Shin Sangoku Musou 3/Dynasty Warriors 4 FAQ by Arcor (Mike Wu) 14/04/03 V0.75 Copyright Mike Wu 2003 ///////////////////Legal Notice////////////////////////////////////////////// This FAQ is for personal use only, and is not to be sold or reintergrated into any other guides for this game or any other game. DO NOT POST this FAQ or any part of it anywhere. This FAQ is authorized for posting ONLY on the following websites. If this FAQ is being hosted ANYWHERE else, please notify me immediately via the above email address. GameFAQs: IGN: Kongming's Archives: You may ask for permission to post this guide via the email at the top of this guide, but chances are slim unless I know you personally. If permission is granted, the only conditions this guide can be posted under are if I get full credit for my work and this FAQ is posted in its entirety with this disclaimer. This FAQ is owned and copyrighted by me, Mike Wu, 2003. The game Shin Sangoku Musou 3 is copyright Koei, 2003. All other copyrights and trademarks are acknowledged and respected that are not specifically mentioned here. /////////////////End of Legal Notice///////////////////////////////////////// **************************************************************************** * Please read before you proceed! * * * **************************************************************************** If you see strange symbols while reading this faq please set your browser encoding to Shift-JIS. Notice: As US release is just around the corner I am requesting that someone please send me the English names for stages, minor characters and body guards. Basically anything that I have here in Japanese that's not translated is welcome. DW4 does not use save from previous DW games just to clear up any questions regarding that aspect. /////////////////////History///////////////////////////////////////////////// 14/04/03 Completed character overviews for both Shu and Wei, added Xu Chang in stage overviews. Due to time constraints I'll only be covering what I think are important stages in the future. V0.75 06/04/03 More character overviews, hints/bugs section updated, starting character parameters updated and Stage overview added. Added more complete descriptions to Gaiden requirements. V0.70 03/04/03 Thanks to Ed 3 and D'Agostino, a lot more English names have been added. Ending Section updated too. V0.68 31/03/03 Started putting in English names thanks to Ed. FAQ section update, and 2 more character overviews added. V0.67 23/03/03 More bits added to ending section, more character overviews. Updated FAQ section. V0.65 12/03/03 Added CAW, Endings, Starting Stats and overviews for Zhou Tai and Gan Ning. V0.57 09/03/03 Added Play Mechanics, Character Overviews V0.55 09/03/03 Added orbs, Items, Body guards and completed Snack&Wine section (almost anyway). Added Musou chart for other forces. V0.5 Added a few more lv10 weapons. 07/03/03 Added Playable characters, musou layouts and updated both Lv10 Weapons and Hints section. Started on snacks/wine section V0.4 06/03/03 First version of FAQ created. V0.3 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////Sections/////////////////////////////////////////////// 1.Playable Characters 2.Starting Stats For Playable Characters 3.Body Guards 4.Play Mechanics 5.CAW (Create A Warrior) 6.Character Overviews-[Shu] (Complete) Zhao Yun Yue Yin Guan Yu Ma Chao Zhuge Liang Wei Yian Huang Zhong Zhang Fei Pang Tong Jian Wei Liu Bei [Wu] Zhou Tai Gan Ning Tai Shi Ci Zhou Yu Huang Gai Sun Quan Sun Ce [Wei] (Complete) Cao Ren Xiahou Yuan Xiahou Dun Xu Huang Xu Chu Cao Cao Sima Yi Zhang Liao Zhang He Zhen Ji Dian Wei 7.Frequently Asked Questions 8.Musou mode layouts 9.Stage Overviews - Yi Ling - Nan Zhong - Xu Chang 10.Lv10 weapons 11.Items 12.Orbs 13.Horse Saddles 14.Wine and Snack locations 15.Endings 16.Hints and Interesting things/Bugs 17.Credits Anyone who would like to add stratgies or bits and pieces feel free to E-mail me with your writings and how you would like to be credited. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1. Playable Characters ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Much thanks to Bill Wang for providing me with an accurate translation of all the playable officer names. (x)=Maximum number of item slots attainable, slots are gained by increasing the officer rank of the assosciated character. Starting item slots is 3 less than the final item slot. Bonus attained from officer points (Max 99999) 6000 - 1 extra item slot and 2nd costume unlocked. 20000 - 1 extra item slot and 3rd and 4th costume unlocked. 60000 - 1 extra item slot and 5th and 6th costume unlocked. ----------- | 蜀 (Shu)| ----------- (Liu Bei) 劉備(5): Playable by Default. (Guan Yu) 関羽(4): Playable by Default. (Zhang Fei) 張飛(4): Playable by Default. (Zhao Yun) 趙雲(5): After clearing Shu's「虎牢関の戦い(Battle of Hu Lao Gate)」 (Zhuge Liang) 諸葛亮(6): After clearing Shu's「虎牢関の戦い(Battle of Hu Lao Gate)」 (Wei Yian) 魏延(4): After clearing Shu's「荊州攻略戦(Campaign for Jing)」 (Ma Chao) 馬超(4): Defeat him in「成都制圧戦(Campaign for Cheng Du)」and clear the stage. (Pang Tong) ホウ統(6): After clearing Shu's「虎牢関の戦い(Battle of Hu Lao Gate)」 (Huang Zhong) 黄忠(4): After clearing Shu's「荊州攻略戦(Campaign for Jing)」 (Jiang Wei) 姜維(5): In Shu's gaiden stage「天水の戦い」(Battle of Tian Sui), listen to 諸葛亮(Zhuge Liang)'s plan and isolate 姜維 (Jiang Wei) by killing all his sub-officers, after a while he'll surrender then just clear the stage. (Yue Ying) 月英(5): After clearing Shu's 4th chapter. ------------- | 魏 (Wei) | ------------- (Cao Cao) 曹操(5): Playable by Default. (Xiahou Dun) 夏侯惇(4): Playable by Default. (Xiahou Yuan) 夏侯淵(4): Playable by Default. (Dian Wei) 典韋(4): After clearing Wei's 黄巾の乱(The Yellow Turban Rebe llion). (Xu Chu) 許チョ(4): After clearing Wei's 虎牢関の戦い(Battle of Hu Lao Gate). (Zhang Liao) 張遼(5): After clearing Wei or Lubu's 下ヒの戦い(Battle at Xia Pi). (Sima Yi) 司馬懿(6): After clearing more than 10 stages. (Xu Huang) 徐晃(4): After clearing Wei's 黄巾の乱(The Yellow Turban Rebellion). (Zhen Ji) 甄姫(5): After clearing Wei's 官渡の戦い(Battle of Guan Du). (Zhang He) 張コウ(5): After clearing more than 10 stages. (Cao Ren) 曹仁(4): After clearing Wei's 官渡の戦い(Battle of Guan Du). ----------- | 呉 (Wu) | ----------- (Sun Jian) 孫堅(5): Playable by Default. (Sun Shang Xiang) 孫尚香(5): Playable by Default. (Huang Gai) 黄蓋(4): Playable by Default. (Zhou Yu) 周瑜(5): After clearing Wu's 虎牢関の戦い(Battle of Hu Lao Gate). (Sun Ce) 孫策(4): After clearing Wu's 虎牢関の戦い(Battle of Hu Lao Gate). (Da Qiao) 大喬(5): After clearing Wu's gaiden stage ニ喬奪還戦 (The two Qiaos). (Xiao Qiao) 小喬(5): After clearing Wu's gaiden stage ニ喬奪還戦. (The two Qiaos) (Tai Shi Ci) 太史慈(4): Defeat him in 呉郡攻略戦(Campaign for Wu Territory) and after taking over the supply depot he'll appear as reinforcement. (Sun Quan) 孫権(5): After clearing Wu's chapter 3. (Lu Meng) 呂蒙(5): After clearing Wu's 黄巾の乱(The Yellow Turban Rebellion). (Lu Xun) 陸遜(5): After clearing Wu's 赤壁の戦い(Battle of Chi Bi). (Gan Ning) 甘寧(4): Make him surrender in 夏口の戦い(Battle of Xia Kou) or by clearing Wu's chapter 3. (Zhou Tai) 周泰(4): After clearing Wu's chapter 3. -------------- | 他 (Others | -------------- (Lu Bu) 呂布(4): Clear any faction's musou mode once. (Diao Chan) 貂蝉(5): Clear 1st chapter of 呂布(Lu Bu)'s musou mode. (Dong Zhuo) 董卓(4): Clear 呂布(Lu Bu)'s musou mode. (Zhang Jiao) 張角(5): Clear all other musou modes to make him appear. (Yuan Shao) 袁紹(5): Clear Wei's musou mode. (Meng Huo) 孟獲(4): Clear 南蛮夷平定戦(The Nanman Campaign) by capturing him 7 times. (Zhu Rong) 祝融(5): Same as the above. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 2. Starting Stats for Playble Characters ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Note bow attack and running speed are fixed for each character and there are no ways in the game to increase them permanantely. This hurts power characters who are slow but has more initial attack, defense and HP since those can be compensated for by doing a few more power up runs while running speed can not. Legend: S = Best F = Worst ----------- | 蜀 (Shu)| ----------- ***************************************************************************** * Names * HP * Running * Defense * Bow * Attack * Musou * * * * Speed * * Attack * * Gauge * ***************************************************************************** * Liu Bei * D * B * A * C * B * B * ***************************************************************************** * Guan Yu * B * C * B * B * B * C * ***************************************************************************** * Zhang Fei * B * D * C * B * A * D * ***************************************************************************** * Zhao Yun * D * B * A * C * B * A * ***************************************************************************** * Ma Chao * B * B * B * C * A * C * ***************************************************************************** * Huang Zhong * B * C * C * S * A * C * ***************************************************************************** * Wei Yian * B * B * B * B * A * D * ***************************************************************************** * Jiang Wei * D * B * A * C * C * A * ***************************************************************************** * Pang Tong * F * B * S * E * E * S * ***************************************************************************** * Zhuge Liang * E * A * S * E * C * A * ***************************************************************************** * Yue Yin * E * A * A * C * C * A * ***************************************************************************** ------------- | 魏 (Wei) | ------------- ***************************************************************************** * Names * HP * Running * Defense * Bow * Attack * Musou * * * * Speed * * Attack * * Gauge * ***************************************************************************** * Cao Cao * D * B * A * C * C * A * ***************************************************************************** * Xiahou Dun * D * B * A * B * B * B * ***************************************************************************** * Dian Wei * B * E * B * D * B * C * ***************************************************************************** * Zhang He * E * S * A * E * C * A * ***************************************************************************** * Xu Chu * S * E * C * C * A * E * ***************************************************************************** * Xiahou Yuan * C * C * B * A * B * C * ***************************************************************************** * Zhang Liao * C * B * B * B * B * B * ***************************************************************************** * Xu Huang * C * B * B * B * B * C * ***************************************************************************** * Zhen Ji * E * A * A * C * C * A * ***************************************************************************** * Sima Yi * E * C * S * E * C * A * ***************************************************************************** * Cao Ren * B * C * B * C * A * D * ***************************************************************************** ----------- | 呉 (Wu) | ----------- ***************************************************************************** * Names * HP * Running * Defense * Bow * Attack * Musou * * * * Speed * * Attack * * Gauge * ***************************************************************************** * Sun Jian * C * B * B * C * B * B * ***************************************************************************** * Sun Ce * C * A * B * B * B * C * ***************************************************************************** * Sun Quan * D * B * A * C * B * B * ***************************************************************************** * Zhou Yu * D * A * A * D * C * B * ***************************************************************************** * Sun Shang Xiang * E * A * A * C * C * A * ***************************************************************************** * Huang Gai * B * C * B * C * A * C * ***************************************************************************** * Ta Shi Ci * B * C * B * D * A * D * ***************************************************************************** * Gan Ning * C * A * B * B * B * C * ***************************************************************************** * Lu Xun * E * S * A * C * C * A * ***************************************************************************** * Lu Meng * C * B * B * C * B * B * ***************************************************************************** * Da Qiao * D * A * A * D * C * A * ***************************************************************************** * Xiao Qiao * E * B * A * D * C * A * ***************************************************************************** * Zhou Tai * E * B * A * D * C * A * ***************************************************************************** -------------- | 他 (Others | -------------- ***************************************************************************** * Names * HP * Running * Defense * Bow * Attack * Musou * * * * Speed * * Attack * * Gauge * ***************************************************************************** * Zhang Jiao * D * B * A * C * C * A * ***************************************************************************** * Diao Chan * E * A * A * D * C * S * ***************************************************************************** * Lu Bu * S * S * B * A * S * D * ***************************************************************************** * Dong Zhuo * A * C * C * C * A * D * ***************************************************************************** * Yuan Shao * D * C * A * C * C * B * ***************************************************************************** * Meng Huo * S * E * C * B * S * E * ***************************************************************************** * Zhu Rong * C * B * B * B * B * C * ***************************************************************************** ------- | CAW | ------- ******************* * Male * ***************************************************************************** * Style * HP * Running * Defense * Jump * Attack * Musou * * * * Speed * * * * Gauge * ***************************************************************************** * Long Sword * C * A * A * A * B * A * ***************************************************************************** * Spear * B * B * B * B * B * B * ***************************************************************************** * Polearm * A * C * B * D * B * C * ***************************************************************************** * Bastard Sword * S * D * C * F * A * D * ***************************************************************************** ******************* * Female * ***************************************************************************** * Style * HP * Running * Defense * Jump * Attack * Musou * * * * Speed * * * * Gauge * ***************************************************************************** * Long Sword * E * A * A * A * C * A * ***************************************************************************** * Spear * D * B * A * B * C * B * ***************************************************************************** * Polearm * C * C * B * F * B * C * ***************************************************************************** * Rapier * B * A * B * A * B * D * ***************************************************************************** ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 3. Body Guards ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Body guards which I'll refer to as BG from now on are much tougher than they were back in DW3 days. They hardly ever die on normal difficulty when maxed out and on hard it's relatively simple to keep them alive too if you manage to pick up food on regular basis. -There are 4 sets of BG available, names and model type can be edited. -Models are unlocked when you unlock their respective Musou mode, for example Yellow Turbine guards are available once you have their Musou unlocked. -BG recover HP as you pickup recovery items. Back to DW2 style. BG's growth is related with their own set of points, similar to your player character, they gain points when defeating enemies and it'll be calculated at the end of a stage. Point formula: kills x 10 BG alive after battle x 20 Number of BG participated x 30 There are 20 ranks available to BG, you can raise up to 15 by accumulating points. In order to progress from 16~20 you'll need to let them kill more people than their current rank. For example in order to progress to rank 16 you'll need to make them kill 16 people in a single battle while they're still lv 15. By pressing select, you can change the AI of your BG anytime during the battle. There will be a small icon below your character head pic indicating what kind of tactic is being applied right now. BG will follow player character around. Shield-Default icon, BG concentrates on protecting the player character will attack foes that comes within a certain radius. Sword-Aggressive AI, BG will attack anything that they can see within the viewing distance. BG will follow player character around. Hand-Passive AI, BG will guard their current location and attack anything that comes within a certain distance. BG does not follow player character around. BG can wield 5 kinds of different weapons, each type will affect their growth attribute when they lv up. ---------------- | Growth Chart | ---------------- 剣兵=sword 戟兵=polearm 槍兵=spear 弓兵=bow 弩兵=crossbow Sword=Balanced growth in all parameters. Polearm=Concentrates in attack parameter. Spear=Concentrates in Musou parameter. Bow=HP and defense. Crossbow=HP and defense. If anyone has more info on the details feel free to e-mail me about it. Now it's possible to raise their title above 修羅(Stalwart), depending on you customize the growth of your BG. It's possible that if you didn't plan your BG growth well that you'll never reach the 5th title. 朱雀(Masters)-HP maxed out by rank 20, fire element added to their attacks. 青龍(Experts)-Musou maxed out by rank 20, thunder element added to their attacks. 白虎(Tiger)-Attack maxed out by rank 20, blaze element added to their attacks. 玄武(Phoenix)-Defense maxed out by rank 20, ice element added to their attacks. 黄龍(Dragon)-At least 2 parameters maxed out by rank 20 with 2 others near maxed out. Slash element added to their attacks. Here's a method to obtain 黄龍(Dragon) posted in Bahamut BBS, I haven't tested it myself yet. Rank 1~9 (bow)-->Rank 10~11 (Spear)-->Rank 12~20 (Polearm) ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 4. Play Mechanics ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ----------------------------------------------------------- | Basic Actions (Available universally to all characters) | ----------------------------------------------------------- ************** * New To DW4 * ************** ======= =Duels= ======= Duels usually happens when 2 named officers from opposing factions come across each other, it is a player-only event so it'll never happen for AI controlled ally officers. Whether a duel will actually happen is determined by the 2 officers affinity towards each other. Higher affinity decreases the chance of a duel occuring while low affinity will trigger duels more frequently when fighting that particular officer. Actions can be taken to either increase or decrease a officers affinity towards one and the other. Increase: -Help out that officer when he/she is in trouble when playing as their ally. -Playing 2 players with them. Decrease: -Defeat them on battlefield. Now when a duel screen comes up you'll have a certain amount of time to decide whether you'd like to accept the duel or not. Pressing start automatically means declining the duel so be careful not to take it as another boring cut-scene. Not pressing any button by the time the timer runs out also means declining the duel as well. Pressing Circle Button accepts it. Declining duels will result in a morale downfall across your entire force. =================== =Rules for Dueling= =================== -HP is independent from normal battle, both characters start with a full bar. -Your personal stats affect your power/defense to some extent but there are some other factors since my fully maxed Zhou Tai still gets his ass handed to him by Lu Bu in a duel, although everything turned around after the duel ended. -AI seems a lot smarter and will almost always block any direct attacks, also performs reversal on frequent basis. -The weapon you're wielding will determine how many hits you can link up. -Being defeated (HP=0) means gameover right away. -The duel lasts for 45s and no one dies when timer runs out it is viewed as a draw. -While playing with 2 player, the screen switches to full screen and the other player waits for the duel to finish before the game progresses normally. -After the duel ends both sides revert back the HP they had previously. -Winning means instant death for the enemy officer, the item they drop will immediately be given to you without having to pick it up. A morale boost to your entire force. -You can't duel commoner officers unless there's a special event associated with that person. -You can't duel commanders who you're required to kill in order to end a stage. -Duels seems to occur much more often when you pit characters from the same side against each other (Ie. Shu character playing against Shu in Free Mode) This seems to explain that the starting affinity rating between you and your comrades is rather low so you'll have to work on that if you like comrades to appear as Musou body guards. Duels are extremely handly when you want to take out a officer without dealing with his henchman or just trying to finish them off quickly during your power up run. Some hints for dueling: A fairly easy method to win duels is do a mid-air downward charge attack (T in mid-air) near whoever you're fighting and chances are they'll be knocked down by it. As soon as they try to recover by doing a back-flip run up close and time your slash so it connects just as they land, they won't be able to block. Rinse and repeat till it's over. Use arrows against them, after shooting once immediately release R1 and press it again to skip the reload timer. Take note though it won't work on some overpowering officers. *************** * New Actions * (Things new to DW4 not included in DW3/XL) *************** Mid Air Charge (MAC): Triangle while in mid air, your character will do a quick descending downward stab that creates a pulse around him/her while knocking down and damaging all those around him/her. Looks cool but in reality enemies will hit you out mid-air most of the time before you can complete the move. It's a good follow up for C5 though. Reversals: While blocking, press Triangle when enemy's hit is about to register will allow you to perform the reversal attack you them do during duels. During the reversal you'll be rendered invulnerable to all normal attacks, only Musou can break it. Button mashing won't get you anywhere for this so start practising! Name Declaration: Pressing the R3 analog button will allow cause the character you're playing to yell out his name along with a 360 green aura that will guard break anyone within its radius. There is a charging time associated with this move so the only use I see from this move is when playing with another person 1 guy can constantly do name yelling to stun while the other lays the smack down on people. *************** * Old Actions * (Just for those new to DW series, no need for those already *************** familar with DW) Normal Attack-Square button, can be chained up to 4~6 times depending on weapon lv. Charged Attack-Triangle button, can be mixed in with normal attack in order to execute Charged attacks. For example C2 would be S,T and C6 would be S,S,S,S,S,T . Maximum number of chains is affected by your weapon lv. orb effects comes out when the requirements are met. See orb Section for more details. Dash Attack-After walking a distance, press Square. Results usually in a knockdown attack but varies depending on the character. Jump-The X button. Guard-L1 button, protects you from all forms of attack except throws. Only covers the front 180 so becareful about those who try to sneak up from behind. Guard break from overpowering normal and charged attacks no longer exists in DW4. Air Recovery-L1 while being knocked into mid air, prevents further juggling. Archery-R1 Button, the view will become first person with a crosshair that semi auto locks onto your nearest target. You can fire normal arrows using Square button or charged arrows using Triangle. Mini Map-Use R2 button to switch between a magnified version of the map and the normal version. HP bar-Use L2 button to turn on and off HP displays for enemies and vital ally troops. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 5. CAW (Create A Warrior) ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// New to DW4 is the ability to create your own playable characters along with body guard editing function simliar to those found in DW3:XL. Here are some basic aspects of CAW - Up to 4 characters can be created in DW4 save. - Only the motions of characters you've unlocked can be chosen. - CAW can be used in any factions Musou Mode. - 5 different types of weapon in total, you only have to earn each type's lv10 weapon once. Say if you created a long sword character with Cao Cao's move set and obtained his lv10 weapon and created another person under the long sword category, that person will automatically wield lv10 weapon from the start. Things you can edit in CAW: Sex: Male/Female ******** * Male * ******** Colour: White, Blue, Red, Green, Purple, Yellow Head: Short hair, Helmet, Bandana Armor: Fighting suit, Breast plate, Steel mail Legs/Wrist: Steel, Studded, Cloth Waist: Oriental skirt, Fighting suit, Steel ********** * Female * ********** Colour: White, Blue, Red, Green, Purple, Yellow Head: Short hair, Pony tail, Steel helm Armor: Fighting suit, Plate mail, Dancing suit. Legs/Wrist:Cloth wrist/leggings, Dancing wrist/leggings, Steel wrist/leggings Waist: Cloth, Dancing, Steel *********** * Motions * *********** You can choose from 5 different weapon types (3 initially not available) and under each weapon type will be a number of characters whose moveset you can use. 剣 (Sword): (Liu Bei) 劉備 (5) (Huang Zhong) 黄忠 (4) (Cao Cao) 曹操 (5) (Xiahou Yuan) 夏侯淵(4) (Sun Jian) 孫堅 (5) (Sun Quan) 孫権 (5) (Zhou Yu) 周瑜 (5) (Gan Ning) 甘寧 (4) (Dong Zhuo) 董卓 (4) (Only available for male) (Yuan Shao) 袁紹 (5) 槍 (Spear): (Zhao Yun) 趙雲 (5) (Ma Chao) 馬超 (4) (Jiang Wei) 姜維 (5) 戟 (Polearm): (Zhang Liao) 張遼 (5) (Lu Meng) 呂蒙 (5) 大剣 (Bastard Sword): (Fu Xi) 伏犠(4) (Only available for male) 細剣 (Rapier): (Nu Wa) 女カ(6) (Only available for female) Trick for getting 6 slot character with any motion: When creating your CAW, initially choose the rapier move set and proceed till the final confirmation. Cancel your confirmation and you'll able to change any particular part of CAW, now choose the moveset you prefer and you'll notice your CAW will still have 3 initial item slots available. (Might be fixed in the US release) ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 6. Character Overviews ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Here I'll be analyzing each individual characters based on their performance on Hard difficulty. -Characters analyzed will be fully maxed in HP, Defense and Attack. -Wielding their lv10 weapon with Wind Scroll. -Storm Runner saddle equipped. -Different orbs will be equipped depending on the nature of their move set, I'll explain why I chose that particular orb over others. -For characters with 4 slots I equipped the following, Peacock Urn, Tiger Amulet, Tortoise Amulet and Wind Scroll. -For 5&6 slot characters I either add Elixir or Iron Shell Hand. -Using Nanman stage as the test bench since it's flooded with infantry (Hard). -C3 attacks are now called rush charge, with each weapon type upgrade the characters gains an extra from c3. -S6 stands for the normal Squarex6 attack, sorry I didn't realise that this wasn't a standard convention and received a lot of questions on it. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shu ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ******************* Lv10 Weapon Range=Execellent * 趙雲(Zhao Yun) * Running Speed=B (Good) ******************* Being one of the most popular characters in DW it's only fair I give him the first coverage. Here's a run down his attacks. C1-Forward dashing attack, often seen used by infantries. Good for escaping but nothing else in particular. C2-Your standard aerial launcher target can be combo'ed after he/she drops down. I never use this personally. C3-Zhao Yun thrusts his spear downwards and upwards continously while advancing and ends with a 180 forward swipe that dizzies his foe. It's half decent for duels since after dizzying your foe it can be followed up with another c3 or anything of your choice for more damage. In big crowds this move won't do you much good since the range covered is too small. C4-I consider this Zhao Yun's main arsenal, you can access this move right at the start and use you'll be using it a lot. After 3 wide swipes to the front, he charges up a bit and unleashes a powerful 360. The charge up time is minimal and chances are you'll be able to pull this one off without much hassel even in big crowds. With Wind Scroll and his lv10 weapon, this move alone makes him one of the best crowd characters in the game. It does have a bit of recovery time if your foe blocks it and it'll leave you open for a combo. Have your Musou ready in case this happens. C5-This is a enhanced aerial launcher that seems to be identical across all characters, I don't use this move much at all since it only deals 1 person effectively. I sometimes use this in duels when I equip myself with the fire orb. Zhao Yun's c5 only does 2 hit, 1 for launching and another for beating them down from mid-air, you can choose to follow it up with another MAC but chances are you are going to get knocked out by jumping soldiers. C6-This move was practically useless in DW3 due to it's minimal damage and narrow range, Koei seems to have taken notice and thus it has been improved somewhat. Zhao Yun does multiple forward thrusts which juggles his foe in mid-air and ends with a 360. This move is quite hard to aim and more than often you'll miss your target until you become more familiar with it. When equipped with an Ice orb, the first hit of C6 has a chance to freeze your foe. If it freezes then your foe will take insane damage from the strikes that come afterwards since when frozen they can't be launched into mid air and the stabs will do full damage. S6-His S6 is also very good at clear out crowd like his C4, while it does more damage and has no charge up time I still prefer to use C4 mostly cos of the orb effects. What I suggest is to use S6 when there hordes of infantries but no officers and use C4 when a officer is around so you can take your chances at freezing him/her. Musou Ranbu-Identical to what he had in DW3, juggles the enemy into mid-air continously and ends witha 180 swipe in the front. The damage isn't great and the range is pretty poor except for the last strike. I use it as a fail-safe move mostly when I get hit by enemies or when there's frozen officer around me. Test Run at NanMan: With his defense maxed out and wearing lv20 Tortoise Amule, normal soldiers can't stun Zhao Yun, a commoner officer and above has the ability to stun him but still he takes relatively little damage. Using his C4 with Ice orb equipped I was able to clean out large chunks of enemies without much hassel. It takes about 2~3 rounds of C4 to defeat a group of enemies, with Elixir equipped there was hardly a time when I couldn't pull off a Musou when I wanted to. Once the mobs are out of the way the officers are fairly easy too, Zhao Yun is fast enough so he can run around officers and try to poke them from behind. S6 or C6 is recommened for dealing with officers when there aren't many mobs around. On a whole Zhao Yun is a very versatile character that is capable of handling any situation at any given time. Recommended setup at Maximum Rank: Horse Saddle: Storm Runner orb:Ice or Slash (I prefer Ice personally) Item1:Tortoise Amulet Item2:Tiger Amulet Item3:Peacock Urn Item4:Wind Scroll Item5:Elixir ******************* Lv10 Weapon Range=Execellent * 月英(Yue Ying) * Running Speed=A (Excellent) ******************* Yue Ying is the newest addition to Shu's line up of playable characters, in many ways she's quite similar to Zhao Yun yet she's unique enough on her own to warrant playing. Here's a run down of her attacks: C1-She thorws out her scythe in a boomerang like fashion, travels a bit of distance and then returns to her. She's left open for attacks from sides and the back when executing this move. The best time to use it would be to stop a swarm of chasing enemies so they don't dash attack you. While the damage done is minimal, it does release orb effects when hit. C2-An uppercut with a long charge time, definately not recommended since it can still be blocked even if the previous hit registers. C3-Her C3 is similar to Zhao Yun's C6 where she advances while performing forward thrusts. There is a delay between each thrust and more than often it doesn't combo too well. If a thrust hits, it's immediately followed up by about 4 more mini thrusts, the whole thing ends with a 180 swipe. On a whole I don't really recommend using this move even in a duel, there are faster and easier to aim moves that does more damage. C4-This is where Yue Ying's potential starts to shine, being one of her crowd control moves you'll be using this till C6 becomes available and even after that you'll want to use this from time to time. Yue Ying does a 360 swipe while advancing slightly so it's a good move to do when charging into crowds, when coupled with Slash or Ice orb there is a decent change that more than a few foes will taste the wrath of its effect. The charge time is fair so as long as your defense isn't too low you'll have no problem pulling this off frequently in the same manner as Zhao Yun's C4. C5-An high air launcher with a bad charge time like her C2, I don't really see a use for this move unless paired with Fire orb. C6-This is the ultimate for Yue Ying, once you get this move pretty much no crowd can stop you. She starts rotating her scythe repeatly like a humanoid helicopter and anything that's within the radius of her spin gets some quality dicing. With her insane range you'll pretty much hit almost anything on the screen. This move works well with Ice orb since if foes gets frozen the first hit the consecutive hits that follow will do much more damage than normal since they're not counted as aerial strikes. Her Musou Ranbu combos well with C6, time your rotations so as soon as you sense the rotation is coming to an end immediatelly follow up with her Musou Ranbu. Not many foes can stand that while frozen. There is a slight recovery after her rotation finishes but she can just pull off a Musou Ranbu if anyone attempts to attack. S6-Again very similar to Zhao Yun's S6 but slightly slower, does a 360 slash at the end. Good when you don't have a lv10 weapon yet or somehow can't access the orbs Effects (Musou bar not full for eg.) Musou Ranbu-Can be viewed as an enhanced version of her C6, she rotates with her scythe extended until her Musou bar is depleted and then finishes off with a rising spin similar to how Sun Ce finishes his Musou Ranbu. It's very linkable with C6 and does devastating damage to all frozen opponents. Damage isn't that great when used normally but it's a good crowd cleaner when things get too hectic. Test Run at NanMan: I had her in the same setup that I used to test Zhao Yun since both of them have access to 5 item slots. What can I say, her C6 with Ice orb just dominates. Any person getting frozen with her C6 gets a free flight to nether land. With a lv15 Elixir equipped her musou was fully charged after every 2 executions of C6, I kept her Musou bar short so she could pull off Musou Ranbu more often. officers like to block a lot but she can easily just pivot her attacks so it hits them in the back. Her swings may be a bit slower when compared to Zhao Yun but her uniquess and range makes her one of the top crowd controllers too. Oh and did I forget to mention that she doesn't reel back from normal infantry strikes, charged strikes still does have an effect on her though. Recommended setup at Maximum Rank: Horse Saddle: Storm Runner orb:Ice or Slash (I prefer Ice personally) Item1:Tortoise Amulet Item2:Tiger Amulet Item3:Peacock Urn Item4:Wind Scroll Item5:Elixir ******************* Weapon Range = Excellent * 関羽(Guan Yu) * Running Speed = C ******************* Guan Yu is much weaker in DW4 than he was in DW3 when he had the amazing 4th weapon which helped him charge up Musou Bars incredibly fast. Guan Yu is kind slow and his charge attacks have a pretty bad charge time but he makes up for it with range and the area covered with his attacks. C1: Guan Yu's new move, he hops quite a distance forward while spinning his weapon. The only use I can see of this move is to jump into a bunch of incoming infantries and hope that the orb effect that's released can grant you an advantage. C2: Standard air launcher, charge time is too slow to be of much use. Avoid. C3: His other new move, it's pretty fast compared to his other moves but only covers a small area in front of him. Guan Yu advances while doing upward thrusts, it's good against officers if all the hits connect as it stuns on the last hit. In a crowd just tap Triangle once so you'll pull off the ender which covers a wider radius. C4: This is his most useful move, it covers 360 around him and you have access to it right at the beginning. The only downside is the charge time is horrible and you'll find yourself being hit out of it very often unless you equip "Iron Hand Shell" which makes him uninterruptable during charged attacks. Works great with Ice or Thunder orb. There's quite a long recover time after this attack so better start praying if it's blocked. C5: Standard high air launcher, again the charge time is too long to make it of any practical use. C6: This move remains pretty much unchanged from DW3, Guan Yu does a massive swing in the front and releases an impulse that travels a short distance. The area covered is 360 like C4 but it does cover a bit further in the side he's facing due to the short impulse. The charge time is long enough so that it won't combo. Like C4 you'll have to deal with constant interruptions Guan Yu might face in a crowd. S6: This covers a very good area with all the attacks and ends with a 270 swing that's really fast compared to his C4 and C6. Damage is pretty good too so I use it in both 1 on 1 or in groups. Choose this over his charged moves if you don't have any good orbs. Musou Ranbu: His walking top spinner Musou is back, it's the same as how it was in DW3 in a sense that he juggles any foes that gets caught within it. Like all juggling Musou Ranbus, it's very effective when used against a frozen foe. This is one of the most practical Musou Ranbus in the game, it works well whether you're surrounded or just trying to add damage to your combos. Test run at Nan Man: Guan Yu walks around fairly slow and he gets hit out of his charged attacks much more often than most others so equipping Iron Shell Hand might be an option for some of you. When his C4 does land it clears out a good chunk of space due to his awesome range and the damage is pretty good too. He's still fast enough to sneak behind blocking officers pretty well. Guan's charge time and his fairly slow walking speed is his obvious weakness but if you can manage those downsides then he's still an ok character but nowhere as effective as how he was in DW3 due to his 4th weapon. ****************** LV10 Weapon Range=Excellent * 馬超(Ma Chao) * Running Speed=B (Good) ****************** Ma Chao really lives up to his name in DW4, Ma stands for horse in Chinese and Chao stands for super. He's probably the only character in the game who you'd want to stay on a horse most of the time except when killing off lone officers. His Triangle attack on a horse is an equivalent of an elephant stomp, meaning that it does a large AOE stun attack to all those around him and decent damage. It's really amazing how fast you can clear a horde of infantries with this move, while it doesn't kill officers that fast you can always get off the horse after you've cleared out all infantries. His standard moves isn't too bad either but on the horse is where Ma Chao's true potential lies. C1: Ma Chao does a 360 flying kick, not much use really. C2: Standard air launcher, not quick enough to combo and I don't use it much. C3: Ma Chao does a series of quick stabs and ends with a mini swing that covers a good area in front of him. The damage isn't that good so I recommend sticking to C6. C4: The forward thrust attack that you sometimes see infantries use, while damage is decent the range is too narrow making it useless in most situations. Even against a officer S6 and C6 would be a much better choice. C5: Standard high air launcher, not quick enough to combo and I don't use it much. C6: Ma Chao performs a very wide 360 swing that's works well for clearing out infantries but really the usefullness of this move is dumbed down by the fact he's much better at clearing crowds on horses. Use this if you want to proc the orb effects or just want to do some fighting on foot. S6: The area covered is kind of a mixed bag because some of his swings within those 6 hits are really short and it doesn't work too well in most cases that the person you're hitting actually blocks it halfway through due to 1 of the hits missing. It's still pretty good for 1 on 1 but you have to be quite close to your opponent to ensure that all hits connect. The final hit covers a good deal of area in front him but use his Triangle attack while riding horse for maximum efficiency. Musou Ranbu: Ma Chao moves around while spinning his spear, the damage isn't too good since those hits juggle opponents and is kinda awkward to control. The final hit is reallly wide and is excellent for clearing out crowds with some decent damage to add. Don't rely on this move for damage unless someone is frozen, in most situations you'll be using it as a life saver. Test run at Nan Man: Ma Chao is probably the most efficient and simple crowd clearer ever, all you ever need to do is ride into a bunch of people with Storm Runner and hammer Triangle like mad. You can pretty much switch to another change and come back 20s later to find everyone except the officers dead. If you want to explicitly use his AOE stun attack, then you might want to save a slot for Horned Helm to increase his efficiency even more. Overall no crowd will stand in your way once you obtain Storm Runner saddle and Ma Chao's ability to handle 1 on 1's pretty well makes him a very powerful character in DW4. The only distinct downfall is the somewhat varying range of his Square strikes. Recommended setup at Maximum Rank: Horse Saddle: Storm Runner orb:Ice Item1:Tortoise Amulet Item2:Tiger Amulet Item3:Horned Helm Item4:Wind Scroll ************************ Lv10 Weapon Range=Poor * 諸葛亮 (Zhuge Liang) * Running Speed=A ************************ Zhuge Liang lacked power in DW3 and in DW4 he still can't do much damage but he makes up for it by having the largest item slot (6) in the game. He's still a defensive character that while isn't very good at killing like a few others can survive pretty well. An intersting thing about Zhuge Liang is his aerial charge attack actually shoots out a laser to the ground, while nothing spectacular in terms of damage it's pretty to look at. C1: Zhuge Liang shoots out a triple arrow like energy pulse, it carries orb effect. More of a fun relief than anything else. C2: Standard air launcher, horrible charge time never used it much. C3: He shoots a energy ring in front of him that travels a tiny distance before it dissipates, I don't really know how to make good use of it but it's pretty useless now as it stands. C4: Zhuge Liang's main crowd clearing attack from DW3, it remains largely untouched except the whirlwind effect looks a bit nicer now. Covers a good radius around him and does good damage considering it's Zhuge Liang you're playing. Very easy to be hit out it while charging, having Iron Shell Hand equipped doesn't seem to help much either as you'll be knocked down if you get hit while trying to execute this. C5: Standard high air launcher, avoid due to horrible charge time. C6: Zhuge Liang shoots out 3 lasers that homes slightly but it's kinda difficult to aim. The damage it does isn't really worth the effort plus the area it covers is minimal. Don't bother with this and just use S6 if you want to go 1 on 1. S6: This is the move you should use for 1 on 1, it does good damage but the area it covers is small due to the nature of Zhuge Liang's weapon. Musou Ranbu: It's been improved slightly from DW3 version now that the lasers home slightly and dizzies anyone that it hits. The damage kinda varies since the lasers shoot all over the place, it does moderate damage if you manage to score every hit but usually that's not the case. It's ok for clearing crowds but you'll have to rotate around to cover a good radius. Not exactly the best Musou Ranbu in terms of effectivness but does look interesting though. Test run at Nan Man: It's very hard to kill efficiently with Zhuge Liang, his range is so narrow compared to other people and his main crowd clearing move C4 has terrible recovery time. In crowds you'll just have to spam C4 over and over again until infantries go down and everynow and again when someone blocks it you'll definately be retaliated. He has a fairly fast running speed so it's not hard to keep yourself alive but he just takes much more time to kill stuff. Even with 6 item slots, I still feel Zhuge Liang is weaker than most of the characters out there due to his inablility to deal out damage. The range of his fan is one of his biggest weakness, even with Wind Scroll you'll be suprised at how little it actualy covers. Recommended setup at Maximum Rank: Horse Saddle: Storm Runner orb:Thunder Item1:Tortoise Amulet Item2:Tiger Amulet Item3:Peacock Urn Item4:Wind Scroll Item5:Elixir Item6:Anything (Iron Shell Hand doesn't make much difference) ******************* Lv10 Weapon Range=Fair * 魏延 (Wei Yian) * Running Speed=B ******************* I didn't use Wei Yian a lot in DW3 but in DW4 he has gained a few nice additions making him very powerful. C1: Wei Yian does a double flip forward that hits anything in its paths. Not really that useful considering the amount of damage it does is minimal and you'll often get hit out of it in a crowd. C2: Standard air launcher affair, no reason to use this when he has much better things at his disposal. C3: This is of Wei Yian's new additions and it's absolutely awesome. He falls on his back and turns into a live spinning top using his double edged blade. It has no charge time and he's practically invulnerable while executing, anyone that tries to get close will get some quality shredding. The damage is first class too and leaves opponents stunned for further juggling. The only weakness is a small amount of recovery time that's present after it finishes, but that doesn't really affect the overall effectiveness of this move. In a small crowd or in 1 on 1 I highly recommend that you stick to his move, you'll be amazed how much damage all the shredding can do. C4: His main crowd control move that he had kept over from DW3. Wei Yian does a wide slash covering 270 around him, very little charge time meaning you will hardly ever be interrupted when trying to execute it. The damage and area covered are both excellent and the only setback is the noticeable recovery time which will give enemies opportunities to strike back. Generally speaking this is a very effective move in any sort of crowded situation. This and C3 makes Wei Yian a force to be reckoned with. C5: Standard high air launcher, never bothered with it. C6: This move was mildly useful in DW3 due to the purple element attached to it. Wei Yian stands still while spinning his double edged blade and ends with a wide slash. It's not very effective for any situation since the area covered is too small and you're open to attacks from behind while doing this. Look elsewhere for more efficient alternatives. S6: Wei Yian does a series of slashes and ends spinning his double edged blade in the front. The area covered is kinda narrow which means it's not really suitable for clearing crowds, for 1 on 1 it's ok but I prefer to use C3. You don't really need to use move at all when he has those nice C4 and C3. Musou Ranbu: This is somewhat of a mixed bag, Wei Yian dances around while spinning his double edged blade. While the damage is not too bad it's really hard to get more than 2~3 hits on a single target due to way he moves. As a crowd clearing life saver though it's very good and you can move around with this and by the end of the Musou it's very likely most people will be lying on the ground with a dent in their HP bar. Very devastating when used on a frozen foe as well but still kinda hard to aim. Test run at Nan Man: Wei Yian has an easy time basically since his C4 and C3 takes care of things nicely in a short amount of time. While equipped with the Ice orb he usually freezes up to 3~4 people per C4 and all you have to do is repeat C4 till his Musou bar is full, unleash Musou and repeat. When there aren't that many people around you can opt for C3 instead and while the area it covers isn't nearly as large as C4 the damage is better. Wei Yian's speed is moderately fast as well so he has no troubles sneaking behind people and force feed them a C3. Overall it might be a bit hard at the beginning with Wei Yian but his true potential is unleashed after you obtain his lv10 weapon and give him a wind scroll. Definitely one of the better characters around. Recommended setup at Maximum Rank: Horse Saddle: Storm Runner orb:Ice Item1:Tortoise Amulet Item2:Tiger Amulet Item3:Peacock Urn/Elixir Item4:Wind Scroll ********************** Lv10 Weapon Range=Fair * 黄忠 (Huang Zhong) * Running Speed=C (Fair) ********************** Huang Zhong has always been the master of bow art and in DW4 he's the only person with a S bow attack rating. Overall arrows have become a lot less lethal than they were in DW3 and that includes player and infantry bow man. His strong archery is handy in duels and can easily win it for him in most situations. Aside from archery though he doesn't have many strong aspects. C1: Huang Zhong takes out his bow and shoots out mulitple shots, very hard to aim since the view doesn't switch to first person but it he can use this even when his arrow stock is 0. If you have Fire Arrow equipped the arrows will have flame effect attached to it. Like Xiahou Yuan's crossbow it's much more annoying when they use it on you. C2: Standard air launcher, I don't use this much. C3: Huang Zhong's new C3 is strictly for 1 on 1, use it a crowd and you're just begging to be hit. He pulls out his bow and releases a barrage of arrows in a straight line. The arrows go in a straight line so don't expect them to hit a lot of other people. While the damage is fairly decent if all the arrows hit the effort required to aim and the restriction of not being able to pull it off safely in a crowd leaves this move with little practical use. When you equip Fire Arrow the arrows he shoots out will have flame effects attached. C4: Huang Zhong main crowd clearing move and it isn't impressive to say the least. He swings his sword in a way that it covers just a little more than a quarter of his side. As a result it's not going to hit nearly as many people as you like, depending on the situation you want to switch to S6 but C4 is faster to pull off. The damage isn't great, I strongly suggest that you give Huang Zhong a Thunder orb so he can immobolize more people than he can actually hit. C5: Standard high air launcher, I don't use this much. C6: Huang Zhong shoots out 2 sword waves, 1 after the other. The area it covers like all other sword wave attacks is small. It's a bit more damaging than a full S6 combo but really I could do without the little extra damage when S6 covers a much wider area. S6: After a series of slashes Huang Zhong does a big horizontal slash that covers the front 180 quite well. This is what I use mostly since it covers the most range and deals decent damage as well. One thing that I noticed while I played Huang Zhong is I rarely see any orb effects since I rarely use any of his charge moves. Musou Ranbu: This is a pretty good Musou Ranbu actually, it's unchanged from what he had in DW3. He basically dances while spinning his sword. It's good in a huge crowd because he can hit a lot of people with this and the ender does some decent damage too. If you ever equip him with a Ice orb then it'll make this even more effective. It's kind of annoying though how he almost falls over after ending his Musou Ranbu (age?). Test Run at Nan Man: Huang Zhong really has a poor area coverage with most of his moves, I tried to use C4 but it just doesn't get enough area covered and ends up being poked from side or back. Even with S6 he's going to get hit from the back but it's not as severe as C4. His biggest advantage is obviously his archery and in order to take advantage of it accept as many duels as you can. Under normal circumstances it's much harder to hit officers with archer since they know to strafe and block your arrows now. In duels the problem isn't as bad since there are infantries around, make sure you take advantage of the quick reload trick mentioned in the duel section. Overall aside from his spectacular archer abilities, Huang Zhong is pretty average in all other aspects. Playing as him on hard in the later stages will definitely be a challenge. Recommended setup at Maximum Rank: Horse Saddle: Storm Runner orb:Thunder Item1:Tortoise Amulet Item2:Tiger Amulet Item3:Peacock Urn/Elixir Item4:Wind Scroll ******************** LV10 Weapon Range=Fair * 張飛 (Zhang Fei) * Running Speed=D (Poor) ******************** I only Zhang Fei a fair for his weapon range because of the inconsistency of range. Some of his hits have a large radius while others have really bad range for example S2. It really hurts his comboing abilities since you always have to be right up close to the opponent to ensure that all hits link together. C1: Zhang Fei grabs his opponent and slams he/her on the floor. Not much practical use. C2: Standard air launcher with horrible charge time, avoid. C3: This is Zhang Fei's best move, he advances while swinging his spear left and right in a rapid fashion and ends with an AOE impulse. The impulse is what makes this move great in crowds, with a filled up Musou bar the impulse Zhang Fei releases has a chance of releasing orb effects on anyone it hits (applies even if you have lv10 weapon). When in a crowd it's best to just tap Triangle once after C3 so you can execute the AOE impulse attack as soon as possible. In 1 on 1 situations you can rapidly tap Triangle button to score as many hits as possible. His C6 stomp attack becomes redundant after Koei gave him this. C4: Entirely revamped what he used to have. Zhang Fei now grabs his opponent (throw) and dices him/her with his spear and then send them away. It's useful earlier on when officers don't react to throws that much but later on all you are going to get is a aerial charge attack on top of you. In the end this move is ok to use in the earlier stages but avoid it totally later on. C5: Standard high air launcher, avoid due to horrible charge time. C6: Zhang Fei's earth stomp is back and unfortunately it's still not useful like it was in DW3. In DW3 (Japanese version) I recalled that Zhang Fei's stomp did very little damage compared to Xu Huang and Huang Gai's. Now they've fixed the damage but also increased the charge time so it won't combo now. Basically C3 does the same job but much better so just avoid this one since it's a pain to pull off and you end up with majority of the officers blocking it. S6: A quick series of slashes ending with a nice big 180 in the front. The bad thing is you gotta go up pretty close in order for the hits to link up. Something I usually do is freeze a couple of people with C3 equipped with Ice orb then just go hard on them with S6 or Musou Ranbu. Decent damage if everything connects too. Musou Ranbu: Unchanged from DW3, Zhang Fei walks around while doing vertical thrusts left and right. A very fine crowd clearer as it makes full use of his weapon range and the ending hit packs quite a punch too. Use this on frozen foes to maximize its damage potential. A very decent Musou Ranbu overall. Test run at Nan Man: In order to kill infantries efficiently I preferr using C3 to soften them up with the impulse attack and then concentrate on ones that are frozen with either S6 or Musou Ranbu. For 1 on 1's his C3 works nicely but you just have to be up close due to short of his S2. He's kinda slow but you can still sneak up behind officers, it just requires more work but not as hard as say Xu Chu. Overall Zhang Fei is slightly above average in my opinion and his short S2 really hurts his performance overall. Recommended setup at Maximum Rank: Horse Saddle: Storm Runner orb:Ice Item1:Tortoise Amulet Item2:Tiger Amulet Item3:Peacock Urn/Elixir Item4:Wind Scroll ********************** LV10 Weapon Range=Poor * ホウ統 (Pang Tong) * Running Speed=B (Good) ********************** I hate to tell this to Pang Tong fans but I feel Pang Tong is one of the weakest characters in DW4. He has a short range, slow swings, toned down Musou Ranbu and other disadvantages that I'll be mentioning. The only positive thing I can think of is his ability to carry 6 items but he's still much weaker than Zhuge Liang and Sima Yi. C1: A single sword Impulse, becomes 3 when Musou bar is fully charged or weilding his lv10 weapon. Pretty useless. C2: Standard air launcher with high delay time, avoid. C3: Pang Tong does backward cartwheels that is slow and only hits in front of him, he does a 360 upside down swing to finish it off but often he'll get knocked out of it. This is a very bad C3 no matter how you look at it, it's slow, doesn't do much damage and only hits in the front. Avoid using this if you can. C4: Pang Tong does a 360 upside down very similar to the ender of C3, however its long charging will make it very hard to pull it off and his preceding hits doesn't set him up too well cos they don't enough area. I guess you'll have no choice but to use this before you gain access to C6 but believe me you're not going to have an easy time. C5: Standard high air launcher, avoid. C6: This is his best crowd clearing move and it's been toned down a lot in terms of its damage output from DW3. Pang Tong does a spin creating a whirlwind that sends anyone within its radius flying. While the area covered and the charge time isn't too bad the damage it does is very little. Don't expect to kill people quickly this, I use it to activate Orb effects most of the time and don't rely on its actual damage. S6: Pretty useless, Pang Tong does a series of very stiff swings that are slow, narrow and basically very easy to be interrupted before he jumps forward spinning his staff. You'll find it extremely hard to kill officers in a crowd using this since it doesn't hit many other people so enemies surrounding will be interrupting frequently. Musou Ranbu: His washing machine Musou from DW3 is back and while the animation hasn't changed much the damage has been toned down signifcantly and together without his ability to charge up Musou bar fast it becomes more of a life saver Musou Ranbu than a damage dealer. The only way for it to deal reasonable damage is to freeze your opponents with C6 first then pull off the Musou Ranbu. This is one of the rare cases that I'll actually suggest eqipping Way of the Musou because the fire ticking damage will actually deal out more damage than his normal version. Test Run at NanMan: Pang Tong has a very hard time taking out crowds and even in 1 on 1 he doesn't excel too much. It's really hard to pivot when he's attacking so you'll end up missing a lot of your hits or being interrupted midway by infantries. It takes a long time to kill anything due to his weak base attack rating, I just have no idea why Koei stripped Pang Tong of all his positive attributes and left us with one of the weakest characters in the game. Overall I seriously don't recommend those who likes to have an easy time to try Pang Tong at the start since it'll be nothing more than trip of frustration and pain. Recommended setup at Maximum Rank: Horse Saddle: Storm Runner orb:Ice/Vorpal Item1:Tortoise Amulet Item2:Tiger Amulet Item3:Peacock Urn Item4:Wind Scroll Item5:Elixir Item6:Way of the Musou ******************** Lv10 Weapon Range=Excellent * 姜維 (Jiang Wei) * Running Speed=B (Good) ******************** Jian Wei started out being a clone to Ma Chao but in DW4 he has gained enough unqiueness to hold his own as a decent character. C1: A sword impulse that turns into 3 with fully charged Musou bar or lv10 weapon. Not really useful when you use it but AI controlled Jian Wei does insane damage with it during duels (took away half of my HP with 1 hit with Thunder element). C2: Standard air launcher, avoid. C3: Jian Wei advances while making quick swings left and right with his spear. It ends with a small 360 around him and that's actually the only 360 charge attack he has. I use this very often in 1 on 1's since it's relatively easy to aim and deals out good damage along with orb effects. If you want to release orb effects in crowds then you can do a single tap C3. Generally however if you want efficient crowd control then stick with S6. C4: A modified version of Ma Chao's C4, Jian Wei pushes his spear out horizontally rather than doing a thrust. The result is a tradeoff between distance and area, Ma Chao's C4 hits a bit further but narrower while Jian Wei's C4 is wider but shorter. In short this still isn't up to par for efficent crowd clearing so I suggeset you steer clear unless you don't have access to better moves like S6. C5: Standar high air launcher, avoid. C6: A disappointing sword wave C6 which you have probably seen a lot by now. Narrow area covered and the difficulty with aiming ensures that this move should be kept in the freezer. S6: Jian Wei's best crowd clearing move period. He performs a series of wide hits covering a good area around him then ends with a 270 that hits foes even from behind. Good damage and area covered makes it a wonderful attack. He can hit a lot of people at once with this so if you equip him with a fairly high Elixir (lv15+) then he can perform Musou Ranbu right after he finishes a round of S6 usually which can cover up for the recovery time. Musou Ranbu: Jian Wei retains Ma Chao's old Musou Ranbu from DW2 and it's a lot more useful than Ma Chao's new Musou Ranbu. Jian Wei moves while swing his spear left and right similar to C3 and ends with a massive 180. Easy to aim, wider radius and higher damage than Ma Chao's Musou Ranbu. Highly recommended either as a life saver or damage dealer. For best results execute the Musou Ranbu on frozen opponents. Test Run at NanMan: Jian Wei has an surprisingly easy time clearing out hordes of infantries thanks to his power S6 and Musou Ranbu. What I usually do is start with a single tap C3 to get a few people frozen then either unleash a Musou Ranbu or perform a S6 combo. The combination mentioned above worked exteremely well for me and usually after 2~3 repititions only the officers will remain alive and you can take them out pretty effortless by sneaking behind them and launch a full C3. Overall Jian Wei feels a lot like Zhao Yun now since he can handle all situations fairly well. While he still lacks a large radius charge attack it's hard to find a serious fault about him. Definitely an above average character. Recommended setup at Maximum Rank: Horse Saddle: Storm Runner orb:Ice Item1:Tortoise Amulet Item2:Tiger Amulet Item3:Peacock Urn Item4:Wind Scroll Item5:Elixir ****************** Lv10 Weapon Range=Fair * 劉備 (Liu Bei) * Running Speed=B (Good) ****************** Out of all the leader type characters (Cao Cao, Sun Jian, Sun Quan and Liu Bei) Liu Bei is definitely the strongest of them all after he obtains he 6th hit weapon. His C6 is not only one of the best charge attacks in the game, it's the only move he'll ever need to use basically. C1: Liu Bei ice skates in an arbitary direction then slashes his opponent as he ice skates back. It's sort of hard to control but I can see people using this to escape out of big crowds. The damage potential is pretty slim if you don't take in account of orb effects. C2: Standard air launcher, avoid. C3: It's identical to Sun Quan's C3. Liu Bei advances while making quick small strokes that hits to the center and right hand side. I wouldn't recommend using this a lot since the damage is pretty poor and C6 beats it in every aspect. C4: Liu Bei does a generic looking slash in the front that hits wider than it seems but still isn't very effective when surrounded. This is what you start out with and while it's not very impressive it's still useable until you obtain his 6th hit weapon. After seeing his C6 you'll never touch this again. C5: Standard high air launcher, avoid. C6: This is the king of all of charged attacks, the only move that comes to my mind that can rival this is Lu Bu's C3 but Lu Bu was designed to own. Liu Bei does a 360 swing with his sword that releases a large radius impulse all around him, the damage is good, there's barely any charge time and the satisfaction you get when you see a bunch of people getting frozen (Ice Orb) is just too much. This combined with his Musou Ranbu turns Liu Bei into a pure dicing machine, whether in big crowds or in 1 on 1s Liu Bei can handle them all without breaking a sweat. The only bad thing I noticed about this move is the recovery time which can lead to retaliations if an officer close to you blocks it. S6: Liu Bei does a series of slashes and ends with a vertical slash directly in front of him. Don't bother with this since C6 beats it in every aspect. Musou Ranbu: Liu Bei moves around doing wide slashes and ends with a mini combo that can hit quite a number of people while doing decent damage at the same time. The Musou Ranbu by itself is good but when coupled with his C6 and high lv Elixir (15+) it can make Liu Bei almost unstoppable. After a round of C6 immediately cancel into his Musou Ranbu and then do his C6 again. It's strongly advised that you try to keep Liu Bei's Musou Bar as short as you can so he can execute it on frequent basis. Test Run at NanMan: It's a walk in the park with Liu Bei, all I really had to do is walk into crowds and repeat my C6 --> Musou Ranbu combo till there are nothing left beside me. Sure he doesn't have the range of spear users but with Wind Scroll his range is still pretty good. A good balance of power, speed and range but it's really his C6 that rises him above the others. Overall Liu Bei may seem to be very generic at first but once his weapon reaches lv7 he suddenly evolves into a very strong character that I am sure should be relatively easy to play for most people. Recommended setup at Maximum Rank: Horse Saddle: Storm Runner orb:Ice Item1:Tortoise Amulet Item2:Tiger Amulet Item3:Peacock Urn Item4:Wind Scroll Item5:Elixir ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wu ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ******************* Lv10 Weapon Range=Execellent * 周泰(Zhou Tai) * Running Speed=B (Good) ******************* He's the first character that I maxed out, he's my newest favourite in DW4. Those who love samurai style fighting will doubt enjoy playing as him. While not as efficient as Zhou Yun or Yue Yin at crowd clearing, he's not slouch either and his 1 on 1 ability is outstanding. Here's a run down of his attacks: C1-Zhou Tai impales his foe with his Katana still in its sheath and then knocks them away. Like most of the throws, the damage isn't a lot and officers will generally jump over it. The only time I'd recommend this is when foes are busy blocking hits from your BG and has no time to jump. C2-Zhou Tai knocks his enemy into the air with the sheath of his Katana, the charge time is minimal so this isn't an entirely bad move but not too useful as it only deals with single enemy most of the time. C3-One of Zhou Tai's primary arsenals, he advances while making very fast slashes depending on how many times the triangle button is pressed and the level of your weapon. The last hit stuns so it's possible to repeat it twice, although the 2nd round will do much less damage since the enemy will be in mid-air. This move has very high priority thus it's very rarely interrupted, if all the slashes hits then the damage done is very significant, can be followed up by a Musou Ranbu for even more damage. A typical combo with this move would be C3-->C3-->Musou Ranbu or just C3--> Musou Ranbu if you want to save time. C4-Another essential within Zhou Tai's moveset, this is the move you'll rely on most of the time for crowd control. Zhou Tai charges for a breif moment and then lunges forward in Kenshin style. It covers a wide area, although not 360, the fast charge and recovery still makes this move easy to use. Enemies being hit by this gets knocked quite a distance so when used in huge crowd it'll clear out an empty pretty quickly. C5-Zhou Tai kicks the foe up into the air and proceeds to knock them down from mid-air. Your standard C5 affair here. C6-His C6 is cool to look at but in practice it's not entirely useful due to its long charge time and limited range covered. Zhou Tai charges up and does a charging forward thrust that can't be blocked, while it sounds cool there's a very high chance of being interrupted during the charge sequence unless you're using Iron Shell Hand or have extremely high defense. Even if you do finish the charge, this move requires some precise aiming and what makes it worse is enemy officers tend to jump over it. S6-Zhou Tai does a series of slashes that cover a wide range of areas and ends with a Katana swipe that covers the entire front areas pretty well. It has no charge time and is pretty fast. It does better damage than C4 overall but minus the orb effects. You'll be using this move a lot before you obtain his lv10 weapon and it still remains useful after getting his lv10 weapon. Musou Ranbu: This is in my opinion, one of the best Musous in the game. Zhou Tai stands still and makes wide swings with his Katana covering a great area and ends with an enhanced C4 charge. Since you can pivot Zhou Tai while executing this, he can basically clear out everything around him or just concentrate dealing damage to the group in front of him. The damage dealt from this is very nice, where as I use Musous mostly as fail-safe escapes I use this one as an offensive weapon. A C3 linked into this will gurantee that even the most challenging officers you come across will take a massive dent in their HP bar (Special cases in duels are not accounted for in this case). Test Run at NanMan: With a fully maxed out Zhou Tai I could hardly feel the hits that were raining down on me. None of the normal hits from infantries even tickles him, and he clears crowds at a pretty good speed. While he's not as good as others say Zhao Yun at clearing crowds, he's definately more potent at 1 on 1's. There wasn't a single officer (yes that includes Meng Huo) who could stand more than 2 assaults from C3-->Musou combo. As far as orbs go Ice doesn't automatically win my vote this time since none of his attacks cover 360 but the chances of freezing enemies is still pretty good if you perform C4 into a huge crowd. vorpal orb is also an alternative here cos his C4 officerl hits a lot of people and the more people you hit, the more chances are that someone is going to be affected by it. Overall a very nice and unique addition to the DW lineup, while I wouldn't call him the best character overall, he's definately up there with the best of them. Recommended setup at Maximum Rank: Horse Saddle: Storm Runner orb:Ice or Slash (I prefer Ice personally) Item1:Tortoise Amulet Item2:Tiger Amulet Item3:Peacock Urn Item4:Wind Scroll ******************* Lv10 Weapon Range=Fair * 甘寧(Gan Ning) * Running Speed=A (Excellent) ******************* Gan Ning was total powerhouse in DW3 due to his weapon and Musou Ranbu that made him far too powerful. Koei obviously noticed and decided to patch him up a bit. In DW4 he has been toned down significantly and while he can still hold on his own, he just doesn't stand above the crowd like he used to anymore. Here's a run down of his attacks: C1-Gan Ning impales his opponent and kicks him into the air slightly, after they drop back down they can be comboed further with S6. A slightly more useful throw than most others cos of the S6 string that can be followed. C2-Your standard C2 affair, don't bother with it usually. C3-Gan Ning flicks his sword up and down while advancing, this is a pure 1 on 1 move, use this in large crowd and suffer the consequences! That being said, this move actually does pretty good damage if you land it properly. Like all C3 moves you can follow up with another round after you stun your opponent with the last hit. C4-This and C6 will be your primary tools for clearing out crowds, I prefer C6 to C4 usually cos of the smaller charge time and bigger radius. C4 does have a slightly longer charge time than C6 meaning that enemies can block C4 after the 3rd strike. Gan Ning charges and swings his sword in a full 360, clearing out anyone around him while doing decent damage, it's been completely revamped from DW3. It's a good change since he does need a better move set to make up for his weakened Musou Ranbu which was his primary weapon back in DW3. C5-Standard C5 affair, don't bother unless you're wearing Fire orb. C6-Another revamped move and for the better. Gan Ning now releases a mini tornado that covers a decent radius around him, identical to Zhang Liao's C6 and Zhuge Liang's C4. The charge time is short and there isn't much recovery time so this is the most preferred move for clearing out crowds after you have access to it. S6-A string of slashes finished with a horizontal slash. Very good for 1 on 1 but I never use this for crowd clearing. It's been changed from DW3 as well since he no longer does a jumping rotation with his sword which hits 360 around him. Musou Ranbu: Ok let's put it simple, it has been nerfed no matter how you look at it. The running speed has been majorly increased which in turn means it's much harder to control where you're going. You'd be hard pressed to hit a target twice now, and the damage on the whole has been reduced a lot. It is still capable of doing great damage if you're really precise but overall you're not gonna be expected to win the game with this. Lacking the ability to charge his Musou bar quickly hurts this too and while you can wear an Elixir to make up for it the effect just isn't the same. A semi-good way is to freeze people with Ice orb then charge them, that does a lot of damage if you hit them point blank. I was able to take almost half of Sima Yi's HP in Jie Tin (he's the boss there) freezing him and then ramming him with Musou. Wind scroll is also highly recommended to increase the effective range of his Musou and his attacks overall. Test Run at Nan Man: Firstly a fully maxed out Gan Ning doesn't reel from infantry hits lead me to believing that once defense is maxed out it's the same across the board for all characters. Whether that's good or bad isn't the topic of discussion here but it's certainly a good news for Gan Ning players since now they won't have to worry about Gan Ning lack of defense from DW3. Clearing out the infantries was easy with constant C4 barrage and Musous in between, by equipping Elixir enables Gan Ning to pull off Musous more frequently which definately adds to the total damage output, although one minute you might hit a lot of people and the next you don't hit much at all. Gan Ning's speed is one of his most valuable assets since it can't be compensated normally just by eat power ups, he's quick enough to escape and run behind officers when they start blocking. His range is only fair at the most compard to others for his lv10 weapon so Wind Scroll is highly recommended. So playing Gan Ning for me was basically C6 or C4 till the Musou bar was full then charge around. Once the infantries have been taken care of I use either S6 or C3 to take out officers. Overall Gan Ning has been toned down but he's still relatively fast and powerful. Playing him now actually requires more skills since it's not longer slash->Musou->Slash affair in DW3. Recommended setup at Maximum Rank: Horse Saddle: Storm Runner orb:Ice or Slash (I prefer Ice personally) Item1:Tortoise Amulet Item2:Tiger Amulet Item3:Peacock Urn/Elixir Item4:Wind Scroll *********************** Weapon Range=Good * 太史慈(Tai Shi Ci) * Running Speed=C (Fair) *********************** Tai Shi Ci is Wu's powerhouse, he's relatively slow compared to all other Wu characters maybe except Huang Gai and his attacks naturally are supposed to be more damaging. His moves hasn't changed much from DW3, his C6 remains as useless as ever and the new C3 doesn't really contribute a lot. I found myself using S6 and C4 most of the time. Here's a run down of his attacks: C1: Throw technique, he impales the opponent with his massive twin sticks (more like towers later on) and contiunes to whack them in mid-air similar to Lubu's C1. More of a show off move than anything else. C2: Standard air launcher, the charge is short enough so it actually combos. C3: Tai Shi Ci advances slowly while swinging his sticks, doesn't cover a lot of range but better than some other C3 that only hit anything that's directly in the front. The damage is ok but there are better moves like S6 which is much better (minus the orb effect). C4: This the move I love to pull off the most, nothing beats seeing a bunch of people flying out towards the horizon. Although the actual animation may lead you to believe that it only hits anything in front of him but in reality the area affected is quite a bit more than that. Any person who gets hit by C4 will have "knock down" property attached to them. As they fly backwards, any other person they come in contact with will be knocked down too have this "knock down" property attatched to them, so even though you may only hit 3~4 people, in reality far more may end up on the floor than you'd think. The damage is pretty decent too, best used when a bunch of people are in front of you (not surrounding). C5: Standard high air launcher, quick charge time so it can't be blocked if previous hits registers. C6: This move remains untouched from DW3, Tai Shi Ci advances forward while making a series of quick stabs and ends with a bigger one. The damage for this is a joke unless your opponent is frozen, then the damage becomes better but still isn't worth the effort. It only hits stuff directly so that just about takes away all the reasons to use this other than for coolness's sake. S6: This is Tai Shi ci's primary move for clearing out large crowds and it's quite effective as he swings pretty fast and is able to pivot during the execution. The only downside is that you won't benefit from your orb with this move. The damage is also very nice too, I often use it in 1 on 1 as well. Musou Ranbu: It looks the same as DW3 where he does his crab walk and finishes with a enhanced C4. In DW2 every hit used to knock everyone away but now only the last hit knocks people away so it actually inflicts nice damage if the person you're fighting doesn't retaliate with their own Musou Ranbu. Execute this on a frozen opponent and you'll be guranteed to bring them down pretty fast. Test run at Nan Man: Tai Shi Ci can hold his own however his attack power doesn't seem to be on par with his "power house" image. When clearing out infantries I sometimes can't help but wonder why he isn't doing a heck of lot more damage than Zhao Yun. I tried him out with Ice orb and it works well with his Musou Ranbu providing that he can freeze the target with C4. For those who prefer everyone around them lying down probably would want to go with Thunder orb instead. I think Koei could've gave Tai Shi Ci's moves a bit more attack power to justify his power house status. However in his current state he's still an ok character but just nothing outstanding. Recommended setup at Maximum Rank: Horse Saddle: Storm Runner orb:Ice or Thunder Item1:Tortoise Amulet Item2:Tiger Amulet Item3:Peacock Urn Item4:Wind Scroll ****************** Lv10 Weapon Range=Good * 周瑜(Zhou Yu) * Running Speed=A (Excellent) ****************** Zhou Yu is extremely agile as he was from DW3, non of his charge attacks cover all areas extremely well except for maybe C2 but he more than makes up for it with his nice speed and range. His charging attack is fairly nice as it hits multiple times and dizzies enemies. C1: Sword impulse, very narrow and does minimal damage. Avoid at all costs. C2: Standard air launcher, quick enough to combo though. C3: One of his new moves, very interesting one as well. Zhou Yu swings his sword left and right extremely fast while advancing. Each swing covers 180 on 1 side so effectively he has 360 around him covered. The damage isn't great but he swings quite a few times. In a crowd I wouldn't rely too much on it since the damage dealt to anyone on the side is too small. In 1 on 1 I'd go for C6 since it seems to do more damage with less effort. C4: This move remains untouched from DW3, Zhou You jumps into mid air and slashes his foe up to 3 times. The damage is good until you upgrade your weapons but be prepared to be hit when using this in a crowd. It's still passable as a minor crowd clearer in the front before you obtain a 6 hit weapon. C5: Standard high air launcher, Zhao Yu does 3 slashes in mid-air though so this move isn't entirely uselss as the damage dealt is actually pretty good. C6: Zhou Yu shoots out a sword wave, travels quite a distance down a straight line and does good damage. Kinda hard to aim at times and like all sword waves it's really geared against 1 on 1. Pull this off in 1 on 1 if you can for a bit of extra damage over S6, but don't feel too disadvantaged if you choose to use S6. S6: This is probably Zhou Yu's most efficient crowd clearing move. It's fast and each swing covers a decent area with the ender clearing out everything in front of him. The only set back is that orb effects won't kick in. Musou Ranbu: Not much change has been done to it. Zhou Yu juggles any foe he's facing and ends with a wide swing that's good for clearing out people. The damage isn't too good usually since it juggles but if you execute this on a frozen foe then you'll be pleasantly suprised. I use this more as a life saver than damage dealer. Test run at Nan Man: Zhou Yu's hits aren't nearly as hard as say Xu Zhu but he makes up for it with excellent agility and the ability to pull of many hits within a short time frame. Against crowds I would opt for S6 usually but if you fancy orb effects then C2 isn't a bad choice either since it covers a good area (remember to tap Triangle only once so you'll execute the ender as soon as you can). Against a officer you can basically stick to S6 or maybe try out C6 and C3 to see if you can get a orb effect out. officers go down with relative easy once they're frozen. Overall Zhou Yu is a pretty good character that isn't over powering but can definitely hold on his own. Like Lu Xun, people who prefer speed over raw power will love him. Recommended setup at Maximum Rank: Horse Saddle: Storm Runner orb:Ice or Thunder Item1:Tortoise Amulet Item2:Tiger Amulet Item3:Peacock Urn Item4:Wind Scroll Item5:Elixir ******************** Lv10 Weapon Range=Good * 黄蓋(Huang Gai) * Running Speed=C (Fair) ******************** Huang Gai gained a few interesting moves in DW4, the most noticeable being the ability to either throw or plant a bomb. His earthquake stomp is still very useful and Koei hasn't really weakned or strengthened him in any way. C1: Huang Gai either throws of plants a bomb depending on what direction button you press. Leaving it on neutral will make Huang Gai plant the bomb beside him, holding a direction button will make him throw it towards that direction. The bomb doesn't detonate upon impact which is a pretty bad thing, usually by the time the bomb detonates the people you actually want to bomb have already walked past it. The only practical use I have found so far is to plant a bomb and lure enemies into it. The damage it does is quite decent but it can never kill anyone outright and hurts allies too. The possiblity of sending your friend high into the air makes this move worthy of your attention. C2: Standar air launcher, I don't use it much. C3: Huang Gai's new move, he advances while kicking anyone in front of him and ends with a throw. The damage dealt isn't all that great compared to his S6 and the area covered is very small so you might want to avoid using this. C4: Remains unchanged from DW3, Huang Gai does a hard swing taking out a good chunk of people standing in front of him. Clears crowd fairly well but you'd want to switch to C6 after you gain a 6 hit weapon. C5: Standard high air launcher, I don't use it much. C6: His earthquake stomp is back and it's still a very nice crowd control move like it was back in DW3. The charge time seems to be shorter than Xu Huang and Zhang Fei's but still doesn't seem to be able to be linked into a combo. It's fast enough so that you won't have much of a problem pulling it off in midst of a huge crowd. The damage is pretty good and its ability to release orb effects while your Musou bar is full makes it even better. S6: Huang Gai swings 5 times then does a big wide swing that covers the frontal 180 pretty well. It's not a bad crowd clear but since he has C6 for that I use S6 primarily for 1 on 1 since it's easy to aim and does good damage overall. Musou Ranbu: Unchanged from DW3, Huang Gai moves around while making very wide swings and ends with a big hit that sends everyone flying. The area covered is excellent due his range and motion, since the hits juggle for maximum damage output execute this on a frozen foe. It works well both as a life saver and a damage dealer. Test run at Nan Man: Huang Gai is the type of person who you can afford to charge into a huge crowd and just wreck havoc without too much trouble. His normal swings cover a good area meaning it'll give him enough buffer time usually to pull of his C6. I use bombs every now and then simply because it's hilarious to watch people being blown into the air but that's just me. He doesn't have any apparent weakness other than his running speed which is a tad slow but still fast enough to sneak behind officers. Overall I feel Huang Gai is very well rounded and can handle any situation pretty well. Recommended setup at Maximum Rank: Horse Saddle: Storm Runner orb:Ice or Thunder Item1:Tortoise Amulet Item2:Tiger Amulet Item3:Peacock Urn/Elixir Item4:Wind Scroll ******************* Lv10 Weapon Range=Fair * 孫権 (Sun Quan) * Running Speed=B ******************* Sun Quan is one of characters with a very generic feel to them. Koei hasn't given him anything unique so he ends being average in just about every aspect with a pretty medicore moveset and somewhat low damage. C1: Sun Quan grabs his opponent and slashes them twice. A medicore throw move, again this doesn't work too well on officers in the later stages. C2: Standard air launcher, doesn't seem to combo. C3: Sun Quan advances while slashing left and right really fast and ends with a vertical slash in the front. This is a pure 1 on 1 move since it barely covers anything else except in the front. The damage is ok but it's very easy to stray off target so I'd recommend S6 for 1 on 1 or C4. C4: This is his best crowd clearing move and it's not really good IMO. Sun Quan does a downward slash and follows with a rising slash. The damage is ok but the radius covered is pretty poor, it doesn't even cover his frontal 180 properly. This is the best move Sun Quan has if you want to hit multiple targets with orb effects. C5: Standard high air launcher, don't think it's quick enough to combo but I may be wrong since I haven't used this extensively. C6: Another sword wave C6 that flies straight, it's ok for 1 on 1 but pretty useless in a crowded situation since you're only hitting a few people in front of you and it's very doubtful you'll be able to pull it off frequently. I hardly ever use this myself. S6: The hits preceding the ender covers a decent area but the ender itself is again pretty disappointing as it only hits a small area in the front. On the plus side this move is relatively easy to aim and I suggest you use it in 1 on 1 if you mind missing out on orb effects. Musou Ranbu: Sun Quan advances while swinging his sword left and right and ends with a big horizontal slash. The move itself isn't too bad but like all Sun Quan's moves it doesn't do as much damage as it should. The hits don't juggle so you can easily combo it and reap nice results since enemy officers don't counter with Musou Ranbu that often in DW4. Works either as a life saver or damage dealer. Test Run at Nan Man: Sun Quan has a hard time killing efficiently based on 2 factors I've noticed, first being his low damage output even with maxed out attack rating and the small area that's covered by his moveset. Playing him requires trading hits with enemies a lot and he doesn't have anything in particular that makes me want to play him. Average speed, below average moveset and damage makes Sun Quan a very challenging character to play with. Definitely not recommended for those that enjoy slaughter parties. Recommended setup at Maximum Rank: Horse Saddle: Storm Runner orb:Ice or Thunder Item1:Tortoise Amulet Item2:Tiger Amulet Item3:Peacock Urn Item4:Wind Scroll Item5:Elixir ***************** Lv10 Weapon Range=Poor * 孫策 (Sun Ce) * Running Speed=A (Excellent) ***************** Sun Ce is like Wu's version of Zhang He, he's extremely agile and relies upon rapid strikes rather than power hits to dispatch his foes. He's just a tad slower than Zhang He but his charge moves are more useful than Zhang He's. C1: Sun Ce grabs his foe and whacks him/her hard with his Tonfar. C2: Standard air launcher, avoid. C3: Sun Ce advances slowly while swinging his Tonfars left and right and ends with a double advancing roundhouse kick. I prefer to use this move with a single T button tap since the double roundhouse kick hits 360 around Sun Ce which is pretty good for releasing orb effects. I wouldn't recommend using this move for 1 on 1 purposes since it's too slow when compared to his other moves like C4 and S6. C4: This is his primary crowd clearing move. Sun Ce does a huge leap forward while spinning his Tonfars. It's very fast and chances are you won't be interrupted frequently when using this. Unlike most crowd clearing moves this only covers a straight line but it's fast and you can execute it many times in a short time span. C5: Standard high air launcher, avoid. C6: Sun Ce stands still and does rapid hits with his Tonfar and whacks them away at the end. I don't use this much at all cos you're basically open to attacks from all sides when executing this so it's a big no no in crowded situations. You can use it in 1 on 1s but the damage really isn't too great so I'd stick with S6. S6: I can't recall what his motions were for this but he basically performs a flurry of fast strikes and ends with flying kick. It's really fast and you move forward a lot while executing it so the chances of being interrupted mid-way is greatly reduced. This and C4 is what I use most frequently when playing Sun Ce. Musou Ranbu: Unchanged from DW3, Sun Ce moves around swining his Tonfars and ends with a rising spin. You can choose to hit a lot of targets for chipping damage or go after 1 target for serious damage. It's very linkable after 5 square hits and takes a good chunk of any officer's HP. You can use this as a life saver or a damage dealer (single target). Test Run at NanMan: Sun Ce is the kind of character that doesn't deal out a lot of damage with a single blow but the damage adds up very quickly as you can pull off many more hits than most other characters. He's very rarely interrupted during his comboes because he's always moving as he strikes and that makes him a hard target for AI. Play him like how you'd play Zhange He but he has those extra crowd control abilities thanks to his C4. Overall a very speed and fast character that's geared more towards 1 on 1 but can also stand on his own when handling crowds. Recommended setup at Maximum Rank: Horse Saddle: Storm Runner orb:Ice or Thunder Item1:Tortoise Amulet Item2:Tiger Amulet Item3:Peacock Urn/Elixir Item4:Wind Scroll ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wei ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ******************* Weapon Range=Fair * 曹仁(Cao Ren) * Running Speed=C (Fair) ******************* Cao Ren is Wei's newest addition to DW4 lineup, unfortunately is nowhere near as strong as the new additions from the 2 other factions. First of all he's slow, range of his weapon and moveset doesn't compare too well with other characters. The only thing he has going for him is his ability to withstand 1 hit that would normally stun him without being stunned. Think of Hulk or Juggernaut from Marvel's Vs series. It would've been more balanced if he had higher defense in the end but with DW4's defense system everyone will end up being the same in terms of defense in the end. Here's a rundown of his attacks: C1: Cao Ren grabs his opponent and slams them on the ground, does ok damage for a throw but you can't combo after it. I don't use this much at all. C2: Your standard C2, unfortunately the charging time is long enough that you can be blocked after registering the 1st hit. C3: This is one of Cao Ren's more interesting moves, although the practical use for this is still limited somewhat. Cao Ren shoots out a series of fireballs which requires pretty good precision to get all of them to hit. The damage is decent but nothing extra-ordinary, the last fireball does stun like all C3 enders do so there may be some of you that will enjoy pulling this off. Never do this in a crowd unless you're playing on an easy stage or prepar to be whacked hard. C4: Usually with C4 people think crowd control, not the case here. Cao Ren does a forward mini stomp and enemies in front of him will be knocked down. This is his best crowd control and while some may say C6 is better I prefer C4 since it's faster to pull off. The radius of this attack is pretty when you compare it with say Zhao Yun's C4, it doesn't even cover the sides. The damage isn't something to write home about either but you will have no choice but to rely on this move constantly if you play as Cao Ren. C5: Standard C5 affair, foes can block it due to the long charge time so the pratical use of this move goes down the drain. C6: This is somewhat of a crowd clearer move but the bad charging time really hurts it, I've lost count how many times I get knocked when I try to do this in the middle of a huge crowd. Cao Ren lifts up his shield in front of him and charges a fair distance, running over everything in its path. The damage is decent if you can pull it off but again being able to pull this off is a major problem. S6: The range is limited but it does good damage so I always use this when going 1 on 1. No charge time meaning it'll be much less likely to be interrupted. Musou Ranbu: Cao Ren's best move in my opinion, he walks around while taking swipes left and right and ends with a C4 stomp. Does decent damage if your Musou bar isn't too short and gets you out of hairy situations when surrounded. It's safe to say you'll be relying his Musou a lot. Test run at Nan Man: Cao Ren's moveset really hurts his ability to be efficient, it takes me about 2x the time to clear out the same crowd compared with Zhao Yun. You are going to be hit in the back no matter what you do since he has no moves to cover his back side so your best bet is to keep a short Musou bar and pull off a Musou Ranbu whenever things go bad. Seriously I didn't know what Koei was thinking when they designed Cao Ren, his attack power is average, fairly slow and the range isn't great either. He's just one of those characters that are designed to provide a challenge I guess. What I did basically in the test run is to constantly use C4(with Thunder orb) till my Musou bar was full, pull off a Musou Ranbu and then repeat. Thunder orb is absolutely essential to provide a breathing space. Overall, Cao Ren's unique but he's an average fighter at best and that's being pretty optimistic. Recommended setup at Maximum Rank: Horse Saddle: Storm Runner orb:Thunder Item1:Tortoise Amulet Item2:Tiger Amulet Item3:Peacock Urn/Elixir Item4:Wind Scroll ************************ Weapon Range = Fair * 夏侯淵(Xiahou Yuan) * Running Speed = C ************************ I'll be referring Xiahou Yuan as XY here for simplicity's sake. Unfortunately poor Xiahou Yuan didn't receive the improvement I was hoping for in DW4. In DW3 his C6 was a joke and it remains untouched in DW4. His weapon changed from a sword to a club but in reality it doesn't affect his motion and the effects in the end are just cosmetic. Here's a run down of his attacks: C1: XY takes out a cross bow and fires out multiple bolts in Diablo2 fashion. The damage vary depending how many bolts hit but it's kinda useless in a heated battle when you have lots of people surrounding you. Enemy officers tend to be pretty good at blocking those too. This move is annoying when the AI uses it on you since they have the ability to auto track. C2: Standard air launcher, charge time is short enough so it comboes. C3: The other of XY's new move, he advances while swinging his club left and right and ends with a stun hit. The damage is fairly decent if you can get all the hits to land but usually that isn't possible when you're surrounded by hordes of infantries. C4: His old crowd clearing move that has remained the same since DW2. XY swings his club in a way that it covers around 135 degrees in front of him meaning 1 side will be completely covered and the other only to a certain extent. This is his best charge move and while it isn't ground breaking by any means when compared to others, you'll be using it a lot in conjunction with S6 since most of his other moves are useless. C5: Standard high air launcher, quick enough to combo. C6: This was one of the worst C6 in DW3 and I am pretty surprised that Koei didn't do a thing about it while other better ones like Zhao Yun's got an improvement. XY swings his club rapidly left and right, juggling his opponent for very little damage each hit and it doesn't even have an ender. Avoid this move like plague. S6: This is probably his most practical move, covers a good range in the front and deals good damage in 1 on 1's. The only set back is the lack of orb effects. Use C4 if you prefer orb effects otherwise stick to S6 because it's the more efficient of the 2. Musou Ranbu: The old sword dance super is back and nothing has been changed to it. It still juggles your opponent meaning that they won't be able to retaliate with a Musou Ranbu of their own but it also means less damage than ground only Musou Ranbu. Covers a good range and deals decent damage if all hits connect. Very nice damage potential on a frozen foe. One of the better Musou Ranbus in the game. Test run at Nan Man: XY definitely needs to equipt the Thunder orb in order from being hit too much. With Thunder orb equipped I didn't have much of a problem when being surrounded if I constantly pulled of C4. While the lightening damage is minimal it does floor nearby foes giving XY the breathing space he needs. He has no problems surviving here but he doesn't kill nearly as fast as some of the others. S6 handles officers nicely. Not a completely useless character but I think he's a little below average. Recommended setup at Maximum Rank: Horse Saddle: Storm Runner orb:Thunder Item1:Tortoise Amulet Item2:Tiger Amulet Item3:Peacock Urn/Elixir Item4:Wind Scroll *********************** Weapon Range = Fair * 夏侯惇(Xiahou Dun) * Running Speed = B *********************** Xiahou Dun has always remained one of my favourite characters, he's somewhat an all-rounder being slightly more geared towards the power side of things. I'll referr him as XD (no it's not a smiley face) for simplicity's sake. Here's a run down of his attacks: C1: XD does a charge in your desired direction and can swing up to twice after the charge (the charge itself does not hit). It's a pretty nice move to run away from a huge crowd or simply charge into a incoming crowd and hopefully you can score some orb hits (Ice) with it. C2: His standard air launcher, avoid this move at all cost. Horrible charge time means it won't combo into anything. C3: This is one of his new moves along with C1, it's kinda useful if used properly. I never tap the T button more than once so he'll execute the ender asap. The ender itself is pretty decent and covers a good range, I've noticed that it hits foes coming behind too. I use this in conjuction with C4 mostly. C4: His 360 crowd clearer that he had since DW2, the charge time is long enough to be hit out of it frequently but not horrible enough so that you'll want to abandon from using it completely. Works well with Ice orb and more than often you'll end up with a few frozen foes after a successful execution. The damage isn't bad either. C5: High air launcher, this one actually charges pretty quick but I don't really see any reason to use this. C6: The same sword wave move from DW3, I really dislike those moves in officer since you're required to perfrom 5 buffer attacks for this one and it only covers a straight line. The damage is good if it hits but not worth the effort really. Stick to S6 or C2 if you want to go 1 on 1. S6: This is a very decent attack whether for 1 on 1 or crowds, it covers his front 180 pretty nicely and has no charge up time at all. Use this if you don't mind not using the orb effects. Musou Ranbu: Still remains unchanged from previous installments, he walks around while swinging upwards and ends with a enchanced C4. It juggles pretty well and the ender works well for clearing out crowds. Very devastating to frozen foes. Test run at Nan Man: XD clears out stuff pretty fast, not as fast as Zhao Yun but definitely much quicker when compared with his cousin. C4 and C2 works wonders in crowds and against officers. He's also quick enough to sneak behind blocking officers and wipe the floor with them. His weapon range could've been longer but that's asking for too much I guess. Overall XD is very capable fighter even at early stages, his C4 and C2 can handle pretty much every situation pretty well when equipped with Ice orb. Horse Saddle: Storm Runner orb:Ice Item1:Tortoise Amulet Item2:Tiger Amulet Item3:Peacock Urn/Elixir Item4:Wind Scroll ******************* Lv 10 Weapon Range=Good * 徐晃(Xu Huang) * Running Speed=B ******************* Xu Huang was a powerful character in DW3 due to his 4th weapon and his above average move set. In DW4 he's even more powerful in my opinion since many others were weakened without their 4th weapon and Xu Huang gains a very nice C3 in addition to his already fairly good set of moves. C1: Xu Huang grabs his opponent and whacks them away baseball style, you have to constantly tap Triangle for the 2nd hit to ensue. Not too much practical use really. C2: Standard air launcher with horrible charge up time, avoid. C3: This along with C4 makes Xu Huang a pure power house, he advances while swinging his poleaxe in wide arcs that covers more than 180 in front of him. The damage is awesome and this move rocks whether you're in a crowd or in a 1 on 1 situation. In a crowd I prefer to use C4 if surrounded, but if most of the foes are in front of me then I'll opt for C3 since it does more damage. C4: This is the same move that he had in DW3, Xu Huang swings his poleaxe around him, covering 270. It hits hard and the best thing about it is that it hits people behind him. The charge time is about medium and you can expect to clear out hordes of infantries very quickly just by spamming this. It's more practical than his C6 since it can be executed faster and enemies tend get hit by it much more often. C5: Standard high air launcher, avoid due to the horrible charge time. C6: This used to be my favourite move when I used Xu Huang in DW3 but it's been weakened in DW4 and overshadowed by C4. Xu Huang charges then stomps on the ground hard, knocking everyone around him down with some damage. The damage seems to have been toned down a bit but the most severe downfall of this move is the charge time. I can't recall how many times I get hit out of it while in the middle of execution and there's a very high possibility that officers will block it meaning you'll get retaliated due to its long recovery time. It's not a entire horrible move but he has much better choices. S6: Xu Huang does a series of swings then ends with a wide swing that covers a little more than 180 in front of him. I don't use this much at all because it's kinda hard to aim and C4 does the job much better along with orb effect. In 1 on 1 situation I go with C3. Musou Ranbu: Xu Huang advances while swinging his poleaxe in wide arcs. This is like an enhanced version of his C3, it hits for good damage since it doesn't juggle his opponents and covers a very nice area too. Can be used in any situation whether for pummeling frozen foes or just trying to get yourself out of a hairy situation. One of the better Musou Ranbus in the game. Test Run at Nan Man: Xu Huang is performs really well under any circumstances, I had no problems clearing out hordes of infantries with C4 and against officers it usually only takes a few C3 to send them back home. His decent running speed really gives him an advantage when trying to sneak behind guarding officers. Basically I couldn't find much about Xu Huang that I can complain about, he's just a very good character overall. The only possible complaint might only be that he swings his poleaxe a little slow but that won't be a problem generally since he excels in so many other categories. Recommended setup at Maximum Rank: Horse Saddle: Storm Runner orb: Ice Item1:Tortoise Amulet Item2:Tiger Amulet Item3:Peacock Urn/Elixir Item4:Wind Scroll ******************* Lv10 Weapon Range=Good * 許チョ(Xu Chu) * Running Speed=E ******************* Xu Chu defines the word power, while being one of the slowest moving character in the game. His normal swing has a 360 radius so naturally put him in the middle of a huge crowd and watch him wreck havoc! C1: Throw move, Xu Chu dumps opponent on the ground. I use this as a bait normally to lure officers into doing a mid-air charge attack then nail them with Xu Chu's Musou Ranbu. Works like a wonder when you're trying to deplete those last centimeters of the HP bar. C2: Standard air launcher, I hardly ever use this even though it seems to be quick enough to combo. C3: His new C3, Xu Chu advances while hammering his mallet constantly. There isn't a much use for this move really unless there are no infantries simply because the area covered is too narrow. He has much better moves to cover his 1 on 1 needs. C4: This is the hands down Xu Chu's best move, the famous home run smash is back and more powerful than ever! I can't express how much I love this attack, it hits hard, covers a wide range and has minimal charge time. Basically Xu Chu will perform a 360 with his mallet sending anyone close into the horizon, and with infantries usually they don't come back for more after 2 rounds from this thing. Add in a Ice orb and if an officer gets frozen and you follow up with a Musou Ranbu then that's pretty much the end for that poor person. C5: His high air launcher, I use this sometimes in conjuction with S6. C6: Xu Chu hops around a bit depending on how many times you tap the Triangle button and jumps into the air doing a bottom dive. The end result is an earth quake effect similar to Huang Gai's C6. I don't use this much at all since it's easily interuppted and blocked and C4 just does the same thing much better. It's more of a comical relief than anything else in my opinion. S6: Xu Chu does a serious of wide swings covering almost every place around him and ends with a vertical smash in the front. This mostly what I use in 1 on 1, although the last hit may miss sometimes due to its narrow radius. Musou Ranbu: This is probably the most devastating single hit Musou Ranbu in the entire game, Xu Chu rotates around with his mallet and basically anyone that comes into contact will travel a good distance along with some serious dent in their HP. Perform this on a frozen foe and more than likely you won't see them again for a while (till next stage). Excellent as a life saver and a damage dealer. Test run at Nan Man: Xu Chu's biggest weakness is his extremely slow walking speed is it's first priority that you find a him a good horse saddle (preferably Storm Runner) so he won't have to spend years just trying to navigate around the map. He cleans out crowd with his C4 like a menace, the only problem he does have is trying to find an opening when facing an officier. His walking speed doesn't really allow him to sneak around their guard so most likely you'll have to resort to other means of creating an opening. Something I usually do is sneak behind an officer while they're guarding hits from my bodyguard. Once you knock them down, stand behind as they get up and proceed to pummel them to death. Overall playing Xu Chu is what power is all about, solve his slow walking problems with a saddle and you have an extremely powerful character in your hand. Recommended setup at Maximum Rank: Horse Saddle: Storm Runner orb: Ice Item1:Tortoise Amulet Item2:Tiger Amulet Item3:Peacock Urn/Elixir Item4:Wind Scroll ****************** Lv10 Weapon Range=Fair * 曹操(Cao Cao) (Cao Cao) * Running Speed=B ****************** Being the leader of Wei faction Cao Cao lost the advantage he had in DW3 with his 4th weapon which had purple element. Now he's more like an average character that doesn't particularly excel in any category but doesn't have any significant weakness either. C1: A single pulse of energy that changes to 3 when you have orb effects activated. Not much use really, you get to see enemy officers use this on you a lot but they're just annoying and don't do much harm really. C2: Standard air launcher, I never use this much. C3: Cao Cao's new attack, he advances in zig zag style while slashing left and right. The damage is pretty decent if you can get all the hits in which is kinda hard to usually due to the zig zagging nature. When used in a crowd it's unlikely that you'll ever hit a person twice and the terrible recovery time at the end means you'll be hit by infantries running up from behind. I use this and S6 to slowly wear out crowds, C4 is just too slow. C4: In previous DW this was Cao Cao's main crowd clearing move but in DW4 it's very hard to pull this off in midst of a huge crowd without being interrupted. The damage is decent but considering the slow charge up time and recovery time I suggest you look at S6 instead. I hardly ever used this again once I got a 6hit weapon. C5: Standard high air launcher, Cao Cao does 2 slashes in mid air though after jumping up. I usually don't bother with this move. C6: This move decent in DW3 only because it had purple element attached to it. Now that is no longer true I don't see any reason to use move anymore, the charge up time is bad meaning officers can block it even if your 5th Square hits. The damage is nice if you actually hit someone but considering the narrow area and bad charge time I'd avoid it. S6: This is what I use mostly to clear a crowd, it covers the frontal area pretty well. However since it only covers the front side there will almost always be someone there to poke/stab you after you finish a round of S6, but it's the best Cao Cao has really. It does good damamge during 1 on 1 to officers too without having to worry too much about the aim. Musou Ranbu: It's exactly the same as it was in DW3, Cao Cao walks around while swing his sword and ends with a wide slash. Its damaging potential isn't that good due to its juggling nature and really only the ender does decent damage. On a frozen opponent it does good damage but still not oustanding since Cao Cao doesn't seem to get too many hits during the execution. Average Musou Ranbu at best. I use it to get out of hairy situations mostly. Test run at Nan Man: Cao Cao doesn't any good crowd control moves other than S6 and even that is only OK when compared to what characters like Xu Chu can offer. The damage he deals out on average isn't too great either so normall you'll have to perform C3 and S6 quite a few times in order to totally clean out a huge crowd. Against officer it's either C3 or S6 as well and maybe throw in a Musou Ranbu if you happen to freeze them. He shouldn't have a problem with fighting officers since he's fast enough to sneak around their guard. Overall Cao Cao didn't really make an impression on me, he's just kinda average in every aspect. Recommended setup at Maximum Rank: Horse Saddle: Storm Runner orb: Ice Item1:Tortoise Amulet Item2:Tiger Amulet Item3:Peacock Urn/Iron Shell Hand Item4:Wind Scroll Item5:Elixir ******************** Lv10 Weapon Range=Poor * 司馬懿 (Sima Yi) * Running Speed=C ******************** Sima Yi has been tweaked a bit so he now shares even less resemblence to his arch nemesis Zhuge Liang besides appeareance. Unfortunately Sima Yi still isn't very competitive against others when it comes to killing efficiency. His relatively short range and low damage on a whole hurts his performance a lot, the only compensating factor is he can wear 6 items. C1: Sima Yi shoots out an energy wave, becomes 3 when you either Max Musou or LV10 weapon. Pretty much useless. C2: Standard air launcher with horrible charge time, avoid. C3: Sima Yi shoots out 1 laser which flies in a straight line and stuns anyone that gets hit. Not very useful because of its small area coverage and damage, avoid. C4: This is changed from DW3 (I've forgotten what his C4 looked like in DW3). Sima Yi throws his fan in front of him, then he hovers backwards and charges with the fan spinning around him. I use this move the most simply because he doesn't have anything better, it's very to pull off initially due to the somewhat long charge time but once it gets going it hits a lot of people which is a good thing for orbs. I usually equip him with Ice orb and elixir so when he cuts through the crowd he usually ends up freezing a few opponents and a near full Musou gauge. The damage it does is rather insignificant but you'll be using it as a setup move for his Musou Ranbu. C5: Standard high air launcher with horrible charge time, avoid. C6: Sima Yi shoots out a few streams of lasers which do decent damage if it all connects. Generally it's quite hard to aim and to pull off during a big crowd. I tend to use S6 all the time when I want to hit an officer within a huge crowd. S6: Sima Yi performs a series of slashes with fan covering decent area considering how short it is. The ender covers all of his frontal right hand side but not the left so just becareful that what you want to hit isn't on your left hand side. The damage is about average. Musou Ranbu: This is undoubtly the best move Sima Yi has, under a glance it may look like Zhuge Liang's but in reality it's much better. He shoots out barrages of lasers sligtly homing in front of him and the most important advantage it has over Zhuge Liang's is Sima Yi doesn't move when he executes it. Basically he can just stand out side a huge crowd of infantries and fire away without having to adjust his posistions constantly like Zhuge Liang. His lasers also seems to spread out more. The damage it does is very nice considering the amount of people it can hit, on a frozen officer it can almost take off half of their HP. Test Run at Nan Man: First of all, Sima Yi really needs a few things equipped to be more effective, he has a really hard without any sort of item aid. With Ice orb and Elixir, you should be filling up your Musou Bar after 2 runs of C4 through a horde of infantries. What I did was constantly C4 (he'll get hit out of it a lot) till Musou Bar is full, perfrom a Musou Ranbu on the crowd and repeat. It works fairly well but takes longer than it needs to because he often gets hit out of his C4. Against officers you don't really want to use C4 because they'll most likely block it, stick with S6 by sneaking behind them. Sima Yi's walking speed is kinda slow too so make sure you give him either a high lv speed scroll or a decent saddle to make up for it. I've lost count how many times I get poked from behind when trying to run away from a huge crowd. Overall Sima Yi is more powerful than Zhuge Liang simply because his Musou Ranbu rocks hard but other than that he has little else going for him. Recommended setup at Maximum Rank: Horse Saddle: Storm Runner orb: Ice/Thunder Item1:Tortoise Amulet Item2:Tiger Amulet Item3:Peacock Urn Item4:Wind Scroll Item5:Elixir Item6:Speed Scroll ********************* Lv10 Weapon Range=Excellent * 張遼 (Zhang Liao) * Running Speed=B (Good) ********************* Zhang Liao was an excellent warrior back in DW3 due to his moveset and decent 4th weapon. While a lot of character's efficiency took a hit in Dw4 since they depended too much on their weapon from Dw3, Zhang Liao still manages to raise above the crowd with his refined moveset. C1: Zhang Liao does a sliding attack while spinning his polearm, not much practical use really. C2: Standard air launcher, not quick enough to combo. C3: Zhang Liao advances while taking multiple swings left and right covering the front area entirely. The damamge isn't really that good but it does cover a wider radius compared to most other people's C3. This would've been a move he could rely if not for his excellent C6 which is just all what he needs for clearing crowds. For 1 on 1's I prefer to go with S6 since the damage dealt in the same time span is much greater than C3. You can always opt for a quick tap of C3 to release the orb effects, it's his own charge attack that will combo indefinitely so make use of its advantage. C4: Changed from DW3, Zhang Liao does a full 360 with his polearm and it's a very nice move for clearing out crowds earlier on when you don't have access to C6 yet. The charge time is a bit long so use with precaution, expect to be retaliated if it's blocked close. C5: Standard high air launcher, not quick enough to combo. C6: This is his best move period. Zhang Liao releases a small tornado that sends everyone within a certain radius flying. The radius is very nice and the best thing about this move is the ease of pulling it off. Very rare do you see him being interrupted mid way since his normal square strikes cover a very large area which sets him up really well for his C6. The only time that I tend not to use this move is in 1 on 1 where it'll usually be blocked and the recovery delays is significant enough to make you think twice about doing it again. S6: Zhang Liao does 5 very wide slashes but the ender is kind of disappointing due to the fact it only covers his right hand side. That factor alone warrants this move for 1 on 1 purposes generally where it does very good damage and is fairly easy to aim. Musou Ranbu: Unchanged from DW3, but it's more powerful than before due to 2 factsors. Firstly it's a ground Musou Ranbu which means it'll do much more damage than juggling ones. Secondly, enemy officers don't tend to retaliate with Musou Ranbu very often at all even on hard and that makes all ground Musous even more powerful. Zhang Liao advances while taking massive swipes left and right covering a big area with moderate damage on each hit. It works very well as a life saver and a damage dealer. A good time to unleash this would be after a C6 where you have a few frozen opponents lying around. If you only have 1 frozen foe then go with S6. Test Run at Nan Man: Playing with Zhang Liao is basically a walk in the park, all you have to do really is repeately spam C6 until everyone dies. He's fast enough to sneak behind officers quite easily, making him truely a person with no particular weakness. Overall he feels like Zhao Yun for Wei, being an excellent all rounder with no particular weakness anywhere. Recommended setup at Maximum Rank: Horse Saddle: Storm Runner orb: Ice/Vorpal Item1:Tortoise Amulet Item2:Tiger Amulet Item3:Peacock Urn Item4:Wind Scroll Item5:Elixir ********************* Lv10 Weapon Range=Fair * 張コウ (Zhang He) * Running Speed=S (Insane) ********************* Zhange He is undoubtly one of the fastest characters in the game but that comes with a price, his attacks don't do a whole lot of damage. C1: Zhang He does a back flip then somersaults towards the front up to 3 times. The damage it does is minimal so avoid using it. C2: Standard air launcher, quick enough to combo avoid anyways. C3: Zhange He stands still and slashes furiously left and right and ends with a forward charge slash. It's very fast but again the damage dealt isn't a lot but the ender covers a good radius in the front so you can still consider using this when equipped with Vorpal Orb. If you want pure effectiveness then I suggest you look into S6 or C6. C4: Zhange He charges forward like spiral, knocking down anyone within his trajectory. I don't use this move much at all mainly because the charge time is horrible and the area covered isn't great either. The only time I remembered of using this was when I didn't have access to other moves such as C6, even his normal square combo is better in my opinion. C5: Standard high air launcher, Zhang He does 3 slashes in mid air as opposed to the usual 1. Still isn't very effective as a whole though. C6: Zhang He's primary attack move, like in DW3 he zig zags fowards and knocks down all the foes in his paths. The damage isn't great but that's not what we're after, since it usually hit a lot of people equipping Vorpal Orb unreveals the true potential of this move. Vorpal Orb compensates Zhang He's inability to deal out damage perfectly so with C6 you can massacre groups of infantries much faster than if you didn't have Vorpal Orb equipped. The short charge time also gurantees that you won't have a hard time pulling this off consistantly. S6: It only covers area directly in front of him so it's more suitable for 1 on 1. The damage dealt again isn't great but it's extremely fast and he rarely gets interrupted in the middle of execution. Musou Ranbu: Unchanged from DW3, Zhang He slides around slashing those he touches. The damage on a single target isn't great but you can do chipping damage on a horde of infantries, I usually use this as a recovery move right after I finish executing C6 to cut out the recovery frame. A good Musou for chipping damage and nothing more. Test Run at Nan Man: Zhang He can kill infantries fairly well even without Vorpal Orb since his Musou Ranbu can effectively bring down HP of a big horde of people. Usually he doesn't have a problem with being hit since he moves around so fast, there is very little delay inbetween each of his swings so while they aren't very damaging individually, they'll add up fast if you can combo well. Against officers he has no problem with sneaking around and get hits in but he'll take them slower compared to the more all rounded characters like Zhao Yun because his combos just don't do as much damage. Zhang He is the exact opposite of power houses like Xu Zhu, with a decent Vorpal Orb equipped he can still kill quite efficiently. Highly recommended for those who prefer speed over anything else. He's the Wolverine of DW. Recommended setup at Maximum Rank: Horse Saddle: Storm Runner orb: Vorpal Item1:Tortoise Amulet Item2:Tiger Amulet Item3:Peacock Urn Item4:Wind Scroll Item5:Elixir ****************** LV10 Weapon Range=Poor * 甄姫 (Zhen Ji) * Running Speed=A ****************** Zhen Ji is one of the unfortunate characters that received a tone down even though she wasn't immensely powerful in DW3. Non of her attacks except C6 has a good area but even that has severe fallbacks. She's now the type of character who you'd want to rush into a crowd, kill the officer then get out asap. C1: She blows out a bubble that detonates after a short period of time, does very little damage and no practical use at all. C2: Standard air launcher, avoid. C3: Honstely I don't know what Koei was thinking when they gave her this move. Zhen Ji advances slowly while dealing out bitch slaps to the person in front. The damage is ok but she swings them so slow that it'll be better off just doing a full Square combo instead. The area covered is ridiculously small so don't even think about using it unless you're in a 1 on 1 situation. Overall this is very disappointing for a C3 and should be avoided using at all cost. C4: Another disappointing change, I forgot what her C4 was in DW3 but I am sure it's better than the one she has now. Zhen Ji basically just does a extending kick in front of her that has a narrow radius and weak damage. It is possible to hit multiple targets if they're all bunched up in the front but in most situations that's unlikely to happen. It does have a quick charge time but it no where makes up for the negative properties. Just go with her S4 before you get her higher hit weapons. C5: Standard high air launcher, avoid. C6: Large area flute attack from DW3, the charge time has been increased so it definitely won't combo now. The damage is minimal too but it does dizzy anyone it hits which is a good setup for her Musou Ranbu. Never use this in a 1 on 1 since they'll just block it and you'll be facing the consequences. Use this when you're surrounded by a huge crowd and it'll be more helpful if you had a full Musou bar to follow up right after the execution. S6: It's her fastest attack, the preceding swings before the ender covers the front nicely but the range is limited due to her weapon. The ender itself is just a thrust in the front that only hits 1 person at a time but the damage is decent. This is the move I use the most since she's pretty good at assasinating officers in a huge crowd with this move then just run away afterwrds. Musou Ranbu: She does multiple area of effect attacks by blowing her flute, while it looks the same as it was in DW3 there have been some negative changes to it. The radius has been narrowed and the damaged toned down a lot, it usually takes about 3 rounds just to kill a normal infantry in Nanman so if you want to see it do any decent damage freeze her surrounding foes with C6 and Ice Orb then unleash the Musou Ranbu. I use it mostly as life savers now, the damage potential without the help from Ice Orb is just too small to be of any practical use. Test Run at NanMan: Zhen Ji has a problem with clearing out huge crowds effectively due to the lack of power from her C6. However one thing she certainly is good at is officer assination, her quick speed allows her to sneak behind officers and land a full S6 which can be pulled off really quickly. Once the officer gets knocked down go around him so he has his butt facing you again then rinse and repeat. Her S6 is very fast so rarely will you be interrupted. Save her Musou Ranbu for situations where you get out of a combo, but never depend it for damage since even when you hit a whole crowd the result is moderate chipping damage. Overall Zhen Ji certainlly is a charactered geared towards 1 on 1, play her like a ninja and don't expect yourself to rack up kill counts fast when compared with character like Zhao Yun. Recommended setup at Maximum Rank: Horse Saddle: Storm Runner orb: Vorpal/Ice Item1:Tortoise Amulet Item2:Tiger Amulet Item3:Peacock Urn Item4:Wind Scroll Item5:Elixir ******************* Lv10 Weapon Range=Poor * 典韋 (Dian Wei) * Running Speed=E (Worst) ******************* Dian Wei is one of the extreme power characters in DW4 but he suffers a lot from slow running speed and relatively short weapon range. He's more similar to Meng Huo than Xu Zhu but has faster speed and reach than Meng Huo. C1: Dian Wei grabs his opponent and gives him/her a good head butt. C2: Standard air launcher with terrible charge time, avoid. C3: This is Dian Wei's new move and is probably the best charge move he has. Dian Wei advances while slashing vertically (bad) but ends with a nice horizontal slash that covers the front 180 pretty nicely and puts any enemy he hits in guard break animation. The damage is good and the best thing about it is the non-existent charge time which means you can pull it off with minimum effort in a crowd. Works extremely well for releasing Orb effects. The best way I found to use this move was to just tap Triangle button once so he only does 1 vertical slash then immediately executes the ender which is the best part of the deal. C4: This is Dian Wei's signature move where he throws out his axe in boomerang style as it travels in a trajectory and comes back to him. This move would've been nice if it wasn't for the fact Dian Wei is rendered completely immobile in the middle of the execution. That basically means he's vulnerable from all sides including the back. I don't use this a lot simply for the fact you'll almost always get hit out of it half way unless the infantries don't stun you with their hits. Good damage and nice area covered in the front but not a useful move overall due to the significant disadvantage. C5: Standard high air launcher avoid. C6: Truthfully I thought Dian Wei's C6 is pretty disapponting for a power character. All he does is shoot out a narrow shock wave flying straight. It's hard to aim and has a terrible charge time, even the damage isn't that great considering the effort required. Avoid using this even in 1 on 1 situations. S6: It's a very nice move to clear crowds, if you can live without Orb effects then I recommend that you give this move higher priority over C3. Dian Wei does a few swings that covers a good radius around him and ends with a hop in the front while swinging his axe, while it hits all around him there is a significant recovery time so use with caution if the officer is blocking. Personally I usually try to freeze a few enemies surrounding me using C3 then go hard with S6 or his Musou Ranbu, Dian Wei's high base damage helps him a lot here. Musou Ranbu: Dian Wei walks in the direction you control while swing his axe left and right and ends with a massive 270 swing. The damage is very good but the juggling property tones it down a fair bit, execute it on a frozen opponent for best result. It works well both as a damage dealer and life saver, go into a huge crowd and after you'll take a good chunk out of their life after doing this move. Test Run at NanMan: Firstly a good saddle is a must for Dian Wei otherwise you'll be spending the majority of your time walking and not actually fighting. With that out of the way Dian Wei can definitely hold his own in any situation but I don't really find him excel in any due to his average moveset and relatively short weapon range. He has a serious problem when trying to run away from enemies and it really hurts his ability to search for those meat buns when he needs it. Ocassionally I have had trouble with connecting his normal S6 combo since he misses sometimes due to his short range. Overall Dian Wei is probably an average character in terms of effectiveness and it would've been nice if Koei gave him something more unique to define his power status. Recommended setup at Maximum Rank: Horse Saddle: Storm Runner orb: Thunder/Ice Item1:Tortoise Amulet Item2:Tiger Amulet Item3:Peacock Urn/Elixir Item4:Wind Scroll ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 7. Frequently Asked Questions ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Q:Can you import saves from DW3/XL? A:Nop, everything starts from scratch in DW4. Q:Are there any cheat codes for this game? A:None as far as I know. Q:How do I advance to the alternate route in Musou mode? I pulled off the fire event but my route doesn't change! A:The fire event is actually kinda tricky and in a way quite important since you can only access the alternate route in musou mode by triggering the fire event properly. Here's what I did to make it work. First of all there are 3 requirements to the fire event, all of them must be met for the event to be considered successful. 1. Pan Tong has to lock the ships together. 2. Zhuge Liang has to call the wind successfully. 3. Huang Gai has to light the fire. Now I'll list out how to actually meet those requirements. 1. Go up to the top left of the map and take out Xu Su, he's a hinder to Pan Tong's plan. 2. This is most tricky part, first of all if you're in Shu's musou mode I strongly suggest you finish the first stage which should be battle of Bo Wang Po. That stage affects a event in Chi Bi which will decrease the morale of all ally officers. By clearing Bo Wang Po, the supplies from that place will never reach Wei and thus the event won't happen. Now the next thing to do would be to kill Li Den who's harrasing Zhuge Liang at the start and Le Ping who appears later as an ambush team. Take them out as quickly as possible since Zhuge Liang's morale is the deciding factor to whether he'll succeed or not. I succeeded by keeping his morale at 4 stars. 3. This is pretty easy, Huang Gai will signal that he'll be putting up a fire near the middle so just head towards there and clear out the mobs for him. Follow him around just to make sure nothing is in his way. Q:I can't get my 2nd controller to work! A:You'll need a Dual Shock 2 (Black) to play this since the R3 button is used. Q:Help my controller is vibrating constantly and it won't stop! A:It's one of the game's overlooked bugs, just unplug it and plug it back in. If you want to prevent it 100% just turn off the vibration in options. Q:Where can I get a high lv [Insert Item name]? A:All drops are random and the quality depends on the difficulty rating associated with each stage and the difficulty setting which you configured in options. There is no particular stage where something will have more chance of dropping than the other. Q: Why do some enemy officers have cool electro sparks surrounding them? A: Those are special generals who generally pack a lot more punch than your average officers. Normally someone who plays a crucial role in that particular stage will have the spark around him/her. Q: Arg killing officers no longer raise my squads morale all the time what gives? A: Koei made a slight change and now the most efficient way of boosting your whole faction's morale would be reaching kill counts in multiples of 50. Eg. 50,100,150 and so on. Upon reaching those requirements there will be a large chance of the your entire ally's morale rising, though it doesn't always give you a Star's worth of boost. A: I hear about how there are different tactics assigned to each squad, how do they work? Each squad will have a fixed tactics now based on the personality of the squad leader and tactics have a certain effect when 2 squads duke it out somewhere far away (where everything is being calculated based on a formulae). The tactics work like this Tier 1 - Standard (Weak against all other tactics) Tier 2 - Assault, Defense, Strategy Defense > Assault, Assault > Strategy, Strategy > Defense All of the 3 above are strong against Standard. Tier 3 - All round (Strong against all other tactics) Keep in mind that tactic only plays a part in the overall calculation and the outcome is still strongly affected by a squad's morale and their army size. Q: How do enemy officers recover health this time? A: When you get knocked down or is a certain distance from them, they tend to use powerups which can be Attack 2x, Defense 2x or HP recovery items. This time they no longer need to charge so for effective officer dispatching try and prevent yourself from being knocked down (easier said than done) while keeping yourself close to your target officer. Officers can recover HP during duels in the same manner, usually after they get you on the floor with an attack. Q: How is difficulty adjusted depending on player parameters this time? A: The difficulty adjustment made due to player's parameter is no longer simply based on 1P but rather takes an average of 1P&2P's parameter. So if you have a newbie as 1P and a maxed out character as 2P then 1P will have a very hard time damaging anyone while 2P will cut through everyone easily. A simpler comparison may look like this in terms of difficulty: Untrained 1P will find it harder than if he played that stage alone since the difficulty will be scaled up due to 2P's parameters. Fully maxed out 2P will find it much easier than if he played that stage alone since the difficulty will be scaled down due to 1P's parameters. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 8. Musou Mode Flow Chart ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Extra Musou modes are unlocked when their respective characters are unlocked. ----------- | 蜀 (Shu)| ----------- *=If cleared leads to the next chapter or gaiden. ******************************************** * 桃園の誓い(Oath at the Garden) Chapter 1 * ******************************************** 黄巾賊撃退戦(The Yellow Turban Menace) 黄巾砦攻防戦(The Yellow Turban Fortress) 黄巾の乱(The Yellow Turban Rebellion) * Gaiden:黄巾族殲滅戦(Eliminate Zhang Jiao!) Requirement: Let 張角(Zhang Jiao) escape in 黄巾の乱(The Yellow Turban Rebelli on). Alternatively you can only kill 張角(Zhang Jiao) to make it happen. ****************************************************** * 反董卓包囲網(Alliance Against Dong Zhou) Chapter 2 * ****************************************************** ?水関の戦い(Battle of Si Shui Gate) 虎牢関の戦い(Battle of Hu Lao Gate) * Gaiden: 汝南の戦い(Battle of Ru Nan) Requirement: Choose 虎牢関の戦い(Battle of Hu Lao Gate) as your first choice. Kill 董卓(Dong Zhuo) and leave 呂布(Lu Bu) alive. Gaiden: 関羽千里行(Guan Yu's Escape) Requirement: Select 黄巾の乱(The Yellow Turban Rebellion) as your first choice in chapter 1. In ?水関の戦い(Battle of Si Shui Gate) defeat 華雄(Hua Xiong) after 袁紹(Yuan Shao) yells out 誰か華雄を倒せるものはいないのか?(No one can beat 華雄 (Hua Xiong)?). *********************************************** * 劉備逃亡戦(The Flight of Liu Bei) Chapter 3 * *********************************************** 博望坡の戦い(Battle of Bo Wan Po) 長坂の戦い(Battle of Chang Ban) 赤壁の戦い(Battle of Chi Bi) * ********************************************** * 天下三分の計(The Three Kingdoms) Chapter 4 * ********************************************** ラク城の戦い(Battle of Luo Castle) 荊州攻略戦(Campaign for Jing) 成都制圧戦(Campaign for Cheng Du) * Gaiden: 潼関の戦い(Battle of Tong Gate) Requirement: Choose 成都制圧戦(Campaign for Cheng Du) as your first choice and defeat 馬超(Ma Chao) who appears as enemy reinforcement. *********************************************************** * 孫呉の最期/曹魏の最後(Fall of Wu/Fall of Wei) Chapter 5 * *********************************************************** Scenarios in chapter 5 depends on whether you successfully triggered the fire evemt in 赤壁の戦い(Battle of Chi Bi) or not. Successful=曹魏の最後 Fail=孫呉の最期 樊城の戦い(Battle at Fan Castle)/定軍山の戦い(Battle of Mt. Ding Jun) 南蛮夷平定戦(The Nanman Campaign)/街亭の戦い (Battle of Jie Ting) 夷陵の戦い(Battle of Yi Ling)/五丈原の戦い(Battle of Wu Zhang Plains) * Gaiden: 天水の戦い (Battle of Tian Sui) Requirement: From chapter 1~5 clear them by choosing the key stage as your first choice everytime. Gaiden: 漢中防衛戦(Battle of Han Zhong) Requirement: Let 董卓(Dong Zhuo) escape in 虎牢関の戦い(Battle of Hu Lao Gate) and select 夷陵の戦い(Battle of Yi Ling) or 五丈原の戦い(Battle of Wu Zhang Plains) as your first choice in chapter 5. Zhuge Liang must succeed in wind calling at Battle of Chi Bi. ********************************************************** * 三国時代終焉 (The End of Three Kingdoms) Final Chapter * ********************************************************** Scenarios in final chapter depends on whether you successfully triggered the fire evemt in 赤壁の戦い(Battle of Chi Bi) or not. Successful=Wu Scenario Fail=Wei Scenario 定軍山の戦い(Battle of Mt. Ding Jun) 街亭の戦い (Battle of Jie Ting) 五丈原の戦い(Battle of Wu Zhang Plains) * --> 許昌の戦い(Battle of Xu Chang) (Wei Scenario) 樊城の戦い((Battle at Fan Castle)) 南蛮夷平定戦(The Nanman Campaign) 夷陵の戦い(Battle of Yi Ling) * --> 建業の戦い(Battle of Jian Ye) (Wu Scenario) ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ------------- | 魏 (Wei) | ------------- *=If cleared leads to the next chapter or gaiden. ***************************************** * 乱世の奸雄(A Hero of Chaos) Chapter 1 * ***************************************** 黄巾賊撃退戦(The Yellow Turban Menace) 黄巾砦攻防戦(The Yellow Turban Fortress) 黄巾の乱(The Yellow Turban Rebellion) * Gaiden:黄巾族殲滅戦(Eliminate Zhang Jiao!) Requirement: Let 張角(Zhang Jiao) escape in 黄巾の乱(The Yellow Turban Rebellion). Alternatively you can only kill 張角(Zhang Jiao) to make it happen. ****************************************************** * 反董卓包囲網(Alliance Against Dong Zhou) Chapter 2 * ****************************************************** ?水関の戦い(Battle of Si Sui Gate) 虎牢関の戦い(Battle of Hu Lao Gate) * ********************************************* * 曹操の台頭(The Rise of Cao Cao) Chapter 3 * ********************************************* 下ヒの戦い(Battle at Xia Pi) 宛城の戦い(Battle of Wan Castle) 官渡の戦い(Battle of Guan Du) * Gaiden: 冀州の戦い Requirement: Defeat 呂布(Lu Bu) in 虎牢関の戦い(Battle of Hu Lao Gate) at chapter 2. In 官渡の戦い(Battle of Guan Du) kill all officers, incluidng 呂布(Lu Bu) and trigger the event that makes 袁紹(Yuan Shao) flee. Gaiden: 関羽千里行(Guan Yu's Escape) Requirement: Select 黄巾の乱(The Yellow Turban Rebellion) as your first choi ce in chapter 1. In ?水関の戦い(Battle of Si Sui Gate) defeat 華雄(Hua Xiong) after 袁紹(Yuan Shao) yells out 誰か華雄(Hua Xiong)を倒せるものはいないのか?(No one can beat 華 雄(Hua Xiong)?). ********************************************* * 劉備掃討戦(War Against Liu Bei) Chapter 4 * ********************************************* 博望坡の戦い(Battle of Bo Wan Po) 長坂の戦い(Battle of Chang Ban) 赤壁の戦い(Battle of Chi Bi) * Gaiden: 呂布逆襲戦 Requirement: Defeat 呂布(Lu Bu) in 虎牢関の戦い(Battle of Hu Lao Gate) at chapter 2. Clear both 博望坡の戦い(Battle of Bo Wan Po) and 長坂の戦い(Battle of Chang Ban). Do not select 下ヒの戦い(Battle at Xia Pi) in Chapter 3. Successfully fend off the fire event in 赤壁の戦い(Battle of Chi Bi). Gaiden: 潼関の戦い(Battle of Tong Gate) Requirement: Choose 赤壁の戦い(Battle of Chi Bi) as your first choice in chapter 4. Prevent fire event in 赤壁の戦い(Battle of Chi Bi). *********************************************************** * 孫呉の最期/蜀漢の最後(Fall of Wu/Fall of Shu) Chapter 5 * *********************************************************** Scenarios in chapter 5 depends on whether you successfully triggered the fire evemt in 赤壁の戦い(Battle of Chi Bi) or not. Successful=孫呉の最期(Fall of Wu) Fail=蜀漢の最後((Fall of Shu) 樊城争奪戦(The Siege of Fan Castle)/定軍山の戦い(Battle of Mt. Ding Jun) 石亭の戦い(Battle of Shi Ting)/街亭の戦い(Battle of Jie Ting) 合肥の戦い(Battle of He Fei)/五丈原の戦い(Battle of Wu Zhang Plains) * Gaiden: 冀州防衛戦 Requirement: Let 董卓(Dong Zhuo) escape in 虎牢関の戦い(Battle of Hu Lao Gate). Choose 合肥の戦い(Battle of He Fei) or 五丈原の戦い(Battle of Wu Zhang Plains) as your first choice in chapter 5. Do not choose 宛城の戦い(Battle of Wan Castle) in Chapter 3. ********************************************************** * 三国時代終焉 (The End of Three Kingdoms) Final Chapter * ********************************************************** Scenarios in final chapter depends on whether you successfully triggered the fire evemt in 赤壁の戦い(Battle of Chi Bi) or not. Successful=Shu Scenario Fail=Wu Scenario 定軍山の戦い(Battle of Mt. Ding Jun) 街亭の戦い(Battle of Jie Ting) 五丈原の戦い(Battle of Wu Zhang Plains) * --> 成都の戦い(Battle of Cheng Du) (Shu Scenario) 樊城争奪戦(The Siege of Fan Castle) 石亭の戦い(Battle of Shi Ting) 合肥の戦い(Battle of He Fei) * --> 建業の戦い(Battle of Jian Ye) (Wu Scenario) ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ----------- | 呉 (Wu) | ----------- ********************** * 江東の虎 Chapter 1 * ********************** *=If cleared leads to the next chapter or gaiden. 黄巾賊撃退戦(The Yellow Turban Menace) 黄巾砦攻防戦(The Yellow Turban Fortress) 黄巾の乱(The Yellow Turban Rebellion) * Gaiden: 黄巾族殲滅戦(Eliminate Zhang Jiao!) Requirement: Let 張角(Zhang Jiao) escape in 黄巾の乱(The Yellow Turban Rebelli on). Alternatively you can only kill 張角(Zhang Jiao) to make it happen. Gaiden: 二喬奪還戦(The two Qiaos) Requirement: Clear Wu's musou mode once. Defeat 張宝(Zhang Bo) in 黄巾砦攻防戦(The Yellow Turban Fortress) of Chapter 1. Defeat 張角(Zhang Jiao) in 黄巾の乱(The Yellow Turban Rebellion) of Chapter 1. ****************************************************** * 反董卓包囲網(Alliance Against Dong Zhou) Chapter 2 * ****************************************************** ?水関の戦い(Battle of Si Sui Gate) 虎牢関の戦い(Battle of Hu Lao Gate) * Gaiden: 玉璽争奪戦(The Imperial Seal) Requirement: Choose 虎牢関の戦い(Battle of Hu Lao Gate) as your first choice in Chapter 2. ****************************************** * 小覇王(The Little Conqueror) Chapter 3 * ****************************************** 劉表奇襲戦(Assault on Liu Biao) 呉郡攻略戦(Campaign for Wu Territory) 江東平定戦(Unification of Jiang Dong) * Gaiden: 荊州鎮圧戦(Unification of Jing) Requirement: Choose 江東平定戦(Unification of Jiang Dong) as your first choice in Chapter 3. ****************************************** * 赤壁合戦(Showdown at Chi Bi) Chapter 4 * ****************************************** 夏口の戦い(Battle of Xia Kou) 南蛮防衛戦(Defense of Nanman) 赤壁の戦い(Battle of Chi Bi) * ************************************************************ * 蜀漢の最後/曹魏の最後(Fall of Shu/Fall of Wei) Chapter 5 * ************************************************************ Scenarios in chapter 5 depends on whether you successfully triggered the fire evemt in 赤壁の戦い(Battle of Chi Bi) or not. Killing 曹操(Cao Cao) before the fire event counts as successful. Successful=蜀漢の最期(Fall of Shu) Fail=曹魏の最期(Fall of Wei) 南郡の戦い(Race for the Nan Territory)/樊城争奪戦(The Siege of Fan Castle) 南蛮夷平定戦(The Nanman Campaign)/石亭の戦い(Battle of Shi Ting) 夷陵の戦い(Battle of Yi Ling)/合肥の戦い(Battle of He Fei) * Gaiden: 長江防衛戦(Battle of Chang Jiang) Requirement: Clear Wu Musou once, let Dong Zhuo escape in 虎牢関の戦い(Battle of Hu Lao Gate). Fail the wind praying in 赤壁の戦い(Battle of Chi Bi). Do not select 夏口の戦い(Battle of Xia Kou) in Chapter 4. Choose 合肥の戦い(Battle of He Fei) as your first choice in Chapter 5. Gaiden: 麦城の戦い(Mai Castle) Requirement: Clear Wu Musou once, select 赤壁の戦い(Battle of Chi Bi) as your first choice in Chapter 4 and be successful in wind calling. Choose 夷陵の戦い(Battle of Yi Ling) as your first choice in Chapter 5. ********************************************************* * 三国時代終焉(The End of Three Kingdoms) Final Chapter * ********************************************************* Scenarios in final chapter depends on whether you successfully triggered the fire evemt in 赤壁の戦い(Battle of Chi Bi) or not. Successful=Wei Scenario Fail=Shu Scenario 樊城争奪戦(The Siege of Fan Castle) 石亭の戦い(Battle of Shi Ting) 合肥の戦い(Battle of He Fei) * --> 許昌の戦い(Battle of Xu Chang) (Wei Scenario) 南郡の戦い(Race for the Nan Territory) 南蛮夷平定戦(The Nanman Campaign) 夷陵の戦い(Battle of Yi Ling) * --> 成都の戦い(Battle of Cheng Du) (Shu Scenario) ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// --------------- | 呂布(Lu Bu) | --------------- ****************************************************** * 反董卓包囲網(Alliance Against Dong Zhou) Chapter 1 * ****************************************************** ?水関の戦い(Battle of Si Sui Gate) 虎牢関の戦い(Battle of Hu Lao Gate) * **************************************************** * 董卓暗殺(The Assignation of Dong Zhou) Chapter 2 * **************************************************** 呂布の乱(Lu Bu's Revolt) * ********************************************** * 奸雄の最後(The Villain's Demise) Chapter 3 * ********************************************** 下ヒの戦い(Battle at Xia Pi) 曹操討伐戦(Campaign Against Cao Cao) * ************************************************* * 天下無双(The Mightiest Warrior) Final Chapter * ************************************************* 孫堅討伐戦(Campaign Against Sun Jian) 劉備討伐戦(Campaign Against Liu Bei) (need to finish both) ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ------------------- | 董卓(Dong Zhuo) | ------------------- ****************************************************** * 反董卓包囲網(Alliance Against Dong Zhou) Chapter 1 * ****************************************************** ?水関の戦い(Battle of Si Sui Gate) 虎牢関の戦い(Battle of Hu Lao Gate) * ******************** * 虎狩り Chapter 2 * ******************** 孫堅討伐戦(Campaign Against Sun Jian) * ************************ * 奸雄の最後 Chapter 3 * ************************ 劉備討伐戦(Campaign Against Liu Bei) 曹操討伐戦(Campaign Against Cao Cao) (need to finish both) ****************************************** * 呂布の乱(Lu Bu's Revolt) Final Chapter * ****************************************** 呂布の乱(Lu Bu's Revolt)* ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// -------------------- | 袁紹(Yuan Shao) | -------------------- ********************** * 名門袁家 Chapter 1 * ********************** 黄巾賊撃退戦(The Yellow Turban Menace) 黄巾砦攻防戦(The Yellow Turban Fortress) 黄巾の乱(The Yellow Turban Rebellion) * ****************************************************** * 反董卓包囲網(Alliance Against Dong Zhou) Chapter 2 * ****************************************************** ?水関の戦い(Battle of Si Sui Gate) 虎牢関の戦い(Battle of Hu Lao Gate) * ************************ * 奸雄の最後 Chapter 3 * ************************ 官渡の戦い(Battle of Guan Du) * ************************** * 袁家の世 Final Chapter * ************************** 劉備討伐戦(Campaign Against Liu Bei) 孫堅討伐戦(Campaign Against Sun Jian) (need to finish both) ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ---------------- | 南蛮 (NanMan | ---------------- ************************** * 北からの侵略 Chapter 1 * ************************** 南蛮夷平定戦(The Nanman Campaign) * ************************ * 呉を喰らう Chapter 2 * ************************ 建業の戦い(Battle of Jian Ye) * ************************ * 魏を喰らう Chapter 3 * ************************ 許昌の戦い(Battle of Xu Chang) * **************************** * 蜀を喰らう Final Chapter * **************************** 成都の戦い(Battle of Cheng Du) * ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ------------------------ | 黄巾 (Yellow Turbine | ------------------------ ********************** * 蒼天己死 Chapter 1 * ********************** 黄巾砦攻防戦(The Yellow Turban Fortress) 劉備討伐戦(Campaign Against Liu Bei) * ********************** * 黄天当立 Chapter 2 * ********************** 孫堅討伐戦(Campaign Against Sun Jian) * ********************** * 歳有甲子 Chapter 3 * ********************** 黄巾賊撃退戦(The Yellow Turban Menace) 曹操討伐戦(Campaign Against Cao Cao) * ************************** * 天下大吉 Final Chapter * ************************** 黄巾の乱(The Yellow Turban Rebellion) * ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 9. Stage Overviews ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// -All Stage are categorized by their zones. -All Difficulty ratings are based on Hard settings, for Normal take of 1 star and Easy take off 2. -Any hints will be made under the assumption you're playing under Hard, if something works for Hard then it should work for difficulties below. ============================================================================= 夷陵(Yi Ling) ============================================================================= ******************************** * 夷陵之戰 (Battle of Yi Ling) * ******************************** ------ | Wu | Difficulty: 8/8 ------ Events: ***************************************************************************** * Name * Trigger * Effects * ***************************************************************************** * Fire Preparation * A certain amount * None * * * of time passes. * * ***************************************************************************** * First stage of * If you didn't * Zhu Ran squad appears. * * fire preparation * clear out the * * * fail * enemies guarding * * * * the specified spot* * ***************************************************************************** * Fire Event * Succeed in fire * Enemy morale down, Liu Bei * * * preparation or * retreats to top left castle. * * * escort Zhu Ran's * * * * squad to the * * * * designated spot. * * ***************************************************************************** * Stone Maze:Entry * Enter the maze * None * ***************************************************************************** * Stone Maze:Clear * Clear the maze * None * ***************************************************************************** * Zhuge Liang's * A certain amount * Big enemy morale boost, launch of * * arrival * of time passes * final assault on your headquarter. * * * after fire event * Bridges will be laid connecting * * * succeeds. * Shu's castle to your encampment. * ***************************************************************************** Hints: To clear the stone maze quickly just stick to the edge of the maze. Stick to the right hand side and make your way down to the bottom right then proceed towards the left and go up when you reach the final block. Comments: Even if you succeed in the fire event once Zhuge Liang arrives everything will turn hugely in favor of Shu again. ------- | Shu | Difficulty: 8/8 ------- Events: ***************************************************************************** * Name * Trigger * Effects * ***************************************************************************** * Fire warning * A certain amount * None * * * of time passes. * * ***************************************************************************** * Fire Event * Didn't defeat Zhu * Ally morale lowered greatly, Liu * * * Ran after a * Bei retreats to top right castle * * * certain time frame* A bridge will setup connecting the* * * * shores. * ***************************************************************************** * Fire Event * Defeat Zhu Ran * Stops the Fire Event from taking * * Defense * * place. * ***************************************************************************** Hints: Hang around the shore where the fire event takes place, very easy to have your whole encampment on fire if you go too far into the front line. ============================================================================= 南中(Nan Zhong) ============================================================================= ************************************** * 南蠻夷平定戰 (The Nanman Campaign) * ************************************** ---------- | Shu/Wu | Difficulty: 8/8 ---------- ***************************************************************************** * Name * Trigger * Effects * ***************************************************************************** * Troops fatigue * Happens once every* Ally morale down * * * certain time * * * * interval * * ***************************************************************************** * Dong Tu Ne and * Kill Yong Kai and * Dong Tu Ne and Ahui nan will join * * Ahui Nan defect * his 2 lackeys * your force. * * * within a certain * * * * timeframe. * * ***************************************************************************** * Meng Huo's come * A certain time * All dead gate captains come back * * back (up to 6 * passes after you * alive, enemy morale up. * * times) * defeat him or you * * * * come close to the * * * * spot he'll appear * * * * in. * * ***************************************************************************** * Yang Fong defect * Defeat Meng Huo 4x* Yang Fong will join your force. * * * and Zhu Rong. * * ***************************************************************************** * Zhu Rong's mad * Defeat Meng Huo 5x* Zhu Rong will start advancing. * ***************************************************************************** * Fire event * Lure Wu TuGu to * Wu TuGu and his armored troops will* * * land. * be destroyed. * ***************************************************************************** * Meng Huo's * Defeat Meng Huo 7x* Ends the stage, Meng Huo and Zhu * * surrender * * becomes selectable. * ***************************************************************************** Hints: You and your ally's troop's HP will decrease if you stay in the swamp. It can't kill you but just a small poke from an infantry will. Elephants can break through barricades, make good use of its stomp attack. Comments: This is a very hard stage to do if you want to obtain Yue Ying's final weapon. Here's a few pointers to make things easier: -Make Zhuge Liang 2p so he doesn't die that fast. -If you're playing alone, try and fight beside Zhuge Liang and let all the enemy generals come to you. Keep it that way until either you've reached 1000 kills or Meng Huo has appeared for the 7th time (you can take out gate captains). ============================================================================= 許昌(Xu Chang) ============================================================================= *********************************** * 許昌の戦い (Battle of Xu Chang) * *********************************** ---------- | Shu/Wu | Difficulty 8/8 ---------- ***************************************************************************** * Name * Trigger * Effects * ***************************************************************************** * Ladders appear * Time passes * Protect the ladder from Wei troops * ***************************************************************************** * Xu Zhu's ambush * Time passes * Xu Zhu appears at the rear near * * * * your supply depot. * ***************************************************************************** * Ladder setup * Certain time after* Entry to Wei castle now possible * * finishes * ladder reaches * * * * castle * * ***************************************************************************** * Successfully * Defeat Xu Zhu * N/A * * Defend base * * * ***************************************************************************** * Defend ladder& * Defeat Xu Zhu & * Ally morale up * * base successfully* ladder survive * * ***************************************************************************** * Ambush troops * When you enter * Pang De and his troops will appear* * appear * Wei castle from * * * * bottom right * * ***************************************************************************** * Exlposion in Wei * Certain time after* Everyone dies within that region * * Castle * your troops enter * except for you. * * * the castle from * * * * the ladder. * * ***************************************************************************** Hints: This will be race against time, try to kill all the officers you come across so they won't threaten your commander, eventually Cao Cao will release his troops out from the castle which will probably take out most of your squads. Under that situation either fight beside your leader till Cao Cao's morale falls to a safe lv or just charge into the castle from bottom right and go for Cao Cao right away ignoring Pang De and other minor officers. It's strongly recommended that you complete "Defend ladder & base" event to give you ally troops a much needed morale boost so they'll last longer (they'll eventually die). ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 10. Lv 10 Weapons ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// It's highly recommended that you have 絶影鐙(Storm Runner) in your possession when trying to obtain other items. It makes traveling much easier. The method to obtain 絶影鐙(Storm Runner) is covered in the special items section. **************************** *Obtaining Level 10 Weapons* **************************** There are several rules in order to obtain level 10 weapons. -Most of the weapons can be obtained in Free Mode with a few exceptions that must be gotten in Musou mode. -The character's weapon must have reached lv9 -You must be playing on hard difficulty -If successful a green message will appear telling you that the character has obtained his/her final weapon. -You must land the finishing blow for it to count as your frag, squashed by a horse or your body guards killing it should be avoided. -It has been confirmed that saving mid-game has no effect on getting lv10 weapons. (Thanks to Yoshiro Nakajima for telling me that) -------------------------------------------- | weapon Lv Advancement Table (Up to lv 9) | -------------------------------------------- [Exp Required] Lv2 1000 Lv3 3000 Lv4 6000 (5th hit becomes available) Lv5 10000 Lv6 15000 Lv7 21000 (6th hit becomes available) Lv8 28000 Lv9 36000 ------ | 蜀 | ------ ******************************************************* * 劉備(Liu Bei)-汝南の戦い(Battle of Ru Nan) (Shu) * (Confirmed) ******************************************************* 1. Kill 李典(Li Dian) after 趙雲(Zhao Yun) arrives. 2. Kill 夏侯淵(Xiahou Yuan)→于禁(Yu Jin)→許チョ(Xu Chu)→張コウ(Zhang He)→ 夏侯惇(Xiahou Dun)→楽進. Have to be pretty fast, I got mine by finishing the whole process in about 7 mins. First time it took longer and I didn't get it. 夏侯淵(Xiahou Yuan) must be killed before 関羽(Guan Yu) arrives. ******************************************************** * 関羽(Guan Yu)-樊城の戦い(Battle at Fan Castle)(Shu) * (Confirmed) ******************************************************** 1. Don't worry about soliders and head straight for 樊城(Fan Castle). 2. 徐晃(Xu Huang) (Xu Huang)(Xu Huang) will show up as 魏(Wei) reinforcement. 3. 2 of your officers will join the enemy, more traitors will gradually appear after that. 4. 呉(Wu) will show up as enemy reinforcement. 5. Some of your troops will join the enemy, more of them will continue to abandon you as time goes by. 6. 関羽(Guan Yu) will say the phrase「袋のねずみか・・・」(Mouse in a bag...). 7. Defeat 周泰(Zhou Tai)、呂蒙(Lu Meng)、陸遜(Lu Xun). ********************************************************** * 張飛(Zhang Fei) -長坂の戦い(Battle of Chang Ban)(Shu)* (Confirmed) ********************************************************** 1. Defeat 夏侯惇(Xiahou Dun) and take his horse if you don't have one. 2. Defeat 夏侯恩(Xiahou En) to make things easier for 趙雲(Zhao Yun) nearby. 3. Rush towards 張コウ(Zhang He) and kill him. 4. Wait for the yell event at the bridge 劉備(Liu Bei) just crossed, you have to wait for 曹操(Cao Cao)'s troops to come near it. 5. Go rescue 阿斗(Liu Chan) at the place 劉備(Liu Bei) signaled, must be on horse when you open the box. 6. Blow up the 2 bridges located in the middle, just be on the south side of the bridge for the event to take place. 7. While 趙雲(Zhao Yun) is still alive, defeat 夏侯徳(Xiahou De) & 夏侯淵(Xi ahou Yuan). *********************************************************** * 趙雲(Zhao Yun)-博望坡の戦い(Battle of Bo Wan Po)(Shu) * (Confirmed) *********************************************************** 1. Follow 諸葛亮(Zhuge Liang)'s orders and lead the enemy to spots signaled on the map and defeat them after the event has been triggered. %1=夏侯惇(Xiahou Dun) %2=韓浩 (Han Hao) %3=于禁 Here's a rough where about's to where to lead them, check the in-game message history for more details. -------------------------------------------- | | | %2 %3 | | | | | | %1 | | | | | |------------------------------------------- 2. After 劉備(Liu Bei)'s force launches main assault 諸葛亮(Zhuge Liang) will advance towards 曹操(Cao Cao)'s castle, just lure 曹操(Cao Cao) out so his force starts fighting with 諸葛亮(Zhuge Liang)'s and you would've gotten the weapon. ************************************************************************ * 諸葛亮-五丈原の戦い(Battle of Wu Zhang Plains) (Shu) Musou mode only * (Confirmed) ************************************************************************ 1. Clear 街亭の戦い(Battle of Jie Ting) first before going into 五丈原の戦い(Battle of Wu Zhang Plains). 2. Charge for the top left hand side where 張コウ(Zhang He) is, kill everything on the way. 3. After you meet 張コウ(Zhang He) there will be an archer event, now kill 張コウ(Zhang He) and 夏候惇(Xiahou Dun) will appear a while later as enemy reinforcement. Take him out too. 4. After a while you'll get a message regarding supplies sent from 街亭(Jie Ting). 5. Wait a while and you'll obtain the last weapon. ******************************************************* * 魏延(Wei Yian) -荊州攻略戰(Campaign for Jing) (Shu) * (Confirmed) ******************************************************* 1. Wait for about 8mins until 諸葛亮(Zhuge Liang) says 時間がない (There's no time). 2. Kill 楊齢(Yang Lin) then 韓玄(Han Shen). ************************************************************************* * 馬超(Ma Chao)-成都制圧戦(Campaign for Cheng Du) (Shu) Musou mode only * ************************************************************************* (Confirmed) 1. Charge into the enemy base and reinforcements will appear, take out ホウ徳(Pan De) then 馬岱(Ma Dai) in this exact order. ************************************************************** * ホウ統(Pang Tong)-ラク城の戦い(Battle of Luo Castle)(Shu)* (Confirmed) ************************************************************** 1. Defeat 劉瞶 who is located on the path in middle-right of the map. 2. Wait till 諸葛亮(Zhuge Liang) arrives, you can kill the generals scattered around the map while waiting. 2. Lure 張任 out of the castle by taunting him (event). 3. Lead 張任 towards the bridge south of the castle, there will be an event that tells you the preparation for blowing up the bridge has been completed. 4. Hit 張任 a couple times so his HP goes down low enough to trigger the bridge blown up event. 5. Defeat 張任 before he retreats. ********************************************************* * 黄忠(Huang Zhong)-建業の戦い(Battle of Jian Ye)(Shu)* (Confirmed) ********************************************************* 1. Kill any one of 黄蓋(Huang Gai) 、周泰(Zhou Tai)、太史慈(Tai Shi Ci). 2. Kill 孫策(Sun Ce) 、孫権(Sun Quan)、孫尚香(Sun Shang Xiang) (all 3) after they start advancing. ******************************************************** * 姜維(Jiang Wei)-天水の戦い(Battle of Tian Sui) (Shu)* (Confirmed) ******************************************************** 1. Head towards the castle north of Shu's encampment, kill the guard captain and enter the castle. Do this for the east door too, you must kill both guard captains and trigger the ambush by entering from the front. 2. Repeat the same process for the 2 doors on the castle NE of the map. 3. Kill 尹賞 and 梁緒 after triggering all 4 ambushes. ************************************************************ * 月英(Yue Ying) -南蛮夷平定戦(The Nanman Campaign)(Shu) * (Confirmed) ************************************************************ I Strongly suggests that you have someone controlling 諸葛亮(Zhuge Liang) as 2p so he doesn't die half way through. 1. Kill 雍ガイ(Yong Kai)'s sub-officers before taking him out to trigger an event where 董荼那(Dong Tu Ne) and 阿会喃(Ahui Nan) will turn over to your side. 2. Take out everyone except 兀突骨(Wu TuGu), you have to defeat 孟獲(Meng Huo) 6 times as well. 3. Learnt after triggering the fire event by luring 兀突骨(Wu TuGu) out of the swampy area. (2P help recommeneded) ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ------ | 魏 | ------ *************************************************** * 曹操(Cao Cao)-赤壁の戦い(Battle of Chi Bi)(Wei) * (Confirmed) *************************************************** 1. Take out 諸葛亮(Zhuge Liang)→関羽(Guan Yu)→呂蒙(Lu Meng)→甘寧(Gan Ning) in the exact order and defeat 黄蓋(Huang Gai) before he starts the fire event. ********************************************************* * 夏侯惇(Xiahou Dun)-下ヒの戦い(Battle at Xia Pi)(Wei)* (Confirmed) ********************************************************* 1. Take out 貂蝉(Diao Chan) after seeing 夏侯惇(Xiahou Dun)'s event where he gets an arrow in his eye. ********************************************************** * 典韋(Dian Wei) -宛城の戦い(Battle of Wan Castle)(Wei)* (Confirmed) ********************************************************** 1. Take out everyone except 張繍(Zhang Shu) (even the soldiers). 2. After 張繍(Zhang Shu) and you've killed everything there's to kill on the map, just for the event where 許チョ(Xu Chu) breaks through the wall, you'll obtain it after that event. ******************************************************** * 許チョ(Xu Chu)-潼関の戦い(Battle of Tong Gate) (Wei) * (Confirmed) ******************************************************** 1. Defeat 孟達(Meng Da)、魏延(Wei Yian) 、成宜(Cheng Yi),馬岱(Ma Dai) and ホウ? (Pang De) before 曹操 (Cao Cao) and 韓遂(Han Sui) meet up. 2. After the talk event between 曹操(Cao Cao) and 韓遂(Han Sui) kill 程銀(Cheng Yin). 3. Lower 韓遂(Han Sui)'s morale till he turns over to 曹操(Cao Cao). ****************************************************************** * 夏侯淵(Xiahou Yuan)-定軍山の戦い(Battle of Mt. Ding Jun)(Wei)* (Confirmed) ****************************************************************** 1. Kill 陳式(Cheng Si) right from the start by following him into the enemy base. 2. Ingnore 劉備(Liu Bei) and head for 黄忠(Huang Zhong), defeat 黄忠(Huang Zhong) after event occurs. ******************************************************************************* * 張遼(Zhang Liao) -虎牢関の戦い(Battle of Hu Lao Gate)(Wei)Musou Mode Only * ******************************************************************************* (Confirmed) 1. You must clear ?水関の戦い(Battle of Si Sui Gate) first and defeat Liu Bei , Cao Cao and Sun Jian in that stage, their sub-officers can be ignored. 2. Don't kill any officers at the start, go near where Cao Cao, Sun Jian and Liu Bei is and it'll trigger a fire event. After the fire event defeat Sun Jian, Cao Cao and Liu Bei (in no particular order). ***************************************************************** * 司馬懿(Sima Yi)-五丈原の戦い(Battle of Wu Zhang Plains)(Wei)* (Confirmed) ***************************************************************** 1. Take out 魏延(Wei Yian) and 馬超(Ma Chao) before 諸葛亮's death event occurs. ******************************************************** * 徐晃(Xu Huang) -官渡の戦い(Battle of Guan Du)(Wei) * (Confirmed) ******************************************************** 1. Take out 文醜 and 顔良 so 袁紹(Yuan Shao)'s main force arrives. 2. Leave 劉備(Liu Bei) and 関羽(Guan Yu) alone so they'll retreat. 3. Wait outside 官渡城(Guan Du Castle). 4. 白馬津 successfully overtaken, 官渡城(Guan Du Castle).'s door closes then 延津 overtaken too. 5. Enemy's siege carts will appear. 6. Discovery of enemy's supply depot. 7. Escort 曹操(Cao Cao) to supply depot. 8. Defeat 淳于瓊 and enemy's reinforcement 呂威曠 should arrive. 9. Defeat 呂威曠 after 官渡城(Guan Du Castle).'s outer wall collapses (There will be a cutscene). ******************************************************** * 甄姫(Zhen Ji) -長坂の戦い(Battle of Chang Ban)(Wei)* (Confirmed) ******************************************************** 1. Defeat 趙雲(Zhao Yun). 2. After the yell event defeat 張飛(Zhang Fei) . 3. After the ambush by 馬謖(Ma Su), kill him too. 4. Take out 劉?(Liu Ji)、諸葛亮(Zhuge Liang)、関羽(Guan Yu). ********************************************************** * 張コウ(Zhang He)-街亭の戦い(Battle of Jie Ting)(Wei) * (Confirmed) ********************************************************** 1. Defeat 王平(Wang Ping)、高翔(Gau Xiang)、廖化(Liao Hua) so you complete the event where your force surrounds 馬謖(Ma Su). 2. Kill everyone else after the event, leave 諸葛亮(Zhuge Liang) till the last. *********************************************************** * 曹仁(Cao Ren)-樊城争奪戦(The Siege of Fan Castle)(Wei)* (Confirmed) *********************************************************** 1. Destroy the ladders heading towards the east and west side, then catapults at north and south side. (2P help recommeneded) 2. Defeat 呂蒙(Lu Meng). ------ | 呉 | ------ ************************************************* * 孫堅(Sun Jian) -玉璽争奪戦(The Imperial Seal) * ************************************************* 1. Defeat all the officers that appear. ********************************************************** * 周瑜(Zhou Yu)-樊城争奪戦(The Siege of Fan Castle)(Wu)* (Confirmed) ********************************************************** 1. Defeat supply captain that appears on top right hand side of the map after a while. Note that you must defeat the captain before he enters the castle. *************************************************** * 陸遜(Lu Xun)-夷陵の戦い(Battle of Yi Ling)(Wu)* (Confirmed) *************************************************** 1. After the fire event is pulled successfully, kill all officers except 劉備(Liu Bei),諸葛亮(Zhuge Liang),厳顔(Yan Yan) and make your way through the maze. % You can kill all officers even before the fire event. ***************************************************************** * 太史慈(Tai Shi Ci)-呉郡攻略戦(Campaign for Wu Territory)(Wu)* (Confirmed) ***************************************************************** 1. Enter 牛渚砦 before its door closes (horse is a must) and take out 張英(Zhang Ying) and his sub officers. ************************************************************************* * 孫尚香(Sun Shang Xiang)-南郡の戦い(Race for the Nan Territory)(Ally)* ************************************************************************* 1. Defeat 王朗(Wang Lan). 2. Trigger 周瑜(Zhou Yu)'s event. 3. Defeat 徐晃(Xu Huang)→曹仁(Cao Ren). ************************************************** * 孫権(Sun Quan)-合肥之戰(Battle of He Fei) (Wu) * (Confirmed) ************************************************** 1. Wait for the event where 張遼(Zhang Liao) starts to retreat and 孫堅(Sun Jian) follows him. 2. The bridge will be blown up and 李典(Li Dian)'s troops will appear to ambush 孫堅(Sun Jian). 3. Defeat 李典(Li Dian) and 孫堅(Sun Jian) will jump over the broken bridge. 4. Defeat 夏侯惇(Xiahou Dun) and 夏侯淵(Xiahou Yuan). 5. Finally kill 張遼(Zhang Liao). ********************************************* * 呂蒙(Lu Meng)-麦城の戦い(Mai Castle)(Wu) * ********************************************* 1. Kill all officers including reinforcements. ********************************************************************* * 甘寧(Gan Ning)-夏口の戦い(Battle of Xia Kou)(Wu)Musou mode only * (Confirmed) ********************************************************************* 1. Kill everyone except 黄祖(Huang Zhu). 2. Light 黄祖(Huang Zhu)'s ship on fire after 周瑜(Zhou Yu) tells you to, done by breaking a pot like object. 3. Wait till the ships clash into each other. ***************************************************** * 黄蓋(Huang Gai)-赤壁の戦い(Battle of Chi Bi)(Wu)* (Confirmed) ***************************************************** 1. Take out all of enemy's reinforcement point before the fire event. 2. Kill 曹仁(Cao Ren)、曹丕(Cao Pi)、曹洪(Cao Hong) in the exact order, you can take out other officers before hand if you need some morale boost. *********************************************************** * 孫策(Sun Ce)-江東平定戦(Unification of Jiang Dong)(Wu)* (Confirmed) *********************************************************** 1. Wait till 周瑜(Zhou Yu) gets defeated, then takeout 楽就 and his sub-officers. 2. Defeat 袁術(Yuan Su). 3. 劉勲 will head towards the supply depot after you leave the south door, kill 李豊(Li Fong) before 劉勲 arrives. ***************************************************** * 大喬(Da Qiao)-許昌の戦い(Battle of Xu Chang)(Wu) * (Confirmed) ***************************************************** 1. Successfully defend the ladders and defend your main encampament from 許チョ(Xu Chu) before he crosses the bridge. 2. Defeat Dian Wei and his sub officers. ********************************************************* * 小喬(Xiao Qiao)-成都の戦い(Battle of Cheng Du) (Wu) * (Confirmed) ********************************************************* 1. Kill the officer guarding the Luo castle door then kill 馬謖(Ma Su). 2. Wait for 孫堅(Sun Jian) to give out the orders to assault. 3. Kill 関平(Guan Ping) and 関羽(Guan Yu) before 馬超(Ma Chao) appears. Guan Yu and Guan Ping will appear if you charge into the bamboo bush. ********************************************************* * 周泰(Zhou Tai)-南蛮夷平定戦(The Nanman Campaign)(Wu)* (Confirmed) ********************************************************* 1. Kill 兀突骨(Wu TuGu) and head into enemy's main base. Ignore everything else. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ------ | 他 | ------ *********************************************** * 呂布(Lu Bu)-呂布の乱(Lu Bu's Revolt) (Lu Bu)* (Confirmed) *********************************************** 1. Kill everyone except 董卓(Dong Zhuo), ambushes must be cleared out as well. Note: 貂蝉(Diao Chan) must remain alive. ***************************************** * 貂蝉(Diao Chan)-?水關之戰 (Dong Zhuo)* ***************************************** 1. Trigger the messanger event, do not kill the messanger. 2. 孫堅(Sun Jian) will start advancing, wait for 華雄(Hua Xiong) to be defeated. 3. Then take out 孫堅(Sun Jian) and 曹操(Cao Cao). ******************************************************** * 董卓(Dong Zhuo)-呂布の乱(Lu Bu's Revolt) (Dong Zhuo) * ******************************************************** 1. Kill everyone except 呂布(Lu Bu), ambushes must be cleared out as well. ************************************************************* * 袁紹(Yuan Shao)-官渡の戦い(Battle of Guan Du) (Yuan Shao) * ************************************************************* 1. Take out 関羽(Guan Yu), protect your supply depot and break the wall of 曹操(Cao Cao)'s castle. ********************************************************************** * 張角(Zhang Jiao)-黄巾の乱(The Yellow Turban Rebellion)(Y.Turbine)* ********************************************************************** 1. Defeat all officers including their sub-officers except 何進(He Jin), then defeat 何進(He Jin) -->華雄(Hua Xiong). Note: Zhang Biao and Zhang Liang must remain alive. ********************************************************* * 孟獲(Meng Huo)-成都の戦い(Battle of Cheng Du)(NanMan) * (Confirmed) ********************************************************* 1. Kill all officers yourselfs. ********************************************************* * 祝融(Zhu Rong)-許昌の戦い(Battle of Xu Chang)(NanMan) * ********************************************************* 1. Take out 曹休(Cao Shu) and 曹真(Cao Zhen) so that the ladders will arrive. 2. While defending the ladders take out 夏候惇(Xiahou Dun). 3. Defend the supply depot by defeating 許チョ(Xu Chu) . 4. Return to the place where you defeated 夏候惇(Xiahou Dun), wait for the 2nd assault on the supply depot and you will obtain the weapon. ------------------------- | CAW (Create A Warrior | ------------------------- ******************************************************* * 尖剣 黄巾砦攻防戦(The Yellow Turban Fortress)(Aly)* ******************************************************* 1. Defeat the officers in this order, 何儀→波才→程遠志→裴元紹. ***************************************************** * 大剣-黄巾の乱(The Yellow Turban Rebellion)(Ally)* (Confirmed) ***************************************************** 1. Defeat all officers including their sub-officers except 張角(Zhang Jiao). ****************************************************** * 細剣-黄巾賊撃退戦(The Yellow Turban Menace)(Ally)* ****************************************************** 1. Defeat the officers in this order, 高昇→?茂→黄邵→何儀→厳政. ************************************************* * 槍-?水関の戦い(Battle of Si Sui Gate)(Ally)* ************************************************* 1. Defeat 李粛・高順・牛輔・郭?・李儒・樊稠. 2. After the event where supply depot gets attacked, take out 華雄(Hua Xiong)・ 張遼(Zhang Liao) . ************************************************* * 戟-虎牢関の戦い(Battle of Hu Lao Gate)(Ally)* ************************************************* 1. Defeat 呂布(Lu Bu). ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 11. Special Items ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Note: The number of items that can be equipped is character dependent. For a run down of how many items a character can equip please check the playable characters list. -Special items can be obtained on any diffuclty. ********** * 鉄甲手 * (Iron Shell Hand) ********** Effects: Makes you uNingterruptable during charged attacks. Location: 孫堅討伐戦(Campaign Against Sun Jian) (Yuan Shao) Method: After you reach enemy's base 孫堅(Sun Jian) will appear from behind along with supply captain, kill him before he runs away. ************ * 孫子兵法 * (The Art of War) ************ Effects: Increases effect time for items such as 2x attack and defense by 30%. Location: 孫堅討伐戦(Campaign Against Sun Jian)(董卓(Dong Zhuo)) Method: Defeat 周泰(Zhou Tai)、呂蒙(Lu Meng)、孫権(Sun Quan) then 甘寧(Gan Ning). Supply captain will appear after 甘寧(Gan Ning) has been defeated. ************ * 護衛心得 * (Bodyguard Manual) ************ Effects: Increase effectiveness of body guards. Location: 蜀外伝「関羽千里行」(Guan Yu's Escape)(Shu) Method: Meet 夏侯惇(Xiahou Dun) by the goal point. ************ * 真乱舞書 * (The Way of the Musou) ************ Effects: Able to use Shin Musou regardless of HP. Location: 魏外伝「関羽千里行」(Guan Yu's Escape)(Wei) Method: Beat the horse cart to the fifth gate for it to appear. ************ * 発破伝書 * (Survival Guide) ************ Effects: Attack power x 2 when HP is in red status. Location: 呉外伝の「ニ喬奪還戦」(The Two Qiaos)(Wu) Method: Rescue both 大喬(Da Qiao)、小喬(Xiao Qiao) and it'll appear near the goal. ************ * 浄炎火矢 * (Fire Arrows) ************ Effects: Ability to shoot out flame arrows. Location: 呉外伝(Wu Gaiden)「荊州鎮圧戦」(Unification of Jing)(Wu) Method: Defeat 周? who's a sub-officer of 王朗(Wang Lan). ************ * 剛柔法書 * (Power Scroll) ************ Effects: Never lose grapples, ends up in draw at least. Location: 黄巾砦攻防戦(The Yellow Turban Fortress)(Turbine) Method: Take out 関羽(Guan Yu)→劉備(Liu Bei)→夏候惇(Xiahou Dun) in the exact order. ********** * 真空書 * (Wind Scroll) ********** Effects: Increases weapon range. Location: 蜀伝「許昌の戦い(Battle of Xu Chang)」(Shu) Method: Defend the base from 許チョ(Xu Chu) and protect the ladders. Green message will appear after successful. ---------------- | Normal Items | ---------------- -The higher number of stars a stage has, the higher the probability of a high lv item will drop. The maximum lv for an item is 20. ************************ * 朱雀翼 (Peacock Urn) * ************************ Effect: Increases maximum HP. ************************** * 青龍胆 (Dragon Amulet) * ************************** Effect: Increases maximum Musou gauge. ************************* * 白虎牙 (Tiger Amulet) * ************************* Effect: Increases attack power. **************************** * 玄武甲 (Tortoise Amulet) * **************************** Effect: Increases defense power. ************************ * 黄忠弓 (Huang's Bow) * ************************ Effect: Increases bow attack power. ************************ * 籐甲鎧 (Shell Armor) * ************************ Effect: Increases defense power against arrows. ************************ * 羌族角 (Horned Helm) * ************************ Effect: Increases attack power while mounted. ************************** * 騎甲鎧 (Calvary Armor) * ************************** Effect: Increases defense power while mounted. ************************* * 神速符 (Speed Scroll) * ************************* Effect: Increases movement speed on foot. ********************* * 翔靴 (Wind Boots) * ********************* Effect: Increases height of jumps. ***************** * 活丹 (Elixir) * ***************** Effect: Increases the rate which Musou bar fills. **************************** * 七星帯 (Seven Star Belt) * **************************** Effect: Luck up & slightly extended time when executing a Musou attack. ************************ * 仙丹 (Herbal Remedy) * ************************ Effect: Increases the power of charged attacks. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 12. Orbs ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// -orbs are dropped in the same manner as normal items but more rarer in officer. -Maximum lv is 4. -Can only eqiup 1 per character, completely independent of item slots. -Unless a lv10 weapon is equipped, orb effects will only appear when the musou bar is compeletly filled. -Only charged attacks have orb effects. ******************** * 炎玉 (Fire orb) * ******************** Effect: Adds flame effects to charged attacks, similar to the flames while doing Shin Musou Ranbu. Flame does DOT (Damage over time) while the enemy is knocked into mid-air. A lv3 orb does significantly more DOT than Shin Musou Ranbu's. Not entirely useless but there are better ones around. *********************** * 雷玉 (Thunder orb) * *********************** Effect: Emmits a thunder storm within a radius of your player character. The thunder storm itself does minimal damage but knockdowns all surrounding foes. It is possible to perform a combo after a target has been struck down by the thunder. Increasing the lv increases the actual damage that the thunder does. Good for those that don't have good crowd control attacks. ********************* * 斬玉 (Vorpal orb) * ********************* Effect: The dreaded purple element from DW3 has made a comeback but in a toned down fashion this time. The orb grants characters a chance for a purple element attack to come out which will instantly kill off any unamed foes and does around about 20% damage to named foes. Increasing the lv increases the chance of a purple element attack occuring but the chances aren't high even at lv3. ******************* * 氷玉 (Ice orb) * ******************* Effect: Freezes foes on a percentage in a way similar to how purple orb works. While frozen the enemy has a reduced defense rating and a Musou Ranbu that would normally launch its target into mid-air will be extremely damaging to execute here since the target won't be launched due to the freeze effect and thus no penalty for air combo. Increasing the lv increaes the amount of defense penalty a frozen foe receives. ******************** * 烈玉 (Blast orb) * ******************** Effect: Deals damage to foes even if they block, the blocking damage is proportional to orb lv. Even at lv3 the effect is rather insignificant. ********************** * 毒玉 (Poison orb) * ********************** Effect: Envelopes the target in a green cloud that lasts for a few seconds and the target's defense is decreased within that time frame. The defense penalty isn't very significant at lv3 and the effect wears off too quickly in my opinion. Increased orb lv increases the amount of defense penaly the target receives. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 13. Horse Saddles ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// -Those can be obtained on any difficulty lv just like special items. -Uses their own slot so doesn't interfere with other items. -Completing the requirement will trigger a green message indicating the whereabouts of the item. You have to pick it up in order to acquire it. ********** * 絶影鐙 * (Storm Runner) ********** Effects: Starts out with the horse 絶影(Storm Runner) (3rd fastest), also makes you invulnerable to knockdowns while riding a horse. Strongly recommeneded for all officers. Location: 蜀外伝「潼関の戦い(Battle of Tong Gate)」 Method: 1. Kill the 4 officers on the right hand side of the map. 2. Wait for 曹操(Cao Cao) and 韓遂(Han Sui) to come in contact. 3. Kill off all officers and leave only 曹操(Cao Cao) alive. 4. Wait a while and 韓遂(Han Sui) will refuse to turn over to 曹操 (Cao Cao) which will trigger a green message. Hint: Lower 曹操(Cao Cao)'s morale as much as possible. ********** * 飛電鎧 * ********** Effects: Starts out with the horse 爪黄飛電. (2nd fastest and can knock anyone down). Location: 呂布伝「曹操討伐戦」(Campaign Against Cao Cao) (Lubu) Method: 1. Take out 曹仁(Cao Ren). 2. 夏候淵(Xiahou Yuan) will pretend to flee, chase up to him and take him out. 3. Kill 李典(Li Dian). 4. After entering 曹操(Cao Cao)'s castle all doors will be locked, take out the gate captains to reopen them. 5. Kill 夏候惇(Xiahou Dun) and the green message should appear. ********************* * 赤兎鐙 (Red Hare) * ********************* Effects: Starts with the horse 赤兎(Red Hare) (fastest). Location: 下ヒの戦い(Battle at Xia Pi) (Lu Bu) Method: After the event where 関羽(Guan Yu) takes over 赤兎(Red Hare), kill him. You must not kill other officers until you have defeated 関羽(Guan Yu). ***************** * 的廬鐙 (Dilu) * ***************** Effects: Starts out with the horse 的廬(Dilu). (4th fastest and increases luck) Location: 劉備討伐戦(Campaign against Liu Bei)(Y.Turbine) Method: Take out all the officers by yourself. ************************** * 象鐙 (Elephant Saddle) * ************************** Effects: Starts with an elephant. Location: 南蛮夷平定戦(The Nanman Campaign)(南蛮軍(Nan Man)) Method: Enter enemy's encampment while riding an elephant. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 14. Snacks and Wine Locations ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ****************************************** * 黄巾賊撃退戦(The Yellow Turban Menace) * ****************************************** Snack: Left corner of where 張梁(Zhang Liang) is. Wine: Right corner of where 張梁(Zhang Liang) is. ***************************************** * 黄巾の乱(The Yellow Turban Rebellion) * ***************************************** Snack: Right corner of where Zhang Jiao is. Wine: | | <-- top right hand side of the map. -- x- -- -- | | ******************************************** * 黄巾砦攻防戦(The Yellow Turban Fortress) * ******************************************** Snack: Bottom left of the fortress where illusions occur. Wine: Near 劉備(Liu Bei)'s starting location, go forward a bit. *************************************** * ?水関の戦い(Battle of Si Sui Gate) * *************************************** Snack: South of the supply depot that's located in the middle of the map. Wine: Near where 牛輔 is, need to jump over a fence (use boxes as stepping stone) *************************************** * 虎牢関の戦い(Battle of Hu Lao Gate) * *************************************** Snack: On top of 虎牢関(Hu Lao Gate). Wine: On top of 虎牢関(Hu Lao Gate). ************************************* * 博望坡の戦い(Battle of Bo Wan Po) * ************************************* Snack: Top left of the castle where it's surrounded by walls with 2 entrances. Near the right entrance. Wine: Top left of the castle where it's surrounded by walls with 2 entrances. Near the bottom entrance. *********************************** * 長坂の戦い(Battle of Chang Ban) * *********************************** Snack: In the central fortress, near the reinforcement point on the left. Wine: In the central fortress, near the middle. Search near a building slightly bottom-right from the middle. ******************************** * 赤壁の戦い(Battle of Chi Bi) * ******************************** Snack: Top right of Cao Cao's ship. Wine: Go up from Sun Jian's ship, take a turn to the left into another ship, go up again to top right. ******************************** * 下ヒの戦い(Battle at Xia Pi) * ******************************** Snack: Most upper area of the stream in the castle. Wine: Small island on the bottom-right of the map. ************************************ * 宛城の戦い(Battle of Wan Castle) * ************************************ Snack: 2nd row from the right, most bottom region. Wine: 2nd row from the left, most bottom region. ********************************* * 官渡の戦い(Battle of Guan Du) * ********************************* Snack: Left just outside 官渡城(Guan Du Castle), near the reinforcement point. Wine: Inside the supply depot. *********************************** * 劉表奇襲戦(Assault on Liu Biao) * *********************************** Snack: Near the reinforcement point at the most bottom right of the map. Wine: Top right of enemy's main encampement. ***************************************** * 呉郡攻略戦(Campaign for Wu Territory) * ***************************************** Snack: Middle left fortress, 2nd lv of the center building. Wine: Top right of bottom right fortress. ***************************************** * 江東平定戦(Unification of Jiang Dong) * ***************************************** Snack: In the fortress where 周瑜(Zhou Yu) starts, go left near the south entrance. Wine: In the fortress where 周瑜(Zhou Yu) starts, go right near the south entrance. ************************************** * ラク城の戦い(Battle of Luo Castle) * ************************************** Snack: Outside of of Liu Bei's castle, top left area. Wine: 落鳳坡, left of the location filled with rocks. ********************************* * 荊州攻略戦(Campaign for Jing) * ********************************* Snack: Just south of 金旋(Jin Xuan)'s fortress, near the reinforcement point. Wine: Between the outer walls of 趙範(Zhao Fan)'s fortress and the river near it. ************************************* * 成都制圧戦(Campaign for Cheng Du) * ************************************* Snack: A bit left of the tents that is found in middle of the bamboo woods. Wine: Among the 3 parallel routes at the bottom left of the map, it's located in the middle route. ********************************* * 夏口の戦い(Battle of Xia Kou) * ********************************* Snack: Middle of the upper open area. Wine: In the village above where 周泰(Zhou Tai) starts, near the bottom-right house. ********************************* * 南蛮防衛戦(Defense of Nanman) * ********************************* Snack: Bottom right of Zhuge Liang's encampment. Wine: There are 2 reinforcement points in the bottom right of the map, it's located left of the left reinforcement point. ************************************ * 樊城の戦い(Battle at Fan Castle) * ************************************ Snack: Somewhat top right from the center of the castle. Wine: Somewhat bottom left from the center of the castle. ************************************* * 南蛮夷平定戦(The Nanman Campaign) * ************************************* Snack: Near the 2nd reinforcement point on the right hand side. Wine: Swamp area located in south-west, the pot is placed in the water. ********************************* * 夷陵の戦い(Battle of Yi Ling) * ********************************* Snack: Bottom left of the maze. Wine: Middle of the floating bridges that comes after the maze. **************************************** * 定軍山の戦い(Battle of Mt. Ding Jun) * **************************************** Snack: Located middle of the map near a reinforcement. Wine: Around the tents in Shu's encampement. ********************************** * 街亭の戦い(Battle of Jie Ting) * ********************************** Snack: Top right of Zhuge Liang's encampment. Wine: Top right of Sima Yi's encampment. ******************************************* * 五丈原の戦い(Battle of Wu Zhang Plains) * ******************************************* Snack: Supply depot in bottom left of the map. Only available after the supply team arrives. Wine: Supply depot in bottom left of the map. Only available after the supply team arrives. ****************************************** * 南郡の戦い(Race for the Nan Territory) * ****************************************** Snack: Above the stairs at top right of the castle. Wine: Place surrounded by walls at bottom right of the castle. *************************************** * 樊城争奪戦(The Siege of Fan Castle) * *************************************** Snack: In the castle right hand side of the map, located top left within the castle. Wine: In the castle right hand side of the map, located bottom right within the castle. ********************************** * 石亭の戦い(Battle of Shi Ting) * ********************************** Snack: Near front of the gate of Wu's castle. Wine: Bottom right of Wu's castle. ******************************** * 合肥の戦い(Battle of He Fei) * ******************************** Snack: Near Cao Cao's starting location. Wine: Left of the mountain in the centre of the map. ********************************** * 許昌の戦い(Battle of Xu Chang) * ********************************** Snack: Within the castle, go straight beyond the upper door. Wine: Cross the bridges on the bottom left, turn left after passing the castle wall. ********************************* * 建業の戦い(Battle of Jian Ye) * ********************************* Snack: In the open ground at middle of the map, above the stairs located on the north side. Wine: At Wu's main encampment at the bottom, when coming in from the west entrance opposite side of the building you see. ************************************** * 成都の戦い(Campaign for Cheng Du) * ************************************** Snack: ?? Wine: On the path with mines. *************************************** * 黄巾族殲滅戦(Eliminate Zhang Jiao!) * *************************************** Snack: Bottom left of the map in the fortress where 張魯(Zhang Lu) first appears. Wine: Go down from where Zhang Jiao is and you'll see a platform, it's at the bottom right. ******************************** * 汝南の戦い(Battle of Ru Nan) * ******************************** Snack: Top left of the castle where there are 2 doors. Wine: Top left of the castle where there are 2 doors. ******************************** * 関羽千里行(Guan Yu's Escape) * ******************************** Snack: Top right of the squarish location in top left of the map. Wine: In the castle located top right, go left near the door. ***************************** * 二喬奪還戦(The two Qiaos) * ***************************** Snack: Open ground in the center, top-leftish. Wine: In the small open ground located top left, bottom right within the open ground. ************** * 冀州の戦い * ************** Snack: ?? Wine: At the enemy reinforcement point on the left hand side of the map, go down a bit along the wall. ********************************* * 玉璽争奪戦(The Imperial Seal) * ********************************* Snack: Bottom right of the map. Wine: Bottom left of where Sun Jian starts. *********************************** * 潼関の戦い(Battle of Tong Gate) * *********************************** Snack: Near top left enemy reinforcement point. Wine: At the river above Ma Chao's encampment. ************** * 呂布逆襲戦 * ************** Wine: Slightly north of the bottom left reinforcement point. Wine: After exiting the top left door, turn right and walk till the end. *********************************** * 荊州鎮圧戦(Unification of Jing) * *********************************** none ********************************** * 天水の戦い(Battle of Tian Sui) * ********************************** Snack: Jian Wei/Cao Ren's encampement, along the outer walls in the bottom right. Snack: In ally's encampment, top right corner. ************************************* * 長江防衛戦(Battle of Chang Jiang) * ************************************* Snack: Bottom of the map, near the tent where Dong Zhuo. Wine: Top right corner of the map. *********************************** * 漢中防衛戦(Battle of Han Zhong) * *********************************** Snack: Near the Shu reinforcement point on the left side of the map. Wine: Near the buildings on the top left corner. ************** * 冀州防衛戦 * ************** Snack: Top left corner of the map. Wine: In the castle, a bit left from the center. ************************** * 麦城の戦い(Mai Castle) * ************************** Snack: Below the reinforcement point inside the castle on the right hand side. Wine: ?? ***************************************** * 劉備討伐戦 (Campaign Against Liu Bei) * ***************************************** Snack: A bit below the center of the map, center of the village. Wine: Behind where Zhang Fei starts, near the villager buildings. ****************************************** * 曹操討伐戦 (Campaign Against Sun Jian) * ****************************************** Snack: Near the ally reinforcement point top of ally encampment. Wine: Bottom right of Cao Cao's encampment. ****************************************** * 孫堅討伐戦 (Campaign Against Sun Jian) * ****************************************** Snack: Take the left route (there are 3), after passing the bridge there will be a square area. Wine: Near the top right enemy reinforcement point. **************************** * 呂布の乱(Lu Bu's Revolt) * **************************** Snack: The room nex to where Dong Zhuo is. Wine: Room at bottom left of the map, left wall. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 15. Endings ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// There are 8 factions for Musou modes, each with 4 endings. Although nothing concrete has been confirmed about the requirements of a particular ending, some info has been leaked out on Japanese forums on titles that may affect the ending. During the epilogue of the Musou mode, a little short story will be made about your achievements and you'll receive different titles depending on your results in various stages through the Musou mode. * Is probably the requirement that you will need to fufill in order to trigger an alternate ending. I've gotten Ending 3 for all my 8 Musous -_- Some important facts to take note of: -Character and difficulty levels have nothing to do with what endings you obtain in the end. (A) 勇猛如(As valiant as) Less than 200 people killed on every stage: 火炎 (Flame) More than 200 people killed on every stage: 烈火 (Blaze) * (B) 明智如(As smart as) Average points per stage less than 4000: 曉光 (Dawn Light) Average points per stage more than 4000: 雷光 (Thunder Light) * (C) 迅速如(As speedy as) Average time for clearing a stage less than 20mins: 疾風 (Gale) Average time for clearing a stage more than 20mins: 旋風 (Whirlwind) * Possible requirements for endings 1~4 ------------ | Ending 1 | ------------ -Average time taken to finish a stage has to be 20mins or more. -Average score per stage must be less than 4000 -Average kill count is 200 or less. -Number of stages cleared in total for Shu,Wei and Wu must be 14 or below. For Other Musou modes the stage cleared in total must be 5 or less. ------------ | Ending 2 | ------------ -Average time taken to finish a stage has to be 20mins or more. -Average score per stage must be more than 4000 -Average kill count must be greater than 200. -Number of stages cleared in total for Shu,Wei and Wu must be 15 or more. For Other Musou modes the stage cleared in total must be 6 or more. ------------ | Ending 3 | ------------ -Average time taken to finish a stage has to be less than 20mins. -Average score per stage must be less than 4000. This is the most common ending since most people (myself included) like to end a stage as soon as possible by simply killing those required to finish a stage. -Average kill count is 200 or less. -Number of stages cleared in total for Shu,Wei and Wu must be 14 or below. For Other Musou modes the stage cleared in total must be 5 or less. ------------ | Ending 4 | ------------ -Average time taken to finish a stage has to be lss than 20mins. -Average score per stage must be more than 4000. -Average kill count must be greater than 200. -Number of stages cleared in total for Shu,Wei and Wu must be 15 or more. For Other Musou modes the stage cleared in total must be 6 or more. Special requirements for Ending 4: Shu: Must trigger Liu Zhang's surrender event at 成都制圧戦(Campaign for Cheng Du). Wei: Must prevent all 3 fire event from being successful (linking of boats, wind praying and setting the boat on fire.) in 赤壁の戦い(Battle of Chi Bi) Wu: Have your force supress all 3 sides in 南郡の戦い(Race for the Nan Territory). Lu Bu: Kill all the officers yourself in 呂布の乱(Lubu's Revolt). Dong Zhuo: In ?水関の戦い(Battle of Si Shui Gate) defeat Liu Bei, Sun Jian and Cao Cao after your Li Jie announces he's going to retreat. Yuan Shao: In 官渡の戦い(Battle of Guan Du) defeat Guan Yu yourself. Nan Man: In 成都の戦い(Battle of Cheng Du) Wu TuGu must survive. Yellow Turbine: In 黄巾の乱(The Yellow Turban Rebellion) all your squads must still be alive in the end. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 16. Some hints and Interesting Things ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ******************** * Lv up Attributes * ******************** Make use of 街亭の戦い(Battle of Jie Ting)(Shu)on normal difficulty when trying to lv up your attributes. The stage is fairly small and can be finished within 10mins. lling all the officers will yield: +12 Attack, +12 Defense and 2 items. Dim Sim is near 諸葛亮(Zhuge Liang) as well, top right of his encampment. Make sure you have Storm Runner so you can move around fast, bring fully upgraded body guards if your character isn't strong enough to take out the officers safely. Once you have 1 character maxed, use that person to help others by playing 1p/2p at the same time. Leave the newbie guy as 1p and the maxed out character as 2p, kill the officers with 2p and just take 1p to the power ups. ********************** * Gain high lv items * ********************** Set the game on hard, choose 街亭の戦い(Battle of Jie Ting)(Shu)and someone maxed out. Now only go for 賈逵 and 徐晃(Xu Huang), before you tackle those 2 go to 司馬懿(Sima Yi) first and bring his HP down to near death. Run back to those 2 and try to kill them together and close to each other (within 30s is ok). After both items appear, get on your horse and save. After loading the save get the 2 items and just kill 司馬懿(Sima Yi) quickly to finish the stage. Reset the game if the item you obtained isn't desirable. Might work better with 七星帯(Seven Star Belt) equipped. Although I didn't the difference to be significant, don't suddendly expect lv20 items to drop like mad. ************************* * Stealing ally's horse * ************************* With Huang Gai you can use his C1 attack (plant a bomb) near an ally whose horse you want to steal and watch they go up in fireworks. Pretty useful earlier on when you don't have access to Storm Runner yet. **************************************** * Making it easier to get lv10 weapons * **************************************** I recommend leaving all the leaders from the 3 factions last when maxing out your characters (Sun Jian, Cao Cao and Liu Bei). The reason is simply because when you're trying to obtain say Lu Xun's lv10 weapon at Yi Ling have an untrained Sun Jian as a dummy 2p to decrease the overall difficulty for Lu Xun as well as having the ability to move him to a safe place manually so you won't have to worry about the losing requirement. ******************************* * Defense/Attack Overflow Bug * ******************************* When you have maxed out either Attack/Defense and equipt their respective +items (tiger amulet and horned helm for eg.) the summed total for your attack/defense while riding will overflow which makes you either hit for very little damage or get killed by 1 hit from enemies while riding. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 17. Credits ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Edward Tyree III ( -A million thanks to him for providing me with the English names of various stages and characters in the US version. Progress with this faq would've been extremely difficulty without his kind assistance. D'Agostino, Frank V (Frank.V.D' -Another valuable contributor who provided me with English names of various bits in the US version. Progress with this faq would've been extremely difficult without his kind assistance. Bill Wang ( -For being kind enough to send me a list of officer names. Alan Tang ( -For providing me with English translation of Herbal Remedy George Giannis ( -For providing me with some English translations of Gaiden stages. Loopy's Bodyguard FAQ -Where I obtained the English versions of various BG titles. Fordorts -For telling me Shadow Runner=Storm Runner -Yoshiro Nakajima ( For helping me to confirm that saving-mid game has no effect on getting lv10 weapons. -Excellent Shin Sangoku Musou site where I obtained a lot of information. (Sango musou board) -The biggest Chinese gaming BBS, provided newer info than Japanese sites in some cases. -For hosting this. KOEI -For making another excellent DW, I wish we can see this in a RPG form one day.