any Time Limit : --:--:-- Challenge : Get 1000 KOs Difficulty : 8 Idea : SOLIDSNKE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHALLENGE # 26 Stage : Campaign for Wu Territory/Wu territory Side : Sun Jian's Forces Character(s) : Any Wu char. Item(s) : Any Bodyguard : NONE Element : Any Time Limit : --:--:-- Challenge : Here's a list of things you have to do in this one : 1) Kill Yu Mi before the timer get below 59:30:00 2) Get 50 KOs and clear the Northeast gate before 58:50:00 3) Kill Zhang Ying before 58:30:00 4) Get 100 KOs and clean the northeast castle of ennemies ( you must kill the ambush party between the 2 castle too ) before 55:00:00 5) Kill Taishi Ci in a DUEL before 54:30:00 6) Clear the center gate, defeat Zhou Xin and get 150 KOs before 53:15:00 7) Kill Yan Yu, Yan Baihu and Wang Lang Before 52:00:00 8) Clear the northwest castle of ennemies, kill Xue Li and clear the 2 gates on the north before 50:00:00 9) Leave your horse and do all the rest on foot 10) Clear the north gate of the south castle before 49:20:00 11) Clear both southwest gates before 48:30:00 12) Kill the Guard Captain on the east gate before 47:45:00 13) run to the southeast castle, kill Fan Neng after that, kill his sub-general, Chen Heng, clear the gate and get 250 KOs before 44:00:00 14) Finish the stage before 42:20:00 with EXACTLY 300 KOs Difficulty : 7 Idea : SOLIDSNKE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHALLENGE # 27 Stage : Dong Zhuo in Ji/Ji Province Side : Wei Forces Character(s) : Any Wei Character Item(s) : Any Bodyguard : NONE Element : Any Time Limit : --:--:-- Challenge : Here's a list of things you have to do in this one : 1) clear all enemies in front of the castle before the timer get below 28:50:00 2) Defeat Wang Fang before 28:20:00 3) Defeat Dong Min and get 100 KOs before 26:00:00 4) Defeat Fan Chou and Guo Si before 25:00:00 5) Defeat Zhao Cen and get 200 KOs before 22:45:00 6) Get 235 KOs and defeat Li Jue before 21:50:00 7) Cao Cao should be ok now, defeat Zhang Ji and Li Meng before 20:40:00 8) now, defeat all remaining officers and sub-officers except Dong Zhuo before 17:30:00 9) Clear the castle of ennemies before 13:00:00 10) get 500 KOs before 11:30:00 11) Totally clear the map of any ennemies ang finish the stage before 9:30 Difficulty : 6 Idea : SOLIDSNKE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHALLENGE # 28 Stage : Battle of Ru Nan/Ru Nan Side : Liu Bei's forces Character(s) : Any Item(s) : Any Bodyguard : NONE Element : NONE Time Limit : 4:15:00 Challenge : Defeat the 5 gate capitains who are there when the stage begins and finish the stage in less than 4:15:00 Difficulty : 7 Idea : SOLIDSNKE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHALLENGE # 29 Stage : Battle Of Fan Castle/Xiang Shang Side : Shu Forces Character(s) : Any Item(s) : Any Bodyguard : NONE Element : Any Time Limit : 4:30:00 Challenge : clear the stage in less than 4:30 Difficulty : 8 Idea : SOLIDSNKE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHALLENGE # 30 Stage : Battle of Cheng Du/Cheng Du Side : Wu Forces Character(s) : Any Item(s) : NONE, Only a Red Hare Harness Bodyguard : NONE Element : NONE Time Limit : --:--:-- Challenge : Destroy at least 10 juggernaughts in a row without healing or blocking or killing anything else and ALWAYS stay close to them Difficulty : 8 Idea : SOLIDSNKE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHALLENGE # 31 Stage : Unification of Jiang Dong/Wu Territory Side : Sun Jian's Forces Character(s) : Any Item(s) : NONE, Only a saddle Bodyguard : NONE Element : NONE Time Limit : 1:45:00 Challenge : Clear the stage in less than 1:45:00 Difficulty : 6 Idea : SOLIDSNKE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHALLENGE # 32 Stage : Assault on Liu Biao/Xiang Yang Side : Sun Jian's Forces Character(s) : Any character except Sun Jian Item(s) : Any, No saddle Bodyguard : NONE Element : Any Time Limit : 8:00:00 Challenge : YOU CAN STEAL ANY HORSE YOU WANT IN THIS ONE thats a 3 parts challenge 1st, defeat all enemy officers on the east ( including reinforcements ) except Yuan Shao BEFORE rescuing Sun Jian, you can't kill the Guard Capitain before defeating them all, 2nd part : clear at least 4 gates and defeat Yuan Shao before the timer get below 25:00:00, 3rd part, clear the stages with all gates cleared, all officers defeat in 8 minutes or less Difficulty : 8 Idea : SOLIDSNKE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHALLENGE # 33 Stage : Battle of Han Zhong/Han Zhong Side : Shu Forces Character(s) : Any Item(s) : Only 1, No saddle Bodyguard : NONE Element : Any Time Limit : --:--:-- Challenge : Clear the stage of all ennemies, without losing any allied officer and DO NOT steal any horse Difficulty : 7 Idea : rikkulu and SOLIDSNKE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHALLENGE # 34 Stage : Guan Yu's Escape Side : Liu Bei's Forces Character(s) : Any except Guan Yu Item(s) : Any, No Saddle Bodyguard : NONE Element : Any Time Limit : --:--:-- Challenge : Without using any horse, get 400 KOs Difficulty : 8 Idea : SOLIDSNKE and rikkulu ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHALLENGE # 35 Stage : Battle of Xia Kou/Chi Bi Side : Sun Jian's Forces Character(s) : Any fresh character Item(s) : NONE Bodyguard : NONE Element : NONE Time Limit : --:--:-- Challenge : Defeat angry Gan Ning in 5 minutes or less Difficulty : 9 Idea : SOLIDSNKE and rikkulu ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHALLENGE # 36 Stage : The Nanman Campaign/Nan Zhong Side : Wu or Shu Character(s) : Any except Zhuge Liang, Liu Bei ( for Shu ) and Lu Xun, Sun Jian Sun Quan, Sun Ce or Sun Shang Xiang ( for Wu ) Item(s) : Any Bodyguard : NONE Element : Any Time Limit : --:--:-- Challenge : Defeat Wu Tugu and King Duosi in and always stay in the poison marsh for each, do not get any health from any jars, the only health you can get is the one you get from guards. Do it and defeat Meng Huo only once before Your commander dies Difficulty : 4 Idea : GeneralGuan and SOLIDSNKE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHALLENGE # 37 Stage : Battle of Fan Castle/Xiang Yang Side : Shu Character(s) : Any except Guan Yu Item(s) : Any Bodyguard : Any Element : Any Time Limit : --:--:-- Challenge : Allow Mi Fang and Fu Shi Ren to defect completely (Guan Yu will say "curses we are surrounded). After they all defect, run to the western base and fight Lu Xun, Zhou Tai, Lu Meng, Jiang Qin, Mi Fang and Fu Shi Ren all at once No dueling. You can do what you want with your bodyguards, but you have to get the killing blow on each officer. You can leave them with Guan Yu or take them with you. Either way you incur a risk. Oh, while you are waiting for complete defection you can eliminate Wei generals. Difficulty : 6 Idea : GeneralGuan ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHALLENGE # 38 Stage : Battle of Fan Castle/Xiang Yang Side : Shu Character(s) : Any except Guan Yu Item(s) : Any Bodyguard : Any Element : Any Time Limit : --:--:-- Challenge : After Mi Fang and Fu Shi Ren's defection, defeat both and defeat Jiang Qin in less than 30 seconds Difficulty : 2 Idea : SOLIDSNKE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHALLENGE # 39 Stage : Any Side : Any Character(s) : Any Item(s) : lvl 9 weapon, Nothing else Bodyguard : NONE Element : NONE Time Limit : --:--:-- Challenge : Get a lvl 9 weapon WITHOUT getting any Life, Musou, Attack or Defense bonus and get his lvl 10 weapon without any items Difficulty : from 2 to 10 Idea : ayrtonsenna =============================================================================== 2) 2 PLAYERS CHALLENGES =============================================================================== CHALLENGE # 40 Stage : Battle Of Chang Jiang/Chi Bi Side : Wu Forces Character(s) : P1:Any, P2:Any Item(s) : P1:Any, P2:Any Bodyguard : P1:Any, P2:Any Element : P1:Any, P2:Any Time Limit : 3:45:00 Challenge : Finish the stage in 3:45 or less Difficulty : 7 Idea : SOLIDSNKE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHALLENGE # 41 Stage : Campaign Against Cao Cao/Guan Du Side : Yellow Turbans Character(s) : 1P:Any Fresh Character, 2P:Any Fresh Character Item(s) : 1P:Any, 2P:Any Bodyguard : 1P:NONE, 2P:NONE Element : 1P:Any, 2P:Any Time Limit : --:--:-- Challenge : Trigger all ambushes, finish the stage killing ALL officers and Sub-Officers and Do Not lose any allied officer, both players must get at least 250 KOs Difficulty : 4 Idea : SOLIDSNKE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHALLENGE # 42 Stage : The Siege of Fan Castle/Xiang Yang Side : Wu Forces Character(s) : 1P:Any, 2P:Any Item(s) : 1P:Any, 2P:Any Bodyguard : 1P:Any, 2P:Any Element : 1P:Any, 2P:Any Time Limit : 15:00:00 Challenge : DO NOT LOSE ANYTHING, thats means, do not lose any officer, do not lose any Siege ramp and do not lose any catapults, clear all gates and kill all officers and gate capitains on the map in 15 minutes or less. You have to defeat the Supply Capitain too. Difficulty : 8 Idea : SOLIDSNKE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHALLENGE # 43 Stage : Battle of Tong Gate/Luo Yang Side : Cao Cao's Forces Character(s) : 1P:Any, 2P:Any Item(s) : 1P:Any, 2P:Any Bodyguard : 1P:NONE, 2P:NONE Element : 1P:Any, 2P:Any Time Limit : 10:00:00 Challenge : Clear the stage in 10 minutes or less with Han Sui on your side Difficulty : 4 Idea : SOLIDSNKE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHALLENGE # 43 Stage : Battle of Jian Ye/Wu Territory Side : Shu Forces Character(s) : 1P:Ma Chao, 2P:Any Shu Char. except Liu Bei Item(s) : 1P:Any, 2P:Any Bodyguard : 1P:Any, 2P:Any Element : 1P:Any, 2P:Any Time Limit : --:--:-- Challenge : Defeat Taishi Ci, Zhou Tai, Huang Gai, Zhuge Jin and their sub-officers and both players must get at least 250 KOs before you defeat the real Sun Jian. You must not lose any General Difficulty : 9 Idea : SOLIDSNKE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHALLENGE # 44 Stage : Battle of He Fei/He Fei Side : Wu Forces Character(s) : 1P:Da Qiao, 2P:Xiao Qiao Item(s) : 1P:Any, 2P:Any Bodyguard : 1P:NONE, 2P:NONE Element : 1P:Any, 2P:Any Time Limit : --:--:-- Challenge : Keep all allies alive, you have to stay close to each others all the time ( close = you MUST see each others in the small map ) Difficulty : 7 Idea : ayrtonsenna =============================================================================== 5) CHARACTERS CHALLENGES =============================================================================== ZHAO YUN'S CHALLENGE Stage : Battle of Yi Ling/Yi Ling Side : Shu Forces Character(s) : Zhao Yun Item(s) : Any Bodyguard : Any Element : Any Time Limit : --:--:-- Challenge : get 2500 KOs and defeat all officers and sub-officers Yourself Difficulty : 10 Idea : SOLIDSNKE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GUAN YU'S CHALLENGE Stage : Guan Yu's Escape/Xu Chang Side : Liu Bei's forces Character(s) : Guan Yu Item(s) : NONE, only a saddle Bodyguard : NONE Element : Any Time Limit : --:--:-- Challenge : Trigger Xiahou Dun's appearence and kill him before the timer Get below 26:00:00 Difficulty : 10 Idea : SOLIDSNKE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ZHANG FEI'S CHALLENGE Stage : Battle of Bo Wan Po/Ru Nan Side : Shu Forces Character(s) : Zhang Fei Item(s) : Any Bodyguard : Any Element : Any Time Limit : 7:30:00 Challenge : Trigger all ambushes and defeat all officers on the stage in 7:30 or less Difficulty : 10 Idea : SOLIDSNKE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ZHUGE LIANG'S CHALLENGE Stage : The Nanman Campaign/Nan Zhong Side : Shu Forces Character(s) : Any except Zhuge Liang or Liu Bei Item(s) : Only 2, any Saddle except Elephant Bodyguard : NONE Element : Any Time Limit : --:--:-- Challenge : Clear the map of ennemies, Defeat Meng Huo 7 times, Defeat Meng You twice, Defeat Zhu Rong normally ( not in Duel ), Wu Tugu must fall into the fire trap, there must be at least 13 names on your Worthy Opponents list. Get at least 14999 points. Difficulty : 10 Idea : Big Boss 55310 and SOLIDSNKE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LIU BEI'S CHALLENGE Stage : Battle of Chang Ban/Nan Territory Side : Liu Bei's Forces Character(s) : Liu Bei Item(s) : Any Bodyguard : Any Element : Any Time Limit : 12:30:00 Challenge : Clear the stage of ennemies in 12:30:00 Difficulty : 10 Idea : SOLIDSNKE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MA CHAO'S CHALLENGE Stage : Battle of Tong Gate/Luo Yang Side : Liu Bei's Forces Character(s) : Ma Chao Item(s) : Any, Red Hare Harness Bodyguard : Any Element : Any Time Limit : 3:30:00 Challenge : Defeat every Officers, Sub officers and Gate Capitain without falling of the horse or being hit once and without using your musou attack. do it in 3:30 Difficulty : 10 Idea : SOLIDSNKE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HUANG ZHONG'S CHALLENGE Stage : Battle of Hu Lao Gate/Luo Yang Side : Allied Forces Character(s) : Huang Zhong Item(s) : Huang's Bow, Fire Arrow, Herbal Remedy, Any Saddle Bodyguard : NONE Element : Any Time Limit : --:--:-- Challenge : Defeat Lu Bu only using Arrows ( you can use C1 and C3 if you don't hit Lu Bu with the 2 first hits ) Difficulty : 10 Idea : GeneralGuan ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- JIANG WEI'S CHALLENGE Stage : Battle of Tian Shui/Wu Zhang Plains Side : Shu Forces Character(s) : Jiang Wei Item(s) : NONE Bodyguard : NONE Element : Lightning Time Limit : --:--:-- Challenge : Jiang Wei must join you, clear the map on any ennemies without being hit once. How I did it : Nothing to explain, follow Zhuge Liang's instructions, when Jiang Wei join you, clear all gates and clear the map of ennemies Difficulty : 10 Idea : SOLIDSNKE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WEI YAN'S CHALLENGE Stage : Battle of Wu Zhang Plains/Wu Zhang Plains Side : Wei Forces Character(s) : Wei Yan Item(s) : Any Bodyguard : Any ( You'll need 'em ) Element : Any Time Limit : --:--:-- Challenge : Clear the stage without losing any Officers ( losing sub-officer is OK ). Wei Yan must defect Difficulty : 10 Idea : SOLIDSNKE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PANG TONG'S CHALLENGE Stage : Campaign for Cheng Du/Cheng Du Side : Liu Bei's forces Character(s) : Pang Tong Item(s) : Any, No Saddle Bodyguard : NONE Element : Any Time Limit : --:--:-- Challenge : Trigger Liu Zhang's surrender event. NEVER use any horse and do not lose any officer. Difficulty : 9 Idea : rikkulu ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- YUE YING'S CHALLENGE Stage : The Nanman Campaign/Nan Zhong Side : Shu Forces Character(s) : Yue Ying Item(s) : Any Bodyguard : Any Element : Any Time Limit : 30:00:00 Challenge : Fill all the requirements to get her lvl 10 weapon and finish the stage in 30 minutes Difficulty : 10 Idea : SOLIDSNKE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- XIAHOU DUN'S CHALLENGE Stage : Battle of Xia Pi/Xu Province Side : Cao Cao's Forces Character(s) : Xiahou Dun Item(s) : Any Bodyguard : NONE Element : Any Time Limit : Challenge : Here a list of things you have to do : DO NOT HIT LU BU BEFORE #16 1) Defeat Hou Cheng before the timer get below 59:30:00 2) Clear the south gate before 59:15:00 3) Defeat Song Xian before 58:45:00 4) Defeat Wei Xu before 58:15:00 5) Clear the west gate before 57:50:00 6) Clear the north gate before 57:25:00 7) Defeat Zang Ba before 57:05:00 8) Defeat Zhang Liao before 56:40:00 9) Get 50 KOs before 56:00:00 10) Let the carriage go and defeat Chen Gong before 55:00:00 11) Defeat Diao Chan before 54:30:00 12) Clear the new south gate before 53:30:00 13) Clear the new west gate before 52:40:00 14) Get 100 KOs before 51:50:00 15) Clear the new north gate before 51:20:00 16) Defeat Lu Bu before 51:00:00 Difficulty : 10 Idea : SOLIDSNKE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DIAN WEI'S CHALLENGE Stage : Battle of Wan Castle/Nan Yang Side : Cao Cao's Forces Character(s) : Dian Wei Item(s) : Any Bodyguard : NONE Element : Any Time Limit : 7:30:00 Challenge : THIS ONE MUST BE DONE IN MUSOU MODE In the Battle of Xia Pi, let Lu Bu escape and choose Battle of Wan Castle. Clear the map of all enemy in 7:30 and trigger all events written in popemobile's Stage event guide. 1 - Dian Wei's Stand, 2 - Rescue 3 - Lu Bu Appearance. You MUST defeat Lu Bu before Zhang Xiu. Difficulty : 10 Idea : SOLIDSNKE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- XU ZHU'S CHALLENGE Stage : Lu Bu's Offensive/Xu Province Side : Cao Cao's Forces Character(s) : Xu Zhu Item(s) : Any, No Saddle Bodyguard : NONE Element : Any Time Limit : 5:00:00 Challenge : All your troops fust survive, Lu Bu must fall in the fire trap, you must get at least 200 KOs, you must defeat Lu Bu in a duel in 10 seconds or less, you must finish the stage in 5 minutes or less Difficulty : 10 Idea : SOLIDSNKE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CAO CAO'S CHALLENGE Stage : Battle of Chi Bi/Chi Bi Side : Wei Forces Character(s) : Cao Cao Item(s) : Any Bodyguard : NONE Element : Any Time Limit : --:--:-- Challenge : Get at least 16350 points, 1750 KOs and 15000 weapon exp. Pang Tong's Ship connection, Zhuge Liang's Prayer and Huang Gai's fire attack must all failed. Difficulty : 10 Idea : SOLIDSNKE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- XIAHOU YUAN'S CHALLENGE Stage : Battle of Mt. Ding Jun/Han Zhong Side : Wei Forces Character(s) : Xiahou Yuan Item(s) : Huang's Bow, Nanman Armor, Herbal Remedy + any item, Any Saddle Bodyguard : NONE Element : Any Time Limit : --:--:-- Challenge : Clear the stage of ennemies, only using arrows and C1 Difficulty : 10 Idea : SOLIDSNKE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ZHANG LIAO'S CHALLENGE Stage : Campaign Against Liu Bei/Xu Province Side : Lu Bu's Forces Character(s) : Zhang Liao Item(s) : Any Bodyguard : Any Element : Any Time Limit : --:--:-- Challenge : Defeat every Officers and Sub-Officers without losing any army Difficulty : 10 Idea : SOLIDSNKE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SIMA YI'S CHALLENGE Stage : Battle of Wu Zhang Plains/Wu Zhang Plains Side : Wei Forces Character(s) : Sima Yi Item(s) : Any Bodyguard : NONE Element : Any Time Limit : --:--:-- Challenge : Run to the item box beside the north entry point and wait there. Do not kill anyone until you get hit by someone, after that, kill every officers and sub-officers in 15 minutes, DO NOT kill anyone in duel, do it on free mode Difficulty : 10 Idea : SOLIDSNKE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- XU HUANG'S CHALLENGE Stage : Battle of He Fei/He Fei Side : Wei Forces Character(s) : Xu Huang Item(s) : Any Bodyguard : NONE Element : Any Time Limit : 70:00:00 Challenge : Get 2500 KOs in 70 minutes Difficulty : 10 Idea : SOLIDSNKE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ZHANG HE'S CHALLENGE Stage : Battle of Jie Ting/ Side : Wei Forces Character(s) : Zhang He Item(s) : Any Bodyguard : NONE Element : Any Time Limit : Challenge : Here's a list of things to do : 1) Ma Su must be surrounded before the timer get below 27:30:00 2) He must be dead before 26:30:00 3) Defeat Wei Yan before 26:00:00 4) Defeat Zhao Yun before 25:00:00 5) Clear all gates before 20:00:00 6) Defeat Yue Ying before 19:00:00 7) Defeat Zhuge Liang and get 100 KO before 17:30:00 Difficulty : 10 Idea : SOLIDSNKE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ZHEN JI'S CHALLENGE Stage : Battle of Chi Bi/Chi Bi Side : Wei Forces Character(s) : Zhen Ji Item(s) : Any Bodyguard : Any Element : Any Time Limit : 15:00:00 Challenge : Defeat 19 officers and get 500 KO in 15 minutes of less Difficulty : 10 Idea : Javelina and SOLIDSNKE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CAO REN'S CHALLENGE Stage : Siege of Fan Castle/Xiang Yang Side : Wei Forces Character(s) : Cao Ren Item(s) : Any Bodyguard : NONE Element : Any Time Limit : 10:00:00 Challenge : Destroy all siege weapon in 2:30 or less, defeat all officers and clear all gates, finish the stage in 10 minutes or less Difficulty : 10 Idea : SOLIDSNKE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ZHOU YU'S CHALLENGE Stage : Race for the Nan Territory Side : "Allied" Forces Character(s) : Zhou Yu Item(s) : Any Bodyguard : Any Element : Any Time Limit : --:--:-- Challenge : Take all 3 territories. but you MUST take Nan Territory first. Difficulty : 10 Idea : SOLIDSNKE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LU XUN'S CHALLENGE Stage : Battle of Yi Ling/Yi Ling Side : Wu Forces Character(s) : Lu Xun Item(s) : Any Bodyguard : NONE Element : Any Time Limit : --:--:-- Challenge : Take all the time you want, As soon as the 1st Shu Officer is defeated ( By you or anyone in your army ) you must defeat all other Shu officer in 3:30 ( you can defeat any sub-officer when you want, it dosn't count ) Difficulty : 10 Idea : SOLIDSNKE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TAISHI CI'S CHALLENGE Stage : Battle of He Fei/He Fei Side : Wu Forces Character(s) : Taishi Ci Item(s) : Any Bodyguard : NONE Element : Any Time Limit : --:--:-- Challenge : Defeat all officers and sub-officers, Zhang Liao must NOT lure Sun Jian, defeat Zhang Liao twice, finish the stage with 15 KOs Difficulty : 10 Idea : SOLIDSNKE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUN SHANG XIANG'S CHALLENGE Stage : Battle of Jian Ye/Wu Territory Side : Shu Forces ( For those who think she should be with the Shu army ) Character(s) : Sun Shang Xiang Item(s) : Any Bodyguard : Any Element : Any Time Limit : --:--:-- Challenge : Clear the stage, defeating all officer and sub officers, getting at least 1000 KOs without losing any army Difficulty : 10 Idea : SOLIDSNKE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUN JIAN'S CHALLENGE THIS ONE MUST BE DONE IN MUSOU MODE Stage : Battle of Si Shui Gate/Xu Chang & Battle of Hu Lao Gate/Lou Yang Side : Allied Forces Character(s) : Sun Jian Item(s) : NONE, Any Harness Bodyguard : Any Element : Any Time Limit : --:--:-- Challenge : Here's a list of things to do At Si Shui Gate : 1) Defeat Niou Fu, Gao Shun and Li Su before the timer get below 29:00:00 2) Defeat Hua Xiong, Zhao Cen, Hu Zhen, Li Meng and Yang Feng and get 50 KOs before 27:00:00 3) Take the Supply Depot before 24:50:00 4) After taking the Supply Depot, defeat Wang Fang before 24:45:00 5) Defeat Li Ru and Guo Si before 23:45:00 6) Defeat Li Jue and get EXACTLY 100 KOs before 22:30:00 At Hu Lao Gate : Item(s) : Any Bodyguard : Any Element : Any except Blast Defeat Lu Bu in a duel, defeat all officers and sub officers Difficulty : 10 Idea : SOLIDSNKE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUN QUAN'S CHALLENGE Stage : Battle of Cheng Du/Cheng Du Side : Wu Forces Character(s) : Sun Quan Item(s) : Any Bodyguard : Any Element : Any Time Limit : --:--:-- Challenge : defeat all officers and sub-officers, defeat Zhang Fei in a duel, defeat at least 20 Juggernaughts BEFORE defeaitng Yue Ying, defeat all arbalests before defeating Ma Su and do not lose any officer. Difficulty : 10 Idea : SOLIDSNKE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LU MENG'S CHALLENGE Stage : Battle of Yi Ling/Yi Ling Side : Wu Forces Character(s) : Lu Meng Item(s) : Any, No saddle Bodyguard : NONE Element : Any Time Limit : --:--:-- Challenge : Get at least 2000 KOs, The fire attack MUST succed, defeat all enemy, no single enemy soldiers must cross Ma An Gate. Difficulty : 10 Idea : SOLIDSNKE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GAN NING'S CHALLENGE Stage : Battle of Xu Chang/Xu Chang Side : Wu Forces Character(s) : Gan Ning Item(s) : Any Bodyguard : Any Element : Any Time Limit : 12:00:00 Challenge : Defeat all officers AND sub-officers and get the Wind Scroll in 12 minutes or less Difficulty : 10 Idea : SOLIDSNKE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HUANG GAI'S CHALLENGE Stage : The Yellow Turbans Fortress/Guan Du Side : Han Forces Character(s) : Any Item(s) : Any Bodyguard : Any Element : Any Time Limit : --:--:-- Challenge : Get at least 12200 points and ALL officers must be dead at the end of the stage, ALL means all ennemies and all allied except Zhu Jun. Get at least 2000 KOs Difficulty : 7 Idea : Javelina and SOLIDSNKE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUN CE'S CHALLENGE Stage : The Two Qiaos/He Fei Side : Wu Forces Character(s) : Sun Ce Item(s) : NONE Bodyguard : NONE Element : Any Time Limit : 30 minutes Challenge : Get 2500 KOs Difficulty : 10 Idea : SOLIDSNKE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DA QIAO'S CHALLENGE Stage : Siege of Fan Castle/Xiang Yang Side : Wu Forces Character(s) : Da Qiao Item(s) : Any Bodyguard : NONE Element : Any Time Limit : 15:00:00 Challenge : Clear the stage of ennemies and don't lose anything else than the 2 east ramps Difficulty : 10 Idea : SOLIDSNKE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- XIAO QIAO'S CHALLENGE Stage : Battle of He Fei/He Fei Side : Wu Forces Character(s) : Xiao Qiao Item(s) : Any except Peacock Urn and Tortoise Amulet Bodyguard : NONE Element : NONE Time Limit : --:--:-- Challenge : Clear the stage of ennemies, defeat all enemy officers and sub-officers without getting any health Difficulty : 10 Idea : SOLIDSNKE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ZHOU TAI'S CHALLENGE Stage : The Nanman Campaign/Nan Zhong Side : Wu Forces Character(s) : Zhou Tai Item(s) : Zhou Tai's lvl 9 weapon, 2 items, NO saddle Bodyguard : Max :2/level : 5 or lower/ Weapon : any Element : Any Time Limit : 10:00:00 Challenge : Get Zhou Tai's lvl 10 weapon on foot WITHOUT using any horse or Elephant. When you have the weapon, come back and defeat King Duosi before defeating Meng Huo Difficulty : 10 Idea : SOLIDSNKE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DIAO CHAN'S CHALLENGE Stage : Campaign Anainst Sun Jian/He Fei Side : Lu Bu's Forces Character(s) : Diao Chan Item(s) : Any Bodyguard : Any Element : Any Time Limit : 30:00:00 Challenge : Defeat everyone in Sun Shang Xiang's army before defeating anyone else ( Including the top east gate and some soldiers near Zhang Liao ) and defeat her, then, defeat everyone in Gan Ning's army before defeating anyone else ( including the top west gate ) and defeat him, then, do the same with Zhou Tai, Lu Meng and Lu Su in that order, clear the outside of the castle of all ennemies in 25 minutes or less and you MUST defeat all officers of sub-officers. Defeat all the ennemies on the north before coming back to help Lu Bu, clear Sun Jian army and Clear the stage in 30 minutes. Difficulty : 10 Idea : SOLIDSNKE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LU BU'S CHALLENGE Stage : The Nanman Campaign/Nan Zhong Side : Shu or Wu Character(s) : Lu Bu Item(s) : Any Bodyguard : NONE Element : Any Time Limit : --:--:-- Challenge : get 9999 KOs Difficulty : 10 Idea : SOLIDSNKE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DONG ZHUO'S CHALLENGE Stage : Lu Bu's Revolt/ Side : Dong Zhuo's Forces Character(s) : Dong Zhuo Item(s) : Only 1, No saddle Bodyguard : NONE Element : Any Time Limit : --:--:-- Challenge : Fill the requirements to get his Horror ( level 10 weapon ) without being hit once. Difficulty : 10 Idea : SOLIDSNKE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- YUAN SHAO'S CHALLENGE Stage : Battle of Guan Du/Guan Du Side : Yuan Shao's Forces Character(s) : Yuan Shao Item(s) : Any Bodyguard : NONE Element : Any Time Limit : 15:00:00 Challenge : Defeat Guan Yu on a duel before he defeat Wen Chou, trigger the ram appearance, protect it until the wall crumble, then, come back and defeat Zhang He BEFORE going to protect Wu Chao, Wu Chao must NOT fall, then, defeat all remaining officers and sub-officers and clear the stage in 15 minutes or less Difficulty : 10 Idea : SOLIDSNKE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ZHANG JIAO'S CHALLENGE Stage : Yellow Turbans Rebellion/Ji Province Side : Yellow Turbans Character(s) : Zhang Jiao Item(s) : Any Bodyguard : Any Element : Any Time Limit : 25:00:00 Challenge : Defeat all Officers and Sub-Officers and get at least 22000 Weapon Exp. in 25 minutes Difficulty : 10 Idea : SOLIDSNKE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MENG HUO'S CHALLENGE Stage : Battle of Xu Chang/Xu Chang Side : Nanman Forces Character(s) : Meng Huo Item(s) : Any, Elephant Harness Bodyguard : NONE Element : Any Time Limit : 30:00:00 Challenge : Clear the map of ennemies without losing any army. You must get at least 200 KO before going down of your elephant Difficulty : 10 Idea : ayrtonsenna and SOLIDSNKE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ZHU RONG'S CHALLENGE Stage : Battle of Xu Chang/Xu Chang Side : Nanman Forces Character(s) : Zhu Rong Item(s) : Any Bodyguard : Any Element : Any Time Limit : --:--:-- Challenge : Do not defeat any officers before you get 1000 KOs but you must defeat all officers yourself Difficulty : 10 Idea : Javelina and SOLIDSNKE. =============================================================================== 6) FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTION =============================================================================== Q: Why should I do that ? A: It's just for fun, you do it if you want. But if you give me any proof you did one or some challenges on this guide and if I have enough people, i'll create a section with the name of those who did them. send it at this e-mail address : SOLIDSNKE_challenges@hotmail.com Q: Can I save during a challenge ? A: You can, but all those challenges will be much easier and you'll lose 75% of the fun. Q: Can I use any character on the Characters Challenge ? A: Of course you can but if you want your name on the "Winner" section i'll do later, I won't count it, plus, these challenges have been made for the character ability ( Strenght, speed etc. ) =============================================================================== 7) CREDITS =============================================================================== I have a lot to do here : 1 - L00PY, for giving me the idea to do it 2 - Omak Zero, Tenken, CulunShinobi, pythias24, Evil Sniper, One That Was Waiting and Big Boss 55310 for giving me a cool challenge idea 3 - Great Thanks to all of the following : - Rikkulu ( 5 ideas ) - GeneralGuan ( 4 ideas ) - ayrtonsenna ( 3 ideas ) - Javelina ( 3 ideas ) 4 - Thanks to all those who gave me ideas without knowing it by asking questions about something 5 - Giant THANKS to popemobile, your Stage Events FAQ helped me a LOT =============================================================================== 8) LEGAL STUFF =============================================================================== Here's comes the wrost part This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without my permission and without giving me all the credit. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. Copyright 2003 Dominic Doucet